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Death is Different: Actual Innocence and Categorical Exclusion Claims Under the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty

Michael J. Berwanger
I. INTRODUCTION The Eighth Amendments Cr el and Un s al ! nishments Cla se . . . is n"t s sce#ti$le "% #recise de%initi"n.& ' Im#"rtantl() the C" rt has rec"gni*ed that death is a di%%erent +ind "% # nishment %r"m an( "ther.& , In %act) the death #enalt( is c"nsidered s" ni- e that it t(#icall( re- ires a $i% rcated trial.. !racticall( s#ea+ing) this means that the trial is $r"+en # int" tw" #hases) %irst t" determine i% the de%endant is g ilt( "% a ca#ital "%%ense)/ and i% s") the sec"nd #hase where the 0 r( determines what sentence is a##r"#riate.1 This N"te #rimaril( c"ncerns the sec"nd #hase2 whether an indi3id al can claim inn"cence "% the death #enalt( $( 3irt e "% a categ"rical e4cl si"n) des#ite a time $arred ha$eas #etiti"n. Recentl() the 5 #reme C" rt has clari%ied the re- irements "% the Eighth Amendment $( e3al ating # nishments against the e3"l3ing standards "% decenc( that mar+ the #r"gress "% a mat ring s"ciet(.& 6 7"r e4am#le) the C" rt has %" nd that ca#ital # nishment is e4cessi3e& in the case "% intellect all( disa$led indi3id als8 and dis#r"#"rti"nate& %"r 0 3enile
' ,

. 7 rman 3. 9e"rgia) /:; U.5. ,.;) ,1; <'=8,> <Brennan) J.) c"nc rring>. . 9ardner 3. 7l"rida) /.: U.5. ./=) .18 <'=88> <citing 9regg 3. 9e"rgia) /,; U.5. '1.) ';'?;; <'=86>>. . . See Michael D. !e#s"n) Two Wrongs Dont Make a Right: Federal Death Eligibility Determinations and Judi ial Tri!ur ations ) /. A@RON A. REB. ') '1 <,:':> <disc ssing the 7ederal Death !enalt( Act "% '==/) '; U.5.C. C .1=.<$> <,:::>>D s ee also "regg) /,; U.5. at '=1 <n"ting that c"ncerns regarding im#"siti"n "% the death #enalt( in an ar$itrar( "r ca#rici" s manner are $est met $( a s(stem that #r"3ides %"r a $i% rcated #r"ceeding&>. / . See !e#s"n) su#ra n"te Err"r2 Re%erence s" rce n"t %" nd. 1 . See id. at '1?'6. 6 . R"#er 3. 5imm"ns) 1/. U.5. 11') 16:?6' <,::1> <citing Tr"# 3. D lles) .16 U.5. ;6) '::?:' <'=1;>>. 8 . At+ins 3. Birginia) 1.6 U.5. .:/) .,' <,::,> <citing 7"rd 3. Eainwright) /88 U.5. .==) /:1 <'=;6>>.


1, $%&%' ()D $R%M%)(' $*)F%)EME)T FB"l. .;2.:8 "%%enders less than eighteen (ears "% age. ; There%"re) these gr" #s are categ"ricall( e4cl ded %r"m im#"siti"n "% the death #enalt(. = This e4cl si"nar( #rinci#le has $ec"me +n"wn as the e3"l3ing standards "% decenc(& d"ctrine.': A narr"w - esti"n that has arisen nder Eighth Amendment 0 ris#r dence is whether the writ "% ha$eas c"r# s '' can ser3e t" challenge the ca#ital sentence "% a categ"ricall( e4cl ded indi3id al "n death r"w.', The writ "% ha$eas c"r# s is a time?h"n"red mechanism %"r remed(ing n0 st incarcerati"ns&'. and a means "% challenging the c"nstit ti"nalit( "% an indi3id als c"n%inement "r sentence.'/ The a$ilit( t" challenge the c"nstit ti"nalit( "% a sentence is 3ital t" #re3ent the im#"siti"n "% the death #enalt( in th"se cases where the c"n3icted #ers"n is act all( inn"cent "% the crime "r the sentence 3i"lates c"nstit ti"nal #rinci#les. '1 Des#ite these c"ncerns) in recent (ears C"ngress has restricted access t" ha$eas #etiti"ns %"r a n m$er "% reas"ns.'6 Utili*ing a time $arred ha$eas #etiti"n t" claim inn"cence "% the death #enalt( w" ld in3"l3e the act al inn"cence d"ctrine t" e- ita$l( t"ll "r #r"3ide an e4ce#ti"n t" the Antiterr"rism and E%%ecti3e Death !enalt( Act <AED!A> stat te "% limitati"ns %"r ha$eas #etiti"ns. There are tw" t(#es "% act al inn"cence claims) "ne claiming act al inn"cence "% the nderl(ing
; =

. .

Ro#er) 1/. U.5. at 181. 9raham 3. 7l"rida) '.: 5. Ct. ,:'') ,:,, <,:''> <citing Ro#er) 1/. U.5.

at 18,>>.

. See) e.g.) Ro#er) 1/. U.5. at 16' <citing Tro#) .16 U.5. at '::?:'>D see also 5am el B. A t*) The Eighth (mendment Re onsidered: ( Framework !or (naly+ing the E, essi-eness .rohibition) ;: N.G.U. A. REB. ';6,) ';68?6; <,::1>. '' . 7a( 3. N"ia) .8, U.5. .=') /:, <'=6.> <Its r""t #rinci#le is that in a ci3ili*ed s"ciet() g"3ernment m st alwa(s $e acc" nta$le t" the 0 diciar( %"r a mans im#ris"nment2 i% the im#ris"nment cann"t $e sh"wn t" c"n%"rm with the % ndamental re- irements "% law) the indi3id al is entitled t" his immediate release.&>. ', . See Ell(de R"+") Finality/ 0abeas/ %nno en e/ and the Death .enalty: $an Justi e be Done1) ;1 EA5H. A. REB. ':8) '', <,:':> <disc ssing restricti"ns "n a de%endants a$ilities t" challenge #"tential c"nstit ti"nal 3i"lati"ns& with a ha$eas #etiti"n>. '. . Ja( Nels"n) Fa ing 2# to Wrong!ul $on-i tions: 3roadly De!ining 4)ew5 E-iden e at the ( tual %nno en e "ateway) 1= HA5TIN95 A.J. 8'') 8'' <,::;>. '/ . See 5a%%le 3. !ar+s) /=/ U.5. /;/) /;; <'==:>. '1 . See 9reta !r"ct"r) Ree-aluating $a#ital .unishment: The Falla y o! a Fool#roo! System/ The Fo us on Re!orm/ and the %nternational Fa tor ) /, 9ONI. A. REB. ,'') ,./?.; <,::8> <disc ssing #r"$lem "% e4ec ting inn"cent indi3id als>. '6 . See Aee @"3ars+() (ED.(s Wre ks: $omity/ Finality/ and Federalism ) ;, TUA. A. REB. //.) /1. <,::8> Fhereina%ter @"3ars+() (ED.(s Wre ksJ <The stat te "% limitati"ns is AED!As clearest e4#ressi"n "% a %inalit( interest.&>D see also Daniel M. Bradle() Jr.) 5chl # 3. Del"2 The 3urden o! Showing ( tual %nno en e in 0abeas $or#us Re-iew and $ongress E!!orts at Re!orm ) ,. NEE EN9. J. ON CRIM. K CIB. CON7INEMENT /6.) /68 <'==8> <disc ssing c"ncerns a$" t a$ se "% ha$eas #etiti"ns $( #etiti"ners t" a3"id # nishment rather than %"r alleged c"nstit ti"nal 3i"lati"ns&>.

,:',J DE(T0 %S D%FFERE)T 1. "%%ense)'8 and the "ther claiming inn"cence "% the #enalt(. '; The C" rt has set the standard %"r act al inn"cence "% a ca#ital "%%ense r""ted in %act al inn"cence in 0errera -. $ollins'= and S hlu# -. Delo.,: In Sawyer -. Whitley) the C" rt set the standard %"r claiming inn"cence "% the death #enalt(.,' C rrent ineligi$ilit( law is an " tgr"wth %r"m act al inn"cence law) t(#icall( th" ght "% as crime inn"cence)& "r a %act al inn"cence claim. ,, H"we3er) nli+e a %act al inn"cence claim) a death?ineligi$ilit( challenge& d"es n"t dis# te that the "%%ender c"mmitted the - ali%(ing "%%ense) $ t "nl( the c"nstit ti"nalit( "% the ca#ital sentence.& ,. The #assage "% AED!A) ,/ which was c"di%ied int" %ederal law as a stat te "% limitati"ns %"r a "ne (ear #eri"d) signi%icantl( restricted access t" ha$eas #etiti"ns.,1 AED!A is the %ederal death #enalt( stat te) designed t" increase e%%icienc( in sentencing and de%ine the sc"#e "% re3iew all"wed t" %ederal c" rts $( minimi*ing the stat te "% limitati"ns "% a ha$eas c"r# s #etiti"n t" "nl( "ne (ear) s $0ect t" a %ew e4ce#ti"ns. ,6 The strict stat te "% limitati"ns %"r ha$eas claims has initiated % ndamental disagreements F$etween the %ederal circ it c" rtsJ "3er the 5 #reme C" rts e- ita$le a th"rit( "3er the ha$eas writ) as well as the related Lact al inn"cence

. See R"ss 3. Bergh is) /'8 7..d 11,) 116 <6th Cir. ,::1>. R"ss d"es n"t arg e that he did n"t c"mmit the acts gi3ing rise t" his c"n3icti"n.& %d. '; . See Ross) /'8 7..d at 116?18 <citing 5aw(er 3. Ehitle() 1:1 U.5. ...) ..1?.6 <'==,> <disc ssing inn"cent "% death& ha$eas claims>>. '= . Herrera 3. C"llins) 1:6 U.5. .=:) /'6?'8 <'==.> <%inding that a de%endant is n"t entitled t" ha$eas c"r# s re3iew nless there is an inde#endent c"nstit ti"nal 3i"lati"n in additi"n t" the claim "% inn"cence>. ,: . 5chl # 3. Del") 1'. U.5. ,=;) .,, <'==1> <h"lding that when a #r"ced ral $ar #re3ents c"nsiderati"n "% the merits "% a c"nstit ti"nal claim the $arrier standard a##lies>. This standard re- ires a #r"ced rall( de%a lted ha$eas #etiti"ner t" sh"w that a c"nstit ti"nal 3i"lati"n has #r"$a$l( res lted in the c"n3icti"n "% "ne wh" is act all( inn"cent . . . .& M rra( 3. Carrier) /88 U.5. /8;) /=6 <'=;6>. ,' . Sawyer) 1:1 U.5. at ./') .1:. The #etiti"ner m st sh"w $( clear and c"n3incing e3idence that $ t %"r c"nstit ti"nal err"r at his sentencing hearing) n" reas"na$le 0 r"r w" ld ha3e %" nd him eligi$le %"r the death #enalt( nder FstateJ law.& %d. ,, . See Aee @"3ars+() Death %neligibility and 0abeas $or#us) =1 CORNEAA A. REB. .,=) ..:?.' <,:':> Fhereina%ter @"3ars+() Death %neligibilityJ <n"ting that crime inn"cence re%ers t" an indi3id al wh" act all( did n"t c"mmit the crime acc sed "%) that c"ll"- iall( s#ea+ing) the #etiti"ner Lwasnt there) and didnt d" it.&>. ,. . %d. ,/ . Anti?Terr"rism and E%%ecti3e Death !enalt( Act "% '==6) ! $. A. N". ':/?'.,) '': 5tat. ','/ <'==6>. ,1 . See ,; U.5.C. C ,,//<d><'> <,::6> <creating "ne?(ear stat te "% limitati"ns %"r "riginal ha$eas #etiti"ns %"r state c" rt 0 dgments>D see also B r+e E. @a##ler) Small Fa-ors: $ha#ter 678 o! the (ntiterrorism and E!!e ti-e Death .enalty ( t/ the States/ and the Right to $ounsel) =: J. CRIM. A. K CRIMINOAO9G /68) /6=?8' <,:::>. ,6 . See ,; U.5.C. CC ,,//<d><'>) ,,1/<a> <,::6>D see also @"3ars+() (ED.(s Wre ks) su#ra n"te '6) at /1..

1/ $%&%' ()D $R%M%)(' $*)F%)EME)T FB"l. .;2.:8 laws that "%ten determine the " tc"me "% %ederal ha$eas litigati"n.& ,8 Im#"rtantl() the C" rts standards %"r act al inn"cence& claims were esta$lished #ri"r t" the #assage "% AED!A) and the se3ere restricti"n t" the stat te "% limitati"ns raises - esti"ns a$" t a c" rts a th"rit( t" grant the writ when a claim is time $arred.,; This N"te addresses tw" nsettled - esti"ns "% law. 7irst) whether an act al inn"cence e4ce#ti"n e4ists at all in the ha$eas c"nte4t) and i% s" whether s ch an e4ce#ti"n c"nstit tes an e4tra"rdinar( circ mstance and can th s $e heard " tside "% the AED!A stat te "% limitati"ns. 5ec"nd) whether death ineligi$ilit( is act al inn"cence& as a##lied t" AED!A ha$eas #etiti"ns and is there$( a$le t" e- ita$l( t"ll "r - ali%( as an e4ce#ti"n t" the stat te "% limitati"ns in a s ccessi3e #etiti"n. This N"te will #resent tw" #rimar( arg ments2 <'> a #r"#er claim "% act al inn"cence in an "riginal "r s ccessi3e ha$eas #etiti"n can and sh" ld $e c"nsidered an e4tra"rdinar( circ mstance t" t"ll the stat te "% limitati"ns "% AED!AD and <,> death #enalt( ineligi$ilit( is and sh" ld $e c"nsidered act al inn"cence& as a##lied t" AED!A ha$eas #etiti"ns. !art II "% this N"te will artic late the d"ctrines "% e- ita$le t"lling and act al inn"cence #ri"r t" AED!A and e4#l"re h"w AED!A raised - esti"ns a$" t the a3aila$ilit( and a##lica$ilit( "% th"se d"ctrines t" a time $arred ha$eas claim. !art III will re3iew the e3"l3ing standards "% decenc(& categ"rical e4cl si"n 0 ris#r dence and its relati"n t" ha$eas claims and the act al inn"cence d"ctrines. !art IB will address the circ it s#lit regarding whether an act al inn"cence claim sh" ld $e a$le t" t"ll the stat te "% limitati"ns nder AED!A) and will % rther address whether a categ"rical e4cl si"n sh" ld $e a3aila$le nder the act al inn"cence& m$rella. !art B c"ncl des this N"te. II. HI5TORG O7 INNOCENCE CAAIM5 UNDER THE ANTITERRORI5M AND E77ECTIBE DEATH !ENAATG ACT AED!A has se3erel( restricted access t" ha$eas relie% $( limiting the stat te "% limitati"ns %"r an "riginal ha$eas #etiti"n t" "nl( "ne (ear. ,= This strict limitati"n #eri"d raises a #"ignant - esti"n2 whether a #ers"n sentenced t" ca#ital # nishment nder AED!A wh" #resents e3idence that the( are categ"ricall( e4cl ded %r"m the death #enalt( c" ld $ring a ha$eas #etiti"n "% act al inn"cence) des#ite the stat te "% limitati"ns. The hist"r(
,8 ,;

. @"3ars+() Death %neligibility) su#ra n"te ,,) at ..:. . See/ e.g.) Da3id 3. Hall) .'; 7..d ./.) ./6 <'st Cir. ,::.> <citing Taliani 3. Chrans) ';= 7..d 1=8) 1=; <8th Cir. '===>> <C"ngress li+el( did n"t c"ncei3e that the c" rts w" ld add new e4ce#ti"ns and it is e3en m"re d" $t% l that it w" ld ha3e a##r"3ed "% s ch an e%%"rt.&>D see also 7landers 3. 9ra3es) ,== 7..d =8/) =88 <;th Cir. ,::,> <disc ssing lac+ "% act al inn"cence e4ce#ti"n in AED!A n"ting) It is n"t " r #lace t" engra%t an additi"nal 0 dge?made e4ce#ti"n "nt" c"ngressi"nal lang age that is clear "n its %ace.&>. ,= . ,; U.5.C. CC ,,//<a>?<d>D see also @a##ler) su#ra n"te ,1) at /8:.

,:',J DE(T0 %S D%FFERE)T 11 "% ha$eas c"r# s and the #assage "% AED!A dem"nstrate that the nderl(ing #hil"s"#h( "% a categ"rical e4cl si"n t" the death #enalt( c"m#"rts with n"ti"ns "% act al inn"cence)& and there%"re sh" ld $e c"nsidered an e4ce#ti"n t" the strict AED!A stat te "% limitati"ns. A. Ha$eas C"r# s) Act al Inn"cence) and E- ita$le T"lling !ri"r t" the Antiterr"rism and E%%ecti3e Death !enalt( Act A re3iew "% AED!As # r#"se and #r"3isi"ns is necessar( t" a##reciate its r"le in m"di%(ing ha$eas c"r# s 0 ris#r dence and its detrimental e%%ect "n wr"ng% ll(?sentenced #ris"ners see+ing %ederal re3iew "% their act al inn"cence& claims. In "rder t" nderstand wh( a circ it s#lit has emerged regarding t"lling the stat te "% limitati"ns) it is 3ital t" nderstand the hist"r( and c"nte4t "% AED!A. '. Ha$eas law #ri"r t" AED!A Ha$eas c"r# s is a #ri3ilege #r"3ided thr" gh the C"nstit ti"n) .: "%ten termed The 9reat Erit)&.' and is essentiall( a #r"ced ral mechanism ., t" c"rrect err"r d ring trial which $rings # the $"d( "% the #ers"n alleging illegal c"n%inement& $e%"re a c" rt t" determine the legalit( "% c"n%inement... A ha$eas claim is a new laws it) c"llateral in nat re& and n"t intended t" re3iew err"r "r %act al %indings) $ t a % ncti"nal mechanism designed t" ens re c"nstit ti"nal rights ha3e $een #r"tected. ./ B( restricting %ederal ha$eas re3iew t" iss es "% C"nstit ti"nal c"ncern)& the "nl( iss e addressed will $e whether the #etiti"ner has $een de#ri3ed "% c"nstit ti"nal rights..1 D e t" the a3aila$ilit( "% ha$eas) #etiti"ners $egan t" a$ se the writ $( %iling m lti#le and "%ten %ri3"l" s ha$eas claims) $eca se there was n" limit "n the n m$er "% times a #etiti"ner c" ld %ile a ha$eas claim. .6
.: .'

. U.5. CON5T. art. I) C =) cl. ,. . J. Brent Alldredge) Federal 0abeas $or#us and .ost on-i tion $laims o! ( tual %nno en e 3ased on D)( E-iden e ) 16 5.M.U. A. REB. '::1) '::; <,::.>D see also De$"rah A. 5tahl+"#%) ( Dark Day !or 0abeas $or#us: Su essi-e .etitions 2nder the (nti9Terrorism and E!!e ti-e Death .enalty ( t ) /: ARII. A. REB. '''1) ''';?,, <'==;> <disc ssing hist"r( "% ha$eas c"r# s 0 ris#r dence relati3e t" AED!A>. ., . 7a( 3. N"ia) .8, U.5. .=') /:' <'=6.> <"3er led in #art> .. . Alldredge) su#ra n"te .') at '::;. Its r""t #rinci#le is that in a ci3ili*ed s"ciet() g"3ernment m st alwa(s $e acc" nta$le t" the 0 diciar( %"r a mans im#ris"nment2 i% the im#ris"nment cann"t $e sh"wn t" c"n%"rm with the % ndamental re- irements "% law) the indi3id al is entitled t" his immediate release.& Fay) .8, U.5. at /:,. ./ . Alldredge) su#ra n"te .'D see also H"lland 3. 7l"rida) '.: 5. Ct. ,1/=) ,16, <,:':>. .1 . Alldredge) su#ra n"te .' <citing Reed 3. !e"#le) 8/1 !.,d ,.1) ,.; <C"l". '=;8>>D see also @ hlmann 3. Eils"n) /88 U.5. /.6) //6 <'=;6> <citing Eale( 3. J"hnst"n) .'6 U.5. ':') ':/?:1 <'=/,>>. .6 . :uhlmann) /88 U.5. at /1:?1'.


$%&%' ()D $R%M%)(' $*)F%)EME)T FB"l. .;2.:8 O3er the (ears "% this a$ se "% the writ) the J diciar( had created h rdles t" #re3ent needless "r a$ si3e litigati"n) and C"ngress acted t" restrict access t" a$ si3e claims. .8 As a res lt) three t(#es "% "$stacles t" ha3ing a sec"nd "r s ccessi3e ha$eas #etiti"n heard e4isted #ri"r t" AED!A..; 7irst) a s ccessi3e #etiti"n& raises gr" nds identical t" th"se raised and re0ected "n the merits "% a #ri"r #etiti"n. .= 5ec"nd) an a$ se "% the writ& "cc rs when a #etiti"ner raises iss es that were #re3i" sl( a3aila$le $ t n"t menti"ned in a #ri"r #etiti"n. /: 7inall() a #r"ced rall( de%a lted& claim ta+es #lace when the #etiti"ner %ails t" e4ha st all state remedies #ri"r t" %iling a ha$eas #etiti"n. /' The a$ se "% the writ d"ctrine de%ines the circ mstances in which %ederal c" rts decline t" entertain a claim #resented %"r the %irst time in a sec"nd "r s $se- ent #etiti"n %"r a writ "% ha$eas c"r# s.& /, The d"ctrine is aimed at e4acting %inalit( in criminal cases) /. and re- ires the dismissal "% a #etiti"n which s ccessi3el( re#eats claims #re3i" sl( decided "n the merits) "r a$ si3el( asserts a new gr" nd n0 sti%ia$l( "mitted %r"m a #ri"r #etiti"n.// A ha$eas #etiti"ners c"nd ct is th s e4amined $( as+ing whether FtheJ #etiti"ner #"ssessed) "r $( reas"na$le means c" ld ha3e "$tained) a s %%icient $asis t" allege a claim in the %irst #etiti"n and # rs e the matter thr" gh the ha$eas #r"cess.&/1 In #re?AED!A anal(sis) the 5 #reme C" rt determined that a #etiti"ners %ail re t" raise all "% his claims in "ne #etiti"n c" ld "nl( $e "3erc"me $( a sh"wing "% ca se& and #re0 dice.& /6 H"we3er) i% a #etiti"ner c" ld n"t sh"w ca se) the %ail re t" raise a claim in an earlier
.8 .;

. See id. . Original ha$eas #etiti"ns e4isted t" test the legalit( "% E4ec ti3e detenti"n) and later t" re3iew the c"nstit ti"nalit( "% #r"ceedings leading t" c"n3icti"n. See S hlu#) 1'. U.5. at .'8?'; <internal citati"ns "mitted>D see also Sawyer) 1:1 U.5. at ..; <ela$"rating "n three circ mstances that #re3ent a c" rt %r"m hearing ha$eas claims>. .= . See Sawyer) 1:1 U.5. at ..; <citing :uhlmann) /88 U.5. at /.8>. /: . See McCles+( 3. Iant) /== U.5. /68) /;=?=: <'=='>. /' . See Murray) /88 U.5. at /;;?;= <h"lding that where res#"ndent did n"t raise an a##eal against a disc"3er( r ling in state c" rt) as re- ired $( state #r"ced res) a #r"ced ral de%a lt sh" ld "cc r>. /, . Bara#ind 3. Ren") ,,1 7..d ''::) ''':?', <=th Cir. ,:::> <- "ting M $leskey) /== U.5. at /8:>. /. . See J"hn H. Bl me) (ED.(: The 40y#e5 and the 43ite )5 =' CORNEAA A. REB. ,1=) ,;= <,::6>D see also Anne R. Tra m) 'ast 3est $han e !or the "reat Writ: E;uitable Tolling and Federal 0abeas $or#us) 6; MD. A. REB. 1/1) 11, <,::=>D Br""+e N. Eallace) 2ni!orm (##li ation o! 0abeas $or#us Juris#ruden e: The Trouble with (##lying Se tion <<88s Statute o! 'imitations .eriod) 8= TEM!. A. REB. 8:.) 8:6 <,::6>. // . See Hardem"n 3. M arterman) 1'6 7..d ,8,) ,81?86 <1th Cir. ,::;>. /1 . H"lleman 3. C"tt"n) .:' 7..d 8.8) 8/6 <8th Cir. ,::,> <- "ting M $leskey) /== U.5. at /=;>. /6 . Murray) /88 U.5. at /;;D see also United 5tates 3. 7rad() /16 U.5. '1,) '8: <'=;,>.

,:',J DE(T0 %S D%FFERE)T 18 #etiti"n c" ld $e e4c sed i% the #etiti"ner c" ld sh"w that a % ndamental miscarriage "% 0 stice& w" ld res lt %r"m a %ail re t" entertain the claim. /8 T" sh"w #re0 dice necessar( t" #re3ent a dismissal "% a s ccessi3e ha$eas #etiti"n nder the #re?AED!A a$ se "% writ standard) the #etiti"ner m st dem"nstrate Ln"t merel( that the err"r at his trial created a #ossibility "% #re0 dice) $ t that the( w"r+ed t" his a tual and s $stantial disad3antage) in%ecting his entire trial with an err"r "% c"nstit ti"nal dimensi"ns.&/;Acc"rdingl() nder #re?AED!A anal(sis) %ederal c" rts still retained a th"rit( t" grant a writ "% ha$eas c"r# s) des#ite a #etiti"ners %ail re t" dem"nstrate ca se and #re0 dice) in e4tra"rdinar( instances when a c"nstit ti"nal 3i"lati"n has led t" the c"n3icti"n "% an inn"cent #ers"n./= ,. E- ita$le t"lling and act al inn"cence One a3en e %"r e4c sing late ha$eas #etiti"ns is a d"ctrine where$( a c" rt will e- ita$l( t"ll the stat te "% limitati"ns. 1: The d"ctrine "% e- ita$le t"lling all"ws a c" rt t" t"ll a stat t"r( deadline when a rigid a##licati"n "% the time limitati"n w" ld $e % ndamentall( n%air. 1' A L#etiti"ner is Lentitled t" e- ita$le t"lling "nl( i% he sh"ws L<'> that he has $een # rs ing his rights diligentl() and <,> that s"me e4tra"rdinar( circ mstance st""d in his wa( and #re3ented timel( %iling.& 1, A sec"nd a3en e t" "3erc"me the stat te "% limitati"ns is the act al inn"cence e4ce#ti"n t" the a$ se "% writ d"ctrine) which is n"t an inde#endent a3en e t" relie%. Rather) it % ncti"ns as a Lgatewa() #ermitting a ha$eas #etiti"ner t" ha3e c"nsidered "n the merits claims "% c"nstit ti"nal err"r that w" ld "therwise $e #r"ced rall( $arred.& 1. The act al inn"cence e4ce#ti"n is an " tgr"wth "% the miscarriage "% 0 stice& e4ce#ti"n) which is an e- ita$le remed( that w" ld all"w a c" rt t" hear a $arred ha$eas claim i% the ends "% 0 stice will n"t $e ser3ed& $( #re3enting the claim.1/ The miscarriage "% 0 stice e4ce#ti"n re- ires a
/8 /;

. M $leskey) /== U.5. at /=/. . D # ( 3. Cain) ,:' 7..d 1;,) 1;1 <1th Cir. ,:::> <citing Frady) /16 U.5. at '8:> <em#hasis "mitted>. /= . %d.D J"hn H. Bl me K Da3id !. B"isin) (n %ntrodu tion to Federal 0abeas $or#us .ra ti e and .ro edure) /8 5.C. A. REB. ,8') ,;=?=: <'==6>. 1: . H"lland 3. 7l"rida) '.: 5. Ct. ,1/=) ,16: <,:':>. The 5 #reme C" rt has recentl( settled a circ it s#lit $( h"lding that C ,,//<d> F"% AED!AJ is s $0ect t" e- ita$le t"lling in a##r"#riate cases.& %d. 1' . See Irwin 3. De#t "% Beterans A%%airs) /=; U.5. ;=) =6 <'==:> <e4#laining the # r#"se "% e- ita$le t"lling>. 1, . 0olland) '.: 5. Ct. at ,16, <citing !ace 3. Di9 glielm") 1// U.5. /:;) /'; <,::1>>. 1. . Carriger 3. 5tewart) '., 7..d /6.) /88 <=th Cir. '==8>. 1/ . :uhlmann) /88 U.5. at //;.

1; $%&%' ()D $R%M%)(' $*)F%)EME)T FB"l. .;2.:8 c"l"ra$le claim "% %act al inn"cence& 11 and a##lies t" inn"cence "% the nderl(ing crime16 "r inn"cence "% the death #enalt(. 18 Claims "% act al inn"cence arise in ha$eas #r"ceedings in tw" main wa(s. 7irst) #ris"ners can assert a Ls $stanti3e inn"cence claim nder the 7i%th) Eighth) "r 7" rteenth Amendments.& 1; The essence "% a s $stanti3e inn"cence claim is that the #etiti"ner claims he did n"t c"mmit the crime he was c"n3icted "%.1= Th s) a remed( e4ists %"r claiming %act al inn"cence "% the crime. The sec"nd t(#e "% act al inn"cence claim is +n"wn as a gatewa(& claim.6: In gatewa( claims) the #ris"ner asserts act al inn"cence in "rder t" "$tain re3iew "% a #r"ced rall( de%a lted ha$eas #etiti"n.&6' Here) ha$eas claims are $ased n"t "n his inn"cence) $ t rather "n FtheJ c"ntenti"n that Fa c"nstit ti"nal 3i"lati"nJ . . . denied FhimJ the % ll #an"#l( "% #r"tecti"ns a%%"rded t" criminal de%endants $( the C"nstit ti"n.&6, The traditi"nal nderstanding "% act al inn"cence claims all"wed a ha$eas claim s" l"ng as a #etiti"ner met the re- ired a$ se "% the writ standard) at an( time. 6. A series "% cases artic late the di%%erences $etween claiming inn"cence "% the death #enalt() 6/ and %act al inn"cence "% the nderl(ing crime %r"m an err"r %ree trial) 61 and %act al inn"cence al"ng with a c"nstit ti"nal 3i"lati"n.66 Sawyer -. Whitley is ill strati3e "% the traditi"nal nderstanding "% claiming legal inn"cence "% the death #enalt(. 68 The 5 #reme C" rt esta$lished that there are three determinati"ns %"r #h"lding a ca#ital
11 16

. %d. at /1/. . Sawyer) 1:1 U.5. at ./: <A #r"t"t(#ical e4am#le "% Lact al inn"cence. . . is the case where the 5tate has c"n3icted the wr"ng #ers"n "% the crime.&>. 18 . %d. at ./8. 1; . %d. at 8''. 1= . %d. at 8'6. 6: . %d. at 8''. 6' . Nels"n) su#ra n"te '.) at 8''. 6, . S hlu#) 1'. U.5. at .'/. 6. . See generally :uhlmann) /88 U.5. at /1:?1' <disc ssing #ermissi3e lang age regarding s ccessi3e ha$eas #etiti"ns and c" rts a th"rit( t" grant the writ>. 6/ . Sawyer) 1:1 U.5. at ./1?/; <disc ssing rec"gniti"n "% Lact al inn"cence "% the death #enalt()& and h"w e4#ansi3e term act al inn"cence sh" ld $e>. 61 . 0errera) 1:6 U.5. at /:/ <n"ting when claiming act al inn"cence ha$eas is a3aila$le "nl( where the #ris"ner su##lements his c"nstit ti"nal claim with a c"l"ra$le sh"wing "% %act al inn"cence.&>. 66 . S hlu#) 1'. U.5. at .'6. Ehere a #etiti"ner claims act al inn"cence and2 #resents e3idence "% F%act alJ inn"cence s" str"ng that a c" rt cann"t ha3e c"n%idence in the " tc"me "% the trial nless the c" rt is als" satis%ied that the trial was %ree "% n"nharmless c"nstit ti"nal err"r) the #etiti"ner sh" ld $e all"wed t" #ass thr" gh the gatewa( and arg e the merits "% his nderl(ing claims. %d.

Sawyer) 1:1 U.5. at ..1?.6.

,:',J DE(T0 %S D%FFERE)T 1= sentence2 g ilt "% a ca#ital "%%ense) 6; eligi$ilit()6= and sentence selecti"n.8: Under Sawyer) the ha$eas #etiti"n is a mechanism t" ha3e a ca#ital sentence re3iewed and there$( t" claim inn"cence "% the death #enalt(& $( 3irt e "% an im#r"#er "r err"ne" s assessment "% "ne "% the three determinati"ns.8' The #re?AED!A cases "% 0errera -. $ollins and S hlu# -. Delo ill strate the % ncti"nal se and traditi"nal nderstanding "% claiming act al inn"cence "% an nderl(ing crime. 8, In 0errera) the #etiti"ner ad3anced his claim "% %act al inn"cence t" s ##"rt a s $stanti3e c"nstit ti"nal claim) namel() that the e4ec ti"n "% an inn"cent #ers"n w" ld 3i"late the Eighth Amendment. 8. Herrera claimed that his deceased $r"ther had c"mmitted the m rders %"r which he was c"n3icted.8/ Under the #etiti"ners the"r( in 0errera) e3en i% the #r"ceedings that res lted in his c"n3icti"n and sentence were entirel( %air and err"r %ree) his inn"cence w" ld render his e4ec ti"n a c"nstit ti"nall( int"lera$le e3ent.&81 Des#ite Herreras arg ment that the e4ec ti"n "% a %act all( inn"cent #ers"n is a 3i"lati"n "% the Eighth Amendment) the Rehn- ist C" rt made clear that a claim "% act al inn"cence& is n"t an inde#endent c"nstit ti"nal claim. 86 Rather) the C" rt %" nd that ha$eas re3iew "% state c"n3icti"ns has traditi"nall( $een limited t" claims "% c"nstit ti"nal 3i"lati"ns "cc rring in the c" rse "% the nderl(ing state #r"ceedings)&88 and the thresh"ld sh"wing %"r s ch an ass med right w" ld necessaril( $e e4tra"rdinaril( high.& 8; Th s) we see the C" rt em#hasi*e the e- ita$le # r#"se "% ha$eas t" re3iew the c"nstit ti"nalit( "% the nderl(ing trial) den(ing a grant "% ha$eas re3iew i% a claim "% %act al inn"cence is n"t acc"m#anied with a c"nstit ti"nal 3i"lati"n. In S hlu#) a #r"ced ral claim was at iss e) rather than a s $stanti3e "ne)

. %d. at ./' <citing Furman) /:; U.5. at ,8/ <Brennan) J.) c"nc rring>> Eighth Amendment 0 ris#r dence has re- ired th"se 5tates im#"sing ca#ital # nishment t" ad"#t #r"ced ral sa%eg ards #r"tecting against ar$itrar( and ca#rici" s im#"siti"ns "% the death sentence.& %d. 6= . %d. at ./'?/, <n"ting that states sing ca#ital # nishment ha3e ad"#ted 3ari" s narr"wing %act"rs that limit the class "% "%%enders #"n which the sentencer is a th"ri*ed t" im#"se the death #enalt(.&>. 8: . %d. at ./. <n"ting that "nce g ilt and eligi$ilit( are esta$lished) it is the 0 r(s "r 0 dges ltimate decisi"n as t" what #enalt( shall $e im#"sed.&>. 8' . %d. at ..1?.6. 8, . See S hlu#) 1'. U.5. at .'.?'8D 0errera) 1:6 U.5. at /'6?'8. These cases artic late the di%%erences $etween %act al inn"cence < 0errera> and a c"nstit ti"nal 3i"lati"n <S hlu#>. See S hlu#) 1'. U.5. at .,'?,,D 0errera) 1:6 U.5. at /'6?'8. 8. . 0errera) 1:6 U.5. at .=6?=8) /'6?'8. 8/ . %d. at .=6?=8. 81 . %d. at /'= <OC"nn"r) J.) c"nc rring>. 86 . %d. at /'6. 88 . %d. at /'8. 8; . %d.

6: $%&%' ()D $R%M%)(' $*)F%)EME)T FB"l. .;2.:8 and the 5 #reme C" rt ad"#ted the $arrier?standard %"r determining whether a #ris"ner ma( #ass thr" gh the act al inn"cence gatewa(. 8= The C" rt %" nd that2
5chl #s claim th s di%%ers in at least tw" im#"rtant wa(s %r"m that #resented in 0errera. 7irst) 5chl #s claim "% inn"cence d"es n"t $( itsel% #r"3ide a $asis %"r relie%. . . . 5chl #s claim "% inn"cence is th s n"t itsel% a c"nstit ti"nal claim) $ t instead a gatewa( thr" gh which a ha$eas #etiti"ner m st #ass t" ha3e his "therwise $arred c"nstit ti"nal claim c"nsidered "n the merits.&;:

The C" rt held that in "rder t" esta$lish act al inn"cence) the de%endant m st dem"nstrate that in light "% new e3idence) n" 0 r"r) acting reas"na$l() w" ld ha3e 3"ted t" %ind him g ilt( $e("nd a reas"na$le d" $t.&;' It is im#"rtant t" a##reciate the di%%erence $etween Sawyer claims and S hlu# claims in "rder t" nderstand h"w AED!A acts t" restrict access t" act al inn"cence claims. The C" rt has #rescri$ed a higher $ rden "% #r""% %"r esta$lishing legal inn"cence as "##"sed t" %act al inn"cence %r"m a c"nstit ti"nall( de%ecti3e trial. ;, C"m#" nding the di%%ic lt( im#"sed $( the stee# $ rden "% #r""%) C"ngress has made e%%"rts t" restrict access t" ha$eas re3iew "% a sentence.;. Related t" the increasing di%%ic lt( t" access ha$eas) the 5 #reme C" rt has #laced a$s"l te c"nstit ti"nall( $ased #r"hi$iti"ns "n s $0ecting certain categ"ries "% indi3id als t" the death #enalt(.;/ Death is di%%erent)&;1 and as s ch a claim "% legal inn"cence $( 3irt e "% a categ"rical e4cl si"n sh" ld recei3e di%%erent anal(tical c"nsiderati"n in the ha$eas c"nte4t than related %act al inn"cence claims. ;6

. S hlu#) 1'. U.5. at .'.?'1 <citing Murray) /88 U.5. at /=6>. The $arrier standard re- ires the ha$eas #etiti"ner t" sh"w that La c"nstit ti"nal 3i"lati"n has #r"$a$l( res lted in the c"n3icti"n "% "ne wh" is act all( inn"cent. . . . The #etiti"ner m st sh"w that it is m"re li+el( than n"t that n" reas"na$le 0 r"r w" ld ha3e c"n3icted him in the light "% the new e3idence.& ;: . %d. at .'1 <- "ting 0errera) 1:6 U.5. at /:/>. ;' . %d. at .,=. ;, . %d. at .,6?,8 <FTJhe $arrier L#r"$a$l( res lted standard rather than the m"re stringent Sawyer standard m st g"3ern the miscarriage "% 0 stice in- ir( when a #etiti"ner wh" has $een sentenced t" death raises a claim "% act al inn"cence t" a3"id a #r"ced ral $ar t" the c"nsiderati"n "% the merits "% his c"nstit ti"nal claims.&>. ;. . Eilliams 3. Ta(l"r) 1,= U.5. .6,) .;8 n.'/ <,:::>. AED!A created s $stantial changes $( strictl( limiting sec"nd "r s ccessi3e ha$eas #etiti"ns and the "ne (ear stat te "% limitati"ns %"r "riginal ha$eas #etiti"ns. %d. ;/ . See/ e.g.) Ro#er) 1/. U.5. at 18; <h"lding e4ec ti"n "% 0 3eniles nder eighteen nc"nstit ti"nal>D At+ins 3. Birginia) 1.6 U.5. .:/) .,' <,::,> <h"lding e4ec ti"n "% intellect all( disa$led #ers"ns nc"nstit ti"nal>D Ford) /88 U.5. at /:=?': <h"lding e4ec ti"n "% insane& #ers"ns nc"nstit ti"nal>. ;1 . "ardner) /.: U.5. at .18?1; <citing "regg/ /,; U.5. at ';;>. ;6 . "raham) '.: 5. Ct. at ,:./D Ro#er) 1/. U.5. at 16;D see also C"rinna

,:',J DE(T0 %S D%FFERE)T B. AED!As 5tat te "% Aimitati"ns and 5tat t"r( E4ce#ti"ns


The ma0"rit( "% AED!A is designed t" #r"3ide %ederal law en%"rcement with increased #"wers t" c"n%r"nt %"reign and d"mestic terr"rism in the a%termath "% the O+lah"ma Cit( $"m$ing.& ;8 AED!A c"ntains #r"3isi"ns restricting ha$eas c"r# s) which are s"me "% the m"st c"ntr"3ersial as#ects "% AED!A.&;; It has $een rec"gni*ed $( the 5 #reme C" rt as % rthering the #rinci#les "% c"mit() %inalit() and %ederalism& ;= and t" red ce dela(s in the e4ec ti"n "% state and %ederal criminal sentences) #artic larl( in ca#ital cases.&=: AED!A created a %ew stat t"r( "$stacles %"r a #etiti"ner see+ing ha$eas relie% in %ederal c" rt. It esta$lished) %"r the %irst time) a stat te "% limitati"ns %"r ha$eas #etiti"ns %r"m a state c" rt 0 dgment. =' 7 rther) it $ars re?litigati"n "% an( claim ad0 dicated "n the merits in state c" rt) s $0ect "nl( t" s#eci%ic stat t"r( e4ce#ti"ns. =, It als" c"di%ied the clearl( esta$lished law& re- irement %r"m #re?AED!A cases) meaning that a ha$eas #etiti"ner cann"t rel( "n a r le "% %ederal law that has n"t $een ann" nced $e%"re a c"n3icti"n $ec"mes %inal. =. 7inall() regarding sec"nd "r s ccessi3e ha$eas #etiti"ns) AED!A c"di%ied the c"mm"n law ha$eas #etiti"n #r"ced re) +n"wn as a$ se "% the writ& d"ctrine. =/ In "3erc"ming the $ar t" a ha$eas #etiti"n im#"sed $( the a$ se "% the writ d"ctrine) the C" rt has %" nd that e3en a str"ng case %"r relie% d"es n"t mean the state c" rts c"ntrar( c"ncl si"n was nreas"na$le.& =1 7 rther) AED!A st"#s sh"rt "% im#"sing a c"m#lete $ar "n %ederal c" rt relitigati"n "% claims alread( re0ected in state #r"ceedings.& =6 The "nce e3er?a3aila$le ha$eas claim #reser3ed a challenge t" the legitimac( "% a
Barrett Aain) De iding Death) 18 DU@E A.J. ') 8;?;' <,::8>. ;8 . @a##ler) su#ra n"te ,1) at /6=. ;; . %d. ;= . D ncan 3. Eal+er) 1.. U.5. '68) '8; <,::'> <citing Williams) 1,= U.5. at /.6>. =: . E""d%"rd 3. 9arcea ) 1.; U.5. ,:,) ,:6 <,::.> <citing Williams) 1,= U.5. at .;6>. =' . See ,; U.5.C. C ,,//<d>D Bl me) su#ra n"te /=) at ,;; <citing Ma(le 3. 7eli4) 1/1 U.5. 6//) 61/ <,::1>>. =, . Harringt"n 3. Richter) '.' 5. Ct. 88:) 8;/ <,:''>. =. . Williams) 1,= U.5. at .8=?;: <citing Teag e 3. Aane) /;= U.5. ,;; <'=;=>>D see also !anetti 3. M arterman) 11' U.5. =.:) =1. <,::8> <citing ,; U.5.C. CC ,,1/<d><'>?<,>> <Under AED!A) a %ederal c" rt ma( grant ha$eas relie% "nl( i% the state c" rts Lad0 dicati"n "% a claim "n the merits res lted in a decisi"n that in3"l3ed an nreas"na$le a##licati"n "% the rele3ant law.&>. =/ . See 5tewart 3. Martine*?Billareal) 1,. U.5. 6.8) 6//?/1 <'==;>D see also ,; U.5.C. C ,,1/<d>. =1 . 0arrington) '.' 5. Ct. at 8;6 <citing A"c+(er 3. Andrade) 1.; U.5. 6. <,::.>>. =6 . %d.

6, $%&%' ()D $R%M%)(' $*)F%)EME)T FB"l. .;2.:8 c"n3icti"n)=8 $ t the standard "% act al inn"cence that sh" ld a##l( t" a time?$arred ha$eas claim . . . remains an "#en - esti"n "% law.&=; III. CATE9ORICAA ENCAU5ION5 AND THE EI9HTH AMENDMENT AED!As dramatic red cti"n in the a3aila$ilit( "% ha$eas #etiti"ns has called int" - esti"n what circ mstances 0 sti%( a c" rts grant "% the writ. == Ehile the 5 #reme C" rt has created categ"rical $ars t" the death #enalt( r""ted in c"nstit ti"nal #rinci#les) de%initi"ns "% "%%enders within th"se categ"rical $ars ha3e largel( $een le%t t" the states. ':: 7 rther) the C" rt has said) I%) a%ter care% ll( weighing all the reas"ns %"r acce#ting a state c" rts 0 dgment) a %ederal c" rt is c"n3inced that a #ris"ners c st"d(O"r) as in this case) his sentence "% deathP3i"lates the C"nstit ti"n) that inde#endent 0 dgment sh" ld #re3ail.& ':' H"we3er) AED!As clearl( esta$lished law& re- irement ':, and intenti"n t" create greater de%erence t" a state c" rts 0 dgment':. ha3e called int" - esti"n what is meant $( clearl( esta$lished law.& 7 rther) the strict de%erence t" state c" rt 0 dgments #r"3ided $( AED!A raises iss es "% %ederalism and the r"le "% a %ederal c" rt in ens ring state laws are in acc"rd with the % ndamental re- irements "% the 7ederal C"nstit ti"n. A re3iew "% the e3"l3ing standard "% decenc(& 0 ris#r dence is necessar( t" nderstand the res ltant di3isi"n in a##licati"n "% the act al inn"cence d"ctrine nder AED!A. A. E3"l3ing 5tandards "% Decenc( and Categ"rical E4cl si"ns The #r"hi$iti"n "% cr el and n s al # nishment $( the Eighth Amendment':/ is am"r#h" s)':1 and has $een inter#reted t" re%lect the e3"l3ing standards "% decenc( that mar+ the #r"gress "% a mat ring s"ciet(.&':6 This #hil"s"#h( has $een a##lied "3er the #ast se3eral decades and has $ec"me +n"wn as the e3"l3ing standards "% decenc(& standard) which has $een sed t" create categ"rical r les t" de%ine Eighth
=8 =;

. Bl me) su#ra n"te /=) at ,;; <citing Mayle) 1/1 U.5. at 61/>. . Brand"n 5egal) 0abeas $or#us/ E;uitable Tolling/ and (ED.(s Statute o! 'imitations: Why the 5chl # 3. Del" "ateway Standard !or $laims o! ( tual %nno en e Fails to (lle-iate the Flight o! Wrong!ully $on-i ted (meri ans ) .' U. HAE. A. REB. ,,1) ,/' <,::;>. == . 0olland) '.: 5. Ct. at ,16, <%inding that AED!A is s $0ect t" e- ita$le t"lling $ t n"t delineating what circ mstances w" ld merit e- ita$le t"lling>. ':: . See/ e.g.) (tkins) 1.6 U.5. at .'8?';. ':' . Williams) 1,= U.5. at .;=. ':, . %d. at .;'. ':. . %d. at .;6. AED!A #lainl( s" ght t" ens re a le3el "% Lde%erence t" the determinati"ns "% state c" rts& that is higher than #re?AED!A. %d. ':/ . U.5. CON5T. amend. BIII. ':1 . Tro#) .16 U.5. at '::?:' <FTJhe w"rds "% the Amendment are n"t #recise) and that their sc"#e is n"t static.&>. ':6 . "regg) /,; U.5. at '8,?8. <citing Tro#) .16 U.5. at ':'>.

,:',J DE(T0 %S D%FFERE)T 6. Amendment standards.&':8 Ehile e3"l3ing standards "% decenc( can create categ"rical r les %"r $"th "%%enses and "%%enders) ':; this N"te is c"ncerned with Eighth Amendment categ"rical e4cl si"n %r"m the death #enalt( $ased #"n characteristics "% the "%%ender.& ':= The C" rt has esta$lished an a##r"ach t" determining categ"rical r les.'': 7irst) the C" rt c"nsiders L"$0ecti3e indicia "% s"ciet(s standards) as e4#ressed in legislati3e enactments and state #ractice t" determine whether there is a nati"nal c"nsens s against the sentencing #ractice at iss e.&''' 5ec"nd) the C" rt e4ercises a s $0ecti3e assessment "% the standards ela$"rated $( c"ntr"lling #recedents& and inter#retati"n "% the Eighth Amendments te4t) hist"r() meaning) and # r#"se&'', t" %ind whether the # nishment in - esti"n 3i"lates the C"nstit ti"n.& ''. It is im#"rtant t" a##reciate that a ha$eas #etiti"ner claiming inn"cence "% the death #enalt( is n"t necessaril( claiming inn"cence "% the nderl(ing crime) $ t that certain # nishments as a##lied t" gr" #s "% indi3id als 3i"late c"nstit ti"nal #r"hi$iti"ns.''/ 5imilarl() %ederal ha$eas c" rts sit t" ens re that indi3id als are n"t im#ris"ned in 3i"lati"n "% the C"nstit ti"n Pn"t t" c"rrect err"rs "% %act.& ''1 Herein lies the iss e2 a ha$eas #etiti"n $ased "n a claim "% act al inn"cence "% the death #enalt( d e t" e3"l3ing standards "% decenc( in3"l3es $"th C"nstit ti"nal ''6 and %act al determinati"ns.''8 The three esta$lished areas "% categ"rical e4cl si"ns

':8 ':;

. "raham) '.: 5. Ct. at ,:,,. . See id. ':= . See/ e.g.) Ro#er) 1/. U.5. at 18; <0 3eniles $e%"re the age "% eighteen>D (tkins) 1.6 U.5. at .,' <intellect all( disa$led "%%enders>D Ford) /88 U.5. at /:=?': <"%%enders wh" are insane&>. '': . See "raham) '.: 5. Ct. at ,:,, <disc ssing the Eighth Amendment a##r"ach %"r cases ad"#ting categ"rical r les&>. ''' . %d. <citing Ro#er) 1/. U.5. at 18,>. '', . %d. <citing @enned( 3. A" isiana) 11/ U.5. /:8) /,' <,::;>>. ''. . %d. <citing Ro#er) 1/. U.5. at 18,>. ''/ . See Brand"n A. 9arrett) $laiming %nno en e) =, MINN. A. REB. '6,=) '6;/ <,::;> <Ha$eas c"r# s re3iew #r"3ided a c"nd it %"r #r"ced ral c"nstit ti"nal claims #ertaining t" a criminal trials % ndamental %airness) $ t n"t the de%endants #"ssi$le inn"cence.&>. ''1 . 0errera) 1:6 U.5. at /:: <citing M""re 3. Dem#se() ,6' U.5. ;6) ;8?;; <'=,.>>. ''6 . See/ e.g.) Ro#er) 1/. U.5. at 18:?8' <disc ssing the c"nstit ti"nal #r"hi$iti"n "n ca#ital # nishment %"r 0 3eniles>. ''8 . See/ e.g.) (tkins) 1.6 U.5. at .'8?'; <disc ssing %act determinati"ns %"r intellect all( disa$led "%%enders and de%erring t" states t" de%ine the sc"#e "% a legal de%initi"n %"r c"nstit ti"nal and death #enalt( # r#"ses>.

6/ $%&%' ()D $R%M%)(' $*)F%)EME)T FB"l. .;2.:8 deri3ed %r"m e3"l3ing standards "% decenc( are %"r insane)& ''; 0 3enile)''= and intellect all( disa$led #etiti"ners.',: '. J 3enile #etiti"ners In '=;;) the 5 #reme C" rt declared that 0 3eniles nder si4teen were categ"ricall( ineligi$le %"r the death #enalt(. ',' In Ro#er -. Simmons) the C" rt e4tended the h"lding in Thom#son -. *klahoma and %" nd that the e4ec ti"n "% #ris"ners nder eighteen at the time "% the "%%ense c"nstit tes cr el and n s al # nishment) ',, there$( e4tending the sc"#e "% #r"tecti"n a%%"rded t" 0 3enile "%%enders as a class) categ"ricall( e4cl ding them %r"m ca#ital # nishment.',. 7 rther) the 5 #reme C" rt has created a categ"rical e4cl si"n %"r a #artic lar sentence) li%e in #ris"n with" t #ar"le %"r a n"n?h"micide 0 3enile "%%ender)',/ which has "#ened the d""r t"ward a #ath "% indi3id ali*ed determinati"ns regarding the de%initi"n "% 0 3enile stat s. ',1 Indeed) the C" rt has ac+n"wledged that FtJhe - alities that disting ish 0 3eniles %r"m ad lts d" n"t disa##ear when an indi3id al t rns ';& and F$J( the same t"+en) s"me nder '; ha3e alread( reached a le3el "% mat rit( s"me ad lts will ne3er reach.& ',6 Th s) m"dern case law has rec"gni*ed the "3erla# "% diminished c l#a$ilit( d e t" nderde3el"#ed c"gniti3e % ncti"ning inherent in $"th 0 3enile and intellect all( disa$led indi3id als.',8


. !anetti 3. M arterman) 11' U.5. =.:) =./ <,::8> <- "ting Ford) /88 U.5. at /:=?':> <The Eighth Amendment #r"hi$its a 5tate %r"m carr(ing " t a sentence "% death #"n a #ris"ner wh" is insane.&>. Ford claims are ni- e am"ng ineligi$ilit( arg ments in that the( are ha$eas relie% iss es $ased "nl( "n a #ris"ners stat s at the time "% a #"tential e4ec ti"n) n"t at the time the crime was c"mmitted. Ford) /88 U.5. at /,1 n.1. D e t" this disting ishing %eat re in categ"rical e4cl si"n claims this N"te will n"t address Ford claims. ''= . Ro#er) 1/. U.5. at 18,. ',: . (tkins) 1.6 U.5. at .'8?';. ',' . Th"m#s"n 3. O+lah"ma) /;8 U.5. ;'1) ;.; <'=;;>. ',, . Ro#er) 1/. U.5. at 16;. ',. . %d. at 18/. ',/ . "raham) '.: 5. Ct. at ,:./. ',1 . See id. at ,:.'?.. <disc ssing the #r"$lem with a case?$(?case a##r"ach&>D id. at ,:,6?,8 <- "ting Ro#er) 1/. U.5. at 18:> <&FIJt w" ld $e misg ided t" e- ate the %ailings "% a min"r with th"se "% an ad lt) %"r a greater #"ssi$ilit( e4ists that a min"rs character de%iciencies will $e re%"rmed.&>. ',6 . Ro#er) 1/. U.5. at 18/. ',8 . "raham) '.: 5. Ct. at ,:,8 <rec"gni*ing #arts "% the $rain in3"l3ed in $eha3i"r c"ntr"l c"ntin e t" mat re thr" gh late ad"lescence>D Ro#er) 1/. U.5. at 16= <rel(ing "n scienti%ic and s"ci"l"gical research t" %ind that 0 3eniles #"ssess nderde3el"#ed mat rit(>.


DE(T0 %S D%FFERE)T ,. Intellect all( disa$led #etiti"ners


Under (tkins -. &irginia) the Eighth Amendment #r"hi$its a #etiti"ners e4ec ti"n $eca se he is intellect all( disa$led) th s inherentl( lac+ing the c l#a$ilit( re- ired %"r im#"siti"n "% the death #enalt(. ',; Ehile (tkins artic lated that intellect all( disa$led indi3id als are ineligi$le %"r the death #enalt() the C" rt le%t t" the states discreti"n in de%ining a - ali%(ing intellect al disa$ilit(. ',= In de%ining intellect al disa$ilit() (tkins relied #rimaril( "n clinical %"rm lati"ns sed $( the American Ass"ciati"n "% Mental Retardati"n <AAMR> and the American !s(chiatric Ass"ciati"n <A!A>.'.: A ca#ital de%endant see+ing t" esta$lish ineligi$ilit( %"r the death #enalt( $eca se "% intellect al disa$ilit( is n"t necessaril( $ringing a #r"ced ral challenge)'.' $ t is instead challenging a s $stanti3e #rere- isite %"r the im#"siti"n "% the death #enalt(. '., The 5 #reme C" rt has n"ted that intellect all( disa$led indi3id als are s $stanti3el( and th s categ"ricall( ineligi$le %"r the death #enalt( d e t" an inherent lac+ "% c l#a$ilit(. '.. In assessing the three determinati"ns %"r #h"lding a ca#ital sentence)'./ a sh"wing that a #etiti"ner is ineligi$le %"r ca#ital # nishment is a+in t" sh"wing e4"nerating DNA e3idence2 $"th #etiti"ners w" ld $e wh"ll( ineligi$le %"r ca#ital # nishment. A categ"ricall( ineligi$le #etiti"ner raising a ha$eas challenge t" ca#ital # nishment in this c"nte4t is th s ma+ing a s $stanti3e act al inn"cence& claim that the state law determinati"n "% eligi$ilit( and s $se- ent im#"siti"n "% the death #enalt( is in 3i"lati"n "% his c"nstit ti"nal rights) and there%"re s %%icient t" t"ll the stat te "% limitati"ns.'.1 As the 5 #reme C" rt has said) the categ"ricall( ineligi$le indi3id al has ins %%icient c l#a$ilit( %"r ca#ital sentencing) there$( ha3ing ins %%icient g ilt) similar t" e4"nerating DNA e3idence t"
',; ',=

. (tkins) 1.6 U.5. at .'8?,'. . %d. at .'8D see also J. Am( Dillard) (nd Death Shall 0a-e )o Dominion: 0ow to ( hie-e the $ategori al E,em#tion o! Mentally Retarded De!endants !rom E,e ution) /1 U. RICH. A. REB. =6') =81 <,:''> <citing (tkins) 1.6 U.5. at .'8>. '.: . (tkins) 1.6 U.5. at .:; n..) .'8 n.,,. '.' . See (tkins) 1.6 U.5. at .'8 <de%erring t" states t" im#lement #r"ced res and de%initi"ns t" #r"tect the c"nstit ti"nal #r"hi$iti"n esta$lished $( the C" rts r ling.> It is c"ncei3a$le that a #etiti"ner w" ld challenge the #r"ced ral #r"tecti"ns and de%initi"ns im#lemented $( the state as "##"sed t" the s $stanti3e - ali%icati"ns "% the #etiti"ner. '., . @"3ars+() Death %neligibility) su#ra n"te ,,) at .6/ <n"ting that ineligi$ilit( challenges are n"t #r"ced ral&>. '.. . See (tkins) 1.6 U.5. at .';D "raham) '.: 5. Ct. at ,:,6?,8. './ . See su#ra n"tes 68?8' and acc"m#an(ing te4t. '.1 . See 5aw(er 3. Ehitle() 1:1 U.5. ...) ./; <'==,> <n"ting that in "rder t" dem"nstrate act al inn"cence that w" ld all"w the merits "% "therwise $arred ha$eas claims t" $e heard a #etiti"ner m st sh"w $( clear and c"n3incing e3idence that $ t %"r c"nstit ti"nal err"r) n" reas"na$le 0 r"r w" ld ha3e %" nd F#etiti"nerJ eligi$le %"r death #enalt( nder FstateJ law.& >.

66 $%&%' ()D $R%M%)(' $*)F%)EME)T FB"l. .;2.:8 im#"se the death #enalt(. '.6 Th s) what we see is a categ"rical e4cl si"n %"r 0 3eniles nder the age "% eighteen)'.8 intellect all( disa$led indi3id als)'.; and li%e with" t #ar"le %"r n"nh"micide "%%enses $( 0 3eniles.'.= The C" rt has created categ"rical $ars %"r #enalties as a##lied t" classes "% #e"#le) and generall( le%t de%initi"ns "% th"se classes t" the se3eral states. '/: H"we3er) as we see in (tkins) the states de%initi"n is n"t alwa(s satis%act"r(. '/' Th s) the iss e with AED!As stringent de%erence t" state c" rt 0 dgments and clearl( esta$lished law $ec"mes #r"$lematic %"r ha$eas #etiti"ners. '/, The nat re "% the e3"l3ing standards "% decenc( d"ctrine is e3ident in the name "% the d"ctrineD it e3"l3es t" de%ine the re- irements "% the Eighth Amendment. '/. T" #resent a s ccess% l act al inn"cence& claim) the #etiti"ner w" ld need t" #resent e3idence that dem"nstrates an (tkins claim) which was n"t #resented in the c" rts $el"w. Ehile rare) these instances d" ha##en. '// In light "% the recent 0 dicial e4cl si"ns %r"m the death #enalt() and the c"m#le4 nat re "% ha$eas #etiti"ns) a circ it s#lit has arisen regarding the a##lica$ilit( "% the act al inn"cence claims t" the AED!A stat te "% limitati"ns. IB. THE CIRCUIT 5!AIT Ehether death ineligi$ilit( can $e c"nsidered act al inn"cence as a##lied t" AED!A ha$eas #etiti"ns is the last in a series "% "#en - esti"ns "% law. The %irst "#en - esti"n was recentl( res"l3ed when the 5 #reme C" rt held that the AED!A stat te "% limitati"ns is s $0ect t" e- ita$le t"lling)'/1 and c"mmented that the stat te "% limitati"ns reads li+e an "rdinar() r n?"%?the?mill stat te "% limitati"ns.& '/6 5till lingering are tw"

. See (tkins) 1.6 U.5. at .'= <F!J rsant t" " r narr"wing 0 ris#r dence) which see+s t" ens re that "nl( the m"st deser3ing "% e4ec ti"n are # t t" death) an e4cl si"n %"r the mentall( retarded is a##r"#riate.&>D "raham) '.: 5. Ct. at ,:,6?,8. '.8 . Ro#er) 1/. U.5. at 18/. '.; . (tkins) 1.6 U.5. at .'=. '.= . %d. '/: . %d. at .'8. '/' . "raham) '.: 5. Ct. at ,:.' <The #r"3isi"ns the 5tate n"tes are) n"netheless) $( themsel3es ins %%icient t" address the c"nstit ti"nal c"ncerns at iss e.&>. '/, . See su#ra n"tes ='?=; and acc"m#an(ing te4t. '/. . See/ e.g.) Ro#er) 1/. U.5. at 16' <citing Tro#) .16 U.5. at '::?:'>. '// . See/ e.g.) Brie% %"r !etiti"ner at Q/) Q':) Ee$ster 3. United 5tates) '.' 5. Ct. 8=/ <,:':> <N". ':?'1:>. The g"3ernment alleged that #etiti"ner had ne3er $een in s#ecial ed cati"n classes) which was directl( re% ted $( the new e3idence "% s"cial sec rit( and sch""l rec"rds) al"ng with IM sc"res) a l"w "% %"rt(?eight and a high "% si4t(?eight) well within clinical range "% intellect al disa$ilit(. Brie% %"r the United 5tates in O##"siti"n at QQ8?':) Webster) '.' 5. Ct. 8=/ <,:':> <N". ':?'1:>. '/1 . 0olland) '.: 5. Ct. at ,16:. '/6 . %d. at ,16'.

,:',J DE(T0 %S D%FFERE)T 68 - esti"ns "% law) which circ its are di3ided #"n) in3"l3ing act al inn"cence claims $ased "n a categ"rical e4cl si"n. '/8 The %irst iss e %"ll"ws %r"m the recent 0olland decisi"n.'/; 5ince AED!A is s $0ect t" e- ita$le t"lling) can the act al inn"cence e4ce#ti"n $e rec"gni*ed %"r # r#"ses "% e- ita$le t"lling "%) "r an e4ce#ti"n t") the AED!A stat te "% limitati"nsR'/= I% s") the sec"nd iss e is whether death ineligi$ilit( is act al inn"cence& as a##lied t" AED!A ha$eas #etiti"ns and is there$( a$le t" e- ita$l( t"ll "r - ali%( as an e4ce#ti"n t" the stat te "% limitati"ns in an "riginal "r s ccessi3e ha$eas #etiti"n. '1: A. E- ita$le T"lling and the Act al Inn"cence E4ce#ti"n The circ its are s#lit regarding whether the AED!A stat te "% limitati"ns is s $0ect t" e- ita$le t"lling $( 3irt e "% a claim "% act al inn"cence.'1' 9enerall() a #ers"n m st %ile their "riginal %ederal ha$eas c"r# s claims within "ne (ear a%ter the 0 dgment $eing challenged $ec"mes %inal "n direct re3iew) and e4ha st all state remedies %"r redress "% their claim.'1, 5 ccessi3e ha$eas c"r# s #etiti"ns can $e raised regarding di%%erent claims "nl( i% the "%%ender can esta$lish ca se& %"r his %ail re t"

. @"3ars+() Death %neligibility) su#ra n"te ,,) at .;8?;;D Aee 3. Aam#ert) 6': 7..d '',1) ''./?.1 <=th Cir. ,:':> <disc ssing circ it s#lit and e4istence "% act al inn"cence e4ce#ti"n>. '/; . 0olland) '.: 5. Ct. at ,16:. '/= . $om#are Escamilla 3. J ngwirth) /,6 7..d ;6;) ;8'?8, <8th Cir. ,::1> <%inding th"se claiming inn"cence m st meet stat t"r( limits 0 st li+e th"se raising "ther claims>) and C" sin 3. Aensing) .': 7..d ;/.) ;/= <1th Cir. ,::,> <claims "% act al inn"cence d" n"t c"nstit te a rare and e4ce#ti"nal circ mstance #ermitting e- ita$le t"lling>) and 7landers 3. 9ra3es) ,== 7..d =8/) =88?8; <;th Cir. ,::,> <%inding n" act al inn"cence se#arate %r"m s al e- ita$le t"lling %act"rs>) with Aee 3. Aam#ert) 61. 7..d =,=) =/1 <=th Cir. ,:''> <rec"gni*ing act al inn"cence e4ce#ti"n t" the AED!A stat te "% limitati"ns>) and 5" ter 3. J"nes) .=1 7..d 188) 1==?6:: <6th Cir. ,::1> <same>) and A"#e* 3. Trani) 6,; 7..d ',,;) ',.: <':th Cir. ,:':> <h"lding that in the e- ita$le t"lling c"nte4t . . . a s %%icientl( s ##"rted claim "% act al inn"cence creates an e4ce#ti"n t" #r"ced ral $arriers %"r $ringing c"nstit ti"nal claims . . . .&>. '1: . See %n re Aewis) /;/ 7..d 8=.) 8=; n.,: <1th Cir. ,::8>D Aawrence 3. 7l"rida) /,' 7..d ',,') ',,6 <''th Cir. ,::1> <re0ecting e- ita$le t"lling $eca se #etiti"ner %ailed t" esta$lish a ca sal c"nnecti"n $etween his alleged mental inca#acit( and his a$ilit( t" %ile a timel( #etiti"n.&>D 9ri%%in 3. J"hns"n) .1: 7..d =16) =6. <=th Cir. ,::.> <disc ssing e3idence "% mental im#airment as e3idence "% act al inn"cence>D Nara 3. 7ran+) ,6/ 7..d .':) .,: <.d Cir. ,::'> <FTJhe alleged mental inc"m#etence m st s"meh"w ha3e a%%ected the #etiti"ners a$ilit( t" %ile a timel( ha$eas #etiti"n.&>. '1' . At least %" r circ its ha3e held that n" act al inn"cence e4ce#ti"n e4ists t" ser3e as a gatewa( thr" gh AED!As stat te "% limitati"ns t" the merits "% a #etiti"ners c"nstit ti"nal claims. See/ e.g.) Es amilla) /,6 7..d at ;8'?8,D Da3id 3. Hall) .'; 7..d ./.) ./6?/; <'st Cir. ,::.>D $ousin) .': 7..d at ;/;?/=D Flanders) ,== 7..d at =86?8;. '1, . ,; U.5.C. CC ,,// <$><'>?<,>) <d><'>D ,; U.5.C. C ,,1/<d>D see also Eilliams 3. Ta(l"r) 1,= U.5. .6,) /', <,:::> <OC"nn"r) J.) c"nc rring>.

6; $%&%' ()D $R%M%)(' $*)F%)EME)T FB"l. .;2.:8 #re3i" sl( raise the claim and #re0 dice& i% the claim is n"t heard. '1. The AED!A stat te "% limitati"ns has $een %" nd t" $e s $0ect t" e- ita$le t"lling'1/ %"r n mer" s reas"ns.'11 O%ten) the e4tra"rdinar( circ mstances& test is sed t" determine i% the de%endant is entitled t" e- ita$le t"lling)'16 meaning that a c" rt can e- ita$l( t"ll the AED!A stat te when the de%endant #resents2 <'> e4tra"rdinar( circ mstances) <,> $e("nd the de%endants c"ntr"l "r e4ternal t" the de%endants "wn c"nd ct) <.> that #re3ented him %r"m %iling "n time.& '18 The - esti"n in the circ its is whether act al inn"cence satis%ies these c"nditi"ns. In ca#ital cases) the #ermanent c"nse- ence "% l"sing %ederal #"st? c"n3icti"n re3iew is intensi%ied where de%endants are n"t li+el( t" recei3e an( % rther re3iew $e%"re e4ec ti"n. '1; The %ederal circ its that ha3e addressed the iss e "% treating ca#ital cases di%%erentl( %"r e- ita$le t"lling # r#"ses ha3e reached di%%erent c"ncl si"ns) a##l(ing either a strict "r #ermissi3e 3iew "% the e- ita$le t"lling d"ctrine. '. 5trict a##licati"n "% the stat te "% limitati"ns The 7" rth Circ it addressed h"w strictl( AED!A sh" ld $e inter#reted when %acing the iss e "% whether the im#"siti"n "% a ca#ital sentence sh" ld a%%ect the e- ita$le t"lling anal(sis. '1= In Rouse -. 'ee) the ca#ital de%endant #resented a claim "% err"r at trial in his %irst %ederal ha$eas #etiti"n.'6: His ha$eas att"rne( %alsel( $elie3ed that the mail$"4 r le a##lied t" e4tend the deadline) and th s %iled the ha$eas #etiti"n "ne da( late.'6' N"ting that the death is di%%erent& line "% cases d"es n"t a##l( in the #"st?c"n3icti"n c"nte4t) the 7" rth Circ it re% sed t" t"ll the stat te "%
'1. '1/

. See Eainwright 3. 5(+es) /.. U.5. 8,) ;/ <'=88>. . 0olland) '.: 5. Ct. at ,16:. '11 . See 5tillman 3. Aamar- e) .'= 7..d ''==) ',:, <=th Cir. ,::.> <en merating reas"ns>D see/ e.g.) Aaws 3. Aamar- e) .1' 7..d ='=) =,. <=th Cir. ,::.> <Ehere a ha$eas #etiti"ners mental inc"m#etence in %act ca sed him t" %ail t" meet AED!A %iling deadline . . . the deadline sh" ld $e e- ita$l( t"lled.&>D 9i$s"n 3. @linger) ,., 7..d 8==) ;:; <':th Cir. ,:::> <E- ita$le t"lling w" ld $e a##r"#riate . . . when a Fde%endantJ is act all( inn"cent.&>. '16 . See/ e.g) "ibson) ,., 7..d at ;:; <a##l(ing e4tra"rdinar( circ mstances test>D 5mith 3. Mc9innis) ,:; 7..d '.) '8 <,d Cir. ,:::>D Miller 3. N.J. 5tate De#t "% C"rrs.) '/1 7..d 6'6) 6'; <.d Cir. '==;>. '18 . See Aar"n 9. McC"ll" gh) For Whom the $ourt Tolls: E;uitable Tolling o! the (ED.( Statute o! 'imitations in $a#ital 0abeas $ases ) 6, EA5H. K AEE A. REB. .61) .;1 <,::/>. '1; . See 7ah( 3. H"rn) ,/: 7..d ,.=) ,/1 <.d Cir. ,::'> <- "ting Miller) '/1 7..d at 6';> <In a ca#ital case s ch as this) the c"nse- ences "% err"r are terminal) and we there%"re #a( #artic lar attenti"n t" whether #rinci#les "% Le- it( w" ld ma+e the rigid a##licati"n "% a limitati"n #eri"d n%air.&>. '1= . R" se 3. Aee) ..= 7..d ,.;) ,1' </th Cir. ,::.>. '6: . %d. at ,1/. '6' . %d. at ,/1) ,/;.

,:',J DE(T0 %S D%FFERE)T 6= limitati"ns.'6, Re% sing t" e- ita$l( t"ll the stat te) the 7" rth Circ it stated that iss es "% the merits "% the #etiti"n) the length "% the dela() "r the #resence "% a ca#ital sentence when deciding t" e- ita$l( t"ll the stat te "% limitati"ns sh" ld $e dealt with a%ter the a##licati"n "% the AED!A limitati"ns #eri"d.&'6. The c" rt l""+ed t" the reas"ns %"r dela( and %" nd that miscalc lati"n "% the stat te "% limitati"ns d"es n"t c"nstit te e4tra"rdinar( circ mstances as a matter "% law. '6/ The c" rt reas"ned that a##l(ing an e- ita$le t"lling anal(sis w" ld $e a 0 dicial s $3ersi"n& "% C"ngressi"nal intent "% the AED!A stat te "% limitati"ns and w" ld ndermine L#rinci#les "% c"mit() %inalit() and %ederalism.& '61 The 7i%th Circ it als" a##lied a strict inter#retati"n "% the e- ita$le t"lling d"ctrine.'66 !etiti"ner $r" ght an (tkins claim a%ter the stat te "% limitati"ns had r n)'68 claiming that Sawyer directed that irres#ecti3e "% e- ita$le t"lling) the c" rt m st address the merits "% his mental retardati"n claim $eca se %ailing t" d" s" w" ld c"nstit te a % ndamental miscarriage "% 0 stice.&'6; Citing the Eighth and Ninth Circ its) the 7i%th Circ it decided that there is n"t Lan act al inn"cence e4ce#ti"n that ser3es as a gatewa( thr" gh the AED!A stat te "% limitati"ns t" the merits "% a #etiti"ners claims.&'6= The Eighth Circ it has als" re0ected a claim that inn"cence sh" ld t"ll AED!As stat te "% limitati"ns) %inding that t" d" "therwise w" ld ta+e the e- ita$le?t"lling d"ctrine %ar %r"m its "riginal and legitimate rati"nale.&'8: The Flanders c" rt n"ted that #"rti"ns "% AED!A #artiall( c"di%( act al inn"cence d"ctrines) and stated) It is " r d t( t" a##l( stat tes as written.&'8' Essentiall() the Eighth Circ it %" nd that $eca se C"ngress incl ded the act al inn"cence e4ce#ti"n in s"me #r"3isi"ns) the e4cl si"n "% the e4ce#ti"n in "ther #r"3isi"ns was an intenti"nal "missi"n) re- iring 0 dicial de%erence t" stat t"r( c"nstr cti"n. '8, H"we3er) the Eighth Circ it did n"t %"recl"se the act al inn"cence e4ce#ti"n c"m#letel() and stated "nl( that the #resent %acts did n"t #resent a s %%icient sh"wing t" grant the e4ce#ti"n.'8.
'6, '6.

. %d. at ,1/?11. . %d. at ,1/. '6/ . %d. at ,1.. '61 . %d. at ,16 <- "ting Eilliams 3. Ta(l"r) 1,= U.5. /,:) /.6 <,:::>>. '66 . See Henders"n 3. Thaler) 6,6 7..d 88.) 8;: <1th Cir. ,:':>. '68 . %d. at 888. '6; . %d. at 88=?;: <citing 5aw(er 3. Ehitel() 1:1 U.5. ...) ./6?/8 <'==,>>. '6= . %d. at 8;: <- "ting Aee 3. Aam#ert) 6': 7..d '',1) ''..) ''.6 <=th Cir. ,:':>> <citing 7landers 3. 9ra3es) ,== 7..d =8/) =88 <;th Cir. ,::,>>. '8: . Flanders) ,== 7..d at =88. '8' . %d. '8, . See id. '8. . %d. at =8;.


$%&%' ()D $R%M%)(' $*)F%)EME)T ,. !ermissi3e 3iew "% the stat te "% limitati"ns

FB"l. .;2.:8

5"me circ its a##reciate the %inalit( "% ca#ital # nishment and c"ntem#late the gra3it( "% the sentence when a##l(ing the stat te "% limitati"ns. The Third Circ it t""+ a $r"ader a##r"ach and rec"gni*ed the ca#ital nat re "% the case t" e- ita$l( t"ll AED!A) all"wing c"nsiderati"n "% an "therwise ntimel( ha$eas #etiti"n.'8/ The c" rt n"ted2
I% the limitati"n #eri"d is n"t t"lled in this case) 7ah( will $e denied all %ederal re3iew "% his claims. Here the #enalt( is death) and c" rts m st c"nsider the e3er?changing c"m#le4ities "% the rele3ant #r"3isi"ns 7ah( attem#ted t" na3igate. Beca se the c"nse- ences are s" gra3e and the a##lica$le law is s" c"n%" nding and nsettled) we m st all"w less than e4tra"rdinar(& circ mstances t" trigger e- ita$le t"lling "% the AED!As stat te "% limitati"ns when a #etiti"ner has $een diligent in asserting his "r her claims and rigid a##licati"n "% the stat te w" ld $e n%air.'81

B( declining t" a##l( the e4tra"rdinar( circ mstances test) the Fahy c" rt rec"gni*ed that the irre3"ca$ilit( "% a death sentence re- ired additi"nal #r"ced ral sa%eg ards. The c"nse- ence %"r #r"ced ral err"rs c"mmitted nder inhi$iti3el( "#a- e& "r nclear& law was c"nsidered t"" high t" den( additi"nal re3iew. '86 Instead) the Third Circ it held that ca#ital de%endants wh" diligentl( and reas"na$l( # rs e their claims ma( see+ relie% thr" gh the ha$eas mechanism. '88 The Ninth Circ it leans t"ward granting greater lenienc( t" ca#ital de%endants in claims %"r e- ita$le t"lling. '8; Alth" gh the Ninth Circ it n"minall( a##lies an e4tra"rdinar( circ mstances test in all re- ests %"r e- ita$le t"lling regardless "% the sentence im#"sed) the standards are m"re rela4ed in a##licati"n %"r ca#ital cases.& '8= 7"r e4am#le) att"rne( err"r that w" ld n"t "rdinaril( rise t" the le3el "% e4tra"rdinar( circ mstances can trigger e- ita$le t"lling in ca#ital cases. ';: H"we3er) there a##ears t" $e di3isi"n within the Ninth Circ it as t" whether an act al inn"cence e4ce#ti"n e4ists that w" ld t"ll "r e4ce#t the AED!A stat te "% limitati"ns.';'
'8/ '81

. See Fahy) ,/: 7..d at ,/1. . %d. '86 . %d. '88 . %d. '8; . See Calder"n 3. United 5tates D.C.D. "% Cal.) '6. 7..d 1.:) 1/' <=th Cir. '==;> <stating mental inca#acit( w" ld 0 sti%( e- ita$le t"lling>. '8= . See McC"ll" gh) su#ra n"te '18) at .=:. ';: . See 5#its(n 3. M""re) ./1 7..d 8=6) ;:: n.' <=th Cir. ,::.> <stating that ca#ital cases #r"3ide an e4ce#ti"n t" the general r le that "rdinar( att"rne( err"r d"es n"t warrant e- ita$le t"lling "% the AED!A deadline>. ';' . $om#are Aee 3. Aam#ert) 6': 7..d '',1) ''.6 <=th Cir. ,:':> <FTJhere is n" Lact al inn"cence e4ce#ti"n t" the "ne?(ear stat te "% limitati"n %"r %iling an "riginal

,:',J DE(T0 %S D%FFERE)T B. Categ"rical E4cl si"n as Act al Inn"cence


I% a c" rt will e- ita$l( t"ll the stat te "% limitati"ns t" entertain an act al inn"cence #etiti"n "r all"w an act al inn"cence claim as a # re e4ce#ti"n) the ne4t - esti"n is whether a categ"rical e4cl si"n - ali%ies as act al inn"cence nder the act all( inn"cent& m$rella. ';, I% s") the claim can #r"ceed t" the merits as a challenge t" the im#"sed sentence) ';. and i% n"t) the claim will $e denied and the stat te "% limitati"ns n"t t"lled. ';/ '. The circ its are di3ided "n whether a sh"wing "% act al inn"cence is gr" nds %"r e- ita$le t"lling

The Ele3enth Circ it adheres t" the inter#retati"n that C"ngress se "% the w"rd "%%ense& is di%%erent %r"m sentence)& and #lainl( e4cl des) "r $ars) ha$eas challenges t" sentences) incl ding death sentences. ';1 The Ele3enth Circ it has n"ted that the act al inn"cence e4ce#ti"n a##lies "nl( t" claims g"ing t" the - esti"n "% whether "r n"t the a##licant is Lg ilt( "% the nderl(ing "%%ensePn"t t" claims related t" sentence.& ';6 In %n re Jones) the #etiti"ner had alleged a c"nstit ti"nal claim in regards t" his sentence)';8 and the c" rt n"ted that act al inn"cence claims "nl( a##l( t" challenges against the nderl(ing "%%ense) n"t legal s %%icienc( "% the sentence im#"sed.';; The 5e3enth Circ it has es#" sed a similar 3iew. ';= The #etiti"ner in 3urris -. .arke s" ght s ccessi3e ha$eas relie% claiming that a $rain in0 r( %r"m a $ llet w" nd rendered him categ"ricall( ineligi$le %"r ca#ital
#etiti"n %"r ha$eas c"r# s relie%.&>) with Aee 3. Aam#ert) 61. 7..d =,=) =., <=th Cir. ,:''> <Ee h"ld that a credi$le claim "% act al inn"cence c"nstit tes an e- ita$le e4ce#ti"n t" AED!As limitati"ns #eri"d) and a #etiti"ner wh" ma+es s ch a sh"wing ma( #ass thr" gh the S hlu# gatewa( and ha3e his "therwise time?$arred claims heard "n the merits.&>. ';, . $om#are %n re Aewis) /;/ 7..d 8=.) 8=; n.,: <1th Cir. ,::8>) with United 5tates 3. I n"?Arce) ,1 7. 5 ##. ,d ':;8) '':: <C.D. Cal. A g. ';) '==;> <n"ting the Eighth Amendments cr el and n s al # nishment cla se ma( re- ire when a claim "% act al inn"cence is in3"l3ed that ha$eas re3iew remain "#en ntil the de%endant has had a least "ne meaning% l "##"rt nit( %"r re3iew&>. ';. . See/ e.g.) Calder"n 3. United 5tates D.C.D. "% Cal.) '6. 7..d 1.:) 1/' <=th Cir. '==;> <Ehere) as here) there is a thresh"ld sh"wing "% mental inc"m#etenc() a s %%icient sh"wing has $een made %"r e- ita$l( t"lling the stat te "% limitati"ns.&>. ';/ . %n re 'ewis) /;/ 7..d at 8=; n.,:. ';1 . See %n re J"nes) '.8 7..d ',8') ',8/ <''th Cir. '==;>D see also Eard 3. Hall) 1=, 7..d ''//) ''6' <''th Cir. ,:':>D %n re Medina) ':= 7..d '116) '161 <''th Cir. '==8>D B rris 3. !ar+e) ''6 7..d ,16) ,1; <8th Cir. '==8>. ';6 . %n re Jones) '.8 7..d at ',8/ <- "ting %n re Medina) ':= 7..d at '161>. ';8 . See id. at ',8. <n"ting #etiti"ner claimed e3idence had $een withheld rendering his c"n%essi"n in3"l ntar() 3i"lating his c"nstit ti"nal rights) which #r"3ided the gatewa( t" hear newl( disc"3ered e3idence>. ';; . %d. at ',8/. ';= . B rris 3. !ar+e) '.: 7..d 8;,) 8;1 <8th Cir. '==8>.

8, $%&%' ()D $R%M%)(' $*)F%)EME)T FB"l. .;2.:8 # nishment) a+in t" the (tkins line "% cases.'=: The c" rt denied the claim) stating that the same claim was #resented "n a##eal in an earlier ha$eas #r"ceeding) that the e3idence did n"t sh"w that the #etiti"ner was act all( inn"cent) and that the arg ments c"ncerned "nl( his sentence) n"t his g ilt "% the nderl(ing "%%ense.'=' The c" rt % rther n"ted that FwJhat a ne r"#s(ch"l"gist might t rn # t"da( is irrele3ant& $eca se e3en i% the new e3idence s ##"rted the #r"#"siti"n "% ineligi$ilit() FaJll this means . . . is that B rris wants t" re?litigate) with the aid "% $etter e3idence.&'=, The 5e3enth Circ it t""+ the 3iew that new e3idence which d"es n"t sh"w %act al inn"cence "% the nderl(ing "%%ense) "nl( that the sentence was im#r"#erl( im#"sed) " ght n"t t" $e $r" ght "n a s ccessi3e ha$eas #etiti"n.'=. J dge C dah( dissented) addressing the di%%erence $etween an im#ris"nment sentence and a ca#ital sentence. '=/ J dge C dah( n"ted that $rain de%icits can im#air c"gniti3e % ncti"ning) s ggesting that a lac+ "% intellect al % ncti"ning w" ld $e s %%icient gr" nds t" grant a ha$eas #etiti"n t" in3estigate the asserted %acts in a ca#ital case. '=1 Aater) the 5e3enth Circ it rec"gni*ed the emerging di3isi"n am"ng the circ its.'=6 The c" rt n"ted) The ass m#ti"n nderl(ing F#etiti"ners a##ealJ is that his #etiti"n d"es n"t c"m%"rta$l( %all within an( "% the stat t"r( "r e- ita$le #rinci#les.& '=8 The c" rt assessed $"th sides "% the arg ment) n"ting) The 5tate c"ntends that Fthe #etiti"nersJ Lact al inn"cence claim m st L$( de%a lt . . . %all within the e- ita$le t"lling cam#.& On the "ther hand2
FIJ% act al inn"cence is n"t a %reestanding e4ce#ti"n his case w" ld m"st cl"sel( %all within the stat t"r( #r"3isi"n in C ,,//<d><'><D>Phe m st %ile within "ne (ear "% the date "n which the %acts "n which his claim is $ased c" ld ha3e $een disc"3ered thr" gh the e4ercise "% d e diligence.&'=;

The c" rt hinted in dicta that t" ha3e a s ccess% l act al inn"cence& claim a #etiti"ner needs t" ha3e timel( %iled "r ha3e made a FJs %%icient sh"wing "% act al inn"cence.&'== The c" rt went "n t" sa( that a s %%icient sh"wing& li+el( w" ld n"t $e s $0ect t" inter#retati"n) s ch as DNA
'=: '=' '=, '=. '=/ '=1 '=6 '=8 '=; '==

. . . . . . . . . .

See id. at 8;/. %d. at 8;.?;1. %d. at 8;1. %d. %d. at 8;1?;6 <C dah() J.) dissenting>. %d. at 8;8 <C dah() J.) dissenting>. Ara 0" 3. Chandler) /.1 7..d 68;) 6;:?;' <8th Cir. ,::1>. %d. %d. at 6;'. %d.

,:',J DE(T0 %S D%FFERE)T 8. e3idence.,:: The 7i%th Circ it has als" a##lied a narr"w inter#retati"n) h"lding a ha$eas #etiti"ner m st esta$lish a reas"na$le #r"$a$ilit( "% a di%%erent 3erdict had the alleged err"r n"t "cc rred.& ,:' In a##licati"n) the c" rt %" nd that medical rec"rds) sch""l rec"rds) testim"n( "% %amil( a$ se) and #s(chiatric e3al ati"n w" ld n"t ha3e $een s %%icient t" esta$lish that this e3idence was material t" the # nishment he recei3ed.& ,:, Unli+e the 7i%th) 5e3enth) and Ele3enth Circ its) s"me 0 risdicti"ns %ind that act al inn"cence can $e a gr" nd %"r e- ita$l( t"lling AED!As stat te "% limitati"ns. The 5i4th Circ it has ta+en the 3iew that the in- ir( is n"t whether a #etiti"ner is g ilt( "% the nderl(ing "%%ense) $ t rather an in- ir( int" the legitimac( "% the sentence) whether it is m"re li+el( than n"t that n" reas"na$le 0 r"r w" ld ha3e %" nd #etiti"ner g ilt( $e("nd a reas"na$le d" $t.&,:. Th s) the thresh"ld in- ir( is whether Lnew %acts raise s %%icient d" $t a$" t the #etiti"ners g ilt t" ndermine c"n%idence in the res lt "% the trial.& ,:/ FEJith" t the ass rance that that trial was ntainted $( c"nstit ti"nal err"r) Fa #etiti"nersJ thresh"ld sh"wing "% inn"cence w" ld 0 sti%( a re3iew "% the merits "% the c"nstit ti"nal claims.&,:1 The 7" rth Circ it has s ggested that an "%%ense in the AED!A stat te "% limitati"ns c" ld enc"m#ass attac+s "n sentences "% im#ris"nment as well as attac+s "n sentences "% death) $ t $"th "nl( in rare sit ati"ns. ,:6 The 7" rth Circ it n"ted2
As a discreti"nar( d"ctrine that t rns "n the %acts and circ mstances "% a #artic lar case) e- ita$le t"lling d"es n"t lend itsel% t" $right?line r les.& The d"ctrine has $een a##lied in tw" generall( distinct +inds "% sit ati"ns. In the %irst) the #lainti%%s were #re3ented %r"m asserting their claims $( s"me +ind "% wr"ng% l c"nd ct "n the #art "% the de%endant. In the sec"nd) e4tra"rdinar( circ mstances $e("nd #lainti%%s c"ntr"l made it im#"ssi$le t" %ile the claims "n time.& B t an( in3"cati"n "% e- it( t" relie3e the strict a##licati"n "% a stat te "% limitati"ns m st $e g arded and in%re- ent) lest circ mstances "% indi3id ali*ed hardshi# s ##lant the r les "% clearl( dra%ted stat tes. T" a##l( e- it( gener" sl( w" ld l""se the r le "% law t" whims a$" t the ade- ac( "% e4c ses) di3ergent res#"nses t" claims "% hardshi#) and s $0ecti3e n"ti"ns "% %air
,:: ,:'

. %d. . Ee$ster 3. United 5tates) Ci3. A. /2:: CB '6/6) ,::. EA ,.':=8;8) at Q'1 <N.D.Te4. 5e#. .:) ,::.>. ,:, . %d. at Q''?'1. ,:. . Souter) .=1 7..d at 1=:D R"ss 3. Bergh is) /'8 7..d 11,) 116 <6th Cir. ,::1>. ,:/ . Souter) .=1 7..d at 1=: <- "ting S hlu#) 1'. U.5. at .'8>. ,:1 . S hlu#) 1'. U.5. at .'8. ,:6 . Harris 3. H tchins"n/ ,:= 7..d .,1) ..: </th Cir. ,:::> <internal citati"ns "mitted>D see %n re Bial) ''1 7..d ''=,) ''=; n.', </th Cir. '==8>.


$%&%' ()D $R%M%)(' $*)F%)EME)T

FB"l. .;2.:8

acc"mm"dati"n. Ee $elie3e) there%"re) that an( res"rt t" e- it( m st $e reser3ed %"r th"se rare instances wherePd e t" circ mstances e4ternal t" the #art(s "wn c"nd ctPit w" ld $e nc"nsci"na$le t" en%"rce the limitati"n #eri"d against the #art( and gr"ss in0 stice w" ld res lt.,:8

7 rther) the Third Circ it has n"t decided the iss e s#eci%icall( in re%erence t" categ"rical e4cl si"ns) $ t in dicta has %a3"red a $r"ader "3er a narr"wer inter#retati"n.,:; The Tenth Circ it has declined th s %ar t" decide the iss e "% whether categ"rical e4cl si"ns can $e incl ded within an act al inn"cence claim.,:= The Ninth Circ it n"ted that it c" ld entertain a #etiti"ners categ"rical e4cl si"n claim) e3en th" gh it c"ncl ded that the #etiti"ner had n"t esta$lished act al inn"cence.,': The Ninth Circ it has n"ted that the #hrase g ilt( "% the nderl(ing "%%ense& did n"t enc"m#ass a c"nstit ti"nal claim that #etiti"ners c" nsel had inade- atel( #resented. ,'' This is c"hesi3e with later #recedent) in that a c"nstit ti"nal gatewa( claim) s ch as ine%%ecti3e assistance "% c" nsel) w" ld n"t $e rec"gni*ed as a claim "% act al inn"cence.,', As the Ninth Circ it ac+n"wledged in Thom#son -. $alderon) there is disagreement am"ng the circ its "3er whether act al inn"cence claims c" ld $e heard) and % rther whether the sc"#e "% the Lact al inn"cence standard artic lated in Sawyer has $een s #erseded $( a narr"wer e4ce#ti"n in the AED!A.&,'. O% n"te) the Thom#son c" rt hinted that nder the lang age "% AED!A a c"nstit ti"nal 3i"lati"n ma( create an act al inn"cence claim $eca se the lang age L nderl(ing "%%ense in a death #enalt( case is ca#ital m rder rather than merel( h"micide.& ,'/ ,. 5"l ti"ns t" the circ it s#lit The #artic larl( c m$ers"me and c"n% sing& ,'1 termin"l"g( nder AED!A act al inn"cence ha$eas claims has $een a ca se "% t rm"il in the
,:8 ,:;

. 0arris) ,:= 7..d at ..: <internal citati"ns "mitted>. . Miller) '/1 7..d at 6';?'=. ,:= . Aa7e3ers 3. 9i$s"n) ,.; 7..d ',6.) ',68 <':th Cir. ,::'> <reser3ing the - esti"n whether C ,,//<$><,><B><ii> e4tends t" ca#ital sentencing challenges>D 9i$s"n 3. @linger) ,., 7..d 8==) ;:; <':th Cir. ,:::> <re3iewing when e- ita$le t"lling w" ld $e a##r"#riate (et n"t incl ding an e4am#le "% a categ"rical e4cl si"n>D Miller 3. Marr) '/' 7..d =86) =8; <':th Cir. '==;> <ac+n"wledging C ,,//<d> is n"t 0 risdicti"nal) $ t stating it may $e s $0ect t" e- ita$le t"lling>. ,': . See Aandrigan 3. Brewer) 6,1 7..d ''.,) ''.= <=th Cir. ,:':>D Ba$$itt 3. E""d%"rd) '88 7..d 8//) 8/8?/; <=th Cir. '===>. ,'' . See 9reenawalt 3. 5tewart) ':1 7..d ',6;) ',88 <=th Cir. '==8> <citing ,; U.5.C. C ,,//<$><,>>. ,', . See 'ee) 6': 7..d at '',=) ''.6. ,'. . Th"m#s"n 3. Calder"n) '1' 7..d =';) =,. <=th Cir. '==;>. ,'/ . %d. at =,/. ,'1 . Carriger 3. 5tewart) '., 7..d /6.) /88 <=th Cir. '==8> <The termin"l"g( in this area is s"metimes c"n% sing.&>.

,:',J DE(T0 %S D%FFERE)T 81 circ its. H"we3er) what has $een rec"gni*ed as a circ it s#lit ma( $e less di3isi3e than it a##ears. ,'6 I% a circ it s#lit d"es e4ist) the di3isi"n sh" ld $e res"l3ed in %a3"r "% a c" rt hearing a merit"ri" s categ"rical e4cl si"n claim nder the act al inn"cence d"ctrine as an e4ce#ti"n t" the AED!A stat te "% limitati"ns. 7irst) 0olland # t t" rest an( d" $t that the AED!A stat te "% limitati"ns is s $0ect t" e- ita$le t"lling. ,'8 H"we3er) the C" rt st"##ed sh"rt "% artic lating what circ mstances w" ld $e s %%icient t" in3"+e the e- ita$le t"lling d"ctrine.,'; E3en s") lang age %r"m 0olland is s ggesti3e that the standards that a##lied #re?AED!A are still a##lica$le. ,'= 7 rtherm"re) the C" rts reliance "n #re?AED!A ha$eas cases is s ggesti3e that #re?AED!A e- ita$le #rinci#les a##l(. ,,: 7inall() the C" rt em#hasi*ed the L%le4i$ilit( inherent in Le- ita$le #r"ced re ena$les c" rts Lt" meet new sit ati"ns FthatJ demand e- ita$le inter3enti"n) and t" acc"rd all the relie% necessar( t" c"rrect S #artic lar in0 stices.& ,,' 5ec"nd) since AED!A is s $0ect t" e- ita$le t"lling) the ne4t - esti"n is what c"nstit tes the e4tra"rdinar( circ mstances necessar( t" t"ll the stat te "% limitati"nsD m"re s#eci%icall() is act al inn"cence s %%icient reas"n t" t"ll the stat te "% limitati"nsR ,,, 0olland instr cts that e- ita$le t"lling is a3aila$le i% a #etiti"ner has $een diligent in # rs it "% their rights) and there were e4tra"rdinar( circ mstances that #re3ented timel( %iling. ,,. In #re?AED!A anal(sis) e3en i% the #etiti"ner c" ld n"t sh"w ca se and #re0 dice warranting e- ita$le t"lling) a ha$eas c" rt ma( still c"nsider the $arred claim in an e4tra"rdinar( case) where a c"nstit ti"nal 3i"lati"n has #r"$a$l( res lted in the c"n3icti"n "% "ne wh" is act all( inn"cent.&,,/ Sawyer a##lies t" claims "% inn"cence in death #enalt( cases) and as s ch the #etiti"ner w" ld need t" sh"w $( clear and c"n3incing e3idence that) $ t %"r a c"nstit ti"nal err"r) n" reas"na$le 0 r"r w" ld ha3e %" nd the
,'6 ,'8

. .

'ee) 6': 7..d at ''./ <rec"gni*ing circ it s#lit>. 0olland) '.: 5. Ct. at ,16, <h"lding C ,,//<d> s $0ect t" e- ita$le


. %d. at ,11. <n"ting that e- ita$le t"lling ma( $e granted i% a #etiti"ner sh"ws L<'> that he has $een # rs ing his rights diligentl() and <,> that s"me e4tra"rdinar( circ mstance st""d in his wa( and #re3ented timel( %iling&>. ,'= . $om#are id. at ,16, <citing 5lac+ 3. McDaniel) 1,= U.5. /8.) /;. <,:::> <AED!As #resent #r"3isi"ns . . . inc"r#"rate earlier ha$eas c"r# s #rinci#les.&>>) with Aee 3. Aam#ert) 6': 7..d '',1) ''.' <=th Cir. ,:':> <The S hlu# e4ce#ti"n ne3er a##lied t" %ederal stat tes "% limitati"ns $eca se AED!A created s ch limitati"ns later.&>. ,,: . See 0olland) '.: 5. Ct at ,16,?61 <citing R"se 3. A nd() /11 U.5. 1:= <'=;,>>D see also id. at ,16. <citing Baggett 3. B llitt) .88 U.5. .6: <'=6/>>. ,,' . %d. at ,16. <citing Ha*el?Atlas 9lass C". 3. Hart%"rd?Em#ire C".) .,, U.5. ,.;) ,/; <'=//>>. ,,, . See id. at ,16,. ,,. . %d. ,,/ . Murray) /88 U.5. at /=6.

86 $%&%' ()D $R%M%)(' $*)F%)EME)T FB"l. .;2.:8 #etiti"ner eligi$le %"r the death #enalt( nder the a##lica$le state law.& ,,1 D e t" AED!As g"al "% restricting access t" ha$eas and e4#editing the ha$eas #r"cess) se3eral circ its ha3e restricted access t" #re?AED!A e- ita$le t"lling d"ctrines.,,6 7 rther) s"me c" rts ha3e n"ted that $eca se act al inn"cence standards are inc"r#"rated int" select #r"3isi"ns "% AED!A) C"ngress intenti"nall( "mitted an act al inn"cence e4ce#ti"n %r"m #r"3isi"ns with" t the same "r similar lang age. ,,8 As t" the latter arg ment) C"ngress #res ma$l( dra%ted AED!A against the $ac+dr"# "% e4isting ha$eas law) as is e3idenced $( incl si"n "% lang age int" certain #r"3isi"ns.,,; Th s) i% C"ngress had desired an a$s"l te $an "n act al inn"cence claims $eing ca#a$le "% e- ita$l( t"lling the stat te "% limitati"ns) e4#ress lang age c" ld ha3e acc"m#lished this g"al) and "missi"n "% the lang age sh" ld n"t $e read as an intenti"n t" restrict act al inn"cence 0 ris#r dence. Third) the circ its a##ear di3ided "n the - esti"n "% whether a categ"rical e4cl si"n w" ld 0 sti%( tili*ing the act al inn"cence d"ctrine t" e- ita$l( t"ll "r #r"3ide an e4ce#ti"n t" the AED!A stat te "% limitati"ns. 5"me circ its ha3e %" nd that %act al inn"cence w" ld merit t"lling nder the S hlu# and 0errera %act al inn"cence d"ctrine. ,,= N"ta$l() the cr 4 "% a categ"rical e4cl si"n is that the nderl(ing #hil"s"#h( "% inade- ate c l#a$ilit( is d e t" a characteristic "r trait inherent t" the #ers"n),.: and i% mem$ershi# t" a categ"rical e4cl si"n is %act all( %" nd) renders that indi3id al ineligi$le %"r ca#ital sentencing. ,.' Th s) circ it c" rts sh" ld %ind that newl( disc"3ered e3idence "% a categ"rical e4cl si"n sh" ld #r"3ide the e4tra"rdinar( circ mstance re- ired t" hear a Sawyer claim. The "ther iss e is that a categ"rical e4cl si"n is an Eighth Amendment $ased #r"hi$iti"n.,., Hence) while the %act al determinati"ns are s"metimes $right line r les),.. in "ther instances the de%initi"nal re- irements are
,,1 ,,6

. 5aw(er 3. Ehitle() 1:1 U.5. ...) ..6 <'==,>. . See su#ra n"tes '1=?8. and acc"m#an(ing te4t. ,,8 . See/ e.g.) Aee 3. Aam#ert) 6': 7..d '',1) '',= <=th Cir. ,:':> <citing 7landers 3. 9ra3es) ,== 7..d =8/) =86?88 <;th Cir. ,::.>> <It is n"t " r #lace t" Lengra%t an additi"nal 0 dge?made e4ce#ti"n "nt" c"ngressi"nal lang age that is clear "n its %ace.&>. ,,; . 0olland) '.: 5. Ct. at ,16' <The #res m#ti"nTs strength is (et % rther rein%"rced $( the %act that C"ngress enacted AED!A a%ter this C" rt decided %rwin and there%"re was li+el( aware that c" rts) when inter#reting AED!ATs timing #r"3isi"ns) w" ld a##l( the #res m#ti"n.&>. ,,= . See 5egal) su#ra n"te =;) at ,//?/1 <disc ssing that the trend in the %ederal circ it is t"wards ad"#ti"n "% the S hlu# gatewa( standard& in the wr"ng% l c"n3icti"n c"nte4t>. ,.: . See su#ra n"tes ':/?,: and acc"m#an(ing te4t. ,.' . See/ e.g.) At+ins 3. Birginia) 1.6 U.5. .'.) .,: <,::,>. ,., . See/ e.g.) id. at .''?',. ,.. . R"#er 3. 5imm"ns) 1/. U.5. 11') 18; <,::1>.

,:',J DE(T0 %S D%FFERE)T 88 de%erred t" the states.,./ The iss e then $ec"mes whether a #etiti"ner "n the c s# "% the state de%ined categ"rical e4cl si"n c" ld challenge the c"nstit ti"nalit( "% the states de%initi"n in an act al inn"cence ha$eas #etiti"n. Essentiall() the #etiti"ner w" ld se the ha$eas mechanism t" ens re that c"nstit ti"nal rights) the Eighth Amendment #r"hi$iti"n against the e4ec ti"n "% certain categ"ries "% "%%enders) ha3e $een #reser3ed. I% Sawyer is t" $e read as nchanged $( AED!A) then a c"nstit ti"nal challenge t" a state de%initi"nal #r"ced re "r r le sh" ld $e challengea$le 3ia a ha$eas #etiti"n t" ens re that the states #r"ced re is in acc"rd with e3"l3ing standards "% decenc( 0 ris#r dence. 7 rther) AED!As strict wind"w %"r "$taining %ederal ha$eas re3iew "% a state c" rt 0 dgment is arg a$l( legitimate regarding %act al claims "% inn"cence.,.1 H"we3er) the arg ments regarding the #rinci#les "% c"mit() %inalit() and %ederalism&,.6 $ear less weight regarding the #reser3ati"n "% %ederal c"nstit ti"nal rights $eca se a %ederal c" rt is the traditi"nal g ardian "% an indi3id als %ederal rights. ,.8 B( den(ing re3iew) a state c" ld #"tentiall( ha3e an nc"nstit ti"nal sentencing scheme that w" ld esca#e %ederal re3iew) there$( all"wing %"r the e4ec ti"n "r sentencing "% an indi3id al in 3i"lati"n "% their c"nstit ti"nal rights. There%"re) ha$eas re3iew ser3es the # r#"se "% ens ring an indi3id als rights ha3e $een #reser3ed d ring sentencing) and restricting %ederal re3iew "% state decisi"ns regarding iss es r""ted in %ederal law) s ch as de%ining intellect al disa$ilit( %"r death #enalt( # r#"ses) ndermines the % ncti"n and # r#"se "% ha$eas c"r# s.,.; 5igni%icantl() what a##ears t" $e a circ it s#lit ma( instead $e that circ its that ha3e declined t" rec"gni*e a categ"rical e4cl si"n claim ha3e n"t $een #resented with e3idence that w" ld $e c"nsidered s %%icientl( relia$le t" 0 sti%( the d"ctrine. 7"r e4am#le) in 'u idore -. ).=. State Di-. o! .arole) the 5ec"nd Circ it e4#licitl( reser3ed the - esti"n "% the e4istence "% an act al inn"cence e4ce#ti"n $eca se the #etiti"ners claim was %act all( ins %%icient and th s there was n" need t" answer the s $stanti3e legal iss e.,.= As s ch) circ its re- ire a #resentati"n "% new
,./ ,.1

. See (tkins) 1.6 U.5. at .'8?';. ,.1. See 9arrett) su#ra n"te ''/) at '6;1?;6. 7ederal c" rts rarel( c"nd ct %act al re3iew "% claims asserted in ha$eas #etiti"ns.& %d. at '6;1?;6. Additi"nall() the( als" rarel( c"nd ct # rel( s $stanti3e re3iew) and when the( d") it is t(#icall( t" e4amine the c"nstit ti"nalit( "% a criminal #r"hi$iti"ns sc"#e.& %d. at '6;1. ,.6 . D ncan 3. Eal+er) 1.. U.5. '68) '8; <,::'> <citing Williams) 1,= U.5. at /.6>. ,.8 . 5te#hen T. !arr) Symmetri .ro#ortionality: ( )ew .ers#e ti-e on the $ruel and 2nusual .unishment $lause) 6; TENN. A. REB. /') 68 <,:::> <disc ssing that %ederal inter3enti"n& was the #ercei3ed s"l ti"n t" #r"tect indi3id al rights>. ,.; . See su#ra n"tes .:?.1 and acc"m#an(ing te4t. ,.= . A cid"re 3. N.G. 5tate Di3. "% !ar"le) ,:= 7..d ':8) ''/ <,d Cir. ,:::>.

8; $%&%' ()D $R%M%)(' $*)F%)EME)T FB"l. .;2.:8 relia$le e3idence&,/: t" rec"gni*e the a3aila$ilit( "% the act al inn"cence d"ctrine t" #r"3ide a 3ehicle %"r categ"rical e4cl si"n claims. H"we3er) i% the circ its are indeed s#lit) a res"l ti"n sh" ld all"w a merit"ri" s categ"rical e4cl si"n t" $e heard as an act al inn"cence claim nder the Sawyer test) 0 st as e4"nerating DNA e3idence w" ld $e all"wed nder the act al inn"cence 0errera and S hlu# test. Th s) "% the three determinati"ns %"r a ca#ital sentence) ,/' an indi3id al wh" is categ"ricall( e4cl ded sh" ld $e c"nsidered ineligi$le %"r ca#ital # nishment 0 st as a #ers"n wh" did n"t c"mmit the crime. ,/, 7"r #ractical a##licati"n) there are tw" the"ries "% h"w a categ"rical ineligi$ilit( act al inn"cence claim is #r"#erl( heard. 7irst) the Sawyer eligi$ilit( standard re- ires $( clear and c"n3incing e3idence that) $ t %"r a c"nstit ti"nal err"r) n" reas"na$le 0 r"r w" ld ha3e %" nd the #etiti"ner eligi$le %"r the death #enalt( nder the a##lica$le state law.& ,/. As s ch) there are tw" re- irements2 esta$lishing %act al ineligi$ilit( and c"nstit ti"nal err"r. Hence) nder a Sawyer claim) the e3idence need n"t $e new) $ t m st $e s %%icient t" dem"nstrate that n" reas"na$le 0 r"r w" ld ha3e %" nd the #etiti"ner eligi$le. ,// Alternati3el() a Sawyer claim c" ld $e a 3ehicle t" challenge the a##lica$le state law& as the c"nstit ti"nal err"r nder the Eighth Amendment.,/1 5imilarl() there is emerging th" ght that a categ"rical e4cl si"n claim d"es n"t re- ire e- ita$le t"lling "r act al inn"cence standards. ,/6 The heart "% this ide"l"g( is that in "rder t" a3"id a miscarriage "% 0 stice)& a categ"rical e4cl si"n claim sh" ld $e heard as a # re e4ce#ti"n t" the AED!A stat te "% limitati"ns) wh"ll( a#art %r"m a t"lling anal(sis. ,/8

. 3ell) 1/8 U.5. at 1.8 <stating e4am#les "% new relia$le e3idenceP whether it $e e4c l#at"r( scienti%ic e3idence) tr stw"rth( e(ewitness acc" nts) "r critical #h(sical e3idence&>. ,/' . See su#ra n"te 68?8.) and acc"m#an(ing te4t. ,/, . Sawyer) 1:1 U.5. at ./.. ,/. . %d. at .//. ,// . %d. ,/1 . %d. at ..; <citing M rra( 3. Carrier) /88 U.5. /8; <'=;6>>. ,/6 . See Aee 3. Aam#ert) 6': 7..d '',1) '',= <=th Cir. ,:':> <FTJhe act al inn"cence e4ce#ti"n is n"t a t(#e "% t"lling $eca se it d"es n"t in3"l3e e4tending a stat t"r( #eri"d %"r a #artic lar am" nt "% time.&>D see also Henders"n 3. Thaler) 6,6 7..d 88.) 8;8 <1th Cir. ,:':> <Eiener) J.) dissenting> <!r"#erl() Henders"ns n%ettered right t" assert his (tkins claim m st $e assessed entirel( se#aratel( and a#art %r"m an( act al inn"cence anal(sis and li+ewise with" t a##licati"n "% the AED!As time $ar.&>D Harris 3. Bas- e*) =/= 7.,d '/=8) '1'6 <=th Cir. '==:> <FIJt is clear that the mere #resentati"n "% new #s(ch"l"gical e3al ati"ns . . . d"es n"t c"nstit te a c"l"ra$le sh"wing "% act al inn"cence . . . .&>. ,/8 . See generally 5c"tt 3. United 5tates) 8/: 7. 5 ##. ,d '.'8) '.,= <5.D. 7l. ,:':> <rec"gni*ing e- ita$le t"lling as a di%%erent e4ce#ti"n than mani%est in0 stice e4ce#ti"n&>D see also Henders"n 3. Thaler) 6,6 7..d 88.) 8;6 <1th Cir. ,:':> <Eiener) J.) dissenting>.




The 9reat Erit sh" ld $e the s $stance "% L0 stice) n"t the %"rm "% #r"ced res.&,/; In rec"gni*ing that death is a di%%erent +ind "% # nishment . . . in $"th its se3erit( and its %inalit(& ,/= the C" rt rec"gni*es the s#ecial need %"r e- ita$le #rinci#les t" #re3ail "3er strict stat t"r( reading. Ehile AED!A can $e read t" e4cl de late ha$eas #etiti"ns) the 0 diciar( retains e- ita$le a th"rit( "3er the writ "% ha$eas c"r# s. ,1: As s ch) an act al inn"cence claim can and sh" ld c"nsist "% e3idence dem"nstrating an inherent - alit( in the de%endant that creates ins %%icient c l#a$ilit( %"r im#"siti"n "% the death #enalt() s ch as 0 3enile stat s& "r mental de%icienc(.& ,1' C rrentl() we +n"w that AED!A is s $0ect t" e- ita$le t"lling. ,1, H"we3er) the claims and e3idence that c"nstit te gr" nds s %%icient t" grant the e- ita$le d"ctrine create di3isi"n am"ngst the circ its. ,1. The %irst ste# is t" %ind that a claim "% act al inn"cence is s %%icient t" - ali%( %"r e- ita$le t"lling. Once that is rec"gni*ed) the ne4t ste# is t" a##reciate that the death #enalt( is t(#icall( $i% rcated. ,1/ The $i% rcati"n is t" ens re that the death #enalt( is n"t ar$itraril( "r ca#rici" sl( im#"sed) and as s ch) $"th #r"ngs "% the $i% rcati"n #r"ced re warrant e- al de%erence regarding inn"cence claims. A categ"rical e4cl si"n is an a$s"l te #r"hi$iti"n "% im#"siti"n "% a #enalt( #"n a class "% "%%enders. J st as an indi3id al can claim %act al inn"cence %r"m a crime) ,11 a #ers"n can claim e4cl si"n %r"m the death #enalt(.,16 The C"nstit ti"n inc"r#"rates Americas e3"l3ing standards "% decenc() and al"ng with " r decenc() we " ght n"t l"se sight that F$Jeca se the death #enalt( is the m"st se3ere # nishment) the Eighth Amendment a##lies t" it with s#ecial %"rce.& ,18 These are n"t merel( h"rtat"r( c"mmands) $ t rather #rinci#les im$edded as the %" ndati"n %"r American s"ciet() %"r e3er changing and %"r e3er im#r"3ing.& ,1; As s ch) circ its sh" ld res"l3e t" inc"r#"rate categ"rical e4cl si"n
,/; ,/=

. Murray) /88 U.5. at 1::. . Bec+ 3. Ala$ama) //8 U.5. 6,1) 6.8 <'=;:>. ,1: . H"lland 3. 7l"rida) '.: 5. Ct. ,1/=) ,16: <,:':> <citing Miller 3. 7rench) 1.: U.5. .,8) ./: <,:::>>. ,1' . See Ro#er) 1/. U.5. at 18.D (tkins) 1.6 U.5. at .'8. ,1, . 0olland) '.: 5. Ct. at ,16:. ,1. . Harris 3. Bas- e*) =/= 7.,d '/=8) '1'1 <=th Cir. '==:> <FIJt is clear that the mere #resentati"n "% new #s(ch"l"gical e3al ati"ns . . . d"es n"t c"nstit te a c"l"ra$le sh"wing "% act al inn"cence.&>. ,1/ . "regg) /,; U.5. at '=1. ,11 . S hlu#) 1'. U.5. at .,8. ,16 . (tkins) 1.6 U.5. at .,:. ,18 . Ro#er) 1/. U.5. at 16; <citing Thom#son) /;8 U.5. at ;16>. ,1; . McC ll"ch 3. Mar(land) '8 U.5. .'6) .;1 <';'=>.

;: $%&%' ()D $R%M%)(' $*)F%)EME)T FB"l. .;2.:8 0 ris#r dence int" act al inn"cence 0 ris#r dence nder the Sawyer standard) "r as a %ree standing claim "% relie%. FIJt is a >$?onstitution we are e4#" nding)&,1= and while FcJ" rts m st n"t c"nsider the wisd"m "% stat tes . . . neither can the( sancti"n as $eing merel( nwise that which the C"nstit ti"n %"r$ids.&,6: The 9reat Erit is intended t" #reser3e " r c"nstit ti"nal rights) and as s ch) ha$eas c"r# s is a #r"#er means t" test the c"nstit ti"nalit( "% a state c"n3icti"n "n c"llateral re3iew t" ens re that indi3id al %ederal rights ha3e $een #reser3ed. 7inall() c" rts sh" ld res"l3e t" all"w ha$eas t" incl de categ"rical e4cl si"n claims s" that the se3eral states are in nis"n in Americas # rs it in acc"rd with the C"nstit ti"n t"ward " r e3"l3ing standards "% decenc(.

,1= ,6:

. .

%d. at /:8. Tro#) .16 U.5. at ':..

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