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Worked Solutions

Chapter 11 Question 5 What is the concentration in grams per litre of (a) a 0.1 M HCl solution (b) a 0.05 M Na 2CO solution (c) a 0.05 M NaOH solution (!) a 0.01 M "OH solution (e) a 0.2 M HNO solution# Answer: (a) Molar mass of HCl $ %.5 g mol &1 0.1M HCl solution contains 0.1 moles $ 0.1 X Concentration of HCl solution $ .%5 g l'1 (b) Molar mass of Na2CO $ 10% g mol&1 0.05M Na2CO solution contains 0.05 moles $ 0.05 X 10% g in 1 litre Concentration of Na2CO solution $ 5. g l'1 (c) Molar mass of NaOH $ (0 g mol &1 0.05M NaOH solution contains 0.05 moles $ 0.05 X (0 g in 1 litre Concentration of NaOH solution $ 2 g l'1 (!) Molar mass of "OH $ 5% g mol &1 0.01M "OH solution contains 0.01 moles $ 0.01 X 5% g in 1 litre Concentration of "OH solution $ 0.5% g l'1 (e) Molar mass of HNO $ % g mol&1 0.2M HNO solution contains 0.2 moles $ 0.2 X % g in 1 litre Concentration of HNO solution $ 12.% g l'1 Question 6 ) solution contains 25 g of potassium h*!ro+i!e ("OH) in 1 litre of solution. Calculate the concentration of the solution in moles per litre. Answer: 25 g "OH $ 25,5% moles "OH $ 0.(5 moles "OH Concentration of the solution $ 0.(5 mol l&1 ($0.(5 M) Question 7 -he concentration of a potassium manganate(.//) solution ("MnO () is %. 2 g l '1. What is the concentration of this solution in moles per litre# Answer: %. 2 g "MnO( $ %. 2,150 moles "MnO( $ 0.0( moles "MnO( Concentration of the solution $ 0.0( mol l&1 ($ 0.0( M) %.5 g in 1 litre

Question 8 ) solution contains ( g of NaOH in 250 cm of solution. Calculate the concentration of the solution in moles per litre. Answer: ( g of NaOH in 250 cm of solution is e1ui2alent to ( + 1000,250 $ 1% g in 1 litre 1% g NaOH $ 1%,(0 moles NaOH $ 0.( moles NaOH Concentration of the solution $ 0.( mol l&1 ($ 0.( M) Question 9 ) solution contains (.3 g H24O( in 100 cm of solution. Calculate the concentration of the solution in moles per litre. Answer: (.3 g of H24O( in 100 cm of solution is e1ui2alent to (.3 + 1000,100 $ (3 g in 1 litre (3 g H24O( $ (3,30 moles H24O( $ 0.5 moles H24O( Concentration of the solution $ 0.5 mol l&1 ($ 0.5 M) Question 10 ) bottle of 5ine contains (3 g of ethanol (C2H5OH) in 600 cm of solution. Calculate the concentration of ethanol in moles per litre. Answer: (3 g of C2H5OH in 600 cm of solution is e1ui2alent to (3 + 1000,600 $ 60 g in 1 litre 60 g C2H5OH $ 60,(% moles C2H5OH $ 1.52 moles C2H5OH Concentration of the solution $ 1.52 mol l&1 ($ 1.52 M) Question 11 What mass of potassium h*!ro+i!e ("OH) is containe! in 500 cm of 0.05 M potassium h*!ro+i!e solution# Answer: 17000 cm of 0.05 M "OH solution contains 0.05 moles 500 cm of 0.05 M "OH solution contains 0.05 X 500 , 17000 moles $ 0.025 moles Molar mass of "OH $ 5% g mol

Mass of "OH containe! in 500 cm solution $ 5% X 0.025 g $ 1.( g

Question 12 What mass of so!ium h*!ro+i!e (NaOH) is containe! in 250 cm of 0.02 M so!ium h*!ro+i!e solution# Answer: 17000 cm of 0.02 M NaOH solution contains 0.02 moles 250 cm of 0.02 M NaOH solution contains 0.02 X 250 , 17000 moles $ 0.005 moles Molar mass of NaOH $ (0 g mol &1 Mass of NaOH containe! in 250 cm solution $ (0 X 0.005 g $ 0.2 g Question 13 Ho5 man* moles of h*!rochloric aci! (HCl) are containe! in 25 cm of 0.05 M h*!rochloric aci! solution# Answer: Number of moles $ 2olume in cm X concentration in moles per litre , 17000 $ 25 X 0.05 17000 $ 0.00125 Question 1! Ho5 man* moles of sulfuric aci! (H24O() are containe! in 15 cm of 0.02 M sulfuric aci! solution# Answer: Number of moles $ 2olume in cm X concentration in moles per litre , 17000 $ 15 X 0.02 17000 $ 0.000 Question 15 Ho5 man* moles of so!ium carbonate are there in 100 cm of 0.05 M so!ium carbonate solution# Answer: Number of moles $ 2olume in cm X concentration in moles per litre , 17000 $ 100 X 0.05 17000 $ 0.005 Question 16 -he concentration of !issol2e! o+*gen in a 5ater sample is 0.00002 M. Calculate the concentration of !issol2e! o+*gen in the 5ater sample in p.p.m.

Answer: Molar mass of O2 $ 2 g mol&1 -here are 0.00002 moles of !issol2e! o+*gen in 1 litre of the 5ater sample. Mass of O2 in 1 litre $ 0.00002 x 2 g $ 0.000%( g $ 0.000%( x 17000 mg $ 0.%( mg Concentration of !issol2e! o+*gen in the 5ater sample $ 0.%( p.p.m. Question 17 ) solution contains 25 g so!ium h*!ro+i!e in 1 litre of solution. 8+press the concentration of the solution in 9 (5,2). Answer: -he solution contains 25 g NaOH in 1 litre. 100 cm of solution contains 25 x 100 , 17000 g NaOH $ 2.5 g NaOH Concentration of NaOH in the solution $ 2.59 (5,2) Question 18 ) solution contains 0 g so!ium h*!ro+i!e in 500 cm of solution. 8+press the concentration of the solution in 9 (5,2). Answer: -he solution contains 0 g so!ium h*!ro+i!e in 500 cm of solution. 100 cm of solution contains 0 x 500 , 17000 g NaOH $ 1.% g NaOH Concentration of NaOH in the solution $ 1.%9 (5,2) Question 19 ) bottle of 2inegar contains 66 cm ethanoic aci! in 600 cm of solution. 8+press the concentration of ethanoic aci! in the solution in 9 (2,2). Answer: -he solution contains 66 cm ethanoic aci! in 600 cm of solution. 100 cm of solution contains 66 x 100 , 600 cm ethanooic aci! $ 11 cm ethanoic aci! Concentration of ethanoic aci! in the solution $ 119 (2,2) Question 20 ) solution contains 20 g potassium h*!ro+i!e in 250 g of solution. 8+press the concentration of the solution in 9 (5,5). Answer: -he solution contains 20 g "OH in 250 g of solution. 100 g of solution contains 20 x 100 , 250 g "OH $ 0 g "OH

Concentration of "OH in the solution $ 09 (5,5) Question 21 -he label on a bottle of 5ine in!icates that the concentration of alcohol in the 5ine is 39 (2,2). What 2olume of alcohol is there in 250 cm of the 5ine# Answer: 100 cm of the 5ine contains 3 cm alcohol. 250 cm of the 5ine contains 3 x 250 , 100 cm alcohol $ 22.5 cm alcohol. Question 22 What 2olume of ethanol is there in 500 cm of a 59 solution of ethanol in 5ater# Answer: 100 cm of the solution contains 5 cm ethanol. 500 cm of the solution contains 5 X 500 , 100 cm ethanol $ 25 cm ethanol. Question 26 /f 25 cm of a 1 M h*!rochloric aci! solution is !ilute! to a 2olume of 500 cm 5ith 5ater7 5hat is the concentration of the !ilute! solution# Answer: .!il X M!il $ .conc X Mconc 500 X M!il $ 25 X 1 M!il $ 25 X 1 , 500 mol l&1 $ 0.05 mol l&1 Concentration of the !ilute! solution $ 0.05 mol l&1 Question 27 /f 10 cm of a 0.1 M potassium h*!ro+i!e solution is !ilute! to a 2olume of 250 cm 5ith 5ater7 5hat is the concentration of the !ilute! solution# Answer: .!il X M!il $ .conc X Mconc 250 X M!il $ 10 X 0.1 M!il $ 10 X 0.1 , 250 mol l&1 $ 0.00( mol l&1 Concentration of the !ilute! solution $ 0.00( mol l&1 Question 28 What 2olume of a 1 M h*!rochloric aci! solution is nee!e! to ma:e up 500 cm of a 0.1 M h*!rochloric aci! solution# Answer:

.!il X M!il $ .conc X Mconc 500 X 0.1 $ .conc X 1 .conc $ 500 X 0.1 , 1 mol l&1 $ 50 cm .olume of 1 M h*!rochloric aci! solution nee!e! $ 50 cm Question 29 What 2olume of a 0.5 M sulfuric aci! solution is nee!e! to ma:e up 250 cm of a 0.1 M sulfuric aci! solution# Answer: .!il X M!il $ .conc X Mconc 250 X 0.1 $ .conc X 0.5 .conc $ 250 X 0.1 , 0.5 mol l&1 $ 50 cm .olume of 0.5 M sulfuric aci! solution nee!e! $ 50 cm Question !0 /n a titration7 25 cm of a 0.05 M so!ium carbonate solution re1uire! 22 cm of a h*!rochloric aci! solution for complete neutralisation. Calculate the concentration of the h*!rochloric aci! solution. -he e1uation for the reaction is 2HCl(a1) ; Na2CO (a1) 2NaCl(a1) ; H2O(l) Answer: .1 x M1 x n2 $ .2 x M2 x n1 22 x M1 x 1 $ 25 x 0.05 x 2 M1 $ 25 x 0.05 x 2 , (22 x 1) $ 0.11 mol l&1 Concentration of h*!rochloric aci! solution $ 0.11 mol l &1 Question !1 /n a titration7 25 cm of a so!ium h*!ro+i!e solution re1uire! 13.5 cm of a 0.1 M h*!rochloric aci! solution for complete neutralisation. Calculate the concentration of the so!ium h*!ro+i!e solution. -he e1uation for the reaction is HCl(a1) ; NaOH(a1) NaCl(a1) ; H2O(l) Answer: .1 x M1 x n2 $ .2 x M2 x n1 13.5 x 0.1 x 1 $ 25 x M2 x 1 M2 $ 13.5 x 0.1 x 1 , (25 x 1) ; CO2(g)

$ 0.060 mol l&1 Concentration of so!ium h*!ro+i!e solution $ 0.060 mol l&1 Question !2 /n a titration7 25 cm of a potassium h*!ro+i!e solution re1uire! 22.5 cm of a 0.01 M h*!rochloric aci! solution for complete neutralisation. Calculate the concentration of the potassium h*!ro+i!e solution. -he e1uation for the reaction is HCl(a1) ; "OH(a1) "Cl(a1) ; H2O(l) Answer: .1 x M1 x n2 $ .2 x M2 x n1 22.5 x 0.01 x 1 $ 25 x M2 x 1 M2 $ 22.5 x 0.01 x 1 , (25 x 1) $ 0.003 mol l&1 Concentration of potassium h*!ro+i!e solution $ 0.003 mol l&1 Question !3 /n a titration7 5hat 2olume of a 0.1 M h*!rochloric aci! is re1uire! to neutralise 25 cm of a 0.02 M so!ium carbonate solution# -he e1uation for the reaction is 2HCl(a1) ; Na2CO (a1) 2NaCl(a1) ; H2O(l) Answer: .1 x M1 x n2 $ .2 x M2 x n1 .1 x 0.1 x 1 $ 25 x 0.02 x 2 .1 $ 25 x 0.02 x 2 , (0.1 x 1) $ 10 cm of h*!rochloric aci! Question !! /n a titration7 5hat 2olume of a 0.05 M h*!rochloric aci! is re1uire! to neutralise 25 cm of a 0.0( M so!ium h*!ro+i!e solution# -he e1uation for the reaction is HCl(a1) ; NaOH(a1) NaCl(a1) ; H2O(l) Answer: .1 x M1 x n2 $ .2 x M2 x n1 .1 x 0.05 x 1 $ 25 x 0.0( x 1 .1 $ 25 x 0.0( x 1 , (0.05 x 1) $ 20 cm of h*!rochloric aci! ; CO2(g)

Question !5 What 2olume of 0.02 M H24O( is nee!e! to neutralise 25 cm of a 0.05 M NaOH solution# -he e1uation for the reaction is H24O((a1) ; 2NaOH(a1) Na24O((a1) ; 2H2O(l) Answer: .1 x M1 x n2 $ .2 x M2 x n1 .1 x 0.02 x 2 $ 25 x 0.05 x 1 .1 $ 25 x 0.05 x 1 , (0.02 x 2) $ 1.25 cm of sulfuric aci! Question !6 /n a titration7 25 cm of a 0.12 M so!ium h*!ro+i!e solution re1uire! 2( cm of a sulfuric aci! solution for complete neutralisation. Calculate (a) the number of moles of so!ium h*!ro+i!e consume! (b) the number of moles of sulfuric aci! consume! an! (c) the concentration of the sulfuric aci! solution. -he e1uation for the reaction is H24O((a1) ; 2NaOH(a1) Na24O((a1) ; 2H2O(l) Answer: (a) /n the titration7 25 cm of 0.12 M so!ium h*!ro+i!e solution 5ere use!. 17000 cm of 0.12 M so!ium h*!ro+i!e solution contains 0.12 moles. 25 cm of 0.12 M so!ium h*!ro+i!e solution contains 0.12 X 25 , 17000 moles $ 0.00 moles (b) -he e1uation for the reaction is H24O((a1) ; 2NaOH(a1) Na24O((a1) ; 2H2O(l) 2 moles of NaOH react 5ith 1 mole of H24O( 1 mole of NaOH reacts 5ith 0.5 moles of H24O( 0.00 moles of NaOH reacts 5ith 0.00 $ 0.0015 moles of H24O( (c) /n 2( cm of the H24O( solution there are 0.0015 moles of H24O( /n 17000 cm of the H24O( solution there are 0.0015 X 17000 , 2( moles $ 0.0%25 moles Concentration of the sulfuric aci! solution $ 0.0%25 mol l &1 Question !7 20 cm of a 0.125 M HCl solution 5ere neutralise! b* 25 cm of a "OH solution. -he e1uation for the reaction is X 0.5 moles of H24O(

HCl(a1) ; "OH(a1) "Cl(a1) ; H2O(l) (a) Ho5 man* moles of HCl 5ere consume!# (b) Ho5 man* moles of "OH 5ere neutralise!# (c) Ho5 man* moles of "OH 5ere there in 25 cm of the "OH solution# (!) Calculate the concentration in mol l&1 of the "OH solution. Answer: (a) /n the titration7 20 cm of 0.125 M HCl solution 5ere use!. 17000 cm of 0.125 M HCl solution contains 0.125 moles. 20 cm of 0.125 M HCl solution contains 0.125 X 20 , 17000 moles $ 0.0025 moles (b) -he e1uation for the reaction is HCl(a1) ; "OH(a1) "Cl(a1) ; H2O(l) One mole of HCl reacts 5ith one mole of "OH. 0.0025 moles of HCl react 5ith 0.0025 moles of "OH. (c) -he 25 cm of "OH consume! containe! 0.0025 moles. (!) /n 25 cm of the "OH solution there are 0.0025 moles of "OH /n 17000 cm of the "OH solution there are 0.0025 X 17000 , 25 moles $ 0.1 moles Concentration of the "OH solution $ 0.1 mol l&1 Question !8 What mass of magnesium 5ill react 5ith 20 cm of a 0.03 M h*!rochloric aci! solution# -he e1uation for the reaction is 2HCl(a1) Answer: 17000 cm of 0.03 M HCl solution contains 0.03 moles 20 cm of 0.03 M HCl solution contains 0.03 X 20 , 17000 moles $ 0.0010 moles <rom the e1uation7 1 mole of magnesium reacts 5ith 2 mole of h*!rochloric aci! 0.0010 moles of h*!rochloric aci! react 5ith 0.0010 , 2 $ 0.0003 moles of magnesium Molar mass of magnesium $ 2( g mol &1 0.0003 moles of magnesium $ 0.0003 X 2( g $ 0.021% g magnesium Mass of magnesium $ 0.022 g Question !9 ; Mg(s) MgCl2(a1) ; H2(g)

What mass of magnesium 5ill react 5ith 15 cm of a 0.12 M sulfuric aci! solution# -he e1uation for the reaction is H24O((a1) ; Mg (s) Mg4O((a1) ; H2(g) Answer: 17000 cm of 0.12 M H24O( solution contains 0.12 moles 15 cm of 0.12 M H24O( solution contains 0.12 X 15 , 17000 moles $ 0.0010 moles <rom the e1uation7 1 mole of magnesium reacts 5ith 1 mole of sulfuric aci! 0.0010 moles of magnesium react 5ith 0.0010 moles of sulfuric aci! Molar mass of magnesium $ 2( g mol &1 0.0010 moles of magnesium $ 0.0010 X 2( g $ 0.0( 2 g magnesium Mass of magnesium $ 0.0( g Question 50 ) sample of 2inegar 5as !ilute! from 25 cm to 250 cm 5ith 5ater. /n a titration7 25 cm of a 0.1 M so!ium h*!ro+i!e solution re1uire! 0 cm of the !ilute! 2inegar for complete neutralisation. Calculate the concentration of ethanoic aci! in the 2inegar in (a) mol l &1 (b) 9 (5,2). -he e1uation for the reaction is CH COOH(a1) ; NaOH(a1) CH COONa(a1) ; H2O(l) Answer: (a" -he formula .1 x M1 x n2 $ .2 x M2 x n1 is use! first to fin! the concentration of ethanoic aci! in the !ilute! 2inegar. .1 x M1 x n2 $ .2 x M2 x n1 0 x M1 x 1 $ 25 x 0.1 x 1 M1 $ 25 x 0.1 x 1 , ( 0 x 1) $ 0.00 mol l&1 Concentration of ethanoic aci! in the !ilute! 2inegar $ 0.00 mol l &1 -he 2inegar 5as originall* !ilute! from 25 cm to 250 cm 5ith 5ater7 i.e. a tenfol! !ilution. Concentration of ethanoic aci! in the 2inegar $ 10 x 0.00 mol l&1 $ 0.0 M (b) Molar mass of ethanoic aci! (CH COOH) $ %0 g mol&1 Concentration of ethanoic aci! in g l&1 in 2inegar $ 0.0 x %0 $ (3.0 =ercentage (5,2) of ethanoic aci! in 2inegar $ (3.0 x 100 , 1000 $ (.309


Question 51 2.31 g of a monobasic aci!7 H>7 5ere !issol2e! in 5ater an! ma!e up to 250 cm 5ith 5ater. -his solution 5as titrate! 5ith 0.100 M so!ium h*!ro+i!e solution. 25 cm of the so!ium h*!ro+i!e solution re1uire! 22.5 cm of the H> solution for complete neutralisation. -he e1uation for the reaction is H> (a1) ; NaOH(a1) Na>(a1) ; H2O(l) (a) Calculate the concentration in (i) g l &1 (ii) mol l&1 of the aci!. (b) Calculate the molar mass of H>. Answer: (a) (i) 2.31 g of H> in 250 cm is e1ui2alent to 2.31 > ( g $ 11.%( g in 1 litre. -hus the concentration is 11.%( g l&1 (ii) .1 x M1 x n2 $ .2 x M2 x n1 22.5 x M1 x 1 $ 25 x 0.100 x 1 M1 $ 25 x 0.100 x 1 , (22.5 x 1) $ 0.12 mol l&1 Concentration of H> solution $ 0.12 mol l&1 (b) 0.12 moles has a mass of 11.%( g 1 mole has a mass of 11.%(,0.12 g $ 36 g -he molar mass of H> is 36 g mol&1 Question 52 Cr*stals of h*!rate! so!ium carbonate (Na2CO .+H2O) of mass .15 g 5ere !issol2e! in 5ater an! ma!e up to 250 cm in a 2olumetric flas:. 25 cm of this solution re1uire! 15 cm of a 0.15 M h*!rochloric aci! solution for complete neutralisation. -he e1uation for the reaction is 2HCl (a1) ; Na2CO

2NaCl (a1) ; H2O(l)

; CO2(g)

<in! (a) the concentration of the so!ium carbonate solution (b) the 2alue of + in the formula Na2CO .+H2O (c) the percentage of 5ater of cr*stallisation in the h*!rate! so!ium carbonate. Answer: (a) .1 x M1 x n2 $ 15 x 0.15 x 1 $ M2 $ . 2 x M 2 x n1 25 x M2 x 2 15 x 0.15 x 1 , (25 x 2)

$ 0.0(5 mol l&1 Concentration of the so!ium carbonate solution $ 0.0(5 mol l&1


(b) Molar mass of Na2CO .+H2O $ (% ; 12 ; (0 ; 10+ $ 10% ; 10+ Concentration of so!ium carbonate in mol l&1

$ 0.0(5 $ 12.% g $ 12.% , 0.0(5 g mol &1 $ 200 g mol &1

Concentration of so!ium carbonate in g l $ .15 > ( $ 12.% Mass of 0.0(5 moles of Na2CO .+H2O Molar mass of Na2CO .+H2O 10% ; 10+ $ 200 10+ $ 16( + $ 3.6 (c) Molar mass of h*!rate! so!ium carbonate $ 200 g mol &1 =ercentage of 5ater of cr*stallisation in the compoun! $ 16( x 100 , 2009 $ %2.1(9 Question 53 /n a titration7 25 cm of a potassium h*!ro+i!e solution re1uire! 26 cm of a 0.12 M sulfuric aci! solution for complete neutralisation. Calculate the concentration of the potassium h*!ro+i!e solution in (a) mol l&1 (b) g l&1. -he e1uation for the reaction is H24O((a1) ; 2"OH(a1) "24O((a1) ; 2H2O(l) Answer: (a) . 1 x M 1 x n2 26 x 0.12 x 2 M2 $ .2 x M2 x n1 $ 25 x M2 x 1 $ 26 x 0.12 x 2 , (25 x 1) $ 0.2532 mol l&1 Concentration of potassium h*!ro+i!e solution $ 0.2% mol l&1 (b) Molar mass of potassium h*!ro+i!e $ 5% g mol &1 Concentration of "OH $ 0.2% x 5% g l&1 $ 1(.% g l&1 Question 5! /n a titration7 20 cm of 0.1 M potassium h*!ro+i!e solution re1uire! 25 cm of a h*!rochloric aci! solution for complete neutralisation. Calculate the concentration of the h*!rochloric aci! solution in (a) mol l&1 (b) g l&1. -he e1uation for the reaction is HCl(a1) ; "OH(a1) "Cl(a1) ; H2O(l) Answer:


.1 x M1 x n2
25 x M1 x 1

$ .2 x M2 x n1
$ 20 x 0.1 x 1



$ 20 x 0.1 x 1 , (25 x 1) $ 0.00 mol l&1

Concentration of h*!rochloric aci! solution $ 0.00 mol l &1 (b) Molar mass of h*!rochloric aci! $ %.5 g mol &1 Concentration of HCl $ 0.00 > %.5 g l&1 $ 2.32 g l&1 Question 56 /n a titration7 25 cm of a so!ium carbonate solution re1uire! 22 cm of a 0.1 M h*!rochloric aci! solution for complete neutralisation. Calculate the concentration of the so!ium carbonate solution in (a) mol l&1 (b) g l&1. -he e1uation for the reaction is? 2HCl(a1) ; Na2CO (a1) 2NaCl(a1) ; H2O(l) Answer: (a) .1 x M1 x n2 $ .2 x M2 x n1 22 x 0.1 x 1 $ 25 x M2 x 2 M2 $ 22 x 0.1 x 1 , (25 x 2) $ 0.0(( mol l&1 Concentration of so!ium carbonate solution $ 0.0(( mol l&1 (b) Molar mass of so!ium carbonate $ 10% g mol &1 Concentration of so!ium carbonate solution $ 0.0(( x 10% g l&1 $ (.%% g l&1 Question 57 What 2olume of 0.01 M so!ium h*!ro+i!e solution is re1uire! to neutralise 20 cm of a h*!rochloric aci! solution containing 0.6 g of h*!rogen chlori!e per 250 cm of solution# -he e1uation for the reaction is HCl(a1) ; NaOH(a1) NaCl(a1) ; H2O(l) Answer: 0.6 g of h*!rogen chlori!e per 250 cm of solution is e1ui2alent to 0.6 x ( g l&1 $ 2.32 g l&1 $ 2.32 , %.5 mol l&1 $ 0.00 mol l&1 .1 x M1 x n2 $ .2 x M2 x n1 20 x 0.00 x 1 $ .2 x 0.01 x 1 .2 $ 20 x 0.00 x 1 , (0.01 x 1) $ 1%0 cm of h*!rochloric aci! ; CO2(g)

Question 58 What 2olume of a 0.01 M so!ium carbonate solution is re1uire! to neutralise 25 cm of a solution containing 0.30 g l&1 of sulfuric aci!# -he e1uation for the reaction is H24O((a1) ; Na2CO (a1) Na24O((a1) ; H2O(l) Answer: Concentration of sulfuric aci! solution $ 0.30 g l&1 $ 0.30 , 30 mol l&1 $ 0.01 mol l&1 .1 x M1 x n2 $ .2 x M2 x n1 25 x 0.01 x 1 $ .2 x 0.01 x 1 .2 $ 25 x 0.01 x 1 , (0.01 x 1) $ 25 cm of so!ium carbonate solution Question 59 /n a titration7 25 cm of a 0.1 M so!ium h*!ro+i!e solution re1uire! 20 cm of a sulfuric aci! solution for complete neutralisation. Calculate (a) the number of moles of so!ium h*!ro+i!e consume! (b) the number of moles of sulfuric aci! consume! an! (c) the concentration of the sulfuric aci! solution in mol l&1. -he e1uation for the reaction is H24O((a1) ; 2NaOH(a1) Na24O((a1) ; 2H2O(l) Answer: (a) /n the titration7 25 cm of 0.1 M NaOH solution 5ere use!. 17000 cm of 0.1 M NaOH solution contains 0.1 moles. 25 cm of 0.1 M NaOH solution contains 0.1 X 25 , 17000 moles $ 0.0025 moles (b) -he e1uation for the reaction is H24O((a1) ; 2NaOH(a1) Na24O((a1) ; 2H2O(l) One mole of H24O( reacts 5ith t5o moles of NaOH. 0.0025,2 moles $ 0.00125 moles of H24O( react 5ith 0.0025 moles of NaOH. -he number of moles of sulfuric aci! consume! is 0.00125 moles. (c) /n 20 cm of the H24O( solution there are 0.00125 moles of H24O( /n 17000 cm of the H24O( solution there are 0.00125 X 17000 , 20 moles $ 0.0(5 moles Concentration of the H24O( solution $ 0.0(5 mol l&1 Question 60 4o!ium h*!rogencarbonate solution reacts 5ith h*!rochloric aci! solution accor!ing to the e1uation HCl(a1) ; NaHCO (a1) NaCl(a1) ; H2O(l) ; CO2(g) ; CO2(g)


/t 5as foun! that 25 cm of a solution containing 0.( g l&1 reacte! 5ith 26 cm of a solution of h*!rochloric aci!. Calculate the concentration of the h*!rochloric aci! solution in (a) mol l &1 (b) g l&1. Answer: (a) Concentration of so!ium h*!rogencarbonate solution $ 0.( g l&1 $ 0.( , 0( mol l&1 $ 0.1 mol l&1 .1 x M1 x n2 $ .2 x M2 x n1 26 x M1 x 1 $ 25 x 0.1 x 1 M1 $ 25 x 0.1 x 1 , (26 x 1) $ 0.03 mol l&1 (b) Concentration of h*!rochloric aci! solution $ 0.03 mol l&1 $ 0.03 x %.5 mol l&1 $ . 3 g l&1


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