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1. Peer Coaching How Peer Coaching can improve Teaching?

yg ni tak perlu akak cakapteks bawah ni bertujuan nak terangkan akak kenapa guna peer coaching.saya a a selitkan contoh yg kononnya pernah iamalkan i sekolah kita.

Teachers ten to teach in ways that they have !oun success!ul" with little !ee back !rom others. Teachers generally o what they think is best an silently bear their !eelings o! superiority or in!eriority. #t oesn$t have to be this way. %y !rien an # have embarke change on a peer&observation an mentoring process that has ra ically the way how we teach. 'ne o! the key issues !acing the teaching

pro!ession is how best to improve the (uality o! teaching an to provi e ways !or ongoing pro!essional evelopment. #n )**+" we starte this peer coaching program coinci ently when some o! %athematics an ,cience teachers nee to cooperate with teachers who are #CT literate to come out with a teaching ai s. -ue to lack o! teachers" we can assign more than 1 %athematics teachers to an #CT teacher. This epen s on the number o! teachers in school. This peer coaching is as same as Cooperative .earning. -uring the process" we learnt a lot an yes" sometimes there will be miscommunication an purposeo! misun erstan ing" but we have to un erstan the oing this is !or the bene!its o! our stu ents. /ot only will this peer

coaching help in improving our teaching but also it will bene!its our stu ents. 0e" have to un erstan an that it takes time to teach our colleagues the necessary

group skills an social skills that are nee e . Teachers nee to interact more o!ten iscuss on the metho an skills re(uire .

-uring the coaching process" # won ere to mysel!1 20here was # when this was all going on?3 # !elt le!t behin seeing all the new ga gets an high technologies. # !elt sha e .4ortunately" our peer process involves not just observation but mentoring. 5s a result" our 2 ebrie!ing3 session move starte !rom observer reports to suggestions. # # to !eell !ree to ask help to !eel better. 'ne team member suggeste

whenever # nee any. # !elt better an # know that is the purpose o! this program. # use the same helping"mentoring an gui e metho to my stu ents.'ne teacher a vise me to help the (uieter chil ren.#t oesn$t work at !irst" but slowly the stu ents began to show a i!!erence.

'bjectives The success o! this peer coaching allows me to i enti!y several objectives an aims o! this program. This peer coaching can act as a problem&solving vehicle" re uce isolation among teachers" create a !orum !or a ressing instructional problems an support an assisting new teachers in their practice. Peer coaching can bring about a better un erstan ing o! best practices" an better articulate curriculum. To me the most important part o! this peer coaching is that it is built upon trusting relationships that evelop between teachers. #t is base on mutually working together to improve teaching skills in or er to improve stu ent learning. Thank you.

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