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Profit loss
1) A construction company was paid a total of $500,000 for a construction project. The company s only costs for the project were for la!or and materials. "as the company s profit for the project #reater than 150,000$ %1) The company s total cost was three times its cost for materials. %&) The company s profit was #reater than its cost for la!or. &) 'artha !ou#ht an armchair and a coffee ta!le from an auction and sold !oth items at her store. (er #ross profit from the purchase and sale of the armchair was what percent #reater than the #ross profit from the purchase and sale of the coffee ta!le$ )tatement 1) 'artha paid 10 percent more for the armchair than the coffee ta!le. )tatement &) 'artha sold the armchair for &0 percent more than she sold the coffee ta!le.

3) During a one-day sale, a store sold each sweater of a certain type for $30 more than the store's cost to purchase each sweater. How many of these sweaters were sold during the sale? . During the sale, the total re!enue from the sweater of these sweaters was $"#0. ". During the $ale, the store sold each of these sweaters at a price that was %0& greater than the store's cost to purchase each sweater.
*) +n 1,,, -ompany ./s #ross profit is what percent of its re0enue$ %1) +n 1,,, -ompany ./s #ross profit was 113 of its e2penses %&) +n 1,,, -ompany ./s e2penses were 31* of its re0enue 5) +n 1,,, -ompany ./s #ross profit was what percent of its re0enue$ 13 +n 1,,, -ompany ./s #ross profit was 113 of its e2penses. &3 +n 1,,, -ompany ./s e2penses were 31* of its re0enue. 4) 5or each month of ne2t year, -ompany 6/s monthly re0enue tar#et is 2 dollars #reater than its monthly tar#et for the precedin# month. "hat is -ompany 6/s re0enue tar#et for 'arch of ne2t year$ 1 -o 6//s re0enue tar#et for 7ecem!er of ne22t year is $310,000. %&) -o 6/s re0enue tar#et for )eptem!er of ne2t year is $30,000 #reater than its re0enue tar#et for 8une of ne2t year.

9) 8uan !ou#ht some paper!ac: !oo:s that cost $; each and some hardco0er !oo:s that cost $&5 each. +f 8uan !ou#ht more than 10 paper!ac: !oo:s, how many hardco0er !oo:s did he !uy$ %1) The total cost of the hardco0er !oo:s that 8uan !ou#ht was atleast $150 %&) The total cost of all the !oo:s that 8uan !ou#ht was less than $&40 ;) A construction company was paid a total of $500,000 for a construction project. The company s only costs for the project were for la!or and materials. "as the company s profit for the project #reater than 150,000$ %1) The company s total cost was three times its cost for materials. %&) The company s profit was #reater than its cost for la!or. ,) 'ar: !ou#ht a set of 4 flower pots of different si<es at a total cost of ;.&5. =ach pot cost 0.&5 more than the ne2t one !elow in si<e. "hat is the cost of the lar#est pot$ 10) The cost of deli0ery for an order of des: chairs was $10.00 for the first chair, and additional $1.00 for each additional chair in order. +f an office mana#er placed and order for n des:, is n>&*$ 1) The deli0ery cost for the order totaled more than $30.00 &) The a0era#e %arithmetic mean) deli0ery cost per chair of the n chairs was $1.34 11) 7urin# a sale, a clothin# store sold each shirt at a price of $15 and each sweater at a price of $&5. 7id the store sell more sweaters than shirts durin# the sale$ %1) The a0era#e %aritmetic mean) of the prices of all the shirts and sweaters that the store sold durin# the sale was $&1. %&) The total of the prices of all the shirts and sweaters that the store sold durin# the sale was $*&0.

") During a one-day sale, a store sold each sweater of a certain type for $30 more than the store's cost to purchase each sweater. How many of these sweaters were sold during the sale? . During the sale, the total re!enue from the sweater of these sweaters was $"#0. ". During the $ale, the store sold each of these sweaters at a price that was %0& greater than the store's cost to purchase each sweater.
13) +n 1,,, -ompany ./s #ross profit is what percent of its re0enue$ %1) +n 1,,, -ompany ./s #ross profit was 113 of its e2penses %&) +n 1,,, -ompany ./s e2penses were 31* of its re0enue

1*) "arehouse "/s re0enue from the sale of sofas was what percenta#e #reater this year than it was last year$ 1) "arehouse " sold 10? more sofas this year than last. &) "arehouse "/s sellin# price per sofa was $30 #reater this year than last. 15) +f @o! produces 34 or fewer in a wee:, he is paid . dollars per item. +f @o! produces more than 34 items, he is paid . dollars per item for the first 34 items, and 31& times that amount for each additional item. (ow many items did @o! produce last wee:$ 1). Aast wee: @o! was paid total of $*;0 for the items that he produced that wee:. &). This wee: produced & items more than last wee: and was paid a total of $510 for the item that he produced this wee:. 14) @o!!y !ou#ht two shares of stoc:, which he sold for $,4 each. +f he had a profit of &0 percent on the sale of one of the shares !ut a loss of &0 percent on the sale of the other share, then on the sale of !oth shares com!ined @o!!y had a) a profit of $10 !) a profit of $; c) a loss of $; d) a loss of $10 e) neither a profit nor a loss 19) (enry purchased 3 items durin# a sale. (e recei0ed a &0 percent discount of the re#ular price of the most e2pensi0e item and a 10 percent discount off the re#ular price of the other & items. "as the total amount of the 3 discounts #reater than 15 percent of the sum of re#ular prices of the 3 items$ 1) The re#ular price of the most e2pensi0e item was $50, and the re#ular price of the ne2t most e2pensi0e item was $&0. &) The re#ular price of the least e2pensi0e item was $15 1;) At a certain supplier, a machine of type A costs $&0,000 and a machine of type @ costs $50,000. =ach machine can !e purchased !y ma:in# a &0 percent down payment and repayin# the remainder of the cost and the finance char#es o0er a period of time. +f the finance char#es are eBual to *0 percent of the remainder of the cost, how much less would & machines of type A cost than 1 machine of type @ under this arran#ement$ A. $10,000 @. $11,&00 -. $1&,000 7. $1&,;00 =. $13,&00

1,) At the !a:ery, Aew spent a total of $4.00 for one :ind of cupca:e and one :ind of dou#hnut. (ow many dou#hnuts did he !uy$ 1) The price of & dou#hnuts was $0.10 less than the price of 3 cupca:es. &) The a0era#e %arithmetic mean) price of 1 dou#hnut and 1 cupca:e was $0.35. &0) A store purchased &0 coats that each cost an eBual amount and then sold each of the &0 coats at an eBual price. "hat was the store/s #ross profit on the &0 coats$ 1) +f the sellin# price per coat had !een twice as much, the store/s #ross profit on thr &0 coats would ha0e !een $&,*00 &) +f the sellin# price per coat had !een $& more, the store/s #ross profit on the &0 coats would ha0e !een $**0

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