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Weighted averages,mixtures
1) I don't understand how statement 1 is sufficient - (i understand why 2 is sufficient). Can

you explain how knowing that this is a weighted a erage pro!lems helps in arri ing at a solution" # certain military ehicle can run on pure $uel %& pure $uel '& or any mixture of % and '. $uel % costs () per gallon* the ehicle can go 2+ miles on a gallon of $uel %. In contrast& $uel ' costs (, per gallon& !ut the ehicle can go -+ miles on a gallon of $uel '. .hat is the cost per gallon of the fuel mixture currently in the ehicle/s tank" 1) 0sing fuel currently in its tank& the ehicle !urned 1 gallons to co er 2++ miles. 2) 2he ehicle can co er 3 and 143 miles for e ery dollar of fuel currently in its tank/
2) 5uring a sale& a clothing store sold each shirt at a price of (1, and each sweater at a price

of (2,. 5id the store sell more sweaters than shirts during the sale" (1) 2he a erage (aritmetic mean) of the prices of all the shirts and sweaters that the store sold during the sale was (21. (2) 2he total of the prices of all the shirts and sweaters that the store sold during the sale was (-2+.
3) Each employee on a certain task force is either a manager or a director. What percent of the employees on the task force are directors. A) The average salary of the managers on the task force is 5, salary of all employees on the task force. !) The average salary of the directors on the task force is 15, average salary of all employees on the task force. less than the average

greater than the

") What fraction of this year#s grad$ating st$dents at a certain college are males% 1& of this year#s grad$ating st$dent, 33 ' of the males and 2 ' of females transferred from another college. 2& of this year#s grad$ating st$dents 25' transferred from another college. 5) What fraction of this year#s grad$ating st$dents at a certain college are males% a) (f this year#s grad$ating st$dents, 33 ' of the males and 2 ' of the females transfered from another college. )) (f this years#s gra$dating st$dents, 25 ' of transfered from another college.

*) A contractor com)ined + tons of a gravel mi+t$re that contained 1 ' gravel ,, )y -eight, -ith y tons of a mi+t$re that contained 2' gravel ,, )y -eight, to prod$ce . tons of a mi+t$re that -as 5' gravel ,, )y -eight. What is the val$e of +% 1. y / 1 2. . / 1* 0) each of the st$dents in a certain class received a single grade of 1, 2, or 3. -hat percent of the st$dents in the class -ere females% 1. of those -ho received a p, " ' -ere females 2. of those -ho received either an 3 or 3, 4 ' -ere males. 4) 5eed mi+t$re 6 is " percent ryegrass and * percent )l$egrass )y -eight7 seed mi+t$re 8 is 25 percent ryegrass and 05 percent fesc$e. 3f a mi+t$re of 6 and 8 contains 3 percent ryegrass, -hat percent of the -eight of this mi+t$re is 6 % 9A) 1 ' 9!) 33.33 ' 9:) " ' 9;) 5 ' 9E) **.** ' <) A certain shade of gray paint is o)tained )y mi+ing 3 parts of -hite paint -ith 5 parts of )lack paint. 3f 2 gallons of the mi+t$re is needed and the individ$al colors can )e p$rchased only in one&gallon or half& gallon cans, -hat is the least amo$nt of paint, in gallons, that m$st )e p$rchased in order to meas$re o$t the portions needed for the mi+t$re% 9A) 2 9!) 2.5 9:) 3 9;) 3.5 9E) " 1 ) =o- m$ch -ater 9in grams) sho$ld )e added to the 35'&sol$tion of acid to o)tain the 1 '&sol$tion% 1. There are 5 grams of the 35'&sol$tion 2. 3n the 35'&sol$tion the ratio of acid to -ater is 0>13 -hat is the )est -ay to approach mi+t$re pro)lems % 11) Are at least 1 ' of the people in :o$ntry 6 -ho are *5 years old or older employed% 91) 3n :o$ntry 6, 11' of the pop$lation is *5 years old or older. 92) 3n :o$ntry 6, of the pop$lation *5 years old or older, 2 ' of the men and 1 ' of the -omen are employed. 12) 6 grams of -ater -ere added to the 4 grams of a strong sol$tion of acid. As a res$lt, the concentration of acid in the sol$tion dropped )y 8 percent. What -as the

concentration of acid in the original sol$tion% 1. 6 / 4 2. 8 / 5 13) if 2 l) of a mi+t$re contain 4 ' h$sk and 2 'sand. Then ho- m$ch h$sk needs to )e e+tracted in order to have 05' concentration of =$sk% 1?" 2 ?3 1?2 " * 1") ra))it on a controlled diet is fed daily 3 grams of a mi+t$re of t-o foods, food 6 and food 8. 2ood 6 contains 1 percent protein and food 8 contains 15 percent protein. 3f the ra))it#s diet provides e+actly 34 grams of protein daily, ho- many grams of food 6 are in the mi+t$re% A) 1 !) 1" :) 15 ;) 1* E) 2 15) 5ol$tion 8 is 3 percent li@$id 6 and 0 percent -ater. 3f 2 kilograms of -ater evaporate from 4 kilograms of sol$tion 8 and 2 kilograms of sol$tion 8 are added to the remaining * kilograms of li@$id, -hat percent of this ne- sol$tion is li@$id 6% 9A) 3 ' 9!) 33 1?3' 9:) 30 1?2' 9;) " ' 9E) 5 ' 1*) Each piglet in a liiter is fed e+actly one&half po$nd of a mi+t$re of oats and )arley. The ratio of the amo$nt of )arley to that of oats varies from piglet to piglet, )$t each piglet is fed some of )oth grains. ho- many piglets are there in the litter% 1) 1iglet A -as fed e+actly 1?" of the oats today 2) 1iglet A -as fed e+actly 1?* of the )arley today 10) Aig$el is mi+ing $p a salad dressing. Begardless of the n$m)er of servings, the recipe re@$ires that 5?4 of the finished dressing mi+ )e olive oil, 1?" vinegar, and the remainder an even mi+t$re of salt, pepper and s$gar. 3f Aig$el accidentally do$)les the vinegar and forgets the s$gar altogether, -hat proportion of the )otched dressing -ill )e olive oil% 15?2< 5?4

5?1* 1?2 13?20 14) A certain type of concrete mi+t$re is to )e made of cement, sand and graved in a ratio 1>3>5 )y -eight. What is the greatest n$m)er of kilograms of this mi+t$re that can )e made -ith 5 kilograms of cement % 1. 13 1?2 2. 15 3. 25 ". " 5. "5 1<) 5ome of 5 '&intensity red paint is replaced -ith 25' sol$tion of red paint s$ch that the ne- paint intensity is 3 '. What fraction of the original paint -as replaced% 1?3 1?5 2?3 3?" "?5 2 ) Aaterial A costs C3 per kilogram, and material ! costs C5 per kilogram. 3f 1 kilograms of material D consists of + kilograms of material A and y kilograms of material !, is + E y% 91) y E " 92) The cost of the 1 kilograms of material D is less than C" . 21) =o- many liters of p$re alcohol m$st )e added to a 1 &liter sol$tion that is 2 percent alcohol in order to prod$ce a sol$tion that is 25 percent alcohol% 9A) 0?2 9!) 5 9:) 2 ?3 9;) 4 9E) 3<?" 22) T-o different sol$tions of alcohol -ith respective proportions of alcohol to -ater of 3>1 and 2>3 -ere com)ined. What is the concentration of alcohol in the ne- sol$tion if the first sol$tion -as " times the amo$nt of the second sol$tion% 23) 1 kg of a mi+t$re contains 3 ' sand and 0 ' clay. 3n order to make the mi+t$re contain e@$al @$antities of clay and sand. ho- m$ch of the mi+t$re is to )e removed and replaced -ith p$re sand%

2") T-o mi+t$res A and ! contain milk and -ater in the ratios 2>5 and 5>" respectively. =omany gallons of A m$st )e mi+ed -ith < gallons of ! so that the res$ltant mi+t$re contains " ' milk% 25) (ne fo$rth of a sol$tion that -as 1 percent s$gar )y -eight -as replaced )y a second sol$tion res$lting in a sol$tion that -as 1* percent s$gar )y -eight. The second sol$tion -as -hat percent s$gar )y -eight % 9A) 3"' 9!) 2"' 9:) 22' 9;) 14' 9E) 4.5' 2*) Three grades of milk are 1 percent, 2 percent and 3 percent fat )y vol$me. 3f + gallon of 1 percent grade, y gallon of 2 percent grade, and . gallon of 3 percent grade are mi+ed to give + F y F . gallons of 1.5 percent grade, -hat is + in terms of y and . % a. y F 3. ). 9yF. )? " c. 2y F 3. d. 3y F. e. 3y F ".5. 20) 2" l)s of coffee 1 and 25 l)s of coffee G are mi+ed to make coffee 6 and 8. The ratio of 1 to G in coffee 6 is " to 1, in 8 is 1 to 5. =o- m$ch of 1 is contained in the mi+t$re 6% 24) A shade of paint is made )y evenly mi+ing m gallons of -hite paint, costing C12 a gallon, -ith n gallons of )l$e paint, costing C3 . What is the cost, in dollars per gallon, of the res$lting mi+t$re% 12m F3 n "2912m F3 n) 912m F3 n) ? "2 912m F3 n) ? 9AF H) "29AF H) ? 912m F3 n) 2<) 5ome part of the 5 ' sol$tion of acid -as replaced -ith the e@$al amo$nt of 3 ' sol$tion of acid. As a res$lt, " ' sol$tion f acid -as o)tained. -hat part of the original sol$tion -as replaced% 1?5 1?" 1?2 3?" "?5 3 ) A portion of the 45' sol$tion of chemicals -as replaced -ith an e@$al amo$nt of 2 ' sol$tion of chemicals. As a res$lt, " ' sol$tion of chemicals res$lted. What part of the original sol$tion -as replaced%

31) A contractor com)ined + tons of gravel mi+t$re that cotained 1 percent gravel ,, )y -eight, -ith y tons of a mi+t$re that contained 2 percent gravel ,, )y -eight, to prod$ce . tons of a mist$re that -as 5 percent gravel ,, )y -eight. What is the val$e of 6% 1) y/1 2) ./1* 32) 3n a certain senior class, 02 percent of the male st$dents and 4 percent of the female st$dents have applied to college. What fraction of the st$dents in the senior class are male% 1) There are 4" st$dents in the senior class 2) 05 percent of the st$dents in the senior class have applied to college 33) According to the directions on a can of fro.en orange I$ice concentrate, 1 can of concentrate is to )e mi+ed -ith 3 cans of -ater to make orange I$ice. =o- many 12& o$nce cans of the concentrate are re@$ired to prepare 2 *&o$nce servings of orange I$ice% a)25 ))3" c)5 d)*0 e)1 3") a 3 ' alchol mi+t$re is added to a 5 ' alchol mi+t$re to form a 1 litre mi+t$re of "5' alchol. =o- m$ch of the 3 ' mi+t$re -as $sed% 35) There are t-o )ars of gold&silver alloy7 one piece has 2 part of gold to 3 parts of silver, and the other has 3 parts of gold to 0 parts of silver. 3f )oth )ars are melted into an 4 kg )ar -ith final ration of 5>11 of gold to silver, -hat -as the -eight of the first )ar% 1) 1 kg 2) 3 kg 3) 5 kg ") * kg 5) 0 kg 3*) !o) I$st filled his car#s gas tank -ith 2 gallons of gasohol, a mi+t$re consisting of 5' ethanol and <5' gasoline. 3f his car r$ns )est on a mi+t$re consisting of 1 ' ethanol and < ' gasoline, ho- many gallons of ethanol m$st he add into the gas tank for his car to achieve optim$m performance% a) <?1 )) 1 c) 1 ?< d) 2 ?1< e) 2

30) a mi+t$re of n$ts is to contain 3 parts cashe-s to * parts almonds to 0 parts -aln$ts )y -eight. =o- many po$nds of almonds -ill )e needed to make 5 po$nds of the mi+t$re% a.) 3?4 ).) 4?15 c.) *?5 d.) 5?3 e.) 15?4 34) Each employee on a certain task force is either a manager or a director. What percent of the employees on the task force are directors. A) The average salary of the managers on the task force is 5, salary of all employees on the task force. !) The average salary of the directors on the task force is 15, average salary of all employees on the task force. less than the average

greater than the

3<) A certain military vehicle can r$n on p$re 2$el 6, p$re 2$el 8, or any mi+t$re of 6 and 8. 2$el 6 costs C3 per gallon7 the vehicle can go 2 miles on a gallon of 2$el 6. 3n contrast, 2$el 8 costs C5 per gallon, )$t the vehicle can go " miles on a gallon of 2$el 8. What is the cost per gallon of the f$el mi+t$re c$rrently in the vehicleJs tank% 1) Ksing f$el c$rrently in its tank, the vehicle )$rned 4 gallons to cover 2 miles.

2) The vehicle can cover 0 and 1?0 miles for every dollar of f$el c$rrently in its tank " ) 5ome part of a 5 ' sol$tion of acid -as replaced -ith an e@$al amo$nt of 3 ' sol$tion of acid. 3f, as a res$lt, " ' sol$tion of acid -as o)tained, -hat part of the original sol$tion -as replaced% 1?5 1?" 1?2 3?" "?5 "1) A contractor com)ined + tons of a gravel mi+t$re that contained 1 ' gravel ,, )y -eight, -ith y tons of a mi+t$re that contained 2' gravel ,, )y -eight, to prod$ce . tons of a mi+t$re that -as 5' gravel ,, )y -eight. What is the val$e of +% 1. y / 1 2. . / 1* "2) Each employee on a certain task force is either a clerk or an e+ec$tive. -ht ' of employees on the task force are e+ec$tives%

91) Aean salary of clerks on the task force is 5 less than the mean salary of all employees 92) Aean salary of e+ec$tives on the task force is 15 more than the mean salary of all employees on the task force "3) on Iane#s credit card acco$nt, the average daily )alance for a 3 &day )illing cycle is the average of the daily )alances at the end of each of the 3 day. At the )eginning of a certain 3 &day )illing cycle, Lane#s credit card acco$nt had a )alance of C* . Lane made a payment of C3 on the acco$nt d$ring the )illing cycle. 3f no other amo$nts -ere added to or s$)tracted from the acco$nt d$ring the )illing cycle, -hat -as the average daily )alance on Lane#s acco$nt for the )illing cycle% 91) Lane#s payment -as credited on the 21st day of the )illing cycle. 92) Average daily )alance thro$gh the 25th day of the )illing cycle -as C"5 .

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