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Republic of the Philippines CONGRESS OF THE PHILIPPINES Metro Manila Fifteenth Congress Secon Regular Session !

egun an hel in Metro Manila" on Mon a#" the t$ent#%fifth a# of &ul#" t$o thousan ele'en( REP)!LIC *CT NO( +,+-. *N *CT /EFINING C0!ERCRIME" PRO1I/ING FOR THE PRE1ENTION" IN1ESTIG*TION" S)PPRESSION *N/ THE IMPOSITION OF PEN*LTIES THEREFOR *N/ FOR OTHER P)RPOSES !e it enacte b# the Senate an House of Representati'es of the Philippines in Congress asse2ble 3 CH*PTER I PRELIMIN*R0 PRO1ISIONS Section +( Title( This *ct shall be 4no$n as the 5C#bercri2e Pre'ention *ct of 6,+6789( Sec( 6( /eclaration of Polic#( The State recogni:es the 'ital role of infor2ation an co22unications in ustries such as content pro uction" teleco22unications" broa casting electronic co22erce" an ata processing" in the nations o'erall social an econo2ic e'elop2ent( The State also recogni:es the i2portance of pro'i ing an en'iron2ent con uci'e to the e'elop2ent" acceleration" an rational application an e;ploitation of infor2ation an co22unications technolog# <ICT= to attain free" eas#" an intelligible access to e;change an >or eli'er# of infor2ation? an the nee to protect an safeguar the integrit# of co2puter" co2puter an co22unications s#ste2s" net$or4s" an atabases" an the confi entialit#" integrit#" an a'ailabilit# of infor2ation an ata store therein" fro2 all for2s of 2isuse" abuse" an illegal access b# 2a4ing punishable un er the la$ such con uct or con ucts( In this light" the State shall a opt sufficient po$ers to effecti'el# pre'ent an co2bat such offenses b# facilitating their etection" in'estigation" an prosecution at both the o2estic an international le'els" an b# pro'i ing arrange2ents for fast an reliable international cooperation( Sec( @( /efinition of Ter2s( For purposes of this *ct" the follo$ing ter2s are hereb# efine as follo$s3 <a= *ccess refers to the instruction" co22unication $ith" storing ata in" retrie'ing ata fro2" or other$ise 2a4ing use of an# resources of a co2puter s#ste2 or co22unication net$or4(

<b= *lteration refers to the 2o ification or change" in for2 or substance" of an e;isting co2puter ata or progra2( <c= Co22unication refers to the trans2ission of infor2ation through ICT 2e ia" inclu ing 'oice" 'i eo an other for2s of ata( < = Co2puter refers to an electronic" 2agnetic" optical" electroche2ical" or other ata processing or co22unications e'ice" or grouping of such e'ices" capable of perfor2ing logical" arith2etic" routing" or storage functions an $hich inclu es an# storage facilit# or eAuip2ent or co22unications facilit# or eAuip2ent irectl# relate to or operating in conBunction $ith such e'ice( It co'ers an# t#pe of co2puter e'ice inclu ing e'ices $ith ata processing capabilities li4e 2obile phones" s2art phones" co2puter net$or4s an other e'ices connecte to the internet( <e= Co2puter ata refers to an# representation of facts" infor2ation" or concepts in a for2 suitable for processing in a co2puter s#ste2 inclu ing a progra2 suitable to cause a co2puter s#ste2 to perfor2 a function an inclu es electronic ocu2ents an >or electronic ata 2essages $hether store in local co2puter s#ste2s or online( <f= Co2puter progra2 refers to a set of instructions e;ecute b# the co2puter to achie'e inten e results( <g= Co2puter s#ste2 refers to an# e'ice or group of interconnecte or relate e'ices" one or 2ore of $hich" pursuant to a progra2" perfor2s auto2ate processing of ata( It co'ers an# t#pe of e'ice $ith ata processing capabilities inclu ing" but not li2ite to" co2puters an 2obile phones( The e'ice consisting of har $are an soft$are 2a# inclu e input" output an storage co2ponents $hich 2a# stan alone or be connecte in a net$or4 or other si2ilar e'ices( It also inclu es co2puter ata storage e'ices or 2e ia( <h= Cithout right refers to either3 <i= con uct un erta4en $ithout or in e;cess of authorit#? or <ii= con uct not co'ere b# establishe legal efenses" e;cuses" court or ers" Bustifications" or rele'ant principles un er the la$( <i= C#ber refers to a co2puter or a co2puter net$or4" the electronic 2e iu2 in $hich online co22unication ta4es place( <B= Critical infrastructure refers to the co2puter s#ste2s" an >or net$or4s" $hether ph#sical or 'irtual" an >or the co2puter progra2s" co2puter ata an >or traffic ata so 'ital to this countr# that the incapacit# or estruction of or interference $ith such s#ste2 an assets $oul ha'e a ebilitating i2pact on securit#" national or econo2ic securit#" national public health an safet#" or an# co2bination of those 2atters( <4= C#bersecurit# refers to the collection of tools" policies" ris4 2anage2ent approaches" actions" training" best practices" assurance an technologies that can be use to protect the c#ber en'iron2ent an organi:ation an users assets(

<l= /atabase refers to a representation of infor2ation" 4no$le ge" facts" concepts" or instructions $hich are being prepare " processe or store or ha'e been prepare " processe or store in a for2ali:e 2anner an $hich are inten e for use in a co2puter s#ste2( <2= Interception refers to listening to" recor ing" 2onitoring or sur'eillance of the content of co22unications" inclu ing procuring of the content of ata" either irectl#" through access an use of a co2puter s#ste2 or in irectl#" through the use of electronic ea'es ropping or tapping e'ices" at the sa2e ti2e that the co22unication is occurring( <n= Ser'ice pro'i er refers to3 <+= *n# public or pri'ate entit# that pro'i es to users of its ser'ice the abilit# to co22unicate b# 2eans of a co2puter s#ste2? an <6= *n# other entit# that processes or stores co2puter co22unication ser'ice or users of such ser'ice( ata on behalf of such

<o= Subscribers infor2ation refers to an# infor2ation containe in the for2 of co2puter ata or an# other for2 that is hel b# a ser'ice pro'i er" relating to subscribers of its ser'ices other than traffic or content ata an b# $hich i entit# can be establishe 3 <+= The t#pe of co22unication ser'ice use " the technical pro'isions ta4en thereto an the perio of ser'ice? <6= The subscribers i entit#" postal or geographic a ress" telephone an other access nu2bers" an# assigne net$or4 a ress" billing an pa#2ent infor2ation" a'ailable on the basis of the ser'ice agree2ent or arrange2ent? an <@= *n# other a'ailable infor2ation on the site of the installation of co22unication eAuip2ent" a'ailable on the basis of the ser'ice agree2ent or arrange2ent( <p= Traffic ata or non%content ata refers to an# co2puter ata other than the content of the co22unication inclu ing" but not li2ite to" the co22unications origin" estination" route" ti2e" ate" si:e" uration" or t#pe of un erl#ing ser'ice( CH*PTER II P)NISH*!LE *CTS Sec( D( C#bercri2e Offenses( The follo$ing acts constitute the offense of c#bercri2e punishable un er this *ct3 <a= Offenses against the confi entialit#" integrit# an a'ailabilit# of co2puter ata an s#ste2s3 <+= Illegal *ccess( The access to the $hole or an# part of a co2puter s#ste2 $ithout right(

<6= Illegal Interception( The interception 2a e b# technical 2eans $ithout right of an# non%public trans2ission of co2puter ata to" fro2" or $ithin a co2puter s#ste2 inclu ing electro2agnetic e2issions fro2 a co2puter s#ste2 carr#ing such co2puter ata( <@= /ata Interference( The intentional or rec4less alteration" a2aging" eletion or eterioration of co2puter ata" electronic ocu2ent" or electronic ata 2essage" $ithout right" inclu ing the intro uction or trans2ission of 'iruses( <D= S#ste2 Interference( The intentional alteration or rec4less hin ering or interference $ith the functioning of a co2puter or co2puter net$or4 b# inputting" trans2itting" a2aging" eleting" eteriorating" altering or suppressing co2puter ata or progra2" electronic ocu2ent" or electronic ata 2essage" $ithout right or authorit#" inclu ing the intro uction or trans2ission of 'iruses( <.= Misuse of /e'ices( <i= The use" pro uction" sale" procure2ent" i2portation" istribution" or other$ise 2a4ing a'ailable" $ithout right" of3 <aa= * e'ice" inclu ing a co2puter progra2" esigne or a apte pri2aril# for the purpose of co22itting an# of the offenses un er this *ct? or <bb= * co2puter pass$or " access co e" or si2ilar ata b# $hich the $hole or an# part of a co2puter s#ste2 is capable of being accesse $ith intent that it be use for the purpose of co22itting an# of the offenses un er this *ct( <ii= The possession of an ite2 referre to in paragraphs .<i=<aa= or <bb= abo'e $ith intent to use sai e'ices for the purpose of co22itting an# of the offenses un er this section( <E= C#ber%sAuatting( The acAuisition of a o2ain na2e o'er the internet in ba faith to profit" 2islea " estro# reputation" an epri'e others fro2 registering the sa2e" if such a o2ain na2e is3 <i= Si2ilar" i entical" or confusingl# si2ilar to an e;isting tra e2ar4 registere $ith the appropriate go'ern2ent agenc# at the ti2e of the o2ain na2e registration3 <ii= I entical or in an# $a# si2ilar $ith the na2e of a person other than the registrant" in case of a personal na2e? an <iii= *cAuire $ithout right or $ith intellectual propert# interests in it( <b= Co2puter%relate Offenses3 <+= Co2puter%relate Forger#( <i= The input" alteration" or eletion of an# co2puter ata $ithout right resulting in

inauthentic ata $ith the intent that it be consi ere or acte upon for legal purposes as if it $ere authentic" regar less $hether or not the ata is irectl# rea able an intelligible? or <ii= The act of 4no$ingl# using co2puter ata $hich is the pro uct of co2puter%relate forger# as efine herein" for the purpose of perpetuating a frau ulent or ishonest esign( <6= Co2puter%relate Frau ( The unauthori:e input" alteration" or eletion of co2puter ata or progra2 or interference in the functioning of a co2puter s#ste2" causing a2age thereb# $ith frau ulent intent3 Pro'i e " That if no a2age has #et been cause " the penalt# i2posable shall be one <+= egree lo$er( <@= Co2puter%relate I entit# Theft( The intentional acAuisition" use" 2isuse" transfer" possession" alteration or eletion of i entif#ing infor2ation belonging to another" $hether natural or Buri ical" $ithout right3 Pro'i e " That if no a2age has #et been cause " the penalt# i2posable shall be one <+= egree lo$er( <c= Content%relate Offenses3 <+= C#berse;( The $illful engage2ent" 2aintenance" control" or operation" irectl# or in irectl#" of an# lasci'ious e;hibition of se;ual organs or se;ual acti'it#" $ith the ai of a co2puter s#ste2" for fa'or or consi eration( <6= Chil Pornograph#( The unla$ful or prohibite acts efine an punishable b# Republic *ct No( F--. or the *nti%Chil Pornograph# *ct of 6,,F" co22itte through a co2puter s#ste23 Pro'i e " That the penalt# to be i2pose shall be <+= one egree higher than that pro'i e for in Republic *ct No( F--.( <@= )nsolicite Co22ercial Co22unications( The trans2ission of co22ercial electronic co22unication $ith the use of co2puter s#ste2 $hich see4 to a 'ertise" sell" or offer for sale pro ucts an ser'ices are prohibite unless3 <i= There is prior affir2ati'e consent fro2 the recipient? or <ii= The pri2ar# intent of the co22unication is for ser'ice an >or a 2inistrati'e announce2ents fro2 the sen er to its e;isting users" subscribers or custo2ers? or <iii= The follo$ing con itions are present3 <aa= The co22ercial electronic co22unication contains a si2ple" 'ali " an reliable $a# for the recipient to reBect( receipt of further co22ercial electronic 2essages <opt%out= fro2 the sa2e source? <bb= The co22ercial electronic co22unication oes not purposel# isguise the source of the electronic 2essage? an

<cc= The co22ercial electronic co22unication oes not purposel# inclu e 2islea ing infor2ation in an# part of the 2essage in or er to in uce the recipients to rea the 2essage( <D= Libel( The unla$ful or prohibite acts of libel as efine in *rticle @.. of the Re'ise Penal Co e" as a2en e " co22itte through a co2puter s#ste2 or an# other si2ilar 2eans $hich 2a# be e'ise in the future( Sec( .( Other Offenses( The follo$ing acts shall also constitute an offense3 <a= *i ing or *betting in the Co22ission of C#bercri2e( *n# person $ho $illfull# abets or ai s in the co22ission of an# of the offenses enu2erate in this *ct shall be hel liable( <b= *tte2pt in the Co22ission of C#bercri2e( *n# person $ho $illfull# atte2pts to co22it an# of the offenses enu2erate in this *ct shall be hel liable( Sec( E( *ll cri2es efine an penali:e b# the Re'ise Penal Co e" as a2en e " an special la$s" if co22itte b#" through an $ith the use of infor2ation an co22unications technologies shall be co'ere b# the rele'ant pro'isions of this *ct3 Pro'i e " That the penalt# to be i2pose shall be one <+= egree higher than that pro'i e for b# the Re'ise Penal Co e" as a2en e " an special la$s" as the case 2a# be( Sec( -( Liabilit# un er Other La$s( * prosecution un er this *ct shall be $ithout preBu ice to an# liabilit# for 'iolation of an# pro'ision of the Re'ise Penal Co e" as a2en e " or special la$s( CH*PTER III PEN*LTIES Sec( G( Penalties( *n# person foun guilt# of an# of the punishable acts enu2erate in Sections D<a= an D<b= of this *ct shall be punishe $ith i2prison2ent of prision 2a#or or a fine of at least T$o hun re thousan pesos <PhP6,,",,,(,,= up to a 2a;i2u2 a2ount co22ensurate to the a2age incurre or both( *n# person foun guilt# of the punishable act un er Section D<a=<.= shall be punishe $ith i2prison2ent of prision 2a#or or a fine of not 2ore than Fi'e hun re thousan pesos <PhP.,,",,,(,,= or both( If punishable acts in Section D<a= are co22itte against critical infrastructure" the penalt# of reclusion te2poral or a fine of at least Fi'e hun re thousan pesos <PhP.,,",,,(,,= up to 2a;i2u2 a2ount co22ensurate to the a2age incurre or both" shall be i2pose ( *n# person foun guilt# of an# of the punishable acts enu2erate in Section D<c=<+= of this *ct shall be punishe $ith i2prison2ent of prision 2a#or or a fine of at least T$o

hun re thousan pesos <PhP6,,",,,(,,= but not e;cee ing One 2illion pesos <PhPl",,,",,,(,,= or both( *n# person foun guilt# of an# of the punishable acts enu2erate in Section D<c=<6= of this *ct shall be punishe $ith the penalties as enu2erate in Republic *ct No( F--. or the 5*nti%Chil Pornograph# *ct of 6,,F7893 Pro'i e " That the penalt# to be i2pose shall be one <+= egree higher than that pro'i e for in Republic *ct No( F--." if co22itte through a co2puter s#ste2( *n# person foun guilt# of an# of the punishable acts enu2erate in Section D<c=<@= shall be punishe $ith i2prison2ent of arresto 2a#or or a fine of at least Fift# thousan pesos <PhP.,",,,(,,= but not e;cee ing T$o hun re fift# thousan pesos <PhP6.,",,,(,,= or both( *n# person foun guilt# of an# of the punishable acts enu2erate in Section . shall be punishe $ith i2prison2ent one <+= egree lo$er than that of the prescribe penalt# for the offense or a fine of at least One hun re thousan pesos <PhPl,,",,,(,,= but not e;cee ing Fi'e hun re thousan pesos <PhP.,,",,,(,,= or both( Sec( F( Corporate Liabilit#( Chen an# of the punishable acts herein efine are 4no$ingl# co22itte on behalf of or for the benefit of a Buri ical person" b# a natural person acting either in i'i uall# or as part of an organ of the Buri ical person" $ho has a lea ing position $ithin" base on3 <a= a po$er of representation of the Buri ical person pro'i e the act co22itte falls $ithin the scope of such authorit#? <b= an authorit# to ta4e ecisions on behalf of the Buri ical person3 Pro'i e " That the act co22itte falls $ithin the scope of such authorit#? or <c= an authorit# to e;ercise control $ithin the Buri ical person" the Buri ical person shall be hel liable for a fine eAui'alent to at least ouble the fines i2posable in Section - up to a 2a;i2u2 of Ten 2illion pesos <PhP+,",,,",,,(,,=( If the co22ission of an# of the punishable acts herein efine $as 2a e possible ue to the lac4 of super'ision or control b# a natural person referre to an escribe in the prece ing paragraph" for the benefit of that Buri ical person b# a natural person acting un er its authorit#" the Buri ical person shall be hel liable for a fine eAui'alent to at least ouble the fines i2posable in Section - up to a 2a;i2u2 of Fi'e 2illion pesos <PhP.",,,",,,(,,=( The liabilit# i2pose on the Buri ical person shall be $ithout preBu ice to the cri2inal liabilit# of the natural person $ho has co22itte the offense( CH*PTER I1 ENFORCEMENT *N/ IMPLEMENT*TION Sec( +,( La$ Enforce2ent *uthorities( The National !ureau of In'estigation <N!I= an the Philippine National Police <PNP= shall be responsible for the efficient an effecti'e

la$ enforce2ent of the pro'isions of this *ct( The N!I an the PNP shall organi:e a c#bercri2e unit or center 2anne b# special in'estigators to e;clusi'el# han le cases in'ol'ing 'iolations of this *ct( Sec( ++( /uties of La$ Enforce2ent *uthorities( To ensure that the technical nature of c#bercri2e an its pre'ention is gi'en focus an consi ering the proce ures in'ol'e for international cooperation" la$ enforce2ent authorities specificall# the co2puter or technolog# cri2e i'isions or units responsible for the in'estigation of c#bercri2es are reAuire to sub2it ti2el# an regular reports inclu ing pre%operation" post%operation an in'estigation results an such other ocu2ents as 2a# be reAuire to the /epart2ent of &ustice </O&= for re'ie$ an 2onitoring( Sec( +6( Real%Ti2e Collection of Traffic /ata( La$ enforce2ent authorities" $ith ue cause" shall be authori:e to collect or recor b# technical or electronic 2eans traffic ata in real%ti2e associate $ith specifie co22unications trans2itte b# 2eans of a co2puter s#ste2( Traffic ata refer onl# to the co22unications origin" estination" route" ti2e" ate" si:e" uration" or t#pe of un erl#ing ser'ice" but not content" nor i entities( *ll other ata to be collecte or sei:e or isclose $ill reAuire a court $arrant( Ser'ice pro'i ers are reAuire to cooperate an assist la$ enforce2ent authorities in the collection or recor ing of the abo'e%state infor2ation( The court $arrant reAuire un er this section shall onl# be issue or grante upon $ritten application an the e;a2ination un er oath or affir2ation of the applicant an the $itnesses he 2a# pro uce an the sho$ing3 <+= that there are reasonable groun s to belie'e that an# of the cri2es enu2erate hereinabo'e has been co22itte " or is being co22itte " or is about to be co22itte 3 <6= that there are reasonable groun s to belie'e that e'i ence that $ill be obtaine is essential to the con'iction of an# person for" or to the solution of" or to the pre'ention of" an# such cri2es? an <@= that there are no other 2eans rea il# a'ailable for obtaining such e'i ence( Sec( +@( Preser'ation of Co2puter /ata( The integrit# of traffic ata an subscriber infor2ation relating to co22unication ser'ices pro'i e b# a ser'ice pro'i er shall be preser'e for a 2ini2u2 perio of si; <E= 2onths fro2 the ate of the transaction( Content ata shall be si2ilarl# preser'e for si; <E= 2onths fro2 the ate of receipt of the or er fro2 la$ enforce2ent authorities reAuiring its preser'ation( La$ enforce2ent authorities 2a# or er a one%ti2e e;tension for another si; <E= 2onths3 Pro'i e " That once co2puter ata preser'e " trans2itte or store b# a ser'ice pro'i er is use as e'i ence in a case" the 2ere furnishing to such ser'ice pro'i er of the trans2ittal ocu2ent to the Office of the Prosecutor shall be ee2e a notification to preser'e the co2puter ata until the ter2ination of the case(

The ser'ice pro'i er or ere to preser'e co2puter ata shall 4eep confi ential the or er an its co2pliance( Sec( +D( /isclosure of Co2puter /ata( La$ enforce2ent authorities" upon securing a court $arrant" shall issue an or er reAuiring an# person or ser'ice pro'i er to isclose or sub2it subscribers infor2ation" traffic ata or rele'ant ata in his>its possession or control $ithin se'ent#%t$o <-6= hours fro2 receipt of the or er in relation to a 'ali co2plaint officiall# oc4ete an assigne for in'estigation an the isclosure is necessar# an rele'ant for the purpose of in'estigation( Sec( +.( Search" Sei:ure an E;a2ination of Co2puter /ata( Chere a search an sei:ure $arrant is properl# issue " the la$ enforce2ent authorities shall li4e$ise ha'e the follo$ing po$ers an uties( Cithin the ti2e perio specifie in the $arrant" to con uct interception" as efine in this *ct" an 3 <a= To secure a co2puter s#ste2 or a co2puter ata storage 2e iu2? <b= To 2a4e an retain a cop# of those co2puter ata secure ? <c= To 2aintain the integrit# of the rele'ant store co2puter ata? < = To con uct forensic anal#sis or e;a2ination of the co2puter ata storage 2e iu2? an <e= To ren er inaccessible or re2o'e those co2puter ata in the accesse co2puter or co2puter an co22unications net$or4( Pursuant thereof" the la$ enforce2ent authorities 2a# or er an# person $ho has 4no$le ge about the functioning of the co2puter s#ste2 an the 2easures to protect an preser'e the co2puter ata therein to pro'i e" as is reasonable" the necessar# infor2ation" to enable the un erta4ing of the search" sei:ure an e;a2ination( La$ enforce2ent authorities 2a# reAuest for an e;tension of ti2e to co2plete the e;a2ination of the co2puter ata storage 2e iu2 an to 2a4e a return thereon but in no case for a perio longer than thirt# <@,= a#s fro2 ate of appro'al b# the court( Sec( +E( Custo # of Co2puter /ata( *ll co2puter ata" inclu ing content an traffic ata" e;a2ine un er a proper $arrant shall" $ithin fort#%eight <DG= hours after the e;piration of the perio fi;e therein" be eposite $ith the court in a seale pac4age" an shall be acco2panie b# an affi a'it of the la$ enforce2ent authorit# e;ecuting it stating the ates an ti2es co'ere b# the e;a2ination" an the la$ enforce2ent authorit# $ho 2a# access the eposit" a2ong other rele'ant ata( The la$ enforce2ent authorit# shall also certif# that no uplicates or copies of the $hole or an# part thereof ha'e been 2a e" or if 2a e" that all such uplicates or copies are inclu e in the pac4age eposite $ith the

court( The pac4age so eposite shall not be opene " or the recor ings repla#e " or use in e'i ence" or then contents re'eale " e;cept upon or er of the court" $hich shall not be grante e;cept upon 2otion" $ith ue notice an opportunit# to be hear to the person or persons $hose con'ersation or co22unications ha'e been recor e ( Sec( +-( /estruction of Co2puter /ata( )pon e;piration of the perio s as pro'i e in Sections +@ an +." ser'ice pro'i ers an la$ enforce2ent authorities" as the case 2a# be" shall i22e iatel# an co2pletel# estro# the co2puter ata subBect of a preser'ation an e;a2ination( Sec( +G( E;clusionar# Rule( *n# e'i ence procure $ithout a 'ali $arrant or be#on the authorit# of the sa2e shall be ina 2issible for an# procee ing before an# court or tribunal( Sec( +F( Restricting or !loc4ing *ccess to Co2puter /ata( Chen a co2puter ata is pri2a facie foun to be in 'iolation of the pro'isions of this *ct" the /O& shall issue an or er to restrict or bloc4 access to such co2puter ata( Sec( 6,( Nonco2pliance( Failure to co2pl# $ith the pro'isions of Chapter I1 hereof specificall# the or ers fro2 la$ enforce2ent authorities shall be punishe as a 'iolation of Presi ential /ecree No( +G6F $ith i2prison2ent of prision correctional in its 2a;i2u2 perio or a fine of One hun re thousan pesos <Php+,,",,,(,,= or both" for each an e'er# nonco2pliance $ith an or er issue b# la$ enforce2ent authorities( CH*PTER 1 &)RIS/ICTION Sec( 6+( &uris iction( The Regional Trial Court shall ha'e Buris iction o'er an# 'iolation of the pro'isions of this *ct( inclu ing an# 'iolation co22itte b# a Filipino national regar less of the place of co22ission( &uris iction shall lie if an# of the ele2ents $as co22itte $ithin the Philippines or co22itte $ith the use of an# co2puter s#ste2 $holl# or partl# situate in the countr#" or $hen b# such co22ission an# a2age is cause to a natural or Buri ical person $ho" at the ti2e the offense $as co22itte " $as in the Philippines( There shall be esignate special c#bercri2e courts 2anne b# speciall# traine Bu ges to han le c#bercri2e cases( CH*PTER 1I INTERN*TION*L COOPER*TION Sec( 66( General Principles Relating to International Cooperation( *ll rele'ant international instru2ents on international cooperation in cri2inal 2atters" arrange2ents agree on the basis of unifor2 or reciprocal legislation" an o2estic la$s" to the $i est e;tent possible for the purposes of in'estigations or procee ings concerning cri2inal

offenses relate to co2puter s#ste2s an ata" or for the collection of e'i ence in electronic for2 of a cri2inal" offense shall be gi'en full force an effect( CH*PTER 1II COMPETENT *)THORITIES Sec( 6@( /epart2ent of &ustice </O&=( There is hereb# create an Office of C#bercri2e $ithin the /O& esignate as the central authorit# in all 2atters relate to international 2utual assistance an e;tra ition( Sec( 6D( C#bercri2e In'estigation an Coor inating Center( There is hereb# create " $ithin thirt# <@,= a#s fro2 the effecti'it# of this *ct" an inter%agenc# bo # to be 4no$n as the C#bercri2e In'estigation an Coor inating Center <CICC=" un er the a 2inistrati'e super'ision of the Office of the Presi ent" for polic# coor ination a2ong concerne agencies an for the for2ulation an enforce2ent of the national c#bersecurit# plan( Sec( 6.( Co2position( The CICC shall be hea e b# the E;ecuti'e /irector of the Infor2ation an Co22unications Technolog# Office un er the /epart2ent of Science an Technolog# <ICTO%/OST= as Chairperson $ith the /irector of the N!I as 1ice Chairperson? the Chief of the PNP? Hea of the /O& Office of C#bercri2e? an one <+= representati'e fro2 the pri'ate sector an aca e2e" as 2e2bers( The CICC shall be 2anne b# a secretariat of selecte e;isting personnel an representati'es fro2 the ifferent participating agencies( Sec( 6E( Po$ers an Functions( The CICC shall ha'e the follo$ing po$ers an functions3 <a= To for2ulate a national c#bersecurit# plan an e;ten i22e iate assistance for the suppression of real%ti2e co22ission of c#bercri2e offenses through a co2puter e2ergenc# response tea2 <CERT=? <b= To coor inate the preparation of appropriate an effecti'e 2easures to pre'ent an suppress c#bercri2e acti'ities as pro'i e for in this *ct? <c= To 2onitor c#bercri2e cases being ban ie b# participating la$ enforce2ent an prosecution agencies? < = To facilitate international cooperation on intelligence" in'estigations" training an capacit# buil ing relate to c#bercri2e pre'ention" suppression an prosecution? <e= To coor inate the support an participation of the business sector" local go'ern2ent units an nongo'ern2ent organi:ations in c#bercri2e pre'ention progra2s an other relate proBects? <f= To reco22en the enact2ent of appropriate la$s" issuances" 2easures an policies?

<g= To call upon an# go'ern2ent agenc# to ren er assistance in the acco2plish2ent of the CICCs 2an ate tas4s an functions? an <h= To perfor2 all other 2atters relate to c#bercri2e pre'ention an suppression" inclu ing capacit# buil ing an such other functions an uties as 2a# be necessar# for the proper i2ple2entation of this *ct( CH*PTER 1III FIN*L PRO1ISIONS Sec( 6-( *ppropriations( The a2ount of Fift# 2illion pesos <PhP.,",,,",,,H,,= shall be appropriate annuall# for the i2ple2entation of this *ct( Sec( 6G( I2ple2enting Rules an Regulations( The ICTO%/OST" the /O& an the /epart2ent of the Interior an Local Go'ern2ent </ILG= shall Bointl# for2ulate the necessar# rules an regulations $ithin ninet# <F,= a#s fro2 appro'al of this *ct" for its effecti'e i2ple2entation( Sec( 6F( Separabilit# Clause If an# pro'ision of this *ct is hel pro'isions not affecte shall re2ain in full force an effect( in'ali " the other

Sec( @,( Repealing Clause( *ll la$s" ecrees or rules inconsistent $ith this *ct are hereb# repeale or 2o ifie accor ingl#( Section @@<a= of Republic *ct No( G-F6 or the 5Electronic Co22erce *ct5 is hereb# 2o ifie accor ingl#( Sec( @+( Effecti'it#( This *ct shall ta4e effect fifteen <+.= a#s after the co2pletion of its publication in the Official Ga:ette or in at least t$o <6= ne$spapers of general circulation( *ppro'e 3 <Sg (= FELICI*NO !ELMONTE &R( Spea4er of the House of Representati'es <Sg (= &)*N PONCE ENRILE Presi ent of the Senate

This *ct $hich is a consoli ation of Senate !ill No( 6-FE an House !ill No( .G,G $as finall# passe b# the Senate an the House of Representati'es on &une ." 6,+6 an &une D" 6,+6" respecti'el#(

<Sg (= M*RIL0N !( !*R)*%0*P Secretar# General House of Representati'es *ppro'e 3 SEP +6 6,+6

<Sg (= EMM* LIRIO%RE0ES Secretar# of Senate

<Sg (= !ENIGNO S( *I)INO III Presi ent of the Philippines

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