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Is Ukraine Crisis A Bankster Psy-Op? March 19, 2014 by Bob Livingston 117 11 3 206 Is Ukraine Crisis A Bankster Psy-Op?

UPI Following the referendum on independence for Crimea, Ukrainians rallied for peac e outside the parliament building in Kiev. The goals of the ruling elite never change in thousands of years. They always de spise the millions of people they rule over, and even those they don't. Though they rule with outward pomp and circumstance, inwardly they are raving wol ves. They have no empathy for human beings. They think nothing of killing 10 mill ion people in phony wars under the pretense of patriotism. Our Brandon Smith did an excellent job in his column Ukraine Crisis: Just Anothe r Globalist-Engineered Powder Keg, explaining how the globalists and banksters h ave been fomenting crisis in Ukraine for years and how they played both sides ag ainst the middle in other major conflicts. Further proof can be found in the res ult of the orchestrated coup. Elected Ukrainian pro-Russia President Viktor Yanukovych was ousted after he rej ected the International Monetary Fund's demands to raise taxes and devalue the cur rency. So the U.S. and the EU installed central banker and hand puppet Arseniy Ya ts Yatsenyuk. A Forbes article described Yats as the kind of technocrat you want i f you want austerity, with the veneer of professionalism. He's the type of guy who can hobnob with the European elite. A Mario Monti type: unelected and willing t o do the IMFs bidding. In the wee hours of the morning of March 2, the U.S. took possession of Ukraine's $1.8 billion (estimated value) gold reserves. That's partial payback for the $5 bi llion the U.S. invested in dragging Ukraine toward the EU. It's also gold the U.S. can pass on to Germany, which has been seeking to have its gold supposedly held by the Federal Reserve returned. Recall that after the U.S. sacked Iraq to overthrow a dictator, free its people and find weapons of mass destruction, it confiscated that country's gold reserves. T he U.S. then abandoned Iraq and left it to fall apart into chaos and anarchy and terror bombings. It treated Libya even worse. In order to help the Libyan people, President Barack Obama used NATO to bomb whole cities. It sacked Libya's gold reserves (150 tonnes, estimated) and disappeared, leaving the country ruled by gangs and al-Qaida-rel ated terrorists. But Moammar Gadhafi had to be overthrown not because he was a dictator, but beca use he planned to quit selling oil in U.S. dollars. President Barack Obama responded to Russia's support of Crimean secession with san ctions, seeking to hold accountable individuals who use their resources or influe nce to support or act on behalf of senior Russian government officials. Yet those sanctions, according to a report, affect only those who are Russian Pr esident Vladimir Putin's domestic rivals. It's becoming increasingly obvious that the Ukraine situation is an orchestrated c risis. It's directed history orchestrated by the globalists. Ukrainians will likel

y end up like Iraqis and Libyans, destitute and living in a lawless society. Putin and Obama are merely pieces on the globalist chessboard. Empires and wars throughout history have been built and fomented upon myths and deception. Readers comments: John Henry an hour ago Ford, Swiss banks, the Rothschilds and others supported Adolph Hitler in his co nquest. The Bilderbergs, The Trilaterals, The Council of Rome, The Illuminati are made o f rich powerful people whos goal is One World Government. WW2 was a part of the plan, so what would make you think that Obama, and Putin are not a part of the plan as well? The have and will invest money that will murder millions of people, why would th ey care? They will never be touched, no harm will ever come to their families, a nd they will only amass more riches. But what good does it do for a man to amass great wealth gain power over the who le world and loose his own soul? 1 Reply Share Avatar John Rountree 4 hours ago Money is such a useful thing that there is an element of it in everything. It is a small mind that attributes every movement and happening to money; in my mind it is like damning oxygen, and it only confuses and oversimplifies any matter. 1 Reply Share Avatar Bob Livingston Moderator John Rountree 28 minutes ago Dear John Rountree, You write: "It is a small mind that attributes every movement and happening to money" Ad hominem. Please regale us with your explanation. Best wishes, Bob 1 Reply

Share Avatar Stuart Shepherd John Rountree an hour ago Very profound observation. I was about to say something similar, but without the "small mind" part- perhaps just overly focused on one aspect of multi-facto rial issues (and EVERYTHING is multi-factorial!). I dont believe Obama is cleve r enough or even acts in the PERCEIVED interest of the US enough to "But Moammar Gadhafi had to be overthrown not because he was a dictator, but because he plan ned to quit selling oil in U.S. dollars." He is a smooth talking, lying fraud po litician/used car salesman who had to do SOMETHING in Libya to save face. He IS devious, but more in both a corrupt and personal constitutional type of way than full blown sinister (although he definitely favors the muslim brotherhood). Rel ative to the founding values of america, he is just a complete and utter anal or ifice and does not possess the sly intelligence to steal gold under false preten ses. He overthrew Libya to "save face" and for political reasons here at "home, like he does everything else. Putin definitely falls into the same category as Obama- smooth-talking polit ician/power salesman- but he is MORE INTELLIGENT and less self-absorbed and real ity-blinders wearing than Obama. That is not to say that the influence of MONEY did not play a part in all this or in everything- only that it might not be as C ONSCIOUS as this article implies. Reply Share Avatar 1baronrichsnot1 4 hours ago Lets hear it for the globalist money changers! Fractional banks fed by the prin ters of fiat, financing both sides of a war, with printed money on pieces of lin en, backed by nothing! The more they "finance", the more interest they make on t heir fiat, the soldier in the field knows nothing except to fight and die as tol d by their pawns! Yep a psy-op (scam) to enslave people anywhere in the world! T he bosses are the world money changers, they run and rule through bought and pai d for pawns in politics. Shifting the cost to the labor and backs of the taxpayi ng citizens of every country involved in any war they can instigate. World banki ng, and IMF, World bank, import export bank, etc. is the globalist interference mechanism, the UN and NATO is the teeth, designed to rule and set agenda! 2 Reply Share Avatar dan 5 hours ago Putin liked Crimea and got to keep Crimea...the NWO banksters liked the gold and will keep the gold....flexable Barry got bent and the Eukranians got played... happy,happy ,happy 1 Reply Share -

Avatar Don 2 dan 2 hours ago Vladimir Putin did not read Barack Obama's soul. He just read Obama's resume and knew he could take him. 2 Reply Share Avatar elmcqueen3 6 hours ago Its called the Crimea Ukrainian Spring...Engineered by the global elitist..Who failed to secure Crimea from being annexed by the Russians...Putin outsmarted th e New World Order...He will pay dearly for this intrusion...John Kerry will do t he bidding of the NWO... Aided by the strong arm of the NWO...NATO! 2 Reply Share -

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