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Overview of steps in this article are 1. 2. $. %. -. 0. 1. 3. 9. 1=. 11. 12. 1$. 1%. 1-.

Create table which will provide data for Bursting Report Create a report name XX_MA A!"R#.rdf Run the report in preview mode in reports designer Add user parameters to this report and &'( to )AR_'*(+reports+,# Register this report as concurrent program of XM/ Add this report to Receivables group Run this report and save the 2ml file as 22_manager_output.2ml 4ownload 5 install XM/ (ublisher des6top software latest version7as .et8 :mport 22_manager_output.2ml in M# ;ord< and create default la.out #ave the default la.out as rtf file MA A!"R_XM/_'"M(/A'".rtf (review the report output within M# ;ord using XM/( (review option 4efine data definition for the XM/( Report (repare a simple bursting file< with help of XM/ 22_manager_output.2ml ,pload the bursting control file to data definition Create XM/( 'emplate XX_MA A!"R#< and upload MA A!"R_XM/_'"M(/A'".rtf to this template.


Create pl+s>l procedure 22_submit_bursting in apps schema< that submits fnd_re>uest for X4*B,R#'R"(< with debug parameter? @


Call X4*B,R#'R"( from After report trigger< passing it current re>uest_id


"nsure that srw.user_e2itAB& 4 #R;: :'BC has been called from before report trigger

19. 2=.

&'( the XX_MA A!"R#.rdf againt to )AR_'*(+reports+,# Run the report< and .ou will see the Bursted *utput in mailbo2.

Ensure that you have the desired patches, as per your EBS Level, as mentioned in Prasad's article. select application_short_name, bu _number, to_char!creation_date,'""# $O%#&&&& ''()*$+*SS', dated from apps.ad_bu s where bu _number - './01120'3

4un the below in non#apps schema 5but for demo + am usin 6PPS7 DDCreate the tables as below create table 22_managers A manager_no integer< manager_name varchar2A2==C C E insert into 22_managers A manager_no< manager_name C values A 1===< BAnil (assiBC E insert into 22_managers A manager_no< manager_name C values A 1==1< BMartinBC E commitE

DDadd email address column to the table

commitE %ote*# 'o each record in the table< we will Burst the output via "mail. (lease note< the intention is Fust to show the steps< and not necessar. the brea6down of data structure. Gence onl. a simple single repeating frame based la.out is being used. :n control file .ou need to specif. the level at which data should be bro6en down while bursting.

8reate a new report as shown below, and name it 99_$6%6:E4S

Add the user parameters7i.e. (_C* C_R"H,"#'_:4< (_R"#(* #:B:/:'@_:4< (_,#"R_:48 as shown above.

Preview the report in reports builder itself, by runnin the same in 4eports Builder

;<P 99_$6%6:E4S.rdf to =64_<OP>reports>?S #ill. it is< but for demo : will use standard Application 7forgive me< but : am ma6ing it easier for .ou to run the source code8.

8reate 8oncurrent pro ram e@ecutable for 9$LP report, as if it is a normal


Create a concurrent program for the e2ecutable. ote that : have 6ept the shortname and the program name both as XX_MA A!"R#. +$PO4<6%<*# ote that format is XM/

4e ister this pro ram with 4eceivables reAuest roup. ow< ma6e the report available to default re>uest set of IReceivables ManagerJ responsibilit.. 4"C/AR" B"!: fnd_program.add_to_groupAprogram_short_name ?K BXX_MA A!"R#B <program_application ?K BARB <re>uest_group ?K BReceivables AllB <group_application ?K BARBCE C*MM:'E "XC"(':* ;G" *'G"R# 'G" dbms_output.put_lineAB*bFect alread. e2istsBCE

" 4E +

Lo in to receivables $ana er, and 4un the report from Submit 4eAuest window< as a concurrent program submission. *utput will appear as shown below

+$PO4<6%< %O<E D #ave the above XM/ outpur as 22_manager_output.2ml on .our (C.

Ensure that you have installed the latest version of 9$L Publisher desBtop software,/in6+(atch4etails+process_formM patch_num?-331911

Open $S Cord, you will see the menuDs as shown

Load the @ml output of concurrent pro ram into 9$LP "esBtop tool

%ow, clicB on insert and clicB on <able>;orm

Cithin +nsert <able>;orm, as shown below, dra the List : $ana er %o to <emplate section

<he default Layout is created as below

&ou can preview the output as below from within $S Cord, usin 9$LP "esBtop Preview option

Preview is as shown below

ow< lets do the real bit in attaching the 8oncurrent Pro ram definition to 9$L Publisher. /ogon to responsibilit. IXM/ (ublisher AdministratorJ.

Clic6 on I4ata 4efinitionJ menu as aboveNso that we can create the XM/s source data 4efinition. "ffectivel. we are that output of the Concurrent program becomes the data definition for XM/(.

Lets create E"ata "efinitionF with the values in below fields ame L XX_MA A!"R# Application L Receivables Code L XX_MA A!"R# 7 oteL 'his is the short name of the Concurrent program8 #tart 4ate L /eave it to default #.sdate 8licB on E6pplyF

As soon as .ou create a 4ata 4efinition< .ou will then be presented with Bursting Control &ile option as shown below. 8licB on the button for uploadin Burstin 8ontrol ;ile

"nsure that a bursting file created as below has been uploaded #ample definition of bursting control file is

Ensure that temp directory is set, for this, navi ate to 6dministration in 9$L Publisher 6dministrator

:n this case< : am setting the 'emporar. director. to +tmp

Ensure that the 9$L <emplate file is there on the server. +t can be anywhere on server, we simply note down the path to use it in burstin control file.

:n the above e2ample< the R'& template file7MA A!"R_XM/_'"M(/A'".rtf8 is in +tmp Gence in bursting control file< we will mention the path +tmp+MA A!"R_XM/_'"M(/A'".rtf

GE4& +$PO4<6%< %O<ED :n real life< this rtf file will not be in +tmp director. :f .our concurrent managers run on 4B 'ier itself< then ensure that rtf template file has been &'(Oed to +tmp on 4B 'ier.

8reate template as below, by uploadin the rtf file durin template creation %ame L XX_MA A!"R# 7this is the name of the template8 8ode * XX_MA A!"R# 7short name of conc program8 6pplication L Receivables "ata "efinition L XX_MA A!"R# 7the one that we created in prior step 128 Start "ate L /eave this default. <ype L R'& Clic6 on browse and select the R'& file7MA A!"R_XM/_'"M(/A'".rtf8 that .ou had saved using M#D;ord+

Clic6 on Appl.< and .ou will get the below record.

@our template has now been created

4un the below procedure in 6PPS Schema CR"A'" *R R"(/AC" (R*C"4,R" 22_submit_burstingAp_re>uest_id : : '"!"RC A# n_re>uest_id B"!: n_re>uest_id L? fnd_re>uest.submit_re>uestABX4*B <BX4*B,R#'R"(B < ,// < ,// ,MB"RE

<&A/#" <p_re>uest_id <B@B CE " 4 22_submit_burstingE +

"nsure that the procedure has been created

Open report 99_$6%6:E4S in reports editor, and in the 6fter 4eport <ri B"!: 22_submit_burstingALp_conc_re>uest_idCE R"',R A'R,"CE " 4E er H Before 4eport <ri afterreport R"',R ers, write code below B**/"A :# &, C':*

&, C':* B"!:

beforereport R"',R

B**/"A :#

srw.user_e2itAB& 4 #R;: :'BCE R"',R A'R,"CE " 4E

e2t< ftp the file XX_MA A!"R#.rdf again to the )AR_'*(+reports+,#. 'his is so< because< now we are calling the bursting process from the After Report 'rigger

Run the XX_MA A!"R# as below< this will submit the Bursting process too.

: can now see the emails in m. inbo2< as below

&irst email is as shown below

#econd email is as shown below

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