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Bem Explicado

Centro de Explicaes Lda.

Ingls 8 Ano Teste Diagnstico

Nome: _________________________________________________ Data: ___/___/___

The importance of Radio
Radio plays a major role in many listeners lives. There are listeners that dont
know what they listen to and dont care much but most of the people talk about
their stations as if was a integral part of their everyday lives, even a close
friend. Radio is a source of companionship, energy and intellectual stimulation; at
the same time, its a source of relaxation and escape.
The results of a survey about the importance of Radio say that 21 per cent of
people consider radio absolutely essential; 70 per cent important in different
areas and only 9 per cent consider radio not at all important. Radio is especially
important to women.
Radio can also reach communities at the very end of developed road
people how lives in areas with no phone and no electricity. Radio reaches people
who cant read or write. Even in very poor communities, radio penetration is vast.
There are more than 800 million radios on third world countries. An average of one
in ten people has a radio. These people need practical information, they dont
have internet access, they dont have regular access to telephone, so the only
choice is radio.
So, we can agree with the statement: if we couldnt listen to radio, we could
feel something very important was missing from our life.

1. Are these statements true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false ones.
a) Most radio listeners dont care about what they listen to. ____
b) There are several advantages in listening to radio. ____
c) Twenty-three per cent of people consider radio extremely essential. ____
d) Radio plays an important role in poor countries. ____
e) Poor communities listen to radio to get informed. ____

2. Now answer the following questions.

a) What are the advantages in listening to the radio?
b) Who is radio particularly important to?
c) Where is it very important?
d) Why is the radio their only choice?
e) Do you like listening to the radio? Why / why not?

3. Match these words taken from the text with their equivalents or explanation.
a) Dont care

1. A thing from which something care

b) Integral

2. Usual

c) Source

3. Not worried

d) Relaxation)

4. Essential

e) Reach

5. A way of resting and enjoying yourself

f) Regular

6. Get to

4. On the right there are words related to newspapers and journalism. On the
left are the meaning of these words. Can you match the items on the left and


A person how writes for a paper

1. Headline


A newspaper with small pages, short articles as lots of photos.

2. quality paper


A newspaper with large pages and long, quite serious articles

3. editorial


A story in only one newspaper

4. tabloid


The title of a news story

5. journalist


The person who is in charge of a newspaper

6. article


An article which gives the opinion of the editor

7. exclusive story


A piece of writing in a newspaper

8. coverage


The way that a newspaper reports a story

9. editor

5. Match the correct programme names with the corresponding pictures.



Weather forecast

Love story

Science fiction film




Horror film


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