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Centre for Applied Chemistry

Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi

5 Year Integrated M. c. in Applied Chemistry !"#$# % $5 &atch'(Revised )etailed Co*rse tr*ct*re !Revised'

Centre for Applied Chemistry Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi 5 Year Integrated M. c. in Applied Chemistry !"#$# % $5 &atch'(Revised )etailed Co*rse tr*ct*re !Revised'
+M+ ,+R-I l n o 1 2 3 4 5 # ) * *&.e ct Code
Conta ct /o*rs per 0eek !12,2 3'
3+0+0 3+0+0 3+0+0 3+0+0 2+0+0 2+0+0 0+0+3 0+0+3

+M+ ,+R-II
Conta ct /o*rs per 0eek !12,2 3'
3+0+0 3+0+0 3+0+0 3+0+0 2+0+0 3+0+2 0+0+3



l no

*&.ec t Code


General Biology-I General Physics-I General Chemistry-I General Mathematics -I Humanities !ocial !ciences $n%ironmental !cience Physics "a(oratory-I Biology "a(oratory-I ,4,A1 CR+)I,

3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 ""

1 2 3 4 5 # )

General Biology-II General Physics-II General Mathematics-II General Chemistry-II "iterature Com&uter Programming 'ata !tructure "a(oratory Chemistry "a(oratory-I ,4,A1 CR+)I,

3 3 3 2 5 3 ""

+M+ ,+R-III l n o 1 2 3 4 5 *&.e ct Code

Conta ct /o*rs per 0eek !12,2 3'
3+1+0 3+1+0 3+1+0 3+1+0 0+0+3

+M+ ,+R-I5
Conta ct /o*rs per 0eek !12,2 3'
3+1+0 3+1+0 3+1+0 3+1+0 0+0+3



l no

*&.ec t Code


Mathematics +or chemistry -uantum Chemistry-I .rganic chemistry-I Inorganic chemistry-I Chemistry "a(oratory-II /.0G12IC3

4 4 4 4 3

1 2 3 4 5

!ymmetry Grou& ,heory !tatistical Mechanics Physical Chemistry-I Inorganic chemistry-II Chemistry "a(oratory-III /PH4!IC1"3

4 4 4 4 3



Chemistry "a(oratory-II /I2.0G12IC3 !3h,4,A1 CR+)I,


3 2 2

Materials $lectronics "a(oratory ,4,A1 CR+)I,


3 22

+M+ ,+R-5 !+lective papers only' C6C Conta *&.ect /can5i5ates ct may o&t +or any 4 l *&.e /o*rs &a&ers +loate5 (y the per n ct centre an5 other 2 0eek o Code &a&ers +rom other !12,2 centres6schools3 3' 1 2 3 4 5 #
1nalytical chemistry $n%ironmental Chemistry Materials chemistry Chemistry in e%ery5ay li+e 7ater &ollution an5 reme5iation Heterocyclic Chemistry ,4,A1 CR+)I, 3+1+0 3+1+0 3+1+0 3+1+0 3+1+0 3+1+0

+M+ ,+R-5I *&.e ct Code

Conta ct /o*rs per 0eek !12,2 3'
3+1+0 3+1+0 3+1+0 0+0+3 0+0+*


l no


4 4 4 4 4

1 2 3 4 5

Photochemistry 0eaction 'ynamics .rganic !&ectrosco&y .rganic Chemistry-II Biomolecular "a(oratory Pro8ect 9or:

4 4 4 3 * 23

2 4

,4,A1 CR+)I,

,otal credit!s' to &e earned till end of 7th semester 8 $95

+M+ ,+R-5II l n o *&.e ct Code
Conta ct /o*rs per 0eek !12,2 3'
3+1+0 3+1+0 3+1+0 3+1+0

+M+ ,+R-5III
Conta ct /o*rs per 0eek !12,2 3'
3+1+0 3+1+0 3+1+0 3+1+0



l no

*&.ec t Code


1 2 3 4

2anomaterials- !ynthesis; Characterisation Pro&erties .rganic Photochemistry molecular 0earrngements Coor5ination Mechanisms Magnetism In5ustrial Chemistry

4 4 4 4

1 2 3 4

+lectives: /131&&lie5 $lectrochemistry /232ano-Chemistry Green ,echnology Mo5ern ,echni<ues o+ 1nalytical Chemistry Catalysis its In5ustrial 1&&lication +lectives: /13 =rontiers o+ BioInorganic Bio-Mimetic Chemistry /23 In5ustrial .rganic Chemistry /33 0a5iation Chemistry

4 4 4 4



/43 2o%el synthetic strategy in organic chemistry

5 #

PG la(-I /1&&lie5 Inorganic Chemistry "a(3 PG la(-II /1&&lie5 .rganic Chemistry "a(3 ,4,A1 CR+)I,

3+1+0 0+0+4

4 4 2 4

5 #

PG la(-III /1&&lie5 Physical Chemistry "a(3 PG la(-I> /1&&lie5 In5ustrial Chemistry "a(3 ,4,A1 CR+)I,

0+0+* 0+0+*

4 4 24

+M+ ,+R-I;
Cont act /o*r s per 0ee k !12, 23'
3+1+ 0

+M+ ,+R-;
Conta ct /o*rs per 0eek !12,2 3'


l n o

*&.e ct Code


l no

*&.ec t Code


2 3 4 5 #

+lectives: /13Chemistry o+ 2atural Pro5ucts /23In5ustrial 0eactions 0earrangements +lectives: /1315%ance5 =uel ,echnology /23In5ustrial Materials Molecular !imulation Chem-In+ormatics Corrosion !cience PG la(-> /1&&lie5 In5ustrial Chemistry "a(3 P0.A$C,6!$MI210 ,4,A1 CR+)I,

?nit .&eration in Chemical In5ustry Pollution Control In5ustrial 7aste 7ater Management@


3+1+ 0 3+1+ 0 3+1+ 0 0+0+ *

4 4 4 4 4 2 4


Pro8ect 9or:; 'I!!$0,1,I.2 %oce



,4,A1 CR+)I,


,otal credit to &e earned till end of $#th semester 8 "9$


$st < "nd emester

+M+ ,+R-I l n o 1 2 3 4 5 # ) * *&.e ct Code

Conta ct /o*rs per 0eek !12,2 3'
3+1+0 3+1+0 3+0+0 2+0+4 3+0+0 3+1+0 0+0+4 0+0+4

+M+ ,+R-II
Conta ct /o*rs per 0eek !12,2 3'
3+1+0 3+1+0 3+1+0 3+1+0 3+0+2 0+0+2 0+0+4 0+0+4



l no

*&.ec t Code


Mathematics-I Intro5uctory &hysics-I Princi&le o+ chemistry-I =un5amental o+ Com&uter C &rogramming $n%ironmental stu5ies Intro5uctory (iology 1&&lie5 Chemistry la(-1 /common +or all3 1&&lie5 Physics la(-1 ,4,A1 CR+)I,

4 4 3 4 3 4 2 2 "7

1 2 3 4 5 # ) *

Mathematics-II Intro5uctory &hysics-II Princi&le o+ chemistry-II General Chemistry-I $nglish +or communication Biology la( 1&&lie5 Chemistry la(-2 /common +or all3 1&&lie5 Physics la(-2 ,4,A1 CR+)I,

4 4 4 4 2 2 2 "7


$st semester
=eneral Mathematics-I
0e%ie9 o+ limits; continuity; an5 5i++erentia(ility@ Mean %alue theorem; ,aylors ,heorem; MaBima an5 Minima@ 0iemann integrals; =un5amental theorem o+ Calculus; Im&ro&er integrals; a&&lications to area; %olume@Con%ergence o+ se<uences an5 series; &o9er series@ Partial 'eri%ati%es; gra5ient an5 5irectional 5eri%ati%es; chain rule; maBima an5 minima; "agrange multi&liers@ 'ou(le an5 ,ri&le integration; Aaco(ians an5 change o+ %aria(les +ormula@ ParametriCation o+ cur%es an5 sur+aces; %ector =iel5s; line an5 sur+ace integrals@ 'i%ergence an5 curl; ,heorems o+ Green; Gauss; an5 !to:es@ ,eBts60e+erences 1@ M@ '@ 7eir; A@ Hass an5 =@0@ Gior5anoD ,homasE Calculus; 11 th e5ition; Pearson; 200*@ 2@ ,@ M@ 1&ostol; Calculus; >olumes 1 an5 2; 2n5 e5ition; 7iley; 1F*0@ 3@ A@ !te9artD Calculus; 5th e5ition; ,homson; 2003@ 4. Differential Calculus by Shanti Narain 5@ Integral Calculus (y !hanti 2arain #@ 'i++erential $<uation (y 1@0@ =orsyth )@ Higher $ngineering Mathematics (y H@G@ 'ass *@ Higher $ngineering Mathematics (y B@!@ Gre9al

=eneral Chemistry I
,hermodynamics:- "a9s o+ thermo5ynamicsH Aoule-,hom&son $++ectH entro&y; HelmholtC an5 Gi((s +ree energies; MaB9ell 0elations; &artial molar <uantities; chemical &otential; Gi((s-'uhem e<uation@ Phase e<uili(riaD ,hermo5ynamic treatment o+ multi-com&onent #

systems@ ,he i5eal solution; %a&our-li<ui5 e<uili(rium; 0aoultEs la9; HenryEs la9; colligati%e &ro&erties@ 1tomic an5 molecular systems at +inite tem&eratures /MaB9ell-BoltCmann statistics3@ $<uili(rium constant an5 its relation 9ith +ree energy changes; %ariation o+ chemical e<uili(rium constant 9ith tem&erature an5 &ressure; %antE Ho++ e<uation; a&&lications o+ Gi((s-HelmholtC e<uation@ +lectrochemistryD- 1rrhenius theory o+ electrolytic 5issociationH Con5uctance o+ electrolytes in solutionH Ionic con5uctance; trans+erence num(er; a&&lications o+ con5uctance measurements@ Chemical Cells an5 $lectromoti%e =orceD ,y&es o+ $lectro5es an5 electro5e reactions; $lectro5e &otential; !tan5ar5 $lectro5e &otentials; $lectrochemical cells; $M= an5 chemical cell reactions@ =ree energy; enthal&y an5 entro&y changes o+ cell reactionsH Concentration cells 9ith an5 9ithout li<ui5 8unction; li<ui5 8unction &otential; salt (ri5ges; a&&lications o+ $M= measurements@ Chemical >inetics:- 0ate o+ reaction; rate constant; rate la9s +or +irst; secon5 an5 thir5 or5er reactions; re%ersi(le; &arallel an5 consecuti%e reactions; stea5y state a&&roBimation; tem&erature 5e&en5ence o+ conce&ts o+ transition rates o+ chemical reactions; Collision theory; <ualitati%e enCyme :inetics /Michaelis-Menten Recommended 6ooks e<uation3; state theory;

unimolecular reactions; an intro5uction to +ast reactions@

1. %.

Physical Chemistry, I. Levine, Tata McGra

!ill, "th #$n., %&&'.

Physical Chemistry ( ) M*lecular )++r*ach, D. ). Mc,uarrie an$ -. D.Sim*n, .niversity Science /**0s, 111'.

2. 4. ".

Physical Chemistry, G. M. /arr* , McGra

!ill, "th #$n., %&&'

Chemical 3inetics, 3. -. Lai$ler, 2r$ #$n., !ar+er an$ 4* , 115'. Physical Chemistry, 4. S. /erry, S. ). 4ice an$ -. 4*ss, 67f*r$ .niversity Press, %n$ #$iti*n, %&&&.


Chemical 3inetics( ) Stu$y *f 4eacti*n 4ates in S*luti*n, 3. ). C*nn*rs, 9C! Publicati*ns, 111&.

=eneral physics-I
>inetics: =orce; 2e9tonEs la9s o+ motion; =rames o+ re+erence; Momentum; Momentum o+ system o+ &articles; Conser%ation la9s; Center o+ mass; >aria(le mass system; Collision in la(oratory an5 Center o+ mass system an5 !cattering@ Rigid &ody motion: 0igi5 (o5y; Moment o+ inertia; 0igi5 (o5y :inematics; 0igi5 (o5y :inetics; Motion o+ gyrosco&e Mechanical properties of matter: Mo5ulus o+ rigi5ity; PoissonEs ratio; relation connecting 5i++erent elastic-constants; >iscosity; PoiseulleEs e<uation o+ li<ui5 +lo9 through a narro9 tu(e 4scillations and ?avesD !im&le harmonic oscillation; 5am&e5 harmonic oscillation an5 +orce5 oscillation; - +actor an5 resonance@ 'i++erential e<uation o+ one 5imensional 9a%e an5 its solution; re+lection an5 transmission o+ 9a%es@ Relativity: 1Bioms o+ relati%ity; "orentC trans+ormation; length contraction; time 5ilation; relati%istic mass energy relation; 'o&&ler e++ect@ Recommended &ooks $. ". 9. @. 5@ 7. Physics Part-ID 0esanic: an5 Halli5ay@ MechanicsD '@!@ Mathur@ Conce&t in Physics >ol@ ID H@C@ >erma@ MechanicsD 0@G@ !hu:la an5 1nchal !ri%asta%a@ 1n Intro5uction to MechanicsD '@ Gle&&ner an5 0@ Golen:o9 Mechanics /Ber:eley Physics course3 >ol@ 1D C@ Gittel; 7@ '@ Gnight; M@ 1@ 0u5erman an5 1@ C@ HelmholC.

+nvironmental t*dies
,he multi5isci&linary nature o+ en%ironmental stu5ies; 5e+inition; sco&e an5 im&ortance; nee5s +or &u(lic a9areness@

2atural resources; rene9a(le an5 non-rene9a(le resources; natural resources a5n associate5 &ro(lems; +orest resources; 9ater resources; mineral resources; +oo5 resources; energy resources; lan5 resources; e<uita(le use o+ resources +or sustaina(le li+e cycles@ $cosystems; conce&t o+ an ecosystem; structure an5 +unction o+ an ecosystem; &ro5ucers; consumers an5 5ecom&osers; energy +lo9 in the ecosystem; ecological succession; +oo5 chains; +oo5 9e(s an5 ecological &yrami5s; +orest ecosystem; grass lan5 ecosystem; 5esert ecosystem; a<uatic ecosystems /&on5s; la:es; streams; ri%ers; estuaries; oceans3@ Bio5i%ersity an5 its conser%ation; 5e+inition; genetic; s&ecies; ecosystem 5i%ersity; (iogeogra&hic classi+ication o+ In5ia; %alue o+ (io5i%ersity; In5ia as a mega 5i%ersity nation; hots&ots o+ (io5i%ersity; threats to (io5i%ersity; ha(itat loss; &oaching o+ 9il5 li+e; man-9il5 li+e con+licts; en5angere5 an5 en5emic s&ecies o+ In5ia; conser%ation o+ (io5i%ersity; in-situ an5 eB-situ@ $n%ironmental &ollutionD causes; e++ects an5 control measures o+ air &ollution; 9ater &ollution; soil &ollution; marine &ollution; noise &ollution; thermal &ollution; nuclear haCar5s; soli5-9aste management; role o+ in5i%i5uals in &ollution &re%ention; &ollution case stu5ies; 5isaster management@ !ocial issues an5 the en%ironment; sustaina(le 5e%elo&ment; case stu5ies; 9astelan5 reclamation; en%ironment &rotection act; air /&re%ention an5 control o+ &ollution3 act; 9ater /&re%ention an5 control o+ &ollution3 act; 9il5 li+e &rotection act; +orest conser%ation act; issues in%ol%e5 in en+orcement o+ en%ironmental legislation@ Human &o&ulation an5 the en%ironment@ 0ecommen5e5 (oo:s 1@ 1@ G@ 'e; $n%ironmental chemistry; 7iley $astern "t5@ 2@ ,@ G@ Miller; Ar@; $n%ironmental !cience; 7a5s9orth Pu(lishing House; Meerut .5um; $@P@1F)1@ 3@ =un5amental o+ $cology; 7@ B@ !aun5ers Co@ ?!1 4@ $n%ironmental Chemistry; !@ $@ Manahan; "e9is &u(lisher 5@ $n%ironmental Chemistry; !harma an5 Gaur; Grishna Pu(lishers

=eneral 6iology-I
!mall an5 large molecules in (iologyD 7ater; aci5; (ases; &H scale; (u++ers; +unctional grou&s; macromolecules an5 origin o+ li+e@ Intro5uction to (iological &olymers /&rimary; secon5ary; tertiary an5 <uaternary structure o+ &roteins; car(ohy5rates; li&i5s; nucleic aci5s@ Cell the (asic unit o+ li+eD Pra:aryotic cell; eu:aryotic cell; cellular organells; en5omem(rane system; cytos:eleton; eBtracellular structures@ $nergy; enCymes an5 meta(olismD $nergy an5 energy conser%ation; 1,P; Intro5uction to enCyme structure an5 +unction; meta(olism an5 (asic &rinci&les o+ +unctioning o+ meta(olic &ath9ays@ Photosynthesis an5 cellular res&irationD Place o+ &hotosynthesis; "ight an5 5ar: reaction; glycolysis; ,C1 cycle; electron trans&ort chain@ Intro5uction to Men5elian geneticsD Men5elEs eB&eriments an5 the la9s o+ inheritance; 5ominant an5 recessi%e alleles an5 their interactions; gene interactions /co5ominance; e&istasis; hy&ostasis; etc@3; Genes an5 chromosomes; 2on-nuclear inheritance; intro5uction to seB 5etermination an5 seB-lin:e5 inheritance@ 0ecommen5e5 (oo:sD 1@ "i+e; ,he science o+ (iology; )th $5n@ Pur%es; !a5a%a; .rians an5 Heller 2@ "ehninger I Princi&les o+ (iochemistryD 4 th $5n@; 51%i5 "@ 2elson an5 Michael M@ CoB@ 3@ 1n Intro5uction to genetic analysisD *th $5n@; 1@A@=@ Gri++iths; !@ 0@ 7essler; 0@ C@ "e9ontin; 7illium M@ Gel(ert; '@ ,@ !uCu:i an5 A@ H@ Miller@

6iology 1a&oratory
1@ 2@ 3@ 4@ !tu5y o+ Plant Physiology /res&iration an5 &hotosynthesis3 !tu5y o+ Mitotic an5 meiotic cell 5i%ision !tu5y o+ Basics o+ cellular +ractionation !tu5y o+ Histochemistry o+ cellular com&onentsD staining o+ cellular organelle (y s&eci+ic stains65yes 5i++erential staining o+ cell mem(rane an5 cyto&lasm; 5@ !tu5y o+ >eri+ying "am(ert-Beer "a9 an5 calculation o+ s&eci+ic a(sor&tion coe++icient an5 molar eBtinction coe++icient@ #@ !tu5y o+ <ualitati%e6<uantitati%e estimation o+ car(ohy5rates@


3hysics 1a&oratory
1@ Measurement o+ length an5 error analysis 2@ MaB9ellEs nee5le 3@ 'etermination o+ JgE (y (ar &en5ulum 4@ 'etermination o+ JgE (y +ree +all 5@ !hear mo5ulus using ,orsional &en5ulum #@ 4oungEs mo5ulus /Ben5ing o+ Beam3 )@ Moment o+ Inertia /=ly 9heel3 *@ >iscosity o+ li<ui5 /!to:eEs la93 F@ !&ring constant /a@ !tatical metho5 an5 (@ 'ynamical metho53 10@ !earleEs metho5 /4oungEs mo5ulus ,orsional rigi5ity3

"nd emester
=eneral Mathematics-II

"inear 1lge(raD >ectors in


; notions o+ linear 5e&en5ence an5 in5e&en5ence; an5 ; the (asis o+ a %ector

linear s&an o+ a set o+ %ectors; %ector su(s&aces o+

su(s&ace@ !ystems o+ linear e<uations; matrices an5 Gauss elimination; ro9 s&ace; null s&ace; an5 column s&ace; ran: o+ a matriB@ 'eterminants an5 ran: o+ a matriB in terms o+ 5eterminants@ 1(stract %ector s&aces; linear trans+ormations; matriB o+ a linear trans+ormation; change o+ (asis an5 similarity; ran:-nullity theorem@ Inner &ro5uct s&ace; the Gram-!chmi5t &rocess; orthonormal (ases; &ro8ections; an5 the least s<uares a&&roBimation@$igen%alues an5 eigen%ectors; characteristic &olynomials; the eigen%alue o+ s&ecial matrices /orthogonal; unitary; symmetric; Hermitian; s:e9symmetric; normal3@ 1lge(raic an5 geometric multi&licities; 5iagonalisation (y similarity trans+ormations; !&ectral theorem +or real symmetric matrices an5 a&&lications to <ua5ratic +orms@ 'i++erential $<uations I ID Basic conce&ts; Geometric meaning; 'irection +iel5s@ 1 st or5er linear e<uations; homogeneous an5 non- homogeneous; !olution Metho5 +or 2onlinear e<uations; !e&aration o+ %aria(les; $Bact 'i++erential e<uations; integrating

+actors Bernoulli $<uation; .rthogonal tra8ectories; $Bistence ?ni<uenessD Picar5Es iteration; 2n5 or5er "inear 'i++erential e<uationsD homogeneous e<uation 9ith constant coe++icients; Mass s&ring system; $Bistence ?ni<ueness; 7rons:ian; nonhomogeneous e<uation; Metho5 o+ un5etermine5 coe++icients; %ariation o+ &arameters metho5; Higher .r5er e<uationsD 7rons:ian $Bistence o+ solutionD !olution Metho5s +or constant coe++icients; "a&lace trans+orm generalities; !hi+ting theorems; Con%olution theorem@ ,eBts60e+erences 1@ $@ GreysCig; 15%ance5 $ngineering Mathematics; F th e5ition; 7iley; 2005@ 2@ G@ !trang; "inear 1lge(ra an5 its a&&lications; 4 th e5ition; ,homson; 200#@ 3@ 7@ $@ Boyce an5 0@ C@ 'iPrima; $lementary 'i++erential $<uation; *th e5ition; 7iley; 2005@ 4@ H@ 1nton; C@ 0orres; $lementary linear alge(ra 9ith a&&lications; F th e5ition; 7iley; 2005@ 5@ ,@M 1&ostol; Calculus; >olume II; 2n5 e5ition; 7iley; 1F*0@

=eneral physics-II
5ector calc*l*s: Cylin5rical an5 !&herical coor5inate systemsD "ine; sur+ace an5 %olume elements; Gra5ient; 'i%ergence an5 curl o+ =iel5s; 'i%ergence theorem; !to:es ,heorem@ +lectrostatics: Coulom(Es "a9; GaussEs la9 /integral an5 5i++erential +orm3 an5 its a&&lications; $nergy o+ a charge 5istri(ution; "a&laceEs an5 PoissonEs e<uations; Con5uctors; Metho5 o+ images; =iel5 an5 Potential 5ue to 5i&ole@ PolariCation in a 5ielectric; %ectors ); 3 an5 +; linear 5ielectrics; +orce on 5ielectrics@ +lectric c*rrents: "ine; sur+ace an5 %olume currents an5 current 5ensities; electrical con5ucti%ity an5 .hmEs la9; e<uation o+ continuity; energy 5issi&ation; Motion o+ charge5 &articles in electric an5 magnetic +iel5s Magnetostatics: Magnetic +luB; Biot-!a%art an5 1m&ereEs la9; 5i%ergence an5 curl o+ 6 an5 the 5i++erential +orm o+ 1m&ereEs la9; >ector &otential@ +lectrodynamics: $lectromagnetic in5uction; motional em+ an5 =ara5ayEs la9; in5uctance an5 energy in magnetic +iel5; the 5is&lacement current; MaB9ellEs e<uations@ +lectromagnetic ?aveD $M 9a%e in %acuum; 5ielectrics an5 con5uctors; PoyntingEs theorem; =resnelEs e<uation@ @ Recommended &ooks


$. ". 9. @. 5. 7. A. B.

'@A@ Gri++iths; Introduction to electrodynamics 3rd Ed@ $@M@ Purcell; Electricity and Magnetism (Berkeley Physics course) 2nd Ed. 0@P@ =eynman; 0@ B@ "eighton an5 M@ !an5s; The Feynman Lecture o Physics !ol. 2@ $@ Hecht; "#tics; $th Ed@ =@1@ Aen:ins an5 H@$@ 7hite; =un5amentals o+ .&tics@ 1@G@ Ghata:; "#tics@ G@G@ !harma; "#tics% Princi#les and a##lications@ G@0@ =o9les; Introducton to Modern "#tics@

=eneral Chemistry II
Molec*lar 4r&itals and 6onding 1tomic an5 molecular or(itals o+ ! an5 P (loc: elements D ,heir interrelationshi& 9ith car(on an5 its com&oun5s@ >alence shell electron re&ulsion />!$P03 theory@ s&; s&2; s&3; 5s&2; s53; 5s&3 an5 52s&3 Molecular %ariants 1BB $y; 1B2; 1B3; 1B4; 1B5 an5 1B#; an5 their %ariants 9ith non (on5ing or(itals@ 1BH4; 1B3$; 1B2$2; 1B$3; 1B5; 1B4$1; 1B3$2; 1B2$3; 1B#; 1B5$1; 1B4$2@ Pro&erties o+ these ty&es o+ molecules as electro&hiles; "e9is aci5s; nucleo&hiles an5 (ases@ Bon5 angles; (on5 lengths; (on5 energies an5 other +actors a++ecting these &arameters; such as electronegati%ity; resonance; hy&ercon8ugation; tautomerism; in5ucti%ee++ect@ .ther ty&es o+ (on5sD Hy5rogen (on5s an5 their im&act on molecular &ro&erties@ Molecular (on5s; charge trans+er (on5s; sigma (on5s; Catenanes@ *&stit*tion and +limination 2ucleo&hillic su(stitution reactions at saturate5 organic com&oun5sD !21 ; !22; !2i reactions; stereochemistry; reaction con5itions; a&&lications in synthesis@ $limination reactions D $1 an5 $2 eliminations@ tereochemistry .&tical isomerism; asymmetry an5 o&tical &ro&erties@ Chirality; $nantiomers an5 their resolution@ 0 an5 ! con+iguration@ 'iastereomers; Cahn-Ingol5-Prelog se<uence rules +or assigning these &riorities@ 'iastereomers; $&imers an5 mesocon+igurations@ Geometrical isomers; conse<uences o+ $1 an5 $2 eliminations@ Cis an5 trans /$ an5 K con+igurations3; !yn an5 anti con+iguration 9ith re+erence to $ an5 K con+iguration@ Con+ormational; steric an5 stereo electronic e++ect@ Con+ormation o+ acyclic molecules@ Con+ormation 13 molecules 9ithout (on5s@

o+ cycloheBane 5eri%ati%es; con+ormation o+ other cyclic systems; e++ect o+ hetero atom on con+ormation@ Isomerism in coor5ination com&oun5sD Geometrical IsomerismD s<uare com&leBes an5 their cis an5 trans con+igurations@ .&tical IsomerismD $nantiomor&hs o+ octahe5ral com&leBes an5 their resolution@ Brie+ account o+ Ionisation isomerismH "in:age isomerism an5 coor5ination isomerism@ Acids and 6ases $lectro&hiles an5 nucleo&hiles; Bronste5-"o9ry aci5s an5 (asesH 1ci5-(ase strengths as eB&resse5 (y their &Ga H car(on aci5s an5 their &Ga range@ !trong aci5 an5 strong (ase conce&ts@ 'e+inition o+ electro&hiles an5 nucleo&hiles; manner o+ %ariants +rom the corres&on5ing aci5s an5 (ases@

Car&onyl =ro*p Chemistry Com&rehensi%e reaction ty&es in%ol%e5 in any %ariants o+ car(onyl grou& in organic synthesis inclu5ing numerous name reactions@

+lectrophilic Additions $lectro&hillic a55itions to car(on-car(on multi&le (on5s@

Recommended 6ooks 1@ .rganic Chemistry; !@ H@ Pine; ,ata McGra9-Hill; 5th $5n@; 2e9 'elhi; 200)@ 2@ .rganic Chemistry; 0@ A@ Morrison an5 0@,@ Boy5; #th $5n@; Pearson; 200)@ 3@ !tu5y Gui5e to .rganic Chemistry; 0@ A@ Morrison an5 0@,@ Boy5; #th $5n@; Pearson; 200)@ 4@ .rganic Chemistry; ,@7@G@ !olomons an5 C@B@ =ryhle; Aohn 7iley; *th $5n@; 200)@


5@ !tereochemistry o+ Car(on Com&oun5s; $@ "@ $liel; ,ata McGra9-Hill; 2e9 'elhi; 200)@ #@ Basic Inorganic Chemistry; =@ 1 Cotton; 0@G@ 7il:inson an5 P " Gans9iley /1F553@


?nit-1: Parts o+ s&eech; articles; auBiliary %er(s; &re&osition ?nit-2D Phrases; Clauses; sentences; tense; %oice; narration; +unctional elements in sciences ?nit-3D Paragra&h 9riting; summary 9riting; &ara&hrasing; &rLcis 9riting; letter 9riting; resumes; C@>@; 8o( a&&lications; re&ort 9riting; note ta:ing; 5ictation@ ?nit-4D 0ea5ing com&rehension /+rom su(8ect area3 ?nit-5D =unctional use o+ language; situational use o+ language; aca5emic use o+ language ?nit-#D "istening an5 s&ea:ing; con%ersation; language la(oratory

=eneral 6iology-II !mall an5 large molecules in (iologyD 7ater; aci5; (ases; &H scale; (u++ers; +unctional grou&s; macromolecules an5 origin o+ li+e@ Intro5uction to (iological &olymers /&rimary; secon5ary; tertiary an5 <uaternary structure o+ &roteins; car(ohy5rates; li&i5s; nucleic aci5s@ Cell the (asic unit o+ li+eD Pro:aryotic cell; eu:aryotic cell; cellular organelles; en5omem(rane system; cytos:eleton; eBtracellular structures@ $nergy; enCymes an5 meta(olismD $nergy an5 energy conser%ation; 1,P; Intro5uction to enCyme structure an5 +unction; meta(olism an5 (asic &rinci&les o+ +unctioning o+ meta(olic &ath9ays@ Photosynthesis an5 cellular res&irationD Place o+ &hotosynthesis; "ight an5 5ar: reaction; glycolysis; ,C1 cycle; electron trans&ort chain@ Intro5uction to Men5elian geneticsD Men5elEs eB&eriments an5 the la9s o+ inheritance; 5ominant an5 recessi%e alleles an5 their interactions; gene interactions /co5ominance; e&istasis; hy&ostasis; etc@3; Genes an5 chromosomes; 2on-nuclear inheritance; intro5uction to seB 5etermination an5 seB-lin:e5 inheritance@

0ecommen5e5 (oo:sD 4@ "i+e; ,he science o+ (iology; )th $5n@ Pur%es; !a5a%a; .rians an5 Heller 5@ "ehninger I Princi&les o+ (iochemistryD 4 th $5n@; 51%i5 "@ 2elson an5 Michael M@ CoB@ #@ 1n Intro5uction to genetic analysisD *th $5n@; 1@A@=@ Gri++iths; !@ 0@ 7essler; 0@ C@ "e9ontin; 7illium M@ Gel(ert; '@ ,@ !uCu:i an5 A@ H@ Miller@ Comp*ter programming < )ata str*ct*re 1a&oratory
Introd*ction Intro5uction to com&uter; history; %on-2eumann architecture; memory system /hierarchy; characteristics an5 ty&es3; H67 conce&ts /I6. 'e%ices3; !67 conce&ts /!ystem !67 1&&lication !67; utilities3@ 'ata 0e&resentationD 2um(er systems; character re&resentation co5es; Binary ;octal; heBa5ecimal an5 their intercon%ersions@ Binary arithmetic; +loating &oint arithmetic; signe5 an5 unsigne5 num(ers; Memory storage unit@ 3rogramming in C History o+ C; Intro5uction o+ C; Basic structure o+ C &rogram; Conce&t o+ %aria(les; constants an5 5ata ty&es in C; .&erators an5 eB&ressionsD Intro5uction; arithmetic; relational; "ogical; 1ssignment; Increment an5 5ecrement o&erator; Con5itional; (it9ise o&erators; $B&ressions; .&erator &rece5ence an5 associati%ity@ Managing In&ut an5 out&ut .&eration; +ormatting I6.@ C*ndamental Ceat*res in C C !tatements; con5itional eBecuting using i+; else; nesting o+ i+; s9itch an5 (rea: Conce&ts o+ loo&s; eBam&le o+ loo&s in C using +or; 9hile an5 5o-9hile; continue an5 (rea:@ !torage ty&es /automatic; register etc@3; &re5e+ine5 &rocessor; Comman5 "ine 1rgument@ Arrays and C*nctions .ne 5imensional arrays an5 eBam&le o+ iterati%e &rograms using arrays; 2-' arrays ?se in matriB com&utations@ Conce&t o+ !u(-&rogramming; +unctions $Bam&le o+ user 5e+ine5 +unctions@ =unction &rototy&e; 0eturn %alues an5 their ty&es; calling +unction; +unction argument; +unction 9ith %aria(le num(er o+ argument; recursion@

Advanced feat*res in C Pointers; relationshi& (et9een arrays an5 &ointers 1rgument &assing using &ointers; 1rray o+ &ointers@ Passing arrays as arguments@


!trings an5 C string li(rary@ !tructure an5 ?nion@ 'e+ining C structures; Gi%ing %alues to mem(ers; 1rray o+ structure; 2este5 structure; &assing strings as arguments@ =ile Han5ling@

Recommended &ooks
$. 12!I C (y $ Balagurusamy ". 4ash9ant Ganet:ar; M"et us CN; BPB Pu(lications; 2n5 $5ition; 2001@ 9. Her(ert !chil5t; MCD,he com&lete re+erenceN; .s(ourne Mcgra9 Hill; 4th $5ition;

2002@ 4@ >@ 0a8a 0aman; MCom&uter Programming in CN; Prentice Hall o+ In5ia; 1FF5@

Applied Chemistry 1a&-"

D*alitative inorganic analysis of miEt*res containing not more than @ radicals from the follo0ing Basic ra5icalsD 2a+ ; G+; Ca2+; !r2+ Ba2+; 1l3+; Cr3+; Mn2+; =e3+; Co3+; 2i3+; Cu2+; Kn2+ 1ci5 ra5icalsD =-; Cl-; Br-; I-; !2-; !.42-; !2.32-; 2.3-; 2.2Inter+ering ra5icalsD P.43-; 1s.43-; B.33'etermination o+ strength o+ aci5 an5 (ase (y neutraliCation reaction /5ou(le titration in%ol%ing strong aci5-9ea: (ase; etc3@ Recommended 6ooks: G@ !%ehlaD >ogelEs teBt (oo: o+ -ualitati%e Inorganic 1nalysis /re%ise53; "ongman; Pearson $5ucation@ 1@ G@ 2a5; B@ Maha&atra an5 1@ GhoshalD 1n 15%ance5 Course in Practical Chemistry

Applied 3hysics 1a&-"

1@ GaterOs Pen5ulum 2@ Cou&le5 &en5ulum 3@ Magnetic hysteresis loo&

4@ !ur+ace tension 5@ >iscosity #@ 'ielectric constant o+ 5i++erent materials )@ Charging cur%e o+ a ca&acitor *@ Magnetic +iel5 o+ &aire5 coils in HelmholtC arrangement F@ $lectromagnetic in5uction 10@ =orce o+ current carrying con5uctor 11@ >elocity o+ soun5 using resonance tu(e 12@ Hall e++ect

9rd and @th emester

+M+ ,+R-III l n o 1 2 3 4 5 # *&.e ct Code
Conta ct /o*rs per 0eek !12,2 3'
3+1+0 3+1+0 3+1+0 3+1+0 0+0+3 0+0+3

+M+ ,+R-I5
Conta ct /o*rs per 0eek !12,2 3'
3+1+0 3+1+0 3+1+0 3+1+0 0+0+3 0+0+3



l no

*&.ec t Code


Mathematics +or chemistry -uantum Chemistry-I .rganic chemistry-I Inorganic chemistry-I Chemistry "a(oratory-II /.0G12IC3 Chemistry "a(oratory-II /I2.0G12IC3 ,4,A1 CR+)I,

4 4 4 4 3 3 2 2

1 2 3 4 5 *

!ymmetry Grou& ,heory !tatistical Mechanics Physical Chemistry-I Inorganic chemistry-II Chemistry "a(oratory-III /PH4!IC1"3 Materials $lectronics "a(oratory ,4,A1 CR+)I,

4 4 4 4 3 3 22



9rd emester
Mathematics for Chemistry
.&erator alge(ra 9ith s&ecial re+erence to <uantum mechanical o&erators@ 1 (rie+ re%ie9 o+ +unctionsD $%en an5 o55 +unctionsH orthonormal +unctionsH construction o+ orthonormal +unctions (y !chmi5tEs metho5H eB&ansion o+ +unctions in terms o+ orthogonal an5 nonorthogonal (asis +unctionsH errors in curtaile5 eB&ansion@ !olution o+ or5inary secon5 or5er 5i++erential e<uation (y series eB&ansion metho5 an5 solution o+ "egen5re; associate5 "egen5re; Hermite; "aguerre; associate5 "aguerre; an5 BesselEs 5i++erential e<uations@ Cur%ilinear coor5inates an5 eB&ression +or "a&lacian o&erator in %arious coor5inates@ Calculus o+ %ariationD HamiltonEs &rinci&le; accessory con5ition an5 "agrangeEs multi&lier@ =ourier trans+ormD Construction o+ 9a%e &ac:ets; uncertainty &rinci&le; 9a%e-+unctionsD coor5inate an5 momentum s&ace@ "inear Integral $<uationD 'i++erent metho5s o+ solution; GreenEs +unction an5 its a&&lication in Chemistry@ !olutions o+ some sim&le Partial 'i++erential $<uations@

0ecommen5e5 Boo:sD

1@ %. 3@ 4@ 5@ #@

A@ !te9artD Calculus; 5th e5ition; ,homson; 2003@ Differential Calculus by Shanti Narain Integral Calculus (y !hanti 2arain 'i++erential $<uation (y 1@0@ =orsyth Higher $ngineering Mathematics (y H@G@ 'ass Higher $ngineering Mathematics (y B@!@ Gre9al


D*ant*m Chemistry I
1 (rie+ re%ie9 o+ classical mechanics@ 2e9tonEs; "agrangeEs an5 HamiltonEs e<uations o+ motion; Canonical coor5inates; PoissonEs (rac:et an5 constants o+ the motion@ 1 (rie+ re%ie9 o+ ol5 <uantum theoryD !chroe5ingerEs e<uationH &ostulates o+ <uantum mechanics; (asic &rinci&les o+ <uantum mechanics; <uantum mechanical o&erators; Heisen(ergEs e<uation o+ motion an5 the $hren+est relations; eBact uncertainty relation ; uncertainty relation (et9een angular momentum an5 angle@ !olution o+ the !chroe5inger e<uation +or some eBactly sol%a(le &ro(lems an5 their a&&lications in chemistryD =ree &article; +ree &article in 1- an5 3-5imensional &otential (oBes; +ree &article on a ringH +ree electron mo5el +or con8ugate5 hy5rocar(ons; <uantum mechanical tunnelingH linear harmonic oscillator /solution (y (oth con%entional an5 o&erator techni<ues3; angular momentum o+ a single &articleH rigi5 rotatorH hy5rogen atomH siCe; sha&e an5 &ro(a(ility 5istri(ution +unctions o+ hy5rogenic or(italsH selection rules +or hy5rogen atomH intro5uction to s&in <uantum num(erH Keeman e++ect@

Recommended 6ooks 1@ Physical Chemistry D 1 Molecular 1&&roach; '@ 1@ Mc<uarrie an5 A@ '@ !imon; >i%a Boo:s; 2e9 'elhi; 1FF*@ 2@ Intro5uction to -uantum Chemistry; 1@ G@ Chan5ra; ,ata McGra9 Hill; 1FF)@ 3@ Molecular -uantum Mechanics; P@ 7@ 1t:ins an5 0@ !@ =rei5man; 3r5 $5n@; .B+or5 ?ni%ersity Press; 1FF)@ 4@ -uantum Chemistry; '@ 1@ Mc<uarrie an5 A@ '@ !imon; >i%a Boo:s; 2e9 'elhi; 1FF*@ 5@ -uantum Chemistry; I@ 2@ "e%ine; 5th $5n@; Pearson $5ucation; 2003@ #@ $lementary -uantum Chemistry; =@ "@ Pilar; McGra9-Hill Boo: Com&any; 2e9 4or:;1F#*@


Organic Chemistry I



$lectro&hilic !u(stitutionD 2itration; Halogenation; =rie5el-Cra+ts al:ylation an5 acylations; metallations@ 2ucleo&hilic !u(stitutionD !u(stitutions (y a55ition-elimination reactions@ 'iaConium me5iate5 reactions@ 1romatic 0a5ical !u(stitutionD Metal-assiste5 cou&ling an5 cross cou&ling reactions@ Cu; 2i; P5; an5 Kn- assiste5 arylations in aromatics an5 heterocycles /Hec:; !uCu:i; 2egeshi; Buch9al5e@

Red*ction Reactions !0ith special emphasis on mechanism, stereochemistry and selectivity, 0herever necessary' Catalytic hy5rogenationD 0aney nic:el; &alla5ium an5 &latinum un5er lo9 an5 high &ressure reactions@ Homogeneous catalytic hy5rogenation using rho5ium &hos&hine com&leBes; metal hy5ri5e re5uctionsH 2aBH4 ; "i1lBH4 ; hy5ro(oration; Birch re5uction; re5uction 9ith hy5raCine hy5rate@ 4Eidation Reactions !0ith special emphasis on mechanism, stereochemistry and selectivity, 0herever necessary' .Bi5ation 9ith chromium P/inclu5ing &yri5inium chlorochromate /PCC3 an5 &yri5inium 5ichromate /P'C3Q; manganese an5 osmium com&oun5s@ .Bi5ation 9ith &eroBi5es; &eraci5s; oCone@ !har&less-asymmetric oBi5ations@ .Bi5ations 9ith 5imethyl sul&hoBi5e; lea5 tetraacetate; mercuric acetate; selenium 5ioBi5e an5 ruthenium tetroBi5e@


/alogenation Reactions !0ith special emphasis on mechanism, stereochemistry and selectivity, 0herever necessary' Halogenation reactions o+ acti%e methylene com&oun5s; al5ehy5es; :etones; esters; nitriles; sul&hur; nitrites@ =ormation o+ enolates an5 their al:ylation stu5ies@ Chemistry o+ sul&hur yli5s an5 &hos&horous yli5s; an5 their reactions in organic synthesis@

Concerted Reactions $lectrocyclic reactions; sigmatro&ic rearrangements; cycloa55ition reactions@

Recommended 6ooks 1@ .rganic Chemistry; =@ 1@ Carey an5 0@ A@ !un5er(erg; Glu9er 1ca5emic Pu(lishers; 4th $5n@; 2005@ 2@ 15%ance5 .rganic Chemistry D 0eaction Mechanisms an5 !tructure; A@ March; 7iley Interscience; 200)@ 3@ Mo5ern Metho5s o+ .rganic !ynthesis; 7@ Carruthers an5 I@ Col5ham; Cam(ri5ge ?ni%ersity Press; 200#@ 4@ .rganic !ynthesis; M@ B@ !mith; McGra9 Hill; 2e9 4or:; 2000@ 5@ .rganic !ynthesis D !&ecial ,echni<ues; >@ G@ 1hlu9alia an5 0@ 1ggar9al; 2arosa Pu(lications; 2001@

Inorganic Chemistry I

Periodicity, Molecular Structure and Bonding, Chemical Forces


Peri$*ic Table, Per*$icity, Tren$s an$ an*malies, 4elativistic effects: ) revie Le is


Structures inclu$in; f*rmal char;es: 9S#P4 m*$el: M*lecular symmetry, ea0 chemical f*rces.

+*int ;r*u+s an$ intr*$ucti*n t* Character Tables: M*lecular *rbital the*ry *f h*m*< an$ heter*<nuclear $iat*mic m*lecules: str*n; an$ Acids and Bases
BrRnste5 aci5ity; gas &hase &roton aci5ities; a<ueous aci5ity; conce&t o+ &G a o+ &roton aci5s; hy5roByl aci5s; oBo aci5s; structure o+ aci5s 9ith relation to hy5rogen (on5ingH "e9is aci5sH Har5 an5 !o+t aci5s an5 (asesH 1ci5s an5 (ases in a&rotic sol%ents@

Oxidation and Reduction

0e5uction &otentialsH 0e5oB hal+ reactionsH 0e5oB sta(ility in 9aterH 0e&resentation o+ electro5e &otential 5ata 5iagrammatically@ "atimer-=rost 'iagrams@

Introduction to Transition Metal Complexes

'i++erent ty&es o+ ligan5sH Bon5ing in transition metal com&leBes I %alence (on5; crystal +iel5; M@.@ theories; e++ects $nergy@ .rganometallic com&oun5sD $++ecti%e 1tomic 2um(er /$123; metal-car(onyls; metalole+in com&leBesH 0eactions o+ organometallic com&oun5sD 155ition; 'issociation; .Bi5ation a55ition; insertion; 0e5ucti%e elimination@ !tructures an5 isomerism o+ transition metal com&leBes@ o+ 5-or(ital s&littingH Crystal =iel5 !ta(iliCation

Introduction to Chemistry o structures, an$ sim+le reacti*ns.

!"loc# $lements

S+ecial features *f f<bl*c0 elements, lanthani$e c*ntracti*n, c**r$inati*n number,

Recommended 6ooks 1@ Inorganic Chemistry- Princi&les o+ !tructure an5 0eacti%ity; A@ $@ Huheey; 23

$@ 1@ Geiter; 0@"@ Geiter

an5 .@ G@ Me5hi; Pearson $5ucation; 200)@

2@ Concise Inorganic Chemistry; A@ '@ "ee; 4th $5n@; $"B!; 1FF1@ 3@ 15%ance5 Inorganic Chemistry; =@ 1@ Cotton; C@ 1@ Murillo an5 M@ Bochman; 7iley Interscience; 2001@ 4@ Inorganic Chemistry; '@ =@ !hri%er an5 P@ 7@ 1t:ins; .B+or5 ?ni%ersity Press; 1FFF@ 5@ Molecular !ymmetry an5 Grou& ,heoryD 1 Programme5 Intro5uction to Chemical 1&&lications; 1@ >incent; Aohn 7iley; 2001@ #@ Chemistry o+ the $lements; 2@ 2@ Green9oo5 an5 1@ $arnsha9; 2n5 $5n@; $lse%ier; 2005@

Chemistry 1a&oratory-II !organic'

Pre&aration o+ +ollo9ing com&oun5sD o m-5initro(enCene o 1cetanili5e o ,ri(romo&henol o !ul&hanillic aci5 .Bi5ation o+ &rimary alcohols-BenCoic aci5 +rom (enCyl alcohol I5enti+ication o+ sim&le organic com&oun5s /5eri%ati%es not inclu5e53

Chemistry 1a&oratory-II !Inorganic'

o Pre&aration o+ +ollo9ing com&leBesD o Potassium trioBalato chromate/III3


o o o o

CoHg/!C234 Cu/I3 thiourea com&leB 'ou(le salts / Chrome alum6 MohrEs salt3 Bis / 2; 4-&entane5ionate3 Cinc hy5rate

@th emester
3hysical Chemistry-I
*rfaces:- ,hermo5ynamics o+ sur+aces an5 inter+aces; sur+ace tension; %a&our &ressureH sur+ace +ilms on li<ui5s; Gi((s a5sor&tion e<uationH a5sor&tion o+ gases on soli5sD =reun5lich; "angmuir an5 B$, a5sor&tion isothermsH 5etermination o+ sur+ace areas@ +lectrochemistry:- 'e(ye-Huc:el theory o+ electrolytesH ionic strength &rinci&le; acti%ities o+ ions an5 acti%ity coe++icients@ 1&&lications o+ $M= measurementsD e<uili(rium constant; thermo5ynamic &arameters; &otentiometric titrationsH (asic &rinci&les o+ ionselecti%e mem(rane electro5es@ ,ransport 3rocesses:-,hermal con5ucti%ity; %iscosity; 5i++usion an5 se5imentation@ $lectrical Con5ucti%ity D 'e(ye-Huc:el-.nsager theory o+ electrolytic con5uctance; ion association in electrolytic solution@


,hermodynamics:- Conser%ation

e<uations; linear trans&ort &rocesses;

.nsager reci&rocity relations; continuity an5 5i++usion e<uations; stea5y states@

Recommended 6ooks 1@ Physical Chemistry; I@ "e%ine; ,ata McGra9 Hill; 5th $5n@; 200)@ 2@ Physical Chemistry o+ !ur+aces; 1@ 7@ 15amson an5 1@ P@ Gast; Aohn 7iley; 1FF)@ 3@ Mo5ern $lectrochemistry; >ol@ 1; A@ .EM@ Boc:ris an5 1@ G@ 2@ 0e55y; !&ringer; 200)@

4. Physical Chemistry, 4. S. /erry, S. ). 4ice an$ -. 4*ss, 67f*r$ .niversity Press, %n$ #$n., %&&&.

5@ ,hermo5ynamics o+ Irre%ersi(le Processes; 0@ Haase; 'o%er Pu(lications; 1FF0@

Inorganic Chemistry II

1@ Representative Chemistry of Main =ro*p +lements

a% 6r;an*metallic chemistry *f lithium an$ ma;nesium( synthesis, structure an$ reactivity. "% Chemistry *f b*r*n( /*ranes, b*n$in; in b*ranes, t*+*l*;y *f b*ranes, synthesis an$ reactivity, Carb*ranes an$ metallacarb*ranes. Ne b*r*n: +*lymer<su++*rte$ Le is aci$s. c% Chemistry *f )luminum( )luminum al0yls an$ their uses in +*lymeri=ati*n *f *lefins. d% C8& an$ carb*n nan*tubes( $isc*very, +re+arati*n an$ selecte$ reacti*ns. e% Chemistry *f Silic*n( 6r;an*silic*n c*m+*un$s, Silicates an$ alumin*silicates. Le is aci$s base$ *n

". Un*s*al Compo*nds of Main =ro*p +lements Chemistry o+ multi&le (on5ingD Multi&le (on5ing in hea%ier main grou& elements@ ?nusual com&oun5s o+ main grou& elementsD /i3 !iS!i; !iT!i; PSP 5ou(le (on5; Bi-Bi 5ou(le (on5@ !ynthesis; structure an5 reacti%ity@

a% Chemistry *f l*

valent c*m+*un$s( Synthesis, structure an$ b*n$in; valent c*m+*un$s.

m*$els an$ reactivity: e7am+les *f )l>I?, Si>II? l*


"% In*r;anic rin;s an$ +*lymers. Cycl*< an$ heter*cycl*+h*s+ha=enes an$ the +*lymers $erive$ fr*m them. P*lysilanes. /*ra=ine an$ b*r*n nitri$e. c% Chemistry *f hal*;ens an$ n*ble ;ases ( recent tren$s. C@CAs an$ *=*ne layer.


Organometallic Chemistry
/a3 & I (on5e5 ligan5s D Metal al:yls; aryls an5 hy5ri5es D !ta(ility; &re&aration an5 reacti%ity@ Metal - car(onyls 6 Metal - &hos&hines 6 metal - nitrosyls 6 metal isocyani5eD structure; reacti%ity an5 (on5ing@

Metal < carbenes, metal < carbynes, @ischer carbenes, Schr*c0 carbenes, N<heter*cyclic carbenes, *lefin metathesis. >b? < b*n$e$ li;an$s( Metal<*lefins, metal<al0ynes, metal<$ienes, Metal<C+ Metal<C+B c*m+le7es ( Synthesis, structure, b*n$in; an$ reactivity.
/c3 1&&lications o+ organometallics in organic synthesisD C-C (on5 cou&ling reactions /Hec:; !onogoshira; !uCu:i3@ /53 0e5uction reactions using transition metal hy5ri5esH asymmetric


Recommended Boo#s
1@ .rganometallicsD 1 Concise Intro5uction; C@ $lschen(roich an5 1@ !alCer; 3r5 $5n@ 1FFF@ 2)

2@ Chemistry o+ the $lements; 2@ 2@ Green9oo5 an5 1@ $arnsha9; 2n5 $5n@; $lse%ier; 2005@ 3@ Mo5ern Inorganic Chemistry; 7@ "@ Aolly; McGra9 Hill; 2e9 4or:; 2n5 $5n@; 1FF1@ 4@ Conce&ts an5 Mo5els o+ Inorganic Chemistry; B@ 'ouglas; '@ Mc'aniel an5 A@ 1leBan5er; Aohn 7iley; 2e9 4or:; 3r5 $5n@; 1FF3@ 5@ .rganometallic Chemistry o+ the ,ransition Metals; 0@ H@ Cra(tree; 7iley; 2e9 4or:; 1F**@





ymmetry and point gro*ps: 0otation; re+lection; im&ro&er rotation; in%ersion; multi&lication o+ symmetry o&erators; grou& theory; classes o+ symmetry o&erators; &oint grou&s; ,5; .h; 'h; Ch; C%; 'nh; 'n5; Cnh; Cn%; Cn; Ci; Cs; C1 @0e5uci(le matrices; the character; character ta(le o+ &oint grou&s; 5irect &ro5uct; re5uction o+ large matrices using character ta(les; irre5uci(le re&resentation o+ 9a%e +unctions; molecules 9ith no central atom; re&resentation o+ molecular or(itals@ Chemical applications: Hy(ri5iCation; (on5ing in organic molecules; electron 5e+icient com&oun5s; molecular sha&es; symmetry conser%ation in chemical reactions@ >isi(le an5 ?> s&ectrosco&y@ !election rules; chromo&hores; crystal +iel5 theory; s&in-or(it cou&ling; 5ou(le grou&s; molecular or(ital theory o+ com&leBes@ Molecular %i(ration an5 crystal symmetry; I0 an5 0aman s&ectrosco&y; selection rules +or I0 an5 0aman s&ectrosco&y; characteristic (on5 +re<uencies@ Recommended 6ooks

1. Chemical )++licati*ns *f Gr*u+ The*ry, @. ). C*tt*n, -*hn Ciley, 2r$ #$n., %&&2.

2@ =un5amentals o+ Molecular !&ectrosco&y; C@ 2@ Ban9ell an5 $@ M@ McCash; ,ata McGra9 Hill; 1FF5@

3@ Molecular !&ectrosco&y; G@ M@ Barro9; McGra9 Hill; 1F*5@ 4@ !&ectra o+ 1toms an5 Molecules; P@ =@ Bernath; .B+or5 ?ni%esity Press; 2005@ 5@ Mo5ern !&ectrosco&y; A@ M@ Hollas; Aohn 7iley; 4th $5n@; 2004@ #@ Molecular !ymmetry an5 Grou& ,heory; 0@ "@ Carter; Aohn 7iley an5 !ons; 1FF*@



Introd*ctionD Meaning an5 sco&e o+ statistical mechanics@ ,hermo5ynamics %ersus statistical mechanics@ ,he &ro(lem o+ statistical mechanics@ !tatistical mechanics +or systems o+ in5e&en5ent &articlesD Intro5uction; statistical 9eight or 5egeneracy o+ energy le%els@ MaB9ell-BoltCmann /MB3; Bose-$instein /B$3 an5 =ermi-'irac /='3 statistics@ ,he e<uili(rium 5istri(ution eB&ression +or these three mo5elsD MB; B$; ='@ Pro(a(ility o+ +luctuation +rom the most &ro(a(le 5istri(ution@ I5enti+ication o+ the multi&liers@ ,he &artition +unction@ ,he MaB9ell BoltCmann %elocity 5istri(ution@ ,he e<uili(rium 5istri(ution +or the com&onents o+ a miBture@ 3hase space, ensem&le and post*late: Phase s&ace; "iou%illeEs theorem@ Postulates an5 ensem(les o+ statistical mechanics@ !tatistical e<uili(rium@ Microcanonial; canonial an5 gran5 canonical ensem(les@ ,hermodynamics and statistical mechanics: Internal energy an5 s&eci+ic heat@ =irst la9 o+ thermo5ynamics Istatistical inter&retation@ $ntro&y D statistical meaning o+ ! S k ln7 + !o@ !econ5 la9 o+ thermo5ynamics@ $ntro&y B@$@ statistics@ o+ miBing@ ,hir5 la9 o+ thermo5ynamics an5 rele%ance o+ =@'@


+nergy in molec*les: >i(ration; rotation an5 translation energy I i5eal monoatomic gas &artition +unction; thermo5ynamical &ro&erties I translational constant; !ac:ur I ,etro5e e<uation an5 chemical +eature@ 1n assem(ly o+ harmonic oscillator I &artition +unction; %i(rational contri(ution to thermo5ynamical &ro&erties; lattice s&eci+ic heat@ $instein-Born'e(ye mo5el@ 0otational 5egrees o+ +ree5om I &artition +unctions@ Contri(ution o+ rotational motion to thermo5ynamic &ro&erties@ ,otal contri(ution +rom translational; %i(rational an5 rotational motions to &artition +unction an5 ,hermo5ynamics@ $lectronic contri(ution to s&eci+ic heat o+ 5iatomic gases@ Ina5e<uacy o+ rigi5 rotor mo5el an5 mo5i+ication thereo+@ 2uclear s&in contri(ution to s&eci+ic heat@ Chemical e<uili(rium using statistical mechanics@

Recommended 6ooks 1@ Physical Chemistry D 1 Molecular 1&&roach; '@ 1@ Mc<uarrie an5 A@ '@ !imon; >i%a Boo:s; 2e9 'elhi; 1FF*@ 2@ !tatistical Mechanics; '@ 1@ Mc-uarrie; ?ni%ersity !cience Boo:s; 2n5 $5n@; 2000@ 3@ Intro5uction to Mo5ern !tatistical Mechanics; '@ Chan5ler; .B+or5 ?ni%@ Press; 1F*)@ 4@ !tatistical ,hermo5ynamics o+ 2on-$<uili(rium Processes; A@ GaiCer; !&ringer; 1st $5n@; 1F*)@ 5@ !tatistical Physics IID 2on-$<uili(rium !tatistical Mechanics; 0@ Gu(o; M@ ,o5a an5 2@ Hashitsume; !&ringer; 2003@

Chemistry 1a&oratory-III !3hysical'

1@ >iscosity-com&osition cur%e +or a (inary li<ui5 miBture@ 2@ !ur+ace tension-com&osition cur%e +or a (inary li<ui5 miBture@ 3@ 'etermination o+ in5icator constant - colorimetry@ 4@ 'etermination o+ &H o+ a gi%en solution using glass electro5e@ 5@ BeerEs "a9 - 'etermination o+ concentration o+ solution (y colorimetry@ #@ .r5er o+ reaction o+ I2 6 1cetone 6 H+@ )@ $<uili(rium constant o+ methyl acetate hy5rolysis reaction@ *@ 'issociation constants o+ 9ea: aci5; (ase@

F@ Con5uctometric titration D aci5-(ase@ 10@ Potentiometric titration D aci5-(ase@ 11@ Ginetics o+ catalytic 5ecom&osition o+ H2.2 /io5ine cloc: reaction3@ 12@ Ginetics o+ aci5-catalyse5 hy5rolysis o+ sugar /chemical metho53@ 13@ 'etermination o+ relati%e strengths o+ t9o aci5s (y stu5ying the :inetics o+ aci5 catalyse5 ester hy5rolysis@ 14@ Critical solution tem&erature

+lectronics < Materials 1a&oratory

1@ ?se o+ C0.@ 2@ Characteristics o+ a Cenner 5io5e; an5 setting u& a &o9er su&&ly using a Cenner 5io5e@ 3@ ,ransistor characteristics an5 current gain@ 4@ .&erational an5 5i++erential am&li+ier@ 5@ =iltering an5 &hase shi+ting net9or:s@ #@ 'etermination o+ !te&hanOs constant@

5th and 7th emester

+M+ ,+R-5 !+lective papers only' C6C Conta *&.ect /can5i5ates ct may o&t +or any 4 l *&.e /o*rs &a&ers +loate5 (y the per n ct centre an5 other 2 0eek o Code &a&ers +rom other !12,2 centres6schools3 3' 1 2 3 4 5 #
1nalytical chemistry $n%ironmental Chemistry Materials chemistry Chemistry in e%ery5ay li+e 7ater &ollution an5 reme5iation Heterocyclic Chemistry ,4,A1 CR+)I, 3+1+0 3+1+0 3+1+0 3+1+0 3+1+0 3+1+0

+M+ ,+R-5I *&.e ct Code

Conta ct /o*rs per 0eek !12,2 3'
3+1+0 3+1+0 3+1+0 0+0+3 0+0+*


l no


4 4 4 4 4

1 2 3 4 5

Photochemistry 0eaction 'ynamics .rganic !&ectrosco&y .rganic Chemistry-II Biomolecular "a(oratory Pro8ect 9or:

4 4 4 3 * 23

2 4

,4,A1 CR+)I,




Analytical Chemistry
Unit-I tatistical methods in chemical analysis: ,heory o+ error an5 treatment o+ <uantitati%e 5ata; accuracy an5 &recision; 9ays o+ eB&ressing accuracy an5 &recision; 2ormal error cur%e an5 its e<uation@ ?se+ul statistical tests 9ith e<uation; test o+ signi+icance; the =-test; the stu5ents t-test; the Chi-test; the correlation coe++icient; con+i5ence limit o+ the mean; com&arison o+ t9o stan5ar5 %alues; com&arison o+ t9o stan5ar5 %alues; com&arison o+ stan5ar5 5e%iation 9ith a%erage 5e%iation; com&arison o+ mean 9ith true %alues; regression analysis /least s<uare metho5 +or linear &lots3@ Unit-II 3olarography: Current-%oltage relationshi&; theory instrumentation; <ualitati%e an5 <uantitati%e a&&lications@ o+ &olarogra&hic 9a%es;

Atomic spectroscopy: atomic a(sor&tion s&ectrosco&y; theory an5 a&&lication /9ith some eBam&les3@ ,hermal analysis: ,heory; metho5ology; instruments an5 a&&lications o+ theromogra%imetric analysis /,G16',13; an5 5i++erential scanning calorimetry /'!C3@ ChromatographyD Basic i5ea on &rinci&les o+ chromatogra&hy; &a&er; column an5 thin layer chromatogra&hy; Gas-li<ui5 chromatogra&hy@ Intro5uction to HP"C Unit-III Analysis of f*el and dr*gs C*el analysis: !oli5; li<ui5 an5 gaseous +uels; ultimate an5 &roBimate analysis o+ soli5 +uel; 'etermination o+ calori+ic %alue o+ soli5; li<ui5 an5 gaseous +uels; =lash &oint an5 +ire &oint@ 0ecommen5e5 (oo:s 1@ 'Modern Methods o (hemical )nalysis*+ R. 1. 3ecsock, 1. ). hields, ,. Cairns, and I. C. Mc ?illiam; 2n5 $5ition /1F)#3; Aohn 7iley; 2e9 4or:@ 2@ 'Basic (once#ts o )nalytical (hemistry*+ . M. >hopkar+ 2n5 $5ition /1FF*3; 2e9 1ge International Pu(lications; 2e9 'elhi@ 3@ 'Instrumental Methods o )nalysis*+ /. /. ?illard, 1. 1. Merritt, and J. A. )ean ; #th $5ition /1F*#3; CB! Pu(lishers 'istri(utors; !hah5ara; 'elhi@ 4@ ')nalytical (hemistry*+ =. ). Christian; 4th $5ition /1F*#3; Aohn 7iley !ons; 2e9 4or:@ 5@ 'Princi#les and Methods o (hemical )nalysis*+ /. C. ?alton; 2n5 $5ition /1F##3; Prentice Hall; 2e9 'elhi@

Material Chemistry
Unit-I Crystal structure o+ soli5sD =un5amental o+ lattices; unit cell; atomic coor5inates; Bra%ais lattices; crystal 5irection an5 &lanes; ty&es o+ close &ac:ing; &ac:ing e++iciency; ra5ius ratiosH +e9 im&ortant crystal structures@ !ynthesis o+ Inorganic soli5sH soli5 state; solution &hase an5 %a&or &hase synthesisH &reci&itation; hy5rothermal; sol-gel; sur+actant (ase5 synthesis@ Gro9th o+ single crystals@ Crystal structure 5etermination (y U-ray 5i++raction; 5-s&acing +ormula; symmetrically a(sent re+lections; Multi&licities; !cattering o+ U-rays (y an atom an5 a crystal@ !ingle crystal an5 &o95er 5i++raction@ $lectron an5 neutron 5i++raction@ Conce&t o+ reci&rocal lattice@ $lectron microsco&y techni<ues@ Unit-II Basics 2anomaterials !ynthesis Metho5sD Bottom-u& %s@ ,o&-5o9n Metho5s@ !olution &hase synthetic metho5s@ 0ole o+ sur+actant in sha&e an5 siCe control o+ nanomaterials@ !ynthesis o+ nano9ires an5 nanotu(es (y C>' an5 M.C>' metho5@ 2anomaterials CharacteriCationD U0' o+ nanomaterials; $lectron microsco&y /!$M; ,$M; H0,$M an5 $'U3 o+ nanomaterials; !canning &ro(e microsco&y@ 2anomaterial &ro&erties an5 a&&licationsD Magnetic &ro&erties o+ nano&articlesH su&er&aramagnetism; +erromagnetism in anti+erromagnetic nano&articles an5 single 5omain to multi5omain transition@ ?se o+ magnetic nano&articles as M0I contrast agents@ Unit-III =rontier areas o+ &olymer science an5 technologyD Con5ucting &olymersD (asic &rinci&les o+ con5ucting &olymers; 5elocaliCe5 electronic states o+ con8ugate5 &olymers; &olyanilines; &olyacetylenes; &olythio&hene; a&&lications o+ con5ucting &olymers@ Bio5egra5a(le &olymersD 'e+inition classi+ication o+ natural (io5egra5a(le &olymers; cellulose; cellulose acetate; cello&hane; soy &rotein; corn; Cein &rotein; 9heat gluten &rotein; synthetic (io5egra5a(le &olymers; &olyhy5roBy al:anoates; &olycar&olactone; &oly/%inyl alcohol3; &olyacetic aci5; a&&lication o+ (io5egra5a(le an5 (iome5ical &olymers; contact lens; 5ental &olymers; arti+icial heart; :i5ney; s:in; an5 (loo5 cells@ =i(ersD natural +i(ers; cotton; 9ool; sil:; rayon; arti+icial +i(ers; &olyami5es; acrylic aci5; P>C; P>1@ 0u((erD Com&oun5ing an5 elastomeric &ro&erties; %ulcaniCation; rein+orcement@


Boo:s an5 0e+erences 1@ Khen Guo an5 "i ,an; Fundamentals and )##lications o ,anomaterials @ 2@ Physical metho5s in chemistryD 0@ !@ 'rago; !aun5ers college@ 3@ Chemical a&&lication o+ grou& theoryD =@ 1@ Cotton; 7iley $astern "t5@ 4@ Polymer science; >@ 0@ Go9ari:er; 2@ >@>is9anathan; A@ !ree5har; 2e9 1ge International@ 5@ Princi&le o+ &olymer chemistryD P@ A@ =lory #@ Polymer !cience an5 technology; Plastics; 0u((er an5 com&osites; P@ Ghosh; ,ata McGra9 Hill@

+nvironmental Chemistry
Unit-I +nvironment: Com&osition o+ atmos&here; tem&erature %ariation o+ earth atmos&heric system /tem&erature %s@ altitu5e cur%e3; (iogeochemical cycles o+ C; 2; P; ! an5 . system@ /ydrosphere: Hy5rological cycle; a<uatic &ollution an5 9ater <uality &arameters I 'issol%e oBygen; (iochemical oBygen 5eman5; chemical oBygen 5eman5; 1nalytical metho5s +or the 5etermination +luori5e; chromium an5 arsenic; resi5ual chlorine an5 chlorine 5eman5; &uri+ication an5 treatment o+ munici&al 9ater an5 9aste 9ater@ Unit-II Atmosphere: Chemical com&osition o+ atmos&here I &article; ions; an5 ra5icals in their +ormation; chemical an5 &hotochemical reactions in atmos&here; smog +ormation; oBi5es o+ 2; C; !; an5 . an5 their e++ect; &ollution (y chemicals; C=C; Green House e++ect; aci5 rain; air &ollution an5 control@ Unit-III AG*atic chemistry: 7ater an5 its necessities; %arious 9ater <uality &arameters /'.; B.'; C.'; con5ucti%ity; &H; al:alinity; har5ness3 an5 its 5etermination; In5ustrial; munici&al 9ater treatment &rocesses; 7aste 9ater treatment &roce5ure /&rimary; secon5ary an5 tertiary3; !oli5 9aste treatment@ !oil &ollution an5 2oise &ollution@

0e+erence Boo:s 1@ 'e@1@G@$n%ironmental Chemistry; 7iley $astern lt5; 2@ Miller ,@G@Ar@; $n%ironmental !cience; 7a5s9orth &u(lishing House; Meerut .5um@$@P@1F)1@ 3@ 1@ 2@ 3@ 4@ =un5amental o+ $cology@ 7@B@ !aun5ers Co@?@!@1@ $n%ironmental chemistryD !@ $@ Manahan; "e9is &u(lisher $n%ironmental chemistry; !harma an5 Gaur; Grishna &u(lishers $n%ironmental chemistry; 1@ G@ 'e; 7iley $astern $n%ironmental Pollution; Monitoring an5 control; !@M@ Gho&:er; 2e9 1ge International@ 5@ $n%ironmental chemistry; C@ Bair5; 7@H@ =reeman@ #@ Princi&les o+ instrumental analysisD '@ 1@ !:oog; 5th e5n; !auns College Pu(lishing Phila5el&hia /"on5on3@ )@ Basic conce&ts o+ analytical chemistryD !@M@Gho&:ar; 7iley $astern

Chemistry in +veryday 1ife

Unit-I Respiration and energy prod*ction 0es&iration; 0es&iratory enCymes; (rie+ outline o+ hemoglo(in an5 myoglo(in; oBygen trans&ort mechanism in (o5y; co-o&erati%ity; 0es&iration in lo9er animals; hemocyanine; hemerythrine; non-heme =e-! &roteins@ $nergy &ro5uction in (o5y; 1,P; enCyme res&onsi(le +or +oo5 5igestion; mechanism o+ +oo5 5igestion; acti%e site o+ cytochrome c-oBi5ase@ Unit-II Chemical aspects of some common health haHards 1nemia; sic:le cell anemia; leu:emia;mechanism; (loo5 &ressure regulation; (loo5 sugar; arthritis; car(on monoBi5e &oisoning in mines; cyani5e &oisoning; +luorosis; &oisoning o+ Hg; C5; P(; 1s etc@ ; toBicity arising +rom 5aily use5 chemicals@ Unit-III 5itamins and minerals 2ee5 +or %itamin in (o5y; ty&es o+ %itamins; 9ater solu(le an5 +at solu(le %itamins; >itamin B-12; %itamin C /Cyanoco(alamine3; '; >itamin G@ 0ole o+ minerals in (o5y; io5ine 5e+iciency; e++ects an5 reme5ies@ Unit-I5 35

ignificance of Radical chemistry in living system 0a5ical &ro5uction in en%ironment; su&eroBi5e an5 &eroBi5e; health im&act; action o+ ra5icals; cell mutation; 5iseases cause5 (y +ree ra5ical; cancer; ra5ical <uencher; anti-oBi5ants; natural anti-oBi5ants li:e %egeta(les; (e%erages li:e tea an5 co++ee; +ruits@ 0a5ical 5estroying enCymesD su&eroBi5e 5ismutase; catalase; &eroBi5ase; mechanism o+ action@

6ooks recommended:

1. #lements *f /i*<In*r;anic Chemistry, G. N. Mu0herDee, ). Das: 2r$ #$, .N DhurE s*ns Pvt Lt$, 3*l0ata, %&&5. %. Chemistry in Daily Life, 3ir+al Sin;h: 2r$ #$, P!I Learnin; Pvt Lt$, Ne Delhi, %&1%.

?ater 3oll*tion and Remediation

!ources o+ 9ater &ollutants; &ollutants; In5ustrial an5 human contri(ution; 7H. recommen5ation a(out &ota(le 9ater; current scenario o+ 5rin:ing 9ater <uality; chemistry o+ toBicants li:e arsenic; +luori5e; chromium; lea5 an5 mercury; cause an5 e++ects o+ 9ater &ollution; reme5iation; techni<ues in%ol%e5 such as a5sor&tion; coagulation-+iltration; 2algona5a techni<ues; re%erse osmosis; acti%ate5 charcoal 5etoBi+ication; a&&lications o+ non-toBic oBi5es an5 miBe5 oBi5es; regeneration an5 recycling; mechanisms o+ 5etoBi+ication; (io-reme5iation; nee5 o+ green chemistry; +uture sco&es@ 4efernces( Cater f*r Life( Ma0in; it !a++en >%&&"? C*rl$ !ealth 6r;ani=ati*n an$ .NIC#@. htt+(FF . h*.intF aterGsanitati*nGhealthF aterf*rlife.+$f C*rl$ !ealth Statistics >%&1&? C*rl$ !ealth 6r;ani=ati*n. htt+(FF . h*.intF h*sisF h*statF#NGC!S1&G@ull.+$f

/eterocyclic chemistry
ystematic /eterocyclic Chemistry, Related Fat*ral 3rod*cts and 6ioheterocycles.


/eterocyclic Chemistry ,hree-mem&ered rings 9ith one heteroatomD Chemistry o+ oBiranes; aCiri5ines an5 e&isul&hi5es - synthetic a&&roaches an5 reacti%ities@

,hree-mem&ered heterocycles 9ith t9o heteroatomsD oBaCiranes; 5iaCiri5ines an5 5iaCirines - synthetic a&&roaches an5 reacti%ities@ Co*r-mem&ered heterocyclesD oBitanes; aCati5anes an5 thietanes - synthetic a&&roaches an5 reacti%ities@ ,9o natural &ro5uctsD synthesis o+ Peniciline an5 ce&halos&orine@

Cive-mem&ered aromatic heterocyclesD a3 7ith one heteroatomD +urans; &yrroles an5 thio&henes - general synthetic a&&roaches; &ro&erties an5 reacti%ities@ (3 7ith t9o heteroatomsD oBaColes; isoBaColes; imi5aColes; thiaColes; &yraColes an5 isothiaColes - general synthetic a&&roaches an5 reacti%ities@ c3 7ith three an5 +our heteroatomsD triaColes an5 tetraColes - synthetic a&&roaches; &ro&erties an5 reacti%ity@

Condensed five-mem&ered /eterocyclesD BenCo+uran; in5oles an5 (enCothiaColes - general synthetic a&&roaches; 9ith greater em&hasis on the chemistry o+ In5oles@

ynthesis of Indole alkaloidsD Harman; harmaine; lysergic aci5 5iethylami5e /"!'3; yohim(ine an5 reser&ine@ Brie+ chemistry o+ (enCoBaColes; (enCisoBaColes; (enCimi5aColes; (enCothiaColes an5 in5aColes@ 3)

iE-mem&ered /eterocycles 9ith one; t9o an5 three heteroatomsD a3 Chemistry o+ &yri5ine grou&H (3 Chemistry o+ &yri5aCines an5 &yrimi5ines@ c3 Chemistry o+ &yraCines an5 triaCines@

D*inoline and IsoG*inoline AlkaloidsD !ynthesis; reacti%ities an5 chemistry o+ their con5ense5 %ariants 9ith greater em&hasis on <uinoline an5 iso<uinoline al:aloi5s@ !electe5 eBam&lesD -uinine; &a&a%erine; other con5ense5 %ariants such as cinnolines; &halagines; <uinoColines an5 <uinoBalines@ F*cleic Acid !)FA' !ynthesis o+ 15enine; Guanine; Uanthine; Cytosine; ,hiamine; ?ri5ine an5 their nucleosi5es an5 nucleoti5es@ 'ou(le heliB +ormation an5 role in &rotein synthesis@

Recommended 6ooks 1@ Princi&les o+ Mo5ern Heterocyclic Chemistry; "@ 1@ Pa<uette; 7@ 1@ Ben8amin; 2e9 4or:; 1F#*@ 2@ Heterocyclic Chemistry; A@1@ Aoule an5 G@ =@ !mith; %an 2ostran5; "on5on; 1F)*@ 3@ Com&rehensi%e Heterocyclic Chemistry@ ,he structure; reactions; synthesis an5 use o+ Heterocyclic com&oun5s; /$5@ 1@0@ GatritC:y an5 C@ 7@ 0ees3;@ >ol 1-*; Pergamon Press; 1F*4@ 4@ Han5(oo: o+ Heterocyclic Chemistry; 1@ 0@ GatritC:y; Pergamon Press; 1F*5@ 5@ 0ing ,rans+ormations o+ Heterocycles; >ol 1 an5 2; H@ C@ >an 5er &las; 3*

1ca5emic Press; 2e9 4or:; 1F)3@


3hotochemistry < Reaction )ynamics
@un$amental as+ects *f reacti*n 0inetics, c*llisi*n an$ transiti*n state the*ries *f reacti*ns rates. 3inetics an$ mechanisms *f h*m*;ene*us an$ heter*;ene*us catalytic reacti*ns. 3inetics *f electr*chemical reacti*ns ith s+ecial reference t* hy$r*;en ev*luti*n reacti*n an$ electr*$e+*siti*n. Mechanism *f c*m+le7 reacti*n, $erivati*n *f $ifferential rate eHuati*ns, stea$y state an$ rate limitin; a++r*7imati*ns as a++lie$ f*r c*m+le7 reacti*ns, fast reacti*ns, techniHues f*r stu$y *f fast reacti*ns. #7+l*si*n reacti*ns. 3inetics an$ Mechanism *f I*nic chain reacti*ns. 3inetic treatment *f $iffusi*n in liHui$s an$ s*luti*ns. Photophysical and Photochemical processes Intr*$ucti*n: e7citati*n an$ the e7cite$ states: la s *f +h*t*chemistry ( Gr*tthus<Dra+erAs La , #insteinAs la *f +h*t*chemical eHuivalence: Huantum yiel$. 'a"lons#i diagram( Franc#!Condon principle, )asha*s rule, spin states and their inter!con+ersion, spin or"it coupling, energy trans er processes, static and dynamic ,uenching, Stern!-olmer analysis%

Recommended Boo#s( 1. 3.-. Lai$ler, Chemical 3inetics, 2r$ #$. Pears*n #$ucati*n Inc. %. -. 4aDaram, -.C. 3uriac*se, 3inetics an$ Mechanisms *f Chemical Transf*rmati*ns, Mc Millan. In$ia Lt$. 2. S.3. .+a$hayay, Chemical 3inetics an$ 4eacti*n Dynamics, )namaya Publishers, Ne Delhi. 4. -.6.M. /*c0ris an$ ).3.N. 4e$$y, M*$ern #lectr*chemistry 9*l II, Plenum Press, Ne I*r0. ". Chemical 3inetics an$ Dynamics, -. I. Steinfel$, -. S. @rancisc* an$ C. L. !ase, Prentice !all, 1111. 8. Chemical Dynamics in C*n$ense$ Phases( 4ela7ati*n, Transfer an$ 4eacti*ns in C*n$ense$ M*lecular Systems, ). Nit=an, 67f*r$ .niversity Press, %&&8. '. @un$amentals *f Ph*t*chemistry, 3. 3. 4*hat;i Mu0herDee, Ciley #astern Lt$., 11'5. 5. M*$ern M*lecular Ph*t*chemistry, N. -. Turr*, .niversity Science /**0s, 1111.


4rganic pectroscopy
4rganic pectroscopy /asic Princi+les *f .9 S+ectr*sc*+y, )++licati*n *f C**$ ar$<@iser rule in inter+retati*n *f 6r;anic c*m+*un$s, /asic +rinci+les *f I4 S+ectr*sc*+y, I$entificati*n *f @uncti*nal ;r*u+s *f vari*us classes *f *r;anic c*m+*un$s, )++licati*n *f Chemical Shifts, S+littin; *f si;nals, S+in c*u+lin; an$ 6ver !*user effect in inter+retati*n *f NM4 s+ectra, Si;nificance *f $ec*u+lin; +hen*men*n an$ Is*t*+ic e7chan;e reacti*n in NM4. /asic +rinci+les Mass S+ectr*metry, )++licati*n *f fra;mentati*n rule in characteri=ati*n *f *r;anic c*m+*un$s. Pr*blems *n structure eluci$ati*n *f *r;anic c*m+*un$s base$ *n s+ectral $ata. Recommended Boo#s 1.I @lemmin; E /.!.Cilliams, T.C. M*rnil >4th e$iti*n? McGra !ill /**0 C*m+any 115'. %.4.M. Silverstein, G.C. /assler, T. C. M*rnil >"th e$iti*n? -*hn Ciley E S*ns, Inc Ne I*r0,

4rganic Chemistry-II
Car&ohydrates: 'etermination o+ the con+iguration o+ monosacchari5es; 0ing structure o+ the monosacchari5es; glycosi5es; con+iguration o+ C1 in glucose; Hu5sonEs rules; metho5s +or 5etermining the siCe o+ sugar rings; con+ormational analysis; eBam&les o+ some sugar 5eri%ati%es; >itamin C6"/+3 ascoro(ic aci5; 5isacchari5es; 5isacchari5es; &olysacchari5es; glycosi5es@ Amino acids and proteins: Classi+ication o+ the amino aci5s; general metho5s o+ &re&aration o+ the amino aci5s; analysis o+ amino-aci5s +rom &rotein hy5rolysates; general &ro&erties o+ the amino aci5s; &roteins; general nature o+ &roteins; classi+ication o+ &roteins; the &e&ti5e lin:age; the &rimary structure o+ &e&ti5es; synthesis o+ &e&ti5es; oBytocin; the s&atial arrangement o+ &rotein molecules; $nCymes; General nature o+ enCymes; nomenclature an5 classi+ication; co+actors; s&eci+icity o+ enCyme action; mechanism o+ enCyme action; (iosynthesis o+ enCymes@ 5itaminesD Intro5uction; %itamin-B com&leB@


Recommended 6ooks 1@ .rganic chemistry; %ol2; !tereochemistry an5 the chemistry o+ natural &ro5ucts; I@"@=inar; Person; 2011@ 1@ $nantioselecti%e !ynthesisD 2atural Pro5ucts +rom Chiral ,er&enes; ,@ "@ Ho; 7iley Interscience; 2@ 2atural Pro5uct Chemistry; G@ 2a:anashi; ,@Goto an5 !@ 2atori; >ol@ 1; 2 an5 3; Go5ansha !cienti+ic Boo:s; ,o:yo; 1F*3@ 3@ .rganic Chemistry o+ Biological Path9ays; A@ McMurray an5 1@ Begly@ 4@ ,er&enoi5s; >ol@ I an5 II; P@ 'e Mayo@

6iomolec*lar 1a&oratory
1@!ystematic i5enti+ication o+ organic com&oun5s /mono+unctional an5 sim&le (i+unctional3 an5 &re&aration o+ their 5eri%ati%es@ 2@ Pre&aration o+ the +ollo9ing com&oun5sD !u&hanilic aci5; 5i(enCyl acetone; methyl orange; 5initro(enCene +rom (enCene; isolation o+ ca++ine@ 3@ $stimation o+ &henol /(romi5e-(romate metho53 an5 aniline /(romi5e-(romate an5 acetylation metho5s3@ 4@ $<ui%alent 9eight o+ an aci5 /neutraliCation3@ 5@ I5enti+ication o+ organic +unctional grou&s (y I@0@ s&ectrosco&y@ /$B&t may (e a55e565elete5 su(8ect to the a%aila(ility o+ +acilities6time3

3ro.ect ?ork
,he &ro8ect 9or: shall (e carrie5 out un5er the su&er%ision o+ a +aculty/s3 o+ the Centre +or 1&&lie5 Chemistry@ Inter5isci&linary 9or: 9ithin the Centre6!chool is also encourage5@ ,he &ro8ect 9or: can (e a re%ie9 an56or eB&erimental 9or: to (e carrie5 out as &er the su&er%ision o+ +aculty6+aculties concerne5@ 1t the en5 o+ the semester; the can5i5ate shall (e e%aluate5 at the centre an5 the re&ort shall (e sent to the eBamination 5e&artment@ >aluation shall (e out o+ 100 mar:s /* cre5its3 as &er +ollo9ingD Presentation o+ 9or:D 30 mar:s !u(mission o+ re&ort /har5 co&y nee5 to (e su(mitte53D 50 >i%a-%oceD 20

emester Ath and Bth

+M+ ,+R-5II l n o *&.e ct Code

Conta ct /o*rs per 0eek !12,2 3'

+M+ ,+R-5III
Conta ct /o*rs per 0eek !12,2 3'



l no

*&.ec t Code


1 2 3

2anomaterials- !ynthesis; Characterisation Pro&erties .rganic Photochemistry an5 molecular rearrangements Coor5ination Mechanisms Magnetism

4 4 4

1 2 3

+lectives: /131&&lie5 $lectrochemistry /232ano-Chemistry Green ,echnology Mo5ern ,echni<ues o+ 1nalytical Chemistry Catalysis its In5ustrial 1&&lication +lectives: /13 =rontiers o+ BioInorganic Bio-Mimetic Chemistry /23 In5ustrial .rganic Chemistry /33 0a5iation Chemistry /43 2o%el synthetic strategy in organic chemistry PG la(-III /1&&lie5 Physical Chemistry "a(3 PG la(-I> /1&&lie5 In5ustrial Chemistry "a(3 ,4,A1 CR+)I,

4 4 4

3+1+0 3+1+0

3+1+0 3+1+0

In5ustrial Chemistry



5 #

PG la(-I /1&&lie5 Inorganic Chemistry "a(3 PG la(-II /1&&lie5 .rganic Chemistry "a(3 ,4,A1 CR+)I,

3+1+0 0+0+4

4 4 2 4

5 #

0+0+* 0+0+*

4 4 24



5II- emester
Fanomaterials- ynthesis, Characterisation < 3roperties
Unit-I Introd*ction to Fanostr*ct*red materials: Pre&aration metho5sD thermal an5 ultrasoun5 5ecom&osition metho5s@ 0e5uction metho5s@ Co&reci&itation; s&ry 5rying; sol-gel an5 hy5rothermal metho5s@ Ca&&e5 semicon5uctor nano&articles@ High energy (all milling an5 mechanical attrition@ ,hermal e%a&oration@ !&uttering@ "aser a(lation@ Chemical %a&our 5e&osition@ Molecular (eam e&itaBy@ ,hermal s&raying@ $lectro an5 electroless 5e&osition@ CharacteriCation techni<uesD ,$M; !$M; 1=M an5 !,M@ .&tical an5 %i(rational s&ectrosco&y@ Pro&ertiesD <uantum 9ells; 9ires an5 5ots@ 2anostructure5 +erroelectric materials an5 nanocom&osites@ 2anostructure5 materials in catalysis an5 electrocatalysis@ Car(on clusters com&oun5s; Pre&aration an5 &ro&erties o+ car(on nanotu(es@ Inorganic nanotu(es an5 nanoro5s; nano&orous materials@ Unit-II Advanced ceramic materials for electronic and electrical *se: !ymmetry an5 other criteria o+ +erro-electricity; +erroelectric transitions in Ba,i.3;P(,io3 an5 other relate5 materials@ $++ect o+ com&ositional mo5i+ications an5 grain siCe@ 0elaBor +erroelectric@ Per+ormance categories o+ ceramic ca&acitors 9ith ty&ical com&ositions@ Po95er synthesis; electro5ing an5 &ac:aging o+ 5iscrete; multilayer an5 (arrier layer ca&acitors@ !ymmetry consi5erations an5 e<uations o+ state +or &ieCoelectric an5 electrostricti%e e++ects@ Pole5 +erroelectric ceramics@ &re&aration an5 &ro&erties o+ PK, ceramics@ ,hin +ilms o+ PK,@ PieCoelectric &ositioners; lou5 s&ea:ers an5 gas ignitors@ Pyroelectric an5 electro-o&tic ceramics 9ith their a&&licatons@ Magnetic ceramics an5 their crystal structure@ $++ect o+ com&osition on


magnetic (eha%iour@ Processing; microstructure; &ro&erties an5 a&&lications o+ magnetic ceramics@ Recommended 6ooks 1@ 0@C@ Buchanan; Ceramic Materials +or electronics; Marcel 'e::er; 2e9 4or:@ 2@ "@"@ Hench A@G@ 7est; Princi&les o+ electronic ceramics; Aohn 7iley !ons@ 3@ 2anostructures an5 2anomaterials; G@ Cao@ 4@ intro5uction to 2anotechnology; charles P@ Poole Ar@ an5 =@A@ .9ens@ 5@ 2anostructure5 Materials; Carl C@Coch@

4rganic 3hotochemistry and molec*lar rearrangements

Unit I 4rganic 3hotochemistry < Cree Radical Reactions: Photochemical &rocesses@ $nergy trans+er; sensitiCation an5 <uenching@ !inglet an5 tri&let states an5 their reacti%ity@ Photoreactions o+ car(onyl com&oun5s; enes; 5ienes; an5 arenes@ 2orrish reactions o+ acyclic :etones@ Patterno-Buchi; Barton; &hoto-=ries an5 'i-&i-methane rearrangement reactions@ Photoreactions o+ >itamin '@ Photochemistry o+ %ision an5 &hotosynthesis@ !inglet oBygen generation an5 reactions@ 1&&lications o+ &hotoreactions@ Unit II Molec*lar Rearrangements Mechanism; 9ith e%i5ence; o+ 7agner I Meer9ein; Pinacol; 'em8ano%; Ho+mann; Curtius; !chmi5t; "ossen; Bec:mann; 7ol++; =ries; 1ryloCo; =ischer-He&&; Ho+mannMartius; %on 0icheter; .rton; Bam(erger; !miles; 'ienone-Phenol; BenCilic aci5; BenCi5ine; =a%ors:ii; !te%ens; 7rittig; !ommelet-Hauser; Baeyer->illiger; Hy5ro&eroBi5e an5 (orane rearrangements@ 'a:in reaction References 1@ '@H@7illiams an5 I@=leming; M!&ectrosco&ic Metho5s in .rganic ChemistryN; 7iley@ 2@ 7@Gem&; M.rganic !&ectrosco&yN; "ongman 3@ A@March; M15%ance5 .rganic ChemistryN; 7iley 4@ 0@.@C@2orman an5 1@CoBon; MMo5ern !ynthetic 0eactionsN; Cha&man an5 Hall 5@ M@B@!mith; M.rganic !ynthesisN; McGra9-Hill #@ 0@G@Bansal; M!ynthetic 1&&lications in .rganic ChemistryN; 2arosa )@ 0@A@!immon5s; MChemistry o+ BiomoleculesN; 0oyal !ociety o+ Chemistry *@ I@"@=inar; M.rganic ChemistryN >ol1 an5 2 ; "ongman F@ 0eaction mechanism- Mu:her8ee !ingh

Coordination Mechanisms < Magnetism


UFI,-I Coordination Chemistry: Reaction Mechanism and Method of ynthesis: +lectron transfer reactions: Intro5uction Gey i5eas concerning electron trans+er (et9een transition metals@ .uter s&here electron trans+erH Chemical acti%ationH Cross reaction@ Inner s&here electron trans+erH =ormation an5 rearrangement o+ &recursor@ $lectronic structure o+ oBi5ant an5 re5uctant@ 2ature o+ (ri5ging ligan5H =ission o+ successor com&leB@ ,9o electron trans+er@ 2on-com&limentary reactions@ !ynthesis o+ coor5ination com&oun5s using electron trans+er@

UFI,-II *&stit*tion Reactions 0e&lacement reactions at =our-coor5inate Planar 0eaction Centers General mechanism in s<uare &lanar su(stitution =actors a++ecting the reacti%ity Com&leBes o+ Pt/II3 an5 other 5* metal ions@ In+luence o+ grou&s entering cis an5 trans &osition 2ature o+ lea%ing grou& !u(stitution reactions in octahe5ral com&leBes Coor5inate5 9ater re&lacement; rates !ol%olysis or hy5rolysis

1ci5 hy5rolysis Base catalyCe5 hy5rolysis; CB mechanism ,hermo5ynamic sta(ility !ynthesis an5 chemistry o+ some co(alt an5 &latinum com&leBes@ UFI,-III

ome Important Aspects of Coordination Mechanism .r5er o+ reaction an5 mechanism Metho5s o+ characteriCation o+ reaction interme5iates ,echni<ues +or +ast reactions 2ucleo&hilicity; Hammet relationshi&; ,a+t relationshi& "inear +ree energy relationshi& IsomeriCation an5 racemiCation Photochemical reactions Hy5rogen acti%ation UFI,-I5 MA=F+,I M in transition metal compleEes 'iamagnetic correction; single an5 multielectron system; ty&es o+ magnetic(eha%iour; 5iamagnetism; &aramagnetism; +erromagnetism; =erri; anti+erro an5magnetic interaction; the origin o+ &ara magnetism; magnetic (eha%iouro+com&leBes@ 'etermination o+ magnetic susce&ti(ility (y Gouy; >!M an5 =ara5ay metho5@ Magnetic susce&ti(ility in solution; $%ans metho5@ Magnetic &ro&erties o+ com&leBes; 1st an5 2n5 or5ere5 Keeman e++ect; .r(ital contri(ution; s&in-or(it cou&ling; <uenching o+ or(ital angular momentum (y ligan5 +iel5s; s&in +ree I s&in &aire5 e<uilli(ria@


,em&erature 5e&en5ent an5 in5e&en5ent magnetism; Curie la9; Curi9-7eiss la9; Curie an5 2eel tem&erature@

Ind*strial Chemistry
Unit-I 3rinciple of Chemical +ngineering: Intro5uction to chemical engineering@ Com&arison o+ aca5emic an5 in5ustrial Chemistry@ Material an5 energy (alances@ ?nit an5 5imensionsD conser%ation o+ mass an5 energy; &ro(lem sol%ing techni<uesH com&uter (ase5 toolsH sources o+ 5ata@ I5eal gas la9sD 0eal gas relationshi&s; %a&our &ressure; %a&our-li<ui5 e<uili(ria +or (inary an5 multicom&onent systems; material (alancesD material (alance 9ith an5 9ithout chemical reactionsH material (alance in%ol%ing &hase change@ Material an5 energy (alance calculations o+ some sim&le selecte5 &rocess &lants such as sul+uric aci5; ammonia; urea; caustic so5a etc@ Unit-II Man*fact*ring of Inorganic /eavy Chemicals: Intro5uction to chemical in5ustryD =lo9 sheet &re&aration@ Princi&les o+ &rocess selection an5 o&eration selection@ Basic ra9 materials an5 routes to ma8or inorganic &ro5ucts@ =lo9 sheets an5 engineering as&ects o+ the manu+acture o+ sul&huric aci5; so5ium hy5roBi5e; chlorine; ammonia; &hos&horic aci5; nitric aci5; ammonium nitrate; urea; glass; ceramics; re+ractories an5 Portlan5 cement@ Unit III Man*fact*ring of 4rganic ChemicalsD 0a9 materials an5 routes to ma8or organic &ro5ucts@ =l9o sheets an5 engineering as&ects o+ the manu+acture o+ im&ortant &ro5ucts such as nitro(enCene; linear al:yl (enCene sul&honate; chloro(enCene %inyl chlori5e; 'M,; ethyl acetate; cummene; al:yl (enCenes; cycloheBanone; &thalic aci5; soa&s; 5etergents an5 hy5ogenation o+ oils@ PharmaceuticalsD Manu+acturing &rocesses o+ as&irin; %itamin 1 an5 &aracetamol@ Pestici5esD Manu+acture o+ BHC; '',; Car(aryl an5 Malathion@ Manu+acture o+ some common 5yes@ References: 1@ $@G@0i5eal; MConce&ts in catalysisN; 1ca5emic Press 2@ 1@Clar:; M,he ,heory o+ 15sor&tion an5 CatalysisN; 1ca5emic Press 3@ 0@Pearce an5 7@0@Patterson /$5s@3; MCatalysis an5 Chemical Processes@N;Bac:ie an5 sons

4@ A@M@Betty; M1&&lie5 In5ustrial CatalysisN; 1ca5emic Press 5@ Coulson an5 0ichar5son; MChemical $ngineeringN; >ol@ 1;2; 3 #@ McCa(e; M?nit .&eartion o+ Chemical $ngineeringN )@ Peter 7iseman; MIn5ustrial .rganic ChemistryN *@ 2@0@2erris !hre%e; MChemical Process In5ustriesN F@ 'ri5ens; M.utline o+ Chemical ,echnologyN 10@ B@G@!harma; MIn5ustrial Chemistry; Goel Pu(lishing House 11@ B@ "@ Bhatt an5 !@ M@ >ora; !toichiometry; ,ata-McGra9 Hill Pu(lishing Com&any; 2e9 'elhi@ 12@ .@ 1@ Hougen; G@ M@ 7atson an5 0@ 1@ 0agatC; Chemical Process Princi&les Part-I; Aohn 7iley !ons@ 13@ '@ M@ Himmel(lau; Basic Princi&les an5 Calculations in Chemical $ngineering; Prentice Hall Inc@ 14@ MProcess Calculations +or Chemical $ngineeringN; 2n5 e5ition; Chemical $ngineering $5ucation 'e%elo&ment Centre; II, Ma5ras@

3= 1a&-I !Applied Inorganic Chemistry 1a&oratory'

1@ Pre&aration o+ +ollo9ing com&leBesD /i3 Potassium trioBalato chromate/III3 /ii3 CoHg/!C234 /iii3 Cu/I3 thiourea com&leB /i%3 'ou(le salts / Chrome alum6 MohrEs salt3 /%3 Bis / 2; 4-&entane5ionate3 Cinc hy5rate 1@ 'etermination o+ nic:el as nic:el /II3 5imethyl glyoBimate /in%ol%ing sol%ent eBtraction3 colorimetrically@ 2@ 'etermination o+ P( as 5ithioCone com&leB colorimetrically@ 3@ 'etermination o+ 1l or Mg as their oBinate colorimetrically@ 4@ Potentiometric titration in%ol%ing $',1@ 5@ Potentiometric titration o+ =e2+ 9ith Ce4+@ #@ Ao(Es metho5 o+ continuous %ariation +or 5etermination o+ stoichiometry o+ the com&leBes@ )@ Gra%imetric 5etermination o+ the +ollo9ing using sintere5 glass cruci(leD /a3 2i as 2i/'MG32 /(3 Cu as Cu/!C23 /c3 1l or Mg as oBinate /53 Kn as Kn 2H4P.4 *@ Chromatogra&hic se&aration o+ the +ollo9ing D /a3 ClV; BrV; an5 IV /(3 C52+ an5 Hg2+ /c3 1g2+ an5 P(2+ F@ Pre&aration o+ 1luminium acetylacetonate an5 its &uri+ication (y %acuum su(limation@ !+Eperiments may &e addedIdeleted s*&.ect to the availa&ility of facilitiesItime'

3= 1a&-II !Applied 4rganic Chemistry 1a&oratory'

1@ !ystematic i5enti+ication o+ organic com&oun5s /mono+unctional an5 sim&le (i+unctional3 an5 &re&aration o+ their 5eri%ati%es@

2@ Pre&aration o+ the +ollo9ing com&oun5sD !u&hanilic aci5; 5i(enCyl acetone; methyl orange; 5initro(enCene +rom (enCene; isolation o+ ca++ine@ 3@ $stimation o+ &henol /(romi5e-(romate metho53 an5 aniline /(romi5e-(romate an5 acetylation metho5s3@ 4@ $<ui%alent 9eight o+ an aci5 / neutraliCation3@ 5@ I5enti+ication o+ organic +unctional grou&s (y I@0@ s&ectrosco&y@ !+Eperiments may &e addedIdeleted s*&.ect to the availa&ility of facilitiesItime'

5III- emester

Applied +lectrochemistry
Unit-I ,heory of strong electrolytes:-ualitati%e i5ea o+ 'e(ye-Huc:el theory o+ ion-ion interactions; 'e(ye-Huc:el limiting la9 +or acti%ity coe++icient o+ ions in electrolyte solution /5eri%ation not re<uire53; its mo5i+ication +or concentrate5 solutions@ 'e(ye-Huc:el-.nsager /'-H-.3 theory o+ electrolytic con5uctanceD <ualitati%e i5ea o+ electro&horetic an5 relaBation e++ects; '-H. e<uation +or con5uctance o+ electrolyte solutions; e++ect o+ high +re<uency an5 high +iel5 on con5uctance@ -ualitati%e i5ea o+ electri+ie5 inter+ace; electro:inetic e++ects; 5eri%ation o+ Ceta &otential@

Unit II +lectrodicsD 'i++erent ty&es o+ elctro5es@ $lectrochemical cells@ Concentration cell an5 acti%ity coe++icient 5etermination@ .rigin o+ electro5e &otential@ "i<ui5 8unction &otential@ $%aluation o+ thermo5ynamic &roe&rties@ ,he electro5e 5ou(le layerD $lectro5eelectrolyte inter+ace@ ,heory o+ multi&le layer ca&acity@ $lectroca&illary@ "i&&mann &otential@ Mem(rane &otential@ $lecro:inetic &henomena@ Mechanism o+ charge trans+er at electro5e-electrolyte inter+ace@ $lectrolysis@ Current-&otential cur%es@ 'issolution; 5e&osition an5 5ecom&osition &otentials@ $nergy (arriers at metalelectrolyte inter+ace@ 'i++erent ty&es o+ o%er &otentials@ Butter->olmer e<uation@ ,a+el an5 2ernst e<uation@ 0ate 5etermining ste& in electro5e :inetics@ ,he hy5rogen o%er %oltage@ ,he oBygen o%er %oltage@ ,heories o+ o%er %oltage@ Unit-III +lectrochemical Cells: Gal%anic cells; re%ersi(le an5 irre%ersi(le cells; cell $M= an5 its measurement@@ 0eactions in re%ersi(le cells; +ree energy an5 $M= o+ re%ersi(le cell@ !ingle electro5e &otential /2ernst e<uation3; its measurement an5 sign con%ention@ !tan5ar5 electro5e &otential@ $M= o+ re%ersi(le cell +rom electro5e &otentials@ ,y&es o+ re%ersi(le electro5e; re+erence electro5es@ 1&&lications o+ $M= measurements D 5etermination o+ ionic acti%ities; &H; &otentiometric titrations /aci5-(ase; re5oB; &reci&itation ty&e reactions3; e<uili(rium constant@ Concentration cells 9ith an5 9ithout trans+erence@ "i<ui5 8unction &otential an5 its elimination@ .%er%oltage; eB&erimental 5etermination o+ hy5rogen o%er%oltage; a&&lication o+ o%er%oltage@ =uel cells /hy5rogen-oBygen; hy5rocar(onoBygen3; Commercial cells /&rimary an5 secon5ary cells3; 5ry cell; aci5 an5 al:ali storage cells@ References: 1@ G@7@Castellan; MPhysical ChemistryN; 155ision-"esley Pu(lishing Co@ 2@ $@1@Moel9yn Hughes; MPhysical Chemistry; Pergamon Press@ 3@ A@0ose; M'ynamic Physical ChemistryN; !ir Issac Pitman !ons 4@ 1@7@15amson; M,he Physics an5 Chemistry o+ !ur+acesN; Interscience 5@ '@0@Cro9; M,he Princi&les o+ $lectrochemistryN; Cha&man an5 Hall #@ A@.@M@Bo:ris an5 1@G@2@0e55y; MMo5ern $lectrochemistryN; Plenum 0osatta )@ '@1@MacInnes; M,he Princi&les o+ $lectrochemistryN; 'o%er Pu(lishers

"nd option


Fano-Chemistry < =reen- ,echnology

Co*rse contents to &e added

Modern ,echniG*es of Analytical Chemistry

Unit $ +lectrochemical and spectral techniG*es $lectrochemical an5 s&ectral analysis; an5 analytical se&aration $lectrochemical metho5sD Con5uctometry; Potentiometry; &H-metry@ $lectrogra%imetry; Coulometry; cyclic %oltammetry; &olarogra&hy; 5i++erential &ulse &olarogra&hy; Coulometry@ !&ectro&hotometryD "am(ert-Beer la9; "imits to BeerEs la9; Princi&le o+ s&ectro&hotometric estimation o+ iron; manganese an5 &hos&horous@ 'etection an5 estimation o+ =e; 1s; Hg; C5; P(; 2H4+; an5 =-; 2.3-; 2.2- in 9ater sam&le@ Princi&les an5 instrumentations o+ atomic a(sor&tion /11!3 an5 atomic emission s&ectrometryH estimation o+ so5ium an5 &otassium in 9ater sam&les@ UFI, " 3rinciples and application of chromatography !igni+icance o+ chromatogra&hic techni<ues; Ion eBchange resins an5 their eBchange ca&acities; &rinci&le an5 sim&le a&&lications o+ ion eBchange se&aration@ Chromatogra&hic se&arationsD Classi+ication o+ chromatogra&hic metho5s; thin layer; &a&er; column; gas chromatogra&hic techni<ues an5 their sim&le a&&lications; 0+-%alues an5 their signi+icance; elution in column chromatogra&hy; migration rates o+ solutes; (an5 (roa5ening an5 column e++iciency; column resolution@ UFI, 9

tatistical methods in Chemical Analysis !tatistical metho5s in chemical analysis; mean; me5ian; mo5e; stan5ar5 5e%iations@ $rrors in chemical analysisD 1ccuracy an5 &recision o+ measurements; 5eterminate in5eterminate; systematic an5 ran5om errors in chemical analysis 9ith eBam&les; a(solute an5 relati%e errors@ source; e++ect an5 5etection o+ systematic errorsH 5istri(ution o+ ran5om errors; normal error cur%e; stan5ar5 5e%iations; stan5ar5 5e%iation o+ calculate5 resultssum or 5i++erence; &ro5uct or <uotient signi+icant +igures; roun5ing an5 eB&ressing results o+ chemical com&utations@ Gaussian 5istri(ution &attern; ,-test; =-test@ Unit @ 3rinciples of =ravimetric, compleE-metric and tritimetric methods of analysis !&ased on ind*strial application ' 0e<uirements o+ gra%imetryD &ro&erties o+ &reci&itates an5 &reci&itating regents; &article siCe an5 +iltera(ility o+ &reci&itates; colloi5al an5 crystalline &reci&itates co&reci&itation an5 &ost-&reci&itation 5rying an5 ignition o+ &reci&itates; &rinci&leso+ gra%imetric estimation o+ chlori5e; &hos&hate; Cinc; iron; aluminum an5 magnesium Primary an5 secon5ary stan5ar5 su(stances in aci5-(ase; re5oB; com&leB-metric /$',13; Cinc acetate@ Princi&le an5 a&&lication o+ re5oB tritimetricestimation (ase5 on the use o+ the +ollo9ing reagentsD GM2.4; G2Cr2.); 2a2!2.3@5H2.; GH/I.332 an5 GBr.3@ Princi&le o+ argentimetric estimation o+ chlori5e using a5sor&tion in5icators@ Princi&le o+ com&leBometric $',1 titration; metal ion in5icators /eBam&les3; mas:ing an5 5emas:ing reactions; estimation o+ Cu-Kn; =e-1l an5 Ca-Mg miBture (y $',1 titration metho5s@ 'issolution; scheme o+ analysis an5 &rinci&les o+ estimation o+ the constituents o+ the +ollo9ing materialsD 5olomite; &yrolusite; chalcho&yrites; Portlan5 cement; (asic slag; (rass; steel an5 ty&e metal@



1@ '@1@!:oog; '@M@7est an5 =@A@Holler; M=un5ametals o+ 1nalytical ChemistryN; !aun5ers College Pu(lishing@ 2@ C@"@7ilson an5 '@7@7ilson; MCom&rehensi%e 1nalytical ChemistryN; 'an %an 2ostran5 3@ A@G@'ic:; M1nalytical Chemistry; McGra9 Hill

Catalysis < its Ind*strial Applications

Unit I Catalysis- 3rinciples and Applications: Basic &rinci&les o+ catalysisD a5sor&tion isotherms; sur+ace area &ore siCe an5 aci5 strength measurement@ $nthal&y an5 entro&y o+ a5sor&tionD inter&retation o+ chemisor&tions (ase5 on the structure an5 the nature o+ the soli5 I soli5 state theories I role o+ 5e+ects in catalysis@ Ginetic o+ sur+ace reactionsD rate 5etermining ste&; $Bam&les o+ %arious ty&es o+ reaction; sim&le; &arallel an5 consecuti%e reactions@ !election; &re&aration an5 e%aluation o+ catalysts I test reaction; &romoters; carriers an5 sta(iliCers@ CatalysisD Mechanism an5 theories o+ homogeneous an5 heterogeneous catalysis@ 1ci5 (ase an5 enCyme catalysis@ Bimolecular sur+ace reactions@ "angmuir-Hinshel9oo5 mechanism@ Unit-II Mechanisms of selected reactions: Hy5rogenation an5 5ehy5rogenation reaction I 5ehy5ration o+ alcohols; ole+in hy5rogenation; 5ecom&osition o+ nitrous oBi5e; oBi5ation o+ C.etoniCation o+ car(oBylic aci5s; crac:ing o+ hy5rocar(ons@ 1&&licationsD &etrochemical in5ustry I re+orming an5 re+ining I %alue a55e5 chemicals en%ironmental &rotection autoeBhaust catalysts 2o%el catalytic material clusters; Ceolites; meso&orous materials@ $lectrocatalysis an5 Photo catalysis@ Unit-III Catalysts in =reen Chemistry: Intro5uction to the &rinci&les o+ green chemistry I &re%ention o+ 9aste; atom economy; less haCar5ous chemical syntheses; 5esigning sa+er chemicals; sa+er sol%ents an5 auBiliaries; 5esign +or energy e++iciency; re5uce 5eri%ati%es; rene9a(le +ee5stoc:; catalysis; 5esign +or 5egra5ation; real time analysis +or &ollution &re%ention; an5 inherently sa+er chemistry +or acci5ent &re%ention@ Green synthesis; clean routes; su&ercritical sol%ents; ionic li<ui5s; green catalyst; auto-eBhaust catalyst an5 clean technology@

References: 1@ $@G@0i5eal; MConce&ts in catalysisN; 1ca5emic Press 2@ 1@Clar:; M,he ,heory o+ 15sor&tion an5 CatalysisN; 1ca5emic Press 3@ 0@Pearce an5 7@0@Patterson /$5s@3; MCatalysis an5 Chemical Processes@N;Bac:ie an5 sons 4@ A@M@Betty; M1&&lie5 In5ustrial CatalysisN; 1ca5emic Press

Crontiers of 6io-inorganic < 6io-mimetic Chemistry
4*le *f metalsin bi*l*;y, acti*n *f NaF3 +um+, metal i*n t*7icity. Carb*nic buffer an$ carb*nic anhy$rase, Ph*t*system I an$ II, chl*r*+hyll Su+er*7i$e in c*m+le7es. 67i$ative ;enerati*n *f the 6<6b*n$ fr*m ater $urin; +h*t*synthesis an$ its im+*rtance fr*m the stan$+*int*f n*n<c*nventi*nal ener;y research an$ ii? re$uctive cleava;e *f the $i*7y;en6<6 b*n$ an$ the chemistry there*f >vari*us n*vel *r;anic transf*rmati*nsinclu$in; methane t* methan*l *f bi*techn*l*;ical im+*rtance?, +erf*rme$ bya lar;e number *f metall*en=ymes an$ synthetic catalysts, methane m*n**7i;enase >MM6? )sc*rbate *7i$ase Cyt*chr*me P<4"& )mine *7i$ase Nitr*;enase !al*+er*7i$ase Carb*7y +e+ti$ase Nitrate re$uctase


)lc*h*l $ehy$r*;enase Metall*thi*nines Gluc*se metab*lism, )TP f*rmati*n #n=yme inhibiti*n S*me selecte$ m*$elin; stu$y

Ind*strial 4rganic Chemistry

Contents to &e given

Radiation Chemistry
Radiation Chemistry: Classi+ication o+ nucli5es; nuclear sta(ility; (in5ing energy an5 nuclear mo5els@ Characteristics o+ ra5ioacti%e 5ecay; 5ecay :inetics; &arent-5aughter 5ecay gro9th relationshi&s; 5etection an5 measurement o+ ra5ioacti%ity; a5%ances in the soli5 an5 li<ui5 scintillation counting techni<ues; metho5s +or the 5etermination o+ hal+ li+e &erio5 o+ single an5 miBe5 ra5ionucli5es@ 2uclear +ission; nuclear +uels an5 nuclear reactors; nuclear +uel re&rocessing; +ast (ree5er reactors; ra5iological sa+ety as&ects an5 ra5ioacti%e 9aste management@ Interaction o+ ra5iation 9ith matter; e++ect o+ ioniCing6non-ioniCing ra5iations on 9ater; a<ueous solutions an5 on organic com&oun5s; ra5iation 5osimetry@ Pre&aration an5 se&aration o+ ra5ioacti%e isoto&es; a&&lication o+ ra5ioisoto&es an5 ra5iations in %arious +iel5s; isoto&ic 5ilution techni<ues; neutron acti%ation analysis an5 its a&&lications@ Radioactivity and F*clear chemistry .rigin o+ ra5ioacti%ity; 5ecay la9; hal+ li+e; li<ui5 5ro& mo5el; an5 shell mo5el; uses o+ ra5ioacti%ity such as ra5iocar(on 5ating; ra5iotracers; agricultural an5 me5icinal uses inclu5ing imaging@ 2uclear reactions; +ission; +usion; s&allationH reactions in%ol%ing W; X; Y raysH neutron 5i++raction@ Counting techni<ues; Geiger-Muller counter; !cintillation counter; nuclear reactors; nuclear reactions as alternati%e source o+ energy; nuclear reactors; %aria(le energy cyclotron@ Recommended 6ooks

1@ G@ =rien5lan5er; A@7@ Genne5y A@M@ Miller 2uclear an5 0a5iochemistry; 7iley Interscience; 2e9 4or:@ 2@ B@G@ Har%ey; Intro5uction to 2uclear Physics Chemistry; Prentice - Hall; $ngle9oo5 Cli++s /2@A36 Prentice-Hall; In5ia; $$$ $5n@ 3@ 0@,@ .%erman; Basic conce&t o+ 2uclear Chemistry; Cha&man Hall@ 4@ 1@ 2@ 2esmeyano%; 0a5iochemistry; MI0 Pu(lication; Mosco9@ 5@ A@7@,@ !&in:s 0@A@ 7oo5s; 1n Intro5uction to 0a5iation Chemistry; 7iley; 2e9 4or:@ #@ H@ A@ 1rni:ar; $ssentials o+ 2uclear Chemistry; 7iley $astern "t5@; 2n5 $5ition@

Fovel synthetic strategy in organic chemistry

Unit-I ynthetic trategy 0etrosynthetic analysis; 5isconnection a&&roach; ,y&ical eBam&les to illustrate the 5isconnection a&&roach; =unctional grou& inter-con%ersion; ?m&olung /1;3-5ithlane3; Con%ergent synthesis@ )esigning =reen ynthesis 'esigning Green !ynthesisD choice o+ starting materials; choice o+ reagents; choice o+ catalysts I (io catalysts; &olymer su&&orte5 catalysts; choice o+ sol%ents@ !ynthesis in%ol%ing (asic &rinci&les o+ green chemistry 9ith eBam&lesD synthesis o+ a5i&ic aci5; methyl methacrylate; &aracetamol@ ?ltrasoun5 assiste5 reactions I esteri+ication; re5uction; cou&ling reactions@ !trec:er synthesis an5 re+ormats:y reaction@ Unit-II olvent Cree 4rganic ynthesis !ol%ent +ree micro9a%e assiste5 organic synthesis I micro9a%e acti%ation; micro9a%e heating; an5 a5%antages o+ micro9a%e eB&osure an5 s&eci+ic e++ects o+ micro9a%es@ .rganic synthesis un5er micro9a%es I (ene+its; limitations; e<ui&ment@ 0eactions on soli5 su&&orts; &hase trans+er catalysis; sol%ent +ree esters sa&oni+ication; reactions 9ithout su&&ort or catalyst; eBam&les I micro9a%e assiste5 reactions in 9ater I oBi5ation o+ toluene to (enCoic aci5; micro9a%e assiste5 reactions in organic sol%ent 'iels 1l5er reaction@ Clean ynthetic Reaction $steri+ication; C-C (on5 +ormation; 7ittig reaction an5 asymmetric re5uctions@ Unit-III Metal CatalyHed Reaction


$B&eriments on catalytic ami5ation; chemical trans+ormations using a5%ance5 tools %iC continuous hy5rogenator /hy5rogenation6hy5rogenolysis using P562i6Pt catalysts3; continuous &rocessing cham(ers@ =reen Chemistry in 3rocess Research !ol%ent o&timiCation; 9or:-u& o&timiCation; atom economy; in-situ reactions; reco%ery an5 reuse; &uri+ication an5 se&aration techni<ueD high &er+ormance chromatogra&hy; +lash chromatogra&hy@ References: 11@ Green Chemistry in the Pharmaceutical In5ustry /20103 e5ite5 (y 'unn; P@ 6 7ells; 1@ 6 7illiams; M@ ,@ /e5s@3 22@ MGreen Chemistry an5 Catalysis;N 0oger 1@ !hel5on; Isa(el 1ren5s; an5 ?l+ Hane+el5H 7iley->CH; 7eiheim; Germany /200)3@ 33@ M=reen Chemistry: An Introd*ctory ,eEt;N 2n5 $5itionH Mi:e "ancasterH 0!C Pa&er(ac:s; Cam(ri5ge; ?G /20103 I!B2-10D 1*4)55*)3F Z I!B2-13D F)*1*4)55*)32

3= 1a&-III !Applied 3hysical Chemistry 1a&oratory'

'etermination o+ 9ater e<ui%alent o+ calorimeter /cooling cur%e3@ Com&leBometric titrations : Kn2+; Mg2+; Ca2+; =e2+ 9ith $',1H Har5ness o+ 9ater@ ,o 5etermine insta(ility constant stoichiometry o+ sil%er ammonia com&leB &otentiometrically@ 'etermination o+ ,hermo5ynamic Parameters +or any electrochemical reactions@ /,o 5etermine [Go; [Ho;an5 [!o3 ,o 5etermine &G %alue o+ methyl re5 in5icator at room tem&erature s&ectro&hotometrically ,o 5etermine stoichiometry sta(ility constant o+ +erric !ul&hosalicylic aci56 salicylic aci5 com&leB (y Ao(Os Metho5 an5 mole ratio metho5 s&ectro&hotometrically@ ,o 5etermine e<uili(rium constant o+ reaction GI + I2- GI3 s&ectro&hotometrically ,o 5etermine the or5er o+ reaction (et9een acetone an5 io5ine catalyCe5 (y aci5 con5uctormetrically@ ,o 5etermine e<ui%alent con5uctance at in+inite 5ilution o+ strong electrolytes an5 9ea: aci5 (y using Golharausch "a9 an5 5issociation constant +or 9ea: aci5 con5uctometrically@ ,o 5etermine molecular 9eight an5 state o+ (enCoic aci5 in (enCene (y cryosco&ic metho5@ ,o 5etermine trans&ort o+ H+ ions (y using Mo%ing (oun5ary metho5@ ,o 5etermine 5issociation constant o+ car(onic aci5 &H metrically@

,o 5etermine hal+ 9a%e &otential o+ a gi%en ion using hal+ height metho5; 5i++erential metho5 an5 9a%e e<uation metho5 'etermination o+ latent heat o+ +usion o+ a gi%en soli5@ 'etermination +ormal re5oB &otential o+ system; 5etermination o+ (inary miBture o+ hali5es &otentiometrically@ ,itration o+ ternary aci5 miBture o+ aci5s; >eri+ication o+ .nsagar $<uation +or 1D1 ty&e strong electrolyte using con5uctometer@ !+Eperiments may &e addedIdeleted s*&.ect to the availa&ility of facilitiesItime'

ReferencesJ 1@ 1@=inlay an5 A@1@Gitchener; MPractical Physical Chemistry; "ongman 2@ =@'aniels an5 A@H@Mathe9s; M$B&erimental Physical ChemistryN; "ongman 3@ 1@M@Aames; MPractical Physical ChemistryN; A@1@Churchil 4@ H@H@7illar5; "@"@Merritt an5 A@1@'ean; MInstrumental Metho5s o+ 1nalysisN; 1++iliate5 $ast-7est Press 5@ '@P@!hoema:er an5 C@7@Garlan5; M$B&erimental Physical ChemistryN; McGra9Hill #@ 1@I@>ogel; M1 ,eBt(oo: o+ -uantitati%e Inorganic ChemistryN; "ongman )@ A@B@4a5a%; M15%ance5 Practical ChemistryN; Goel Pu(lishing House *@ A@A@"ingane; M$lectroanalytical ChemistryN; Interscience F@ "@Meites; H@C@,homas an5 0@P@Bauman; M15%ance5 1nalytical Chemistry McGra9 Hill

3= 1a&-I5 !Applied Ind*strial Chemistry 1a&oratory'

1nalysis o+ &harmaceutical ta(letsD I(ru+en 6 I21H Colorimetric estimation o+ 5rugs@ Pre&aration o+ &estici5es@ Column an5 thin layer chromatogra&hy ,o 5etermine the amount o+ co&&er in (rass metal alloy colorimetrically@ !e&aration an5 estimation o+ Co&&er an5 Co(alt on cellulose Column@ !e&aration an5 estimation o+ 2ic:el an5 Co(alt on a anion eBchanger@ !e&aration an5 estimation o+ Iron an5 aluminium on a cation eBchanger@ !+Eperiments may &e addedIdeleted s*&.ect to the availa&ility of facilitiesItime'

Recommended &ooks: 1 1 ,eBt (oo: o+ <uantitati%e Inorganic 1nalysis I 1@ I@ >ogel 2 !tan5ar5s metho5s o+ Chemical 1nalysis-=@A@ 7elcher@ 3 $B&erimental Inorganic Chemistry I 7@ G@ Palmer@


4 Manual on 7ater an5 7aste 7ater 1nalysis; 2$$0I- 2ag&ur '@!@ 0amte:e an5 C@ 1@ Moghe

emester Kth and $#th

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+lectives: /13Chemistry o+ 2atural Pro5ucts /23In5ustrial 0eactions 0earrangements +lectives: /1315%ance5 =uel ,echnology /23In5ustrial Materials Molecular !imulation Chem-In+ormatics Corrosion !cience PG la(-> /1&&lie5 In5ustrial Chemistry "a(3 P0.A$C,6!$MI210 ,4,A1 CR+)I,

?nit .&eration in Chemical In5ustry Pollution Control In5ustrial 7aste 7ater Management@


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Chemistry of Fat*ral 3rod*cts
Unit-I Chemistry of Fat*ral 3rod*cts !tructure an5 synthesis o+ al&ha-Pinene; Cam&hor; Ca5enine an5 Caryo&hyllene@ Ho+mann; $m5e an5 %on Braun 5egra5ation in al:aloi5 chemistry@ !tructure eluci5ation o+ Pa&a%erine; -uinine an5 Mor&hine@ !ynthesis o+ -uinine an5 Pa&a%erine@ !tructure an5 synthesis o+ (eta-Carotene; =la%one; Iso+la%one; Cyanin an5 -uercetin@ Biosynthesis o+ ter&enes an5 al:aloi5s@ Classi+ication an5 structure o+ li&i5s an5 their (io+unctions@ 2omenclature; structure /not eluci5ation3 an5 (iosynthesis o+ Prostaglan5ins PG$2; an5 PG=1%@ Unit-II 5itamins: !ynthesis an5 structure o+ (iotin an5 %itamin B2; synthesis o+ %itamin B1; (iological +unctions o+ B#; B12; +olic aci5 an5 thiamine@ Recommended &ooks 1@Mo5ern synthetic reactions-/Ben8amin3 H@ .@ House@ 2@0eagents in organic synthesis-/Aohn 7iley3 =ieser an5 =ieser 3@Princi&les o+ organic synthesis-/Methuen3 0@ .@ C@ 2orman 4@Hy5ro(oration- !@ C@ Bro9n@ 5@15%ances in .rganometallic Chemistry- /1@P@3=@ C@ 1@ !tone an5 0@ 7est@ #@.rganic Chemistry /"ongman3>ol@ I >ol@ II- =inar )@.Bi5ation (y-/Marcel 'e::er3 1ugustin *@15%ance5 .rganic chemistry 2n5 $5@ 0 0@ Carey an5 0@ A@ !an5(erg@ F@,etrahy5ron re&orts in organic chemistry- >ol@1; 2o@ *@ 10@.rganic !ynthesis-/Prentice Hall30@ $@ Irelan5@


2nd option
Ind*strial Reactions and Rearrangements
Unit I Molec*lar Rearrangements: Mechanism; 9ith e%i5ence; o+ 7agner I Meer9ein; Pinacol; 'em8ano%; Ho+mann; Curtius; !chmi5t; "ossen; Bec:mann; 7ol++; =ries; 1ryloCo; =ischer-He&&; Ho+mannMartius; %on 0icheter; .rton; Bam(erger; !miles; 'ienone-Phenol; BenCilic aci5; BenCi5ine; =a%ors:ii; !te%ens; 7rittig; !ommelet-Hauser; Baeyer->illiger; Hy5ro&eroBi5e an5 (orane rearrangements@ 'a:in reaction Unit-II t*dy of Collo0ing Reactions: Mechanism o+ con5ensation reaction in%ol%ing enolates Mannich; BenCoin; !to((e; 'iec:mann; 'iels-1l5er; 0o(inson annulation 0eimer-,ieman; Chichi(a(in; Baeyer >illiger oBi5ation !tu5y o+ +ollo9ing re5uctions- Catalytic hy5rogenation using homogeneous an5 heterogeneous catalysts@ !tu5y o+ +ollo9ing reactionsD 7ol++-Gishner; Birch; Clemmensen; !o5ium (orohy5ri5e; "ithium 1luminium hy5ri5e /"1H3 an5 !o5ium in alcohol; =e in HCl@ 1&&lication o+ +ollo9ing oBi5iCing agentsD GMn.4; chromium trioBi5e; Manganese 5ioBi5e; .smium tetraoBi5e; ''-; Chloranil @ !tu5y o+ .rganometallic Com&oun5sD .rgano-magnesium; .rgano-Cinc an5 .rgano-lithium; Hg an5 !n reagentsH ?se o+ lithium 5ial:yl cu&rate their a55ition to car(onyl an5 unsaturate5 car(onyl com&oun5s@ Unit-III Methodologies in 4rganic ynthesisD I5eas o+ synthones an5 retrones@ =unctional grou& trans+ormations an5 intercon%ersions o+ sim&le +unctionalities@ C-C an5 CSC (on5 +orming reactions I Mannich; 0eimer,iemann; !imon-!mith; >ilsmeier-Haac:; 0e+ormats:y an5 ?llmann reactions@ !tro: enamine reaction@ !ha&iro; 7itting I Horner; Peterson; Hec:; !tille an5 McMurray reactions@ 0ing +ormation (y 'iec:mann; ,hor&e an5 1cyloin con5ensations@ 0o(inson ring annulation@ !ynthesis o+ small rings@ !imon-!mith reaction@ 0e5uction an5 oBi5ation in synthesis@ Catalytic hy5rogenation@ Birch re5uction@ 7ol++-Gishner re5uction@ Hauang-Milon mo5i+ication@ Clemmenson re5uction@ Boranes; "1H; !o5ium (orohy5ri5e as re5uctants@ 'ehy5rogenations; .&&enauer oBi5ation; Hl.4; .s.4 an5 mClC#H#C...H an5 their a&&lications@ Reference &ooks:

1@!ome mo5ern metho5s o+ .rganic synthesis-/Cam(ri5ge3 7@ Carruthares@ 2@ 0@A@!immon5s; MChemistry o+ BiomoleculesN; 0oyal !ociety o+ Chemistry A@Mann an5 others; M2atural Pro5ucts I ,heir Chemistry an5 (iological signi+icanceN; "ongman 3@ I@"@=inar; M.rganic ChemistryN >ol 2; "ongman 4@ 7@Gar; MMe5icinal ChemistryN; 7iley $astern 5@ 15%ance5 .rganic Chemistry; 0eaction Mechanism an5 !tructure; Aerry March; Aohn 7iley@ #@ Mo5ern !ynthetic 0eaction; H@.@ House; 7@1@ Ben8amin@ )@ Princi&les in .rganic !ynthesis; 0@.@C@ 2orman an5 A@M@ CoBon@ *@0eactions Mechanisms Pro(lems in .rganic Chemistry; P Chatta&a5hyay; 1 st $5n; 1sian Boo:s Pri%ate "imitte5; 2e9 'elhi F@ .rganic !ynthesis; Michael B !mith; McGra9 Hill; 2n5 $5n; 2004; 2e9 4or:@

Advanced C*el Cell ,echnology
Unit-I C*ndamentals and classification of f*el cells: ,hermo5ynamic e++iciency@ $lectromoti%e +orce o+ +uel cellsD !tan5ar5 electro5e &otentialsH $++ect o+ concentrationH 2ernst e<uation@ 0ate o+ electro5e &rocessesD ,y&es o+ &olariCationH !ur+ace reactionsH .Bygen electro5esH Hy5rogen electro5esH .%erall &er+ormance@ "o9 tem&erature +uel cellsD Hy5rogenIoBygen +uel cellsI al:aline an5 &olymeric mem(rane ty&esH 1cti%e catalyst an5 its 5is&ersionH Heat an5 mass trans+erH Construction an5 5esignH "imiting &ro(lemsH "o9 tem&erature +uel cells o+ other ty&es I methanol +uel cell; hy5rocar(on +uel cell@ Unit-II /igh temperat*re f*el cells: 15%antagesH Molten electrolyte +uel cellH !oli5 electrolyte +uel cellH Construction@ 1ir 5e&olarise5 cellsH Biochemical +uel cellsH 0egenerati%e cellsH Micro +uel cells@ =uel cell o&erationD !u&&ly o+ +uelH $lectrical arrangementH 0emo%al o+ &ro5uctsH Materials +or (attery constructionH Pro5uction an5 &uri+ication o+ +uels@ 1&&lication o+ +uel cell systemsD "arge scale &o9er generationH Po9er &lant +or %ehiclesH 'omestic &o9erH =uel cells in s&ace@ =uel cell economicsH =uture tren5s in +uel cells@


2n5 o&tion Ind*strial Materials

Unit I Chemistry of materials, =lasses, Ceramics and Composites !tructure o+ glass; glass +ormers an5 glass mo5i+iers@ 1&&lications o+ glass@ Ceramic structure; mechanical &ro&erties; clay &ro5ucts@ Microsco&ic com&osites- 5is&ersion strengthene5 an5 &article rein+orce5; +i(re rein+orce5 com&osites; macrosco&ic com&osites@ ,hin +ilms an5 "angmuir- Blo5get =ilmsD Pre&aration techni<ues@ "angmuirBlo5gett +ilm; gro9th techni<ues; &ro&erties an5 a&&lications o+ thin +ilm@ 1iG*id crystals: Mesomor&hic (eha%iour; thermotro&ic li<ui5 crystals; nematic an5 smectic meso&hases@ .&tical an5 5ielectric &ro&erties o+ li<ui5 crystals@ "yotro&ic &hases an5 their 5escri&tion o+ or5ering@ High ,C materialsD Pero%s:ites@ Pro&erties an5 &re&aration o+ 1-2-3 an5 21-4 materials@ Pro&erties 5e&en5ent o+ tem&erature@ Unit-II Application of high ,C materials: .rganic soli5s; +ullerenes an5 molecular 5e%icesD Con5ucting organic materials an5 =ullerenes- &re&aration an5 &ro&erties@ Molecular recti+iers an5 transistors@ .&tical storage 5e%ices; sensors@ 2onlinear o&tical materials@ Unit III +lectrical and Magnetic 3roperties of olids: $lectrical &ro&erties o+ soli5sD Con5ucti%ity o+ &ure metals@ !u&ercon5ucti%ity@ Photocon5ucti%ity@ Photo%oltaic e++ect@ 'ielectric &ro&erties@ 'ielectric materials@ =erroelectricity; &yroelecricity an5 &iCoelectricty@ 1&&lications o+ +erro; &ieCo an5 &yroelectrics@ Magnetic &ro&erties o+ soli5sD Beha%iour o+ su(stances in a magnetic +iel5@ 'iamagnetism; &aramagnetism; +erromagnetism; anti+erromagnetism an5 +errimagnetism $++ect o+ tem&erature@ Curie an5 Curie-7eiss la9s@ Calculation o+ magnetic moments@ Magnetism o+ +erro an5 anti+erromagnetic or5ering@ !u&er eBchange@ "asers an5 their a&&lications@ 15%ance5 materials 9ith no%el &ro&erties an5 &otential a&&lications inclu5ing soli5 electrolytes; MiBe5 ionic6electronic con5uctors References: 1@ =@1@Cotton an5 G@7il:inson; M15%ance5 Inorganic ChemistryN; Aohn 7iley !ons 2@ A@$@Huheey; MInorganic Chemistry -Princi&les o+ !tructure an5 0eacti%ityN; Har&er Collins College Pu(lication 3@ !@=@1@Gettle; MCoor5ination ChemistryN; "ongman 4@ H@A@$meleus an5 1@G@!har&; MMo5ern 1s&ects o+ Inorganic ChemistryN; >an 2ostran5

5@ B@Hannay; M!oli5 !tate Chemistry; Prentice Hall@ #@ ,@Moeller; M,he Chemistry o+ the "anthani5esN; 0einhol5@ )@ G@,@!ea(org; MManma5e ,ransuranium $lementsN; Prentice Hall

Molec*lar im*lation and Chem-informatics

Mo5el systems an5 interaction &otentials@!tu5ying small systems; &erio5ic (oun5ary con5itions; truncating interaction &otentials@Molecular 5ynamicsH numerical integration o+ e<uations o+ motionH conser%e5 <uantities@Monte Carlo metho5sH im&ortance sam&ling; Metro&olis metho5@Measuring system &ro&ertiesH calculation o+ thermo5ynamic; structural an5 5ynamical &ro&erties@Intro5uction to chemoin+ormatics@0e&resentation o+ chemical com&oun5s@0e&resentation o+ chemical reactions@'ata ac<uisition an5 &rocessing@'ata(ases an5 5ata sources in chemistry@!earching chemical structures@-uantum mechanical mo5els@Molecular mechanics /em&irical +orce +iel5 mo5els3@!emiem&irical im&lementations o+ molecular or(ital theory@ Recommended 6ooks 1@ '@ =ren:el an5 B@ !mit; ?n5erstan5ing Molecular !imulation; 1ca5emic PressH 2 e5ition ; 2001@ 2@ M@P@ 1llen an5 '@A@ ,il5esley; Com&uter !imulation o+ li<ui5s; .B+or5 ?ni%ersity Press; ?!1H 0e&rint e5ition ; 1F*F@ 3@ 1lan Hinchli++e; Molecular Mo5eling +or Beginners; Aohn 7iley !ons@ 4@ 1n5re9 "each; Molecular Mo5elingD Princi&les an5 a&&lications; Prentice Hall; 2n5 $5@ 5@ A@ Gasteiger; Chemoin+ormatics; Aohn 7iley !ons@ #@ 1@ 0@ "each an5 >@ A@ Gillet; 1n Intro5uction to Chemoin+ormatics; !&ringer@

Corrosion cience
Intro5uction to corrosion an5 its mechanism@ General metho5 +or corrosion &re%ention@ Con5itioning o+ en%ironment to re5uce corrosion@ Basics an5 classi+ication o+ corrosion@ Inhi(itors@ Corrosion an5 its economical as&ects; thermo5ynamics o+ corrosionIPour(aiB 5iagrams; immunity; corrosi%ity an5 &assi%ation@ Mechanism an5 :inetics o+ corrosion@ $%anEs 5iagrams@ Intrinsic an5 eBtrinsic +orms o+ corrosion@ $lectrochemical metho5s +or corrosion testing@ Mechanisms o+ corrosion inhi(ition@ ,echni<ues +or e%aluation o+ inhi(ition e++iciency@ 1&&lication o+ corrosion inhi(itors +or (oiler corrosion; cooling 9ater systems; rein+orce5 concrete; chemical an5 &etrochemical in5ustries@ Inhi(itors +or micro(ial corrosion@


Corrosion &re%ention (y metallic; organic; inorganic coatings; corrosion inhi(itors@ Catho5ic an5 ano5ic &rotection techni<ues@ Corrosion in in5ustries 9ith re+erence to thermal &o9er &lants; concrete; mining an5 &etroleum in5ustries; &re%ention o+ micro(ial corrosion@ Recommended 6ooks 1@ M@G@ =ontana; Corrosion $ngineering; McGra9 Hill International Boo: Co@ "on5on@ 2@ "@"@ !hreir; Corrosion; >ol I an5 >ol II; 2e9ness Butter9orths; $59ar5 1rnol5 "t5; "on5on@ 3@ A@ C@ !cully; =un5amental o+ Corrosion; Pargmon Press Inc@ 2e9 4or: ?!1@

3= 1a&-5 !Applied Ind*strial Chemistry la&'

=ro*p A 1@ .re analysis 2@ 1lloy analysis /,9o or three com&onents3 3@ Inorganic Pre&arations an5 &urity 4@ Pre&aration o+ coor5ination com&oun5s an5 &re&arations o+ miBe5 metal oBi5es 5@ Ion eBchange stu5y o+ se&aration o+ miBtures estimations #@ !e&aration estimation o+ ions using ion eBchange chromatogra&hy !+Eperiments may &e addedIdeleted s*&.ect to the availa&ility of facilitiesItime' =ro*p 6 !eEpt need to &e set as per availa&ility of infrastr*ct*re facility and time d*ration *sing follo0ing instr*mentsItechniG*es' 1@ !&ectro&hotometric62e&helometric eB&t@ 2@ Potentiometry 3@ Con5uctometry 4@ ,hermal analysis 5@ Magnetic &ro&erties o+ transition metal com&leBes #@ !&ectro =luorimetry )@ !ol%ent eBtraction *@ 2uclear chemistry F@ !oil analysis 10@ 'ata analysis =ro*p C 1@.Bi5ationD 15i&ic aci5 (y chromic aci5 oBi5ation o+ CycloheBanol@ 2@1l5ol con5ensationD 'i(enCal acetone +rom BenCal5ehy5e@ 3@!an5meyer reactionD &- Chlorotoulene +rom &-,olui5ine@

4@CanniCCaro reactionD 4-chloro(enCyl5ehy5e as a su(strate@ 5@1romatic $lectro&hilic su(stitutionsD !ynthesis o+ &-2itroaniline an5 &Bromoaniline@ #@Pre&aration o+ Cinnamic aci5 (y Per:inOs reaction@ )@Gnoe%enagel con5ensation reaction *@Coumarin !ynthesis F@!ynthesis o+ Heterocyclic com&oun5s@ 10@ !ynthesis o+ 'yes 11@ 1nalysis o+ Pharmaceutical ta(lets@ 12 ,o %eri+y the Beer-"am(erts "a9 an5 5etermine the concentration o+ gi%en 5ye solution colorimetrically@ 13 ,o estimate the amount o+ '-glucose in gi%en solution colorimetrically@ 14 ,o 5etermine the aci5 %alue o+ gi%en oil 15@ Pre&aration o+ (enCanili5e (y Bec:mann rearrangement 1#@ Pre&aration o+ anthranilic aci5 1)@ Pre&aration o+ &hthalimi5e 1*@ Pre&aration o+ 2- (romosuccinami5e 1F@ Pre&aratin o+ &- 1mino (enCoic aci5 20@ Pre&aration o+ &- chloro nitro(enCene (y !an5meyer reaction 21@ Pre&aration o+ &- I5onitro(enCene (y !an5meyer reaction 22@ Pinacol- Pinacolone rearrangement !+Eperiments may &e addedIdeleted s*&.ect to the availa&ility of facilitiesItime' =ro*p ) 1@$stimation o+ unsaturation@ 2@$stimation o+ +ormalin@ 3@Colorimetric $stimation o+ 'yes 4@$stimation o+ 1mino aci5s !+Eperiments may &e addedIdeleted s*&.ect to the availa&ility of facilitiesItime' =ro*p + 13 ,o %eri+y Beer-"am(ertEs "a9 +or &otassium &ermanganate solution an5 hence to 5etermine the molar eBtinction coe++icient an5 un:no9n concentration o+ gi%en sam&le colorimetrically 23 ,o 5etermine the solu(ility o+ calcium oBalate in &resence o+ GCl / Ionic !trength $++ect3 33 ,o 5etermine the solu(ility o+ calciuum oBalate in &resence o+ HCl / H+ ion $++ect3 !+Eperiments may &e addedIdeleted s*&.ect to the availa&ility of facilitiesItime' =ro*p C 1 'etermination o+ so5ium +rom the +ertiliCer sam&le using cation eBchange chromatogra&hically@ 2 'etermination o+ calcium +rom gi%en 5rug sam&le@

3 'etermination o+ har5ness; al:alinity an5 salinity o+ 9ater sam&le 4@!e&aration an5 estimation o+ chlori5e an5 (romi5e on anion eBchanger@ 5@Pre&aration o+ organic com&oun5s (y multi-ste& reactions in%ol%ing nitration; halogenation; acetylation anoBi5ation@ #@ $stimation o+ ester; aci5s; re5ucing sugars; &henols; amines; :etones; nitrogen an5 sul&hur@ )@ -uantitiati%e analysis o+ /a3 mil: an5 (utter; /(3 +ats; oils an5 soa&s; /c3 5rugs such as acetyl salicylic aci5; as&irin; &henacetin an5 su&hanili5e; /53 ca++eine; sugar an5 starch +oo5 *@s&ectro&hotometric 5etermination o+ cholesterol; ascor(ic aci5s; glucose an5 ammonia@ 4@ CharacteriCation o+ organic com&un5s using I0; ?>->is an5 2M0 s&ectral metho5s@ !+Eperiments may &e addedIdeleted s*&.ect to the availa&ility of facilitiesItime' =ro*p = !=eneral methods' 1@=oo5 1nalysis 2@ Cosmetics 1nalysis 3@ 'rug 1nalysis 4@ >itamin 1nalysis 5@ ,hermal 1nalysis o+ Inorganic Materials #@ 7ater analysis !+Eperiments may &e addedIdeleted s*&.ect to the availa&ility of facilitiesItime' Reference &ooks: 1@ 1@I@>ogel; M1 ,eBt(oo: o+ -uantitati%e Inorganic 1naysisN; "ongman 2@ I@M@Goltho++; >@A@$l%ing an5 !an5ell; M,reatise on 1nalytical ChemistryN; Interscience@ 3@ I@M@Gotho++ an5 !trenger; M>olumetric 1nalysisN; Interscience 4@ =ruman an5 7elcher; M!tan5ar5 Metho5s o+ Inorganic 1nalysisN; >an 2ostran5 5@ G@!ch9arCen(ac:; MCom&leBomtric ,itrationsN; Interscience #@ '@1@!:oog an5 '@M@7est; M1nalytical Chemistry I 1n Intro5uctionN; 0einhol5t@ )@ 7@G@Palmer; M$B&erimental Inorganic ChemistryN; Cam(ri5ge ?ni%ersity Press *@ 0@!@'rago; MPhysical Metho5s in Inorganic ChemistryN; 1++iliate5 $ast-7est Press F@ $B&erimental Inorganic Chemistry - 7@ G@ Palmer 10@ ,he analysis o+ minerals an5 ores o+ the rarer elements I 7@ 0@ !choeller an5 1@0@ Po9ell; Charles; Gri++in an5 Com&any "imite5 11@ @1 han5(oo: o+ <uantitati%e an5 <ualitati%e analysis- H@ ,@ Clar:e@ 12@ @.rganic !ynthesis Collecti%e >olumes (y Blat@

3ro.ectI eminar


/nit Operation in Chemical Industry

3roperties and Classification of fl*idsJ "aminar an5 tur(ulent +lo9sH Pressure 5ro& an5 +riction +actor; Mechanical energy (alance an5 BernoulliOs e<uation@ 'imensional analysisH 'imensionless num(ers an5 their &hysical signi+icanceH !&eci+ications o+ stan5ar5 &i&es an5 tu(esH Pi&e +ittings an5 %al%esH =lo9 measuring 5e%ices@ MiBing o+ +lui5sD ,y&es o+ miBers an5 their selection . 3o0er reG*irements: Pum&s; (lo9ers an5 com&ressorsD 7or:ing &rinci&lesH CharacteristicsH !election@ !creening an5 screen analysisH !creen e++ecti%enessH !iCe re5uctionD Crushing; grin5ing; &ul%eriCation; ultra+ine grin5ing; !e5imentationH =ree an5 hin5ere5 settlingH MiBing o+ soli5s Constant &ressure an5 constant rate +iltrationH =iltration rate calculationH =iltration e<ui&ment@ =lo9 through &ac:e5 an5 +lui5iCe5 (e5sH =loo5ing an5 loa5ing@H "i<ui5 an5 gas +lui5iCation@ Mechanism of heat transferD Con5uctionD Heat losses an5 insulationH !election o+ insulating materials@ Con%ectionD 2atural an5 +orce5 con%ectionH =ilm an5 o%erall heat trans+er coe++icientsH Heat eBchangerD ,y&es o+ heat eBchangerH Co-current an5 counter-current +lo9sH Heat trans+er 9ith &hase changeD Con5ensersH Boiling regimesH 0e(oilers an5 %a&oriCers; $%a&orators@ Re erence "oo#s 1@ B@ "@ Bhatt an5 !@ M@ >ora; !toichiometry; ,ata-McGra9 Hill Pu(lishing Com&any; 2e9 'elhi@ 2@ .@ 1@ Hougen; G@ M@ 7atson an5 0@ 1@ 0agatC; Chemical Process Princi&les Part-I; Aohn 7iley !ons@ 3@ '@ M@ Himmel(lau; Basic Princi&les an5 Calculations in Chemical $ngineering; Prentice Hall Inc@ 4@ MProcess Calculations +or Chemical $ngineeringN; 2n5 e5ition; Chemical $ngineering $5ucation 'e%elo&ment Centre; II, Ma5ras@


3oll*tion Control < Ind*strial ?aste ?ater Management

Unit-I ,reatment process of 0aste 0ater: Hy5rological cycle@ Physical; Chemical an5 Biological &ollution o+ 7ater; metho5s o+ !am&ling an5 Monitoring o+ 7ater; 7ater -uality &arameters@ Pre an5 &rimary treatment; $<ualiCation; neutraliCation; !e5imentation an5 =lotation@ Biological 7ater an5 7aste9ater ,reatment &rocesses; lagoons an5 !ta(iliCation Basins; 1cti%ate5 !lu5ge &rocesses; ,ric:ling =iltration an5 0otating Biological Contactors; han5ling an5 'is&osal o+ !lu5ge@ 15%ance5 ,reatment Processes; "atest 15%ances in 7ater an5 7aste9ater ,reatment Processes; 15sor&tion; Ion $Bchange an5 Chemical .Bi5ation@ ,reatment o+ 7aste 9ater +rom s&eci+ic in5ustries Unit-II ,reatment process and management of ind*strial 0aste 0ater: !ources; classi+ication an5 com&osition o+ soli5; li<ui5 an5 gaseous 9astes; haCar5ous an5 nonhaCar5ous 9astes; s&ecial 9aste materials@ !torage an5 trans&ort o+ 9astes@ ,rans&ortation an5 collection systems@ Management o+ 9astes; minimiCation; reuse an5 recycling@ 7aste utiliCation an5 materials reco%ery@ ,reatment o+ 9astesH (iological treatment; com&osting; anaero(ic 5igestion; com(ustion; incineration an5 lan5+ills; ultimate 5is&osal@ Recommended 6ooks 1@ H@ !@ Pea%y; '@0@ 0o9e an5 G@ ,ech(anoglous; $n%ironmental $ngineering; Mcgra9 Hill Boo:s Co@; 1F*5@ 2@ 0@ 1@ Cor(itt; !tarte5 Han5(oo: 1 $n%ironmental $ngineeringH Mcgra9 Hill 2e9 4or:;1FF0@ 3@ 1@ M@ Martin /e53; Bio-conser%ation o+ 9aste Materials to In5ustrial Pro5uctsH $lse%ier; 1mster5am;1FF1@ 4@ G@ "@ Kirm; ,he Management o+ haCar5ous !u(stances in the en%ironment; 1&&lie5 !cience; 2@4@ 5@ 0@ G@ !omase:har an5 Mariyengar/$'3; !oli5 7aste Management- Current !tatus an5 !tratagies +or =uture; 1llie5 Pu(lishers; Mum(ai; 2002@ #@ !@$@ Aorgenson; In5ustrial 9aste9ater Management; $lse%ier !ci@ Pu(@; 24; 1F*F@ )@ G@2@ Pan5ey an5 G@C@ Carney; $n%ironmental $ngineering; ,ata McGra9 Hill Pu(@ "t5@; 2'; 1FF4

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3ro.ect < )issertation

In the final semester !; th semester', st*dents have to carry o*t pro.ect 0ork at CUJ as per the recommendation of fac*lty committee of the centre *nder the s*pervision of a cientistICa*lty mem&er. Joint colla&oration 0ith other centresIschools is enco*raged in order to enhance the G*ality of 0ork and interdisplinary characteristics in the 0ork. ,he Area of the 0ork is to &e decided &y the Adviser!s'. 4n completion of the 3ro.ect 0ork, st*dents have to s*&mit then 0ork in the form of a dissertation follo0ed &y oral presentation in the presence of Cac*lty mem&ers and an eEternal eEpert.

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