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Lifting operation plan for removal and replacing of V 409 18 flow control inlet valve.

Introduction The following is a list of job steps which require lifting using a 9.04 ton 205-2 hiab mounted folded / telescopic boom crane. This iab mounted folded / telescopic boom crane will be required to conduct lifting operation for remo!al and replacing of " # 409 $%& flow control !al!e. This tas' will be performed b( competent personnel emplo(ed b( )ree'on *imited under the guidance and super!ision of +eal and ,ass( -ood .roup /ield 0uper!isor. 1ll lifting equipment and accessories will be !isuall( inspected b( competent persons prior to commencement. The area will be properl( cordoned off during lifting operations. Equipment
Name +issan 2iesel flat bed truc' iab ,odel 8 205-2 Type 0elf *oader Maximum Capacity 93040 )g 4 2m radius $93929.5 lbs 4 9.9ft radius Reg. / Serial No. T56 - $7%$ 9259%9

Load Chart 205-2 Hiab ( 3 hydraulic extensions + 4 manual extensions. Outreach Lifting Capacity 6.56 ft ------------------19,929.5 lbs 14.76 ft ------------------- 9,325.4 lbs 2 . 1 ft --------------------6,!34.2 lbs 25.62 ft --------------------5,357.1 lbs 32.15 ft --------------------3,99 .3 lbs 3!.71 ft --------------------3,174.6 lbs 44.94 ft --------------------2,579.3 lbs 51.5 ft --------------------2,1!2.5 lbs 1 "f 9

Rev #" 1

Date 27rd :une 2009

Description *ifting steps for remo!al and replacing " # 409 $%& inlet control !al!e.

repared 2. 0ingh

!i"ting operation plan procedure "or removal and replacing # $ %&' ()* inlet control valve.
$. iab truc' will stop 72.$5 ft +orth eastern side of " - 409. 2. 6nsure the crane truc' is at the appointed area for safe lift ; solid ground < 7. 6nsure wheels stoppers are used as to allowed safe par'ing for lifting operations. 4. iab crane operator to ensure outriggers are full( e=tended hori>ontall( and !erticall( and are place on mats. 5. -ith direction from ban's man to crane operator e=tend and lower crane boom at a 47.5 deg angle o!er e=isting $%& control !al!e. 9. ?an's man will use two certified 2 ton lifting straps % ft length. @. ?an'As man will connect the two 2 ton certified lifting straps around $%& control !al!e b( wa( of cho'er hitch and attached to hiab crane hoo'3 then attach two tag lines. %. iab crane operator will ta'e up slac' and hold in position to remo!e !al!e. 9. +,-. technicians to loose and remo!e studs and nuts on $%& control !al!e. $0. iab crane operator will then operate hiab crane with the assistance of proper hand signals from the ban's man3 lift $%& control !al!e and place on hiab crane truc' tra( for transporting 2 of 9

$$. *ower the crane boom and ban's man will remo!e the two lifting straps from !al!e and hiab operator will swing arm off truc' with hand signals from ban's man. $2. -ith direction from ban's man to crane operator e=tend and lower crane boom at a 70 deg angle o!er new $%& control !al!e on ground. $7. ?an's man will use two certified 2 ton lifting straps % ft length. $4. ?an'As man will connect the two 2 ton certified lifting straps around new $%& control !al!e b( wa( of cho'er hitch and attached to hiab crane hoo'3 then attach two tag lines. $5. iab crane operator will then operate hiab crane with the assistance of proper hand signals from the ban's man3 lift new $%& control !al!e from ground and position same in place for installation. $9. iab crane operator to lower the crane boom and place new $%& control !al!e in place with assistance from ban's man. $@. +,-. technicians will replace studs and nuts and gas'et on flanges of new $%& control !al!e. $%. *ower the crane boom and ban's man will remo!e the two lifting straps from the new $%& control !al!e and hiab operator will swing arm off with hand signals from ban's man. $9. -ith direction from ban's man to crane operator retract the crane boom and store same safel(. $0. iab crane operator will full( retract outriggers hori>ontall( and !erticall(. $$. 2emobili>e the hiab crane truc' from site.

" - 409 C 0$

$%& 5ontrol !al!e weight 7352@.7 lbs

iab swing 2istance 72.$5 ft

Bequired angle 70 # 47.5 deg

*ifting 5apacit( 73990.7 lbs

Bequired radius 72.$5 ft radius

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!i"ting Equipment and +ccessories to ,e used$%L an& c"l"ur c"&e. '(" Lifting strap capacity 3 t"ns ) 5 ft l"ng. '(" shac*les capacity 3 t"ns 9. 4 t"n 2 5-2 +iab ,"unte& hy&raulic crane. '(" tag lines 2 ft l"ng. +ll !i"ting operations required to ,e considered ,ut not limited too1. %eight, si-e, shape an& centre "f gra.ity "f l"a&. 2. /eth"& "f slinging, attaching, &etaching the l"a&. 3. 0.ailability "f appr".e& lifting p"ints "n l"a&. 4. 12uip,ent chec*s by "perat"r. 5. 3r")i,ity ha-ar&s, "bstructi"ns path "f l"a&. 6. %"r*ing un&er suspen&e& l"a&s. 7. O.erturning l"a& integrity an& nee& f"r tag lines. !."n,ental c"n&iti"ns inclu&ing (eather. 9. 1)perience, c",petence an& training "f pe"ple. 1 . #u,ber "f pers"nnel re2uire& f"r tas*. 11. C",,unicati"n re2uire&. 12. $i,"ps. 4ef"re the +iab truc* is br"ught "n t" bp''LLC pr"perty, 5ree*"n C",pany (ill n"tify the 0rea 0uth"rity f"r appr".al an& (ill f"r(ar& c"pies, &"cu,entati"n f"r sa,e. 3reparati"n "f the area (ill be c"n&ucte& (here the hiab truc* (ill be p"siti"n, bef"re it gets t" 6ale"ta 3t pr"cess area. 'he sp"t "f gr"un& that the +iab truc* "ut riggers (ill be p"siti"n "n (ill be pr".i&e& (ith ,ats t" create a g""& stable base "f supp"rt.

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Do and Dont
7" gi.e safety first c"nsi&erati"n in all han&ling "f ,aterials. 7"n8t neglect t" put safety first in all ,aterial han&ling. 7" *n"( the (eight "f each piece "f "b9ect being lifte&. 7"n8t lift a piece "f "b9ect (ith"ut *n"(ing its (eight. 7" *n"( capacity "f lifting e2uip,ent in the ,eth"& it is t" be use&. 7"n8t ,a*e a lift (ith"ut *n"(ing capacity "f lifting e2uip,ent an& the ,eth"& it is t" be use&. 7" fa,iliari-e y"urself (ith types "f slings a.ailable f"r easiest an& safest lifting. 7"n8t try t" ,a*e "ne type "f sling &" e.erything. 7" inspect lifting e2uip,ent bef"re an& after it is use& t" ,a*e certain it is in g""& c"n&iti"n. 7"n8t ta*e ,aintenance inspecti"n f"r grante&. 7" rep"rt any lifting e2uip,ent that appears t" be unsafe. 7"n8t lea.e lifting e2uip,ent that appears t" be unsafe (here s",e"ne else can use it. 7" re,".e &a,age& lifting e2uip,ent s" it cann"t be use& t" ,a*e an"ther lift 7"n8t use lifting e2uip,ent that is &a,age& t" lift l"a&s l"(er in capacity than the "riginal rate capacity "f the e2uip,ent. 7" rep"rt all acci&ents causing &a,age t" lifting e2uip,ent, "perating e2uip,ent, an& pr"&ucts. 7"n8t neglect t" rep"rt acci&ents e.en th"ugh y"u ,ight feel there (as n" &anger. 7" st"re lifting e2uip,ent in pr"per rac*s an& places s" it &"es n"t bec",e &a,age& 7"n8t lea.e lifting e2uip,ent at l"cati"ns (here it can be acci&entally &a,age& by ben&ing, cutting, "r crushing. 7" ha.e "perat"r refuse t" ,".e a l"a& if he is n"t satisfie& (ith the (ay the l"a& is attache&. 7"n8t let any"ne ".er rule the 9u&g,ent "f the "perat"r. 7" pr"tect sling fr", cutting acti"n in ,a*ing lift by using pa&&ing, bl"c*s, "r c"rner pr"tect"rs. 7"n8t sub9ect sling t" cutting acti"n by ,a*ing c"ntact (ith sharp e&ges. 7" a."i& tip l"a&ing h""*s. 7"n8t p"int l"a& :tip l"a&; stan&ar& sling h""*s.

5 "f 9

7" ch""se a sling "ne si-e larger (here c"n&iti"ns (ill sub9ect the sling t" se.ere (ear, abrasi"n, i,pact, "r c"rr"si.e c"n&iti"ns. 7"n8t un&eresti,ate the c"n&iti"ns a sling ,ight be sub9ecte& t". 7" select the pr"per style h""* "r attach,ents. 7"n8t sub9ect h""*s "r attach,ents t" a ben&ing acti"n. 7" stan& clear (hile a sling is being &ra(n fr", beneath a l"a&. +""*s an& slings ,ay catch an& su&&enly fly free "r tip the l"a&. 7"n8t let the l"a& lay &irectly "n a sling (rappe& ar"un& a l"a& :l"(er the l"a& "n pr"per bl"c*ing.; 7", (hen ,a*ing ch"*er hitches, al(ays face the h""* "pening "ut an& a(ay fr", the pull "f the sling. 7"n8t assu,e in a ch"*er hitch that the h""* is g"ing t" stay in place (hen slac* is being ta*en "ut "f the sling.

Fittings !oo"s and s!ac"les #Dos and Dont)

7" chec* fittings f"r crac*s, nic*s, ben&ing, "r e)cessi.e (ear. 7"n8t use any fittings that sh"(s crac*s, nic*s, ben&ing, "r e)cessi.e (ear. 7" chec* the h""* thr"at "pening t" &eter,ine if the h""* has been p"int l"a&e& "r ".erl"a&e&. 7"n8t use a h""* that appears t" ha.e been sprea& "pen. <ncrease in h""* "pening sh"ul& be rep"rte& an& h""* re,".e& fr", 7" a."i& tip l"a&ing h""*s. 7"n8t p"int l"a& a stan&ar& eye h""* "r sling h""*. :'his re&uces the safe ("r*ing l"a& &rastically.; 7" n"t use any h""* that has been (el&e& "r burne& in any (ay. =ep"rt the c"n&iti"n i,,e&iately. 7"n8t (el& anything t" a h""*. 7" ,a*e certain the b"lt in a scre( pin shac*le turns easily, an& then tighten it. :>se "il "n the threa&s.; 7"n8t use any scre( pin shac*le (here the b"lt is .ery &ifficult t" turn. :'he pin is either bent &ue t" ".erl"a& "r the threa&s ha.e been &a,age&.; 7" use safety shac*les ( p"ssible. :'hey are safer.; 7"n8t use r"un& pin shac*le in preference t" safety shac*les "r scre( pin shac*les. 7" use the largest bearing surface p"ssible "n the shac*le pin. 'his (ill re&uce the ben&ing ,".e,ent "n the pin. 7"n8t use t"" s,all a bearing surface in the center "f a shac*le pin. 7" use fittings that ha.e in &ate c"l"r c"&e. 7"n8t use fittings that ha.e "ut "f &ate c"l"r c"&ing. 6 "f 9

$ol%ester &e''ing (lings #Dos and Dont)

7" inspect the surface an& stitching "f the sling f"r cuts an& abrasi"ns. 7"n8t atte,pt t" inspect the insi&e fibers "f the (ebbing. 'his is n"t necessary because these fibers are pr"tecte& by the "utsi&e fibers, an& it ,ay &a,age the sling. 7" use (ire cl"th slings f"r higher te,perature. 7"n8t use ,an ,a&e fiber (ebbing slings f"r carg" transfer t" an& fr", "ffsh"re installati"ns. 7" inspect h"ist h""*s t" ,a*e certain they are s,""th. 0ll pers"nnel ,ust *eep "ut "f any area (here they ,ight be in9ure& by a falling "r shifting l"a&. 7" n"t stan& bel"( l"a&s. stan& bet(een l"a&s an& (alls?bul*hea&s etc. 0l(ays ensure that an escape r"ute is a.ailable. Operat"rs "f p"(ere&, lifting &e.ices are traine& an& certifie& f"r that e2uip,ent. Lifting "perati"ns (ill be un&erta*en by a ,ini,u, "f three pe"ple. 1nsure an assess,ent "f the lift has been c",plete& @ the lift ,eth"& @ e2uip,ent has been &eter,ine& by a c",petent pers"n. 'he +iab "perat"r "perat"r is acc"untable f"r safe lifting "perati"n. 'he (eight "f the l"a& ,ust be *n"(n bef"re lifting. 'he +iab &, ban*s,an ? flag,an an& l"a& han&ler. 'he ban*s,an ? flag,an c"ntr"ls the initial lifting "f the l"a&, lay &"(n "f the l"a& an& lifts that are "ut "f the line "f .isi"n "f the hiab "perat"r. 'he +iab "perat"r is resp"nsible (hile the l"a& is in the air. 'he ban*s,an ,ust ensure that he?she is easily i&entifiable fr", "ther pers"nnel by (earing a 9ac*et "r (aistc"at (hich is clearly ,ar*e& t" in&icate that he?she is the auth"ri-e& hiab ban*s,an. 'he ban*s,an n"t t"uch the l"a&. +e?she ,ust stan& bac* fr", the l"a& being han&le& in a pr",inent p"siti"n (here he?she has a g""& .ie( "f the lifting acti.ities. 7 "f 9

'he ban*s ,an t" re,ain in c",,unicati"n (ith the l"a& han&ler an& hiab "perat"r at all ti,es. 'he ban*s,an t" *eep the l"a& han&lers in sight &uring the lifting "perati"n. =igging "f the l"a& is carrie& "ut by a c",petent pers"n:s;.

*!e load !andler m+st.

$tan& clear (hile a l"a& is lifte& clear "f the &ec* an& lan&e&, (hile slac* is ta*en up (ith "r (ith"ut a l"a& "n the h""* an& ,ust c"nfir, t" the ban*s,an that he is clear. #"t t"uch a l"a& being lan&e& until it is bel"( his?her (aist height an& atte,pt t" ,anually st"p a s(inging l"a& . 4e easily i&entifiable an& &istinct fr", the ban*s,an.

,is" assessment
0 ris* assess,ent "f stac*ing "perati"ns ,ust be perf"r,e& @ &"cu,ente& an& sh"(s that the ris* in."l.e& in stac*ing @ &estac*ing is as l"( as reas"nably practicable @ less that the ris* in."l.e& in alternati.e practicable appr"aches. Lifting &e.ices an& e2uip,ent has been certifie& f"r use (ithin the last 12 ,"nths :at a ,ini,u,; an& the upl"a& &"es n"t e)cee& &yna,ic an&?"r static capacities "f the lifting e2uip,ent. 'he (eight "f the l"a& ,ust be *n"(n. 0ny safety &e.ices installe& "n lifting e2uip,ent are "perati"nal. 'hat all lifting &e.ices an& e2uip,ent ha.e been .isually e)a,ine& bef"re each lift by a c",petent pers"n:s;

! "f 9

-$s .olden ,+les of (afet%
Lifts utili-ing cranes, h"ists, "r "ther ,echanical lifting &e.ices (ill n"t c",,ence unlessA

an assess,ent "f the lift has been c",plete& an& the lift ,eth"& an& e2uip,ent has been &eter,ine& by a c",petent pers"n:s; "perat"rs "f p"(ere&, lifting &e.ices are traine& an& certifie& f"r that e2uip,ent rigging "f the l"a& is carrie& "ut by a c",petent pers"n:s; lifting &e.ices an& e2uip,ent has been certifie& f"r use (ithin the last 12 ,"nths :at a ,ini,u,; l"a& &"es n"t e)cee& &yna,ic an&?"r static capacities "f the lifting e2uip,ent any safety &e.ices installe& "n lifting e2uip,ent are "perati"nal all lifting &e.ices an& e2uip,ent ha.e been .isually e)a,ine& bef"re each lift by a c",petent pers"n:s;

/o' tas" details

*ifting operation for remo!al and replacing of " # 409 $%& inlet control !al!e.

0et!od of comm+nication to 'e +sed 1 $repared '%1 7 . $ingh 20&. ,epresentative 1 'p**LL3 ,epresentative :

+an& signals 4$7121 (ignat+re 1 (ignat+re 1 (ignat+re 1

9 "f 9

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