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october 2009

The Fifth Missile Defense Crisis

A l e x e I a r b at o v

S u m mary
n Despite the negligible impact it would have on Russia’s nuclear deterrent, Moscow could not simply ignore the Ameri-
can plan to establish a “third site” missile defense in Europe, since it could be an “open-ended program.”
n In the event that America continues unilateral development of missile defense systems in the more distant future, Rus-
sia could take a broad range of asymmetrical measures in response, from building up the ability of its strategic nuclear
forces to penetrate missile defense systems to developing various systems to directly destroy hypothetical American
BMD air-, sea- and space-based echelons.
n To provide a solution to the tangle of contradictions, the U.S. and Russia could start with an agreement to jointly use
the Gabala radar station in Azerbaijan and upgrade the missile launch data exchange center in Moscow to receive and
process real-time data from the radar (and perhaps also from the Armavir radar in Russia).
n An agreement could be reached that any deployment of interceptor missiles in Europe and its surrounding waters must
be commensurate with the actual threat that Iranian intermediate-range missiles or prospective ICBMs might pose. A
joint commission of American and Russian experts could be created to assess Iran’s activities.
n Political will is necessary to overcome discord and achieve a mutually acceptable agreement. The history of all existing
security agreements between the U.S. and Russia is above all a chronicle of how common sense has triumphed over
ignorance and uncompromising forces in both Moscow and Washington.

The latest crisis over missile defense in U.S.- strategic interceptors in Alaska (there will
Russian relations was sparked by U.S. plans remain 26 interceptors there and four in
to deploy by 2013 a radar station in the California), abandon the development of
Czech Republic and 10 interceptor missiles multiple independently targeted warheads
in Poland to track and destroy Iranian mis- for interceptor missiles and a new boost- The text of the Briefing will
siles. The Democratic administration’s revi- phase interceptor, and cancel the purchase be included as a chapter in the
sion of these plans opens a way out of the of a second air-based laser. Instead, Wash- book “Equation and Security,”
crisis. New plans would cut funding for the ington’s emphasis will shift to tactical land- being prepared for publication
program by 15%, halt the deployment of and sea-based missile defense systems (such by Medium Publishing House.
2 B R I E F I N G [ V O L. 11 ISSUE 4 ]

as the Patriot, THAAD and Aegis). 1 This launched the Star Wars program (the Stra-
change of tack, however, does not mean tegic Defense Initiative, or SDI). Washing-
that the missile defense issue is now off the ton essentially used the same logic as Kosy-
strategic agenda once and for all. A closer gin to justify the program. After lengthy
look at the situation is in order. debate, the U.S. Congress decided not to
allow such a broad interpretation of the
Precedents ABM Treaty, and the SDI program did not
There have been four missile defense crises reach large-scale testing.
between the U.S. and the USSR/Russia be- The third spike in tension came in the
fore this one. The first dates back to the late mid-1990s, this time over America’s theater
1960s, when the Soviet Union pioneered missile defense program, which was resolved
missile defense development by deploying a by the 1997 agreement delimiting strategic
Alexei Arbatov is a doctor system around Moscow (the A-35 system), and theater missile defenses. The fourth
of history, corresponding which caused great concern in the United round of tension came in 2002, when Pres-
member of the Russian States. At a summit in Glassboro, New Jer- ident George W. Bush withdrew the U.S.
Academy of Sciences, sey, in 1967, then-U.S. Secretary of Defense from the ABM Treaty and launched a pro-
director of the Center for Robert McNamara proposed to Soviet gram to build a missile defense system with
International Security at the Prime Minister Alexey Kosygin that the two initial bases in Alaska and California. The
Russian Academy of Sciences’ sides conclude an agreement prohibiting or latest crisis is thus the fifth.
Institute of World Economy limiting missile defense systems, but Kosy-
and International Relations gin declined, declaring that missile defenses Politics and military technology
and a member of the
were a humane type of weapon intended to There is no question that American plans to
Carnegie Moscow Center’s
protect people from nuclear attacks. deploy a radar station and interceptors in
The United States responded with coun- Europe were highly provocative towards
Research Council.
termeasures: it developed its own missile de- Russia, first and foremost from a political
fense system (Sentinel-Safeguard) and de- standpoint. Indeed, for some of those push-
ployed land-based ICBMs and sea-based ing the idea, particularly in Warsaw, the po-
SLBMs with multiple independently tar- litical aspect may have been the primary
geted re-entry vehicles (MIRVs) to penetrate objective. Aside from anything else, the
Soviet defenses. In response, the Soviet plan, in regards to which Moscow was not
Union also began deploying land- and sea- even given timely information, violated the
based missiles with MIRV warheads starting spirit of the 2002 U.S.-Russia Declaration
in the mid-1970s. Incidentally, the missile on New Strategic Relations, in which the
defense system around Moscow was mod- two countries pledged to cooperate on de-
ernized in the 1990s (and became known as veloping specifically such systems.
the A-135). Unlike the American programs, From a military-technical perspective,
the Russian missile defense system does not the number and technical characteristics
have a global scale and covers only the Mos- of the interceptors to be deployed in Po-
cow region, but its capability probably sur- land and the radar in the Czech Republic
passes the current American missile defenses would have had little impact on Russia’s
in California and Alaska, as well as the third nuclear deterrent capability. Most of Rus-
base that was planned for Europe. sia’s ICBMs are based a lot farther north-
Despite restrictions on missile defense east than the range of the planned U.S.
systems put in place by the 1972 ABM military facility on Polish territory (and
Treaty, the second crisis flared up in the this is even truer of the Russian Northern
early 1980s, when President Ronald Reagan Fleet’s sea-based missiles). According to

the laws of ballistics, their trajectories are based on new physical principles (laser sys-
plotted across the Arctic Circle. The curva- tems, etc.).
ture of the Earth’s surface would have made NATO expansion, which began in 1997
it impossible for the radar in the Czech Re- as a one-time event to include three new
public to track test launches from the Ple- countries in Central Europe, but soon grew
setsk space launch range and Russia’s to include 12 new members, with the pros-
northern seas, and in any case the radar pect being discussed that Ukraine, Georgia,
would have added little to the existing ra- Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan might also join
dar in Norway. The American GBI inter- in the future, had already taught Moscow
ceptors that were to have been deployed in the importance of giving a timely and un-
Poland are not technically capable of inter- ambiguous response. This experience, and
cepting ICBMs during the boost phase of the likelihood that missile defenses might
their trajectory. be deployed on the territory of potential
Studies carried out by liberal American new NATO members in the countries of
experts opposed to the plans (Theodore Pos- the former Soviet Union, only further
tol and George Lewis) show that U.S. inter- soured Russia’s disposition towards the
ceptors in Poland could “catch up” to ICBMs whole project.
launched from Russia’s westernmost or
southernmost bases, but only in the most
American plans to deploy a radar station and
favorable combination of circumstances and
only if the ICBMs targeted the East Coast of interceptors in Europe were highly
the United States (Boston, New York, Wash- provocative towards Russia,
ington). However, these interceptors have first and foremost from
never actually been tested under these con- a political standpoint.
ditions, and Russia deploys only a part of its
nuclear forces at these bases.
Despite the minuscule impact it would Of course, a substantial expansion of the
have on Russia’s nuclear deterrent, Moscow missile defense system would take not years
could not simply ignore the American plan but decades, but military-technical coun-
to establish a “third site” missile defense. Af- termeasures also require time and money,
ter all, to use the Americans’ own term, this and in the political sense it is better to state
was an open-ended program. In other one’s firm opposition to such programs
words, neither the U.S. nor its allies pro- right from the start. Enough time had al-
vided any guarantee that things would stop ready been lost. Moscow should have start-
at one radar installation and one base with ed considering its response back in 2002,
ten GBI interceptors. when the U.S. withdrew from the ABM
Washington gave no guarantees that Treaty, but at that time Russia’s reaction was
there would not eventually be 100 or 1,000 restrained, and the two sides signed the
missiles deployed, not just in Poland, but Strategic Offensive Reduction Treaty, which
also at other bases (closer to the trajectories gave the political green light to the Ameri-
that Russian ICBMs would be expected to can missile defense program. (Russia’s lead-
follow), and that the system would not be ership took this stance despite attempts by
further enhanced with interceptors able to parliamentarians from the Yabloko Demo-
intercept missiles during the boost phase, cratic Party to sound the alarm.)
and with the addition of sea-, air- and In the long term, the missile defense is-
space-based echelons, including systems sue, along with the issue of how to respond
4 B R I E F I N G [ V O L. 11 ISSUE 4 ]

to it, is much broader in scope. Russia’s stra- nuclear disarmament agreements still in
tegic nuclear forces command declared that place after eight years of the George W.
if the need arose to threaten the missile de- Bush administration’s destructive policies.
fense installations in Poland and the Czech These policies have come under fire around
Republic, Topol-M ICBMs (which in any the world, including in the U.S. itself, and
case would be equipped with MIRV war- the new administration in Washington is in
heads) could target them. In the event that the process of revising them.
America continued unilateral development If necessary, instead of undertaking a
of missile defense systems, Russia could take new intermediate-range missile program,
a broad range of asymmetrical measures in Russia could deploy several additional To-
response, from building up the ability of its pol-M ICBM regiments at far less cost or
strategic nuclear forces to penetrate missile develop high-precision conventional war-
defense systems to developing various sys- heads to equip its existing ballistic and
tems to directly destroy hypothetical Amer- cruise missiles not banned by the INF Trea-
ican ballistic missile defense (BMD) air-, ty. Deployment of Topol-M missiles, with
sea- and space-based echelons. single or MIRV warheads, nuclear or con-
ventional, is not in any way limited by the
Missile defenses 2002 Moscow Treaty on Strategic Offensive
and intermediate-range missiles Reductions, and the nuclear warhead ceil-
On a number of occasions over the course ings proposed by the next START Treaty
of 2007-2008, Russia’s political and mili- (1,500-1,675 warheads) still leave Russia
tary leaders raised the prospect of Russia’s with plenty of margin to deploy such sys-
unilateral withdrawal from the Intermedi- tems. But the expediency of targeting any
ate Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF Treaty) class of missiles with conventional warheads
signed between the U.S. and the USSR in at missile defense installations has not been
1987, with Russia as the USSR’s successor clearly justified.
(see, for example, Nezavisimoye voyennoye
obozreniye # 31, 2006). Before taking such a The road to an agreement
step, however, it is imperative to weigh care- Although complex, this problem can be re-
fully all the pros and cons and calculate the solved if the two sides show goodwill and
likely strategic, economic and political con- are able to engage their respective represent-
sequences. atives in fruitful discussions.
Proposals made by the Russian president
in the summer of 2007 could become the
NATO expansion to the east, which began in 1997 basis for an agreement on missile defense.
as a one-time event to include three new countries The proposed idea was to use the Gabala
in Central Europe, but soon grew to include 12 new early-warning radar station in Azerbaijan to
members, with the prospect that Ukraine, Georgia, detect and track missile launches from the
Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan might also join in the south (with some adjustments to the radar,
it would cover launches from Iran, as well as
future, taught Moscow the importance of giving
Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Pakistan
a timely and unambiguous response. and India), instead of planned American in-
stallations in Central and Eastern Europe.
The radar could be linked to the missile
This is all the more essential because the launch data exchange center in Moscow,
INF Treaty is one of the few cornerstone work on which began in accordance with

the American-Russian agreement of 1998, south is taken seriously, as Moscow’s pro-

but which was subsequently frozen. Vladi- posals on the Gabala radar station imply, it
mir Putin proposed to upgrade the center,
so that it would not simply collect data but
would operate in real time, react immedi- In offering to the U.S. joint use of the Gabala radar
ately to any missile launch and distribute station in Azerbaijan, Russia has for the first time
the relevant information. This was followed expressed a desire to cooperate with the U.S. and
by a proposal to tie into the system a next- NATO on a vital military security issue in the post-
generation Voronezh-type radar station near
Soviet space, where, previously, any Western military
Armavir and establish a similar data ex-
change center in Brussels, so as to give the presence aroused great opposition in Moscow.
whole system a multilateral nature within
the NATO framework.
This proposal reflects serious shifts in is obvious that radars alone cannot offer
Russian policy. First, Russia has recognized protection against missile strikes, but can
that missile launches from the south are a only provide warnings. Furthermore, the
serious threat, though without naming a radar stations in Gabala and Armavir can
specific country (incidentally, the Gabala track missile launches only during the boost
radar station’s reach does not extend to Is- phase of the trajectory (no farther north
rael). Second, Russia has for the first time than the latitude of Armavir). Tracking
expressed the desire to cooperate with the them farther and guiding the interceptors
U.S. and NATO on a vital military security would require additional radar stations able
issue in the post-Soviet space, where, previ- to follow them during the mid-course phase
ously, any Western military presence aroused of their trajectory. Russia has made no offi-
great opposition in Moscow. Third, the idea cial comments on these points, although it
of a joint American-Russian missile-launch was said on one occasion that the intercep-
early-warning system implies a qualitatively tion could be made with anti-aircraft mis-
new strategic partnership and a move away siles launched from ships in the Persian
from the mutual nuclear deterrence of the Gulf. However, American interceptor mis-
past, despite the current emphasis on nucle- siles would probably not be able to catch up
ar deterrence as the foundation of Russia’s with Iranian ballistic missiles launched on a
defense capability (which stems from Amer- northern trajectory.
ica’s superiority in conventional forces). Iran has not yet deployed intermediate-
Not surprisingly, the response from the range missiles able to pose a threat to Eu-
U.S. was rather evasive. It did not reject Rus- rope (although it has tested them), not to
sia’s proposal, but at that time reiterated its mention ICBMs able to reach U.S. terri-
commitment to the plans already approved. tory, and it does not actually possess nucle-
It was easier for the new administration to ar weapons at this point. In this context,
renounce those plans on technical and finan- any unilateral U.S. or NATO moves to de-
cial grounds, as well as on the basis of a reas- ploy a missile defense system in Europe is
sessment of the threats posed by Iran’s missile inevitably perceived in Moscow as the first
programs. The desire to cooperate with Rus- stage of a program directed against Russia’s
sia on a new START treaty and on the Ira- nuclear deterrent. However, because the
nian issue was also a motivation. deployment of even a limited BMD system
But if the threat of future missile launch- is a process requiring many years, it would
es from Iran and other countries in the be too late to wait until Iran actually has
6 B R I E F I N G [ V O L. 11 ISSUE 4 ]

long-range missiles to begin the work. Such enough members with a negative attitude
complex and costly weapons systems as toward Russia and enough supporters of
missile defenses need to be developed in a missile defense and military superiority in
timely manner. Such are the contradictory general, would oppose any such decision.
circumstances surrounding the current As far as Moscow’s approach is concerned,
missile defense crisis. distinction should be made between the real
The following steps could provide a so- problems that the American missile defense
lution to this tangle of contradictions. First program could create for strategic stability
of all, an agreement could be concluded on and new agreements, on the one hand, and
joint American-Russian use of the Gabala the imagination of various Russian military,
radar station and upgrading the Moscow political and media representatives on the
missile launch data exchange center to re- other hand; the latter are using missile de-
ceive and process real-time data from the fense as a convenient argument in their cam-
radar (and perhaps from the Armavir radar, paign to blow the alleged “American threat”
as well). As for the interceptors, an agree- out of all reasonable proportion. These par-
ment could be reached that deployment of ticular circles do not want any agreements
interceptor missiles in Europe and its sur- with the U.S. and see no differences among
rounding waters must be commensurate the various components of the American rul-
with the actual threat of Iranian intermedi- ing elite, or between the previous adminis-
ate-range missiles or future ICBMs. The tration and its successor. They are ideologi-
threat posed by Iranian missiles could be cally mistrustful and hostile toward
assessed by a specially created joint com- Washington and/or think that any coopera-
mission of American and Russian experts. tion with America would by definition have
Under certain conditions, Russia could negative fallout for Russia’s foreign or do-
work together with the U.S. and its allies to mestic policies. They consider themselves
develop these BMD systems. true patriots, but are contemptuous of Rus-
Russia would be assured in this case that sia’s people and government, acting on the
it is not the target of the missile defense sys- premise that contact with the West “cor-
tem. It would also give Russia a powerful rodes” Russia (not the other way around!),
incentive to use all possible means of influ- and that the West will either buy Moscow’s
ence at its disposal to slow down or halt diplomats and military officials or bend them
Iran’s missile program. But the major ob- to their will. Another negativist paradigm is
stacle is trust: Moscow would be unlikely to rooted not in ideological hostility to the U.S.,
accept a “gentlemen’s agreement” on missile but in the premise that America is techno-
defense, recalling the broken promises given logically superior and therefore will pursue
by the leaders of NATO members in the the pragmatic goal of ultimately depriving
late 1980s that the alliance would not ex- Russia of its nuclear deterrent capability
pand eastward. Rather, Moscow would (supporters of this view seem to put them-
probably insist on a legally binding agree- selves in America’s place and base their opin-
ment, and this is unlikely to be accepted in ions on the notion of undisputed U.S. mili-
Washington, as it would amount to a new tary and technological superiority).
version of a treaty setting limits on missile For these people, any U.S. initiative is un-
defense systems. Russia would perhaps also acceptable in principle. They would reject a
raise the question of setting limits on other proposal from the new administration to
components of the U.S. global missile de- abandon the American missile defense pro-
fense system. The U.S. Senate, which has gram in return for Russia’s help in stopping

Iran’s missile and nuclear programs, on the plex tangle of political and strategic contra-
grounds that this would be merely a pretext dictions. However, the acceptance or rejec-
for subsequent missile defense deployment tion of this kind of proposal or something
when Russia fails to achieve this objective. similar will be a real test of how serious the
They say that the American program is di- two countries are about the issue of missile
rected not against Iran but against Russia,
but when voices in Washington suggest the An agreement could be reached that any deployment
possibility of a joint American-Russian mis-
of interceptor missiles in Europe and its surrounding
sile defense system, these same people reject
it as an attempt to drive a wedge between waters must be commensurate with the actual threat
Russia and Iran. If the Americans propose of Iranian intermediate-range missiles or ICBMs. Under
deploying missile defense installations on certain conditions, Russia could work together with
Russian soil, they accuse the Americans of the U.S. and its allies to develop these BMD systems.
trying to draw Russia into a program that
“would undermine Russia’s nuclear deterrent
capability.” Even though this would seem- (or missile and nuclear) proliferation as one
ingly put the keys to missile defense in Rus- of the most immediate threats to interna-
sia’s hands, the die-hard opponents are con- tional security today. Neutralizing this
vinced from the start that the Americans will threat requires not rivalry, but honest coop-
never agree to such an idea and therefore do eration between the U.S., Russia and other
not even want to discuss such options. countries.
With the missile defense system still not In this respect, the noted Russian special-
actually deployed, they interpret any deal as ist Gen. Vladimir Dvorkin rightly pointed
an exchange of empty promises on the out that “proliferation cannot be prevented
American side for very real disarmament using purely technical measures, such as
concessions on the Russian side. No sooner missile defense, but requires a broad range
is it announced that missile defenses will of prevention measures addressing the
not be deployed in Europe than opposition whole spectrum of threats, and this can be
shifts instead to the interceptor bases in based only on cooperation among major
Alaska, California, and on board ships powers and their allies. Development of a
(while preferring to overlook the strategic multilateral missile defense system, with
missile defense system around Moscow). 2 U.S., E.U. and Russian participation, could
This line of reasoning results from an obses- create the conditions for restraining the
sion with playing a “zero-sum game” that proliferation of nuclear materials, nuclear
excludes any mutually acceptable solution weapons and missiles. Of course, this does
to the problem. Trying to disprove it with not rule out attempts to use other methods
logic or facts does not work. The only way of delivering nuclear weapons, but it will be
out is by political means. much easier to address this if there is strate-
The history of all existing security agree- gic cooperation between major powers in
ments between the U.S. and Russia is countering common security threats, in-
above all a chronicle of how common sense cluding the formation of a joint policy to
has triumphed over ignorance and uncom- settle existing nuclear crises more effectively,
promising forces in both Moscow and strengthen the NPT, transform the Missile
Washington. Technology Control Regime into a legally
Of course, the option proposed above is binding agreement and bolster collective
not the only possible solution to this com- counter-proliferation measures.” 3 n

The Carnegie Endowment for Inter- RESOURCES

national Peace, with headquarters
in Washington D.C., is a private,
nonprofit, nonpartisan organization
dedicated to conducting indepen-
See S. Rogov, “Obama formiruyet novuyu amerikanskuyu strategiyu,” Nezavisimoye voyen-
dent policy research and advancing noye obozreniye, #19, June 5-8, 2009, PP. 1-4.
cooperation between nations. In
1993, the Endowment launched the
On the A-35 missile defense system see, for example, “Naivysheye dostizheniye nauchno-
Carnegie Moscow Center to help tekhnicheskoy mysli svoego vremeni,” Vozdushno-kosmicheskaya oborona, # 3(46), 2009.
develop a tradition of public policy
analysis in the countries of the
V. Z. Dvorkin, “Protivoraketnaya oborona na novom etape razvitiya,” in Yadernoye raspros-
former Soviet Union and improve traneniye: noviye tekhnologii, vooruzheniya i dogovory, ed. A. Arbatov and V. M. Dvorkin,
relations between Russia and the
United States.
Carnegie Moscow Center, PP. 178-179 (Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2009).

In 2007, the Carnegie Endowment
announced its New Vision as the
first multinational and ultimately
global think tank, adding opera-
tions in Beijing, Beirut and Brussels
to its existing offices in Moscow
and Washington. The Endowment
uses its experience of research and
discussion at the Carnegie Moscow
Center as a model for its transfor-
mation into the first international
think tank.

This Briefing represents the author’s personal views and should not be considered as representing the view
of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace or the Carnegie Moscow Center.

© Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2009

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