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Program Structure Batch 2008 - 2013

Third Semester Course Code Course Title Economics II Sociology II Legal Method Family Law I Law of Crimes I Communication Skills Client Inter!iewing " Counseling Lectures (L)(Hours per ee!) 4 4 4 4 4 4 Tutorials (T)(Hours per ee!) 1 1 1 1 1 1 Practical (P)(Hours per ee!) Total Credits 5 5 5 5 5 5

#$#%L "ourth Semester Course Code Course Title Law of Crimes II Family Law II Land Laws Law of #ort (Motor )ehicle %ct " Consumer *rotection %ct + *ro,erty Law Communication " %d!ocacy Skills Lectures (L)(Hours per ee!) 4 4 4 4 Tutorials (T)(Hours per ee!) 1 1 1 1 Practical (P)(Hours per ee!) -


Total Credits 5 5 5 5

4 4

1 1


5 5 &'

"i#th Semester Course Code Course Title Constitutional Law I Code of Ci!il *rocedure Code of Criminal *rocedure %dministrati!e Law Cor,orate Law *u-lic International Law Lectures (L)(Hours per ee!) 4 4 4 4 4 4 Tutorials (T)(Hours per ee!) 1 1 1 1 1 1 Practical (P)(Hours per ee!) #$#%L Total Credits 5 5 5 5 5 5 &'

Si$th Semester Course Code Course Title Constitutional Law II Intellectual *ro,erty .ights Law of E!idence /usiness Law In!estment " Com,etition Law 0uman .ights Law Lectures (L)(Hours per ee!) 4 4 4 4 4 4 Tutorials (T)(Hours per ee!) 1 1 1 1 1 1 #$#%L Practical (P)(Hours per ee!) Total Credits 5 5 5 5 5 5 &'

Se%e&th Semester Course Code Course Title 1uris,rudence I La-our Law I Criminology Law *o!erty " 2e!elo,ment #a3ation Law International #rade Law Lectures (L)(Hours per ee!) 4 4 4 4 4 4 Tutorials (T)(Hours per ee!) 1 1 1 1 1 1 Practical (P)(Hours per ee!) #$#%L Total Credits 5 5 5 5 5 5 &'

'ighth Semester Course Code Course Title 1uris,rudence II La-our Law II %r-itration " %lternate 2is,ute .esolution En!ironmental Law Inter,retation of Statutes Cy-er Laws Lectures (L)(Hours per ee!) 4 4 4 4 4 4 Tutorials (T)(Hours per ee!) 1 1 1 1 1 1 #$#%L Practical (P)(Hours per ee!) Total Credits 5 5 5 5 5 5 &'

(i&th Semester Course Code Course Title 2rafting *leading " Con!eyancing *rofessional Ethics Election Law Lectures (L)(Hours per ee!) 4 4 4 Tutorials (T)(Hours per ee!) 1 1 1 Practical (P)(Hours per ee!) Total Credits 5 5 5

*ri!ate International Law International 0umanitarian " .efugee Law

4 4

1 1


5 5 45

Te&th Semester Course Code Course Title Internshi, (Including )i!a and 2iary+ .esearch ,a,er (Including )i!a+ Lectures (L)(Hours per ee!) 4 4 Tutorials (T)(Hours per ee!) Practical (P)(Hours per ee!) 1& 5 #$#%L Total Credits 15 1' 45

Third Semester
'C)()*+CS ++ Course ),-ecti%e.
#his course also deals with ,rinci,les of macroeconomics6 #he co!erage includes determination of and linkages -etween ma7or macro economic !aria-les the le!el of out,ut and ,rices inflation unem,loyment 82* growth interest rates and e3change rates6

Course Co&te&ts. *odule + . )/'0/+'1 )" *+C0)'C)()*+CS

2e!elo,ment of macroeconomics schools of thought9 classical :eynesian and ,ost :eynesian Interde,endence of micro and macro economics #he ,rinci,le of effecti!e demand9 %ggregate demand and aggregate su,,ly %ggregate consum,tion and in!estment functions6

*odule ++ . *)('2 3(4 B3(5+(6

Money9 Function classifications !alue of money ;uantity theory of money Inflation and deflation Commercial /anking functions and credit creation Central /anking9 Functions and credit control Monetary ,olicy Money market and ca,ital market6

*odule +++ . P7BL+C "+(3(C'

*u-lic Finance9 <ature and sco,e of ,u-lic finance ,u-lic !6 ,ri!ate finance ,rinci,le of ma3imum social ad!antages #a39 Meaning classification canons Methods of measuring <ational Income 2ifficulties in measurement *o!erty and unem,loyment6

*odule +/ . B7S+('SS C2CL'S 8 S)C+3L 3CC)7(T+(6

Features of /usiness cycles Social %ccounting9 Meaning and !arious conce,ts of <ational Income <ominal " real 8<* Methods of measuring <ational Income 2ifficulties in measurement *o!erty and unem,loyment6

'%aluatio& Scheme.
Compo&e&t Codes 1eightage (:) P9S9/ 1' CT 1' C 5 '' ='

(ote . ; mar!s #or 3tte&da&ce < Te$t 8 0e#ere&ces

%hu7a 06L6 Macro Economics S6 Chand "Co <ew 2elhi 2ewett :6 : Modern Economic #heory9 S6 Chand "Co <ew 2elhi Sha,iro Edward Macro Economic %nalysis #ata Mc6 8raw 0ill6 Seth M6L6 Macro Economics %garwal *u-lications %gra6 .6 2orn-usch " S6 Fisher Macroeconomics #ata Mc6 8raw 0ill6 Mankiw *rinci,les of Macro Economics #homson *u-lication6 Sundharam :6*6M Money /anking and International #rade S6 Chand "Co <ew 2elhi6

S)C+)L)62 ++
Course ),-ecti%e.
#he $-7ecti!e of this ,a,er is to focus on -asic conce,ts of sociology rele!ant for understanding Indian Society and Social Issues 6

Course Contents.
*odule + . "eatures o# +&dia& Societ=
Caste and )arna - meaning and difference 0indu *hiloso,hy > /asic #enets of 0induism #he %shramas and #he *urusharthas 2i!ersity- linguistic racial ethnic and religious6

*odule ++ . *arriage> #amil= a&d !i&ship

Marriage 9 definition features ty,es and rules of marriage?Family 9 definition forms of family9 nuclear and 7oint uni!ersality of family? functions of family? :inshi, - definition degree and forms

*odule +++ . Basics. Societ= a&d La

Meaning and ty,es of Legitimacy Law as a su-system of society Conce,t of social organi@ation Conce,t of social disorgani@ation6

*odule +/. Social Pro,lems a&d Legislati%e measures

Communalism %lcoholism and 2rug %ddiction #errorism 2owry Scheduled caste and scheduled tri-es 6

*odule /. Social 4e%ia&ce

Meaning and Factors facilitating de!iance Forms of crime 91u!enile 2elin;uency Ahite Collar Crime Corru,tion $rgani@ed crime #heories of 2e!iant -eha!ior with s,ecial reference to SutherlandBs theory of differential association

'%aluatio& Scheme.
Compo&e&t Codes 1eightage (:) P9S9/ 1' CT 1' C 5 '' ='

(ote . ; mar!s #or 3tte&da&ce Te$t 8 0e#ere&ces.

0arlam-os M6 Sociology9 #hemes and *ers,ecti!es? $3ford Cni!ersity *ress 1D5' /ottomore #6/6 Sociology9 % 8uide to *ro-lems and Literature? /lackie and Sons India Ltd? 1D=1 0orton6 *6-6 and C6L6 0unt Sociology? Mc8rew- 0ill -ook Com,any Singa,ore 1D546 8iddens %6 Sociology? *olity *ress C:? 1DD& Shankar .ao Introduction to Sociology6 Mandel-aum 2686 Society in India? )olume I and )olume II? *o,ular *rakashan Mum-ai? 1DD4 Em-er " Em-er Social %nthro,ology Lucy Mair Introduction to Social %nthro,ology /hushan )6 and 26.6 Sachde!a %n Introduction to Sociology? :ita- Mahal %llaha-ad? 1DDD /eteille %6 Caste Class and *ower9 Changing *atterns of Stratification in a #an7ore )illage? $3ford Cni!ersity *ress <ew 2elhi? 4''4

Singh E6 Social Change in India 9 Crisis and .esilience? har-%nand *u-lications *!t6 Ltd6 <ew 2elhi? 1DD& Srini!as M6<6 Social Change in Modern India? $rient Longman Ltd6 1D5' )ir 2haram :inshi, Family and Marriage9 Changing *ers,ecti!es (Edited+? <ew %cademic *u-6 <ew 2elhi? 4''F6 .am %hu7a Social *ro-lems

L'63L *'TH)4
Course ),-ecti%e.
#his ,a,er focuses on orientation of students to legal studies from the ,oint of !iew of -asic conce,ts of law and legal system6

Course Co&te&ts. *odule +. *ea&i&g a&d Classi#icatio& o# La s

Meaning 2efinition Functions9 1ustice Sta-ility and *eaceful Change? Classification of laws9 *u-lic and *ri!ate Law Su-stanti!e and *rocedural Law Munici,al and International Law6

*odule ++ . Sources o# La
Custom? *recedent .atio $-iter? Legislation6

*odule +++. Basic Co&cepts o# +&dia& Legal S=stem

Common Law Essentials of a )alid Law Constitution as the /asic Law .ule of Law Se,aration of *owers 1udicial system in India6

*odule +/. Legal 1riti&g a&d 0esearch

Legal materials9 Case law Statutes .e,orts 1ournals Manuals 2igests etc6? Im,ortance of legal research ? #echni;ues of Legal .esearch 9 2octrinal Em,irical .esearch Legal writings and citations6

'%aluatio& Scheme.
Compo&e&t Codes 1eightage (:) P9S9/ 1' CT 1' C 5 '' ='

(ote . ; mar!s #or 3tte&da&ce Te$t Boo!s 8 0e#ere&ces

8lan!ille Aillains > Learning the law %!tar Singh > 1uris,rudence (Legal #heory+ /6<6M6 #ri,athi > %n Introduction to 1uris,rudence and Legal theory /en7amin <6 Cardo@o #he <ature of 1udicial *rocess LI *u-lication > Indian Legal System ILI *u-lication in Legal .esearch and Methodology

"3*+L2 L31 +
Course ),-ecti%e. #his Course aims at ,ro!iding ade;uate Sociological ,ers,ecti!e so that the -asic conce,ts relating to family are e3,ounded in their social setting6 It stri!es to gi!e an o!er!iew of some of the current ,ro-lems arising out of the foundational ine;ualities in the !arious family conce,ts6 %nother o-7ecti!e of the course is to !iew family law not merely as a se,arate system of ,ersonal laws -ased u,on religions -ut as the one cutting across the religious lines and e!entually ena-ling us to fulfill the constitutional directi!e of uniform ci!il code at least 7uris,rudentially at the academic study -y identifying the core conce,ts in marriage laws of all communities to e!ol!e a uniform ci!il code de!oid of ,olitical nest6 Aomen and children ha!e s,ecial family relations and therefore it is as,ired to de!elo, insights amongst the students to ensure ,rotection of constitutional rights of women and children in family law administration6 In !iew of the conflicts of the inter,ersonal laws con!ersion is causing ,ro-lems6 0ow con!ersion affects the family and whether it is com,ati-le with the conce,t of secularism and to what e3tent such ,ro-lem would stand resol!ed with the enactment of a uniform ci!il code are some of the -asics that needs to -e e3amined6 Cousrse Co&te&ts. *odule +. Sources a&d Schools o# La Sources of 0indu Law. %ncient sources 9 Shruti Smriti 2igest " Commentaries and Customs6?6 Modern sources9 E;uity 1ustice and good conscience *recedent and Legislation? Schools of 0indu Law9 Mitakshara and 2aya-hag Schools6 Su- > schools of Mitakshara? Sources of Muslim Law. %ncient Sources9 #he :oran #he Sunna (*ractice of *ro,het+ I7ma (Consensus of o,inion+ and Gyias (%nalogical deduction+ Modern sources > E;uity 1ustice and good conscience *recedent and Legislation? Schools of Muslim Law. Sunni School of Muslim Law Shia School of Muslim Law6 *odule ++. *arriage 0indu Marriage9<ature and conce,t of 0indu Marriage Essential conditions of a 0indu Marriage conse;uences for !iolating these conditions and ceremonies of marriage ? Muslim Marriage9<ature and conce,ts of Muslim Marriage Essential conditions of a !alid marriage ,rohi-itions H disa-ilities classification of marriage and effects of !alid irregular !oid marriage? 2ower9 2efinition and nature classification of dower endorsement of dower including widowBs right of retention6 *odule +++. *atrimo&ial 0emedies <on > 7udicial resolution of marital conflict ,ro-lems9 Customary dissolution of marriage unilateral di!orce di!orce -y mutual consent and other modes of dissolution 2i!orce under Muslim ,ersonal Law > #ala; and #ala;-e-#afwee@ ? 1udicial resolution of marital conflict ,ro-lems a general ,ers,ecti!e of matrimonial fault theory and ,rinci,le of irretrie!a-le -reakdown of marriage? <ullity of marriage? $,tion of ,u-erty ?.estitution of con7ugal rights ?1udicial se,aration6 ? 8rounds for di!orce under Muslim Law? /ars to matrimonial relief under 0indu Law? 8rounds for 2i!orce under Indian 2issolution of Muslim Marriage %ct 1D&D6

*odule +/. 3limo&=> mai&te&a&ce a&d 3doptio& Maintenance of neglected wi!es di!orced wi!es minor children disa-led children and ,arents who are una-le to su,,ort themsel!es !ide sections 145 14= of Code of Criminal *rocedure 1D=&?%limony and maintenance as an inde,endent remedy a re!iew under different ,ersonal laws ?%limony and maintenance as ancillary relief alimony *endente Lite and ,ermanent maintenance ?Maintenance of 2i!orced Muslim Aomen under the Muslim Aomen *rotection of .ight on 2i!orce %ct 1D5F? % Critical re!iew? 0indu %do,tion and Maintenance %ct 1D5F6

*odule /. 6uardia&ship 0indu Minority and 8uardianshi, %ct 1D5F9 Meaning of 8uardianshi, :inds of 8uardianshi, .ights o-ligations and dis;ualification of guardian 8uardianshi, under Muslim Law Entitlement to guardianshi, .ights o-ligations and dis;ualification of a guardian6 *odule /+. 'mergi&g Tre&ds i& "amil= La Family Courts? Esta-lishment *owers and functions? Cniform Ci!il Code? Constitutional Mandate? .ole of the State? Im,ediments to the formulation of the Cniform Ci!il Code? Con!ersions and its effects on family? Marriage %do,tion 8uardianshi, succession6

'%aluatio& Scheme.
Compo&e&t Codes 1eightage (:) P9S9/ 1' CT 1' C 5 '' ='

(ote . ; mar!s #or 3tte&da&ce Te$t 8 0e#ere&ces

Mulla 26F6 *rinci,les of 0indu Law *aras 2iwan Modern 0indu Law Mulla 26F6 *rinci,al of Mohammadan Law Fy@ee %6%6%6 $utlines of Mohammadan Law Mahmood #6 Muslim Law of India *aras 2iwan Law of Intestate and #estamentary Succession (1DD5+ Cni!ersal

L31 )" C0+*'S +

Course ),-ecti%e .
Course on Law of Crimes aims at introducing students to the -asic ,rinci,les of criminal law6 #here has -een a ,rogressi!e as well as regressi!e change in the Indian society since Inde,endence6 % ,ro,er understanding of crimes and the causal factors for the occurrence of crime is e3tremely im,ortant in the larger conte3t of IndiaBs de!elo,ment if young law students are to use their knowledge and skills to -uild a 7ust and humane society6 #he young law students are the would -e lawyers and as such they must ha!e an ac;uaintance with such knowledge to make criminal 7ustice system ser!e the goals of social defense as well as social 7ustice6 #herefore a study of the -asic conce,ts of s,ecific offences under the Indian *enal Code is im,erati!e6

Course Co&te&ts. *odule +. +&troductio& to Su,sta&ti%e Crimi&al La

E3tent and o,eration of the Indian *enal Code 2efinition of Crime Fundamental elements of crime Stages in commission of a crime Intention *re,aration %ttem,t6

*odule ++. 6e&eral '$pla&atio&s a&d '$ceptio&s

2efinitions Constructi!e 7oint lia-ility Mistake 1udicial and E3ecuti!e acts %ccident <ecessity Infancy Insanity Into3ication Consent 8ood faith *ri!ate defence6

*odule +++. 3,etme&t a&d Crimi&al Co&spirac= *odule +/. Pu&ishme&t

#heories9 2eterrent .etri-uti!e *re!enti!e E3,iatory and .eformati!e #heory? *unishment under the I*C9 Fine Im,risonment Ca,ital *unishment 6

'%aluatio& Scheme.
Compo&e&t Codes 1eightage (:) P9S9/ 1' CT 1' C 5 '' ='

(ote . ; mar!s #or 3tte&da&ce Te$t 8 0e#ere&ces.

.atanlal " 2hira7lal > #he Indian *enal Code :6 266 8aur > % #e3t /ook on Indian *enal Code S6<6 Misra Indian *enal Code /6M6 8andhi Indian *enal Code (1DDF+ Eastern <ag,ur6 *6S6 %chutan *illai Criminal Law (1DD5+ Eastern Lucknow6

C)**7(+C3T+)( S5+LLS> CL+'(T +(T'0/+'1+(6 8 C)7(S'L+(6 Course ),-ecti%e .

#his ,a,er is to de!elo, in the student art of communication client inter!iewing and counseling ad!ocacy skill in them6

*odule +. Commu&icatio&
Meaning #y,es and 2irections to Communication %,,roaches to Communication /arriers to Communication Communication *rocess Channels of Communication6

*odule ++. Clie&t +&ter%ie i&g

Meaning and significance 2ifferent Com,onents9 listening ty,es of ;uestions asked Information gathering .e,ort formation Ethical consideration6

*odule +++. Legal Cou&seli&g

2efinition and its differentiation from general counseling 2ifferent ty,es of counseling %,,roaches to Counseling #raining Skills9 Simulated e3ercises6

*odule +/. Legal 0easo&i&g

Legal .easoning9 2efinition Com,onents of Legal .easoning 2educti!e and Inducti!e .easoning Le!iBs and /odenheimerBs Model of Legal .easoning9 Law and Logic9 %ristotelian Logic and Syllogism Significance of mooting to law students6

'%aluatio& Scheme.
Compo&e&t Codes 1eightage (:) P9S9/ 1' CT 1' C 5 '' ='

(ote . ; mar!s #or 3tte&da&ce Te$t Boo!s 8 0e#ere&ces.

<6.6 Madha!a Menon Clinical Legal Education 1enny Cha,man Client Inter!iewing and Counselling Ste,hens *6 .o--ins $rgani@ational /eha!iour Morgan Introduction to *sychology

Fourth Semester
L31 )" C0+*'S ++
Course ),-ecti%e . +t aims at introducing students to the -asic ,rinci,les of criminal law6 #here has -een a ,rogressi!e as well as regressi!e change in the Indian society since Inde,endence6 % ,ro,er understanding of crimes and the causal factors for the occurrence of crime is e3tremely im,ortant in the larger conte3t of IndiaBs de!elo,ment if young law students are to use their knowledge and skills to -uild a 7ust and humane society6 #he young law students are the would -e lawyers and as such they must ha!e an ac;uaintance with such knowledge to make criminal 7ustice system ser!e the goals of social defense as well as social 7ustice6 #herefore a study of the -asic conce,ts of s,ecific offences under the Indian *enal Code is im,erati!e6
Course Co&te&ts.

*odule + . )##e&ces a##ecti&g the Huma& ,od=

$ffences affecting life causing miscarriage or in7uries to un-orn children? $ffences of hurt of wrongful restraint and wrongful confinement? $ffences of criminal force and %ssault offences of kidna,,ing and %-duction6

*odule ++. )##e&ces agai&st 1ome&

$-scene acts and songs ? $utraging the modesty of women ?.a,e? Cruelty -y hus-and or relati!es of hus-and ?$ffences relating to marriage6

*odule +++. )##e&ces agai&st Propert=

#heft E3tortion ro--ery and dacoity ? Criminal misa,,ro,riation and criminal -reach of trust ? Cheating ? Mischief ? Criminal tres,ass 6

*odule +/. 4e#amatio& a&d o##e&ces relati&g to docume&ts a&d propert= mar!s
2efamation Forgery Counterfeiting 6

'%aluatio& Scheme.
Compo&e&t Codes 1eightage (:) P9S9/ 1' CT 1' C 5 '' ='

(ote . ; mar!s #or 3tte&da&ce Te$t 8 0e#ere&ces.

.atanlal " 2hira7lal > #he Indian *enal Code :6 266 8aur > % #e3t /ook on Indian *enal Code S6<6 Misra Indian *enal Code /6M6 8andhi Indian *enal Code (1DDF+ Eastern <ag,ur6 *6S6 %chutan *illai Criminal Law (1DD5+ Eastern Lucknow6

"3*+L2 L31 ++ Course ),-ecti%e .

Family Law II Course is mainly de!oted to the study of ,ro,erty relations in the familial relationshi,6 #he legal incidence of 7oint family and the laws of succession > testamentary and intestate > according to the ,ersonal laws of 0indus and Muslims shall -e discussed in de,th to create insights amongst the students who de!elo, !isions and ,erce,tions that may ,romote loud thinking on a Cniform Ci!il Code and e;uality among se3es in ,ro,erty relations within the family6

Course Co&te&ts 9 *odule +. @oi&t Hi&du "amil=

Mitakshara 1oint Family 9 Mitakshara co,arcenaries formation and incidents *ro,erty under Mitakshara Law 9 se,arate ,ro,erty and co,arcenaries ,ro,erty ? 2aya-haga co,arcenaries 9 formation and incidents *ro,erty under 2aya-haga Law :arta of the 1oint Family 9 0is ,osition ,owers ,ri!ileges and o-ligation %lienation of ,ro,erty9 Se,arate and co,arcenaries 2e-ts 9 2octrine of *ious $-ligation and %ntecedent de-t *artition and .e-union 1oint 0indu Family as a social security institution and im,act of 0indu 8ains of Learning %ct and )arious #a3 Laws on it 6

*odule ++. 4ispositio&s u&der *uslim La

%6 #estamentary 2is,osition (Aill+9 2efinition and -asis Ca,acity of the Legatee Formalities of a Aill? su-7ect matter of Aill .estrictions on testamentary ,ower of dis,osition inter,retation of the Aill .e!ocation of the Aill ? 2is,osition inter !i!os (8ift+9 8ift (0i-a+ its definition classification and essentials of gift Aho can make gift to whom gift can -e made the ,ro,erty which can -e su-7ect of 8ift? 2eli!ery of ,ossession Musha .e!ocation of 8ifts? 2istinction -etween 0i-a %riya Sada;a " Aakf 0i-a--il-Sharituliwad 8ift during death illness (Marsul Mawt+6

*odule +++. La o# Successio& a&d i&herita&ce amo&g Hi&dus

2e!olution of interest in Mitakshara Co,arcenaries Co,arcenaries with reference to the ,ro!isions of 0indu Succession %ct 1D5F Succession to ,ro,erty of 0indu female dying intestate under the 0indu Succession %ct 1D5F 2is;ualifications relating to succession6

*odule +/. La o# Successio& a&d i&herita&ce amo&g *uslims

8eneral rules of succession? inclusion and e3clusion of inheritors to the ,ro,erty6 Classification of heirs under 0anafi and Ithma %sharia School and their shares and distri-ution of ,ro,erty6

Module V : Waqf Meaning :inds of Aa;f $-7ects and ,ur,ose .e;uistes .ights and Characteristics %d!antages and disad!antages Methods of creation of waqf ;*re-em,tion > $rigin 2efinition Classification Su-7ect matter formalities effects constitutional !alidity6 '%aluatio& Scheme.
Compo&e&t Codes 1eightage (:) P9S9/ 1' CT 1' C 5 '' ='

(ote . ; mar!s #or 3tte&da&ce

Te$t 8 0e#ere&ces
Mulla 26F6 *rinci,les of 0indu Law *aras 2iwan Modern 0indu Law Mulla 26F6 *rinci,al of Mohammadan Law Fy@ee %6%6%6 $utlines of Mohammadan Law Mahmood #6 Muslim Law of India *aras 2iwan Law of Intestate and #estamentary Succession (1DD5+ Cni!ersal

L3(4 L31S
Course ),-ecti%e.
#he legislati!e ,ower to make laws relating to land and land ceiling is in the state list6 2ifferent States ha!e enacted their own laws on this su-7ect6 #he Constitutional ,ers,ecti!es relating to this su-7ect ha!e to -e taught as an essential ,art of this course6 #he ,ro!isions in the Constitution in *art III I) and III as well as those in Schedule )II relating to distri-ution of legislati!e ,owers o!er land are essentially to -e taught with em,hasis6

Course Co&te&ts.
*odule +. Co&stitutio&al Perspecti%es Fundamental rights *ro,erty as Legal .ight %griculture reform State Local -odies6 Legislati!e *owers #he Cnion #he

*odule ++. Post-+&depe&de&ce 0e#orms %-olition of Jamindaries %-olition of Intermediaries #enancy .eforms Land to the tiller *ersonal Culti!ation )oluntary Surrenders6 *odule +++. '%aluatio& o# la&d 0e#orms Lack of *olitical will as an im,ediment to land reforms .ole of Law .ole of law and Legal *rofession in im,lementation *osition of /ars to the 7urisdiction of Ci!il Courts .ole of administrati!e agencies6 *odule +/. La&d *a&ageme&t i& 7ttar Pradesh. 0ele%a&t La&d la s to ,e speci#ied *odule /. Houses a&d Shops 0e&t Co&trol Legislatio& i& 7ttar Pradesh

'%aluatio& Scheme.
Compo&e&t Codes 1eightage (:) P9S9/ 1' CT 1' C 5 '' ='

(ote . ; mar!s #or 3tte&da&ce Te$t 8 0e#ere&ces

Law ,o!erty and de!elo,ment *rof6 M6L6 C,adhayay6 C,endra /a3i #owards a Sociology of Indian Law ,,6 45-F5 (1D5F+ %tul :ohli #he state and *o!erty in India (1D5=+ Francine .6 Frankel IndiaBs *olitical Economy 1D4=-== (1D55+ L606 .udol,h and S606 .udol,h #he *olitical Economy of Lakshmi (1D5=+ Mohammad 8house K<ehru and %grarian reformL in .a7ee! 2ha!an and #homas *aul (eds6+ <ehru and the Constitution (1DD4+ #hri,athi Aalter C6 <eale 2e!elo,ing .ural India *olicies and *rogress (1DD'+ %llied %lice 1aco- Land .eform and .ural Change F-1D (1DD4+ Land .eforms in India9 a .e!iew6 I%SSI ;uarterly 1DD4 )ol6 I <um-ers & and 46 /6.6 /eotra Law of Forests (Central and State+ Fth Edition 1DDD #he Law /ook Com,any6 %6 :rishnan Forest Laws in India 1DD5 %sia Law 0ouse Sri!asta!a Encyclo,edia on forest 1DD5 %sia Law 0ouse *adala .ami .eddy Forest Laws 1D5D %sia Law 0ouse /aden *owel Manual of 1uris,rudence for Forests $fficers (1D54+ %nil %garwal (ed6+ K#he State of IndiaBs En!ironment9 #he Second Citi@enBs .e,ortL (1D55+

Chhatra,ati Singh Common *ro,erty and Common *o!erty (1D55+ Chhatra,ati Singh KForestryand the law in IndiaL in 4D 1ournal of India Law Institute (1D5=+ :arl Mar3 K#he laws on the #heft of AoodsL In .henisce Jeitung werke 11&-1F 145 ft6 )ol (1D5F+ .amchandra 8uha KForestry in *re-/ritish IndiaL in 15 Economic and *olitical weekly 45 (1D5&+ Cttar *radesh State rele!ant Laws 0ouses and Sho,s .ent Control Legislation of Cttar *radesh

L31 )" T)0T (*)T)0 /'H+CL'S 3CT 8 C)(S7*'0 P0)T'CT+)( 3CT)

Course ),-ecti%e .
#his course aims to introduce the student to the s,eciali@ed disci,line of tort law that is one of the most litigated areas of law in west6 In India this realm is on the !erge of a lot of litigational acti!ity6 #he course co!ers Consumer *rotection %ct as well as Motor )ehicle %ct which are car!ed out from the general ,rinci,les of tort6

Course Co&te&ts . *odule + . +&troductio& to Tort

<ature and 2efinition of #orts ? #ort distinguished from Contract Guasi-Contract Crime 9 Conditions of lia-ility including damnum sine injuria injuria sine damnum ? .emoteness of damages? Ma3ims9 Ubijus ibi remedium Res ipsa loquitor etc6? 1ustification in #ort - Volenti non-fit Injuria <ecessity *laintiffBs default> %ct of 8od Ine!ita-le accidents *ri!ate defences 1udicial and Guasi > 1udicial %cts *arental and ;uasi-,arental authority6

*odule ++ . 3ctio&s i& Tort

%ssault /attery False Im,risonment Malicious *rosecution ? 2efamation-Li-el Slander including defenses in an action for defamation6 ? )icarious Lia-ility? Lia-ility of State? 2octrine of So!ereign Immunity6

*odule +++ . (eglige&ce

<egligence including contri-utory negligence and other defenses9 %-solute lia-ilityHStrict lia-ility .ules in 0=la&d %< "letcher ? *rinci,les for the a,,lication of the rule and defenses? Enter,rises engaged in ha@ardous acti!ities > *<C< *ehta %< 7&io& o# +&dia ? <uisance? #res,ass6

*odule +/ . Co&sumer Protectio&

#he conce,t of a Consumer and Consumer 2is,ute definition of MconsumerB under the consumer *rotection %ct 1D5F9 #he %ims and $-7ecti!es of the Consumer *rotection %ct 1D5F6 Shift from Ca!eat Em,tor to Ca!eat )enditor Consumer *rotection Councils under the Consumer *rotection %ct 1D5F6 .edressal mechanism under the Consumer *rotection %ct 1D5F? #he 2istrict Forum #he State Commission? #he <ational Commission6 Ahy a consumer may institute ,roceedings6

*odule / . *otor /ehicles

Motor )ehicles Claims and com,ensation 9 .ele!ant ,ro!isions of the relating Motor )ehicles %ct relating to the lia-ility and assessment of com,ensation 9 Lia-ility without fault in certain cases 9 !oidance of contracts restricti!e of lia-ility 9 S,ecial ,ro!isions and scheme of com,ensation in case of hit and run motor accidents 9 offences ,enalties and ,rocedure 9 Insurance of Motor )ehicles against third ,arty risks(Sec6 145 > 154+ 9 Claims tri-unals 9 Sec6 1F5-1=F 9 S,ecial ,ro!isions as to ,ayment of com,ensation on structured formula -asis 9 Claims on non structured -asis 9 Method of calculating com,ensation e!ol!ed -y the courts( study with reference to rele!ant 7udgments+ 9 2efences 9 Changing ,arameters of negligence and -urden of ,roof6

'%aluatio& Scheme.
Compo&e&t Codes 1eightage (:) P9S9/ 1' CT 1' C 5 '' ='

(ote . ; mar!s #or 3tte&da&ce

Te$t 8 0e#ere&ces.
Ainfield and 1olowic@ #ort Law of #orts Cni!ersal law *u-lishing Com,any 2r6 S6*6 Singh #he Law of #orts9 .atanlal " 2hira7lal Ainfield Law of #orts 2r6 26<6 Saraf Law of Consumer *rotection in India 2r6 %!tar Singh Law of Consumer *rotection in India 2r6 8ur7eet Singh #he law of Consumer *rotection in India6 Motor )ehicle Laws Cni!ersal Law *u-lishing Com,any6

P0)P'0T2 L31

Course ),-ecti%e.
#he su-7ect im,arts to the student an understanding of the law in India relating to transfer of immo!a-le ,ro,erty and the norms and doctrines that aid in carrying out secure transactions in this regard6

Course Co&te&ts.
*odule +. @urisprude&tial Basis (Sectio&s ;-21) Conce,t and meaning of ,ro,erty > <ew ,ro,erty :inds of ,ro,erty > mo!a-le and immo!a-le ,ro,erty tangi-le and intangi-le ,ro,erty *odule ++. Sale o# +mmo%a,le Propert= 2octrine of Election Sec6 &5 Fraudulent #ransfer Sec6 5& ? Sale of immo!a-le ,ro,erty ( Secs6 54 > 55+6 (Sale Contract of Sale? Contract to sell? .ights and Lia-ilities of -uyer and seller+6 *odule +++. Speci#ic Tra&s#ers Mortgages of immo!a-le *ro,erty9 Secs6 55 > == (:inds of mortgage .ights and Lia-ilities of the mortgagor and mortgagee Marshalling and Contri-ution (Secs6 51 > 54+ .edem,tion (Secs6 D1 > DF+6 *odule +/. Leases Leases (Secs6 1'5 > 11=+ 9 2efinition Leases how made .ights and Lia-ilites of lesser and lessee Charges (Section 1'' > 1'4+6 *odule /. 'aseme&ts Creation of Easements (Secs6 4 > =+ <ature and characteristics of Easements E3tinction and .e!i!al of Easements (Secs6 &=>51+ .i,arian .ights Licenses (Secs6 54 > F4+6 Sus,ension

'%aluatio& Scheme.
Compo&e&t Codes 1eightage (:) P9S9/ 1' CT 1' C 5 '' ='

(ote . ; mar!s #or 3tte&da&ce Te$t 8 0e#ere&ces.

Mulla 26F6 #ransfer of *ro,erty %ct6 Shukla S6<6 #ransfer of *ro,erty %ct6 Shah S6M6 #ransfer of *ro,erty %ct6 #ri,athi Lectures on Indian Easement %ct6 1ain 1626 Indian Easement %ct6

C)**7(+C3T+)( 3(4 34/)C3C2 S5+LLS

Course ),-ecti%e .
#his course hel,s in de!elo,ing the ,ersonality attitude and leadershi, tem,erament for effecti!e ad!ocacy6

Course Co&te&ts. *odule +. Perso&alit=. *ea&i&g a&d 4e#i&itio&

2eterminants of ,ersonality 0eredity En!ironment and Situational Factors #heories of ,ersonality 9 #rait #heory #y,e #heory *sycho %nalytic #heory Meemastic #heory and Learning #heory6

*odule ++ . 3ttitude
Meaning and 2efinition #y,es of %ttitude Formation of %ttitude <egati!e %ttitude and o-7ecti!e /uilding ,ositi!e attitude Situational analysis of %ttitude *erce,tion /iases *re7udices and -lind s,ots6

*odule +++. *oti%atio&

#heories of Moti!ation )arious moti!es9 /iological and social Moti!es Moti!es to know and /e effecti!e Frustration and conflict of moti!es6

*odule +/. Leadership a&d Team- Buildi&g

2efinition #heories Characteristics of leadershi, #eam /uilding6

'%aluatio& Scheme.
Compo&e&t Codes 1eightage (:) P9S9/ 1' CT 1' C 5 '' ='

(ote . ; mar!s #or 3tte&da&ce Te$t 8 0e#ere&ces .

Introduction to *sychology > MorganBs Social *sychology > .6%6 /aron *sychology H9 %n Introduction > 16.6 8now $rgani@ational /eha!iour > Ste,hens *6 .onnins

"+"TH S'*'ST'0

C)(ST+T7T+)(3L L31 +
Course ),-ecti%e.
#he course aims at analy@ing constitutional institutions its ,owers limitations and interrelationshi,s with one another and seeks to mould a frame of mind in the student to a,,reciate and assess constitutional ,olicy and changes for the future6

Course Co&te&ts9 *odule + . +&troductio& to Co&stitutio&

Conce,t .ele!ance Constitutionalism Sources of Constitution E!olution of Constitutional scheme in India 9 Focus on de!elo,ments from 1D&5 to 1D5' Salient features of Indian Constitution Em,hasis on Federal structure *rinci,le of se,aration of ,owers .ule of law6

*odule ++ . 4istri,utio& o# po ers ,et ee& Ce&tre a&d States A ( 3rts< 2B;-281)
Legislati!e *owers %dministrati!e *owers Financial *owers .ele!ant 2octrines 9 #erritorial ne3us 0armonious construction *ith and su-stance .e,ugnancy 9 $!er!iew of *anchayati .a7 *ro!isions(%rt6 44&+ Freedom of #rade and Commerce6

*odule +++ . 7&io& a&d State '$ecuti%e> legislature a&d @udiciar=

Cnion E3ecuti!e *resident9 %,,ointment Election .emo!al conditions of ser!ice ? *owers of ,resident 9 focus on ordinance ,ardon emergency ? %ssessment of rele!ance of ,residential office on go!ernance ? Council of ministers and *rime minister9 %,,ointment Conditions functioning collecti!e res,onsi-ility dismissal of ca-inet minister? $ffice of %ttorney 8eneral 9 Significance %,,ointment functions Conditions ? State e3ecuti!e 8o!ernor 9 %,,ointment .emo!al *owers State ca-inet dismissal ? go!ernors role in the conte3t of centre state relations6 (%rt =D-144+6 Cnion Legislature Lok Sa-ha Com,osition functioning mem-ershi, ;ualifications and dis;ualifications 2issolution of Effect ? /ills 9 *rocedure for the ,assage? *ri!ileges of legislature ? State legislature 9 functioning dissolution ? %nti defection law and its im,act6 (%rts6 1F5-414+6 Cnion 1udiciary9 Su,reme Court 1udges9 %,,ointment remo!al im,eachment ? 7urisdiction of Su,reme court 9 $riginal a,,ellate ad!isory Court of .ecord ? %ssessment of inde,endence of 7udiciary? State 7udiciary 9 0igh Court 1udges 9%,,ointment transfer remo!al ,romotion ? 0igh Court 7urisdiction %rt6 44F writs ? Su-ordinate 7udiciary6 (%rts6 144 -14=+ (%rts6 414 to 4&=+6

*odule +/ . 3me&dme&t o# the Co&stitutio&

%mendment of Constitution 2octrine of -asic Structure6

'%aluatio& Scheme.
Compo&e&t Codes 1eightage (:) P9S9/ 1' CT 1' C 5 '' ='

(ote . ; mar!s #or 3tte&da&ce Te$t 8 0e#ere&ces.

)6<6 Shukla Constitution of India M6*6 1ain > Indian Constitutional Law6 06M6 Seer!ai > Constitutional Law of India6 2urga 2as /asu > Shorter Constitution6 *6M6 /akshi > Constitution of India6 16<6 *andey > Constitution of India66

C)4' )" C+/+L P0)C'470'

Course ),-ecti%e .
#his ,a,er is to hel, a law student to ac;uire a thorough knowledge of ,rocedural as,ects of working of ci!il courts and other machineries6

Course Co&te&ts. *odule +. +&itial steps i& a suit

1urisdiction and ,lace of suing? Institution of suit cause of action 7oinder non-7oinder and mis-7oinder of ,arties? Summons?*leadings9 Meaning o-7ect 8eneral rules %mendment of ,leadings ?*laint and written statement 9 *articulars set off and counter claim ?%dmission return and re7ection?2isco!ery Ins,ection and ,roduction of documents ?%,,earance and non-a,,earance of ,arties e3-,arte ,roceedings?First hearing 9 Meaning o-7ect framing of issues omission to frame issues dis,osal of suit in the first hearing ?#rial9 Summoning and attendance of witnesses summons to ,roduce documents ad7ournment hearing of suit6

*odule ++ . Sig&i#ica&t Terms a&d 4e#i&itio&s

2efinitions9 2ecree 1udgement $rder Foreign Court Foreign 1udgement Mesne *rofits %ffida!it Suit *laint Aritten Statement Suit of ci!il nature ?Im,ortant Conce,ts9 .es Su--1udice .es7udicata .estitution Ca!eat Inherent ,owers of courts6

*odule +++. +&terim )rders

Commissions %rrest -efore 7udgement %ttachment -efore 7udgement #em,orary In7unctions Interlocutory orders .ecei!er Security of costs6 6

*odule +/. Suits i& Particular Cases

Suits -y or against 8o!ernment Suits -y Indigent ,ersons Inter,leader Suit Summary *rocedure Suits relating to ,u-lic nuisance6 6

'%aluatio& Scheme.
Compo&e&t Codes 1eightage (:) P9S9/ 1' CT 1' C 5 '' ='

(ote . ; mar!s #or 3tte&da&ce Te$t a&d 0e#ere&ces.

MullaBs Code of Ci!il *rocedure Cni!ersal 2elhi C6:6 #hakkarBs (#akwani+Code of Ci!il *rocedure Ma7umdar *6:6 and :ataria .6*6 Commentary on the Code of Ci!il *rocedure 1D'5 uni!ersal 2elhi6

C)4' )" C0+*+(3L P0)C'470'

Course ),-ecti%e.
#he course material focuses on critical ,re 7udicial and 7udicial ,rocedures rights and duties of those ,roceeded against and the ,owers duties and restraints on those administering the criminal 7ustice system6

Course Co&te&ts. *odule +. +&troductio&

Im,ortance of fair trial - constitutional ,ers,ecti!es of fair trial9 %rticles 14 4' 41 Section > 49 2efinitions? classes of Criminal Courts9 Sections F to 14 #he organi@ation of *olice *rosecutor 2efense Counsel and *rison %uthorities and their duties functions and ,owers6

*odule ++. Pre A Trial processes A 3rrest> "+0> Search a&d seiCure
*ower of ,olice to in!estigate FI. and its e!identiary !alue9 Sections 154 to 1FD *ower of arrest without warrants9 Sections 41 to 4& *rocess to com,el a,,earances9 Summons9 Sections F1 to FD Aarrants of arrest9 Sections =' to 51 *roclamation and attachment9 Sections 54 to 55? Search and sei@ure > Search Aarrants and searches without warrants (Secs6 5& D4 D= D5 and 1'&+ *olice search during in!estigations general ,rinci,les of search (Sec6 1''+ sei@ure and constitutional as,ects of !alidity of search and sei@ure ,roceedings (Sec6 1'4+6

*odule +++. Trial Processes a&d Charge

Commencement of Criminal ,roceedings and conce,tion of fair trial (Secs6 4'' > 4'4+ /ail9 Conce,t *ur,ose Constitutional o!ertones -aila-le and non-aila-le offences cancellation of /ail antici,atory -ail a,,ellate /ail ,owers and general ,rinci,les concerning /ond (Secs6 4&F 4&= 4&5 4&D &5D &D5 441 > 45'+ Form of charge and 7oinder of charges9 Sections 411 to 444 Criminal #rials9 #rial -efore Courts of Sessions9 445 to 4&= #rial of warrant case -y magistrate9 Sections 4&5 to 44= #rial of Summons Case9 Sections 451 to 4F5 Summary #rial9 Sections 1F' to 4F56

*odule +/. 3ppeal> 0e%ie a&d 8 0e%isio&s

%,,eal .e!iew and " .e!isions9 Sections &=4 to &51 &D= to 4'4 /ail " /onds9 Sections 4&F to 4&D Security for kee,ing ,eace and for good -eha!ior9 Sections 1'= to 11= 2is,utes as regarding immo!a-le ,ro,erty9 Sections 145 to 14=6

'%aluatio& Scheme.
Compo&e&t Codes 1eightage (:) P9S9/ 1' CT 1' C 5 '' ='

(ote . ; mar!s #or 3tte&da&ce Te$t 8 0e#ere&ces

<and Lal Criminal *rocedure Code 1D=& .attan Lal and 2heera7 Lal Criminal *rocedure Code 2626 /asu Criminal *rocedure Code .6)6 :elkar Lectures on Criminal *rocedure Code .atanlal and 2hira7 Lal9 Criminal *rocedure Code (1DDD+ Cni!ersal 2elhi6 *rinci,alBs Commentaries on the Code of Criminal *rocedure 4 )ol6 (4'''+ Cni!ersal6 Aoodroffe9 Commentaries on Code of Criminal *rocedure 4 !ol6 (4'''+ Cni!ersal6 Chandrasekharan *illai (ed6+ :elkarBs $utlines of Criminal *rocedure (4''1+ Eastern Lucknow6

34*+(+ST03T+/' L31
Course o,-ecti%e.
%dministrati!e law is as old as the administration itself6 0owe!er the form in which we find it today %dministrati!e is descri-ed a most outstanding legal de!elo,ment of the twentieth century6 #he reason for this de!elo,ment can only -e attri-uted to a change of ,hiloso,hy as regards the role and function of the State6 #he change in the conce,t of State from Mlaisse@ faireB to a Mwelfare stateB has led to emergence of state acti!ities in almost all s,heres of human life6 Aith the ,henomenal increase in the area of state o,eration the State was -ound to take o!er a num-er of functions which were earlier left to ,ri!ate enter,rise6 In order to ensure that such functions are ,erformed effecti!ely and further due to certain other factors namely contingency e3,ertise etc6 administrati!e agencies are gi!en e3traordinary ,owers and functions such as to make rules and deciding dis,utes a,art from its wide discretionary ,owers6 $-!iously this necessitated a new set of laws to check the ,ossi-le a-uses of such e3traordinary ,owers on the ,art of administration6 #he courts in India and a-road in the course of time ha!e de!elo,ed !arious doctrines and methods to deal with such ,N,ro-lems6 0owe!er there is no end to this 7ourney6 #he field is still o,en for new changes6 #he main thrust of administrati!e law has -een to study the nature of functions and ,owers e3ercised -y the authorities on whom they ha!e -een conferred on and the study of remedies a!aila-le to common man in case the limits of e3ercising ,ower are transferred -y such an authority6 #he focus or the centre ,oint of this study as usual as in cases of the study of other -ranches of ,u-lic law is the rights of indi!idual wis a wis the ,u-lic interest6

Course co&te&ts. *odule +. '%olutio&> (ature a&d scope o# 3dmi&istrati%e La

From laisse@-faire to a social welfare state state as regulator of ,ri!ate interest state as ,ro!ider of ser!ices and other functions of modern state relief and welfare E!olution of %dministration as the fourth -ranch of go!ernment necessity for delegation of ,owers on administration .elationshi, -etween constitutional law and administrati!e law Se,aration of ,owers to what e3tent rele!ant to administrati!e functions .ule of law and administrati!e law 2efinitions of administrati!e law sco,e of administrati!e law9 Effect of ,ri!ati@ation on its sco,e Classification of functions of administration6

*odule ++. Legislati%e "u&ctio&s o# 3dmi&istratio&

<ecessity for delegation of legislati!e ,ower Constitutionality of delegated legislation Classification o delegated legislation and its re;uirement Legislati!e control of delegated legislation 9 Laying ,rocedures and their efficacy Committees on delegated legislation their constitution functions and effecti!eness *rocedural control 1udicial control of delegated legislation 9 Doctrine of ultra vires.

*odule +++. @udicial #u&ctio&s o# 3dmi&istratio&

.easons for growth of administrati!e ad7udication 9 %dministrati!e ad7udication and #ri-unals Classification of #ri-unals9 Constitution ,owers ,rocedures and rules of e!idence *rinci,les of <atural 1ustice 9 .ule against /ias .ules of Fair 0earing .easoned decisions ? $ne who hears must decide and institutional decisions Focus on Constitutional safeguards and ,r for ci!il ser!ants in ser!ice of state and state undertakings > %rticles &'D to %rt6 &11 of the Constitution %dministrati!e #ri-unals in India > Constitution and 7urisdiction $ffice of the $m-udsman > Lok,al - Lokayuktha > Com,osition - functions 7urisdiction6

*odule +/. 3dmi&istrati%e 4iscretio&

2iscretion and its need Legality of discretion9 2octrine of ultra vires, Constitutional o-7ections and discretion 8rounds of 7udicial re!iew 9 %-use of discretion Failure to e3ercise discretion ? 2octrine of ,ro,ortionality 9 Legitimate e3,ectation6

*odule /. @udicial Co&trol o# 3dmi&istrati%e 3ctio&

Courts as the final authority to determine the legality of administrati!e action E3haustion of administrati!e remedies *u-lic interest or social action litigation and ,rinci,le of locus standi, Laches Res judicata 1udicial re!iew9 Sco,e and e3tent Methods of 1udicial .e!iew 9 Statutory a,,eals Arits 2eclaratory 7udgments and in7unctions Ci!il suits for com,ensation6

'%aluatio& Scheme.
Compo&e&t Codes 1eightage (:) P9S9/ 1' CT 1' C 5 '' ='

(ote . ; mar!s #or 3tte&da&ce Te$t 8 0e#ere&ces.

M6*6 1ain and S6<6 1ain9 *rinci,les of %dministrati!e Law6 I6*6 Massey9 %dministrati!e Law6 C6:6 #alewani 9 Lectures on %dministrati!e law6 2e Smith9 1udicial .e!iew of %dministrati!e %ction6 06A6.6 Aade9 %dministrati!e Law S6*6 Sathe9 %dministrati!e Law

C)0P)03T' L31
Course ),-ecti%e.
#he ,a,er aims to ,ro!ide insight into Formation and Ainding u, of com,anies -esides Cor,orate %dministration6

Course Co&te&ts. *odule +. "ormatio&> 0egistratio& a&d +&corporatio& o# compa&=

<ature and kinds of com,any .egistration and Incor,oration of a Com,any Cses and a-uses of the cor,orate form lifting of cor,orate !eil Memorandum of %ssociation alteration and the doctrine of ultra vires %rticles of association -inding nature alteration relation with memorandum of association doctrine of constructi!e notice and indoor management- e3ce,tions6

*odule ++. Capital "ormatio&

*ros,ectus9 Issues contents :inds lia-ility for misstatements and its .emedies statement in lieu of ,ros,ectus #he nature and classification of com,any securities Shares and general ,rinci,les of allotment Statutory share certificate its o-7ects and effects #ransfer of shares Share ca,ital reduction of share ca,ital 2uties of court to ,rotect interests of creditors and shareholders 2e-entures kinds remedies of de-enture holders6

*odule +++. Corporate 3dmi&istratio&

2irectors > %,,ointment kinds ,owers and duties Meetings kinds and ,rocedure 2i!idends %ccounts and %udits *re!ention of o,,ression and mismanagement Emerging trends in Cor,orate social res,onsi-ility legal lia-ility of com,any - ci!il criminal tortuous and en!ironmental6

*odule +/. 3malgamatio& a&d 1i&di&g up o# Compa&ies

.econstruction and amalgamation :inds conse;uences and reasons of winding u, .ole of the court Lia-ility of ,ast mem-ers *ayment of lia-ilities6

'%aluatio& Scheme.
Compo&e&t Codes 1eightage (:) P9S9/ 1' CT 1' C 5 '' ='

(ote . ; mar!s #or 3tte&da&ce Te$t 8 0e#ere&ces.

%!tar Singh 9 Com,any Law Shah S6 M 9 Lectures on Com,any Law

"urther 0eadi&gs.
*almer - Com,any Law .amiaya9 8uide to Com,anies %ct 8ower9 *rinci,les of Modern Com,any Law

P7BL+C +(T'0(3T+)(3L L31

Course ),-ecti%e.
#he o-7ecti!e of this ,a,er is to ,ro!ide knowledge to the students regarding the *u-lic International Law to ena-le them to deal with the transnational legal order6

Course Co&te&ts . *odule + . +&troductio&

2efinition and /asis of International Law Su-7ects of International Law .elationshi, -etween International Law and Munici,al Law 6

*odule ++ . Sources o# +&ter&atio&al La

Custom #reaties 8eneral *rinci,les of law 1uristic Aorks 8eneral %ssem-ly .esolutions $ther sources6

*odule +++ . State 0ecog&itio&> State @urisdictio& a&d La o# the Sea

State 0ecog&itio& 9 .ecognition of states .ecognition of go!ernments De facto and De jure .ecognition #y,es of .ecognition 9 Im,lied .ecognition Conditional .ecognition Collecti!e .ecognition ? Aithdrawal of .ecognition #he legal effects of recognition ? State @urisdictio& . /asics of 1urisdiction *rinci,les of 1urisdiction E3em,tion from 1urisdiction 9 2i,lomatic Immunities and *ri!ileges %rmed Forces *u-lic Shi,s ? La o# the Sea . First and Second Law of the Sea Con!entions 9#hird Law of the Sea Con!ention OC<CL$S III (Cnited <ations Con!ention on the Law of #he Sea+ Maritime Jones 9 #erritorial Aaters Contiguous Jone E3clusi!e Economic Jone Continental Shelf 0igh Seas 9 Sea /ed %uthority 2ee, Sea /ed Mining and International Sea > /ed %rea6

*odule +/ . Co&#lict 0esolutio&> 1ar a&d (eutralit= o# States

Modes of Settlement of 2is,utes 9 *eaceful means Coerci!e means ? Aar 9Laws of Aar 0umanitarian Laws9 .ules of neutrality6

'%aluatio& Scheme.
Compo&e&t Codes 1eightage (:) P9S9/ 1' CT 1' C 5 '' ='

(ote . ; mar!s #or 3tte&da&ce Te$t 8 0e#ere&ces.

$,,enheim International Law )ol6 > 16 1686 Strake Introduction to International Law6 8rieg International Law6 .6C6 and 0ingorani Modem International Law6 06$6 %ggarwal International Law6 S6:6 :a,oor International Law6 /owell #he Law of Internationals Institution6 )erma S6:6 %n Introduction of *u-lic International Law6

S+DTH S'*'ST'0 C)(ST+T7T+)(3L L31 ++

Course ),-ecti%e.
#he course material seeks to introduce the student to the rele!ance of inaliena-le fundamental rights and restrictions in the Constitution of India and the ,rinci,les that ought to guide ,olicy making in India6 #he student is e3,ected to a,,reciate the te3t and the 7uristic discourse -y reference to landmark case laws 7uristic o,inion and !i-rant classroom discussions as the su-7ect raises issues conflict of interests and dilemmas in a ,ulsating democracy with changing dynamic ,riorities in a de!elo,ing country like India6

Course Co&te&ts. *odule +. "u&dame&tal 0ights a&d 4irecti%e Pri&ciples> a&d "u&dame&tal 4uties
Idea of Fundamental .ights and their im,ortance against whom the Fundamental rights are a!aila-leP 2efinition of MStateBP Law in %rt6 1& 2irecti!e *rinci,les? <ature and reasons for incor,oration interrelationshi, -etween fundamental rights and directi!e ,rinci,les 7udicial ,olicy towards 2irecti!e ,rinci,les from Cham,akam to Miner!a Mills and thereafter %rt6 51-% (:+ and its correlation with %rt6 41-%6

*odule ++. "reedom a&d Perso&al Li,ert=

Freedom of s,eech and e3,ression and of ,ress? Is .ight to Information inclusi!e in Freedom of S,eech and E3,ressionP Freedom of %ssem-ly Freedom of %ssociation Freedom of Mo!ement Freedom to reside and settle Freedom of ,rofessionH/usiness etc6 %rt6 1D9 %re these freedoms a-soluteP .ights of an accused9 2ou-le 1eo,ardy Self-incrimination and retros,ecti!e ,unishment %rt6 4'? .ight to life and ,ersonal li-erty9 Meaning of ,ersonal li-erty *rocedure esta-lished -y Law /efore Maneka 8andhi Maneka 8andhi and thereafter %rt6 41? ,re!enti!e detention and constitutional safeguards9 %rt6 44? .ight to education %rt6 41-%6

*odule +++. 'Eualit= a&d Protecti%e 4iscrimi&atio&

E;uality -efore Law and e;ual ,rotection of Laws meaning constitutional ,ro!isions %rts 14 15 1F 1= 4D (4+ &45 9 #otal cons,ectus Classification for differential treatment ,rohi-ited grounds of discrimination9 %rts6 15(1+ (4+ (&+ 1F (4+ (&+ 4D (4+ ? *rotecti!e 2iscrimination in fa!our of SC H S# and other -ackward classes and recent trends eg6 Schedule II and .eser!ation *olicy Aomen and children %rt6 15 15(&+ 15(4+ 15(5+ %-olition of titles > %rts6 156

*odule +/. Secularism

Conce,t of Secularism Indian Constitutional ,ro!isions Indian conce,t of Secularism Freedom of religion Sco,e 9 %rts6 45 4F Limits of Freedom .eligion and State in India State Control and noninterference with religion ? Minority rights 9 AhyP Sco,e 9 Meaning and Minority Minority right to educational institutions and 7udicial attitude6

*odule /. @udicial Process u&der the co&stitutio&

1udicial .e!iew 9 <ature of 1udicial .e!iew %rts6 &4 1&F 141 44F 44=6 1udges9 %,,ointments conditions of ser!ice etc? *u-lic Interest Litigation6 Su,reme Courts $riginal and %d!isory 1urisdiction6

'%aluatio& Scheme.
Compo&e&t Codes 1eightage (:) P9S9/ 1' CT 1' C 5 '' ='

(ote . ; mar!s #or 3tte&da&ce Te$t 8 0e#ere&ces.

)6<6 Shukla Constitution of India M6*6 1ain > Indian Constitutional Law6 06M6 Seer!ai > Constitutional Law of India6 2urga 2as /asu > Shorter Constitution6 *6M6 /akshi > Constitution of India6 16<6 *andey > Constitution of India66

+(T'LL'CT73L P0)P'0T2 0+6HTS

Course ),-ecti%e.
#he course is designed to ,ro!ide com,rehensi!e knowledge to the students regarding Indian ,osition of the *atent Law (1D='+ Co,y .ight Law (1D5=+ and 2esigns %ct of 4''' which in!aria-ly form the ,art of Intellectual *ro,erty Law and shall com,rise of the following6 #he im,ortance of this -ranch of the law is to -e sufficiently reali@ed in the Indian legal education6 #hese areas are now internationally conce,tuali@ed as re,resenting intellectual ,ro,erty6 It is often the case that while the law of ,atents and trademarks is referred to as industrial ,ro,erty the law relating to co,yright is named intellectual ,ro,erty6 Ahile -oth these terms could -e suita-ly in!oked we here s,eak of intellectual ,ro,erty as signifying all the three -odies of the law as well as the law on industrial designs6 Cnlike other forms of ,ro,erty intellectual ,ro,erty refers to regimes of legal recognition of ,rimarily the ,roducts of the mind or imagination6 #he su-7ect matter of ,ro,erty relations is here ,reeminently -ased on mental la-our6 #he law relating to intellectual ,ro,erty ,rotects the right to mental la-our6 #he law confers rights of ,ro,rietary nature on relati!e intellectual la-our ,rimarily on the -asis that it is in the interests of society and state to ,romote creati!eness and in!enti!eness6 Limited mono,oly ,ro!ides incenti!e for greater in!enti!e and inno!ati!e efforts in society6 %n im,ortant as,ect of the e3,loration in this course would -e ways in which the laws strike a fair -alance -etween the interests and rights of the intellectual la-ourers on the one hand and organi@ed industrial enter,rises on the other6 %nother dimension is a study of the ways in which this regime of laws militates against or fa!ours community ,ro,erty in national cultures6 %s concerns Mmoderni@ationB crucial ;uestions arise in the field of co,yright ,rotection in com,uter software and hardware internet electronic music and scientific research6 /oth co,yright trademarks design and ,atent law here relate -asically to the law of unfair com,etition and constitute an as,ect of consumer ,rotection and welfare not only in the conte3t of national ,ers,ecti!es -ut also in !iew of the wa!es of glo-ali@ation already set in6 /oth from the stand,oint of human resources de!elo,ment moderni@ation and 7ustice it is im,ortant that the law students get sufficient insights in Intellectual *ro,erty Law6

Course Co&te&ts. *odule + . +&troductio&

Intellectual *ro,erty 9 Conce,t and *hiloso,hy <eed for *ri!ate .ights !ersus *u-lic Interests %d!antages and 2isad!antages of I*.6

*odule ++ . Pate&t
2e!elo,ment of ,atent law .ationale for ,atent ,rotection > <ature and definition #y,es of *atenta-le su-7ect matter *atenta-ility criteria <on-,atenta-le in!entions .ights of ,atentee *rocedure for granting a ,atent 8rounds for o,,osition #ransfer of ,atent rights Com,ulsory Licenses %c;uisition Surrender .e!ocation .estoration *atent infringement and remedies /io ,atents and software ,atents $fficial Machinery Controller *owers and Functions *atent in ,harmaceutical industry *atent coo,eration treaty *aris con!ention6

*odule +++. Cop=right

0istory 9 Conce,t of co,yright Conditions for grant of co,yright E3tent of rights E3ce,tion to co,yright ,rotection Fair use ,ro!ision %ssignment and licensing Com,ulsory licensing and statutory licensing Collecti!e administration Co,yright -oard and office *owers and functions Moral rights <eigh-oring rights Infringement *enalties and remedies %,,eals /erne Con!ention Cni!ersal Co,yright Con!ention AI*$ Co,yright #reaty AI*$ *honograms and *erformances treaty - #.I*S with res,ect to Co,yright and <eigh-ouring rights6

*odule +/. 4esig&s

*rotection 9 0istorical de!elo,ment .ationale > 2esigns %ct of 4''' Meaning of 2esign Conditions for grant of ,rotection %m-it of *rotection E3ce,tions .egistration of 2esigns Cancellation Co,yright in .egistered 2esigns Enforcement Infringement and remedies *owers and duties of Controller6

*odule / . Trademar!s
E!olution Functions $-7ecti!e 2efinition :inds of Marks 2omain names .egistration Concurrent registration *rocedure for registration .elati!e and a-solute grounds of refusal o,,osition and its grounds %ssignment transmission and licensing of #rademarks Infringement *enalties and .emedies Aithdrawal of ,rotection *assing off $fficial machinery for regulation administration and .edressal .egistrar 2ifference -etween #rade Mark and 8eogra,hical Indications #.I*S on #rademarks Madrid %greement for #he .e,ression of False or 2ece,ti!e Indications of Source on 8oods 15D1 Madrid %greement for the International .egistration of Marks 15D1 and ,rotocol relating to that agreement 1D5D6

*odule /+. Pla&t /arieties Protectio& 3ct> 2001

$-7ecti!es .ationale .egistry $fficial machinery .egistration Criteria of fulfillment E3clusions /enefit sharing Farmers rights Community .ights com,ulsory license .edressal fora %,,ellate tri-unal Infringement offences and ,enalties6

6eographical i&dicatio&s o# 6oods (0egistratio& a&d Protectio& 3ct> 1FFF . 0istory

2efinition .ationale Functioning $fficial Machinery .egistry .ights conferred *rocedure .edressal Machinery %,,eal *assing off $ffences ,enalties and *rocedure6 .egistration

'%aluatio& Scheme.
Compo&e&t Codes 1eightage (:) P9S9/ 1' CT 1' C 5 '' ='

(ote . ; mar!s #or 3tte&da&ce Te$t 8 0e#ere&ces

26*6 Mittal (#a3man *u-lication+ Indian *atents Law and *rocedure /6L6 Aadera *atents trademarks co,yright 2esigns and 8eogra,hical 1udications6 *6 <arayanan (Eastern Law 0ouse+ Intellectual *ro,erty Law A6 Cornish (Cni!ersal *u-lication+ Intellectual *ro,erty Law .6:6 <agar7an Intellectual *ro,erty Law 8anguli (#ata Megraw+ Intellectual *ro,erty .ights

L31 )" '/+4'(C'

Course ),-ecti%e.
#his ,a,er is to orient students with im,ortance of e!idence for esta-lishment of claims and the related rules and ,rinci,les6

Course Co&te&ts. *odule + . 4e#i&itio&s a&d 0ele%a&c= o# "acts

E!idence and its relationshi, with the su-stanti!e and ,rocedural laws ?2efinitions 9 Facts facts in issue rele!ant e!idence ,ro!ed dis,ro!ed not ,ro!ed oral and documentary e!idence ?.ele!ancy and admissi-ility ?2octrine of res gestae ;Cons,iracy6 6

*odule ++ . 3dmissio&s> co&#essio&s a&d stateme&ts ,= perso& ho ca&&ot ,e called as it&esses

2efinition of admission who can make admissions -y or on their -ehalf ,roof of admission against the ,ersons making them and admissions in ci!il cases6 (Section 1=-4& &1+ ?2efinition rele!ance and consideration of confessions (section 44-&'+? 2ying declaration (Section &4 and section &&+6

*odule +++ . 4ocume&tar= '%ide&ce

*rimary and Secondary E!idence *roof and !erification of documents? *u-lic documents and ,resum,tion as to documents6

*odule +/ . Productio& a&d '##ect o# '%ide&ce

/urden of ,roof (Sections 1'1-114+?Esto,,els (Section 115+?Com,etence of witnesses (Sections 11514'+6

*odule . / . '$ami&atio& o# 1it&esses (Sectio&s 13;-1GG) a&d 0e-ectio& o# e%ide&ce (Sectio& 1GH)
E3amination > in-chief 9 Cross E3amination .e-e3amination? Leading ;uestions? 0ostile witnesses? .efreshing memory? 1udgeBs ,ower to ,ut ;uestions or order ,roduction6

'%aluatio& Scheme.
Compo&e&t Codes 1eightage (:) P9S9/ 1' CT 1' C 5 '' ='

(ote . ; mar!s #or 3tte&da&ce Te$t 8 0e#ere&ces

.atanlal and 2heera7lal 9 Law of E!idence Monir Field 9 Law of E!idence /atuklal 9 Law of E!idence %!tar Singh 9 E!idence Law /are %ct 9 Indian E!idence %ct 15=4

B7S+('SS L31
Course ),-ecti%e .
#he course aims at ac;uainting the students with the !arious legal functions in!ol!ed in a -usiness transactions including #he Sale of 8oods %ct <egotia-le Instruments %ct and #he Indian *artnershi, %ct6

Course Co&te&ts .
*odule +. Sale o# 6oods 3ct 2efinition and essentials of Contracts of Sale of 8oods Conditions and warranties #ransfer of ,ro,erty -etween seller and -uyer #ransfer of #itle #he rule of Ca!eat em,tor and changing Conce,t of Ca!eat em,tor i6e6 ca!eat !enditor6 .ights of un,aid sales under Sales of 8oods %ct6

*odule +++. (egotia,le +&strume&ts

2efinition essential kinds of negotia-le instruments 0older and holder in due course <egotiation and assignment6

*odule +++. (egotia,le +&strume&ts. Prese&tatio& a&d Lia,ilit=

*resentation of <egotia-le Instruments Crossing of che;ues 2ischarge from Lia-ility <oting and *rotest 2ishonour of negotia-le instruments6

*odule +/ . The +&dia& Part&ership 3ct> 1F32

<ature of ,artnershi, firm .elations of ,artners to one another and outsiders9 .ights H2uties of ,artners inter se *artnershi, *ro,erty .elations of *artners to third ,arties Lia-ility for holding out Minor as a ,artner ? Incoming and outgoing ,artners 2issolution of *artnershi, Firm Modes of 2issolution Conse;uences of dissolution .egistration of firms and effects of non registration6

'%aluatio& Scheme.
Compo&e&t Codes 1eightage (:) P9S9/ 1' CT 1' C 5 '' ='

(ote . ; mar!s #or 3tte&da&ce Te$t 8 0e#ere&ces9

Mulla 26 F6 Indian *artnershi, %ct 2esai #6.6 Law of Contracts and *artnershi, sale of good %ct .6:6 /angia Sales of 8oods %ct 1D&' %!tar Singh Sales of 8ood %ct %!tar Singh Indian *artnershi, %ct6 :6 Sukumaran *ollock " Mulls - #he Indian *artnershi, %ct

+(/'ST*'(T 8 C)*P'T+T+)( L31

Course ),-ecti%e .
#his ,a,er focuses on the in!estment and com,etition laws of India inn the contest of new economic order6

Course Co&te&ts . *odule +. Competitio& La

/ackground *rohi-itions Com,etition Commission of India6

*odule ++. Corporate "i&a&ce a&d regulator= #rame or!

Security Contract (.egulation+ %ct 1D5F SE/I %ct 1DD4 2e,ositories %ct 1DDF #he Securitisation and .econstruction of Financial %ssets and enforcement of security Interest %ct 4''46

*odule +++. 0egulator= #rame or! #or #oreig& trade> multi&atio&al compa&ies
Foreign #rade (2e!elo,ment " .egulation+ %ct 1DD4 C<C#%2 2raft Model on #rans > national Cor,orations Control and regulation of foreign com,anies in India Foreign colla-orations and 7oint !entures6

*odule +/. "oreig& '$cha&ge *a&ageme&t

/ackground *olicies %uthorities6

'%aluatio& Scheme.
Compo&e&t Codes 1eightage (:) P9S9/ 1' CT 1' C 5 '' ='

(ote . ; mar!s #or 3tte&da&ce Te$t 8 0e#ere&ces.

Com,etition %ct 4''4 Security Contract (.egulation + %ct 1D5F SE/I %ct 1DD4 2e,ositories %ct 1DDF Foreign #rade (2e!elo,ment " .egulation+ %ct 1DD4 Foreign E3change Management %ct 1DDD #a3manBs StudentBs 8uide to Economic Laws

H7*3( 0+6HTS L31

Course ),-ecti%e.
#he main thrust of this course shall -e to ac;uaint the students on the de!elo,ments of 0uman .ights Law and the working of the different 0uman .ights Institutions6

Course Co&te&ts. *odule + . )rigi& a&d 4e%elopme&t o# Huma& 0ights

0istory E!olution 8rowth6

*odule ++ 7&ited (atio&s a&d Huma& 0ights

Cnited <ations Charter C20. (Cni!ersal 2eclaration of 0uman .ights+ International Co!enants9 Ci!il and *olitical .ights Economic Social and Cultural .ights? 0uman .ights and )ulnera-le Sections9 Children Aomen 2isa-led *ersons .acial Minorities? Enforcement Mechanism under 0uman .ights #reaties9 0uman .ights Council Mechanisms under 0uman .ights #reaties6

*odule +++ Collecti%e 0ights

.ight to 2e!elo,ment En!ironment *eace and Security6

*odule +/ 0egio&al 3pproaches to Huma& 0ights

Euro,ean Con!ention on 0uman .ights 1D5' ?%frica Charter on 0uman .ights and *eo,leBs .ights 1D51 ?%merican Con!ention on 0uman .ights 1DFD6

*odule / Huma& 0ights '&#orceme&t i& +&dia

Constitution of India9 Fundamental .ights 2irecti!e *rinci,les? .ole of 1udiciary? <ational Institutions9 <0.C <CA etc6

'%aluatio& Scheme.
Compo&e&t Codes 1eightage (:) P9S9/ 1' CT 1' C 5 '' ='

(ote . ; mar!s #or 3tte&da&ce Te$t 8 0e#ere&ces

.ama 1ois 0uman rights in %ncient India 1DD=6 C6 /a3i #he .ight to -e 0umane 1D5F6 F6 :a@mi 0uman .ights 1D5=6 16 Sawru, 0uman .ights and Fundamental Freedom 1D=56 <agendra Singh 0uman .ights and International Coo,eration 1DFD6 S6C6 :hare 0uman .ights and Cnited <ations6 %6/6 :alaish 0uman .ights in International Law 1D5F6 Menon (Ed6+ 0uman .ight in International Law 1D556 %6/6 .o-ertson (Ed6+ 0uman .ights in <ational and International Law6 E6 Lauter,acht International Law and 0uman .ights 1DF56 Sohn La!is " /urgenthal International *rotection of 0uman .ights 1D=&6 :6 L6 /hatia Conce,t of 0uman .ights in %ncient India *un7a- Cni!ersity Law re!iew 4'''6

SE)E<#0 SEMES#E. @70+SP074'(C' +

Course ),-ecti%e .
#he course aims at de!elo,ing an analytical a,,roach to understand the nature of law de!elo,ment of law and working of a legal system in different dimensions with reference to ,o,ular legal theorists6 Course Co&te&ts .

*odule +. +&troductio&
<ature and sco,e of 1uris,rudence State So!ereignty and Law #heories of 1ustice 9 %ristotle .awls 2istri-uti!e 1ustice in India6

*odule ++. Schools o# @urisprude&ce A +

<atural Law %nalytical ,ositi!ism *ure #heory 0istorical 1uris,rudence6

*odule +++. Schools o# @urisprude&ce A ++

Sociological 1uris,rudence Economic %,,roach Legal .ealism6

*odule +/. +&dia& Perspecti%es i& @urisprude&ce

Classical and Medie!al Influences Modern #rends *ower of the Su,reme Court of India to do com,lete 7ustice in a case9 %rticle 1446

'%aluatio& Scheme.
Compo&e&t Codes 1eightage (:) P9S9/ 1' CT 1' C 5 '' ='

(ote . ; mar!s #or 3tte&da&ce Te$t 8 0e#ere&ces.

/odenheimer 1uris,rudence > #he *hiloso,hy and Method of Law (1DDF+ Cni!ersal 2elhi6 Fit@gerald (ed6+ Salmond on 1uris,rudence (1DDD+ #ri,athi /om-ay A6 Friedmann Legal #heory (1DDD+ Cni!ersal 2elhi )626 Maha7an 1uris,rudence and Legal theory (1DDF re-,rint+ Eastern Lucknow M626%6 Freeman (ed6+ LloydBs Introduction to 1uris,rudence (1DD4+ Sweet " Ma3well *aton 86A6 1uris,rudence (1D=4+ $3ford EL/S 06L6%6 0art #he Conce,ts of Law (1D='+ $3ford EL/S .oscoe *ond Introduction to the *hiloso,hy of Law (1DD5 .e-,rint+ Cni!ersal 2elhi 2ias 1uris,rudence (1DD4 First Indian re-,rint+ %dithya /ooks <ew 2elhi 2hyani S6<6 1uris,rudence9 1uris,rudence and Indian Legal theory 2hyani S6 <6 Fundamentals of 1uris,rudence 1ayakumar <6 :6 Lectures in 1uris,rudence /utterworths 1ustice Markandey :at7u Law in the Scientific Era Cni!ersal 1ustice 16 S6 )erma 2imensions of 1ustice Cni!ersal 1ustice .ama 1ois Seeds of Modern *u-lic Law in %ncient Indian 1uris,rudence 1ustice .ama 1ois Eternal )alues in %ncient

L3B)70 L31 +
Course ),-ecti%e.
#he course aims at im,arting to the students an inde,th understanding of La-our Laws in India -y recourse to rele!ant 7udicial ,ronouncements in this regard6

Course Co&te&ts.
*odule +. 0egulatio& o# Trade 7&io& 8 7&#air La,our Practices. 0istory of #rade Cnion Mo!ement in India and need to form #rade Cnion6 Aorkers .ight to form Cnion !is-Q-!is Indian Constitution? the Mem-ershi, of #rade Cnion Closed sho, and Cnion sho, .egistration of #rade Cnion .emedies in case of non-registration and cancellation of registration of union *ri!ileges and *rotection of registered #rade Cnion form certain acts and omissions Cnfair la-our ,ractices and !ictimi@ation6 *odule ++. Collecti%e Bargai&i&g. Conce,t and im,ortance of collecti!e -argaining *re-re;uisites for collecti!e -argaining *rocess of administering collecti!e agreement (<egotiation Mediation " )oluntary ar-itration " Com,ulsory %r-itration6+ 2uration and enforcement of -i,artite %greement (Secs6 15 1D Industrial 2is,utes %ct 1D4=+ *ressuri@ation9 Strike 8o-Slow wok to rule 8herao and Lockout6 *odule +++. 0egulatio& o# +&dustrial 4isputes 2efine the conce,t of Industry Industrial 2is,ute and workman *ower of 8o!ernment to refer Industrial 2is,utes for ad7udication9 #he %d7udicatory Machinery %ward and its -inding nature 1udicial re!iew of %wards #he conce,t of lay-off retrenchment and ,rocedure and com,ensation relating to lay-off and retrenchment6 *odule +/. Sta&di&g )rders Conce,t <ature and sco,e of standing orders under Industrial Em,loyment (Standing $rder+ %ct 1D4F Formulation of Standing $rders and its Certification ,rocess Modification9 Modification and tem,orary a,,lication of Model Standing $rder Inter,retation and Legal status of Standing $rders6 *odule /. 4iscipli&e i& +&dustries 2octrine of hire and fire in the conte3t of social welfare Fairness in disci,linary ,rocess9 Meaning of misconduct .ight to know9 #he Charge Sheet .ight to defend? 2omestic en;uiry notice e!idence cross e3amination un-iased en;uiry officer and reasoned decision *unishment of misconduct *renatal (,ermission+ and *ostnatal (%,,roach+ control during ,endency of ,roceeding (Sec6 && of industries and 2is,utes %ct+6

'%aluatio& Scheme.
Compo&e&t Codes 1eightage (:) P9S9/ 1' CT 1' C 5 '' ='

(ote . ; mar!s #or 3tte&da&ce Te$t 8 0e#ere&ces

$6*6 Malhotra Law of Industrial 2is,utes6 Indian Law Institute La-our Law and La-our .elations6 :626 Sri!asta!a Commentary of Industrial Em,loyment (S6C6+ %ct6 1D4F6 S6C6 Sri!asta!a Industrial .elation and La-our Law6 .e,ort of <ational Commission on La-our 1DFD6 Industrial 2is,utes %ct 1D4=6 .6/6 Sethi " .6<6 2wi!edi Law of #rade Cnion

Course ),-ecti%e.
#he course is intended to introduce students to the -road study of criminology6 It is to gi!e a -road o!er!iew to the sco,e of criminology to the ideas which ha!e influenced the area of the su-7ect and to the ,ractical uses and im,act to which these ha!e -een or might -e ,ut6

Course Co&te&ts . *odule +. 3& i&troductio& to Crime 8 Crimi&olog=.

2efinition and Sco,e Criminology " other Social -Science? Legal Social and *sychological as,ects of crime #raditional crimes? $rgani@ed Crimes Socio Economic Crimes Modern Crimes? Corru,tion Cy-er Crimes En!ironmental Crimes #errorism and insurgency ? S,ecific theories9 Classical School and <eoclassical School? *ositi!e School? Cartogra,hic School? Sociological theories- Social Structural #heories and Social *rocess #heories? Economic #heories of Crime6

*odule ++. @u%e&ile 4eli&Eue&c=

Conce,t " Causes *re delin;uency stages9 #ruancy and )agrancy Main features of 7u!enile 1ustice %ct (<ew " $ld+ Institutional Ser!ices like $-ser!ation homes 1u!enile 0omes S,ecial 0omes " 1u!enile %ftercare Ser!ices6

*odule +++ . Pu&ishme&t

0istory " #heories of *unishment Ca,ital *unishment 0istorical 2e!elo,ment from *unishment to Correction and .eformation *rison System In India? Correctional *rograms in 7ail? %lter care ser!ices *ro-ation " *arole6

*odule +/ . +mpact o& Societ=

Social 2isorgani@ation and Social *ro-lems )ictimless Crimes 9 %lcoholism 2rug %ddiction /eggary Commercial Se3 Suicide ? Crimes related to Family 92owry death 2omestic )iolence Child %-use6

*odule / . /ictimolog=
Conce,t origin " 2e!elo,ment <eed to study !ictims C6<6 2eclaration on the -asic ,rinci,les of 7ustice for !ictims of crimes and a-use of ,ower )ictimBs rights in India Fair %ccess to 1ustice .estitution Com,ensation and assistance to !ictims 0uman .ights *rotection6

'%aluatio& Scheme.
Compo&e&t Codes 1eightage (:) P9S9/ 1' CT 1' C 5 '' ='

(ote . ; mar!s #or 3tte&da&ce Te$t 8 0e#ere&ces.

Sutherland and Crssey > Criminology %hmed Siddi;ue > Criminology Mrs6 )edkumari > 1u!enile 1ustice

L31> P)/'0T2 8 4'/'L)P*'(T

Course ),-ecti%e .
#he o-7ecti!e of this ,a,er is to ,ro!ide an understanding of -asic conce,ts of ,o!erty and de!elo,ment and their relationshi, with law6

Course Co&te&ts . *odule +. 7&dersta&di&g Po%ert= a&d 4e%elopme&t

*o!erty 9 Meaning and Conce,t .elati!e 2imensions Measurement and 2eterminants Issues related to *o!erty in India ? 2e!elo,ment 9 *ers,ecti!es 2e!elo,mental inde36

*odule ++. Co&stitutio&al 6uara&tees #or the Poor

E;uality and *rotecti!e 2iscrimination .ight to /asic <eeds and Aelfare %-olition of Cntoucha-ility and *rotection of Ci!il .ights .ight to 2e!elo,ment6

*odule +++. Crimi&al @ustice S=stem a&d the Poor

#reatment of the ,oor -y *olice Ina-ility to get /ail *ro-lems of *oor Cnder trials Aorking of free legal aid schemes6 6

*odule +/. +mpo%erishme&t o# 1ome&> Childre& a&d 4isa,led Perso&s

2e,ri!ations of women under family laws *ro-lems of women workers in organi@ed and unorgani@ed sectors Child la-our %,,roaches to disa-ility and rights of the disa-led ,ersons .ight to education and dignity6

'%aluatio& Scheme.
Compo&e&t Codes 1eightage (:) P9S9/ 1' CT 1' C 5 '' ='

(ote . ; mar!s #or 3tte&da&ce Te$t 8 0e#ere&ces.

Law *o!erty and 2e!elo,ment > C,endra /a3i State and *o!erty in India > %tul :ohli #he *o!erty Guestion (Search for Solution+ > Eogesh %tal *o!erty .ural 2e!elo,ment and *u-lic *olicy - %marendra

T3D3T+)( L31
Course ),-ecti%e .
*ower to ta3 has -een descri-ed as the ,ower to destroy6 #his idea is -eing floated often whene!er the State introduces a new ta36 Is this trueP Is it not necessary that in order to raise re!enue and ,lace the economy on solid foundation the ta3ing ,ower should -e conferred on the StateP #he ,ower to ta3 shall not go unregulated6 In this conte3t of a federal structure the distri-ution of the ta3ing ,owers assumes added significance6 $-!iously a study of the Constitutional framework on ta3ation -ecomes im,ortant6 %long with this an analysis of the different laws enacted in e3ercise of these ,owers with their safeguards and remedies sheds light on the mechanics of the ta3ation -y the Cnion and the States6

Course Co&te&ts . *odule + . 6e&eral Pri&ciples o# Ta$atio& La s

0istory and 2e!elo,ment of #a3 Laws in India Fundamental *rinci,les relating to #a3 Laws #a3ing ,ower and constitutional limitations 2istinction -etween 9 #a3 Fee and Cess ? #a3 a!oidance and #a3 e!asion 6

*odule ++ . Basic co&cepts o# +&come Ta$

Income *re!ious Eear assessment Eear *erson %ssesee and #otal Income Income not included in the #otal Income6 .esidential status Clu--ing of Income #a3 ,lanning .ate of Income #a3 0eads of Income Salaries Income from 0ouse *ro,erty Income from /usiness or *rofession Ca,ital 8ains Income from $ther sources 2eductions under the Income #a3 %ct 1DF1 Income #a3 %uthorities9 *ower and Functions Filing of returns and ,rocedure for assessment $ffences and *enal Sanctions 6

*odule +++ . /alue 3dded Ta$

Meaning and im,ortance of )%# 2ifference -etween )%# and Sales #a3 Aest /engal )alue %dded #a3 %ct 4''& Criticisms and limitations of )at system6

*odule +/ . Ser%ice Ta$

#a3a-le Ser!ice Meaning and im,ortance of Ser!ice #a3 )aluation of #a3a-le Ser!ice $ffences and *enalities6

'%aluatio& Scheme.
Compo&e&t Codes 1eightage (:) P9S9/ 1' CT 1' C 5 '' ='

(ote . ; mar!s #or 3tte&da&ce<

Te$t 8 0e#ere&ces .
Iyengar Sam,ath (1DD5+ Law of Income #a3 new 2elhi /harath Law 0ouse6 1ain <arayan (4''4+ 0ow to 0andel Income #a3 *ro-lems /ook Cor,oration6 *alki!ala <6%6 (1DDD+ #he Law " *ractice of Income #a3 <ag,ur 9 Aadha *u-lication6 *arameswaran :6 (1D5=+ *ower of #a3ation under the Constitution Eastern /ook Com,any6 Sharma .emesh (1DD5+ Su,reme Court on 2irect #a3es <ew 2elhi 9 /harath Law 0ouse6

Singh S626 (1D=&+ *rinci,les of Law of Sales #a3 Eastern /ook Com,any6
)6 .amachandran " #6%6 .amakrishnan (eds6+ (4'''+ %6<6 %iyarBs Indian #a3 Laws Chennai9 Com,any Law Institute of India *!t6 Ltd6

+(T'0(3T+)(3L T034' L31

Course ),-ecti%e .
#o ac;uaint the Students a-out the -asic as,ects of International #rade Law including the A#$ and itBs different ,rinci,les and %greements6

Course Co&te&ts . *odule + . Co&tract o# Sale

Cniform .ules on Contract of Sale #y,es of Sale Contract - CIF F$/ C " F Contract6

*odule ++ . Pa=me&t #or +&ter&atio&al Sales

Letters of Credit /ills of E3change6

*odule +++ . Settleme&t o# 4isputes

%r-itration Enforcement of %r-itral %wards6

7&it +/ . 1orld Trade orga&iCatio& ( 1T)) a&d 6e&eral 3greeme&t o& Tari##s a&d Trade (63TT)
/asic *rinci,les 9 MF< #reatment <ational #reatment and <on-2iscrimination E3ce,tions to MF< 9 #ariff /indings .egional #rade %greements Esca,e Clause Safeguard Measures Guantitati!e .estrictions %nti-dum,ing and counter-!ailing duties6

7&it / . 1T) a&d *ultilateral 3greeme&ts

#rade .elated In!estment Measures (#.IMS+ 8eneral %greement on #rade in Ser!ices (8%#S+ #rade .elated as,ects of Intellectual *ro,erty .ights (#.I*S+6

7&it /+ . 4ispute Settleme&t *echa&ism 7&der 1T) '%aluatio& Scheme.

Compo&e&t Codes 1eightage (:) P9S9/ 1' CT 1' C 5 '' ='

(ote . ; mar!s #or 3tte&da&ce< Te$t 8 0e#ere&ces.

/asic #e3ts of 8%## and A#$6 1ackson 1ohn 06 (1DD=+ Law of International #rading System #he MI# *ress6 1ackson 1ohn 06 (1DD=+ Aorld #rade and Law of 8%## #he MI# *ress6 2am :6 A6 (1D='+ #he 8%## Law and International Economic $rganisations Chicago Cni!ersity *ress :oul %6:6 (4''1+ Aorld #rade $rganisation Satayam *u-lication6 Internet Sources 9www6wto6org www6uncitral6org6 #e3t of the Indian %r-itration and Conciliation %ct 1DDF6

'+6HTH S'*'ST'0

@70+SP074'(C' ++
Course ),-ecti%e.
#he o-7ecti!e of the course is to create an understanding of -asic legal conce,ts like State So!ereignty .ights *ossession $wnershi, and Lia-ility which are -asic to the study of law6

Course Co&te&ts. *odule +. Sources o# La

Custom *recedent Legislation E;uity and *rofessional $,inion

*odule ++. Co&cepts o# 0ights a&d 4uties

.ights and 2uties #y,es #heories ? Criti;ue of .ights and 2uties ?Contem,orary issues in .ights6

*odule +++. Co&cepts o# La -+

*ersonality *ossession $wnershi,6

7&it-+/. Co&cepts o# La -++

Lia-ility and <egligence %-solute Lia-ility Immunity *ro,erty Intellectual *ro,erty6

'%aluatio& Scheme.
Compo&e&t Codes 1eightage (:) P9S9/ 1' CT 1' C 5 '' ='

(ote . ; mar!s #or 3tte&da&ce< Te$t 8 0e#ere&ces.

/odenheimer 1uris,rudence > #he *hiloso,hy and Method of Law (1DDF+ Cni!ersal 2elhi6 Fit@gerald (ed6+ Salmond on 1uris,rudence (1DDD+ #ri,athi /om-ay A6 Friedmann Legal #heory (1DDD+ Cni!ersal 2elhi )626 Maha7an 1uris,rudence and Legal theory (1DDF re-,rint+ Eastern Lucknow M626%6 Freeman (ed6+ LloydBs Introduction to 1uris,rudence (1DD4+ Sweet " Ma3well *aton 86A6 1uris,rudence (1D=4+ $3ford EL/S 06L6%6 0art #he Conce,ts of Law (1D='+ $3ford EL/S .oscoe *ond Introduction to the *hiloso,hy of Law (1DD5 .e-,rint+ Cni!ersal 2elhi 2ias 1uris,rudence (1DD4 First Indian re-,rint+ %dithya /ooks <ew 2elhi 2hyani S6<6 1uris,rudence9 1uris,rudence and Indian Legal theory 2hyani S6 <6 Fundamentals of 1uris,rudence 1ayakumar <6 :6 Lectures in 1uris,rudence /utterworths 1ustice Markandey :at7u Law in the Scientific Era Cni!ersal 1ustice 16 S6 )erma 2imensions of 1ustice Cni!ersal

1ustice .ama 1ois Seeds of Modern *u-lic Law in %ncient Indian 1uris,rudence 1ustice .ama 1ois Eternal )alues in %ncient Law

L3B)70 L31 ++

Course ),-ecti%e .
#he ,a,er is to focus on wage ,olicies com,ensation for learn caused during the course of em,loyment and working conditions of em,loyees6

Course Co&te&ts . *odule +. *i&imum 1ages 3ct > 1FB8

Conce,t of La-our Aelfare Classification and Im,ortance La-our welfare acti!ities Conce,t of minimum wage fair wage li!ing wage and need -ased minimum wage Constitutional !alidity of the Minimum wages %ct 1D45 *rocedure for fi3ation and re!ision of minimum wages Fi3ation of minimum rates of wage -y time rate or -y ,iece rate *rocedure for hearing and deciding claims6

*odule ++. Pa=me&t o# 1ages 3ct> 1F3G

$-7ect sco,e and a,,lication of the %ct 2efinition of wage .es,onsi-ility for ,ayment of wages Fi3ation of wage ,eriod #ime of ,ayment of wage 2eductions which may -e made from wages Ma3imum amount of deduction6

*odule +++. 1or!me&Is Compe&satio& 3ct> 1F23

2efinition of de,endant workman ,artial disa-lement and total disa-lement Em,loyerBs lia-ility for com,ensation 9 Sco,e of arising out of and in the course of em,loyment 2octrine of notional e3tension Ahen em,loyer is not lia-le Em,loyerBs Lia-ility when contract or is engaged %mount of com,ensation 2istri-ution of Com,ensation *rocedure in ,roceedings -efore Commissioner %,,eals6

*odule +/. "actories 3ct> 1FB8 8 Social Securit=

Conce,t of KfactoryL Kmanufacturing ,rocessL KworkerL and Koccu,ierL 9 8eneral duties of occu,ier Measures to -e taken in factories for health safety and welfare of workers Aorking hours of adults Em,loyment of young ,erson and children %nnual lea!e with wages %dditional ,ro!isions regulating em,loyment of women in factory Social Security of Aorkmen ? Conce,t and sco,e of social security 9 $rigin of Social Security in India Claim and %d7udication of 2is,utes under Em,loyeeBs State Insurance %ct6 1D456

'%aluatio& Scheme.
Compo&e&t Codes 1eightage (:) P9S9/ 1' CT 1' C 5 '' ='

(ote . ; mar!s #or 3tte&da&ce< Te$t Boo!s.

S6C6 Sri!asta!a Commentaries on factories %ct 1D45 Cni!ersal Law *u-lishing 0ouse 2elhi 06L6 :umar AorkmenBs Com,ensation %ct 1D4&6

30B+T03T+)( 8 3LT'0(3T' 4+SP7T' 0'S)L7T+)(

Course ),-ecti%e.
#he course material im,arts to the students an understanding of the conce,t of alternate methods of resol!ing dis,utes in addition to the traditional court oriented ,rocesses6 It focuses on an analytical study of ar-itration law and ,ractice in India and the rele!ant institutions monitoring the same6 #he ,a,er also focuses on other alternate dis,ute resol!ing mechanisms through State mediatory ser!ices under the su,er!ision of the courts 6

Course Co&te&ts. *odule +. +&troductio&

3lter&ati%e 4ispute 0esolutio& (340)9 Conce,t and <eed and International and <ational initiati!es in India? IIC C<CI#.%L :SI26 3r,itratio& a&d Co&ciliatio& 3ct> 1FFG 8eneral *ro!isions 2efinitions recei,t of written communications wai!er of right to o-7ect e3tent of 1udicial Inter!ention %dministration %ssistance ?%r-itration agreement ,ower to refer ,arties to ar-itration where there is an ar-itration agreement Interim measures -y court6

*odule ++. Compositio& o# 3r,itral Tri,u&al

Com,osition 1urisdiction Conduct of %r-itral *roceedings9 Settlement form and contents of ar-itral award termination of ,roceedings correction and inter,retation of awards additional award6

*odule +++. 0ecourse agai&st 3r,itral 3 ard

%,,lication for setting aside %r-itral %ward Finality and enforcement of %r-itral %ward a,,eala-le orders Miscellaneous 2e,osits Lien on %r-itral %ward and 2e,osits as to costs %r-itration agreement not to -e discharged -y death of ,arty thereof *ro!isions in case of insol!ency 1urisdiction limitation Limitations Enforcement of certain Foreign %wards6

*odule +/. Tech&iEues o# 340

<egotiation H Consultation Mediation 8ood offices Conciliation9 <ature Sco,e and Methods6 Legal Ser!ices9 Meaning and sco,e in Legal %id and %d!ice Lok %dalats-nature sco,e ,rocedure and functioning6

Statutor= *aterial
%r-itration and Conciliation %ct 1DDF6 Legal Ser!ices %uthority %ct 1D5=6 C<CI#.%L

'%aluatio& Scheme.
Compo&e&t Codes 1eightage (:) P9S9/ 1' CT 1' C 5 '' ='

(ote . ; mar!s #or 3tte&da&ce<

Te$t 8 0e#ere&ces
.ao *6C6 %r-itration and Conciliation %ct 1DDF Cni!ersal Law /ook Co6 *!t6 Ltd6 (1DD=+ .ao *6C6 " Sheffield Ailliam %lternati!e 2is,ute .esolution Su7an M6%6 Law relating to %r-itration and conciliation6 :awatra 86:6 #he <ew Law of %r-itration and conciliation Chaudhary S6:6 .oy Law of %r-itration Conciliation 4th Ed6 Eastern /ook Saharay 06:6 Law of %r-itration (1D=+ (.e!ised *rint+

'(/+0)(*'(T3L L31
Course ),-ecti%e9
#his ,a,er ,ro!ides the study of en!ironmental laws co!ering legislations related to it and ,rotection of forest and wild life6

Course Co&te&ts. *odule +. '&%iro&me&tal La . +&ter&atio&al a&d (atio&al Perspecti%e

Introduction9 En!ironment and En!ironment *ollution 9 *ro-lem and ,ros,ects ?constitutional *ers,ecti!e 9.ight to E!olution and %,,lication Co relation -etween 9 2irecti!e *rinci,les of State *olicies and Fundamental 2egrees Fundamental .ights and 2irecti!e *rinci,les of State *olicy? International <orms 9Sustaina-le 2e!elo,ment 9*recautionary *rinci,le *olluter *ays *rinci,le %genda 41 Inter generational e;uity *u-lic #rust 2octrine *rinci,le of no fault lia-ility 9 %-solute Lia-ility? En!ironment *rotection through *u-lic Interest Litigation .emedies under !arious other laws6

*odule ++. Pre%e&tio& a&d Co&trol o# 1ater a&d 3ir Pollutio&

#he Aater (*re!ention and Control of *ollution+ %ct 1D=49Aater *ollution 9 2efinition Central and State *ollution Control /oards 9 Constitution *owers and Functions Aater *ollution Control %reas Sam,le of effluents 9 *rocedure? .estraint order Consent re;uirement 9 *rocedure 8rantH.efusal Aithdrawal Citi@en Suit *ro!ision? %ir (*re!ention and Control of *ollution+ %ct 1D519 %ir *ollution 9 2efinition Central and State *ollution Control /oards 9 Constitution *owers and functions %ir *ollution Control %reas ? Consent .e;uirement 9 *rocedure 8rantH.efusal Aithdrawal Sam,le of effluents > *rocedure? .estraint order6

*odule +++. Protectio& o# "orests a&d 1ild Li#e

Indian Forest %ct 1D4=9 :inds of forest 9 *ri!ate .eser!ed *rotected and )illage Forests #he Forest (Conser!ation+ %ct 1D5'? #he Aild Life (*rotection+ %ct 1D=49 %uthorities to -e a,,ointed and constituted under the %ct 0unting of Aild %nimals *rotection of S,ecified *lants *rotected %rea #rade or Commerce in wild animals animal articles and tro,hies? Its ,rohi-ition6

*odule +/. Special '&%iro&me&tal Legislatio&s

En!ironmental (*rotection+ %ct 1D5F *u-lic Lia-ility Insurance %ct 1DD1 #he <ational En!ironment #ri-unal %ct 1DD5 #he <ational %,,ellate En!ironmental %uthority %ct 1DD= 6

'%aluatio& Scheme.
Compo&e&t Codes 1eightage (:) P9S9/ 1' CT 1' C 5 '' ='

(ote . ; mar!s #or 3tte&da&ce<

Te$t 8 0e#ere&ces
En!ironmental Law " *olicy in India > Shyam 2iwan %rmin .osencran@ En!ironmental Law in India > *6 Leelakrishnan *IL and En!ironmental *rotection-8eetan7ali Chandra #he Aater (*re!ention and Control of *ollution+ %ct 1D=4 #he %ir (*re!ention and Control of *ollution+ %ct 1D51 #he Indian Forest %ct 1D4=

+(T'0P0'T3T+)( )" ST3T7T'S

Course ),-ecti%e.
1udicial inter,retation in!ol!es construction of words ,hrases and e3,ressions6 In their attem,t to make the old and e3isting statutes conte3tually rele!ant courts used to de!elo, certain rules doctrines and ,rinci,les of inter,retation6 #he course material seeks to im,art to the students the necessary skills to inter,ret the statutes with 7udicial mind set6

Course Co&te&ts.
*odule +. 0ules o# +&terpretatio& Commencement re,eal and re!i!al of a statute ? .ules of inter,retation 9 Li-eral rule mischief rule and golden rules 0armonious construction6 *odule ++. Pri&ciples o# i&terpretatio& . jusdem of !eneris , "oscitur # $ %ocius. , Reddendo %ingula %inglis. , &pressio Unius st e&clusion $lterius , UI Res 'agis Valent (uam )ereat, *ontemporanea spositio st +ptima t )rotissima ,ege. *odule +++. +&ter&al 3ids to +&terpretatio& *odule +/. '$ter&al 3ids to +&terpretatio& *odule / Construction of *enal Statutes Mens rea in statutory offences *rinci,les to -e a,,lied in inter,reting the Constitution Strict construction of ta3ing statues and its limitations6

'%aluatio& Scheme.
Compo&e&t Codes 1eightage (:) P9S9/ 1' CT 1' C 5 '' ='

(ote . ; mar!s #or 3tte&da&ce< Te$t 8 0e#ere&ces

Ma3well Inter,retation of Statutes Saru, Inter,retation Statues6 86*6 Singh *rinci,les of Statutory Inter,retation6 )6*6 Sarathi #he Inter,retation of Statutes6 /indra Inter,retation of Statutes6

C2B'0 L31S
Course ),-ecti%e.
Aith the ad!ent of information technology law and .ight to Information Law new strides and strategies in legal 7ustice education ha!e come u,6 #here is a need that Law students must also -e ac;uainted with these new de!elo,ments if a law student has to find a comforta-le -erth in the com,etiti!e legal market as a Law *rofessional as well as legal manager6 #herefore there seems to -e an im,ending need to generate e-Legal 1ustice Education that e3,oses the students to ha!e dee, insights into the com,le3ities of information technology and right to information6 $-7ecti!es of this course therefore are understanding the legal recognition and ,rocedure 2igital signatures legal recognition of cy-er authorities and Cy-er a,,ellate tri-unal legal im,lications of new !arieties of offences and ,enalties under the Information #echnology %ct 4'''6 % student of law should also -e gi!en the understanding of co,y right issues #.I*S agreements a,,lication of ,atents to com,uter technology etc6 /esides the course also aims at de!elo,ing insights into the .ight to Information %ct 4''5 and its grey areas6

Course Co&te&ts.
*odule + . +&troductio& <eed and role of Law in cy-er world %uthority and sco,e of go!ernments to regulate Internet Free s,eech and e3,ression on Internet Im,act of #elecommunication and -roadcasting law on internet regulation ,ri!acy issues and access rights .elated issues under International law 1urisdiction issues of enforcement6 *odule ++ . +&tellectual Propert= 0ights i& C=,erspace Conce,t of ,ro,erty in Cy-ers,ace Im,lications on intellectual ,ro,erty .ights 9 International " <ational legal ,re,aredness <ature of Intellectual ,ro,erty rights and co,yrights issues /erne con!ention AI*$ co,yright con!ention #.I*S agreement %,,lication of co,yright %ct 1D5= Sco,e of ,rotection of com,uter ,rogram %,,lications of ,atents to com,uter technology6 *odule +++ . 'lectro&ic Commerce Introduction to electronic commerce $nline contracts Issues S,amming 2isclaimer Com,etition Law Esta-lishing and maintaining -rand identity Licensing and regulatory re;uirements E > -anking Electronic funds transfer E!idence " security #a3ation issues work in C<CI#.%L A#$ " AI*$ regarding commerce6 *odule +/ . +&#ormatio& Tech&olog= 3ct Information #echnology %ct 4''' 0istorical -ackground $-7ecti!es Legal recognition of electronic records and ,rocedure Legal recognition of digital Signatures Certifying authority and its role Controller of certifying authority %,,ointment functions and *owers of Controller? Cy-er %,,ellate #ri-unal $ffences and ,enalties under %ct Cy-er Crimes 6

'%aluatio& Scheme.
Compo&e&t Codes 1eightage (:) P9S9/ 1' CT 1' C 5 '' ='

(ote . ; mar!s #or 3tte&da&ce<

Te$t 8 0e#ere&ces
<andan :amath Cni!ersal Law *u-lishing Com,any and E >commerce 9 Law relating to com,uters Internet 6 :6:6 :umar 2ominant *u-lication 9 Cy-er Law /6L6 Aadhera 9 *atent trademarks co,yrights 8anguly ( LM0+ 9 Intellectual *ro,erty .ights

(+(TH S'*'ST'0 403"T+(6> PL'34+(6 3(4 C)(/'23(C+(6

Course ),-ecti%e. #he course aims at ac;uainting the students a-out the !arious fundamentals of drafting to de!elo, the skills of ,leading and con!enyancing6 Course Co&te&ts . *odule + . "u&dame&tals 0ules o# Pleadi&gs
Meaning9 *leading and Con!eyancing *laint structure Aritten statement %ffida!it and Con!eyancing )erification of ,leading $-7ect of !erification %mendment of *leadings6

*odule ++. 6e&eral Pri&ciples o# Ci%il Pleadi&gs

Suit for *art-,erformance of the contract ? Suit for s,ecific ,erformance of the contract ? Suit for reco!ery of money gi!en on Interest (Money suit+ ? Suit of damages ? Suit for restitution of con7ugal rights ? Maintenance suit -y wife ? %,,lication under Section 1& 0indu Marriage %ct (2i!orce+ ? Suit for reco!ery of rent or e!iction of tenant ? Inter,leader suit ? Suit for malicious ,rosecution ? Suit under Section 1& of <egotia-le Instruments %ct ? %,,lication under $rder F .ule 1= of Code of Ci!il *rocedure ( %mendment of *leadings + ? %,,eal (First + ? E3ecution *etition ? .e!ision ? %,,lication for #em,orary In7unction $rder &D .ule 4 of Code of Ci!il *rocedure<

*odule +++ . 6e&eral Pri&ciples o# Crimi&al Pleadi&gs

Com,laint ? %,,lication for /ail ( Section 4&F 4&= of Code of Criminal *rocedure + ? %,,lication for %ntici,atory /ail (Section 4&5 of Code of Criminal *rocedure Code+ ? %ccusedBs re,ly ? Criminal %,,eal (%,,eal against con!iction +6

*odule +/ . Co&%e=a&ci&g
<otice and .e,ly to notice ? 8eneral ,ower of attorney ? S,ecial ,ower of %ttorney? Arit ,etitions 9 -abeas *orpus , 'andamus, *ertiorari, (uo warranto ? Sale deed ? *artnershi, deed ? Lease deedH .ent deed ? *romissory note ? 8ift deed ? %do,tion deed ? Aill ? %ffida!it ? Mortgage >deed6

'%aluatio& Scheme.
Compo&e&t Codes 1eightage (:) P9S9/ 1' CT 1' C 5 '' ='

(ote . ; mar!s #or 3tte&da&ce< Te$t ,oo!s a&d 0e#ere&ces.

Con!eyancing > <6S6 /indra Con!eyancing > %6<6 Chatur!edi MoghaBs Law of *leading Con!eyancing > 2BSou@a

P0)"'SS+)(3L 'TH+CS
Course ),-ecti%e.
#he Course has -een designed to ac;uaint the student of Law a-out the *rofessional Ethics and *rofessional eti;uettes that are essentially significant for an ad!ocate to o-ser!e while at the /ar6 %ccounta-ility and trans,arency are im,erati!e to the ,rofession6 /esides the conduci!e and cordial /ar/ench relations can send a good message concerning the richness of the Legal ,rofession6 Aith this -ackground cue the course aims at de!elo,ing insights of the students a-out the ,rofessional ,arameters6

Course Co&te&ts.
*odule + . Historical +&troductio& 0istorical introduction to legal ,rofession in India 9 /arristers )akils 0igh Court *leaders %d!ocates etc6 #he %ll India /ar Committee 1D51 and the ,assing of Indian %d!ocates %ct 1DF1 ? #he %d!ocates %ct 1DF19 2efinitions Section 4 Constitution and function of State /ar Councils /ar Council of India #erms of $ffice !arious su--committees including 2isci,linary Committee and the ;ualification for their mem-ershi, *ower to make rules Sections & to 15 9 Cha,ter >II6 *odule ++ . The 3d%ocateIs 3ct> 1FG1 #he %d!ocate %ct 1DF1 ? %dmission and enrolment of %d!ocate 9 Senior and other %d!ocates Common role of %d!ocates Gualifications and 2is;ualifications for enrolment and ,rocedure thereof Cha,ter > III Section 1F to 45 .ights to *ractice9 Mono,oly of re,resentation E3clusion of ad!ocates from certain cases Self re,resentation -y litigants Cha,ter I) 9 Sections6 4D to &4 *rofessional and other misconduct *rinci,les for determining misconduct 2isci,linary Committees of State /ar Council and the /ar Council of India *unishment of ad!ocates for misconduct %,,eals to the Su,reme Court Cha,ter > ) 9 Sections &5 to 446 *odule +++ . Legal Pro#essio& <ature of Legal *rofession <eed for an Ethical Code of .ights9 ,ri!ileges and duties of %d!ocates *re,aration of a case and fees of an %d!ocate under > cutting /ar against soliciting work and ad!ertisement /ar against touting refusal of -riefs accounta-ility to the client confidentiality -etween an %d!ocate to com,romise Study of code of Ethics ,re,ared -y the /ar Council of India6 *odule +/ . Co&tempt o# Courts 3ct> 1FH1 Contem,t of Courts %ct 1D=1 Ahat is Contem,tP Ci!il and criminal contem,t ,unishment for contem,t6 *rocedures in contem,t cases 0igh Court .ules and the Su,reme Court .ules to regulate contem,t ,roceedings6

'%aluatio& Scheme.
Compo&e&t Codes 1eightage (:) P9S9/ 1' CT 1' C 5 '' ='

(ote . ; mar!s #or 3tte&da&ce< Te$t 8 0e#ere&ces.

San7ee! .ao Indian %d!ocates %ct 1D=16 M6*6 1ain Indian Legal 0istory (Cha,6 $n Legal *rofession+6 :rishna Murthy IyerBs /ook on %d!ocacy6 #he Contem,t of Courts %ct 1D=16 1ournal of /ar Council of India6

'L'CT+)( L31
Course ),-ecti%e .
#he o-7ecti!e of this ,a,er is to ac;uaint the students with the lection laws go!erning the elections of the 0ouses of the *arliament and the State Legislatures as well as to the offices of *resident and )ice *resident<

Course Co&te&ts. *odule +. +&troductio&

Election9 Meaning and *rocess Constitutional Mandate Laws go!erning elections Election dis,utes Election to the $ffices of the *resident and )ice *resident6 6

*odule ++. 'lectio& Commissio&

Com,osition Functions *owers? 2elimitation of Constituencies *re,aration and .e!ision of Electoral .olls6

*odule +++ . Juali#icatio&s a&d 4isEuali#icatio&s o# Ca&didates

Constitutional and Statutory *ro!isions. 2is;ualifications of sitting mem-ers <omination and Candidature )oters .ight to Information? %nti 2efection Law (#enth Schedule to the Constitution of India+6

*odule +/. Corrupt Practices i& the 'lectio& La ? 'lectoral )##e&ces '%aluatio& Scheme.
Compo&e&t Codes 1eightage (:) P9S9/ 1' CT 1' C 5 '' ='

(ote . ; mar!s #or 3tte&da&ce< Te$t Boo!s 8 0e#ere&ces.

Manual of Election Law in India > 2e! Inder ChawlaBs Elections Law " *ractice - *6C6 1ain " :iran 1ain Election Laws and *ractice in India- .6<6 Choudhry Corru,t *ractices in Election Law > :6C6 Sunny 0ow India )otes > Election Laws *ractice and *rocedure > )6S6 .ama 2e!i " S6:6 Mendiretta )6<6 ShuklaBs #he Constitution of India > M6*6Singh6 .ele!ant *ro!isions of the Constitution of India #he .e,resentation of the *eo,le %ct 1D516 #he .e,resentation of the *eo,le %ct 1D5'6 #he *residential and )ice-*residential Elections %ct 1D54 #he Election Commission (Condition of ser!ice of Election Commissioners and #ransaction of /usiness+ %ct 1DD16 #he 2elimitation %ct 4''46

Statutor= 0eadi&g .

P0+/3T' +(T'0(3T+)(3L L31

Course ),-ecti%e .
#he course e;ui,s the student to deal with dis,ute in!ol!ing a foreign element in ,ersonal ci!il and commercial matters i.e. increasing in fre;uency as a result of a glo-ali@ed economic and social en!ironment6

Course Co&te&ts . *odule +. +&troductio&

%,,lication and su-7ect matter of *ri!ate International Law 2istinction with *u-lic International Law Characteri@ation and theories of characteri@ation Conce,t of .en!oi %,,lication of foreign law 2omicile 1urisdiction of courts6

*odule ++. "amil= La a&d 3doptio&s

Material and formal !alidity of marriage under Indian and English law Choice of law and 7urisdiction of courts in matrimonial causes9 dissolution of marriage grounds of di!orce restitution of con7ugal rights recognition of foreign 7udgment .ecognition of foreign ado,tions %do,tion -y foreign ,arents 1urisdiction under Indian and English law6

*odule +++. Ci%il a&d Commercial matters

#ort #heories of foreign tort Contract #heory of *ro,er Law of Contract %scertaining the a,,lica-le law *ro,erty6

*odule +/ . +&dia& La relati&g to #oreig& -udgme&t

/asis of recognition? .ecognition and Enforcement of Foreign 1udgments Finality Failure 2irect e3ecution of foreign 7udgments decrees6

'%aluatio& Scheme.
Compo&e&t Codes 1eightage (:) P9S9/ 1' CT 1' C 5 '' ='

(ote . ; mar!s #or 3tte&da&ce< Te$t 8 0e#ere&ces. 2r6 *aras 2iwan 9 *ri!ate International Law
Cheshire 9 *ri!ate International Law Morris 9 *ri!ate International Law

+(T'0(3T+)(3L H7*3(+T30+3( 3(4 0'"76'' L31

Course ),-ecti%e.
#he o-7ecti!e of this ,a,er is to make students aware of the ,rinci,les of International 0umanitarian and .efugee Laws6

Course Co&te&ts. *odule + . Historical 4e%elopme&t o# +&ter&atio&al Huma&itaria& La

0istory and e!olution 8rowth Character of International 0umanitarian Law6

*odule ++ . 6e&e%a Co&%e&tio&s> 1FBF

8ene!a Con!ention I 8ene!a Con!ention II 8ene!a Con!ention III and 8ene!a Con!ention I) 1D4D %dditional *rotocol I to 8ene!a Con!entions 1D== %dditional *rotocol II to 8ene!a Con!entions II 1D==6

*odule +++ . '&#orceme&t *achi&er=

Aar Crimes Serious -reaches of International 0umanitarian Law International Criminal Court (ICC+6

*odule +/ . 0e#ugees u&der +&ter&atio&al La

Aho is a refugeeP Con!ention .elating to the Status of .efugees 1D&& Con!ention on Status of .efugees 1D51 #he 1DF= *rotocol #he %%LCC *rinci,les 1DFF #he $%C Con!ention 1DFD6

*odule / . +mpleme&tatio& a&d *o&itori&g o# the 0ights o# 0e#ugees

Status of the C<0C. 1D5' Cartegena 2eclaration 1D546

*odule /+ . Treatme&t o# 0e#ugees u&der +&dia& La s

2raft S%%.C Con!ention6

'%aluatio& Scheme.
Compo&e&t Codes 1eightage (:) P9S9/ 1' CT 1' C 5 '' ='

(ote . ; mar!s #or 3tte&da&ce< Te$t ,oo!s 8 0e#ere&ces.

Ingrid 2etter #he Law of Aar (Cam-ridge 4'''+ %6 .o-erts and .6 8uelff eds6 2ocuments on the Laws of Aar ($3ford 4'''+ Legality of the #hreat or Cse of nuclear wea,ons %d!isory $,inion IC1 .e,orts (1DDF+ M6:6 /alachandran and .ose )erghese (eds6+ > International 0umanitarian Law IC.C (1DD=+ .a!indra *rata, KIndiaBs %ttitude towards I0LL in Mani (ed6+ International 0umanitarian Law in South %sia (8ena!a9 IC.C 4''&+ 8uy S6 8oodwin > #he .efugee in International Law ($3ford 4'''+ %6 )i-eke Eggli Mass .efugee Influ3 and the Limits of *u-lic International Law (#he 0ague 9 <i7hoff 4''4+6

T'(TH S'*'ST'0 +(T'0(SH+P (+(CL74+(6 /+/3 3(4 4+302)

Course ),-ecti%e . It intense tom ,ro!ide the student with a hands on e3,erience in order to fully ,re,are him with skills eti;uettes and essential e3,osure for the real 7o- en!ironment after com,letion of the course6 Course Co&te&ts . +&ter&ship S,ecified ,eriod to -e s,ent -y the student with a law firmHcourtHCommissionsH<8$Bs and like institutions working with the realm of law or connected therewith6 #he re,ort and diary to -e certified and su-mitted for e!aluation6

'%aluatio& Scheme.
Compo&e&t Codes 1eightage (:) / 45 C ='

(ote . KCI sta&ds #or prese&tatio& o# diar= < ; mar!s #or 3tte&da&ce<

0'S'30CH P3P'0 (+(CL74+(6 /+/3) Course ),-ecti%e.

#he course material e;ui,s the student with skills in the methodology essential to e3ecute a research assignment on to,ics related to law6

Course Co&te&ts .
0esearch *ethodolog=. 2octrinal <on-doctrinal Em,irical methods of e3ecuting research ,ro7ect6

'%aluatio& Scheme.
Compo&e&t Codes 1eightage (:) / 45 TP ='

(ote . KTPI sta&ds #or pro-ect report prepared ; mar!s #or 3tte&da&ce< Te$t a&d 0e#ere&ces.
Legal research " Methodology9 Indian Law Institute Edited -y 2r S6:6 )erma " M6 %f@al )ani6

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