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The Rorschach Test

Most people have heard of the Rorschach test (pronounced "ror-shock"), but few have ever seen a real Rorschach inkblot. The blots are kept secret. When you see an inkblot in a popular article on the test (as in the Encyclopaedia ritannica entry on the Rorschach test), it!s a fake" it!s an an inkblot, but not one of the inkblots. There are only ten Rorschach inkblots. #sycholo$ists want the blots to re%ain a secret fro% the $eneral public so that reactions to the blots will be spontaneous. &er%ann Rorschach hoped these spontaneous reactions would yield valuable clues to the test sub'ect!s personality. Whether they do re%ains controversial. Many psycholo$ists think the Rorschach test is hopelessly unreliable( others see it as one of the cardinal tools of %odern psychodia$nosis. Even a%on$ those who acknowled$e the value of the test, there is disa$ree%ent on interpretation of responses. )ust as secret as the blots the%selves are the $round rules for ad%inisterin$ the test. There are a few thin$s that you, as a sub'ect, are supposed to know and a lot of thin$s you aren!t supposed to know. *f you ask about so%ethin$ you!re not supposed to know, the psycholo$ist will $ive you a pat answer as prescribed in Rorschach literature. +or e,a%ple, if you ask if it is okay to turn the card upside down, the psycholo$ist will respond that you %ay do as you like( it!s up to you. The psycholo$ist won!t say that %any of the cards are easier to interpret when turned( that %ost people do turn the cards( that he or she will %ake a notation with a little arrowhead every ti%e you do turn a card( and that you lose points in the initiative depart%ent if you don!t turn the cards. -ou!ll be handed the cards one by one in the fi,ed order devised by Rorschach (there are nu%bers on the backs of the cards for the psycholo$ist!s benefit). The first card, for instance, looks like a fo,!s head or a 'ack.o.lantern. The cards are thick, rectan$ular cardboard, / 012 inches by 3 410 inches. &alf of the blots are black ink on a white back$round. Two others are black and red ink on white, and the last three blots are %ulticolored. The psycholo$ist will always put each card in your hands "ri$ht" side up. -ou aren!t supposed to know it, but the psycholo$ist will write down everythin$ you say. This includes any see%in$ly irrelevant 5uestions you %ay have. To keep you fro% $ettin$ wise, the psycholo$ist always arran$es to sit to your side and a little behind you, so that you can!t look at the card and the psycholo$ist at the sa%e ti%e. Most sub'ects reali6e the psycholo$ist is takin$ notes, of course, but they don!t reali6e that the notes are a special shorthand record of everythin$ said. 7o%e psycholo$ists use hidden tape recorders. The psycholo$ist will also ti%e how lon$ it takes you to respond, usin$ a "tickless" watch. The psycholo$ist will not ask you to hurry up or slow down and will not %ake any reference to ti%e, but response ti%es (in seconds) are one of the thin$s he or she is

writin$ in the notes. 8on!t hold the card at an unusual an$le. Watch how you phrase thin$s. 7ay "This looks like ..." or "This could be ..." never "This is..." 9fter all, you!re supposed to reali6e that it is 'ust a blot of ink on a card. y the sa%e token, don!t be too literal and say thin$s as, "This is a blotch of black ink." 8on!t $roan, $et e%otional, or %ake irrelevant co%%ents. 8on!t put your hands on the cards to block out parts. The psycholo$ist will watch for all of the fore$oin$ as si$ns of brain da%a$e. *f there are no ri$ht answers for the test, there are so%e $eneral $uidelines as to what is a nor%al response. -ou can probably see i%a$es in the inkblots proper and in the white spaces they enclose. 7tick to the for%er. 8on!t be afraid of bein$ obvious. There are several responses that al%ost everyone $ives( %entionin$ these shows the psycholo$ist you!re a re$ular $uy. *t is okay to be ori$inal if you can 'ustify what you see in the shape, shadin$, or color of the blot. *f you see an abalone and can point out why it looks like one, then say so. )ustifiable ori$inal responses are usually 'ud$ed to be indicative of creativity or intelli$ence. -ou don!t want non se5uiturs, i%a$es that don!t fit the blot in the 'ud$%ent of the psycholo$ist. These %ay be si$ns of psychosis. -ou!re e,pected to see %ore than one thin$ on all or %ost of the cards. :ot bein$ able to see anythin$ on a card su$$ests neurosis. ;sually the %ore thin$s you can see, the better, as lon$ as they fit the for% and color of the blot. <f course, you can see thin$s in the whole blot or in parts of it, and i%a$es %ay overlap. 7ince ti%e is a factor, it is i%portant to co%e up with $ood answers fast. (*t looks particularly bad if you take a lon$ ti%e and $ive a du%b, inappropriate answer.)

Plate I Black ink. A roughly triangular shape, point down, suggesting a broad, foxlike face with prominent ears. Naughty bits a pair of breasts !rounded pro"ections at top of blot#$ a %ertical female figure, her torso partly %isible through a gau&y dress !along center line#. The first blot is easy. &ow fast you answer is taken as an indication of how well you cope with new situations. The best reaction is to $ive one of the %ost co%%on responses i%%ediately. =ood answers are bat, butterfly, %oth, and (in center of blot) a fe%ale fi$ure. Mask, 'ack.o!.lantern, and ani%al face are co%%on responses too, but in so%e interpretation sche%es they su$$est paranoia. 9 bad response is any that says so%ethin$

untoward about the central fe%ale fi$ure. "7he" is often 'ud$ed to be a pro'ection of your own self.i%a$e. 9void the obvious co%%ent that the fi$ure has two breasts but no head. *f you don!t $ive %ore than one answer for #late *, %any psycholo$ists will drop a hint.. tell you to look closer. Plate II Black and red ink. Two dark-gray splotches suggesting dancing figures. 'ed splotches at top of each figure and at bottom center. Naughty bits penis !upper center, black ink#$ %agina !the red area at bottom center#. *t is i%portant to see this blot as two hu%an fi$ures usually fe%ales or clowns. *f you don!t, it!s seen as a si$n that you have trouble relatin$ to people. -ou %ay $ive other responses as well, such as cave entrance (the trian$ular white space between the two fi$ures) and butterfly (the red "va$ina," botto% center). 7hould you %ention the penis and va$ina> :ot necessarily. Every Rorsehach plate has at least one obvious representation of se,ual anato%y. -ou!re not e,pected to %ention the% all. *n so%e interpretation sche%es, %entionin$ %ore than four se, i%a$es in the ten plates is dia$nostic of schi6ophrenia. The trouble is, sub'ects who took #sycholo$y 4?4 often assu%e they should detail every possible se, response, so allowances %ust be %ade. Most Rorschach workers believe the se, i%a$es should play a part in the interpretation of responses even when not %entioned. -ou %ay not say that the lower red area looks like a va$ina, but psycholo$ists assu%e that what you do say will show how you feel about wo%en. :i, on "crab"( stick with "butterfly."

Plate III Black and red ink. Two ob%ious .figures !black ink# facing each other. Butterfly-shaped red blot between the figures$ an elongated red blot behind each figure(s head. Naughty bits penises and breasts !at anatomically appropriate positions for each figure#. This is the blot that supposedly can deter%ine se,ual preference. Most people see the two hu%an fi$ures. oth fi$ures have pro%inent "breasts" and an e5ually pro%inent "penis." *f you don!t volunteer the $ender of the fi$ures, you!ll be asked to specify it. y the traditional interpretation, seein$ the fi$ures as %ale is a heterose,ual response (for test sub'ects of both se,es). 8escribin$ the fi$ures as fe%ale or acknowled$in$ the andro$ynous nature of the blot is supposed to be a ho%ose,ual response. 8oes it work> :ot really..%any strai$hts describe the fi$ures as wo%en, and not all $ays $ive a $ay response. 9 43@4 study at Mount 7inai &ospital in :ew -ork showed the traditionally

heterose,ual response (two %ale fi$ures) to be declinin$ in popularity. The splotches of red ink are usually perceived separately. Ao%%on responses are "bow. tie" or "ribbon" (inner red area) and a sto%ach and esopha$us (outer red areas).

Plate IV Black ink. A roughly triangular blot, point up, with the two lower comer regions resembling boots or pet. Naughty bits two penises !on either side of blot, near top of triangle#$ %agina !on center line near top of blot#. #late *B is the "father card." 9t first $lance it is a difficult blot to see as a sin$le i%a$e. The "boots" are fairly conspicuous( between the% is the apparent head of a do$ or Ahinese dra$on. Many sub'ects see the blot as an ani%al skin. 9fter a few seconds, thou$h, %ost can see it as a standin$ fi$ure seen fro% below. The boots beco%e the feet, enlar$ed because of the unusual perspective. The ar%s and head, at the top, are s%aller. Ao%%on descriptions are bear, $orilla, or %an in a heavy coat. ad descriptions are %onster or attacking bear or $orilla.Rorschach theorists e5uate your description of the fi$ure with your perception of your father or %ale authority fi$ures.

Plate V Black ink. A simple, batlike shape. Naughty bits two penises !the "ears" or "antennae"#. Rorschach hi%self thou$ht this was the easiest blot to interpret. *t is a bat or a butterfly, period. -ou don!t want to %ention anythin$ else. 7eein$ the pro'ections on the ends of the bat win$s as crocodile heads si$nifies hostility. 7eein$ the paired butterfly antennae or feet as scissors or pliers si$nifies a castration co%ple,. 7chi6ophrenics so%eti%es see %ovin$ people in this blot. Many psycholo$ists take particular note of the nu%ber of responses $iven to this plate. *f you %ention %ore i%a$es here than in either #late *B or B*, it is su$$estive of schi6ophrenia.

Plate VI Black ink. An irregular shape like that of an animal-skin rug. Naughty bits penis !center line at top#$ %agina !below penis#.

#late B* is the %ost difficult blot. The best.rendered penis of all the blots is at top, but few sub'ects %ention it. The rest of the blot doesn!t look like %uch of anythin$. 7o%e hold that the value of this blot is to have the sub'ect $rope for i%a$es and possibly reveal subconscious attitudes about se,uality. asically, the secret of this plate is to turn it. 9 $ood response is to say it looks like an ani%al hide (about the only reasonable response when held ri$ht side up), then turn it on its side and say it looks like a boat or surfaced sub%arine with reflection, and then turn it upside down and say it looks like a %ushroo% cloud, a pair of theater %asks, or caricatures of %en with lon$ noses and $oatees.

Plate VII Black ink. A )-shaped blot, each side of the ) resembling a female figure in a narrowwaisted dress. Naughty bits a %agina !on center line at bottom of )#. Ahristina Arawford %eets pro'ective psycholo$y" This blot is supposed to reveal how you really feel about your %other. Birtually everyone sees two $irls or wo%en. 8eprecatin$ descriptions of the fi$uresC "witches," "$ossips," "$irls fi$htin$," "spinsters" indicate poor %aternal relations. 7eein$ the blot as thunderclouds instead of fe%ale fi$ures su$$ests an,iety to so%e psycholo$ists( seein$ it as a walnut kernel %ay %ean a vulvar fi,ation. There is an entirely different side to this blot, but you!re not supposed to see it. The white space between the $irls or wo%en can be interpreted as an oil la%p or si%ilar ob'ect. *t is clai%ed that only schi6ophrenics usually see the la%p.

Plate VIII *ink, blue, gray, and orange ink. An almost circular array of interconnected forms--a gray triangle !point up# at top, a pair of blue rectangles in the center, a pink and orange splotch at bottom, and two pink "animal" shapes forming the right and left sides of the circle. Naughty bits a %agina !pink-orange area at bottom#. The first full.color card is easy. *t is i%portant that you see the four.le$$ed ani%als. lions, pi$s, bears, etc. .on the sides of the blot. They!re one of the %ost co%%on responses on the test, and you!re assu%ed to be a %ental defective if you don!t see the%. <ther $ood responses are tree ($ray trian$le at top), butterfly (pink and oran$e area at botto%), and rib ca$e or anato%y chart (skeletal pattern in center between blue rectan$les and $ray trian$les). The entire confi$uration can be seen as a heraldic desi$n ($ood answer) or a

Ahrist%as tree with orna%ents (reachin$). Ahildren tend to like this blot and say a lot about it.the bri$ht colors and ani%al shapes %ake it %ore interestin$ than your basic penis1va$ina nu%ber (**, *B, or B*).

Plate IX +reen, orange, and pink ink. A %ery irregular upright rectangle. ,range at top, protruding green areas at center, pink at bottom. Naughty bits a %agina !center line at bottom#. There aren!t %any $ood answers here. *f you!re $oin$ to throw up your hands (fi$uratively( see warnin$ about e%otional outbursts above) and plead a %ental block, this is the place to do it. The colors clash, apparently by Rorschach!s desi$n. =ood answers are a fire with s%oke, an e,plosion (but paranoids are clai%ed %ore apt to note the pale $reen %ushroo% cloud on the center line at top), a %ap, anato%y, or a flower. *f you turn the card ninety de$rees, you can %ake out a %an!s head in the pink areas at botto%. (The %an is identified as Mark Twain, 7anta Alaus, or Teddy Roosevelt.) 9 bad response is to describe the oran$e areas at top as %onsters or %en fi$htin$...a si$n of poor social develop%ent. 9s with #late B, the psycholo$ist %ay be countin$ the nu%ber of responses you $ive to this blot for co%parison with the precedin$ and succeedin$ blots. -ou want to $ive fewer responses to this blot.

Plate X *ink, blue, gray, green, yellow, and orange ink. A loose assortment of brightly colored shapes, the most chaotic of the plates. Naughty bits penis and testes !top center, gray ink#. The unspoken purpose of this last blot is to test your or$ani6ational ability. #late D is full of colorful odds and ends easy to spiders, $ray crabs, paired oran$e %aple seeds, $reen caterpillars, a li$ht.$reen rabbit!s head, yellow and oran$e fried e$$s..and you!re e,pected to list the%. ut the psycholo$ist will also be lookin$ for a co%prehensive answer, so%ethin$ that shows you $rok the whole =estalt. There are two $ood holistic answers" sea life and a view throu$h a %icroscope. 7o%e sub'ects see two reddish faces at top center, separated by the oran$e %aple key. *f you describe the% as blowin$ bubbles or s%okin$ pipes, it %ay be interpreted as evidence of an oral fi,ation. 7eein$ the $ray "testes" and "penis" as two ani%als eatin$ a stick or tree indicates castration an,iety.

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