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1. Urinalisis begins by observing apparition: the amount of urine, macroscopic urine colors smell, clarity, ph and the specific gravity of urine. Material which urine tested which urine is fresh. Urine used fresh as if too long will happen change in the composition of substances and results out, some of which is growth bacteria increase, glucose levels decline ph be alkalis, decomposition cylindrical, lysis of erythrocytes, his urine gets turbid, changes color and smell, and nitrites be positive. 2. Measurement of urine volume is useful for interpreting quantitative inspection results or semi quantitative a substance in urine, and to determine abnormalities in the body's fluid balance. Based on the results of the amount of urine examination, amount of AHN, SBL, RF, SR, NN, BTS, in a row was 850, 900, 1045, 1200, 850, 900. The amount of urine from all objects are normal. Many factors influence the volume of urine, such as age, weight, sex, food and drink, body temperature, climate and the activities of the person concerned. 3. The smell of urine can vary because of the content of volatile organic acids. Among the different odors from normal as: the smell by foods that contain essential substances such as in Curry, Huntersville, durian, asperse. The smell of drugs such as antibiotics, turpentine, menthol. Based on the results of checkings the odor of urine the 6th OP, 4 urine smelling ammonia while OP 2 OP the other smelled medicinal. That is because the second OP was taking medication. 4. Normal urine color ranges from light yellow and dark yellow caused by some sort of color such as urochrom, porphyrin and urobilin. Yellow color in the urine coming from the color pigment called urochorme. Dark yellow urine color is a sign of the body of water shortage. Otherwise, color urine that is too clear could be a sign you drink too much water or being emawati a diuretic drug ( absorbent water make volume urine increase). Urine color can also vary according to the food we eat. 5. Clarity of urine indicated that the object of observation is normally based on the value of its clarity, normal urine looks clear, although not all of turbidity declared an abnormal situation. Normal urine will be cloudy if left or cooled, light turbidity was called nubecula and are the result of mucus, epithelial cells and leukocytes which gradually settles. Based on the results of Examination of the urine color and Clarity, 6 OP is light yellow and clear liquid with pH ranges from five to six. However there is urine 1 OP dark yellow.

6. Specific gravity of urine while on normal people among 1,003-1,030. Specific gravity of urine is closely connected with the diuresa, the greater the lower the weight diuresa type and vice versa. The more concentrated the urine the higher weight of its kind, so gravity associated with renal concetrate faal. Based on the results of urine density with using urinometer, all the OP has a density of urine is normal. 7. pH normal urine is 5 7. Based on data that we get, inconclusive while that pH urine a subject we observe is normally because included in the range figures pH urine normal. This is dependent on the intake of food and drink consumed. Urine more acid if consume plenty of protein, otherwise vegetarian will urine is alkaline. Therefore, any condition that produces an acid or base in the body or the consumption of foods that are acidic or alkaline, can directly affect the pH of urine.

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Cameron Mary Ann, Baker Linda A, Maalouf Naim Manstley Chris M, Moe Orson W and Khashayar Sakhaee. Circadion Variation in Urine pH and Uric Acid Nephrolithiasis Risk. 2007 ; 22 ; 378.


Cameron Mary Ann, Maalouf Naim M, Adams-Huet Beverley, Orson W. Moe and Khashayar Sakhaee. Urine Composition in Type 2 Diabetes : Predisposition to Uric Acid Nephrolithiasis. 2006 ; 17 ; 1422.

3. Maalouf Naim M, Cameron Mary Ann, Moe Orson W, Adams-Huets Beverley, and Khashayar Sakhaee. Low Urine pH : A Novel Feutur of the Metabolic Syndrome. 2007 ; 2 ; 883. 4. Jaffe William B, Elisa Trucco, et all. Ensuring Validity in Urine Drug Testing. 2008 ; 59 (2) ; 142. 5. Cotton, Geifferey Albert Wilkinson. 1989. Kimia Anorganik Dasar. Jakarta : UI.

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