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Argumentative Essay The function of an argumentative essay is to show that your assertion (opinion, theory, hypothesis) about some

phenomenon or phenomena is correct or more truthful than others'. The art of argumentation is not an easy skill to acquire. Many people might think that if one simply has an opinion, one can argue it successfully, and these folks are always surprised when others don't agree with them because their logic seems so correct. rgumentative writing is the act of forming reasons, making inductions, drawing conclusions, and applying them to the case in discussion! the operation of inferring propositions, not known or admitted as true, from facts or principles known, admitted, or proved to be true. "t clearly e#plains the process of your reasoning from the known or assumed to the unknown. $ithout doing this you do not have an argument, you have only an assertion, an essay that is %ust your unsubstantiated opinion. &otice that you do not have to completely prove your point! you only have to convince reasonable readers that your argument or position has merit! i.e., that it is somehow more accurate and complete than competing arguments. rgumentative essays are often organi'ed in the following manner( ). They begin with a statement of your assertion, its timeliness, significance, and relevance in relation to some phenomenon. *. They review critically the literature about that phenomenon. +. They illustrate how your assertion is ,better, (simpler or more e#planatory) than others, including improved (i.e., more reliable or valid) methods that you used to accumulate the data (case) to be e#plained. -inally revise and edit, and be sure to apply the critical process to your argument to be certain you have not committed any errors in reasoning or integrated any fallacies for which you would critici'e some other writer. dditionally, you will want to find out how your readers will ob%ect to your argument. $ill they say that you have used imprecise concepts. /ave you erred in collecting data. 0our argument is only as strong as the ob%ections to it. "f you cannot refute or discount an ob%ection, then you need to rethink and revise your position.

Expository Essay The purpose of an e#pository essay is to present, completely and fairly, other people's views or to report about an event or a situation. 1#pository writing, or e#position, presents a sub%ect in detail, apart from criticism, argument, or development! i.e., the writer elucidates a sub%ect by analy'ing it. 2uch writing is discourse designed to convey information or e#plain what is difficult to understand. 1#position usually proceeds by the orderly analysis of parts and the use of familiar illustrations or analogies. Such an analysis requires ). reading with understanding the ideas developed in an article by clearly stating another's thesis, outlining the facts used by the author to support that thesis, and the ,values, underlying the ideas *. putting what is read into a larger conte#t by relating another's article or book to other work in the field +. clearly and effectively communicating this information to a defined audience. "n other words, you must write clearly and fully enough for your readers to know how you have arrived at your analyses and conclusions. They should never have to guess what you mean! give your readers everything they need to know to follow your reasoning

This practice is not ,%ust for students., ccurate analysis is a fundamental professional activity in almost all careers. 3ike any other fundamental skill, it must be constantly practised in order to maintain and improve it. 4ther goals, such as learning ,time management, and note5taking, are also developed by this activity. 6o not be afraid to revise your essay7 "n fact, you will probably want to change it at least once! this is called ,thinking through a 'problem', or ,learning., The revisions will consist of the following: ). finding the precise words to e#press your thoughts *. correcting typographical, spelling, and grammatical errors +. making sure that your paragraphs are ,tight, and sequenced properly 8. making sure that the transition (,segue,) from one ma%or topic to another makes sense 1#pository essays also have a distinct format. The thesis statement must be defined and narrow enough to be supported within the essay. 1ach supporting paragraph must have a distinct controlling topic and all other sentences must factually relate directly to it. The transition words or phrases are important as they help the reader follow along and reinforce the logic. -inally, the conclusion paragraph should originally restate the thesis and the main supporting ideas. -inish with the statement that reinforces your position in a meaningful and memorable way. &ever introduce new material in the conclusion.

Persuasive Essay What is a persuasive/argument essay? 9ersuasive writing, also known as the argument essay, utili'es logic and reason to show that one idea is more legitimate than another idea. "t attempts to persuade a reader to adopt a certain point of view or to take a particular action. The argument must always use sound reasoning and solid evidence by stating facts, giving logical reasons, using e#amples, and quoting e#perts. When planning a persuasive essay follow these steps ). :hoose your position. $hich side of the issue or problem are you going to write about, and what solution will you offer. ;now the purpose of your essay. *. naly'e your audience. 6ecide if your audience agrees with you, is neutral, or disagrees with your position. +. <esearch your topic. persuasive essay must provide specific and convincing evidence. 4ften it is necessary to go beyond your own knowledge and e#perience. 0ou might need to go to the library or interview people who are e#perts on your topic. 8. 2tructure your essay. -igure out what evidence you will include and in what order you will present the evidence. <emember to consider your purpose, your audience, and you topic. The following criteria are essential to pro!uce an effective argument =e well informed about your topic. To add to your knowledge of a topic, read thoroughly about it, using legitimate sources. Take notes. Test your thesis. 0our thesis, i.e., argument, must have two sides. "t must be debatable. "f you can write down a thesis statement directly opposing your own, you will ensure that your own argument is debatable.

6isprove the opposing argument. >nderstand the opposite viewpoint of your position and then counter it by providing contrasting evidence or by finding mistakes and inconsistencies in the logic of the opposing argument. 2upport your position with evidence. <emember that your evidence must appeal to reason.

The following are !ifferent ways to support your argument: "acts 5 powerful means of convincing, facts can come from your reading, observation, or personal e#perience. &ote( 6o not confuse facts with truths. be proven. ,truth, is an idea believed by many people, but it cannot

Statistics 5 These can provide e#cellent support. =e sure your statistics come from responsible sources. lways cite your sources. #uotes 5 6irect quotes from leading e#perts that support your position are invaluable. Examples 5 1#amples enhance your meaning and make your ideas concrete. They are the proof.

A!mission Essay 1ssays are used to learn more about your reasons for applying to the course, university or company and your ability to benefit from and contribute to it. 0our answers will let you state your case more fully than other sections of the application, and provide the evaluator with better insight about you and how you differ from the other applicants. "n marginal cases, the essays are used to decide whether an applicant will be selected. The purpose of the admissions essay is to convey a sense of your unique character to the admissions committee. The essay also demonstrates your writing skills as well as your ability to organi'e your thoughts coherently. Sample essay topics There are hundreds of possible topics that you can be asked to write an essay on. ?iven below are some of the more common ones. ). $hat events, activities or achievements have contributed to your own self5development. *. 6escribe a situation in which you had significant responsibility and what you learned from it. +. 6escribe your strengths and weaknesses in two areas( setting and achieving goals, and working with other people. 8. 0our career aspirations and factors leading you to apply to this course at this time. 6escribe a challenge to which you have successfully responded. $hat did you learn about yourself as you responded to this challenge. 6escribe a challenge you anticipate facing in any aspect of college life. 4n the basis of what you learned from your earlier response, how do you e#pect to deal with this challenge. @. 6escribe and evaluate one e#perience that significantly influenced your academic interests. The e#perience might be a high school course, a %ob, a relationship, or an e#tracurricular activity. =e sure to e#plain how this e#perience led to your setting the goals you now have for yourself, and why you think the academic program for which you are applying will help you to reach those goals. A. 6escribe your educational, personal or career goals. B. <ole Model 5 "f you could meetCbeChave dinner with anyone in history, who would it be and why. D. 9ast 1#perience 5 6escribe an event that has had a great impact on you and why. E. $hat was your most important activityCcourse in high school and why. )F. -orecast important issues in the ne#t decade, century 5 nationally, globally.

)). $hy do you want to study at this university. )*. Tell us something about yourself, your most important activities. )+. /ow would your room, computer or car describe you. 3ist all your activities for the past four years. "nclude school activities! awards, honors, and offices held! community services! %obs! and travel. <ecord ma%or travel e#periences. &ote your strongest impressions and how they affected you. "f you loved the ?rand :anyon, for e#ample, write down three specific reasons why, aside from the grandeur and beauty that everyone loves. 6escribe an accomplishment that you had to struggle to achieve. "nclude what it was, how you tackled it, and how it changed you. Think of one or two sayings that you've heard again and again around your house since childhood. /ow have they shaped your life. $hat personality traits do you value most in yourself. :hoose a few and %ot down e#amples of how each has helped you. Think of things that other people often say about you. $rite about whether or not you agree with their assessments and how they make you feel. =rainstorm ,top ten, lists in a few selected categories( favourite books, plays, movies, sports, eras in history, famous people, etc. <eview your list to see which items stand out and describe what they've added to your life. 6escribe ,regular people, who have motivated you in different ways throughout your life. "t could be someone you only met once, a third5grade teacher, or a family member or friend. Starting your essay The most common topic55particularly if only one essay is required55is the first, ,tell us about yourself., 2ince this kind of essay has no specific focus, applicants sometimes have trouble deciding which part of their lives to write about. =eware of the chronological list of events that produces dull reading. <emember, also, to accent the positive rather than the negative side of an e#perience. "f you write about the effect of a death, divorce, or illness on your life, tell about but don't dwell on your bad luck and disappointments. "nstead, emphasi'e what you have learned from the e#perience, and how coping with adversity has strengthened you as an individual. ). Tie yourself to the college( $hy are you interested in attending, and what can the institution do for you. =e specific. ?o beyond ,G0H :ollege will best allow me to reali'e my academic potential. *. <ead the directions carefully and follow them to the letter. "n other words, if the essay is supposed to be @FF words or less, don't submit )FFF words. +. :onsider the unique features of the institution, e.g., a liberal arts college will be impressed with the variety of academic and personal interests you might have, while an art institute would be most interested in your creative abilities. 8. =e positive, upbeat and avoid the negatives, e.g. " am applying to your school because " won't be required to take physical education or a foreign language. @. 1mphasi'e what you have learned, e.g. provide more than a narration when recounting an e#perience. A. $rite about something you know, something only you could write. B. Make certain you understand the question or the topic. 0our essay should answer the question or speak directly to the given topic. D. 3ist all ideas. =e creative. =rainstorm without censoring. E. 2ort through ideas and prioriti'e. 0ou cannot tell them everything, =e selective. )F. :hoose information and ideas which are not reflected in other parts of your application. This is your chance to supplement your application with information you want them to know. )). =e persuasive in showing the reader you are deserving of admission. <emember your audience.

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