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A Teacher Librarian Portfolio

Julie Ridley Sheridan Elementary School San Francisco, CA October 2012

Table of Contents
1. Mission Statement 2. !ibrary Floor "lan %. School !ibrary &ud'et $. School Or'ani)ational Chart (. Student !earnin' Outcomes *. Other School !ibrary "ersonnel Job -escri.tions +. &iblio'ra.hy /. 0lossary 1 2#$ ( * +#, 10#12 12 1%#1(

Mission Statement
1he mission o2 the Sheridan Elementary School !ibrary is to su..ort teachers and students throu'h collaboration and by .ro3idin' a sa2e and or'ani)ed en3ironment 4ith di3erse hi'h 5uality materials that teach in2ormation literacy, .romote res.ect and tolerance, and ins.ire a .assion 2or li2e#lon' readin' and learnin'.

"a'e 2

Library Floor Plan 1he Sheridan School !ibrary measures at a..ro6imately 1,2/0 s5uare 2eet. 1here are 200 students at the school. 1here are a..ro6imately $,000 boo7s catalo'ed and shel3ed in the library. &elo4 is a table sho4in' a..ro6imate s5uare 2oota'e o2 the library 2urniture in the e6istin' 2loor .lan.

Library Floor Plan (Square Footage Estimates)

Item (Floor Space sq! ft!) &oo7 Shel3es alon' 8alls &oo7 Cabinets &oo7 Cart 1ables Chairs Ru' 9Read Aloud Area: Com.uter 1ables Circ. -es7

Amount ,/ linear 2eet %2 linear 2eet ( linear 2eet * $0 1 1 1 Total

Total Square Footage (sq! ft!) 1,* *$ 10 11/ 1*0 +2 1* 2$ ""#

"a'e 3

1his is a scaled ma. o2 the current e6istin' 2loor .lan o2 the Sheridan School !ibrary.

"a'e 4

1his is a re3ised library 2loor .lan created to enhance the use o2 the current library s.ace. Chan'es occur in the si)e and sha.e o2 the circulation des7 allo4in' 2or better si'ht lines and more o3erall s.ace. 1his 4ould allo4 2or a com2ortable readin' s.ace 4ith a couch and bean ba' chairs. ;t 4ould also allo4 2or more room 2or a much needed cart.

"a'e 5

School Library $u%get 1his library bud'et is based u.on Sheridan Elementary School<s annual "ublic Education Enrichment Fund 9"EEF: 2undin'. 1his 2undin' allo4s 2or one 0.$ .art#time teacher librarian and boo7s and materials at a rate o2 =(>student. 8ith 200 students at the school, this allo4s 2or =1000.00 2or boo7s and materials annually. TA$LE & Library $u%get Cost (()


Fun%ing 'ustification


Easy Readers Art

0ra.hic ?o3els

Other !ibrary Su..lies

A2ter doin' collection analysis, ; reali)e that the 2iction section o2 library is too small and needs more, mainly .o.ular 2iction. =220.00 -ue to ne4 common core standards, teachers and sta22 4ant more easy reader non#2iction boo7s and 2iction boo7s. =2%+.00 A2ter doin' collection analysis, there is a hu'e de2icit in Art boo7s. Also, students at school are constantly as7in' 2or more. =1,0.00 Students are al4ays as7in' 2or more 'ra.hic no3els. 1hey are all constantly chec7ed out. =10(.00 1his section re.resents boo7s that need re.lacin', t4o boo7s about ma.s and', 'eo'ra.hy, % ne4 dinosaur non# 2iction boo7s, 2 ne4 bio'ra.hies, one ne4 boo7 on .residents. =20%.00 ?e4 s.ine labels are needed to label boo7s and 7ee. it or'ani)ed. =$(.00 Total (& ###!##

"a'e 6

)rgani*ational Chart 1his is an or'ani)ational chart hi'hli'htin' the res.onsibilities o2 Sheridan School "ersonnel, students and .arents and re.resentin' the relationshi. bet4een them.

School Principal sets class and school

schedules, school rules and .rocedures, e3aluates teachers and su..ort sta22, ma7es decisions on school s.endin', is o3erall school leader.

,istrict Library-.e%ia Center Super/isor hires teacher librarians, coordinates

schedules and e6.ectations 4ith each school site, arran'es librarian sta22 de3elo.ment, and o3ersees library bud'et s.endin'.

+ice Principal carries out

.rinci.als 3ision and decisions, su..orts classrooms teachers, hel.s maintain student disci.line.

Classroom Teacher teaches

students based on learnin' standards and carries out 3ision 2or school, brin's class to library at scheduled time, hel.s 4ith student boo7 returns, o3erdue notices, 2ines, etc.

Teacher Librarian su..orts

classroom teacher<s re5uests and teachin's, o3ersees boo7 and all library .urchases, 7ee.s library or'ani)ed, o3ersees boo7 circulation 2or school, teaches and .romotes district .urchased and a..ro3ed 4ebsites, and encoura'es literacy.

Stu%ents res.ect all school

sta22 and .ro.erty by 2ollo4in' all school rules and bein' o.en and res.onsible 2or their learnin'.

Stu%ent +olunteers hel.

Parents su..ort their children and

the school by brin'in' them to school e3eryday and on time and by 2osterin' their academic and emotional 'ro4th.

teacher librarian by cleanin' and or'ani)in' boo7s on shel3es, reshel3in',' boo7s, collection boo7s and materials 2rom teachers and sta22, and doin' other clerical 4or7 2or teacher librarian.

Parent +olunteers aid

teacher librarian by mannin' the circulation des7, reshel3in', readin' 4ith students, and doin' other clerical 4or7 in the library.

"a'e 7

Stu%ent Learning )utcomes ; studied the Common Core Standards 2or third 'rade students. ; too7 * o2 these standards and chan'ed them into student learnin' outcomes 2or the library. @ere is the resultA First, ; chose the ninth Common Core Standard 2or Readin'. ;t states, BCom.are and contrast the most im.ortant 7ey details in t4o te6ts on the same to.icC. My student learnin' outcomes 2or this standard are the 2ollo4in'A 1. !ocate t4o .rint and>or di'ital te6ts or resources on the same to.ic in the library. 2. Read and analy)e the t4o resources, identi2yin' the 7ey details and com.arin' and contrastin' them. Second, ; chose the si6th Common Core Standard 2or !istenin' and S.ea7in'. ;t states, BS.ea7 in com.lete sentences 4hen to tas7 and situation in order to .ro3ide re5uested detail and clari2icationC. as 2ollo4sA 1. Com.are and contrast the di22erences bet4een s.o7en and 4ritten com.lete sentences and sentence 2ra'ments. 2. "ractice and demonstrate s.ea7in' in com.lete sentences. 1hird, ; used the second Common Core Standard 2or !an'ua'e to 4rite these student learnin' outcomes. ;t states, B-emonstrate command o2 the con3entions o2 standard En'lish ca.itali)ation, My student learnin' outcomes 2or this standard are

"a'e 8

.unctuation, and s.ellin' 4hen 4ritin'C. My student learnin' outcomes 2or this standard are as 2ollo4sA 1. ;denti2y the use o2 ca.itali)ation in titles o2 boo7s, ma'a)ines, articles, and other resources located in our school library. 2. ;denti2y the correct use o2 .unctuation 4hen readin' boo7s, ma'a)ines, .eriodicals, or other library materials. ?e6t, ; chose the se3enth Common Core Standard 2or 4ritin'. ;t states, BConduct short research .roDects that build 7no4led'e about a to.ic.C 1he student learnin' outcomes ; 4rote 2or this standard are the 2ollo4in'A 1. -e3elo. and narro4 do4n a to.ic to be researched. 2. !ocate and assemble di'ital and .rint resources in the library on a chosen to.ic. %. Create a brie2 4ritten and>or oral re.ort based on their 2indin's. Also, ; re#4rote the se3enth Common Core readin' standard. ;t states, BE6.lain ho4 s.eci2ic as.ects o2 a te6ts illustrations contribute to 4hat is con3eyed by the 4ords in story. My student learnin' outcomes 2or this standard are as 2ollo4sA 1. Study and analy)e illustrations o2 3arious te6ts 2ound in the library.

"a'e 9

2. Communicate throu'h lar'e, small, and 4hole 'rou. discussions about ho4 illustrations contribute to or are com.atible to the 4ords in a te6t. !astly, ; 4or7ed 4ith the third Common Core standard 2or S.ea7in' and !istenin'. ;t states, BAs7 and ans4er 5uestions about in2ormation 2rom a s.ea7er, o22erin' elaboration and detail.C 1he student learnin' outcome ; deri3ed 2rom this standard is the 2ollo4in'A 1. Com.ose detailed oral 5uestions and ans4ers on a set to.ic 4hen listenin' to a s.ea7er.

"a'e 10

)ther Library Personnel 'ob ,escriptions 1he Sheridan School !ibrary currently only has 2undin' 2or one .art#time 90.$: teacher librarian. 1here2ore, any additional assistance in the library must come 2rom .arent and student 3olunteers. &elo4 is a Dob descri.tion 2or each. For Stu%ent +olunteers 1. All 2i2th 'rade students ha3e the o..ortunity to 3olunteer to hel. in the library. 2. Students must be res.onsible to come to the library at their set 4or7in' time. %. Students must 2ollo4 all school and library rules 4hile in the library durin' their set 4or7in' time. $. Students must be 7ind and courteous to other students 4ho are in the library 4hile they are .resent 2or their set 4or7in' time. (. "ossible 3olunteer duties may include reshel3in' boo7s, cleanin', or'ani)in' boo7s,', and readin' to youn'er students. For Parent +olunteers 1. Any and all .arents at the school are 4elcomed and encoura'ed to 3olunteer to hel. in the school library.

"a'e 11

2. 1he .arent must ha3e a child 4ho is currently attendin' the school. %. 1he .arent must be on time. ;2 the .arent is 'oin' to be absent, the .arent must call to in2orm the librarian that he or she is unable to come. $. 1he .arent should ha3e some basic com.uter 7no4led'e. (. Cell .hone use is not .ermitted 4hile 3olunteerin' in the library. *. "ossible 3olunteer duties may include readin' to students, reshel3in' boo7s,' boo7s, or'ani)in' shel3es,' children locate boo7s, and cleanin'.

"a'e 12


1. &aule, Ste3e. 9200(:. "lannin' Considerations 2or !ibrary Media Center Facilities. Library Media Connection, 2$9%:. 1$#1( 2. Cali2ornia -e.artment o2 Education. 92010:. Cali2ornia Common Core Standards 2or En'lish !an'ua'e Arts. Retrie3ed 2rom the Cali2ornia -e.artment o2 Education<s 8eb siteA

%. Martin, &. E Fannier, M. 9200,:. Fundamentals of School Library Management. ?e4 Gor7, ?e4 Gor7A ?eal#Schuman "ublishers, ;nc. $. Mueller, J. 9200(:. Authentic Assessment in the Classroom .and the !ibrary Media Center. Library Media Connection, 2% 9+:1$#1/. (. San Francisco Hni2ied School -istrict. 92012:. About "EEF 9"ro.osition @:. Retrie3ed 2rom htt.A>> . *. 8arner, Alice. 91,,%:. !ibrary &ud'et "rimer. Wilson Library Bulletin, 3*+, n,. +. Gose22, J! 9200(:. CollaborationA ;t Really -oes 8or7I Library Media Connection, 2$ 91:, $0#$1.

"a'e 13

0lossary Call number1 A uni5ue code 4hich one can 2ind on the s.ine o2 a boo7 and in the library catalo' that hel.s one 2ind 4here a resource is located in the library.

Catalog# A list o2 boo7s and other materials arran'ed in a .articular order. ;n most modern libraries, the catalo' is online or com.uteri)ed. 8hen an item is catalo'ed in the library, that means that it is added to the materials listed in the catalo'!

Circulation %es21 A des7 or table 4here boo7s and other materials are chec7ed in and out o2 a library. ;t is usually located near the entrance to the library.

Collection analysis1 an analysis o2 a library<s collection that sho4s the stren'ths and 4ea7ness<s in terms o2 numbers, and a'e o2 di22erent -e4ey sections o2 the collection o2 materials catalo'ed ! Common Core Stan%ar%s1student learnin' 'oals and e6.ectations teachers use 4hen .lannin' and im.lementin' lessons. Common core standards .ro3ide consistency 2rom school to school and across state lines.

"a'e 14

,e3ey ,ecimal System1 A system o2 classi2yin' boo7s and other 4or7s. ;t 4as de3elo.ed in the late nineteenth century by the librarian, Mel3il -e4ey. ;t is based on 10 di22erent cate'ories indicated by a decimal notation. Easy 4ea%ers#.icture boo7s and other easy to read boo7s that are 4ithin the interest and readin' le3el o2 third 'raders and youn'er.

Fiction# !iterary 4or7s usin' characters, settin', and .lot to con3ey stories that are not real. 1he o..osite o2 2iction is non#2iction.

0raphic 5o/els# a narrati3e 4or7 in 4hich the story is con3eyed to the reader usin' se5uential art, either in an e6.erimental desi'n or in a traditional comic style.

Information Literacy# the ability to identi2y, locate, e3aluate, and e22ecti3ely use in2ormation. Line item bu%get1 a bud'et 4ith lines or cate'ories that are created 2or a bud'et 4ithout e6.lanation and are based on the .ast or last year<s bud'et. PEEF1 or "ublic Education Enrichment Fund is a San Francisco city a..ro3ed .ro.osition .assed in 200$ that 2inancially su..orts library .ro'rams in e3ery .ublic school in the San Francisco Hni2ied School -istrict J#12.

"a'e 15

Spine labels1 1he label or stic7er that is a..lied to the .art o2 the bindin' o2 a boo7 4hich connects the 2ront and bac7 co3ers.

Stu%ent learning outcomes1 statements that identi2y 4hat students 4ill be able to do or be able to demonstrate 4hen they ha3e com.leted or .artici.ated in an acti3ity or .roDect. 6ero base% bu%get1 a ne4 annual bud'et that is 2ormulated 2rom u.comin' 'oals 2rom a base o2 )ero.

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