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Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah University Faculty of Letters Sass Fe!

Department of English Mr" #E$%&U'(

Contemporary Moroccan Culture: Course Description

Introduction Morocco has a very long history and a diverse culture" (ts identity has been shaped by so many peoples and civilisations )hich* beside the native Berbers* date bac+ to the ,hoenicians* the $arthaginians* the -omans* the By!antines" .ith the advent of the Arabo (slamic civilisation in the /th $"* )e could tal+ of indelible mar+s that the later European con0uest and presence challenged and enriched" Li+e the s)eeping ma1ority of )orld countries and as early as the seventies* Morocco has ridden the tide of globalisation leaving no doubt as to its liberal economic outloo+* )hile ma+ing sure to preserve its 2authenticity3 as a Muslim* Arab Ama!igh country" 'he result is a hybrid culture that affects nearly every aspect of Moroccan identity and )ay of life" 'his melting pot is no) visible every)here" (t is not surprising to see in the same area a don+ey dra)n cart 2driving3 by fancy glass high buildings" Since the death of %assan (( in 4555* Morocco has been transformed 0uite substantially6 and this could be seen at different levels* politically* socially* and culturally" Encouraged by the rather liberal mood fostered by Mohammed 7( 8affectionately referred to as M9 by the younger generation*: the intellectual and artistic circles are prompt to give a more accurate picture of the ne) Morocco and uncover the dar+ years +no)n as the 2lead years3 of his father" 'his class e;plores the dynamics of Morocco today as e;pressed in literature* arts* media* politics* etc" Introductions ; Organisation of the course, Brainstorming Moroccan Culture and History: 2M&-&$$& * A '-EE .('% -&&'S (< AF-($A A<D B-A<$%ES (< EU-&,E3

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A: ,-E (SLAM($ M&-&$$& = Ama!igh* >e)s* ,hoenicians* $arthaginians* -omans* By!antines B: '%E (SLAM($ &,E<(<?* $: ,-E $&L&<(AL* $&L&<(AL A<D (<DE,E<DE<' M&-&$$&

PA ! !'O: C O$$(C)*!) A* LITERARY +I#'$

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A" $&L&<(AL M&-&$$& A<D '%E B(-'% &F M&-&$$A< FEM(<(SM (< DREAMS OF TRESPASS by FA'(MA ME-<(SS(" B" HOPE AND OTHER DANGEROUS PURSUITS by LA(LA LALAM(= 'he ,light of (llegal Migration $" THE SACRED NIGHT B# 'A%A- BE< >ELL&U<= D" A HOUSE IN FES by SU@A<<A $LA-AE E" ?E&-?ES &-.ELL= 2MA--AAE$%3 845B5:

PA ! !H ##: MO OCCA" C)$!OM$, I!)A*$ A"D A !$

CHAP- .- MO OCCA" C)$!OM$ A"D I!)A*$A" <A'(&<AL A<D -EL(?(&US $ELEB-A'(&<S* B" $%E-(FS* S&UF(S A<D 2@A.A#AS3 $" '%E M&-& $$A< ,&L('($AL S#S'EM A<D '%E M&-&$$A< A.AAE<(<?CS,-(<? CHAP- /- MO OCCA" CI"#MA !H O)0H !H ## $)B+# A. MAROCK6 B# LA(LA MA--AA$%( B. CASANEGRA6 B# <&U-EDD(<E LAA%MA-( C. VEILED LOVE (AMOUR VOIL) B# A@(@ SALM(
$I+# 1I*M$

P IMA % $O) C#$: *MOROCCO = From Empir !o I"# p "# "$ by $"-" ,ennell* 8&;ford= &ne)orld* DEEB: *Fatima Mernissi* Dreams of 'respass* T%& ' o( % H%r m C)i&#)oo#* ,erseus Boo+s* $ambridge Massachusetts" 455F" *Susanna $lar+e* A Ho*' i" F +, Pocket Books, 2008. *ED.A-D SA(D* ORIENTALISM* ,enguin $lassics* DEE *?E&-?ES &-.ELL= 2MA--AAE$%3 845B5: *'A%A- BE< >ELL&U<* THE SACRED NIGHT* '%E >&%<S %&,A(<S U<(7E-S('# ,-ESS* DEEE" *LA(LA LALAM(* HOPE AND OTHER DANGEROUS PURSUITS* %arvest* %arcourt* (nc" DEE9" *2%ybridity and the Strategies of (nstability in Morocco*3 by Ahmed -adi* University of $adi (yad* Marra+ech" DEE4"88http=CC)))"postcolonial)eb"orgCpoldiscourseCcasablancaCradiD"html: *2%o) G Berber H matters in the Middle of <o)here*3 by David $ra)ford" pp" DE DF * Mi##& E%'! R por!* <o" D45* Summer* DEE4" *Dr %m' o( Tr 'p%''= Defining the Frontier* by Maile 'ou on December D5* DEEB" 8https=CC)))"mtholyo+e"eduCcoursesCm1iyadCforumCmessagesCDEI"shtml: *E#-%r# S%i# by Bill Ashcroft and ,al Ahl)alia <e) #o+= -outledge* DEE5" *Fatima Mernissi, Le harem politique : Le Prophte et les femmes, U !: http:""i#.eru#it.or$"i#eru#it"0%&''0ar *(he Life )*perience of "+ahra" in (ahar Ben ,elloun-s The Sand Child an# The Sacred Night, ./ 0ina 1hamar )rfani, Master 2e$ree (hesis at: 3http=CC)))"collectionscanada"gc"caCob1CsICfDCds+BCftpEICm0DDFDI"pdf: *2An (ntroduction to Sufism3 http=CC)))"dar sirr"comCsharitableJsaints"html *2Sufism and @a)aya3 http=CC)))"dar sirr"comCsharitableJsaints"html

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*Marvine %o)e* Moro$$o* T) I'&%mi'! A-%. "i"/ %"# O!) r C)%&& "/ ' 8<e) #or+= &;ford University ,ress* DEEF:" *Po'!$o&o"i%&i'm0 A V r1 S)or! I"!ro#*$!io" by -obert >" $" #oung* &;ford U"," DEEB *2Arab Spring and the Future of Leadership in <orth Africa*3 by <irvana 'anou+hi and Ali Ma!rui.
http=CC)))"1stor"orgCstableC4E"D5K5Ctransition"4E9a"4I/ "

*Fatima Mernissi* B 1o"# !) V i&* -abat* 45/K" *THE 2EAR OF THE ELEPHANT by LA(LA AB&U@A(D* *G 'he Monarchy* the (slamist Movement and -eligious Discourse in Morocco H* >amal Benomar* pp" FB5 FFF * 'hird .orld Luarterly* 7ol" 4E* <o" D* Apr"* 45//" *The Arab Tomorrow, Author(s): DAVID B. OTTAWAYReviewed work(s): our!e: The Wi"so#
$uarter"% (&'()*), Vo". +,, -o. & (WI-T.R /0&0), 11. ,2*),3ub"ished b%: .ilson Luarterly tab"e 4R5: http=CC)))"1stor"orgCstableCDEKEE99E " *The 6"ash o7 6ivi"i8atio#s Thesis a#d 9us"ims: The ear!h 7or a# A"ter#ative 3aradi:m Author(s): ABD455A; A5*A; , our!e: Is"ami! tudies, Vo". ,2, -o. / ( ummer /00'), 11. &2'* /&( 3ub"ished b%: (slamic -esearch (nstitute* (nternational (slamic University* (slamabad tab"e 4R5: http=CC)))"1stor"orgCstableCDE/B5494 "

*LE MAGHREB COLONIAL, 34567389:* by Ben1amin Stora* 8<otes de cours* DEEB DEEI:* http=CCarabedusoirinalco"unblog"frCfilesCDEE5CE4CmaghrebstoraEBEI"pdf M ;Morocco on the Screen* $inema in the <e) Morocco*3 in Fr%"$op)o" Voi$ ' o( !) ;N -< Moro$$o i" Fi&m %"# Pri"!, (R )pr ' "!i"/ % So$i !1 i" Tr%"'i!io"** by 7alery A" &rlando* ,algrave Mcmillan* DEE5"

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