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Conoc a Alain Prez cuando estudiaba guitarra en la Escuela Nacional de Arte en La Habana,Cuba.Consusprodigiosasmanosconuaslargasparaejecutar.

Me siento parte responsable y complice en su transcicin de la guitarra al bajo. l ha sido un aglutinador e inspiracin para los msicos a su alrededor, su condicin de arreglista, compositor y su talento lo han llevado a una condicin natural de ser respetadoyadmiradocomounmsicototal. He seguido y compartido su carrera como bajista. Para m es el ms ritmtico de los queheconocido.Elbajocomoinstrumentoenlamsicaafrocubanahasidosiemprela columnavertebralde unaagrupacin.Alainescapazdesosteneresaresponsabilidad. Sin embargo, su capacidad rtmica le permite hacer figuraciones sincopadas en los lugares ms inslitos e inesperados de una obra musical, sin perder el sabor, la cadencia,ysentidodelamismaqueimprimeelbajoanuestramsica. Su paso por el flamenco ha madurado su forma y estilo musical. Para mi modesta opinin,actualmenteeselbajistatimberodeCuba,comoreferenciainternacional.
Vocalist,ComposerTheIssac DelgadoGroup,NGLaBanda


ImetAlaininCubainAugustof'96,whenhewasjuststartingwithIssac'sband.Hewas a young, cocky kid, but with the talent to back it up! He took the role of the bass (in a Timbarhythmsection)toanewdimension.


Alain reinvented the whole meaning of timba bass through his playing and arrangements during his time with what was my favorite of all the Issac Delgado bands. I first met him in Cuba in the late nineties where his quinto and timbal playing also blew me away! His percussive and hip harmonic sense make him the consummate musician he is , and in all the musical styles he chooses to play. This book is a must for anyonewhowantstolearnoneofthehippeststylesaround!

drumsRubnBladesy SeisdeSolar

AlainPrezesungenioyesmihermanoenestecaminomusical.Tremendomsico, bajista,cantante,rumbero,arreglista,compositorygranpersona.Elquesigaestelibro vaaaprendermucho.


Alain Prez es un fenmeno musical en todos los aspectos. Su versatilidad, carisma, virtuossimo, forma de componer, cantar y arreglar lo han consagrado mundialmente. Es sin lugar a dudas un conocedor profundo de las races de la msica cubana y forjador de la sonoridad contempornea en la isla y el resto del universo. Alain es simplementeAlain.


AlainPrezMsicodelosquehoyendaabundanpoco.Porqu? Muy completo. Es adems un percusionista completo y toca muy bien, de hecho pone a estudiar a cualquiera porque sabe lo que hace. Con la pluma en la mano tiene un sello que se llama Alain. Es un bajista que toca cualquier gnero y le impregna a la banda donde toque sea cual sea su timbre. Todo esto lo ha llevado a ser uno de los arreglistas deprimeratantoenelmundodelatimbacomoenlasalsayeljazzlatinoengeneral. Su sabor es indiscutible y le ha tomado la medida a las producciones de Issac Delgado. Canta muy bien y adems tiene un timbre personal en su voz. Sencillamente, Alain es genial.

NGLaBanda,Adalberto lvarez




REVISION1.0 2012BYKEVINMOORE SANTACRUZ,CA ALLRIGHTSRESERVED Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproducedinwholeorinpart,orstoredinaretrieval system,ortransmittedinanyformorbyanymeans,electronic,mechanical,photocopy, recordingorotherwise,withoutwrittenpermissionoftheauthor. ISBN10:1470143925 ISBN13/EAN13:9781470143923



IntroductiontotheBeyondSalsaSeries............................................................................................ 8 BeyondSalsa:TheCentralPremise ............................................................................................... 8 HowtheBeyondSalsaSeriesisOrganizedandSold .................................................................. 8 Book ..................................................................................................................................... 8 Audio.................................................................................................................................... 9 Video .................................................................................................................................... 9 BeyondSalsaPiano ......................................................................................................................10 BeyondSalsaPercussion ..............................................................................................................11 UnderstandingClaveandClaveChanges......................................................................................11 BeyondSalsaforEnsemble ..........................................................................................................12 BeyondSalsaBongandBeyondSalsaCongas ............................................................................12 IntroductiontoBeyondSalsaBass ...................................................................................................13 Chapter1:Biography,Part2TheIssacDelgadoYears ...................................................................14 ImportantLiveRepertoirefromElaoquevieneRMM1995 .................................................16 ImportantLiveRepertoirefromOtraideaRMM1996 ............................................................17 ImportantLiveRepertoirefromExclusivoparaCuba1997 ........................................................18 ImportantLiveRepertoireneverRecordedintheStudio .............................................................18 ImportantLiveRepertoirefromLaprimeranocheRMM1998................................................19 Chapter2:Methodology,Notation,AudioandVideoFiles...............................................................20 Methodology...............................................................................................................................20 Notation ......................................................................................................................................20 AudioandVideoFiles ..................................................................................................................21 NamingConventionsforAudioFiles ............................................................................................25 NamingConventionsforVideoFiles ............................................................................................26

Chapter3:Porqupar...................................................................................................................27 KnownRecordings .......................................................................................................................28 MainTumbaos:Harmony ............................................................................................................28 MainTumbaos:ClaveOrientation............................................................................................29 PorquBasic23TumbaoAudioTracks30a&30bnovideo ............................................30 PorquBasic32TumbaoAudioTracks30c&30dnovideo ............................................30 Part1:TumbaosfromVideos.......................................................................................................31 Porqu1slowAudioTrack31aVideoClips31a,31b,31c............................................31 Porqu1fastAudioTracks31b&31cVideoClips31d,31e,31f.................................34 Porqu2&3 ...........................................................................................................................37 Porqu4slowAudioTrack34aVideoClips34a,34b,34c.............................................38 Porqu4fastAudioTracks34b&34cVideoClips34d,34e,34f.................................40 Porqu5slowAudioTrack35aVideoClips35a,35b,35c.............................................44 Porqu5fastAudioTrack35b&35cVideoClips35d,35e,35f ...................................46 Porqu613 ..........................................................................................................................50 Part2a:LeadsheetAudioTracks3ALLa,3ALLbnovideo ....................................................51 Part2b:FullBassTranscriptionAudioTracks3ALLa,3ALLbnovideo..................................59 Part3:PlayingBassinanOpenMontunoSituation......................................................................97 TypesofOpenMontunoArrangementSections.......................................................................97 AnalysesofLiveRecordings .....................................................................................................98 ImprovisationofFormandContentinLiveMusic ..................................................................105 Interpretation ....................................................................................................................107 ControlledImprovisation ...................................................................................................107 ImprovisationofGearsandForm .......................................................................................109

OpenMontunoFlowCharts ...............................................................................................111 PorquparFlowChartforOpenMontunoSection32clave.....................................112 UnderstandingtheFlowCharts ......................................................................................112 PorquparFlowChartforOpenMontunoSection23clave.....................................114 Chapter4:Luzviajera ....................................................................................................................117 Luz1 ......................................................................................................................................118 Luz2AudioTracks42a,42bnovideo .............................................................................119 Luz3slowAudioTrack43aVideoClips43d,43e,43f .................................................121 Luz3fastAudioTracks43b&43cVideoClips43d,43e,43f .....................................123 Luz5slowAudioTrack45aVideoClips45a,45b,45c.................................................125 Luz5fastAudioTracks45b&45cVideoClips45d,45e,45f .....................................127 Luz5fastalternateAudioTracks45e&45fVideoClips45g,45h,45i........................131 LookingAheadtoBeyondSalsaBass,Volume8 .............................................................................135 ForFurtherStudy ..........................................................................................................................136 SuggestedReading ....................................................................................................................136 SuggestedListening ...................................................................................................................137 Acknowledgments.........................................................................................................................139 GraphicsCredits ........................................................................................................................139 TheMadridDreamTeam ...........................................................................................................139 EditingandConceptualGuidance ..............................................................................................140 AlainsAcknowledgments..............................................................................................................141 AlainsEquipment .........................................................................................................................143 AbouttheAuthor ..........................................................................................................................144 TheBeyondSalsaCatalog2012...................................................................................................145

The explosive Havana music scene of the 1990s produced a windfall of transformational musical breakthroughs, many of which have yet to be fully exploited. The eras many musical masterpieces reinvent popular music arranging in many ways that cry out to be understood, recombined, and carriedforwardtotheirfullpotential.Thesenewapproachestotherhythmsectionareequallyvalid andusefulacrossthefullrangeofpopularmusicfromsalsaandLatinjazz,torock,funkandpop. In the first 15 volumes of Beyond Salsa, weve tried to identify and systematically study some of these innovations: songspecific tumbaos, gears, gear changes, controlled improvisation, conga, piano and bass tumbaos of double or quadruple length, contrasting gestures, efectos, rhythmic counterpoint,newapproachestoclaveandclavechanges,andsoon. In Beyond Salsa for Ensemble, we study the rhythm section as a whole, with coordinated exercises for each instrument. These are designed to be played together by a student rhythm section in an ensemble class setting or by a professional band seeking to incorporate more modern Cuban rhythm section techniques into its arsenal. In Understanding Clave and Clave Changes, we clarify someoftheconfusionandmysterysurroundingthisenigmaticmusicaltopic. The early volumes on each instrument cover history and basic concepts. Subsequent volumes, like thisonefocusonthestyleofonespecificartist.

With the exception of the Understanding Clave and Clave Changes book and audio package, each volumeoftheBeyondSalsaseriesconsistsoftwoorthreeseparatelysoldproducts: 1) abooklikethisonewithtextandmusicalnotation(hardcopyoreBook) 2) downloadable MP3 audio files demonstrating the musical examples, accompanied by a clave click track, at fullspeed and in slow motion, panning certain elements hard left and rightformoreflexiblestudy 3) when available, downloadable computer video files and physical DVDs showing a Cuban musicianperformingeachmusicalexampleatfullspeed,inslowmotion,andwithvariations Youcanchooseanycombinationofbook,audioandvideoproductstosuityourlearningstyle.

The book youre reading now can be purchased at as a bound paperback book. Alternatively, it can be viewed online and/or printed on your computers printer

from the website All volumes show music notation for each exercise in both 8th notes (Americanstyle) and 16th notes (Cubanstyle), as well as explanatory text and historical information. If you dont read music and arent interested in the explanationsandhistory,youcanchoosetobuyonlytheaudioand/orvideoproductsandusethem tolearnthepartsbyear.

The audio files do not come with the books. Theyre available as separate, downloadable products,inthespecialcaseofUnderstandingClave,theyreavailableasfree downloads at For each notation example, there are two ultrahigh quality MP3 files made directly from 24bit wave files. Depending on the subject, some audio files aregeneratedfromMIDIfiles(oftenplayedbythemusician)andsomeareactualliveaudio.Ineach case, we provide a slow motion version. The Alain Prez books are about 90% live audio and 10% MIDI audio. The audio files can be burned to audio CDs or played on an MP3 player. If you have audio on your computer, I highly recommend taking advantage of the new generation of computer programsthatwillallowyoutochangethetempoand/orkeyofanyoftheseaudiofilesandtoloop them to fit your style of practice. Particularly useful are: Amazing Slowdowner, Transcribe! and Emulator X, all of which can be downloaded from their respective websites. Audio samples for all

Like the audio products, the videos for this book are sold as separate downloads from Released concurrently with this book is the video product for Beyond Salsa Piano, Vol. 7, on Meln Lewis, at Therearevideofilesforeachexercise,inwhichthemusicianwillplayslowly,thenatfullspeed,and finally with variations such as might be used in a liveperformance. In the cases of Meln and Alain, there are three separate videos for each performance: camera angle 1, camera angle 2, and a split screen version showing both angles. Samples of each as well as some free performance videos of

The video products for Volume 2 and Volume 3 of Beyond Salsa Percussion, featuring drummer/timbaleroCalixtoOviedo,,asareseveralfree previews. The two Calixto video volumes are combined on a hardcopy DVD available at$25andincludethecontentsoftwo volumes,whilethedownloadablevideosaresoldseparatelyat$10pervolume.HardcopyDVDsfor theAlainandMelnvolumesmaybereleasedinthefuture. At the end of this book is the Beyond Salsa Catalog and price list for all products released to date withpictures,linksanddescriptionsofeachbook.


Beyond Salsa Piano, with 11 volumes as of 2011, is a history and anthology of the role of the piano in the Cuban rhythm section from its first appearance to the present. In a broader sense, its a study of the art of creating music from layers of repeating rhythmic and melodic phrases. Whether these syncopated figures are called tumbaos, guajeos, montunos, riffs or vamps, this AfroCuban concept lies at the heart of nearly every popular music genre from salsa to rock, funk, R&B, hiphop and jazz. While presented as a set of method books, the series doubles as a history course and recordcollectingguideforlisteners,dancers,andmusicianswhoplayinstrumentsotherthanpiano. Perhapsthemostimportantgoalofthepianoseriesistoprovideacomprehensiveunderstandingof how tumbaos are constructed, their central role in the texture of Latin music of all eras, and the endlesspossibilitiestheyprovideforcreativecomposingandarranging. Volumes 1 to 5 Ranging from beginning to advanced, these five volumes cover the full history of Cuban tumbao playing, from the tres and violin guajeos that were the predecessors of the piano tumbaotoathoroughanalysisofthemoderntimbastyle. Volume 6 onward Each book concentrates on the style of one Cuban pianist, with notefornote transcriptions, often based on MIDI files performed by the volumes featured pianist. For example, thesubject ofVolumes6through 9isIvnMelnLewis,thephenomenallyinnovativepianistwho played with The Issac Delgado group from 1995 to 1998. Volumes 10 and 11 begin our study of Csar Pupy Pedroso of Los Van Van and Los Que Son Son. Volume 12 will complete our survey of PupysworkwithLosVanVan,andVolume13willcoverhisfirstfouralbumswithLosQueSonSon. Beginning with Volume 14, we hope to move on to Juan Carlos Gonzlez and Tirso Duarte of Charanga Habanera, Rodolfo Peruchn Argudn of NG La Banda, Chaka Npoles of Manoln (El MdicodelaSalsa),RolandoLunaofPaulitoFGandTheIssacDelgadogroup,andmanyothers.For beginners and intermediate players, well also be adding a special volume featuring Gustavo Ramrez, exploring the history of and the many possible bass and piano variations that can be used withtheubiquitousguajiraprogression,IIVVIV,sofundamentaltosalsaandson.


This series focuses on timbales and drums and analyzes the rhythm section practices of various bands from various eras of Cuban music. Volumes 2 and 3, on Calixto Oviedo, of NG La Banda and Adalberto lvarez fame, are released as of 2011 and described in detail at the end of this book Volume 1, for those with no percussion experience,iscomingthisyear.


Understanding Clave and Clave Changes is a special supplementary volume inspired by the extraordinary arranging of Pupy Pedroso and Juan Formell during the period covered by Beyond Salsa Piano, Volume 11. It began as a short appendix, but the more I wrote, the more I thought about my years of discussions with other musicians, long nights spent with headphones, reading of endless clave threads on internet groups, and the many lectures and master classes Ive attended. There seems to be an endless fascination with clave, clave direction and clave changes, as well as endlessfrustration,confusionandmisinformation. With Understanding Clave, I was determined to end the confusion once and for all, and to keep it from being one more lose weight, quit smoking and make extra cash in your spare time selfhelp book. I designed a method that requires you to sing, clap and dance your way through memorized musicalexamplesbeforeevenattemptingtounderstandtheterminologyofconcepts. In order to reach as large an audience as possible, the clave volume is sold at a reduced price, and withfreedownloadableaudiofiles.



At 368 pages, with 464 audio files, Beyond Salsa for Ensemble, Volume 1 is the longest book of the series.ItsdesignedforcollegeandhighschoolLatinensemblesand/orworkingsalsabandsseeking toaddCubanrhythmsectiontechniquestotheirrepertoire. Volume 1, Part 1 takes a standard chord progression and shows how it can be convertedfromsalsatotimbaonaninstrumentbyinstrumentbasis. Volume 1, Part 2, using the same progression, presents 16 rhythmic breaks, or efectos and shows how they can be executed in 32 and 23 clave by each instrument, with lead sheets for experienced playersand detailed transcriptions for studentswhoneedorwanttolearnanexactandauthenticwaytoorchestrateeach breakontheirspecificinstruments. Volume 1, Part 3 is a meticulously complete arrangement of Pupy Pedrosos timba standard El buenagente, with full lyrics, coro harmonies and horns, and the piano andbassprovidedbothasleadsheetsandnotefornotetranscriptions.Theresalso aconductorsscore. Beyond Salsa for Ensemble, Volume 2, scheduled for early 2013, will extend the same approach to timbagears.

Beyond Salsa Bong, featuring Carlos Caro of Opus 13 and Paulito FG, and starting with a volume forcompletebeginners,willbereleasedinmid2012. BeyondSalsaCongasiscomingin2013.



TheBeyondSalsaBassseriesfollowsthesamegameplanasBeyondSalsaPiano. Inthefirstfivevolumes,wesystematicallyandchronologicallycoverthehistoryandmostimportant recordings as they pertain to the instrument under study, starting with exercises based on importanthistoricalrecordings,butwhichareplayablebynearbeginners. Each subsequent volume is devoted to the style of one musician. These volumes have their own philosophyandgameplan: Findtheverybestmusicians. Avoid asking the musicians to selfanalyze or participate in the pedagogic process any more thannecessary. Find the most natural way to capture each musician doing what he or she does on recordingsandatconcerts. Convert this captured data, whether MIDI, audio or video, into bitesize exercises that can bestudiedandexplained. Never ask the reader to learn an exercise without demonstrating exactly how it relates to a givengenre,band,songorthestyleofaspecificmusician. In the case of Beyond Salsa Piano, MIDI is the tool of choice. The keyboards used at concerts are MIDI keyboards and with a clave click track, we can capture performances that are very satisfying and nearly identical to what the musicianplaysinconcert. MIDI can be also be extremely useful as a tool in the study of bass and percussion instruments (see Beyond Salsa for Ensemble), but when possible we use video and live audio for studying nuances of groove, tone and technique. We have extensive video of Alain, but have also included MIDI audio to cover examples notavailableonvideoandtoprovidecompletecompatibilitywiththecompanionpianoseries.




Alains biography will be presented in three parts. Volume 6 covered his childhood and education, leading to his first major professional jobs with Irakere and Issac Delgado. Here in Volume 7, well detail his years with Delgado, a period during which Alain made profound contributions to timba and Cuban music in general. In Volume 8 well cover Alains eclectic career in Spain, from 1998 to the present, during which time hes recorded with and led many groupsinmanygenres,mostnotablyLatinJazzandflamencomusic,whilemakingthreealbums asaleaderandcontributingsignificantlytothreemorebyDelgado.

Issac Delgado is one of the most important singers, composers and bandleaders in Cuban music history. Readers of Beyond Salsa will already have encountered him many times as a key figure in the careers of the artists weve covered. For me, the analogy of Issac to Miles Davis is irresistible each with extraordinary charisma and presence, each with a poetic and subtle intensity of tone, phrasing and musical vision, and each presiding over an unbroken string of historic bands, with a staggering percentage of the most important musicians of the era passing through his employ at onepointortheother. 14

percussivestrokes,wellusethefollowing:righthandmuff,righthandtouchandlefthandtouch.If youhaveothertermsyouprefer,pleasesubstitutethemwithourblessings.

RightHand Muff

The deadened string is played forcefully, as if you were playing a normalnote.Therighthandfingerpullsacrossthestring(e.g.,theD string) toward your palm and comes to rest on the next lowest string (e.g., the A string), which can then be played as a note or playeddeadenedinthesameway.

RightHand Touch

Thesamestringisusedforboththepercussivesoundandthenote. The fingertips tap down on the deadened string and then play the note, coming to rest on the next lowest string. This can be done almost inaudibly, for timing purposes, or aggressively, to create a percussive sound similar to a conga slap. Tap is probably a more descriptivetermthantouch,butcouldbeconfusedwiththemore virtuosic fingerboardtapping style used in soloing, so we use touch.FeelfreetousedifferenttermsmostCubanbassistsdont useanytermsforthese,buttheyallplaythem! ThelefthandtouchistheleastfamiliartononCubanbassists.Alain often executes it while sustaining another note. The free fingers of the left hand slap or tap against the fretboard on the lower strings. Thisisoften followed byone or more righthand percussivesounds. Its much easier when the sustained note is held with the first finger, but Alain also often taps with his ring finger while sustaining withhispinkie.



Whenoneofthesesoundsisplayedverysoftly,weuseparenthesesaroundthenotehead:(x). Thesepercussivesoundswilltransformyourgroove.Agreatanalogycanbedrawntocongaplaying. Its the open tones, slaps and muffs that cut through the sound of the band while the filler strokes, or manoteo, are nearly inaudible until a breakdown exposes them. But these extra sounds are quite audible on stage, and more importantly, they evenly fill in the spaces between the louder strokes, greatly improving their rhythmic accuracy. Another analogy would be to a guitarist clicking the pick overthedampeningstringsbetweenchords.Allofthesepercussivestrokesarecriticaltoproducing acomfortableandfunkygroove.

AswithallvolumesofBeyondSalsa,theaudioand/orvideofilesaresoldasseparate,downloadable products. The easiest way to understand whats available and how its organized is to understand thestoryofthisprojectandhowthesebookscametobewritten.


masacoteconefectos(a.k.a.,songoconefectos),marchademambo,andaspecialaudiencesing along stoptime gear. If a mambo is started (with or without a continuation of the coro and pregones), bomba or masacote then can be called during the mambo. Mambo, masacote and bombacanallgobacktomarchaormuela,andmasacotecangotobomba. As you can imagine, there are many ways this can play out, with Paulito making splitsecond decisions while improvising his pregones. Of all the great Cuban singers, the two who do the most with improvisation of form are Paulito and Issac, but the methods they use are extremely different. If you play bass for Paulito, youre constantly looking for hand signals, each of which requires avery distinct and definite change to your bass part. Think of Paulito as a quarterback calling signals. You, asthebassist,arethehalfback. With Issac, its much looser. Rather than quasimilitaristic hand signals, he often works his signals into the words of his vocal improvisations. Replacing Alain would be much trickier than replacing one of Paulitos bassists it would require more field vision. To play with Issac the way Alain did, youd have to almost get inside ofIssacs head and anticipate his next move. That kind of chemistry is very hard, very rare, and very exciting. Interestingly, when Alain left Issacs group, Issac hired the bassist, drummer and pianist from Paulitos group and the resulting hybrid approach produced two moreextraordinarybandsbutthatsastoryforafuturebook!

AlainwithAlexanderAbreu,theleader,singer,composerandtrumpeterofHavanadPrimera andextrumpeterofPaulitoFGApril27,2012


OtherBeyondSalsaVolumes: BeyondSalsaBass,Vol.6AlainPrez,Part1,byKevinMoore BeyondSalsaPiano,Vol.1TheRootsofthePianoTumbao,byKevinMoore BeyondSalsaPiano,Vol.2EarlyCubanPianoTumbaos:19401959,byKevinMoore BeyondSalsaPiano,Vol.34CubanPianoTumbaos:19601989,byKevinMoore BeyondSalsaPiano,Vol.5IntroductiontoTimba,byKevinMoore BeyondSalsaPiano,Vol.69IvnMelnLewis,Pts.123,byKevinMoore BeyondSalsaPiano,Vol.1013CsarPupyPedroso,byKevinMoore BeyondSalsaPercussion,Vol.23CalixtoOviedo,byKevinMoore UnderstandingClaveandClaveChanges,byKevinMoore BeyondSalsaforEnsemble,Vol.1,byKevinMoore BooksonCubanBassPlaying: ACollectionofBasslines,byFelicianoArangoandCherinaMastrantones, AContemporaryBassTechnique,byFelicianoArangoandCherinaMastrantones, RootsofTimbafreeonlinebookcoveringbasstumbaosofArsenioRodrguez,RitmoOriental,etc. CubanMusicOverview: CubaanditsMusic,byNedSublette,ChicagoReviewPress TheClaveMatrix,byDavidPealosa,BembeBooks TheSalsaGuidebookand101Montunos,byRebecaMaulenSantana,SherMusic TexttoTuneAlignmentintheMusicofCharangaHabanera,byRyanMeadHonorsThesisatStanford University, H CubanMusicDiscography: H BooksandVideosonAfroCubanFolkloricMusicandRumba: TheCongaDrummersGuidebook,byMichaelSpiro,SherMusic(alsoatHwww.latinpulsemusic.comH) RumbaQuinto,byDavidPealosa,BembeBooks TheAfroCubanFolkloricMusicalTradition,byRobertFernndez,LeisurePlanetMusic AfroCubanPercussionWorkbook(andDVDproduct),byJosEladioAmatandCurtisLanoue Mtodoparalaenseanzadelapercusinlatina,RobertoVizcano( TripstoCuba:



Thislistischosenforbothoverallmusicalqualityandrelevancetothetumbaosandbassiststhatwillappearin futurevolumesoftheBeyondSalsaBassseries.

PaulitoFGysulite Bamboleo CharangaHabanera DannyLozada IssacDelgado Manoln LosVanVan

Conlaconcienciatranquila PaulitoFG(Elbuenosoyyo) Yonomeparezcoanadie Yanohacefalta o! HeyYouLoca PaqueseentereLaHabana Tremendodelirio Charangueromayor LiveintheUSA ChanChanCharanga Tantoleped Rarities(ExclusivoparaCuba) Elaoqueviene Otraidea Laprimeranoche Lafrmula Prohibido Enprimeraplana Supercubano Paramigente Debuenafe Jaquemate Elpuente DiscoAzcar Loltimoenvivo Aydios,amprame stoteponelacabezamala LlegVanVan

JoelDomnguez FrankRubio RafaelPaceiro RafaelPaceiro RafaelPaceiro PedroPabloGutirrez PedroPabloGutirrez PedroPabloGutirrez RandolphChacn RandophChacn RandophChacn JorgeGonzlez AlainPrez CharlesBabyFlores RubnRodrguez AlainPrez F.Rubio/A.Echeverra AlainPrez AlainPrez AlainPrez VictorianoNpoles VictorianoNpoles VictorianoNpoles ArmandoGola JuanFormell JuanFormell JuanFormell JuanFormell JuanFormell

NuevaFania** NuevaFania** AhNam** AhNam** AhNam MagicMusic** MagicMusic** MagicMusic** CiocanMusic** CiocanMusic** CiocanMusic** Caribe** CiocanMusic** RMM RMM RMM,ARTEX** AhNam** PimientaRecords UnivisionLaCalle PlanetRecords AhNam** BlueMetro Caribe CiocanMusic** ARTEX** QBADisc CaribeRecords** CaribeRecords** PimientaRecords**


NGLaBanda Klmax KlmaxandManolito ManolitoysuTrabuco LosQueSonSon RevysuCharangn AzcarNegra MichelMaza AngelBonne HavanadPrimera Various

Chapeando Enlacalle SimplementelomejordeNG Mirasitegusta Juegodemanos Oyecomova ConciertoEurotropicalI Directoalcorazn Contratodoslosprognsticos Marcandoladistancia ParaquebaileCuba Serompieronlostermmetros Hablandoenserio Qucosastienelavida Labuenagente Mitimbacerr Tranquiloqueyocontrolo SiemprePupy 45aos Sesiguecomentando Fresquecito DequestamosHablando Andarandando Fieeesta Quehablenloshabladores Circunstancias Bonne&BonneCo. Haciendohistoria GraciasFormell

JuanFormell FelicianoArango FelicianoArango RobertoRivern RobertoRivern RobertoRivern Rivern/Mora EduardoMora EduardoMora EduardoMora EduardoMora EduardoMora ChinoVzquez RafaelPaceiro NegrnElizarde NegrnElizarde DaymarGuerra DaymarGuerra GiovanniCofio ArnaldoJimnez AisarHernndez AisarHernndez AdalbertoDomnguez ArnaldoJimnez ArnaldoJimnez DanielMartnez RodneyMorales CristbalVerdecia AlainPrez, FrankRubio

UnicornioRecords** QBADisc ARTEX(BIS)** Eurotropical Eurotropical Eurotropical Eurotropical BembeRecords Eurotropical Eurotropical Eurotropical Eurotropical EGREM EGREM PimientaRecords EGREM EGREM EGREM TumiRecords BIS** BIS** BIS** Envidia** Envidia** EGREM EGREM EGREM Ciocan**

For suggested listening within the 19601989 time period, please see the Discography and Online Book sections of the Timbapedia section of Hwww.timba.comH. For prerevolution discographical information, please see Cristbal DazAyalas


PhotoshopGuru:KrisFrster FinaleGuru:PeterThomsen MadridSessionPhotos:MichaelCba YoshisSFPhotos:KevinMoore,SueTaylor InterviewPhotos:SueTaylor,CarlosCaro p.120:LivenCspedes All other photos in this book are either from Alains private collection, from photo shoots for his albums,orfromtheartworkofalbumswhoselabelsandcodesarelistedbeneaththephotos.



The fourvolume Alain project and the Meln video project were made possible by the incredibly generous and skillful efforts of Vak Greif, Michael Cba, Dayn Abad and Lola Romn. Vak and MichaeltraveledfromtheCzechRepublictoMadridwheretheymetwithMelntorecordvideosof thematerialfromBeyondSalsaPiano,Vols.69toProToolsandtwohighdefinitionSonycameras. As if this were not wonderful enough, Vak and Michael then found AlainPrez and convinced him to come in the next day and add bass tracks to the sessions at the home of Dayn, a guitarist who wasfriendswithAlainandMelninCubabeforetheyallmovedtoMadrid.Ithanktheseguysand 139

of course Alain and Meln from the bottom of my heart and I have no doubt the bassists of the worldwillbeequallygratefulwhentheystudytheseamazingtumbaos.


Orlando Fiol, Vak Greif, Robert Fernndez, Mike Lazarus, Sue Taylor, Ivn Meln Lewis, Cherina Mastrantones, Feliciano Arango, David Pealosa, Jiovanni Cofio, Paul de Castro, Toms Cruz, Walfredo de los Reyes, Sr., Carlos Caro, Kris Frster, Wendy Black, Tom Ehrlich, Michelle White, Gabriel Wilder, Ryan Mead, Sidney Weaverling, Keith Johnson, Edgar Hernndez, Curtis Lanoue, RichardRobinson,MikeRacette,AylaDavila,JonathanPintoff,andRalPerales.



Graciasatodosmismaestrosdemsica: A Enrique Prez, director de Cielito Lindo y mi primer maestro de solfeo ... de l aprend muchas cosas, que me han servido para seguir el camino correcto,el carisma y su personalidad me dieron unavisindecomoibaasertodo. AJulioElizalde,Moreno,RachidLpez,FranciscoRodrguez... A la gente de Panchete, a todos los msicos que han coincido conmigo en algn momento de mi carreraymehanaportadoexperienciaysentimiento.


AlgomuyimportantequetengodecirsiempreyconelalmallenadealegraesdargraciasaDispor mi madre bonita y mi pap que me dieron la educacin y me criaron en los valores y principios ms importante para un hombre, el cario, amor, respeto la familia los amigos, ayudar, compartir, cantarybailar...lloraryreir...caerylevantarse,lafe...lamsicaelcampo...amoralanaturaleza ... al da y la noche al sol y la luna ... a Dis ... a la msica Cubana que es mi vida ... mi Pap me hablaba deBenny Mor, Chappottn, Arsenio, Cun, Matamoros, El Bola, Celia Cruz ...los quehaban sembradolatierradeCubacontantosestilosmusicalesDanza,Contradanza,Danzn,Mambo,Son y Guaracha, a los rumberos de Cuba el flklor tan diverso a toda esa energa viva que hoy me alimentaparaseguirsoandoyhaciendovibrarsentimientosyemocionesatravsdeesamagiaque conocemoscomomsica. Gracias a todos los fans que prefiero llamarles amigos, porque estn ah incondicionales y me trasmiten su energa y viceversa...esto crece mas cada da y yo les quiero decir que desde que descubr la msica mi vida cambi, encontr la balanza para sostener la fantasa y realidad de mis sueos que hoy podemos compartir. Un consejo para todos! ... incluyendo a mi hermano del alma Rainer Prez. La diferencia est en el amor y la entrega con que cada cual se expresa, ay que ser sincero desde adentro para fuera y trasmitir no hay ms na'!! no olviden sus races, su casa su pueblo,familia,abuelos. Gracias a Kevin Moore y todas las personas que estn implicadas en este caso jajaja! su constancia y fidelidad a la msica cubana hoy me da una oportunidad ms de acercarnos a ella y poderseguiraprendiendoyentendiendosuprofundolenguaje! Gracias a Chucho Valds, Issac Delgado, Nelsn Daz, Juan Formell, Samuel Formell, Carlos del Puerto, Feliciano Arango, Cachao, John Patitucci, Jaco Pastorius , Csar Pedroso Pupy, Calixto Oviedo, Jos Luis Quintana Changuito, Jos Miguel Melndez, Dairn Oney Pea, Nelson Oney Pea, Miguel Ang, Giovanni Hidalgo, Jerry Gonzlez, Celia Cruz, Enrique Morente, Denis Savn Papacho, Carlos Caro, Rubn Rodrguez, Robby Ameen, Gonzalo Rubalcaba, Paquito dRivera, ArturoSandoval,alosflamencos,NioJosele,Tomatito,ElPiraaIsraelSurezyalMaestroPacode Lucia. GraciasalaluzdemividamishijasDariellayLaymiesposaDariaDelgado. AlainPrez 3demarzo,2012








Kevin Moore ( is the cofounder and music editor for the worlds largest Cuban music website,, to which he has contributed the free online multimedia book series, The Roots of Timba, dozens of extensive articles, discographies, record analyses, interviews andtheCubanmusicblogLaltima,nownearingits10thyearofpublication.

In the early 2000s Kevin cowrote The Toms Cruz Conga Method, Volumes 13, a critically acclaimed method book series used as a text at various educational institutions. More books on Toms Cruz (including the longpromised volume on the adaptation of folkloric rhythms to timba conga marchas), are planned for 2013 as part of the Beyond Salsa Congas series. Various other importantcongueroswillalsobefeatured.



As musical director, composer, arranger and violinist of the Californiabased salsa band Orquesta Gitano, Kevin coproduced the 1998 CD Salsa Gitana, songs from which have been used in various films and television shows. In addition to the audio tracks, full salsa band charts for this album can bepurchasedatLatinPulseMusic[]


Beyond Salsa Piano, Volume 1 begins around 1900 and covers the origins of the tumbao concept using exercises adapted from genres such as chang, danzn, and son that predate the use of piano as the primary instrument for tumbaos in Cuban music. This material is designed to be playable by near beginners, musicians who play other instruments, and arrangers seeking to acquire a basic facility on piano. Beyond Salsa Piano, Volume 2 covers the period from 19401959, during which the piano became a constantanddominantpresenceinnearlyeveryLatin rhythm section, and during which Cuban music had a profound global influence on all forms of popular music. The difficulty level ranges from beginning to intermediate. Artists covered include Arcao y sus Maravillas, Orquesta Aragn, Chappottn y sus Estrellas, Celia Cruz y Sonora Matancera, Beny Mor, Prez Prado, Orquesta Sensacin, Jos Fajardo y sus Estrellas, and ConjuntoModelo. Beyond Salsa Piano, Volume 3 begins our coverage of the eclectic period between the Cuban Revolution andtheFalloftheBerlinWallfrom1959to1989. Volume 3 covers mozambique, piln, chang68, songo,andartistssuchasIrakere,RitmoOriental,Los Van Van, Pacho Alonso, Orquesta Aragn, Opus 13, Orquesta440,andAfrocuba. Volume 3 also contains an extensive section on Afro Cuban folkloric rhythms and their application to popularmusicpianoplaying. Artists covered include Grupo Chang de Guantnamo, Sexteto Habanero and Arsenio Rodrguez.


Beyond Salsa Piano, Volume 4 continues our survey ofpostrevolution,pretimbaCubanpianostyles. Styles covered include those of Elio Rev y su Charangn, Rumbavana, Son 14, Adalberto lvarez y su Son, Orquesta Original de Manzanillo, Maravillas deFlorida,OrquestaAliamn,andLosKarachi. We also introduce the concept of controlled improvisation,whichrunsthroughtheentireseries. Beyond Salsa Piano, Volume 5 introduces the timba genrethatbeganinthe1990s.Volumeincludes: ahistoryanddiscographyofthetimbaera adetaileddescriptionofrhythmsectiongears a list and analysis of the 10 most important pianoinnovationsofthe1990s 32 instructional tumbaos on the same chord progression,demonstratingtheseinnovations a Harmony Appendix with hundreds of timba tumbaochordprogressionsinRomannumerals Beginning with Volume 6, each bookconcentrates on the style of one Cuban pianist, with notefornote transcriptions, based in most cases on MIDI files performed by the volumes featured pianist. Volumes 6 through 9 are on Ivn Meln Lewis, the phenomenally innovative pianist who played with TheIssacDelgadogroupfrom1995to1998. Volume 6 begins with Melns biography and discography and continues to indepth studies of his piano style on the extended live concert versions of NomemiresalosojosandLavidasinesperanza.


Beyond Salsa Piano, Volume 7 moves on to Melns approach to two more live classics of the Issac Delgado group: Luz viajera (arranged by Meln) and Porqupar. Intheprocessofdetailingthemanytypesoftumbaos Meln uses in these extended live arrangements we cover the timba gears of marcha, muela, bomba and presin and delve even more deeply into Melns approachtocontrolledimprovisation.

Beyond Salsa Piano, Volume 8 continues our chronological survey of Melns unique tumbaos and improvisational live style with Deja que Roberto te toque and the extremelypolyrhythmic Brindando con elalma. La chica del sol is then used as a vehicle to present exercises to understand how timba relates to salsa andLatinjazz.

Beyond Salsa Piano, Volume 9, our final volume on Ivn Meln Lewis, is the longest of the series and includes his unusually sophisticated approach to cuerpos as well as tumbaos. It begins with Melns approach to the IIVVIV progression, using his arrangement of Catalina as a jumpingoff point. We then cover the remaining important live staples of the Delgado repertoire during Melns tenure: Con la punta del pie, Por la naturaleza, Se te fue la mano, Paquetesalves,andLacompetencia(HitParade). Finally, we cover the tumbao from Movimiento, from Melns latest Latin jazz album, and a tumbao from hisrecentworkwithManoln,elMdicodelaSalsa.


Beyond Salsa Piano, Volume 10 begins our study of Csar Pupy Pedroso of Los Van Van and Los Que SonSon. Volume 10 begins with extensive biography and discography chapters and covers piano tumbaos for songs first released between 1979 (when Pupy began to compose for Los Van Van) and 1983, including El bate de aluminio, Fallaste a sacar tu cuenta, Despus quetecasasteandmanyothers.OntheclassicHoyse cumplen seis semanas, we present a full chart of Pupys new arrangement with his current group, Los QueSonSon. Beyond Salsa Piano, Volume 11 covers the next phase of Pupys career, 19841988 with Los Van Van, including songs such as Si quieres que te llegue pronto, Ya tu campana no suena, and Ser que se acab. Also included are complete piano and bass charts for El buenagente and Calla calla, based on the modern LosQueSonSonversions.

Beyond Salsa Piano, Volume 12 is scheduled for release in 2012 or 2013 and will cover the remainder ofPupyscareerwithLosVanVan(19892001).


Beyond Salsa Piano, Volume 13, scheduled for release in 2012 or 2013, is our final volume on Pupy Pedroso, will cover his work with his own group, Los Que Son Son, founded in 2001 and one of Cubas top groupstoday.


Beyond Salsa Percussion, Volume 1 will be a beginningstudyofallthebasicpartsfortimbalesand drums. Scheduledforreleasein2012.

BeyondSalsaPercussion,Volume2:BasicRhythmsis the first of two books on legendary timbalero/drummer Calixto Oviedo, who played with Pacho Alonso, Adalberto lvarez and the first timba band, NG La Banda. The book begins with a long biography and discography section and presents Calixtos approaches to six classic Cuban rhythms, ranging from traditional timbales to various combinations of timbales and drumset. The rhythms coveredare:danzn,chachach,mozambique,piln, simalandupaupa.


Beyond Salsa Percussion, Volume 3: Timba Gears is one of our longest and most adventurous books, explaining what gears are and demonstrating the almost endless ways that each can be orchestrated ontimbalesanddrumset. In addition to exhaustively detailing Calixtos styles, the book explains how the various top Cuban bands produce their signature rhythm section sellos by dividing the rhythmic responsibilities creatively between the percussionists. The gears covered are: marcha abajo, marcha arriba, marcha de mambo, muela,presinandbomba. Understanding Clave and Clave Changes is a special supplement to the Beyond Salsa series. Its divided into four sections, and uses handson singing, clapping and dancing exercises to become intimate with clave and avoid the excruciating intellectual confusion that results from trying to learn it with onesleftbrain! Part1:ForBeginnersWhatisClave? Part2:DemystifyingClaveTerminology Part3:IntermediateClaveDirection Part4:AdvancedClaveChanges

Unlike the other books, the clave course absolutely requires both the audio files and book, so the audio files are provided as a free download to anyone who buysthehardcopybookortheeBook. Beyond Salsa for Ensemble Vol. 1, at 368 pages, with 464 audio files, is our most adventurous project to date. Part1:ThePointofDeparture:TheHomeGear Explainsthedifferencesbetweensalsaandtimbaand teachesthemostcommontimbagroove,fromwhich allotherexercisesbegin. Part2:Efectos36rhythmsectionbreaks,or efectos,completelynotated,in23and32clave/ Part3:CompletePerformanceChartAmeticulous notefornotetranscriptionofallinstrumentsforEl buenagentebyPupyPedrosoyLosQueSonSon.


BeyondSalsaBass,Volume6willcloselymirror BeyondSalsaPiano,withintroductoryvolumes coveringthehistoryofCubanbass,startingatthe beginninglevel,andcontinuingwithbooksabout specificbassists.Theintroductoryvolumeswillbe releasedinlate2012andearly2013.Volume6, picturedhere,wasreleasedinMarch2012.

BeyondSalsaBass,Volume7Thesecondoffour volumesonAlainPrez,Volume7isthebass companiontoVolume7ofthepianoseries.

BeyondSalsaBass,Volume8Thethirdoffour volumesonAlainPrez,Volume8isthebass companiontoVolume8ofthepianoseries. Scheduledforreleaseinlate2012



BeyondSalsaBongwillfeatureCarlosCaro,winner oftimba.comsReadersPollforBestTimba Bongosero.Thesebookswillbeginwithinstructionin technique,startingfromabeginninglevelandthen worktheirwayfromtheearlysonstylesofbong playingtoCarostimbastylewithOpus13,PaulitoFG andJacquelineCastellanos. BeyondSalsaCongasisinthedevelopmentstages.It willhopefullyincludevolumesonTomsCruzaswell asothertopcongueros.


TITLE BeyondSalsaPiano,Vol. 1BeginningThe RootsofthePianoTumbao BeyondSalsaPiano,Vol. 2IntermediateEarly Cuban Piano Tumbaos194059 BeyondSalsaPiano,Vol. 3IntermediateCuban Piano Tumbaos1960 79 BeyondSalsaPiano,Vol. 4IntermediateCuban Piano Tumbaos1979 89 BeyondSalsaPiano,Vol. 5AdvancedIntroductiontoTimba BeyondSalsaPiano,Vol. 6Ivn MelnLewisPart1 BeyondSalsaPiano,Vol. 7Ivn MelnLewisPart2 BeyondSalsaPiano,Vol. 8Ivn MelnLewisPart3 BeyondSalsaPiano,Vol. 9Ivn MelnLewisPart4 BeyondSalsaPiano,Vol. 10CsarPupyPedrosoPart1 BeyondSalsaPiano,Vol. 11CsarPupyPedrosoPart2 BeyondSalsaPercussion,Vol. 1IntroductiontotheCubanRhythm Section BeyondSalsaPercussion,Vol. 2CalixtoOviedoBasic Rhythms BeyondSalsaPercussion,Vol. 3CalixtoOviedoTimbaGears *DVDincludesbothVol.2 and Vol.3footage UnderstandingClaveandClaveChanges BeyondSalsaforEnsemble,Vol. 1Efectos BeyondSalsaBass,Vol.6 AlainPrezPart1 BeyondSalsaBass,Vol.7 AlainPrezPart2 BeyondSalsaBass,Vol.8 AlainPrezPart3(late2012) BeyondSalsaBong,Vol.1 BeyondSalsaCongas,Vol. 1 Physical Book $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $30 $25 $25 TBD $30 $30 $15 $40 $30 $30 $30 TBD TBD eBook (PConly) $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $15 $15 $15 TBD $15 $15 $10 $25 $15 $15 $15 TBD TBD Audio Download $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 TBD $10 $10 FREE $10 $10 $10 $10 TBD TBD Video Download $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 TBD TBD DVD * $25*





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