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Metab Brain Dis

DOI 10.1007/s11011-014-9529-0


Assessing inter- and intra-individual cognitive variability

in patients at risk for cognitive impairment: the case
of minimal hepatic encephalopathy
Patrizia Bisiacchi & Giorgia Cona & Vincenza Tarantino &
Sami Schiff & Sara Montagnese & Piero Amodio &
Giovanna Capizzi

Received: 23 January 2014 / Accepted: 12 March 2014

# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014

Abstract Recent evidence reveals that inter- and intra- Keywords Inter-intra individual difference . Cognitive
individual variability significantly affects cognitive perfor- control . Cirrhosis . Sub-clinical brain impairments . Hepatic
mance in a number of neuropsychological pathologies. We encephalopathy
applied a flexible family of statistical models to elucidate the
contribution of inter- and intra-individual variables on cogni-
tive functioning in healthy volunteers and patients at risk for Introduction
hepatic encephalopathy (HE). Sixty-five volunteers (32 pa-
tients with cirrhosis and 33 healthy volunteers) were assessed The study of inter- and intra-individual variability is, at the
by means of the Inhibitory Control Task (ICT). A Generalized moment, considered an important topic in the field of cognitive
Additive Model for Location, Scale and Shape (GAMLSS) neuroscience (MacDonald et al. 2009). The relevance of differ-
was fitted for jointly modeling the mean and the intra- ences between individuals of the same group (inter-individual
variability of Reaction Times (RTs) as a function of socio- variability or between-subject variability), and across different
demographic and task related covariates. Furthermore, a Gen- moments within the same individual (intra-individual
eralized Linear Mixed Model (GLMM) was fitted for model- variability or within-subject variability), has gained increasing
ing accuracy. When controlling for the covariates, patients interest in cognitive and neuropsychological research, as well as
without minimal hepatic encephalopathy (MHE) did not differ in a clinical setting. Importantly, high within-subject variability
from patients with MHE in the low-demanding condition, in cognitive tasks has been found to correlate with clinical
both in terms of RTs and accuracy. Moreover, they showed a diagnoses in patient populations, such as Attention Deficit/
significant decline in accuracy compared to the control group. Hyperactivity Disorders (ADHD), brain injury, dementia, de-
Compared to patients with MHE, patients without MHE pression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia (Stuss et al. 2003;
showed faster RTs and higher accuracy only in the high- Castellanos et al. 2006; MacDonald et al. 2006; Hultsch et al.
demanding condition. The results revealed that the application 2008; Kaiser et al. 2008; Depp et al. 2012; Tarantino et al.
of GAMLSS and GLMM models are able to capture subtle 2013). Converging clinical evidence indicates that when
cognitive alterations, previously not detected, in patients’ looking at the mean task performance of a patient, he or she
subclinical pathologies. might show unimpaired results; however, his or her perfor-
mance very often shows highly inconsistent moment-by-
P. Bisiacchi (*) : G. Cona : V. Tarantino moment results, even in the same evaluating session and irre-
Department of General Psychology, University of Padova, Padova, spective of the specific cognitive task administered.
This is especially true when considering sub-clinical brain
impairments or early stages of neurodegenerative disorders,
S. Schiff : S. Montagnese : P. Amodio e.g., Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). Therefore, intra-
Department of Medicine, University of Padova, Padova, Italy individual variability can be considered an early marker of brain
dysfunction (Burton et al. 2006; MacDonald et al. 2006).
G. Capizzi
Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Padova, Padova, Behavioral analyses of intra-individual variability of reaction
Italy times (RTs) and accuracy in cognitive tasks have documented
Metab Brain Dis

that variability is not simply error variance or statistical noise but MHE had a greater variability of RTs compared to patients
should be interpreted as a reliable index of cognitive without MHE and controls. Although these findings important-
malfunctioning (e.g., Castellanos et al. 2006). However, con- ly suggested that even cirrhotic patients without MHE might
ventional statistical analysis largely overshadows data on intra- have slight cognitive alterations, a direct comparison of standard
individual variability by central tendency measures. Further- deviations (or other indices of variability) within and between
more, it does not take into account the contribution of inter- groups has not been performed so far.
individual variables. In this study we investigated, by means of a The aim of the present study was to elucidate differences in
relatively recent family of statistical models (GAMLSS and performance on the cognitive control task (ICT) by consider-
GLMM), the cognitive functioning of patients with cirrhosis, ing the contribution of inter- and intra-individual variability in
with or without Minimal Hepatic Encephalopathy (MHE). the performance. To this end, behavioral responses to the ICT,
MHE is a syndrome associated with acute or chronic liver failure namely RTs and accuracy, were obtained. These measures
that occurs in 20 to 60 % of patients with cirrhosis and that leads were compared by adopting a statistical approach that allows
to mild cognitive deficits (Amodio et al. 2004; Dhiman and subject-varying covariates to influence the mean and the intra-
Chawla 2009). The clinical profile of MHE is characterized by individual variance of RT, differentially affecting task perfor-
cognitive alterations—sometimes difficult to clearly detect— mance. If patients with cirrhosis encompass cognitive alter-
including changes in selective attention, visuomotor ability, ations compared to healthy controls, these would emerge after
psychomotor speed, response inhibition and selection, and, in controlling for such predictors.
particular, executive functions (e.g., Amodio et al. 1998; The choice of the ICT was driven by the fact that this test
Schomerus and Hamster 1998; Weissenborn et al. 2001, 2005). has been proposed as a promising diagnostic tool for cognitive
Several computerized tests, such as the Sternberg para- deficits in cirrhosis (Bajaj et al. 2008; Cona et al. 2013; Schiff
digm, Simon task, and Inhibitory Control Test (ICT), have et al. 2013). Furthermore, because the ICT is composed of
been used to investigate cognitive functioning of MHE pa- different task conditions, and thus entails different cognitive
tients (e.g., Amodio et al. 1998, 1999; Bajaj et al. 2008; Schiff processes to be performed (e.g., attention, updating informa-
et al. 2005, 2006). The classical measures obtained from these tion in memory, response inhibition), analysis of variability
tests were mean values of RTs and accuracy. Taken together, according to the task condition provides information about
these studies showed that patients with cirrhosis having MHE specific processes affected in cirrhotic patients at different
had significant slower mean RTs compared to both controls stages of illness.
and patients with cirrhosis without MHE (Schiff et al. 2005,
2006). On the other hand, patients with cirrhosis not having
MHE did not show significant differences in mean RTs rela- Material and methods
tive to controls (Schiff et al. 2005, 2006).
Concerning the mean accuracy, some studies did not find Participants
any difference between controls and patients with cirrhosis,
either with or without MHE (e.g., Amodio et al. 1998; Schiff Thirty-two patients with liver cirrhosis and 33 healthy control
et al. 2006), whereas other studies demonstrated an impaired volunteers were enrolled. The main demographic features of the
performance in patients with cirrhosis and MHE compared to study sample are presented in Table 1. The diagnosis of cirrho-
controls, but not in patients with cirrhosis without MHE sis was based on case history; clinical examination; biochemi-
(Felipo et al. 2012). cal, endoscopic, and ultrasound (US) findings; or, when need-
The absence of significant between-group differences and ed, on liver biopsy. The diagnostic criteria were: the presence of
the presence of contradictory findings might be explained by hepatic stigmata during a routine clinical examination, together
inter- and/or intra-individual variables. Indeed, all of the afore- with biochemical indices of decompensated liver disease (low
mentioned studies focused on mean values of task performance, serum albumin, high bilirubin, prolonged prothrombin time,
ignoring information about the variability of RTs and accuracy low platelet count); endoscopic or US signs of portal hyperten-
between patients and across trials. Elssas and collaborators sion; or a history of previous de-compensation (ascites, jaun-
(1985) showed that patients with cirrhosis had a higher intra- dice, bleeding from esophageal varices). The exclusion criteria
individual variability of RTs compared to controls and patients were: chronic obstructive lung disease/respiratory failure of
with brain damage. When scrutinizing mean RT data of previ- other origin; renal insufficiency; coronary heart disease or heart
ously published studies, what emerges is that mean RTs in failure of any origin; significant neurological/psychiatric dis-
patients with cirrhosis not having MHE were in fact intermedi- ease; overt HE or bouts of overt HE within 15 days prior to the
ate between cirrhotic patients with MHE and control (Schiff study; bleeding or infections within 15 days prior to the stud;
et al. 2005), or differed from controls in high cognitive demand- psychoactive medication (benzodiazepines, antidepressant,
ing task conditions (Schiff et al. 2006). The distributions of RTs neuroleptic drugs); active drinking; or unwillingness/inability
reported in Schiff et al. (2006) clearly revealed that patients with to undergo the study procedure.
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Table 1 Mean values, range of

demographic variables and as- Controls (n=33) Patients MHE- (n=18) Patients MHE+ (n=14)
sessment measures divided by
group Demographic variables
Age 48 (28–74) 52 (30–74) 54 (44–64)
Education 14 (5–21) 13(8–18) 9 (5–15)*°
Cognitive measures (PHES)
TMT-A (sec) 32 (13–59) 31 (20–58) 49 (29–78)*°
TMT-B (sec) 67 (28–177) 91 (41–300) 120 (62–300)*
Serial dotting 39 (24–61) 44 (33–78) 53 (37–78)*°
Line tracing 66 (18–142) 74 (12–214) 97 (51–126)*°
MHE− patients with cirrhosis
without MHE, MHE+ patients Digit symbol 44 (20–57) 38 (17–60) 28 (19–37)*°
with cirrhosis having MHE Psychophysiological measures (EEG)
*Controls versus Patients MHE+ MDF – 88.8 (8–518) 85.8 (25–154)
(p<0.05) Delta power – 6.5 (2–12) 6.3 (2–15)
°Patients MHE− versus Patients Theta power – 17.1 (6–31) 47.2 (14–72)°
MHE+ (p<0.05)

The study protocol conformed to the ethical guidelines of Procedure

the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the local
ethical and research committees. Signed informed consent The ICT was administered immediately after the PHES evalua-
was obtained from all participants. The diagnosis of MHE tion. The ICT was based on the original paradigm proposed by
was based on spectral EEG features and on psychometric Bajaj and colleagues (2008) and was developed by the E-prime
hepatic encephalopathy score (PHES; Amodio et al. 2007; software (Psychological Software Tools, Pittsburgh, PA). Dur-
Weissenborn et al. 2001). Cirrhotic patients were qualified ing the task, black letters are presented, one after the other, in the
as having MHE if either PHES or EEG were abnormal center of a white background computer screen for 500 ms each,
(Ferenci et al. 2002). On the basis of this criterion, 18 patients without inter-stimulus interval. During the first part of the task,
were qualified as without MHE and 14 as having MHE. the subject is instructed to respond to the target letters ―X‖ and
All participants underwent validated paper-and-pencil neu- ―Y‖ by pressing the space bar of the computer keyboard
ropsychological assessment, including the Mini Mental State (Detect task condition). During the second part of the task, the
Examination (MMSE) and the PHES, which consists of a subject is instructed to respond only to ―X‖ and ―Y‖ preceded
battery of standardized cognitive tests aimed at the diagnosis by ―Y‖ and ―X‖ respectively (alternating target letters or Go
of MHE: the Trail Making Test part-A (TMTA), the Trail task condition) and to withhold response when ―X‖ and ―Y‖
Making Test part B (TMT-B), the Digit Symbol Test (DST), are preceded by ―X‖ and ―Y‖, respectively (repeated target
the Serial Dotting Test (SDT), and the Line Tracing Test letters or No-Go task condition). In other words, the subject is
(LTT). For diagnostic aims, each test score was quantified instructed to respond only if an ―X‖ is preceded by a ―Y‖ or a
according to age- and education-adjusted norms. All included ―Y‖ is preceded by an ―X‖. Responses must be inhibited if an
participants scored 27 or more on the MMSE. ―X‖ is preceded by another ―X‖ or a ―Y‖ is preceded by
The EEG was recorded according to the procedure by another ―Y‖. Target letters are always interspersed with other,
Amodio et al. (1999). The outcome variables considered for irrelevant, letters. The first part of the task was divided into two
EEG evaluation were the mean dominant frequency (MDF, an blocks for a total of 500 trials (letters), 75 of which required a
estimate of the background frequency of the EEG) and the response (Detect task condition). The second part comprised 6
relative amount of slow EEG activity within the delta and blocks of trials, for a total of 1,753 letters, 254 of which required
theta frequency bands. In brief, the EEG was considered to be a response (Go task condition) and 47 did not require a response
abnormal if the mean dominant frequency (MDF) was (No-Go task condition). The second part of the test was preced-
≤7.3 Hz or the theta relative power ≥35 %. ed by a practice run, to allow the subject to become familiar with
Age, education, cognitive, and psychophysiological the Go/No-Go task conditions.
measures were compared across groups by means of The accuracy was expressed as percentage of correct
separated univariate ANOVAs (see Table 1). Age did responses (correct responses/total number of trials*100). Re-
not differ across groups, meaning that age was compa- action times (RTs) for Detect, Go, and No-Go task conditions
rable. Patients with MHE obtained significantly lower were obtained. ICT is composed of many repeated trials. This
scores in all tests but the TMT-B; on the other hand, allows studying the trial-by-trial fluctuations of performance,
patients without MHE did not differ from the control providing a reliable measure of intra-individual variability
group in any cognitive test. both on RTs and accuracy.
Metab Brain Dis

Statistical analyses condition, meaning that the first two types of trials necessitate
more cognitive resources. In particular, the No-Go condition
Two performance measures were separately modeled: RTs, in requires an inhibition process. Hence, the speed of response to
terms of mean and variance; and accuracy, in terms of mean such trials represents a sort of non-decision time up to a wrong
percentage of correct responses. response.
In the present work we used the Generalized Additive The analysis of contrasts, reported in the bottom of
Models for Location, Scale and Shape (GAMLSS) Rigby and Table 2, showed that overall mean RTs significantly
Stasinopoulos (2005), with the aim to characterize subjects’ differ between patients (with and without MHE) and
mean values of RTs and variance. The GAMLSSs have prov- controls. Namely, in all task conditions, mean RTs of
en to be a convenient statistical tool when the response vari- patients with MHE were significantly slower than mean
able distribution explicitly depends on covariates, as happens RTs of the control group.
in the RT distribution case. The following covariates were Importantly, the analysis also revealed that RTs between
entered into the model: age; block (initial, middle, final); task patients without MHE and patients with MHE did not differ in
condition (Detect, Go, No-Go); and group membership (pa- the No-Go task condition (p=0.089) supporting the idea that
tients and healthy controls). Specifically, in order to capture such a task requires more cognitive resources. In addition, the
possible time-on-task effects generated by practice as well as mean values of RTs of patients without MHE differed from
fatigue, individual RTs were available at three different time those of patients with MHE only in the Go task condition
points, namely for three consecutive blocks of trials (initial, (p<0.05) in which patients without MHE performed in the
middle, final). The three ICT conditions were separately con- normal range.
sidered as they require different degrees of cognitive demands. In summary, overall mean values of RTs were faster in the
Endpoints of 95 % two-sided confidence intervals for control group, intermediate in the group of patients without
model parameters were computed via bias corrected bootstrap MHE, and slower in the group of patients with MHE. Inter-
(Efron and Tibshirani 1993), using 1,000 replications. estingly, differences between patients without MHE and con-
Accuracy has been modeled using a binomial Generalized trols emerged only in the high cognitive demanding task
Linear Mixed Model (GLMM; Fitzmaurice et al. 2004). Pa- condition (No-Go).
rameters models of the GLMM have been estimated via
maximum likelihood. Unilateral p-values for each contrast Variance
were calculated. This choice is based on the hypothesis that
both RT and accuracy can deteriorate with task difficulty and, Results show that, adjusting for the other covariates, individ-
conditioned to a given task, with the presence of a disease. ual RT variance significantly increases with age and decreases
in the middle and final block of trials. It means that practice
almost gradually reduces the intra-individual variability of
Results RTs. Furthermore, RT variance was significantly higher in
the Go and No-Go task conditions compared to the Detect
Fitted fixed and random-effect parameters for intra-individual condition. The analysis of contrasts for the group × task
mean and variance values of RTs are reported in Tables 2 and 3, condition interaction revealed that in the Detect condition,
respectively, together with the unilateral p-values for specific individual RT variance did not differ between controls and
pairs of comparisons. patients, with and without MHE. In the Go condition, patients
with MHE showed significantly higher individual RT vari-
Mean values of RTs ance compared to controls and patients without MHE
(p<0.005 and p<0.05 respectively). Interestingly, in the No-
Descriptive analyses showed that age significantly affected Go task condition, RT variance of both patients with and
RTs, with RTs being slower with advancing age. Figure 1 without MHE were significantly larger than that of the control
shows the effect of age (arbitrarily divided into under and (p<0.001 and p<0.05 respectively), whereas individual RT
over 50) across groups and task conditions. variance of patients with and without MHE did not differ
The GAMLSS model showed that, adjusting for all other significantly (p=0.059).
predictors, the mean values of RTs significantly increased with
age and were significantly faster in the middle blocks com- Accuracy
pared to the initial ones, and in the final blocks compared to
the initial and middle ones, confirming the presence of a Estimated parameters for the GLMM model are summarized
practice-related improvement over time. Furthermore, mean in Table 4. The table contains the bilateral p-values for each
values of RTs in the Go and in the No-Go task conditions were parameter and the unilateral p-value for each contrast. Age,
significantly slower than those recorded in the Detect order of blocks, task conditions, group, and years of education
Metab Brain Dis

Table 2 Upper table: GAMLSS parameters of RT means. The confidence intervals were obtained by bias-corrected bootstrap. Lower table: results of
contrast analyses of GAMLSS parameters, divided by task condition. Unilateral p-values for each contrast are reported

Coefficient 95 % CI
Lower limit Upper limit
Fixed effects
Intercept 412.52a 387.25 441.67
Age 2.28a 1.67 2.95
Middle blocks −27.12a −37.35 −16.99
Final blocks −34.01a −44.62 −24.73
Go task condition 56.63a 45.73 70.57
No-Go task condition 64.10a 49.62 78.30
Patients MHE− 12.42 −8.66 39.24
Patients MHE+ 50.45a 13.46 91.17
Go: patients MHE− 8.48 −9.11 26.65
Go: patients MHE+ 13.46 −3.29 30.55
No-Go: patients MHE− 20.10 −7.80 48.27
No-Go: patients MHE+ 16.53 −3.55 39.50
Random effects
λ 69.70 48.08 94.56
Coefficient p-value
Detect Patients MHE− vs controls 12.42 0.171
Patients MHE+ vs controls 50.45* 0.019
Patients MHE+ vs patients MHE− 38.04 0.072
Go Patients MHE− vs controls 20.89 0.099
Patients MHE+ vs controls 63.91** 0.003
Patients MHE+ vs patients MHE− 43.02* 0.044
No-Go Patients MHE− vs controls 32.52* 0.034
Patients MHE+ vs controls 66.98** 0.001
Patients MHE+ vs patients MHE− 34.47 0.089

MHE− patients with cirrhosis not having MHE, MHE+ patients with cirrhosis having MHE
*p<0.05; **p<0.01
Significant effect (i.e., 95 % IC not containing zero value)

significantly affected accuracy. In particular, adjusting for all perform significantly worse than the two other groups (both ps<
other covariates, accuracy significantly decreases with age 0.001). In the No-Go condition, the three diagnostic groups did
(p<0.01). Then, accuracy significantly increases in the middle not show significant differences in terms of accuracy.
and final blocks of trials compared to the initial one (both ps<
0.001), confirming the presence of a practice effect.
Concerning the task condition × education interaction, higher Discussion
years of education seem to be unable to support respondents in
the execution of a more demanding task. Indeed, accuracy Previous studies explored the cognitive alterations associated
significantly improves with education only in performing the with cirrhosis and, particularly, with MHE (e.g., Amodio et al.
Detect task condition. Contrast analyses revealed that, in 1998, 1999; Bajaj et al. 2008; Schiff et al. 2005, 2006). All of
terms of accuracy, in the Detect task condition patients with these studies drew their conclusions on the basis of differences in
MHE showed significantly lower accuracy than the control terms of group means of performance observed between cirrhot-
group (p<0.01), but they did not differ significantly from the ic patients (with or without MHE) and healthy individuals.
group without MHE (p=0.243). Nevertheless, the mean performance on a given cognitive
Importantly, in this task condition patients without MHE task might be also the result of other variables, not strictly related
showed significantly lower accuracy than the control group to the pathology object of the study. These include inter-
(p<0.05). In the Go condition, patients without MHE and individual variables, such as age and education of the sample,
controls did not differ significantly, while patients with MHE and intra-individual variables, such as the difficulty of the task or
Metab Brain Dis

Table 3 Upper table: GAMLSS parameters of RT variance. The confidence intervals were obtained by bias-corrected bootstrap. Lower table: results of
contrast analyses of GAMLSS parameters, divided by task condition. Unilateral p-values for each contrast are reported

Coefficient 95 % CI
Lower limit Upper limit
Fixed effects
Intercept 4.471a 4.334 4.661
Age 0.006a 0.003 0.009
Middle blocks −0.279a −0.336 −0.231
Final blocks −0.366a −0.422 −0.312
Go task condition 0.227a 0.139 0.306
No-Go task condition 0.109a 0.013 0.209
Patients MHE− 0.026 −0.105 0.170
Patients MHE+ 0.143 −0.018 0.316
Go: patients MHE− −0.002 −0.110 0.119
Go: patients MHE+ 0.092 −0.011 0.214
No-Go: patients MHE− 0.198 −0.014 0.424
No-Go: patients MHE+ 0.287a 0.101 0.513
Random effect
ζ 0.226 0.189 0.274
Coefficient p-value
Detect Patients MHE− vs controls 0.027 0.335
Patients MHE+ vs controls 0.143 0.070
Patients MHE+ vs patients MHE− 0.117 0.145
Go Patients MHE− vs controls 0.025 0.379
Patients MHE+ vs controls 0.235** 0.001
Patients MHE+ vs patients MHE− 0.210* 0.015
No-Go Patients MHE− vs controls 0.225* 0.017
Patients MHE+ vs controls 0.430*** <0.001
Patients MHE+ vs patients MHE− 0.206 0.059

MHE− patients with cirrhosis not having MHE, MHE+ patients with cirrhosis having MHE
*p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001
Significant effect (i.e., 95 % IC not containing zero value)

the order of task presentation. The aim of the present study was clinical studies, of detecting subtle differences free from inter-
to elucidate differences in performance on the cognitive control and intra-individual differences. In this way it was possible to
task (ICT) by considering the contribution of inter- and intra- consider patients’ and healthy adults’ performance on the
individual variability in the performance. cognitive task free from other influencing variables such as
We analyzed RTs and accuracy using the GAMLSS anal- education, age, etc. Obviously, there could be a large plurality
ysis. This approach has the advantage, particularly relevant in of variables that could affect performance (e.g., emotional

Fig. 1 a RT Means across groups

and task conditions of participants
<50 years; b RT means across
groups and task conditions of
participants >50 years
Metab Brain Dis

Table 4 Upper table: GMLSS parameters of accuracy. Bilateral p-values for each parameter are reported. Lower table: results of contrast analyses
divided by task conditions. Unilateral p-values for each contrast are reported

Coefficient Standard error z p-value

Fixed effects
Intercept 2.51*** 0.60 4.18 <0.001
Age −0.017** 0.006 −2.68 0.007
Education 0.12*** 0.03 3.83 <0.001
Middle blocks 0.71*** 0.08 8.31 <0.001
Final blocks 0.93*** 0.10 9.08 <0.001
Go trials −0.04 0.27 −0.16 0.874
No-Go trials −0.67* 0.33 −2.03 0.042
Patients MHE- −0.47 0.26 −1.78 0.074
Patients MHE+ −0.70* 0.30 −2.32 0.020
Education: Go −0.11*** 0.02 −5.58 <0.001
Education: No-Go −0.12*** 0.02 −5.39 <0.001
Go: Patients MHE− 0.44* 0.18 2.43 0.014
Go: Patients MHE+ −0.37* 0.18 −2.06 0.039
No-Go: Patients MHE− 0.54* 0.21 2.53 0.011
No-Go: Patients MHE+ 0.27 0.22 1.24 0.215
Coefficient Standard error z p-value
Detect trials Patients MHE− vs controls −0.47* 0.26 −1.78 0.037
Patients MHE+ vs controls −0.70* 0.30 −2.32 0.010
Patients MHE+ vs patients MHE− −0.22 0.32 −0.69 0.243
Go trials Patients MHE− vs controls −0.04 0.22 −0.16 0.434
Patients MHE+ vs controls −1.08*** 0.26 −4.04 <0.001
Patients MHE+ vs patients MHE− −1.04*** 0.28 −3.69 <0.001
No-Go trials Patients MHE− vs controls 0.07 0.25 0.27 0.606
Patients MHE+ vs controls −0.43 0.29 −1.47 0.069
Patients MHE+ vs patients MHE− −0.50 0.31 −1.60 0.055

MHE− patients with cirrhosis not having MHE, MHE+ patients with cirrhosis having MHE
*p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001

mood state, implicit ideas); however, we took into account 2010; Cona et al. 2013) that described MHE-related alter-
those variables that were demonstrated to have a major impact ations in relatively low demanding conditions, that involve
on cognitive performance. basic processes, such as sustained and selective attention. On
The results on one hand confirmed some of the findings the other hand, group differences in variability of RTs (RT
evidenced in previous studies (cf. Bajaj et al. 2008) and on the variance) emerge in more demanding task conditions (Go and
other hand provided new insights on the cognitive changes No-Go). In contrast, performance of patients with MHE in the
associated with cirrhosis. Below, these two aspects are de- No-Go condition was not significantly different compared to
scribed in more detail. After controlling for the effects of all of performance of healthy controls in terms of accuracy. How-
the other variables, we found that patients with MHE had ever, it is important to cautiously discuss the lack of
slower RTs in all conditions as compared to healthy controls. differences.
Moreover, they displayed an increased RT variance in the Go In fact, as pointed out in Amodio et al. (2010), patients with
and No-Go conditions compared to healthy controls. Also, MHE did not correctly inhibit their response; rather they had
patients with MHE were less accurate than controls not only in difficulties following the task, missing many responses, as
the Go condition, but also in the Detect condition. This means confirmed by the low accuracy rate in the Go condition.
that when controlling for age, education, and practice effect, Therefore, if a participant missed many responses, he or she
patients with MHE showed a worse performance compared to was more likely to perform correctly on No-Go trials (hence,
controls, in both RTs and accuracy, even in a cognitive low to not respond when it was required to not respond). In light of
demanding task condition such as the Detect condition. This this, the low number of errors in No-Go trials is a spurious
pattern of results is in line with previous studies (Amodio et al. effect and suggests that a better evaluation of the cognitive
Metab Brain Dis

status of a patient with cirrhosis should be based on perfor- conditions. Such a compensation phenomenon is in line with
mance in tasks that are not particularly complex but that the cognitive reserve hypothesis (Stern 2009). According to
instead that involve simply basic processes, such as attentional this hypothesis, life experiences might enhance knowledge
ones. and allow individuals to cope for cognitive decline, which is
With respect to some of the previous investigations, the often exhibited by elderly individuals. Our results support and
present study has the advantage of separately considering extend such a hypothesis, showing that cognitive reserve acts
patients with cirrhosis having MHE and patients with cirrhosis as a compensatory mechanism only when the task is relatively
not having MHE. Indeed, patients with MHE showed signif- easy, and becomes less effective when the task is more
icantly slower RTs and lower accuracy in the high demanding demanding.
condition (i.e., the Go condition) compared to patients without Collectively, these findings suggest that, when controlling
MHE. The contrast analysis of RTs provides evidence of the for variables that can vary across and within subject groups,
presence of a higher inter-individual variability in patients slight cognitive alterations are detectable even in patients with
with MHE compared to patients without MHE, in the Go cirrhosis who were considered as not having MHE from the
condition. In addition, patients with MHE showed a tendency classical psychometric batteries. This leads to two main con-
to have a higher error rate of inhibition in comparison to siderations: first, cognitive tests with higher selectivity and
patients without MHE and a higher intra-individual variability specificity are needed, in order to detect even slight alter-
in RTs for wrong responses. Taken together, these results ations; second, cognitive functioning of patients with cirrhosis
indicate that ICT performance can discriminate between pa- should be monitored from the first stages of the disease.
tients with and without MHE (cf. Amodio et al. 2010; Bajaj
et al. 2008). In this regard, a new and interesting result comes Acknowledgments This work was partially funded by University of
Padua CPDA108328 grant to PB and GC and by Bial Foundation Grant
from the evaluation of the performance of patients without
No. 84/12 to P.B.
MHE. Indeed, although patients without MHE showed sig-
nificant differences compared to patients with MHE in some Declaration of interest The authors have declared that no competing
of the measures and conditions of ICT, nevertheless they interests exist.
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to that of patients with MHE, both in terms of RTs and
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