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Name of the club is to be R.A.R.E. The acronym R.A.R.E. is defined as Real American Riding Enthusiasts. No other definitions, meanings, or interpretations may be used. R.A.R.E. is a family orientated motorcycle riding club (RC). No Chapter or member may refer to R.A.R.E. RC as any other type of club.


The purpose of R.A.R.E. is to develop a bond bet een motorcycle enthusiasts hile promoting safe riding practices and positive family values. The priorities of R.A.R.E. are as !ollo s"

#. $ember%s family. &. $ember%s 'ob. (. $embers Chapter (R.A.R.E. RC.)


3.1 - CLASSIFICATION OF MEMBERSHIP $embers shall be defined by the follo ing" 3.1.1 ) Club officers. *resident, +ice *resident, ,ecretary, Treasurer, ,ergeant at Arms, and Road Captain. Re-uirements and duties of club officers are described in article .+. 3.1.2 - Riding club member. Any member ho complies ith all club re-uirements listed in section (.&. 3.1.3 ) *rospective $embers. *rospective members must comply ith all the re-uirements listed in section 3.2 in addition to the follo ing/ 3.1.3.a - A prospect must be sponsored by a club member in good standing.

3.1.3.b ) 0efore a prospect can be voted in as a club member, a prospect must attend 1 regular club meetings, and participate in at least # ride ith a minimum of & club members. All re-uirements in section (.& must be met, and all dues must be paid in full. 3.1.3.c ) *rospects must be voted in at a regularly scheduled meeting ith a &2( ma'ority vote. 3.1. ! E3ceptions. *rospective member may start their prospect phase ith a motorcycle permit, ho ever, the full endorsement must be obtained prior to receiving full membership. 3.2 - ELI"IBILITY FOR MEMBERSHIP $embership in R.A.R.E. RC shall be open to all legal 4, citi5ens eighteen (#6) years of age or older, ho meet the follo ing re-uirements/ 3.2.1 ) $ust o n a street legal motorcycle, in good running condition, and po erful enough to operate at high ay speeds for prolonged periods of time. 3.2.2 ) $ust possess a valid state, or military driver%s license ith motorcycle endorsement. 3.2.3 ) $ust be a member in good standing ith their local chapter of A0ATE (A 0rotherhood Against Totalitarian Enactments). 3.2. - $ust complete a prospective membership period. 3.3 - MEMBERSHIP E#CEPTIONS (.(.# ) 7nce a member meets all re-uirements in section (.&, and is voted in as a full member his or her spouse or partner is automatically eligible for membership. 3. - NO DISCRIMINATION R.A.R.E. RC does not discriminate against any person on the basis of se3, race, motorcycle choice, or religious preference. 3.$ - DUES AND FEES 3.$.1 ) A one)time initial membership fee of 8#99.99 is due by the end of a members prospect phase, for couples 'oining R.A.R.E. RC each person must pay the initial membership fee. 3.$.2 ) :early club dues of 8;9.99 per person, or 8<;.99 per couple are due by the April mandatory meeting. 3.$.3 ) All dues and fees are to be paid in cash to the club treasurer.


.1 - NOMINATIN" AND %OTIN" .1.1 ) To be nominated for club office you must be a member in good standing. .1.2 ) The nomination must be made by another member in good standing. .1.3 ) 7nce nominated a &2( ma'ority vote conforms the election of the ne officer. .1. - Nominations and elections can only ta=e place at a mandatory club meeting.


$.1.1 ) *resident handles day to day operation of club business $.1.2 ) *resident presides at all club meetings


$.2.1 ) +ice *resident ill, in absence of the president, preform all duties re-uired of the president $.2.2 ) +ice *resident may be assigned additional duties by the *resident $.2.3 ) +ice *resident ill oversee all special committees.

$.3.1 ) ,ecretary ill ta=e the minutes of all club meetings. $.3.2 ) ,ecretary ill be custodian of all club records and documents. $.3.3 ) ,ecretary ill =eep an up to date list of all members, and their contact information. Also, ill ma=e sure the other club officers have a current copy of that list.

$. .1 ) Treasurer ill have charge and custody of, and be responsible for all funds and securities of the club. $. .2 ) Treasurer ill receive and give receipts for all money due and payable to the club from any source hatsoever. $. .3 ) Treasurer ill =eep accurate records of all the clubs money, and give financial updates at all club meetings.


$.$.1 ) ,ergeant at Arms is primarily charged ith =eeping orderly conduct at club meetings. $.$.2 ) ,ergeant at Arms ill assist club *resident and +ice *resident ith the orderly and efficient conduct of club meetings by/ $.$.2.a ) Calling the meeting to order at the proper time. $.$.2.b ) >eeping trac= of members re-uesting to spea=. $.$.3 ) ,ergeant at Arms ill be =no ledgeable in regards to public la , club by)la s, and Roberts Rules of order. $.$. ) ,ergeant at Arms ill or= ith the club Treasurer to ensure all members% dues are paid on time. $.$.$ ) ,ergeant at Arms ill be responsible for retrieving all club material and belongings from any member ho leaves or is e3pelled from the club.


$.&.1 ) Road Captain ill provide for the safety and elfare of all riders ithin the group, and any surrounding motorists or pedestrians. $.&.2 ) Road Captain ill lead the group to its destination and bac= in a ell)organi5ed, disciplined, and safe manner. $.&.3 ) Road Captain must avoid creating any ha5ardous situations. $.&. ) Road Captain must be =no ledgeable of state la s and safe riding practices.


&.1.1 ) R.A.R.E. RC ill hold meetings at least once a month. &.1.1.a ) ?A)# ill hold meetings the (rd ,aturday of each month at #pm. $eetings ill be held at @arleyAs bar and grill in Raymond, ?A. &.1.2 ) Roberts Rules of 7rder shall be the parliamentary authority in all club meetings.


&.2.1 ) R.A.R.E. RC ill have & mandatory meetings each year. &.2.1.a ) April and 7ctober meetings are mandatory for all members to attend.


'.1.1 ) Club rides ill be planned by each Chapter, and shared ith all other chapters.


*.1 - %EST ( )UTTE
*.1.1 ) $embers are responsible for providing and caring for their o n vest 2 =utte. *.1.2 ) $embers vest 2 =utte must be blac= in color. *.1.3 ) $embers vest 2 =utte must be big enough to fit over riding gear. Club patches must be the outer most layer of clothing, so they are visible at all times.


*.2.1 ) Club bac= patches to be centered on the bac= of a members vest 2 =utte, top of patch at shoulder blade level. *.2.1.a ) Club bac= patch is the only thing allo ed on the bac= of a members vest 2 =utte. *.2.2 ) Club front patch is to be placed on the upper front left side of members vest 2 =utte, directly over your heart. *.2.3 ) $embers name patch is to be placed on the front upper left side of members vest 2 =utte, underneath the club front patch. *.2. ) Club officer patches go on the front upper right side of a members vest 2 =utte, even ith name patch on other side. *.2.$ ) A0ATE patch, and county bar can be placed on front lo er right side of members vest 2 =utte.


*.3.1 ) *rospects ill receive a club front patch, and prospect patch. *.3.1.a ) *rospect patch is to be placed under front patch in place of name patch during a members prospect phase.


B.# C To initiate these procedures, any member may bring charges before the club alleging one or more of the follo ing" B.#.# ) $isuse of any club property or money. B.#.& ) Assault upon any person at any R.A.R.E. RC sanctioned event. B.#.( ) Any conduct un)becoming of an R.A.R.E. RC member. B.& C $embers ho are bringing particular charges shall present cause and any evidence to the club at least si3ty (19) days prior to the ne3t mandatory club meeting as to hy said member should undergo disciplinary, suspension, or e3pulsion procedures. B.( C Club ,ergeant at Arms shall inform said member of pending charges in a timely manner so he2she can provide their evidence or defense at the ne3t mandatory meeting. B.D C 4pon e3amination of said cause, evidence, and defense at the appointed mandatory meeting, the club shall vote by simple ma'ority as to hether the said member shall be sub'ect to any discipline, suspension, or e3pulsion from the club.

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