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Chapter 18

Lost Diversity


Some microbes live in extreme conditions

Microbial life exists practically everywhere on earth. Including areas with:
extremely high temperatures high pressure extreme pH.


Studying extreme environments gives us clues to the beginning of life on earth

Areas deep in the ocean show the abiotic formation of simple organic molecules.
May help us to understand reactions that occurred during the formation of life on earth.


Some microbes live in extreme conditions

Investigating microbes that live in extreme conditions is difficult.
May not be able to exist outside of their delicate environment. Cannot be cultured using normal techniques.


Prokaryotic cells
Prokaryotes lack internal membrane-bound organelles, and their DNA is not contained within a nucleus.


Most prokaryotic organisms are unicellular and microscopic. Typically 110 microns, which is about 1/10 the thickness of a human hair.

Prokaryotic cells


Prokaryotes are an extraordinarily successful product of evolution.

Prokaryotic cells


Fossil evidence indicates that prokaryotes were the first colonizers of our planet, and for nearly two billion years were its only life form. Prokaryotes are almost endlessly adaptive and can thrive just about anywhere.

Prokaryotic cells


Identifying Prokaryotic cells

Biologists generally rely on DNA to identify prokaryotic organisms. Finding a unique DNA sequence in a sample means the researchers have discovered a new organism.


Two domains of life, Bacteria and Archaea, have prokaryotic cells, but they each have distinct evolutionary histories.

Prokaryotic cells


Archaea are often found in more extreme conditions than bacterial populations.

Prokaryotic cells - Archaea


Prokaryotic cells - Archaea

Archaea are similar to bacteria but they are genetically very different from bacteria. Archaea are sometimes known as extremophiles. - They often live in very harsh conditions.

Prokaryotic cells - Bacteria

Bacteria are prokaryotic cells with a diverse array of lifestyles. Most possess a cell wall, but their genetic diversity leads to a wide variety of differences in nutrition, metabolism, structure, and lifestyle.

Prokaryotic cells - Bacteria

Bacteria can be categorized by what they eat.
Some bacteria are autotrophsthey can make their own food directly, using material from the nonliving environment. Some bacteria are heterotrophsthey must rely on other organisms to provide them with food.


One of the largest groups of autotrophic bacteria are the cyanobacteria, which are found in oceans and freshwater, as well as on exposed rocks and soil. Cyanobacteria use the energy of sunlight to carry out photosynthesis. Many cyanobacteria also perform nitrogen fixationthe process of converting atmospheric nitrogen into a form that plants can use to grow.

Bacteria - Cyanobacteria

Some heterotrophic bacteria play an important role in decomposition and bioremediation projects. Many bacteria live in close association, or symbiosis, with other organisms.

Some bacteria are pathogens, or disease-causing agents. Many pathogenic bacteria cause disease by producing toxins that harm their hosts.



Bacteria display a variety of structural adaptations that suit their various lifestyles. Bacteria come in different shapes: spherical (cocci), rod-shaped (bacilli), and spiral (spirochetes).



Many bacteria have flagella (whiplike appendages extending from the surface of some bacteria, used in movement of the cell). Pili (short, hairlike appendages extending from the surface of some bacteria, are used to adhere to surfaces). Some bacteria are surrounded by a capsule (a sticky coating that adheres to surfaces).


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