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famous and Renowned



Amadis de Gaulei
The Heroick Deeds of Armcsj
and ftrange Adventures, afwcll of Amadis him



Son^ and Lifvarto^ Crctce^ to jf^/4^/^ Emperor of C$pjlantinopl&.

of rerion



Wherein is fhewed the Wars of the Chriftian^

againft the Tvirks , >the death of Armato King of Turkic, and the ftrange death ofMefea the Enchantrtf*,
the love of TerimdeGauk^ othcrwife thpKnight ot the Splaerc, to Gridkrtj^ Daughter ro the Evijpci or of



"^^ /

and c^ Lifvat of Grtece, fometinnes called the Knight of tht troe Crofs to Onoloreai anoihcr Daughter to the Eperor of

Together with the Ads and ftrange Adventures of many other

great Lords


PrinccSj afwcll Chriftians as Pagan*

E nig the


Pait never before Publifhed,

TtAnJlatcd&Ht of French into Englifh^ by t rancis Kirkm^in.



Prlnr^H hu l^r,


ari arP to

U ^M







Have fublijhedthis ancient Hijlory (Gen*

tie Reader) partly^ at the imreatie oflemt of my fawilijr friends^andpartly^throngh the de fire pphich J had to put to light y Jh worthy a wor^e. There hath been asyet^but

five parts thereof pubhfijedin EngliJJj^ although, there are to the ttumber of tvpentie four parts thereof in mofi of other Languages, Wherefore, thinking it in my ap^

prehenfion , as well worthy the tranflation as any ether Hijiories of the like nature^ I did jo Jar prefuwe upon

my owne abilities ( and to benefit nt^^ felfe in



guage^ds to begin the Tranfiation thereof: TetJhadmt tjbe leaji intent to have it come into the pnhliquc vtevp

iut being (as I have (aid) inftigated and earncjilj per* jfwadedthereuntOylhavenow p ejumed to pvbl/fi the f4me, No$ having fo much confidence efmy ovnespeaj^ abilitiuy 2

abilities^ as to

Epiftlc to the Reader.

imagine, that it will be accepted of gnd lik^dby all, bht rjtber hoping that JoMe vpuI loel^eon it, and value it not according to the pforthybut the good

will of the writer. As forJuch,as either rajl^ly condemns ivithcut judgment, or lavijldy diflikp without advice :

I effcemt them
to pleafe every

lil(c feather


Joone difperji rvitb every


blafr^tcccunting their difcontent

content, not caring


All that 1 defire is, to have the good opinion of the VPelLafftled to Learning, at?d that J hope {Gentle Rea-

der ) ycruwUl favonrably aford mc ^ vphich if you.doe, ifjaU account my jclf much obligedto you, my labor and time well imploicd, andm^ftlfe {by my future engage-

ments to my abjUty, infomewhat of the Uke nature


fome more worthy worlO bound

to be


^^^^dy^ <ind

willing to requite your hjndnefs.

But if Ipallfmd the contrdrv,{<md th)(VI tt^c boldly building on your courtefies,bt wounded with rcptntance, and brought to defpaire") thenycuwiU rendtr me alto* gether ujelefs , not d^iring to venture any more being blafledinmyfrjtdefgnes. Thus hoping that yoii writ
perufe this {as an earnefiof my further travatks) With fo favourable an af^eB, as that I may be emboldned to

proceed in the following parts of this H/jiory,

I reft






Francis Kirk^nan Jun.

Ito the ingenious Tranjlator F.



not ftand in need of our defence. Our weak Pygmie-dercncr, in whofc juft right So many v aliant Knights arc proud to %hr. Chajiipions thou canlTnot want, who writes their ^lory

Love OUr Thuu


weHj oar labour ill plac't,


They r' bound in honor coprotcft thy Story.

Come hither then ycc Herocr of our at^e



Who liavc this ten year* a<3:cd on Wars ftage,

Compare your deeds with ours, and bJufliing Your felves out done in feats of Chivalric. W^hatift, you cvcrdidjdcfcrvcsa name
Incompetiticn fctwith Periom fame? Great Perion^vfho his nrowcfTe doth difplay Far and as fjeely as H^pahm day. By which our Prriont defcrts appear Great as Hyperions , for ihcgoldm Sphere. In the next Orbe of Worthies Lifvjrt hight,



Vatllides and ^f^rvgm/ fhine bright: Bat what furpalfeth all, and*s above words There's no opprellion followes ou^ Knights fwords. Wc know no plunder wc> no itch of Sway, Our aime is onely honor, and the dayW'e for opprefled ones hold foi th a fhield, Gyants to uj arc Pygmies and muft yield But 'lis in vainc particulars to write Concerning this adventure^or that fight This onely I will fay, they doubly live, One life their fword^a new thy pen doth give. In one atcluevmcnr thou haft all out-gone Even kmadis himiJelf, and his bold fon:


For Amadis, Brittain^s King, (b long a Gauk Thoi^ haft to ^rituinhvovi^ht from Language-thrall. Whothcri dilBkes thy Book, Wehaveahull To ihipaw^y to th' land of fuch a gull.





Snellinc Gent.


the Tranflation

of the ftxth Boil^ /


performed by his leviug fritnd F. K.




in a Mirror here you may behold Succdrcfuli Virtue, joyfully to hold Crownc of Laurell ; whllft dejefted Vice Vanquifti't and tramprd oh, receives the price

feigned pleadires

lively fetting forth

Thelatter's vilenefs, and the formcr^s worth. Both thus rewarded, we are hereby caught To imitate the good, t'avoid the naught. This Paragon, which France of yore did boaft,* Was no where to be found, but in her coaft> Which Frarfce did (blong time monopolize. Is herepreicnted ( Readers) to your eyes In Englifli dreflfe, which if he chance to findc Your c^nfure Candid, eetcrtainment kinde. May thereby be provoked todefire.

Her fiftersprefence in the fame


And now. Ingenious Frjnc\^


be bold

CAvoiding adulation) to unfold

In part thy mcrits,whofe induftrious painej Yield'? U3 luch gainefuU pleafure, pleafing gaines.
GiiBick^ Lady is by thy Tranflation So neatly deck't.and dreft in the Englifh falhioa That (chough thy unripe years might thee excufe. For what erratas Momm mvf i\\i\i(c


Into the (Reader's minde) yet doft not thou

Need fuch defence againft the lowring brow Ot Carping Criticks, then prethec Englifh all The reft o'th' ftory of hmadis dt Gaule.
Tour loving Frknd

I w.

Knew Readers all^

Ofthejixt Book, </ Aoiadi^


loving brother.

And nnio none othert

Oh this TranJUtion oj his.

de Gaulc. idoe indite

iheje verfes vphich Iwritt,

COmc And

all y cc Heroe's of our warlike age learn oiPerion^ and of hijvart ftout.

fooBe will teach you how for to engage aJl your Foes, and put them to the rout. Here you mty read of tights and moft ftrangc news. As wars between great Emperors, Kings, and Sultanes How Chriftians alvvayes vanquift\'t Turks and Jews, And ilreaxus of bloud did run like living iountaines. Afts Here you may fee the deeds and famous s Ats Of Chivalric perfom'd by worthy Knij nights, ^-/l

As good as


wore Armour on

their r backs,

Or e're were feen in mortall cruell fight us.


Here you may read of many moft Grange things, At th'Iflc of Apesj and Apes that Sailors were. And fomctimes carried Knights, and Queens, and Kiogs In their great 6arque,which was a thing moft rare. Here yoH may read of Lifvaris gallant fame And ferion*Si who by none furpa^ed were In Prowefle, Wifdofne, Vertuc and in na me, (Sphere. And oft was kown by the name of th^Knight of cV Here you may read of Ladies of great beautic Who courted were by many valiant Knighu, And you may read of fomc who did their duty In many warlike deeds, and cruell fights. Great pray fes you defenre for your Tranf]ation> And bringing of fuch ^mous deeds to light. It hatt| done (b much good to our Nation,
Wiiicir now accuftom'd

fo oft to fight.

Tour Loving Brother

Robert Kirkman.


my loving friend



The good



And ufefulnefs
BEfpeak cftecme of
LNot this


book made complcat>




but like Tranflator neat,

in poHflit


come read

Puiflmt a(n:ions of old Warlike Swords, And learn for ever how to make your names Glitter as Star-light, or Sol's brighter flames


C/?/<^^rmittcnCarbonado'd hearts.

your {elves with amorous pleafant parts. The work was great-delight to th'Authors minde. As great delight the Readers all may findc. The words are well exchange', not put to rout. Nor (hall you finde at nil their bjaines daflit out. From all true Lovers of defcrt and Learning Acceptance of the work's the workman's earning: Then let afide all doubting and difdaine^ And buy out r'/ght this blollbmrbrave amaine. Proceed young K/r^'//./^, thus improve thy Reafoit

And jpublifh rare Antiquities in feafcn. And fo become an happie Conftellation

To poure a (trong influence on our Nation.

chi parlafer/iiftit 7j'The fpeakcrfowcs. chi face rirr^^//j?|^The hearer reap?.
la voIuntafupplice')^^Tht
a laficulta



doth fupply

(^ want of Ability.

Thomas Heath.




Amadis dc Gaulc'
Which largely treatcth
as well oi

of the great

Deeds of Armcs, and ftrange Adventures,

rERION his Son,
fon to Ef^landisn^



oi LlgrABX Emperor of




HtfjpPEB.ION 0f G2M\c,ficoftdfoH ^/Amadis departedfrom Loadon^wfthfetfeMtther young Trinces^

hofingtogoe into Ireland j to receive the order of Knighfhoody at the hands of the old King Cildadanj and fif that which happened to them*


newesof thefc Princes and Lords, Ladies and Gentlewomen, enchanted in the firme Ifland, as you have heard, was foon

known by little FER/ONof Gj/f,fonof

Amtidis^ who had been left by his father in Great Britainc, uaderthc Government of good old Arhan^ King of Nartvalet. This young Prince had being then about the age of twelve or thirteen years,

the fixtb BooJ^ of

a rcfoludon in himfclfc, to receive the Order of Knighthis brother the Emperor B^Undiarty and of none other but feeing himfelf fruftratcd of his purpofcj he lingred until the fourth yeare following:

hood at the hands of


when two of the fons of Voh Flore(fjn King -of Sardinis came to vifit him, at Londtn. The one whereof was called Fhrefiany as his father, the other Parmemr, in whofc comvigne^

pany were SLKoVaiUides Ton to Vou Era^to, King ofAraLmgitinet zridGahmet. children o( j4griet King mi Scotland,. Abies of Ireland ion to King CUdadan, and Siucdragant Lord of Satifnegue , who were departed from their revei;all Countries, hoping to be made Knights by the fame hand , of whom Perir^ fhould obtcine this honour. The young Prince received him as welcome, as the neerneHe of their kindred rendred him afFeftionate towards them , Cipecially having heard occafion of their long voyage. To (atisrte which deiire, they refolvcdto take their journey to Ireland y towards King Cildjdan^ there being at that time no Prince more worthy to llipply the place of the Emperor Ejpbndijnin his abfence. Perion
foone as he roiil4 hav the mcanes, to bear Arnics^ and fullovv Orange adventures, and imitate his father in ProwefTe and Chivalrie ; wherefore defiring to have Trgij/T the Ton ot Gandalinfor his Squire, hedifpatched a Gentleman of his towards Gjtililei (who atjchat time lived in the Caftlcs of /irchelaw which Amadis had given hfra) earncftly intreating him to fend Trgitizn to him, wherewith Gandales was content. He therefore being arived, and thcfe young Princes having provided allthings neceHarie for their journey, taking their leave of. Kinf^/ir^^w, they went ftraite to the Port of F^-

having a

deiire, fo


where they imbarqued


as they

were on the

Sea, thcydifcovered a Barque with fourc oares, green as emerauld-', wherewith foure Apes did row: and there was with them a very faire Damfel, coftly adorned Thefc Barques followed one another fo clofcly, that they were joined and landed together, And as Pvrion and thofe of



to mount on horfc-bick, the Damfel approached neer to them, carrying on her neck a fword excellently gamifticd, and in her hand a black fhcildj in the middle whcreot was painted a golden Sphere, Shec addreircd her felfe to Perion^ and kneeling on the ground , fpake thus. Gentle fir, God forbid that I (hould ever part from your feet until you have granted me the Boon which I lliall aske you, Ferion whom (feec mucl^ pi cafed, readily an iwered, Askc it then, and^you fiallnot bcrefufed. Truly faidfbc, I hoped for nole/Te. Slieerikngfrotii the ground, took him apart, and rhey talked To long in walking together, that liicy came necr to the barque where the Apes were into which the DamThen Ftrion knew vei-y iil prayed him to enter alone. well, that by toora'iJy promiJnghe had loft his compaAnd although he wasasnuich troubled at it, as ac ny ny thing that could happen to him whatfocver , even feeing him^lfefmftratcdot his purpofe, and hindered from his voyage into Ireland : nvertheleiTe (knowing that his honour would be queftionedj if he did not accomplifti that, in which he had voluntarily obliged himfelfc ) he pafled on , and called his Companions , to whom he declared, that which the Damfel had rcqueftcd him, and the

Company were ready


caufe wherefore he foUovyed her, wherefore he intreated carneftly to excufe him. You may eafily judge whether they were well pleafed But (eeing that they could


notremedielt, they recommended himto the keeping of our Lord," afliiring him that fo foon as they had received Knight-hood , they would put thcmfelves in fearch of him, wherefoever he fhould be. They had hardly fpoken ihefe words when the Apes began to row, and the windc fate f fairc , that in a fmall time they were, far from Land* and.they loft the fight of him. So let us leave htm totheScasatthepleafureof fortune, and retlirnc to tl^e others, being refolved to pcrlue their cntcrprize : Ad therefore they went to the Court of .old Cildadan^ who knowing of their arrival, honorably received thera,and af-



ter tkcy


fixt Bool^e

Countricjhc gave and entiing

had fojourncd a fmal

tln>c in his


the order.Thcn they tookc leave of him,

into their (hip, they fct failc to Cenflantinople , where they, found LifvartyCon to Ef^lartdiattywho was then efteemed bkc moft faire and aecomplilhed Gentleman in the world. The

old Emperorfwho by reafon of the abfence of his Children, had left his folitary lifcaSc taken upon him thcGovernment of Thrace) knowing that they were arrived at the Port, went downeand welcomed them add from theacc condufted them into his Pallace, where he and young Lifvarf feafted them for the fpace of twelve daycs who, having anderftood thcloflc of his Uncle Fmon^ and the cnterprife of theft new Knights which was to go feek him where ever he was, he refolved to keepe them company. And for that purpofe, the thirteenth day afterwards, as the Empcrow arofe from Table, he came and caft himfelfe upon hi&knees before him, humbly entreating him to grant him one boon. The good man having the teares in his eyes, tookc him up, and granted him wbatlbever he V7ould. Sir faid he, I have undcrftood by thefe Knights, that my Unele VmonoiGaiile^ hath been lead by a ftrange Damfcll, and no man knows whither M^.y it therefore pleafe you not to be difpleafedj if I goc my fclfe to fecke him j for I never hadadefii'ctortcciveKnight-hopdof any other then of him: being fuic that of abetter I cannot attaio tofucH honour, feeing that he is the Son of King Amjdisy Father
: :

to my Fathers vi^o hath furpaflcd a,ll others in great prowc/Ic and wi fdome. My Son anfwered the Empcrour, this parting will beverygrieveous to mej for your preUnce gave my oldyeares fome comfort, in the abfence an(|^


greed to your demands,

of your Parents. Nevcrtheleffe feeing that I have a-, I am willing thatyour will be accompliflied. At this time Li fvart might be about the age of, fc^y.enteen yeares he was Co great, and well formed, that

would have efteemed him moj;-e then twenty. He therefore having the Reynes on his OTync neck, to doe w]iac Tcfmcd him good, he (ndeavoured in all diligence to proorte


vidcandfurnifh three great



into the one of which

heentrcdjiicompaaied with Fhrefian, Tjrmtnir his* Brother, and GiiHMis brother uf timguiKts : in the other ^<iilajdej a-nd^ed/jgani a.nd iM the third Ldnguines with Abits. Then having taken lea>se of the Emperour, they commanded to weigh anchors, and hoifc the failes j and fayling in the malne Sea, in "^n hours Ipacc they loft the fight of the great City. So we will returne to Pemfi, and the fortunes which he had, we will leave the others alone uotill wcfhall have more leafure.



H01V the Ddwfell Cottduffe dPci'ion ofGiyAetoa place where he received the Order of Knight- hood^ and of that which hapned to him,

|Nc week and more (aikd r<^ritf in the baiquc of the Apes with the Ikangt Damlel^ and tbeityenthday ibllowing, they drew neara to the fhorc of the faireft Country that could be podjble. There they tooke Port, and Toon after the DamicU, named Alq-ifef'j took out of her CoflTers a black Harneilcj embclifti'twitKthe like Sphcre5,as thofc of the Sheild which (he carried^ then flie faid to Ferion Gentle arme .your fir. 7i is meet before we paiHe fui ther, that you you muft place where the behold for felt with thef* Armcs: have yoii which proniife the of accoropli(hnient begin the Ft'faid me profit amies & (hield a wil what And me. made w, inot being aKnight>You (hal be made aKnight quotli dc(he when God &: the time flial permit, wherefore do not Goat the lay.Whichhe agreed to ,in fuch fort ihat he put on 0/ Mailcj and the reft of the Hamefs except the Helmet, which (he took between her amies and i(Tuing out of the barque, thej began togoe up into the Itland, fo long that
: :




Books of

thcycame into a great plain^whercPtriwaskcd^hcr in what placcthey were ; but fhe anfwercd him noohcrwifcbut

And fo diicouriing, they that he fhould know hercattcr. fecmcd in appeawhreot the circutt City, great law a rance tQ containc more then three miles and the nearer they came to it, the more lofty the place Teemed to Perion^ were it in Highn^fs of Walls, ftrcngch of Towers, or great Bulwark?, And hce would very willingly have prefled his guide-to tell him the name of the place, but her former anfwer contradiflcd hisdeilre to enquire further

in fuch fort that he held his peace until they entrcd into it. Then he very well knew that the excellency of it without,

was nothing con^parabje

to that which he /aw with-

in, as well in faireHoufes, as golden Pallaces j as.wcll of pcople^as of nugni cent TempleSjColIolfo's and things of antiquity that he knew not what to thinke. Uh'ch the DamfcU knowing, file faid to him: Now it is good for yourproatand honour, that you fpeake not one word to any man who fiiall talke to you, before that I command


may happen to you DamfeJl anfwer. will hold my peace then, feeing that it is your, pleafure. And fo difcourling, they came to the entrance of a P^llace, being the Principall ofthem all, as it might eaficd Perhfti

before which many Knights and other ly be perceived perfons walked, who feeing Perbn and the ftrange Damfell goe up the fteps, followed them to (ec what adventuue it might be. And cntring into a very great Hall hung with Tappeftry, Perion perceived under a Canopie of clothjof Gold an honourable old man, having on his head an Ewperours Crowne ^ and near him many KingSjDukcs, Earls and Barons, who all did greatly honour and reverence him 1 and towards whom Alquefa ( holding /'tri, by the hand ) approached ; and kneeling on the ground, faid to him, Moll high excellent and redoubted Empcrour, my Father ( you r humble fervan t ) kideth the bands of your Maitftie, and humbly entreateth you, that without delay you beCtow Knight-hood on this Gentleman, Tor he fhall


as well


G A U L E.


it as

any other

knew^he Damfell,

The Empercur preher whom he had many timts


wherefore hekindly received her ; and caftin^>; his eyes on Perion, he itemed lb fair,and of fo goodly a ttaturCjth^t he was moved to fpeake theie words Truly it is ealic to believe, that of

fecne with her Father vf/r/wi/the^Negromancer

fo excellent a per fun, fhould


no other then



Knightly deeds; wherefore Damfell

fiimfdltto Perion, he asked him

will fatisfie


Fathers will, fceihgthat he praycs nic.


fo addrdl'ng

from whence he came, but he anfwed never a word, according to thepromife which

made to


who fpake for him,

faying to the



Sir, I intreat

you to pardon him




hfying his faith, he cannot at prelent difcourfe with you, or any other of this Court. Well anfwered he,he ftiAll am^ther time ; in themeane time lead him to the Ladyes, to th'end that they may fee him; and to morrow after the

watch, I will give him the Order. Alqmfn arofc and was led with Psrion into the Chamber ef the Emprefle, wh om (hefaluted, asflieknew wcUhow todoci then fhc faid to her, Madam, my Father hath fen t you this Gentleman, whom he praycs yon to leceive, as him wllio deferves,bcin; i(Tucd ot a Linage very well kno\^A amungfl the beft Knights in the world. Then r<ri/?n approached and ki(?rd hef hands. By my God anfwered the EmprefTe, if Knighthood be as well accompli!"' cd in him, asWiis beauty ; hec will be ( by all reafon ) the moft accompliflied in arme<t, as haih been thcfe hundred yeares. firion niadeirreat obcyfancctoher, without fpeaking one word, <ind at that infla nt came Ofw/frcj and Grici/f/i'i, DdU8;htcr of the EmVcrour, efleenied inch, that in all //^^i, their equall in beauty could not be found which Perion marvelling at efpecially for Griciltrea, could not forbearc, but he (aid in himfelfe Good Qod Ladyes, in whom nature hath taken for I never thought in great pleafure to make faire all my life, to fee that amongft all living, which I now lee


you two.Then being furprizcd with an affeftion not accuilomed


The fecond part of

cuftomcd i he Co changed his colour that jl^utfa peic<i\td it. Wherefore addrelling her fpcech to Gmi/cre/i, who was the y oungeft, (he faid to her Madam, my Father fends you word by rac, that hce hath chofen this Gentleman to fcrve you as your Knight, and advifethyou lo receive andaccepthini for fuch a one, ferhc will obey you cren asyourgreatneflcdetcrvcih. She rightly touched the difcaic of this Princcfle , for Love had at that inftant bound her by the prefencc of P^ri^w, in luch manner that Ihe ani'wcrcd to Alqtuja Your Father hath long fince made me this promife, 1 believe him and follow his advice, feeing that it pleafed the Emperour to command me the fame day that he took leave ot him And that he afliired me of whao But 1 fee, which is the faireft Gentleman in l;he World, for all this, Ptrion fpake not one word, but made his eyes fervc as an interpreter, which carried to the heart of this ,. princefle all the thanks which the tongue cpuld expreflc cxercifing its office Neverthelcfs there was none of them, who were notaftoni(hed to fee him fo dumb, and amongft others Oxtoloreaf who ( being (urprized with a ccrtaine jeaI pray loufle for the good of her Sifter ) faid to Alqntfs you Damfellad<^2rtize your Father, that my lifter will be Veryharftijif fiieflji^Mrefufethf prefent which he hath at which I am not angry, but Iwould fent her by you thathe would have as good remembrance of me, as hec hath had of htr^ although that the Gentleman cannot cxeufe himfelft tor the rigour which heufeth towards us.not deigning to fpcak to any of us. Madam, an(wered Alquefa^ it is at prefenr forbidden him, fomc other time he (hall

make amends for this fault And as for my Father, hee knows what is needfull for you alfo he hath commanded

me to

you, thathehathin guard fuch a one, that you Aiall wiH:! well to him all your life; and he will bring him in (hort time. He ftiall be very welcome an fwered fiie. During this loving difcourfc; love gained place by little and little in the hearts of Verion and Gricilerea^ in fuch manner that he polfelfcd himfelfe of all, rendring thcra fo united





of Love, that there never w*8 two more true loverSj as by our Hiftory you (hall know hereafter. Then the Emperour came into the Chamber, who after he had a long time difcourfed with the Lady es, of that which /f/^//^ father to the Damfell lent him, concerning P^rz# coniidei ing the paines which he had taken to come armed from the Sea fide on foot to the Pallace , he called a Maftcr of his houfhoid, to whom he gave command to lead him to rcfrefh himfelfe, the which he did. Then about tha evening certain Kniglus came ro hmi, which conduced him to the Chappcll, where he watched ( according to the
in perfeftion

cuftome) until! the next morning, the Eir.pcroor eamc to find him, accompanied with the Empretlc, the two PnnccfcsOmforeazndGridlereaf and a great compinyof KnightSj Ladyes and Damltlls. And as theMafs was celebrated, the Emperour came to him, and gave him the Ordcr But he perceived that he was well armed with all

Amies bat a Sword, and for this caufc he willed one to go* presently and tetchone of his. BiK Alque/x who held (hat which /he.had alwaies carrycd-with the Ihieldjlaid to him Sir, My Father hath dedicated this to his lemce, wliich fhail be gilded about him if you pleale, by my Lady Grid* /erfijand I am charged humbly to deHrc it of you.* In good faith quoth the Emperour, it doth plcafc me well. Then my Lady, faid Alqueja to the Infanta, doe your part. At this word, Gricilerca took the Swordjand put it to the fide of the Gentleman, faying to him Thus I receive you for my Knightj God make you happy, and a wife man. Madam, anfwcrcd Alqutfa^ feeing that he hath received (iicli honour at your handsjitis rcafonablc that he acknowledge it without delay. Then taking a great Diamond, andgi.

vingitto Tenoni Prcfcnt her faid (he this Jewell, in witnelfc of the fervice which you owc%r for the future, and for the caufe that (he may have remembrance oiyoximPeriem obeyed to her commands, and QrUikres received it with a heart,puttiug it on her finger. Then going from the Chappell, the new Knight was condufted into the great Hall of




'the fixt

Bool^ of

the Pallacc, where the Clothes were ftaid for dinner. Then the Emperour andPeri^ fat right againft the Princes'sitrunoi ly there was no Viands could be thought on, that wert there Terved ; and ncverthelcfs he did cat but very little, being ( as he thought ) filled enough with the beauty, and good demeanor of his Love, who toolce all the paines in
the world to entcrtainc him, hoping to get fome word from him, which Ihe could not get, in fuch fort that (he wai much difcontented at his difdaine ; neverthclcfs Al" qtufa appeafcd all fo well , that this little anger afterwards

tumccito no other but great love.


How Perion of Gaule


vanquijhed Alpatrafie Duk^ of

Qrcalea, who niiintaimd his Ludy to befairer^ then all tht$ther Ladyetor Dam fells in the World,


Ftcr the dinner was ended, and as the Clothes were taken away, there entred into the Hall a Knight armed at all points, except his hands and head He was of very great ftaturc, and was followed by ten Kfiights, twenty Squires, and one Damfell, in very good Order. He had hanging at his neck a very rich (hleld, in the middle whereofjthere was portraded a Lady of moft excellent beauty. He bf ing come before the Emperour,


put his kntc to the ground; and all thccompmy approched together to heare what he would fay. Then he
i'pake in this

of Irehifond

Moll Mighty Em||^rour



which at

this time,

fore your Majcfty

me to prefent my felfc beis to let you know that I who am Dake


oiOrcilea^hj itaLmc/Hpatrajie^dolovc & Damfel, named Z>ia great Lord my Nfi^haleijrea, Daughter to a Knight,




Ihavediverstimcstold her. thegoc




which I bearc her ; So (he hath aflured mc that flie would not love mcjbeforc that I have been in the Courts of alJ the Kings and Princes of A/i^, tomaincaine that her beauty excecdcth .ill the excellency which other Lady es and Damfells are endcwed with j and if any Gontradiftit, let ihem touch the Image portrafted in this ihield, the whkh i her Figiu'e and I will combatc with them, and bring them

to that condition, that they (hall yield thrmfclvtfPrifoncrs to my Lady, to whom I am bound to fend them. And if fortune fliall enable me to remain vanquifhor of all thofe whofhallenterprizethecombatc azairft me, then Ifhall enjoy her love, otherwifc not. And to th'end tkat flie may have good afluranceof what lh.all happen, flic haih given charge to this Damfell, named Efirelitne to follow me, to make her a true report of my aflions.I have alrtady travepfcd many far Countries,& tought 'vith above fifty Knights, whom Ihavcall fcntioherrandSirlhopctobv nolefspro{jperous in this your Ccurt,thcn I have oeen in others: and therefore if there be any one who will contradiQ: the beauty of my Lady, let him come preftntly and touch the (hield, and prepare hin)felfe for theCombate. Then the Knight held his peacejooking on the countcnanccof thofc who hearkened to him but there was honerobardy to open his mouth to (peak one word,aIthough that the moft part of them had before their eyes, thofe whom theyktld lor their Ladyes and loves. Yet the gteatnefs of the adventurous Kinght made them lofe their hearts, fpeech, and force 5 at which Prricn being aftonifticd, caft his cyet on the Infama Gricilerea^ and feeing that (he locked upon him AS though fhe called him to fuccour her, being moved with an exreame deiire to doc hcr^ervicc, he altogether forgot the promife which he had made to klquefa, ro' to (peakt withcut her leave, Asd fo approaching neare to the Duke of Orcales, he laid hands on the ihield with fuch great force, that he pulled It from his neck, cafling it with fo great ftcngth to the ground, that he broke it in piecet ^ faying fo loud thatcvcry one heard him: By my headSia





Book^ of

Knight, thijistoo great bUfphemy againft To honorable a Company. And if it pkafc God this injuric Qiall notbedoRethemin my prcfence 5 fo long as I have the raeanes to defend them Thefe words fo bravely fpokcn by FerioH, did very much pleafc all that heard him and more efpecially, her tor vvnofc love it had been enter!

prized Neverthelefs Alpatrajit as modeftly anfivcred In good faith Knight , you ufe fo little courtefic that you dcfervetobe greatly blamed, but the means that I intend liiddenly to take in open battell , hinders me at Perion held this time to fay that which I thinke. his peace For A/^e/> mightily reproved him for (peaking without her licence. Neverthelefs quoth fhe, <;ceing that you hsyre fo much forgotten your felfe,goe forwards, and with Gods help you will end all with honour ;
: :

Whtreforc Sir fjid (lie to the Emperor, may it you to give him a horfe, for I have brought him as you knov/ on foot. Truly anfwered he, that is



a very reafonable requefl:^ feeing th.-^.t he himfclfe will defend the honors of io many Ladies as are here prefent. Then he commanded a Squire to fetch him one of the bell horfcs in his liable ; In the mean time the Duke alighted and provi-

ded himieif for the Combate, and aGoone Perian was conduced into the field by the Dukes of Ortdenfaude la Fonta. The Emperor , together vvith the Ladies placed thcmfclvs at the windows , and as the ivio Combatanrs were
rcadie to doe th^ir devoir , the Trumpets began to founds wherefore they ran one againftthe othher with fo great force, that the Duke broke his lance on the new Knight, who failed of his attempt: But in pailing, they encountrtd with bodies and heads #iLh fuch force, that horfes and meii nicafi!' ed their length on the ground, that every one thought them tt> be dead* Which GriciUrea feeing (Ik became extrcame fad : and as the tears came from her eyes, (lie percci/ed Peaow to rife up, being alhamed of his nifliap. So he quickly laid hold on his Sheild, and drawing forth his fword , he marched towards hi$ enemy,



S rfe

G A U L E.

I ^

who was likewife got iifiM his


there began a

moft cruel Conibatc between them, during which time, they behaved themfelves Co well one againft the other, that by the Ipace ot an home or more, itwashaidto ju Jge to whom the viftoiy would happen. But in an inftant the Dukes chance akertd ; tor he btganio faint, and on the other fide the new Kni{i,hc fcemcd more quick 3^4 nimble then before. Certainly, he who had then taken notice of the countenance of Gncikrea , the vifagc which flie bore gave teftimony rnough of the pleafure which Ihc had in her fouljfeeing her Lover ready to have the viftory: who lifting up his head, efpied her from among all the For which caufe he redoubled his forces in fuch others. manner, that he reached the Duke fuch a blow on his helmet , and wounded his head fo rightly , that he fell down aftoniftjcd. Then he advanced him, and by his ftrcngth broke the buckles of his Hdmct and difarmcd when Ejl re leiene entred into the him, ready to killliim

on her knees, fhe intreated mercy on him. Ntverthclefs he feemed to bedeafe to her demands , and for this caufe (lie being


cafting her felfe

Periva to have

difcontcnted, addrellcd her fellb to AlqHcfa^ intrcat for her. Which fhe rcfufed not, but faid to Per/r^n , Knight, content your ("clfc with this viftory , and for my fake fave the Duke. At thefe words Temn retired back , and wipeing his Tword on the green grade, he put it up in the



intreated her with doubled hands to

Goecjnoth A'^ttefaMo Ep^tlientj and looke after (heath your Knight; for, for ai much as I can perceive, he hath The Grange Damfel hum! ly thanked great need thereof. her, and at that preftnt Perimj horfe was brought to litm, upon which he niountcd, but before he departed out of
fpakc foftly to him, Sir Knight, it is rcwithout any further delay we return into our Barque5(from whence (if you keep your promife)you may not depart without my confent And likewife I pray you, that fromhenccforth you caufe your felfe to be


qui'ltc that





Book^ of

of the Sphei-t:for he who hath fcnt me Amies, the which ycu bcarc, hath all his by yoQ unto And for this caule I did forbid you confidence in -you. at our entrance into this Coui tj to ipcak to any , doubting Icaft you fhould be fta?cd, and my cntcrprizchindrcd: So then, let us not ftay here any longer, and let us take
called the Knight
tVis way to the


Sea fide. Sa) ing-fo, (bx ftruck her palfcry followed her with great grief, feeing hirafelt fo foon barred from the prcfence ot his new Ladie: of whom he could not by any meanes tak* any other leave, but only by palling by the window where llie and her lifter were feated, there he looked upon her with fopictiliil a

Countenance , that flje might whcicwith he was accompanyed


thence he zndAlcfKefa rode to the Barque, into which he entred. And the Apes began to ro we. The Emperor and thofc of his Company being abafhed at their fo fudden departure, did not know at the firft what to think, nevt rthelefs coniidering that all this had happened by the advifc of the fagc Father of Alquefa^ they made the Icfs wonder ttit. And during thefe parages, the Duke was carried out of the held, who without any long ftay in the Country, where he had been fo illy handled, he (with his Company) took the way which he had come fo fad that death had been very agreeable to him. Butfurely, GriciUres

know And from

the grief

fuffercdnotlcfson her part, for the fo fudden abfenceof her Ferion Neverthelefs, we will not at this houre give her any reaicdy , but onely being in hope to fee him ano:

ther time:

and we will alter our difcourfc, may tell you what adventure happened to
departed from the Port of Conflantinople
fearch of their

to the end we


to enter into




Chap. IV.


Hovp Lifvart, Floreftan, and tht others failwg in the Sea^ infsarch of Periorij the vejjel wherein VaHlides ana Qucdragant were^ voas cafi hy jiorme en

the JJk

they ctmbated

of the Giant Argamont and vanquijlnd*



|:^^^^>lfOu have not long

fi^l '

(met heard,




and Galuanej enibarqued

thcmfelves in one (hip : VaiUides and| ^edrain another Lcmguines and Ahies of Iregant ^^ They have'iS^ ijid, in like iSanncr ^parated

ing then taken leave of the old Emperor of Conftantinc5 cauling to hoifc the failes and weigh the anchors, they failed in the maine Sea , they had not long failed fo, but fuch a tcmpcft happened, that the Pilots, Sceers-^nen Mariners themfelvs, thought to perifli 5 for they had not left them Saile, Maine Mafts, nor Rudder, that was not

broken in many pieces, for Vvhich caufe they were fo fcattered by the fpace of three weeks , that without any hope, ihey followed fortune , as it pleafed the windc and the wares to guide them. And in this diftiefle the ^edragam were arived at fiiip wherein Vaillides and the brtak of day , very ncer to a fairc Ifle, which was foone known by the Mariners to be the Kle ot the Fueil'e "BluKcb&y and the Lord of it was one of the cruelkft Gyantsin the world, named Atgamont the valiant ; This Argamont had a daughter named Vardadic^ who was very well known of Ardj dmilf.he vjhich Am adis de Gam !e vanquiilud in the town of Fermfe, as the fecond book largely dcciareth. And to let you know what knowIcige he had of her, know, that one day amongft other?, as heiventto fearch for ftrange advcntmcs, making tri. all of hisperfonin all Countries, he arivcd in this Il'e, where he combated againftthc Giant G^rw/wnic/.', ihe father


fixt BooJ^.


but at' the inftant they found thcmiclvs aliiedj and fo they became fo great friends, that the Giant would have delivered his fvvord to Krdan y giving him the honour of the viftory^ which the other rcfufcd. And foiMvingto whom this glory (liouldrcmainc, they arivedat theCaillc of the FaeUlt Blanche ^ where Arga-

therof Ar^jfHont

of the Damfel of whom I lately fpakcij) Efpecially, 'vvhcn they underkindely welcomed him, parentage which they had togeand alliance ftoodthc ther. But it happened that .the thirteenth day following GaKdandsll departed this life , \\ had been fo forely wounded by krdin Comile, who was very much grieved therefore, efpecially for the love which he bore to the daughter of hrgamoni : of w^iom he was fo much enamoured, that forgetting the honor, and affinity of Pa-


( father

rentage, he wholly difcovered his aifeftionSsto her, and hey jumbled their fidies fowell together that they envied on another that which Tome have called th^ womans
in fuch fort that nine moneths after Damfel had afon, who was named ArdadikCanile^ And knowfaiththe fo called for the love of his Father. Mariaers to Vaillidct , that this Arg'^mont and his little fon, are at this time reputed the vaUianteft, and cruelleffc Knights under the Cope of heaven: So that none arivcs By in this I lie that are not killed or taken by them. God anfwered ^/Wrdgjw/ , this (l:all not hinder us from go/ng to finde them. And he commanded to put the ihip aland, which was done not without the great fear and horror of all thofc of the (hip So the two Knights armed themfelves , and taking their horfes out of the Veflel, they marched towards the trees j and they marched fo long that they arivcd at the entry of a great plain, from whence they could cafily fee the Caiile of the Fueille Blanche, But they had hardly caft their eyes on it, when they heard a hornc founded from thehighcfl Towto ers by the watch, which the Giant had appointed give him notice when any ftrange (hip fhould take Port

merciful guift






in hi Marches, Aid they tarrycd not long before j4rga^ mnAt came out from his Fort, and armed with plates of fine ftcelc) mounted on a grsat Horfe, (jamc before the Knights, to whom he (aid in a great bravado : Poore unfortunate o'nesj how dare you a ppea re before me > Yield your felves prifbnerSjand conteiiL your icivcs with the faolifh enterprize which you -have done, to enter thus armed into my Country. ^W^-w^.^'.'f was greatly moved to hear himfeUefo injured; wherefore he anfA'ered him ; By my head, great villainc-j you are far from your guefe^ for we hope forfuture honour in breaking yourhead, and.*to vanquifh you -as you deierve and although toriune Ihould be ill on our fde, and we fi culd dye in the field ; this WGuldbemoreglorytous to e^jd our daycs tvith our Swords in our hands', then thioujili kare to accept of your proffers-, wherefo relay alide thcle {:hrcats,andnow employ your time (if you can3inorc in Knightly dccd?,thcn in fuch toolifli words. During this difcourie, the Giant contempIjfted on theperfbn ot ^r^;fr^^j/,whofceraed to him a fair Knight. And for this caufe, he fomc^vhat appeafed his Chollcr,and '.'aid to him j Tmly 1 do believe that you arc a good Knight, ncverthelefs you may cafily know.that your ftrcngth Ml rcfpcft of mine, is little or nothing/ Anct feeing it is your dciif e to come both together , you (liall (bone fee what honour you will purchafc by trying your

me, fo as you brag. And having fpolccn thcfi words, he lifted up a great Mact which He had in his hand9 thinking to ftrike ^sdragant Then VaiUideSy who was {bmeT\'hat behind, knowing his will, couched his. Lanccj and giving fpurs to his Horfe, charged hrgamont Co direftly, that he was ready to fall fromlii* Hor^'. But in 'lit ptflagc,herccecivcdfuch a blow with A^i 'iants Mace, ^^*"lr4tm chat would he or not, he was caft on the grcur
felvcf againft

^ant being greatly angrecl, diinklng to rcvcng b

firaigbttipon ^rgavwn.'j

..i, i aune I^ncc oil him without doing hinj any hurt At; the whkh,the Giant being ^d> cry cd at the end of hh Coarfe wiih a loud voice;


l-rokc his


Thejixth Booh^ of

And well Sir Knight, had not your fellow, gained more himfelfc my Prifoner, then to get that which he hath attained to, as you may fee? If my companion
by rendring
faith he, hath been hardly handled by you,




fently fee that


know how to revenge him, and my


he came near to Argjmonty and gave him blow on his eare And thlother thinking to revenge himfelfe, heftrokehis Mace with fo great ftrength againft ^edragaat^ that if he had hit him, he had killed him without doubt j fohefhunned the blow, and advanced forwafds, meeting with the eare oi Krgamontt Horffe,and ftunned him, and in falling he fell on the knee of the Giant, at which he received fo great pain, that from thence forwards he was forced to fight upon one Icggc, At that in ftant VaiUidei came to himfelft , at which ^edra" ant was greativ pleafed, for he thought he had been kiled ; but feeing him whole, he Was in great hopes to vanf, quifh his Enemy and thereforethcy both ranne on him. His Mace was fallen out of his hand, wherefore he touke a great Cimiter( which he had about him) in his hand, and with a ftcrne countenance hg endeavoured to defend himfelfe ncverthelc/s Vaillidis came upon him, and with



one blow ftruck his He!mcf into his head, at which the Giant was more aftoniHied then before for the blood began to runne downehis eyes. And as one ill turnefeldom conies alone, as he was about to revenge himfelf, and ftrikc him who had hurt him, he*advanccd hi- Cymraitcr, which by good fortune fell upon a frone (wherewith f^aiUUes had made him afiiield)and with the great force of the blow broke it in pieces, there remaining in his hand no more but the handle. Then the two Knights wcretiflured of i^he Viftory wiferefore they encompaflcd him on every fide, fo nearly prefljng on him that they put him out of breath and feizing oii hift neck,ihcy took he Helmcc from his hcad.Now you are ,i dead man qituih^^iiff/Ve/^if you do not acknowledge your fel fe van^uilhcd, and obeyr our commands. I am quoth he dead if it fo plcafe you, not


AMADrs deGAUti.


anqui{hcd : for he alone is vmquilhcdjwho through faintficartedndfs cca(eth to doe his endeavour ; and you know that I have not (pared my {elf, fo long as fortune gave me the power. But as for the accomplilhing of your pleafores, in that I will willingly obey you, on condition that my honour be not iHterefted otherwife I had rather loofe my life. Truly faid they, you fpcake even as you ought we will favc your life, and will command you* nothing, but whatfliall redownd to your honour and reputation. If it be fo quoth the Giant, I will obey you. Then faid the Knights, this is that which you muftdoc, that forgetting your Idollatrous faith, you from henceforth believe in

Jefus Chriji^ true God and Man ; who for you, and for us all, received death and pallion, and rofe againe from the

dead the third day after. And in this faith you (hall make your' Sonne Ardad'tlho believe, then you fliall go together

and as from us, you ; him, the manner of ourCombate ; and from honceforth you fhall be his and our perpetuall friends and fervants. Sirs, anfwered he, I doc promi fe and fw eare it to you s for long lince I have beene of
to the

Emperour of

fhallfaithtully declare to

this minde.


thisaflurancc, Va'tUidet

and ^edragant

tooke him by the armcs, and as they kd him to his Caftle, tkcy mctAlmatrafj bis VV'ife,who having fecn him fall,came to entreat the Knights to have mercy on him : but ^eiqg that they were made friends, (he asked him if he were mortally wounded No anfwered he, thanks to our Lord Jejus Chrijl /m whom I now doe and will alwaics believe, and fo fhall a]l thofe that wifh me well. crycd Jupiter the Giantefle, what doe / heare > will you loofe your felfe, and yours fo foolifhly > Wife faid the Giant, you your felfc and after you, all ofliall be the firft that fhall obey me ; thers of thislfland, aswcll as you, (hall believe in that God which I now adore. And for what occalion faid Ai~ matrafi'i^y reafon faith he, that the Combate which I have had againft thefe two KnightSjhath given me experience,

that their

God is the true God, and

ours are falfc and lyers



'The fixt

Baok^ 0f

and Arefore befatislkd without any further enquiry. So they came to thcCaftle, and from thence he was led into his Chamber, and put between two Clothes, where 41matrafa ( who was skilfiill in the Art of Chyrurgeiy ) looked to his wounds ; and he was fo carefully provided for,
$hat(heafluredhimof his fuddain healthy wherefore he earndlly entreated the two Knights not as yet to leave him buttoftay with him for a certaine time ; during which time faid he, I will honour you as you deierve j which li-

ked VaiUides and his Companion very well", thatthsy might refrcfli themfch es of the travell which tkey had undergoncjby rcafon of their fo long tempcft: for which cauf they fcni: for their Mariners, who hearing good news of the Viftory which they'had obtained of Arjgjww^r^diey piaifed God with all their hearts 5 ncverthelcfle wondring dt the prowe/fe of Qaedragant and V.iillidcf, who whilft their (hip Wai in repairing, remcmbred to aske f their Hoft, where his Sonne hrd^diU Canile was. Sirs an fwered he , the great SouldanofL^^w^not long fincc^ fent a Gentleman in all haft tomewithexprefl[c Letters, by which he entreated Hie to give him my Sonne, toriiakehim Lieutenant G>enerall of a great Army, which he newly muftred with the Souldam of Perfij^ of Ahpjt^ of Ba'^.V/, and many othtfrs, hoping to mine the Emperour, and Empire oi Confiantineph forafnHich as they knew for cerraine, that' Amadis de GmU ( one of the bcft Knights in the World) is inchantetl, together with E/jp/^Wirfw his Sonne, and i great many of the principall Knights of Chriftendonie, by V]\\om7hratt

was helped in thelafttx|>cdition' And now this Amudij^. and his friends arefofure, as it is believed, ic is fure that the Empire may cafily be fubducd, and the Emperour tais the cauie why all Pagan Kings doc mufter fo great force, hoping in (hort time- to meet together at the Port of 7^w^/ InThrigia, where Itlinke my

ken Captive 5 which

Son Camle is already arivcd, with thofe of /^fij tht reflr^ and fome other of the neareft Borderersfor it is impoiSbie he (hould hav any more as yet, in ir^gard oif the far Ccj mtries



G A U L C.

that they tri from whence they arc to conie, the latter tndo then Ibcntr think tDgethcu , as thy of ^^'c^. bcgmning MgH^. It was as yet but the newcs , this hearing wherefore ^ue^ragjnt and VaiUides beCompanions their finde refolved (that if they did not Con^annnopU to aid the fore 7/v ) togoc dlrcaiy to forpt hi"^ ^^om Emperor. But leaft we (l:ould too long leave them with the they were in fearch of : we will his f/"^'ly ' f"^ Giant, whom they baptized, and all

may meet

we will tell you what hapntd to

that il*e conduced.







Caulc H^rv the Barque, rchcrem Perion ^/ >;/e^ ^i/, Alqucfa the Knight of the Sphere , and ^p^aTtd of came to ^:ifre at' the foot of ^ very fair to him, the adventures rchith happened


were, in which But >^^,^^,^# without happeninp, onany adventure. ot foot the to necr Velfel, drtw the ninth foHou'ing the iv. .oh path-way little a X hi-h Rock, where thert was laid So Alquefa fhew^d it to Vcnon, and led to the top. you which the by you pray toh^m. Sir Knight, 1 this in youlove-be!* owe o God, 4ad the thing which lead wdi xvay, uhicb world that yoh will follow this a plain : where you O-all finde ock R the of th top
vot^ to

how the Otihatcalrciidy heard the manner rcDamfel Knisht of the Sphere, and the Apes the where ^ cntrtd into their Barcjae they failed eight dayes,

Tame tor .he middle. Country- and a Fotmtaine in donot^epait mf there, anclwhatlocver happen to you, ncwes ofmc to the contrary, from'-, before you have have majde andremembcryourfelfe of the profiyfe you
\j 3


The fixt Booke of

Then ht landed , and taking his horfc by the mounted on him,and rode on to the top of the

Damfcl quoth he, you may affure your fclf that the tear of death Ihall not caufe mc to faliific my word to
reincs, he

Rock 5

until he found the Plaine, even as Alquefa had told him. Ic was at that time fun-fet & necr night, wherefore he refolved to goe no further, but to ftay till the

morning: and therefore he alighted from hishorfe, and did cat fomcthing that he had brought with him, then heflept until the break of day , when as he mounted on his horfe. And when he had rid about halfe the day, he faw thefountaine, in the raoft pleafant and delegable place that could be imagined, and the water iffucd from twelve pipes, a'croflc, apiller': upon which was ereftcd tho Effigies of a Knight, armed at all points, except the the Helmet and Gantlets , and he held in his left hand an Emperors Crown 5 and in his right a Roll of Coper Gilt: Wherein was ingravcd latin e letters, which faid. In the time that this the grcateft danger of his cftatc, and that the horrible cries, and great yelling ftiall be aflwaged , the flower of Chivalry ihall* dourifli, abafing the pride of many , with the new conquered Sword, Ffrf (3 read arid readagaine, very often this Prcphecie , and in the reading he tooke lingular pleafure in the antiquitieof the Image : For he had heard it told to King Amadis his Father , that in Confiantimple, upon the Hell gate, there was juft fuch another, which was certainly believed to be crcfted by A Po/i<^ himfelf.Thus the Knight of the Sphere contemplating on theftrange things which he bchcld,he faw two of the Apes of his Barque who ereftcd him a faire Arbor ; whither they brought fuch abundance of viftuals , that there was fufficient to keep him twelve or fifteen whole dayes. But at that inftant he heard the neighing of ho r fes whei^forehee looked about him on all fides, to fee what Then he faw a very great Giant on horfebackj it was. holding In his hand a tough and ftrong Jxvelinj and he




had ten men very well armed following him , and in a Charriot drawn with four hoites : wherein was bound and fettered an old man, having his beard (o white and long, that it reached below his girdle, and belldcshini two Knights alfo covered with their arnics, Ibackkd
with fetters, and great irons on
their feet.

The Giant

did not fee Perion till he came very necr him ; but fo foon as h faw him lliaking his Javelin , he began to eric. Unfortunate Creature! what Devil hath brought you
to this place, toendyoui lifcfo unfortunately, and the Knight of the Sphere was no whit danted at his threats, but fuddenly drawing forth his Sword anfwered him By my head greit villain you have good reafon to threaten


in refpeft of the


which you

fhall receive


guide, being angryatthe tyranny wherein you have fo long lived, promifcth me ftrength to revenge thofe whom thou haft troubled all thy life, who I will prcfcntly deftroy, to

my hands

for Jefus Chrift

who is iny

fend thy foule to the Devil , of whom thou lately didlt The Giant was fo angrie at thefe Words , that he (peak fpurrcd hi^horfc to run upon the Knight of the Sphere but he went forwards , giving him fuch a blow with his Lance on his Jight Oioulder , that the p?/nie Gonftrained


to let fall his Javelin

ncverthelefs he quickly laid

hands on a Mace of Iron , which hung at his faddle bow ; And as they both turned about at the end of their Courfe for to joine together again , the Giants hcrfe let his foot in a hole, and fell fo heavily under his- Miller, that he broke his neck. Which the Knight of the Sphere feeing, he fuddenly alighted , and cut of his head, then he mounted again; for he heard thoic who ledthepiifoncrs, C17 with a loud voice. Traitor, Traitor, youfhalldic wi:hout remedie, and.'t (hall boot you nothing to fiie. Then they ran upon Periow, who in good
time for him was unexpeftedly fuccourcd by th'^fe Knights, each of them carryins; afhieldof Gold, in the middle whereof was a great GrofTc red as blood, thofe



Tlje Jixt

Boekg of

cfvhom 1 rpcak , feeing fo great ods, as ten againft one, refolvcd to aid the vvcakcft .and for this caufc plucking down the vjforot their fklhiets, julVasthofc of the Giants partly charged the Kiilghc of the Sphere , they cntrcd pell mell , and at thrir arivall they imhorfed The Knight of the three that they never fpake again. abalhed ready To aid would make them bring at , here ?^ to knoWjlh.u he had a part in the pra:^ife,in fuch manner, that they tour played their parts fo well , that in the end* they all ten loft their lives , the three Crofltd men wondring who he (honldbe that they had aided ; for they never faw a Kntght tight more hardily and better. One while they had an opinion that it was AfWJ^/i/, or EJplanclian his Ion, tlen on a fudden knowing that they were enchanted , they altered their niindc, and rather thought h'mi to be N/tranrlsl^ or the valiant Frandala; blit they had often feert them in fuch- skirmifnes ^ and they never came neer him invallor, towards whom they advanced,
praying him tor courtefie to tell him his name. Sirs anfsvcred he, the Crofle which you bear betokening you to be Chriftians, and the goo3 aid which I have received



me to fatisfie your,


My namt

(fo long as it pleafeth a Damfel who hath Ccn^ me hither) is the Knight of the Sphere , as thofc who arc aeqnainted with me, call me Perion of Gaule^ Son of Amadis King of great Britaine. He had no fooner ended hi wordsj but the three eroded came to embrace him, praifing God for fo happy a meeting. How? faid Terion doc youthen know me > -Knowyou? anfwercdoneoftheiHj yes truly, and for good caufe, feeing that I am your kinlman Talanqne^ fon of Galaor , brother to the King yourfather^ andthif is Mamcfy, a wellcftcemcd Knight, amongft the beft in the world. Truly faid Tenons this adventure is the beft for me that .1 could have wifht for hut I *pray you tell me who is the third. Sir anfwered lahnqnty this is fl.c who keeps me from manying, Queen Calafea of whom you have fomctimes heard. Yes, by

Amadis deGkULK,


my faith faidbc, although that I never thought to hafC fccn a woman endowed wjih fo good a heart, and o
Then lalanque called Ire Quacn , and great ProwclTe. Madam , you have nov, in jou: hands th faid to hep brother of that Chriftian Prince, which you hate wofc as I have often heard you fay. And he faid this for fport, forfhe oftentimes ruhlifl-cdjand in all co.Tipanits, that (he was more beholding to the Emperor EjfUxdian^ then

nil the men of the world, as well for the honor and gocdchterc which he made her at ConJijKtimple^ as for giving her a hutband fo wife, vertuouSj'and full of Proweff^, Wherefore knowing that it was Tcrhn^ fhecaft down her ITneild : and fctting her knees to the ground Ihe would have kificd his hands ; But hclifttd her up, and


faid to her,

how Madam,
welcome thofe


this the fafliion at Califor-

Ku*y thusto

whom they

hate for the love

of their Kindred ? Sir faid flic, wives arc obliged to performethe commands of their bu'sbandsjOtherwire be (lire that without death, or cruel imprifcnmcnt you fhould not efcape from me. They all fell alaughing at the good grace wherewith thcQiicen fpake thefe threatnings. And as they were thus talking , the Prifoners who were bound to the Cart ( as you have underftood ) found tht means to cut the cords, and come to the Knight of the Sphere , who going to the old man that went before them all, he faid to them Alas old man, what finifter for* tune have you to be brought into fuch m'lfciy in your old years! Sirjanfwered hc,I will alwayes praife the Lord, and blelTe him for you who htvc delivered me from death* And before! tell you any further, I humbly intreatyoi* for Gods fake to grant me one gift which fhall coftyou little, and which you cannot rcfufc as 1 thinke confidering your goodnefs, who hath compaUion of poore, niiferablc aftli&ed pcrfons , as I am. Father, faid tht Knight of the Sphere, you (hall have your picafure me. That which I require of you, anfwered the good man) is, that you give mc my liberty, aiid that for this


time or other acknowledge the favor which you have done me. Truly faid Penortt feeing that it is yourpleafurc to hide your Telfc from me, I am content. Then he asked the others who had To chained thcm^but they were fo ill, that they could not fuddenly know him who fpake to thenj^ although that to finde him they were entrcd into fearch with Llfvart. They had been hitherto covered with their

The fixt Boohf of time you enquire of my Eftate and I will at one

Helmets: wherefore it was no marvel, if Psriew himfelf did not know them, untill they took heart, and as they thought they had dreamed, lifting their handj to HeaAh ven, ad ^retching forth their armcs , they cryed God is this which we now fee with our owns eyes poflible to be true ? Saying, fo, they pulled off their Kelmeti, andfteoped down tokiflcthe feet of ferifl, who knew them to be Langmnes and Abies of Ireland , two of his Companions J he was fo glad, that in embracing them, he faid to theCroficd Kn?ghts, My friends, if you knew who thefe Gentlemen are , perhaps you would have part ot my great pleafure. Then he related to them how they departed out of great Britaine together , and what adventure had fepa rated them, Talanque, Jldanely^ andtheQiicen Calafc$ did much rriarvel : all which the Knight of the Sphere led into the Arbor: Neverthelcfs, before they arived there , the old man departed from them; and mounting on one of the horfes who had loft their Mafters , he tied with a great gallop through the Forcft , at which thg Knight of the Sphere began to laugh , faying to the others I think this good maa thinks he ispurfiied by the Giant, See I pray, if fear doc notMharpen his fpurs, which I would forgive him with a very good will, if I knew his name. But you who have been withhiqi, faid he, to l.angttlms^i\d AHesy cannot you refolve me in this point ? In good faith, anfwered they , we have as little knowledge of him as you j for

knoWjfaid Languinef, that my Companion and I departing from the Port of Confiantinoile , to goe in fearch of



G A U L E,


you, fofoon as we had fetfaile, there arofcfuch a tern"

pcft, that at the cndof tlJi'C\*eek8 wewcrc at Falcfiine* ncer to Joppa, where we landed to give order to repairc our (hip, and take in frefh water which wc wanted. In the meanc time we tooke cut our horfes , and armed at aUpoiflts, wc went to vilk the Countrie, in fuch manner 5 that by fortune we happened upon a ihadie place on one iide whereof there did run a moft iweet and fairc Fountaine, wherewith we dranke , awd wafhedour hands and faces. And at an ill time as we were a refreftiing our (elves, wcwerc charged by fifteen Kaights, whoilFued out of a Grove , they furprized us before we were ready : Nevcrthelefs we defended our fclves a long timeagainfl: But in the conclufion, knowing wre mnft die , we them. were forced to lay down our amies, and obey their com-

mands, although that this was not without great loflc; for of the fifteen we left five of them for a gage , and the ten likcwife had fomewhat to doe, when the Giani! who lies dead there , arived conducing in the Charriot he

Then our reiirtance was of little force, tied now. and we rcmaiued his prifoncrs caufing us to be changed, Juft as you have found us in the good ho^re. By my head anfwered Ferion^ I never heard of fo marvellous an adventure, where the event is fo good, God be thanked* They had not as then eaten all the day , wherefore finding the viftual which the Apes had provided, they began to eat, not without lamenting for Lifvart , and the reft of their Company v/homtheAormc drove, as you fhall preftnt-

who is

ly hear.





T^hc fixt

Bookf df

Chap. VI,
How the
waf Lifvart, Floreftan, ParGaluancs was caft meer to the grtdt mcnir and City of Trebifoad, and ofthe difcourfe vphich they had with the Empersr and the Ladies*
yejfel^vfi herein

Ortutte was (o avcrfc and contrary to thofc who cmbarqued thenifclves to goe in fcarchof Ter'uin^ that their vefllls were fepamtcd, tnd To they loft fight of one another. The (Wp wherein Farmemr >
GaUtar/j , Lifvarty and Florefun Jlferc^ efcaping the danger of many (hipwracks, happened ^ by Gods good pkaUire) to arivcat the Port of 'Irehifond, where they tound a Venetian Il.ipj laden

with Mwchandize

windc to

3 and waited for nothing bnt a fairo into It^Uf. There the Knights enquired of the cuftomeof- the Countiie, and what ntwes there ^va8. ^irs aiTwcrcd the Mti chants afewdayes iince, we



And what was

could be imagined. pray let us intreat yoii out of courtelic to let us undcrftand what it Was. Know then faid one of dicm, that the Emperor being in his Palace in the Companie of the EnipreiTe , and their two dau[^htcrs , there entred a Damfel richly clad, carrying on her neck a Hhcild and Sword richly garnillied : and this woman did lead by the band one oi the faireft \ot;hg Genslemeu that ever I bsheld, being armed at allpoints with a bfack harnefs, except his head which was naked. Then he reccunted every thing that happened to Ptriou of Gaule and Al^mfa and by that meanes Lifvart and his Companions did cailly know that the Merchants did fpeak of him, for whom they had taken fo great paines to finde , neverihelefs marveling what adventure Aiould bring him thither. And

ftrangeft advtiitiHV
it >





to Land,



goe ;o the EtBperour, of whom they might have more ceriaine tydings. So they furnifhcd thenifelvcs fo well as they cc uiJ,
efpccially iJfvart

for this caufc they thought


who wa$

one of

thefairtft Creatures

mounting on Horfc back, they wcne came to the Palace where they did alightj and patrmg further, they came intoa grtatHall, where the Emperour was in company of many Knislic, andwhemen. At their arivall every one did levcrcnce them, and gave way to them to nppmach ncarc hiaMajcftic i Lifvart who marched before them all, fpakc thus to him Sir,yourhighnnowne and great bounty, kn.nvne throughout the whole world, hath moved myConuxinionsandme, to come into this your Court; noc oiicly to doe you reverence, as youf Majefties grcatnefie doth defcrve, but alfo in hoping to have good ncwes of a younf Gtntleman, who. (as it hath bcenetold us ) you have
thit could be j and into the Towne, and

made Kniglit not long


at the requeilof a Dinifcl/

brought him hither to you, Aq4 Sir, for afmuch as 1 never bad intention to rece/vc Kj\ight-hocd, at thehandsof any other thm his; and that my age limixiioneih nie to take more upon me then I have heretofore done: I humbly intreat you to tell ns what you know, to ih'tndthathaving found him, Iniay have that which I hope for, and def re above all things. The Empcroiic (beinfj; a i^racious and atlable Piince) anfwercd lif^ vjrt, diat hcc and all his wcreveiy welcome. And as for the youngKnight,faid he,vvhicVj you if t.k.aiTwre yourfclve?,my, that atprefcnc know no nc^vvsof


which I am i^rievcd for I love and efteeme him,^8 much as any other that I know^bccaufe of the fi;rtat hr inning of Knight-hood which I fawinhtoiandafliuevour feivcs, that I am altogether ignorant oi' the reft of his Eftate: for he left this Court after To fT ai^gr a manner,



that when I thinke thereof ,1 believe .o have dreamed. Sir, .anfw*red Lilvdrt, I will certihe unto y- u, that he is fonne

to the hardy Knight Amjdis de Gaule, King of great Bi



tell nic



Bcol^ ff

and die faireCVf^wij. Aha, faid the Empcrour, you wonders , that he to whom I have given Knighthood, fliould be the Sonne of the molt renoxvned Prince in the Wodd. By my faith, I never had more delire to recover any man, then J have to get him wherefore if I can once nioreget him,hcfhal ^ive mcfatisfa^ion for the liale

coiirtciie hchaih(l;own n.c in fo hiding himfelfc. And looking upon Lifuart veiy carntftly , I believe faid hcjthat you arc of his kindred tor you are vcfv like him. Sir, anIwercdLf/yjr/, untillitlliall plcafe God to make me Hi ch a. one, that 1 may by my deeds dare to name my Parents, I liave no hutntion to be known further.Wherefore the Emperour enquired no further ; but called Dul^delafonte^ and cotimiandcd him to leadhim and theother ftrange Knights to the Emprcilc, and fay to his Daughter Gricikreaf that (lie fhould doe them all the honour fb.c could, cfpecially to Lijvart : for they came in fearch of her Knight. The Duke obeying to his commands , tookc hifvart by the hand, Viho being come before the Emprelle killed her bands, and flric Ciiibraced him, telling that he and bis companions were welcome. And Lifvari feeing the Infantacs, Omlerea And

C/rici/erei/, made great reverence to them; and the Duke VeUfonte told them what the Emperour faid. In good faith anfwered hritileria^ he hath good rcafon to command me to honour this Gentleman, for bcHdes his being one of the faJreft that ever I faw, Ithinkc him to become of high Linage; at the leaft, I doe not remember that ever I have. known aperfon morercfembling my Knight i hen he^which



a bctttcr will to



commands. And

therefore faire Sir, faid fhe to lifvart^ I woald entreate you to let me truly know who he is that you feeke, and

would by no meanes fpcak

co us.


the(c fpecches.

Love, who is not a refpeftcr of perfons5WQunded the hearts of Lifv'jnzwdOnohrejyvith one and the fame (haft, to whom the eye being mciTengcr of the heart, would give pre cnt remedy, contenting both their minds, by a regard which promiftd them cure and contentment. The which



G A U L El


endeavoured todtlkmble, aiiKvcring to GyicHerej i Madam, the Knighc whom you have aderjrc toknovVjis Soniif ot King Jnadisda Gau'e^ and bis name is Ftriorj, To tll you tartiier would be time ioH:, for the prowellc of iiis Facher ( who hath ib many times encompaiftd the woild ) caufeth his Sonne to be praifed with the beginning, which he hath nude at armes. Fairc Sif , laid OnoUrea, ha h no othcroccalion brought you into this Court, but oncly to find him? No Madam, untill this prefent laid he^ but I

well fee that for the future, there will be more caufcs ; if knew that thereby I fhould doe you any earthly fervice.


thanke him, the better to


what Ave thought ihe faid to him Truly you were well counfellcd to come hither,if fo be you dcfire ready newes fortheDaaifell that brought him hither, is very familiar at this place, and (he will not tarry long before fhereturnc to us; and then you nny know of htr what is become of liim. And Onoterea fpake this, whereby to hiivier Lifvjrtf and ftay him with her. There wa s at that time near her, Grilianss Daughter to the Duke of 6Vj



lledUftiy reg;arded the countenances


two new Lovers whereby




fu ('pelted ot

of the what had

happened tohim.and thinking to do the plcafurejlhe faid to^Holerea Madam, may Itpleafc you (to th'end that you may avoid Tome envie, which may bcare to my Lady your Siftcrjby reafon f her knew Kni;ht ) to receive this Gentleman Armesi
(cw yours,

who as I underhand
do not


about to follow

believe me^I

fpeak this without caufe^for

it is very rcafonable that fo far a young Gv-ntleman fhould be fervant to fo fair a young frincefs as you arc.The Infan ta did fonicwhat blufh thefevvords, which did onely in-

emboldened Lifvart to anfwer to GVi//aaa Madam, I humbly thankeyou for the good which yo;i wiih nve,' ntverthelefs Knowing th inialnefs of my delcrts, not having as yet done any thing worthy of fo great a Princefle, I dare not undertake to be hers , but if (he will
crt-afeher foeauty,&


thinkc my



doe HJe that favour to accept

the hj.'picft

Book^ of of mc for fuch a


1 (hall

man under the Cope of heaven.

Yes truly, faiU On Mns^ and from this day forwards I will, nd pray for you; hijvart fct his knee to the ground, & kif{cdhrr hand as ihe beginning of his fei vice j at thcfcpaffages the Enjperour came in, who after he along time had talked with the Ladies^ hee called a Maftcrofhis hou(hold,and commanded to lead thcfc Gkntlcraen tp their lodging, in one of the beft Chambers iti his Pallace. Then iiipper timbeing come he fcnt to feeke them, and royally

them untill it was bed time. But Lifvart took little for all th-e night he ceaftd not to Hgh, thinking on her v/ho had called him to her fervice_, of which he eftccmcdhimfeltc unworthy, notwithftanding the aflurancethe Infanta had given him. For which cau(e alter he had long
tumbled and tof!ed himfelfe, he could not forbearc, but he fa id within hirafelfc Ah, ah, unfortunate Lifvart what iithis? hopeft thou to/gainethc place whercunto the merits of chy Father, nay thy Grandfather Amadisy were notlulicienitoattaiitf? And thou whoare but yet as a fimple Gentlemauj not fo much a8 a Knight; doft thou thinketodocniore then they dared to undertake? No, no, you abufe your fclfe find fome (uddain mcanes to retyre out of this Labyrinth, before you get in further. Then he iuddcnly changed his minde, but could not take reft on one fijleorothcr, but remained in ftrange painc. Onoltrea was no lefTe on her iide ; for all the night ftie ceafed no t to ligh, havhig alwaies the great beauty of her Lover before her eyes, for which caule the burned with an unaccuftomed

J^re, caufingheranunaccuftomedilnefs. Thus thcfc two Lovers were handled, untill the next morning, that Lifvart put himfelfinto the beft equipage he could, whereby to return to his former ccurfe.-and io did Varmm'irfialuamsyHnA. PhreJIan who being advertized that the Ladyes were at MnTsij they went to find them, and as they entred into the


thy pcrtcivcd

Omkna in fo good



filmed to have fgmewhai of dlvJn? nawrf In her. She had OH hfr a yellow OoldcnLock, aod aClrcleofimt Pearli which fcrved her as Garkanet,and wpon it valJ of ydlow Taffaty, which adorned her moft exctllcntly Gri* cilerea wa$ near unto her on her knees, who fccondedhci fowclljthat laying afidc all affeftlon, it wa a hard mat- tcr to tell to whom nature had been moft favourable and a little on one Me w us Gatianj, and Briddena^ and many other Ladyes and Damfcls. But had they then asked hre(ian ^ndGaluanei what they thought, without qucftion Florefian h^d been (or Crilidna, becaufe he loved her; and Galuanej for Bridtlncay rather then for t^ two Infan. Ues i for indeed much might be faid of them. But I pray thinke with what devotion thfe Knights did hearc Maflei furely all their prayers and vowes were addrcfTed to thofc who had ( as they thought ) power of their life or death end they would willingly have chofen their Paradife in thij little place; on condition the Goddefles whom they in fpirit adored, might be made equal to them in affcaion.

And as they

were in


termes, the Pricft having perfor-

med hit Office, the Emperour arofe .-.wherefore Lifvart and

Companion* went
to give

him the good morrow, asd

they were conduced from thenee into the Hall, whcrt th Tables were covered for Dinner^



thefixtb Beokg ef

Chap. VII.
Uevf AJlrange Damfell arived before the Empertnr if Trcbifondcj demaftdini a gift of tht Infanta. Onoierea, whkhfie too rafily grantedywhcreofjhce repented at leijure.
His 6rave

Company of Lords and


making the bcft

cheere that could be devifcd, jiift as the Muficall inftrumente did give notice unto them to rife from the Ta:

ble there appeared before them a brave Damfell, but of an extraordinary ftaturcj but To faire that it was admirable. She was clad with a Garment of white cut Satin, and faftned with Buttons of Gold, and great knobs'* of Orientall Stones (he had on her head a Garland of FlowcrSj under which Garland was fcene fo great excellent and ihcomparable raviihing beauty, that it wa> fufi^cicnt to entertainc the moft aipcomplillied man in the World. At her iide went two ojd men, having their Beards icaching downe to their Girdles, being excellently well fet forth with threds of Gold]aiid and bthind them was three Knights armed at all Silke points This Damfell being come before the Emperour,did put her knee to the ground tokifshis hand but he feeing her in fo good equipage, graciouHy tooke her up, and ask: :


edirer-cvhat fhe trcarcyon, that

would have. Sir. faid flic, I humbly enyou would be pleafcd to hcaiktn to me, iuidaidmeinwhat I ihall moft humbly entrcate ot yoiu Yes truly anfwercd the Empcrour i Sir, faid fhe, the renowneof your great bounty hath emboldncd meto depart from my owne Country, and come into ibis your Court to fiiid remedy in an affaire which is of great importance to me i ncvertheleffe, feeing that your IW^ome is
to helpc the affliftcd
("as I

have underftood )

hope not .o





bethe (irft thac (hall depart from the prefence ofyour M No truly anfwcrcd the Ewperor, jcfty difcontcntcd. and you may ficdy ask what you pkafc, and I will to my power Cirisfic you. The Dararel jiaoft humbly thanked him. Sirfaidflie, feeing that you doc mc Co much favor, 1 would intreat you to permit me to askc one boon of my Lady Onolona your daughter, and joinc with rac \\\ prayer to her to grant it. Damfel anfwercd the Emperor, I will that my daughter be no lef$ liberall in this
calc then

and I belccve you will findc her fo. I am , At thefe words tbe Damfel addrcfled her felfc to Onokrea^ and with an humble countenance faid to her Moft ver* tuous and excellent Princefic , I humbly intreat you

rot to takcit
a? to the

ill at my hands, if I addrefs my feU to you, mod courteous and faircft this day living, to in-

of you one


verthclefs it concernes

which will coil you me fo needy , that






pends thereon. The Infanta having already heard the will of the Emiperor , anfwered to her Damfel my friend, youfhallhaveof meall that is in my power to grant you. By my God faid flie, I alwaycs thought fo :
therefore then there remiines no more, but that you intreat this fairc young Gentleman who fits ncer you, that he alone , and without delay, follow me whithr I
frail conduft him , I being ctrtaine that he will obey you whatfocver you (hall command him. Ow/#rc<a know-

ing the fault (he committed , by fo unadvif<rdly promifjjjg,, remained penfivc, and in great perplexity, to for. fnkc fo foon the thing which ftc loved the beft in the world; To f>un which, (he anfwered the Damfel : In good feith , he x% fo lately come to the Emperor , and I have done fo little for him, that be bath good rcafon to refufc mc but intreat him your fclfc , and it may be h will agree to your rcqucft. Ai for roc, 1 have oo power over him, as to command him. But Li^ari being willing to alTurc the contrary, fudd^nly arofe , and putting kis
; the ground

(kid to her


feeing that





Boohf of

you have granted one gift to this Damfcl fore plcafe you to grant me another.

may it


Fair Sir, faid flhe, I am very willing. 1 intreat you then Madam, faid he, to fatisfie this which (lie hath requcfted of you , and permit me that I follow her by your Command. Omlorea knew well that (he was befct on every fide: wherefore nor being able to recoile, (he aofwered him: Goethcn, and God be your guide. Lifvart humbly thanked her , and faid to the Damfcl , that he was ready to mount on horfeback when (he pleafed. That 0iall be prefently then anfwered (he. And at that time they both taking their leaves of the Court, departed But they had hardly pafled out of the City walls, when an Efquircprefented hi mfelfe before the Emperor, and aid to him Sir, the Duke of Vardarie hath been defeated by the King of Breigne , and he is now befiegcd by him, in the Totvn of Autruf^jhe , being readie to be ruined, both he and his peoplc,if you do not fend Him aid. This news did much trouble the Couit , and the Duke of Ottilenja was fuddenly commanded to take with him ten thoiifand Horfernen, and twenty thoufand foot-men to goe prefently, and raife the ftcge : for which he wifely provided. Anainthefe pafTagcs Parmemr, Florejlan ^ and GaUtaves^ Conipanioni of Lijvarty tarrying for his return, determined to goe in this expedition. And they intrea ted the Emperor to tell them the caufe, wherefore this war had been enterprizcd between him and his chemy. My friends anfwered he, he hath rebelled againftme, and hathufurped and taken from meby trealon, the Towns of "Brdgne and leredk^ being ready to doe worfe , if he fhould be fuffercd. Sir faid Fhrefian, to doc you fervke, ray Compai)ionsand I will goe in thisfervice, and will beimploycd in whatfotver your Lieutenants (hall command , wherefore the Emperor thanked theni: NcvcrthcJ!efs, before they departed, they went to the Ladies, and Fitfrc/?^^* addrclling himfelfc to. Omlorea^ who was then talking with Criliana^ faid to her Madam, in waiting


war ai your Knight


G A Oi E.


for thcrcturncof the fair

yoang Gentleman

will goe

(if iirnay ib ftand with your good liking) into ihis

Yet under this Condition, that he

Ihall reftore

being returned to you, you


to Mad.iui


am , and

until then

heart in hoftagp todifpofc of, at it words they began ' to laugh ; and bee.iuft the Emperefle came neer them , Omtgr^j anfwered him no


will leave her fhall plcafchcr.


otherwife but thus: that God grant they may all return ftiort time in good health. Neverthelefs Galuancs entertained Bridehna , and faid to her with great affeftion Madara^ command me then, that as yours I may imjploy my felfcin this enterprise , to the end that being yours, Imay with the more eafevanqiiirti your enemies. In good faith, anfwered (he, youflhallnotbe refufcd in this demand, I doe therefore pray and require you. And taking a Ring from her finger, fh gave it him , in coniirmation of their alliance. Truly the plcafure which But they tooke in talking together , hac^been longer there cntred a Q\iVarte^ the rtioft defortried that could be : who without doing, .any reverence to the Emperor , or any other, prefcntedto him a Letter, fealed with fixtie fcven Scales, which. was read before all the Company. And it coBtaincd that which follows.

.ELI A Laclie ever all hUgicians^ enemy to

the Chrijiian Faith ^

and diligent in


increajtng the law if our Cods* Know Emperer (^/Trebifond, that Conftantinoj7>4^ in jl)ott time be hefieged by j Prince fxtre feven of the Pagan Law^ where \ will be in perfon , to take thepleafure to fee it Inrned, and



mcked man

that k^pt


^^f ^^




Chrijiendome hoked for favor

as its Refuge






Books of

frincipd did. But it /hill happen otherwfe : Forjhe to whom thy Daughter hath dtlivered him^ having put Inm in her power^ JImU deliver him into fofure guards

Amadis hisGfundfather^ nor Efplandian his fither , although they were not enchanted^ fiould have the power to juccour him. And yet that is little in regard of what I intend to doc: for by little and little I will have the reji of your other Knights 5 to d'fp^fe of them at my pleafnre , forceing the rtji of the Common people to turne io our Faith j be it eiiher by love ^orby force : and donbt not of this : for Vvpill doe all without difficulty.
that neither

The Emperor ^and all the Court were very much troubled at iuch pitifuil news , knowing this Letter to be affurcdly written by Mdi a the Enchantrcfle , and fcaled with her fcale amongft others , whereon was engraven a woman holding a naked fword in her hand , and a CrofTe at her feet. And that which augmented the grief of many was the lofs of Li/vjrt , who under the (hado\ of equity , went joyfully to his death ^ whcrcunto the ftrange Dami'el led him; for which caufc tiic Infanta On^ lorea was fo palljonate , that (he being retired into her Chamber , caft her felfc on her bed, and began to lament with the greateftgrief inthe world, faying with continual hath

and tears ; O Lord of all the world how you to permit, that I alone (houid be the caufe of all the ill that is to happen to Chriftcndome? Alas cruel deathjlonged for, and loved by the aftliftcd wherefore doe youconfent that I live one wRolehourc, knowing in 'me the evil that (hall redound to fomany perfbns? Andfpeaking thefe words, Grili ana came^ who Knowing part of her affcftions, doubted that Chcwoald for fhe was ready to Twound at fall from bad to worfe every word. Wherefore taking her in her amies to comfighcs




fort her, (he faid


G A L E.





: Madam, 1 did never yet think that .you conftancic , ad 1 wonder that you will give credit to a lalfc witch, who hattth and is enemy


all vertue.

Doc you

thhik that our Lord (

fail e


a yours > and leffe to the deftru<f\icn ot the holy Faith > Thefe arc mecre vanities, doe not belccve them , and I pray be not fo fad before thetinic Alas faid Onohreay the fear which I have makts my heart fo doubtful J and 1 would to God that this which you tell rac were more true, then I think it to be j for I fear theworft Madam faid C?ri//d!i, asyouarea greatPrinceiJe , you ought to be more perfcft then (jniple maids, who are commonly lefs endued with Conftancie and Magnanimity of Courage , then they who have the title of daughters to a King , or great Princes therefore be comforted forif the Letters of Adeliaave fuzh as I diink them, you may be very much blamed in doing thus as you doc, and afterwards you may confider of it ^vith


it Iclfc)

will content to the ruinc of (o

young Gcatlcman as


repentance. Griliana knew fo well how to give her fo reafons, that from thenceforth fhe carried her fad-

with more modeflic ihcn


had begun.



Emperor conriiltcd about the Army, that he (houldraife, togoe to the aid of ConpamtinfU; the which ^vas rerarded until the return of the Duke of Ortiltn[jy who dillodsjcd that very fame day, and marched fo long with \\ii Atmy, that he encamped within a dayes Journey of the tc-wn of Autrufque. Of which tftc King
the nic.ine time the

of Bre/^;7c being advertifcd, he raifcd the Seige , and accompanied with an Army of fifteen thoufand Tiorfcnien, and tvvcntie thoufand foot , he marched dircvftly to fiirht hioi. Vardarie wbo Wjts bcfieged had news of this in
(horttime: andforth;^t caufc, leaving a good garriion marrhcd on thcHancks of hij enemy, as well to hinder him tromprovilion?, as to be in the battel, if the Duke of Orii/fp faould give hisn battel.
in the Tovjii, he




the pxf Boi>k( of

Chap. VIH.
IfotP the Di^kf

rf OnWentk gave b^tul to the Kitfg ^/Breigne, and of what happened thereupon.
He Di;kc oi Ortiknfa, with
far his


the Countrie againft the King of Jreigwe, that they had foone tidings by their Scouts of one another, what they purpofed to


which was to meet one anand give battel. And for this caufe the King of Breigne raifed his Seige, and came haiHly againft his enemy , who not being willing to be


he ordered his Flore^msindCa-' Inams he gave the Van-guard with four thoufand horfC' men, and eight thoufand footmen : and he had the maine battel for himfclfe , and the Earle of Alajlra^ a Gentle Knight which confifted of three thoufand horfcmen, and fix thoufand chofen fouldicrs 5 leaving for the Rear. guard three thoufand Souldicrs, and other fix thoufand adventurers, gentle Companions ^ forwhofe Leader he ordained Tarmenir , and Alarm of Ortihnfa his fon , to whom the Emperor of Irehifmd had given the order of Knighthood, the day before he took his leave of him. And in this equipage they marched by little and little neer to the King of Breif^m , who had likewife divided his Army into three Squadrons i The firft was led by Grtfttr his Son i The fccond by himfelf j and the third by the Duke of Alinga. Thus they lojdgcd within two miles of a little Village , where the Duke of Onilmfa ftaid :and fctting a good watch for all that night,thcy did not difturbc orte another until! the next morning when ihey diflodged. And the King fent Hfcpr d to the Duke by noonc was paflfcd he would ^ Trumpet , that before

or otherwife circumvented
prefeutly hear.

battel as

you fliall



Am 4 D IS
make him lokaow,



that he had too raChly cnterprized to cohie feek him, ThcTruinpet^rivcdat the Camp of his enemy, at the fanv time that their Captain was in

the midfl: of them, exhorting.them in general, and particular ot what they ought to doe, and the better to

he fet before their eyes the treafon of of the King, who having fallificdthis faith was cntred into armes agajiift his Prince , and Leipe Lord. But fo fooncashc hadfecn the Trumpet, and had known the taufeot his coming, lie fcnt him back with this anfwcr. Titimpet , fay to.thy Mafter that^ 'H he wcae as well endued withLoialty, asheiswitli pride and prcfumptlonj 1 (hould account him one of the gcntlcfr iCiiights in the world But becaufe it is inipofTble to cxcufc him of his treafon againft hi.-: natural Prince,! have fuch afiiirancc of hi8threats(that with Gods help) before fhc koure that he fends mc , I (1 ill have him at my mercy. A^ that time

move them to

was prefcnt , when the Duke made him this atiand as the Tiumpct was about to retume the way he came, he called him. back, arfd faid to hiip:^ Trumpet, tell thy Malfer, thatif the Duke had knownc' my will, he fhould have made no aniwer, for aperfon taxed with treafon as he was, did notdefervc the ibceclt of fo wife aman. 'Andif he inquire* 'who I am, tell hiih thjit I am called Floreftdtt, a firange Knight , and am reflorejian


flved to break his pate this day, being a mortal enemy to all. fuch wicked men as he is. The Trumpet told him that he would ob^ bis commands , and took i{)ecial ^ notice of what Coat of Armes Fhreiijn had on, it being of an azure, turquin colour,cmbroider'd with PowcrsoC Cold, Thtn he made*haftc away, and went to the Kijig,

to whom he faithfuMy. related all which you have heard which he wa (o greatly angerect , that bt prefentlf imtto hisfon to advance, and march forwards witk the '^arwguard. And fo in Icfs then an houres (pace, the tv;o Armies came fo nccrc together , that they were ivithin a l^nce pUil) , when Grater fcnt a Herald to ake






who pji cfi^ndy appeared

would ha^c with

him. Sir laid the HerAdyGroter the

know what he Cap-

taine of this Troop, being the Ion of the King of Breigm, dcfiresto know wliitheroi*noyou are cndovied.wicha$ JQUch valor as with injurious fpeeches : and for that caufe

he earncftly dciircs , that before the two b jttels doc join, h and you may have one hngle combat<^ My fricad faid doe Fhrefiarii Icthimthcn withdraw itis forces as 1 will finde will to a^ be , mine,* and let him foonc perhaps ) that fsrhich he fliall not hereafter lookc for.

So the HeraldTtarricd ifoc to carry this- news to Grotery for which caufe F lor eji an on k\ic one part, and he oo the other lift their guards ; and couching their Lances, ButF/oGr(fr wounded F/orf/?<wj horfc on the (houldcr ref^an hit him fo lively, that piercing his Sheild and Halbert 5 the Iron went into his body , th^t through paine he VCAB forced to leave his faddle , and meafure his length on the ground. And as he had ended his courfe, thinking


his harli to

performe his enterprise

the beaft

"bemg very much wounded died. between his legs: in fuch manner that he found himielfe on his Icet, wherefore he foonc kid his hand on his Swoul and coming nccr fl Grorefy v'ho Ifkervife got en his feet., there began bFortJiey lecn them tvro am'oft dangerous co'mbate. v/cre gentle Knights, andot fogood h?art,'that Grster fi'id to him in deriiion, fo loud cIku many did hear. him. By God Knight of the Howe; s, if 1 have as bad luck wich * tire Sword as I have had with the Lance , 1 (hall be a good man to day i-nftedof a better-. And il^s word plcafed VIorfijljn f(^weU, that for alon^ timettcr lie caufed himfeJfe to be called by that name which his. enemy had given him then Nc!vcrtheleis he did not make- him any anfv.'Ci' ^'but lading faft hold on his S!*eiid,Vhc cr.dcavofcd with utmofi po\vcr to vanqaifh his enemy, but*if lie did fo, hit en<^v 4id the like , in fuch manner , rhat every body did admire ho.w they could hold out fo long. Gr(]f^ wondrcd how, his enemy cculd make fo long rc, r


and with ay- his at advantage j he gave him fo great ablow^that i^Fkrejlanhgi^ not allayed theforcc of it with [\] fliieldjliis liife had been in very great danger.
ftrength thinking to take his

/rfiancejWhercfGrcIiftingup his (word,


Wherefore being determined torcvenghimfcife, he lifted

up his armes,and ns-G/oter endeavoured to pluck the fwordf from the place it was tptrcd, YlorejiMi wounded him fi>
ckeplyon the headjthathc

down dcad,the blood runing

marched and^o the two Armies joy^ ncd together ;ncvcrthtieiieFW/Jj was firft remounted. Then begap the heat of all the Battail.5 for there d^edoa bothpartSi "i^'c then two thoufand men. At this firil charge, Galuanef, and one of ihe KingsCozens broke theiB Lancts on one another but Gj/^f/thruft hl Lance in^oh/sEnoniesbody. The King who led the Bajctcll, ftcin^ his V^an-guard difcomtited, and ready to.turnetheir backs, he advanced with his Battel! , and the Duk'c ofOr/j/tTz/j did the like, and alfo the Rcarc guards on both fides. There might you have fecne many ^ood Knights thrown to the ground and as many Foot- men wounded and killed, which was amoftpittifull thing to behold.

do wne his


which 'the

Breignianj feeing, they

direftly againi\their Enemies,

F lorefl mfind Parntenir, ranged about the'fieldf ind they met not any, but they went under the edge of their Swords. The Duke of Or/;z/i and liis*Sonne, were not in the meane time idle,, but did perforrae memorabl deeds of Armcs And on tKc other ftde,the King o(Ereigru^ and the Earle oiAligm^ Captainc of hit Rcaxc-guard,(hew ed weil wherefoevcr they went, that their Armca wert not: idle. The Earlof -*#/4/h-<j, met the Karl o(jllings fonnc, andwith one blow with his Lance, he fent hit foule frona body which his Father (cdng^ He, and ten Kjiightiof hiS) charged on the Earle, who being ei^ompafTcd OE all Bu( fides, was difarmed and borne downe^04dic Earth. F/we^jw came there with a good Troop, and remocuucd him by foi;ce, not.with out great daughter ; fo? there waj no place throughout ihewhoje Army where there wai








morc'btood ilieed. The Earl of hUnge giweFlpreflan fircli a great blow, that bis c^es fparkled of which he foon after reTcngedhimfcltc, knockiog hlmo the ground with one Wow of.a Mace. Then thofe of the King of Breigms V^tvj camt haftily to fuccour him, and the Duke of Orti'

itnfstj ]party cariie

to take




the Conflift

manner, that the Hoffes were up to the Pafiorns in blood. And as thefe two Armies were thus a ftrivinf for the Viftory, the Duke of Vardary who li^d followed theBre/^ < jail night with hisTrC>op, feeing fo fitatimetoimploy himfelfe, came upon theflanck, and gave then fuch an 'Alarum, that from that time they began by little and little to faint. At this time the King of Brtsgtu was joyned with tho Duke qf Ortiknjj^ thinking to revenge the infiry he had done him, calling him Tray tor but the iir fell on himfclf, and he lay theredcad. For as hcc ^ravcrfcd throw the Battell,ftriking on every fide, and pcrformng dcedi worthy to a Prince 5 by fortune he met the Dukcj whpm ke callecito the Combatc j the which the othcr rctuled nt>t,ahhQ;igh be were veiy old. And to fay the truth,thcptrtyhadbetnf ill maintained, without the a-


in {uch

rivaliof Floreflsn^ who foone adventured his pcrfou to the luf cour of the Father of his Ladit^who had by love taken


bim Captivc^Eor which

caiifefce mfl^cd In

and with one bl ow he fo wounded the King, .that he fcparated Wis foule from his bcdy, *t which his Soulditrs were

between thenif

fo.affrghted, that as well thrmi/h^this occalion, as for the ariYallof the Duke of D*r^4rie,they fled, leaving the


Duke otOrtiJhfa won therield, uhoreceived the Duke of P-if rf^jjf with great ioy ; and at that ini^ant they fent a Gent fcman towards the^Emperour. to whom they fent wo u of the gooafortime that Cod had been plcafed to bcftow on ihcm. Bat now it iidme to turnc our coui-fc,

of their lives to ionic adjoyning Woods where they might fave thcmfelves. hat thdr Enemies did llaughter fo many, thac thvy were forced to be cntent to pardon their lives being w^ar^ with fighting tnd killing them.By this means




Ga U LE.


her being bod* in great Ton ow lor the abfence and lolJe oft hofe, whoni they had chofcn for chcii" Lovers, as you haVc formerly heard


we have lefc L?/z/jrr,ancl




Chap. IX.
HM> Lifvart was led to Melia the Sorcenffe^
andoftbe had entertainment and ill ufage^). gave btm^
iQu have already heard-thc-ibrrow and fadnefle, which the Infanta (TwUrea made, as well for the Letter which yT^/e/ij the SorcerefJc fcnt'by


for theabfcnce of Lifvart^ to

Dwarfe to the EmpcrOiir, as whom Ihe was

lb affeftionate


you krfow who


w js that led him,

fheufcd this deceit. Kngw (wen Pagan Kings, upon the City and Empire of Co^<7/*^/;3 was divulged in (o many places, that the Kingof thcGJant Iflandpuipolidto be of the number: not for any ill which he vvilhed to the Emperour but to


thinkc feafonablc to and die occation tlftn that the entepprireof



thcVnd that one oncly Daughter wiiicK he had, might Icarnof Melu, part of the skill for which Ihe was fo renowned and therefore he would carry her thithcrj and prefcnthertohcr. This Dimlcll of whom 1 fpeake, was I'o txcellcnt ia beauty, that* there was no woman iri all the adjoynjng lUes tRat culd equall her, and her name was Graiajilfa, So the King of the Giant Ifland departed from* his ovrne Country, and cari7cd his Daughter witT) him, being accompanied with two thou<and Knights, with whom he travelled fo lon2,thar at la^ he came to King 4rm mst0 and JI4eiia : of whomhe was kindly welcomed, efpe-,

cially of the SorcereflcMe/i^, who feeing ih: perfeft beauty of GrJ/tji/e<,ftiepurpofed to put that f>one into (xecution, which (he had ft longtime before projeftcd, whic^






Book^ of

was the taking ot Lifvart* And to come to the point, this was Gradajilea "R ho led hint from the Coart of the Empeio\ir oi 7reoifmd, asyou haveaireadyheard. And tolHy
11 itely i?^e/ij

cute fuchtrcarop

coiildnot have found ameffenger fo fit to exefor fhe was fuch aoneaslhaye told you, and as vveilippkm asany Damfell of her time tor which caufe it was caiic tp niakt him believe her jand obey her. l\ now then tiiatthc-oGcafion which moved iWe/;^ to v/lfhthis youngPrince 10 rriUch harm was^becaufe flieki^w for certain by her damnabie and div^lifli artjthat he vvonid

be^lic ruine of the f'a^^ans, and a fure Ranipart to all 7hrace to hinder whith, (he itnt^radjfilea into lrebi\<nd^ luih'Qndflie.mJgli^t bring him thither ; bat il.e hid froh\ ner her refolution, wMch was to kill him foon aftcr^which

God ^vould not

per niitj'but rcndrcd this

Damfci fo allfe^i!.


onate towards hiMi, and fo taken with hi love, that day and night file thought of nothing mort, then how fixe migKtgaine him, and make him her hujsband. And thus they journied fo lng together, that they arivcd at the Camp orthe King Armato 5 anc^nntill then, Lijvart did not know unto wha t part he was led. So the King' very joyfullathisarivall, for hehadunderftood'of A/c/i^j the danger whereinto- the Pag^tJsfhouId fall if he lived. And Craell Melia being as Grad^fiks did prefent him to him impatient, arivea 5 who caufcd him prefently to be taken by four villaiHCs, and putting a great chaia of Iroii about his neckj (he faid to him 5 wicked villaine, now you (hall ha,ve the order which you defcrve ; afterwards 1 will lodge you in a place, where I will anfwer foryo^ when I pleafe. Lifvart being greatly aftonilhcd at this entertainmentj looked on GradafiUd With apittifuU cye, and could not forbcare faying thas to her Truly Damfcll^ I never thought trcafon could be harboured with fo great; hea uty wherewith you arc endewed; but feeing that dillcyalty is fofamiliar there whefeit (hould be ftrangeft, I will never truft any ere aturcwhere I am not better acquainted. So Gradafilfa couldnot anfwer him one wordf,for fhewas fo much



3 ^e?



L E.







could willingly have been

dead, for fte loved him with all hcrr heart. \V herefore leeing that (he could noc lliccour him, imlcife it were by entreaty, crying tenderly, (he caft her leife downe at the ket

&iArmjt^f and faidto him j Sir, I humbly entreat ot you, that he who hath conjiied in me, may receive no injury ; maj^ juitly be accuicdof for you will doe mc wrong, and treafon, which iKver happened to any other ofrjiy Linage? But the King turned his head on one lide, and without anI

Iv/vjrr;^ and that hee fnould be put in the furthclt part oi* the Dungeon, Sir, faid" ll.e, I will never depart froniyour feet, it you confcr.t t fuch an o*ut-ragc ; at leaft doe mc this plealurc, .that his perfonbeinan honeftpiace, and without being chained as aRogue-jOtherwifeaflure^'our felfc, that I will complaineof yoaallmylifif, and inallplaecs wJicreTocver I



come, 'And as (lie was in theft vehement paliiOns, her Father arivcd^ who being aba(hed to fee his Daughter

fp fad,

and the injury which was done to him that had

followed her, he was uot afraid, but freely fpakc his mind; for which cA\i(ii,^r fearing to anger him, agreed to his Daughters rcqucft, although faid he,this be contrary to all reafon for if you or (lie (liould knov/^t what importance the death of this Rafcal is, you would both give judgement ofdeatli againfl hin^.So Li/z/^/was unchiinedjand put into a ftrongTowcr, of which Mi/m kept tiic Key and bdidw; (he appclVitcd thirty Knights for his guard, of which Mlteen watched untill mid-highc, an J the rcfl: until! day So God give hiVa patience and provide for him, othcyuiie his death is ni'ar,'as we fliall recite in the-foUoVing Chap:

But (irftknow that the Ganlcniau ff nt from the Duke of Ortiknli to the I^mp crotir, aiived at lrebifm2. and related 10 him at large the Battell that had hccn between his Ar-^

my, and that of the King of Ty-eigne, and the death otHirn, and his Sonne; and lafUy, thetotali defeat of his EnemiesFor whieh jheEmperour greatly (-railed our lo'd^ and

> -T.-^'





for thereat care which he hid, he caufetlit to be often times related by iht Melfenger, cyen before the Ladies : an4 believe me, hcdid'not forget the great deeds of Atmcs,

GriUam and

and proweflcs-of lorefan^GluaneSy and Parmenir. If then Eridelena were well plcafed, doc not doubt*

ihey loTci ihcfc Knights as their ownc prober foules. And )or this caufe, being retyred iato the Chamber of Onotere.t, they began a debate between them for pica Cure wh?) was the beft loVed 5 and this they did to pleafc the Infanta; who j:vcr iincc the foffc of Lifvart, ceafed not to gricvf . Tlleir debate laftcd lo long, that at the laft Bridelena being more pleafant'thcnanyof thcrcft, tooke a Pillow, and being of a light hcart,threw it at the head oiGriliana^ ^*ying to her : My Knight loves me beft, and I will prove it with the blo.w of my Mall ; Griliana tooke another, and this Coraba,te bigan -To fierc^, that It forced the melanckolick to laugh, for there wa riot a Pillo^y that wasnot thrown

without great laughter. Then being out of breath, Gricile-. went betweene them, and fo this tourney ended : therefore


we will leave them to rel^, and ib will returnc to Peri^ oiGauUf of whom we have been lilcnt fo long.



'how Perion* of Gaulc, furnamed the Knight of the Sffiere^ met the Infanta Tiriaxa 5 and of the many faire adventures which bafpenedto him,


Ou may remember that wc formerly left Peri'



en with Lav^uiness Abies



^f three croflcd lini^hts,

in the

and thd

rcfrefhing themfelvcs

Arbor which had bccne made by the Apes, being Pilots and Leaders of the Cai que of jil^queja. Now then ( profecuting our Hiftory ) as theie Knights i;elatcd their ^2i(^td fortunca; j f^erim asked of Xi-


S ^e A U L Bv i^f hnqm if he heard any news oiGarinttr andhii brother, who had been made Knights by the hand of Ejplaadian^



you have heard in the fifth Book , and afterwards they pafled into the IHand of Ca/i^r/. Sir, anfwered

he, we have now left him in hard and ftrong war againft a certaine King, and my neer Neighbour, and they have already conquered many faire places from him. And what adventures then brought you in thcfe Marches? Quoth /*crp, Noother, anlweicd JalanqHc^hut the rcnoWTie of this Founiaiuc , where it is reported there doth ordinarily happen niai-vellous and ftrange advenandahhnugh thatit was our intention to return tures prefently to CaUfumus^ we will not now depart fo foon from you , feeing that God and foriunc hath caufcd us to meet. I likethis vvclj, faid he, you will doe me a for I cannot depart from this place, until (he pleaiure who brought me hither cometh againe to finde me, and fo I have promifed her but (he being returned, I will lb far prevaile with her, that I will follow her, or (he (hail give me leave ro goe with you. And as hefpake thefc words he perceived a Hart greatly wounded , followed by a Gentleman j having a home about his neck very richly g.irnilhed, and between his legs a Turkifh horft running Marvellous fwift. So he was clofely followed by another Gentlemant clothed with the like habiliments: but not altogether fo brave. Thcfe two rede fo faft after the Hart, -.hat they did not fee the Knifhts, muiilthc beaft was dead : they were in their Aibor , cul o\ which nevertheleis they iHucd , and mounted on hoaeback, when they fa IV th'- firft Gentleman aiighc, an(^ Jraw his knife to have the h 'ad of the beaft. And asth^v looked about them, theot'ier difcovcred Wnon^ and ihc rr ^ of hisCompanie, beainghgncsof Chviftiantcn then Harne(res : wherefore h rode ftraight to them , a-.d the fir/t towhomheaddrefltd himfelfcwastheQiiecn -V^/i'?, ta ffrhom he cried ere he came neer : Ah good KrwgKt!
: : :

for Gods fake pitie

me and fave me ;



of the




Thefixth Beohf rf

Law that you are

of: Gentleman, anfvvcrcdthe Queen^ none in this Company 5 that will not williwgly doe you pleafure. The other who heard this tech, lifted up his head, and feeing fuch a company, left his prey and thinking to put his tetc in the ftirrop to flie , he was lifld by his companion , who faid to him ; At this time you





as well


have been yours.


one endeavoured to cfcape , and the. other to hold him, there idlicd out of the thick wood fix Knights armed at all points , whom eight Gentlemen without Harnefle followed, condufting a Damfel fairc in every perfeftion : who was accompanied with two women , mounted and furnilhed as the Daughters o great Lords, as they were. Thelix Knights feeing Terioa, andthofeof his Company at the firft fight that they were Chriftians wherefore pulling downc the vifor of their Helmets, they crye<i out aloud, that they were dead. I know no t faid he of the Sphere what may come, but God be thanked, now there is none of us licK, And bccaufe the others couched their Lances againft them,

they placed themfelves to relid ihcm, and they gave the Pagans fuch blowes with their Lances, that they were all thrown dead to the ground at the firft attempt wherefore the eight that were difarmed fled , as fafl: as their hor(cs could run. Thus the ladies remained without guard, to the principil and chiefe of them- Ferian


addreiredihiinfelfe, iind graciouily faid to her: In Faith Madam, I never obteincd anyConqueft as I


that pleafedmefo well as this. Of one thing.1 will aifiire you, that all the prifon you (hall have wjth nic, it fhall be this, that I will imploy my uti^oftpow-

erto doe you fervice, as I am accuftomed to doe to all fairc ones as refemble you. At thefe words Tiriaxa^ fo was this Lady called, did begin tocry extreamely, and in hghs , (he anfwered Perion : Alas I know well, pleafcthitraeor no, that lamyour prifoner, at which I am



have fo good an opinion of your




that fo long as^ I am with you I /hall not be diftionored: No upon myfoule, faid he, but I will pat my life in danger to guard you , that no dishonor be donecoyou; wherefore I pray you follow me and your

of her by where the former Combatehad been, flic faw the Giant and the others lie along on the graflc, at which flic was


alfo. Then he tooke her by the and led her to the Arbor but as



fore grieved

, I







cryed with a great cryc , faying life IcfTe then I did before;

BrutiUion the valiant, and his I fdw with my eyes Knights dead,and defeated / And for Gods fakc,i'aid flic, to the Knight of the Sphcrejrecouiit unto me how this ill fortune hath come unto them. Madam faid Pfriow, ihefc are hazards , and fortunes v.hich often happen to them


And then he declared to her the manner and how it bcgan^ and what was the ifjiic. And as they were in this difcourfe, the Croflid Knights brought with them the two Gentlemen that hunted the Hart. Then Perion leaving Tirixa with Cj'jfea^ tcokc apart the eldeftof them, and askc-d him what he was, and the Damfelalfq. Sir anfwered he , flic and he who wat taken with mc are the King of Jerufalems Children ; who to give them pleafui e and recreation fcnt them to the Fountaine, under the conduft of Br/i/fln the Giant, to fee the marvels which happen here darly And belcevr. all faid he, your long tarrying here may redound to yur great danger, for the King their father is not abova halfe a dayes journey from hence , whowillnotfaileto have newes fuddenly of thofethat fled, of themifor' tune happened to his Children , of which he will foonf^ be evcnged, as he may well doe, being accompanied with a great company of Souldiers, even of three ftrong Giants, brothers to him whom you have killed , which, he hath caufed to come out |of the Defart of Ljbia , to accompany him to thcSeige of CmpautinnpU^ where 11 the Princes of Afia, great and fmall , even beyond the
that feck them

of the





Booh^ ef


and the great Arrmnla ^ have fwomc to therefore if you be well advifed, you had beft to retire before worfe happen to you. And you, faid the Knight of the Sphere, arc you of their kindred > no, anfwered the Gentleman, I am fon to the King of Naples, and was not long lince taken by BrHtiUiorty who rcmcs on the Sea, as I was agoing to the chafe , in the Company of fix of My Knights ferion. was greatly grieved , having heard the cnterprizc of the Pagans on



7hrace: ncvcnheiefs he did not difcover his grief, but went downe into the Grove with the reft. Whether ^Z-

quefacsimc loone after, who being arived, call herfelfe at the feet of Perion , to kilFe them , but he gracioufly tooke her up, and (aid to her: By my God, Damfel, your returne hath very rruch gladded me, you are very


Knight anfwered fhe my Father defires to you , as he who is more obliged to you, then to any other living. Your father faid. Ahah anfwered Teriun > I never faw him as I know. {he, it was the old man that was bound in the Cart, who was neere unto his death had ic not been for the good aid which he received of you bin you have delivered him from the moft cruel torment that ever any man of his age indued. And know fir Knight, that he by his skill foieknew all his misfortune, which he could not remedic, ontlyby the head of one of the Sons of Amad'u de G<7^/^; for which reafon he commanded me to go feck you, andprevailefo far, that 1 might bring you hither atthe d?y and houre as you have found him. Now you may know why I commanded you not to Ipeak in the Court of the Emperor of Tre^ipw/i, fearing that by knowing you 5 my cnterprize would be hindrcd , which is now tffc^cd , for which I praife God and you, I wonder faid ferion^ thai he did not difcover himfelfe to us. Ah ah 1 r laid fhe, you ftiall fee him another time at more leifure, fo it is that he hath commanded me to tell you, that he is gone into the IQe of Apti\ which is his own j but



to be



5 you rtiall tindehimto be an afFcftionate fervant to acknowledge the paines, that you have taken for him , and the good which he hath received by your mcanes. And as for the promife which you have made me, it is fo well performed , that from henceforth you may goe whither foevcr you pleale. Damfel anfwered Ferion, iflhadknowne him, 1 promife you, that for your fake, I would have done him all thc honor which he deferves Ncverthelefs that fhall be an other time, when he fhall pleafc. And feeing that you give me leave, to morrow, if it pleafe God , I will gee feek the Company , wherein 1 was when you faw mc
in v\hatCountrey foeverhe







and his Cdmp Anions and of the Combate


the Knight ef the Sphere Met the sonldan of Liquie ,

which was between them,

)0 long did

Terion and A'quefa talke together, that after they had eaten of fuch victuals

as they found, they went to fleep, and likewife fo did the reft until the next morning, when as they prepared themfelves to mount

on Horfeback. Then the Knight of the Sphere asked L<ng/wi and A')ies oC Ireland, what way they intended to take. Sir anfwered Abler^ I thinke it beftthat Langttines and I goe ftraite to C('nJ}jminople , to
Truly faid Peri^n ^ I am of your opiaid the Emperor. nion. And you faid he, to the Croffed Knights, will yee be on their udt. ? No truly anfwered they, not at the prefcnt V for we willgoedireftly to^'u/i/ vm/^ and there we will affemble men from all parts, v^'th whom we


after to finds


if it plealctb.


if (b



77j^ fi^t

Bookg of

be the news of the Seigc continues. Jaflfurc you faid I will be there, and therefore I pray doe not ^ faiie. Then they mounted on horfeback , taking their way to theSca-lide: but they had not gone far, when they heard a noife and neighing of horfcs , and foone after they law ten Knights ilfue out of the wood , being Well mounted and armed ^ before whom marched one
then any of the others, holding in his and ftrong Lance , at the end whertof did a very faire and compleat ftrearacr. His armcs were all black, covered with Gold and Diamonds, and many faire precious ftoncs; and his Countenance declared him to be a great Lord, and Captaine of all the reft. The Knight of the Sphere had an extraordinaiy great dclire to know his name. The Queen Cafafea had oftentimes feen him, wherefore (he cafily knew hira , and affurcd Perigri that it was Radiare great Souldan of Liqttie: with whom faid (lie, Jcntredthc fitld, by rcafon of a Defiance which we fentto Cenfiantinople^ to two of your ncareft parents, Jmadh and Ejplandian, By God anfwered Perion', this makes me have thegreateftdefire to combate with him. And at ihatinftant he laced hii Helmet, and tooke his Lance , marching ftrait to the other, who feeing him , cried ont to him very loud: Knight who art arived black as I am, before you and /enter into Corabate, /would intreat you to tell me your name , and of what Countrey you are of. Truly faid the Knight of the Sphere , you (hall not in any wife berefufed for fo fmall a matter: My Countrey is great Brittaine , and at this time I ferve the faireft Ladie in the world, and as yet I neither know her name, neither

who was greater

a gi^at

hand hang

much favor for the beginning. head, faid Kadiare^ thou fpeakeft like one of a tlouB heart, and I am very glad that I have met at fo good a time, a Knight of a Countrey of which commonly there comes none but valiant men , aud I and mine have many times found them to be fuch. And to the end

as yet deferred fo




that you
will follow





may not think my fpeeches to be feigned, if you me and be mine 5 will make you captainc General of the Army which 1 have raifed, to goe to Con^ ftamimple,but if you dildaine my lide, inftcad of Co much
good you
ill it is,

(hall prcfcntly

faid Ftrion., it


dye by my hands. Sec hovy be you may have more occaii-

on to threaten me then you think for , for you cannot have a greater enemy in the world then i. Is itpofl-bkanfwered the Soldan j then keep your felfe from me if you can neverthclclfe you (hall receive this couiteiie at my handsjthat none of my men (liall a(railcyou,but onely one by one. Then he called him that was ncerefttohim, to whom he commanded to (ight with Terion^zwd not one jot But he reckoned without his Hoft.for at the to fparc him firft meeting the Pagan was difarmedjand remained (Wretched out on the grafle^nioving neither hand nor foot. Wherefore Kadiare commanding another to come who was handled as his fellow,and fo were tive more that followed after: At which the Soldan wondred , having brought (^as he thought) the tiovver of Chivalry of his Country, he then commanded the eighth in whom he put much confidence,

torevenge[his Companions And prcfcntly he and the Knight of the Sphere brok^ upon one another, in fuch mannerthattheir Lances flew into pceces, andinpaifng they met together with their fhields , bodies and heads fo

Pagan ftll downe aflonilhed in the Queen Catafea feeing, (he could not forbear longing , and (he fent Alqmfu to carrie her Lance to Penin^ praying him on her part, Seeing his owne had been fo well imploycd, that he would indcavor to doe as much with that other. Poiim humbly thanked her by the Damfe], and by realbn that the ninth Pagan was ready to run , be ufed ko lorg difcourfe with her , but onely he fent word by her to the Queen that hewouJd. cfteemc himfelfe one;of the bcft runners with the Lance in the world , if he knew as much as He had forgotten. And at this point the Pagan and he charged one another, and
(h'ongly, that the
VVhicli the





Boohs of

and iheir Lances flew in pieces, Perio remaining oh Horfeback, and the other thrown down e (o heavily, that hec ihc light he had broke his neck: wiicrefore the tenth came
lb rightly, that he ma dc but he (oone after revenged himfelfc for him he thruft his Lance through his body more then ahandtuil in length, and he tell downe to the ground dcad^ the Trunchion remaining in his Guts. This ;s wonderful! faid xhcQ^ctnt Califs a to Ijlani^He. I never fa w a fairer Juft; I pray you faire Sir, fend him alfo your Lance, to th'end that hiT may performe fo glorious an enterprize. To the which laUnqm agreed, wherefore fhe called jt'.qntfa, and faid to her j Damfell, returne to the Knight of the Sphere, and fay to him, that he hath much honoured the wood wherein you have brought him, in hitting the Pagan fo right on the belly, and that for the love of his Ladv, hec would yet doe as much to this other. ^oAlqmja tarried not long to carry this mclTagc, which fo greatly augmented the force of the Knight of the Sphere, that he a/Jiired the MefJenger to employ his whole power, untill he had the Souldan his prifoncr, or he would lofe his owne life ill the adventure But Radtare thought much othcrwife, and prepared hirafelfe to revenge the death of Grimante^ which was the fore-named Knight that was laft foylcd, fwearing by his great God, that Perian (hould doe Penance for this offence. To obtaine which,h'c approached to him, and faid. Knight, I have more caufe to hate you then any man that I know, and neverthelefs for the great prowefg that is in you, I am conftrained to efteeme of you, and beare you this honour, that if you will be on my fide, as I have not long fince told you, I will utterly forget the cvill

to the


who did hit V^ion

to Itooj^e,


and 3 will likcwife doe much good for I owe you 5 Truly a nfweredthe Knight of the Sphere, I will counfell you a great deale bcteer, if you will believe mc. How faid Radtare > Leave thy foolifli Faith, anfwcred the Knight, and acknowledge Jf/w/ Chrifi to be alone God ; not the Idoilsj and Devils which abufeyou; and inftetd of

Amadis ^^Gaule*


of doing hurt to the Empcrour of Conflamtmpk as you have enterprizcd, aid and helpehim with all your power, then will we be friends, and not elfc You need not doubt whether Radiare was inflamed with Ire, as hec foon made the Knight of the Sphere underhand in faying to him How, doe you give counfell to thofe that doe not aske? doeyouthinketo tame me fo > No, nO, before you efcapc my hands, I hope to chaftifc you in fuch (brt, that you fliall never (peak lb ralhly to a man of my quality. And nevcrthelcile before we enter into Combate, hearc the Covcnaiu that I propound to thofe againft whom I fight, nhcn if you like it, you may agree to it < if not, I leave it to your difcretion. Say what you will faid Ferim, and I will willingly hearken to you The vanquiflied, faid

bcilave to thevanqui(her, in (uch manner, all things that he lliall obey Im Conlider then if you will confent to it. By God;anrvvered Perien, you fpeak like a Prince of a good heart ; and I love this cuftomc fo well, that I will performeiton my part without falfifying my

(aid the Souldan. they (cparated thcmfelvcs,and giving the Careercto their Horfes, they nict fo ftrongly, that Radiare and his Horft Were bail to the ground and Terions Horfe had his

word. Then guard your felfe from me



broken 5 for which caufc he flopped, aixl fell downc under his Mailer but firll their Lances flew in pieces. And as both their falls Were ftrange, fo they relieved themfclves fo lighty, as if they had not endured one blow nor buffet and marching with great ficrccnefs, they laid their hands on their fwordsj beginning a Combate fo furious, and with fo heavy blowes, that none faw them that were not aftonilhed : For they fo laboured and renewed their ftrengths, as it feemcd that the grade was dyed with their blood, and the ground covered with the broken pieces of their Armour ; fo that every one thoughti that their deaths was neare. And they maintained thcmfelvesin this eftate, without taking breath, untill it was noone ^ but the Souldan went on one fide, and faid to Pe'
; :





Booke of

Knight, I thinke that wc fhould not take example of wild beafts,angrcd with one another in our Combate but the common cuftome ;of Knights that beare Armes doc ufc 5 therefore I pray you let us take breath, then let us begin againc when you plcafe. I am content, anfwcred FerU on^ not that I feeke for reft , but you have (hewed your felf fo courteous to me, in forbidding your Knights not to affaile me altogether, that I fhall thinke the better on you the longeft day that I live. So they remained ftill, refting themfelves on the pummels of their fwords ; Ncverthclefs this ftay lafttd not long, for Toon after they recharged one another better then before ; and the Souldan preilcd on Ptrion fo ncere, that the blood ran downe on all fides, whereof he foon revenged himfelf. giving him fuch a blow with h is fword, that it entred more then ahandiullin length into his (hield, which he cut inmwaine ; and as he employed all his force to pull it out, he conftrained him to fet his knee to the ground, Neverthelefle he foonc arofe, and in riling, he gave the Knight of the Sphere fo great a Wow, that had it not been for the goodnelfe of Armour, he had cleaved his head in twain. Then Berion knowing the danger wherein he was, took his fword in both his hands, and rufhedon jRcz^ijr^ with allhis force, in inch manner that both his eyes fparklfd, remaining fo llunned that he began to rcele, andFerion took hold ot his Coller, throwing him fo heavily to the ground, that he had the nieanes to take ot. his Helmet, and threw itaw.Ty, Radiare being ftuuntd, perceiving the aire, began to recover. How > faid the Knight of the Sphere, doth your courage failc you for lo] a matter > Where is now this glory and magnanimity of courage, for which you arc fo renowned in io many places ? At thefe words the Souldan opened his eyes and as he fa w himfelfe in danger of death, and the fword lifted up, ready to fall on his head, he anfwered him The magnanimity whereof you- fpeak, remaines in the hearr of the Souldan of Li^t;fl, from whence it (hall neither depart nor IcjlTcn, for whtloever peril! may hap-,


A M A D IS^tf GaUIB.
if I hare


pen. Yes, but faid the Knight of the Sphere, doe not you remember the Covenani iwornc between you and I kaow it, anfweredhe ; and I would have you toknow^that

my carriage lirnie, my Ipeech is as much, or more and certainc ; in luch manner, that I had rather lofc ten lives, if I had them, then the leaft thing of my proftable

fhoald not be executed in the leaft point. Therefore


make ufe of me as of your

whatfbever your


am ready to endure

Truly faid Perioriy you d'jc manifeft your felfe to be fuch a one as you are renowned for 5 fo I will ufe you with the honcfty which you deferve Therefore rile, and remount on Horfe back, and afterwards we will take of the reft: which they did, and loon after the crofied Knights approachcd.Thcn theQueen Ca/j/cj came near, and her head being bare, ftiecamcto embrace the Souldan, crying to him Seignior Kadiare, Teeing that you and I have fo well tryed the ftrength of the Chriftians as you know, pray you aflTure your i'cKe that you can have no advintage over them, rhcy being fupportedby a God who is alone Mafter and Lord of all things: Likewife it was a folly for you to joyne your felfe in Cornbate with this Knight, who is brother to the Empcrour EfpLmdia'i, and fon to the moft renowned Amadii deGanky by whom you and I were vanquiftied io tholaft fcigcof ConjiantiHopk^ as you may yfjcW remember. Madam, faid he, If I committed folly, I have dearly paid for it ^ and although that it is a grief to me,fo likewife I have great pleafur e to fee you in good health, remcm bring me as yet of the fortunes which we had together even in the laft voyage into Thrace^ And by reafon that they loft blood which came out of the wounds of both their bodyes, before they went further, they had them bound up i and from thence, fearing the arivall of the King oi Jerufalem, and the fuccour of the Cbildren which they had taken, they went towards the Sea fide, where they then found the VeflTclls in which they had taken Port, even that of Mies of Irt'^ landt and LanguineSi into which the Knight of the3phere
plcaliire (hall be.


you have heard}



Book^ of

embarqacd himfelfc And becaiife thac Alquefa would re-

tame to her Father, who ftaid for her in


humbly entreated oi


her leave. My great friend faid he, I pray God but if you will doe Co much for me as to grant mc one gift,

of Apej as togi?e guide you

which ihall coft you little, there (hall be no day of my life wherein you (hall not have of me a Knight rea^y to obey you. How > anfwered (he, doe you thinke that I will refufe any thing that you (hall pleafe to command me / no truly, were it to adventure thegreateft part of my life. Then PeHon took her apart, and they two bein^ alone, he faid to hcrin)lghs: h\\ahjAlquefa\ I thought to have taken an other coLirfe, and returne towards Madam GricUereay to
ferve her, as the to

whom my heart is fo affcftionate, that thinking on her I die, and not thinking on her I cannot live! God grant then that this beginning take fo good a conclufion as 1 hope for, and doe me fo much favour that

may name me


for teftimony whereof,


thought to fend her by you the Infanta

bother,andtheSouJdan ofL%;<?^, whom I carry to her, and prefcnt to her on my part lor even as I amhers, ic is reafonable thatthofe things that are mine and which I have conquered Ci\on\d ferve her, and be hers-. You (halitelllier that my returne unto Tre^i/ow^ fliall be the (boned: that I can poflibJy, and that in the mean time I hopenor to (Irike one blow with a Lance, nor to doe an aft wortliy a Knight, 6ut what fhall be for the glory and iove of her. Sir, anfwered Alqu/j^ I.will whdllypcr'tWme that which yoii command nie ^ and 1 will ferve you with her, with fo much loyaltie, that you fhall perceive it. I entreat you doe it faid Perion. Then approaching near to the Souldan, who in the mean time difcourfed with 7i>7^X7^ complaining to her, that forthedcfire which he had to fee the King her Father,he was fallen into the hand^ of hisenemie.?. But the Knight of the Sphere interrupted thcni ir. theii- talke, caung them to undcrftand his pleafurc.-inpurfuance wherecThc faid to the Souldan, you

1 have with her pray you to




GaU L.


goe with your Knights, and you Madam with your Brother , and you women, wilictli^r this Damkll will con-

and there you (hall be welcome for my lake. When liriana heard thefe words, fhe redoubled her teares, and Ihe forrowtlilly anlwered: Sir Knight, I am in your power, and lb unwilling to live, that would I were now dead. Madam, laid Ferion^ I hope you wil have more comfort then yotithinke for And for your part Seignior iladiarcy according to the promife which we have joyntly
duft you,

made together,

will (that

you being arived

at the place

whercunto I fend you ) that yon fuddenly difpatch two of your men, to go advertize your Subjefts that none of theiii Sir againft the Emperour of Covftatitinople, but rather that they favour him in all that they can Pardon me aiVfwercd


my word was obliged

to another before you. 'ioH


whatfocver yoij pleafe, but as for n.iy faith it is more then my perfon* I have pfomrfcd and iworue to Ihccour the <^^ing Armato^ in all and through all and as I have told you, my life (hall fooncr f nd then my faith bt broken. Truly faidP^riow, and then I will not doe it, and I Ihouldbevery Idiry that through my occal-on the word, of fogrcata Lord, and^o wiii a mjin (hvwJd be falUfied But follow t^hc D^n7rcl.J, a^id muijl (hall fte you agajne, 1

command me

the?culda>i, 'Uniax^i and the others, tooke their leaves of him, and cntiing into the barque oi yJlquefa, the Knight of he Sphere faid to her, 1 humbly entreat yen |^an>iel), humbly to fahite on n\y be-

commit y<;ivto God. llun

lialfe the P>i(icc0e6>/?/frej35


all i\}^

othtT-Iadics ot the

Court ; haying faid (ohe approached near hGr5andfecret4y gave her a Letter to prefent to Gr/cUerea.lUcn the wind being fure, the A/'ts began to row, taking rlie beit way tor
their journey.

T 3

C H A Pt




Boehf of

Chap. XII*
Hovp the Knight of the Sphere ^ Abies of Ireland, and<^<i/Conftantinople5 andof the great good welcowe which the Ewperour made them,
Lqttefahc'in^ thus difpatchcd,
i rehifond the

Souldaii ot Liqnta^ liri ixi

conducing to and

her Brother, accompanied with their Train, 1 he Knight of the Sphere embarqued with



and the King ot



Sonne, recommending to Gods

keeping thofe who would returne to Calif urnus. So thqr driven by a South- weft wind to fo good purpofe, that without happening en any.adventurc, they arivtdatCow^jii*fl;?/e the eighth day following Of which theEmpcrour being adverti2ed, was mai^vellous and exceeding joyfull, for he thought thitLifvart his Grand-child was IB his Company wherefore he went to receive them. And as Ttrinn^ Mies^ and LangHimf did reverence hira, Frandalo advanced to embrace Pr;ow; and in embjacing him^ hec (aid to him ; Sir Knight, I atu Co much yours,thatyou may command mc, as he who deCres to bay you for the honour ot i\ing Atnadit^ and Efflandian your Brother, whofc tricnd a very much affeftionate fervant I am. The Knight

of the

S}-hei e had never fecn him ; |vhercfore the Emperour faid to him, my fonne^ yen 'may well have heard fpeak of the Earl of Frandah 5 this is he who prefentsyoo his ferviccj and he is the very fame to your friends, as he hath witnefled to you. In good faith Sir, anfwered Perion^ he prefcnts me with nothing but what he ftiall have of mc when he pleafcihjand that not without caulcj for his great go^dncflcand prowefs is fo known and recommended throughout the world, that he may account himfelf happy that haih his acquaintance. By my foul, faid Frandalo, in eB)bracingyou, I may well fay I have within my armes,


Am ABi dcG AWtJL,

ly refemblc Ejpla7idian his brother


the true effigies and portraftui c of the flower of all Chi* valrie. And this he faid, forafmuch as Terion did whol, the remembrance of Emperor to the Heart , that the tears came fpom his eyes, and at that infant the Knight of the Sphere prefentcd unto him the Prince /?^jrze/, faying to hira; Sir behold the Heireof the Kingot Naples, who, if The 1 ad it Co pleafe God may one day doc you fervice

whom ftruke



knee to the ground, to ki(Ie his hands but the Emperor gracioufly tooke him up , making him very welcome : then they went up into the Palace, and leading the I^ightof the Sphere by the hand , he lead him towards the Emprefie, to whom the Emperor in entring faid; Madam, behold your fon returned, nothing is now wanting but your daughter, who in time we fliall have. The Knight af the Sphere made great obeyfance to her, and the EraperefTe arofeforto kiflehim, and in killing him, fhe faid to the Emperor By my God Sir, you have done well, to bring me that thing which of all things in the world Imoftdefire to fee, and fo I know certainly that my fon is enchanted, all the world together fliall not make me believe, that this Knight is not Ej^/,:^w. Then fhe came to embrace Adjriely hanguimsy and Abit^ of Irtand becaufe it was dinner time , the Emperor comlafid manded the Tables to be covered in the great hall for he would eat in publique, for the love of the new come Knights. FrandalovJAi come, but that fame day , and he was fent for the oecafion of the Pagans great preparation
fet his
: :

to returne into Thrace ^ for which caufe all the Court was very forrowful But that which troubled them more was, thac as the lafl: courfe was ferving, a great whirlc:

winde beat againft the windowcs i and (bone after a great clap of thunder mingled with lightning , that all
rfifv-'Ompanie thought they had been buried quick: and not without caufe fot the darknede contim^d for above a quarterof anhourefo black, that the clcereft lighted there could not fee the greateftof the Companie, And as





Books of
appeared in the
aire, in the

his darkne/Te vaniflied, there

middle of the KaJl , a flaming Sword , tainted with blood, at the end whereof hung a writing of Parchment, fealed with a: great feale of Gold , which the Emperor caufed prefcntly to 6e reached downe, to fee what was therein contained. And there ivas fotmd written thefc words*


the \nfanta , the crucllefi enemy of all chrijiendome , to thee Emperor of ConltantiKople, rttm%


entire curfe.



you JJdJill in fljort time perceive the evilly vphich is pre" pared for yon through my occajion , fuch ai the^ like was never heard fpoken of : for thou f/jalt fee vpith
thine erone eyes the death of thine ^ the defiru&ionof thy Countries a firange martyring in the perfon whom thou lovefi heii in this worlds and lafily , the end of
thy life in miferie. In Te^imony whereof this Sword ffjall remaine in the aire neere thy great Citie , untill

that a Frophefie ^Apolidon , which remaines to be accOfnpliped^ floall be effe&ed. Then jail it vaniflj and

be no morefeen.

This writing being read, every one remained abafhed, and the fwordfiew upright, remaining in the aire fixed But this rumour was hardly appcafas a true Commet. cd, when another was heard through the Towne, and who arc entred it proceeded by reafbn of two Giants

even as far as the Palace : leading a Gianteflc fo richly habited, that the Diamonds and Pearls of her Robes were unefteeraable. And (he had on her head a Circle of Gold,
fo well wrought, and of fo rare workman(hip,that it was reported the workman had been ten years in working of it, and had done nothing elfe, Thefe Giants wei'e armed at





4tall points, except the Head pcccc and Gantlm : and they were accompanied with twentie other Knights of the fame furniture. Which being cojii^ to the Emperors

knowledge, he doubted of titaion, whereJorc he and

and in the meane time the : mantles about thtir amies, and holding their fwords in their hands, tliey purpofed to keep the entranceof the ialace. Where foone after the Giantsarived, in fuch equipage as you have heard j the ancientc/lof which gavefgneof Peace, praying fomc body to conduft him before the Emperial Majcltiej the which was done. And being arivcd thercrhcy fct their knee? to theground, and the old Giant began tofpcake in thi? mcnner. Moil: puiHanc Emperor, thofe wno knowmc commonly call mc yhgamntit the vtiiant. This Ladic which I conduft, ismy ivircj nanied Almnraja. Av\di\m other is n-,yGranchi]dc, fon to my Daughter n.imcd /frd.idil CaKile. And we all have not long lince adored talfc and lying Idols; but now we bclceve in kfus Chrill by themeanrsof two Knights, the one called ^uedragaaty and the other Vaillidcs with whom I, combated, and they vanquillicd me in the Frontiers ot the Ifle of the Feilie Blanche^ which is mine; and they were fo couiteous tome, that I having the worft in the Combate, they favcdmylife, under this condition, that I uoiild obey their good pi eaiu re. Then he declared how all happened between them. To which the Emprror tookr a fingular great pleafure and they did them great Honor, and made them very welcome, efpecially by the Kwightofthe Sphere and his Companions, prayfing with great aftewhich was in ftion the good beginning of Knighthood Qwidrdgam and VaiUides , of whofe alrairc they being delirous to know further, they requeued of the two Giants to tell them where they had left them. Sirs, anrvv;.iTd A my Argjmfittt, alfoone as they law mc out of d^.ngcr, nd and .ti; come me to prayed , wounds clofcd, they them in this place ; at that inftanc Ihey cmbarqu^d tkenihis ran hailily to







felTCs to

Thefixth Boohf of

goe ill feaixh of a Knight , for who fe ab fence they were grieved, alRiring me neverthelcfs, that if within foure moneths they had no tidina;s of him, they would without fiirther delay come to this City, attending the Seige of the Pagan Princes : of which fir, faid he, to the Emperor, you have been already advertifcd, and behold my ibn, who can tell you for certaine , as he who hath been prefent in a great Mufter and Affembly which they had; Ihavcfcai\:elykn;>vvne the haifc faid the Emperor, I pray God help me. And in faying thus the tears fell from his eyes , for he much doubted the threats of Melia : For afmuch as the writmg contained the igiwminious death of the perfon which he loved beft in the world. He well knew the Enchantment as well of his Ton as of his Daughter, and therefore he feared that this injuric would fall upon Lifvarty whom he thought to be fafcr then in the hands of the Enchantrdle but he was deceived, a you have formerly heard. So the Giants and their traine were magnificently received , and the Emperor gave them faire preknrs, even having undci'Ilood o{ Argamont that he would not depart from thence To long as he fhould

have need of chcm , butthatthcywoiiM faithfully ferve him, according to what they had fworne to Vaillidej and ^cdragmt. And as they were in this di(courfe , news came by a Scout , that without doubt the Pagans were already alTcmbled in great Companies in the I tie of Tenrdos ^ andpurpofcd todillodi;e about the end of thcenfuing

Councell, where

which caufc the Emperor called his was concluded , that Meflengers ftiouldbc difpatched, ^omt to Sard'inii^ indScicilia (and in their parage they fliould informe the King of Naplej^^ Alifiels father, the good fortune of his Ton ) and otiicrs cowards the Emperor of Rewe, the Kings of Spainc, of 0..,Hle , and of great Britaine. Then from thenct to ^#




efra^jnt^and to the Kings Cildadan, arid of Bobemia, to advcrtife


them of tlie great enterprizc of the King /^rjandtoinueat them for Gods fake, to fend them the



Q A U L 1.


gre?iteft CoHipsuiic of great VeUeJs tht they can pofiibJt? toiuccourTjbrjcfjVyhich otherwile would be ruined. And by reafon that this voyage would be long, it was thought fit , that in the meane time , that Vrardtlo {hould retire to the Port of the defended Mountaine, and with the King N^randelt, who ordinarily ftaid there, theyftiould fl:op(if they could poHiblc) all Merchants fliips or others to the end that they might hinder their enemies from vi^ual^, if they fliould march forward without forcing the places. And that the Emperor fliould ren)aine in the Qty, attending the news of the other Chriftian Princes, to whom Meflcngers ivcre fcnt , who were embarqued that very day j and with pitiftjll Letters, afwell of the Emperor ^ as of the Knight of the Sphere j Languines j4ifie J of Ireland, and others, they made fucb diligence, that their legation had the fruit , as you l! nil hcarchcrcjitter, Butfirft I will tell you of fomc andventurcs tha< happened to GariHter and Pcr/wi fons of Gjlaor : of wh(>m we have not as yet fpoken, fince they departed from Con:


Hr Garinter4^ Vcnon comhttd againfi
of Siberneaj and^ hisNephetps
quifhed in o^tn field,


tvhovz i'jej

King van-

bookc of this prcand Ttrion (ons [5^ of Galaor , received the orde*" of Knightly "hood by the hands of Ejplmdhnj who foone ^^C^ after embarqued thtmrdveijandpafled into thelfk of CaHfortuu^ where th^y bad war a long time againft force , who inhabited the borders of their Country J specially witii t*ic King of Sibemta whom they
in the fifth

sSS^^Ou have heard

'^b fent Hiftory





^the fixt

Booh^ of

chafed unto thcpr'mcipall towncof his Kingdomc, where they held him bv h ged , at that time that Tj/jb^w, Mancly, and tlie Quten Ctlafia arivcd at Californus , returning

from their voyage where they had found Ptrion de GanUy So the Q^iccn wou W i;oe no further, as you have heard. norgoeto thcScige: hut 7al.wq7is and lUancly^ without fojourning, eame to Hnde theui , uling their utmoft endeavor to gocthorousrh with their entcrprize, Tliepleafure which thefe tour Knights had in meeting together

was great,

Jalar/^uc p.ndA^anclj. being arivtd in (b


time, to fee the

Ferien, Garinter

Combate that was agreed of betwei and two of tlteir nitn, againfl: the King
his nepheivs



and three of

under this condi-


faid Gaunter^ if the vifVory reiliaine


his part,

that his Country l>.all remaine as free unco him as it was before the war, andifweatcvanquifl-;ers, he muft leave ic

unto HS peaceably

without quarrelling at any time

Now we know for

his three

is a good Knight, and Nephews are accounted the beft of this Counbut if you pltafeto be on our iide , 1 hope with

certaine that he

Gods help, that cur fortune will be wholly proi'perous. In good taith anfwered the others , we will doe it truly, and we will ftay untillthe day become. That will be to morrow, faid lalanque, therefore reft your fclfe for to day^ And that you may be the frefhcr about your builnefs. f.^at that time they would entcrprize nothing;, but attending for the time to fght , they fpent the time in difcouriing of ihe skirmifhcs and aHauks which they had gWen the Town, during the Scige. until the next morning: when a Trumpetter brought the Hoflsges from the King of Sibcmea. For which ccuf.', after the oathts and Cercnionits infuch cales obfervcd on both fdts, thoiewho weieappointtd to f ghr , cntred into the field, and the King addrc/ffd himftlfe to Terim^ whom he nice inilich manner, th.-Jt without thehelpeof his hOrie neck, he had b-^en on the ground. But it happened worfe co the King r for fe;i<?;ydiiarnudhim, and threw him down to mealure

on the grafie. Garinterd'id as much to one of the Kings nephews , and lalanqm to him that he charged, although that himfclfe was forced to alight; for his horfe was lb fliakenatthe Shocke, that he Itayed in halfc the way ; and as tor Alancly^ he leaped trom the faddie, and like wile he againft whom he ran. Neverthcbut aro c lefs none of them ftiewed them felves difmay ed with great celerity 5 and laying hands on their fwords, there began between them a hard and cruel battel. It is very true, that the King of Sibeme.t and one ot his Nephews , tbrced Ferion and Garinter , otherwife they would have cut their horfe* bridles and their skirrailh endurf d fo long that by the fpace of ioure houres, it could not be difcf rncd, who would have the better or the worfe. For the King of S\berma had given fuch blowes to Perion^ that making tire come from his eyes, he was forced to fet his knee twice to the ground , at which he was fo animated, that taking his fword in both his hands j he hit the King between the neck and the (houlders , where he wounded him fofoarely, that he never after IHrrcdj but died. Talanque on the other fide did not ilecp ^ but fought couragioully with his enemy and he was fo much
fure his length
, ,
, :

favored of fortune, that finding the joint of the Gantlcd, he gave luch a bJow, that he fcpa rated his hand from his Arme. Then through paine he gave a great crie, and thinking" to have ecourfe to a fwift flight to fave his life, he turntd his back which g^ained hlni but little, for he was thrown down by his cncniy , and (hamcfuUy put to Which G^riw/cr (eeing. he received fo muchverdeath.

tuej that with one blow he cut the naileand armor of and the iword entri^g fo long rciifted him three foot into his body^ he gave up the ghoft. And the like happened to ihe fouith, againft \\\\om Aianclj had much to doe : for he cut otf his head raoft bravely. Behold how it happened rci ihe King of Sibemea and his Nephews, who lying dcjd on the tield, Gurin er and his

h'm who had

Cooipanions retired into their TentSj leaving the



and complaints



townc, which was rendrcd, and put into the power o^ Peri en p according to the Iworne agreements. And the day after by the advice of all Gjriwff/- remained crowned King, to vhich charge, neverthelels hcleft P/w<i for Governor, that he might follow frrangeadrentures wbenhcpleafed. Wherefore folboneas he had received the homages and oAihes of fidelity of his Siibjefts , leaving good Garrifons where there was need, and Falinm {or Vice-Roy, hq returned with his Companions into the Iflc of Califormft, where the Queen made them welcome. But they ibjourned there but a fcivdayes; Forfo iboncas theyhad9 men and veffels, togoeto the (uccour of 0j?j3mr,^/e thfy went to embarque themlelves. So we will leave thJem in the keeping of our Lord, and wcwill rcturnc to the Duke of Ortilenja , who being exceeding joyfull of fo fair a Conqueft, as he had had over the King of Breigne^ tooke

to diofe as well for the loffc ot their friends

Book^ of who were thereby


as ot their



to trebtfond.

Ghap. XIV.
Hovp the Duke ^/ OrtHeniaf, hAving vanqm^^ed the King of Breigne, he returned te Trebifend : and f thearmdcf Alqucfa at the Court of the Bm^

N the formerChaptcrs you have

after the purfuitc and flaughter

heard, that

of the Solfled in

diers ot the

King of



Rout ) the Duke of OrtiltnfM and his Companic returned to the Camp: and by reafon of the night which drew forwards,

they could not know the dead untillthc next morning, when they went to revlfit them ^ and they foufid Gnttr




fon to the King of Breigns, wounded with ten mortal 1 and io trodden with horfcs, that the tornie t>f 3 his faee could rot be Teen: a little farther on the riglii: hand , was alfo the King his father ftretcht out at his length. Then as they were efteemcd for Tray tors, ib they were feparatcd from the others, and by reafon of the honor of their Roiall dignity, they were honorably interred. The bootie then being- taken a and the Country reduced to the obedience of the Emperor o'i'Trebifmdy the Dvkcoi Oriilenfa tookehis way towards his Mafter, and he was very well received : and not heonely, but Flon^ fian^ farmtnir, and Galuanes for whofe (ake the Emperor held open Court fix whole dayes ; for which caule the three Knighw had convenient opportunity to entertaine the Ladies : who made them underftand by cffeft the extreame pleafure which they took in their fo foone reall (hcwed^er fclfe to be fad was Onoloren , who died an hundred times in an houre, by reafon of the Captivity of her love which flie ncverthelefs diffembled to her poW( r


One amongft them


and penlive. Alas



but JoveprelTcdherfo neer, that teares were as familiar in her eyes , as water in the pipes of a fountains And that which more increafed her Martyrdome: y^lquefa (of whom our Hiftorie hath fo often mcnticn d ) arived
Perion fcnt to Onolorea^ and Emperor as dinner was ending, humbly recommending to him the unknowns Gentleman, whum he had armed Kni^lit. Ah faid the Emperor, Damfel my friend, I pray yoii be fo courteous to us, as to tell us B where you have left him, and whether he purpofeth to make us amends for the injury which he did,

with the Prifbners 3 which

preftnting her fclfe to the


in not difcoveting himfelfe to me. Sir, anfwered fhe, if he hath done you any injury, it was not by his good will, andtherefoichc is the more to be cxcufed : but if yoti plcafe to know further of his eftare, fuffer me to performe that which he hath commanded me to fay to Madam Grkilena your daughter. Yes truly 'an(wercd the Emperor.




Booh^ of

Jlquefa addrciTing her

faid to her:

your Knight others in Prowdfe and Chivalry

he delircs to ferve
all his life



to the PruiceflTe, ftirpaHeth all


) falutcs


as he

in teftiraony where-

of he fends you by me^ that which he hath conquered lincethetimehe departed from you in much hcavincC?. Then /^Iqaefd prefented to her the great Soldan of Liquh^ and the King ofy-/i/ewr two children. This Gentleman faid ri:c, is a mofc renowned Prince amongft the Pagans, and that forgood caufe : tor he when he is in liberty, can command the Countiy of Liquk^ as much as the Emperor your father can his. And thefe others are children to tbeKingofF^/i;/?ze3 brother and fiffer, whom he iftti'eats you to receive 5 anddifpofeof as yourowne. He hafh given mein charge to afiure you, that in uling them

well he


be much pleafed

by rcafon of the greatnefs

of their births , and the Conqueft which he had made of them in his begining. Then (he recited to them , how fliehad conduced him from the tirft day that ftie found him in W^/i/i, the deliverance of y4/^i/ her father , the aid he gave toLanguinet j and Ahiej of Ireland^ and particularly all that which hapned untill the very houre , that he and his Companions were erabarqued to goe to ConPamimple , to fuccour the Emperor , who expefted the Seigeof the Pagans: in good faith Damfel, anfwered Gricikrea^ thehonor which he hath done me is fo great,
I have good reafon to wifli him well: but he hath diiplearedmetoentcrpri2e To long a journeys before he came to me, if he be fo much mii.c as he boafteth. Of one thing I will afiure you, that I will never pardon him, untiJI he comes tome inperlbnto aske pardon, ad then it maybe he may berefufed. Madam, Cdiid Alqneft you , flialUcehim here id fhort time, as he hath promifed me, for he defires your prefcnce and favor more then any thing in this world. Then addreflTng her fclfe to the Etiprefle, and the Princefie Onotorea, fhe delivered the mcfiage ofTerion. You may cafily imagine whether F/(3r^yii and







his Companions were not well plcafcd , to hcarc fo good news of nini whom they fought for , but this was nothing in refpeft of GriciUreas joy, who ceaCcd not to cntcrtaine Alquefa all that day in iiich manner , that fhe had an opportunitie to dt liver tlie Letter to her, which the Knight of the Sphere had lent , the tenor whereof tol-



can rccompcnjc the great good whnhjoH granted me that day ^ that yon
^ ^



accepted me for ycnrs

feeing that the beji


in the vporld ought to cfieemc himJJfe fo great a Ladie and Trinceffe, And I then poore dumb Creature , without having as then done uny k^^ightly rf<5?5 having attained tofuch honor , it is a. marvell^ if my heart hath defired to ^nterprrzc a thing , hv t^bich (with reafon) it hath hopes to rcm.iine info high a place , fepirating from it allfeare and perill of death by the continual remembrance that it hath of your goodfavor^ ivhich hath infuch manner captivated my liberty^ that my ey^.s are chained to your happy pre^ fence i from that very day wherein theyfuvo the^lendor ofyour divine face. But this prijen is mingled with great Liberty ^ that it caufeth me to live ^ for the defire which I have alwayes to obey andjerve you , be."
ing aj/jired that

rvorthie tojcrvc

my feule

being affliHed

with your abfencs^ could not remaine one houre in this pajfionate body, therefore Madam, T humbly beg of yen, to command me that which your pie afure is with mC;,and having pitie on your poore Jlave;, jendhimyur

fleafwe by this faithful Damfel,

From him who kilTeth
greacne^ in

hands of your



Theftxth Booh^ of

Griotkna then having read this Letter was fo furprized, that (he changed colour three or four times, not for difbut ( to the contrary ) with the pleafure which fhe had

force of love, which enconipaflfed her courage fo much, that Alqnefa perceived her ready to found ; wherefore (he

demanding of her what feebleneflc had Ahah My great friend faid (he, when lljall I fee him > who endures fo much for me, and whom you kave chofen amongfl: thebeft Knights of the World Maembraced

overtaken her.


faid Alqutfa^

my Father who hath proraifed you, vU

find the me?nes to fend him to youj when it fhallbetirac; in the mean time content your felfc as well as you can,aiid let him heare from you as often as he can. And then at that

time, a Damfcll came to


tell thenijthat thcEmprcifc asked wherefore altering their difcourfe, they returned into the Hall, where all this great company was at that time aflemblcd. And in that very hour the Emperour was advertized by a Venetian Brigmtine^ that the Army of Pagans wasontheCoaft of Natollj^ with more then tenne thoufand Veflels, gjing to the ftiaits oi Vropontide ior which caufe following his purpofc,he commanded to raifc men from all parts, for he would in perfon goeto aid Chriftendome.



C H A Pw

AMADis'efc Gaule.
Chap. XV,


Heno theEmperoMr of Trcbifond embarqned ta gee a^ gainji the King Armato, and the failing of the Tagans to Conftantinople.
He Emperours Army being ready to cmbarqiic, and all his Veflels being fiirnilhed for Warre, and well fraught, he eftabliflied for his

Lieutenant Gcnerall,


Duke ot AnttUij who he commanded be fore he embarqned, to make

a generall Muftcr of his Souldiers. And linding them to be the number of fixty thonfand Horfcmen, and fifty thouwherefore the Emperour was fb fand refolute SouMicis glad, that at that very houre he crowned Pardirea King of fiC'gwejwho was hiiBrother-in-Law, to the great content of all the Company. And the next day according to the advice oftheMafters and Captainesj every oneentrcd intohisShipjforthe wind wasfaireto fet faile, and the ^mperourhimfelfe have left the Duke Pe/^i/lJ/i/^ with the Emprefle, for Governour of his Country, commended her to the keeping of our Lord, andcaufcd to weigh anchors. Then hewhohadfeene at their departure from the Port this great equipasc, furely he woald eahly thinke the greatncfleof this Lord and Prince-, for the Sea was in a manner covered with Veflels, being hung with Flagges, Banners, and Streamers, with fo many Trumpets, FifeSj and Drums, that it was a thing almoft incredible. So then Alqueja would make no longer abode in Inbifendf feeing the departure of the Emperour ^ but fo foon as he had left the Port, (he went to the Emprefie, of whom fhe tooke leave, andlikewife Gr/cfWj, alHjring her, that fo foonc as (he had made one voyage to her Father, (he would goe in fearch of the Knight of the Sphere. For which caufethe

Princcffe delivered her a Letter to prcfent

on her partjpraying





Book^ af

ing her with great affeftion, to perfwade him to come to her as foone as he could poflibly, which (he promifed to
her: And re-entring into her Veirell, flic let failc. So let us leave her on the Scajand let us return to the Mcflcngcrs who went to advertize the Chriftian Princes of the fcige of Co?ijiantirtople who hadfofaire wind, that they gave

Order to what they had entcrprizcd. And the Emperours of Eo}e, King of i\aplef^ and the reft were ready todiflodgCj at the time that they had knowledge, that the Army ol ^'wj/o might goe into Thrace, for this caufc entering into their Ve^elfjaccording to the Region and Climate from when they difpatchcd, traver/ing fo many Seas, thatatlaft (not without great travel! ) they metinthc DefcndedMountaine, where tficy waited for the Earleof
fraridalo and Adorandillj -wiih their equipage. At this very time, the King Arm tto accompanied with Almirix, brother to the Souldan oi Liqu'ie^ the King oi^ J crufalem^ and Soldans o^'Pf/-/?^, of Alapa^ of habilouy the Califs of EfJ'/'^ labor! ana ydndi many otlicr great Lords of the Eaf^, parted

from Tewdoj wiih io great a number of Ships, Bri^^rHinei^ Gakjces^ Galliesy and Fiilj^ ihat the Sea kcro'.d :o be coveicd. But they found nt)t thcEwiperourrounaccorapanitd;, but lie had cbirty thoufand Horftmuijandfifcy thQU**

fand bearing Amies Ncvcrdiclcfle he feeing fo great* number of his Ericmits to approach To near to the great Cityjar.duot having h:d any news of them from whom he cxpcftcd aid, he was fonicv, hat grieved, which he hid and the better to afiwi c his men, he was of advice that they fl culd ( as n:uch as iliey could pofl'ble ) hinder the King A^mi/cf;Army frcm landing, giving them continuall Alarumesto vexand tiouble them. For which purpofe were appointed the Knight of the Sphere, Laft^uineSi Khiu of /rr/<3(^,Ari^^wo/, and his Sonne, with ten thoufand Horfemen, and two thoufand chofen Souldiers, Who having had notice of the place where the King h^mato would take Land, they iffued out in good equipage, and the fame day they difcovcred theVai^guard of tJic Pagans, with



G A U L E.


accompanied with three GkiKS' Brothers to himwliom the Knight Xxf the Sphere hid killed at the Fountaine, where he had delivered A.'^^i/^ the Daniftlls Father. So the Chriflians remained clofe and in ambufh, to fee the coimtcnance of the oehers s but the v madctherenolongftay, before they favv the Pagans Vefielsby little and little to approach the Land, and laftly to throw Planksj and defcend into Cock- boats, Skiffes, and othcrlittle Boats, vvherby they might Land their men. I doebelievethat thofe who were the moft diligent, were not the beftufed^ for Feriow and his company rannc upon them, and defeitcd a great many, before they could be fuccouredj and untill their battail and Rear-guard could joyne together, and with full iaile gained the fliore,in flich manner that FiT/(? and his company were forced to retreat, and clofe themlelves, untill the three Giams with a great band of Pa/f/^iwe/, rufhed on them with fo much boldnefs, thathe who had fccn them, would have judged no oihcrwife, but that they had ade(jre tope; forme their utmoft. Neverthelefs they found much to doe when they came to Land, byreafon that Terion and Argjmont wiili their Iquadron held together and at that time there was fo great a Conflift, that many on both (]des loft their lives there. And by reafon that the Pagans gained Land, and forced them mai-vellouHy, Arganmu went to the Knight of the Sphcre,fi-,ewing him the eminent peril and danger they dould fall intOj if it were not provided for. Wherefore, he ( as a wife and advifcd Captaine ) began from hcncciorwards to retire, neverthelefs they fuftaincd the heat of theskirmifh: which the Caliife of E^j^/, underlVanding^ re-advanctdj and entering further in theprefs then he Ihould, he was met by PerioT2,who gave him fuch a blow on the head, that hefeparated his head in twaine For which, oneoftheKingof Jimfalems Gijnts that followed hni^ was foangred, that he lifted up his fword with both his hands, thinking to give /'erion the like payment But Arg^ww* faw the blow comming, fet his (hield before him, L3 which

King of



Tfce fixt

Booh( of

which entered Into it above a foot and a halfe. Surely this force was eftecmed marvcllois among others: for Argan.ontt llneldwasof tincfteele, r.nd ncverthelcfic it was ctit as it were in half; and as the Giant ailayed to pull out his fword, Afgitmont gave him fo great ablow with an Iron Crow which he had, that he bowed his head to his faddle, and in riting, Teridn fepa rated his (houlders from his iidesjof which he dyed. When Gelfn his brother Taw him in Inch txtremity,never was wild Boar (o mad with Dogs, and he foone made Argamnt underftand it, for he foui;htforhim out amongft them fill and at his arivalK hf gave him fo many blows with his Mace, that without the hclpe ot his Sonne

Ardidik Cani'e, he hadloft his life ; but he tooke Go!fan at an adAantage, and hi^thrufthis fword through his body. What will you that I fay ? God did well declare this day, that he would aid the Chriftians ; and it was fo to hz wondered at, how any one of them could efcape, they being cncompafTed with the whole power of the PaganF. NcverthelelTe they found meancs to fave themfclves, and retn-cat with their honours unto the very walls ot the City. There for although they Abies of Ireland^ Languims triumphed were wounded, yet they did as great Deeds of Armes, as any Knights could doe, and great part of the honour of (o fo faire a retreat, niight C withe ut injuring the others ) bee attributed to them. The Pagans having then purfued the Knight of the Sphere, and his company eycn to the trenches of tha Town ^ they had fo many darts thrown at them by thofe that were within, that they were forced to retreat, withoutdaring to paflc any further j and by this meants, the Chriftians might enter with eafe, not without great lofle.* for there was killed twclvcor fifteen thou fand on their fide, and more then twenty thoufand of the others. Then the Gates were prcfently rammed iip^ and a ftrick watchwas fet in all parts and that fame day theenemieg encamped on the Sea Ikore, leave the Kings of Rabh and with neGaioffe, for Captaines of their Army on the Sea cclTary equipage. And the night following they began to




draw near to the Tovvne, and fortihe middeft whereof Afelia cooMiundcd to




ereft her



Pavillions , and next to her were tho/e of the King of Giants liland, and GradapUa his Daughter5whohad been to fetch Lifvart out of Xrabifond as yon have heard. During
thefc tranfaftions,t^e Emperour of Conjiaminoplc^ and the 6ereiged did continually labour^ expefting every hour the battery of the place, and the aflaiilt thereof: but that was notfofooneas they thought: for /l/t/i^( without who fe

counfell nothing wasenterprized) willed that thofe who had wearied thenifelves on the Sea, fhould firft rehcfh themfelvess and in the raeane time fliee commanded a ^rcat

number of double Ladders to be made, to mount the Walls when fhc (liould find opportunity. And although this was one of the occalions, why the aflault of the Town was fo long delayed, yet there was one greater. The villanous Woman would have Lifvart burnt before all for (lie

her devililh aft, that fo long a5 he lived, the Emperour of Ofl|/?.ai.9j^/e would be invincible: which (hcc declared to the chiefe of the Army :i)ut (he piurpofed, God

knew by

prevented it otherwiie,as you

(hall heare.




jixt Bookie


Chap. XVI.
Bow by
themcanes df the \nfanta Gradafilca, Lifvart had his life javed , and reentred into Conftantinoplc.
\Vtlnf.intaGrjdaft\ea-w^% prefer t
at the

Counfellj that was held by AkitxAwd

theCaptainesot the Army, to advife of forcing the place, where the Sorcerefs refolved on the death ot Lifvart^ who according to htr advice (hould be burnt to afhes , in the moi\ eminent place, that hemiftht bc/teneofthcbciieged, to whichthe Pagan Princes foonaccorded. But if Grjdjjii'ejhad been of the Connfell , and might her verdift have (way 'd, the love which llic bare to Lifvart had hindred the judgmen t -/or (he could willingly have laid downc her owne life to lave his. And therefore (hcpurpofcd in her felfe, feeing fhe had been the greateft meanes of his bringing from 'irebi. fond-, that fhe would likewife fave him, and put him in the cuftcdy of his greateft friends in Cnrij\aminople. Toperforme which 5 fhe refolved to cheat her owne Father, who was newly made keeper of Li/z/^rt therefore the day before Lifvjrt fiiould fufFer, (he went to her Father, and told him that fl:ehadaraatter to tell him of, which did not onely concernehislife, butalfo his honor. Theoldman giving too great credit to his daughters fpecches, left all untill the evening , and gave command to the watch not to hinder his daughter in going in and out. She then knowing the Commands of her father, and the libertie fhe had to goe to hina at any houre of the night , (b.c deferred it untill the changing of the watch , and then Ihe wouldtakeoneof her women with her, to the end that Lijvjrt might put on her womans apparel , und fo pafs the watch unexamined 5 and thus ll^c concluded, and exe:


man did fet forwards with


ccutcditj fo that at the time appointed, tlie and her woAndpafall things requifite.

through the watch, (he came to her fathers lianiber where file comnumcd with him fo long, that in the end lie fell allccp , and fo did all the reft. GradifUa hearing them fnore , fix retired into a wardrobe , where Lijvart

whom fhe found very p^n live



coming ncerhim, ilcfaid: fah'Sir, I pray you be content and arife. He feeing a woman at fuch an houre, could not at the prefcnt tell what to think ncverthclcfs-jat the lalHie anfwcredher: Truly Madam, you pray me to doc that, which to mc is impolliblc, feeing that you alone and no other (aslthinke) have been the caufe or all the evil that I have endured, and am liise to futier. My imprilbnment doth not fonuich grieve mr, as to fee my friends fo llmghtned, and I not having the power to help them. In good faith, faid (he, you fliall pardon me. It is moft cerbrought you from Jrehifond but did not taine that know of the ill you were to futier, and have lince fuffercd: and to make it appeare for truth, ifyou will grant me one booneat any time that Ifliall askeit of you, I will ufe



iitmoft indeavour to releafe





you nothing if I may have my liberty. Then faid fhe, arife, and put on the clothes which this woman lliall givcyou, and follow me, but befurethat you doe not forget your ownc clothes to put them on when you (hall have occafion, hifvart performed her will, and in the meaue time Gradafilea watched leaft any bo^ dy (hould come Great part of the night was fpent before Lifvart and his guide were ready , but a little before day, they left the Pavilion iecretly and pafling through the watch, one who was more watchful then the reft demanded who was there. I faid , Gradafilea , The watch who knew her gave her tlvc good morrow j and fo they paded on, until they came to the Trenches , where Ore vrasagainc flopiped; butflxnvas not muchhindred, for the watch reverenced her, and askcei her if (he would

will denie



TheftxtbEoel^e of

have any company. No faid fhe , I will have none but thefctwo Darafels. I will goe and fcek fo i the weakeft place of the walls , where a breach may be made to morrow. Goc then Madam, laid the watch , and make no noife, that you may not be heard of thole of the City. Thus (lie performed her enterprize,-and brought her Lover nefer the City , which lie foone knew. Then he being extreme joyfull, began to give God thanks, when Graddfilea

faidtohim: Nowit is timetofaveyour felfc, take your clothes and get oat of dangei-. Ah ah Madam anfwered he, I have great caufe to confcfs, that next to God I hold my life at your hands! and therefore in what place foever I fhall be, you may be lure to finde me a readiefervantto obey and ferveyou. Saying fo, he threw off his long garments and put on his owne. Gradjfi'ea could not forbear killing and cmbrciang of him with tears and fearing to be difcoveredjwithout dareing in her eyes to ftay there, flie committed him to the proteftion of his Gods. And returning bzc^^hifvart pafled on,until he came to the CiticGates, where the Ccntind difcovered him, and cried out aloiid to Who goes there at this hourc, returne or I will make you. Friend, faid LiZ-yjr/, Jpray open the gate, fori am Uich a perfon that the Emperor

7 he watchman knew well glad of my returne was his Country-man , and therefore he fpake moremildely tohim then he did the firft time: Saying to himjitisinipofl;bletoletyou inuntill it be day: for the
wiU be

that he

Knight of the Sphere,

h.ath the



Captaine of



Key. And I am furc he will not deliver it to any man unlefs he comes himfelfe : and it is too foone to awake" him. I pray thee friend , faid Lifvart , tell me who this Knight of the Sphere is. The Centinell being wearied with fo long difcourfe, fnapt him up and bid him goe walke abroad, LIponthefe fpeeches a Captain of the band came, and demanded of the Centinel what was the matter-: Captaine faid he , there is a man who would come iiij but if pleafc you, I will fee him away. At thefc worcfs

words the Captain went



forvva ids , and faid to Lifvsrt^ friend, have patience iintillday, for you cannot enter any fooner. Captaine, ani'wered LUfvart, if the Epiperor knew of myarival, he would be more joyfull tnen you

thinke for. I pray you U ut of curtefiej goe ttll him I have brought him news that will much content him.VVhen the Captaine had taken fome notice of hifvarts ipeech , he began to remember him ; for he in his younwhereger years had been brought up nccr the Emperor fore he could not forbear ^ but he faid aloud to him. Either your fpeech deceives me , or I know you to be our Vvincthijvart, Friend, faid Ujvarty ipcak low, and doe not name me againe, for lam the fame, and goe to the Emperor pVefcntly , and cau(c the gate to be opcnec^ Ah, ah 3 ah Sir faid the watch, (lay a little , I will but onely goe and come. And faying fo, he ran to the Knigbt of the Sphere , whom he found aileep^but he awakened him, and faid to him: Sir, your Nephew isjuftnow come to the foot of the wall, and dellrcs the Gate to be opened. How ? anfwered the Knight of the Sphere, my Nephew V I think youdreame. Sir, faid the Captaine , I know him by his (pcch, it is he without doubt. When Perion heard him (peak fo conhdently, he tooke the keyes and went ftrait to the wall 5 and there he had fome talke ^\th Lifvart* Then after heknewit washe ,he wenthimfelfe , and let him In. Then they embraced one another , with great friendftiip , tor Perion difcovcred himfelfe to be his Uncle, Sir, my Nephew faid Perion, I thinke it bcfl: to retire into my lodging untillthc Emperor rifeth, who will be very joyful of your retiitne. Let us goe then faid \Afvart. And then they being together alone , Lijvart fo they retired told Pcri(7 how he went from ConjiafttinopU ^ thinking to be made Knight at his hands, but faid he, Milan fentfbr mc by a Damfel, who hath i]nce faved my life, when I was prifoner. Then he recited to him all thcufagehe had received, and laftly, how he had efcaped. By my God anfwered Pcrw, fee this wicked womanjfhe thought alTurthat
. !


redly to



Booke of

make you die. Shee fhall mifs of her purpofc faid Li/v^'^On can help it) bat is there any here that is called the Kniiiit of the Sphere, for this night when I came, it was tola me the Knight of the Sphere had the keyes, I
pray tell me who this is that hath fo much trnft repofed in him. Thereupon Perion laughed , and told him why he had this name, and the adventures he had with the Damfcl Alqwjat In the meane time Armato and Melia flept ac their eale^ but in the morning , finding Lifvart abfcnt, they were rcadie to die with vexation and madnefs.

Chap. XVII.
Horn Melia l^newthe
pleafure thatfie
lofs Yj/Lifvart, andoftht dif" and Armato /W, hecaufe he was faved in Conikuntmople and of that which hap^

^^^^adifilea having (as you have heard) fet Lifvart ^SJ at Liberty 5 (fce Ibone returned into his fa^^^^'^ ^^"^' ^^^^ ^^^ found awake. Then fhe i^j


him what


had done , neverthelcfs fhe

hid from him the principal occafion J why fliehaddoneit: and told him, that for hei- life flic would not have had him to have fuffcrcd, fceing^that (he brought him from Trehijondy under a fairc (hadow. The King was fo ang;rcd and vexed, that he was readie to come out. of his be^d to have killed her, and that n%t without caufe;

meanes the enterprize of fo many Lords upon was broken , and he had likewife engaged himfelfeto deliver him up, whenfoever he fliould be defor




manded at his hands, lyradafi/ea feeing him fo angred, hi^d no other means but onely to fall nthis feet on her knees, tind ask him -pardon ; for faid (he,he not defcrving death I an) readie to die for it if you (hall think fit. Ah ah faid the




King, you have undone me, torfofoone as Arma'. fhall otitj he hath good real'on^o take atvay my rneancs and my life alfo Sir laid ihc, Armato fliall kno||l^t you are in no fault 3 but that it was I alon^ as I \^IHonre.3 And to him, and let him do to me what he thinke good. /lie knew fo well how to appcafe her fathers anger, that he held his peace, and arofc and went to y^w./tije/ tent, and

him of the folly ot his daughter. And him the good morrow , Armato asked him what good news he brought himfo foon. Ah fir, faidhc, rather what misfortunes? How faid Armata? So the King tpldhiniof thelofs o^ Lifnart^ and the whole enterprize
hini to tell

as he gave

Gradafilea. Oh yee Gods cryed Armato^h^ye I fo highlyoffended you, thatldeferve fo great a punifhnient ? then in great choller he commanded the King toftie from his prefence ^ for faid he, there fliall none of you depart this Country without fuffering death, and pcrpctuall captivities /4rwjf^ cryed fo loud, that A/c/ij who was lodged wherefore flie arofc in the next Pavillion heard the noife in her fmock, and went to the King who was muchdifplcafed but flie was more when fheunderftood ihe caufe. (he having knowne o^Lifvarts fliglit,began to tear her huire, and her fmock and her very flefli. This noife being heard of (bme , and they thinking thtir enemies had furprizcd them, they cried the Alarnm , that on a fuddain all the held was in armcs. So the Souldans oi Perfra and Aiipa came to Armato^ to know what was the matter and when they knew the caufe, as wife men by fair fpceches they found the meanes to appeafe ArniMo diwA Adelia : tellingthem that they might be the caufe of frightning the whole Army- For faid thefe Lords, feeing that it is the pleafure


ofourGods, whatwillyou doe? willyou contend wiih

Jupiter? doc you think he will doe any thing but for our good ? audit may be we have offended him. Therefore let us goc to him, and appcafe him with our prayers , and not

anger him more. You may fay what yon plcafe, faid Armato : but the Rogue tliat'had the keeping of him fhall die,






Booh^ of

and alfofhe that condu'fVed him. Sir, faid the Sonldm o Virjia^ yoii have to deal y^th men, he is come without intreatie^jhr lending for from a far Country, and hath carried ImilWfe, as fvcry one knovvcs, it maybe when he hath been heard to ipeak , he will be tonnd more innocent then you thinkc for , therefore let him beheard, then if he hath offended, he may bepunifhcd by the advice of the Princes of this Camp, and it may be of his own men. Thne Lords of Frfta and Alapa did fo much that they fomewhat appealed the King ^rwj/(7 and AA/w , And in the meane time the Camp continued in forme ot Battel, whereupon it happened, that they who went the Rounds on the City walls heard tlie noife of the Trumpets in the \iire. It was as then but at the point of day, wherefore doubting they ihould be furpfized, andthar the enemies would ftorme the place, they iuddenly advertifed the Emperor> the Knight of the Sphere, and the principal Captains, who ran haftily to their charge, and remained tlerc iintill Sun-rifing, when they faw the Pagans retire. The Emperor did not then know any thing of the returnc of his Son: but Toon after P^rww brought him to him , and with a grace faid to him in prcfenting him ; Sir, thelait night I took this Spie, what is your pleafure fball be doHCwith him? You may well imagine if the good

Prince were well pleafed


for the tears fell from his eyes Jnimbracinghim. During thefe paflages, Ljw^k/^i?/ and jbies o{ Ireland ciLmCf whoimbraced him, and asked him what good Angel had brought him tiiithcr. Then the Emperor asked of him how he came thither , and from whence he came. Then Lifvart recited to him his whole paffed fortunes fincc Gradafilea carried him from Trebifond, untillthatprefent, and (aid he, the Alarum which you have heard hath been onely for my lofs. Oh God / (aid the Empcior, let us goe to the Emprefs, fo* I am certain ihe will be very glad of this good news. Then he took Ufvart by the hand, and went to the Emprefs, whom they met going to MaflTe but (he ftsiycd when (be faw the Em:



Am. ADis de



who pa-efent^d


you know


unto htv, faying. Madairijdoe This is your Ton laid I]]c, ?

who may


adventure the ftrangcH: anddangein allhisiife.

rouCcli that can


W God

faidthe Emprefle. Andkiffiug him a thoufund times , ll.e would not lutfer him to goe out of her flight until! it was dinnertime, and then he related to them all that which had happened in the Army of the Pagans, and part ot their Counlels. And lb falling from one difcourfe to another, the Tables being withdrawn, he fpakc to Per/\w, faying: Sir, my Uncklc and I departed from this Country (as it is well knownc) to goe in fcarch of you who was reported to be loft. And my chiefeft purpofe was to be made Knight at your hands 3 not knowing of whom better to have the fame, you being brother to my Feather, and Son to my Gfandtathcr hmadis. Therefore let rae intreat you to let me obteinethishonour at your hands to morrow, and that without the City Gates, that thereby the enemies may fee it, and of which they will be very fad. Sir, faid
Fcrion^ there


where the Emperor is prefcnt, 1 may lawbeexcufedof your requeft The J^pperorwill pardon me if hcplcafeth, and I will humbfy intreat him to

'intreat you

on my



let it


fo, faid the



peror. to

Seeing that


you both

faid Perion,

morrow doe what lies


me toperforme,


pray faid he, prepareyour felfe, and watch this night, as isthecuftome ].,iii/^rf kindeiy thanked him , then niiiht being come, ncentrcd into the Chappcl, and accompanied with many high pcrfon?, he remained at his Orifons iintill








Booh^ of

Chap. XVIH.
Iffvart received the Order of Knighthood:, and of the great mervails and adventures that happened

thefav/e day,

R T having watched, as it is the cufrome, tl'e Emperor came to him in the Chap.pel 5 being accompanied witli the ;_.- Knight of the Sphere, two Giants, and ma^ c^^,^^^^-^^ ny other great perfons. And the time being come for the accompli(hin of this cnterprize, which was to be done without the Citie gates: he commanded the Souldiersto ftand to their Arme?, and be ready on the wall, lea/l the Enemy fliould (during the folcmnity ) aflaile them. And the Emperor kept onely then he caufed twentic thoufand men for his own Guard the Gate to be opened, andclofetoit was ereflcd a high 'theatre , upon which he afccndcd, with Lifvart , the Knight of the Suh^r^j 3"^ hrgamont : and the Ladies ftand upon the wall 5 where they could fee all that was done. The Pagans feeing fo great a company of people, they ga-* thercd together more to look on them , then to aflaile them. Then Ufvart kneeled on his knees before Perion, who gave him the Order hut when he came to gird on his Sword, they found that it had been forgotten : neverthc-. lefs that did not hinder them a jot: for the Emperor bethought himfelf, that with a better he could not begin to doc deeds of Amies, then with r.hat of the declared Kin^hifvart, ivhich he caufed after his death ( in remembrance of him) in the hand of an old Statue of ApoUdon which was on the Gates 5 And therefore he prayed Argamont (who was taller then any of the reft) to take it down, but as he lifted up his arme, there fell frofn the Skiefo great a flaQi of Lightning, mingkdwith fuch a- thunder, that the Statue was torne in pecces, and there iliiicd from thencs
: :



G A U L E.


thence a Lion, the ficrceft that could be feen, carrymgin

body a Sword, which had the pummel of a Carboncic

flaming like tire. And that which mofli frighted the^cholders , the beaft began to roare , and make fuch pitiful!

one was aftonilhed and at the fame inhorn the Clouds at the feet of the Emperor, a little Emerauld Coffer, wherein was a Letter conteining thefe words,
criesi that every

ftant there fell

forged with his own hands the [word which this Beaji prefenteth to the good Knight i (who nt the time that itjh^ll appear ") Jhallbe armedby the hands of the fonofthe brave Lion,;^ and therefore let no others e-

He great voife and good Knight

Apolidoo", hath

Swordfrom him , otherwife evill may happen to him'-) then it was apparently known by reading of this writing^that this Swordwas allotted to Lifvart, and to none other. Wherefore the Emperorfaid to him 5 Terforme this adventnre which is appointedfor yoH, And thereupon the new "Knight approached neer the Lion , and calling on his Lady Onolorca for help
terprize t$ take the

hefeton the Lion to take the Sword^aad then there hap" flajh of lightnings and fo great thunder^ that they thought the Skie would have cloven in twaine^ dndthen the Sword that Melia had placed over the Ci"

ned another

was feen fall down ^ andjinke into the earthy and from the place the moji hidtous fpirit that could be feen^ that the moJi afjuredof the Compa" ny was in great doubt : For this fant <ifie ran direBly to Lifvarty who was thenfo neer the Lion that he fkatched the rich Swordfr 9m him , and in fnatching it aways the Heaven^ the earth ^ and the Sea were fe troubled^ thaS there was not any living creature in ten miUs

there ijfued




Booh^ of

ntiks fpace that teas not aflonijijedfor a quarter ofan honre, A thing almoftincrcdtblt-i for this noife was heard throughout all the Countries ef Afia, Europe,

and Africa: and the air was fo

difperfed the

obfcnre^ that neither


Lifvartj the fpirit^ nor the Lion vpasfeen

darl^nefs voith

untill the


Then the Be ifi ran into tht Sedy and the new Kmight remained ttretched out all along , holding in his hind the rich Sw rd: and neer htm (rnjiead ofthefantajte ) was the body tf Melia , as blacky us CQale, Then Perion approached^who thought verily that Lifvart was dead : But he fcu^id it ethervfift, fir he taf but in afwound^ wherefore the Emperor commamd' ed him to be carried to the raUce, and that the Sw rd fljould be taken from him , untill he was well^ which WIS impofsible to be done. And as they were in thefe pa //ages f a Knight brought the Scabberd and belt^ whereon was certaine Chara&ersx which at that time aid ^ that And the Knight f could not be under flood. ruines the the statue he found them amongfl of of Apolidan. Lifvart being then layd in his bed-^ the Emperor confulted wh.ttpmld be done with the btdy of Melia, and after divers opinions heard ^ it was atlafi concluded that fie Jldouldb^ burnt in the pub' lick^ place j and her ajloes thrown into th* aire^ which being come to the knowledge of ArmatOj he vf^ismeV'



AmA DI S^0 Ga tILI.

Chap. XIX.
Hopp the Pagans purpofed
io a fault the tewne the great meanesthe^ ufcd tofiorme it.



He Pagans being abafhcd

, and that not without caufe, having fecn fo many ftrange adventures in fo Abort a time, could not

tell what to think , efpccially when they heard oF the death of the Enchantrefs MtIII. The news of whofe fhamefull death being come to the knowledge of Arm no (by the nieanes of a Grecian Spie) did fo much ftir him up to wrath, that he fworc he would never depart from the City untill he had raced it,and put all within it to the edge of the fword. At laft the Captains of the Army to appcafc him,promifed to aflaile it on the morrow morning, and to take it, or

and to that end the Officers of the Army, that every one might be ready with ladders and other ncceflariesto fill up the trenches, andlikcwifc their pioneers to undermine the walls', that they might enter
clfe to leave their lives there in the place,


made their


knowne to



The King of Jerufakm

Taborlaves, and a firft onfet 5 having for his aid the Souldans of Perfia and Alape^ if be fhould be rcpulfed. And for the third onfet was the King Amtau in perfbn, with fo great a number of Tures , that the earth was in a manner covered therewith. And for the Sea, word was likewife (enttothc Kings of Bugie and Gilofe , that fo foone as they ftiould hear the found of their Trumpets, then they fhould aflault the Port , and ufe their utmoft endeavor to force the town

Company of three huadred thoufand men had the chargt

in the

of the

on that part. The Emperor of Conjiantimple knowing of this purpofc , foonc made it knowne to his Captaines, to
the end that they might be in a readinefs to doe their en. 2 dcavors.


The pxt Book$ of

d cavors. Lifvart was not come to him felfc untill then, but then he began to fpeak, nd news was carried to the EmVery well peror, wl)o came to him t know how he did. lir, anfwered hej although for a time the noifc of the great thunder hath made me loofe my underftanding. I do not know faid the Emperor, but I think, youalwayei thinkc you are a fighting , for you would by no meanes let goe the fword which you have conquered. By my faith faid Lifvart, I neither thought of peace or war, nor fcareeof my felfc. Truly faid the Emperor, there is no man living ever heard of the conqueftof a Iword fo ftrangely as this which you have, and beheld / here is the Scabbord and belt. One thing difpleafeth me mnck, which is to think that yoa are not able to approve your felfe agaiuft your enemies, who intend to come vifit us to morrow morning. How faid Ltfvart, doe you think me tobefo weak ? No (with


that I am as well as prcfently he arofe. Then the ever I was, and thereupon Emperor faid to him. My Son, the Knight of the Sphere, you and Jrgamont with their Troop, Ihall have the guard of the Dragons gate, which is the weakeft place of all, the King of Hungarie and the Earl Salad<r^ that of the Eagle," accompanied with the Prince of Brandalie^ Abies of Ireland^


make them know,

hangttifjej, 2',)d Ardadile


weak menapeece,
it requilitc.

as the other.

And) cefiiall

for that placets almoft as have both t^n thouland

tofallie out


upon them, if yqu fhall finde good number will rcmainein

thchigheft place of the City, to fuccour thoft that fhall have moftneed, and Iwilllikewife place the women, aad thofeot leaft defence to can ie oilc, boiling water, ftones,
pitch. Sulphur , brimftone , and all manner of timber to hinder the enemies entrance. Sir , faid Argamont it is rcquitlte that forae may ftand neer the walls, readie to

make up the

as they intend, but


breaches in the walls, that they (hall make, 1 will by Gods help doe fo much, that

you how

not efcapefo well as they think for; fori will I will doc 5 fo foon as I know at what place they

they intend to enter,




trench juil againft the place, which fhall be filled with faggots. Sulphur, Saltpccter, and pitch, and fo I will give fire to it fofoon as they Inall enter upon it. Thus they all confulted on whae they would doe on the morrow, and at that night they placed a ftrift watch. So about the break of day, they who were to ftorme the place, having double ladders, departed every one with his bundle out of their trenches, and they madfefuch a cry, that thty were heard three miles about> and fo ihey ran ftraight to the wall, and placed their ladders in fo many places , that they almoft furprizcd thofe within ; for they had ibone made a breach fufHcient to enter in at, but before they got it, the trenches was almoft filled with dead Pagans^ ncverthelefs they being covered with their fhields,and their fwords in their hands^they ran to the Conibate.Thus they gave the aflault in two fundrie places jand the firft and the ftrongeft was where Li/i'jr/ wa?, and where Argamont had done what he intended & thereby thei'c was cut off about lix thoufand,at which the reft being frightnedjfall back as faft as they had formerly approached. Which Li/vart feeing, he ifliied out at a falfe gate , wiih a certainc number of the moft valiant, and fell upon the rear of them ; (6 that the ftouteft of them lofl heart, giving fuch fear to the whole Army, that they who affailed the part where the Prince Brd<;^j//c was fled, and were routed. But Armato came with his fquadron, who made them tuj ne their faces, though againfl: their wills ; and in the nieane time, they who had iilued out of the Town re-tntei cd,and that without thelofle of ten men. Armaf) then being much animated v?ith courage, purpofed to revenge himfelfe, and


make a

with ten hundred thoufand Turks which accompanied him, gave fo ftrong an aflault to the breach where Perion was. that he had well nigh carryed it but the Emperour camewithfogood aid, that the Combate laftcd without breathing, for the fpace of three hours. There Lifvart flewcd himfelfe in his colours, for heftrokc not any Turkeor Pagan, but he killed him, Theie triumphed the Knight of iha 5


fi^^ Booke of the Sphere, Argatnont, and ArdidikCanlk^ td whom approached the King of Jeritfaletn : and as he purpofed to cleave his head in twain, Aigjmmt put himfelfe forwards, and gave him fuch a blow that he llunned him .Neverthelcs he was fuccoured by one oFhis Giants , who purpoiing to VSWUfvafty tookhisfwordin both his hands to ftrike him, but I J[van held up his fliiddjand had his hand (b nummcd, that lie thought he had loft it. Wherefore he foon revenged hiiuitlfe; for he ftruck him wha had fo hurt him , and with one back blow he cut off halfe his neck, and caft him dead at his feet. At which the King of J&rt*fakm w^as fo grieved, that he ventured into the prefle, and feeing Ver'un ("being the man that he hated moft in all the World ) he fet upon him on his back, and he reecived three great blow<^ before
face. And in fetting on him, he cryed, Rafcalljthroughyourmeanes my Children are imprifoncd 5 but I will foon be revenged of you, for you fliall die without remedy, and that prefently So Tenon knew then, whoitwasthat he dealt whh, wherefore he raunc upon him, and at his arivall, ftruck him on the back fo ftrongly, that his eyesdazeled, and he daggered ready to fall. Thus the Pagans and Chriftians handled one another, a great number whereof lay dead, as well without the walls as within; for the a0ault hourly cncreafed, but it was well aflayled, and well defended, in fuch manner tha^ the King was thrice repulfed, and he recharged them three times anew. Yet he knew that it was a folly for him to ftrive with his fortune at that place, therefore he commanded them to retreat ; and he commanded the Archers to fhoot continually. In the mean time the Souldans of Terfia and Alape^ with their new muftred men, marched up, and endeavoured with all their might to ftormc the place , where they behaved themfelves fo valaintly, that in the end they con- quercd the wall, and conftrained Khitt oi Ireland Ar\6. the reft to retreat. Which the Emperour knowing of, he rannc thither in perfon. and with twenty thoufand men he forced th Enemies to fall back into the Trenches. NeveFtheleHe

he could turnehi*


Am AD sdeG A^iiLE,



number of

the Pagans


fo gi cat, that they continu-

ed in Conibate hand to hand, for the fpace of three hours j there was fo many llaine, and fo much blood fpilt, that it feemcd to be a fountainc. In the mean'timej the Kings of Cilofe and Bttgiey forced into the Port in fuch manner, that three thoufand hrahiant tooli Land, and the tight lalkd a long time Newes whereof came foon to the Empeiour j but he had (b much to dac clfe where, that he could not leffenhis Forces on the Land, to aide them at iheSea, where they crycd,thc town is won,thc town is won Neverthelefs this joy lafted but a little,, for they were foon driven back by the Archers, who did fhoot continually out of Houfcs that were near the walls In the mean time Krdadik Canile, came with three thoufand frefh Horfemen ^ yet all this help had been in vain For God looked on the Town in mercy, and the night came on, which was fo black and rainy, that neither the Pagans norChriftians, could difccrnc one another. For which caufe the aflailers were conftrained to retirejand found a retreatjbcing forry that they had mi/led of their purpofe, which they hoped neverthelefs to execute on the morrow^ but they within provided in fuch fort, that inftead of refting themfelves, they refted not all night from repairing their breachrSjand the Emperour himfelfc went about to encourage them, in fuch manner, that by the morning all the breaches were well repaired, and were in condition to relill the enemy. Then the Emperor called a Counfell of Officers, and there they refolved, tlxAtUfvart the Knight of the Sphere, Argammt ^ and Afdadik Canik^ with fix thoufand frefli men ftiould defend and that the the breach that was made tlie day before King of HnyigitrUi Ahies of Ireland^ l^angumzs and ten thoufand foot-men (hould keep^he Gate. And the Emperour would flay as he had done before, with ten thoufand men, whom he would divide as necelljtic (hould require , and thus they ordered their bulinefs. So let us leave them thci e, untill the next morning, when wt iLall lee how things


were carried.





Book^ of

Chap. XX.
of the aid
that came to the Enemies^

and oftJie great

Fleet of chriftians which


to raife th$^seige at

jHc Pagans being retired, as you have heard, were very fad for their great lofs , fpr they


wounded the number of thoufand men. But two things cornfortcd them, the one was the certaine hppe
either killed or


to take the towne , and to fack and pillage it, and put all within it to the Sword , and fo revenge themfelvcs for the death of their friends the other was, that Pintiquioe^r^ Queen of the Amazons, came to their aid, accompanied with fix thoufand wotnen, as good warriours as could be poflible. And Grifilan King of the Savage Ifland, with five thoufand Savage*, bearing bowes and arrowcs which they coirid ufc fingularly well, T hcfe two, the King and Queen, neighbours to one another , hearing of the great preparations made by the Levant PrinceSjto invade the Empire of ConfiantincpU came cfpecially, to trie themfelves againft fomc Chriftian Knights , who were bruited to be fo valiant. The King Armato and thofc of his hoft kindely welcomed them , and they continually difcourfed to them the affaults that they had made that day. And they fo mnch bragged, that they told them the Towne had been taken had it no been for the night, wherefore then the King Grifilan asd the Queen were much grieved they had not made morehafte. But they therefore dcfiredof Armatothitthcy might give the firft aifaultto the Town on the morrow , which he foon granted to them: On the other fide , they in the Towne laboured to fortifie themfelves , refolving to keep the Towne with their live?, fromthofe, at whofe hands theyexpefted no


So foon


day camf, the King and Queen went




to the breach, where the Pagans had the day before cntred the Town 3 and making a hideous cry ( according to their cuftome) they ran upon the Rampart. But the Archers that were in the breach fo well entertained tqem, that many Savages, and women loft their lives
there in cruel 1

manner, neverthelefs, that did not flop on ftraigh/ to the place, where LijArgamont^ and the reft atvarty theKnight of theSphci tended them, the Queen Prntiginefira being willing to fliew her renowned Prowefle, ran on ihefirft, and combated with the Knight of the Sphere but Ihc had like to have been thrown downjhad it not been tor lIk aid ot her women who came on lb faft, that the Chriftians were forced to tall back, and the Amazons cncdoutt the Town But Argitmimty Lifvart, and the Knight of the is won. Sphere , and the reft of the forces domming tonvards made them leave that they had conquered In the meane time Armato and the CalJffr who alta'lcd the other part


for they ran

Towne, were not fparing of their pcrfons, but ufed their utmoft indeavor to ftorme it , but they found the Princes SaluJer, and Brandalie more aftive then they cxpefted,in fuch manner, that more then ten thaufand Pagans lay dead in the place. N evertheleiJe, for the fpace of three quarters of an houre, it could not well be Judged who (hould have the beft , for two taherlanet brought
of the

men, and the Souldan of Abpe came thither

in perfon with fortie thoufand men, who came fo rcfolutely , that they had well nigh conquered the place. Which the Emperor knowing fen t aid thither prefently, and this which did mofthurtthtm was the great ftcre of pitch faggots, Sulphure, boiling water, and Salt peeter,
that the wall was all on tire, wherefore they were forced to retire, and let the flame take its cowrfe. Behold how the poore City was diftrefltd by Land , and much more by Sea , when the watch of the King of Bugie difcovered in the way of the Defended Mountainc a pui0ant Armie at Sea , fayling dircftly towards them : of which they


ThefixthBookg 0f came prefently to inform e thofe who afliiled


the Port.

Wherefore the King of Giloffe fent forth a Brigantine to goe k9 who this might be. And doubting it to be fome aid to their enemies, they retired from the Coinbate j and keeping their vcflels in forme of battel, they marched towards the Pontiquc Sea ^ to the end that they might defend the entrance of the GMlfh if they (hould think fit. The Brigantine did what lay in its power , to carry ccrtaine tidings , and tarried a long time without appearing aud it had (b good fortune that a little fhip of at all which thought to knd to get frc(h water, Chriftians fell into ber hands. Wherefore turning faile, fhe carried this Veflfell into the place from whence flic came : and by the Mafter of the fliip they knew that the Army of the Chriftians were neere , and purpofed to come raife the SeSge at ConfiaHtinoph^ and give their enemies battell, beThis fore they fhould compalTe the meanes to retreat. news did not a jot dirhearten or aftonifh the King of Ew gie 3 but he asked if there were many. Sir anfwered the Mafter, yes more taen you think for. And of what Countrie i faid the King. Some of Gj^/e, faid he, others of Kome, of Sdbradife^ of Spaifte^ of great Britaine , of Irlayjelj of Scotland, of Norway^ Sanfuegue^ Bohemia, A<fongssiff Sueze , and 7hefefann. Truly faid the King, a fai re comSir faid the Mafter, a few dayes fincethc Emper(!>r pany. oi "Irebijvid, and the Kings oi Cal'ifttrnHj ^ and Sihernie^ havc"]oyned with us, and /can affureyou, that he who haihnot feen this company of Ships , cannot boaft of jfceing thc'faireft fight in the world. When the Kings of Bugie and Gilofe had heard this difcourfe , and that it

was requi^te diligently to provide for it, they gave notic* hereof unto the King hrmnto^ and the other Souldans of their Hoft-, advi;in.g that lecing the enemy was fo ftrong and fo neer them ^ they flwuld leave the ftraights of toTHus y and keep the Goulfe oi fropontide , as well to have proviiions more eafily from Natalia^ as todpferid jhemfelves more commodioufly. Thtis the news of the

wlvaU f the Chrlftlani did qikkkly fpmd abread mnongftthofe who did alfallq Ceni^^mfiaple, F^f ^vhkK caufe being fqrprhcd witU amaivellous fearc, the maft aflured began to lofe heart, and by little and little to re^ tire Ottt of the Preae. Which the Princes of the Army perceiving, theycaufeda Retreat to be founded, and fo retired unto their Fort. Thofeof the Towne being much abaftied at -thcfe paflagcs , could not at the tirft tell what tothink, untilltliat a Cicizen w!ro watched at one of the higheft #eeples, came to infornie the Emperor, that towards the way of the Defended Mountaine rhe Sea was covered withVcflels, commiiig with full failes direftly towards the City , and that without cicubt the KingJiofBK^ie and Gi/J^^ with their flups and furnuure, were entrcd into the GuUjgoing to Natolia. I leave to your Judgments whether or no this newes were well received. And the Emperor doubting of the truth thercofj went in company of fomc of his to the Port, where he faw the fo long hoped for aid before all which marched one ftiip being of thclargeft fize, where in was feene no other Mariners nor Soiridiers then Apes as green as Enicraulds, every one holding his bended bowcjand arrows at his girdle,and thencerer the fliip came the more did thofc of Cowfantinople admire, and that not without caufe , for it was iikcwife built after the true Pourtraft of the firme Ifland. Itftaid not but landed, and without any difturbance did Then caft Anchor , and threw plancks on the (hoare. , accompanied with the other Damforth came A/fef^ ftls, all clothed in crimfon Tatfatie , each of them carrying a Harp , wherewiih they made a harmonious noife. And there followed necre unto them, the moft Puiflant Amadif King of Great Britainc leading Oriatta by the h^nd, clad with a vcftraent of figured cloth of Gold, and The behinde, and next to them Vre^anda the unknown
: :

and the Empreflc Leonorina : Then CvrmeUa , and next to them , Vm Galaor , Briofanea, and King F/tfrf/Ja, and his wife, King Agriw andOlituia, the







Booke of

King of Bohemia i Gnfandor^ and AdabiU y then Gandalln and his wife, andbehinde all the reft came Mr. Elizabethy and Ardjn the Dwarfe , carrying the Helmet of Amadii^ and his Vermillion Sheild, which A'qttefa had given him. Now you are to take notice that this ftrange VefTcl had
not above an houre iince overtaken the Chriftians , and by forceof Oares had outgone all the other (hips: without any of them having the power to board her, to know who failed therein. They who faw them did much marveil from whence fo many Apes came , and wherefore but all was done by enchantment, as you (hall hereafter hear: Ict.thisfatisftcyou , that it came fo neere to Conthus the Emperor knew by their Flags and fiantinople

ftreamcrs, that all this Fleet were .Chriftians, wherefore being exceeding glad , he went with a good company to receive thofe who came to aid bim. Ncverthelcfs, before J palTe any further , I think you ought to hear and know, bow thefe Lords and Ladies of the Firme

Idand were dillnchanted ; and who gave them a veffo opportunely to come to the fuccour of the Em-






H0wthe Kings ^ Lords ^ Ladies , a.nd Dantfels in^ chanted in the Firme Jjland^ were arva^ned and

of their travels into Thrace A/ the meanes of


IfOLWON (who


in his time, nor llncc cvcr ha4 any one equall to him for Magick, and Aftrologie ) forefecing the affaires which fhoiild happen to the old Emperor of ConfiantimpU made the inchantment of the Lion, and the Sword, that Lifvart when he received the order of Knighthood,

and he could fo well work in his Icience , that at the time that this fword flioiild be drawn out of the body of the bcalt," and the great thunder heard (as it hath been already recited to you ) all inchantments in the Firme Illand, and many other places ihould ceafc, and Melia fhoulddye, who was kept beyond the courfe of nature, more by the art o{ Negrommcy , then any other meanes: ihehad oflong timcinher cuftody, the chiefeil: of jlfolidens books, and fo much piaftifeof them, that in retercnce to this art by flie Vi as fecond to none which Hie aiHiredly knew , that (he muft leave this world and goe to all the devills that very day that Lifvart fliould and therefore he ftU in danger of death be knighted many times: but feeing him efcaped out of her hands, flie by the aid of raifed a fpiiit from the infernal deep hoped hinder of the (he to him conqucft in the which fword , which the Lion bare. This is that fantafme ( whereof you have been told^ who not being able to rethe will of God, infteadof binding Lz/yart laid at his feetthebody of theSorcerefle, and carried her foule to Now underftand that at the fame time that the Devil
, ,







Booh^ of


were dfefted in 7braee King /Irbart of wasarived at the Firnie liUnd, where he often times went to fee the Countrie, and pray to God to have raercy on the poonrinchanted creatures, who had To long time remained in the Palace oi ApJidm ^ which was lo covered with darJinefle, fince Vrganda had there made her conjuration , that it was impolTjble to fee any appearance ot walls , or of any other thing referabling a building ; but he was in amazement, that the djuke cloud that covered him, fell like a mift, and by little and little , this proud edirlce retuifted into her firft tormc (wherefore without fearc of any danger^ he came into the defended chamber , where he faw Amadh bceing a ilcep yet holding his naked fword in his hand, then jirban drew him by the hand Co ftrongly , that he awaked him on fuch a fudden , that Amadis being inragcd, asked of him J what he would have. Sir, replied Arban , it is now above ten yeares that you have forgotten your felfe, for Gods fake goe forth of this mifery. How ^ {si'id Amadis , is it po/Iible that I have flept fo long ? yea, verily, and for proofe of it, doe you fee my Lareplyed Arban dy Oriana, and thefc others what countenance they have, then he approached neer unto Oriana , much amazed at


wonder , and did fo much that he awaked her faying to her. Madam, you have liked fleeping as well as I, for it is , as it feemeth to me , you have flept enough, Oriana who verily thought that Vrganda had placed her in the chaire the fame day , asked Arban who he was, who related to her all thai was paft : and that fo it isfo, faidhe, fee you yet thefe other Lords and Ladies taken with a moft deep flecp. By my God anfwered (lie, VegAnda hath very much deceived us j then c 3mming to GaUoriind Efp Iand i an ^ znd all the other whom flicc awaked , and (he told unto them all that Arban had told her ; certainly never people were more aftonied , and fcarce could believe it; when they perceived Ardjn the Dwarfe in fuch equipage; that none of them could for:



5 ^tf

G A U L E.


bcare laughing : then Amadis gave him a kick with his foot, faying to him j Ar^^^n thou talceft too much paiiics, bridle my horfe : Ardan quite giddy arotej and thinkhig tofindethe dore, begen to run round the chamber as though he had been drunk, then their laugh incrcafed when they heard Mr Elizabeth to fnort , holding as yet in his hands the book that Vrganda gAvc him j wherefore
Efplandian tooke him by the Uccve , and drew him very rudely , faying to him, in good faith fir, you dreamc, you have taken fo much pleafure in this book , that you have flcpt too too long i awake you good fir, and tell us what newes you have found there. Mr Elizabeth marvelling, as if he had fallen from the clouds, opened his eyes , and finding himfelfe in fuch a 'condition , anfwered the Emperor j bymyfaidifir, I never had book folong in my hand, andftudied leffc then I have done in this, of one thing I can afllure my felfe , that fince Vrganda put ic into my hands , I have been fo fleepie that I can doe fiothing but fnort. And as they were thus all awaked of this ftrong flccp , the Governor of the Illand came to tell Amadif, thattwoVeflels were arived at the Port ; in one of which was )^rg<<^d the unknown, aud in the other a Damfel , who was accompanied with no other Mariners or PilotSjbut Apes, and the Veflel that they had brought,


the braveft


bcft fitted in the


but fcarcely

had hedonehis meflage, when Vrgmda entred in whctic they ivere. Then thcfe Lords and Ladies confulting, came to receive her , and as (h^ kidcd them one after anotruly, though I laid ther, flielaughing, faid to them you here, my intention was no other fas I would have you undejftand) then to prolong your lives and hinder the perils and dangers of death, which were likely to come upon you , without the deep that you have had. Now it hath pleafcd the Lord to recall you into tlie world, by the Conqueft which your (on Lifvjrt hath obtainal (faid fl.cto Efplandian) of a fword, which the wife Apt^lldon hadof longtimedeAinedtohim, Andbccaufelknuw

certain /




Booh^ of

Alqvif the greateft IVlagiciiin in the 5 that you his dAughtcr, with a Ihip and Apes to fent hith world which arc arivedin the Port, to carrie you into Con^an/;(?/'/5which the Pagans have befuged, I will not tuakc you any large recitall of the things that have happened iincetheday that I let you in here, but I councell you, that you goe to Sea as the Damfcl will pray you , and 'follow her and F will keep you company. Saying thefe words, theDamfel /^/d^e/j entred in, and with great reverence faid to Amadis , and to the other Princes , that y^/^wz/ her father would pray them, for their good j and the good of all Chriftendome to enter into herihip, and Ihe would conduft them unto the place ^ where they to this requeft fiiould have both honor and pleafure advice ot Vtm the confented and through willingly they , in fuch fort, (that ganda they embarqued without delay to be brief) theyarived at Ihrace the fame day that the company ot Chriftians approached to Confiantinopk. So this Veflell guided by the Apes paffcd among them, yet none of the company did euterprize to bord yet they wondred to fee her , to know who was in her beafts fo well taught J yetit wasno marveli, for all was done by the indurtry of Alqttif the Magitian 5 but if they found this ftrange Atnadis , and the other of the Firrae Ifland (feeing fuch an Army , and they fo neer Conftantimple^d'id much more ivonder ) neverthelefle being landed (as you have been told ) and feeing thofe of the City come forwards to reeeive them , they praifed God for the
: :

mercy which he had beftoived on them and inftantly the Erapcior who came firft, efpied Aw^jc^i/ and his Ton Efplandidn. Then greatly wondring at fo ftrange an adventure, ran with open armes to imbrace them, and addrefCng himfelfe firft of all unto kmadis^ faidtohira, with tears freely trickling from his eyes Sir, my brother, the Lord be praifed for your fo much defired returne. Alas! who would ever have thought , that I fhould fee fuch an happie houre before I die > Sir, replied hmadi/y he who never
5 :


A M A D 13
forgets thofe that truftin


G A u L E.


him, well knew what would

be ncccflary both for you and us and for this reafon hath delivered us out of darknefle, to come to revenge you of this moftcurfed people j who hath done you fo much wrong. Then Or'ianx fet forward, to falutethe

Emperor, who kifled her very gracioufiy , and in killing^ herjfaidtohcr; by my faith Madam, I now well know, that I was never more happy then now I am , having fo lure and good a fuc-cour as yours. Sir replyed fhe , eonfidering your great goodnelle , v/e women ought to bear

aswellasmen^ and come Emperor held her no longer in

to fuccour you. So the difcourfc tor that time

bccaufe the other Kings, Princes, ladies , and Damfels of the company approached to doe him reverence : and in diemcane while the Knight of the Sphere, and hifvart^ who went not forth of the City fo foon as the Emperor ; but being intornied that the Chrilfians were landed, they came with their fwords as yet bloody , to fee if they ksew any one of the company : and at the very rtrft fight they found them of the Firme Ifland, who had been fo many years bound in the Gaftle of KfoUdony by the force of Frgandjs Coniurations. Then the two Knights, Perian and Lifvart went forward, giving great reverence to Amadis^ dcfiring to kiffe his hand Now he knew them not at firft fight 5 neither did Efflandian ^ Orianay and much lefle Ltonsrinay at which the old Emperor could cot holdfroni laughing, aekingthem, if that they had never fecn them. God take me,Sir, faid Amadity not that I know ; yet fo it is,that to fee their coats of mailc painted of fuch a colour^ it rives good proofe and tcftimony that they are botli bold and valiant Waniours. So they arc truly , faid ih Emperor, and fons of the mbft ,Taliantcft men in th

and doe you know them > this ( pointing at Fe* fon of the Knight of the green fword , who heretofore conquered the Emdriague : and is ray dau^htu Le*mriBa mother to this other > At thefe words Criatjjy and the Empreiie ran to embrace them, as if they bad been raworld







Boohf of

with too great delight , thetctres fell from their eyes, which the Emperor feeing, faid to thcra with a good grace: by my foule Ladies^ their prefcnce^hath done fo liiuch fervicc here , that Conflantinopte might be called happy for having them for her defence and I more forinnate for the company and fiiccour which they have done me at fo good a time for it is moft certain ( feeing mine old age) that I could not have had the ftrength that is rcquilite , to fuftaine the mifcries and wees which have hapncdto me, fmce the day that you did depart from me, and I tooKe upon rac the Government of this Empire , in the abfence of my fon Efphndian 5 This god old man was as yet armed, and had not left of onepeece of his harnefle, for he wtis in fear^ Icaft the Pagans fiiould begin fome new cnterprizeagainftthe City: and his Ar-^ fiioui' was bloudyfince the fight in the morning. Wheretruly lir, he fliould have a bad fore Galasr anfwered him iudgenicnt , which (hould maintaine that you have continually flept during thefe affaires^ for thcfearmes are witnefleenough.ihiityour euenncs hive found, thatTyour Idage.hath nothing Icifcned the (h-ength of your courage, and that there is more ftrenthin you,then in younger age: arid yet they ft-ould had worfe, ff 1 had been byyoiij to make them fcele the delire I have to doe yoii Sir, 6.i/dii>r, faid he, they ar liotjo far off, but feivice:

iWit Ihej.fniy'c'^fi'it to.feeus, it may be before xiight ^tit feeing that God hath had fo much remembrance of mcy as to bvhv^ you hither , I ho^e the misfortune will fall


efpccially being

accompanied with thefe An-

fels ( faid he, iriibraciHg the Qiieen Brjolama , and the o'thef.tadics) wh^'. ire fiifficieiv: to' cliafe the devils out/ 6f, tH's world, ^rih^y fhiduld come out' of hell to inhabit

here Ah, ah

faid (Le^, if thofe that are come to endamfir mage Ihrace ought to'fec driven out by women , I will be

firft that will take Lance and Helinet to break their heads: at this fpeech the Emperor laugh v^d^ and klndcly thanked her for it: then he came to imbrace Florefian^


wko kneeling downe on the ground to kUre his ihand. But the Emperour lifted him up , and faid to him : by my fwthj good King Florefi/m, your noble ads are as reciprocal! to your namej as it is poflible , and it is likewilc true i that to make your praile alwayes flouri(li,>yu have taken the paines to come and help this good old man, being weak and lame 3 Sir^ anivvercd he, to doe you fervice I ihaJl alwayes be greai and flomilh. God will love you the better for it, faid the Etnperour tlien looking a iittJeaiidc on the Queen, SarJumir-jy AUbilny indOlindi, he went to falute them, and feeing 07/W-j fairer then the reft J he faid to her, Madam', thofe that have much travelled in *S'/>jj>?e have heretofore informed me, that Linda in that Language^is bqauty in (<urs , and truly I belitveit rather then ever tor if beauty were ever lolf , it would bafoundin you, as much as in any Lady that I have

ften to

my knowledge; at this -the young


Pcincelfe blufhed,

butA^m/ anfwered


her behalfe


ihe hath taken this fairc countenance, asalfothefc three

Ladies^ to prcfcntthcnifelves before


asCofen, faid

well perceive that itis impofliblefor me to repeat what you have deferved, and ending this I'pecclij he call his eyes on the King of Bobemiay Grafandor, which he did not untill then fee and comming towards him , he imbraced him courteoufly, faying to him*, truly my good friend, I alwayes thought, that in lb good a bulinefle, the neighbourhood of us two fliould not eafily be loft. No fir, reply ed Grafandor^ and much lefle I deiirc I have to doe you fervice and here is your Lady Vrt^and* , who fliall fwear to you on my behalfe. Now the Emperor kkiew her notattirft, foheexcufcd himfelf very well for that time in entertaining her kindely , faying to her , ah Lady, you have too long dil^ appointed us of this good company: when you pleaft,
: :

you have done fo much





fwei-cd (he all that

good end

Wrong which is not fmall. Sir> an^ have done hitherto, hath been to a and you may now know better then ever, that



Thefixth Books of

our Lord forgot you notj having brought them at fuch opportune a time. Truly 1 believe it, anlwercd the Emperour. So this good old man received them one aftr another , (hewing them all the honour that they dcferved and even to Gandalwy thcDamfelof Venmarl^e^ CarmeUey Mr Elizayetb , yea and hrdaa but he being amongft them was To lictle, that the Emperour faw him not^ when the Dwarfc came to pluck him by the Cloak, faying to him. Sir, I am come to be at your fcr vice as well as the others, wherefore fhall not I be imbraced aswell asthey/ by my head, faid the Emperour, hrdan my friend , there is no good reafon for it but thou appearcft fo little
: :

fo tall pcrfonagcs that

Dwarfe ,
deiirc to

could not have a little body, but


fee thee.

Sir, faid the

doe you icrvice , who any place , were it among the greatcft Giants in th world. The grace that the Dwarfe fpakc thefe words with, and as it were in a cholerjcaufed eveiy one to laugh during this difcourfe, A/^;/tf cauled many horfes and hackthen addreJing himnies to be taken out of her Veifcl fclfe to the Knight of the Splicre, (lie laid to him Sir Knight, ray Father your humble fervant hath lent you rhelehories, andprayech you to diftribuce them as well to the King your Father, as to Madam Oriana, and others, ivhokepr. company with them fo long in the chamber oi Apjlidorj. So Pcrian quickly knew her, wherefore he imbraced her, and made her welcome not oncly for her Fadiers gifts, but for the hope that he had tha t fhe brought; him news from her > whom he could not forget neither Nevertheltfs , the Damfel as wife and day fior night weil advifcd , difTerabled for that time what (he thou^t then Ptriw anfweredher: Dam(cl7 my friend , it is not the nr(l courteiie that I have received of the baadsef fogc but if God willing, I (hall have opportunity to Alqnefa doe him forae good fervice. Sir faid ll.e, h hath provided thele Knight* with arme , which 1 have given them before their imbarquing, and now he perhaps (as I bave

have an unmeafurable will neve hidehimfelfe in




G A U L E.


that you give to each one of them one of thefe holies, efpecially go thefe Ladies, to uhofe good graces he now humbly recommends himfelfe. Sir,faid Perion to

you heare the rcqueft of this Damfel ought I > oh no to deny ? anfvvered Amadii , therein you ftiould doe her wrong, and Jlquif slKo , who have

to deny her


wifhed us ib well

feeing that

it is fo,

faid Perim^ th^n di,

vide the preient that he hath fent






for her Ladies: to ivhich they


and immediately Alquif drew forth of a

(which two Eiquires carried on their Ihoulders) a tent of an Ineftimable value , which flie prefented to Li.Jvjir4, faying to him mofr happie Knight,and more fortunate then any that hath Kecw heretofore , my Father faluteth you in all humility , and hath ient you this tent j being the faireft in all /Jfia, in which he intreateth you to lodge (as long as this warr fliall laft)with King* Awj^iV your Father, and thefe other Lords 3 who were inchantcd in theFirme Ifland withbim. And further he acquaints you by me, that you (hall be better contented on the day that you fliall rnett him , then if you Ihould conquer the one halfe of EjT-fjft'.Damlell, anfweredLi/w^rf, I never faw him of whom you fpeakj to my knowledge neverthdefs I have a great dcHre to be acquainted with him, to doe him fome Gourteiie^ wherein he fliould imployme: not onely for thcPicfcnts andproraifts, that vou have made me on his

but having heard him eflcemed of in many place?. the tent, which was found fo faire and rich , that never heretofore had the like been feen and this rumour was To much fpread , that

Then Alqwf unfolded


the Kins; ot Sp.iine^?irian<d{Moniti^e^hcoi A'^vizn^-, T>on Biumo , ^adragani Piince of Safifegne ^ and G.-fqitHan

(who made the Vanguard of the Sea Arheard the news thereof by a Skiffe that they fent before, to know where they were that had taken Land in the Apes barke, but when they heard this report, never were people more glad 3 andmoreabaflicd, and they fiidP 3 dtnly
King of Fij/e

my J

1 1



Booke of

denly commanded thtir Souldiers to land , and continue in forme of a battel! on the Land, untill they fliould have
further Order from thcnv Andentiing into the Skiffe, they went to feck out Amadis and the reft. Great was the joy that was nude for fo happie a meeting : in the mean

while the enemies ('n^iad of dcfdiding the landing of thofc that came to iucronr Chrift ians ) made all poliibk
expedition to
fortiiie rheir


for their Spies




formed them

that without doubt

flwuldhave battell, which was

felyes together

the next day they the caufcthcy kept thcni-

In- the meanc while that thclc things ; were 4 doing, theEmperourof Tre^i/owz-yandhis Army after they had for a long time failed on the Ponticl^ Sea, and for the more fecurity kept a farre ofFfrom'thc parts of Kstolia, and gained the entrie of the Straights, a mile from the place where the Kings of Giloffe^aiid Bugle j forces were floting, then not aiiy of them having the boldnefle to flop the paflage -but the Pagans lying at anchor , for fear of being aflauhed behinde, by thofe that came towards the Hillefpom, as they underffood by the Mafter, who was taken in the little fhip 5 as we hav formerly told you, it was not long before the Emperor of Conjtantimfle had tidings thereof, wherefore he confulted with Kmadis^ andthereff, that the Ladies Ihould rcturne back againe to the City, and that themfelves fliould goc to receive this forreigne Prince^ But all their diligence was nor lo timely but that he was out of his fhip , accompanied with young FloreHan and Galuanet J Tarmenir , and Varda' ry King of Brzgnie. Truly the honour that thefe two old Emperors (hewed to one another , and the entertainment that thefe Knights (hewed to one another cannot be reprefented by writing, as alfo the goodnefs which the Emperor of ConfiantimpH exprclLed, to humble himfclfe before the Emperor of trehifojjd^ to give him thanks for the aflj/lancc which he had received from him. Wherefore he faid to him with the teares in his eyes 5 I know not Sir bywhatmeancs to acknowledge the paines that you have




taken tocomc hither, to help this poore old creature one of Hiiferyj alTaultcd on all fides , and in a manner ready

toHiU toruine, and in the greatcll mifciy that ever was By my God, your prefence fo much delightcth me, that I may this day call my felte the happielt man in the world, or that was borne of a woman. Ah ijr, my brother, faid the Emperor of Irehifondy I have done but my duty: for we are naturally bound to help each other , and your fo much renowned goodneife obligeth all Princes that are able to help you, principally againft the common enemies of our faith and as he had ended this fpeech,he perceived LifvartySLnd the Knight of the
diiinherlted Prince.

Sphere very neer him ; then addrefUng himfelfe Hrft to Ijf, he faid to him, truly Knight, I very much rejoice to fee you info good health, confidering the wicked* fpeech of that raoft unhappy Melia^ whichlhefent usfince your departure: 6ut as for you ( faid he, merrily fpcaking to the Knight of the Sphere) i fliall never in all my life forget the wrong that you did me, the day that you went from my Court, without daigning to fpeak to me , ncjr aay other, as I know, and is the principall reafon why I am come to tindeyou, to avenge my felfe for it. Sir, replyed Perion , I humbly intreat you to pardon me , for I am ready to fuffer for it, what punilhment you pleafe, although tliere is no fault in me , as you may know, having truly. imdcrftood of all that is padj during the conference between them , the young F^^/n/^j/?, Giluaut^ and ParmewVdifcourfcd with Amadis^ and the other Knight of their acquaint-ance , relating to each other their pafled fortunes. It began to grow late , wherefore the Emperour of Cflnjlantinople invited the Emperor of Trtbifond to loujc in his Palace: but he bravely excufed hisifelfe,, becaui- he

had no intention to enter into the City, (as he faid)before the enemies were expulfed out oi Thrace : and for this caufe commanded his tents and Pavilions to be made ready,. Neverthclcfs Amadis fo much intrcated him, that he lodged in that which N<imj gave to Lifvart , which was

1 1



Books of

Tucb, as

you have heard. And after a long conference between the two Emperours, giving the good night each to other, the Etiiperour of Confjantinople returned to keep his City ^ and the other to his Camp , where Amadity

theFirme Illand kept him company: ncvcr-

tooke a walke into Cunfianthiopk , wheie he wenttofalute the old Emperefle, which they yet found troubled with a fwouning, which had taken her, for the great joy (he had to fee her daughter in good hcaltlijwhich Ihc certainly thought to be dead. And as the Emj>eror entred in, where they lay on her bed, he began to Ipeak to her. Madanir, you now have the company of your daughter and other Ladles: but fee, if lam ill provided
thelefs they

forwards to do him reverence. It then

of Knights. Then ^m4dij,Lifvart, and the others went this Lady rejoycedjit is you may thinkejeipeciallyjwhen die faw her fon in Law, who fhe held in her arraes above a quarter of an hourc, without being able to fpeak one word But for this night they had no time to difcourfe much longer with them^ becaufe the time prefled the Knights of the Firme Ifland to returnc towards the Empcrour of Trebifjnd : wherefore taking leave of her and the Empcrour, they went forth of the City, and entred the Camp. Now the linight of the Sphere had not yet had an opportunity ]^rvaiely to difcourfe with Alquefa , to know in what eftatc fhe left the Princefic Gricilerea, for whofe fake he died an hundred times a day: butasfoor.c as Amadi/ and the others were departed , he and Lifvart retired to their quarters, wher fhe came to finde them. Nevcrtheleile at frft fhc very well forbore to fpeak that which (he had in charge, for fhe did not know whither Ferian Was content ihat fhc ihould difcourfe thereof before his companion , which ?mow perceiving, both aflurcd and pcrfwadcd her^ thatic would be plcafantto him , confidcring the great love which he bore him. Wherefore (he drew forth a Letter which Ihe had in her bofome, and prcfcnted it to him, faying to him , my Lady recommcndeth her felfe very


Am ADI 5>rftfG AULE.


kiodcly to yottj fee here what fhc hath written o youj and then I will tell that which (he commanded mc to acquaint you withall. Terion tookc the Letter, anel Wreaking theSealj therein he read dhat which folio week.

TMe great and


pleafure that

I have neeived hy yonr

the prefents thdt you h^vcjcnt

me by

^his DawfeMi hath

renewed iu my fgd heart the dcjtre which myJoMlfifjfers for yuHr long ahfence. And dear
friend^ heleeve te ^ were

the cotttirtHall frefenee

of your Fhifiognowy in the eyes of pty remembrance-) it would be iMpoJJib/e to refifi t he ha rd afj'aulf of fo many dayes , hich love i-:atb brought me to , which was in thefame day that yon came dumb into this Court , dmi Would not deigne to fpeak^mnto we : But the hope that I have of your fndden returne (as this Mcffenger affureth me) admininifters fome jirength to me^ to bear
that 3h2ch
to conclude ,

now mdure without


end that you may with the more convenient opportunity come tofee me , which I hope f OH Willi I intreat you to keep neerthe perfon of the Emperour my Father : who will nor faile {as I hope) to bring youwith hitft^ your affaires being done. In the meane time I would very cwne^ly defireyou^ that by allmeanes you would endeavour to releafe the faire young Gentleman Lifvart eta ofdaffjger: being cer^ taine^ that if yom will doefo much for her^ rnd thereby youJJiall come to as much honour as the moji favoured offortune^ and renowned Knight which this day bear^ eth armes. The which / df^e very earnefily requefi of you^ forthegoodofmy fijier^ who isfo much affe&ionate of him^ that fie could not jurvive except our Lord
to the

inter mifsion*





The pxt Booh^ of

comfort her i in the forrow that Jhe hath taken from the day that fje loji the fight of hiin'^ and fK dieth hourelyfor his fake, Jndbecaufe I have given in charge to Alquefa, toreUtetoyou what I have abez/t writ-

ten^ ibejeech y OH to believe it ^ as cqmming from her who if more yours then her otk.

P"w having read

this Letter over


to Ibchdcep thoukhts

without lj)takiHg one not forbear, but Ipake to himrhovv how Unckle,! thought thac.thi' Danifel had brought you pleafantnevvcs, but I I pray you rtll me, whethinke they have made you fad. ther Madam Gricilerc.-i hath fcwt you any thing that Ihould make you ibmelanchoiyi They did alwayes communicate to one another all tliin;s that happened, although ttity were never fofecret, and Ointvcr.;o great cohcerniiient:, wherefore the Knight of the Sphere faid to him

and over, cntrcd inthat he continued a Jong time word, which Lifoart feeing, could

\ou are in the wrong , for I thoue^htof the plcafurc 1 and of 'what fi aJl oi:e day injoy whc|i I goe to 7re^if>ncl^ rtiy Lady hdth wrktcri", who Y^'-aks 6V'^oii as'yoti rita^
ftcin'the Letter. Then Lrjt'jrr read more? en; vc then Pcrw?/ had been,
it', and v/as much when he underftood



iiidurcd for him. VViierefore


tearesin his eics he faid to Alquefu^ Ji\\\


that i fullered was not fo grievous to me, as thercr niembrance of the thing that kills meali've! How? faid fticilr, doe you complaine of the good that is wifhed to yai? Nojfaid he , but for theevilJ that fhe indurcs by whom I live. Then faid the Damfcl, no ncwes will be more welcome to her , then when (lie (hall hear of you, for when left her, (lie did defpaire of your life. Tnercforeyou may both rejoyce, for never was two Knights fo well beloved (of two fuch Ladies as they are) as you are. /\nd as for you, faid fl.e to the Knight of the Sphere , you





bear thcfe amies no longer : for I will give you fuch armes, as I gave this day to King Aw^^/zV, and the others of the f irme llland , which my Father fent them. My great friend, faid Perim, I am fo much obliged to you, that I will beafwayes yourSj on condition you tell me how

you left my Lady ijricilerejj and what difcourfe you had with her whilft you ftaid there. In good faith faid Alquefa^

will doe.



diicourfcd all to


in fuch

manner, that

wasnecr day when they went to



the resolution

Hovp the Tag^.m Frinces met in Cot^nfelly to ccnfult vphat they were t9 doe^ kjtowing the great aid come
to the cbrifiians :




Fe Pagans Army that was at Sea went by the Straights towards t^atolia. And the 1 and Army that was with Armat0
thcmfelvcs in their Campe, owing of the great aid that was come to the fraperour of Conffantinople 3 they met together in Counfell to confult what they fhould doe where it was concluded that their'Campfliould be fortified, and trenches made, and fo they {hould remainc to fee what their enemies would doe, and in the meane time they would burie their dead^ and healc the wounded , which indeed were many.
foi tihtd


And to

affright us

the end ( faid Kmiata ) that our enemies may not ; I am of c pinion that all this night the Trum-

and Drums may lound witn great joy. During this Counfell the Chriftians on the other fide did fo well, that all their forets were landed before break of day, and were in good order to rjceive their enemies , if they (liould



1 1



Booh^ of

them. Then there came to the Tent o^ theEmptroiirof Pvorne, the Kings of Sobradife^ of'SWmijj o': Ireland ^ o{ Scotland^ Bohemia, Spaine , Njm pla, SdnfftegusyAdongaze iO{ Stufte^ the Qyeenjof Calafea^ and Norsndelly all which had brought with them gooi* ftore of Souldiers, as well faoifeae toot, andpafllug the HeUefponti Ngrandell, and Fravedab had joined with them, with the Army of the Emperor of Cm^antiaopU ^ which

come to


ftaid to

conduft them. The reafon why they catne to Ama^ but they to conlult about what they had to doe concluded om nothing at that time , but oncly to entreat the Emperor ol Irebifoad to be their Commander in Chiefe , and Captaine General tin this their cnterprke. And therefore they went to him, to intreat him to take But he would not, butthankd that charge upon him.


them and ixcufedhimfclfe, and faid that the Emperor cf Conjiantinople was titter by reafon that he had*ilready knowne the force of the cnemic. Wherefore* it was coneluded to fend to the Emperor to know big pleafHre, whp no fooner heard thereof, but he mounted on horfeback, and went to them , where when he came , they told him what had been done amoagft them, and to that end they allintrcatedhim to accept of tli<- charge, and they would obey hiru in all his commands. But he knew fo well how to excufc himfclfe thac in ihe nd, and by the advice of all the Emperor of T'e-^i/c^^ remained Captaine of the Army in ihe field and the Empcrour ori Cmftmtimpk was Captaine Gencrail of the Forces in theTowne, as he was before. It was now dinner time , wherefore the Tables were covered in Amadis his Tent but the lirft courfe- wa*hardly eaten, when a Damfell armed at all points camt beforethem, carrying in her hand a boweof Ivorie, and a fb^eaf of Arrowes haHging at her lide. Then without fa. luting any of them, (lie demanded which was the Emperor of Trs^i/t^, and ArAgdis King of Cauh and of great hritahe. So they were both flitwn to her, wherefore (he addi-cfied her felfe to them , and with a gceat boldners fajd




G A U L E.



Hei"e,take this writing, and give nu anfvvcr th ac become you. 7 hen Ihegaveto each of themaLgLur,

and another to QuQcnCaiafes ^ laying to hex Madan), your habit declares what you are, read this paper which is lent toyou and conlider of it. So thele three Letters wcic read, and that to the Emperour contained that which followes.

Perfia mortal Enemy of the e Trotcrfervant ef 9nr Gjds^ a chief hely Law : te thee Emperor of TrebiBor of their fond. Knew thai to have the Empire of Conftantinoplc / have lately entred the field with fo great a. force as is well kftovpn. And hecauje I underjiand that yoH an lately arived to the aid of my Enemy , / thought good to fend a Qhallenge to thee , vpho art the principal defender ef the Grecian Empire , againji me who am the chiefeji dtfirer ofit.trnine : Let not thy old age he anexcnfe unto thee ^ for if thtu art old^ lam

ARMATO Kiv^ rf

TheCombate that I defrt is onely to get honor^ and trie with hhwes of Lance and Sword,, which of us tw is the mofi fivevred offortune : wherefore maks

me an

honorable anfwer.

A r ma to:

good fahh faid the Enapcrorj/^rm^t^deiire.s the Cornand hethall have it, bat inftcad of iiicrcakng his re(hall leflcn it.

as I hope, for he ftall know by the arme,which(it may be)is more ftrong then be thinki- Then Jmadh took that whicl* was fcnt to him and read it, wherein was contcined that which followee.

nown he

ftrength of my






Booke of

Lord of the Sav.tge Jjland ^ Ser^ Jv/nt ofthe great Cods of the Se^i^ deftrous of the thine of tht curfedchrifiians ^ of vphom yon Amadis
Kif/g of great Britaifte art




that hath notfo

huz'e to

much mtvcd me , as

the great dejirc I

lemyjelfc agajjifl thcc^ vpbo art fo ?}iHch reughiiut the world. The principal occafion vphy li-imcome out of ffiy Country^ hath not oncly been to aide thegrc)it King of Tur^s^ b^Ht a'fo to get reputati-


on and fa//; e ly Amies. IVhereforefeeing that fortHne bithfoMHch juvoured me to let nn fit y meet : / pray let us enter thefieldagainfi one another^ and laf-


fure thee that if

my Gods g:v me the vj&ary , T fjull efieeme r^y felfc the happJefl Knight that ever was born,
and althengh I

doe not vanqnifi thee , yet I jhdl no whit loofe my renown:, for it i swell k,nown how many able wen thou haji overcome and vanquijjjed. And at thefurthefi lean but loofe my life which I value not at aH.Therefore grant me this requefi ^ in doing whereof
thoufjalt doe me

and thyfelfe honor.




wonder at

this (faid


know: but



his Letter well witncflcth.

I nerer knew (jrifjlant as to be a gentle Prince, which And you Madam , faid he to

C^/dr/sjjisyours a
folio wes.

know prefently faid (he. Then flie bagan to

ovcLftter, or a challenge? you fhall read that which



of the Ama%,onianwomen,


Galafea who' governefi in the ftrange

JJI { ft


Gaul E.


d of C:i\ifnvnus. I advert ifg thee ^ that to via k^ i^novm my Trovpejje , te theft that continually ^levo amies ^ I have lately left my Country^ andamarwedjn this jield^vpbere lunderjieod that thou art newly arived, te defend thofevphom we hope utter 'y to defirov. And hecaufe thou art efieewed fo valiant in fight , / doe

thinks tkit if ] cMn vanqu7p thee in open JBattell , it he immortall renowne unto me. And there is no

ods between woman to force with mine , when

hefi to a Crexpn-,


therefore trie thy

may he judged who hath and Government of women^who gain


men hy love and by j orce,

Thcfc Letters being thus read, the MefJengcr dellied ari anfwer, Damfell laid the Enipcroiir of 'Irehijond, wewiJI ercneght Undone of ours to yon, and therefore you ni.^y depart wh-^nyou pleafe. Wherefore the Damfell cook lur leave of them, and niv.nnting on her palfrey, (he rid ui to A^mato. \\ ho was in the company of Griff mt , Fmtijuinefir^i 3

and many other good Kniuhts.


in the ri^carc

time the CHriftian Princes wt nc to councell , vvhith Cr mbacc 'liould be accepted, or refufcd with ibme h rahle excufc > there were divers opinions, in ilich niaiir\i.r, tijat the moft part concluded, that coiiiidering throM age of ihe ancient Emperour o^ Trehifm^, he m:chc , and ought without dil^onour retii e Annito^ being a th'ng dcnian^Hedby him morc'thr<^ ugh pride of h' art tlitn anv \t\Ton.: but the Emperor himfeJte would not agree lo Ji'S Judgment , but de.ircd thccombate above all thing*: wherefore the Queen Ca!afea and /^w-z-^i' thought goo.l, that a Knight fiiould be fcnt to y^rw.i//; to accept of the But the old King Ar^.7w of AVrr./V/ declared rhat field. ithadbeen prcftntcdby a DamicU, andthe cforca Damrdllhould returne an anfwer , and therctoie Carmella was
: -



'the fjxt

Booh^ of

a Letter with thcfe inftru^You nmft goe (aid hmteUs to takings A> !<#<>, Grifjimt^ and the Q^ctn PimiqHiut' JJiH^, to whom you fhall prefent this writing on the behalf of the "Emperor of Irehiftnd, the Queen Culafes and me.

who being arivcd,


delivered unto hr

them that we accept of theCombatc as they 4i , and at what day andhoure they pleafc -wc ready be as for th* reft agree with themjas you know ijl V. well hovr to doc, CarmeUj being prompt and wife in the execution of fuch affaires, fuddcnly mounted on horfcback but apppDaching neere to rhe Campc of the Turks, il:e tlas taid by the watch, and carried to A>T^ff,who was then in a g.eatTent, in Counfell with chicfe of the Ar-


fl^all tell



Tlieie Lords bein advertifed that a Damfell Meficnger had brought them news from the Chriftians , commanded that fhc (hould have entrance. Then flae (according to her cuilome) which was not to reverence any but Ej^lMdian) faluted neither King nor State, cntred into the Tent, and prcfented the writing unto thofe fhe was commanded, the tenor whereof foUoweth.


T ^ Tfi hy the grace ofGod^


Emperor of TrcbiAmadis King of Gaule and great



<?^Califca reigning in the


nusj where Goldand preciousjiones doe grow in abmtddnce ( in anftctrto three nrttings^ which you Armaco

King of Pcrfia, Grifflanrj Trince of the Savage JJIand, and Pintiqutncftra Ladie over the Am^z^onian nv
mtn^ havefentuf^ d(fe let )iOHl{aew^ that our voyage into this Country of the levant hath been coifed in defence 5 andfor increafiof the Law of Jsfus Chri fi,^ in vphom we bekive^ andtodeftroy thofe who be contrary thereunto, Wherefere when we had receivedyour wri^ tingf^ we havebeen content to agree to the Cowbate which

Am 4015



ti>hhh}m dcfmndwithfuch n^efpofts asyoujhallchoofs: as fir thefislcl^ jre thmke fit that it he before this great City : hopi^^ h) our God* ahne' ( ? vcioje baud arevi&orief ) that he vpHI give it ur omr you^ to the sonjufioripf yonrUlels^ anddanugc^ and d^Jfjottour of y$urfcrf$Jis, Andbicaufe this Damfel hAth in charge and potverfr^w us t flgree^ to tht rcji ive have it to her : and thus fir wejvceare^ affqproMife By the jvord of a Kin^i that during this Cowhate^npfteofcur Campc piatljiir to hurt or damage ym , on condition yen
doe the like on your part ^ of rvhichvpe
vpfll h.ive iiffu-

andpromife jworneas

it is re.ifonalle.

Thi? writing bein^ read before all the AOembly. Armifpoketor ihcniall, and laid to CanneUa^ Damfell, iHdeed we did expeft no an aver ; and vou may iiafornie them upon niylionour, that during the Combate, there (liaJl not a njan in my Campe ftir to help us, or endamage them, and

let the viftory reraainc

where it (hall plca(e fortune. After had takeu the afiurancc requilff e , (he returned to the Campeof theChriftians, where fl^.e then found thcfe

Lords together.

To whom flie related the refolution of the


they ( after Tome conference) departed out of the Tent, and mounted on horfeback to goc rifit the ladies whom the Emperor of Trthifortd had not fteneiincc his arital. They being then entred the Town, entring into the Palace, the two Empre{Ies mother and

whole matter.

Slaughter, and the Queens Orxana , and all the reft went before to receive the Emperor of Irebifond ; then being eondu^ed into the great Hall 3 they difcourftd of many things in fuch manner, thar it happened that the Kings of Hft9g0ria and CildadanQwhG difcourfed with Onana) About

thCombatcthatwasto be the next day, between two Chriftian Knight* and CaUfea^ againft the two Pagans and
tkc FintiqHiHeftra.

Whiek fo much daunted


good Lady,

it^4tKbe changed colour In (hoi t time ^ two or three timei^ ^<>Abdng th lbie mith^p nupht napocn to her lord whci^orefefaid^ tvh^Jt rc^foft is tltere tnat he ihouki trie himlelfehAvir^fo ft ert tried Ills i^evfon ahxady, he hath ^s that may 4<5c ift his ftcad<. But the^ had not long diC* covet^ , when 4 Spie cam ti <dm the Enemies Canipe to 4v^rtii'cike Eiftpemt 'of Owj^jwm^^A', that the enemies had reiitliiltirtKntotheKingorCTi^^^j and fhe^ie , to ciiterprlze th% CWiftian^Si^ tchileii the t\ro Caaips feawiincd

it die CkMRibaite which j^vma-n

had deni^itided. And ht this


forced to leav^ tsilking wltfi whei^ they tXi^t Wottiett And enm^ into Cotnxftll tonctttd^dthattheDnkeof C^'M^ipi the Eadcof Aljiflr^^ ^tid^ihi^Pj^mct AJ^mihcAxMh-xvx ihcchaTfeolT the V^dfeh
c^ufc theK^ L<oid^


^'trMfmdm\thm^\iithm!iim<i %htin2

n^en^ besides,

diote that \ei^ already in thewu And that the Earfe Fr^iiWtf^eafvd^d>-i(i^^Ui:ould likewise take care of thofe

they hadbix^ught fe^OHi theDefeid^d Mountaine : they Wei>e lookt onto as ^cciiion required, tiie^ 1 heft ient to thi Captalnes^nd SowMiei^ tiiat eteiy ^wi tb^ld ftand ott hi^ ^ii<4> itl5ing then what t hey had heard, t5 the cftd they alight ftKSi he tiirprized, neyeithe iefs this mfoitwatfett wa'T falies It is very taie that the ^-agaftishadtjwe^iemd Axch ;ii4tarin, hnt it wa$ bixykeni h>' hUmitfi^^x oi lifftsa. ^ gcnile Gurnet and l.oyall Kn%ht> x^o wo^45d ift <a wife 'c^^nfent therexait , in i^ipe^ ofU^^xaihaudttoCj-r^K???*. few day rs aftev thefe two Sieai A rtoi<e?; <?cofitred one dnother^ smd ihei-e was fuch a ti^ht^ tJiai ?he lite w^s nevei itnowi^c h\ the Levant Ct^un*




Chap. XXI UHcn> tbt Emperor o/Trebifond , Aniadis , and the ^eeeCaIafca ^ fought with the Kings Areata,


^een Pintiquineftra*

^ He

Emperor of Trthifmd^ and thaf^ who accompanied him , having given thegclbdi
"iglit to the

I adics, retired for that cvening into their Pavillions undil the next morning, when they were to hght as it had , ^. -s^^eM, been agreed on. They flept not all Uk iilghtj but watched coniiniiaJly in devout prayers,praying God to grant unto them that which (hould be nioft for his honor and glorie.^ Then at break of day, htn^dU


(cnt to the Captaincs of the Armyjpiaying ihtni that each of them fliould kecpc his men in rcadinefs , to refiil the Enemies, if by chance ihcv lliould ftir, breaking the promife whichthey had made together. And (boneafer the

Meffagc was folemnly cckbrated 6y the Patriarke of Cm* uhich being done . Nxjuefa gave to each of them aharnefife, like to thofc which (he had prcfented us from her father to the Knighti of the Firme llland,wherc^ with they armed themfclvcs,and nrounting on their horfejj

they were conduced to the place ail^gncd for the ConiThe old Emperor of ConflanttHofk carried the Em^pcrorof Irebifonds Lance, and EfpUtidiju carried his Hclbatc.
nsct. Arquijil

his Helmet, Liyviar/ carried the

Emperor oi Romt^kmadii his Lance^and Oslaar Queen Calafias Lance,and the Knight of the Sphere her Helmet. They being tluis fnrnilh-" cd and accompanied (with a great number of Kings and valiant Knights Centred the ticJd,which wasnecrctheCi" ty , that the Ladies who fate upon the Fore , could
not onely ^c the Conjbatc but alfoheai the talke of the Combatants. So the three Pagans being well accooapaniod came foone after, and this day Armata did wearc a black





Bookf f

riding on a black horfe/in teftimony of the grief which he had for the death of A//m his lifter. The Souldans of Aiape and Perfia ferved him as Squires, the cne carrying his Lance and the other his Helmet. The Kirtg Gri/I fiakt was armed to the contrary, "with green armcs and Serpents ivith two hefe^^ -feperated from their bodiei, and didrideonagreat Horfe, the fierceft that could bee {etn, Ai^l he had not this derice wi hout caufe-.for in his younger years he had fought with a Serpent, and valiantly killed it, to the great protit of the Country wherein he dwelt hlmen'm brother to the Souldan of LrqHta carried his Lance , and the lung of Jentfakm hii Helmet. The Queen Timiquinej^ra fitting on a Turkini velvet harneli , with frcnge of Gold , and in her ftiicld was fignired a dead, Giant reprefenting the Viftory , which l]:e had lonietinies had over a neighbour of herSj thegreateftman was to be found in his time. And this Queen was fo dextrous on horfebackt, that none would have accounted of her otherharncflfe,

wife then of


acGompliflied brave Knight, fo long as (he

hadher Hdmeton her head, but when it was Oti , hef^ beautie wis To great, that it would ajove the greateftjman in theworld todeiireit. The King of the Giant Ifland carricdher Speare, and the htfa-^it a Grsdafika htv Helraef|. Thus thefc bi-iivc warriouis entvcd the titld,with a noifc oi
I'btintcrone another,

they piitthtmf^lves in i^adincffe to cn-^ and met together with fo marvellcAi? afovce, that without failing they ftroke right againfton? anothcfj and thiirftcvesflewup in pceccs into the airei snd io they met with bodies, Shields and heads fo fiercely,


that they



In the



except the Queen C<m


hfciXxhowAs forced to bor^ with the

They who

iveretheSfUftatorsof thlsfirft-s^ncounter did verily think that hmadis vvas wounded to death- for he had a trunchion of a lance in his fliieldjWhich put Or'tava into fuch a fearc^ that fl e had vrell nigh fwouncd, but fhe foonc faw him on his feet, airrd inarch on bravely towards his en emie^ who Tvaslikcwifegot up. And as hmadh advanced to cha 'ge



IS ^



hhn, the Qiieen Cttjfea can^e to him on horfcback 3 to ask him whither he was woiiudc-d No Mada^rit , anfwcred he , Godbethankedj I am no of herwifc then vjill for as
far as t know ^ foitune hath been tiiorcfavoiirabk to ybp then tbkiiy of lis ; but they ended rhdr difcourlc^their ene~ mics approaching : wherefoj-e Calafej diiaiouut-'d from herliorfe, becaafe (he would have no i^icquality between her and ftntiqmnefiri^ who had loft \\^v horfej as you^^havc Then there begtin a fport between tlrctn, ntrt thr!heard. drensplay, but of two petlb;is whoendeavottied by alj meanes to defeat one another and on the other ^it , -thfe. two old men, tlie Emperor of fre^ip^^i and Armj/'j liffd one another (o roughly, that the field was btflreivcd-with


peeces of chcir ftiields


and Coats of Mayle, and the 'r'een was died with tiieirwarme red bloud. feat if tliet*^

two made ttie beholders to be abafhed it was hbrlung comparable to what they faw kmadis and GfiJJi fit dnt : for even as two Smiths takeplcafure to beat the h'it Iron on
the Aayiii, even fo thefetwo waniotirg cfc>xitihued ftnir.fing on one another without any breathing. IBtrt in Aetrid
Griy^j?.'f found him fdfe fomewhac aifoni!]:ed, bccaufe he had never dealt with a man that had Ip.puc him to hi* (hifts. Tintiquimfira and Caljfej were not hi the mean time Idle but all the Speftators ^vcrefo taken up wich beholding Amadis nd ^riffhjit , t'har they minded rtO othei^, 'e/j;)ecially'th;KnrglHof tlve Sphere, and Lifhtrt^who nrt'Jfclll t!un had dot feen1>y efFea: the caafe of their fathers feno\vn. For which caufe they fpake to G zia-.r in this nnn.iitrr, Sir, what do? ymi thinke of thefe tvro C ombatai>ts ?

'arc they not-ht

be d pi efjdent 10



dcfirc to

follow amies

Do'yoU fee how th6 Kingh^ndlethi^/fr]^;,'?? Hedoch faid'G^/iior ashe isa^ufttriiul b) as he (peakcth, doe in the like cafes. The two Qiieenes were then lb wtqyry, that leaning on their fwords to take breath, they rook fb g'teat'picaftirtin'looking on Amadir mdtGrifji^yiti ih^t


tooke truce tyichthenifclVes ,the better ^rt'bchoH^'thi^ Combate5UKtill the one or the other fhouldbevanquif' tU



Th fext

Book^ of

And to tell the truth, they maintained jhemfclves

fo wcllj that by the fpace of one hourc or more, it was not potlibk to tell to whom fortune was moft favourable. For GrifJlMtt

wasapuilfantman, andofagreatheart. Ncverthelclie in the cndhe began to faint through lofs of his blood , and every one afTured thcmfclvcs that /Imadis would have the Therefore Amsd'n de.'ucd him to have pitie on viftorf. himfelfe, and he would fave his life and honor, if he would be ruled by him. And how ihall that be (aid Grifjtmt >

my life, 1 value it not, for death is common to all, butifitnowftand witli my honor and renown,! will obey yoii. I pray you t4if n faid Aj<jii/j leave this ungodly and wicked LaWjand take ours which is the true and perfcft, and never doe damage to the Emperor of Confi^antinfplejbiit help him with all your p'ower. By A^/ercurie anCwcred Griffiantyfou preach very well doe you think to vanquiih melooner with your words then with your weapons? therefore guard your felfe from me, for I hope before I die to carbonadoc you handforaely if I can. Then he rook.his (word in both his hands and thought to have given /^.#tlis a blow on the head , but he defended himfelfe with his fliield, and gave (jri/j^4< fuch a blowon theleg, that he was forced to fall on his knees to fuftcinc himfelfc,wluch hmadis feeing, he tookc him by the Helmet, and thruft then his fword into his body ^ and fo he fell down dead giving him a blow with his foot on his bellie, be marched King , thou (halt towards hrmato , to whom he cryed prefcntly dye by my hands, for you have reigned too long hmiate being afraid to hear himto hurt this Country, felfe thus threatned, by him who he moft feared ofany man in the worlds began to complaineto him againft whom he had entcrprized theCombate, faying to him, I know not Emperour if you will fufFer afecondwithyou,toen'damage me, confideriiig the agreement we have had together, if voudoefo you will procure your felfe the name of a Traitor. That (hall not be if it plcafe God faid the Emperour, And addrelLng himfelfe to hmadis , he delired
as for



Am ADis




lilflUoreth^ Then btg4n the sght between them two to be cniell then evei\ The two Queens had remaineti quiet un \\\ the Combate of A '^i/, *nd uri0{jt was cndcdj \\\\w\\ when It w*x! nni^hed j and Fintiq*dfif4 fcerng the Efti|)ei\3r to retule the aide of An** ^jt nd Ai4^ hiniftJKt to Oand greatly in teanx of him > flic was ah aid lea ft heOjoiildconveto her, WUcrelfoi^ the prevented him, and mtrchtng towards him, i^c (aid to him with a good gracc^ Sir Knight 5 it is well koownc of all the endeavour that the Qacenc CAdfta and I have ufcd to vanquifh one anothef 1 ncvcrthek(lc \\ c have been fo rquall in oar fight, thjt no man can give ceitaine JudguKnt to whom the honor muftreniaine. And J have n<dw leen that with my owne eftfi which I did heare by your itrnownCjand I have known

(onradu Knighthood in you, that tohaveyoiu- friendand acquaintance I am determined not onely to leave the Combate, bur alio to be baptised, and Ixleeve in the God of your Law ; upon Condition^ that daring ihc wa r bt^m 6y the l^agans, againft the Emperor of Cwtfismi^ ifc^tvou l>e content that i accompanie you> and a(Toonc as it be ended) yon give to me in mariage tome Knight of ycRirlinnagewdthyofme^ who am Qtieen and ladieof

<bmany Countrks, that I command aU n^y nets^hboun "Whft jfmjt^h nnder(?ood the will of thi'r-}i^m"}t\'iy he \vi% Wfitt ^hx\th<n if he had conquered theb!lCi<y of .^/f^:



Tndy Madiimjl am vay joyHii! *>i


^H^ wiU^that 1 may this day name my fel(e t(\e hao

Chrilkndome^ Gxxl havin given mt ihz ineaneit>bn^otwofthew3iy of damnation fo iK>blc a Queen as ym\ an? v And as fbr the Covenants which yon dcmaml ^ either to acccompanie , or to pmvkk yo * husband c y(i>< ay ai?ure yor (el^ that 1 will t>bey yo^ not onely in a nsatter fo rtafonabl^r, but adioin



you "wUI


of me



name my
ihall be,

fmt Knight my Faith taid




wheitifi>ever 1









i^aion Coit*us





Booh^ of

Kin|? HI rhc world.Say iiig Jp frr ul her knees to the ground tokMit his hands i buc Ama/ii^ lovingly look hci up, and gracjouiiy imbracedhef. V/htnCli\tf:ficCalajt<M iaw them pui.'itfjlhc tuddtnly \Hilj^d i<ii lur Helnift, and throwing it on the ground , lh took her fword by the point, ahd prefcntiiig the pummel] thereof to the Qjecn Piyjiqiiinepra, ftic laid to her NiS^-diim , feting \\\dt you have vajiquiflied your lelfcajid ihat withcmt dcubc 1 could not have reliftcd yc;: it is good region that I i<ndfr unto you tlie honour which you deferve. Ah! Madani^ anfwered finHqu'iritjiyii, you doe that which I ought and fo ftrving to givetbcir fword^to oneanothci -, hm-idis went between them , and caufc4 them to txchange iVoids, that their honors might be equall. During thc<epaircg;es, th two old men, Armjto and the Emperor of 2 nh'jor.d iabourcd very much to performctbtir Cornbate, Bat Arma^ to hati (biucwhat fainted fmce Griff ant h;d been vanquirned. Wherefore the Emperour charged him nimbly,

him fo great a blow entred through armor , and went tt liahdrull into hisfiefli juftat the joint of his lefx fiioulder, fo that in fmail time his tjule departed , and he fell downe dead in the place. VVbkh gave iuch great joy to the Chriftian Army 5 that every one praifed God, efpecially Oriana and tire other Ladies. The Trumpets and Fifes
that he gave

and mfuch manner,

with his iwordj that


did round with great ioy < and horfcs v crebreught to the Conquerors, who eook their way to their Tents, where they were accompanied by many Kings and great Lords, who honored ftnti^hinefira is nmch as they could poffible.


Chap. XXIV,
HotfP Aliririx


<?/Liquea was ehofen Generall of the Paganx Army : and of a Dwarfe which he fent in-

to the h0ji

of the ehrijiiansy




Hcfe viftorious Knights be ingdefcendcd into Vi|j theTentof /mj^i/, with the QtiCcn Pinti^ qtiintiirjzv.dCjhfea ^ they were foonc diiarmed, but they had no daiu^rrous wound found about them. The principaJI of the Army did much wonder what caiiled the two Queens to parlie, being in the midfl of their Combate: wherefore thty praytd ?i7HiqHimjira to tell them.



them particularly What had happened, and

theirdifcourfewas ioIo?ig, that it was high time togoc to dinner. And fo they fpcnt the reft of the day in difcourlc about their enemies. She was as eloquent a woman in her fpcech as any in the world , and had fo good a grace accompanied with a beautic fb excellent , that Pe^ rion fon of Galaor tell in love with her, and in time enjoyed her,as you frail heare in this our Hiftory. Not long afteithere arived at the Tent a Dwarfe, who was foone known by the Emperour of Trehijond ; for it was the fame that brought the writing from Afeliat when Lifvart was carried


away by Gradaptejf as you have formerly heard. Then Dwarfe went to the Queen e Pi/%irw/?rj , and with

great audacity faid to her , Qiieene TiMtiquMn , ^'mi^ rixoiLiqtiea (who is newly cho fen Commander in chief by the dcccafe of my Sovereigne Lord) hath fcnt thee thy
fix thouiand women, bccaufc he is refolvcd not to have any aid of thofe whofe Leader and Chicfe is a wickcd Traitor. And he had put them all to the Sword, but

that he confidered the paines they tookc to gaine the City





Books of

tbe fecond day of thy arivall

but if for the future any of them (hall happen into his hands, he will make them examples of Juftice. And as for thy felfe he is ready to prove his perfoa againft thine that thou art a Traitor, therefore give me anfwer to juftifie your felfe, Dwarfc my friend, anfu ered the Qiieen , 1 am glad of the returne of my women, and if he hath a defire to make mc know that which I never yet did know , nor never will , ( if plealc God) which is treafon , let him come to the place from whence he came this morning, and there he ftiall findc me ready to make him conklle that he hath hid in hit throat. This anfwer of the Qiiecns was commended by all the Knights prefent, cfpccially by L/i/^r* who faid to theDwarfe. My friend when thou haft related to ^/wzmx the anfwer of this faircand wife Queen, I pray tell him that a Knight in her Company fends to him that he did not well, to fend facH injurious words totheQueene, being in company with fo many valiant Knights, but rather t them, nottliati have a fmall efteemc of her, but for the hjnor of Chivalry And if he thinks good, tell him I will take acmes for her, and will perforrac what ever he hathpromifed by thee. The Dwarfe hearing him fpeak with fo good a contidcnce , looked earneftly on him, that he might know him againe. Then taking his leave of the Company, he returned to Alminix^whcrc he (laid but little before he carried an anlwer to the Queen, how his Mafter accepted of the Combate, but not faid he this day, for it is now latcjbut to morrow by break of day , upon Condition tbat you give him afiurance of Chriftians, as he will of his Campe, Andasfjryou (Knight of the true CrofT*) faid he to Lifvart, he fends word to you,that to fatisfiethc defire which you have to fight, he will bring with him a King of no lef?e efteeme then was Krmato. And you (hall finde him fo good a Champion , that he will put you to it^
for he

he ca!is much greater in bodie then you are. led Lifvart by this name of the true Croffe , becaufe he had a red CroiTe in his Sheild, but hmadis knowing that he had





another like that between his two name fo conformeablc to hia nature 5

he found

not to change it that for a long time after he was alwayes called fo, Lifvart lihen hearing the Dwarfclummon him to the Combate, {pake thus to him : Dwarfe,thy Mafter doth very miicla for nie, in giving occafion to accompany the Queen in fo
goodabulinefs. You may tell him that I accept of the Combate with him that he promifcth me , an^ if he be great as you fay , men are not nicalurcd by rhetll, but by the good heart and courage. So the Dwarfe flayed not any longer , but rooke his leave of the Chriftian I brds, to returne to /llminix, and the other Kings who h;.d fent him, whom he found embalming the dead bodies of Armjto and Grifji mt to laid them into their Countries, waiting a better opportunitie to performe their funerals but fo Toone as they heard the report of the Dwarfe,they were extreamc joyfull, cfpecially the King of the Giant Illand, father to GfadAfiUayVjho was he againft whom the Knight of the true Croffehadto doc, and he had enterprizcd the Combate in hopes to vanquifti him, and make him publikely con*

that he prayed him from thence .forwards, in fuch manner,

manner of his deliverance for which caufe was very fad , for fhe loved Lifvart more then herownefelfe, and knowing the Prowefle of her Father, fhe thought it impoifiible that he would withftand him fo



that fhe did continually thinke


how (he might

brcakc this


her one


(he remcmbred her felfe that Lifvurt owed and that it was beft to pray him to defer

the Combate. Then againe (he confidered, that for fo fmall a requeft he would remaine quit to her , and fhe (hould rcxnaine out of hopes to have his love. Thus fhe conld not tell what to doc , but (he thought at the furtheft , if her father ihould vanquifli him then fhe would beg his life, and fo he

would be more obliged

rcfolution fhe

to her then before,


in this

(lept, untill

happened, as you

the next morning, fhall heare.



S 2



Thefixth BQohf rf

Chap. XXV.
of the Combatethat vpas between the Knight ofthe true
Croff^ and the King of the Giamt J/Unci^ the ^eene Pintiquineftra and Almirix ^jfLiquea, Cdptaine iff

Pagans Armj/':, and of the difcourfe vphjch Gradafilea had with Lifvart, dbout the javing of her


He night which puttcth every thing to

lilence,gave fonic reft to thole

who were

but loon as the day came on, afttr the Knight of the true Crofs had heard Mafs, he went to Arniehimklfc
to fight

in the Tent of hmadis^ where was already arivcd the Queenc Vintiquimflra, And as his Armor was putting on his back, Alquefa entred the Tenc ( who had been lent by the Ladies of Cflnflamimfle^ to know at what hourethey would enter the ikld) and fpake thus to him in his eare. Sir Knight. I am furc that Madam Onolorea-wiU Toon hear of this 'ght, and therefore carry your felf well, that you may gain honour, and not ioieyour love and life together. This troubled the Knight ofthe true Crofsfo much, that he could notrpeakeone word ; And kmjdis prayed Alqnefa to returne into the

Town, to bid the adies get on the walisj for they would preienily enter thtfi'^ld Pi/;^;^/?rj was then ready to m-'unt on horfe-backj but Cix con^.plained for want of a

good fvvoid. Midanij faidAw^^i/, I have one which 1 have conquered, and tried in many good places, therefore 1 pray let ic ft rvc your necefijty ; and I would not prefent it to you, but that 1 efteemeyou as .my fecond fclf. Sir laid (he, I would not take it, but that I will deliver it to morrow fafe and found with many thanks , So hmtdis girded it on her, and foon after fhe and the Knight of the true vrols went out of the Tent, and their horfes at the entrance

A M A DlT^if C A ULK.


trance whereon they mouBtedj accompanied with many valiantmenjas Awtf<rff/j that Icrved the Qncene that day as a Squire, carrying for her to the place of the Conibatc, a

and Lance, and Cal afea her Helmet. The Emperor of

lil^c for hifvsrt jand bccaufc they found within the ^Lilf^, Almirix of Liquea, and the King of the Giant lUand waiting for them, they made no Jong Ceremonies before they began thcConibate.Therc

1rehi]uriddiT\dConpantimp't did the

Pagan Princes were armed with black Armcs for grief of Armato and the King of the Giant lUand had a large ihicld.whcreon was portrayed two wounded Giants dead, and he did fcem by his countenance to be a very man. The Trumpets loon began to found, and the Knight of the true Crofs, and the King of the Giant Ifiand came againff: one another, and the King of the Giant Illand was cafl from his horfe, and the Knight of the true Cros had had the like fortune,if he had not gotten hold of his horfes maine. On the other iide, the Qiieene Piuti/j'xfneJirTj and Almirix, were not rhc mcane time idle, akhoii^li the fortune ditiered from the others, for they broke their Lances, and neither of them was moved out of thdrfaddlc, to the wonder of the beholders. In the mean time IJ^vart turned his bridle, and feeing his enemy on his feet, he left his ho rfc
; ii-

a moft cruell confiift, and they charged cne another lo fiercely, that they were often forced to kneel on the ground. Thus they fparcd one another fo little, that the field was in many places dyed with their blood, and with the pieces ofthe Harneflesi when the King retiring on one fide, fpake thus to his enemy; I think fir Kniuht, that the day is long enough for us to end ciu; controveriic, I pray you therefore let us take breath a little. Lifvart had not forgotten what was faid to him oiOnolnres^ and therefore he would not make any anfwer, but redoubling his blows, he gave the fpeftators to underftand that his ftrength was redoubled- Yet his enemy was not a jot aftonifhed, but like a wifeand hardy Champion, he defenalio ;thcii there began

ded himfelfe, and

aflailed his


The QnecneP/W-






Booke of

utmoft to gain the Viftory, her fivord (he gave never a blow to hlmiriM that did not cut to the quick. V\ heretore lie was lb angrcd, tha^ he ftmck her mch a blow, that (he was forced to ftep backwards, but lie Toon revenged her felf, for Ihe ftrucK him Co right between the Helmet and the (houlders, that his foul prelurJy departed, and left his body dead in the place, \\ hen llie lia J done thuF, ihe retired under the fhadow of a tree,roiee what would happen to the King of the Giant Illandjand the Knight of the true Crofs, who were then ftriving to throw one another down. Gradtfilea was very ]oyfull to fee the great prowefs of the Knight of the true Croft, whom (he loved with all her foul. One thing troubled her, which was to think that the death of the one or the other w<>u!d be grievous to her, the one being her Father, and the other her Lover. The blood which the King of the Giant Ifland did continually lofe from his wounds, did make him very feeble, as it was well known b^ aJi the fpeftators. Not long after, the King of the Giant Hland thinking to ward a blow,rctreated fomewhat back-wards, and in the going, he fell down in fuc h manner, tha t every one liippofed him to be dead : wherefore the Knight of the true Crofs went forwards, and in all diligence let his foot on his neck, and endeavoured to break the buckles of his Armour, whereby he might cut off his head. But he heard a voice crying continually, Ah, ah,Lifvarr^ Lifvart at this cry he looked about and faw the fair GradafUsy who being come to him, caft her (elf at his feet, and with tears in her eyes, faid thus i Alas Knight, if you are nc-w i'o pittifull of -me, as I was of you tvhen I delivered you out of Prifon, fave the life of him that begat me, and this is the boon which I defirc of you as you promifed me, othervvile let us both die by your hands. The Knight' of the true Crols knew her veiy well, wherefore leaving the King who was under him, he wentto fake up Gradajilea who was on her knees, and in taking her under the Armc, he faid By my faith Damfellj the Obligation wherein I am indebted unqtiimfira ufed her

was fo goo<J,chat

to you




and the power which you have over mc is fo much, that the leaft meircnger you could have Tent had beed more then fufticient. One thing I entreat of you, that is, that you and he go along with me, and I alfure you that you ihall have as good entertainment as lean poriblc. There was then come to thtni the Empcrour of Conflantimpley smdTrebifond, Amadij^ Pintiqitinejira, and
Co great,

many other great PerfonageSjto hear the difcourfe between

the Knight of the true Crofs and the DamfelL to whom he faid, that through her means alone he was then alive. For
it was (he and none other that delivered riie out cf the hands of curfcd Aieha, For which caufe there was nrne in the Company that did not refpeft her and her Father,

faid he,

whole Horfe was brought; then they all mounting, did ride to the Tent of Kmidis where they alighted. But they had hardly put their feet to the ground when Klqutfa arived, who addreding her felfe to the Emperour oiCon^nntinople^ entreated him kindly on thebthalfc of Oriam, to bring Lifvart and the King of the Giant Illand to the City, for (he would have Mis.Etiz^heih to look to their wounds, and fhe likewife delired to fee G)Wj/7/eij, and QucenePjwti^mnefira^VfUkh all the Lords prefentsconfented to.VVhcrefore they accompanied her unto the City, where chey were royally welcomed. And all the Kings wounds were dan-

gerous i yet Mrs. Elizahetb lookt to them Co well, that he began to be well in few daycs after.





Booh^ of

Chap. XXVI.
How the Pagan
Prince f^ after they

hid beene fo


jefii ta the

Chrijiiaff Princes to

truce y who refufed them^

demand and of which happened^

[He Pagans Army was much troubled, feeing Almirix of Liquie dead, and the King ol the

Giant Illand out of


power, wherefore

M knowing that there was no remedy, they ens'^ trcd intoCounfcll. Where it Vfd9 concluded to fend totheChrirtians to aske truce for fifteen daycs, wherein they might make the deceal'ed Kings Funerall,and fend their bodies into yijia to be buried. Wherefore they difpatched Embafladors for that purpofe, who came to jimadif, who having known the rcafon of their enibafiage, enfoi med the other Princes thereof, who would not fay any thing uatiil he had declared his judgement : wherefore being forced thereunto, he faid thus ; It is very certain Ijr> that this wicked people are come into this Country, more to offend true Religion, and the faith of 'fefms Chriff, then the Country of T/>r<cand C<infiantimple-y wherefore] think

we ftiould not hearken to them in any fuch requeft, and that rather we go to find them out and fight them, and drive them to the furthcft parts of Tartaria And if it

be obiefted that they are great in number, I fay that they are moit of them weak in body, and much dlflieartned; and which is more, we fight for the faith of Jefus Chrijly
in whofc power arc all Viftoi iec

and therefore we (hall

This opinion was approved of be fure to vanquifh them. the Emperour of Trebifond gave this by all Wherefore anfwerj Sirs Ambafladors, we will have no tiuce with you sbut if you do not depart before to morrow, we will drive you out and thus you mufl enform thofe who (ent you. This news pleafed them not, and it did leflc pleafe the




Princes of the Armyj for they had in the former affaults loft the chief of their Souldicrs, and the reft were much difcouragcd. Wherefore the Captaines of the Army refolvcd to try their fortunes once againe, before thty fhould be more diminifhed , and theietore they gave order to the Souldiers to be ready by Sun rillrg to go fight iheir ene-

mies. But they were not fo Tccrer, but the Emperourof Conflantimpleheard thereof by his Spies, and therefore told the other Princes thereof that they might be ready. In the mean time thofe that had been wounded were recovered,
their forces were ordered in this mannei-. 1 he Emperour of Confiantincple had the guard of the Tovyn, accompanied with ^t^/-(igjwr, King Arban of Norwales^ hngroty



andEfirevauXi Brumr Ion to the Giant BaUfj, and Gafquilet And as for the oi'SpteJfe, with a number of footmen. reft of the Army, they muftred together in one fquadron, except the King Von Florefian^ and the Emperour ot Rome,

who had

thirty thoufand

Horfemen, and



Footmen, to go on
randeU, the Earls,

the Enemies Baggage,

and to put them

And as for the Sea, the King No. Frandah and Plafircy followed by the Duke of 6'r#i/ep with their Furniture, who found the means to furprize the Kings of Bu(rie and GiifftyWho were come into Thrace to hinder the Chriftians Ai my from going further, but it fell out far othcrwileas you (hall hear
in difordcr if they could




Chap. XXVII.
the cruell BatuiU that n>as between the Chrijiians and Pagans^ as well by Sea^ as bj Land^ and of that

which happened.

jgS^^Cu have (not long lince) heard how the Chri.

ilians ordered their affahes but the Turks and other Lords of the Levant were not in fj^i^ the meane time idle but by the advice of the

about midnight their Ibiildiers fi:ould fet forwards fecretly. Wherefore they diligenty provided for all things neceffary. And the King of Jerufalem followed by five other ^KingSj And Califs with a hundred thoufand fighting men had the charge of fcaling the wall- So they likcwifefent to their Sea Army, and gave order to them, that fo foone

^ Souldan

oiPerjia^ they counfelled that

as they Should fee a Signall of fire , they fliould affaile the Chriftians fltet) but ifthe worft fliould happen on their pare, they fhould remaineon the Coaftof 1 brace, whereby

they might fave their men. But they did not give the onlet until! the day break. But if they had they would have tound the Chriftians ready. In the meane time Tr^;o ion to Ganddin^ fwhom Ferion of Gjuk had brought from Sreat Britaineto fervehimasan Eiquire ) prefentedhim betore Amidij : and being armed at all points, faid to htrrr. Sir,l- am (on to Gandalin your ancient fervant. 1 humbly intrcat you to give me honour of Chivalrie ; feeing that it is impodible (as I think ) that at a better time I can cntr into amies being the day of the Conflift. Amadis had never before feen him, neverthekne, when he knew who he xvas, he welcommed him for his fathers fake. And fent for
his father, and in his prcfence gave him the order in fb reafonablea time, that he had hardly remounted on horfcback when the Enemies marched a great pace towards theiik



G A U L I.


them, And at their iirft meeting thdr Lances breaking in pecceson their armour made fuch a noife , and the continual! flames of fire as was a pitiful! thing to behold , and more efpecially to lieare the complaints ot thofe that were

wounded , fome on their heads, and on their arnies, (bme on their bodies, as it was their ill fortunes. Amadit, Efplafi"
threw f<jure lungs dead to the and entring into the battAile, being followed by many good Ku'ghts , performed marvels. And there Vvas killed at the hrft cnl'cr on both fide? more then thirtie thoufandperfons. There the Knights of theSpherCjand ofthe true CroiTe triumphed: for before fihey laid hands on their Swords, they difarnud lifteen Pagansjofthebravcltof the Army. The two Qucenes Cz. lafea and Pinti^ninejlra did as well behave thcnilelveSjflalh-, ing, and throwing to ground all thofe that they meet in their way when Amadis faw five Giants amongft others, whom King Griffiant had cauled to come from his Countrie, for the fafety of his pei fon, but they did him but little fervice as you have heard. Thefe. five Devils gave never a blow but death followed at vn hich Amadit being angredj he went with Galjcr, Florejian, /irgjmont, and Ardadian




ground at the



dik Ca?iile who having all recovered new Lances, ran upon the Giants, and broke their Lances in them, without

moving them in their faddles. The flaaghter was great on both lides for Amidis being followed by ten or twelve thoufand french horfe men, was charged by the Souldans of Babylon and /ilape who had more then thirtie thoufand Turks and Tartarians. And as Awj</// followed on in all

girdle, ftaid

a white beard down to his roughly to him. King hmadis leave this Chale, andgoe aid thy Children if thou"l;^ilt notloofe them, feeing they are well nigh defeated. He had hardly pronounceei thefe words, when he vanilhed, wherediligence, an old

man having

him, and

fore Aw^j^i/ being abaflied , cafthis eyes on all lides, and faw Gandalin who carried his Enligne fo torne,that the greateft part washardlv fufficient to cover his head:





Books of

and after him was Trgman his Ton , doing fuch deeds of Amies, that he this day got as much honour as any new Knight within ten yeares time had done. So Anudit drew neer to thcni to know newes of what he fought:but Trguian taking him 5 and (hewing him the Knight of the Sphere, and Lifvjrt faid to him, Sir , let us goe and aid them which you fee in fuch dangers. Follow me then anfwered he; And fpurring of his horle ^ making his paflage with his Sword, hemct Gi/aor, chc King Cildidm^ ^tdragant Con oi ^edragant 3 Jalanque , Garintcrj and many other
KnightSjto whom he faid in pafling by, Lords , tor Gods fake let us aid Feriw, and Lijvart who are befet. Saying foj he went forwards , and for ail the Pagans refiftance, he

joyned with them

nevcrthelede before they arived there,

Lifvart and Verions horfes were flaine under them, and the Queens Calafea and Fhtiquinefira were thrown downc and brought to great extremity. Ncverihelefs they hadfoand themeanes tohelpthemfelves, and they foure fought on foot (6 valiantlyjthat neither Turkenor Arabian dare ap-

proach neere them, without the help often Giants , who came to cnclofe them with whom they had fo much to doe, that at the time that Amadis arived they were well nigh fpent, who feeing his Children in fuch danger, he wasfoinraged, that laying afide all feare of death, he entred Pell-Mell amongft their Giants, fo that foure of them were flaine atthathoure. And in the conclufion, he and his had the worft, by reafon of the arivall of the Souldan of Tcrfta^ who was well accompanied, and began to have the better , had it not been for the arivall of the Kings CildjdjffjBruneo^ Gatuzte^Brian^ Afancly Li^ran, ForeJ^an Languinej^ Abjes ^Talanque, Agties and many others, who came to their aid; who being arived, the Pagans retreated , and fo the two Queens, Lifvart and Terion were remounted, not without great loffe on both iidcs.And thefe two Armies did fight fo valiantly, that had it not been for the night which fcparatcd them, there had not oneefcaped. In the meanc time the King of Jerufalem with

after he


with histroopc, iifed all diligence to take the City." and had prepared all things in diligence, he went with fiftie thonfand chofen Souldicrs to tire the Gates : but bravely rcpulfed, by i Sally which was made by Gafquilon Kingof S^rfjJ^, Bmncoj the Ton of Balm ^ hngriok VEfireVJUK, SjrquiUs , and a great number of Knights , and others who behaved themfelvcs fo well, that the King was taken Prifoner, more then fix thoufand Paleftines defeated, ten Elephants overthrowne, and feven or eight thousand Ladders broken in pecceg. Neverthelefs a good part of the wall was at laft thrown down by force of their Rams, and other Engines. When the Pagans ran direftly to the Bill warke, and there they fought hand to hand,puting thofe within well nigh out of breath, if the Emperor had not then arvived , but at his arivall he did performe luch deeds of Armes, that he flopped his enemies, and made them fomewhat retire. You have now heard what was done on the Land, now it reniaineth to tell you what was done at Sea. A-Ww^e/y and rhcEarle Fratidaia^comius, ncere to the Kings of Bw^jrV, of Glloffe gave figne of Battcll to their fouldiers : and they hadfo faire a winde, that at their arivall they did much hurt to the Turks by their Lances of fire, and Granadoes, wherewith fiftie Veffells were fpoilcd prefently. And the Dakes of Ortilcnfj and Al'jflred'id make it evidently appeare, with what afieftion they ferved their Martcr. And the Apes that were in the great Ship that brought Amadis and thofe of the Firmc llland. 1 his nimble beafi as is well knowne , who were about two thoufand in number, did get a top of the Ship, and did continually (hoot arrowes in fucli great abun* dance that it was as thick as haile, and they were fo nimble hat none could come at them to offend them. But the conrlufion of this fierce battcll was thus, that in leflethcn an IjMjesfpacethere was more then five hundred Veflllls of t^Wbemies funcke, but this was not done without the lo(Ic of many goodChriftians. During tbefc palTages, the Emperour of Rome^ and the King oiSardjine,Von Flerejiart,


who were

The fixt Books of

appointed to

feeing tucni lomeA'hat diiiifaitnvd^ fct

upon the Enemies baggage, upon thera, and put thtminiiic'i diiorder, thai that was one caufewhy the
enemies Jol] th-^ battell. Who fjidin^ themfelvesfo hotly charged both peiorcand,bchinde,diat iorac tied, and others for the thout^ht to r4lly again? which was impoffible Quttnes Th^thjxii.i fira ^fJ. Calafea with their women gave them fo much tudae, that the Emperor oF Trehifmdy Vardarie King of Brcigne and many others that followed them, faid, that they never uiw better waniers. And as.they travcricd through the Pvanks, they loundout Awj.//fj E/ plandtju^ PerionyLifvartj and mofl part of the Knights of great Britaineand Gau!c^ amongft a Squadrrn oi Tcrfiansy who were routed and lied with their Souldans j ^Lahorlamt ^ Calijs and others both foot and horfe. But there wasagreatflatighter , in fucLmanner, that the blood covered the fields, juftlike the overflowing of a River in the time of a flood, and had it not been for the obfcure night, there had not been one of the Enemies faved. Then hma' dit commanded to found the retreat, hoping the next day to purfue their good forLime. Thofewho gave the aflault to the Towne had won it,had it not been th^t one reported to them , that the battell was loft, wherefore (being feizcd with cold fcare)thcy retired in bad order. Which the Emperor knowing, he chafed them, fo that he did flay ten thoufand of them , then being conftrained to leave the Chafe by reafon of the dark, entred into the City, refolving to purliie their enterpr'ze fo foon as day (hould appear. But it was not thedetcrm'nation of thofethat fled, tor they rcfolved to take (hipping fo foon as they could, and depart. And this determination they foon put in exe*cution. And by good chance they found their (hips, whereintothcy entred, not ftanding 'upon Complemcnis who ftiould firft enter,fo that lix thoufand of them were drownci for haftcj and fix thoufand more remained on the^J^ having no fhipping. So the Moone fliining bright a.nd cleei', they had the better meanes to weigh anchors, and depart.




Which Frandalo undeviisindmg, he jpve^emly^xivlhed, but thewmdewasfaire forthofe that tied, and coiitrrary to
thofethat purfued. NevertheleiR- they were overtooke by VelTells , and forced to fight with as much vigor as they could to fa fe their lives. Thus you may fee what h:\ppcncd to this great Army of Pagans, Whereby was Hilhlled the writing which the Knight of the Sphere found written in the P\.oule of gilt Copper , at the fountaine, where hlquefa caufed him to ftay, as you have heard
t"hc fwifteft

in the H ft chapter.

Horp the Chrijiian Princes who came
E^iperor of
to the

aid of the

Conihntmople pHrpofed to retnrn into L.ountries^ and of the Enterprize rvhichfomc


Knights undertook^



^een Mabila.

Captaines of the Sea being returned ^^'',fromthepui-(uitofthdr Enemies, and the 'W^-\ fick being healed w ho had been wounded, '^^ during ihe Scige of Con(iMitinofk , every one determined to depart to his o^^nne jZi^Countiic , of which they informed the Eriiperor. Who after a thoufand good thanks, told them that for his part he would enter unto the folitaiy life which he had lead, betorc the Enchantment of his fon and d:aughter. Vrganda the unknown Was thccaufe of this fuddcn departure, for fbe told the King Grafxndor that fome ot his Subjcfts were about to choofe a new King, t!iinkin<^ that he was dead , or quite ioft. For which caufc he purpofed to depart the next morning. Of which the Knight of the true CroflTc, Perien and others beiwg advertized, thev afliired them that they would bear theip companie to their embarquement. And well, what doe you think of us >







Booke of

Caidthe Queens Cj/^/f^ and Pintiquine^ra, doe you think that vvc will ftay bchinde ? we will (it it pieale) you goe as well to accompany you as to recreate our felvcs. So the next morning ihcyallnitt, tothenumber of Hfty at br<zfindifs lodging, who taking his leave(with the Queenehis Vi'iit) of the Queen Oria?7Jy ihe other Princefics, Ladies,

and Damielis, thcv fet forwards, and the three Emperors Amadis and Efplmdian accompanied them halte a mile cut ot theTowne, where leaving them to the protection of God, they returned and Icfc to conduct them further the two Queens, the Knights of the true Croile, and ot the Sphere, the King T^on (ralan , Florefian , ^'grjfJ, and the King VonBruneo^ King DonBrijn^ and King Grjfijidor^Yau^ Gafquiim^ and King CildjiLirtt King Crarinter ot Vace^ and the King oi Hungarie^ King T^.^^/^c, and the King ot Jugarte Gar'mter^ h iiig Arban of Ncrrvale/y and King Vardanieof Breignt^, Vcn^adri^ant Lord of <? i7ifegue, C7j/utj Lordof thelfle ot Afoa^^^e^ and the Earl of Alajire^ Alin^ Ibn to the Duke oi Ortilenfe , Adan'y the Sage, and Ambor ot Gardelij Angriok VE(lnv4HX^ and Sar. qu'ltj hisCGuzfn,Prince /rjwrfi/ii', and the Marquis i?j/:


thCYaliantAdmirall Frandilo.^wdKm^N rjndJ'^Bra-

(onto the Giant Babn, Garantedu XaU'. Cranitif^ the Giant Argamont ^ and thefon ot his fon Ardadile Camls^ ^edragant and Abits of Ireland^ as alfo Vai'dides^ Languiner^ Florefian , and Parmenir his brother , Ga'u.ims and Perioa fonsoi Galaor, Dragonis^ Balovir ^ and the Earle Ganda^ /i/?e, with Yrguian his fon, 7 f/i/ the Fleming, and Gi/grif couzento Frandalo, with Giants a neerkinfman to the good King Lifvart deceafcd. Thcfe titty, as well Kings as valiant Knights, with the two Qii^ens, Pitttiquim/^rj and Calafea^ accompanied Grafandor and AduhiU to the ScaShore and carrying with each of them a Squire,who carried their Lance and Helmet, they pafled over this day with flying the Heion, remitting their hunting untill the morrow when they came into a very faire plaine, wherein did run a river, wherecn was a bridge, and on the other
: :




fide there was a Caftle, where they faw two Knights armed with black armour, who tooke two Lances, and march-

jng to the foot ot* the bridge, they fent a Damfell before them, to defend the pafTage to paflengers. This womaa made no delay in performing what fl.e was commanded, for Hie met the Knights, and inquired who was the chief

Damkjl anfwert'd the King 'Don GaUn^ alike, and Companions. Well then faidll:e, heave the meflage that I have brt)iight to you. They defend liiidflie (pointing to the Kniizlits ot theFortrdk} thej^aliage over thi? bridge, wh'ch they have cnterprizcd to keep ;i whole yeare, by the Commandemcnt ot thofe whom

we are

ihcylovc, without Ibrltring any Knight to pafTe by , if it be not on thele conditions. ]^'cne that alone fhallpafs by without juftin^ with cncof them. Andifthey betwo, they (ball each deal with one, who it they be caft fre>m their horfcs, and OUI5 remaineon horfebaek, in this caic they fhall lofe their (heilds and horfes but if the ill li)rtune fails on their part, they Iball have the like loffe, and may BO more enteipri^e to guard this bridge. But if it happen that both the alfaylants , and the Defendants are thrown down at the tirft encounter, they may all lourc come to the Combatc of the Sword, under the fame condition of the Lance. And if none arc unhoi fed, then they are to affailc one another untill they be and not to fight with the Sword. 1 bus I have told you the Covenants , which you

aretopeformeit you will pafTe any fuither: which they pray you not to take ill at their hands. Truly laid Galar, the Knights have reafon to obey the Commands of their ladies: neverthelefs^ it difplcafcth methat they have undertaken fuch an enterprize. \\ hercfore goe tell them that we will paflc over the bridge, acco^dingto the agreement which they hare fent us So the Damfell departed to the two Knights. They had come two by two wherefore they agreed together, that they would in the like manner ^oe to the Juft,* in fuch manner, that Bellerh Nephew to the hdmlrAll Frand ilo and Siontei were the fiii>,who came
: :



The fixtBook^ of

againft the Knights,

and the ir encounters were fuch, that broke their ftaves, but the Knights of the bridge difarmed them, and threw them on the ground.

Then there came foure Squires , who feized on thcjr horfes and Siicilds. So they ftood ftill to fee what would hip^cn to Brunette, and//ijthetiemming , who were as

handled as the others. Then Gandaliti and Yrguian his fet forwards 3 but their "horfes was likewife feized on by the Squires wherefore Vragonis and Bj^wir hoped to revenge them, and therefore they met the Knights of. the biidgefo rightly, that their Lances flew into ihivers, but they were iinhorfed afwell as the reft , lofmg their Iheilds and horfes. Then Perhn of Sobradife and Galumes advanced againft the black Knights, who broke their Lances but were thrown to the ground, and their horfes feized OH by the .Squires Then FbreUjn and Pjrmenir his brothel' went forwards, who met thofeofthe bridge fo bravely^ that they all foure broke their Lances and therefore no Lances were brought them, when they recharged one another in fucti manner , that Fhrejian and Varmenir were difmounted, and the SpeftacorsdM think their necks had been broken. By my faith faid Qricen Mabila^ I think I fhall be a Prophetef?, and that they will difmonnt you all:
: : :

Thtnl^aiUidif ^ndijngulms came to the [ul\, who at the firft encounter were difnicuntcd: at which the Knights of Sphere, and the True CrofTe were vexed. But there came

^edragant and rtZ'if/ of /r^/j,;^ who broke their aiidmet with their bodies in fuch manner , that hbies and ^edragant fell on the ground. Then Argamont and Ardadile Canik fet forwards , whom the two black Knights met with two of the ftrongeft Lances , and moved the Giants in fuch manner , that they loft their ftirrops and broke their Lanecs in more then twentie peeces, in fuch

manner, that

againft their wills they

had the

like for-

tunes as their fellowes, and the Squires [tooke their hbrfts andfhcilds, which they carried where the others werc

The black Knights

in the meafie

time took


Lanees, attending

Amadis ^^^Gaule.
littending for Vraror fon to the Giant Balan^

and Gatujte

dn VaI Cranitif againft whom they broke , neverthelcfs their meeting was fuch , that Braror and Gatuate had no better fortune then their fellowts. Wherefore the King

and valiant Frandalo prelenred themfelveSj and was fo good that they allfoure broke their Lances, which the Squires feeing, they ran haftily and brought them new Lances, wherewith they met with fuch piiiffance, that NoravdelJ and Frandalo did againc break

their fortune

their Lances,

But they that guarded


bridge did

much better

for their Lances remaining

whole they threw

1 hen the the others moft rudely on the grafle. Prince of fir j;- </;/, and Marquis Saluder advanced, who at the firft encounter were difniountcd , tlic others Lances Jiemaining whole. So ioone atter Aa^riok h'EJircvai4Xy and Sarqitiles advanced in fuch manner ,tl\at they remained on hoifeback for three Careers Neveithclefs in conclufion, they left their horfes and amies as a gage : and Manly


with Amhcr of GandtU came to the Jouft j thefe two made no great rehftance, no more then the Earle of Alaflre^ and Alarin , whofc horfes and (heilds were carried to the others. Wherefore ^edrdgant and GalttJnes came with fuch
ficrcenefs to the black Knights that their foure Lances flew into the aire , and neverthelcfs Galuams and ^edrjgant were throwne to the ground : but foon after came Vardanie King of Breigne , and Jrban of Kern^alct 5 who

were no better handled then the reft. Then came the :two Q^ieens, Calafea and TtntiqHimfirs^ who broke their Lances on the two Knights yet nevertheleife they were 'forced to meafiire their lengths on the ground What fllall I fay further? Garinter and T<2/^^e had the like fortune, as alfo, Gtfrir, King of Hwtgarie^ GjfqHtlan, and Kings Cildadat Brian, and Grjfandory thtn cafne Agmsy and Vea Brttneo, being much vtxed at fuch ftrangc an adventure, and %Kcy ran with fuchchoUer, that they broke each of

them three


mounted^ and

thsir horfes

but at the fourth couii'e they weredi{^ and (heilds feized on by the



Thefixth Bookf of

Squires. Then Gu/jor, and Fhreflan the good Juftcr advanced, and they did lo well that feven Lances were broken before any of them could be unhorfed, but at the feventhcourfe they all met with iiich force, that the two black Knights had been forced to fall had not they held by their horfes necks, but Gataor and his Companion were thrown down. Wherefore A/^^i/->i being abaflicd, was dclirous that Peri(?a

and L/jVijr/ftiouId not juft, forfaidftiCj you two on horfeback may foone goe and fetch Coaches lor them that are on foot.. Nay, God forbid? I will either lofe my own ho rfc, or win another, and fo faid the Knight of the Sphere. So they gave fpurs to thtir horfes, and met together without breaking their Lances with fuch force, that they were all foure thrown to the ground butthey foon arofe and laying their hands on their Swurds, there began a moft cruell tight, Co that tire came from their harnedes , and blood from their bodies in fuch manner, that the green grafle changed colour, and they charged one another fo long, that at length they had no armour Wherefore they came wherewithall to defend themfelvcs

to handle gripes, hoping by that meanes either to end their Combate or their lives : But there happened a dark cloud

which wrapped them up in fuch manner, that they could not be fecn. And foon after the Sun did lliine , and the four Combatants were {cn wichout Helmets, the fwo fons imbracing the two Fathers , Am idis and i/^-i Ttriim , and between them old AI^Hif^ who faid to them, My Lords, it was not reafonabje that any of you foure fhould have thehonor otthis Cumbate, for you are all of one ileHi, Ihm Amjdis remembnd that thi?was he that appeared to him on the d'y of Battcil, when he refcucd his two Children. And Pe.ionkncw him having delivered him from the Giant in the Illand that A!<jmfj had conduiHicd him to. Sofoon as Feri w andfT/z/j?'/ hid fccn the fault they had committed to {iheir fathers , ihty put their knees to the ground, and humbly intreated thtm to pardcn them.' Then Queen Mabila^ and the other vanquiflit Knights


came together (who
into fo much Jn good faith




feeing lb cruel! a Conflift convened pleallue) were very glad, and laid to them;

iirs you have done us much wrong, in beatand taking away our horfes and amies botlj, you may fay what you pleale, faid ^ nadny but one thing

ing us

muftconFefs, that we have been the ftrongefl; witnjf;?, we have on our iliouldas. At diefe wo ds they alllaughed, and taking their way to the Fortrcl^c, they had hardly entrcd when Zrgands the unknown,
the blowv s that

and Mr Elizahetb came , whom (l:e had biought to ]o.;k to their wounds. Then the tour Knights were dilarmed, and laid in ich beds , where their wounds were carefiilly looked to and Antjdii told them that they had done

but one Efcjulre who t'urnilhed this unknown to any them with Armour , and faid he, we did ride all night to ftop your palfage, where I was better beaun then tver I was in my life.




Amadis, Efplandiaiij Perion , and Lifvart reConOantinople leavwg X^ccn Mabihi^ in the Company of the other Knights , ivho ccnturned' to

dntJed her,
[Hc fecond day after that /Imadis and E'p'.an" ^i^had been abfent, many Knights kfc
^^f'fij^'^^tinople to goe in fcarch c;f than, hut th^^yfoonefuund them, whercfc;re by ''^M\ advice the of all they were carried to Con^1 fiantitjople 3 to ^ut Orianj and l.e(W>r// out of paine. And the Emperor of Trebifiud ^ur^oCcd to ab'de there uncill they were well, that he might carrie with him the Knights of the Sphere,and of the true Crolfe. The old y?/<^i/ WAS in the mcane time much honored, and the /-




The fixt BooJ^ of


fama Gradafilea took great pleafurc to kcap the Knight of the true CrofTe company, for flie loved him extremely In fuch manner 3 that a young man of honor (belonging to the Emperor of 7rcbiJond, SLiid fonto the Duke of Alafcnte)

betMreen them, bat in that he

this fancafie
fhall hereafter hear.

and conceived that there was mutuall love was deceived neverthelefs of his turned to great confequence , as you

But toreturne to ourpurpofe, the that the woundvd Knights as he expeftcd ) purpofed to lend his traine before with the Duke of Ortilenja^ toadvenire the Empreflewith the caufe of his ft ay. The Duke being di, patched prefently fet faile with his fleet, and had fo good a winde, that in a few dayes he arived at Ti ebifmd ^ wherchewas welcomed by the Emprefs 3 the two Iftf'fitaes Osolorea^ Gricilerea and others. Now they had already known all that had hapned during this war, afwel in Confiantmofle as to the Knight of the true Crolfc , and all by the meanes of Alcfutfa^ who had been feut with two Letters from Lifvart and Perion to their Ladies, and there-

Emperor of Trt^iyrW(kn owing would not be healed fojbonc

fore when the Duke arived the two Princefies ( thinking that their Father and friends were returned) did not know

with what countenance to carric themfelves : for they had lent Al^uefa back againe, to bid the two Knights not failc
to come with the Emperor. Yet they were deceived, and knowing of the Duke the caufe of their fathers ftay , they
lived in hopes. It hapned that one day Bridelnea daughter to the Duke of Klafonte called her brother ( he who had

taken noticeof theloveof


Gr^^/df/f/e^ to.Li/z/^r/ )

and as


difcourfed to him about the Ladies o^ C-njiintihe hapned to fay that to his knowledge, he had not

onefo faire as fhe who had delivered Lifvart from the hands of A^elea. But beleevc me, faid he, the good ihe did him is greatly recompcnfed, for I beleevethey enjoy
^one another as much as any two Lovers. And how doe you kno^v it laid Bridelnea ? Then he told her all that he knew, and oiore. And as he was in this difcourfe, Onolerea

chanced to come





who heard more

then (he ihculd. Whejc-

arid havhig recourfeunto hertearcs, (lie grieved lb much that her heart was ready to leave her body, Gricilerca had not heard a ny of this, but entring into her (i(krs chamber j and feeing her in fuch a condition, fhe asked her what Ihc ailed. Shee was not able in a good while to anfwcr her , but at length {l.e recited to her all which (he had heard of Bridtlen<.et brother, and faid (he, I will repay him in his own coyne if I can poUlble. And although Gricihres took great paines to comfort her, yet (he would not hearken to her: but (he refolvcdtowritea Letter to him. And therefore taking pen and paper, Ihe put her determination in execution. Then calling an Efquirc fon to her Nurfe (in whom fhe confided) ihe faid fecretly to him : My friend, yon muit doc me a Me(Jage. The Squire who delired nothing more then to fervc her, anfwercd her , that he was j'eadie to bey her. You muft ( faid (he ) goe to Ctnjiantinople to hnde one, who is called the Knight of the true Cvoifc: delivcrthisLetter tohim as from me, and by all meanes look on his Countenance when he reads it, and after he hath read it. The Squire was ready to obey this Command, fo that very day he embarqued, fetting failefor Tibr^ce.

fore (he prefently cntred into her







Book^ of

Chap. XXX,
H?B?Lifvart havingrecewcd the Letter of the Infanta Onolorca, departedfecretly from Conlbniinople,


the ieturn. of the Chrijiian

Fnncesinto their




He fiftieKu-ghts being rctunifd to Con^ being fi""'^^' K^ ^"^ il'c wcimded htalcd by the great care of Mr Ei.zu

Old /^Iqwf being deiirous to re: turne unto his Ille of Af cs , tooke his Idve of the Company 5 ttlling them that he vvnuidree them another time My great friend anfwercd Awjc^i/, I conveniently. irorc am much- behold ng to you for the great aid you have
given me, being in lb gteat danger
I pray you doe you all the honor that I can- hlquif departed that (ame day. SooBc after a Page came fccretly to tell the Knight of the trueCroflc (who was then withAwW/V) that a Squire would fpcak with him. l.ijvari followed the Page where the


me fee you



Countriej where


other (laid, who kifTng a Letter prefented it to bin?, faying : Madam, Onolerea lent rac to you , fee what Ihe layes, My friend, 1 pray flay till I have read Lifvart faid to him my Ladies Letter, and written an aniwer. Then ^oing into his chamber he opened this Letter, where he tound

that which followcs.

l rf



that your difioydlUe

is jo

gratefulI living)

( the moji hH' apparent ^ that no excuje can



0^er ihe fault of your heart ^ I command you on your I hear life^ that yon come not intt my fght , nor to well dijfemble vpithme^ not from you^ For yon doe not {who


A 9 IS



rwho a^m of fo high birth} under the colour of Service, I much wonder how you wire fo bold to tell me that which you did before your dep^irture^ and do viuch f;:ore wonder th^it you did fendfo to me , as you gave in Hencefort^ards I pray charge Lifi of all to Alquefa. deceive firffpU wenches^ aridnotfufh Luiies as lam,


He had no foonerread the Contents of this LetterjWhen heiwouned, but he fooii recovered his fenfes ^ zx-A fell to GUI fing his ill fortune , and he would ofrentimes have lulled hinilelfe with his dagger, had not the thoughts of the loffe of his foule hindi cd him. But he rcfolvcd to depart that night, where his Lady nor no other ihould ever bear of him. Then wiping his eyes, hecaufcdOWorej/ Squire to be called, and laid to him friend, I would have thee takea ho rfe, and carry it this night wichont the City, at the Eagle gate , and flay forme there, that I may put in execution the defire of your MiftreiTe* And {o (bon as he had laid fo, he returned to the Emperors Lodgings, where he found the Knight of the Sphere, Flcre(lan and his other CxOm'panion.Sj difcouriing about their departure. At iiighe he told the Knight of the Sphere that that evening he muft depart about an affaire newly happened. And {oon aftejhe went to an old Knights houfe,whom he intrcated to lend him fomc Armes. The Knight gave him his fons , wheretvith he armed himfelfe, and foon after fecrctly departed, iind went to the place where the Squire ftaid with his horfe, whereon he mounted then he faid to him, My friend, return e to thy Miftrefs, and tell her that I have fulfilled her commands, and I charge thee on thy life let none but her Iclfknow hereof. Then leaving him to the proteftion of God, he fpurred his horfe, and ^id ride dircftly towards

theForreft, into the thicket, whereto he entred, that he might not be found by any that (hculd feek him Then





B^oki of

finding himfclfe alone in fo folitarie a place , he wept fo much that the fore part of his armour was covered with water. Thus he palled away the night. Here wc will


him goc and returne to thofe of Con(lantinopU , as to who did not much miflruft any thing untill the next day at Supper, when Amadisatkcd for him, but he could not heare of him. This reporr was fo commoa through the Palace, that the moft part of them did refolvc togoein f<^arch of him, if he did not fuddcnly returne But Vrganda told them that this would be in vain. This sews was no way cs plealing to his friends , and Periort refolvcd after he had once vifited Gricilerea , never to leave fearching untill he had found him. But Gradafilea did as much grieve hcreatas any of them, who did refolve not to depart from the Em prellc untill he (hould return, but to (lay with her father , and the King of Jerufalem who were both Prifoners. The day being come for the departure of all thefe Kings and Princes, they did all of them take their leaves of the old and new Emperors, and the other Princes of Thrace y and the Emperor o( luebifrnd took fhipping, in the company of the Knight of the Sphere, Florejian and Farrmnir his bro' her, Galuanes and Abies of
heland^VaiUides ^edragatit 2indi LaKgttines ^ who were all contented to goe in this voyage, hoping after one moneths ftay to finde Li/z/jrf, or never leave fearching through the Hcmoft parts of the whole world*

Chap. XXXI.
Hoxp Lifvart travelling as foHuue guided hir^^ entred into a Barqne^and of the CowLtte he hadivitli^fcwe

rirateswho tarried

Alquch prifoner.
the manner,

Zf^^^^^On have formcrJy heard

and the


occalion why the Knight of the true Cioffc was departed from ConjlantimpU ^ who tra!^^cy5f^.4^, jj^f^l^ifellcd all that night, and until! the next

evening without rcfrelhing hinifelfe, but then he tur/ied his horfe to feed , and he hinifelfe fell into Co melancholy a humour, that he purpofed to leave all and turne Hermite for the reft of his life ; but he heard a voice which cried aloud, Vfvart , follow Chivalric to which thou art called by nature , otherwife thou wilt much difplcafe God. When he heard himfclfc named he k oked about, and through the brightncfTe of the Moon, he perceived a woman on the top of a tree, who faid to him , Unfortunate Knight , have a care that yon put not youc thoughts in execution , for Cod hath not given you thefe abilities to employ them in idleoefs. 'Lifvart was affrighted \^ith this vifion, ncverthelefs he pur pofed to give credit thereunto, and therefore fo foonc as ic was day , he took his (heild , and mounting on his horfc travelled through the Foreft , and marching forwards m Knight met him , who feeing Lifvart would follow him to fee if he were foolilh or mad ; but he had not long aceom* panied him, before he heard him give a great figh crying, Alas Love, how ill haft thou known my Loyaltie at thi word the other Knight advanced , and faid to him ^ Sir Knight I think you are in love, Lifvart cafted his eyes oi^ him ( who had not till then perceived him) and without; anfwering him he would have departed but the other flopped him, and took hold of his bridle, faying to him
1 !

^^ w^'-^j^^^


1 5 <5


Booi^ 4)f

By God iir Knight you fhallftayj


you or not? and

know the caiife of yourfoolilTincire. HovvraidLzyz/^r/? will you force me to a thing cjiAt doth not pleafe me > Yes iaid the other, for I never thought to fiude a man lb foqto be fabjcft to a Sex To falfe , and malicious as woI wonder laid Lifvjrt , you have no reafon to the leaft whereof you are not worthy to ferve. them, blame
lilh as



In good faith f aid the Knight jyou might have been contented to have been a foolc without being a Sott , as you are ; now Ufvart being furprized with Choller fuddenly laid hands on his Sword, and gave the Knight fo great a blow on the hand, that he cut it off, andfaid to him : Infamous Rafcall, receive the Guerdon which thou deferveft for equalling thy ielfe to her, who hath no {econd. And as he thought to ftrike him againc, thew^ounded Knight fled as faft as he could, lamenting and crying pitifully. So Biit he had Lifvjrt chafed him not but followed his way. not gone for, before he heard a voice bchinde him crying, lume, turne thee. At this cry he looked back round about, and faw two Knights conducing the lame Knight , who
laid to 'Lifvart :

By God you


now pay


your wick-

but he foone killed one of edn?{Ic> them, and had killed the other, but that fix villaines came forth of the thickeft of the wood,but he foonedlfpatched foure of them , and the oth:r diet run away as alfo did the laft Knight, who being provided did kill his fellcwes liories before he v/ent , that Liftart might not purfue him, Lr7z'i'^j'OVvnehorrc being killed before. Thus Lifvart was forced to travailc on foot , untill he came to a vallic (where was a pleafant Fountaine fliadowed by many Spreading trees) where hGHald as well to reft himfelfe from travell, as to drinke, he having not drunke fincehe departed from Conflantimple. Then there came three Shepheards, ivho feeing one in armour were afraid.but he called them, and they fitting down by him, they gave him {iKh vi^ualls asthey had toeat. Then they left him, for he be-

Then they fet on him,

gan to


Andashewasafleepj he heard

a voyce


called Lifoart



his he^d, ,and


Taw 1 young childe neer him , and the.child (aid to him Lifvjn doe not dcfpaire , and follow the Counfell that hath been given you this night: when you goe from hence goe towards the right hand, which will lead thee to the top of this Rock, Avhere you /hall hnde a hermitage , and there ycu iliall be provided with a convenient remedie thereiiftevl

at this- erie he

tore arife.

The childejhaving faid thus,

left Lifvjrt in


doubt from whence thefe vilions fliould come, bnt at laft he fuppofcd that it was Al^uif, or fome from him. Therefore hegave credit to thefe fpeeches , and went to the top of the Rock, and there in the houfe he found a black armoui', and a writing in a Parchment, the contents whereof follow.
Solitary Knight armc thyfclfwith thefe armes : then goe along the Sea-fide^ rcher^ yon JId all fin ck a barque


enter thereinto-^

and leave


ing thereofto Fortune. Re?uember thyfclf that it is impofsibic to hinder the thjtjgs that God hath deter mi tied.
Lr/yjrHiaving read this Letter didirmed himfelfe , and put on thefe amies, which were as tit for him, as if they had been made for him. Then leaving the Hernfitage , he went the way that he was direclcd , and found the barque whercljiUo he entred. And by rcafon that he was alone, he

purpofedto name himfelfe the folitary Knight, a name agreeable to his folitude. So he failed foure dayes and foui-e nights, and on the fifth he perceived a great Barque coming ftialt towards him. In this VeiTell was foui-e
Knights armed at
great chaines.


And when thefe two Veflells

him '

and a Damfell bound with joyuedj he faw


A!qufa^\Y\\Qxn the foure^ Knights badly ufcei



Knight in the black armour, yeildyourfelfetoour mercy, and we will fave your life: but.they tarried not long before they had a crucU combatc, where the Solitary Knifjit killed two of them in

arived, cry ed out to





Booi^ of

(liorttimc, and che other two were forced to crave mercy, which he would not grant them untiil he knew whether the Danifell would agree to it who would not have him pa. don them their lives unlefs it were upon condition, that

they fhould conduft her whither (he Ihould goe. And faid they have hindrcd me from doing fervice to two of the "beft Knights in the world , and whom if they know you, you may hereafter thanke for the good which I have had Ly your meanes. Sir fald the others to the Solitary Knight,

doewhatfoeveryou.pleafetoc:oTnmand us, andwc Al' it : the folitary Knight knew (jHtfj^ and he knew certainly that fhe was returnd fropi "Irtbifond to him and Perion , and therefore he faid to her, I pray you Damfell tell me , who are thefe fo eftecmed Knights to whom you are going > fir Knight anfwered (he,

Will fwareto performe

rhey are children to King Amadit ^ and the Emperour Mfplandian , and for their fakes I humbly pray you , that according to the promife which they haue made you , that they Carrie me to Conjiantinopk \ truly DamlcU, my friend
fa'id the Solitary, they being the children of two fuch Princes, as you have told me,I defire greatly to ferve ahem, s nd as tor this voyage to Conjiantinopkil will and command ihefe two Kmghts under faith that they obey you;havlng fo faidjhc commtnded htr to theproteiTtion of God, and they "teiag entred their Veflellsa -.4/^c/j bethought her felf to askc his name, which he told her being calld the Solitary Knight ? At this word the Barques fevered , and that wherein Alquifa and the two Knights wefe, failed ftraight 10 Coaft: fo the Solitary failed other five dayes without "happening of any adventure, and continually thinking en the talke which he had had with Alqutfa , he diought that this meflenger had brought him fome pardon, for his jmmerited offence, but being much grieved, he failed unlill

the fixth day, where he arive^ at the


of Serpents.






Chap; XXXII..


took^ ?ort

in the Jfleof Serpent r^ vpher9

hy the treacherie of aDxwfelty beenttcd ittloa Ca^ Jile and was im^rifoned.
Solitary Knight failed fix diycs in the Barque, until I one morning he came ncerc to oncof thcfaircftlllcs that ever he had fetn. And there the Barque ftaid of it felfe, then taking of his flieild he landed, and travelled in a path that brought him to a Caftlc that was environed with water. He had not long travelled before he race with a Damfel,who afted the niadpart5tearing her hair and crying moft pitifully wherefore he having pitic ot her demanded tl^e caufe, which fhc told him, that a Knjghc that wasintheCaftlehadabufed her, he thea delircd her to conduct him to the place, and lie would ufe his bcfl abilities to revenge her caufe, but (lie would not rcturne Icaft llie fliould be worfe handled then before: wherefore he went himfelfc, and left her to attend his returne, fo foone ashccamenccretotheCaftle, he fawanold woman out of one of thewindowe?, who demanded of him what ic was that he fought, which he told her wherefore flie told him that he might enter if he plcafed: for the dore wa^ open: wherefore he went to enter, but he had no fooncr fet his foot on the bridge but he fell down into a Cave or dungeon, where he had like to have been killed with ths fall when he came to himfelfe he walked about,and found nothing but bones of men which he did tread on, and himfelfe enclofcd with ftrong walls, but at laft he perceived an Iron dore, and he foon after efpicd a little window opened : and the old woman above who faid to him : Knight tellmenow (feeing you are my prifoner) who yen arc. Ladiefaidhe, youhavedonemefoillaturne', that Iwill BfiYer o6ey you in any fcrvicc whatfoever. Thea by my
: : :


faith iaid

Ihe pxt Booh^ of



make you


any niaodid.


tor death

common to all.

then iec what will happen but jie could fee by reafon ot theCarboncle which was at the handle of bis f^'ord, as you have heard. She being departed, left him in fuch cHoller, that he broke open the I;ondore,and thereby entred into another vault where hehcarda great hijling ^ he having gone a little further met a great Serpent, having a head as big as an Oxes, and teeth, it advery large and long earcs, then gnafliing vanced towards the folitary , who perceiving the peril] he was in drew forfh his Sword, and gave the Serpent fuch thathefmoteoffone of its cares f wherewith the 1 blow Serpent being enraged ran npcn the Knight with open mouth, thinking to devoure him, but there was fo much vcrtue In his fword , that no venemous Creature could approach them tijat carried it wherefore the Solitary thrufi: his fword into the eare of the Serpent and fo pcarccd its jjr.iines. The Serpent perceiving it felfe wounded to death, did uncellantly call: forth its leaks and teeth with fuch

die the moil criiell dtath not that faid the Solitary It is true fa'd thf old woman, then (he did (hut the window,

.force, as if the ftrongeh archers in the


world had fliot arrowes but the Solitary did avoid all damage and hurt vhat might happen by them, by {landing behind the door that he had opened J and thus the bcaft continued, untill at length the fword pearced fo far its braine,' that it fell down dead: wherefore the Solitary Knight fell down on his knees, and gavemoft devout Uianks unto God, and .then approached neer unto the bcaft, and drew forth his I'ivord with both his hands , fctting his foot to the lieadof the beaft. Then he broke open a dorc, and fo went iipftaires, and in the end became into the Court of the CalUe, where he found fome Knights with the old wo'.^wan, whodidfuppofehim tobe dead, but feeing hhiifu Vcei^'them, and his fword in his hand, they ran away as i^;aftp they could, and amongft them there was the Damfdl th^t had betrayed hini Wherefore he faid to her.


never betray any more: laying he was flayed by fome Haldtrdim who did defend the paflagc , but he in fhort time kiljed Tome of them , and purfued the reft who fled into a Hall, where he found a great Knight armed at all points, who faid to him : Infamous Rafcall C you.fhall repent the time that ycu entred into this Caftle.) Ah wicked fellow faid the Solitary Ijpiight art thou he Yvho forceft Damftlls ?

Wicked woman thou

fohepurfued them, but

At thcfe word|^hev charged one another , and the Cornbate Jaftcdfo long between them, in the end he of the Caftle had the worft, and loft his life. Which they of the Caftle feeing did all fubmit themfelves unto him then the old woman came who did make great lamentations for the death of the Knight, who was her fon but in the conclufiou file threw down the kcyes of the Prifons , where her Prifonerswere, andtwoof her fervants went downe into the Prifons, and fctchf d them up who had been Prifoiiers there for the fpacc of eighteen years,Jind had not in all that time fcen the day light. The Captives becing ccme before
: :

him (and he having put off his Helmet ) they fell down at his ittty and bccaufc he did much refemble his Gr--. ndfathec yimadis , two of the Company took for Amadir , and faid to him Ah Seigneur Amttdis the fuccour and aid of all difconfolate ones,you are arivcd here in very good time. My

friends an fwered he, youaremiftaken, lam not Amadis^ neither did I ever fee him.Sir, faid one of them , 1 doe beleevtthat he is older, but I am confident that yon are kin to him. And who are you faid the Solitary. I am faid he,

^j%7/ Nephew to the Emperor of ConfiantinopUj and this other is Jartariehh Adrairall. The Solitary Knight had formerly heard of them, but it was fuppofed that they had been dead twentie years befpre, wherefoie he faid to them, my friend,! am very joyfull that I have delivered you out of prifon, for the fake of the Emperour. And as they were thusdifcourfing, the old woman came, who having heard them talk of the Emperor, who was the man in the world that ftic hated raoft, (he made a great complaiur, hgw^^cr


, and noble bcdtgc Cmflantinople^ and is rctdy King doth ta conquer it. In good faith Madam, anfwercd the Solitary Knight, the Army of the King of whom you fpcak hath been defeated, and he himfelfe is dead, and the reft of his Army is fallen into the hands of this Emperour your great EneHfij. Oh ye Gods(faid the old woman) what is this that I hear ? 1 will not live after that 4lbft puifJant King Arm Jt th^n fhe took her fons fword-, 4ipd fet it to hcc breaft, and fell thereon, and fofell down dead. At which they all laughed, and that which cncreafed theh' laughter, they fa w the Dam fell (who caufed the Solitary Knight to come to the Caftle ) come 'forth , and with great force throw her felf into the water, where /l:e was foon devoiited by Crocodiles, and fuch other gentle birds, w^ho repaired thither. Then the Solitary demanded'of one of them, what was this old womans name , and how (he came to take fb many Knights. Siran(wereclhd,fhewas.neice to thi King Armno, ai^dLadie of this lOc, called the We of the Lake of Serpents , and fo called for the great number of fuch beafts who are nourilhed in this water , and from thence came.this great Serpent who Tics dead there , who did much damage unto this Country^ untill our Lady by the meanes of her Aunt 'Meka found the meanes to cnclofe the bead', wher.e yoii found it. And for the ill will fhe bore to the Emperor, fhe ufed all meanes by the help of the whereby many Damfellto take all Ghriftian Knights were killed, by the Serpent. By niy head ffaid the Solitary Knight) 1 never heard of the like wickednefs. Then h.6 asked Gf^is^i/ej^ if he had been fervcd fo ? yes truly, faid he, and we have continued here above fevcnteen years in gr cat miferic and calamity, having but little to eat, and that little butbad. Thus he through their perfwafions ftayfd tliereal! tiiat night, when the next rriorhing he told Gapikf that he would depart, .and defi red him (feeing the old woman wa*-^ Cd great an Enemy of the Emperoiir'a to let the Emperour have the place ay for himfelfe , he could

ftid fhcj

the fixt Books of for the good I will content my fclfc





not tell what to doc with any
Gtf^i/e/ that his

name was the

poiTellion. Then he telling Solitary Knight) departed,

and viftualling his barque ( and taking one of the beft horfes^ he entred thereinto, and the barque began to failc



H^M^Gaftilcs and T2iXt2in^ embarqtted to goe to ftantinople, to carry the he^d&fthe Serpent^

kHe Solitary Knight being departedsG^/?/Icj and larturie with the help of the Inhabitants of the place drew the Serpent up out of the vault, having provided themfelvcs of a fliip, they intreated the others who had been prifoncrs there to looketo thelOand, whilcftthcy went to Covfiantimple, and they taking the head of the Serpent along with them departed, and fet fail for Thrace, where they arived the eighth day after : when they arived at Conftantineple they landed, and went dircftly to tlie Palace (being followed by much people) where

they found the Emperour Ffplandian, and they caft thcmfelvesdown at his feet. Buthcfoon took them up , notknowing them but when be and the rcit knew thsm, thy were all very joyfull, and they declared unto the Emperor the manner of their Inlargement, by the meancs of the Solitary Knight. The Emperor hearing them fpetk of the Solitary Knight of whom Alquefa had before fpoken, did rauchmarvell who it might be, and did fay that he was the bcft Knight in the world. After that the Emprcfle Lmwri had fecn Gj/li/e/ EfpUndian ( fent him to the old Emperor, who he knew would be very joyfkll to fee him, and in the mean time, Efplandisn recounted uato the EmY prcflc

prcfle all that he


jrxtBcoI^ of

had underftood of the Solitary Knight

wherefore the EmpreflTc ifaid unto him 5 I am perfwadcd that this is our Ton, and that makes him not difcover himMadam anfwered the Emperor, I doe not think fo^ felfe. he went without any armcs, nevertheleflejbe he who he will

be fas for my part") I account him the valiantcft Knight in the world. Alquefa was there at that cime prefent, and therefore fl:c dclircd the Emperour to let her hare [the head of the Serpent: whereby (he might carry it to trebtfondy that they might fee the Prowefle of the Solitary Knight, which defire the Empsrour granting, (he prefently fet fails
for Irehffond..



Bopp the Solitary Knighf failing en the Sea


fortune cafiat the foot of a. Rocl^;, fpherein Amadiy> Oriana, and others mere frffoaers^ whom he dcr

He Solitary Knight was

pert (after his

fo driven by a Ten:-' departure from the Ifle of

Serpents ) that one munday morning he arived at the foot of a great Ifle, where he

fawafhip, and many Mariners and Souldiersdead, floating on the waves. Wherefore he refolved to land, andtaking forth his horfc , hcc t^ok his Lancia Sheild and Helmet,, and fet forwards until] be hearda voice faying pitifully. Oh fovcreign God! How is it that you confcnt that the beft King and Queenc

the world fliGuld this day do fo miferably at this lamentation he looked aboutj and faw a Lady richly clad^ who was purfucd by a great villaine, holding an Ax in his hand. But he l^aid when he faw the folitary Knight, and asked of him wliich way the Lady was gone, for he had loft


fight of her i




L E.

6 ^

whyfaid the Solitaiy, ^ou would hurt hci'j At this word the Solitary couched his I and you too. Lance, .and thruiling the villaine en the llomack , ihrcw him down dea<f to the ground. Then he hearkntd whether he could hear the Ladie, which hecould not, neither could
helhideher: wherefore he

forwards in the


that he

had feen the villaine come , untill he arived at a very fair plaine, atthcend whercothcfound a CaiHe, (eatedupon a high Rock. And approaching fomcwhat neercr , he faw four Knights without amies , whom two Giants armed at all points, drew along by force into the Fortrclie. Wherefore the Solitary had an extraordinary great defac to know who they were, and riding a great gallop , he found a man unarmed at thefoat of a Rock, who asked him it' he were any of the Kings Company who was led Prifoncr. Nofaidhe, butlpray you tellmewho it is. By ray faith an fwcred the other, I know no more but thus j that rhave fcen him and three other Knights roughly handled, withonc ofthefaireft Ladies that ever IJ^iy^ bound together with great Ropes, which doih nuii^HHWe me* The folitaiy Knight did delire the m?n to^HRiim to the place that would bring him to the Caftle,which he did, there being but one way, and that foliraic, that he v. iis forced to leave his horfc behindehiii, and he alfo forgot when he canK to the gate of ihe Caftlc-he ftoi d his Lance ilill to hear what he could, or till fome body (l^ould come forth. And he heard one of theGiants^who faid:King,ihou art come in good time, tor mc to revenge the de Jih of my


Then he heard another, who anfwered, Giant, if thon art a Kuight deiiring renown, revenge the death <vf thy brother with honor-, givemearracsand then doe dij utmoft. He having faid thus, hel.CArdaLadiemake pitiful! lamentations. The iblitary Knight not being able to endure any longer, knocked at the Gate, calling sloud to thofethat arewithin. Thenon-e of the Giants looked out ot one of the towers, and ashed him what he would have, and what he was. lamfaidhea ftrangeKnight, \shodc(;re





Book^ of

to fee the King that is prilbner here, and therefore tpcn me t'iic Gate. By Mabomet fiiid the other , I think thou arc out ot thy wits : when he hid faid thus j, he loon. came dowa and opened the Gate, and bid the folitary Knight guard hinifelte: then they fct upon one another . but the lulicary Knigh* knowing that he had another to dcalc v/ith allj when this was difpatched, he quickly killed him: when the other knew thcreot , he was (o inraged that he presently came -tor tlx, thinking quickly to vanquifh the Solitary. But he was deceived, for hefoon found the contrary : for the <9olitary behave ihimfelfe fo well , that he alio vanquid.ed this other Giant, and entring into the CalHe, hefawin the great Hall King /^wjiii/, 0ri^75, Atr gride, D E.JirevaHx ^ ^^arquiler , and GavddUn tied by the necks with great cords, whereby he was much moved, and ran ftrait to unbindethem , but the villaincs of the Caftle had afltmblcd together to affaile him, which-4ie feeing, he firft unbound Atn^dis^ and then defended hlmfelf, Am^tdis

and AnonpUviith the reftfpon recovered weapons, and ib b^H^l^kemfelves againflthe villaines of tlie CaMe, thatl||HPfnelpof the Solitary, they foon flew above twcntieof therri, and the ref! came to mercy. They being vanquifhed Anadis went towards the Solitary to give him thanks for his aid, and earnefl-ly intreatcdhin^ to difcover himfelfe unco them, but he at the intreatic of Oriana onely told them that he wa^ a French-man , and his name was tbe Solitary Knight, but he would not difarmc his head, butdefired leave to depart, which Amadis granted him, having firiJ got him to promlfe to comevjfit him in great B lit aim. He having taken his leave of the Company, departed, and in his way he met with the Lady,whom he had tormerly rcfcued from the villaine with the Axe, whom he


to be countefleof Venmark^y to


he told,



were ail in fafety, and he delired ker to tell 'him hoWth^y happened on that Ifland, which ftie did, for faid fhe, i^t were-fcipwrackt at Sea, and driv.en by- tcmpeft upon this iQand, where we were no





L E.

i6 J

fooner landed 3 but ive wereTct upon by thirtie vilKiincs' and two Giants who finding us unprovided of rciiftancc, flew all our men, and took onely Jmadis, and the reft that you have fcen to mcrcyj onely I efcapcd , and am now agoing to die with Lady Orians , rather then to remaine hcrc,and perifh aloae.The Solitary having had this relation from her, left her, and departed, going to his barque, whcrehi he found the man that had taken his horfe, but he foon cntred thereinto, and threw him into the Sea. Thus having the Giants llicild intttad of his owne that was broken, he departed, failing oil the Sea in great gficfc, for his Lady who had fo baniOied hinKhcrprclcnce , that he often times widied to be dead. In the mean umtuimadh remained with his company, who were altogether ignorant of the Countric they were in, untillhe asked an old man of the place , who told him that it was called the Caftlc of the Rock, and was the borders of the Savage Idand^whicl-i
Gr)i/?^?of*latepoflefled, whom faid he, you did (lay, as I have heard at the Seige of Cgnftantimplc , and the Giiinc that was killed laftby the Knight that delivered you is his brother, and the other his couzen German who accompanied the King AmiMo , and the Pagan Army into Ihraccy fo long as they ftaid there. And as Ama Its was making this cnquirie, the Countcflfe of Df//w^j^ came, which ^iK^andjtm ou* of a great dcalc of care and feare ; for hethoughE that he had loft her. The next day after they difcovered a fliip 5 wherefore they w cut to the Sea-fide to fee who was mitj -which they foon knew : for it was /Irgamort with the Prince Arid^i/f , with many of their men, for which hmadii was very joyfuli , for before they could not tell how to doe for a fhip^ with which they being furniihcd^ they foon departed for Great BrUtaim^Udi^m^Sartjiiiks foiGovernor ofthe place, and they arived at Great trinair^y and were received with great jay.

H A V.


The fjxt ooke of



Hm the E/^/peror of Trebifond tooJ^ Tort in h

Jcrea ^^^dofthe Knight ef the sphere,


and of the cUfcourie between the Vrinceffi Grici-

Y-chcdifcourfe of our Hiftery it hath been recited unto you, that after Lifvart departed from Conjlantinepfe , a great part of the
Princes which came to fuccour Ibrace^ cm[barqucd themlelvcs to rcturne into their CountrreSj araonglt the reft , the Emperor of T>c/fi/S^ accompanies, with the Knights florefian andG< hafies , but they had not failed a thirtie leagues in the Sea, Tvhen the temped: and winde tolled them ib impetuouQy, that'they thought to peiifli, but finally at the end of the fubfequent moneth, they attained the Port 6i 7nbijondy fivhichthe Emprefsand the Infanta Gricilerea being advcrtifed, received a delegable contetttation , and likcwife all the other Ladies but Onolorea^ the which for the jealoufic fhchad conceived againft her friend, was in mai"velIous

paine, fo that (he pafled her time in extrcame dolour, but f;reativasthejoy and goodcheareby all ingenerall, for thercturneof their good Prince , infomuch that for the fpacc of eigtrt daycs , not anyone dcfifted from making boncfires, and publique banquets ; In thcmcanc while the three Knights ftrangers, Terion^ Florefian, and Galuu" mi entertained their lores, to declare their affeftionsj tiiendfliip and fervice, that they bore them, whicTi daily augmented the {adneft of the Jnfania OneUrea^ for the fii. Ipicion which (he had conceived in her foule againft hi^vart^ Miliom (jriri/erw enquires for of Perion ordinarily, but he could not give any other rcafon, but that he departed one Jiight he knew not whether, neither had he fince heard any thing of him, at which he was greatly aftonifhed, truly

news was

little agreeable



who began

Am A Di^ ^^Gaule.
the letter


which fi:c thence forward to repent her IcJfe of fo Gightly written, which might be the gicatcft injury in the world, feeing that fo unadvifcdly (he gave credit to that which was brought to her of Grad.ipea many dayes thus paflcd, till that Alqmfa returning from ConfisntimfUy cntred the Ilall, accompanied with foure men, bearing the


head of a Serpent , and after reverence made , putting her .knees to the ground, faid to the Emperor, Sir, Ibringyon ccitaine news of the btft Knight in the world, and of whom I will recount untoyou ftrange things : know then

from the Country of Ihrac.t^ 1 wai taken by foure Gaily Haves, and put in this Ihlp, but Gcd be thanked I did not long fojourne there, by the nieanes of him I now fpeak to you of, who named himfelte the folitary Knight: then (he recounted to him the combatc which he had had, the opinion which fhe held of him fmce the death of the Serpent, the deliverlnce of Ga^iUt and 7artarie, and finally, all that which you have heard of him , at wliich every one was aftonilhcd , and it fell into the heart of Perio that it was Li/y^r/ and no other, which to pafs the better unknown ha^ changed his name, all the while ihdit Alqnefa was recounting his adventures, every oneaffurcd themfelvcs that his name was not concealed from her; then every cne regarded with admiration the head of the beafl, wliich the Emperor caufed to be fixed to th^ principall gate of his Palace, and to paint the manner how he had defeated him, at the Evening hlqmfa fnding Ter'ten at leafure , demanded of him ivhat ufage he had of Grici^ lerea: By my faith friend faid he, without you I know my affaires grow worfe, for every day the amity decreafeth on her lide; beleeve not that faid (he, I hope though
lir,that returning

you thinke the contrary, you will tell me another

before that two dayes are expired the next dty (he addrelled her felf to the Princefle, of whom fhe inquired fecretly, what good cheare fhe hath made her Knight fineehisretale/,

turhe : ah my great friend anfwers (he I cannot by any meanes yet corapaffe that which my heart fo earneftly dc-


fireth, for



Books of

have nothadjycc meanes to fpcak to him in

him any fignc of f riendfhip, for ou know that I am little eftranged from the Emprefs, and cfs from my lifter: In good faith Madam, faid Klfuefs I you have wrong, it is faid that necefUty is the Matter of arts, but love ftrong young and more lively you (ay that you have not had meanes to fpeak to him, feeing that you know him yours, it will be very ea(ic to caufe him to come in the night into this garden, nigh adjoyning to thefe windowes, to devife there privily as much as you pi cafe You
private, neither'to fhew

fay well, replied ihe, I ne\'eryet thought oi it, but feeing you have given me fo good an occafion, I pray you to tell bimof it: the wall then is low, and the window of my chamber eafie, I will not faile to iinde him there this ev-ening about midnight , for God fake perfwade fo that he

might come therej lcavthat to me faid Klquefa^ I promifc yoaforhim,andifOw/tfrMhad not approached , they had
continued their difcourfe longer, but they refer'd that till the evening in th mean time Alqnefa went to advile Fcrion of all that he had to doe , FhrejlaTj and he did at thax time lie together, and although that they were great friends,hc would not tarry with him,6y reafon of the good .ners which he had underftood, infomuchtha^ feeing him aileep, -and the houre approach which he had been adigned, tooke his fword, and covered with a fcarlet mantle went fecretly from his chamber into the garden, where fhe entred upon the wall approaching the vvindow which he he held open, in which he faw the Princeife Gricikrea onely. andinfuch equipage, that he had thought to have had h^eons fortune, btit that hi* head was not cbrnuted, but he wasfucha bondOave to her fervice, that he Would not complaineagainfther, but would rather fliffer death and death againe, ifit might be poflible , rather then offend her a and altllough through the ardencic of hi love he trembled like anafpen leafe at her fight, licverthelefs fhc

which had caufed this evill,gave him fuch facility of ipeech, that making great reverence to the Priaceflc , he faid to





name my felfc the nioft hapher, I may pkft Knight in the univerfei receiving this favor from you, which is mor gracious then would be cxpefted from fucli aPrincefs, to one endowed with fo fmall merits , as I am. In good faith my friend replycd (lie, you ought to owne thai to your felfe, and not to me, for God hath endowed you with fo many affcftions, that you have pcwcr to force any Lady, be flic never fo fairc to love you; fo then I befeech you that ( referving my honor ) you content your felfe with that which you have already acquired upon me) afliiring you my fhind , that I will take both paine and plcafurc to fpcak to you in this place at anytime, when opportunity prcfents it felfe s Ah Madam faid he , for Gods fake pardon me, andcfteemcmc not I befeech you fo irrationall, as not to know this favour tobefuch, that all the Knights of the earth together merited not fuch good fortime: Neverthelcfs , if it pleafe you yet to permit me to kifle your hands, you will render the obligation which lowc you in fuch extremity, that I have neither body, fouleorpuillance, which doth not glorihc it felfe to be affurcd of fuch beatitude : my friend anfwersthff PrinceG, youmay not be refufcd, for feeing that my heart is yours, the reft of me as far as my honor may permit is ready at yourdifpofall, then flie prefented to him her right hand through the iron gate, fo that ferion having i^ifled it , fi^c being vanquiflied with love imbraces him with her other arme , which Peritn feeling, advanced himfelfe, fo that h joynes his mouth with hers, contenting their fpiritsforan hoare, according as the place would permit them, which jflruck Pfriijw into fuch an cxtafie of joy, that put him io tremble more then he did before, and caufed him to lofc
well at this day
facilitie of hi? fpeech , and i beleeve certainly , If you had demanded of him what good or cvill he then ladured, he could Bot have told you , love fo much alienates the fenfe$ of thofe wkich ftie handles well, for the certainty of which I could give you many examples of others which


were in hi* coudition, Ttrisn being Jcturntd into

hU firft

power, fearing to



Booke of

unadvifed before GricU which he had ufed towards her,began to fay to her, Madam , I humbly intreat you not to take in ill part the incivility which I have ufed towards you, and impute not this fault but to love, which hath conftrainedmy affeftion to obey it, ncverthelefle , if you. judge me worthy of any punition, I am ready to iniJure it, ifitbenot the eftrangcment from your good grace: my friend replies fh.e, the puniHiment which you (hall receive of me is that, I pray and command you that you love me. above all things, without ever parting from this Court without my leave, for the moleftation which I haveincKired formerly for your abfence,which had almoft brought me to my grave., how many times did I inquire for you, (knowing you were gone to sSea, and attending your return) what R.ocks, what Gulfs were in this Coaft which might caufe yoar perill ? how many fagc Pilots have I commanded to come to me, tolearneof ihofe the names of the proper windcs, whether contrary to advance ycu orretarde y cu ? hov/ many teares have gone out of my eyes,feeingthe fca tcmpeftuous , the wjnde and the heaven troubled, dancing in a tUcufand millions of danger, which happen commonly to loving perfons > In good faith my iticnd, the fear which I had to lofc you, made me daily coraplainej which arc commonly incident to thofe which. are attached with the like maladie, asl was fmce the day that you received the Order of Knighthood in thisCourt and thus (ailing from one thing to another, {he came to fpeak of l.ifvirt^ the which faid fiie, hath had great injury in addreli-ng himfelf to my filler, for to make you know it, ] will indcavour to recount all whereof he is accufed how Madam anfwershe? I thaught not that he had offended her, if il:c hath not taken any offence at the extreme affeftion which he bearcth her I know not faid Gricilerea how you take this fiienpfhip, but 1 know not how to excufc him, fee the.promifej which he made before his departure, tliat he wpiild not any way revile her, then (he recounted to
fliew himfelfe fo

for the familiarity


him all




I r^

that you have heard, as the Damrdl Brother of Grihad reported to her: In good faiih TaiLh Ptrion^] know now that was the caufc which made him depart without (peaking unto mc,and nevcrthelefs I took it upon my foule, that the accufation isfal(e, which gives me more forrow for his abfcnce then before, {eeing he hath been fo ill in-

treated for loving fo loyally


alasfaid GriciUrea ^ what is you tell me > is it pofilible that the page (honld thus milinformeus? yes upon my faith , replies Ferun^ I afiure you that dilloyalty had no part in him truly faid Ihe , my iifter hath been evilly advifcdj and I thinke not but fhe will much difpleafure him when Ike is afcertain'd of the truth of Madam replies he, if you pleafe, I will goe in fearch this of him, and I will travell in fuch fort, that either I will bring him back, or loofe my life in the attempt: I pray you faith GrlcHcrea beaflured that my lifter (knowing her fault^ will receive him at his returne with much amity i they had continued longer in thcfe difcourfesj but the day breaking, forced them to retire, taking a gracious farewell one of the

other, going together to returne into that place againe, the third night tollawingj the hifanu then retiring into her chamber went to bed, on the other (Ide the Knight of the Sphere taking the way as became, went to bed with Iorc^j,cftecming himfelfe the happieft Knight in the world to have made fuch a choice : the morning appearing, he being

good equipage returned to the Palace, where already the tables were covered for dinner, where it pleafed the Emperour to honoj- the Ladies fo much, as to place him and his
companions among them.




pxt Boohe of

Chap. XXXVI.
the Kfjjghtof the Sphere follovoed the Dutches of



combate aiainjiiYvo of her Vv^kles^

rpho kjcl taken her Cotattriefrom her,

>He Napkins being taken

away when watw

was prefer ted to wafli, there entrcci the Hall a very fairc Damfell, clothed in mourning, condiiftcd by an old man, who led her under the arme, accompanied with twelve Danirel]?,twentie Knights, and as man}^ Squires at her arivalJ, this Lady caft her felfe at the feet of the Emperour, demanding if the Knight of the true Crofic, or him of the Sphere were in the Court or one whofc renown is now through all Countries named the folitary Knight, who not long fince, by force of amies delivered King Jmadis, the Queen , and their retinue being imprithen (he recounted all, as you have heard, whercr fon'd aftoniOied: the Emperor anfwered her , Damwere at they fell, of all thofe which yon demand for , there is no other here but the Knight of the Sphere, whom you may fec The Damfell regarded him as one expefting fuccour , and answered the Emperor, in truth fir I beleeveit is true, at thefe ivords Perion advanced, and demanded of her if he would cloehcrany feryice, truly Knight faid (he, 1 doebeleeve you was onely borne to give (iiccour to fuch diftrefled Damfcis Lady anfwers Ttrion, I am ready to fuccour you, as I am and all other diftreflfed ones to my power therefore I defire lyou to tell the cccafion of your fadnefic; j-r Knight faid fhe , I am daughter to the Duke of Aufiria^ who dying and leaving me in my nonage to the tuiti<5n of two of my Unckles, according as their Reafonor honor fliould direft them ; feeing me onely here , and a woman i)eiicged of K;iw<r,which after a long ficge was conftraiucd
: :


Amadis deGAULK,


CO yeiW on thefe conditions 3 that if I would findc a Knight who would combate againftthofc two, andyanquiih them, I ftiould be reftored to my right, othenv.ife to this agreement 1 condefcendcd, and taking my not Journic from thence I heard of the renown of two Knights which were in Conjlantinople : the one being you, the other

the Knight of the true CroflCjnow lir I humbly intreat you (feeing you know the occafion ) to pitie mc, and undertake ray quarrel! juft and reafonablej Ferion being at a /irand, by reafon of the promifc he made to his Lady , not 10 departwithout her leave, but fhe quickly eafed him of that, laying to Ferion, lu good faith Knight you ought to


this Lady that which (he demands; Madam reply ed am ready to obey your Command, then the Damfell

thanked him, defiring him to goe with her prefcntly, hope-r JBg that having To good a Knight, the iflue would be ac, cording to her expeftation (6 he taking leave of the Emperor and of his Lady, went with the DiitchefTe 'and embarqued himfelfe , hoifing|faile towards Aufkis 5 the Dutcheilc doing him all the honor that fhe could: but they had not long failed , when Fortune fhcwed her felfe unconftant, coiling them fo outragioufly for twentiedayes enth*Cj "that they knew not where they were, but one friday morning they were caft nigh a%oare, to which adJoyneda fairc Citic, encompafled with walls and Itrong towers, out of which they faw approach a great number of Ladies and Damfells, but cfpecially one well habited, and very beautiful), whom they fuppofed to be their Lady and Miftres; at that time came out a Giant, armed at all points, upon a bay horfc, holding in his hand a Lance, inarching with a (low pace towards a pavillion,which they faw pitched upon the green , out of the which fudJenly came a Knight well accoutred, mounted on a white horfe, armed with green amies, bearing in his Iheild a. rampant Lion, having its head divided , and many other Knights accompanied him the Knight of the Sphere knew well that the fight with the Giant waj a? much as againft two ordinary

fee the



Booh^ of

men, he faid to the Diuchefs, I deijre greatly to end ofthiscombate which the Green Knight, hath cntcrprized againft that Devill , the Dut chefs to pleale him obeyed his will, in themeane time commanding the Mariners to caft anchor, the Giant and the Knight met each other, the Giant encouncring, the greene Knight gave him fo dangerous a thruft with his fword, that everyone thought he was a dead man bat it was not (b, for the fword palled between the body and the arme, the greene Knight gave the Giant agreat wound, and their borl'es encopntring each otiier, tumbled down with their Mailers under them, notwiiftanding he with the green arracs being quick and nimble, incontinently recovered his feet, taking his fword in his hand he went againft thcGiant, who was newly rifen, being fo bruifcd by the h\\ of his horfe ujpon him, which advantage the Knight of the green amies efpying, gave him fuch a blow with his fword upon his arme, that he thereby received a great Battleax which he carried at his girdle, put himfelfe in duty, to render the greene Knight that which he had ready, but the wound in his arme prevented his intended purpofe, which by little and little fo weakncd him, that the green Knight confortr cd his enemy with the dead, praifing the Gods for the Viftory which he had fo happily gotten the faire Lady,whieh was at the tow^-r, feeing the Giant dead inftantly fent two of her Damfells towards the green Knight , who having fpoken to him preftntly returned, bringing their N\\ftrefs accompanied with a great number of Gentlemen and Citizens , and others which kindely inibraced the viftorious Knight , Oic her felfe conducing him into the City J from whence fhefcnt to Jcnow what Veifcli that was which newly anchored there, the meflenger approaching the fca-fide, faw Pemn upon the hatches of the Hip, to whom he graciouflly faid, lir Knight, the Infanta Lijlria Lady of this Land fent me to know who hath anchored in her harbour, fir fdid Ferion, it is a ftrange Knight , and a Damfcll caft upon this tbrace by the fuiy of the windes




G A U L E.


City having this anfwcr re^ he of t!ic to hisMiftrefs; the DiicehelTe feeing they might hinder their intended purpofe il: they ftayed any longcrj .commanded the Mariners to hoife faile bat the fea was yet Co tempefluous , that they were of advice rather to rc:

maine to the mcrcie of men tlicn of the waves , notwithftanding at all times they were in rcadinelTc, if they fliould chanceto be afifailed^at that time there ftrcined to come towards them nigh a hundred men from the town , well armed, who feeing Period yet upon the hatches, crycd to him that he fhould yeild hlmfelfc prifoner, if he would fave his life^but he anfwered them that fo long as he could
hold his fword , he would not endure their captivitie at theend of thefe words, they entredinto a great ("hip which Wasatthe Port', and by force of failes andoares joyning with Ferion began a cruell combate , at this aboording for the Knight of the Sphere never ftruck any but he killd him outright, atlall, he cleft the headof their Chieftain, which fo affrighted them, that they durft not againe undertake to affaile Ferzc/a, but llianiefully fled towards the Citieto theoldLady mother oi Lyfiria (who was then talking with the green Knight) and faid to her, Madam, I bring you as Grange news as ever you heard, your men which you fent to aflfaile that (hip at the Port are all routed by the valour of one oncly Knight and the Mariners the old Lady would have gone to have fecnc what he w^as, but was hindred by ^7)?r/^, who prayed her to cntcrtaine the Knight, whilft that (he undertook that voyage and fo taking lix Damfells to accompany her, fhe went towards the

where fhe (^ayed fomc tim c for to fee the Combate, but hardly had fliefojourned there halfc anhourc, but (he faw eight of her men reverfed , at which (he was marvellouily difpleafed, and entring into a Squiff, fhe approached

the (hip, cauliHgher

Feritn^ to


to retire

whom fhe faid,

felfe to , addrefling her piay you render your felfe my


prifoner, affuring you that

nor and profit:

Madam faid

Ptriow, if

bcboth for your hoyou command me


to doe



Booke of

ic 5 I muftobey, but if prevented to deteinc me by had rather loofc my head then futfer you to doe it: Knight laid (he, if you pleafe you may come along with me, under fuch condition as you fhall think fit to accord to, for the people of this City are numerous,and you know well you cannot relift themlong:(o Feriow and the Dutchels cntred into the SkuiflF which had brought LyftrU (when they were aware the Knight of the Sphere tooke off his HelnKt to refrefhhimfelf, then the Tw/jn^j feeing the great beauty which he ha Jjcould not conteine her fclfe, bnt faid to him, In good faith Knight you are endowed with as much beautieasvalour and court efie: andl^jlrij holding him by the hand brought hhii into the Palace j where fhe prefented him to her mother, faying to her, Madam, I can affure you that this Knight hath alone done that whicha thoufand durft not entcrprize: 1 think as much faid the old Ladie, then the Green Knight feeing Perien run to imbracc him, crying out my (jod what is this I (ce ? what adventure hath brought you into thcfe parts ^ Perion feeing himfelfe fo imbracedj knew not at the tuft fight who he was :



but fuddcnly recoUefting himfelfe, he knew that it was King of Jagttetbi : then he imbracedhira and faid,
truly my great friend , I am no lefs aftonifticd at your prefeikethenyouat minej L^/Jri^ and her mother feeing the contentment with which they entertained themftlvcs,prayed them them to favor her daughter lb much as to tell them fi om whom they had receiv'd fo fingular a pleafure, fpccially Lj)?rij hoping to have Garinier for her husband: and for this caufc did all that fhe could to pleafe them, but becaafe both of them were very weary, they were difarmcd, and conduced into a fair chamber, where they were ufed afwell as they meritedrthen being in their chamber, Period dialred-the King to tell him the ocrafion that incited him to combateagainft the Giant , my friend faid he. know that the old f ady m >ther of LyJlr'iJ, remainiug a widjw( after her husband was dead ) by whom (he had one chiide which is this Prineefs,heir of this Realmc great and

and opulent


G A U L E.


who was

a neighbour,

and being cnamoui-

cd ot lyfiria , rcquhxs lior many times in marriage, buc fheput himoff with iliishonc-ft CKciife, faying (he would never love any man: the Gyant having this anfvvcr,wagtd war againlt this land, but b^ good hap I travtlling ni^h

Countries, lif-aringofit, undertook the Combate againil:the Giant, what lucceile I had it vviil be needlcfs for mc to



you know



Pvcturning then

my pu

and amorous of berth, n (heof hini one day as the mother and the daugher were advihng with them, Perim addrenhig

pofe, the Knights being healed of their wounds, i'erim knowing the will of Gjrinier, who was no lefle

himlelfe to the Infanta, began to fay unto her, Madam, it feemeth tome, yon are very much bound umo the King for hindring the marriage of you to him, in whom nature

hath pl'aced fo much deformity In good faith replies flic, you fay true Madam faid the King,pardon mcif it pleafe youformy prclumpticn 5 thinking my fclfe fo happiein lervingyou, that I would not change my felicitie for any
; :

content the world can afford you may think as it pleafyou anfwered flic, for I (hall think my felt honored, if you pleafe to accept mc for your wife with this Realmc^ thati (hallattaine the pcrfeaion ofmydefire, knowing


wasLadieof all the worlds I could not canobligation in which you have bound me this fpeech proffered f gracioufly by one to fo fairc and bcautifull a Princefs,enflamed fo much the heart of this young King, that he faid to her. Madam, I fhould be very unwife,if I fliould not accept of the favour which you prcfent unto mc , and making a great reverence imto her, kifled her at that time in figne of matriage, of which the Knight of the Sphere was marvelloufly glad, fo that as muth for the good and advancement of his Coufen, as to follow the Cutchcfs in her enterprize: hecauftd the Nuptialls to be celebrated the fourth day following , with great memory and foiemnitie, Garinter being erowned King, receiving homage of the Rcalme of thelfleof Cja 2 therea^
well, that if I
cc!l that




Booh^ of


and LyifrU (from which the Queen took her name^ being Sovereign Lady both of the one and the other : a little while after Ptrion and the DutchcflTe taking leave of this componyj leentred the Sea , following the coaft of Almanit*

Boro the Knight of the Sphere forced the Torvn f Vienna 7 Auftria , and rcndred the DHTcheJJe free

with all her Countrie.

l^e Knight of the Sphere and the Dutchefj being rctntred into their Veffell, coalled along ^!manie before they arivcd at Anjiria , paOlng alvvaycs their time at the game of Chefs , at which they tooke plcafure, chiefly the Diitchcfic who vanquifhed with the love of Ferion was fddome ont of his fjght, blithe thought of no fuch matter: but at laft love worked fo ftrong upon her fcnfes that ft:;e fell fick , which the Prince noting demanded of her how fl^e did , Knight replies fhe ( in lighing ) veiy ill, for thinking to recover my Land I hove loitmy fclfe, alas if pity be in youc htartj tor Gods fake leave rather the loffe ofmyCoimti ies, and render me my libertie, for under colour of purchaiing my good, you have ruined my life, Lovchadi already fo inflamed my heart with your bcautie, that if you doenot pitie metis impofHble I fhould live, having faid this, O.efollows him, imbracing his avmes, and killing


fo atfeftionately that it feemed fhc would fwound, which the Knight of the Sphere marvelled, but he had

more pitie

to the Dutchefs, then loyaltie to his Lady , in Inch majiner; that after he bad kifled her he put himfelfe

in poffcfliion of the beft thing (he had*, rendring herthae



IS de



very houre Miftres of a worke where flie notyet began her apprentifbipj fo palling all the night till the day approached, he retires himfelfc into his chamber , leaving the

DutehciTe amongft her women , they not perceiving anything at laft (1: discovered the Country of Auflria^ taking


, where her Subje6^s held the great joy at her arivall the fame day by the advice of the Knight of the Sphere, Briantes was lent (being one of the ancientcft in her troops towards

Port before the great City

who receit'xl




(fo Were her





whom he recounted the retm-ne of their Lady, and the

vall of her




according to the promifc

which they had iworne/ was readie to combate both of them Bjrtin and Alinus hearing this mcflage , laughed'

heartily, andfaidtohinij Brw/f/ return to thy Milires, and tell her that it would be a great folly in us, to adventure our lives to hazard that which we hold fure, and that

hath taken much paines to tinde a Knight for her, her is our pleafure, and her labour is loft. K\\ firs f.<id will you break both the faich and the oath to Briofttes which you fo folemnly (wore? depart faid Bort'm^ and tell us not of thofc things ; then Bruntcs returned to the can^p of the DutcUefs, who hearing the idiie of his legation was very much troubled at it, and complained fo pitifully, that every one had great compailion of her, but the Knight of the Sphere comforted her faying , doe you efteeme thcfc Rafcals fafe within the wals or no ? J afliireyou that witiiiii a little while, both the City and Countric fliall be rcndred into your hands. This promife gave hope to th<i Dutchefs , and from that time the Knigh: of the Sphefe fought by all meancs pollible how he might accompliih hh


townewas ftrong , well walled, and with men and necelTary nnmitions theiiknow* ing it impregnable he called together all the Captaincs to know how they ftood affcfted to t\\c\r Miftrefs , and after he heard their accufer in generall , he faid unto tHcni my friends, theMoonnowis old, and the bfcurity v.i
enterprize, for the




The pxt Bool^ of

he night very gicat, armc your fclvcs, and bear upon your harncis a v\h!tcciuth , by the which you maybe known,


alfo in this Camp as 1 have heard, a great number of Ladders very tit to mount the wall , I will depart upon the ninrh houre, aud will hiidcmeanes to enter into, the Town alone, faile not fo foon as yon hear the rumor for J*have an intentito come to the gates well prepared


onto make_ ready workctor

the enemy, and to hinder them from defending the walls and gates, if you be diligent ; this advice was well liked by fome and blamed by others, neverthelefs it was accepted, and at the appointed haure the Knight of the Sphere tooke his arnus and went afoot towards the town when became to the Centinclls they demanded w4io marched there, friend faid he, goe I pray you, and tell the Duke Bitrini and his brother AlipteSi that I would fpeak with them, about a bufinefs of concernment 5 at this word one of them who went the round promifed him to doe his mefJage , and a little after returned, praying him to mcunt the wall, for faid the fouldier, the Duke hath commanded thai the Gates fhall not well, replied the Knight, 1 (hall obey his combe opened mand, and when he was entred into the Town, fome fouldiers conduced hira to the Palace, and finding there Bortni and Alimefy the Knight of the Sphere made them a great reverence friend faid B(?r/wi, take oif your helmet, and fpeak to us in furctie, fir replied he, I will take it off ifyou pleafc to command,a]l withdraw themfelvcs except you and your brother the Dukes Bortni and Alintes who lijfpefted nothing, commanded every one to withdraw, which being done, they faid to the Knight of the Sphere now fir you may put oif thchelmet^ftay faid the Knight,! will tell you that you are Traitors having fo faid , putting bis hand to his fword , gave fuch fuch a blow to tori' ni thatheclefthimtothe fhoulders, which >f /in? c/ feeing was aftoniHied, cfcaping himfelfe and began to crie aloud, Arme Arme, for we are betraied the Knight of the Sphere purpofed to gaine the entrie of the Chamber, and be him: :




felfe gave the Alarum by thewiiidowesto caufe thofe ot" the City to torlake the walls , that his men might fcalc them with more facility: the rumour was incontinently difperfed every where , and all ran towards the Pahce thinking to take PeriottyAnd cut him in pieces ; but his men

alccndedjcntring into the town like an impetuous torrent, killing all before them: for the enemies preflTed fo to the Knight of the Sphere that he could not have long rellftcd, if his men had not arived to his luccour : biit they being come quickly freed him from danger, snaking fuch havoek of their enemies, that they foon gained the town the Citic being thus taken, they fearched about for Alimes whom at lail: they found in the head of a fmall Hie , who after fomefmall bickering they fubducd, leaving him dead in the place, the other forces feeing their Cartainc flaine ytildcd themfclves to Period, on condition that he would the Dutchcfle having fave their lives , which he granted news of the furprifill of P'iew^,accompanicd wirh a goodly traine of Knight?, Gentlemen and Ladies entrcd the Citicjtakingall thofe to mercie which had fo un'uftly bore amies againfther; the Dutchefle being thus poffeiftd of her Right,feaftedevery day him from whom (he had received fo exceeding apleafure, but for all that (he could doe, flie could not detaine the Knight of the Sphere, ivbo deliberated to take leave of theDutchcfs, and if fhe would not counfell him to goe to depart fecretly and as he had determined to put it in execution s humbly intrealing the Dutchefsjthat feeing now her bufinellc was concluded, fl-c would permit him to depart in qucft of a kinfman of hers, but (lie would not condefcend , doing all (he could to ho:
: :

nor. Terion

therefore according to his determination,

after he took hisarmes, mounting upon hi.7 horfe took a by-path, that he might not be found; the Dutchefs advertized of his departure 5 was readie to die withgriefe, but one thing recomforted her , feeling her

new Knight

Ak might

great with thiide, that though (lie had loft the father preferve the fruit, At the end of nine moncths




Booh^ of

was brought to bed of a (bvx^ which fhe named FWwho proved one of the befr Knights in the world, but bccaufetherubjeftof our Hiftory tcndeth not to fpcak of him^ wewilllcavehini till another time, to declare unto you that which happened to the Solitary Knight


end of the year the departed fremi he Coaft : and he

upon the

after he




nifhed man'f fir,wge adventures^ encountred the Knight ef the Sphere^, with whom he had combate^
the ene not


the other,

having left Amadis^ as it told you, entrcd his Barque, by been hath ki! jSS^ conduced he was through many which ^^^1'^^ and during that year vanquifhfli-angc Ifles, (j^^^Jfev^ fcatl^fiiSTi.^' ed many Giants, with a great number of Knights, which wc will not mention to avoid prolixitie : the fifth day after his imbarquement he arivedat a Port, where he took land, and taking his horfe mounted upon him, armed at all points to defend himfelfe, if he fliould be aflailed ; riding along he

^1^^^^^ He Solitary Knight

went into a great Foreft, where finding two crofs wayes hedetermined totakethcmoft ufed but he had not rid long, when he heard great lam^tation proceed from a woman as he thought then taking that way as bethought from whence he heard the crie ; he efpicd a Damfell tied by the haireof the head to the branch of a tree , and approaching more nigh, he faw that it was A^imja : therefore putting his hand haftily to his fword he cut the branch then (he knew him as he which had delivered her once before from the hands of Pirats , and bending her knees to the ground to thank him (he faid : Ah Knight






you, and he which hath endowed you with fo many gracesjwho had brought you unto this condition anfwercd he, Alas iir faidflie! a

fuccourer of all Damfells blclTcdbe

Rogue met me as I aiived in the wood, and bccaufe I wouidnotobey his Juft heufedmeas you fee, andtookc his way along tliis valley travelling toward the right hand; God never help me faid he, if 1 doe not make him dearly pay for his great incivility, and attend me I pray you , lir
Knight replies flie, there is not far off hence a Caftle, where I dined yefterday, there I will ftay for you if you pleafe; no faid the Knight, 1 will not goc thither before I have chaftncd this Knights infolencie ; having thus faid, he leapt upon his horfe , taking the way which Alqwf^ had (hewed him ; and about the letting of the 5un he difcovered him whom he fearchcd at the fide of the Foreft, whom he caJIed, but the other made no account of it:
therefore the Solitary prefled his horfe very much ; nevertheleffche attained not him before it was night, faying

unto him, damned Knight who would force Ladies , now ^ou fliall not efcape me before you have received paiment for your wickednefs; at this word the Knight turning about his face without any anfwer to the other, put his Lance in his reft, and went againft the Solitary , who cnGountred him in fuch manner that he difmounted him,and fcorning to have any advantage of his enemy, alighted alfo, and began a marvellous combate, which indured not long> for the Solitary at laft left him dead upon the
place, theSolitaryfeeing the wight very much advanced, deliberated to repole himlelfe by a clear fountaine, till it was day, but the thoughts of his Lady obftrufted him from fleeping^ untill he heard a noi(c of horfcs, and a little after perceived a Knight armed armed at all points , who defcending from his horfe went to the fountaine: but he had not long Itaid there, but f/ghing faid, oh love love! you have put me in fo high a place, that I may name my felfe the moft happy Knight in the world , and beft loved of one who holds the fovcraigntic of bcautic ; by my head

B b






K night Taid the Solitary




will not indure fuch blafphewhich he at the fonntaine :

demanded who he was j I am faid the Solitary, one which would know of you the name of her you love, what profit (hall it be to you faid the other? fuch profit an

fwers the Solitary asfhall turne to your Damage, for I will not indure fo great injuric againft my Ladicj oh audacious fellow , will you nominate her to be Queene of bcautie whom many far furpafleth > before that tbou and
I pari
I will make thee wifer : then eucountring one another by llar-Iight, they handled themfclves fo cruelly in a little time, that their Shtilds and coateof armour were hackt and broken in fo many pUices , that the field was neverthelefs they maintained theniall covered therewith felves fo well the one againft the other , that for the fpacc of two homes or more, they took not breathj nor did they

which gave no not having found at anytime {o hardy a Champion as would withftandhim, who had killed and vanquifhedmany ftrong and cruell Giants, they havhig already combated about foure houres without any advantage y day began to appeare, the Solitary being outragious went towards his enemy jand taking him by the Chollcr was ready to take off his head when he perceived in the Sheild wherewith he was covered , the Sphere v;hich was there painted, and thereby he fawit was his Uncle, at which he was very much difpleafed, ca fling his fword totlie ground, crying out: ah fortune! how adverfeart thouagainftme in all things? and putting his knte to the ground, taking off his Helmet, faid to Venm: Sir my I Inckle, for Gods fake pardon me , truly I had enough kix)wledge of the valour which is in you, not to adveniure as I have done , Perw;? knowing him^imbraced him faying in good faith my Nephew, the approarhing of rhc day was well for me, for if you bad not known me without doubt my end had been nigh, and as they were ill thofe termes Alquefa came , who had walked

know to whom the



fmall amazement to the Solitary




G A U L E.


all the night to finde the Solitary , at the f ght of them fiie killing them both, their heads beinf; deformed, and there-

fore the cried out, oh God what adventure have I encountrud, feeing with my eyes the two bed Knights in the

world then fl:c demandul oi them the occalkn of their combate, friend, faid the Solitary fortune which is not ontly content to folJow and moleftmc, treats alfo bydefpight ot me) thole which ai e not unlyable of my mifhap: but I pray youl^nde feme meanesto ftanth curwoimds:

then llietookeher handkerchief, tearing it in pieces to bindc up their wcunds , i^hich fie hiving done they mounted on horle back, riding towards the Caftle, where (he had lodged the precedent ni" ht,^^ here being arivcd, the Lord thereof knowing their ad v^ntwies, treated them fo coiirteoufly 3 that in a ihort time they recovered their for-

mer cftate.

How the
two Knights took kave of their hofle and r centring in the Sea were cajl into g} eat Britaine^ where they had combate againji Florcftan and Parxncnir ^tot/knowing them,

-.^Ouf^ He two Knights being healed of wounds and able to bear travel] , Perion on day among others dcvifing with Alqutfa, pra;, cd her to tell him what adventure had brought her into thofe Countries In

good faith replies (he, know that

departure from



going in fearch of ycu, by the Ck)iBmandement of my Lady GridUrea , I took you in Adtfiria, where I was advcrtifcd that the Dutchefs by your mcaneswas inthronizcd in her territories, and that not

B b


The fixt Books cf lix moncths before my arivall there , you



departed from therefore travcrfiog Almaiim^ 1 her without her leave ran to Coniianci^ where they told me that you having combated a Knight which would have forced a Damfell, after

you had

defeated him, tooke this way j which I having Vnderflood did the like but my journic had been hindred if by good fortune the Solitary Knight had not anved^ vhen he delivered me from the hands of a villaine, who would have deprived me of my honor, hanging me to the branch of a tree : Now having found you 5 I defirc yoti to returne back againe for my Lady having heard from her


vellous contentment

maryou that after you returne, you {hall receive better ufage then you had before: my great friend replies he, I will performe her commandement , and belecve that my Nephew qjall be alfo ready to returne with me then they went to finde Lifvart, who was in another chamber, and hlqnefa fo well afted her part that fhe brought to pafleall that you have declared, at which he was fo pleafed, that hee (eemed to be depaJtcd from hell into Paradife: and neverthelefs remembring himfelfe of that which he hadindured, would not contein hlmfelfe but faid aloud : Ah my Lady that fo much

you were gone in fearch


oiLifvart, received

for laflure

have fuffered without meriting it ; Alas / not having offended you had I need of fo cruell chafti{ement ? which without doubt had been too gracious, if I had committed the fault imputed to me Ah Gradifilea you have delivered me from death ; but truly before this comfortable news, what aflliftions > whatpaines? what dolors? did ifuffer, and all for your occaHon in truth my greao friend hlquefa faid he, imbracing her , I am not of power fufficient to acknowledge your benevolence towards mc: for if 1 have faved your life by one blow, you have fayed mine a thoufand times a day ; Sir faid klqttefa , leave this purpofe, and deliberate with your felfe to take your way towards Irebifond then fhc recounted to him all that paffed fince his departure, which our Hiftory hath before
cvill as




G A U L E.


newly declared ; Ibelcevc faid Tenon, that weflialltinde yet there F/#reflj and our Companions flie anfweredhe was departed from the Court nialecontent , becaufc that the Emperor hauli niaried Griliana with the King oiBreigney andParmtmrGalHaoes and the others that have followed thisoccafion, arc retired to the Defended Mountainej towards King NorandelljSLgaitiik whom the Turks wage ftrong and crucll war In good faith faith the Solicaryj they have hadreafon, and Grilianj could not excufe her felfe, that flic had paflcd her word to another and could not recede from it: A/^e/<i anfwcred,Ict us cmbarque where we will difcourfc more at leafurc ; therefore the next day following having thanked their hoft for their good entertainment 3 they took their way toward the barque of the Solitary but before they diHodged^the Knight of the Sphere

chufed himfelfe to be called the Knight of the Almane Knight, and for that pccalion prayed the Knight of the CafUe to give him new armcs, which he willingly accorded to, giving him one of azure adorned with ftars of Gold,

and a horfc to the Solitary as faire as poUlble, to whom they Acknowledged themfelves greatly obliged: and as they traverfed the Foreft to goeto the Sea, the Solitary rex: ited the fortunes that he had pafled imce his departure from the vifion that he had had the night followConfiantinop.k ing , and the counfell that the fantafme gave him, to enter theibarque which he had fincc managed without any Pilot, at which the Almane Knight was abafhed, but A/qutfa aflured them that it was condufted by her father,

Lifvarts fafety, appeared to hini,and made ready for him that VeflcU, in which faid fhewe will embai^ue our fclvej : for we fhall navigate then more furely then if we had the bcft mariners of the Sea to condu.R; us aboutthc evening they arived at the barque , andentring

who curious of

therein found


viftualled, with all that



andfromthat very inftant began to failefo iwiftly , that ihey loft fight of the land eight dayes , during wiiich thinking to goe into hfii*, they were cart from the Mediter-



The.pxt Booi^ of

ranean Sea into the Ocean , an i traverling the Columis of Herculer , tound thciHiclvcs oneSund iy at the break ot day nigh a rich tairc t *ven , where chey demanded oF Tome Fiihcrmen Lhcnameor the Cotintrv Kn'!;;'hts laid they , you are in great Brittaine,andin the Khig A>^j^i/ oi Giuls Territories, whofe name is fpfc^id throujh alithcm/ivtrfry and although at iirft (iich news was little agreeable to the two Knights: neverth'ie s the Solitary prayed Almant to land , end to goe fee the Country, which having d jne, they taking their horfes out of their barque, mounted upon ihtm armed, cither to aifaile or defend, atd to the end that they might not be known by the mcancsot A/(jitefj^ they prayed her to keep her felfe as much covered as fo taking their way towards a greac tie might poilible Forcft they efpied two Knights ; the one of them armed v^ith black Armour, bearing in his (heild the like colour, but that in the middle there was painted a divided Hart, and the other had Armor all white, with a (heild of the fame: he with the black Amies addrefljnghimfelfe to the Solitary, fpakegracioufly unto him, faying: I pray you Knight, let us break a Lance together for the love oT Ladies 5 you will not refule me, as I think , at lead; if you be he as I thinke you to be by your fheild , whofc Prowefs is renowned in all places and moreover you are now in a Country , where thofe that have delire to acquire honor
: :

by well combating, firde enough to employ them: Sir Knight replies the Solitary, feeing the colour you bear, I think rather for a companion then any other think; it fs
not that faid the other

defirc to give


felfc againft

him with whom I cannot acquire that honor therefore lir I would not have jou impute blame unto me; but accept of the rtqueft Solitary

which I ask you; Knight replies the dehre ycu to excuic me at this Lance, and demand of me any other thing and you fhall not be refufcd feeing that you will have it fo faid the other, I recommend

you to God having

faid to his

faid thus,pa(]ing


upon my

faith thefe

from the Solitary he two Knight


feeme to



me valiant men 5 and 1 wruid willingly know '1 he Sulicary they are : I know not laid the other,

and hie Companion rode a long time in the Void} till they arived at a taire iliadie place , where they dilln ointed to refrcfh themfelves i i^r the heat was great.and ihen ihry fatisiied their appetite with that which Alfisfa bruuthc, after they had retrelhed themfelves 3 they remounted, tiaveriing the wood till they all came at a crofTe way , where
they eipied under a Fountainc an armed Knight, who talked with a Damfell , aiid laughed together as it feemed to them : neverthelefs , fo {oon a? the Knight difcerned them 3 he put on his Helmet , and holding his Lance at th^i point came towards them, faying Knight, pafle not beyond this place; if you will not give mc the Damfell as you conduct, to ferve her which attendcth me under this tree ; Alqttefa who went before anfwered him : I bclcevc Knight, that I am in a fafer guard then if I were with you. How anfwers the Alman? we arc two and you alone, dee not you provoke us to combatc faid fir Knight : leave the Damfell in peace, andusalfo: to thefe words faid the other, I willhaveher wlKthcryou will or no, to whom the Solitary anfwered, have I guarded her thus long to let you have her > leave you her, and goe fearch other fei vants for your Millres ; the other ftiaking his head , faid ; flc Ihall ferve me and you alfo ; faying thus, hafping his Helmet he came towards the Solitary, and cncountred him fo ftrongly that he broke his Lance to the point ; but thf* Solitary fo rudely handled him that he killd him at the fit ft Ih'oke: at whidi die Damfell was wrath, and crycdpirioully : ah Viilaine / who hath killed the thing in the world as I loved beft thi^s fortune you (hall dearly bu^^, and fo tearing her hair, as defperate (he mounted upon her horf*, and took her way through the wood , the two Knights not following her , but went another way, riding along till the jaight furprifed them: therefore they dismounted them then having fatisfied their oivne ftomack?,
: :

they laid themfelves


to llccp untiil the morning,





Bool^ of

when being ready

dead Knight

to get a horfcback, they heard one call

them, andalictleaftcrknewher to bethe

of the

who was accompanied Loth with the black

and the white ]?Cnight, which without any other defiance^ encountrcd each other; but the ^Iman and the Solitary reccivM thcni fo well that they would no: much boalt of their entertainment , everting them rudely from their
Nevcrthele(s they lifted thcmfelves up lightly, and putting their hands to their 1 words, DJd to the others: KHights,defcend from your horfes or we will kill them, and for that caufe alighting, began between them fourj Inch a combate , that the two Damfells thought that they had never feen a more perilous ^ and fo they maintcined thcmfcives one againft the other a whole houre and more thatit would have been a hard matter to judge who had the better of the Combate: but in the end, the Alman handled him with the white Arraes fo well, that he began to wax feeble, without making other refiftance then to fhun the bloud of his enemy and on the other fide,he with the black Armes, knowing well that he had one of the bcft Knights in the world to deale with, gave him fo great a blow with his fword, that made him put his hand to thp ground to fufteme himfelfe : at which the Solitary being vcryangde, recharged him fo lively, that In lefs then an hourc the field was covered with pieces of his Karnefs, and thcgrafle dyed red with his blood ncverthelefs he defended himfelfe as he which was full of great Prowefle, although he had left but: one part ofhis Sheild, with which he covered himfelfe fo well as he could : then Ihe (aw ea(ily that fhe had loft her Lover , and that (he could not be revenged of him , defpairing of remedic , caft her felfe
: : :

from her Palfrey to the ground, and taking a truncheon of a Lance, faid aloud that everyone heard her I have notpleafed the Gods, that I live after him which loved me

call her better then himfelfe,and finifhing thefe fpceches , (he that peirc'ng ftomack her , truncheon, the felfe upon

down dead


which the Solitary was



knowing his

viftorie certainea faid to his

v/hat induced

you to


enemy Knight againft me > Combate this


Ldidit faidlie, to fulfill the will of the d.-ceafedDamrell, to whom J promilcd to kill ycu, or die in the attempt i (lie i^faidthe Solitary no# with God or the Dcvill , and by her deccafe you are acquitted of th< Combate ; whereof 1 pray ycu for the cfteeme which I have of you, to tell me your name, and although that he to whom he Ipakc was

not\wrlhnding theft fpecchcs having fo with revenge, that heanfwercd, brandilh* ing his fword: By God Twill lirft trie yet mutable forin danger of death,

inikmed him

tune, and rufting upon the other. , gave him two inch blows that he felt himfelfe igreatly outraged at whofe how? what by my <:hoIler he marvelled, and faid to him head then you fhalllooleycur lifesandoficndirghis armes, if the fword had not turned in his hand he had killed hims but it ontly cut the laces of his Helmet fo that it fell from his head Then knew the Solitary that it wa his Unckle Neverthelcfs he feignFlorcJl^H:, fon of the Km^SarMnia ed not to know him 5 faying: Knight, I will not^thaE you hold your felfe vanquifhed fecfng you havepurfucd
: : : :

your enterprife fo much as the f^^rces you ar accompanied with would; Notwithftanding, 1 defire you to tell your name*: F/?rf/f;7 who by reafon.of the lofs of his blood jvas fo much debilitated , that he would hardly fpeak 5 anfwgrcd him, truly Knight , if I have centered more then I ought to have done, thinking not to ha\e found that in you which I had he^rd to be ; but now I Hndc it too true to my cod, itis the courtefie y Ou have u'cd towards me, not regarding the outrage I have done you, J afluVe you I am fon to the King Flordian^ fflid named as

my father

I have many times heard ipeak although I would never have beleevcd it to be fuch, but that I have tried it: therefote I pray you let us remaine friends 5 at the chajge that I will fervcyou faithfully all my lii^^Ah faid Fhrefian is it of me you demand mercy? and whilft that they held thefe gracious c .

Sir faid Lifvarty


of your-great valour


fi^^ ous fpccches , Alcraaii threw the Knight with the tvhite artnes to the ground , and taking ofFhis Helmet, tJilHking to kill him, favedhimfor his Nephew Farrmnif, Aleman very forrie to fee him in "^that cxtremitie , faid unto IjUrn wickout making any femblance of k^wing him ; that fgr the good Chivalrie which was in him, he gave hira his life: amongft other difcoiii'fcs the Solitary demanded oi Fhre^ fian, who was the Knight with him , replyed he it is m-y brother , but I pray yoawho i* that Knight that hath vanquilhed him, he nameth himfelfe replide the Solitary the Alraaigne Knight, and from Ai'mane we ran together for companie then we mounted all foure on horfeback, and taking leave one of the otherretired our felves: Florefl-an and Farmenir to an adjoyning Caftle, where they w'ere carefiilly healed of their wounds, not w/thout nuich'difcourfeing of the valour of ths two Knights whom they had affaji-^d ; bye becaufeic doth not appertaine to our Hiftory







and onely tell .you that Florejian bore- black i becaufe Gnliana was married, as Itath been before recitfd, which did norat all extenuate the affe(!^ion which Ihe had towards him 5 for they loved as much as it was poff]blc for any hoping if hf loft the name of a husband he /hould recover that of a friend , and f *r this caufe bore in


hislhcilda divided hart, as ycu^have heard.




G A 5 L E*


C H A.P. X

Forefi with Alqucfa

Knight aud the Altnan traver/t^g the , the Jon to the Ewper^r ef
to break^a. Ldttcc

Rome 3 fcnt to fray the solitary with himfor the leveof Ludies,

i7/t/^^.and Terion being feparatcd



nd Tarmmir caufed

Al(^nefa to


to their wounds, which (lie did To W^l^ that they did not hinder them from travelling : , i^i^aiJt (pthat at the end of the Wood they met a trainc of i^siights, and others that belonged to the EmprefTe of Rome , a-nd the King and Queen oiSar-


who wer then come to vific the King A madis^ and Quecnc Oriana, The Emprefs wascondiiftedby aKnighE arnled with white armour, and embelifla^d with rich precious ftones, and a bright Ihining fheild with fcTen letters of B After her King FUreJian and Qneen Sardinara marched, and after them the other Ladio and Knights. ThisCompany marched very neere the Solitary, and tKe Alman and the Knight in the white armcs fcnt a DamfcU to the Solitary, to intrcat him to doe him the honor to break one Lance with him for the love of Ladies, it being thefirft day that he had borne araaes fince he had been Knight<?d , to which meflage the Solitary returned anfwer

that he did willingly accept of his offer,' if he or fome.others would lend him a Lance, of which he was at .that time unprovided. Don FUrejian King of Sardaigne foonc fent him a Lance which he accepted of, and therefore the Knight In the white armes being ready, the Solitary gave
ipurs to his horfe,

and the two Knights encountrcd


but at their mecting.the Solitapy lifted up h;s Lance and he in the white armes encountred^him fo ftrongly,thit then turning his bridle, he hii Lanc flew into (hivcrs faid; c 2

faid : By my IS publilhedj

The ftxt Books of

God fir Knight, your courtefie is greater then

and it is no wonder that yoar renown incrcafethfaas itdotb, feeing tWit without touchhig me, you can fo well vanquifli nie, that 'fqr the future you may command me, ashewhodefircs t^ferve and honor yCa: Knight anfwered the Solitary , it is you your fdfe who hath vanquidied me by your virtue , which is fufficitnt to
fubdue the proudeft Knight in the world* -And therefore I w^juld intrcat yrii to difcoveryour {elfe to me I am faid


Ion to the Eriipcrorof Romey and my name is Finerpie* 7 hus I am forced to leave you to the proteftion of God to follow the Emprede. Thus they .parted, and the Emprefs and the f eft fet forwards , in the way to Fenttft , where King Amsctit fojourned, andthe Solitary returned to Terion

and Jlquefj. with Pinerpie^

and recountec^ the difcDUife he had

Chap. X L I
HoTD the S^oUtdry andthe Alm^m feat h\(]}\th to King . Amzdis^ and ii^hatdjfccurfe JJje had with hm.

He Solitary Knight and

that night




and the next morning they remounted od horfifback. They had not long travelled when they met a Knightvery wcjary , aad his amies
the Foreft,
tainted with blocd: whereforethey asked

hira'where h had been fo handled, who told them that he had rcfcued a Damfell from two Knights , and hadkilled one, and in purfuingthe other he had loft his Squires they then asked his name, fir faid he, lam csiiUd Angrioley V* EjlrevauXi and am great Mafter of King Amadir his houfe, Vj whofe command I am agoing toLo^(/;to informe the Knights how to hon'or and receive the Emprefs heouoriHa^






he would keep open Court at the next Penticofl, andh<s, thenarmc the Prince y^<^iei/,*and one of the fon* of King iVf>r^</e// Knights "(who lately arivcd. here for that purpofe) and therefore I pray you firs.j if you meet my Squirqs (hew them the ivay that i am gone. Then taking his leave of them, hqleft them difplcafant to fee him in tbis daftgoi, for tlicy loved and efteemtd him greatly. They travelled not much further before they faw the Knight
that yl^rio/e had killed, and a villain by him, of whom they asked howfarit wastoFewM/e, who told them twi3 miles or thereabouts, andfoidhe, I did this day dirtft a

company thither, aiidamongft them there was Agrhs King of ScotUndydXidi AiUbila his wife, who are-igone ta vilit King Amadis. So they departed, and the next morning they fent Alqttefa difguifcd to the Court, to King /mt dif, toinforme him, that the Solitary Knight ac.cordin^'^

to his promife, at the Caftle of the Rock was come* to vi [\z him, and did deiire to have a fenotwithout theTown^ where the Tourney was to be held, becaulc he and his Companion would not be known, which the King grant, ed unto her with many thanks , and thereupon ordered Ga:2dalinto provide a Tent , and every ^hing necelfarv, which he did, which bei^g done, flie (promilmg that the two Knights fhould be there on the morrow) departed and went to the Knights^ %






Booke of

Chap. XLII.
the Solitary

and the Alman requefled of the King^

te per r/iit them t9 ^eep the FeJld^ againfl all' thofe ivhorfOfdd come tothe'jonji^ and breaks Lantes^frr

the [pace ofeight dajes,

being returned ^ as you have heard, and having reciud thclucimeof her anfvver to the two Knights, (lie prcfently departe'd to Fenufe , where they were greatly welcomed by King AmA' dis, and the reft of the traine, and in the conclufioUj becaufe King^^j^/ij did know that the two Knights would not willingly be difeoveredj and the night drawing on, he gave comniand unto Gandalin to condud the Solitary ,and unto their Tent , and fee every thing provided t the Alnian tor them , which he did : and after they had taken their leaves of VAn^Jimadis and the reft of the Court ^Gandalin

conduced them
v;ith all things

to their Tent, where they being provided

not difarme

^ knowing that they would before he was departed. .Then' they refrefhcd tiiemfelves , and the next evening they repaired to the Court, where they found King htnadis 6.i(-





courfing with Argamont/j but fo Coon as they came in they left their dilcourfe", and the Solitary Knight approadhing neerthe King, kneeled on the ground, and f^d to him fo loud that every one could hear: Moft puiilant and Soveraigne King, t|je oceafion. of our coming into this your

Countrie,hath beeri cfpecially to doe you fervice ; and after we had heard of the Court you intend to keep this next Pentecofta wetKought good to make one requeft*to-yoUj

which we humbly intreat you to grant us which is, that you permit us tomaintaine a Joult for eight daycsj again/t




G A U L e!
hang two


thofc that

\v\\\ trie

tkcmfelvcs under the con Jition yuu


(hall hear.
fiich as

We will Cit

pleaie yoii)

(htild j

our own are, on a poft, and that Knight that fliall touch cither of them fliall be obliged to Jouft again !l us 5 and I for my part purpofe to doe nothing, But what (hall be for the honor and fervicc of Madam Brifenna ycu;daughter ; for fo long as I abide in this place' (if flie pkaf to accept of me ") I (hall and will be her Knight, but none fliall call u8 to Gombate with the SwoAi , for what .we doc is oncly for plcafure ^ therefore if we be all thrown down we will mo^j^it againe, andfojouil: untill fome of us be call on tiie ground 3 and.tht others renwine in their fid. dies , and thofc that doe fo remain<;mounted5 (liall bq obliged te maintainc thefe conditions : f(ir the rt(T: of t!ie faid eight dayes, and if it happen that one Knight doth diimountus both, one after another > then he (hall be Gbliged to maintaine and continue thefe Articles foiHhe reft ot the faid eight dayes. And further if fo (lands with the pleafurc ot my Lady Brifcnna , (he (hall fend for every Knightjthat we (hall vanquiibjthe name of thacKnight thiv:

be vanquifhcdj


teliinionie that this




priftd by usforherpraiie

and honbr* In good




fwered the King, you (hall not be referred


but if you

think good I will be third fo that if it (Ijail happen rh.ic you be both difmountcd , then the vanquifljer fliall be bound to jouft \^ith nie and thisjhall onely be for all



Thispleafcd all the A(rembly except ^wcrplc, was a*s much difcontented as Brifiunawas joyfull oV

the entcrprize that was done for her fake. Pwer/>ie\vas greatly in love with Brifemia ^ and therefore he bore in his Sheild feven B. as you have formerly heard and was come purpofely from Ills own Country at the report o,htr beautie. This di(courfe being ended Trgulan{on to Ga'2^i// had the charge of ere6:ing Scaffolds wiihout the.
: :

Town, as


Solitary had appoijited.

QH A n




Boah$ ^f

Chap. XLllI.
being, in the Qcni^any




of many


Olorius Pr/wcc ^/ Spaine arived at the CGftrl to intreat him to give hi/pj Knighthood.


^^^^I^T^^ S they*vere thus difcourijiig together about v^^^^AV^S ^^^ enterprife of the. Solitary a Gencle,



entrcd the Hall




J^j'/^^^N^ of the. cibth.of.'G'old covered *Vvith peafls, ^^^^^^ and rich precious fTones he was fairc and of a goofl ftature. In his Company was twentie Knights and as fliany Squires, and at his arivall making great reverence to Kin^ Amjidif , he fee his knee to. the :groiind ai^d kiffedhis hand?.* But the King gracioully rcceivedhim, and aslied him who he was. Sirs replied he, nvfmxw&i^OlorieujoiSpaine^ and I am fon to King T>on
: '

Sri^wyoiTrfijigulargood friend, who at my requeft fent me to you to reverence the order of Knighthood, which I humbly increatot" you to, befto won me, being confident that I canno't receive this honor of a better hand then ho he was , kindely welyours. Amadis underftanding comed him 3 and prefented him to Queen Oriana, and the Empr^fs Lcp(7ri4 5 faying to them Ladies fee the King of Spaines Son , I pra^ make him w^elconfe he then humIjly fainted them , and a chalre being brought, the Qiiccn caufed him to fitdowne.. And becaufe the'Solitary and the

Alman would retire, Amadis

left him to difcourfe with the Ladies, to give the good night to the two Knights, untili the next day of Pent ecoft thej came t the Court , it being late and their Helmets on their heads , becaufe they would not be difcovered j and they found the



of Spaine and Naples , and King No'ranJellt Son armed with white amies, as it was the cuHome for new Kui.^hts. Thus they v/crc conducted to the Church to watch


w^tfth whither they were attended by the Eniprcfs , ihc Qut;ens Oriana, of Scotland^ and of Sjrdaigm , the Infants Brifcnnay and other Ladies and Damfellf* who left iheni
there untill the next


when Wwj^i/

in the


Knights, and mai^ other great Lords, Ladies a'nifDamfclIs went to them. Then he gave them the Order, and OrzV<3 girded oa the Sword of Olori, theEmprefs Prince Elimc*Sy sndthe Infant j Frifennj hdarielh, 1 hen foon after the MafTc was folemnly celebrated by the Arch-Bifhop of Canterhiry, and from thtnce

panieof jjie two


they went to the Palace , where the great ^aH was hung with much rich Tapeftrie, which thedeccafed King Lifvart had caufed to be made an his time : in the one wliereot' was ddcribcd the Combate of Amadis againft Jiidan Caniky intheot^hersthacof the Enirjgtu^ the triali of the Arkc of Loyall Lovers, the Defcndecl Chamber, the proofe of the Sword, and the Scarfe with flowers, the cruell battell of one hundred to one hundred betwen King Lifvart and Cildjdan at that time,that Amadis loft the name of the faire forlorne , and likewifc how he vanquilhed the two ftrong giants F amongemad and his fon Barfigar.t y who carried mtlnfama Lemor Prifondl-.^But the Solitary and the Aiman returned, to their Tent, where the Infanta Brifenna fent them horfes and all manner of other provilions , as Cloth of Gold tb cover their Shcilds, with which they all did, and fo taking their L*ancS they went unto the place appointed for the Tournie , whcthfer foon after came King Amadis accompanied \vith moft of the Lords and Ladies of the Court 5 they had not ftaid there long before they faw fix ^nights very well armed , and mounted , who came outdftheForreft; foure whereof retired, and the other two C having touched the two Sheilds that were placed on the pulars ) prepared thcmfelves for the EQCounter, which they prcfently performed io , f hat their Lances broke into Olivers , and they were forced to mcafure their lengths on the ground which Fortune likewife happened to the other iouronely, thetwolaft ran twice before they left their







who were ordained for. the horfes. Then there came keeping of tke Tourney to know their names but before they arived they had pulled off their Helmets : fo that they faw the two firft to be Tehtii the Flemming, and Yrguian fonof Gandalin^ the twfi others Vragotufs and Bahnir, and the others Garnate of tke Dreadftill dale , and Ainhor of Gaadell fon to An^ritle VEftfevaux. Soon after the Infanta Brifenna fent thenamesof the vanquiihed jKnighti aecording to the agreement , and foon after that fourteen Knights w^e feen to come out of the wood, and a little while after tenk>thers, who camt all to touch the (heilds lit the two K^nights rewarded them all fo well, that he bon made them all mealiire their'lengthson the ground. Thus thefe two Knights (after they had done with thefc) remained rcadie to afTaile or defend as occafion ihould happen, iihtill it grew dark ; and therefore the -King Amawith all his trainc departed to fupper, where.all their difcoiirfe was about thefe two valiant and victorious



Chap. X LIV.
Urgatida came by Sea to FcDufe , and of the fearJbe fHt the Tovpn fn-

^Hefame night as fuppcr was almoft ended, there cntred lome into the Court to informe'/Cing A/nadir that there was
the ftrangcftirghton thcSea that ever was beheld ; whereupon the Knights of the Court being fomewhat ai^right-

ed with this tdvcnturejprefently armed tUemfelvcs , andran to the Sca-fidej in the cornpany of the KingjW^cre they faw about a mile of a Mountain of fire in the Sea, and from thence diere came fo much thunder and lightning that the Inhabitants of the town were greatly frighted therewithifo that they thought it was the judgments of God to punffli them for theiu for-. mer Iihs wherefore they fell on their knees to ask and ;im-plore Gods aijr^this Mountaine approached neerthc Shoare, and the ncerer it came the more the fire went out,

and at laftall the Mountaine vanifhed, in lieu thereof they onely faw a great Ship with Apes , and every one of their Apes held a burning Torch , and there was feen twelve Damfclsjand in the midft of them fate one Ladie, who was Toon known to be their Miftris, and they made the rareft and this Ladie was foon knowne Muiick in the world by ^wj<i// and others to be Vrganda: wherefore Amtdis

havfng a SkifFc boarded her (Ship. And then after their ufuall manner of greeting, fhe began to recont unto kmadis andthe rcfl the caufc of her coming, which fhe faid was onely to dee him pleafure , and partly. at the defire of

the Sagee klquefa who had lent her that (hip with Apes to conduft her thether. Then Amadis led her under the Armc unto the (ho^rc , and fo into the Town , wherejhe was




fi^ Books of

Welcomcd'by Oriana,^ and the other Ladies of the Court, It was late above midnight before they had ended J and their difeourfeV and Vrgandj prayed the King to let her iodgc with the Infantu Brifenna to keep her company, ^hichhe confcnted to wherefore giving her the good night, flic was conduftedthithcTj and every body went tO


Chap. XLV,
HoTP the tvpo Knights carried the honour of the fecrnd, thircly fourth, Jifthy imdfixth dayes of the Tourmy.

p^'^'^'^^Hc day following" after


dinner, the King and

mjics went to the ^"caffolds , to fee v;!-iat Vv'oiild happen to the two Knights in this r.,.,.'.,_ K^>;n Bi>,'*^ dayes adventure,, where they had* not long pM^gi^Sid^ flayed btfore there iiuicd twcntie Knights cue of thewood , who having touched the Sheildswere all foon difmoiinted to the* gteat honour of the two Knights, nndfo ihcy continued untill thchf.h day of theConibate, ftill vanquifliing all thac they encountrcd with all. Whi^rti'ori Phtrpie and the three other new Knights intrcatcd the King to let^hcm trie themfclves againft the two Knights, which requeft the King at lalf granted, and diat tvening there arived before the King <\'

Knight, that was armed at all points, except Helmet and who was foon known to be Sergill , fometimes Gantlets, Efcjuircto JlfpUf:diafiy 'Vfho brought news that the Emprefs was newly brought to bed of a Daughter, named Lciana, andll e was fo called, becaufe(hebada]}iiniDg$tar an her hfi bre?.ft. Ghrius of Sji^ine being at that time pre-fent, and hearing hereof did prefently rcfolTe to choole no other device but the flamins Star, which he caufed to le made againlUhe next clay when he pttrpofcd to trie




G A U E.


The next day the foil re Knights being cntred again ft the Alman :and the Solitarv , they all joufted bravely , efpecially Obrms who ran ei'ght times without being dimicunted, and the ninth time they were
both thrown from their horfcs when refenrly frefh horles f were brought them, and at the tenth courfe Olarius was caft from his horfe 5 witbhisfaddlc between his lees and* that night he difmounted above fourty nior amongll whom there wai Strgll^ Mareince and Garnate of the Dread:

full dale, Siontes ne:phexv to the deceafed Lifvart, Lijioran^

and many

others , whofe names I thinkegood to omit: I'hcn the Infanta Brifcnna fcn't her accuftonied meflcnger , tvho deured tjie two Knights to be at fupptr with the King, which they accorded to.

Chap. X-LVT,
Hopp as King Amadis was rifen from Supper a Damfell cntred^ who brought him a MeJJage from Uvo
firange Knights,
fiipper was ended there entrcdinto the Hall a Damfcll, who loon caft her^ftUc. down at the feet of Amadis y who dcllrcd him to fiifFer two Knights who wcrr newly arived in his Coiintric, to fifjhc ^ with fwords (with the two Knights that maintained the Jouft) in the great Hall of his Palace, fur as then it was fo dark that they could not poffibly fee to- jouft within th.e Lifts. Which the Kip.g would not grautjunlefs the two*Knights defendants would confent unto it, which ihey prefently did : wherefore the Melfcnger departed , and foon after there afived two Knights with a moft gallant traine , being very rich ^ and having Heralds wiih Crownes borne before them; they * d 3 fy.^n




Booke of

foonbcgam their Combate, ivhich was bravely maintained on both iidcs for above halfc an houre but a Knight that came in their company had a goldcH fiaffe in hish^.lKl Hold Knights, ivent between them, and cry^d out aloud hold, you doc not fight in good earned:, onely in jeaft, and then the Heralds approached, and taketo pleafe Ladies fng off their Helmets placed Crownes on their heads, and Scepters in their h^nds, and he with the Golden ftafFe was fbone known tobePmtfw ot Sobradife , and the two AC failants were (^d/j/5 and Pintiquhiejir^ , and the firft that began to dance was Mandy the Sage All the others were bla^k and white ^vomen, which fpcftacle made the King and all his trainc to laugh heartily. And the^wo Knights Terion and hifvart went to cxcufe themfelvcs for fighting with the Ladies. The K#ng Amadis kindely welcomed them, and they related unto him the caufe of their coming to his Courtj ivhich was onely fai^ they to vifit your Majcftie. Madam 0ri<n4 5 andyour daughter Bri/(rn<a , together with this your honourable Court. In good faith my friends faid the King, you have done me much honour and pleafure , and I thanke you with all my heart. Pinti-.' quinefira Was at that time fo faire, and of fo good a favour by reafop of a vermilion colour which was mounted in her face, that there was none in the comply , but did judge her more worthy to force men at a Combate between twa Couitaines , th^n to handle the Armcs of Man for what dexterity foever fhe had to aid her in a Combatc , or in the field, thatof Fen/ was much more proper, and
: :

pcculiai? toheca






Chap. XLVII.
How the two

Defendants bore away the honor of the andoftboft that they vanquified.

He next day at the accuftomcd time wKich was after dinner, the King Queen and tadies went all to the Scaffolds where the two Knights jouftcd with many valians Knightis, asPmof Sobradife^ and MancljGandalinyLiiiorav, Branfitl^TaKtiUT the

Proud, CarineofCarfante J Atitalie (on oi Olivsj ^ Braceis fon of Brandoyvar^ Garamont (oh to tl>c King of KorewjleSj Brandany of Gaule, and many others whom they vanquifticd,and after they had unhorfed all theft, there came eight others Out of the Foreft, v^ho were a company with onc Ladie and fix Damfells , with whom the two jR^ nights Joufted,afterthcy had touched the two fheilds on the Pillars-, but they were all of them in' the end forced to meafurc their lengths on the ground, after they had tirft joufted very well ; for the eigtTi Knight who jouftcd with the Solitary broke eleven Lanc,.and at the twelfth they met with their bodies with fuch force , that the Solitary loft ne of his ftrings, ready to fall if he had net laid hold of the nock of bis horfe ; but the other was thrown d^wne, quite bereft of his (cnces : but when he came to himfelfe, he and his Companions pulled their Helmets from their headfjind faluting the Xing and Ladies, the firft that jouftcd was known to be GiUorof Scot/and ^ and Arandaliehl:: brother, the others Cj/yp^wc, the haughtie, and Galfarj oi Jiornt, the fifth and fixth Smdie o( Ireland ^ fon of King Cildadan, -who had newly received the Order of Knighthood , and AngrioleD* Efintaux-, who was newly comt fiomLondon \he {cventh w^s ^aedragant, and the eighth GaUor Kme^of Sabradife^ all iCnightSa Err ants who con',


to viilte



Booh$ of

dueled Briuhma:

who with this

traine of. women

Queen Oriana^ andhafl cafually met thefe 2<^nights, Great was the welcome that King hmadis made them. Soone after they faw ten i\nig,ht$ more come out .of thcForcft, "who were all thrown from their horfts at thefirftcncounicr, and fo the night drawing on they left off for this hight.Then the King and ihe Ladies departed, conducing his brother and Queen Brielana to the Palace, iwherc they found fuppcr readic, during which time Galaor d-tnandcdof Manclj if heiincwany nevvsof his two fens Talanque s.nd Ganmer , whoanfwercd hiin that Taianque $rnuJf^nd that Gjria^fr had married die Queen ftaid in Calif of Lijirie^ and Cz*J5>t;rM being a puifTant Queen, which he had done by theviftoriehehadhadover a Giant in open
Battel!, the

Knight of the Sphere bdng prefcnt. This

news greatly pica fed b^/rfor, and all the company, and all that evening they had no other difcourfc, onely a little before they went to bed Ajm^/ happened to fpcak of the Prowefle of the two Knights: who (fai4hc) have done fo well thefe few dayes paft, that if they continue to morI fhall account th<;m for thebeft runners at the Lance thaf ever f faw , and I will know, ifitbcpodjble, wherefore they hold themfelves thus. But the Solitary and the Alraan purpofed otherwifc : for they intended fo Toone as' they had finifticd this eritcrprizc to depart ^om this

row ,







How the twQ Defcndduts

"had the

honor of the eigth

and lajl day^ and of the ifHvxIl of t^e green Knight who difarmed them:, a*td Amsidis himfilfe:

^S^^I^S^XOuhaveheardhowtlietwo Knights behaved

|o;^\N^>/f^^ themfcJves the liven dayes j now you are to liear ivhat they did on the eigth, The Mafle ^^^JJi^^p being'. celebrated betimes in the morning,



made haft to the Scaffolds tx> behold thcjouft, where the two i^nights unhorfed

Knights, who came in abundance to the feaft that to be holidcn atPcntecoft. A little befoi*e evening there ifliicd out of the Foreft a fCnight in green Arfnor,


vsras known not to have been idle: for they were fo battered and broken , that he fcarce had any thing ^vhepewithall to defend himfelfe he having rfiadea 'great the K'm^ and Ladies t'ouchcd the fheild, and prefently the ALman ran againfthifti, and at the rirft

who by his amies


courfc their Lances flew Into fhivers-, but at the fecond encounter the Alman was thrown from his horfe , and the Green KnigUt remained unmoved in his faddle : at which adventure all th aflembly greatly wondrcd, and hmadis fufpeftedthatitwas UfpUndian: yet heiicld not this qpioniong, but armed himfelfe fo faft as he could s for his mmde gave him that he {hould be forced toincountec with The Alman being difmoufixed the Sothe green Knight. litary prepared for thg encounter 5 but bf at the tirft courfc ivas unhorfcdj the green Knight onely lofeingone of his ftirrops.Thcn hmadij being armed , an5 coming unto the ^ ihat at L^fts, the green Knight received him bravely their firft encounter the King was forlld to leave his horfejf back. Then the Solitary feeing this earneftly defired the green ;Knight to come to the Combate vvich the Sword,


which he at



Booh^ of

laft did , and alighting from his horfc, and being covcrd with Ws (heild, and fo^hcy aflailcd on&anothcr but the green Knight at tRct rff blow ibai he gave the Solitary cleaved his fl:eiW in twaine J atVhich he being inraged gave the groen Knigly: To great a blov cn the Hel, met, that^thcre was heard a f reatthu.iui.rcjapjafjd fo great but a darknefs that the two Knights cculd not be feen Amadis^ and the green. Koighc remained on horfeback,and the green Knight was ibone known to be the Sage ^/- qnif y which being k^iown the laughter was grcap, and y^/fl?/iikindtly welcomed him, and above all things de-. fered him to difcover who the other -two^Knigbts were, which hewouldnot doeby no mcanes, exc^fing himfclfe

the King for that particular. They had in this time of difarmed* three hundred twcntie aiTailants , amongft the reft ther.e was Von Galaor K'uxgo^ Sobradifi^

the jouft

Oloriu; Pv'ince


, Pirion Prince Prince E/ize .Snyflies o^.heiaKfi, San to King o{ GanCildadjn, Mancly the Sage, andhisbrother dell 3 Vun ^Mdr zgant of Ireland^ Angrio'e D^Eftrevaux, Garni ateo( theDreadfull dale, the Earle Gadjlin, Luofan of the

o^ Spaihe

y-Pincrpie oi' Njple J


white Tower, Lf/?y/<jaof the Silver bfidgc, tlicKingPragmis , Baionir |his bi'other , B,\mjill , Pomptante \ Iantiks the Haughty, Carhiee of Carfanie^ Atalie of 0,ivjiyBra-*

fon of brandaguak^ Garamc^nte ion to the^^'ing of NorVfeny of A'-tnanre, Beandanieo^ Gaufc^lalam/KC his brother, Teltt'is the Fleming:, Am.-idtirie of Bretaigne^Siivelhrie of Hofigarie , Ahncly of Su6p, Galpborie of Kcpi^ ? Qalaor of Senlarid^ knundalie his brothei; ,Gij//ege the proud, A/:j?cfon'toG^?5^e of theDreadfull dale, Siontes Ne-.' phew to King hlftifhty Silervie ion t&Don Qrumed.m^ Pinti' ml of Carfante'y (on to Balayj "V rguian fon to Earle Canda' lln, Filarte of the Vcrmdin Tower fon to Bra7-:'^ , anda Spanilh Kgight naiMd Saltans. And by rtafun that thefc V/cre bettet known -tnen the others , therefore ? rhought good to name th'em , according to the names th.^ i Br jtnna fcnc to* the two Knights by J^er fltelTcngcT ,. who like* wife
TVit'ei 3

Amadi s


Ga ULi.

wrle entreated them to be in the Kings lodging that evening, bccaufc fh^ would (peak with them, to which thej



Uowhy^tbo wedfies of Urganda the two Knights nere knowHy and af the marriage s ofVtxiow fen to Calaor, with'^een Pmtiqnmedni and the sag^e Al'

qulf with Urganda the Vn^iown.



He Joiifts being ended for this day, the King and his traine went to the great Hall of" the Palace to Hipper , where they found /verything read/ : then ^madis'fitung at .the tablrwith /iiqitif Siud Vrgaml^ del red her to give them fonie plcafiire by her skill, which fhe promifcd to doe. Soon after the Alraan and the Solitary entrcd tlieH:il^5 who being armed as they Were accuiiomed, went tofalute tiic Company :'but there appeared over their heads two haiids which had macesj

and went to aflaile the two Kni^'jits at the firft blgw tha* was given, all'the Candles and Torches went owt,' and all

but by chance tho falfc the place remained in obfcurity fcabbord that was on the fword cf the Solitary fell off/ andtheieby, bj^vertueof the ftones there was fo bright a light, thatLij^^rf and Fcrio were both known, who were then without Helmets pn their head.s .at which adve'nture Vry one was exeeeiiing joyfull , efpecially Pimrpie , who * unrill then had been jealous of Lifvart ^ and Lijv^rt cxcufedJitnafelfeunto Awjiif/ and the reft, for his fo long time |oingundifcovered, and Vrgandadt^-imd ^zrdon for hr offence : this -adventure caufed much, joy unto all the Court and the Ladies, and the Que Qriana a^d all the reft came to cmbrae them. The^ncxt'day the^^uecn PimL


The fixt Boohs of

jiiwe/frjdecUredunto kmadit in the prefcncc of all the Court the caufc of her coming thither, wjiich is ( faid (he) to Amadif y toputyou inmindcof your promifc made to me at Confiantimpie, to bcftpw a husband on me, and one that is of your own Lineage. Fintiqtflnefira having finifhcdhcrfpeech, Ai<j<ii/.whohadhearKncdto her difcourfe made an fwer that her requeft.was reafonablft, and therefore he would indcavor to doe that which ftiould he to her liking: and having often perceived the afFeftion which Pericn ion to Galatr had Borne unt6 the Queen, he thereupon asked of him his confent, which he very <VilIingly agreed to, and fo concluded a mariiage between Ferionznd Tin" iiqidneifra, and caufed them preftntly to- falure one anbtherin'figne of marriage, leaving the perfecting thereof until! the next morning ; wFien the Arch-Bi(hop cel^ bratedMafs. All the Company was. very joyllill of this alliance, cfpecially the King of Sohrodife, who fee^pg the Sage hlquif and Vrgandj coming togc'cher with great affeftion, he purpofed to conclude a marriage betweeo them two: wherefore htintVeated their confents, which they willingly ^rancej^ , and fo tfie Marriage rites were performed for them: and fcrion and Tinttqumflrw both tpcether.






the Covu of St John Amadh being great Lo^ds^ the Go'vernonr ofS\%\\h arived at the courts leading with him a King and ^een inchante'd; and ofthat which happened therethe daji

any of mam



He Solemnity of

thcfe Weddings conti* nued-for thcfpace of eight whole daye.',

duiyig which time Perisrz was crowned Ring, and Alquif din<\ Vrgmda having taken their leaves of Amadis, and the* reft^ departed. As the King was one day in the company of many noble men, there entred ^ Knight clad in mouining his beard and haire being white, and hanging dowrv as low as his girdle, and he carrjcdin his hand a roule of parchment, with Lettprs in Qold written therein , and a Kftight followed hfm armed with very rich Armes, havmg ncer linto this a Helmet made of a polifht Diamond Knight there went a very faire Damfell j htving very ricli ornaments. She had on her head aCrown garnifhed with great Emeraulds and Kubies , and fhe was accompanied withtwentic Knights, who had- all black armour. He that

marched before them



great reverence to


Amadis^ an.d related to him thceaufeof his coming intb his Court,which was to trie, if any of the Knights and Ladies of his Court could finifh a moft Urange adventure^ which was this.. The Prince of Sic;/ff) whofe name was Aipstracie was inchanted, together with Mr^wiwe^ his wife^ and they could not be difinchantccb but by ihe loyalleft Knight and the beautifulleft Ladie unmamcd rn the world:

aBd therefore tliis-old man went into all Princes Cotirt* to trie if he could by any meaijes hap; en on lUch a Knight,

c 3







who by

coiubaring with AlfMracie (hould conquer him j and ftich a Ladic who could obteine the Crown which fne hid on hcchead. And the Roll of Parchment that was in the old mans hand was to this effeft. The old man having (tkliveredhis minde unto Amadij, he prefaitly granted unco himhisdeiirc, which waste fufFcr this adventure to wherefore there were many be tiled in his Court theiirft was /idjfid Knights that tried this adventure \'.ho was foone vanquiQied by the "dschantbd Knight ; then
: :



Suyjjk e>i Ireland, ylmboro^Gandellj

of the DreadfuU dale Pintinceo^ Carjj?ite, SioateTj Silercie Ton to Van GmmedaK, and 'Fallorefte fon to Brjvor : no fooner had thefe Knights tded t'hJs adventure, bur news .was brought to the King that three (hips had taken anchor
wherefore he fent jprefcntly to know who : they were, and they reported that it was the Irj/a^itaBri-^ ftnna daughter to Von Brnneo who came to keep her coufcn Brifenxa companic. Amadh with his tr'aine went out, and he brought her into his Palace where Trifon was ready, and thcr foon entred two Koights unknown , who after he
at the Port

had faluted


King and


went to combafe with

but theytwere both after a (hort fight vanquiQied, andthenthey difcovercdthemfelves to be ^edragaJit fon to ^^edraganty andA^ie/of Inland^ whofearivall increased the pleafure oftKc Company : and htnidis inquired of them kow they had left, the Dcfci^ed Mountaine:

him that King Ngrandell and the Admirall had taken truce with the Turks for fix moneths, andthatin the rneane time they had been in Icarchof a Knight called the Solitary ; but now they heard of him and found him. In this time the Queen Calafia had armed her fclfc againft thcinchanted Knight bftit (he coming to adaile, he inftcad of drawing forth his weapon tQ defend which King himfclfe kneeled downe on the ground Amadis feeing he faid to her : Madam , I thinkc he Ijves you "better then to fight with you.* Truly faid flic Then Feriort of Gait It advanced to aflaile i doe belceve it.
: :


MAi> IS de

Gaul E,


the Inchant^a Knight': and the Combate laftcd for the (pace of twohoures , bat in the end he was vanquifhcd

Wherefore Lij'vart fct forwards j and balling on his Lady to aid him , he drew out his fword , but the Inchanted* Knight \vould not draw forth his j but the neereji- Lifvjrt approachcd^iim the more he fled from him Co it was inithen Lz/t;<zrtpue up his fword in Eolilble to overtake ifim is fcabbardj and purfued him fo fail as could, but he could by no meanes coaic ncere him 3 he fled Gi faft, which they

all feeing




and Fripn himfelfe faid that

he had ncvc'r f^n the like. Wherefore hedcfired that the Ladies might aflay to get the CroWne of Myramima^ fo the Infanta Brifenna he^zn, and fb]Iowing,the old mans diixftions kneeled down before theinchanted Queen, and faid to her: Madam j mayitpleafeyoacb give me that Crown whereby you will make methehappicft Ladic in the world? A^firamlfteatookehcvbY the hands, and took her up, and tookc her and left her in the midft of the Hall , which conftrained Bri/e;i J to blufli with fhanie, and coufen Elifmtta came in her ftead, who as well as many others were denied ; Seme were iervcd ^^rfs ; for (he gave five or fix fiich thrufcs

with her lift againfttheif fjomacjvs that (he threw them on the ground, cauiing^reat layghter. Frijion having taken his leave of the King , departed wii+i his Company,
being forry for his no better

ixicctC^,- kndhlpatrac'u and remounted into their Charret covered with cloth bf-vSilver : and being followed by twentie Knights armed wit'h black armour, in figne of 'fadnefs followed on their way, leaving Ufvart much troubled that he could not

fini(h this

adventure. In the

mean time ^edragam kept


the*companv of*the Infanta Elifina of whom he was enamoured, and (he w is as much on her parjt after fi:e had fcen him combate will the Enchanted Knight, #





Book' cf

Chap. LI.

Amadis on the behalfe of and Sanraginc, of the retur^e of thofc. the King of who rrere ntr^ly come to Court* .
a Kfirgkt came to defire

He (Uy following


there came to the Court a Knight almofta$ big as a Giant , who being come before the King delivered hhwa Letter,. fealcd with foure Seales, wheireia was conteincd as foUoweth.


SXilpicie King of Sanvagine ( by the death of ouf Vnckje Grifflant of good memory whom our Gods feed with Amhioii^i and Ncftar) Grafantc dndBo^
ftfofc our dear

and well beloved brethi^n^ doe let the Amadis the King of great Brittainc l^ow^that the Go3t having.givcn us forces and power , vpe are refohed to revenge the death of our late' deare Vnckle^ upon this condition we prefent you^he Combate of us three againji three of yours whom you fial/ choofe , and if w^ are
vanqutjljedwe will then deliver- up all the reji Qf our Countries without^ ever laying claime thereuHto bere^
after o but ifwe doe va/tquijh your three ^ then wejhall expedlthatSarqu^ics^whomyou have left in the Ca/ile

of the Rock^fjail depart , and leave us peaceable poef ft. n of our Country,

The King having heard this Letter , demanded of ihc JVIeffengerifhehadany thingnowtofaj, towhith hean fwercdno; but onCly he.delked to have fafety forhisiV!afters, if the Combate were accepted of that they might


come to
the King to


G A U L e\


the place appointed-

Lifvart being prefcnt defircd

, and to-fufFer him tochoofethe other two, which the King granted. Lifvart chohng his Unckle Perion^^nd Oleriitsoi Spaine , and the placed^ the Combate was appointed to be at 7rebifondCiK moncchs after thatday. Thefe things being agreed upon, the MeiJenger departed , and the i'xth day following Lifvart Periomnd 0/crf/ departed, accompanied with AAje/rf hdariel and E/i/z/c; thele Knights had Vermillion Armes: they being on the Sea Toon loft fight of Brittaine , and the other ftrangc Princes who had been at the Court of King Awj^'z/jlikcwifc departed, araongft whom there were theQiieens fintiqnincf^ra and Cjlafea^ who being ariVtd with their husbands in the Idcoi Calif rnus, found lalmquo and King Gjriw/?'", who were come thithrr to (cc them, where after fome fmaM ftay, Gar'tntcr made a prefent of the kingdome oi Jugurte to AJandy : but ^edragant who was

him be one ol:" the three

paionately in love with Elifefina, remained in great Brittaine 5 where he foon after married her. And as for the EmprcflTe of B.ome Ihe rjcturncd into* //.:/Je , where being irived, the Emperour difpatchcd Ambaffador^ towards
for Tinerpie^ which the

kmadis with exprefs charge, to demand the Infanta Brifnnx King and Ori^wj willingly agreed to, in fuch fort that (he being a rived at Viterhe , the Marriage was folenniized. Thus hmadis remained with very fo that being; one day at the cha(e he little Companie heard a voice, which called Knight of the Gecn Sword; VfhcD he looked* about he faw nothing , but foon after he heard hiaafelfe called Gentleman of the Sea, and faire forlorne, and not knowing from whence ihis voice fhould conie, h^i hc|{-dhimfclfe called Qrecian Knight. By God {iiidhc<ohirnfeUc, I am much called upon: wherefore b rod -on lurcher thinking of the ftrange moblUties of fortune that had happened tq him,^ and lidiug onhishorf* dipt down , and in riling a^aine he iaw a young childc^

whi.h feemed co be about three years old, who faid to him hmadit what doc you think on fo oiuch, 1 tcU you, that one




pxt Booig ef

come Very fuddcnly who fliall rob thee of wliit tho^ and thou and all thy lineage (hall die by hi hands he had no fooner faid^ thus , but he vaniftcdj and hmdit refolvcd to rcvealc this to none , and prcfently after lighting on his huntfmcn which he had left, he returned to


Town of


H^ LifVirt and his Companiont



by Tempeji

and ef the succonrwbich

<?/ Moniafte



King Don Brian


againft King Mirama*

Fenufe, the tcmpeft

and his Company being departed from was Co great^ that they alt

thought they (hould perilh. And after they had floa'ted on the waves for the fpace of one

moHCthanda halfe, their Veflell was caft on the Port of Catibage^whlch being known
-by the Mariners, they were very joy full, and thereupon they purpo fed to rtay there untill it fbould be more calme wherefore they fent their fervants unto the Town to feek
Viftualh , who being returned, feported to the A'night* that they hadiheard it publifhed from the King of Staine^ that all thofe that could bear amies (hould within fifteen dayes repaire to the Citie oilolttte. And faid they had enquired whither they were to goe , and we were told that MitamamoUn King of Marvects accompanied with ten other Kings, as well Afrieam tli hrabians ^ were rentrcd Sp'aim^ and have already forced many Cities in revenge of
the death'of King krinato , and khey doc now befiege thcifc dnje with very great force. This news being heard Knights , they all purpofed to aid King Brian |in the bagtcU unknown, and fo if the King had the better to depart.





<inknown, and therefore they left A/^w/iinthc ftiip wirfi the Mariners, and weiitinto the Town. And then taking their amies they went towards Cordove , and they made Co much expedkioB, that within eight dayes they ariyed at theSpaniOi Carop, wherethey carried themfclves as clofely as they could , and the Army being come neer to their enemies J the iCing hrim fet his Army in readinefs to aflailc his enemies , and fo did the King AdiramamoHn : when after they had encouraged their fouldiers to fight, and were readic to joync battel] , there arived a Herald from Kinj Bria to Miramamtlm , who (aid to him : Sir the moft mighty and redoubted Prince Brian of Moniafiti my 5overeigne King and Lord fends m to you, to command yo to depart his Country, otherwifche is rcfolred to gire you baitcU without taking any of you to mercy. Aifi^ ramamolin being fomcwhat frirrcd up with this Meflage, anfwercd without delay. Herald , returne to thy Mafter, and tell him tliat I am not come hither for that purpofc, to returnewithoQt fighting 5 and that I fear not the threats oi thofe whom I make account to vanquifti , and that I will have him at my Biercy, before it be night yet. But it happened otherwife, for the Herald had no fooner taken leave of him, but they began to skirmifh on both parts, and fo they continued untill night: when they were fortedto leave^ hoping to begin the next morning.


F f





B0oh^ of

Chap. LIU.
HoYfthetifioo Hofis met^

and of the



Companions gave

which Lifrart to the King of Spainc*.


that night the two Camps watched^ diliand about tkc break of day they difgently, 4) ^\ lodged, marching againft one another with


great fury. Lifv*rt and his Companions had hid themfelvcs , untill they came to break Lances, and then thefe five unknown Knights entredintothe battalionof the hfricans^ vjhich. was under the command of the King Fez : and atthcir arivall they dirmountcd f vc of the braveft that they met, which the Earl Mediae feeing, was very joy fnll , afid crying Spaine, S/^jisejCntredwitli his Troop pell-mell, where they were
fo Well received

down more then


that on both lidcs there was thrown a thoufand, who never ftirrcd any more.

Lifvart^ Perion^ Olorius j "/iie,

and Adjriell performed

leaving in all places where ihey came, great tefiimonieof their great ProwelTe, and Chivalry : King RriAH himftlfe aftcd wonders for the renown of his name and' frccdome, and good of his Country ; To that after a long end terrible Hght the Pagans were forced to retreatjtheir King *A/irjw./<5/; being llaine by the hands of Bz-mw and

andmofcof theGiantsancI Kings of the Pagans being vanquiflied and killed , the Pagans being put to fiight could not run fo xvell , but (ix thoufand of them remained Prifbners, and the reft palTed under the edge of the Sword the night gave an end to the purfuit , and Ly the darknefs thereof the five iCnights had good opportunity,

and meanes to retire unto anadjoyningCaftle, where the Loid thereof honored them, and kindely welcomed them. There they abode untill their wounds were healed: and
then they departed to C<ir/J^dgcw, where A/^w/tf Itaidfor them.


c/sG AllLK.



But the i^ood i^ing Brian, whocaufed fearch to be for them , that night that the I attailc was. and Ice-

ing that he could by



mct.nes finde

them was huich

But Li/ and his Company prclcntly imbarqucdthemfelvft, and let iailcfor 7re&i^i/. !t har^penfd that eight dayes afterihey difcoTcrcd a (liip that had (he Armei of Confianthiople wherefore l.ifvart commanded 'bis Pilot to enquire who was ;iboard therein, and antwer was made that it vimsGradaJTln and her father, winy bt^ having any news of Lifv 't returned into their Countt V This anfwcrput.the Solitary tea Oand. toconlidcr of rli*i wlu '% cvills that he had endured by mcancs ot the Page fore h*" would not manifeft himfclfc, but commandtd lo


Horv the



wherein Lifvart and his Com^anioKs-

failed^ wascaft by (iorme on the Ijk of Apes^ where theyfaiv M^irveils ^ afidof the jvcIcomc that Alquif

and tlrganda made the^.

O^AAAAAADHefctwo VeiTclls pafling by one another, jO|?>^^?5?5Jg as you have heard, about midnight the,

^^ 2

T* "^

;> furic

^% ^^^ fwtUedin fuch manner, that(by the of contra ric*vindcs) thofe who all their life time were alroTailed had ^^

Buc* "^^P^ of lafetie, of th^ day ihey.difcovercdLand , in one of the faireft Klands that ever they fawj %vherethey landed) and taking forth their horlts-; mounted thereon, and left Al^uifuln afhip, becaufe thc^. didpurfucaVillainethat did" beat a Damreil they pirfued him fo far, that they came to a Lake, wlitrtinto he en ^O^S!iSiSk!^!^'^ S^^^^^'

^QV7atvd^O> about the dawning


and they could not



^t hinij

f 3

but tb^ waier.

>yater of the

tht pxt Booh^ of

Lake began to

in fuch

manner, that they

\rerc forced to flee to the higheft

Mountaines in the Ifland, lead they (hould be drowned but the water arofe Co much, that they thought that they had been at the end of their And as the .water began to move their feet, they Jives, heard in the aire a found, andafong, the moft melodious thatceuldbe, and they perceived a woman naked, )>eiiig from the middle downwards in the forme of a Fifii, who did ling and play on a Harp., and did fwim in the water where (he tooke great plcafure. This harmony was Co dcle6kable totheai, that they forgot fhc fear of death to hearken thereunto, and fell-down a(leep(as they thought) being halfc covered with water : neverthelefs at their awaking they found themfelTcs in a great Hall, furaiflied with all manner of pleafant Viands, and every onebf them thought his ccmpaiiion to bef of Marble , and neverthelefs they were fohungred, that they did cat diforderly. Thiy remaiijcd in this opinion an houreand more, untill they had flcpt j at their awaking they found therafelves fitting at the Table in in their former naturall (hapes. Then they faw at the two ends of the Hall two Statues of Alabafter the one ofanoldman, and the other of a woman about the fame age, each ofthem holding a great burning Candle in their hands , then there came two Giants who affailedthc Statues of Alabafter, and the firft ftroke that they gave caufed fuch a thunder , that every thing was in oblcurity; but the light began foon after to appear , and the five Knights faw iiiftead of the two Statues klquif and Vrganda the Un^Lnown: thus their fear. was turned. into 5 oy , and klquif zvidiVrgsnda came to imbrace them, telling thnthat they were welcome: fo.)n after amc Pi!qnefay who after they had left her landed likewifc, knowing that it was her fathers liland , and that her father would feaA

them before they departed. Then Klquif and f^rfr^snda led them out of tjie Hall to (ee the cxccllcncie of the houfe,
andtheLibrary, wherethcoldraan fliewedthcm the Prophecieof A/'?//Vv, and that of the Swoxd, which tJfi/art conquered





of the Arke of Loyall Lovers', the flrangcnefs of the Sword, and the Garland of Flovversa how Amadis was inchantcd by Arebelans from whence Vtganda brought him j the manner how he and others (lept He likcwifc fiiewed them divt rs books in the Firme Ifland. of Midea^ wherein Was conteinedthe Prophecic oi A!pattaoie and Jldiraminea indoiixted^iis you have her.-d. And faid he 5 I knowing the things that have l)apf>uied unto you this day, and great part of tlie fiiiure, will take the paines to regifter in writing the adventures that have happened to yon J and what (hall happen haeafter for it is
contjTicred the Invention

not rcafonable that they fhouldremainc in thedarknefsof forgetfulnefs, neverthelefs r am certaiiic, that after I have chronicled them, there will be a thoufand yearcs before they will be rcmembred. But the thoufafid yearcs being pafied, yea5(Tftecnhundred3 they (hall be piiblifhed, and your memory {hall fhlnc throughout the world. Wliereforethe Knights kindely thanked them, and from thence Alquifind Tr^^^Wj conduced them throughout the IQand, where they fhewed them an infinite number of green ApcS,

and other


there they ftayed about

Then they returned to the Caftle, and two dayes. About which tifwe they

re-cntredtheir fhipa andth^iking their Hoft and hoftefle for their kinde entertainment, and weighing anchors they

departed 5 and fet faile for Tre^ip;?^. They had not failed tWcntie fourehoiiresbeforethcy fawa fliip taken by another, and they faw'amongft the prisoners Mafter Eliz^' hah wherefore ihey made ready to fuccourhim, andfoon after the fhips joy ned together, and there was a great fight between them; fortherewastwentie fighting men in the other Vedcll, befides Mariners, ButLi/z/ari and his Companions foon difpatched mod of them , and the reft they took to mercie, and then they difcovered themfelves to Maftee Etis^nbethy who had been fcnt by i^ing Amsdisto follow them, fearing that they flwuld ftand in need of him. The Prifoners which they took to mercie fwo re to depart to great Brittainc , and declare before King Amdis


y^ovj ihcy

had becntakcn, and






L V.



fondj and the Emperor and the Ladies.

of the

Companions arivecl at Trebicome that w^s wade them h)

'A^er E/i5:.iie//;^bchlg retaken, asyoa hav^ heard they preiently fct forwards for Trebifnds and they had not failed long befjr they avived there. They being arived, L'fvart and Terkn took ^Iqneja apart j.d they confulted together what they had

at laft they btft to doj in this atfeirc concluded that He ll.c^irld, goe bcfope to tell Onvhrea and Wherefore they advifed to tdl Cricikre4 of their arivall.

4 htji'-


Companions that they would fend A.'qucfj betore, 'tell the Emperor that thty were in the Port, which

ihey ccmfenttd unto. /Ilqttcfa having a Skirle, in [horc time took land, andfbe had not gone lad before flTiCmct with Ikidcima , who being very joyiuU to i'ee her, wentprefentJy into the Chappell, where the Queen was at Maffe, with OnGl'rreajAV\A Gricilerea to Jnforrnc tlieiq hereof, which they knowing came prefenrly forth to fee her, flic foon told

thcnnhat their twc> Knights Li/z'jr/ andPerfo;^ wereatthc Port, and were come to. render their fcrvice unto them, which caufed fuch joy to the heart of Onolorea^thzt 11 e had almoft Iwcuncd they continued in their difcourie A- lung that word was brought to the two Injamaj^ that the Queen was readic to depart whercfoi e they left >^/^Ke/'c/, having firft delired her to remember them to the two Knights , and C7ri^m.2 having defircd h^to tell Tcrian ^ that IhcdeHred him to bring his Nej hew to the windowes in the Garden,
: :

the next night





, they might commune together : Co the Alquefj , whoprcfently went to the Emnc-

roiir to intorme him ot their tiding*: when (he came before the Empeioiir , he demanded of her where fbe had been lb long time, to which (he anfwered, and told hini all the paffages that had happened toherl]nce

had Found the Solitary, who was L//vart, ft.n to the Emperor of ConjiantinopU, and laftly, how (he had brought him and Perion together, with three other great Princes unto the Port , rcadic to come and offer their fervice to them. This ncwes was exceeding pleafant to thcEmpcrour,and all his Court ^ cfpecially to Omh^ rej, whohadnowhcardthat her Knight Was the Solitary fomuch renowned. Wherefore the Emperor dciircd her to intreat them to come to Court, and theuigfct drawing on, the Emperor bid her good night, and fo (he departed to the Knights to tell them the effeft of her Emballie, who having heard thereof by her could not fleep that night for thinking of their Ladies.


and how

her depar-

Chap. LVI.
M&hp the five Knights reverenced the Er;/peror, and of
the difcourfc which Perion

and Lifvart k,dmth the



Srj-n^-^J^^He/Cnights having made thcmfelves ready to goe to the Palace, did fet forwards, but )^^r r^C*-,^ they had not gone far, before they (aw the '. v/ "' r^;;^^..: Emperor coming towards them in the ^^>ji,> I Companie of the Kings of 'Bnigm , the V .o, Dukesof Om7r/g and /?/j/ofe, with many other Princes and Knights. Great was the welcome that the Emperor made tothefe ICnights, and they contiued in coming fo long together, that they game to the EmG g prefs

Wfl rMf

2 26
prcfleand Ladies,
as the




entertainment meeting, the they nor the but great to rejoice : caufe Infantaes found two Knights could not by any meanes fpeak with one another, untillit was evening: they pafTed the time away untill it was evening , and then they went to the place ap pointed them by Atqmfa^ where they were no fooner come but they found the two Infantaes ^in readines to receive them, expefting their comming. The Infanta GriciUrea /hewed very much courrefie to her i^night , and gave him many thanks for his bringing Lifvart thither, and Onohrea did endeavor to excufe her ftlfe for her cruelty ftiewcd to her Knight , and did now make him part of amends by her gracious and favourable afpeft to him ; here they nfed much familiarity , and nothing fo much grieved them, as the fo foon approach of the day which forced them to part

who gave them as good

if any

Emperor had

were glad of

here: at their parting were many fweet kifles and imbracings on both fides , andatlaft the two Knights were forced to leave their Ladies and depart to their own lodgiugs , where they arlved without being perceived.

Chap. LVII.
Emperor of Trebifond ks^ping open Qourt^ mth his Company cume thither , and hom Lifvart and Onolorea put an end to this adveuture.


Kijion having traverfcd

many Countries,

KrJgbts tried

and been in many Princes Courts atlafl came to the Court of the Emperour of Trebifmd, and there according to hiscuftome, defired that this adventure might be tried in his Court, whercunto the Em. perour confentcd, and therefore many their valors, hoping to get thevi^ory ^ but

Am A D
they were



G I u ii*

2 27

none to and Perion^ who would not adventure themfelves 5 6ecaufe they had once before done then according to th Emperors deflrc the Ladies beit gan to trie tlK adventure, audit happened as bad to them as it had done to the Knights, until! all had done, except Omlffrea and Gricilerea^ who purpofed Jikewife to trie their fortunes* Then (Sricilerea advanced, and making great rfverence to the Enchanted Queen , faid to her Queen the faireft that ever 1 faw, may it pleafe you to give me this Crown ? Mjraminea took her gent/y by the hands, and inclined her head fo low to her that fhe killed her, and then flie left her in her place. W herefore flie being fomewhat
trie their forces, buiLifvart


Co that there remained

alliamcd retired amongft the LadieSjand Onolorea advanced,

who looking on Lijvjrt asked the Crowne of Mjrantintay who taking it off of Iier own iiead, and kneeling on the ground, placed it on the head of Onolorea , who being
glad hereof, would have ri fen up, but it was impoflible, for (he could not ftir, and fo all the corapany could not ftlr one jot from the places where they were, at which they

more to wonEmperor, and , would he or not, took him by the hand and led him out of
der was
this ^//'jrr^ciecameneer to the

And that which made them

the hall.

And the enchanted

Qtieen did as


co OnoU'

andthefcwho faw it could not fuccour them: for they could not come neerthem by twelve paces. Which Lifvart and Perion and his Companions feeing, they ran haIHly to their amies , and Li/z/jrtatlaftcameneer the inchanted Knight ; but it feemcd to him that the place was full of armed men who aflailcd him , notwithftanding he atlaft did hit the Inchanted Knight fucha blow on the helmet, that there was fo great a flafti of lightning and thunder , and darkncfs in fuch abundance that Lijiari nor the Inchanted Knight could not be feen: and at laff there was feen a Chariot drawn widi Adders, who took the Helmet from the head of the Knight, and the inchanted Knight called to Frifton his Governor, and (aid Governor G g 2




Booh^ of

you think good into my Country, and there you (hall finde me. And having faid thus, the Adders flew into the aire fo high that they loft fight of them , and the Emperor remained in Libcrtie ; Onolorea being crowned with the Crown of Afiraminea., and the Adamant Helmet at the feet o^Lifvart , which he foon tookc up, and beheld
Ftipon having thus loft his Company, departed to his Country j but before he went he had many faire prefents given him, and fo he returned kito Sicilig withlcfsCompaniethen he came. the rarities thereof,

Hotpa Me (Ttngerbr ought news to the Emperor &f Trebifond 5 that a. King of the Savage Jjland and his two brothers were arived in his Country ^ to comhate tvith Lifvartj Perion , and Olorius , according to the agreement made before King Amadis.

J^Carce had

Frijion departed the Hall befoi-e a Meflenger came to the Emperor , to tell him that the King of the Savage llland was come^ with his brothers to combate wich Lifvart, Perinn , and Olorius , and likcwife to have the Emperors fafe ^uard , which he foon

granted. The next day the Emperor (knowing that the iiran^e Knights were come into his Dominions^ fcnt before the King of Breigne, and the Duke oWrtilenfa to meet them , who met them and con du6lcd them to the Court of the Emperor, who welcomed them, as alfo Li/idr/hirafelfedid, which the King of the Savage I fland perceiving,

andknowingLi/t^jr/by conjefture, wondered hercat, and feeing him fo young, offo faire a Countenance, he told hiBi, that if his three Companicns were fuch as himfelfe,he advifcd them to bring a handkerchief to w5peaway thefweat.

A^'eat, if they (hould


chance to be hot in their harncJTes, anfwered Lifvart have fometimcs abafed the pfideof as ioftie as you are, and behold them both Taid he (proftrating to them ) Wba t faid ( Bojlreffe the third brother of the iung) have we croffed the

Thole who are

my Companions

Seas thus for to fight with


as for




have no other weapons but a diftaffe to chaftife mine. Then faid Ujvart , you call us women becaufe our faces are fairer, and we are more affable then you are: but you (hall linde our hearts highj and our amies ftrong enough to make you change this opinion. And becaufe the i^ing hath threatncd me this Knight fliewing him Perien

combate with Grafante; and for you Seigniour hofiroffe^ 0/orr/whoisnot to be handled with diilaffcs, as youboaft, but in recompence of the CounlcU which you give us, to bring handkerchiefs with us, I advife you to leave nothing behinde you for all your forces, your bravadoes, glorious and threatning menaces will not be fufficient to lave your life. The Emperor knew very well that choller began to reign in them wherefore he prayed than to leave thelc fpceches to the event of tjhe Combate, During thcfe fpceches, Onolorea and Gricilerea were retired into thctr Chambers , weepingand lamenting for the eminci;t perill that was prepared for Ferion and Lifvjrt 5 for thty had feen the King of the Savage Kland, and his brothers, ^'hoin their Opinion feemed rather to be Dcvills then men. But A'quefa comforted them very well , by telling them how nianf and dangerous Combats they had had 5 and had alwaycs been viftorions. The Enipcior the more to honor the Combatants , caufed a new field to be railed in , it being a place where they might be fecn by much people. The King of the Savage Ifland fent to the Emperor, to intreat him to futfer K^diure Soiildan ot L/quea to be one of the Judges , "which he accorded to , and he likcwife ordered Danlark King of Breigm to be theothcr. This being done, the three Chriftian Knights retired into the Chappdl , where they watched and prayed, making
: :




Tfje Jixt

Booh^ of
(bould plcafc the Lord to


for death,

if it




Chap. LIX.
and Olorius entred thepeld^and theyhaddgairiji Sulpicie iC/5 which >ba,te CO gfthQ
Lifvartj Pcrion

Boftrofe. of the Savage Jfiand^ Garfante And

|He night being palled , by break of day the fix Combatants prepared themfelves to enter the field, and the three Chriftian Knights entred the field in this manner. Th Emperor carried the Helmet of Prince Li/2/*rf, and the King of Brc" igne his ftrong and tough Lance ^ the Duke^rti/ef< carried Ferioas Helraetjand
the Prince oiAlafontt his Speare. TheEarl of Alajire carAnd in ried the Helmet of QloriuSi and hlarin his Lance. this Equipage they entred in at one of the gates of the

and the King of the Savage 'Ifland with his brothers at the other..Who were armed with black A rmesjand their Helmets on thcirhcads and their Lances in their hands. At a Scaffold adjoyning, there was the Emperor and the EmprefTe accompanied with Omhrea Gricilerea, Gtiliitna and lirianMy with many other Ladies and Damfells. Then R^diarc and Vardarie Judges of the field placed the Combatants one againftthe other, and the Trumpets (bunded, the Herald proclaiming three times that the Combatants [houlddoe their devoir, Nevcrthelefs it was firfl: agreed on between them (according to the advice of theSouldan of Ijquie ) that they fhould run one after another, to the end that it might thecafierbe known who did beft, and thofc fa id he who remaine on horfeback (hall afterwards alight,
that they


pursue their cntcrprife with their fwordj.


Thus they




ran againrt one another in fuch mnnner, that they were all difniounteda except Li{vart^ and Bojlrofe^ who were ranch fhakcn with the force ot the thruft, but they alighted according to the agreement, and there began a

Cornbate between thefe hx in fuch manncr.thac at the laft in danger ot his lifcjas you (hall hear. Sulpicie who was his advcrfaric, thinking to difpatch himfclfc of his enemie, ^zveLifvart fo great a blow with his fword on his Helmet of Adamant, that the fword brake \n three pcccesj and none but the handle remained in the hand of Sulpitii^ hereupon Ufvart found himfelfc fo charged with the blow, that without the aid of his knee he (hould bave been forced to kifl'c the ground. Ncverthelefs he arofe up with great nimblenefs , and ran agiinft the Kiiig, who was without weapons ; faying to him fo loud that everv one heard King, know now the difference between ill fpcaking and welldoing, ycildthy felfe, or thou fhalt die without remcdie. What Joy now had Oaolorea which laftcd but a little while for as Lifvjrt thought to cleave Sulpice in twaincj the fword turned in his hand fo unhappily, that it flew out , and the King foon got the poflcflion thereof, againft the will of him who had threatned him. Then Sul/tffi faid to him, Lifvart, Lifvjrt^ now I will revenge the dath of my Unckles , and carry thy head to the Rock. Onolorea more dead then alive, thought that fhe fhouldhavc fallen from the Scaffold; but her fifter comforted her as well as (he could. Lifvart then feeing himfelfe in this con dition lofed never a jot of his vcrtue, bnt being fomevhat defperate ran npon^his enemy, and put by the fword with his left hand, and took hold of his chollcr with his righ hand , and then quickly repollefled himfelfe of his fword. And faid to the King, Vanquifhcd King, thy head O.all goe to the Caftle of the Rock inflead of mine, and having fa'id fo,hca(laultcdhim fo fiercely , that he quickly cured him of all difeafes and Olmuj handled his enemy fo well, thatinftort time he likewife vanquifhed him, Grafjntt who was aflailcd by fmon , fcij)g his two brothers flaine,
raoft crueli hifvart



2 %i



Booke of

t>ecame faint hearted Jn fiich manner, that he did nothing bucrecoyle, and in recoyling he fell ddv/n' backwards: but in falling, Pcrisw cut his throat, to thVgreat contentment of Gricikrea , and of all the Company : 1 hen the


began to found, and the Judges came into the field to bring Irifli horfes to the VanquiftcrSjwhom .they conducted in triumph to their Lodgings, where Mafter iLiizaheih took them into cuiWy , alkring the Emperor (after he h:id vilittd dieir wonnds)ihat they Itould foon be In the meanetime the ihvants of the King Sut^ healed. tide tooke the dead bodies , and with great ceremonie and and then they fet faile for lamentations embalmed ihem their Countrie, uherethey finiO^td their funerallsj and jthc Emperor difpatched a Gentleman towards /m3<^//, to informe him of the iflue of the Combate. Wherefore hma" dis Cent Arga:7tmt for hk Lievtenznt, andrevoaked Sarquilis , to whom he afterwards bcftowed as many good gifts.

Trumpets and


Chap. LX*

after the three


Knights were healed of their



their Ladies at
fphich happened,

and Perion Te?it to fpea^ vptth the Garden mndorv , and of that

Chambers one whole month , untill their wounds were clofed up, Klquefa kept them Company, bringing I'ecret Meflages from Lifvart and Periin to Onolorea and Gricikrea for they fpakenotto them thcmfelves , unlefs the Emprefs wasprcfent; but one time they had {b much opportunity to fpeak to them , that the Infantaes appointed
jHe three Knights kept their

to meet

hem at the accuftonied window in the garden that The time being come that every one went to reft,






atone departed out of their Lodgings , and went to the place appointed , indhifvart^ and /ri obteincd Jo much of their Ladies that night, that th^^ appoin ted them to come the next night, andagainft that time the Infdntaet promifed to get a key made to a dore that came out of^heir Chamber into the Garden , and fo they might have the more privilcdge to come together , this being agreed , and the day breaking, the two Knights took thtir leaves of the Ladies, and departed to their Chambers the next day theypafled away in the Company of the Empei'or, and when night came they went to the place appointed. The two Knights marched along fofcly without making any noife when Gricilerea who watcjicd jor their coming perceived them : And as they pafied on to goc to the window, the two Ladies came out of their ambuQi, and laying hold of themjfaid flay Knights, you are our prifoners. Perion and Lifvart kneeling on the ground kifled their hands, Ferion taking Gricilerea went apart from Lifvart^ who hold*ing Omlcrea imbraced, faid to her / Madam, the pleafure which I now have is fuch , that with too great eafe , my heart (which is yours ) cannot containc in it fclfe the joy which is offered, thereunto, by the fweet entertainment which you pleafe to give me with fo much privity, that I
: : :

am conftrained humbly to require of you

nie4:irx^^nde2j;cureftLy indifcretion.



my te-


friend anfwered

fit down on this grade at our eafe , and feeing have fo much forgotten my felfc to truft in your goodnefs , I pray you that this familiarity may require as ^ijLi^irefpeftasifihadbeen more cruell. But whilft fhc prepared this honeft cxcufe, Lifvart by degrees gained the

let us


poiTeflionof her lips



and being about to padc


Ah my friend faid (he , content your felf to take a^i*5iih,Qf me as I my felfc can command , whicbi*t. fee

my perfon, without your taking the paines to bereave me of that, which you, nor no other know }\ow to render to me. Madam, anfwered he, you know the time
and to touch

failed in this Sea

of Love


now that I am ready


H h


^^ fi^



^^ enter into the fwcet Haven of mercy for Gods fake doe not hinder me. My friend faid OnoUrts^ will it not fulhccf

lam yours, and content your fclfc with the extewhich is the proper fruit of Lovers, without defiring fpleafure which is fo (bon pafled , and which brings (^as *s faid} nothing but fadnefs.But fo much the more flic profrior,

fered the (eexcufes, thelefs



Lifvart to give

credit to her, butlettingloofe^the bridle to his paffionsj

he cropt the firft flower of her Rofe, which was found to be a thorn e.- In this time Person and GriciUrta did their work atleafure. 1 know not, if they had fuch Covenants, it is very true that the end of the fport turned to promifcs and
oathes to rcturne on othv nights to the fame place, a witnels of ib happie fport : in which they exercifcd themfelves a week together, without being perceived or difcovered

no, not by Alqueja^ although fhe knew of moft of their private atfaires^: 'but of this (he was ignorant.


Amadis^^ Gaule*
Chap. LXI.
How the Emperor and


Perion hunting in the Forrefi feund A Damfell tveepingy and of that which hap-

He Emperor (being a moft affable Prince , not knowing what pieafure to give to the three Knights who had been lately healed of thci^: w<junds)purpoi{d one day to goe hunt in the ad;oyningFortft, and therefore he fcnt his

And as they hiintei ^fb make preparation*. were in the heat of their fport, the Emperor and Perion being together, there came forth a Bear, which ihcy f iirfucd fo n:uch that they killd k, and they heard a moft dolorous voyce towards thefea-lidc: wherefore they advanced thitherwards 5 and there they faw a Damfell pitifully lamenting, and a Knight lay by Ijcr dead , and doe Pericrj and the Emperor what tfiey rould, they could nos caufe her to leave herlamei^tations then they were very delirous to know her misfortune ; alas fir Knight anlwcrcd Qr.Cs let me alone, or promife me one gift , and I will recount unto you what you dctire to know. Perionhc'in^ rczdy to promife foone agreed to her : Then feeing it fo faid Ore , arme your felfe with the Armcs of this dead Knight who is my Father, and follow me unto an Ifland fourc miles from hence, where the Rafcal that killed my Father promifg^ to ftay, untill I bring

onetofghtwith him. Perron being willing to purfuethis cnterpriie armed himftlfe , and cntred into a Barque that was there adjoyningjand the Emperor went along with him to bear him Company. Then the Damfell made fuch fpecd,
will leave them hear thai they foon Igft fight of land. time, returnc to the others who hunted anotheF and untill


intheForeft, who having much venifon , and feeing the night approach ufed great diligence to findc the Emperor

h 2



The fixt Booh^ of

Yet they could hear no tidings of them

but a

ccrtaine foot-boy told dicm that -he had

(an th^m purfuc a Bear, and he (hcw-'d then the way that they went, where they found the beaft dead but: they could hear no tidings of the Emperor nor Tirion , b^uc oncly they found their horfcs unbridslcd then they being ac the Sea-fide faw a Sk^flFe, wheri^in there was two Dimfcils, then LiA^jrf courtcoully faluted ihera, and faid to them , D^midl*, I pray you tell us news ( if you knew any ) o\ two Knights , the one very old, and the other as young. Doe you fpcak (faid they of the old Emperor of Trehifod.. and ot he who accompanies him ? yea truly faid Lifvarf, I pray you tell us what Ifyouhave a ddjre to tinde them faid is become of them. they,- enter with us and wc will conduct you towards them^ upon condition that you grant us one boonc, otherwife hold your fclves adurcd that they arelof^j and you (hall not finde them in a long lime. Lifvart whodeijred to ferve the Emperor for the love of his Ladic, willingly granted them xvhatthey required, demanding o.^ them if he might carric more company. No anfwercd they, unlefs it be one, Oloriut wasprefau,whocarncil:ly entreated Lifvart to let him accompany him 5 which he granted him: in fiich manner, that they two being cntrcd into the Barque , we will leave the King of Breigne, and the reft on the land.
: :


Chap. .LXll.
Hovp the Emperor and Ptrion (^/Xjaulc were areficd hj the treafon of the Diimjell which conduced


fJlf^lJ^i^O'stwcwiil returneto the Emperor and Vnrlny i^l k^if{^ "whonuhe Damfcll conducted, as you have ^; rvf '/; heard j after th<.y had failed untill Sun fetjthey raJJS^^'^ vii took Pori; in a little Ifle , where there was two great Tents ercfted: at the entrance of one Wi'^-/there was a Ladie, with a Knight armed at all pointSjwhom
the Damfell (hewed to Ferfw, faying




him with whom you mult


and who hath by great

treafon killed my Father, Damfell anfwercd he, I promife youthat I will revenge him if] can. Then they three illucd out cf the Barque , and foone after the Knight aduanccd, who asked of them whether they wen^ , and what thty fcapchcd for. Knight anfwered ?srion , you have promifed this Damfel to ftay here,nntill fhe Ihould bring a Gentleman to fight with you , and revenge the death of her Father, whom you hav^murthered. And well ^aid the other, what of that I nothing faid Ferion^ but I will onely haveyour lite in rccompenceof his. In good faith faid the Knight, your cntcrprife is folly, and I willciiaftire you before you e(cape my hands. Having faid thus he laid hands on his fwofdjand Terii>n did fo likewife : v/hcn holding forth his fheild to defend himfelfe from the blow of his enemy , his fteild was cutintwaine, and he ftriking the Knight one blow his fword broke in three pieces, Rafcall faid th.s Knight, now fhall your head be lodged in rhe place where you entcrprized to place njine.Fi.T;;n feeing his cxtreamc danger, ran upon him nith great courage, ai;d took hold cf his cholicr, but there ifliud 'ix great 'laves out of the Tcnt^whereof four fcized on Ufvart^zmX two on tjhc Empcrorj whom they



faid to


IJenly chained.

all others,

yon are now

the Then the him Wicked Emperor , feeing that my power,! will make you an example to
to hurttheifriends of Armato^

Booh^ of old woman knowing

who goe about

and many other Lady anfwercd great Lords which you were the caufc of. the Emperor, I know not what you fpeak of: tut there was never To great trcafon as this, which you have ufcd ui>

and now I

will revenge the death of him,

to us.

Chap. LXIII.

fame parties thatfiaid the

and OXonusvc ere t a kgn prifoners by Emperor a fid Pt rion.


V^^y^^'^ ^l^'^''* ^^^ Otoriuj had hardly put to


Sea before

the night overtookt




_ ^'i cNlO

not failing untill where the Emj eror was,and there they landed. One of ihe Damfells counfclling

Nevcrthelcfs they they arived at "the


them to rf pofe on the graffe untill day. Which they agreed unto: neverthelefs, a little while after they demanded of 1J(vart it he rcmembred the boon which he had promifcd them. Yea truly anfwered he, follow me then faid the younger, and I will tell you apart what it is for I would not have anv know it bclides us It was then very darkc, nevcrthelcfs Lijvart and (he walked together , and the Damfell feigning to be weary, prayed him to fit down on the grafs, and talke together , which he agreed to, not doubting ofwhat after happened for the fal(c quean took him bthinde as he was ftaoping, and throwing him down took his fword from his iide, and runingaway, cried help me, Knightshelpme, help me: Lifvart being aftonifhcd to fee himklfe thus deeeivcd, ran after her as faft as he cculd but


Amadis^^ Gauls.
he was foon ftopt by fevcn Knights


who were in anibuth him, carried him away to the place where the Emperor and Pirion were chained. Then 4ic knewtliu there was treafon for they foon put great Irons on his Icgs^ which grieved him to the heart , and as he ftoopt he gave one ot" the Villaincs fuch a blow on the raouth , that he broke out four of his teeth. In the meantime the cries of the Dam fell came to the ears oi OUtius , who was a difcourling with the other, and he went towards the Pavillion to fee what was the matter. But incntring he fawLi/^ir* the Emperor, and Perion, in that eftatc that l,told you. Wherefore bein^ moved to angerjhe laidhold on his fword, and without regarding the danger he was in , he cleaved the firft that he met to the earSj and he did as much to the fecond: then became to the third, againtt whom Perion had combated, and the firft Blow that he gave, his fword broke to his tift. Then he faw well that he could no lon^^er rcfift: forhe was encompaflcd foon all fides , that he was taken and boand as the others were, who were carried ncer the Sea ^ and there they were feparated ,^and put into divers VeflcUs , without knowing whither they were carried, nor wherefore they were fo illy handled.

who furprizing

Ch AF.


Thefixt Booh^ of

Chap. LXIV.
Horn- 'ie

Emprefs was Advertised that the Emperour Pc-

rioiia Oloriusj and Lifvart fpere loji^ and of the fadnejs p/Onolorea and G'ricilerea , when thgy found thcf/tfdves big with child,

He King of Breigne , AdarltB , "Elinie anil the rert were much grieYidjhaving fo unfortunately loft the JEmperofj and feeing

did not returne

neither as


thefe three therefore

purpoftd not to returne into the Towne without knowing further news of them.

And therefore finding a Tmall fhip fit for theirpurpofe, they embarqued^ pray kjg the Dukes of Ortilenfa

and Alafonfe to retuine to the JEniprefIc, and declare

unto her this great misfortune , which being underftood, many Knights entred in fearch of him , and traverfed fo



ftrange Countries, that Greeee,7brace, Almaniejtaliey Brittaine^ and Gau!e were advertized thereof; for which caufe there were many fad hearts ; but thiswasno-

thing in refped of the two Infant aei^ Onolorea and Gricilerea who cntrcd into fo great MelanchoUy , that they were

weaker and weaker every day , and their great bellies did help them to be more weak now paying ufe for the pleafurCj which they had fometimes received in the garden with

Terion and Lifvart. They had carried themfelves fo prudently in their loves, that none had perceived them, and the Emprefs her felf thought that their debility proceeded from the lofle of their father : wherefore fhe comforted them with

certaine hope

ly retui ne. This

that by the aid of our Lord he would ftiortwas not the right point that troubled them

but the


which they perceived to move


in their bellies.



2 At

W heretbrc ftic^btcJncd leave of the Em. prciie^ dwell a little while in the monlkr e oi Sophie, which vC'as nter thereunto , and the l,flir of the Dukt of Alijunta was Abbejje^ and they would have no wom<n with





whom they

und Gamide dau^btcre to their had much confidence,"ai:d dure ihty

llaid as covertly as

be delivered.


they cculd , until! the time rhat ihcy Then they discovered alj /e thought fit that the Children Vi,y.u:o. be

Town called Fi'wt', whercthcy (luuld mother of Garinde , as if ihty wire hers. Viiolona WMS the firfi ihat was delivered of a fair fon, which was wrapped in rich cloihcs, and given to hcrir.oihcrto ki;H who in tcirsgave it her blell'ng. And recommtnd'ing it to the keeping of CAir Lord fl^.e prayed Carmc'e in baptizing it to ^ivcitthc name of Amndu di: Greece y in favour of King Am idis his :! eat Granelfathcr^ andthc Emperor EfplandiaTi. Thi being done, the Damkli departed byabfick dorc with the childe , ever a wood to Ft^ine; but the little Creature was ib fetble, that Gjrind the u^iht it would die, and therefore ariving neer a Fouiitaiue f e little child reI<itiTthc water 5 faying thefe WGid ccifctlic Uiimeof Amjdls di Greece^ Hu-hadfcarcely end^d thefe word":, and thrown the water on his hrad, when!hc heard the noifc of a people coming dueftly to her wherecarried to the Port

be nuricd

fore being furprizcd with fear, leaving the Ch^id,



into the ihlcktllof the woods to hide her tlKitthcfewcre Rovers, Black-Mjorts,


And now


and much more had brought koiu his n:othtrs wombeaSword, ofa Vermillion Colour, the Pommrl! whereof was oh the right knce^ andthcpoint right at his hean.Aiid tijert' was upon it certaineChai^^ciy^or i ettiri, white 3s fnov/, which they could not read nor underfl.ind wherefore without looking on him any turil'cr,

t'ountaiiie to get frclh water, where teeing rich Cloathes, they were marvellnui gl^d,


when they faw

that he




they wrapped



Bock^ of ^c,

hrn up iV4i carried hvn iii:a tKelr fliips, where by goDdforcune thc/hid women, amongft whom (M^ mmzdE fjfiifea newly brought to bed, had the charge tnoiui.Ti this little Atmiir y whom they caikdthe Gtn. tlcmanof the flaming Sword. In the mean ^fS$mnndi fomevrhatallired returned to thepUcc where (he had left him, but not finding him there, (he thought that Bcaftjhad devoured him for which (he was cxtreamly fad, neverthe,

lefs (hep ipofcd not to tell Ortj/srej hereof; but to tell her that lie had lert it in the townc of Filine , and lb (he did ac


when (he found

Griciterea delivered


whom fhe c'^lled


of another Thcfe two triumphed

in their time 5 as you (hall hcareat large, if God and the time permit, in the fevetith and eigth Books , where their Deeds and Chivalries^e amply recited, with as much

grace as any book or Chronicle that was ever Publiihed.

Aad thus we will make an end of pur prefent WQrJj:.

theendofthcfixt Baol^.








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