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Project Report On Business opportunity of Beetel Set Top Boxes Submitted in requirement of partial fulfillment of Post Graduate Diploma

in Business Management Programme By our !ame MB"#PGDM O$R RO%% !O &O%%'G' %OGO ( !"M'

+t ,as a great opportunity for me to ,or- ,it. B.arti Teletec. limited/ pioneers Beetel telep.ones and Set top boxes0 + am extremely grateful to t.ose ,.o .a1e s.ared t.eir expertise and -no,ledge ,it. me and ,it.out ,.om t.e completion of project ,ould .a1e been 1irtually impossible0 2irstly/ + ,ould li-e to my project guide Mr. Anurag Shankar, Sales ManagerSTB !rth/ Bharti Telete"h Lt#./ ,.o .as been a constant source of inspiration for me during t.e completion of project0 3e ga1e me in1aluable inputs during my endea1or to complete project0 + am indebted to all staff members of Bharti Telete"h Lt#. for t.eir 1aluable support and co4operation during t.e entire tenure of project0 !ot to forget/ all t.ose ,.o .a1e -ept our spirits surging and .elped me in deli1ering my best0 + ,ould li-e to record my to re1erent S!u$ A#it%a &u%al my project guide ,.o .elped me in my project of our institute "peejay Sc.ool Of Management0 T.e ac-no,ledgement ,ill not be complete ,it.out a 1ote of to all people ,.o .elped me in one ,ay or t.e in completion of project

"5 Title page B5&ertificate &5"c-no,ledgement Page !umber i ii iii

65 'xecuti1e Summary 7777777777777777700 85 Profile 77777777777777777777777 806 Mar-eting and 'xports7777777777777700 808 Product line7777777777777777777 809 Management77777777777777777 80: Organi;ation structure 7777777777777700 80< =alues777777777777777777777 80> ?uality policy777777777777777777 80@ ?uality "c.ie1ements77777777777777000 80A B.arti 1enture in Set Top Mar-et77777777770 80B S*OT "nalysis77777777777777777 806C &ompetiti1e analysis7777777777777700 950 Project 6 906Researc. objecti1e77777777777777700 908Met.odology77777777777777777 909 2ield ,or-7777777777777777770 90: Researc. Tools777777777777777700 90: Data analysis777777777777777770 90< &onclusion77777777777777777700 90> Suggestion77777777777777777700 :5 Project 8 Objecti1e777777777777777777 Project study77777777777777770 <5 %earning77777777777777777777770 >5 %imitations777777777777777777777 @5 Bibliograp.y777777777777777777777 A5 "nnexure + D?uestionnaire57777777777777770 B5 "nnexure ++ D&oding57777777777777777700 6C5 "nnexure +++ of Offices5777777777700

'xecuti1e summary project ,.ic. ,as underta-en as a part of t.e PGDBM curriculum ,as aimed at finding t.e business opportunity of Beetel Set Top Boxes and comparati1e analysis bet,een different brands a1ailable in t.e mar-et of Set Top Boxes in free a1ailable c.annels0 T.e primary objecti1e of t.e training ,as to get t.e feel of t.e ,or-ing patterns rele1ant in t.e multi national corporations today and to ,.at extent our course curriculum .elps us in oursel1es in t.e corporate scenario/ besides + also got an o1er1ie, of t.e difference bet,een fast mo1ing consumer goods industry and t.e soft drin- industry in terms of t.ere acti1ities in t.e mar-et0 T.e projects + undertoo- ,ereE To see t.e o1erall potential and scope of Set Top Boxes of Beetel in semi rural mar-et To find t.e mar-et competiti1eness for STBs0 To determine t.e customer attitude to,ards STBs0

"s an intern + ,as supposed to meet distributors and s.op-eepers of different brands of Set Top Boxes and sur1ey t.eir prior mar-ets in t.e model mar-et in different cities in order to get t.e results for t.e abo1e mentioned objecti1es0 researc. is based on t.e comparati1e analysis of Beetel Set Top Boxes ,it. brands in t.e mar-et0 + too- a G.a;iabad District and Bareilly as a sample0 + follo,ed mar-et researc. procedure to get an idea about t.e Business Opportunity of DT3 in a free to air mar-et0 2or + too- Bareilly as one sample area and t.e as G.a;iabad district ,.ic. + di1ided t.e into a four main cities i0e0 Meerut/ 3apur/ Modinagar/ G.a;iabad and On t.e basis of t.e conclusions/ 1arious recommendations .a1e been gi1en for Beetel0 2or instance t.e researc. could be used by t.e "ssistant Relations.ip Managers and t.e Relations.ip 'xecuti1es of B.arti Teletec. %imited to impro1e t.e le1el of ser1ice0 +t could be also useful to t.e ad1isors to gi1e better suggestions to t.eir distributor0

'stablis.ed in 6B@</ B.arti .as been a pioneering force in t.e telecom sector and .as many firsts to its credit0 !otable among t.em being t.e first company to launc. mobile ser1ices in Del.i/ t.e first pri1ate basic ser1ice pro1ider in t.e country/ t.e first +ndian company to pro1ide compre.ensi1e telecom ser1ices outside +ndia in Seyc.elles/ t.e leading instrument manufacturing company in +ndia/ and t.e first pri1ate sector ser1ice pro1ider to launc. national long distance telep.ony0 Today/ B.arti is +ndiaFs leading pri1ate sector pro1ider of telecommunications ,it. about 9/C@6/:>9 mobile and 9@6/B9@ fixed line customers0 +t is t.e largest mobile operator in +ndia ,it. a mar-et4s.are of 8:08 per cent DMarc. 96/ 8CC950 B.arti also pro1ides reliable end4to4end data and enterprise ser1ices to its customers by le1eraging its nation,ide optic fiber bac-bone/ last mile connecti1ity in fixed line and mobile circles/ =S"Ts/ +SP and international band,idt. access t.roug. its gate,ays and landing statio n B.arti TeleTec./ t.e manufacturing arm of t.e group/ is countryFs leading instrument manufacturing company and t.e largest in t.e ,orld outside of &.ina0 +t commands a mar-et4s.are of o1er 9C per cent in t.e country0 T.e manufacturing facilities are spread across t.ree +SO4BCCC certified plants/ ,.ic. .a1e a combined installed capacity of fi1e million telep.ones annually0 T.e company manufactures a ,ide range of models under t.e brand name Beetel/ ,.ic. is +ndiaFs fa1ourite brand and e1ery t.ird used in +ndia is a Beetel B.arti Teletec. produces a compre.ensi1e bas-et of instruments co1ering t.e entire segment of t.e mar-et0 Our portfolio comprises of o1er 9< models spanning t.e basic/ feature4ric. and cordless categories/ under t.e Beetel brand0 +t commands a mar-et s.are of o1er :CG in t.e retail mar-et/ B<G in t.e pri1ate T'%&OFs and o1er >CG s.are in t.e incumbent DBS!% ( MT!%5 0 T.e company .as been in t.e forefront of gro,ing t.e open retail mar-et by pro1iding feature4ric. and ,orld4class products at affordable prices0 +n 6BA</ B.arti Teletec. entered into a tec.nical collaboration ,it. Siemens "G/ t.e German tec.nological giant and set up a plant in %ud.iana to manufacture telep.ones &ome 8CC</ and Beetel .as journeyed across t,enty years of creating .istory0 +n 6BB6/ Beetel manufactured p.ones for FSprintF/ t.e "merican telecom mammot.0 S.ortly after/ in 6BB94B:/ came +SO BCC648CCC accreditations for t.e manufacturing units 4 by time t,o in numbers/ at Gurgaon and %ud.iana0 "nd in a s.ort span of time/ Beetel ,as already t.e mar-et leader0 &ornering .alf of t.e +ndian mar-et/ Beetel became F+ndiaFs 2a1orite P.oneF0 +n bet,een t.ese years/ ,.ile acclaim and ac.ie1ements ,ere flo,ing fast and steady/ Beetel ,as initiating and implementing steps ,ould ta-e t.em beyond t.e borders of +ndia0 T.e immediate necessity ,as to establis. an in4.ouse researc. and de1elopment

base0 ,as necessary on t,o counts 4 2irstly/ to indigeni;e tec.nologies for t.e local mar-et/ and secondly/ to pioneer ne, tec.nologies0 Success came on bot. fronts and fast0 T.e first instrument to get +SO accreditations/ +ndiaFs first 'PBT t.e first to cross t.e 8C million unit mar- and t.ereafter 9C million mar-/ t.e only +ndian company to be present in 9C countries mapping < continents0 One of t.e largest manufacturers in t.e globe0 " brand present in e1ery second +ndian .ome0 T.e story of Beetel is one of milestones/ inspirational efforts/ team,or- and of an ambition -ne, no bounds0 HT.e story continues0 T.e can1as .as broadened immeasurably/ so .a1e t.e c.allenges0 "nd it is not long before +ndiaFs 2a1ourite ma-es itFs presence felt across t.e globe0H +n Mumbai/ May 96/ 8CC@ B.arti Teletec./ manufacturers and distributors of telecom and allied products in +ndia/ .as been a,arded t.e 'xcellence in Manufacturing ",ard at t.e !ational Telecom ",ards for 8CC@/ organi;ed by Telecom 'quipment ManufacturersF "ssociation DT'M"50 +t is said t.e company offers o1er :< different Beetel models ,it. prices ranging from Rs08B< to Rs09BB< across basic/ feature/ and cordless p.ones catering to customers across 1arious segments0 During t.e year 8CC>4C@/ t.e company en.anced its retail mar-et s.are to :<G besides exporting o1er a million telep.ones0 T.e company is said to .a1e an installed capacity of > million p.ones at its factories located in %ud.iana and Goa/ and is t.e largest manufacturer globally/ outside &.ina B.arti Teletec. ac.ie1ed a turno1er of Rs 6:90:8 crore during t.e fiscal 8CCC4C60 included Rs :A crore from B.arti Systel/ its 6CC per cent subsidiary until its merger in mid 8CCC0 B.arti Teletec. .ad a turno1er of Rs >90:8 crore in 6BBB48CCC0 T.e net profit during t.e last financial year ,as Rs 908 crore T.e company manufactured 90< million sets during t.e year/ of ,.ic. @C per cent ,ere supplied to t,o state4o,ned companiesIBS!% and MT!%0 "bout 8C percent of t.e p.ones ,ere procured by pri1ate ser1ice pro1iders and retail mar-ets/ and t.e rest ,ere exported0 'xports ,ere to t.e tune of about t.ree la-. equipment ,ort. Rs 6C crore and ,ere mainly to t.e $S/ &olombia/ "frica and t.e Middle 'ast B.arti .as t.ree manufacturing facilities located at %ud.iana/ Gurgaon and Goa0 T.e company operates subsidiary/ Goa Telecommunications ( Systems/ ,.ic. .ad an estimated turno1er of Rs 99 crore0 +t plans to increase t.e retail outlets selling its p.ones from t.e present 9/<CC to </CCC by Marc. 8CC80 "mong t.ings/ t.e company is in t.e process of setting up t.ree call centers0 T.ese call centers ,ould be located in Gurgaon and Del.i/ besides t.e t.ird city/

,.ic. is yet to be finali;ed0 2or B.arti Teletec. .as set up B.arti +nfotrac/ a 6CC percent subsidiary of B.arti Teletec. for call center operations in t.e country0

Strong brand/ leaders.ip in t.e mar-et +EA, ESS !o experience in ser1ices '(('RT- IT. 'xport mar-et THREAT %o, priced &.inese imports could .it t.e retail mar-et and e1en t.e priced ser1ice pro1ider mar-et0


"fter years of careful and focused brand4building/ Beetel is recognised as a trusted brand in +ndia and is poised to ta-e on global players in t.e most competiti1e international mar-ets0 Beetel ,as t.e first +ndian brand to launc. caller +D p.ones in +ndia and t.e first to bring do,n t.e price of cordless p.ones to an affordable range at belo, Rs0 8CCC0 Beetel .as also pioneered SMS p.ones/ t.e first in +ndia0 *it. landmarde1elopment/ +ndia no, .as t.e pride of joining t.e select set of countries offer SMS on and from fixed4line telep.ony ser1ice platform ,orld,ide0 +ndian PTT .as accepted Beetel instruments ,.ole .eartedly and t.e brand .as a >CG s.are in mar-et0 T.e pri1ate ser1ice pro1iders .a1e s.o,n great fait. in BeetelFs products and appreciate t.e companyFs ability to customise t.e p.ones to t.eir specifications0 Beetel .as garnered o1er B<G of mar-et0 Beetel .as remained t.e !o0 6 brand in t.e +ndian retail mar-et/ ,it. a mar-et s.are of o1er <C G0 T.e companyFs mar-eting net,or- encompasses o1er <AC distributors and o1er 9C/CCC dealers/ ta-ing Beetel p.ones to e1ery corner of one of t.e biggest mar-ets in t.e ,orld0

"fter years of careful and focused brand4building/ Beetel is recogni;ed as a trusted brand in +ndia and is poised to ta-e on global players in t.e most competiti1e international mar-ets O1erseas/ t.e company .as a di1ersified customer base in o1er 9C countries across fi1e continents0 T.e mar-ets include t.e $S"/ Sout. "merica/ 'astern 'urope/ t.e Middle 'ast/ Sout. 'ast "sia and "frica0 instruments are supplied to Siemens/ "-ai/ &onnair and t.e Sprint Group in t.e $S" among many ot.ers T.e 'lectronics and &omputer 3ard,are 'xport Promotion &ouncil conferred upon B.arti Teletec./ t.e a,ard for t.e Top +nstrument 'xporter0 'xportsE B.arti Teletec. currently exports to 9C countries across fi1e continents/ including t.e PTT mar-ets0 B.arti plans to export 60< million telep.ones in C<4C> 0 B.arti Teletec. .as ,on t.e exports a,ard consecuti1ely for t.e last 8 years from t.e Go1ernment 'xport Promotion &ouncil0 +t .as a tie4up ,it. "tlin-s D!o06 in .ome and office telep.ony ,orld,ide5 for mar-eting of G' telep.ones in +ndia and neig.bouring countries as ,ell as manufacture for exports0 is t.e first time "tlin-s ,ill be outsourcing from +ndia as against t.eir sourcing from &.ina 4 a testimony to B.arti Teletec.Fs manufacturing strengt.0 +tFs list of credits also include a contract ,it. 2rance telecom for supply of our products for t.eir ,orld,ide requirement/ supplies to Telefonica/ Peru as ,ell as to Sprint/ Marconi/ "-ai/ Siemens/ &onair ( "tlin-s0


C!$pan%0s $anage$ent phil!s!ph%, $issi!n state$ent 1r!$ CE'

Mr0 Ra-es. B.arti Mittal 4 =& ( MD

Mr0 Pa,an )apur/ &'O


B3"RT+ ="%$'S *e ,ill meet global standards for products and ser1ices delig.t customers t.roug.E &ustomer ser1ice focus 'mpo,ered employees +nno1ati1e products and ser1ices0 &ost efficiency0 C-ST'MER *e ,ill be responsi1e to t.e needs of our customers0 (E'(LE *e ,ill trust and respect our employees0 LEAR I * *e ,ill continuously impro1e our products and ser1ices4 inno1ati1ely and expeditiously0 C'MM- IT. 3 (ART ERS *e ,ill be transparent and sensiti1e in our dealings ,it. all sta-e.olders0

4-ALIT. ('LIC.
At Bharti Telete"h 5ualit% has al6a%s 7een a$!ng the t!p pri!rit%.

?$"%+T OBJ'&T+='S ?uality objecti1es D-ey result areas affecting t.e process or product quality are identified as quality objecti1es5 are made # establis.ed to continually impro1e upon t.e organi;ations performance0 T.ese objecti1es can be measured i0e0 are data based so t.ese can be effecti1ely and efficiently re1ie,ed ?$"%+T "&3+'='M'!TS 60Golden Peacoc- +nno1ati1e Product#Ser1ices ",ard in t.e Telecommunication Sector for t.e year 8CC8/ t.e Golden Peacoc- 2or +nno1ati1e Management for t.e year 8CC: and Most +nno1ati1e Product in 8CC<0 80Recipient of t.e 'S& ",ard for 'xcellence in 'xports in Telecommunication 'quipment in 8CC64C8 and 8CC84C90 90 *inner of t.e =oice ( Data ",ard for HTop ManufacturerH in 8CC84C9 and 8CC94C:0 :0 *on t.e &onsumer *orld ",ard for 8CC: <0 ",arded t.e HTop 2ixed %ine P.ones &ompany48CC>H by =oice and Data0

Bharti 2entures Int! Set-T!p B!8 Market

2riday/ September 89/ 8CC<E +n a bid to expand and di1ersify its business/ B.arti Teletect .as announced its 1enture into t.e digital set4top boxes mar-et for t.e direct4to4.ome DDT35 ser1ices0 T.e company ,ould introduce t.e boxes under its o,n brand name Beetel0 +t ,ould start t.e plan ,it. an initial in1estment of K8 million0 B.arti Teletect/ a B.arti Group enterprise is +ndiaFs leading instrument manufacturing company0 +n t.e beginning it only plans to import t.e set boxes and .as targeted a sale of 8CC/CCC boxes by t.e end of year0 3o,e1er/ it plans to do in4.ouse manufacturing in %ud.iana and Goa once t.e mar-et pic-s up t.e product0 T.e set box combined ,it. a small dis. antenna ,ill enable t.e subscribers to 1ie, 99 free4to4air c.annels of Prasar B.arti and listen to 68 2M c.annels0 T.ese set boxes ,ould be made a1ailable t.roug. 6CC distributors and 8/CCC dealers by t.e end of fiscal0 Out of t.e 6CC million .omes are furnis.ed ,it. tele1ision sets in t.e country only .alf .a1e access to t.e cable systems0 T.e remaining <C per cent rely on t.e con1entional system of recei1ing t.e signals and end up getting 1ery limited c.annels0


!'* D'%3+E "ccording Sunil Mittal4led B.arti Teletec. B.arti Teletec. is targeting to double sales of its free4to4air set4top boxes DSTB5 in terms of 1olumes to consolidate its mar-et s.are to 9C per cent by t.e end of fiscal0 T.e company/ ,.ic. is t.e largest manufacturer and distributor of telecom and allied products in +ndia/ also leads in t.e organised mar-et of free4to4air digital STBs in t.e country ,it. 6A per cent mar-et s.are since FBeetelF set4top box to,ards t.e end of 8CC<0 "ccording to &'O Pa,an )apur t.e company sold 60@< la-. set4top box units last fiscal/ up from ></CCC units in 8CC<48CC>0 *e are no, loo-ing at increasing t.e sales to 90< la-. units by t.e end of t.e current fiscal and t.e company is loo-ing at en.ancing and capturing 9C per cent of mar-et by t.e end of t.e current financial year0 T.e entry into t.e STB segment .as enabled B.arti Teletec. to s.ore up its re1enues in t.e last fiscal0 To meet target/ t.e company plans to increase its distribution net,or-0 Today/ t.e company .a1e a national net,or- of 88< distributors/ </CCC retailers and 6<8 ser1ice centres in t.e upcountry and rural parts for t.e STB segment0 T.e company is planning to augment t.e net,or- to 98< distributors/ >/<CC retailers and 88< ser1ice centres by t.e end of fiscal0 "ided by lo,ering of prices to Rs 6/@CC4Rs 9/:CC for a STB and dis. antenna/ ,.ic. ,ould enable 1ie,s in semi4urban and rural areas to catc. t.e free4to4air c.annels and more c.annels are on t.e offing once DD ta-es a final decision regarding t.em/ )apur said/ adding t.e company ,ould try to reduce prices t.roug. focus on researc. and de1elopment0 O1er 6CC million .omes in +ndia .a1e tele1ision and cable systems pro1ide entertainment to around <C per cent of t.ese .omes0 T.e remaining <C per cent of .ouse.olds rely on t.e traditional antenna4based system/ ,.ic. pro1ide only a limited number of c.annels0 *it. STBs/ t.ese .ouse.olds can ,atc. 9< free4to4air c.annels on t.e & ( )$ band frequency/ in addition to t.e regional c.annels0 T.ey can also access 8C radio c.annels of Prasar B.arti0 T.e company ,as targeting segment in semi4urban and rural areas/ .e said0 B.arti Teletec. currently imports t.ese boxes from its contract manufacturers in &.ina and ,ould ,ait to ac.ie1e a critical mass in sales to ta-e a decision on manufacturing locally/ )apur said0


<.Str!ng 7ran#, lea#ership in the $arket =. *!!# kn!6le#ge !1 In#ian Market 9. *!!# net6!rk !1 Ser>i"e Centres

<. ! e8perien"e in DTH ser>i"e. =. De>el!ping $arket n!t a6are !1 (!tential. 9. Late entr% in the DTH $arket. ?. (ri"e higher that the a>aila7le l!"al 7ran#s.

'(('RT- IT.
<. E8p!rt $arket =. E$erging $arket 9. A7sen"e !1 g!!# 7ran# in the 1ree t! air DTH ser>i"e.

<. The pri"e sensiti>e $arket =. L!6 pri"e# Chinese pr!#u"ts a>aila7le in the $arket. 9. Large nu$7er !1 l!"al 7ran#s a>aila7le at "heap pri"es.

TATA S,. T"T"4S) is a joint 1enture of Tata and Star T= o,ned by !e,s &orporation0 +t consists of ACE8C joint 1entures bet,een Tata and Ruper Murdoc.0 +t geared up in second .alf of 8CC>0 +t also tied up ,it. o1erseas company to ensure steadily and timely a1ailability of Set Top Boxes0 &3+"RM"!4 Ishant Hussain Mar-et S.are4 :CG in +ndian Mar-et &onsumers4 Total numbers of consumers of Tata S-y are .alf a million and ,ill be one million by t.e last of t.e year 8CC@0

DISH T.2 +t ,as launc.ed in October 8CC9 by Essel *r!up0 +ts initial t.rust ,as in rural areas ,.ere cable T= ,as a rarity and terrestrial transmission of ,as fu;;y0 T.e standard re1enue .as increased to Rs0 6B:909< million0 Dis. T= .as also appro1ed issue of Stoc- Options to employees of t.e &ompany under t.e 'mployee Stoc- Option Sc.eme/ 8CC@/ subject to appro1al of t.e s.are.olders at t.e ensuing "nnual General Meeting0 &'O4 "run )umar )apoor &.airman4 &.andra Mar-et S.are L @< G in +ndian Mar-et &onsumers4 6 million subscribers and adding 6CC/CCC subscribers per mont.0 &urrently t.ere are 690A la-. subscribers and ,ill be :C la-. by 8CCA RELIE CE MA*IC O,ned by "nil "mbani Group0 *ill be launc.ed in last mont.s of year 8CC@



Su7 !7@e"ti>esA
<. T! un#erstan# STB $arket 1!r #eter$ining the $arket p!tential. =. T! 1in# the $arket "!$petiti>eness 1!r STBs. 9. T! #eter$ine the "ust!$er attitu#e t!6ar#s STBs.

*.ile ma-ing a study ,e 1ery often loo- for ,.at type of researc. met.odology is to be used in type of study0 2or implementation of a proper researc. met.odology ,e .a1e to first understand t.e meaning of researc.0 Researc. is a process ,it. t.e .elp of ,.ic. ne, concepts arises0 +t is t.e increase in t.e actual -no,ledge stoc-0 +t can be called as mo1ement from -no,n to un-no,n and 1ice4 1ersa0 +t is also a continuous process0 +t is a scientific as ,ell as systematic process/ ,.ic. includes defining and redefining t.e problem to de1elop .ypot.esis/ to collect and define t.e information#data/ to analysis t.e information and bring out t.e of disco1ery0 "n indi1idual ma-es t.e effort in researc. and society or public ta-es its benefits because t.e results are usually generali;ed0

D t co!!"ction
T.e ,ord data means any ra, information/ ,.ic. is quantitati1e or qualitati1e in nature/ ,.ic. is of practical or t.eoretical use0 T.e tas- of data collection begins after a researc. problem .as been defined and researc. design out0 *.ile deciding about t.e met.od of data collection/ t.e s.ould -eep in mind t.ere are t,o types of data primary and secondary0 <. (ri$ar% #ataA is t.ose/ ,.ic. are collected afres. and for t.e first Time/ and .appen to be original in c.aracter0 T.ere are many ,ays of data collection of primary data li-e obser1ation met.od/ inter1ie, met.od/ t.roug. sc.edules/ pantry Reports/ distributors audit/ consumer panel etc0 T.e Team Managers and employees of bot. t.e Department ,ere consulted to get information about procedure of bot. t.e online and off line s.are trading0 But t.e met.od used by us for t.e primary data collection ,as t.roug. questionnaires0

4uesti!nnaire $eth!# 2or t.e collection of primary data + used questionnaire met.od0 " formal list of questions/ ,.ic. are to be as-ed/ is prepared in a questionnaire and questions are as-ed on t.ose bases0 T.ere are some merits and demerits of met.od0 T.ese as underE 4 MeritsA 60 %o, cost e1en ,.en uni1erse is large0 80 +t is free from bias of inter1ie,er0 90 Respondents .a1e proper time to ans,er0 :0 Respondents ,.o are not easily can also be reac.able0 <0 %arge samples can be made0 =. Se"!n#ar% #ataA T.ese are t.ose data/ ,.ic. are not collected afres. and are used earlier also and t.ey cannot be considered as original in c.aracter0 T.ere are many ,ays of data collection of secondary data li-e publications of t.e state and central go1t0/ reports prepared by researc.ers/ reports of 1arious associations connected ,it. business/ +ndustries/ ban-s etc0 "nd t.e met.od/ ,.ic. ,as used by us/ ,as ,it. t.e .elp of reports of t.e company0

)iel# +!rk
+ di1ided t.e entire district into ;ones and dre, out samples out of eac. ;one0 T.e si;e of samples dra,n from eac. ;one depended on t.e prospecti1e ness of t.e particular area0 2or e0g0/ if a particular researc. area consisted of Offices t.en t.e sample si;e ,ould ob1iously be an area li-e S.opping mall or P=R0 is because Office employees constitute t.e ser1ice sectors ,.o are t.e acti1e in1estors of today0 "lso/ t.e office areas consist of people from t.e business class ,.o .a1e al,ays been in t.e .unt for quic- money/ not to forget smart and timely in1estment in t.e s.are mar-et can yield to enormous returns0 "fter di1iding t.e city into ;ones/ t.e Target s.op-eepers ,ere probed using +nter1ie,s and questionnaires0 T.ese ,ere later analy;ed to dra, out conclusi1e results0 T.e Resear"h Area &omprised of t.e follo,ing placesE S !. 60 80 90 :0 <0 Areas C!>ere# G.a;iabad Meerut Modinagar 3apur Bareilly Sa$ple SiDe 6> 6A A A 9C

Resear"h DesignE Descripti1e S!ur"e !1 DataA Primary Data ( Secondary Data0 (ri$ar% Data o ?uestionnaire0 Se"!n#ar% Data o *ebsites ,,,0beetel0net ,,,0b.arti0com o &ompany Re1ie,s etc0 Data "!lle"ti!n Meth!# o Sur1ey Met.od0 Sur>e% instru$ent o ?uestionnaire D&losed and Open 'nded50 Meth!# !1 "!$$uni"ati!n o Personal +nter1ie, Sa$ple SiDe o AC Area C!>ere# o Bareilly o G.a;iabad District including Meerut/ Modinagar/ G.a;iabad/ 3apur


H!6 $an% STBERe"ei>erEDTH %!u sell in a $!nth )re5uen"% F9 =F = J: (er"ent GG.9 9<.9 =.F <::.:



:<-:F :F-<: <:-=: T!tal

2ali# (er"ent GG.9 9<.9 =.F <::.:

Cu$ulati>e (er"ent GG.9 HI.F <::.:

C!$$ents- question ,as meant to find out t.e mar-et potential by closely studying t.e total number of DT3 sold in a mont.0 +t is clearly seen >@G of s.op-eepers sell on an a1erage t.ree to four DT3 system in a mont. and 96G sell on an a1erage of @ to A DT3 in a mont. and only 8G sell more 6C DT3 in a mont. t.ese are mainly t.ose s.op-eepers ,.o supply t.e DT3 system in near by rural areas

+hat pri"e %!u sell STBEDTH t! en# "ust!$er (C!st '1 STB KDish K L B K Installati!n "harges) )re5uen"% I =H =I << G J: (er"ent J.J 9G.9 99.J <9.J I.F <::.: 2ali# (er"ent J.J 9G.9 99.J <9.J I.F <::.: Cu$ulati>e (er"ent J.J ?F.: IJ.J H=.F <::.:


<:::-<=F: <=F:-<F:: <F::-<IF: <IF:-=::: =:::K T!tal

C!$$ents- question ,as meant to closely study t.e price of DT3 by t.e s.op-eepers0 T.ere are large number of local brands of DT3 Dfree to air5 a1ailable in t.e mar-et also including t.e &.inese products0 Most of t.em sell t.e product ranging bet,een Rs 68<C to Rs0 6@<C as t.e customers are not ready to pay more ,.en t.e same type of product is a1ailable at c.eaper price0

I$p!tan"e !1 Bran# 6hile pur"hasing DTH s%ste$. )re5uen"% ?? =< <: F J: (er"ent 2ali# (er"ent FF.: FF.: =G.9 <=.F G.9 <::.: =G.9 <=.F G.9 <::.: Cu$ulati>e (er"ent FF.: J<.9 H9.J <::.:


n!t i$p!rtant partiall% i$p!rtant i$p!rtant $!st i$p!rtant T!tal

C'MME TS- question ,as framed to find out t.e customer buying be.a1iour ,.ile purc.asing t.e DT3 system for t.eir .omes0 +t ,as found brand does not play an important role during t.e purc.ase0 "nd also ,.en t.ey find t.e same content in e1ery local manufactured and t.e branded product t.ey opt for t.e local one0

I$p!rtan"e !1 "!ntent in sale in )ree t! Air DTH s%ste$ )re5uen"% H <G 9< =? J: (er"ent <<.9 =:.: 9J.J 9:.: <::.: 2ali# (er"ent <<.9 =:.: 9J.J 9:.: <::.: Cu$ulati>e (er"ent <<.9 9<.9 I:.: <::.:


n!t i$p!rtant partiall% i$p!rtant i$p!rtant $!st i$p!rtant T!tal

C'MME TS- T.e content of t.e product is 1ery important to t.e buyers ,.ic. is satisfied by t.e abo1e bar c.arts

I$p!rtan"e !1 C!st 6hile pur"hasing the DTH s%ste$ 1!r 1ree t! air "hannels I$p!rtan"e 2ali# n!t i$p!rtant partiall% i$p!rtant i$p!rtant $!st i$p!rtant T!tal )re5uen"% I <= =F 9G J: (er"ent 2ali# (er"ent J.J J.J <F.: 9<.9 ?F.: <::.: <F.: 9<.9 ?F.: <::.: Cu$ulati>e (er"ent J.J =9.J FF.: <::.:

C'MME TS- T.e customers in rural and semi4urban mar-et are 1ery sensiti1e to t.e pricing of any product t.ey buy0 +t is clear from t.e abo1e bar c.arts cost of t.e DT3 plays an important factor to decide t.em to purc.ase t.e product

Are %!u a6are that Beetel is !11ering )ree t! Air STB at Market A6areness !1 BEETEL )re5uen"% 9? ?G J: (er"ent ?=.F FI.F <::.: 2ali# (er"ent ?=.F FI.F <::.: Cu$ulati>e (er"ent ?=.F <::.:


n! %es T!tal

C'MME TS- questioned ,as basically to find out are t.e s.op-eepers a,are Beetel .a1e launc.ed t.e DT3 system to ,atc. free to air c.annels and it ,as found only <A G ,ere a,are of t.e product0

H!6 #! %!u rate STB >is-L->is "a7le !perat!r !n the 7asis !1 "!st !1 1a"ilit%M Cu$ulati>e (er"ent =.G JF.H <::.:


Missing T!tal

)air *!!# E8"ellent T!tal S%ste$

)re5uen"% = GF << IJ = J:

(er"ent =.F J<.9 <9.J HI.F =.F <::.:

2ali# (er"ent =.G J9.9 <?.< <::.:

C'MME TS- questioned ,as framed to fulfill t.e second objecti1e of t.e researc. i0e0 to find out t.e customer attitude for t.e DT3 system0 +t ,as found A9 G of people are satisfied ,it. t.e cost paid by t.em to buy t.e DT3 system0

H!6 #! %!u rate STB >is-L->is "a7le !perat!r !n the 7asis !1 4ualit% !1 Tele"astM )re5uen"% << 9: 9H J: (er"ent <9.J 9I.F ?J.J <::.: 2ali# (er"ent <9.J 9I.F ?J.J <::.: Cu$ulati>e (er"ent <9.J F<.9 <::.:


)air *!!# E8"ellent T!tal

C'MME TS- +t ,as found ?uality of Telecast is good as compared by t.e cable T=0

H!6 #! %!u rate STB >is-L->is "a7le !perat!r !n the 7asis !1 Ser>i"e ren#ere# 7% DTH >is-L->is "a7leM )re5uen"% < == ?: <I J: (er"ent 2ali# (er"ent <.9 <.9 =I.F =I.F F:.: F:.: =<.9 =<.9 <::.: <::.: Cu$ulati>e (er"ent <.9 =J.J IJ.J <::.:


(!!r )air *!!# E8"ellent T!tal

C'MME TS- *it. t.e .elp of question it ,as found ser1ice pro1ided by t.e DT3 system to 1ie, t.e free to air c.annels are far better as compared to cable T=Ms as ,.ene1er t.e problem arises in t.e DT3/ it is ser1iced by t.e company as fast as possible

H!6 #! %!u rate STB >is-L->is "a7le !perat!r !n the 7asis !1 A>aila7ilit% !1 ChannelsM )re5uen"% ?G =I I J: (er"ent FI.F 99.J J.J <::.: 2ali# (er"ent FI.F 99.J J.J <::.: Cu$ulati>e (er"ent FI.F H<.9 <::.:


1air g!!# e8"ellent T!tal

C'MME TS- "s t.e free to air does not consist of less entertainment c.annels suc. as star plus/ ;ee t1 / and also currently t.ere are less free c.annels / customers are not satisfied ,it. t.e a1ailability of c.anels

a$e t!p three 7ran#s in !r#er !1 $!nthl% sales. ()ree t! air) )re5uen"% 99 <9 I <F <= J: (er"ent ?<.9 <G.9 J.J <J.J <F.: <::.: 2ali# (er"ent ?<.9 <G.9 J.J <J.J <F.: <::.: Cu$ulati>e (er"ent ?<.9 FI.F GG.9 JF.: <::.:


p!6er uni>ersal #a7 6est!n !thers T!tal

C'MME TS- questione ,as framed to find out t.e mar-et competiti1eness of STB and to find out t.e major players a1ailable in category0 +t ,as found major mar-et is captured by t.e Po,er and after it comes *eston and $ni1ersal0

+hat is the general 6arrant% peri!# pr!>i#e# 7% $!st !1 the 7ran#sM

2requency =alid 90CC >0CC 680CC Total > >< B AC

Percent @0< A609 6609 6CC0C

=alid Percent @0< A609 6609 6CC0C

&umulati1e Percent @0< AA0A 6CC0C

C'MME TS- Most of t.e brands of t.e free to air DT3 systems pro1ide t.e ,arranty Period of t.e > mont.s0

+hat a##iti!nal 1eature an# ser>i"es %!u suggest t! the "!$pan%M )re5uen" % 2ali# in"rease ser>i"e 1a"ilit% in"rease 6arrant% peri!# $!ne% 7a"k 1a"ilit% 'thers T!tal Missing S%ste$ T!tal =9 <I =: J GJ <= J: (er"ent =J.J =<.9 =F.: <:.: JF.: <F.: <::.: 2ali# (er"ent 99.J =F.: =H.? <<.J <::.: Cu$ulati>e (er"ent 99.J FJ.J JJ.= <::.:

C'ME TS- On t.e basis of question it ,as found company s.ould .a1e good ser1ice facility in t.e area ,.ere it ,ant to launc. t.e product and also .a1e reasonable ,arranty period0

T.ere is a lot of mar-et potential as no major brand is a1ailable in t.e mar-et pro1iding free to air c.annels as Out of t.e 6CC million .omes are furnis.ed ,it. tele1ision sets in t.e country only .alf .a1e access to t.e cable systems0 T.e remaining <C per cent rely on t.e con1entional system of recei1ing t.e signals and end up getting 1ery limited c.annels0 "lso e1ery year t.e number of free to air c.annels are increasing so t.e mar-et opportunities are also increasing in t.e free to air DT3 systems T.roug. mar-et researc. + came to -no, t.ere exists large number of players in t.e mar-et in t.e free to air DT3 system category T.ere are many local brands and t.e imported brands from &.ina a1ailable in t.e mar-et and as t.e people in t.e rural areas and in semi urban areas are price sensiti1e ,.ile purc.asing t.e product t.ey are more con1inced by t.ese imported products as t.ey are c.eaper and .as t.e reasonable ,arranty period0 +t ,as gat.ered from t.e researc. t.e a,areness of Beetel Set Top Boxes not ?uite Significant in t.e free to air DT3 system so t.ey must ta-e an appropriate step to increase t.e a,areness in t.e mar-et0 Due to less a1ailability less number of ser1ice centers many s.op-eepers do not ,ant to sell t.e product because at t.e time of repair Dif required5 t.ey .a1e to send t.e product to Del.i or near by ser1ice centre ,.ic. is also not too near0

process is time consuming and also costly and t.e cost of sending t.e product and recei1ing bac- .a1e to be incurred by t.e s.op-eeper0

(R'&ECT =
'7@e"ti>eA- To study 1arious companies coming under t.e B.arti 'nterprises

B.arti 'nterprises .as successfully focused its strategy on telecom ,.ile straddling di1erse fields of business0 2rom t.e creation of F"irtelF/ one of +ndiaFs finest brands/ to becoming t.e largest manufacturer and exporter of ,orld class telecom terminals under its FBeetelF brand/ B.arti .as created a significant position for itself in t.e global telecommunications sector0 B.arti "irtel %imited is today ac-no,ledged as one of +ndiaFs finest companies/ and its flags.ip brand F"irtelF/ .as o1er :C million customers across t.e lengt. and breadt. of +ndia0 *.ile a joint 1enture ,it. TeleTec. +nc0/ $S" mar-ed B.artiMs successful foray into t.e &ustomer Management Ser1ices business/ B.arti 'nterprisesM dynamic di1ersification .as continued ,it. t.e company 1enturing into telecom soft,are de1elopment0 Recently/ B.arti .as successfully launc.ed an international 1enture ,it. '% Group o,ned '%RO 3oldings +ndia %td0/ to export fres. "gri products exclusi1ely to mar-ets in 'urope and $S"0 B.arti also .as a joint 1enture 4 NB.arti "O" %ife +nsurance &ompany %td0M 4 ,it. "O"/ ,orld leader in financial protection and ,ealt. management0 B.arti .as recently forayed into retail business under a company called B.arti Retail P1t0 %td0 +t also .as an Mo$ ,it. *al4Mart for t.e cas. ( carry business

Bharti Airtel Lt#A

B.arti "irtel %td is +ndiaFs leading pro1ider of telecommunications ser1ices0 T.e company .as : distinct Business di1isions 4 Mobile ( ser1ices/ broadband ser1ices/ long distance ser1ices and enterprise ser1ices Telecom giant B.arti "irtel is t.e flags.ip company of B.arti 'nterprises0 T.e B.arti Group/ .as a di1erse business portfolio and .as created global brands in t.e telecommunication sector0 B.arti .as recently forayed into retail business as B.arti Retail P1t0 %td0 under a Mo$ ,it. *al4Mart for t.e cas. ( carry business0 +t .as successfully launc.ed an international 1enture ,it. '% Group to export fres. agri products exclusi1ely to mar-ets in 'urope and $S" and .as launc.ed B.arti "O" %ife +nsurance &ompany %td under a joint 1enture ,it. "O"/ ,orld leader in financial protection and ,ealt. management0 "irtel comes to you from B.arti "irtel %imited/ +ndiaMs largest integrated and t.e first pri1ate telecom ser1ices pro1ider ,it. a footprint in all t.e 89 telecom circles0 B.arti "irtel since its inception .as been at t.e forefront of tec.nology and .as steered t.e course of t.e telecom sector in t.e country ,it. its ,orld class products and ser1ices0 T.e businesses at B.arti "irtel .a1e been structured into t.ree indi1idual strategic business units DSB$Ms5 4 mobile ser1ices/ broadband ( ser1ices DB(T5 ( enterprise ser1ices0 T.e mobile business pro1ides mobile ( fixed ,ireless ser1ices using GSM tec.nology across 89 telecom circles ,.ile t.e B(T business offers broadband ( ser1ices in B: cities0 T.e 'nterprise ser1ices pro1ide end4to4end telecom solutions to corporate customers and national ( international long distance ser1ices to carriers0 "ll t.ese ser1ices are pro1ided under t.e "irtel brand0

'ur 2isi!n 3 pr!$ise By 8C6C "irtel ,ill be t.e most admired brand in +ndiaE

%o1ed by more customers Targeted by top talent Benc.mar-ed by more business

*e at "irtel al,ays in fres. and inno1ati1e ,ays about t.e needs of our customers and .o, ,e ,ant t.em to feel0 *e deli1er ,.at ,e promise and go out of our ,ay to delig.t t.e customer ,it. a little bit more

Bharti TeleTe"h Lt#

B.arti TeleTec. %td manufactures and exports ,orld4class telecom equipment under t.e brand FBeetelF

Tele"!$ Se%"helles Lt#

Telecom Seyc.elles %td pro1ides telecom ser1ices in Seyc.elles/ under t.e brand F"irtelF
"irtel is committed to bring Seyc.elles t.e best in telecommunications0 T.e strengt. be.ind "irtel is t.e B.arti Group/ a telecom giant 4 t.e biggest pri1ate integrated telecom conglomerate based in +ndia B.artiFs partners in "irtel are 'mtel/ t.e premier GSM operator in Mauritius/ some pri1ate in1estors0 Registered as Telecom Seyc.elles %imited and operating under t.e brand name of "irtel/ t.e company is licensed to offer compre.ensi1e telecom ser1ices including GSM &ellular/ PST! D2ixed %ines5/ 2ax and Data/ +nternational Roaming/ connecti1ity to +nternet Ser1ices/ Maritime Telecom Ser1ices D+!M"RS"T5 and +nternational &ollect and &redit &ard calling0 Dominating t.e mar-et ,it. its ser1ice and customer commitment 4 "irtel .as al,ays been at t.e forefront of inno1ation and c.ange in t.e Telecom sector in Seyc.elles0 "irtelFs 3ead Office is in Pro1idence ( "nse Royale/ Ma.e0 "irtel also .as s.o,rooms in =ictoria/ Ma.e and Grand "nse/ Praslin/ ser1e as one4stop s.ops for customers0 "irtel pro1ides t.e ,.ole range of telecom ser1ices/ from GSM Mobile ser1ices/ "irtel Prepaid Mobile &ards a1ailable at a string of outlets/ +nternational Roaming ,it. 6<@ operators in >< countries/ a .ost of =alue "dded Ser1ices/ 2ixed &ellular ser1ices and a fast gro,ing 2ixed %ine net,or- as ,ell +n addition to telecom ser1ices/ "irtel also recently acquired a :4star luxury 68:4bedroom .otel in Seyc.elles/ called %e Meridien Barbarons Beac. 3otel0 O$R =+S+O!

HTo pro1ide global telecom ser1ices and delig.t customers0H O$R M+SS+O! *e ,ill meet t.e mobile communication needs of our customers t.roug.E 'rror4 free ser1ice deli1ery +nno1ati1e products and ser1ices &ost efficiency $nified Messaging Solutions

Bharti Teles!1t Lt#

B.arti Telesoft %td deli1ers best4in4class/ re1enue4critical ="S products and ser1ices to telecom carriers0 B.arti Telesoft ,as formed in 6BBB to pro1ide 1alue added ser1ices and solutions to ,ireless and ,ireline carriers ,orld,ide0 +n just > years/ B.arti Telesoft .as gro,n rapidly/ and to date .as deployed products and solutions in 8< countries including %atin "merica/ 'urope/ Mena/ "frica/ "sia Pacific to o1er 6CC net,or-s/ enabling ser1ice pro1ision to o1er 6<C million customers across < continents B.arti TelesoftFs strong domain -no,ledge enables it to understand customer requirements and pro1ide off4t.e4s.elf products and customi;ed solutions based on a compre.ensi1e portfolio of core products and ser1ice modules0 B.arti TelesoftFs product suites enable ser1ice pro1iders to offer differentiated ser1ices/ reduce customer c.urn/ increase "1erage Re1enue per $ser D"RP$5 and assist operators in generating significant sustainable ne, re1enue streams0 B.arti TelesoftFs mission is to build on its strong telecom domain experience and be a leading pro1ider of inno1ati1e products/ solutions and ser1ices to t.e global ,ireless and ,ireline telecom mar-ets0 B.arti TelesoftMs Board of Directors comprises leading figures from t.e ,orld of telecom0 T.e BOD are t.e follo,ing 60 Sunil B.arti Mittal 80 Ra-es. B.arti Mittal 90 Surendra Jain :0 Badri "gar,al <0 B.atnagar >0 Sanji1 Mital @0 "nil Gaj,ani

C!re 2alues B.arti Telesoft .as a strong set of core 1alues/ ,.ic. guide t.e be.a1ior and conduct of its employees0 T.ese core 1alues are based on t.e follo,ingE Trust To trust our colleagues and 1alue t.eir integrity Respe"t To respect t.e indi1idual/ regardless of .is race/ religion or gender and treat all employees equally/ , subordinates/ peers or superiors Resp!nsi>eness To be responsi1e to t.e needs of our customers and to treat customers ,it. t.e utmost respect and courtesy0 Inn!>ati!n To continuously impro1e our product and ser1ice offerings 1ia inno1ation Transparen"% To be transparent and sensiti1e in our dealings ,it. all sta-e.olders Ethi"s Maintain t.e .ig.est le1els of et.ical be.a1ior and in all matters/ abide by t.e la, Te"hn!l!g% (artners "D"O, &ontinuous &omputing, 'ricsson/ 2lextronics Soft,are Systems , +BM, +ntel &orporation, 3P, %ucent, Motorola, Oracle, Sun Microsystems, *iderT.an0com

TeleTe"h Ser>i"es (In#ia) Lt#

TeleTec. Ser1ices D+ndia5 %td is joint 1enture ,it. TeleTec. +nc0/ $S"0 +t offers a range of &ustomer Management Ser1ices0 TeleTec. Ser1ices D+ndia5 %td0/ commonly -no,n TeleTec. +ndia/ is a joint 1enture of TeleTec. 3oldings/ ,orldMs leading full4ser1ice pro1ider of business process outsourcing and B.arti TeleTec. %td0 4 a B.arti 'nterprise and part of +ndiaMs largest pri1ate sector telecom conglomerate TeleTec. +ndia combines t.e best of business process outsourcing and telecom capabilities ,it. +ndiaMs distinct 1alue propositions as t.e ,orldMs preferred outsourcing destination0 T.ey offer t.e entire spectrum of front4to4bac-4office business processes ranging from 1oice and non41oice customer support/ bac- office administration

Dincluding credit and collections/ account maintenance/ application processing/ claims processing/ asset management/ document management etc05/ sales and mar-eting Dincluding database mar-eting/ mar-eting support/ ,eb sales and mar-eting etc05 to our global customers from our state of t.e art facilities in +ndia TeleTec.Fs customer management experts pro1ide clients ,it. compre.ensi1e solutions4 from t.e front office to t.e bac- office/ across fi1e continents0 Our experience and expertise are ,.y t.e ,orldFs largest enterprises trust TeleTec. ,it. t.eir ultimate asset4 t.eir customersF loyalty0 B'ARD ') DIRECTI'RS <. =. 9. ?. Ra-es. B.arti Mittal D=ice4&.airman and Managing Director of B.arti TeleTec.5 Badri "gar,al D&orporate Director/ B.arti 'nterprises5 James Barlett D=ice4&.airman Teletec.5 &.risty OF&onnor D=ice President ( "ssistant General &ounsel Teletec.5

E/EC-TI2E MA A*EME T 60 80 90 :0 <0 >0 @0 2ISI' <. To be a preferred ser1ice pro1ider in t.e BPO industry0 =. To be a professional and profitable company ,it. sustained gro,t.0 9. To be 1alued by clients/ partners and employees0 MISSI' <. To profitably expand our client base and pro1ide t.em consistent/ 1alue added and +nno1ati1e ser1ice4solutions0 To ac.ie1e t.roug. an en1ironment ,.ereE a5 'mployees are moti1ated0 b5 T.e organi;ation .as a passion for excellence0 c5 &lients 1alue t.e relations.ip )ul-arni DPresident ( &.ief 'xecuti1e Officer5 Ra-es. =aidya D=ice President 4 Global Sales5P !ares. &.andna D =ice President4 Procurement/ 2acillities ( "dmin05 Mu-es. Gupta D=ice President 4 2inance ( "ccounts5 Sourab. Saxena D=ice President 4 Domestic Operations5 "noop Me.ra D3ead 3R5 Tejpal Sing. %i-.ari D =ice President 4 +nternational Operations5

)iel#)resh )!!#s (>t Lt#

2ield2res. 2oods P1t %td is B.artiFs 1enture ,it. '% Group o,ned '%RO 3oldings +ndia %td0/ to export fres. "gri products exclusi1ely to mar-ets in 'urope and $S"0 2ield2res. 2oods DP5 %td ,as incorporated in t.e ear 8CC:/ ,it. a 1ision to Link In#ian )iel#s t! the +!rl#/ by ma-ing +ndia a global food bas-et0 T.e company is engaged in pro1iding premium quality fres. produce to t.e mar-ets ,orld,ide and promotes ,orld class standards for agricultural practices/ progressi1e farming tec.niques ( identification and adoption of appropriate tec.nologies T.e Researc. ( De1elopment ,or-/ being underta-en at t.e model farms/ is benefiting a large number of partner ( non4partner farmers0 2alues &onducting itself ,it. t.e .ig.est degree of integrity/ complete transparency and sensiti1ity to,ards its sta-e .olders/ t.e en1ironment and pro1iding 1alue to its customers0 Missi!n T.e mission is to be a dominant global player in t.e food industry0 To offer consistently .ig. quality products and aim for 1alue leaders.ip in t.e fres. produce category0 &utting edge product de1elopment/ deployment of appropriate tec.nology/ close understanding of t.e mar-et trends and consumer needs are t.e pillars of success of 2ield2res.

B!ar# !1 Dire"t!rs 3 Manage$entA 60 80 90 :0 <0 Mr. Sunil Bharti Mittal (Chair$an) Mr. Rakesh Bharti Mittal (Dire"t!r) La#% L%nn )!rester #e R!ths"hil# (C!-Chair) Sir E>el%n #e R!ths"hil# (Dire"t!r) R!htash Mal (CE')

Cust!$ers 3 Markets 2ield2res. t.roug. its robust international collaborations is building a strong mar-eting net,or- for year round ( timely deli1ery of produce0 T.e initial focus is on t.e

distribution of fres. fruits ( 1egetables in 'uropean $nion/ 'astern 'urope/ Sout. 'ast "sia/ Middle 'ast ( t.e &+S &ountries

BHARTI A/A LI)E I S-RA CE B.arti "O" %ife +nsurance is a joint 1enture bet,een B.arti/ +ndiaFs leading pri1ate telecom company and "O"/ ,orld leader in financial protection and ,ealt. management0 T.eir p.ilosop.y is built around t.e promise of ma-ing people H%ife &onfidentH0 *.ate1er plans in life/ you can be confident B.arti "O" %ife +nsurance ,ill offer t.e rig.t financial solutions to .elp you ac.ie1e t.em0 "O"/ ran-ed !o 6< in t.e 2ortune <CC list of global companies managed a total "$M of 'uro 6/CB6 billion as of June 9C/ 8CC> T.e "O" group .as o1er <C million customers and employs o1er 668/CCC people0 2ISI' To be a leader and t.e preferred company for financial protection and ,ealt. management in +ndia STRATE*.

To ac.ie1e a top < mar-et position in +ndia t.roug. a multi4distribution/ multi4 product platform To adapt "O"Fs best practice blueprints as a sound platform for profitable gro,t. To le1erage B.artiFs local -no,ledge/ infrastructure and customer base To deli1er .ig. le1els of s.are.older return To build long term 1alue ,it. our business partners by en.ancing t.e proposition to t.eir customers To be t.e employer of c.oice to attract and retain t.e best talent in +ndia To be recognised as being close and qualified by our customers

60 + learned to apply a lot of t.eoretical -no,ledge into practical use0 80 "s my ,or- included t.e sales/ + learnt some of t.e ground rules of selling my product0 90 + also learnt to .andle t.e mont. end stress ,.en it is time to complete t.e targets0 :0 + also came to -no, t.e 1arious ,or- culture rules and et.ics are required to be follo,ed in t.e organi;ation0 <0 + also found it is 1ery important to build a relations.ip ,it. a client as it brings more business0 >0 + also learnt to analy;e and interpret data by ,or-ing on project0

60 $sual sampling errors may exist0 80 T.e uni1erse selected ,as G.a;iabad and Bareilly region0 So t.e result cannot be generali;ed0 90 Some of t.e s.op-eepers may be uninterested and may not .a1e replied correctly0 :0 Respondent may also be biased due to se1eral reasons0 <0 Some respondents are un,illing to tal-0 Some respondents do not .a1e time or ,illing does not respond/ as t.ey are quite annoyed ,it. t.e ?uestionnaire >0 Sample si;e ,as small ,.ic. may affect t.e reliability of t.e result


+e7sitesA 666.7harti

B!!ks Re1ere# A

Marketing Resear"h B% *.C Beri Marketing Manage$ent B% (hilip ,!tler




,in#l% 1ill the 1!ll!6ing parti"ulars !ame of Outlet QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ !ame of &oncerned person QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ D"ttac. Business &ard Ans6er the 1!ll!6ing 5uesti!ns, 7% ti"king the rele>ant !pti!n 60 *.at )ind of STB#Recei1er#DT3 you sells A )ree t! Air B (ai# 80 3o, many STB#Recei1er#DT3 you sell in a mont. A :<-:F B :F-<: C <:-=: D =: plus 90 *.at price you sell STB#DT3 to end customer0 D&ost Of STB RDis. R %!B R +nstallation c.arges A Rs <::: N Rs <=F: B Rs <=F: N Rs <F:: C Rs <F:: N Rs <IF: D Rs <IF: - Rs =::: D '>er Rs =::: :0 *.at are t.e factors/ ,.ic. influence t.e sale of STB rate at t.e scale of 6 to :S

D64%east +mportant to :4Most important5 A Bran# B C!ntent C C!st D A1ter sales ser>i"e <0 "re you a,are Beetel is offering 2ree to "ir STB at Mar-et A .es B ! >0 *ould you ,ill you li-e to sell t.e Beetel STB costing at4Rs 6<B<R%!BRDis. A .es B !

@0 3o, do you rate STB 1is4T41is cable operator on t.e follo,ing parameter DTicappropriate box for eac. factor5 (!!r S )EAT-RES E8"ellent *!!# )air
60 80 90 :0
C!st !1 1a"ilit%

Ser>i"e ren#ere# 4ualit% !1 tele"ast A>aila7ilit% !1 "hannels


!ame top t.ree brands in order of sales0 D2ree to air5 "5QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ B5QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ &5QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ Do you pro1ide after sale ser1ices0 A .es B ! +f yes/ ,.at are t.e c.argesE QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQper mont.


6C0 *.at is t.e general ,arranty period pro1ided by most of t.e brandsS QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ Q


E/-RE II(C'DI *)


2aria7le<0 *.at )ind of STB#Recei1er#DT3 you sells C!#es 2ree to air 6 Paid 8 3o, many STB#Recei1er#DT3 you sell in a mont. C!#es 60< 6 <06C 8 6C08C 9 8C plus : *.at price you sell STB#DT3 to end customer0 D&ost Of STB RDis. R %!B R +nstallation c.arges C!#es Rs6CCC4Rs68<C 6


2aria7le 9

Rs68<C4Rs6<CC Rs6<CC4Rs6@<C Rs6@<C4Rs8CCC Rs8CCC plus 2aria7le?

8 9 : <

*.at are t.e factors/ ,.ic. influence t.e sale of STB rate at t.e Scale of 6 to : D64%east +mportant to :4Most important5 C!#es Brand 6 to : &ontent 6 to : &ost 6 to : "fter sale ser1ice 6 to : "re you a,are Beetel is offering 2ree to "ir STB at Mar-et C!#es es 6 !o 8

2aria7le F

2aria7le G t! H

Rating STB 1is4T41is cable operator on eac. of t.e follo,ing parameters &OST O2 2"&+%+T / S'R=+&' R'!D'R'D/ ?$"%+T O2 T'%'&"ST and "="+%"B+%+T O2 &3"!!'%S by tic-ing appropriate box in front of eac. 1ariable C!#es 'xcellent : Good 9 2air 8 Poor 6

2aria7le <:

!ame top t.ree brands in order of sales0 D2ree to air5 C!#es Po,er 6 $ni1ersal 8 Dab 9 *eston : Ot.ers < Do you pro1ide after sale ser1ices0 C!#es es 6

2aria7le <<.


2aria7le <=. "dditional features and ser1ices suggested for t.e company0 C!#es +ncrease ser1ice facility 6 +ncrease ,arranty period 8 Money bac- facitity 9 Ot.ers :



%+ST O2 B$S+!'SS PR'M+S'S DBR"!&3'S#2"&TOR+'S#&(25 Sr. !. State A##ressERegistrati!n !. Teleph!ne u$7er Bharti Telete"h Lt#. D46B</ +ndustrial "rea P.0E C664 :6@CB>CC4C< P.ase 4 +/ !e, Del.i 4 66C C8C Bharti Telete"h Lt#. &4A/ Sector 4 > !oida/ $0P0 Bharti Telete"h Lt#. &#o Gati %td/ Plot !oE4<>9#<>:/ 3ind !agar Opp0 'S+



P.0E C68C48:88:B@#:BA P.0EC<884:9AAB6# 8:9<8B8

3ospital / %uc-no,4)anpur Road/ %uc-no, 4 88>C68 Bharti Telete"h Lt#. :C6/ Pramu-. Pla;a/ :t. 2loor/ &aridinal Gracious Road/ &.a-ala/ "nd.eri D'5/ Mumbai 4 :CC CB9

P.0E C884<>BBB6@< # 6@> # <>BA6>6C

Bharti Telete"h Lt#. &#o )oc.i %ogistics Ser1ices DP5 %td0 P.0E C8<8848@9:<@ # :<A $nit !o0 B/ Bldg0 !o0 &4>/ Ma.aras.tra Ground 2loor/ S.ri "ri.ant &omplex/ =illage ) B.i,andi T.ane4:869C8 Bharti Telete"h Lt#. &#o Spear %ogistics DP5 %td0 P.oenix *are.ousing P.0E C8C48@C<C>:9 # &omplex/ <>9:9<:A Gate !o0 8<89#6#8/ Pune !agar Road/ *ag.oli/ Pune 4 :688C@0 Bharti Telete"h Lt#. :t. 2loor/ Room no0A/ P.0E C99488A8A:@9 # S.antini-etan Building 88A8<6C8 A/ &amac Street/ )ol-ata4 @CC C6@

*est Bengal



Bharti Telete"h Lt#. !o0 @>/ 9>t. main/ Dollar Sc.eme 'xt0 BTM %ayout/ Madi,ala/ Banglore 4<>CC:@

P.0E CAC48>@A>8:A # 96C


Tamilnadu Bharti Telete"h Lt#. &#o0 "ditya "ssociates "=M StudioMs

P.0E C::4:8C69:>A

@#9/ "rcot Road =adapalani &.ennai4>CCC8> Bharti Telete"h Lt#. Plot no0 6 4 :/ Rural +ndustrial &omplex 3umbran/ %ud.iana/ Punjab &ST#%ST E <C:6>B6: dtd0 C60C60A> T+! E C96B6CBA>6B Bharti Telete"h Lt#. 6st 2loor/ Plot !o0 :>4 <C/ Mapusa +ndustrial 'state Mapusa/ Goa 4 :C9<8< Bharti Telete"h Lt#. &#o Sree 'nterprises Sur1ey no0699/ M0B0!0 Reddy 'state Plassey %ane/ Bo,enpally Secunderabad 4 <CC C66


P.0E C6>648A@68>6 # 8A@6C>8


P.0E CA98 488>8@69 # 88>8B89


Bharti Telete"h Lt#. &#o Team 'lectronics DP5 %td/ 6C )erala Building !o > @>@#A/ Off Seaport "irport Road/ Judgemu--u/ T.ri--a-ara/ BM& P0O0/ & 4 >A8 C86 P.0E C:A:48:8<@<6



Bharti Telete"h Lt#. &#o 2airdeal Distribution P1t %td P.0E C@B48>AB6>86 # Sur1ey no0 9::/ be.ind '-ta 6>88 3otel/ Sar-.ej ba1ala road/ sar-.ej/ ".medabad 4 9A8C86C


Bharti Telete"h Lt#. &#o )aramc.and "gencies/ :/ Raipur &(2 &omplex &..atisgar. !ear RTO Office/ D.amtari Road/ De1puri Raipur 4 :B8 C6<

P.0E C@@648:686C6 # C8



Bharti Telete"h Lt#. &#o Saumitra 'nterprises @/ B0S0R0 &ompound/ %asudia Mori/ De,as !a-a +ndore 4 :<8 CC69 Bharti Telete"h Lt#. &#o Ma.a1ir "gencies/ !ort.ern &arrier &ompound G0T0 Road/ )undli/ Sonepat/ 3aryana

P.0E C@964:C998AA



P.0E C69C49CB<<68


Bharti Telete"h Lt#. &#o Gati %td/ '4 <94<>/ D.ronpuri/ Gird.aripura/ 8CC Sqft Si-ar P.0E C6:649B<:@66 Bye Pass/ Opp &.ittar-oot *ater Tan-/ J"+P$R4 9C8C8:


Bharti Telete"h Lt#. &#o Gati %td/ Plot !o0 6A6/ "PS &ompound/ +ndustrial &.andigar. "rea/ P.ase4 6/ &.andigar.4 6>C CC8 Bharti Telete"h Lt#. &#o Gati %td/ "!)' +ndustrial "rea/ !e, Telco Ser1ice Station/ !ational 3ig.,ay/ )aluc.a-/ Jammu4 6AC C6C




Bharti Telete"h Lt#. &(2" E Raj Protim "gencies P1t0 %td0 8>B#89</ Pat./ P.0E C>6849CB69B9 # Biscomaun Godo,n/ 8>9AAB> Opp Jain Mandir/ Gul;arbag/ Patna4 ACC CC@ Bharti Telete"h Lt#. &(2" E Raj Protim "gencies P1t0 %td 69@A/ &ourt Road/ P.0E C><6488C686A Opp "nuraag Building/ &lub bye %ane/ Ranc.i4 A9: CC6 Bharti Telete"h Lt#. &(2" E Raj Protim "gencies P1t0 %td P.0E C>@:489B>:8@ Plot no069/ $nit >/ Ganganagar/ B.ubanes,ar L @<6 CC6 Bharti Telete"h Lt#. &(2" E Raj Protim "gencies P1t0 %td &#O/Star 'lectronics/ 8nd 2loor/ P.0E C9>648<BB8C9 'astern Road &arrier &ompound/ &.ritian Basti/ G0S0 Road/ Gu,a.ati4 @A6 CC< Bharti Telete"h Lt#. &#o Gati %td/ ).asra !o/ 998/ 999/ 99</ 99B of 69:< 2asli/ =illage !iranjanpur/ Pragana &entral Doon/ De.radoon4 8:A CCA









Bharti Telete"h Lt#. &#o &rossroad %ogistics P1t0 %td/ B4 >B/ 6st 2loor/ Sector4 9/ !e, S.imla4 6@6 CCB/ 30P0

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