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Missing Spin
“In the unlikely event that there is new physics,
one does not want to miss it because one had the
wrong mind set.”
John Anderson, of the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), speaking about the Pioneer Anomaly,
which is the unexplained deviation in the trajectories of the interplanetary space-probes after travelling
through and beyond the solar system.

“New physics? Great idea! But what guarantee is there that the required “new
physics”, regardless of how logically proficient it might be, will gel with our
customary physics precepts? Most likely is that it would be too radical to be
accommodated. As history attests, the conceptual shift required might well be
altogether traumatic, so that any whiff of this would set the Establishment
against any chance of such a conceptual revolution taking place.
However, sooner or later, “truth will out”, as the saying goes. So,
what is the truth here? One thing seems plain from what Anderson and others
say, that it is not where physics is now, where all prospect of a clear logical,
democratic understanding of nature has spectacularly failed.
Nevertheless, there has been at least one systematic, dedicated
attempt to fill this aching void. This is a physics philosophy called Normal
Realism. Based on an idea gained after a short correspondence with Einstein
in 1954, just before that great man’s death, this has been honed and developed
over the more than half a century since. Presented as an academic Philosophy-
of-Physics thesis, this idea was rejected in 1972 and again in 1974. Karl
Popper later declared this to be a failure, not of the thesis but of its examiners.
This was because the thesis fell between what, for them, were the two
academically separate disciplines of Science and Philosophy. Such a mixture
of subjects was simply not on the academic curriculum.
This monograph presents an encapsulation of that thesis which has matured to form a
distinct paradigm of physics which is published under the name of POAMS). The books
referred to in this text are: The Eye of the Beholder: the Role of the Observer in Modern
Physics, by Viv Pope bbl by Phi Philosophical Enterprises (2004); Light-Speed, Gravitation
and Quantum Instantaneity by A. D. Osborne and N. V. Pope; Phi, (2007); Immediate
Distant Action and Correlation in Modern Physics. Eds. N. V. Pope, A. D. Osborne and A.
F. T. Winfield, Edwin Mellen Press, N.Y. USA (2005); Instantaneous Action at a Distance,
Pro- and Contra- Eds. A. E. Chubykalo, N. V. Pope and R. Smirnov Rueda, Nova Science,
N.Y. USA (2001). All these books are available on the website

to the metre, and the ratio c-squared of

“A DANGEROUS joules to kilograms. This forestalls any
BOOK” metaphysical question of what c is. It is
simply a measure, just like any other.
Prof. Alan F. T Winfield
But a measures of what? Of
University of West of England, Bristol physical phenomena, what else? All
Why is this (Light-Speed, etc.,) a physical phenomena have the three
“dangerous book? In the same way that spherical, or polar dimensions, range, or
Copernicus threatened the earth-centred observational distance; azimuth, or
cosmology of the Medieval Church this horizontal measure at right-angles to the
book threatens, in its turn, the authorit- range; and elevation, or height-angle at
arian physics and cosmology of today. If right-angles to the other two. There is also
what the book says is true, then much of a fourth polar dimension, time, which is
our now hallowed professional Physics, the evolution, at the centre of the whole
will turn out to be ignorance. This would spherical frame, at the distance-time
change the whole complexion of Physics “contraction rate” c which is constant for
as we know it. all such frames. This centre might be a
The mind-set required for this human observer, a scientific instrument
conceptual ‘flipover’ is radically different or, ultimately, an atom. There is nothing
from that of our Western tradition. Whilst spooky about any of these dimensions.
perfectly compatible with all truly They are just ordinary physical measures
empirical physical phenomena it is made by some suitable instrument such as
incompatible with some current theoretic- a ruler or a clock. Note that in this
al interpretations of these. Both like and proposed New Physics there is no time in
unlike its predecessor, Logical Positivism, space (the void) as such, hence no
this proposed New Physics is a form of speculative ‘God’s time’ separating the
radical empiricism, concentrating on polar centres’ to create mysteries like that
direct and instrumental perception as of the notorious ‘Twins Paradox’.
opposed to the creation and conservation
of theories for their own sake. “Mon Dieu, but this is
“I hope many will read
Prof. Michel. Grossman
this and think again” Louis Pasteur Inst.
Dr. Rowan Williams Strasbourg.
Archbishop of Canterbury, Whereas the standard model for classical
science is the machine, the model for this
What made the Archbishop say this about
natural four-dimensional information-
the Eye of the Beholder book? Our
based system is more like that of a
Western mechanistic tradition of physical
science and our humanitarian principles sequential or movie-like hologram. It is
therefore automatically relative as in
have always been at odds. This new
approach makes a “seamless join” Einsteinian Relativity. However, it is
mathematically and conceptually much
between the two, merging our physical
simpler and more logically self-contained
science with our humane social and moral
than standard Relativity. It is also more
ideals. This is because it is based on
firmly grounded in Natural Philosophy
digital information instead of traditional
than the philosophically rootless Relativ-
analog mechanics. This approach began
ity of Einstein. The philosophical taproot
over fifty years ago with the seminal
of this new version is the Phenomenalism
realization that the so-called ‘speed of
of Ernst Mach, Einstein’s philosophical
light’ is not a speed but simply a constant
mentor and source of relativistic
ratio of conventional units of distance and
inspiration. It is also automatically
time, like the constant ratio 39.37 inches
quantised since all physical phenomena traditionally named ‘electrons’,
are ultimately reducible to quantum ‘protons’, etc., These conceptions belong
‘pixels’ of magnitude equal to Max to what, in this present context, John
Planck's action-constant h. (compare Anderson calls ‘the wrong mind set’. For
Mach’s irreducible ‘sense-data’) From instance The conventional ‘coulombs’ of
these discrete bits of energy-cum- ‘charge’ on an ‘electron’ are cashed-out
information the world is structured like purely in mechanical units of spin, in
the way in which, from the patterns and joules, so that the so-called ‘electron’
sequences of screen ‘blips’, a TV viewer becomes just an ordinary piece of matter
projects the programme scenario. like any other, except that it possesses an
These quantum pixels are not uncommonly large amount of spin (pace
‘photons’. They don’t ‘travel’; they Uhlenbeck and Goudsmit). All these
simply occur, as phota (singular: phenomena are interpreted in that same
photum) in spectral distributions resem- way in terms simply of mass and motion
bling the bands in a supermarket bar- in one form or another of angular
code, ranging from the utmost extremities momentum, In an angular momentum
of infrared to ultraviolet and gamma. nexus, such as, e.g., the solar system, all
Every physical object is both a source and bodies are automatic-ally paired,
receiver of these phota in an information- balanced, and holistically interconnected
transacting universe, which includes by the law of the conservation of angular
everything from galaxies to atoms. In this momentum with no need of theoretical in
informational nexus, all the individual vacuo ‘forces’ to explain orbital motion.
spherical, or polar frames become geo- So far, no known physical phenomenon,
metrically merged and de-centralised to re-interpreted on this basis, has proved to
form a Cartesian grid, of the standard be either logically or empirically at
sort familiar to engineers, architects and variance with this uniquely new paradigm
folks generally. (Astronomers, of course, of Natural Philosophy. Indeed, some
have to adopt the more fundamental polar presently mystifying phenomena, such as
kind of frame.) the notorious ‘Pioneer Anomaly’ and the
The essence of Physics, according ‘Missing Mass’ anomaly are simply
to this distinct neo-Machian paradigm is explained. For instance NASA scientist,
to interpret physical phenomena as John Anderson suggests that these
objectively and efficiently as possible, unexplained anomalies may signify the
making the very best use of extant
Logical Analysis and ‘Ockham’s Razor’. “Need of a New Physics”
This entails keeping subjective guesses,
or ‘theories’ and their associated jargon John Anderson. NASA Scientist
to a barest minimum. This neo-Machian If so, says Anderson, “one does not want
paradigm of natural philosophy is called to miss it because one had the wrong
Normal Realism, the basis of POAMS mind set.”
(the Pope-Osborne Angular Momentum The anomaly which concerns
Synthesis) as described on the website NASA in particular is that over thirty or so years of tracking their interplanetary
This ahistorical new paradigm is space-probes, those spinning probes have
conceptually incommensurable with the veered inexplicably off track, as if pulled
standard traditional paradigm, hence towards the planets and the sun with a
cannot be mixed or judged for conformity mysterious invisible force additional to
with that traditional paradigm. For that of gravity.
instance, there are no in vacuo ‘light- Now in standard Newtonian
waves’, ’photons’, or ’force-fields’, no physics bodies orbit because they are
‘gravity’, no ‘electrostatics’, no ‘magnet- drawn to one another with an invisible in
ostatics’ or whatever. Nor is there need of vacuo force which is proportional to the
any concept of ’charge’ on those particles product of their masses divided by the
square of the distance between them. This bodies plainly needs to be replaced. And
theoretical in vacuo ‘force’ is typically what else can replace it but an empiricist,
assumed to be the same for all bodies, neo-Machian Physics such as Normal
regardless of whether or not those Realism based on real sensed and
orbiting bodies are spinning. This measurable physical phenomena instead
assumption, however runs counter to the of purely theoretical goings-on behind
law of the conservation of angular and beneath the scenes in an inscrutable
momentum according to which the total void? 
angular momentum of a spinning body,
such as a NASA space-probe, has to
include the angular momentum of its spin
along with that of is orbit. So the anomaly
is, basically, that the Newtonian Law of
Gravity which NASA uses for calculate-
ing the trajectories of their space-probes
is fundamentally at variance with the
Law of the Conservation of Angular
Momentum. No such anomaly exists
according to our proposed New Physics
which is based on angular momentum
instead of ‘gravity’. In this Angular
Momentum Synthesis the only true forces
are the real, felt and measurable ones
which are manifest in preventing a body
from following its natural force-free orbit
as, for instance, when Newton’s fallen Fig. 1: The Andromeda spiral galaxy,
apple is prevented by the earth’s surface
nearest to our own Milky Way spiral galaxy.
from orbiting where it otherwise would, The phenomenon of these spiral galaxies
somewhere near the earth’s centre, far orbiting one another is the manifestation of
down below our feet. gigantic amounts of both orbital and spin
By that same token the ‘Missing angular momentum in the universe, ignored by
Mass’ Anomaly needs no contrived ‘gravitational’ mechanics.
explanation in terms of invisible and
undetectable ‘dark matter’, ‘dark energy’
or whatever. What is ‘missing’ is, quite
plainly, ‘missing spin’, which is not
really missing but is simply ignored. But
just about everything in the universe
spins, not least the host of spiral galaxies.
Taking account of spin in the context of
angular momentum conservation entails,
in the case of the NASA space-probes,
small but cumulative variations in the so-
called ‘gravitational constant’ G sufficient
to explain the Pioneer anomaly. The only
difference in the case of the ‘Missing
Mass’ anomaly is that the variations in G
for the spinning galaxies, etc., have to be
very much larger than in the case of the
spinning space-probes. Fig. 2: Spiral galaxies in deep space.
Our contemporary Physics, then, continuing as far as our very best telescopes
which ignores this obvious natural can reach. The stars in the foreground are
phenomenon of the spins of orbiting members of our own spinning spiral galaxy.

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