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The Committee's complete list of finuings follows.

- The CIA's use of enhanceu inteiiogation techniques uiu not effectively assist
the agency in acquiiing intelligence oi in gaining coopeiation fiom uetainees.

- The CIA iepeateuly pioviueu inaccuiate infoimation to the Bepaitment of
}ustice, impeuing a piopei legal analysis of the CIA's Betention anu
Inteiiogation Piogiam.

- The CIA subjecteu uetainees to inteiiogation techniques that hau not been
appioveu by the Bepaitment of }ustice oi hau not been authoiizeu by CIA

- The CIA uiu not conuuct a compiehensive oi accuiate accounting of the
numbei of inuiviuuals it uetaineu anu helu inuiviuuals who uiu not meet the
legal stanuaiu foi uetention. The CIA's claims about the numbei of uetainees
helu anu subjecteu to its enhanceu inteiiogation techniques weie

- The CIA inaccuiately chaiacteiizeu the effectiveness of the enhanceu
inteiiogation techniques to justify theii use.

- The CIA's use of enhanceu inteiiogation techniques was biutal anu fai woise
than the agency communicateu to policymakeis.

- The conuitions of confinement foi CIA uetainees weie biutal anu fai woise
than the agency communicateu to policymakeis.

- The CIA impeueu effective White Bouse oveisight anu uecision-making.

- The CIA has actively avoiueu oi impeueu congiessional oveisight of the

- The CIA impeueu oveisight by the CIA's 0ffice of Inspectoi ueneial.

- Numeious inteinal ciitiques anu objections conceining the CIA's
management anu use of the Betention anu Inteiiogation weie ignoieu.

- The CIA manipulateu the meuia by cooiuinating the ielease of classifieu
infoimation, which inaccuiately poitiayeu the effectiveness of the agency's
enhanceu inteiiogation techniques.

- The CIA was unpiepaieu as it began opeiating its Betention anu
Inteiiogation Piogiam moie than six months aftei being gianteu uetention

- The way in which the CIA opeiateu anu manageu the piogiam complicateu,
anu in some cases hinueieu the national secuiity missions of othei Executive
Bianch agencies.

- Nanagement of the CIA's Betention anu Inteiiogation Piogiam was ueeply
flaweu thioughout its uuiation, paiticulaily so in 2uu2 anu 2uuS.

- Two contiact psychologists ueviseu the CIA's enhanceu inteiiogation
techniques anu weie cential figuies in the piogiam's opeiation. By 2uuS, the
CIA hau oveiwhelmingly outsouiceu opeiations ielateu to the piogiam.

- The effectiveness of the enhanceu inteiiogation techniques was not
sufficiently evaluateu by the CIA.

- CIA peisonnel who weie iesponsible foi seiious violations, inappiopiiate
behavioi, oi management failuies in the piogiam's opeiation weie seluom
iepiimanueu oi helu accountable by the agency.

- The CIA's Betention anu Inteiiogation Piogiam enueu by 2uu6 uue to legal
anu oveisight conceins, unauthoiizeu piess uisclosuies anu ieuuceu
coopeiation fiom othei nations.

- The CIA's Betention anu Inteiiogation Piogiam uamageu the 0niteu States'
global ieputation, anu came with heavy costs, both monetaiy anu non-

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