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Developing Next Generation Professionals through STEM


Baltimore County provided funds to send me to Atlantic City to present at the National Science Teachers Association STEM Forum on May 16th-18th of



2012. The STEM initiatives that made up the presentation were provided by teachers as before, during and after school programs. All 800 students from kindergarten to fifth grade participate in the school-wide STEM Fair that provides students the opportunity to employ their STEM skills in real-world applications. Students in third grade participate in Safe Racer, a STEM unit that provides students the opportunity to engineer and construct their own safe racer car. Additionally, the implementation and logistics of STEM opportunities such as Lego Robotics, Engineering is Elementary, and MESA (Mathematics, Science, Engineering Achievement) were displayed and explained in the session forum. Due to Woodholmes STEM focus and increase in STEM initiatives, Baltimore Countys STEM department chose some of our staff members to provide examples and resources on our success in the variety of STEM initiatives. Our STEM coordinator and fifth grade teacher, John Maple; Our technology integration teacher and liaison, Melissa Daniels; and the coordinator of several STEM clubs and third grade teacher; me! The artifacts presented for the presentation were all created at Woodholme, between my co-presenters and me. The project was worked on for several months before presented in Atlantic City.

Time Collaboration



This artifact demonstrates my ability to take on a leadership role in preparing and presenting information on STEM initiatives in a National setting. As a leader in STEM within and without my school, I was chosen to provide stakeholders and staff members, K-12, ways that Woodholme prepares students in STEM disciplines by engaging and inspiring students in a variety of

c ross-disciplinary STEM initiatives. We provide the next generation of STEM professionals with countless STEM opportunities for all students. These STEM initiatives provide real-world connections that motivate students to develop these skills in order to excel on Math and Reading state assessments. PP STEM code <iframe src="" width="427" height="356" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" style="border:1px solid #CCC; border-width:1px 1px 0; marginbottom:5px; max-width: 100%;" allowfullscreen> </iframe> <div style="marginbottom:5px"> <strong> <a href="" title="Stem presentation (1)" target="_blank">Stem presentation (1)</a> </strong> from <strong><a href="" target="_blank">strentacoste</a></strong> </div>


Standard Alignment

MTTS Standards: V, VII ISTE - T Standards: 3, 5

Leadership Abilities & Knowledge



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