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From Darkness to Light

The Goldhurst Haggadah 5774

Brought to you by Carmi, Harry & Eliana Gordon (and Jeremy and Josephine)

The Goldhurst Haggadah 5774

Who am I and what am I taking with me? Kiddush Making Spe ial

Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu melech ha-olam, borei p'ri hagafen. Urchatz !ne person "ashes hands Karpas #egetable dipped in salt "ater Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu melech ha-olam, borei p'ri ha-adamah.

The Goldhurst Haggadah 5774

achatz ! Breaking the middle Mat$ah and hiding the Bread o% &reedom

Ha lachma an a di achalu a!hatana b'ara d'mit"ra im. #ol dichfin eite !' eichol, kol dit"rich eitei !' ifsach. Hashata hacha,l'shanah haba-ah b'ara d' isra-eil. Hashata a!dei, l'shanah haba-ah b'nei chorin. 'his is the bread o% being sad, "hi h our %amily ate in the land o% Egypt( )et all "ho are hungry ome and eat( )et all "ho are needy, ome and elebrate *asso+er( 'oday, "e are here( ,e-t year, in the land o% .srael( 'oday, "e are sla+es( ,e-t year, "e "ill be %ree( "ah #ishtana / 0uestions $ah nishtanah ha-la lah ha"eh mikol ha-leilot% &heb'chol ha-leilot anu och'lin chameit" umat"ah. Ha-la lah ha"eh kulo mat"ah. &heb'chol ha-leilot anu och'lin sh'ar 'rakot. Ha-la lah ha"eh maror. &heb'chol ha-leilot ein anu matbilin afilu pa-am echat.Ha-la lah ha"eh sh'tei f'amim &heb'khol ha-leilot anu okhlim bein osh!in u!ein m'subin, halailah ha"eh kulanu m'subin.

The Goldhurst Haggadah 5774

$%adim Ha&inu 1e "ere sla+es in Egypt and the God %reed us %rom Egypt "ith a mighty hand( .% God didn2t make our people %ree then "e, our hildren and our hildren2s hildren "ould still be sla+es( 'our (hildren

'he 1ise 'he 1i ked 'he Simple 'he !ne 1ho 3oes ,ot 4no" Ho" to 5sk Said the %ather to his hildren, 65t the Seder you "ill dine, 7ou "ill eat your %ill o% mat$ah, 7ou "ill drink %our ups o% "ine(6 ,o" this %ather had no daughters, But his sons they numbered %our( !ne "as "ise and one "as "i ked, !ne "as simple and a bore( 5nd the %ourth "as s"eet and "insome, he "as young and he "as small( 1hile his brothers asked the 8uestions he ould s ar ely speak at all( Said the "ise one to his %ather 61ould you please e-plain the la"s9 !% the ustoms o% the Seder 1ill you please e-plain the ause96 5nd the %ather proudly ans"ered, 65s our %athers ate in speed, 5te the pas hal lamb :ere midnight 5nd %rom sla+ery "ere %reed(6 So "e %ollo" their e-ample 5nd :ere

The Goldhurst Haggadah 5774

midnight must omplete 5ll the Seder and "e should not 5%ter ;< remain to eat( 'hen did sneer the son so "i ked 61hat does all this mean to you96 5nd the %ather:s +oi e "as bitter 5s his grie% and anger gre"( 6.% you yoursel% don:t onsider 5s son o% .srael, 'hen %or you this has no meaning 7ou ould be a sla+e as "ell(6 'hen the simple son said simply 61hat is this,6 and 8uietly 'he good %ather told his o%%spring 61e "ere %reed %rom sla+ery(6 But the youngest son "as silent %or he ould not ask at all( His bright eyes "ere bright "ith "onder as his %ather told him all( My dear hildren, heed the lesson and remember e+ermore 1hat the %ather told his hildren 'old his sons that numbered %our( "aggid 'he 'elling o% the Story )aban, =the 5ramaean, "anted to kill my %ather, but he "ent do"n to Egypt and stayed there( 'hey "ere only a %e" people but they be ame a great, mighty, and numerous nation(> ='he Egyptians thought "e "ere going to be nasty, so they hurt us and made us "ork +ery hard(> =1e ried to God, the God o% our %amily( God heard our ry and sa" ho" sad "e "ere and ho" mu h "e "ere in pain and "ere su%%ering %rom being sla+es(> =God took us out o% Egypt "ith a strong hand and an arm stret hed out, "ith terrors, mira les and "onders(> The )* +lagues 'hese are the ten plagues "hi h the Holy Blessed !ne brought on the Egyptians in Egypt?

The Goldhurst Haggadah 5774

;( Blood <( &rogs @( #ermin /( 1ild 5nimals A( Cattle 3isease B( Boils C( Hail D( )o usts E( 3arkness ;F( 3eath o% the &irstborn ,a&&enu (lu ho-tsi, ho-tsi-a-nu, Ho-tsi-a-nu mi-$it"-ra- im, Ho-tsi-a-nu mi-$it"-raim, Da- e-nu) *H+,-&. Dai, da- e-nu, Dai, da- e-nu, Dai, da- e-nu, Da- e-nu, da- e-nu, da- e-nu) Dai, da- e-nu, Dai, da- e-nu, Dai, da- e-nu, Da- e-nu, da- e-nu)

The Goldhurst Haggadah 5774

The -eder +late Gabbi Gamliel said? 5nyone "ho did not mention these three things on *asso+er has not done things properly( 'hey are? +esach, the *asso+er !%%ering "hi h "e ate "hen in Egypt

"atzah, the Hnlea+ened Bread, be ause "e didn2t ha+e enough time to make proper bread "hen "e le%t Egypt

"arror, the Bitter Herbs(, be ause our li+es "ere +ery bitter "hen "e "ere sla+es in Egypt(

The Goldhurst Haggadah 5774

Hallelu .irkat Geulah Se ond up

Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu melech ha-olam, borei p'ri hagafen. Washing Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu melech ha-olam, asher kid'shanu b'mit"!ota!, !'t"i!anu al n'tilat ada im. "otzi "atzah Mat$ah Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu melech ha-olam, hamot"i lechem min haaret". Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu melech ha-olam, asher kid'shanu b'mit"!ota! !'t"i!anu al achilat mat"ah( "arror Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu melech ha-olam, asher kid'shanu b'mit"!ota! !'t"i!anu al achilat maror. (orech 'he Hillel Sand"i h /Al mat"ot um'rorim ochlu-hu.0 "eal

The Goldhurst Haggadah 5774

$/ikomen .lessing $/ter the "eal Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu melekh haolam, ha"al et haolam kulo b'tu!o b'hein b'hesed u!'rahamim, hu notein lehem l'khol !asar kee l'olam hasdo. u!'tu!o hagadol, tamid lo hasar lanu, !'al ehsar lanu ma"ol l'olam !aed. Ba'a!ur sh'mo hagadol, kee hu eil"anum'farnei lakol umei-ti! lakol, umeikhin ma"on k'khol b'ri ota! asher bara, Barukh atah Adonai, ha"an et hakol. Third Cup

Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu melech ha-olam, borei p'ri hagafen. 0li1ah2s (up Eliyahu HaItishIbee Eliyahu, Eliyahu Eliyahu HaIgiladee Bim Heira B2yameinu 7a+o eileinu Eem mashiah ben 3a+id
The Goldhurst Haggadah 5774

Eem mashiah ben 3a+id 'ourth (up

Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu melech ha-olam, borei p'ri hagafen. #irtzah 'he Close L'&hana HaBa'ah Ba'1'rushala im -ongs KI 34 #$50H (;;D) 5dir bimlu ha, ba hur kahala hah, g:duda+ yomru lo( 2,efrain3. ): ha ul: ha, l: ha ki l: ha l: ha, a% l: ha, l: ha 5donai hamam:la ha( 4i lo naIeh, ki lo yaIeh( 3agul bimlu hah, hadur kahala hah, +atika+ yomru lo( (Ge%rain) Jakai bimlu hah, hasin kahala hah, ta%s:ra+ yomru lo( (Ge%rain) 7a hid bimlu hah, kabir kahala hah, limuda+ yomru lo( (Ge%rain) Mosheil bimlu hah, nora kahala hah, s:+i+a+ yomru lo( (Ge%rain) 5na+ bimlu hah, podeh kahala hah, t$adika+ yomru lo( (Ge%rain) 4adosh bimlu hah, ra hum kahala hah, shin:ana+ yomru lo( (Ge%rain) 'aki% bimlu hah, tomei h kahala hah, t:mima+ yomru lo( (Ge%rain)

The Goldhurst Haggadah 5774


$,I6 HU (;<F) 5dir hu, adir hu, 2,efrain3? 7i+neh beito b:karo+, bimheirah bimheirah, b:yameinu b:karo+( El b:neh, El b:neh, b:neh +eit ha b:karo+( Ba hur hu, gadol hu, dagul hu 2,efrain3 Hadur hu, +atik hu, $akai hu 2,efrain3 Chasid hu, tahor hu, ya hid hu 2,efrain3 4abir hu, lamud hu, mele h hu 2,efrain3 ,ora hu, sagi+ hu, i$u$ hu 2,efrain3( *odeh hu, t$adik hu, kadosh hu 2,efrain3( Ga hum hu, shadai hu, taki% hu 2,efrain3( 0(H$, "I 4,0I$ (;<<) Echad mi odeia% E had ani yodeia( E had Eloheinu shebashamayim u+aI aret$( &h'na im mi odeia% Sh:nayim ani yodeia( Sh:nei lu hot habrit, E had Eloheinu shebashamayim u+aIaret$( &h'loshah mi odeia% Sh:loshah ani yodeia( Sh:losha a+ot, sh:nei lu hot habrit, E had Eloheinu shebashamayim u+aIaret$( Arba mi odeia% 5rba ani yodeia( 5rba imahot, sh:losha a+ot, sh:nei lu hot habrit, E had Eloheinu shebashamayim u+aIaret$( *hamishah mi odeia% Chamisha ani yodeia( Chamishah humshei torah, ((( &hishah mi odeia% Shishah ani yodeia( Shishah sidrei mishnah, ((( &hi!'ah mi odeia% Shi+:ah ani yodeia( Shi+:ah y:mei shabta, ((( &h'monah mi odeia% Sh:monah ani yodeia( Sh:monah y:mei milah, ((( 4ish'ah mi odeia% 'ish:ah ani yodeia( 'ish:ah yar hei leidah, ((( Asarah mi odeia% 5sarah ani yodeia( 5sarah dibraya, ((( Achad asar mi odeia% 5 had asar ani yodeia( 5 had asar ko h+aya, ((( &h'neim asar mi odeia% Sh:neim asar ani yodeia9 Sh:neim asar shi+taya, ((( &h'loshah asar mi odeia% Sh:loshah asar ani yodeia( Sh:loshah asar midaI ya, (((

The Goldhurst Haggadah 5774


1ho kno"s one9 . kno" oneK !ne is HaShem, one is HaShem, one is HaShem .n the hea+en and the earth( 1ho kno"s t"o9 . kno" t"oK '"o are the tablets that Moses brought( !ne is the )ord((( 1ho kno"s three9 . kno" threeK 'hree are the %athers 5nd t"o are the tablets that Moses brought( 5nd one is the )ord((( &our are the mothers((( &i+e are the books o% the ( lap) 'orah((( Si- are the !rders o% ( lap) Mishnah((( Se+en are the days o% the "eek ( lap lap) ((( Eight are the days be%ore a Brit (snip snip)((( ,ine are the months be%ore a baby2s born((( 'en are the ten ommandments((( Ele+en are the stars in Joseph2s dream((( '"el+e are the tribes o% .srael((( 'hirteen are the "ays in "hi h God is kno"n(((

The Goldhurst Haggadah 5774


(H$, G$, $

Chad gadya, had gadya (<-)( 3i$+an aba bitrei $u$ei, had gadya (<-)( 2*at3. #aIata shunra +:a hal l:gadya, di$+an aba bitrei $u$ei, had gadya (<-)( 2Dog3. #aIata halba +:nasha h l:shunra( 3:a hal l:gadya, di$+an aba bitrei $u$ei, had gadya (<-)( 2&tick3. #aIata hutra +:hikah l: halba, d:nasha h l:shunra, d:a hal l:gadya, di$+an aba bitrei $u$ei, had gadya (<-)( 2Fire3. #aIata nura +:sara% l: hutra, d:hikh l: halba, d:nasha h l:shunra, d:a hal l:gadya, di$+an aba bitrei $u$ei, had gadya (<-)( 25ater3. #aIata maya +: ha+a l:nurah, d:sara% l: hutra, d:hikah l: halba, d:nasha h l:shunra, d:a hal l:gadya, di$+an aba bitrei $u$ei, had gadya (<-)( 2+63. #aIata tora +:shatah l:maya, d: ha+ah l:nurah, d:sara% l: hutra, d:hikah l: halba, d:nasha h l:shunra, d:a hal l:gadya, di$+an aba bitrei $u$ei, had gadya (<-)( 2Butcher3. #aIatah haIsho heit +:sha hat l:torah, d:shatah l:maya, d: ha+ah l:nura, d:sara% l: hutra, d:hikah l: halba, d:nasha h l:shunra, d:a hal l:gadya, di$+an aba bitrei $u$ei, had gadya (<-)( 2Angel of Death3. #aIata mala h hama+et +:sha hat l:sho het, d:sha hat l:tora, d:shatah l:maya, d: ha+ah l:nura, d:sara% l: hutra, d:hikah l: halba, d:nasha h l:shunra, d:a hal l:gadya, di$+an aba bitrei $u$ei, had gadya (<-)( 2Hol +ne3. #aIata hakadosh baru h hu +:sha hat l:mala h hama+et, d:sha hat l:sho heit, d:sha hat l:tora, d:shatah l:maya, d: ha+ah l:nura, d:sara% l: hutra, d:hikah l: halba, d:nasha h l:shunra, d:a hal l:gadya, di$+an aba bitrei $u$ei, had gadya (<-)(

The Goldhurst Haggadah 5774


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