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Jennifer Sites DEJ#12 Chapter 12

Technology Integration Stages and Issues

A technology using educator can be defined as someone who: makes informed choices by using technology where it will increase student involvement, explores technology by using it in the classroom while analyzing its role in schools and society, promotes change to make it possible for every student to reach their full potential. Technology in school tends to follow one of two broad patterns: inclusion or infusion. Inclusion means that computers and information technologies are used mainly for transferring information and practicing skills. Infusion means that computers and information technologies are ongoing features of teaching and learning in all academic subjects and grade levels. Stages of technology integration: *Assessing where you are as a technology using educator *Entry Stage- begin to learn information technologies *Adoption- blend technology into their classroom practices Adaption- fully integrate new technologies into traditional classroom practices *Appropriation- teachers easily and confidentially use technology * Invention-teachers start to experiment with many instructional patterns and ways to relate to students Technology Integration Issues: *Administrative support and teaching stylerequires professional development training and ongoing support from school administrators *Unwillingness to change favorite lesson plans *Reluctance to use technology in lesson plans *Use of technology as a reward or punishment *Use of technology as an add on to other

Technology integration and educational change

Becoming a technology leading teacher

activities *Use of technology to separate students by ability People use technology to either automate or informate. Automation happens when a new technology essentially recreates existing practices. This is generally done at greater speeds than the old way of doing things. Automating can also been done when individuals incorporate a technology into their everyday lives. Informating is a different process where a technology changes an activity by redesigning and refining it. Sometimes the same technology can be used one way to automate and another way to informate. Being a leader in technology use means establishing yourself with key technology strategies. Teachers will more than likely be faced with not having the resources to teach effectively. Therefore they may have to write educational grants to help get funding for those resources. Teachers will also need to work with colleagues that can use technology effectively and may need to join professional organizations to widen their network of technology support.

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