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DATA STRUCTURE:The logical and physical representation of data is called data structure. Data Structure Linear Non Linear -Tree Array Stac" #ueue Lin"ed- List inary Tree A!L-Tree ST

De$ueue Enueue

Single Lin"ed-List Dou%ly Lin"ed-List Circular Lin"ed- List

Differentiate %et&een the data type and data structure. Stac":'t is a linear data structure( &hich &or"s on a principle or Algorith) called L'*+. A stack is also an ordered collection of element like array, but it has a special feature that deletion & insertion can be done only from one end, called the Top of Stack [Top]. Using stac" &e can do follo&ing operation. ,- .US/ 0- .+. 1- .EE.

1(a) Algorithm for PUSH operation in STACK

.US/ 2Stac" 3 4( int Si5e( Top6 -,( int !alueStep ,: if 2Top66 Si5e-,7 print8 Stac" +9erflo&8: return: ; Step 0: Top 6 Top<, Step 1: Stac" 3Top4 6 !alue Step =: ST+. Step >: END

,2%- Algorith) for .+. operation in STAC? .+. 2Stac" 3 4( int Si5e( int Top( int !alueStep ,: if 2Top66 -,7 print 8Stac" Underflo&8: return: ; Step 0: !alue 6 Stac" 3Top4 Step 1: Top 6 Top-, Step =: return 2!alue-: Step >: ST+. Step @: END ,2c- Algorith) for 'nfiA to .ostfiA Step ,: .US/ eApression( # to stac" array. Step 0: Scan # fro) left to right and repeat 1 to @. Step 1: 'f an operand is encountered( add it to RESULT Step =: 'f left parenthesis B 2 B is encountered( push it to STAC? Step >: 'f an operator 2<(-(C( D - is encountered then 2a- Add operator to STAC?. 2%-Repeatedly .+. fro) and add to RESULT each operator &hich has sa)e precedence or higher precedence than operator. Step @: 'f a right parenthesis is encountered then

2a-Repeatedly .+. fro) STAC? and add it to RESULT until a left parenthesis is encountered. 2%Re)o9e the left parenthesis. Step E: EF'T. ,2d- Algorith) for e9aluating a .ostfiA eApression Step ,: Add a right parenthesis to the end of the eApression. Step 0: Scan eApression fro) left to right and repeat step 1 and = for each ele)ent of eApression until senital 2 B-G -is encountered. Step 1: 'f an operand is encountered .US/ it in the STAC?. Step =: 'f an operator2A- is encountered then 2a- Re)o9e the t&o top ele)ents( top and top-,. 2%- E9aluate top-, 2A- top. 2c- .lace the result %ac" on STAC?. Step >: Set result e$ual to top. Step @: EF'T. RULES:.refiA notation:- R++T LE*T R'H/T 'nfiA notation :LE*T R++T R'H/T .ostfiA notation:- LE*T R'H/T R++T #ues:- Con9ert the infiA eApression into postfiA eApression. ,- AC <CDD Ans:- 2AC -<2CDD2A C-<2CDDA CCDD< 0- 2A< -D2C-DAns:- 2A <-D2CD-+ * A <CD-D 1- 22A< --2CC2DDE--Ans:- 2A <--2CC2DED-A <-CDEDC A B C A <CDEDC-

/ D E

+R #ues:- Con9ert infiA to postfiA eApression using stac" 2CC2DDE--Ans:'N.UT STAC? +UT.UT 2 2 2 22 A 22 A < 22< A 22< A 22<A < 2A < 2 2-2 A < C 2-2 A <C C 2-2C A <C 2 2-2C2 A <C D 2-2C2 A <CD D 2-2C2D A <CD E 2-2C2D A <CDE 2-2C2DA <CDED 2-2CA <CDEDC 2-A <CDEDC-

22A< --

0. #UEUE:A queue is a logically F F! type of list. t is linear data structure. t is an homogeneous collection of element "here ne" element are added fro) the rear end deleted fro) the front end.

02a- Algorith) for 'nsert operation in a #ueue #'NSERT 2)aAsi5e( ite)Step ,: 'f 2Rear I6 )aAsi5e-,7 .rint J#ueue +9erflo&8 Return. ; Step 0: 'f 2*ront66-,'nitiali5e *ront 6 K and Rear 6 -,.

Step 1: Set Rear 6 Rear < ,. Step =: #ueue 3Rear4 6 'te). Step >: Return. 02%- Algorith) for Delete operation in a #ueue Step ,: 'f 2*ront 6 Rear 6 -,7 .rint J#ueue Underflo&8 Return. ; Step 0: 'te) 6 #ueue 3*ront4 Step 1: *ront 6 *ront < ,. Step =: 'f 2*ront 66 Rear7 Set *ront 6 -,( Rear 6 -,. Return 2#ueue 3*ront4-. ;

Circular $ueue:- A circular $ueue is a one in &hich the

in certain of ne& ele)ent is done at the 9ery first location of the $ueue if the last location of the $ueue is full.

A circular $ueue )aintains the :,- *ront &ill al&ays point to the first ele)ent. 0- 'f front is e$ual to rear the $ueue is e)pty. 1- Each ti)e ne& ele)ent is inserted Rear 6 rear < , 3 Delete 6 *ront 6 *ront < , 4 02c - Algorith) for 'nsert operation in a Circular #ueue Step ,: 'f 2*ront 66 Rear < , L MaA si5e7 .rint J#ueue +9erflo&8 Return. ; Step 0: 'f 2*ront 6 -,7 Set *ront 6 K and Rear 6 -,. ; Step 1: Rear 6 22Rear < ,- L MaA si5eStep =: #ueue 3Rear4 6 'te). Step >: EF'T. 02d- Algorith) for Delete operation in a Circular Step ,: 'f 2*ront 66 -,7 .rint JUnderflo&8 Return. ;


Step 0: 'te) 6 #ueue 2*rontStep 1: 'f 2*ront 66 Rear7 Set *ront 6 Rear 6 -,. ; Step =: *ront 6 2*ront < ,- L MaAsi5e. Step >: EF'T. D+U LE ENDED #UEUE:'n the $ueue insertion and deletion operation are perfor)ed at %oth the ends i.e. &e can insert the ele)ent fro) the rear end as &ell as fro) the front end. There are t&o types of D#UEUE:a. +utput restricted D#UEUE. %. 'nput restricted D#UEUE. There are four operation in D#UEUE ,- 'nsertion at REAR END 0- Deletion fro) *R+NT END 1- 'nsertion fro) *R+N END =- Deletion fro) REAR END N+TE:*or input restricted D#UEUE all the a%o9e operation are 9alid. *or output restricted D#UEUE operation a( %( c are 9alid %ut d is not 9alid. 02e- Algorith) for 'nsert operation at Rear end in a D$ueue #'NSERT 2MaA si5e( ite)Step ,: 'nitiali5e *ront 6 K and Rear 6 -,. Step 0: 'f 2Rear I6 )aA si5e-,7 .rint J#ueue +9erflo&8 Return. ; Step 1: Set Rear 6 Rear < ,.

Step =: #ueue 3Rear4 6 'te). Step >: Return.

02f- Algorith) for Delete operation fro) *ront end in a De$ue Step ,: 'f 2*ront 6 Rear 6 -,7 .rint J#ueue Underflo&8 Return. ; Step 0: 'te) 6 #ueue 3*ront4 Step 1: *ront 6 *ront < ,. Step =: 'f 2*ront 66 Rear7 Set *ront 6 -,( Rear 6 -,. Return 2#ueue 3*ront4-. ;

02g- Algorith) for 'nsert operation at *ront end in a De$ue Step ,: 'f 2*ront 6 K7 .rint J'nput not Allo&ed8 Return. ; Step 0: *ront 6 *ront N ,. Step 1: D-$ueue 2*ront- 6 9alue. Step =: Return.

02h- Algorith) for Delete operation fro) Rear end in a D$ueue Step ,: 'f 2*ront 6 Rear 6 -,8

7 .rint JUnderflo&8 Return. ; Step 0: 'f 2*ront 6 Rear7 Return 2#ueue 3Rear4Set *ront 6 Rear 6 -,. ; Step 1: 'te) 6 #ueue 3Rear4. Step =: Rear 6 Rear-,. Step >: Return.

1. L'N?ED-L'ST A lin" list can %e defined as a collection of 9aria%le nu)%er of data ite). Lists are )ost co))only used non-pri)iti9e data structure. An ele)ent of the list )ust %e containing t&o fields: one for the storing data or infor)ation and other for storing address of neAt ele)ent. As you "no& for storing address &e ha9e a special data structure in c called pointer.

12a- Algorith) for creation of a Lin"ed-list Step ,: Define structure:struct list 7 int ite): struct lin" list C neAt: ;: Step 0: Define pointer 9aria%le as start and ptr. Step 1: Allocate )e)ory for each N+DE. Step =: 'nsert 9alue. Step >: start neAt 6 ptr. Step @: ptr neAt 6 NULL.


# OA. for Lin"ed- List PincludeQstdio.hI PincludeQconio.hI PincludeQalloc.hI struct lin"list 7 int ite): struct lin"list C neAt: ;: typedef struct lin"list Node: 9oid )ain27 Node Cstart Cptr: clrscr2-: start 6 2NodeC- )alloc 2si5e of 2Node--: printf2RSn Enter the 'te):-------IR-: scanf2RLdR(T start 'te)-: start NeAt 6Null: ptr 6 2NodeC- )alloc2si5e of 2Node--: printf2RSn Enter the 'te):-------IR-: scanf2RLdR(Tptr 'te)-: start NeAt 6ptr: printf2RSn Lin"ed - List DisplayedR-: printf2RS Ld LdR(start 'te)( start neAt 'te)-: getch2-: ; # OA. for Lin"ed- List PincludeQstdio.hI PincludeQconio.hI PincludeQalloc.hI struct lin"list 7 int ite): struct lin"list C neAt: ;: 9oid )ain210


7 Node Cstart( Cptr(Cptr,: clrscr2-: start 6 2NodeC- )alloc 2si5e of 2Node--: printf2RSn Enter the 'te):-------IR-: scanf2RLdR(T start -I 'te)-: start -I NeAt 6Null: ptr 6 2NodeC- )alloc2si5e of 2Node--: printf2RSn Enter the 'te):-------IR-: scanf2RLdR(Tptr -I 'te)-: start -I NeAt 6ptr: printf2RSn Lin" - List DisplayedR-: printf2RS Ld -I LdR(start -I 'te)( start -I neAt -I 'te)-: printf2RSn Adding Node to %egining of the ListR-: ptr, -I NeAt 6start: start -I ptr ,: printf2RSn Ld -I Ld -ILdR( start -I ite) (start -I neAt -I ite)( start -I neAt-I neAt-I ite)-: getch2; getch2-: ; 3(b) Algorithm for Insertion of a node at the Beginning of in!"list Step ,: 'f 2ptr 6 Null7 .rint J+9erflo&8 EAit ; else ptr 6 2N+DEC-)alloc 2si5e of 2N+DE-Step 0: Set ptr ite) 6 9alue. Step 1: Set ptr neAt 6 start. Step =: start 6 ptr.



12c- Algorith) for Deletion operation in Circular $ueue# Step ,: 'f2 *ront 6 6 -,7 .rint2J +9erflo&8-: ; EAit: Step 0: 'te) 6 #ueue2 *ront-: Step 1: if 2*ront 6 6 Rear7 Set *ront 6 Rear 6 -,: ; Step =: *ront 6 2*ront < ,- L MaAsi5e. Step >: EAit. 12d- Algorith) for 'nsertion of a node at the End of Lin"-list Step ,: 'f ptr 6 Null 7 .rint J +9erflo&8 EAit ; else ptr 6 2N+DEC-)alloc 2si5e of2N+DE-Step 0: Set ptr ite) 6 9alue. Step 1: Set ptr neAt 6 Null. Step =: 'f start 6 Null then start 6 ptr. Step >: Set Te)p 6 start. Step @: Repeat step E until Te)p neAt U6 Null. Step E: Te)p 6 Te)p neAt. Step V: Te)p neAt 6 ptr.



12e- Algorith) for 'nsertion of a node at a gi9en location in Lin"-list

#st $ethod%&
Step ,: 'nsert location Step 0: Create node ptr 6 2 N+DE C - Malloc" 2 Si5e of 2N+DE-Step 1: Te)p 6 Start Step =: Repeat until iQ6location-, Te)p 6 Te)p NeAt Step->: ptr NeAt 6 Te)p NeAt Step @: Te)p NeAt 6 ptr. 0nd Method: Step ,: 'f 2ptr 6 Null- then 7 .rint8 +9erflo&8 EAit ; else ptr 6 2N+DEC- )alloc" 2si5e of2N+DE-Step 0: ptr ite) 6 9alue. Step 1: 'f start 6 Null then start 6 ptr. ptr neAt 6 Null. End if Step =: Set i6K( te)p 6 start. Step >: Repeat @ and E until iQloc. Step @: te)p 6 te)p neAt. Step E: i 6i<,. Step V: ptr neAt 6 te)p neAt. Step W: te)p neAt 6 ptr.

12f- Algorith) for Deletion of a node fro) Start of a Lin"edlist Step ,: 'f 2start 6 Null- then



.rint JLin" list e)pty8 EAit End if Step 0: ptr 6 start. Step 1: start 6 start neAt. Step =: free 2ptr-.

12g- Algorith) for Deletion of a node fro) the End of a Lin"ed- list Step ,: 'f 2start 6 Null- then .rint JLin"ed list e)pty8 End End if Step 0: 'f 2start neAt 6 Null- then ptr 6 start. start 6 Null. free 2ptr-. Step 1: ptr 6 start. Step =: Repeat step > and @ until ptr neAt U6Null. Step >: Loc 6 ptr. Step @: ptr 6 ptr neAt. Step E: Loc neAt 6 Null. Step V: free 2ptr-.

12h- Algorith) for deletion of a node fro) a gi9en location in a Lin"ed-list Step ,: 'f 2start 6 Null.rint JUnderflo&8 EAit End if Step 0: N+DE Cptr( Cte)p( i6 K( ptr 6 start. Step 1: Repeat step = to E until iQ6 loc. Step =: te)p 6 ptr. Step >: ptr 6 ptr neAt.


Step @: i6 i<,. Step E: te)p neAt 6 ptr neAt. Step V: free 2ptr-.

Lin"ed N List i)ple)entation of stac":f ( Top ) ) *ull+ , Temp ) get node( + Temp nfo ) -alue Temp .ink ) *ull Top ) Temp } Else { Temp ) get node( + Temp nfo ) -alue Temp .ink ) Top Top ) Temp }

C Algorith) for deletion of a node fro) stac" using Lin"ed-list

Step ,:

'f 2 Top 6 Null.rint J Underflo&8 Else 7 Top 6 te)p Lin" *ree node 2te)p;

Algorith) for deletion of a node fro) Lin"ed-list fro) any certain point:-



Step ,:

Step 0: Step 1:
Step =:

if 2 start 6 Null.rint J Underflo&8 EAit End if Node Cptrt ( Cte)p i6K ptr 6 start Repeat step = to E Until Q6 loc
te)p 6 start ptr 6 ptr neAt

Step >: Step @:

Step E:

i 6 i<,
te)p neAt 6 ptr neAt free 2ptr-

Step V:

'oubly .inked list %

A dou%ly lin"- list is one in &hich all nodes are lin"ed together %y )ultiple of lin" &hich help in accessing %oth successor and predecessor node fro) the gi9en node position. 't pro9ides %idirectional professional. 12i- Algorith) for 'nsertion of node at start of dou%ly lin"-list. Step ,: ptr pre9 6 start neAt Step 0: start pre9 6 ptr Step 1: ptr neAt 6 start Step =: start 6 ptr


.inear search

/inary search

.inear search%& Linear searching search each record of the file, one at a
time until finding a given name and hence the corresponding. The time


required to execute the algorithm is proportional to the number of comparison. The arrange number of file is equal to the n/2; the complexity of linear search algorithm is given by C2A- 6 nD0. /inary search%& It comp !e t"e #$%e& & me '$t" t"e & me $& t"e m$((le o) t"e l$st* t"$s tells '"$c" " l) o) t"e l$st co&t $& & me+ ,"e comp !e '$t" t"e & me $& t"e m$((le o) t"e co!!ect " l) to (ete!m$&e '"$c" -. !te! o) t"e l$st co&t $& & me &( co&t$&.es t"e p!ocess .&t$l )$&($&# t"e & me $& t"e l$st+ the complexity of binary search algorithm is given by C2A- 6 log0 A

C Algorith) for linear search:Step ,:

Step 0: Step 1: Step =: Step >:

Step @:

Step E:

'eclare Array A [*], ) 0, 1os ) &# nsert element in Array nsert -alue -al to search 2epeat step until 3 n if ( A[i] ) ) -al+ , 1os ) 4 56it4 7 if(pos 8&#+ 1rint 9item in list:. 5lse 1rint 9item is not in list:. 5nd.

C Algorith) for Step ,: ;al, pos ) &# Step 0:

inary Search:-

'eclare Array A[*] min)0, $a6 ) *&#,$id, nsert element in Array in sorted manner.


Step 1: Step =: &# Step >: Step @:

nsert -al to search. 2epeat step <,=,> until $in 3 ) $a6 && pos ) ) $id) ($in ?$a6+@A f( A[ $id ]) ) -al+ , 1os ) $id4 /reak4 7 f ( A [ $id ] 8 -al+ $a6 ) $id &# 5lse $in ) $in ? # if pos 8 &# 1rint 9Found:. 5lse 1rint 9 *ot Found:. 5nd.

Step E:

Step V:

Step W:

A tree is a non-linear data structure. 't is a finite set of A one or )ore data ite).

B 18 D E


Root :- Root is the first in the /ierarchal arrange)ent of data ite). Node:- Each data ite) is in tree is called tree. Ter)inal Node:A root &ith degree 5ero is called leaf node or ter)inal node. Degree of a node:'t is the nu)%er of tree of the node. Si%ling:- The children node of a gi9en parent node is called Si%ling. Depth:- 't is the )ini)u) le9el of any node( it is also ter)ed as the height of tree. *orest:- 't is the set of disXoint tree. inary tree:- A %inary tree is a finite set of data ite) &hich is either e)pty or consist of a single ite)( is called the root &ith t&o disXoint %inary tree is called left-su%tree and right su%tree.

Array representation of
D E / A B D E / C 0 19

inary Tree.



H inary Tree.

LinedNList Array representation of A C






*unction for 'n-order tra9ersal in %inary tree:-

Recursi9e *unction:-

!oid in-order 2 struct node C root7 'f2 2 root U6 NULL7 'n-order 2 root left.rint root data 'norder 2 root right; ;

Linear Search:-

$ Algorithm for linear sear%h&"

Step ,: Step 0: Step 1: 'nput A pos6-,(i6K 'nput ele)ent to search.



Step =:

Step >:

Repeat until 2iQn'f 2A3i4 6 ele)ent.os 6 -, '<< EAit 'f2posI-,.rint J ' 8 Else Print !alue not found"

$ '(n%tion to %reation of Binar) Tree %reate B Tree ( info* +,-.) &

Step ,: 'f N+DE 6 NULL N+DE 6 Create a N+DE N+DE Left 6 NULL N+DE Right 6 NULL Step 0: 'f N+DE info I6 info N+DE left6Create Tree2info N+DE leftElse N+DE Right6Create Tree2info N+DE rightStep 1: Return N+DE. .reorder tra9ersal of inary Tree.

!oid preorder 2 N+DE C .7 'f 2rootU6NULL7 .rint . nu) .reorder 2. left.reorder 2 . Right.ost order tra9ersal of inary Tree. !oid post order 2 N+DE C .7 'f 2rootU6NULL7 .rint . nu)



.ost order 2. left.ost order 2 . Right. nu).

inary Search Tree:

A inary search tree &hich is either e)pty or satisfy the follo&ing:,- The 9alue of the left child should %e less then the 9alue of the root. 0- The 9alue of the left child is )ore then or e$ual to the 9alue of the root. EAa)ple: E 1 , = W
7 3 1 4 2 5 6 8 9 1 0




$ Algorithm for b(bble sort &"

Step ,: Step 0: Step 1: Step =: Step >: Step @: Step E: Step V:
'nput A for 2i6, to i6 n-,- do 1 to E for 2X6, to X6 n-,- do = to E if2 A3i<,4 Q A3i4T 6 A 3i4 A3i4 6 A3i<,4 A3i<,4 6T print A



B CA1 to /ubble Sort.

Dinclude3stdio.h8 Dinclude3conio.h8 -oid main(+ , int 6[#0],i,E,n,t4 clrscr(+4 printf(FGn 5nter the number of element%&&&8F+4 scanf(FHd F,&n+4 for(i)#4i3)n4i??+ , for(i)#4i3)n&#4i??+ , for(E)#4E3)n&#4E??+ , if(6[i?#]36[i]+ , t)6[i]4 6[i])6[i?#]4 6[i?#])t4 7 7 7 7 for(i)#4i3)n4i??+ , printf(FHdF,6[i]+4 7 getch(+4 7 'nsertion sort is a successi9e ele)ents are inserted at the proper position in the sorted list.

'nsertion sort :-



$ Algorithm for Insertion sort&"

Step ,: Step 0:

inp(t /

Step 1 : Step =: Step >: Step @: Step E: Step V: Step W: Step ,K:

for i 6 K to i 6 n do 1 to W T6 A3i4 X6 i- , &hile 2 t Q A3X4 TT X I K - do @ T E A3X<,4 6 A3X4 X6X-, X 6 X<, A3X4 6 T print J A8

An array is defined as a set of finite homogeneous element and data item. it means array can contain one type of data only, either only integer, all floating Ipoint number, or all character . Chere int specifies the data type of element array store. Some common operation performed on array are4 #. creation on array A. tra-ersing an array J. insertion of ne" element K. deletion of required element <. modification of require element =. merging of array.

$ Algorithm for insertion of element in Arra)&"

Step ,: Step 0: Step 1:
Step =: 'nput the ele)ent into an array a3si5e4. 'nput the location nu)%er loc input the 9alue ne&si5e6si5e<, &hile ne&si5eIloc a3ne&si5e4 6 a3ne&si5e-,4 24

Step >:

25 ne&si5e-a3ne&si5e4 6 9alue si5e6si5e<,

Step @: Step E:

Algorithm for Deletion of element in Arra)&"

Step ,: Step 0: Step 1: Step =:
'nput the ele)ent into the array. 'nput the location nu)%er loc &hile loc Q si5e A3loc4 6 A3loc < ,4 loc 6 loc < , si5e--

0" 1AP for Tra2ersal for Arra)

Dinclude3stdio.h8 Dinclude3conio.h8 -oid main(+ , int a[<], i4 clrscr(+4 printf(FGn 5nter the element in the Array%&&&&&&&&8F+4 for( i)0 4 i3 <4 i??+ , scanf(FHd F,& a[i]+4 7 printf(FGn Array 'isplayedF+4 for(i)04 i3<4 i??+ , scanf(FHdF,&a[i]+4 7 getch(+4 7

B& CA1 to insertion of an element in the array

Dinclude3stdio.h8 Dinclude3conio.h8 -oid main(+ ,


int a[<0],i,n,-alue, loc4 clrscr(+4 printf(FGn Lo" many element%&&&&&&&8F+4 scanf(FHdF, &n+4 printf(FGn 5nter array element%&&&&&&8F+4 for( i)04 i3)n4 i??+4 , scanf(FHdF,&a[i]+4 7 printf(FGn 5nter the location no. %&&&&8F+4 scanf(FHdF,&loc+4 printf(FGn 5nter the -alueF+4 scanf(FHdF,&-alue+4 for(i)n4 i8) loc4 i&&+ , 6[i?#] ) 6[i]4 7 6[loc] ) -alue4 for(i)#4 i3)n?#4 i??+ , printf(FHdF,6[i]+4 7 getch(+4 7

Question 1:- Write a programme to convert temperature in centigrade? Answer:#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main() { float f, C; clrscr(); printf( \n Enter the temperature in Fahrenheit: - );


scanf( %f , &f); C = (f-32)/1.8; printf ( \n The temperature in Celsius scale is = %f,C:); getch(); }


Question 2:- Write a program to swap two number without using third veriable?


Answer:#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main() { int a, b; clrscr(); printf(\n Enter the two numbers: ); scanf( %d%d, &a,&b); printf( \n the value before swapping is :- %d%d, a,b); a =a+b; b =a-b; a =a-b; printf( \n after swapping the value is :-%d%d,a,b); getch(); } Output:-



QUESTION 3:- Write a program to calculate the volume and area of sphere using a symbolic constant . PI=3.142 test your program For redius 1,6,12,2,0,0.2,12.2. Answer:#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main() { float Volume, area, r; clrscr()


printf(\n Enter the radius of sphere:-); scanf(%f,&r); Volume=4/3(3.142*r*r*r); printf(\n area:-%f \t volume:-%f,area,volume); getch(); }

Output:Case1. When enter the radius of sphere is 1 then



Case2. when enter the radius of sphere is 6 then

Case3. when enter the radius of sphere is12 then



Case4. when enter the radius of sphere is 2 then



Case5. when enter the radius of sphere is 0 then

Case6. when enter the radius of sphere is 0.2 then



Case7. when enter the radius of sphere is 12.2 then



Question 4:- Write a program to calculate the salary of medical representative based on the sales , bonus and incentive to be offered to him will be based on total sales if the seals exceed Rs-1 lakhs follow the particular of table 1 other wise table 2. Table 1 Basic = Rs 3000\HRA = 20% of basic DA = 110%of basic Conveyance =Rs 500\Incentive = 10% of sales Bonus = Rs 500\Table 2 Basic = Rs 3000\HRA = 20% of basic DA = 110%of basic Conveyance =Rs 500\Incentive = 5% of sales Bonus = Rs 500\-

Coding #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main() { float s-amt , hra , da , ins ,sal; int bs =3000, bonus = 500 , con = 500; clrscr(); printf(\n enter the sales amount :-); scanf(\n %f , &s-amt); if { hra = 0.2 *bs ; da = 1.1 * s-amt;



sal = bs + ins + bonus + hra + da + con; printf(\n hra =%f \t da = %f \t ins = %f \t netsal=%f, hra, da, ins,sal); } else { hra = 0.2 *bs ; da = 1.1 * bs; ins = 0.05*s-amt; sal = bs + ins + bonus + hra + da + con; printf(\n hra =%f \t da = %f \t ins = %f \t netsal=%f, hra, da, ins ,sal); } getch(); }




question5:- Write a program to calculate energy bill read the starting and ending meter. The charges as follows No of unit consumed 200-500 100-200 Less then 100 Rates in rupees Rs 3.50\Rs 2.50\Rs 1.50\-

#Include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main() { float uc , bill; clrscr(); printf(\n enter the electricity unit consumed by user:-);


scanf(%f ,&uc); if(uc <100) { bill = 1.50 *uc; } else if ( uc <200 || uc =100 ) { bill = 100 + (uc-100)*2.50; } else if (uc <500 || uc =200) { bill = 500 +(uc-300)*3.50; } printf( \n bill is %f ,bill); getch(); } Output:Enter the electricity unit consumed by user :- 100 Bill is 100.00



Question 6:- W rite a program to sort six number and find the largest one by using ladder of if-else. #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main() { int a,b,c,d,e,f; clrscr(); printf("\nEnter the six number:- "); scanf("%d%d%d%d%d%d",&a,&b,&c,&d,&e,&f); if(a>b && a>c && a>d && a>e && a>e) { printf("a is the largest=%d",a); } else if(b>a && b>c && b>d && b>e && b>f) { printf("b is the largest=%d",b); } else if(c>a && c>b && c>d && c>e && c>f) { printf(" c is the largest=%d",c); } else if(d>a && d>b && d>c && d>e && d>f)



{ printf(" d is the largest=%d",d); } else if(e>a && e>b && e>c && e>d && e>f) { printf("e is the largest =%d",e); } else { printf(" f is largest=%d",f); } getch(); }




Question8:- Write a program to calculate n factorial where n is a positive integer number and its value is to be read from keyboard . Try and implement factorial 15. #include<stdio.h> # include<conio.h> main() { int no,fact=1;


clrscr(); printf("\n Enter the number;-"); scanf("%d",&no); while(no>1) { fact = fact*no; no--; } printf("\n Factorial of given number:-%d",fact); getch(); } Output:-



Question10:- Write a program to generate a table of prime number between 2 and 20. Coding:#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main() { int i,j,num,n; clrscr(); for(i=2;i<=20;i++) { num=0; for(j=1;j<=i;j++) { if(i%j==0) { num=num+1;

} }




{ for(n=1;n<=10;n++) { printf("%d ",n*i); } printf("\n");

} getch(); }




Question12:- Write a program to find the root of the quadratic equation find all roots. Coding:#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<math.h> main() { int a,b,c,d; float x1,x2; clrscr(); printf("\n enter the value of a:-"); scanf("%d",&a); printf("\n enter the value of b :-"); scanf("%d",&b); printf("\n enter the value of c :-");



scanf("%d",&c); d=b*b - 4*a*c; if(d<0) { printf("\n imaginary root"); } else if(d>=0) { x1 = -b+sqrt(d)/2*a; x2 = -b- sqrt(d)/2*a; printf("x1=%f\t x2=%f",x1,x2); } getch(); }




Question 14:- Write a program to find the sum of series +2+3+ ..n. Coding:#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h>


main() { int i,n,sum=1; printf("\n Enter the number of terms:- "); scanf("%d",&n); for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { sum=sum+i; printf("%d+",i-1); } printf("%d=%d",i,sum); printf("\n Sum of the series is:- %d",sum); getch();




Question 15:- Write a program to find 1-x/2! x/4! .upto n terms. #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> int fact(int); int fact(int i) { int fact; if(i==1) { return (1); else {


fact=i*fact(i-1); return (fact);

} main() { int n,x; float term,sum; clrscr(); printf("\n Enter the Vlaue of x:- \n"); scanf("%d",&x); printf("\n Enter the number of term:-\n"); scanf("%d",&term); sum=0; for(term=1;n<=term;n++) { sum=sum+fact(2*n); } printf("\n Sum=%d",sum);

getch(); }




Question 16:- Write a program to find ..+ n^2 Coding:-

1^2 + 2^2 + 3^2 +

#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h>


#include<math.h> main() { int n,i,sum=0; printf("\n Enter the number of terms:- "); scanf("%d",&n); for(i=0;i<=n;i++) { sum=sum+(i*i); } printf("sum of the series is:- %d",sum); getch(); } Output:-



Question 17:- Write a program to find the +n^3 Coding:-

1^3 + 2^3 +

#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<math.h> main() { int n,i,sum=0; printf("\n Enter the number of terms:- "); scanf("%d",&n); for(i=0;i<=n;i++) { sum=sum+(i*i*i); } printf("sum of the series is:- %d",sum); getch();




Questiopn 18:- Write a program to find the 1^2 + 2^2 + +n^2 Coding:#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<math.h> main() {


int i,n,a,T=0; clrscr(); printf("For Finding The Sum of Square, Enter The nth Term Value.\n"); printf("___________________________________________ ___________\n"); scanf("%d",&n); Printf("Given nth Term value =%d.",n); printf("\n\n************RESULT OF SQUARE IN nth TERM********************\n\n"); for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { a=pow(i,2); if(i==n) printf(".....+%d.",a); else printf("%d+",a); T=T+a; } printf("\n\nTotal=%d.",T); getch(); }



Output: -

Question 19:- Write a program to find .. Coding:#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<math.h> main() {


1 + sqrt(2) +sqrt(3) +


int i,term; float sum=0; clrscr(); printf("\nEnter the number number of terms:- "); scanf("%d",&term); for(i=1;i<=term;i++) { sum=sum+sqrt(i); } printf("sum=%f",sum); getch(); } Output:-



Question 20:- Write a program to reverse the string and check wether It paliandrawn or not. Coding:#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main() { int i,j=0; char x[30],y[30]; clrscr(); printf("\n Enter any string:- "); gets(x); for(i=0;x[i]!='\0';i++); printf("\n"); for(i--;i>=0;i--) { y[j]=x[i]; j++; } y[j]='\0'; i=0; while(x[i]==y[i] && x[i]!='\0' && y[i]!='\0')




} if(x[i]=='\0' && y[i]=='\0') printf("\n Palindrome"); else printf("\n not Palindrome");

getch(); } output:case1. alphabatically

Case2. numeric


Question 21 :- Write a program yo generate a series of armstrong number. Coding:#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main() { int n,j,sum=0,a; clrscr(); printf(" \n");




printf("***************** SERIES OF ARMSTRONG NO.******************\n\n"); for(n=1;n<=3000;n++) { for(j=n;j>0;j=j/10) { a=j%10; sum=sum+a*a*a; } if(sum= =n) printf("%d\t",sum); sum=0; } getch(); } Output:-



Question22:- Write a program to detect the occurance of a character in a given string. Coding:#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main() { char a[20]; int i=0,j=0; int count=0; char ch; clrscr(); printf("\nEnter any String:- "); scanf("%s",a); fflush(stdin); printf("U have to find occur whom character:- "); scanf("%c",&ch); fflush(stdin); while(a[i]!=NULL) { if(a[i]==ch) { count=count+1; }



i++; } printf("occurence of given chracter is:- %d",count); getch(); }


Question23:- Write a program to sort the element of an array using selection sort.



Coding:#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main() { int a[10],i,j,temp; clrscr(); printf("\n Enter the elements to sort:- "); for(i=0;i<=9;i++) { scanf("%d",&a[i]); } printf("Before sorted array is:-\n"); for(i=0;i<=9;i++) { printf("%d ",a[i]); } for(i=0;i<=9;i++) { for(j=0;j<=9-i;j++) { if(a[j]>a[j+1]) { temp=a[j]; a[j]=a[j+1]; a[j+1]=temp; }



} } printf("\n After Sorted Array is:- \n"); for(i=0;i<=9;i++) { printf("%d ",a[i]); } getch(); } Output:-

Question24:- Write a program to search an element an array using binary search technique. Coding:65


#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main() { int a[10],i,n; clrscr(); printf("\n Enter the number:- "); for(i=0;i<=9;i++) { scanf("%d",&a[i]); } printf("\n List is:-" ); for(i=0;i<=9;i++) { printf("%d ",a[i]); } printf("\nEnter the number which u want to search:- "); scanf("%d",&n); for(i=0;i<=9;i++) { if(a[i]==n) { printf("\n positiom of item is %d",i); } } getch(); }




Question25:- Write a program to count the vowel and digit in a given string. Coding:#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main() { char a[30]; int i=0,vow=0,con=0; clrscr();


printf("\n Enter any text:- "); scanf("%s",a); while(a[i]!='\0') { switch(a[i]) { case 'a': case 'e': case 'i': case 'o': case 'u': vow++; break; default: con++; } i++; } printf("\n Vowel=%d \n Con=%d",vow,con); getch(); }




Question26:- Write a program to display the multication table using array. Coding:#include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> main() { int i,j,n; i=1; clrscr(); do { j=1;


n=i*j; printf("%4d",n); j=j+1; }while(j<=10); printf("\n"); i=i+1; }while(i<=10); getch(); } Output:-

do {

Question27:- Write a program in c to create a matrix and display its element one by one. Coding:70


#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main() { int i,j,a[3][3]; clrscr(); printf("\nEnter the Elements of Matrix:- "); for(i=0;i<=2;i++) { for(j=0;j<=2;j++) { scanf("%d",&a[i][j]); } } printf("\n The matrix is :-\n "); for(i=0;i<=2;i++) { for(j=0;j<=2;j++) { printf("%d ",a[i][j]); } printf("\n"); } getch(); }






Question29:- Write a program in c to convert binary to decimal. Coding:#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int num,sum=0,i=0,z=1,x,rem,j; clrscr(); printf("\n Enter the number:------>"); scanf("%d",&num); while(num>=0) { rem=num%10; if(i==0&&rem==1) { sum=sum+rem*(1); } else { x=i; z=1; for(j=1;j<=x;j++) {



z=z*2; } } sum=sum+rem*z;

i++; num=num/10;

printf("\n Decimal number=%ld",sum); getch(); } Output:-



Question30:- write a program to search a number by using binary searching and bubble sorting. Coding:#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #define MAX 10 int A[MAX]={5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14}; int bsearchn(int l,int u, int k) { int m; while(u>=1) { m=(l+u)/2; if(k==A[m]) { return(m+1); } if(k<A[m]) { u=m-1; } else { l=m+1; }



} } main() { int i,lb=0,ub=10,key,loc; clrscr(); for(i=lb;i<ub;i++) { printf("%d ",A[i]); } printf("\n Enter the number which u want for Search:- "); scanf("%d",&key); loc=bsearchn(lb,ub,key); printf("%d found at %d location",key,loc); getch(); }




Question31:- Write a program in c to obtain sum and product of two matrix. Coding: #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main() { int a[3][3],b[3][3],m[3][3],s[3][3],i,j,k; clrscr(); printf("\n Enter the Elements of matrix:- "); for(i=0;i<=2;i++) { for(j=0;j<=2;j++) { scanf("%d",&a[i][j]); }


} printf("The matrix is:- \n"); for(i=0;i<=2;i++) { for(j=0;j<=2;j++) { printf("%d ",a[i][j]); } printf("\n"); } printf("\n Enter the Elements of Second Matrix:-\n"); for(i=0;i<=2;i++) { for(j=0;j<=2;j++) { scanf("%d",&b[i][j]); } } printf("\n The Second Matrix is:- \n"); for(i=0;i<=2;i++) { for(j=0;j<=2;j++) { printf("%d ",b[i][j]); } printf("\n"); }



printf("The Addition of two matrix is:- \n"); for(i=0;i<=2;i++) { for(j=0;j<=2;j++) { s[i][j]=a[i][j]+b[i][j]; } } for(i=0;i<=2;i++) { for(j=0;j<=2;j++) { printf("%d ",s[i][j]); } printf("\n"); } printf("The Multiplication of matrix is:-\n"); for(i=0;i<=2;i++) { for(j=0;j<=2;j++) { m[i][j]=0; for(k=0;k<=2;k++) { m[i][j]=m[i][j]+(a[i][k]*a[k][j]); } }



} for(i=0;i<=2;i++) { for(j=0;j<=2;j++) { printf("%d ",m[i][j]); } printf("\n"); } getch(); } Output:-



Question 32 :- WAP to calcute to the following:- Area of Ractangle, Area of Trapizium, Area of Triangle, Area of Circle, Area of Cylender,Area of parallelogram,Area of Rhambus,Cone of Volume,Sphere of Volume,Addition, Substrction, multipication, Division. #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<math.h> void main() { float Area,a,b,c,x,y,l,h,r,d1,d2,S,Addition, Substraction,Multiplication,Division,Volume,salary,tax,nil,shpere, grosssalary; char choice; clrscr(); printf("\n Enter choice:---->"); scanf("%c",&choice);

switch(choice) { case 1: printf("\n Enter length and breath of the Ractangle:------->");



scanf("%f %f",&l,&b); Area = (l*b); printf("\n Area of Ractangle = %f",Area); break; case 2: printf("\n Enter the sides of Triangle:------->"); scanf("%f %f %f",&a,&b,&c); S = (a+b+c)/2; Area = sqrt(S*(S-a)*(S-b)*(S-c)); printf("\n Area of triangle = %f",Area); break; case 3: printf("\n Enter the Radius of the Circle :------>"); scanf("%f",&r); Area = (3.14*r*r); printf("\n Area of Circle = %f",Area); break; case 4: printf("\n Enter the radius and Height of the cylender---->"); scanf("%f %f",&r,&h); Area = (2*3.14*r*h); printf("\n Area of Cylender = %f",Area); break; case 5: printf("\n Enter the base and height of the parallelogram:------->");



scanf("%f %f",&b,&h); Area = (b*h); printf("\n Area of Parallelogram break;


case 6: printf("\n Enter diagonals of the Rhambus:-------->"); scanf("%f %f",&d1,&d2); Area = (0.5*d1*d2); printf("\n Area of Rahambus = %f",Area); break; case 7: printf("\n Enter Radius And Height of the Cone:------->"); scanf("%f %f",&r,&h); Volume = (0.333*3.14*r*r*h); printf("\n Cone of volume = %f",Volume); break; case 8: printf("\n Enter the Radius of half sphere:------>"); scanf("%f",&r); Volume = (0.666*3.14*r*r*r); printf("\n Volume of HalfSphere = %f",Volume); break; case 9: printf("\n Enter the sides and height of the Trapizium:---->"); scanf("%f %f %f",&a,&b,&h);



Area =(0.5*(a+b)*h); printf("\n Area of Trapizium = %f",Area); break; case 10: printf("\n Enter Salary:------>"); scanf("%f",&salary); if(salary<=2000) { tax=nil; } if(2000<salary<=4000) { tax=.03; } if(4000<salary<=5000) { tax=.05; } if(salary>5000) { tax=.08; } printf("\n salary = %f",salary); printf("\n tax = %f",tax); break; case 11:



printf("\n Enter the numbers a & b for Sum:------->"); scanf("%f %f",&a,&b); Addition = a+b; printf("\n Addition = %f",Addition); break; case 12: printf("\n Enter the numbes a & b for Substract:----->"); scanf("%f %f",&a,&b); Substraction = a-b; printf("\n Substraction = %f",Substraction); break; case 13: printf("\n Enter the numbers a & b for Multiplication:----->"); scanf("%f %f",&a,&b); Multiplication = a*b; printf("\n Multiplication = %f",Multiplication); break; case 14: printf("\n Enter the numbers a & b for Division:"); scanf("%f %f",&a,&b); Division = a/b; printf("\n Division = %f",Division); break; case 15: if(grosssalary<=2000) printf("\n enter the gross salary:");



scanf("%f",&grosssalary); tax=grosssalary-grosssalary*0/100; printf("Payment with Tax = %f",tax); break; case 16: if(2000<grosssalary<=4000) printf("\n enter the gross salary:"); scanf("%f",&grosssalary); tax=grosssalary-grosssalary*3/100; printf("Payment with Tax = %f",tax); break; case 17: if(4000<grosssalary<=5000) printf("\n enter the gross salary:"); scanf("%f",&grosssalary); tax=grosssalary-grosssalary*5/100; printf("Payment eith Tax = %f",tax); break; case 18: if(grosssalary>5000) printf("\n enter the gross salary:"); scanf("%f",&grosssalary); tax=grosssalary-grosssalary*8/100; printf("\n Payment with Tax = %f",tax); break; case '+': printf("\n Enter x number:--------->");



scanf("%f",&x); printf("\n Enter y number:------->"); scanf("%f",&y); printf("%f",x+y); break; case '-': printf("\n Enter x number:--------->"); scanf("%f",&x); printf("\n Enter y number:------->"); scanf("%f",&y); printf("%f",x-y); break; case '*': printf("\n Enter x number:--------->"); scanf("%f",&x); printf("\n Enter y number:------->"); scanf("%f",&y); printf("%f",x*y); break; case '/': printf("\n Enter x number:--------->"); scanf("%f",&x); printf("\n Enter y number:------->"); scanf("%f",&y); printf("%f",x/y); break; default:



printf("\n Wrong Choice"); break; } getch(); }

Outputs:Case 1

Case 2



Case 3

Case 4

Case 5



Case 6

Case 7



Case 8

Case 9



Case 10

Case 11



Case 12

Case 13



Case 14

Case 15



Case 16

Case 17



Case 18

Question 33:- WAP for greatest of three number. #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main() { int num1,num2,num3; clrscr(); printf("\n enter first num"); scanf("%d",&num1);



printf("\n enter second num"); scanf("%d",&num2); printf("\n enter third num"); scanf("%d",&num3); if(num1>num2&&num1>num3) { printf("\n num1 is greter"); } if else(num2>num1&&num2>num3) { printf("\n num2 is greater"); } else(num3>num1&&num3>num2) { printf("\n num3 is greater"); } getch();


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