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Sherry Black Lesson Plan #1 Objective/Purpose: Given a 1 to 100 number chart, the student will be able to count dimes

and quarters separately up to $1 00 with !"# accuracy $aterials: %hite board/mar&er Plastic coins' pennies, nic&els, dimes, and quarters 1 to 100 number chart (oin chart )aily *eview +chec& past comprehension and set bac&,round &nowled,e-: .o ensure my student remembers the names o/ each type o/ coin and the amount they are worth, 0 will place the coin chart in /ront o/ my student and ,ive him one o/ each type o/ coin +penny, nic&el, dime, quarter-, and as& him to match each coin to its name and the amount it is worth on the chart 0/ my student is unable to match each coin to its name and amount, 0 will reteach the student the names o/ the coins he is unable to remember 0 will also have my student use the 1 to 100 number chart to review countin, pennies +by ones- and nic&els +by /ives- 0/ the student is unable to remember how to count success/ully by these amounts, 0 will model how to use the number chart to count by ones and/or /ives Presentation: .rays numbered 1 throu,h 1 1 *eview coin names/amounts and count pennies and nic&els 2 $odel countin, dimes and quarters 1 Guided practice/assess learnin, 3teps 1 4e,in by modelin, how to count dimes +by tens- usin, the 1 to 100 number chart 2 Pic& up 5 dimes /rom the pile, and count aloud by tens matchin, each dime to the number on the 1 to 100 number chart 1 6/ter you have /inished countin, the dimes, say 70 have 50 cents in dimes 8, and write that amount on the mar&er board so the student can visuali9e how to write the amount 4e sure to remind the student that you are matchin, each dime to the number on the chart while countin, aloud 5 (ontinue to model countin, other amounts o/ dimes usin, the steps above, such as :0 cents, ;0 cents, and <0 cents +$odel as many amounts as necessary /or the student to understand the concept o/ countin, by tens " .hen model how to count quarters usin, the 1 to 100 number chart : Pic& up a quarter /rom the pile, and say the amount aloud while matchin, it to the number 2" on the 1 to 100 number chart < 6/ter you have counted the quarters, say 70 have 2" cents in quarters 8, and write that amount on the mar&er board so the student can visuali9e how to write

the amount ! (ontinue to model countin, other amounts o/ quarters usin, the 1 to 100 chart /ollowin, the same procedure, such as "0 cents, <" cents +$odel countin, di//erent amounts o/ quarters up to $1 00 as many times as necessary to ma&e sure the student understands the concept countin, by 2"=s Guided Practice 6ctivities +also include non wor&sheet activities-: Place the 1 to 100 number chart on the table in /ront o/ the student and place di//erent amounts o/ dimes and quarters +separately- into the students hand, and as& the student to count the number o/ coins by matchin, them to the numbers on the 1 to 100 chart 6s& the student to count the /ollowin, amounts o/ dimes: 20 cents, <0 cents, ;0 cents, "0 cents, 10 cents, etc and to write the amount o/ dimes they have in their hand on the mar&er board +*emind the student to place a cent si,n a/ter the amount - 6s& the student to count the /ollowin, amounts o/ quarters: 2" cents, "0 cents, <" cents and to write the amount o/ quarters they have on the mar&er board )urin, this time, use as many methods as needed to ,uide the student in completin, the activity, such as pointin, to the number on the chart 0ndependent Practice 6ctivities +also include non wor&sheet activities-: >one ?ormative @valuation +student demonstration o/ the objectives-: ?or the /ormative evaluation, 0 will write an amount that can be made usin, dimes on the mar&er board +10 cents- and place a pile o/ dimes in /ront o/ the student, and as& him to count out the number o/ dimes shown on the mar&er board by matchin, each dime to the number on the 1 to 100 number chart 0 will use the same procedure /or other amounts o/ dimes +:, !, 2, " dimes- 0 will also write an amount that can be made usin, quarters on the mar&er board +"0 cents- and place a pile o/ quarters in /ront o/ the student, and as& him to count out the number o/ cents shown on the mar&er board by matchin, each quarter to the number on the 1 to 100 number chart

(ritique: *e/lection on the lesson ' /ollows instruction

' %ill you reteachA

Bes, 0 will reteach this lesson because 0 want to provide the student with another opportunity to count dimes and quarters because he was unable to accurately count the quarters without verbal and ,estural promptin, 0 have also decided to reteach because the student did not meet the accuracy 0 had wanted him to be/ore movin, on to countin, coins without the visual ,uide o/ the 1 to 100 number chart Ce was only <1# accurate with countin, quarters and 0 believe he will bene/it /rom repeatin, this lesson a,ain because 0 believe he needs an abundance o/ repetition in order to ,ain a deep understandin, o/ the content ' CowA 0 will use the same methods 0 did the /irst time 0 tau,ht the lesson, however 0 will try hi,hli,htin, the numbers he needs to lay the quarters on when countin, them to provide him with more sca//oldin, /or this tas& ' $ove to neDt objectiveA 0 will not move to the neDt objective until he is able to per/orm this tas& at the accuracy level stated in the objective because he still needs the visual 1 to 100 chart at this time 6/ter he is able to meet this objective, 0 will then write an objective that starts to have him not rely on the visual aid as much '%hat went wellA .he ,uided practice in the lesson /or countin, dimes went very well, as the student was able to count various amounts o/ dimes up to $1 00 independently usin, the 1 to 100 number chart .he student accurately counted the dimes without any assistance /rom me : out o/ < attempts 0 /eel that my modelin, o/ countin, the coins also went well because the student was actively en,a,ed in watchin, me the entire time and could per/orm the tas& when 0 as&ed him to ' %hat should be revised/discarded and whyA 0/ 0 were to teach this lesson a,ain, 0 may discard the part o/ the review activity that as&s the student to name the coins and how much they are worth because the student has correctly named and stated the amount o/ the coins on many attempts 0 also built this aspect o/ learnin, into my lesson durin, ,uided practice by havin, the student say the amount each coin is worth be/ore countin, and by as&in, him which type o/ coin he is handin, bac& to me ' )id students meet the ,oals and objectives o/ the lessonA .he student did not meet the objective o/ the lesson because he only counted the quarters accurately <1# o/ the time +" out o/ < attempts- durin, the lesson, however he did meet the objective /or countin, dimes as he correctly counted the dimes !"# o/ the time+: out o/ < attempts' %hat is your neDt step or objectiveA $y neDt step will be to reteach this lesson with the student to rein/orce the concept o/ countin, dimes and quarters 6/ter he is able to meet this objective, 0 will have the student wor& towards countin, all types o/ coins without the 1 to100 number chart and then 0 will have the student start countin, a miDture o/ pennies and nic&els

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