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a fair coin is tossed repeatedly until 4 consecutive heads occur. what is expect ed number of coins tossed?

2^n+1 - 2 2^5 -2 =30 There are two containers having 220ltr and 180 ltr milk but with different conce ntration. some quantity was taken from container 1 and transferred to container 2 and vice versa ( same quantity was removed from both and added to other contai ner).. Now both have same concentration. 220*180 / 220 + 180 = 99 in how many ways can a person walk up a staircase of 6 steps if he can cover max 3 steps in a stride? f(1)=1 f(2)=2 f(3)=4..... f(4)= f(1)+f(2)+f(3)=7 f(5)=f(2)+f(3)+f(4)=13 so f(6)= 13+7+4= 24 the proof for this is suppose you are calculating f(4),you take first sride of 1 step then the rest of the three stairs will be covered in f(3) ,if first stride is of 2 steps then the left 2 steps can be covered in f(2) ways and lastly if f irst stride is of 3 steps then the rest can be covered in f(1) ways,so generic f (n)=f(n-1)+f(n-2)+f(n-3) In triangle ABC, AB = 6 cm, BC = 7 cm and CA = 8 cm. AD is the altitude to BC. I f O is the orthocenter of triangle ABC, OD = 11*(rt 15)/30 6/rt33 3/rt33 2/rt33 Triangle ABC AB= 6 BC =7 AC =8 AD is altitude using cosine formulae , Cos B = 1/4 Cos B = BD/AB BD= 1.5 and DC = 5.5 AD= 1.5 root 15 = Similarily , Altitude from B is BE CE = 77/16 AE = 51/16 BE = sqrt ( 6615 ) / 16 ?BE = sqrt ( 15 ) * 21 /16 Now using similarity in triangle EBC ~DBC we get : EC / OD = BE / BD Only AD is unknown: Calculate You will get OD= 11 ( root 15) / 30 CP/SP ka funda...profit percentage

If the margin percentage is 10% then the profit percentage is (10/100-10)*100=11 .11% [ CP ->10 and pSP- >11.11 ] If the cost increases by 45000, to maintain the profit percentage, the selling p rice should increase by Rs 45,000 + 11.11% of 45,000 x^2 + y^2 = z^2 First of all whenever you have sum of two squares equal to a number, all the pri me factors of that number that are of the form 4k+3 must occur even number of ti mes. If this condition is met for any number then it can be expressed as a sum o f two squares. Vineet Singh Now to explore the values of a and b, you can follow bramhagupta' s fibonacci identity (a^2+b^)(c^2+d^2) = (ac - bd)^2 + (ad+bc)^2 = (ac + bd)^2 + (ad - bc)^2

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