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By James Linker


1. Women will Build large muscles through weight training

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%ery few women ha&e the genetic 'otential to (uild large muscles) the female (ody(uilders you see ha&e taken drugs to look that way. Women ha&e lower le&els of the male hormone testosterone which is a (ig muscle (uilding hormone) therefore they do not ha&e the 'otential for larger muscles. Lastly) women ha&e less muscle tissue than men to start with so cannot (uild muscles to the same si*e.

+. ,it u's and other stomach e-ercises will (urn fat around the stomach area.

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.ou cannot s'ot reduce fat$ .our (ody chooses where fat loss occurs in the same manner that your genetics determine where you tend to store fat. /he s'ecific e-ercises you are doing cannot (urn fat in certain areas) it is a cumulati&e 'rocess to (urn fat. ,tomach e-ercises will strengthen and 0tone1 the stomach muscles howe&er they will not (e &isi(le until that layer of fat is remo&ed.

3. 2uscle turns to fat if an e-ercise 'rogram is sto''ed

W !"#$ 2uscle and fat are se'arate and uni3ue tissues) one cannot change into another. 4'on sto''ing an e-ercise 'rogram muscle si*e can decrease and 3uite se'arately fat gain can occur due to a sedentary lifestyle and (ad eating ha(its. 5. 6eo'le can (e too old to lift weights

W !"#$ !lder muscle is &ery res'onsi&e to resistance training. Weight training works almost as well for 'eo'le of all ages. 7t will strengthen your (ones) 8oints and muscles. 9owe&er for safety it is ad&ised to work with a 'rofessional or e-'erienced friend or family mem(er.

5. ,weating is a great way to lose weight

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,weating will result in weight loss for all of ;0 minutes until you decide to ha&e a drink of water again$$ 6lease (e careful) most 'eo'le want to lose <=/ not weight. Losing water weight may look good on the scales for a day or two (ut it does not (urn more calories) (rings the danger of dehydration and does not create long lasting changes to (ody image. >hances are that you want to (urn fat) so 8ust kee' in mind you need to focus on calories and not water weight.

6. /he longer 7 s'end on the treadmill the (etter it is for fat (urning

W !"#$ "ot only are long runs or cycles in the gym (oring (ut they are sim'ly not the way to (urn fat. esearch shows that the most efficient and (est way to (urn fat is through inter&al training. /his in&ol&es short 'eriods of high intensity followed (y short 'eriods of rest. 7f you s'end hours on the treadmill to (urn fat you are wasting your time and using inter&als for +0?+5 minutes a few times a week will drastically hel' you achie&e your goals. 7. <at in my diet is (ad

W !"#$ Whilst trans fat @takeawaysA and saturated fat @chocolateA must (e ke't to a minimum) unsaturated fat is good for your health. 4nsaturated fat such as oli&e oil will hel' remo&e (lockages in your arteries and therefore should (e consumed as 'art of a healthy (alanced diet.

8. Light Weights will create muscle 0tone1 and hea&y weights will create muscle mass

W !"#$ #enetic factors are largely res'onsi(le for muscular res'onses to resistance e-ercise. /he im'ortant factor is to use enough resistance to 'roduce muscle fatigue within the limits of the anaero(ic system @90 secondsA. /raining with light weights for more than + minutes or more is inefficient and does not lead to muscle de&elo'ment. 9. >hildren are too young to lift weights

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>hildren can increase strength and 'hysical a(ilities through a resistance 'rogram. /here has ":%: (een a re'ort of growth retardation. 9owe&er it is ad&ised that children are monitored (y a 'rofessional and use a custom (uilt 'lan (y a 'rofessional to a&oid in8ury.

C0. ,trength training is (ad for (lood 'ressure

W !"#$ ,training against an immo&a(le o(8ect or holding one1s (reath can lead to ele&ated (lood 'ressure. 9owe&er resistance training in&ol&ing continuous mo&ement and (reathing does not cause a large increase in (lood 'ressure.

<it Life >y'rus 7n 9ome 6ersonal /raining ,er&ice Written By James Linker BSc Sports Science (Loughborough ni!ersity" #ersonal $rainer (%&'" Sports (utrition (%&'" #hysical ')ucation $eacher

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