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UNIDADE:__________________ PROFESSOR(A):____________________ 2 BIMESTRE/2013 ALUNO(A): _____________________________________________________ N ____________ TURMA:_____________ 3 Srie - Pr-Vestibular Ensino Mdio DATA: ___/___/_____ QUESTES OBJETIVAS
Text 1 The Bug is Back 1. From the text we can understand that the dengue epidemic in Brazil is the result of the: (5) ( ( ( ( ) action of the Brazilian dictatorship. ) carefree spirit of the population. ) governments indifference. ) Oswaldo Cruz Foundatios inefficiency.

2. Which of the following words is NOT used to refer to Ades aegypti ? (5) ( ( ( ( Health authorities defeated dengue decades ago by vanquishing the mosquito that spreads it. Then why were half a million Brazilians sick this past summer? Bad Bug Its not a pretty sight. The Ades aegypti mosquito, which spreads dengue and yellow fever, was eradicated decades ago. But the bug is back with a vengeance. It gave Brazil a dengue epidemic. Scientists now say the worst is yet to come. Why is nothing being done? Brazil is a case study of how badly things went away. Twice the aggressive mosquito battalions had freed Brazilian territory of Ades aegypti in 1955 and again in 1973. But these were the days of an ambitious military regime in Brazil, which had bigger things than bugs on its agenda. Instead of diligently tracking the disease, the generals poured money into highways, power plants and winning the Amazon frontier. When the dengue mosquito resurfaced, in 1976, Brasilia reacted swiftly - to hush it up, under the cloak of national security. The generals are gone now, but the government continues to botch opportunities. There is no mystery, scientists say, to eradicating dengue: destroy the mosquito and its eggs, and the virus cannot prosper. Yet spraying is rarely done, except after an epidemic has hit. .No one bothers with disease control until people start going to the hospital, says Hermann Schatzmayr, head of virology at Rios Oswaldo Cruz Foundation. Ades aegypti is now at home in 3,700 counties, including 60 percent of Brazil, and increasingly resistant to pesticides
Newsweek, June 17, 2002. p. 40-41.

) ... bug... (line 3) ) ... it... (subtitle) ) ... its... (line 19) ) ... mosquito... (line 13)

3. Its not a pretty sight (line 1) This sentence probably refers to (5) ( ( ( ( ) Brazilian research. ) pesticide spraying. ) the health authorities. ) the mosquito photograph.

4. In the text, the word botch (line 17) could be replaced by (5) ( ( ( ( ) create. ) find. ) miss. ) take.

Text 2 LIES ARE SO COMMONPLACE, THEY ALMOST SEEM LIKE THE TRUTH Everyone lies. Little lies, perhaps, which may not cause serious problems, but still they are lies. We fudge on how old we are, how much we weigh, what we are paid. Some people tell their children that Santa Claus will come on Christmas Eve. Consider the last time you got a phone call from someone you didnt want to talk to. Did you perhaps claim falsely that you were just on your way out the door? That your newborn (youre childless) needed you? Did you ever promise anyone, Well do lunch, when you knew that youd never get together? Did you ever reach for the phone to call in sick to work, then leap from bed to enjoy the day? Did you ever tell someone you owed money to that the check was in the mail when it wasnt?

PA DE INGLS- 3 Srie - Pr-Vestibular - Ensino Mdio - 2 Bimestre / 2013 ALUNO(A): _______________________________________ TURMA: ________________
Few behaviors serve as many purposes as lying. We grow up to use lies - or at least half truths - to avoid things that should be done, to get people to believe us, to get what we want, to buy time, to end conversations, to keep relationships going. Lying is also exciting, said Margaret Summy, a professional counselor in Forth Worth, Texas. Its living dangerously. Besides, we all want to be important, so we change our stories to make them more interesting. We also lie to make people agree with us, without realizing that were doing so, said clinical psychologist David Welsh. In working with relationships such as parent-child or husband-wife, each person has a different memory, one which helps them. Theyll accuse each other of lying, he said. But both are telling their own understanding of the truth. Perhaps the most understandable reason people lie is so they dont hurt others feelings. Most guests at a dinner party wouldnt want to say that they didnt like a specially prepared meal, even if it was terrible. But even though people lie for good reasons, lying can be harmful. If we act on false information, we can be hurt. If we lie and are discovered, it can destroy the trust necessary for strong relationships. Besides, lying is hard on the brain because one lie leads to another, and we always have to remember our false story. In his Discourses on Government, Algernon Sidney said, Liars ought to have good memories. For most of us, though, lying is hard on us physically. We breathe faster, our hearts beat harder, and our blood pressure goes up. The truth can be hard on the body too, of course especially if were admitting to a lie. Just about the most difficult thing for any human being to do is to tell others that he or she lied to them. Its very stressful.
Terry L. Goodrich. Seattle Post-Intelligencer; October 29, 1990, C1


7. According to the text, in a relationship, a lie can be defined as... (5) ( ( ( ( 8. ) people wanting to hurt each others feelings. ) different understandings of what the truth is. ) a problem people have with remembering things. ) a common problem between a father and a child. In this text, Terry L. Goodrich... (5)

( ) criticizes the people who lie. ( ) gives advice on how to be a good liar. ( ) comments on the advantages and disadvantages of lying. ( ) analyzes the social problems caused by lying. 9. ( ( ( ( What type of text is this? ) a journalistic article. ) a scientific article. ) a historical text. ) a book review. (5)

10. In the sentence Everyone lies (line 1), the present tense is being used to express a fact that will never change in time (historical present). In which of the alternatives below is the present tense being used to express a similar idea? (5) ( ( ( ( ) It is hot and sunny today. ) Water freezes at 0o Celsius. ) My plane leaves at 5pm tomorrow. ) My cousin studies Computer Science.

Text 3 Capoeira in football: an extra edge We all know about Brazils football ability. Theyve won the World Cup five times. But is there something else in their culture that gives them an extra edge to produce all those world-beating skills? Capoeira, a martial art developed by the slaves, is a footfighting technique disguised as a dance. Presenter Alex Bellos discovers a football club who claim to have had huge success using capoeira in their training regime. ALMIR MONTEIRO, football manager, Astero FC: England was beating Brazil by one to nine and, suddenly, Ronaldinho, who was marked by Cole, ran through the midfield to the penalty area. Cole went with him. Ronaldinho used a move known in football as a feint, but in capoeira its called explosion. This move was fundamental, and its a situation typical of capoeira.

5. ( ( ( ( 6.

In paragraph 1, the author... ) introduces the topic of lying. ) presents a definition of what lying is. ) writes about very serious lies people tell. ) asks parents to tell the truth about Santa Claus.


In paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5, the author presents...(5)

( ) a set of compulsive lies people tell to deceive their enemies. ( ) a set of specific definitions of what lying is for many people. ( ) a series of arguments in favor of lying. ( ) a series of specific examples of common lies people tell.

PA DE INGLS- 3 Srie - Pr-Vestibular - Ensino Mdio - 2 Bimestre / 2013 ALUNO(A): _______________________________________ TURMA: ________________
We won the Bahia State Cup, The Junior Bahian Championship. We won international tournaments in France, in the United States, in Argentina. That was the result of our training with capoeira. Its a new methodology for football.
(Adapted from BBC Languages/ Brazil/ inside out/Salvador -Bahia).


Responda s questes 1, 2 e 3 em portugus, com base no texto 4. 1. Que crena sobre o consumo de gua o texto desfaz? (10)

____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 2. Reproduza o exemplo de desperdcio que ocorre na China. (10) ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 3. Qual a porcentagem de gua utilizada para o consumo domstico? (10) ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

11. Among the alternatives below, choose the one which, according to text 3, represents the most striking feature of Brazilian football. (5) ( ) The new methodologies used by most Brazilian football managers. ( ) Brazilian footballers moves, which are similar to a popular Brazilian foot-fighting technique. ( ) Talented players like Ronaldinho. ( ) The number of national tournaments Brazilian football has won. 12. The word disguised in ... a foot-fighting technique disguised as a dance (line 10) implies that: (5) ( ( ( ( ) capoeira is a fight technique now used in football; ) a foot-fighting technique is good for dancing; ) capoeira resembles a dance, but it is actually a fight; ) capoeira looks like a martial art but it is supposed to be a dance; QUESTES DISCURSIVAS Text 4 WATER: How Its Used, How Its Wasted We tend to think of water in the most personal terms a mother bathing her child in Calcutta, India, or a cool drink on a hot day but only 10 percent of the water consumed worldwide is for household use. Agriculture takes 70 percent, and half or more of that water is lost to evaporation or run off. Drip irrigation, which uses perforated tubing to deliver water to crops, uses 30 to 70 percent less than traditional methods and increases crop yields to boot. The first drip systems were developed in the 1960s, but even now theyre used on less than one percent of irrigated land. Most governments subsidize irrigation water so heavily that farmers have little incentive to invest in drip systems or other water-saving methods. Industry consumes the remaining 20 percent of water, often inefficiently. In Binzhou, China, workers at a liquor company wash bottles with water that is used once and discarded. Reusing water and adopting other conservation measures could help the worlds industry cut its water demands by more than half.
National Geographic, September 2002: 14


Responda as questes 4 em ingls, com base no texto 4. 4. Copie do texto o perodo que contm uma relao de causa e efeito. (10) ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

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