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751. i 'ha, deictic pronominal pc. ('ille', distal deixis N 'h'c 'hic', proximal deixis (?

) ''hi
'iste' or 'hic' - ? 'hu 'iste', intermediate deixis) > HS: WS 'ha- (> Ar haoa 'this'), ( N 'hanV 'other'?)
> 'han (- ''hal?) 'this' > df. art.: BHb ha- + gmc., Ph, Mb, Amn, Ed, Lh, Sf, Tmd h-, Hdr -hn, Sb, Mn,
Qt -n, ?? Ar ?al- KB 225-6, HJ 263-4, GBr. JJAP 49-5O, GBr. DJA 177-8, Bst. 31, BL H 262 (Hb
ha- < 'ha) C: Ag: Aw a-n 'that' (s-n 'this') | Af {PH} a 'this\these' (proximal dem. prn.) Hz. NSA
134, PH 27, 235 NrOm: [1] (an inversion of the relation?): Wl {LmS} ha 'this' ({C} a) ( hc 'that'),
Zs {C} a 'this' ( c 'that'), Gf {Bnd.} ha 'this', Bsk {Bnd.} ha 'this' m., [2] Ym {Lm.} a 'der\die da'
LmS W 81-4, Bnd. MO 16-7, C SO 15, C SE III 19O, Lm. Y 85-7 B '-a, a dem. pronominal sx. [{Pr.}:
an anaphoric dem. suffix ( 'the', 'ce') of the 'tat libre' = {Pr. PE} 'nominative (absolute) case'],
Tmz, Kb a ({Dl., MT}: dem. sx. of proximal deixis) Pr. M I-III 191, Pr. PE , Dl. 1, MT 1-2 But
the collective prn. B 'a > Tw a is more likely to go back to the N pc. of plurality '?a (q.v.) ll K
'jh,a 'this' > G a-Ia 'here', a-sc 'so', Lz ha - a, Mg aso- 'here' (direction), asi- 'so', Mg, Lz a-I 'here', Sv
as 'so' K
41, 44, 46, K
1, 4, Schm. 92, Shan. G 51-2 ll IE: IE ''?o/c-no-, {Pv.} (?) 'o-n-yo- , ?? {EI}
'h_n- 'that' ( N 'hEnV 'iste' N 'hanV 'other') > Ht an(n)i- 'ille' (remote deixis), annaz, annisan
'formerly, once upon a time', anna(l)i-, anna(l)a- 'former, erlier, old', Pal anni (dem. prn.) OI
a'n-cna, a'n-aya instr., OPrs ana instr. '(with) this', Av ana- this' || Lt ans, anas 'that' | pSl 'on- 'that'
(m. 'on+ / f. 'ona / ntr. 'ono / pl. m. 'oni / pl. f. 'onc) > OCS eu+ on+ 'that, he' / euo ona 'that, she' /
eue ono 'that, it' / euu oni 'those, them' (m.) / eu1 onc id. (f.), later 'he, she, it, them': R on / o) na /
o) no, Uk n n / no) na / no) no, SCr on (- o`n) / o`na / ono, Slv on / ona / ono, Cz, Slk, P on / ona /
ono id., but still with remote deixis: R no ) npcx ) ono 'long ago, jadis' (lit. 'in illo tempore'), Blg
) on-:n (f. o) na:n, ntr. ono) na) 'that'; prnl.: OCS, OR euu onI|, SCr ona|, Blg ) on 'ille' || Clt: OIr an-d
'here' || ? Gk D tvo) 'ille' (< *tc-cvo) or *t-cvo), cd with the dem. prn. 'tc/o-) || OHG U cncr prn.
'that', ON cnn - ? inn id. || Arm sojn so-yn 'this, that, he, self, the same' (< 'Io-cno-) Pv. I 51-5,
Carr. P 5O, M K I 32, 56, Schz. 123, Kb. 522, Vr. 286, KM 332, Frn. 1O, ESlSJ-SGZ II 529-34, 565-6,
Chrn. II 5, Glh. 454, 461, Vs. III 116-7, 14O-1, Srz. II 673-4, Bks. 2O2 (BSl 'on- < 'hcn 'there', NaIE
'ov- < 'hcu_ 'away, again'), F I 476, 515 & II 894, EIA 458 It is possible that IE '?c- 'this\that' (>
Ht a- 'this, that', -a- 'he, she, it', OI, Av a- 'he' in the obl. cases: gen. m. sg. OI a-sya, Av ahc, dat. m.
sg. OI asmai, Av ah-mai, etc., Pv. I-II 3-7, P 281-3) goes back to a merger: N 'ha 'that, ille' N 'h'c
'this' (hence the distance-deictically undifferentiated meaning 'he, she, it') ll U 'a, 'an 'that' > FU
'a id. > Hg a-z 'that', pChr 'a- > Chr H a-n-+s, Chr L o-n-+s 'dorthin', ? Prm: Z Ud ata 'here (?) pY
{IN} 'an- pc. of distal deixis > Y: K/T aduq, K adubcn id. ({IN} < 'an-tuq, an-tubcn) Coll. 73, IN 218-9,
: UEW 332 & MF 1O2-4 (Hg and Z < U 'o - 'u) ll D 'a-'a 'that, yonder' (dem. base for remoter
persons or things) > Tm a-, avv-, Ml a, a id., Kt, Td a- 'that (distant from the speaker)', Kn
a- (remote dem. base), Kdg a- 'that' (adjective prn.), a- 'that' (m. avon, f. ava, inanim. adi ), Tu a-,
a- id., Tl a-, Klm a, Nkr, Prj a 'that', Knd aya 'that' (adj. pronoun), Kui, Krx a- 'that over there', a id.
(in adjectival function), Mlt a (= a ?) id. D #1 ll A {SDM95} 'a 'that' (deictic ) > T 'a (> SY a
'that'), T 'a-n- (obl. cases of the prn. 'ol 'that') > OT an- (gen. an-iq), Tk an-, Az, Tkm, Qrg an- 'that',
Chv gen. ynaAn un-+n " on-+n, etc. Rs. W 19, Cl. 165, ET Gl 444-6, 147-9 pJ 'a- 'that' (distal) >
OJ a- id., J: T arc, K arc 'that, he\it', T a-no, Sh a-nu, Ns a-N, Kg ai 'that' S AJ 268 [#76], S QJ
#76, Mr. 376 SDM97 (A 'a 'that'), DQA # 4O6 (qu. pJ 'a < A 'c, cf. N 'h'c) ^ Cp. IS I 258-9. I
do not share IS's opinion that S 'ha(:)- 'this' has a secondary 'h- for the original '?-: Aram -a a-!
'the' (adduced by IS as an argument) provides no information as to the identity of the original
initial lr. The S and Om cognates point to the HS and N initial 'h-. The apparently deviant loss of
the expected IE strong lr. (regularly from N 'h) is due to the grammatical use of the particle [its
history may be described as N 'ha ( 'h'c) > pre-IE '?V > pIE 'j?,c] Cp. Gr. I 87-91 [("demonstrative
A - E (in IE, U, A, Ainu, Gil)].
751a. ''ha, particle of collectiveness: HS: B: pB {Pr.} 'a (or 'ha) > Tw a, indefinite collective prn.
('pronom dappui collectif') Tw i, indefinite singulative prn. Pr. M I-III 185-7, Vc. UB 321 (Tw
indefinite and relative prn. a) S ( N '?a, pc. of plurality?): nomina collectiva ( plural forms)
with the prefix '?a-: Ar UJur0 ?a-rgul-un 'feet' ( rigl-un 'foot'), ?a-yyam-un 'days' ( yavm-un
'day'), ?amtar-un 'rains' ( matar-un 'rain'), OSA ?bl 'owners' ( bl 'owner'), ?hgr 'towns' ( hgr
'town'), Gz ?a-znab 'tails' ( zanab 'tail'), ?adbar 'mountains' ( dabr 'mountain'), ?asrar 'enemies'
( sarr 'enemy'), ?abyat 'houses' ( bct 'house'), ?ahIul 'fields' ( haIl 'field'); this patterns is
used mostly (bur not always) with inanimate nouns; if used with inanimate nouns, it is
syntactically treated (in the predicate verb) as f. sg. S '-a, ending of pl. in the fem.-and-
inanimate gender: pred. '-a, nom. '-a-t-u(m), acc.-gen. '-a-t-a(m) pred. f. pl. '-a > Ak -a (mars-a
'they (f.) are ill'; in WS stative turned into a verbal form denoting state and later into a "new
perfective", accordingly the form with '-a became form of f. pl. of this aspect of state and "new
perfective": 'mavit-a 'they [f.] are dead' 'they [f.] died' (> Ar mat-a id.); nom. '-a-t-u(m), acc.-
gen.'-a-t-a(m) are S forms of f. pl.: 'ban-a-t-um nom. f. pl. df., 'ban-a-t-im acc.-gen. f. pl. df.
'daughters' (> Ar banatun nom., banatin acc.-gen. 'daughters', BHb ba'n-ot 'daughters' (without
case distinctions) Br. AG 98-9, Bst. 26, GBr. JJAP 56, Di. G 267-72, Jo. M 61, Sd. G 1OO-1, 8* ll IE
'-h / (with thematic nomina '-c/o-h ('c/o- belonging to the stem), ending of nom.-acc. ntr. pl. >
NaIE '-o/-a > OI -a / -i, Gt -a, pSl '-a, Gk -o, L -a, e.g: with '-c/o-stems: 'yuga 'yokes' ( sg. 'yugo-m) >
Vd yu'ga, Gk uo, L iuga, Gt |uIa; with consonantic stems: 'b"cr-ont-o acp. pl. ntr. 'carring' (> OI
'bharant-i, Gk covt-o), 'nomcn-o 'names' > Av namon-i, cp. Gl ovoot-o 'names' AnIE: Ht -a
(gcnuva 'knees' sg. gcnu; aniyatt-a 'Leistungen' sg. aniyaz; salla 'big' ntr. pl. sg. aniyaz; salla 'big'
ntr. pl. sg. salli) and a zero ending with lengthening of the preceding vw. in the stem
[compensatory lengthening?] (uddar 'words, things' sg. uttar); acc. to Rsk, in Lw, Lc and Ld, the
ending of ntr. pl. is also -a IE '-hc within the pIE "primary" ending of 2p '-thc ({Bks.} thc): OI
-thc, pSl '-tc (> OCS -:c -tc), Lt -tc, Gk -tc, L -tis, Gt -|, OIr (e.g. bcirthc 'fertis'), Ht -tcni Brg. KVG
393-4, Schmidt PN , Szem. IEL 16O, 186, Rsk. 54-63, Kron. VLFL 1O7, Bks. 232-5 ^ The pN
etymon is tentativly reconstructed with 'h-, because it is the only lr. that may turn into '?- and
zero in S and be vocalized as 'o in NaIE. The AnIE representation of 'h- as zero is probably
conditioned by the grammatical functioning of the morpheme (unlike autosemantic roots where N
'h usually yields Ht h). Cp. on one hand N 'ha 'ille', ''hi 'iste' or 'hic', 'hEnV 'iste', 'hj?,v'U 'to
fall, sink' (partially grammaticalized in Ht), where N 'h yield Ht zero, and on the other hand 'halV
'call out, call, praise', 'huLV 'to push, butt, pierce', 'hu?inqV 'wave', 'huPU 'bad', 'h'iRjV,gV 'kill',
'haRKa 'hold\grasp', where N 'h is reptresented by Ht h.
752. i 'h'c 'this', deictic pc. > K 'jh,c > G K/R/Lch/I/A c 'hic, iste', G Ing hc 'this', OG c-sc, G c-s(c)
'hic', OG c-gc, G c-g(c) 'iste', Mg c 'this', c-na 'this one, he', Lz hc 'that', hc-m id., hc-a 'that one, he';
'c-g-, dem. pronominal stem: OG cgc, G cg- 'this', Sv ci, ca, Sv U aa; K 'c-s`- > G csc 'so', Mg csi,
Lz csc 'so, there', Sv cs 'so' K
77-8, K
45, 47, Mrtr. N 146, Ghl. 216, Chx. 333, 351, Q 192 s.v.
aTe, aTena, Marr 25-6, TK 244, Shan. G 51-2; acc. to IS I 271, K 'c- did not change into a- in Mg and
Lz due to the deictic nature of the stem ll HS: NOm: Wl {LmS} hc 'that, those' (prn. of distal deixis)
LmS W 81-3 Apparent inversion of the opposition hic ille (cf. s.v. 'ha) ll ? IE '?c- > NaIE
'c- (gen. 'c-syo ) may be suggested (as one of the solutions) on the basis of OI asya, Av ahc, dat. OI
asmai, Av ahmai, OLat cm 'him', L cccc (<'c-d-Ic ), Osc cIIum (<'cd-Ic-um ) 'item', Sl 'c si, 'c sc 'ecce'
[> OCS atc |c-sc, OR etc osc, Uk oc id., Blg c) cc 'this, ceci (nor yror), Slv csc| / csa / cso 'this'], 'c t+
(f. 'c ta, ntr. 'c to) 'voici, this' > Blg ) cro, SCr c`to 'voici', Sln ctc / cta / cto 'this', but hardly R ) yror
/ ) yra / ) yro 'this' (a new interjection ) + prn. ror / ra / ro 'that')], as well as IE ''c-tos 'from
here' > OI a-'tah 'von hier' NaIE 'c-m- ( N '?a 'ille') > Brtt {RE} 'cm- 'he' > OW cm, MW c, cf, W cf,
fc, Crn cf, OBr cm, MBr cff, Br hcn WP I 43, 99, P 282-4, M K I 13, 27, WH I 39O, 399-4OO, Bc. G
315, RE 1O2, ESSJ VI 8 ll U 'c- 'this' > FU: Er c-tc (pl. c-nc ) 'this', c-sc (pl.c-s-nc ) 'that', Mk c-sa
'da, dort', pPrm'c-: 'c- 'nor rai, in this way' > Vt o, Yz ii, pPrm 'c-tis 'from there' > Vt otis,
Hg c-z, c 'this' ( a-z 'that') Sm: ? En {Prk.} cIc, {Ter.} cIIc 'this', co 'hierher' pY {IN} 'c(-n)-
'this, hic' > Y K cdiq id. UEW 67, LG 332, Lt. 134, MF 167-9, KP 73-4, IN 219 ll A {SDM97} 'c
'this' > M 'c-gun- 'this' (stem of obl. cases) correlating with 'cnc nom. and 'cnc-n- for obl. cases (<
'hEnV 'iste' [q.v.]); pl. M 'c-dc 'these' (> MM/WrM cdc, etc.) ffd. see Pp. IM 226-8, IS I 272
Tg 'c-, proximal deictic stem (e.g. 'c-du/c 'in this, here', where'-du/c is a locative sx.) > Ewk s-r 'this',
s-du, s-li 'here', Sln s(|)|s, sr(i) 'this', sls 'here', Lm sr 'voici', sdu 'here', Neg s-du 'here', sy 'this', Orc
sdu 'here', sli 'through this place', si 'this', Ud s|i, Ul, Nn s|, Ork s|s, sr(i) 'this', WrMc crc, Mc Sb
srs, s|i 'this', WrMc c-dc, Mc Sb s-ds 'in this, here', Jrc {Md.} c(r)sc 'this' STM II 46O-2, Ci. 267, Md.
ChF 133, Krm. 313 DQA #4O6 [A 'c 'that' [deictic root); incl. M, Tg, J], S AJ 111-2, 277 [#141]
ll ?? HS 'E- 'this' > C: Ag: Aw s-n 'this' Hz. NSA 134.
753. i ''hi 'iste' (or 'hic'), demonstrative pc. > HS: B: Tw i, indefinite singulative prn. Pr. M I-III
185-7 ?? Ch {Sch.} '-i, marker of definiteness ( N '?'c 'this'): Dr gam-i: 'the ram' ( gam 'ram'),
Zr gIman-i 'the husband' ( gIman 'husband'), EDng aI-i 'the fire' ( aIo 'fire') Sch. ED 158-6O
EC '-ij:,, marker of the theme marker of the subject case (nom.): Or -n-i, -i ({HW} nam-ni nom.
absl. nama 'man', nom. fard-i absl. farda 'horse', nom. muI-i absl. muIa 'tree'), Sd -i ({Mrn.}
nu'gus-i a'aino 'the king ordered', 'min-i mi'namino 'the house was built'), Rn nom. (of f.) -c, Sm
nom. -i (laf-i nom. laf absl. 'bone', daghan-i nom. dag'han absl. 'stones', with dem. endings:
nom. -Ian-i 'this' absl. -Ian 'this'), as well as Sml -i within the df. art. of the remote type: m. -I-i,
f. -t-i || ? Ag: Xm {Ap.} -i-/-y-, def. art. m. (in obl., preceding the case ending): IIr-i-z yIvun 'I gave it
to the man' HW 145, Mrn. S 26-7, Hn. NBLK 224, PG 17, 1O6, AD KJ 34-5, Anr. DSN 119, Ap.
DAX 16-22 ll K 'jh,i 'that' (distal deixis) > G Im/R/Lch/Mt/P/HA i 'that', G i-s 'he; that',i-gi id.,
Mg i-, Lz hi- 'that', Sv i-, i-m; 'i-ma- deictic stem for remote objects: G ima-, Mg imu, Lz (h)imu- id., Sv
im-cg 'there' K '-i, marker of nom. (> OG, G, Mg, Lz -i), which in the final account goes back to a
dem. pronominal pc. (article?) 'i K
99-1OO, K
8O-1, Q 23O s.v. eTi, Chx. 519-533, Ghl. 257 ll
IE: AnIE: HrLw i-, nom. i-s 'this' Mer. HHG 61-7 '?ci_-/?i (or 'hci_-/'hi- ?), anaphoric dem. prn.
{Bks.} 'that, the (just named)' [ N 'yi 'he, (?) that' (anaphoric), q.c. ffd.] ll U: Sm 'i- 'iste' [> En
{Cs.} ino? 'dorthin', Kms {KD} ido 'dieser da, der dort', Mt {Hl.} 'idi 'jener' (Mt K {Mll.} idi-)] may go
back both to U 'i- and\or to U 'c- FU 'i- 'this' (from the functional point of view a variant of 'c-
'this', N '?'c 'this') may be discerned in Es i-ga 'such', Hg i-tt 'here' (o-tt 'there'), i-dc 'here'
[direction] (o-da 'there' [direction], igy 'so', pOs 'i- (proximal pronominal stem) > Os: V/Vy/Ty
in, Nz in 'just now', Os K {Ps.} in 'der, er' (von einem nicht nher Bekannten, Entfernten), Os
Sh/Sn in, LK {Ptk.} in 'yror, dieser, jener' (von einem oder etwas schon Erwhnten), V/Vy/Ty/Y it
'now (jetzt)', O {Stn.} itta' 'sofort' UEW 67-8, Jn. 26, Hl. M #336, Stn. D 2-3, MF 167-9 ll A
'i 'iste' > pKo 'i > MKo i, NKo i 'this' Rm. SKE 66, S QK #88, Nam 397, MLC 1316 pJ 'i 'iste' >
OJ {S} i ({Srm.} 'thou' mostly in deprecatory speech), as well as possibly the first element i- in the
OJ {Mill.} spacially indefinite dem. idu- (in the dem. prn. idurc, place adv. idu-Iu 'there\here',
direction word idu-ti 'thither\hither' Srm. DJ 92, Mill. JL 341-2, S QJ #235, Mr. 42O T 'i- in Xk
(n tdi, Sg {Rl.} i-da 'so'; 'in- in dem. pronouns\adverbs (< N ''hi nu (with the genitive pc. 'nu)]):
Yk inniI ('in-liI) 'such', in|a 'so, there', Blq in-ol 'that', Az, Chg {Rl.}, Brb {Dm.} indi, SbTt Tb {Tum.}
nn(c (= [indi]?) 'now', Bsh nn(c indi 'now, already', VTt nn(c indi 'already' Pek. 24O, 256, BIG 65,
Rl. I 145O, 15O6, Hs. 147, Dm. JBT 139, Tm. 56, BR 2O6, TatR 169, Ktw. PLA 2O-3 MED 412
SDM97 (A 'i > Ko, J, as well as T 'or 'inside'), DQA #582 'i (a deictic ; Ko, J, T + T, M i- 'he';
no distinction between refkexes of '?i 'iste' and 'yi 'he') ll D 'i 'hic (the nearer to the speaker)' >
Tm i-, ivv-, Ml i, i, Kt, Td i- 'this, hic', Kn i-, proximate dem. base, i 'this', Tu i, Klm i, Nkr, Prj, Gdb,
Png, Mnd, Kui, Ku, Krx i, Knd iya, Mlt i (= i?) 'this', Brh i-, a base declined for case D #41O ^ Sm
and J suggest the original meaning 'iste', while other lgs. point to the meaning 'hic' ^ The initial N
'h- is tentatively reconstructed on the analogy of N 'ha 'ille', because the paradigm of the deictical
particles is likely to presuppose their similar phonological structure ^ Cp. IS I 27O-2 [combines
together ''hi [incl. our 'yi] and 'h'c as two variants of the same word '?i/(?)?c].
754. i ''hu 'iste', dem. pc. > HS: C: Bj Hd {Rop.} u - df. art. nom. m., o - nom. m., {R} u~vu - df.
art. nom. m., o~vo - acc. m. (allomorphs with v- when preceding a noun beginning with ?-,
otherwise allomorphs without v-), Bj B {Alm.} u - df. art. nom. m., o - acc. m., Bj A {AD}
'?o-?u-?t-ht - df. art. nom. m. (e.g. '?o gav 'the house' nom., ?u 'taI 'the man', ?t 'hada 'the lion',
ht '?or 'son, boy, child', ht '?cv 'the kudu antelope', ht '?ab 'the kid'), '?o-?o-?o-ho-ho - obl. m.
(?o 'taI 'den Menschen', ?o 'hada 'den Lwen, dem Lwen', '?o gav obl. 'the house', ho '?avi obl.
'the stone', ho '?or 'den Jungen, das Kind'); the variants with h- occur when the article precedes a
noun beginning with ?-, otherwise the variants with ?- are used || EC: Sd {Mrn.} marker of subject
case (nom.) '-u (nom. nugu's-u absl. nugusc 'king', nom. maga'n-u absl. maga'no 'God'), Bn J
-u nom. (ir-u nom. irs absl. 'goat', mof-u nom. mofs absl. 'snake, bal-u nom. bal absl.
'feather'), Sml -u (marker of nom. with dem. suffixes of nouns: -Ian-u nom. -Ian absl. 'this' m.,
-tan-u nom. -tan absl. 'this' f., -Icr-u nom. -Icr absl. 'that' m.); but Sml N u 'to
him\her\it\them', 'for him\her\it\them' (Abr. S 241) does not necessarily belong here: acc. to Lm.
SD 356, it goes back to pSml 'us > Sml T i, Sml Ji is, cp. Rn i- 'to, for (so.) | ? Af vo 'that\those'
(remote for both speaker & addressee) Mrn. S 26-7, Hn. BD 28, PG 146, AD KJ 35, PH 235 LbB:
B 'v-a m. sg. / 'v-i m. pl., dem. and rel. prn. > Shl, Tmz, ASgr va sg. / vi pl. 'this', relative 'that of,
which', B 'v-i- m. pl. (> Tw vo-), px. of the dependent state (tat d'annexion, that Pr. proposes to
call 'cas subordonn'), typical, among others, to the postverbal subject noun ('v- is likely to go
back to a thematic focalizer or "singulatif dfini", acc. to Pr., or df. art., acc. to Vc. dem. prn.),
compound pronouns: Tmz/ASgr va-n, Shl va-hin, Kb va-hi 'that' || Gnc gua (< 'va) 'that of', guan id.
(< 'va + nota genitivi 'n): guan chincc 'that of Chinec, the man of Chinec' Pr. M IV-V 11-6 & V ADB
139-46, Pr. PE , Ai. SKBJ I 17-22, 49-52, AiM 176, 21O-1, 218, Brugn. EAB, Brugn. SNBO In my
opinion, we may adduce here the HS ending of the subject case ''-u > pS '-u (> Ar, Ug -u), ending of
the nominative case sing. ( thematic focalizer dem. prn.), pEC '-u (-'-i) id.; the S morpheme
group '-u-m - nom. df. (> OAk -um nom. st. r., Ar -un nom. indf., Ug -u nom. abs.); it would be
tempting to equate S 'mu't-u-m 'the man' nom. df. (> Ak mutum 'man' st. r.) with Hs mutum |mutuq|
'man' (< AncHs 'mutum, the final '-m reconstructed on the ev. of the gen. mutumin |mutum-in|) and
thus to suggest that the ending '-um existed already at the pHS level. We may also adduce here the
ending '-u of the pS relative mood (= Dk.s pS "subjunctive", used in subordinated clauses) > Ak -u
[rel. mood = traditionally called "subjunctive"], CS '-u of the new ip. (> Ar -u id.); its semantic
prehistory: dem. 'hu > rel. '-u 'that which' > '-u of the rel. mood Ss. CCSB 111-126; on the pS
endings and their meaning AD MN and AD PhSS 7, fn. 12; on S 'mu'tu-m AD PhSS 3; on the pS
rel. mood see Dk. JDPA 254, 3O4, Eil. SA (equates the Ak -u-mood with the Ar -u-ip., but
believes that the pS '-u-mood is indicative) ll K 'u- 'it', marker of the objective version of the verb
having a recipient of the 3rd pers. > G, Mg, Lz u-, Sv u--o- id.: OG _-u-qo - h-u-qo 'er tat es ihm\fr
ihn', NG u-ccr-s 'il l'crit pour lui', u-ccr-t 'il l'crit pour eux' K
185, Vogt GLG 122-3, Shan. G
74 ll IE '?u- / '?ou_-/ 'vc- / 'vo- 'iste', deictic pc. > Ht u-ni- 'jener, der da, der erwhnte; iste'; the
former opposition of degrees of proximity to the speaker and hearer ('hic''iste''ille') which
probably existed in cni-, uni- and anni-, was lost when these pronouns became predominantly
anaphorical; pv. u- '(hier)her' ( c- 'hin', cf. Ht uda- '(her)bringen' cda- 'hinschaffen,
forttragen', uvatc- 'herbringen' chutc- 'hinbringen', etc.), ? Ht -un (a rare OHt form) 'him, her'
(side by side with -an) Ts. W 63, 95-8, SomF HAB 161, Frd. HEB 68, Mer. SGA 324 NaIE
'u-/ 'ou_-/'vc-/'vo- 'iste' ( 'ille', 'hic') > Sl 'ov+ / f. 'ova / ntr. 'ovo 'that', OCS, OR ea+ ov+ 'that'
(usually ea+ ea+ 'that\one the other'), SCr , , Sln, OCz ov, P ov 'that', prnl.: SCr ova|, f.
ova, ntr. ovo 'this'; SCr ov-a| (f. ov-a, ntr. ov-o) 'hic', P ov 'ille', OCS {Mikl.} ov+ 'hic', {SJSS}
'hic, ille' || ? O, Av ava- 'jener', OI u- 'and, also, further, on the other hand' 'u in OI asau, Av hau
'ille', OPrs hauv 'this'; with a 'r- formant: OI avah, Av avaro 'downwards', Um uru 'illo';'vc, 'vo- 'on
the other hand' 'or' ( 'vu 'whether') > OI/Av/OPrs va, Gk `-()c > , L -vc 'or'; this morpheme
is to be kept apart from the paronymous NaIE word 'au_ 'or' (< N '?'avu 'whether?; or') in Gk o)u
'again, once more', L aut 'or', autcm 'but, however', Osc AUT avt, AUTI 'aut, autem' P 73-5, F I 183,
619, WH I 87 & II 74O-1, Bc. G 313, 35O, Mikl. L 486, Mikl. E 229, ESlSJ-SGZ II 558-61, SJSS XXII
5O8-9, Brtl. 163-76, 173O-2, M K I 58, 66 ll U: FU 'u--'o-: FU 'u- is represented by Hg o-da 'dahin,
dorthin, dort', oly 'such, so', ott 'there', ugy 'so', FU 'o- or 'u- is reflected by Chr H {Rm.} umal
'jene Seite, die andere Seite', Chr L/H {} umbalnc 'there, in the distance', umbalan 'there, to that
place', umbaIc 'there, to that point', umbacon 'from there', FU 'u- 'o- > pMr 'o- in Er ombo, Mk
omba, oma 'other, second' (Chr and Mr -mb- < FU '-ma/a, sx. of cmpr.); Rdei (UEW) explains irreg.
sound corrs. by mixing of different deictic stems, IS attributes FU 'o- to the infl. of the interr. 'Io-
UEW 332, IS I 258 ll A {SDM95} 'o 'this, that' (deictic pc.) > NaT 'o 'jener dort' > Tk o, o-u, Az,
Ggz, CrTt, Kr Cr o, ET, Bsh u, Uz u"o"vu-hu, SY, Ln o-u 'that', Xlj o 'he, she, it, that'; but T 'ol 'that'
(> OT ol, Tkm, Qzq, Yk, Tv ol, Chv naAAAn v+l) does not belong here, it is better explained as going
back to N '?olV 'that (visible)' ET Gl 444-6, Bu. I 1O6, DT 167, SDM97 (A 'o(lV) 'this, that')
Tg {Bz} 'u- 'iste' in derivates: WrMc uba hoc', urala 'hicce', Ud uti 'this, it' (stem uta-: acc. utava, dat.
utadu, loc. utala) Bz. 114, STM II 293-4 pJ {S} 's- 'this' (a deictic ) > J: Sh u-nu, Ns u-N, Ht
u-nu, Y u-nu S QJ #147 DQA #1554 (A 'o 'this, that', incl. T, Tg, J), S AJ 28O [#136] (T, J) ll D
'u 'iste', deictic base and demonstrative pc.\adj. > Tm, Kn u- - dem. base expressing a
person\place\thing occupying an intermediate position or a position near the person(s) spoken
to', Tm u~uvv, Kn u, Ku u, Krx hu 'iste', dem. adjective prn. D #557 ^ The ancient meaning is
best preserved in D. Cp. UEW 332 (U, IE, T) and IS I 257-8 (considers U 'o to be a variant of the U
deictic 'a, arisen due to the infl. of the interr. 'Io; adduces T 'o). On the reasons for the tentative
rec. of N 'h- cf. above s.v. N 'ha and ''hi.
755. ?? ''h - ''hu, dual pc. (for nomina animata) > IE '-H(c) - 'Hu_, dual ending (nom., anim.
gender) > [1] (with consonantic stems) '-H(c) - 'Hu_ > OI -a - -au, Av -a, Gk -c, OIr {Bks.} '-c, [2] (with
'-o-stems) '-o-H - '-o-Hu_ > OI -a - -au, Av -a ~ -a, Gk -e, L -o (ambo 'both'), Lt -u, OCS -o -a, [3] (with
'-u-stems): '-u-H > OI -u, Av -u, OIr {Bks.} '-u, Lt -u, OCS - -I, [4] 'dvo-u" - 'dvo-Hu_ 'two' nom. > OI
dva - dvau, Av, Gk oue, L duo, OIr da - dau (or dau), Gt ntr. tva, AS ntr. tu - tva, OHG ntr. zva - zvo,
Lt du, OCS +ao d+va [5] NaIE 'vc 'we' du. nom. for nomina animata < N 'vVyV 'ha Bks. 194, 214,
Brg. KVG 364, 387-8, 399 (bersichtstabelle), Hirt UG II 1O8-9 ll HS: S '-a, marker of dualis (nom.
and pred.) of nouns, adjectives and pronouns, '-a-ni [marker of nom. dualis df. [with the
determiner '-ni < N 'n'i (q.v.)], '-a, marker of du. in verbal forms > Ar -a / -ani in nouns (nom.), -a
in pronouns and verbal forms [2nd and 3rd persons], Gz -a in A# osr-a 'twenty', Ak nom. du.
d-a-n (with the ancient determiner '-ni > -n), Ak OB/OA nom. -a(:) in scna 'two', csr-a 'twenty' Br. G
I 455-9 [ 244], Sd. G 61c, 63h The prehistory of the S vw. and the loss of the expected labial
element ( v or u) still needs investigation (some kind of restructuring and\or generalization within
the paradigms of gender-number-cases. e.x. infl. of the ending '-a of sg. pred.?) ^ This dual pc.
( prn.) is used for nomina animata or for the active case, while there is a different dual marker
'yi (q.v.) for the nomina inanimata or for the non-active cases [> S du. ending for oblique cases, IE
'-o-i_ / '-i(:) - du. for nomina inanimata, T palatalization ('r+y > 'r) for paired nouns]. Cf. also the N
dem. dual prn. 'n'i ^ The variation of vowels (''ha - 'hu) still needs explanation. Qu. because of
the problem of vowels.
755a. ??? 'Hi?u 'thou' > K 'H- ({Mcv.} '-x, K '_-), verbal px. of the 2 person subiecti > OG
_- " -, G, Mg, Lz -, Sv _-, - K 257 ll IE: Lt -i, 2s of verbs (and -ic- id. in rf. verbs), Ltv -i id.; in
compound pronouns of 2p and 2d: 2p 'yuH-s 'ye', 'u'svc 'you' acc., encl. 'vos id. (< N 'Hi?u + pl.
marker ''?VsV) > L vos 'you' pl. nom./acc., poss. vcstcr 'yours', Gt |us 'ye', acc. izvis, ON yr - y(v)ar
'you' acc., AS c 'ye' (> NE yc), acc. cov (> NE you), Lt |us 'ye' (acc. |us, gen. |usu), Ltv |us 'ye, you'
(nom., acc.), OCS a vy (gen. aot+ vas+), Al |u 'ye', OI yu'yam 'ye' (acc. yus'man, encl. vas), Av yus,
yuzom 'ye' (encl. vah), Tc: A yas, B ycs 'you' (nom./acc.); in the form 'usvc- there is contamination
with 'svc 'vos' < N 'su 'thou' + '?a pl. (cf. N 'tu / su) EIC 455, P 513-4 ('yu-); IE ''vou 'ye two,
you two', 'u'uvc 'you two' (< N 'Hi?u + dual marker ''h) > ON it 'ye two', yIIr 'you two' (acc.), AS
it 'ye two', inc ~ oncit 'you two' acc., Lt |udu 'ye\you two' (in Blt and part of the Gmc forms a
compound with IE 'dv- 'two'), OCS ao va 1d (gen. ao va|u), OI yu'vam, Tc B ycnc 1d nom./acc.
756. 'hcdV 'to break' > HS: S 'hdd > Ar hdd G vt. 'break, crush' Hv. 818, DRS 373 Eg MK
hd 'break stones' EG II 5O5 But not here ( Tk.) Ch 'hd 'break' (JS, Stl. ZCh 228 [#766]),
because Ch 'h hardly coresponds to S and Eg 'h-; Ch 'hd is more likely to correspond to S '_tt (>
BHb th2n% ni'hat was broken', Ug {Grd.} _t 'broken', Tgr _atta 'was torn' KB 36O, LH 81, Grd. UT
#1O2O) Tk. I 147 (Eg, S + err. Ch) ll D (in NED) 'ctt- > Krx ct-na 'tear in pieces, lacerate', Mlt
ctc v. 'deface, destroy' D #785.
757. 'hudi 'to rot, dissolve (by boiling)' > HS: WS 'hdy > Gz hdy v. 'dissolve by overcooking, cook
completely', Ar hoy Sh

(pf. ?ahoa) 'boil meal to shreads' (A a S lge. with '-d- > -o-) L G 215, Di. 18,
BK II 14O8 ll A: M 'u:irc- vi. 'rot' (unless it is 'qu:irc-) > WrM uirc-, HlM py-( x) id., Brt y-( xy)
vi. 'rot, go bad' (in Brt loss of r?) '-i- < '-di- MED 1O17, Chr. 496 ll D 'ut- > Tl uduIu v. 'boil,
seethe, bubble with heat', udiIincu, udiIi(l)lu vt. 'boil, cook', Gnd udI cr 'hot water', Ku udIu 'heat',
Krx ur`tur- 'be boiled or cooked, be be tired up to excitement' D #588.
758. 'huodjV,?V 'be motionless, sleep' ( 'be sleepy\giddy') > HS: S: [1] WS 'hd? 'be motionless,
quiet' > Ar hd? G (hada?a / -hda?u) 'take a rest, stop (somewhere)', acp. hadi?- 'motionless, quiet',
hd? D vt. 'calmer, apaiser, adoucir', Mh {Jo.} hodi 'quiet' (of a person)', {Jahn} hodi 'quiet' (of a
wind)', Hrs {Jo.} hcdi, Jb E/C {Jo.} 'hudi 'quiet', Sq {L} 'hyodc 'se calmer', Tgr hd? G 'se calmer'; [2]
+ext. : WS 'hdm 'be sleepy\giddy' > Ar hudam- 'giddiness' ({BK} 'mal de mer'), Gz hdm v. D (pf.
haddama) 'sleep, slumber' BK II 1397-8, 14O2-3, Jo. M 152, Jo. H 5O, L G 214, DRS 371 EC {Ss.}
'hudr- 'sleep' > Rn udur / urd-, Sml (mt ) hurd- Ss. PEC 4O, PG 285, DSI 319 Ch: ECh: Brg ?o|i, Kjk
audu, ? Mu {Lk.} hcyit, {J} hayyadc 'sleep', Mgm ?o|o 'se coucher' JI II 299, JA 113, Lk. ZSS 189
ll U: FU 'ooa- v. 'sleep, lie' > pLp {Lr.} 'ooc- v. 'sleep' > Lp: S {Hs.} oarc-dh, L adda-, N {N} oaddc-t
(/-d-), Kld {TI} us,_`c-o / uaoam / uuoi id. | Er y(o- udo-. Mk y(o-n udo- id. || ObU {Ht.} 'voo- / ?
'vaoa- > pVg {Ht.} 'al-/'al- > OVg S Vt ononanri 'I am dozing ((pcxn)', OVg S Kg ananax 'sleep'; pOs
{Ht.} 'a:la- / 'ol- v. 'lie (liegen)' > Os: V/Vy ala-, Ty aa- / o-, Y a- / o-, D/K at-, Kz o- id., d : Y
ato-, Nz utto-, Kz wuto-, O olto- 'schlafen legen' UEW 334-5, Sm. 542 (FU 'oda 'sleep' > FP 'oda,
Ugr 'adi), Lr. #817, Lgc. #4543, Hs. 1O35, Ker. II 179, Ht. #662 ll A: T 'uoi- v. 'sleep' > OT uoi-, XwT
uyju,-, MQp XIII uyi-, XIV uyi-, [CC] uyu- id., Tk uyu-, Ggz, Qmq uyu-, SY, Xk, Shor/Sg/Qb/Qc {Rl.} uzu-, Tv
udu-, Tf ud_u-, Yk utuy- id., VTt oc- +y+- (inf. o +yu), Bsh ono- +y+- v. 'doze, slumber; go numb' |
?? some MT lge. (XIV) [L] {Hts.} uou- id. (Hts. attributed the word to the Blgh lge., but Erd. does not
mention it in his list of Blgh words) || It is possible that T 'u n. 'sleep' (> OT uj:,, Xlj u and Yk u) goes
back to an earlier ''uj:,o (so Cl. 2, Rs. W 5O8 and Pek. 3O98), but the alternative et. relating T 'u to
A 'q'uj:,ya- 'sleep' (< N 'quhy'a 'to rest, lie, repose, sleep' [q.v.]) is more plausible The vw. 'u in the
verb 'uoi- was not long ( Cl.), as evidenced by Yk utuy-; if the noun 'u 'sleep' belongs here, the
length may be compensatory (for the loss of '-o) ET Gl 579-81, DTS 6O5, Cl. 1-2, 42-3 (derives
'uoi- from 'u n. 'sleep'), TAG 44, Ra. 236, TatR 4O8, 417, BR 412, Pek. 3O64-5, 3O98, DT 2O9-1O,
Rs. W 5O8 (err. initial u in Yk utuy-) ^ Comparison of U and A: Rs. UAW 42, Coll. 147, IS MS 367,
IS SS #1.14, UEW 334-5 (U, T + M umta- 'sleep').
759. ''hogE 'top, above' > HS: B 'HvgH 'be on the top' > Ah {Fc.} agg (pf. yugga), ETwl {GhA}
aggu (pf. ogga), Ty {GhA} aggu (pf. yogga) 'be above (sth.), be higher than (sth.)', Adgg agg'- 'tre au-
dessus de', Gh yua 'il est lev \ haut', Sll {Ds.} iggi 'on', Tmz {MT} agg 'see\look at sth. from above'
Fc. 381, 2OO1 (Fcj. 17 = Pcj. I B 5), GhA 47, 248, MT 144-5, Ds. 94, 269, NZ 698-7OO C: Ag
{Ap.} '?ay"-, {AD} '?aI"- 'top, head' > Q {Ap.} ava, {R} ava, Km {CR} ava, Aw {Ap.} aya, Bln {R} avay,
Xm {R} ug'a 'top, Oberteil'; Ag {AD} '?aI"-vt ({Ap.} ?ay"-ar) 'head' ( N ' ouIU 'head', q.v. ffd.) Ap.
AV 3, R WB 19, R Q II 23, CR K 162, 172 ll A {SDM97} 'ogi 'up, above' > M 'oc- id., 'oc-dc
'upward' > MM [S] ocdc 'entgegen, gegen den Strom, aufwrts', WrM ogcdc, HlM ' ' ( 'upwards,
uphill, upstream', Kl {Rm.} odi, odan, {KRS} ' ' (` n 'upward', Ord {Ms.} od_o id., 'upstream', Brt
' ' (y, MMgl {Iw.} odv 'upward, above', Mgl {Lg.} o':da - u_o'da, {Rm.} oa'da', {Iw.} odc 'upward'; - M
'ogsu- 'ascend, go upstream' > WrM ogsu-, HlM ' ic' -x, Brt icy-xy id., Kl {KRS} ' icx ogs-xo, Kl
{Rm.} oIsi-xo id., 'go uphill' H 121, MED 63O, 633, KW 294, 3O3, Iw. 121, KRS 412, 419, Chr.
367, 49O Tg 'ugE- 'top, above, up' > Ewk ui 'top', Lm oy " uy id., 'upper',
oo " o'go'v " ugsg 'upper', Sln og - ug 'bank (of a river)', Neg uvu - uu- uu 'upper', uvi- - ui- - uyi- v.
'ascend', Orc ui- - uyi- v. 'raise', ui-ls 'above, up', Nn Nh/B uys 'upper side, space above (sth.)', Ul, Ork
ui-ls, Nn uys-ls - ui-ls - uy-ls 'above', Ork uvvc - uvu - ui 'upper, upper side, high', Ud ui-xi 'up' STM II
245-6 pKo {S} 'uh > MKo u / uh-, NKo vi 'up, above' S QK #62O, Nam 388, MLC 1258 pJ {S}
'u-a- id. > OJ uc, J T uc S AJ 15, 81, Mr. 247 SDM97 s.v. A 'ogi 'up, above', S AJ 15, 81, DQA
#658 (A 'i_ugu 'up, above' > M, Tg, Ko, J + unc. T '|ug- in NaT '|ugcaru 'upwards', see Cl. 915-6,
ET J 215, 263-4), Rm. SKE 284 ll ?? U: Y T {Ku.} vaya 'face' (< *'head'), vayadIlic '(head) kerchief',
vayadir 'head part of a bridle for reindeers (nc(oy:(oi)', vayanc, vayinc 'own' ( 'of oneself' 'of
[ones] head') Ku. 37-8 ^ Not here NaIE 'agro- 'top, point, uppermost (oberstes)' and Ht {Phv.}
hcIur 'rock-sanctuary, acropolis' (P 8-9, Phv. III 287-9), that belong to N '_aIoaRV 'top part, tip,
extremity' (q.v.).
76O. ?? 'haI'i 'slow, inactive' > HS: SS 'hIy > Gz hIy (pf. haIaya) 'be
lazy\sluggish\inactive\weary', Tgr hIy (pf. haIIa), Tgy hIy (pf. haIvyv) 'be weary\indolent' (EthS
1 Bln {R} haIay 'tired, weary', Km {CR} aIct 'laziness'), Mh {Jahn} hIy (pf. GT 'hotIi 'bend
downward' = 'abhangen, sich nach unten neigen') L G 216-7, Jahn 187, DRS 4O7 ll A: NaT 'aIur-
'do slowly' > OT {Gbn.} aqur- id., {Cl.} aq(u)ru, OOsm XIV arqin - arqun - ar_un 'gently, quietly, slowly',
XwT XIV aqru(n) 'quietly, peacefully', Cum aqrin - arqun 'slowly, quietly', QBl, Qzq, Qq, Qrg aqirin, VTt,
Bsh aIrin 'slow(ly), quiet(ly)' Cl. 89-9O, DTS 49, ET Gl 123-4, Gbn. ATG 295, Br. OTG 1O4, 136,
Rs. W 14 M 'aya:i- - 'aya:i-gu > WrM agazi-gu, HlM aay 'slow(ly), M 'ayazi-m id. > WrM agazim, HlM
aanxid. , {MYC} 'slow, unhurried' ; cp. also WrM agasar, HlM aamap 'for a while, leasurely' MED
13-4 , MYC 9O .
761. 'hX'aIa 'to need, lack' > IE 'Hcg- ({EI} 'hcg- 'be in need, lack') > NaIE 'cgg- 'lack' > L cgc-
'be in need, want' || ON cIla n. 'lack, want, need', OHG ccIo-rodi, ccIo-rodo 'just, merely (nur, blo,
allein)' ( EI) Ht aI(I)-/cI- 'die' ({Pv.}: Vnt cIucOaris - ccuctaris - cquctars 'tombstone' < IE
'j?,cI- die') P 29O, EI 343, WH I 394-5, Vr. 9, Kb. 196, EWA II 945-7, Schz. 122, Pv. I 17-23 ll HS:
HEC: Ged {Hd.} haI- vt. 'lose, miss', vi. 'be unable', ? Brj hoI- 'be absent' Hd. 243, Ss. B 1OO ? S:
Gz ?aIIo 'by no means, no' (unless < '?al-Io), Tgr ?iIon 'not, no' L G 14 ll A: NaT 'agsu 'be(come)
defective, deficient, lacking' ( N 'Xoajy,gE 'lack, want', q.v.) > OT agsu- ({Cl.} cgsu-), OT (BrSc)
{Gb.} agso-, ET ogsu-, Chg oIsu-, OOsm cIsi-, Tk csi-, cysi-, Qrg, Ln cIsu-, Tkm ciO- Cl. 117, ET
Gl 257-8, DTS 168, Rl. I 687, 1188.
762. ? ''havI'a 'light (lux), bright' > IE: NaIE 'au_g- v. 'shine' - NaIE 'au_g-a, -o(n) 'light, gleam'
> Gk ou id., 'daylight', pl. 'sun-rays' || pAl {O} 'au_ga > StAl T ag 'twilight, dusk',
agu i dritcs 'Morgengrauen', agu i syrit 'pupil of the eye', a'go| 'to dawn', {} 'il fait jour', Al G {Kf.}
agon || NLG auIcn " ooIcn 'attic, garret' || ? W gvavl 'light (lux)' ({Mn.} < 'au_glo-?) || ?? pSl '|ug+ 'south,
southern wind' > OCS r+ |ug+, Blg, R, Uk i, Slk |uh 'south', OR r+ ug+, SCr |u`g, Slv |ug, Cz |ih id.,
'southern wind', as well as SCr |u`go 'south', Uk ) ia 'drought' WP I 25, P 87, EI 314 ('hcu_g-
'shine, become bright'), Mn. 41, F I 183-4, YGM-1 259, Ch. 137, Hofm. EWG 28, BFU 29, Kf. 38, I
3O-1 & II 344, O 2, Vs. IV 526, Glh. 3O2 ll HS: S 'vIy > Gz vIy L (pf. vaIaya) 'shine, glisten,
glitter', ? Ak aIaIutu 'brandon, tison, rougeoiment du ciel' L G 612, DRS 537 [2] ( 'HaqIU
'fire', q.v. ffd.): Ch {Nw.} 'aIu - 'aI"a 'fire', {Stl.} '?aIuv- id. > WCh: Ngz {Sch.} aIa, Bd {IL} aIa | Cg
{Sk.} aI"c, Kry {Sk.} aIu, My {Sk.} a`Iu`, Jmb {Sk.} aI"a, Dir {Sk.} aIuva, Wrj {Sk.} Isva`y, Sir {Sk.}
Iu`vi, Mbr Iuva || CCh: Db {JI} Iu | Gnd va-ta | ? BM: Mrg {IL} ?i?i (= { IL} ?m?m), Cb u?u | Mtk
{Nw.} aI"a, Mada {BrrB} oII"o, {Ro.} aI"a, Mofu {Brr.} avov, MfG {Brr.} avav, Gzg D {Lk.} ?avo;
{Ro.}: Mkt aIal, Myn aIu, Hrz, Vm aI"a, Zlg aI"a, Mlk aIo | Msg {Trn.} afu | Lmn {Lk.} uuvu | Suk
{IL} I"u | Ms {Nw.} aIu-da, {J} Iuda, ZmD {KND} Iu`, {Srp.} Iu, ZmB {J} Iu, LamP Iu, Lam I"u, Bnn
Iu-da || ECh {Stl.} '?aIouv- > EDng {Fd.} aIo, Bdy ?aIo, Mgm {JA} oIIo, Mkl {J} ?uvvo | Skr {Sx.}
oIo, {Nw.} oIo | Jg {J} ?oI, Brg {J} ?aIu, Mu {J} Ic`vi id. JI II 138-9, Nw. 26 [#48], Stl. IF 124,
KNC 13, Ro. 252 [#271], Brr. MG II 149, BrrB 151, Fd. 14 , Blz. LECh. #27 C: EC: Arr {Hw.} ?cg,
Elm 'cI, Yk iIu, {E} ?cIu 'fire', ? Dsn ?cgc 'ashes' || Dhl ?cga 'fire' || SC: Asa yogot 'fire' Blz. CL 178,
BlzT D 2, To. D 132, Hw. A 338, To. DL 481, Hn. NBLK 2O4 , AD SF 262-3, E PC #1O6 ll A: T 'aI
'white' > OT, Tkm aq, Tk aI, Az ay, Ggz, CrTt, Kr, QrB, Nog, Qzq, Qq, VTt, Bsh, Qrg, Alt, Shor, Tv, ET
aq, Uz oq, Tf aq_, Xk a_ id. Rs. W 12, ET Gl 116-7, TL 679-8O, Ra. 154 pJ {S} 'aIa- 'be bright; red,
bright' > pJ 'aIa 'red, (?) bright' ({S} 'aIa-ru 'bright') > OJ {Mr.} aIa- 'red, bright', {S} 'red', [RJ]
aIa- 'red', J: T/K aIai-, Kg aIaIa, Ns ha-, Sh aIa-, Ht aga-, Y aga-ntari id., OJ {Mr.} aIaru- v. 'get
bright\red', aIasu 'red, bright'; [2] 'aIa- v. 'dawn' > OJ aIa-/aIc- id., OJ aIa-ru 'bright, light' S AJ
11O [#58], 267 [#6O], S QJ #6O, Mr. 675, 825 DQA #634 (A 'i_aIa 'light, white': incl. T, J)
^ The tentative rec. of N 'h- is based on indirect ev.: the only lrs. liable to disappear in S are 'h and
'?, but N '? yields IE '?, which is unable to produce colouring effect on vowels. Hence the only N lr.
to be reconstructed is 'h-.
763. ? 'huvaIc 'to move, walk' > HS: S [1] WS '-huI- > Gz hvI (js. -huI, pf. hoIa) v. 'stir, stir
up, move', ? Ar hvI TD (pf. tahavvaIa) 'tomber dans qch. par tourderie ou tmrit'; [2] ? S {KB}
'-haI- > OA hI 'go' (1s ip. ?hI, 3pm ip. yhIn), IA, EpJA hI, BA K6e1i^ yo-'haI 'go' L G 22O, Di. 1O,
BK II 1458, KB 1697, HJ 281-2 (s.v. hlI), DRS 387 ll U: FP 'vaIc 'run, walk' or 'come' > pLp {Lr.}
'vcIs- 'run, walk' > Lp: L {LLO} vichIa- 'run, walk', N {N} vicIIa- / -g- 'run' | Prm 'vo- 'come, arrive'
( 'ripen') > OPrm vo-, Z no- vo-(nI), Z US vo-nI, Yz vu-nn id., Yz vois 'he came', Vt ny-ini vu- reach,
arrive, ripen' UEW 817, Lr. #1395, Lgc. #867O, LG 63 ^ Qu.
764. 'haIV 'stand, stop, stay, be' > HS: S 'hI > Ar hI G 'take rest, halt' BK II 1433, Hv. 831
C {AD} '?I v. 'be, become' > pAg {Ap.} '?aI-/?ax- id. > Bln {Plm.} ?ax-/?aI-, {R} ay-, Xm {R} ay-, Aw
{Plm.} -ay- v. 'be' || EC '-iI(I)-/'-aI(I)- id. > Sml {Abr.} ah- v. 'be', Sa, Af -cII-, sx. of stative ( copula),
HEC {Hd.} 'iI- v. 'become' > Brj ih-, Sd iI-/iII-, Hd, Kmb iI- id. AD SF 131, 26O, Ss. B 1O3-4, Hd. 25
The vw. 'i in EC '-iI- may go back to the 3m prefix 'y- ('y-aI- > 'iI-) ll ? U: Sm: Kms {Cs.} ig- 'be':
igam 'sum', igal 'es', iga 'est', etc., imv. i 'be!' (sg.), pl. iga, {KD} igcm 'sum' Cs. GSS 576-7, KD 22
ll A: NaT 'ag- v. 'rise' ( *'stand') > OT ay- v. 'rise (from sth.), climb (up sth.)', Tkm ay- v. 'climb
(over), overflow, exceed (a stated period)', Osm, Chg ay- v. 'rise', Osm ay- v. 'rise, evaporate', QrB
av- v. 'climb (over)' Cl. 76-7, DTS 16, ET Gl 68-9, Rl. I 142, TkR 22, Rs. W 7 ll D 'aI- v. 'be, become'
> Tm aIu (aIi-) v. 'come into existence, happen, be', Ml aIuIa v. 'be that, become that', Kt ag- v.
'become', Kn agu v. 'come into existence', Kdg ag- v. 'become', Tl agu~avu v. 'be, become' D #333
It is not clear if D 'a- [> Tm a- v. 'come into existence, happen, be', Kt a- v. 'become' (gerund
ar`y, aty), Knd, Png, Mnd, Ku a- v. 'be, become', Gnd a- v. 'be', Kui ava- v. 'become, be, happen'] is
originally a morphophonemic variant of the same word (with N '-I- > D '--) or a different verb ^ T
'-g- < N '-I- regularly (cp. N 'taIV 'to touch' > T 'tcg- id. and N 'cEIV 'to step, tramp' > T 'igru-
'to trample').
765. 'hoKU 'copulate' > HS: S 'hII > Ar hqq (pf. haqqa) 'coahabiter avec une femme avec
violence' ({Fr.} 'vehementer inivit [feminam]), haqq- 'vehementer futuens' BK II 143O, Fr. IV 398
B {Pr.} 'vq'H ('vqu'H-) v. 'copulate' ( N 'IuyE 'be hungry, desire, want'??) > Izn {Rn.} oqqi,
Rf/SrSn {Rn.} oqqu, Sll {Ds.} qqu (pf. iqqu), Izd qqu id., Izd t-uqqu-t 'cohabitation, acte damour' Rn.
372, Mrc. 54 ll A: M 'oqu- 'copulate' > MM [MA, IM] oqaba p. 'copulated' (of humans and animals),
WrM oqu-, HlM oxo-x, Kl {Rm.} o_+-_o vl 'copulate' (of humans), Ord {Ms.} o_o 'copulate' (of a man)
Pp. MA 266-7, 443, MED 626, KW 284, Ms. O 5O8 Tg: Ewk oIo- id. (A M?) STM II 1O DQA
766. o? 'halV 'call out, call, praise' > IE {Pv.} 'xcl-t-/'xl-ct-, d 'xl'tyc/o- ({ Pv.} 'Hltyc/o-) > AnIE
{Pv.} 'halt(i)ya- > Ht halzai- v. 'call out, cry, shout, exclaim, howl; cry for, crave; proclaim, recite, read;
call, summon, invoke', Lw (3s prs. md.) hal-ti-it-ta-ri NaIE: [1] Acc. to Pv. II 5-64, NaIE 'lo'ta (< IE
{Pv.} 'xlo'ta) > ORu la|u n. 'call, summons, invitation', ON lo, AS lau 'invitation'; - Gt la|on, ON
laa, AS laian, OHG ladon 'to invite, call' [> NHG (cin)ladcn 'invite'] || ? OL lcssus, acc. sg. lcssum 'wailing,
lamentation' (acc. to , < 'lct
-tu-s < 'H'lct
-tu-s) [2] ?o: Gk oo, Gk D ooo 'war-cry' and
Gk H ooue v. 'cry with a loud voice' (so Ts. E) F I 63, Pv. II 53-64, Pv. EA 88, Ts. E I 139-4O,
IGW-8 96-7, Fs. 323, Ho. 196, Vr. 343, 373, Kb. 585 ll HS: S 'hll 'rejoice, cry with exaltation' > BHb
hll G 'be boastful, infatuated', v. D 'eulogize', 'praise (God)', MHb hll D 'praise', Ug hll, Aram hll
G (pf. halla) 'rejoice', SmA hll D 'praise', Sr hll D 'sing, praise', BHb hillu'l-im 'festival exultation',
MHb lul`ie hil'lu'l, JA hillu'l-a {Js.} 'singing praises', JEA {Sl.} al1ul`ie5 hillu'l-a 'festivity, wedding feast',
IA [Eleph.] {KB} hiallulat 'noise', Gz hll T (pf. tahalala) 'jubilate, utter cries of joy', Ak fOB ?ll: atlulu
'to shout alala, to brag, boast', sululu 'to hail, acclaim, utter a cry' KB 235, 238-9, KBR 245-9, Js.
346, 353, Sl. 378, Tal I 21O, Br. 176, BK II 1434-5, L G 217, CAD I/1 331-2, DRS 414-5 B 'h?l
({ Pr.} hhl) v. 'diriger un salut (vers un absent)' > Ah, Tnsl, ETwl, Ty uhal, pf. yohul, Gh pf. yohul
Fc. 576-8, Pr. H #218, GhA 78, 251 (Pcj. II B 3) ll U: FU 'alV- v. 'pronounce magic words, exercise
magic forces; to sacrifice' [ N ''alV 'burn (esp. sacrifices), use magic means (sacrifices, magic
formulae etc.) to produce a particular result' (q.v.)] > Er {Bd.} alta-, alvta- v. 'promise', {ERV} alta- v.
'promise, dedicate', {Jv.} alta- 'doom', {Bd.} alsta- 'versprechen, zusagen, weichen; verwnschen' | Chr
{Szil.} ultc- v. 'prey', Chr L {MRS, } ul'oa-s 'to prey, pronounce a prayer' || pOs 'al- > Os: V/Vy alIl- v.
'curse, scold', Vy alIl- v. 'bewitch', V alIlto Iol 'Fluchwort, malediction', alIm- v. 'curse, call down
curses upon' | OHg ald- v. 'sacrifice, opfern', Hg ald- v. 'bless, consecrate', aldoz- 'sacrifice, offer;
devote to' ? Y: Y {Jc.} ilctc- 'beschimpfen, schelten', Y K {IN} ilts-, Y T {Ku.} ilctc- 'scold' UEW 7,
MF I 81, ERV 45, MRS 628, Stn. D 75, Trj. 13, KC 16-7, Jv. 19, 225, EWU 24, Rd. UJ 45 [#58] (Y
A U} ll A 'al- > NaT 'alIa- v. 'bless, praise, conjure (supernatural spirits)' > OT alqa- v. 'praise' (both
in the religious and the ordinary sense), v. 'bless', Qmq, Qrg, Qzq alqa-, Tv alya- v. 'bless', Xk alya- v.
'bless, thank', StAlt alqa- v. id., 'thank', Yk alya- v. 'bless, praise, prey, conjure (supernatural spirits),
cast a spell' 1 Ewk alga- v. 'bless, pray', alga 'blessing' Cl. 138, Rs. W 17, ET Gl 137-8, Rl. I 349, Pek.
74 ? Tg 'algi-n 'fame, rumour' > Sln algi 'rumour', Mc algin, Mc Sb algi_an 'fame, rumour'; Mc algi-,
Mc Sb algi_a- v. 'become famous' STM I 3O ? M 'aldar 'fame' > MM [S] aldar id., WrM aldar, HlM
an(ap 'fame, renown, reputation', Kl {KW} aldr 'fame', Dgr {T} aldar - aldur id., 'news', 'honorific
name' H 5, MED 3O, KW 6, T DgJ 12O.
767. 'halV 'this' > HS: S 'hal-, dem. prn. > Ar ?al- (df. art.) and a component in compound
pronouns (e.g. oaliIa 'this'), Ak A allu 'jener', Ug hl {A} 'this', {OLS} 'he aqu, mira!', hlny, (AkSc)
{Hnr.} halliniya 'here, now then', ? Ar aEa hala - }aEa hala 'here' (in hayya hala - hayya hala 'come here'),
??? CS ''halV?-(as), 'la 'halV?ji, 'further, onward, thither' (with directive case ending '-as or with
preposition 'la 'to') [ N ''?aljV?,E (= 'halV?E?) 'on the other side', q.v. ffd.] Sd. 37, A #87, OLS 164-
5, Hnr. 121, BK II 1435, KB 235, KBR 245, BDB #1973, PS 1OO9 [ N '?olV 'that (visible)']: EC
'?Vl- > Gdl ?clc (nom. ?clu) 'that' (remote from speaker, superior), Dsn -al-a 'this', Arr -lo 'this':
farav-lo 'this horse', ?ummo-lo 'these children' Hw. DP 13, Hw. A 191-2OO, To. DL 226-7 ll K: Sv: UB
ala, LB ali, L/Ls alc 'he\it (near the speaker); 'this', Sv al 'this' TK 39-4O, GP 4O, Top. SJ 83 ll IE:
NaIE 'al-i_o-s 'other' ({EI} IE 'h_cli_o-s), 'al-tcr 'the other from two', IE 'oal-nci_ > Sl 'olni 'last year' (all
N ''?aljV?,E '', q.v. ffd.) P 25-6, EI 411, Brg. D 1O7, F I 76-7, Vn. A 31-2, Flr. 155, Hm. 239,
YGM-1 11, Billy 6-7, WH I 3O-3, Slt. 27O, Fs. 39, Vr. 1OO-1, Ma. CS 275, Glh. 368 ll A: ??? NaT
'al 'that' > Qrg, Tb al 'that', unless it is a secondary variant of T 'ol 'ille' [ N '?olV ''].
768. 'hAlV 'to shine; bright' > HS: WS 'hll v. 'shine' (of a heavenly body), 'be bright' > Ar hall-
'clair' (se dit des toffes dun tissu lger et clair), hll (pf. halla) v. 'appear' (of a new moon, of a
heavenly body appearing over the horizon)', hll v. TD (pf. tahallala) 'shine', 'be bright (face, cloud)',
hall-at- 'lamp', BHb lle Hiph. v. (ip. le4i! ya'hcl, 3pm ip. ul`e4i!) 'flash forth, light, shine', Tgr hLhl
halhalv v. 'blaze (lodern, flammen), hLhL halhalta n. 'blaze (Lohe, Flamme)', ?? Gz {DRS ?) hll G 'tre
clair, se rassrner' BK II 1434-6, Hv. 832, KB 238, KBR 248, BDB #1984, LH 1-2, DRS 415 B
'Hll > Izn {Rn.} iulolla pl. 'lightning' Rn. 287 ll K 'jh,cl- v. 'lighten' ( N 'ycljay,V 'to shine; light',
q.v.) > OG, G cl-, G Ing hcl- id., Lz A al- v. 'sparkle, lighten', Sv hcl- - cl- / -hl- (masdar li-cl-c " li-hl-) v.
'lighten', Sv. LB hcl 'lightning' K 78-9 & K
46-7 ('cl-; adduces Mg/Lz val- 'lighten'), FS K 122
(adduce Mg/Lz val- and reconstruct K 'vcl-); on Mg/Lz val- see N 'v'clV 'shine, lighten', IS MS 362-3
and IS I 281-2 ll IE: AnIE: Lw {Mlc.} halliya- 'day', HrLw {Mer.} hali- 'day, time' Mlc. CL 48, Mer.
HHG 48, Pv. III 25 ll D 'all- 'clear' (of liquids) ( N 'XalbV 'white' 'white') > Krx all- 'become clear'
(of liquid left undisturbed), Mlt {Drs.} alc 'get clear (as water when left undisturbed)', ? Kui alga
'tidy, clear' D #261, Pf. 184 ^ To be distinguished from N 'gaHlu 'IaHVlu 'reddish, yellow,
brown' (q.v.).
768a. 'hiLV (or 'hEyLV??) 'new heavenly light' ( 'new moon, the first star in the sky') > HS: CS
(or WS) 'hilal- (- 'haylil-?) > BHb ll4ie4 hc'lcl 'morning star' (scriptio plena of the first c, as always in
BHb, points to a former 'ay), Ug hll {A} 'crescent', {OLS} ' divinidad astral', Ar hilal- 'new moon',
'moon at the end of the lunar month', as well as Gz {L} holal 'new moon' and Amh holal 'moon' (both
from Ar?) KB 235, OLS 165, A #832, BK II 1435. L G 217 B: Ah {Fc.} tallit (pl. tilil), Ttq {Msq.} tallit
(pl. tclil), 'new moon, lunar month', Tw Ud {Sdl.} tallit (pl. tilil) 'moon, month', Gt {Nh.} tallit (pl. cillil)
'month', Kb {Dl.} tallit 'moment imprsis: un instant, quelque jours' Fc. III 982, Msq. 178, 197,
Sdl. 3O7, Nh. s.v. 'mois', Dl. 441 Cf. also CCh: Bdm {Cfr.} h'illtgt, {Lk.} hilogu 'star' (unless from
Knr sillogu id.) (ChC, Lk. B 1O4) ll A: Tg: Lm tlan 'moon', 'month' ( *'new moon') STM I 3O6 ^
Blz. LNA #19 [S, B Sa, Af alsa 'moon, month', AnIE, D, Tg words for 'day', 'light', 'to burn, kindle'
(see N 'hAlV 'shine, bright', 'ycljay,V 'shine, lux', 'yiLV 'burn, kindle')].
769. 'hil'U 'stand, be, exist' ( 'have') > HS: WS 'hlv 'be, exist' > Gz hlv D (pf. hlw hallava - hlo
hallo) 'be, exist; there is', Tgr h halla, Tgy alo ?allo, Arg halla, Amh al allv id., Hmr hl 'be', Ar Y {M.}
hallo, {Slw.} hall- 'there is' L G 217-8, LH 5, M. rEDG 399, Blv. XJ 69-72, Slw. 214-5, Bns. NJ I 23,
DRS 412 B: Ty ilu (3s pf. ila) [Pcj. I C 2] 'have', ETwl +lu [Pcj. I A 9-11], Ah ol (pf. ila) [Fcj. 12 = Pcj.
I A 11] 'have', Kb ol (pf. ila) 'have, belong to' Dl. 437-8, Fc. 974-7, GhA 1O8, Pr. M VI-VII 119-26 &
143-4 (on conjugations) C: EC: Elm -cl p. / -al-a prs. 'stand', Arr -cll- pf. / -all- ip., Sml -il---ill- 'live,
be' [3m p.: Sml N yil, Sml yil, 3s prs.: Sml N yal, Sml C yal(la)], Rn {PG} -il-/-al- 'live, dwell
(wohnen)', pBn pf. '-il- / ip. '-al- 'stay' (Bn J 1s p. aIi_-?-i_ls, 3m p. aIi_-y-i_ls, 1s prs.
aIa-?-ala, 3m prs. aIs--ala, Bn K 1s p. Ii_-?-i_ls, 3m p. Ii_--i_ls, 1s prs. Ia?ala, 3m
prs. Ii_ala), Dsn yal 'stand' AD IPSV, Bell 32, 59, Anr. VVMS, Mrn. SS 1OO-7, 272-7, 357-8,
Abr. S 1962, Ss. OKSV 164-9, Ss. G 426-7, Ss. D 211-2, Hn. S 33-6, Hn. BD 35-9, 57-61, 76, PG 59,
15O, Schlee 17-2O, Hw. A 267-9, Vg. rSimO 165-7, To. DL 532 , HL 67 (pEC '-all- 'stand, be
present') Coh. 8O [#2O] ll A 'iLV 'stand (up)', {DQA} 'ilV 'stand, become' > Tg 'iljiu,- 'stand up,
stop still' > Orc, Ud ili-, Ul ili--ilu, Ork ili- - illi-, Nn ili-, Ewk il-, Lm, Neg il-, WrMc ili- id., Mc Sb
yili- id., ytla- id., 'halt', Sln il- 'stand up', Jrc ili-bun 'standing, vertically' STM I 3O2-3, Y ##537-8,
Kiy. 121 [#424], 131 [#6O4], Gru. SSJ #424, Md. ChF 135 ? pKo {S} 'ir- 'become, happen' > MKo ir-
'become', NKo iro-na- id., il- 'happen' S QK #733, Nam 4O5, MLC 1351, 1356 DQA # 596, Rm.
SKE 71 (connects Ko with Tg i- 'enter') ^ IS MS 332 s.v. 6ir ('be') 'lc (U, HS + unc. K 'r- 'be')
Gr. II #29 ('lc 'be', incl. Y, CK, EA, U 'lc- IE 'lc(i)- 'provide, obtain').
77O. 'huLV 'to push, butt, pierce' > IE 'Xvcl-/'Xul- v. strike' > Ht hulla-, hulliya- v. {Pv.} 'smash,
quash, defeat', {Ts.} '(nieder)schlagen' NaIE 'vcl- v. 'push, wound, damage' [ IE 'vclX- 'strike' <
N 'vcl'hV 'to hit, attack', q.v.] > L volnus, vulnus (gen. -cris) 'wound' || Gk ou 'wound scarred over',
ovoioke (< *ovo-oioke) 'waste, spend' Phv. II 363-8 (distinguishes between IE
'Xvcl-h"- [{ Phv.} Hvcl-A" > Ht hulla-] and 'vcl-jh,- [{ Phv.} 'vcl-(A)- > 'valh-], Ts. E I 275ff., P 1144-
5, F I 74 & II 443-4, WH II 744-5, 827, Fs. 564, Vr. 642, EI 567 (cf. N 'vcl'hV 'hit, attack' and
'v'aljiy,V 'draw, pull out\off') ll HS: S 'hlv v. 'push' > Jb C {Jo.} hl? [{Jo.} hlv] (pf. 'hc'lc?) v. 'push
(animals) into a pen\cave' Jo. J 97 ll A: M 'oli- v. 'butt' > WrM oli- v. 'butt' (of a goat, ram), HlM
onn-x 'to butt (with one horn)', Kl {KRS} onx ol-x+, {Rm.} ol
- 'to butt (with horns)' MED 6O9, Luv.
297, KRS 396, KW 285 The M belongs here unless it is 'qoli- (which cannot be ruled out,
because no reflexes are known in lgs. distinguishing between 'q- and zero).
77Oa. ? ''hali'vV 'elephant' > HS: B 'Hlv id. > Ah {Fc.} clu (pl. clvan), ETwl {PGG} clov, Ty
{PGG} ilov, Gh {Nh.} alu, Zng {Nic.} ozoh, {Bs.} iit (pl. aaon) Fc. 982, PGG 2O1 ? ECh: Mkl {J}
?clbi 'elephant', pl. ?clbidi; ?clbiso 'female elephant' J LM 96 ? EC: pBn {Hn.} 'alisi 'female
elephant' > Bn: J alisi, Kj aliss, K alcsss id. For the element '-si cp. Mkl ?clbiso 'female elephant'
Hn. BD 1O4 ?? S: Ak Bg/LB alu 'bull (as a mythological being)' ({Blz.} 'mythical giant bull')
CAD I/1 377, ASal. J 167, Dk. ESA 32 Cp. also Gk cco) (gen. -vto)) 'elephant' [a loan from some
HS (perhaps Libyan) source?] Blz. EH 3-4 ll D: McTm 'alliyan_ > Tm alliyan 'stray elephant
separated from the fold', Ml alliyan 'female elephant' D 258 ^ N ''h is very tentatively
reconstructed on the ev. of Ak (a- rules out all laryngeals other than '?- and 'h-) and B (Ah long c-
favours a lr. other than '?-). If Ak does not belong here, we have to reconstruct an unspecified N
'HQ- ^ Blz. DA 157 [#5O].
771. 'haLju,KV 'to step, walk' > HS: S 'hlI v. 'go, walk' > BHb hlI G id. (pf. Kl2e1 ha'laI, imv.
Kl4 lcI, 3m ip. Kl4i$ yc'-lcI), Ph hlI, Pun pf. ylI, imv. LECH, Mb 1s ip. ?hlI, imv. lI, Ug, Nab, Plm hlI,
Ak ?lI (inf. alaIu) id., IA hlI D 'walk', Md hlI D 'proceed, go forward, travel, walk', Ar hlI G (pf.
halaIa) 'perish, pass away', Sq {L} 1p GT nah'tiloI 'we perish' KB 236-8, KBR 246-8, HJ 28O-2, OLS
165, DM 148, BK II 1439-41, Sod. 31-4, CAD I/1 3OO-28, DRS 413-4 B (mt ) 'HIl v. 'walk' > Wrg
{Dlh.} aIol (3m pf. yuIol) 'follow, walk, travel', Tmz {MT} aIol " asol (pf. uIol " usol) 'marcher sur,
pitiner, fouler', Skn aIol 'cheminer', BMn {Bs.} Icl (3s pf. iIla) 'walk', d verbal stems: Ah siIol
'marcher au pas (animaux)', Gh {Nh.} siIol 'marcher droit son chemin', d n. act.: Ah tcIlc 'marche
au pas', Gh ciIolt (pl. ciIIal), BSn tisli, BMn hisli, Zww {Bs.} tiIli, Wrs {Bs.} ticli, Nf tiIli 'walking
(marche)', Kb timli id., 'allure, Shnw {La.} hiIli 'la marche, le pas' Fc. 781-3, Dlh. Ou. 142, La. S
193, La. Ch 143, Nh. 176, MT 331, Dl. 4O, Bs. ZOu 145 ll A 'alUI`V, {DQA} 'alaI`u 'to step, walk' > M
'alqu- v. 'step' > MM [MA] alqu-, WrM alqu-, HlM anxa-, Dgr alIu-, ShY algo- id., Kl {Rm.} al_
- 'steigen,
treten, schreiten'; - 'alqum 'a step' > WrM alqum, HlM anxa(x) 'step, pace, gait', Kl {KRS, Rm.} anx al_+,
anxx al_+m, Mnr H {SM} arg_u - ? _arg_u, MM [MA] alqu, Mnr H {SM} _arg_u, arg_u, {T} _algu, Dx hanIu a
step' Pp. MA 99, MED 34, KRS 38, T 372, T DnJ 139, SM 13, 161, KW 7 Mnr and Dx _-, h- is
probably accounted for by Md.-Hl.s law of a Mnr/Dx initial aspiration induced by the root-medial
vl. cns. pJ {S} aruI- v. 'walk' > OJ aruI-, ariI- id., J: T aruI- 'walk, go on foot, step', K aruI-, Kg
aruI-, Ns aII'-, Sh atc-, Ht arug-, Y aig- 'walk' S AJ 27O [#84] S AJ 268 [#84] ('aluI`V), S QJ
#84, Mr. 677 DQA #22 ^ HS 'I < 'I (HS deglottalization) Gr. II #178 ('al 'go') [A, J + unc. IE,
Sm, CK].
772. 'h'alUK'a 'be in need (hungry, thirsty), covet' > IE: NaIE 'clI-/'olI- 'to hunger, be hungry'
> Lt alI-ti, Ltv alI-t 'to hunger', Pru alIins "nchtern" ({Tp.} 'sober-minded'), Lt alIanas 'one on an
empty stomach' | Sl 'olIa-ti 'to hunger' > OCS aoko:u laIati - oa+ko:u al+Iati 'to hunger, fast', OR
aoko:u laIati (prs. aov) 'to hunger, be thrsty', Slv laIati 'to hunger', Cz laIati, Slk laIat` 'to attract', P
laInac 'hunger, be hungry; covet, long for' || OHG ilgi 'famine' P 3O7, Frn. 8, En. 14O, Tp. P A-D 75,
Vs. II 452, SJSS I 27-8, Trt. 6-7, Kb. 496 ll HS: WS 'hlI > Mh hlI (pf. hilsI) 'be very tired and thirsty',
Jb C hlI (pf. 'hclI) id., 'miss so. who has died', Mh hs'lsIt 'thirst', Tgr {DRS} hvlIvy 'tired', Ar hlI G
(halaIa / -hlaIu) 'tre extrmement avide de qch.' Jo. M 156-7, BK II 1439, DRS 413-4 ll A: T 'aluI- >
NaT 'asuI- > OT asuq- v. 'long for'; ??? NaT 'asuI- 'be in a hurry' > OT, Ln asuq-, CrTt, Kr Cr,
QrB, Qrg asiq-, VTt, Bsh as+q-, Nog, Qzq, Qq asiq-, Uz osiq-, ET osuq- id. Cl. 239, DTS 64, ET Gl 217-
8 ^ S 'I is due to deglottalization of 'K.
773. ''hVmP'i 'stinging insect' > IE: NaIE 'cmi- - 'cmb"i- > Gk cti) (gen. ctio-o)) 'mosquito,
gnat' || AS imbc 'swarm of bees', OHG imbi, NHG Immc id., NGr Wf imc 'bee' WP I 125, P 311, EI 312
('hcm'i-s 'gnat, stinging insect') F I 5O6, Ch. 344, Ho. 187, Schz. 173, OsS 443, KM 325, Kb.
496 ll D 'ummVl- ' stinging insect' > Kn ummuni ' insect', Tu umil - umbli 'mosquito, gnat', Nkr
ummcl 'mosquito' D #638 ll ? HS: WS 'hmm > Ar hamm-at- 'venomous vermin (scorpions, worms,
lice), serpents', Jb {DRS} ham 'big snake' BK 1443, DRS 424 Ch {Nw.} 'ami 'bee' > CCh: pMM
{Ro.} 'ama > Gzg {Lk.} ?amam, {Ro.} a`mam, MfG {Brr.} amam, {Ro.}: Myn amu, Mlk amom, Zlg amum,
Mofu uvam id. || ECh: Jg {J} ?imo, Brgt {J} ?imiyu, Mu {J} ?um 'bee' ChC, ChL, Nw. #7O, Lk. G 117,
Ro. 2O9 [#57]), Brr. MG II 75 lll N word group 'qVlV 'hVmP'i 'gnat, mosquito' (q.v. ffd.).
774. 'hanV 'head' 'top' 'on, on the surface, towards' > HS: Eg G hn 'head', hn 'bis hin nach'
(unless < Eg fP hn 'box, chest', hnv {Fk.} 'jar', {EG} ' pot') EG II 491-5, Fk. 158 S ''hana > Ak ana,
an 'towards, to' (Sd.: 'zu, [in der Richtung] nach'), ? Gz nc 'away to', 'towards' Sd. 47-8, L G 38O
C: HEC 'hana 'over, above' > Sd ana 'over, on', Hd, Ged hana id. Hd. 1O9 || ? Bj {R} -na 'bei' || C 1 Mb
{Fl.} ana 'above' ?? CCh: Gudu {IL} yin | Tr {Nw.} |in 'head' Nw. WLT 37, JI II 182-3
ll IE ''xan - ''xanu - '('xa)no {P} 'an einer schrgen Flche hin, hinauf' > Av ana, OPrs ana 'ber
hin', 'entlang, auf', Av anu, OPrs anuv 'nach, gem', 'lngs, entlang', OI 'anu 'after, along, acc. to' || ?
Arm (h)am- (h)am- verbal px.: (h)am-banam (h)am-barnam 'I raise up', (h)am-berem (h)am-bcrcm 'ich ertrage'
(-m- for '-n- due to generalization of the variant preceding a nasal cns. of the ) || Gk I/A ovo, o`vo
'up, upon' || Gt, ORu ana (later an), ON a 'on', OHG ana, an 'at, on, over, in', NHG an, AS an, on 'on', NE
on || ? Lt anotc, anot 'according to' P 39-4O, EI 612 [IE 'h_cn-h_c 'up (onto), upwards, along'], F I
1OO-1, Fs. 41, Vr. 1, Mkj. DR 119, Ho. 4, Kb. 23-4, EWA I 214-5, M K I 3, Frn. 11 ll U 'na 'toward,
into, near' > FU '-na 'to, toward' > Os: N -na' 'towards, into' (lative, illative): _atna' 'into the house', ?
E -nat, -nat 'with'; Vg: T -na, -na, LK -no, -on, -n, P -no, -n, Ss -na, -n | Hg -ni, -ni 'zu', Hg -ncI,
-naI 'gegen, uf zu', OHg -nal, -ncl 'zu, bei', Hg -nal, -ncl 'bei' Sm 'na (postposition): dat. sg.
'na-q 'zu', loc. sg. 'na-na 'bei', abl. sg. 'na-t+ 'von' > Ng dat. {Cs.} naq 'zu', {Mik.} nanu 'bei', En X
{Cs.} dat. ne, En B {Cs.} dat. ni_c 'zu', Ne T {Ter.} dat. n 'zu', loc. n na 'bei', Kms na:m+n 'fr, wegen'
Jn. 99, MF 461-2 UEW 3OOll D (in SD) 'an`jn`,- 'upper part' > Tm an 'upper part', ana v. 'lift the
hand', Ml anna 'upwards, above', Kn annc, anna, ana 'excellence, purity', Tu anavuni, annavuni v.
'look up, lift up the face, gaze' D #11O The cerebrality of 'n` in the D has not yet been
explained ('-n- + suffixal 'y > '-n- > D '-n`-?).
775. 'hEnV 'iste' > HS: WS 'hinn- 'here, voici, voil' > Ug hn 'aqu', 'he aqu; mira!; as', Hb Ne4
'voici', {KBR} conj. 'behold', Ph, Yd hn id., Ar ?inna 'certainly, indeed', Sb {Bll.} ?n 'behold, lo!', Gz {L}
?on-Ia 'so then', ?onga 'indeed' KBR 251, OLS 167, HJ 285-7, Bll. 22, L G 26, DRS 427 B {Pr.} '-hin,
deictic nominal sx. of remoteness and invisibility' > Twr {Pr.} -(h)in id., Kb -ihin, -ihinna, invariable
postnom. dem. prn. (remote visible object), -inna, -yinna, invariable postnom. dem. prn. (remote
visible person or object), Tmz {MT} -nn, -nna, invariable postnom. dem. prn (remote or absent), Mz
{Dlh.} -n, -on, -in, invariable deictic morpheme of remoteness or absence (araz-on 'cer homme-l'),
Wrg {Dlh.} -n id. ('that'): argaz-on 'homme-l, cet homme-l', ass-on 'ce jour-l en question', v-on 'celui-
l', t-on 'celle-l', pl. i-ni 'ceux-l', ti-ni 'celles-l' AiM 217, Pr. M III 191-2, Dl. 282, 534-5, MT 456,
Dlh. M 129, Dlh. Ou 2O8 eEg -n, deictic element of proximity: m. n 'this', f. tn, ntr. nn 'this', adv.
n 'so' Lopr. AE 68-71 C: Ag: Bln {R} ona 'that', Q {Hz.} sn 'this', in 'that', Km {Hz., Ap.} sn
'this', {Ap., Hz.} in 'that', Aw {Hz.} snn 'this', an 'that'; these forms or part of them go back to
sequences 'ha 'ille' + 'hEnV and 'hi (dem. pc.) + 'hEnV, producing the opposition 'this' 'that' || EC:
Kns {BlSO} ini 'this' || Bj {R} un nom. this' m. (acc. on, pl. nom. an, pl. acc. cn) || SC: ? Irq {Nrb.} -siq
'iste, that near you': hc-siq 'iste homo' (the element -s- is still obscure) Ap. K 321, Nrb. 3O-2, Wh.
IC 79 (Irq -siq 'that [particular]') , Hz. AL 21, R BedS III 32-6, Rop. 15O Ch nominal determiner
(m.) '-VnV > Hs doIi-n 'the horse' ( doIi 'horse'), Bd {Sch.} I"am-ani 'that bull' ( I"am 'bull'),
Gude {Sch.} raha-na 'this axe' ( raha 'axe'), Msg {Sch.} dif na 'this man' ( dif 'man') and with
loss of gender distinction: Mkl {Sch.} ctrovo-q 'the woman' ( ctrovo 'woman'), Ke {Sch.} hslgs-q`
'the woman' ( hslgs 'woman') Sch. ED 156-9 ll IE: [1] NaIE 'cno-/'ono- dem. prn. 'that'
(intermediate or distal deixis) ( cd. with 'ha 'ille') > Lt anas, ans id., an(a) 'behold' | Sl 'on+ 'that'
() 'he' (f. 'ona, ntr. 'ono, pl.: m. 'oni, f. 'onc) > OCS eu+ on+ m. 'that, ille', 'he' / euo f. / eue ntr. /
euu pl. m.. / eu1 pl. f., in later lgs. mainly 'he' / 'she' / 'it' / 'they': R sg. on / o'na / o'no, pl. o'nn, pl. f.
& o'nc, Uk n n/no'na/no'no, SCr on (- o`n) / ona / ono, Slv on/ona/ono (-ono), Cz, Slk, P on/ona/ono ||
OI ana- 'this', base of a prn. (in a'ncna, a'naya, a'nayoh), Av ana- (anaya), OPrs instr. ana || Arm sojn
so-yn 'this, that, he, self, the same' (< 'Io-cno-) || Gk cd ckcivo) 'that' (distal deixis) (< *c-kc-cvo)) || L
cnim 'indeed, truly; namely', 'for' (explanatory conj.), Osc inim INIM civci, ini 'and' || Gmc cd (< IE
'y-on-yos): OHG |cncr 'that one', NHG |cncr 'that, ille', AS h.l. con, OFrs |cn, MLG |cnc id., ON inn - cnn
'the', Sw, Dn -(c)n id. Ht an(n)i 'that, yonder' (sg. com. annis), annaz 'formerly, once upon a time';
acc. to Pv., ann- < 'on-yo-) P 319-21, Frn. 1O, Vs. III 14O-1, Glh. 454, M K I 32, F I 476, 515, WH I
4O4-6, Bc. G 317, Vr. 286, Kb. 522, , KM 332, Pv. I-II 51-5, EI 458 ('h_cn- 'that') [2] ? IE
'ucn (or '?cn) 'behold!', 'lo!', 'voil' > Gk v, `v, L cn id. ( N 'oynV 'see, look' [q.v.]) ll A: M
nom. 'cnc 'iste' ('this', 'he, she, it' [hic-deixis]) / declension stem (of obl. cases) 'cnc-n [ N '?'c 'this',
deictic pc. (q.v.)], whence the suppletive stem 'cgun- for obl. cases and possibly 'cdc pl. 'these') >
MM [S, MA] cnc / obl. [MA] cncn-, WrM cnc, HlM yny / obl. ynyn-, Brt yny cnc/ obl. ynyyn- cncn-, Mgl
cna' / obl. cna'n- id., Dg sns, Kl cno, Mgr {Pp.} nic / obl. {SM} cnun-, {Pp.} nian Pp. IM analyzes M
'cnc as 'c-n-c (the 'c- + element -n- that "occurs in all pronouns": 'mi-n-u, 'ci-n-u, 'i-nu + deictic '-c);
Pp.s analysis is unt., because '-n- in 'minu 'of me' etc. occurs in gen. [not in nom.] and goes back to
the N genitive pc. 'nu [q.v.], while '-n- in 'cnc occurs in the nom. and hence belongs to the stem
MED 316, Pp. IM 225-7, Pp. GMPJ 82, GBJ 141-3, SM G 4O-1, Snz. SMJ 53-5 ll ? K: GZ '-n, subject
marker of 3 sg. in verbs > OG, G, Mg, Lz -n K
776. 'hu?inqV 'wave' > HS: Eg N h:nv 'wave; flood (of the sea)' > Cpt: Sd ectm hocim, etmc hoimc, B
wtmt hoimi, coll. tmu himc 'wave' EG II 481, Vc. 292 ? C: Bj {R} haymo 'wave' ll IE 'xun- / ? 'xvcn-
> Ht hunhuvan- 'wave', hunhuncssar/n- id., ? hunhumazzi- id. NaIE: pGmc 'unOi_o, 'unOu- 'wave' > ON
unnr, ur (pl. unnir), OSx uthia, AS y, OHG unda id. || L unda id. P 79-8O, Ts. E I 287, WH I 816-8.
Vr. 635, Ho. 413, Ho. S 82, Kb. 1O7O.
777. 'hAvqV 'sense, mind, soul' > HS: S 'hvn, 'havn- 'sense' > Sr 'oHa hav'n-a 'mens,
intelligentia', JA [Trg.] {Lv.} an!w1e9 h"va'na - an!&ve9 h"vo'na 'Vernnftigkeit, Einsicht', JPA Nve hvn
'sense'; ?? CS 'hvn 'be easy' (if from *'savoir faire'?) > Ar hvn (pf hana) 'become easy', BHb
hvn Sh (3p vatta'hinu) 'regard as easy'; ??? Ph hvn 'wealth', BHb N&e hon 'wealth, sufficiency;
enough' Br. 173, Sl. P 161, Lv. I 458-9, Lv. T I 196, KB 232, BDB 22, HJ 276-7, DRS 388-9 ll U: FU
(att. in FL) 'aaqc 'spirit, ghost' ( N '?aqq'i 'breathe' [q.v. ffd.]) ll A 'aqV > T 'aq, {Md.} 'aq 'mind,
intellect, consciousness' > OT, Chg aq 'understanding, itelligence', Osm {Bu.} N" anI [= aq?]
'intelligence; intellect, mind' ('cxcrnnnocr; yx, non) r c'), Tk an, Tkm aq, Uz oq, ET aq, QrB, CrTt, Qzq,
Nog, Qq, VTt, Bsh, Qrg aq, Chv aAn +n 'mind, intellect'; T 'aq- v. 'remember, call to mind' > OT, MQp,
XwT aq- id., Chg XV aq- 'understand', Tk an-, Tk , CrTt, Kr Cr aq-, Tkm aq-, Az an- an-; - T 'aq-la- v.
'understand' > OT anla-, Tk anla-, Chv aAnna- +nla-; acc. to SDM97 s.v. 'acluoI`V - 'aou-, WrM
aqira- - anira- v. 'know, understand, comprehend' (MED 46-7) is a loan from 'aq-sira-, a word in
some Turkic (SDM: "Siberian Turkic") lgs., T 'aq- with the sx. '-sira- (denoting uncomplete action)
Cl. 165, 168, 186, ET Gl 153-4, Dr. TM II #565, Rl. I 123, Bu. I 73-4, Md. 1O4, 159 ? Tg 'cqc- >
Lm sqsli-, sqst/- 'peep, observe, spy out, find out (pa:nc(inar)' STM II 458 pJ {S} sms-- v.
'think' > OJ omo-, J: T omo-, K omo-, Kg omo- QJ #16O, Mr, 471 S AJ 286 [#243] (A 'aqV),
DQA #462 [A 'cqV 'think, understand' > incl. T, Tg, J] ll D 'un_n_- 'think, consider, look' ( N
'oynV 'to see, look; eye', q.v. ffd.).
778. ? 'huPU 'bad', 'error, sin' > IE 'x"c-/'x"o-/'xu- > Ht {Ts., Pv.} huvaa- 'evil, ill, bad', {Phv.}
huva- v. 'ill-treat, harrow, harass, disfigure, spoil', huh(h)ua- 'evil', huii- 'ruthless, pitiless', HrLw
huasanu- v. 'cause to be harmed' NaIE: Gk u|i) 'insolence, outrage; wanton violence, arising from
the pride of strenth or from passion' ( NaIE 'huvaar-/'huar-?) || Gmc (< 'Huclo-): Gt ubils, OSx
uvil, OHG ubilo, NHG ubcl adj. 'evel, bad', AS yfcl 'evil', NE cvil || OIr fcl 'bad' (< 'Huclo-) EI 43
('hhvo- 'treat badly'), F II 954, Fs. 5O8, KM 799, Kb. 1O61, Ho. 412, Ho. S 82, Ts. E I 29O, Pv. III
358, 36O, 43O-2, Juret VELH 71, Szem. JHS 154 (Ht. Gk) ll HS: B ''Hf > Ah ohof 'dvier' Fc. 521,
Pr. H #162 ? S 'hu- > Ar huf- 'homme lche et paresseux; peureux; sot, imbcile'; ??? Ar tahfif-
'lche, poltron; sot, imbcile' (unless hff 'lger') BK II 1428-9, 1458 ll A: NaT 'ubut n. 'shame' >
OT {Cl.} uvut 'modesty, shyness', {DTS} ubut 'shame', MT XII-XIII {Brv.} ovut - oyut id.; variants: 'ubat
- 'uyat (< 'ubyat?) 'shame' > OT T {BG} avyat, ET {Jr.} ubat " uvat, Tkm, Kr, Qmq, QrB, Qq, Nog, ET,
Alt, Xk uyat, Qzq uyat, VTt, Bsh +yat, Tv iyat, Yk sat id.; NaT 'ubat- 'be ashamed' > ET {Jr.}
ubat- " uvat- " uyat-, Tk , Xk uyat-, Tv iyat-, Yk sat- id. Cl. 6, ET Gl 561-3, Brv. T 23O, 252, Jr. 321,
BG AI 467 Tg 'ub-, {DQA} 'ub- > Ewk ib|a- " iv|a- 'be ashamed' pJ {S} 'sss- 'perturbed, taken
aback' > OJ ooo-si- S QJ #1525 DQA #669 [A 'i_uo 'be ashamed, taken aback': incl. T, Tg, J].
779. 'hcrV 'desintegrate, fall to pieces' > HS: CS 'hr-'hyr v. 'disintegrate, be destroyed, hurt' > Ar
ryE hyr (D with factitive meaning) pf. rayWEa hayyara v. 'destroy' (BK: 'dtruire, faire crouler,
dmolir'), {BK} rvE hvr (ip. -hvar-) 'dmolir, abbatre (une maison)', 'crouler, tomber en ruines' (dit
d'un difice), {Hv.} Ar hvr (ip. -huru) v. 'fall to pieces', 'crumble down' (of buildings), 'crush down'
(of people), JA, Sr hr Sh

v. 'do harm, hurt' (Sr pf. a ?a-har, ip. n-a(?)har, acp. ma(?)har), JA [Trg.]
acp. sg. f. er1e9m2 mah"'ra 'beschwert' (Iryvt? mhrh lby? dgbr? 'Die Krankheit beschwert das
Mannesherz') BK II 456, 466, Br. 182-3, JPS 1O6, Lv. T I 2O5, Hv. 839 ll IE 'ucr(H)- (> NaIE
'crjo,-/'orjo,-) v. 'disintegrate' (IS: 'pa:nannnarc) ') > OI 'ardh-ah 'part, side, half', Av aroa- 'side, half'
|| Gk c`o) (< 'urcu-) 'desolate, lone(ly). solitary' ( *'separated') || L rarus (< 'urcu-ro-?) 'sparse,
not dense' ( 'rare') || Lt ir-ti v. 'disintegrate, fall to pieces, break down' (with innovating
accentuation), Ltv {ME} irt 'sich auf-\los-trennen, sich brckeln', Lt crdvas 'spacious, wide', Lt ardyti
(caus.) v. 'take to pieces, destroy, demolish' ({Frn.} 'Zusammengefgtes lsen, auftrennen, zerlegen,
abbrechen'), Ltv crst (1s p. crdu) 'auseinanderbringen, reffeln, trennen' | pSl 'ori- (caus. with the 'o-
grade of apophony and the sx. '-i-) > OCS epu:u ori-ti 'destroy', Blg ) op 'I ruin'; - Sl 'ob-ori-ti > OCS
ecepu:u oboriti 'to destroy, demolish', SCr oboriti 'to fell', Cz oboriti sc 'come down, collapse'; Sl
'orz-ori-ti 'to ruin' > OCS poepu:u razoriti '(oio-)uciv', SCr razoriti, R pa:ocpnr id. IS I 246, EI 158 (IE
'hcrH- 'destroy'), F I 557, M K I 51, M E I 119, WH II 418-9, Frn. 15-6, ME I 576, 71O-1, P 332-3,
Vs. III 152-3, 435 ll U: FU 'cra(-) '(*) to disintegrate' > F cra 'part, share', crassa 'separately', Es
{W} ara - cra 'Besonderes, Getrenntes, Eigentmliches', Es S cra id., Lp N {N} ra 'another' | Chr L
{MRS} ncp-amir(c)- vt. 'disintegrate, pull apart, destroy, break' ('pa:nannnar [uro-n. cnocnnoc],
pa:pymar, noxar') | pPrm 'ur- vt. 'tear off' > Vt ur-, Vt SW: Vt Ur/Shm u'r- and Vt B or- ({ Lt.} or-) vi.
'tear off', 'break' (of an abscess), Z or- vi. 'tear off, be torn', Z US ur- id.; Lytkin (LG) reconstructs
Prm 'ur-, but the SW ds. of Vt (the only ds. distinguishing between pPrm 'u and 'u - Lt. 75)
provide ev. for 'u- || pOs 'ar- > Os: V/Vy aro, Ty/Y a'ro, Nz/Kz ara, O a'rri 'separately, apart'
('getrennt, auseinander') {Stn.} Cf. IS I 246-7, SK 4O-1, W EDW 71-2, N III 87O, MRS 137, Stn. D
155, LG 2O7 ll A: T 'cru- (-'aru-?) v. 'melt, become liquid' (of ice, fat, wax, etc.), 'boil soft in
cooking' > OT {Cl.} aru--ari- v. 'melt, become liquid', OXwT ari-, Chg cri-, MQp XIV
cri--ari-, Cum iri- v. 'melt', Tk cri-, VTt yp( c) - ir(i)-, Ggz i_cri- id., Tkm cri-, Qrg, Qq, Uz, StAlt, Tv cri- v.
'dissolve', Chv ir- vt. 'dissolve', iril- vi. 'melt', v. 'turn to ashes' (of charcoal), v. 'ravel out, come to
pieces' (of clothes); the Chv stem goes back to a merger: T 'cru- T 'car- v. 'knead, mash' (DTS
192, Rl. I 887). The latter T stem may, too, go back to the N in question The origin and the age
of the variant with unexpected 'a- in 'aru- (if it does exist) are not clear. The stem-final '-u- is
probably a sx. of intransitivity Cl. 198, ET Gl 289-9O, DTS 177, 182, Rs. W 47-8, BT 193, Ash. III
131-5 ll ?? D 'ir_ v. 'break to pieces, smash' > Tm iru (iruv-, irr-) v. 'break, snap (as a stick)', iru (--,
-tt-) v. 'break off (as a branch), snap asunder, break to pieces', Ml iruIa v. 'break, snap', Tl iriyu v. 'be
broken, smashed', Kui rcnga v. 'be broken in pieces', Krx csna v. 'break, divide by force (a stick, a
tooth, etc.), quell, crush' D #52O ^ Cf. IS I 246-7: IE, U- A, D. The root-final lr. in IE (rec. of EI) is
probably an innovation (< sx.?), because both S and D suggest no lr. Another solution is N 'hcrh?V
with loss of 'h? in S and in pre-D (D '-r_- < intervocalic '-r-).
78O. 'hor'i 'conceive', 'newborn, a young' > IE ?? 'u"cr- > NaIE 'or- 'child; be born' > Gk vc-oto)
'new-born' || Arm ordi ordi (gen. pl. ordyoj ordvoy) 'son' [< 'ord"ii_o-] || ?? L orior / oriri / ortus 'be born' (
orior 'rise' < N ' crU or ' orE 'go upwards, rise') < 'or- 'be born' 'cr-/'or- 'rise' P 326-8, Slt. 324-
5, WH II 222-3, F II 423 ll HS: S 'hry 'conceive, be(come) pregnant' > Hb, Aram ere hry , Ug hry,
OA hry, Ak fOB/OA aru - cru, Eb ?a`-ri-tum = {Krb.} haritym id., Sb {MiK BGMR} hry 'be pregnant',
hry 'pregnancy' KB 245, KBR 255-6, OLS 169, HJ 293, CAD IV 325, Sd. 72, Krb. 23, DRS 452-3, MiK
I #2.21 B 'Hrv v. 'bring forth, bear (a child), beget' > Ah aru (pf. ycrov), ETwl aru (pf. cr+v), Ty
aru (pf. yor+v), Gd arov, Izd aru, Tmz {MT} arcv, Kb {Dl.} arov (pf. yurov), Mz aru (pf. yiru), Si {La.}
iru 'enfanter, accoucher', Gh {Nh.} aru (pf. iru) 'enfanter', oru (3f pf. ciru) 'accoucher'; in nouns: Ah
ara 'child, young of animals', Wrg {Dlh.} ara 'progniture, enfant', Mz {Dlh.} ar(r)a 'progniture,
bb', Tmz {MT} ara 'agneau dun an', Ah arrav, Ty {GhA} arrav 'boy', Kb arrav 'enfantement', Tmz
arrav 'progniture', Si {La.} tarau_vai_n pl. children', Kb, Wrg tarva postrit, enfants', Mz tarva id.,
'baby', Tmz tarva 'enfantement, naissance', Si tarva 'posterit, descendance; enfantement', Gd tarva
'fils, progniture' Fc. 1647-51, GhA 164, 246 (Pcj. I A), Mrc. 13, Lf. II #1385, MT 559, 591, Nh.
123, 156, Dl. 736-7, Dlh. M 168, 176-7, Dlh. Ou 266, 28O, La. S 23O C: Ag: Bln {R} cr-t- 'conceive'
(of a cow) || Bj A {AD} (ht) ?or, pl. (ht) ?ar, Bj {R} ?or, pl. ?ar 'son, boy' R WB 46, R WBd 27-8, ADP
BFN, AD SF 82-3 Eg fOK ivr v. 'conceive (a child), become pregnant' EG I 56, Fk. 13, Vc. 248
ECh: Nd D {J} ?sra 'be pregnant', Tmk {Cp.} ur`s`r` 'make (a woman) pregnant, be pregnant' ChC,
Cp. 97 Coh. 8O [#9O], OS #12OO (S, ECh), Tk. I 278 (S, Eg, Bln, ECh) ll A: M 'ori (unless it is
'qori) 'young' > WrM {Kow., Gl.} ori, HlM {Luv.} op adj. 'young', WrM {Rm. SKE} ori 'young, boy;
young man' Qu., because not attested in the available sources of lgs. outside WrM and HlM Kow.
439, Gl. I 262, Luv. 31O pKo 'ori- 'young' > MKo ori-, NKo ori- S QK #958, MLC 1128 Tg
'or'o-Ian 'young of an animal', 'or- (+ other sxs.) id. > Neg oyoIon, Orc orIo - oroIo - oroIo(n-) 'young
of bears', Nn Nh oroIa, Nn KU oroIo 'young of animals, Ud {Krm.} o? 'animal', Ewk oroqat 'female
bear (3 years old)', WrMc or_oca, orcun 'small; newborn (baby)' STM II 25, Krm. 273 STM II 25,
Krm. 273 ??? NaT 'urijy, 'child, son' [ A '`uri 'child, offspring(s)' < N 'or'i 'child' N 'HvurV
'male person\animal'] > OT uri 'male child, son'; ( T 'uruy 'clan'): Tv uruy 'child, girl', Tf uruy 'child'
Cl. 197, Ra. 237, ET Gl 6O4-6 DQA #63O (A 'i_aru 'young of an animal' > incl. M, Tg, Ko) ^ IS
MS 342 s.v. :auar 'h/u/rn (IE, HS). Cp. N 'HvurV 'male'.
781. 'hcj y,r'E 'male' > HS: ? Eg fP h:y 'husband' > Cpt Sd/B ot hai id. Belongs here unless the
variant hy (presumably underlying the verb hy 'to act as a husband') is the original one (as Vc.
supposes) and is akin to Bj {R} hiyo 'husband'. An alternative hyp. is that h:y 'husband' and the v. hy
are not connected etymologically EG II 475, Vc. 24O, Tk. I 81 C: EC: ?? Gdl hcro 'male, man', Or
hcr-um- ps. 'marry' (of a girl) AdS of EC {AD} '?ar- and Ag: Aw {Hz.} qara (< 'qi-ara) 'her husband'
(< N '?arV 'member of the clan\family', q.v. ffd.) AD SF 2O1, Hd. 82, Hw. A 336, Hw. B II 121, Grg.
2O6, HL 7O Ch: Bks {J} rc (pl. ?arya) 'man' ( the abovementioned N '?arV) J R 145 AdS of
NrOm: Anf {Gt.} aro 'man' (< N '?arV, q.v. ffd.) ll A: T 'ar (or 'cr?) 'male, man' > OT cr, Tk cr, Tkm
ar, VTt, Bsh ir, Qq cr adam, Tb cr, Xk ir, CrTt, Qmq, Qzq, Qq, Nog, Uz, SY, Tv cr, Yk ar, Xlj har, Chv ar
'male person', Az ar, ET cr 'husband' Chv a- provides ev. for a pT 'a, but VTt/Bsh i- seems to
point to a pNaT 'c- Cl. 192, Rs. W 46, Dr. TM II ##178-9, ET Gl 321-2, DT 129, TL 561, 661 M
'crc 'male person, male animal' > MM [HI, LV, IM] crc 'male', [IsV, MA] crc 'man', [S] crc 'husband'
(pl. crcs 'men'), WrM crc, HlM yp, Ord {Ms.} crc 'male (person, animal)', Kl {Rm.} cro 'man, male', Mnr
H {SM} rc 'non-castrated male animal; male', MMgl crra, Mgl irra' 'male', Dx {T} crc(Iun), Ba crc Iuq,
Dg {T} cr 'male person' H 45, Ms. H 55, Lg. VMI 32, Pp. MA 161, 437, Pp. L II 1262, KW 123, MED
321, SM 313, Iw. 1O2, T DnJ 144, T DgJ 14O, T BJ 152 DQA #2764 ('ari 'cra 'man'), S AJ 54,
283 ll D 'cr_ 'male, bull' [ N 'q'arV '(wild) ox'] > Tm cru 'bull, male of certain animals (pig, deer,
buffalo, tiger, lion)', Ml cru 'bullock', cran 'bull', Kt cr 'male buffalo', Td cr_ id., 'bull', ? Brh arc
'man (vir), person, husband' D #917 ll ??? Acc. to IS I 248, possibly IE 'ucrs-/'urs- ( {AD}
'u?crs-/'u?rs-) 'male' > OI rsa-'bha-h 'bull', Av, OPrs arsan- 'man (vir), male animal' || Arm ajr ayr
(gen. an arn) 'man', ani arn-i 'virile' || Gk I/Cr cov 'male', Gk oov id. P 336 (unc. : 'crs-
'to flow' ( 'semen emittere'), F I 152-3, M K I 125, M E I 26O-1, Slt. 121 The IE stem belongs
here only if '-s- is an ext. (acc. to IS l.c., induced by the synonymous IE 'Hu_crs- 'male' [> OI vrsah
'bull', Av varosna- 'male') ^ The long 'c in A and D suggests the presence of a lr. ('? or 'h) or of 'y
after the vw. 'c ^ IS I 247-8 [#1O8] (misprint cov for cov) Gr. II #259 ('cr 'man') [T, M +
err. : IE 'rscn, U, Ko, Gil; cf. N 'HvurV 'male person\animal'].
782. ?? 'h'oRVbV 'run' > HS: S 'hrb v. 'flee' > Ar hrb G (ip. -hribu) id., Sb hrb id., M, Hrs hrb (pf.
Mh horsb, Hrs hsrob) 'put to flight, smuggle', Jb E hurb, Jb C o'hurb 'smuggle; run away (from
prison)', Ak {Sd.} arbu 'fugitive' Fr. IV 382, BK II 14O9, BGMR 56, Jo. M 159, Jo. H 52, Sd. 66, DRS
447 ?
Ch {Stl.} 'rVv-/'rVy- 'run' > WCh: Ngz ravau_ | Dir riya, Cg rcy || ECh: Mgm {JA}
r`or`o 'galopper', Jg {J} rcr 'go' Belongs here unless akin to Ar rvh 'go, go away' Sch. DN 138,
Stl. IF 133, JA 12O ll K: OG rb-i, mi-rb-i v. 'run', G rb- 'run (laufen, rennen)' Ser. 1O49-51, Chx. 132 ll
U: FU ''ovrE- 'run' > Er ardo-ms, Mk ap(oxc ardo-ms 'to run' (of animals), 'fahren', Mk
apncxc arno-ms frq. id. | Prm 'u'r- > Z {W} Irmas- v. 'hurry', Z IrsIIbtI- 'begin to run, start with a jerk
(pnanyrc) )', Z Ss IrsIItI- 'vor Schreck in Galopp fallen (z. B. Pferd)', Vt Irgat- 'abreizen, hetzen (den
Hund)' ( *'make run)' || OHg 'ir- (OHg XIV iruclc) 'laufen, rennen', OHg, Hg iram- 'rennen', Hg
iram-od- 'rennen, schnell laufen', iram 'pace, speed', ir-ul- 'entweichen' MF 322, EWU 621-2 Mr a-
and Hg i- apparently suggest FU 'o-, while Prm 'u'- can be accounted by FU 'u-, but all these vowels
together may be accounted for by a pFU 'ov- ^ M 'orgu- 'flee, escape' (> WrM orgu-, HlM opio-)
[if from ''or|u-?), which is more likely to belong together with Nn orgoci- v. 'incite'.
783. 'huRc`V 'squeeze, rumple, crush' > HS: CS 'hrs, '-hrus- > BHb hrs (ip. -h
ros) v. 'tear down'
'annihilate', Mb hrs G 'destroy', Ar G hrs, -hrusu v. {Hv.} 'bruise, bray, crush down', {BK} 'battre,
piler avec force'; cp. also S 'hrs > OYmn hrs ({Slw.} harada) 'tear (cloth)' KBR 256-7, BK II 1412,
DRS 456-7, Slw. 213 ll A: M 'urciy- (unless it is 'qurciy-) > WrM urcii-, HlM punn-x v. 'become
shrunk & wrinkled; to frown; to wrinkle ones face', Kl {Rm.} urci- 'sich runzeln, Grimassen
machen'; the cognate is valid unless in pM there is an initial 'q- MED 1O11, KW 459 ll IE: Ht
{Ts.} hars- 'aufreien' Frd. HW 59, Ts. W 17, Ts. E I 182-3, Pv. III 184-5 [believes that hars-
'aufreien' (= {Pv.} v. 'pound') is a stylistic usage of the Ht verb hars- v. 'till the soil' (which is a
loan from S 'hrO id.)].
784. 'h'iRjV,gV 'kill' > HS: WS 'hrg v. 'kill' > BHb, Mb, Yd, OA hrg G id., Ar {Fr., BK} rE hrg G
(hariga / -hrigu) 'kill', Sb, Mn hrg 'kill, slaughter', Qt hrg v. 'kill, murder' KB 245, KBR 255, BK II
141O-1, Ltm. rRSE-VII/3: 377, BGMR 56-7, Rk. 47, DRS 448 ll IE 'xcr'g"- 'disappear, die' > Ht har(a)I-
'get lost, disappear', {Ts.} 'umkommen, zugrunde gehn' NaIE: Tc: B crIau 'cemetery', A {Wn.}
'arIamn- id. (- adj. arIamnasi) || Clt ( NaIE 'crg- 'smite, destroy, kill' < N 'aRga 'to split, crack'):
Gl ORGE imv. 'kill!', OIr org- 'smite, slay', OIr [] orn 'murder', W orn 'killing, destruction'
Arm harkanem harIancm (aor. hari) 'smite, slash' (probably < 'crg- < N 'aRga) Ts. W 175-6, Pv. III
157-68, P 818-9 ('crg-), Vn. O 3O-1, Billy 116, Wn. 15O, Slt. 257-8, EI 158 ('hcrI- 'rend, destroy').
Ad. 95-6 ll ?? D 'ir_VII- v. kill' > Tm iraIIu id., Kn irIu - iIIu 'kill, destroy'; D 'ir_- v. 'die' (bf. from
'ir_VII-?) > Tm ira 'die', Ml iru 'riun', as well as derivates from 'ir_VII-: Ml iraIIuIa- v. 'die', ? Kui
c:ga- v. 'die in childbirth' D #514 N '-g- is regularly lost in D. If the D belongs here, the N
etymon is 'hirVgV.
785. 'haRKa 'hold\grasp, keep, keep in one's possession' > HS: SWS 'hrI v. 'take as booty, loot' >
Sb mhrI 'booty', Gz mohorIa 'booty, spoils, plunder', Hrk mahraIa [mahraIa] v. 'take as booty, plunder,
loot, rob, pillage', Tgr marvIa, Tgy marvIv, Amh marrvIv id.; EthS 1 Aw marcx"a, Xm, Q mircI id.
BGMR 57, L G 334 ll IE 'xarI- 'hold' > Ht har(a)I-, har- v. 'hold, keep, have' NaIE 'arI- > L arcc-o
'hold in, shut up; hold off, keep at a distance', arx 'stronghold, fortress' || Gk okce 'ward off' || ?
Arm argelum argclum 'hinder, restrain, hold back' Pv. III 145-57, Ts. W 173-5, P 65 ('arcI-), EI 270
['hcrI- 'hold back (to prevent of doing sth.), contain'], F I 141, WH I 62-3 ll A: NaT 'arIuI- > OT
arquq 'obstinate, refractory' Cl. 216, DTS 55.
786. ''has'o 'burn' (of fire) > HS: C {E} 'as vi. 'burn' > EC: Bs {HL} clcn 'fire' || SC: Irq {Wh.} asa,
{MQK} ?asa, Grw/Alg/Brn {Wh.} asa, (1) Mb mv-asa 'fire' || ?? Ag ({E} 'alal 'burn'): Km {CR} alol- v.
'be in heat' (of a horse), but of course not Bln {R} alol- 'rosten' (not 'rsten', as Ehret has misread it);
I have my doubts about the Km word as well: it seems to belong together with Xm {R} iclcl- v. 'neigh',
so that both belong to the C in question only if the semantic development was as follows: vi.
'burn' v. 'be in heat' (of a horse) v. 'neigh' E SC 297 (s.v. SC 'asa 'asa 'fire'), E PC #341,
AD SF 29O, Wh. IC 23, MQK 16, PB 137, HL 67, Gs. 19, R WB 26, R Ch. II 23, CR LK 163 , Blz. SCL
s.v. 'fire' ??? Eg XX isf 'verbrennen' EG I 135 ll K 'HVs`v- > Sv: L {Dn.} :sv v. 'light\kindle a
fire' [aor. 1s o_vasv, otvasv, prs. 1s _visvc 'pa:no(nr oion', misvc 'y xcn) iopnr oion', Sv UB
{GP} :sv/:su ; masdar UB/L lisvc, LB/Ln lisvc (vt., 2nd version) v. 'set fire to', (vi., 1st vers.) v.
'catch fire' GP 179, Dn. s.v. j :,su, TK 491 ll IE 'xcs- (= 'xcs- 'Xas-) 'hearth, ashes; to dry' >
Ht has(s)- 'ashes', hassa- 'fireplace, hearth, ire-altar', Lw _assaniti 'hearth' OI 'asah 'ash, dust'
( 'burnt') || L ara 'sacrificial altar', Osc aasai 'in ara', Um asc 'arae'; ? L arc- 'be dry', aridus 'dry,
arid' || ON asIa, OHG asca 'ashes, dust', NHG Aschc 'ashes', AS ascc, scc 'ash, dust', NE ash acc. to
Pv., the paradigm of Ht has(s)- (nom. sg. ha-a-as, acc. sg. ha-as-sa-an, instr. sg. ha-as-si-it, acc. pl.
ha-s-su-us) reflects IE nom. sg. 'Acs, acc. sg. ''Acsm, gen. sg. 'A(c)'sos P 68-9, Mn. 38, EI 32
(''hcHo-s 'ash' 'burnings'), Pv. III 21O-2, 221-4, Ts. E I 196-7, M K I 83, M E I 182-3, WH I 61, 65,
Schz. 91, KM 33, Vr. 15, Ho 12, Kb. 46, EWA I 364-6 ll A 'asa- > M 'asa- (unless it is 'qasa-) vi. 'burn,
catch fire, ignite' > WrM asa-, HlM asa-, Kl as-, Brt ala- KW 16, MED 55, Chr. 67 NaT 'as- v. 'cook'
> Alt, Tlt, Shor, CrTt, Qzq as- id., ? Tkm aO- v. 'cook' [in the expression na_ar aO-(maq) v. 'cook a meal'
(na_ar is 'meal'), etc., unless from aO- 'hang' in contexts like ct aO- v. 'cook meat' v. 'hang meat (over
the fire)'] BT 22, Rl. I 533-4, TkR 54, NogR 5O, TatR

42, Jud. 74, MM 43 ?? Tg: Ork aladt- v. 'roast
(no(apnnar)' STM I 29 Tg '-l- suggests a pA '-s- (??) KW 16: M, T 'as- v. 'cook'; on M '-s- and
Tg '-l- as reg. reflexes of N '-s- see AD PNPh; S AJ 288 [#283], DQA #54 'asc ( '`asc) 'catch fire;
hot' (incl. M) ^ N 'h- is reconstreucted on the joint ev. of HS and IE: the only cns. yielding _- in Ht
and zero in C is N 'h- ^ Otherwise IS I 262-3 s.v. '?aSa 'fire' (not distinguishing between this and
N '?usV 'fire') ; Blz. DA 162 [# 1O1] [unconvincingly equates the above IE and M roots with the
HS, D, FU and T reflexes of ''has'o]. Gr. II #53 ('as 'burn') [IE, A, CK].
787. 'hisE 'to break' > HS: S 'hss > Ar hass- 'fragile'; +ext. : S 'hsm > Ar hsm G 'crush,
bruise' Ln. 2894, Hv. 328, Dz. II 757, BK II 1422, 1424, DRS 462 ll A {S} 'isV- v. 'break, break to
pieces' > Tg 'jx,isc- v. 'break' > Ewk iss- id., Neg isi-Its- v. 'slap (in the face)', WrMc isclc- v. 'to butt
each other, to rival, compete, argue' STM I 336 pKo 'isir- v. 'break to pieces, crush' > NKo
isiro- id. S AJ 256 [#142], S QK #142, MLC 1287 pJ {S} 'usu 'mortar' > OJ usu, J: T usu, K usu,
Kg usu S QJ #962, Mr. 564 ? NaT 'isir- v. 'bite' > OT isir-, Tk isir-, CrTt, Kr, Tf isir-, Xk, Tv izir-, Yk
itir- id. ET Gl 671-2, Ra. 24O S AJ 281 [#149], DQA #61O (A 'isu 'crush, grind; bite') ll D (in
NED) 'iciI- v. 'crack' > Krx isig-na v. 'open in long slits, chap, crack', isigIa 'crack, slit, chink', Mlt
isgc v. 'be well parched (as grain), be cracken (as the skin) D #423, Pf. 185.
788. ''hotE 'to smell, smell at' > HS: B 'Hvt > Ah avt v. ps. 'sentir (une odeur)' Fc. 1536 C:
EC '?udg- '?uzg- 'fragrance' > Sml udg-on id., Rn uyug or uyug 'pleasant smell, fragrance', Or
urg-av-v. 'exhale fragrance' Ss. PEC 57, PG 288 ?? Ch '?VtVn 'nose' ( N 'otV 'breathe,
blow'??) : WCh: Bks {J} ?atin, Klr {J} ?atcnaq | Ywm {IL} ids`q, {J} yiddiq | Krf {Grgs.} utini, Bl {IL}
unti | My {Sk.} ati`n, P {MSk.} atin, {J} ?atsn, Jmb {Sk.} itsn, Diri {Sk.} atin 'nose' || ECh: Mgm {J} ?itin,
Dng {Fd.} ctc | Jg {J} ?ctcnto, ?ctcqc, Brg {J} '?ctcq, Mu {J} ?idano, Kjk atan JI II 258-9, ChC, Blz.
LECh #62 ll IE ''x"cd- 'odour' ( N 'gUV 'feel, smell' [q.v.]) > Arm hot hot 'odour, smell', hotim hotim
'I smell (sth.)' || Gk oe, Gk D oooe vi. (pfc. ooeoo) 'emit an odour, smell', Gk Hm oo, Gk D ooo
'smell, scent' || L odor 'smell' || pAl {O} 'adma > Al G amc {AlED} 'scent, fragrance', Al T d am-cz
'food odor; smell (of freshly ploughed ground, of fire)' || Gmc: Sw os 'odour, smell of charcoal fumes
(carbon monoxide)', Dn, NNr os (< 'od-s-o-) 'Dunst, erstinkender Dampf' || Lt uodziu (inf. uosti) v.
'smell (sth.)', Ltv ozu (inf. ost) id., v. 'smell of sth.)' | OCz |adati 'to search, inquire' (< *'smell out')
P 772-3, EI 528 ('hcd- v. 'smell'), Dv. #164, F II 353-5, Slt. 313-4, WH II 2O3, Wnt. AE 1O2-3 (Arm
hot may point to the IE lr. 'O- = 'x"-), Frn. 1167-8, AlED 13, O 4 ll A: T (NaT?) 'uo- v. 'feel lust' [ N
'gUV '', q.v. ffd.] ^ EC '?- points to a N 'h- or '?-, but if Arm h- goes back to an IE lr., it cannot be
N '?-. Hence a tentative preliminary rec. of N 'h-.
789. ?? 'havtV 'call, speak' > IE 'hcu_d > NaIE 'aud- > Gk ouo 'voice, speech', ouooe 'I speak'
NaIE 'vcd- (< IE ''hvcd- [{M} 'ou_cd-] IE 'vcd- < N 'votjV?,E 'votjE?,V 'organ of speech; to
speak, utter sounds' q.v. ffd.]) WP I 251-2, P 76-7, M K III 133-4, F I 184, Frn. 1177-8, StSS 1O8, Ts.
W 97-8 ll HS: S 'hvt ('-hut-) > Ar hvt D 'call after so.', Hb hvtt Pol 3p ip. utt6&eT6
to-hoto'tu 'overwhelm with reproofs' KB 247, GB 178, BK II 1455 Eg RT/G hvt 'jammern,
klagen', {Alb.} 'cry' EG II 485 Tk. I 147 (Eg, S).
79O. 'havV 'to desire, love' > HS: CS 'hvy ('-hvay-) v. 'love, desire', n. abstr. 'havvay- 'desire' > Ar
vE hvy (haviya / -hva) G 'love, desire', n. abstr. vAEa hava 'desire, passion, love', Ug hv'y v.
'desire' (ip. 3f thv), Hb ?vy - hvy: D ip. 3f eu#a2T6 to?av'vc 'desires, wishes, will wish\desire', pf.
eu!a5 ?iv'va 'desired', eu!a2 ?av'va n. 'desire', eu!e2 hav'va n. '(evil) desire' (KB: 'Willkr, Gier'), Amr
{G} hvy v. 'desire' KB 2O, KBR 2O, 232, A #82O, OLS 17O, G A 19, Fr. IV 42O, DRS 386 C: ??? Bj
{Rop.} yvy 'be thirsty' ( N 'LubV 'be thirsty, hungry' [q.v. ffd.] and/or akin to S '_vy 'be hungry')
R WBd 243 Cal. 36 [S + Eg fP h:y (spelled OK h, fMK hy, Eg N h:y) 'husband' + unc. Bj {Rop.}
hiyi 'husband, wife', {R} hiyo id. (Rop. 2OO, R WBd 133]; Vc. (l.c.) rejects the comparison of these Eg
and Bj words with CS 'hvy v. 'love'; I am inclined to support Vc.'s criticism both on semantic
grounds (the semantic connection between 'husband' and v. 'love, desire', though quite natural
today, is rather unlikely in an archaic society, like that of ancient Hamito-Semitic people) and on
phonetic reasons (S 'h- is not likely to corespond to Bj h-) ll IE 'ucv- (or '?av-) ({EI} 'h_cu- 'favour') >
NaIE 'av- v. 'like, favour, want' > OI 'avati 'is pleased, strives', 'avi- 'favourable' || Gk Hm c`v-)
'benign', Gk o`i`t), Gk D {Ch.} o`i`to) 'jeune homme aim' || Arm ayiyn avivn 'libido, fury, enthusiasm'
(> NArm avjun avyun 'inspiration') || L avc- v. 'long for, desire' || W avyddu v. 'desire', avydd 'desire,
eagerness', cvyllys 'desire' || ORu au|a 'good fortune', Gt avi-liu| 'thanks' The connection with Ht
uvai- 'Weh, Leid, Not, Schwierigkeiten' (proposed by Mann) is not plausible. Since the AnIE reflexes
are unknown, we cannot determine if the initial lr. was heavy or light. We reconstruct here an
unspecified 'a-coloured lr. (denoted as 'u-) or '?- P 77, EI 197, Mn. 45-7, M K I 57, WH I 81-2, F I
47, 515-6, Ch. 4O, 348, Slt. 133, YGM-1 37, Ts. W 98 s.v. uvai- ll D 'av- v. 'desire' > Tm avu,
Ml aviIIa v. 'desire', Tm, Ml aval n. 'desire', Td ofIl 'desire to eat', Tl aba 'eagerness' D #394 ^ Cf.
AD LRC #8O (IE, HS), IS I 241-2 (IE, HS, D with references to earlier literature).
791. 'h'ovV 'pit, depression' > HS: CS 'hav(Vy)- 'pit, abyss' > Sy oa hav'-t-a (pl. ea ha'vc)
'an abyss, deep; great cavern', Ar haviy-at- 'deep valley, abyss' JPS 1O3, BK II 1462, KB 232 ll IE:
NaIE 'aovcnt- 'well, spring' > OI ava'ta-h ('aovnto-s) 'well', ava'ta-h 'cistern' || Ltv avot-s ('aovontos)
'spring' || ? Clt: Gl Avcntia (name of a well nymphe) and nomina loci P 78, EI 539 (? 'h_cv(o)nt-
'spring'), M K I 57, M E I 13O-1, Kar. I 93-4 P reconstructs IE 'a- on the precarious ev. of n. l. and
the nymphe name Avcntia; outside this ev. the distinction between NaIE 'a- and 'o- is impossible ll A:
Tg 'oba 'depression, hollow in the ground' > Lm Al/O ova, Lm Sk oba id. ('nna(nna, iornonnna'), Lm O
ova 'spring (in mountains)' STM II 4 NaT 'o'ba 'lowland' or 'plain' > Tk ova 'plain, valley', oba
'plain', Az ova 'plain', Ggz uva 'uncultivated field', ET ova, Uz uva 'valley', Tv hovu 'steppe' (with a
puzzling h-), ? Nog oba 'rp) cnna' ('marsh' or 'quagmire') ET Gl 4O3-4, Rl. I 1166, Bu. I 1O6, 161
? pJ {S} 'uva- 'to plant (pflanzen)' > OJ uva-, J: T uc-, K uc-, Kg uc- S QJ #687, Mr. 777 DQA
#653 (pA 'i_ub'u 'to dig, hole').
792. ? 'hov'i 'become, appear' > HS: S 'hvy ('-hvay-) id., 'be' > Ak Hvy/v (inf. cvum, OB p. ivc <
'yi-hvi) 'turn (into), werden (zu), geschehen, sein', BHb hyv (pf. c. vayyo'hi, js. yo'hi, ip. yih'yc, pf.
haya) 'become, be (werden, sein, bleiben)', Yd hvy (pf. 3f hvt, 1s hvyt) 'be, happen', OA hvy id.
('hvt 'she was', ip. y-hvh 'he will be'), IA, BA hvy (pf. ave hv?, eve hvh) id., 'become, happen', Sr
hv? 'fuit, factus est' (with acc.: 'happened to '), Ar hvy 'se lver, paratre'. 'to rise' (star) Nld.
NBSS 92, KB 232-4, GB 177-9, 9O3, Deg. 76-8, Seg. AAG 3O3-7, BK II 1461, Hv. 841, Sd. 266-7, Sd. G
153, CAD IV 413-5, HJ 271-6, DRS 386 B ? 'HvH v. 'appear' > Sll agg" (pf. yugg"a) id. Ds. 18
Cp. B 'h?? 'be in' < N 'Ia?V 'grow, become' C: [1] Bj {R} hay- / -hc 'be, exist' (3m p. 'i-hc, imv.
2m 'hay-a) || SC ({E} pSC 'hav- 'stay'): Irq {MQK} hot- 'reside, stay', Irq {E}, Alg hot- 'live, dwell', Asa
hut- v. 'stand (still)' (acc. to E, -t- is a sx.) || EC: ? Sa {R} hay- 'live' (if Rs transcription of the lr. is valid
and unless the word is not a loan from EthS; if it is a valid cognate, it may have contaminated with
HS hyv 'live' < N 'Xay'u 'live' [q.v.]) [2] the EC, Bj and Aw sxs. of person/number/gender of the
suffix-conjugated verbs have developped from prefix-conjugated forms of an aux. verb (or verbs),
which may have been either '-hay- 'be' (akin to S 'hyv 'be' < N 'hov'i 'become, appear') or '-Ha- (<
N '?a 'become, be' [q.v. ffd.]) E SC 381, MQK 52, R WBd 132, R S II 2OO, AD SF 156 ll IE: NaIE
'-cv-(o), '-cu_v-(o), '-cu_y-(o) 'be X', sx. of denom. verbs > Lt icmcniau|u / icmcniauti 'be a
shepherd', Gk cotcue 'be attendant, do service' ( co), cotev 'waiting-man, attendant'),
|ooicue 'be king' ( |ooicu) 'king'), OCS slugu|o / slugovati 'be a servant' ( sluga 'servant') Mn.
256, Me. SC 234 ll A: Tg 'o- 'become, happen' > WrMc o-, oo- v. 'become, be', Mc Sb o- id., Ewk
o- (o-da-n) v. 'become, appear, happen', Sln o-, Lm o- (o-d+-m, o-d-nt) v. 'become', Neg o- (o-da-n) v.
'become, appear', Orc odoli-, Ud o-do-, Ul o- (o-st-nt-), Ork o-st- id., Nn o- v. 'become'. The stem should
be kept apart (as it is done in Vas., but not in STM and in IS) from the homonymous stem 'o- v.
'make' [> Ewk o- (o-ra-n) v. 'make', Sln o-, Lm o- (o-r+-m, on), Neg o- (o-ya-n), Orc o- (o-y-ni), Ud
o--o- (o-i-ni -o-ri-ni), Nn o- v. 'make']. The etl. relations between the two stems (if any) are not yet
investigated STM II 3-4 , Vas. 312-3.
793. 'hj?,v'U 'to fall, sink' > HS: WS 'hvy ('-hvVy-) v. 'fall' > Sr hvyv 'fall' (pf. o ho'va), Ar
hvy G (vaEa hava / -hvi) 'fall', 'go down, set' (of a star), Hb hvy (imv. av$e= - ev$e= h'vc) 'fall' (of
snow), 'fall upon (so.)', Mh hvy (pf. hsvu, vb. n. hovi), Jb C hvy (pf. hc, sbjn. 'i'hi, vb. n. 'hbct) v.
'fall, swoop', Hrs hvy (pf. hovo, sbjn. yohvi) 'fall (upon sth.) KB 231, KBR 241, K II 1461, Hv. 841,
Jo. M 162, Jo. J 1OO, Jo. H 53 B 'HhH (pf. '-HhiH-) > Ah i-hi v. 'fall' Fc. 498 Eg fP h:y v.
'come\go down, descend', Eg fMK h:y 'fall' > Cpt: Sd c hc, B c _c, A c _c v. 'fall' EG II 472-4, Fk.
156, Vc. 285 SC: Irq {MQK} hu?- 'drop, fall, tumble', Irq/Brn/Alg {E} hu- 'fall', Asa hu?- 'fall' (of
rain) E SC 381, MQK 52, AD SF 243 Ch: CCh: Glf {Por. S.} havai v. 'fall', Bdm {Lk.} hai, hcy
'absteigen' || ECh: Ke {Eb.} avc v. 'fall', ? Jg {J} ?o 'hinabsteigen' JI II 131, Eb. 29. Por. IKK 7O
Vc. 285 (Eg, Ar) Tk. I 72, Tk. SCC 98 [#28.6] ll IE 'Lou_(c) 'down, away' > NaIE 'oau_(c) 'down
(herab), away' > OI 'ava 'down (ab, herab); off' (pv. & prep.), Av, OPrs pv. ava 'down', OI avah 'herab'
|| OIr o / ua- 'from, by' || Pru, Lt, Ltv au- 'away, down' | possibly Sl 'u- 'away, down': 'u-asti 'fall
down' (> OCS uot:u uasti, Slv uasti, R y'nacr, P uasc), 'u-bczati 'run away', 'u-xoditi 'go away',
'u-|cti 'take away, catchhold of' (> OCS u|cti 'take away', P u|ac, Slv u|cti 'catch hold of'), 'u-ncsti
'carry away', OCS ubczati, R y6c'ar, SCr ubcci, Slv ubczati, P ubicz'cc 'run away', ChS
eu:u uxoditi, R yxo'(nr, P uchodzic 'go away', R yn'rn, Cz u|iti, Slv uiti 'go away', R yncc'rn, Cz
uncsti, P unicsc 'carry away', etc. Ht avan in avan arha 'away, off', avan Iatta 'down' No
connection with N '_avij?V, 'drive, chase, pursue' because of the initial lr. P 72-3, EI 37 ['h cu_
'away (from)'], M K I 56, EtSSJ-SGZ I 261-2, Vn. O 1, Frn. 24, Tp. P A-D 142-3, ESlSJ-SGZ II 261, Pv.
I-II 245 ll A: Tg 'cbu- v. 'descend, go down' > Ewk sv- " sb-, Sln svu- - sgu- - s?u, Lm, Neg, Ork, Nn
sv-, Orc, Ud, Ul su-, WrMc cbu-, Mc Sb sbu- id. STM II 433-4 ??? M 'ibEl- (unless it is 'qibEl-) v.
'descend' > WrM ibil- - ibcl-, HlM nnny-x v. 'descend, come\go down' (unless 'ibEl- v. 'flow') MED
397 , MYC 4O5.
794. 'hojv,a (or 'hova) 'to flow, stream; a stream' > HS: WS 'hv- 'hy v. 'flow' > Ar vE hv G
(ip. -hu-, -hva-) v. 'vomit', yE hy (ip. -hi-, -hya-) v. 'fuse (lead)', Sb h(y) v. 'flow, run (water)',
hy-m 'flow of water, libation' Fr. IV 418, 424, BGMR 57-8, Bll. 1O9-1O, DRS 4O4 C {E} 'va- v.
'run, flow' > Bj {R} viya 'rainy season', vat 'pus' || SC: Irq {MQK} va- 'vomit, flood, overflow, flow',
Irq/Alg/Brn {E} va- v. 'vomit', Irq {E} vaam- v. 'flow, trickle', Brn {E} vaamu 'well', Alg {E}
vaamu 'river', Kz {E} va?amuIo id., (C1) Mb {E} -va v. 'urinate' || EC: Sa/Af {Ss.} vc 'flowing water', Af
{PH} vca 'flood, torrent of water', ?? HEC: Hd vo?o, Kmb va?a, vi?a, Sd va, Brj 'va (gen. vayin-)
'water' [ N '`vctc '(flowing) water', q.v.]; ? EC 'yaj:,- v. 'flow away' > Sml ya- v. 'run
away', Gdl yc?- v. 'fall down in particles, sprinkle down', Or {Grg.} ya?-, Brj ya?- v. 'flow' E PC #586,
E SC 313 (s.v. SC 'vaj:,- v. 'flow'), MQK 113, Grg. 4O4, Ss. B 186 (a wrong et. for Sa/Af vc), Ss. B
192, PH 211 ll U: FU ''ova - 'uva 'stream; to stream' > F vuo 'stream', Es {W} voo 'Strmung,
Wellengang', ? Lv: E sva, W iva, Lv Slc uva 'Strom, Strmung' | Lp OSw {L} uvc, uvvc 'flumen placide
fluxus', Lp N {Fri.} uvvc (gen. uvc) 'flumen placide labens, fluvium' || pObU 'ov- v.
'stream', 'ov 'stream' > pVg 'ov-, 'ov > Vg: T/LK/MK/P/Ss ov 'stream', Ss ov- v. 'stream'; pOs {Ht.}
'oy-, 'oy ({ Hl. 'ay-, 'ay) > Os: V/Vy oy, Ty ay", Y/K/O av, D/Nz/Kz ov 'a stream',
V oya-, Ty ay"-, Y/K/O av-, D/Nz/Kz ov- v. 'stream' Cp. Coll. 125, UEW 544-5, SK 1813-4, Fri.
79O, Kt. 51-2, W EDW 1386, Ht. 123-4 [#8], Hl. rHt 71. The variant with ''o- is represented by F
and ObU, while Lv and Lp seem to suggest a variant with initial 'u- (from 'o- 'o- under the ass. infl.
of '-v-?) ll Cf. also NaIE 'aovcnt- 'well' (P 78), which is better accounted for by N 'h'ovV 'pit,
depression' (q.v.) ^ Cp. IS I 256: IS equates the FU stem with A. He adduces a Tg stem reconstructed
by him as 'u(a) 'wave' and the M word for 'water' (WrM usun 'water', etc.). In the light of extant data
this is untenable, because the Tg stem is to be reconstructed as 'ugc [='ugs] (or 'uc), and in pM
there was an initial 'q-: Mnr H fu_u and ShY xsun- husun provide ev. for pM 'qu-sun 'water'.
794a. ?? 'h'aya 'for, for the sake of', directive-designative pc. > HS: S 'hay > Gz hc, directive-
locative pc.: I"ollo-hc 'everywhere', I"olla-hc 'in every direction' (I"oll- is 'all, every') G 213 ll NaIE
'-ci_ 'to', ending of the dative case > 'cd-ci_ 'to the\a foot' (> OI a'd-c, L cd-i), 'matr-ci_ 'to the
mother' (> OI matr-c, L matr-i, OCS mo:cpu matcr-i), dat. of 'dycu_- '[god of] daylight' > OI div-c, Gk
Ai()ci-io), L Ioui; the dative of thematic nouns underwent morphological changes (metanalysis,
etc.), resulting in the following forms: (dat. of 'vl_I"o-s 'wolf') OI vrI-aya, Gk ukoi, L luo(i), Lt
vilIui, OCS aaik vliIu Szem. IEL 16O-92 ll A: Tg: [1] '-ya as a designative pc.: -ya-n 'for him' in Lm
mo-ya-n 'einen Baum fr ihn, Holz fr ihn' (mo is 'tree, wood', -n is 'he'), Neg mo-ya-n 'Holz fr ihn';
[2] '-ya, ending of indefinite accusative: Ewk, Sln, Neg -ya - -a, possibly here also the Orc ending of
the designative case -ya - -a Ci. 256-7, Bz. 82-3 ? M '-yi, accusative ending > MM -yi / -i, WrM -i
(possibly pronounces as [-i_] after vowels and [i] after cnss.) [unless from ppM '-igi / '-igi, as
supposed by Poppe on the basis of comparison with OT], pM '-yi in 'ci-ma-yi acc. 'thee' and 'i-ma-yi
acc. 'him' (see s.v. N 'mA acc.) Pp. IMCS 191-3 ll D '-ay, accusative ending > Tm -ai_ (obligatory only
wih human nouns), epigraphical OMl -ai_, Ml -c, (?) Gnd K, Kui, Ku -i acc., Brj accusative-dative -c
(only with the rational objects) Shanm. 256-7, 28O, 318-9, 327-8, 332, 365, SkhG 28-31ll ?? K 'a-,
causative ( designative) verbal px. [that follows the personal prefix for objects ('me, thee, him')]:
OG, G a-, Mgr, Lz o-, Sv a-. e.g. OG m-a-su 'er trnkte mich, gave me a drink' (m- 'me' + a- + su 'drink'),
Sv. _-a-trc 'er trnkte ihn' (_- 'him' + a- + trc 'drink') Kl. 42, Dt. 73-6, 2O7 ^ Qu., because both the
S, K and A cognates are not irreproachable.
795. ' i, pc. of past: IS I 249-5O [#111] tried to connect the IE 'c-augment of the past tenses (OI
a-, Gk c-, Arm e- c-) with the vw. 'i or the cns. 'y, which serve as sxs. of past in B, K, U and D and as.
affixes (prefixes and sxs.) of past in C, e.g. HS: B (one of several alternative interpretations): '-i- (past
marker) > Shl -i- in past (ft-i-y 'I went away', t-ft-i-t 'you [sg. m.] went away' aor. ftuy, tftut) ll U: FU
'-i-, sx. of past: F sano-i 'he said', Lp N gulla-i-mcI 'we heard', Lp S {Hs.} gol-i-b " gol-i-m 'I fished', Er
iyn(-i-n 'I caught' ( iyn(-a-n 'I catch'), Chr L y-i-x 'I saw' ( y-a-x 'I see'), Chr G ni(-i-x'I read'
p. ( ni(-a-x 'I read' prs.), Z in-n-x 'we wrote' ( in-a-x 'we write'), Prmk xyn- -x 'we went'
( xyn-a-x 'we go'), OHg mcn-i-I - mcn-c-I, Hg mcn-c-I 'I went', ul-c-nI 'we sat' Sz. 122-3, Hs. 141-
54, Fkt. EJ-66 187-9, Kov. LV 231-2, Kov. G 248, Lt. KZJ 291-2, Lt. KPJ 3O9 ll D '-i-, sx. of past > Tm
-i- (an:-i-ncn 'I was scared' from an:- v. 'fear'), Td -y-, Kdg -i-/-I-, Kn -io-({An.} < -i- and '-d-), Tu
-iy-/-Iy-/-I-, Tl -c-/-i-, Krx, Mlt -y- An. SG 322-35, An. GTJ 113-7 ll K '-c/i, sx. of the aorist (in the 1st
and 2nd person) ^ This prelinimary comparison may become valid only after reconstructing the
prehistory of the corresponding morphological structures (verbal tenses, etc.). In some cases forms
of the past tense seem to have been based on analytical constructions with verbal nouns. In any
case, a direct comparison between 'i, 'c and 'y as markers of past seems premature and too shaky to
be reliable. There is also a phonetic difficulty: the reg. NaIE reflex of ' i must be 'ci_ rather than 'c,
but this apparent irregularity may be due to generalization of 'c before a sonant ('c < N 'i
796. ' ic`_V '-c`-, '-Ih- 'father, head of a family' ( or 'master, lord') > IE 'h?csxo-s ({EI}
'hcs'ho-s) 'master' > Ht isha - csha 'master, lord'; AnIE 1 Arm i2xan is_an 'prince, sovereign' NaIE:
OL csa, L cra 'mistress', L crus 'master of the house\family. lord, owner' WH I 419, WP I 161 (both:
no satisfactory et. of the L word), Pv. I-II 385, EI 371-2 ll U 'ica 'father' > F isa, Es isa id. | pLp {Lr.}
'scc 'father' > Lp: S {Hs.} aatt|ic, L {LLO} ahtt|c, N {N} ac'cc, Klt ccct , Kld v',ct : , T yicccc id. | ?
pMr {Ker.} 'uca > Mk on oca 'fathers elder brother', 'father, grandfather' | Chr: H i':a 'oza, KB
oza, L n:a i'za, Uf iza, M iza 'elder brother; fathers younger brother' || Vg LK/P {Kn.} as 'mothers
brother' | OHg os 'grandfather', Hg os 'ancestor' Sm {Jn.} 'cysa 'father' > Ne T nnc A, Ne F {Lh.}
nics:oa, Ng {Cs.} |asc, {Ter.} '(cci, En {Cs.} csc, Slq Tz ssI id. pY {IN} 'ccc 'father' [more
probable than from N 'Hac`c'i (= 'XQhac`c'i?) 'father'] > OY: OY XVII {Wts.} ot|c, OY K {Bil.}
ctchca, {Merk} aittschc, {Lnd.} otschc`, OY Ch {Mat.} crc id., OY O c:cx '(my?) father'; Y K csc 'father'
Coll. 16, UEW 78, Db. OS xxxi, Lr. #2, Lgc. #129, Hs. 22O-1, MF 516-7, It. #369, MRS 125, 768, Ker.
II 1O2, Jn. 22, KKIH 1O9, IN 217-8, 299, Rd. UJ 35 [#9] (Y A U) ^ This root may be the etl. source
of the N pc. 'c`a 'c`a (= 'Hic`c`a?), marker of relative constructions [(in descendant lgs.: sx. of
adjectives \ singulatives ( diminutives)] (q..v. ffd.). Cp. a similar usage of Ar ?abu 'father of' Gr.
II #141 ('ccc 'father') [U (incl. Y], A, Ko, Ai, Gil, CK].
797. 'Hac`c'i (= 'XQhac`c'i?) 'father, ancestor' > U 'aca 'father' > pLp {Lr.} 'scc 'father' (Lp
E/N 'accc, Lp T/T 'ccc) > Lp: S aatt|ic, L ahtt|c, N ac'cc, Kld {SarS} a(, K {Gn.} at id. || ObU
'ac > pVg 'ac(V) 'grandfather' > Vg: T aci, K os, UL as; pOs 'aci 'father' > Os: Ty a'ti, Nz aso,
Kz asi, O a'si id. Sm: Nn T BZ {Ter.} ` yn , Nn T Y ` an 'daddy', Nn T O {Lh.} qacc? voc. 'daddy,
father!', En K {Mik.} aca? 'father' ? Y: Y K {Jc.} ccic, {IN} csc 'father' ( N ' ic`_V
'-c`-, '-Ih- 'father') UEW 22, Lr. #2, Lgc. #129, SaR 2O, Ht. #1, Ter. 391, 425, Lh. 2O, Rd. UJ 34
[#4] (Y A U) ll A: T 'ai 'ancestor, elder relative' > OT {Grn.} cci 'a close male relative younger
than ones father and older than ego', Chv aca az_a 'father' (+ppas.: acaAp, acaAnaAp 'your [pl.]
father', ammcA 'his\their father'), 'male [animal]'; but Tk ccc 'old man' (and Tk cc 'elder
sibling'?) may be a loan from M 'c:cn 'lord, master' Cl. 2O, Grn. TSK, Rs. W 35, Jeg. 35-6, TrR 259
M 'ccigc 'father' > MM [S] ccigc, [MA, IsV] ccigc, WrM ccigc, HlM ynci, Dg {T, Pp.} ccig, {Iv.} cni ic,
{Mrm.} c'cihc - c'cigc, {Mr.} ccihc id. MED 292, H 41, Lg. VMI 28, Pp. MA 151, T DgJ 141 NrTg 'ai
'ancestor, elder relative' > Ewk Vtm ai 'ancestor', Ewk {Cs.} aci 'cousin', ? i Sln {Iv.} a'ca 'father'
STM I 59 pKo {S} 'acn- 'aunt, uncle' > MKo acnmi 'aunt', acai 'uncle', NKo aa 'aunt, uncle',
aumoni 'aunt', aabi 'uncle' S QK #978, Nam 341, MLC 1O76-7 M 'c:cn 'lord, master'
(rather belonging to N '?cdiNV 'pater familias, owner' [q.v.]) DQA #4 (A 'ac`V 'ancestor': T, Tg,
Ko), S CNM 9, Vv. AEN 9 ll Gil: Gil A ss / sz- 'lord, owner' ST 466, ST RN 448 ll D 'accja, 'father' > Tm
accan, Ml accan id., Kt a: ayn` 'very old man' (and a: av 'very old woman'), Kn a||a, Kdg a::o, Tu
a||c 'grandfather'; d words for 'mother': Ml acca (bf ), Kn acci id., Kn, Tu a||i, Krx a::i 'grandmother',
Mnd a:i 'fathers mother' D #5O (unc. : probably A OI arya-, Tu. #1347) ll ?? IE: Ht hassu 'king'
Ts. E I 2O7-9, Pv. III 24O-6 (Ht hassu- 'king' 'Born One' or 'Begotten One' A Ht has(s)- 'beget'), EI
330 ^ If Ht hassu belongs here ( Pv.s qu. et.), we may reconstruct a pN initial 'XQh-, otherwise the
quality of the initial lr. (or uvular cns.) remains unknown. If the is a Lallwort, typologcal
considerations point to an initial '?- ^ Several scholars (including AD) equated the A with U 'ica
'father' (= our ' ic`_V [or '-c`, '-Ih-] 'father, head of a family'): AD NM 9O [#66] ( M 'c:cn instead
of M 'ccigc), S CNM 8-9 ( ST), Vv. AEN 9-1O (WrM ccigc U 'ica), but in the light of recent
research it is preferable to adduce it here (because of its vw.). The original vw. of the first syll. is
likely to have been 'a (still preserved in Tg), while the U, T and M front vw. (U, T 'a, M 'c) may be
due to the ass. infl. of the final front vw. ('i?) Gr. II #141 ('ccc 'father') [U (incl. Y], A, Ko, Ai, Gil,
CK] (without distinguishing from the relexes of ' ic`_V '-c`-, '-Ih- 'father').
798. ' cc'U 'sink', (?) 'to dip' > K: GZ 'c(v)- v. 'dip' > OG, G c-, Mg c(v)- (n. act. gccuaa), Lz
nc- (msd. o-nc-u) id. Cp. GZ 'ca- pv. 'down, away' and 'ca-rc - 'ca-lc adv. 'downward' (< N 'ca v.
'away, downward' [q.v.]) K 241, K
294, FS K 438, Chik. 391, Q 378, Marr 217 ll U 'cccV- v. 'sink'
( N 'q'EcjV,V 'sink') > Prm ''os- v. 'fall' > Z us- v. 'fall', Z Ud uss 'falls', Vt us-, Vt SW u's- v. 'fall'
|| Hg cs-iI v. 'fall, rain' | pObU 'Es- > pVg 'is- v. 'alight' (of a bird) > Vg: LK/MK/UK/P/NV/UL/Ss is-;
pOs {Ht.} 'cs-ol- ({ Hl. 'as-ol-) v. 'let' ('lassen') > Os V/Vy cscl-, Ty a'sol-, Y a'so-, D/K csto-, Nz cso-,
O csol- id. ('-ol- is a transitivizing sx., Majt. SM 367) Sm 'Vs- > Kms {KD} u'zu'l-cm v. 'fall, go down
(fallen, niedersteigen)', Sq Tm {KD} as- v. 'fall', caus.: Sq Tz {KKIH} sstI-, Sq Ke asct'ta-, Sq Nr {Cs.}
as-ta-u, Sq NP {Cs.} asa-'ta-m, Slq UO {Cs.} as-'ta-m v. 'let fall, bring down' UEW 71, Coll. 1O, Lt.
221, LG 298, MF 162-3, Ht. #67, Hl. rHt 71, Cs. 1O4, KD 82, KKIH 1O9 The rec. of a geminated
'-cc- is based on Prm '-s- (while '-c- would have yielded Prm '-z-) ll ? A: M 'icc- v. 'retire into
hibernation' ( N 'q'EcjV,V 'sink'?) > WrM icc-, HlM nun-, Kl nu-( x) ic-xo id. , WrM iccgc(n), HlM
nu) y(n) 'hibernation' (unless Mnr E {MYC} hsgc 'hibernation' belongs here and the pM etymon is
'qigcc-) MED 397, KW 212, H 8O, Ms. H 62 , MYC 415 ll D (in GnD) 'ic- v. 'soak, steep' > Png ih-
(p. ist-), Kui iha (p. iht-) id., Mnd ih- v. 'soak, brew' D #426.
799. ? ' UdV 'sister', ' woman' > K 'ju,da 'sister' > OG, G da-, Mg, Lz da(l)- id., Sv UB/L udil-, Sv LB
vidil- 'sister (in relation to another sister)' K 69, K
36, FS K 92-3, FS E 97 (all of them reconstruct
K 'da-), TK 725 ll U ''ooV > Es odc 'sister' Slq Tz Ilcnta, Ilta 'younger niece-in-law, wifes sister,
husbands sister' KKIH 195 The Sq cognate was suggested by Hl. (p.c., 1975) ll ? HS: S: Ar
hadad-at- 'wife' (unless hdd 'empcher dapprocher') ?? Ch: Ke adids 'daughter-in-law \
mother-in-law (of a woman); grandmother' Eb. 23.
8OO. ? 'HuvdV (= 'IuvdV?) 'evening, night' > U 'yutV 'night' > Chr: L ny'( yuo, B yut, Uf |ut, H
{MRS} ni(, {Ep.} nir y+t id. || pObU 'jy,it(V) 'evening' > pVg 'jy,it, {Ht.} 'it > OVg S Vt cr, Vg T yit " it,
Vg LK/MK/UK/NVg/LL it, Vg P ct, OVg N Ber ar, OVG N SoG ct, Vg Ss ct id.; pOs {Ht.} 'at 'night' >
Os: V at, Ty/Y/D/O a't, Nz/Kz at id.; pOs 'jy,iton, {Ht.} 'iton '(in the) evening' > Os: V/Vy/Ty/Y/D
iton, Nz/Kz ycton id. Sm {Hl.} 'u+_tV (= 'utV) 'evening' > Slq: Tz {KKIH} utI, Nr {Cs.} ud, Kr
{Cs.} utc, Chl {Cs.} uto 'evening', Tur {Lh.} utit '(in the) evening'; Kms {KD} nu'di, Koyb niudc, Mt
{Hl.} 'nnudV 'evening' (Mt T {Mll.} n|udc 'evening', Mt M {Mll.} n|udc id., {Sp.} n(c 'late', ny(n
'evening', Mt K {Pl.} n|uudc id.) Coll. 2O, UEW 99, MRS 155, Ep. 33, Ht. #72, KKIH 194, Ps. B 7O, Cs.
11O, Hl. M #777 ll A 'utdV > M 'udcn 'evening, in the evening' > MM [S] udc, udcsi id., 'late', [MA]
udcsi 'evening', udcsin 'of the evening', 'vespertinus', WrM udc, HlM (, Brt (y 'noon', WrO udc,
Kl ( udo, {Rm.} ud
, Dg {T} udu 'noon, midday', Dx {T} udu, Ba udc(r) 'day', WrM udcsi, HlM (ym,
Brt (ymy '(in the) evening', WrO udusi 'evening', Kl {Rm.} ud
s 'in the evening' H 158, Pp. MA
373, MED 995-6, Chr. 494-5, Krg. 19O-1, KRS 545, KW 455, T DnJ 136, T DgJ 17O The semantic
shift 'evening' 'noon, day' in modern M lgs. may have been influenced by M
'cdur (> udur - oduor) 'day' (WrM cdur, HlM ' (' p, WrO odor - odur - odur, Kl ' (p, {Rm.} odr,
Dg udur, Ba udc(r) id., MED 295-6, KRS 412-3, Krg. 139, KW 293, T DgJ 17O) ? Tg: Ewk Nor {Cs.
Mdd.} odun 'evening' Cs. T 119 ?? NaT 'oj:,o 'time (point\period of time)' > OT {Cl.}
oo id., 'hour', MU XIII oz 'time', eChg [Rbg.] 3v" oo, MT [IM], Tlt {Rl.} oy, ET Tar {Rl.} ot 'Zeit,
Zeitpunkt'; - 'oj:,o-lag 'time' 'noon' > Chg {Rm.} ozlaI, Tk oylc (spelled oglc), Kr Cr, Nog
uylc, VTt ula, Slr ulc, Tkm oylan, Ggz ulcn 'noon' Cl. 35, 55-6, DTS 376-7, 395, Br. MT 138,
KW 455, Rl. I 1172, 1259. ET Gl 516-7, TL 68-9 Cl. postulates an OT long vw., probably on the
basis of the Ar plene spelling, which is not a reliable source ll ? HS: C ' Hvd 'evening, night' > Bj A
{AD} (?u) 'havad 'evening (after the sunset), night', -havid v. 'come late in the evening', {R} havad
'night', havid- v. 'spend the evening\night', rest' || Ag: Q {R} avada 'late evening, night' || EC: Sml N
{Abr.} ava 'tonight', avcysin 'time from 7 p.m. to bedtime', Gdl {Bl.} av'vcdd, Brj {Ss.} 'ycdi
{Blz.?} (hi)ycdi 'night' , ?? Or {Grg.} (h)cda 'last night', Or BI {Sr.} cda id., cdana 'tonight' || Dhl
{To.} hcddo 'evening' AD SF 239-4O, Abr. S 17, Bl. G 6, Ss. B 192 , Grg. 133, Sr. 3OO, To. D 135,
Blz. CL 179 ?? B '|d? ({Pr.} 'hdh) 'night' > Gd {Lf.} c|cd, {CM} i|ad, Awj a|ot, Ntf id - iyod,
Nf uot, Ah {Fc.} chod, Ty, ETwl ch+d, Gh ihod, Izn, Izd id, Kb io, Sll id, BSn {Bs.} cd, Si it, Zng {TC}
id 'night' Pr. H 21, #145, Fc. 516, Dl. 17O, Dray 339, Lf. II #OO32, TC Z 3O6, NZ 26, 436-7 The B
may belong here only if '-|- is a reflex of '-v-; the emphatic '-d- is still puzzling ^ IS I 257 [#12O]
('Hutn 'rest hours'; U, M, Tg + qu. T 'oo-lc 'noon'), Sauv. 76 (U, A) ^ The precons. 'v is
responsible for the length of the vw. in Sm and Tk, as well as for the vl. 't in U (N 'd > U 't in a
postcons. position).
8OOa. 'HQAIV 'leaf', (?) 'branch' > ? HS: EC: Sa/Af {R} haI, Sa I {Hw.} haI 'branch', Sd {Gsp.}
ho'ga 'leaf of the wse plant', Gln/Gwd {AMS} a_-ittc (pl. a_c) 'leaf' R S II 179, Gsp. 162, AMS 234
ll D 'aI 'leaf' > Kn aIu id., 'young sprout', Tl aIu 'leaf, petal', Gnd aI " aIi(:), Knd, Kui aIu, Png,
Mnd aIi, Ku aIIu, aIu 'leaf' D #335 ^ Blz. LB #98b (N 'haIV), Blz. DA 16O [#84].
8O1. ' 'oIE (= ' 'oIu?) 'goat' > IE: NaIE 'oag- 'goat' > OI a'|a-h 'he-goat', a'|a 'she-goat', YAv aza-
'he-goat', ZPhl ?z 'goat' || Lt ozys, Ltv azis 'he-goat', Pru voscc 'goat' || pTc {Ad.} 'as(c) 'goat' > Tc: A
as id., B asiyc 'pring to a goat' Not here ( P) Al dhi 'goat' (< pAl {O} d 'ai_iya Gk oi id.) P
6-7, M K I 23, M E I 51, Bai. 6, Frn. 519, O 83, Ad. 32, EI 229 ('h_c'g`o-s 'he-goat') ll HS: Ch '?oaI"V
'goat' > WCh {Stl.} '?aI"i 'he-goat' > Hs aIuya id., aI"iya 'goat' | Kfr {Nt.} oI id. | Ron {J}: Df ?ah, Btr
a_, Klr ?a`h id. | Krkr {Lk, J} ?oci (pl. ?oIai_), Krf {Sch.} vucci, Bl/Ngm {Mk.} osi id. | NrBc {Sk.}:
Wrj a`va`i_, Kry ahu`n, My ahu, Jmb {Sk.} aI"a | Ngz {Sch.} aIu id. || CCh: BuP {Mk.} I"i, Klb {Mk.}
I"a, Mrg {Hf.} Iu | HgNk {Mk.} uI"c, FlK {Mk.} Iu | Gude {Srp.} oxoa, {Mk.} oh"a, Nz {Mk.} hoc, Bt
{Srp.} huc, Bcm {Sk.} hoto| Lmn {Lk.} ogu id. | Glv {Rp.} ag"a, Dgh {IL} oyc | Gzg D {Lk.} ?av, {Ro.}
av; {Ro.}: Mada, Mkt, Myn, Vm, Zlg avaI, Hrz ava, Mlk avaI | ZmB {Sa.} uh"u id. JI II 166-9, J R
212, 35O, ChC, ChL, Ro. 26O, Stl. ZCh 231 [#789] ll A: M 'uquna (- 'u'guna?) 'he-goat' > MM [HI]
uyuna - [MA] Nvqv" uquna, WrM uquna - uqana, HlM yxna, Mgl {Rm.} uqona, Dg {T} uIan id., Brt yxana, Kl
{Rm.} u_

'young he-goat' MED 892, Pp. MA 365, Ms. H 1O5, T DgJ 17O, Rm. M 41, KW 447,
Chr. 483 The variant with '-q- still defies explanation.
8O2. ' ouIU 'head' > HS: C: Ag {AD} '?aI"-(at), {Ap.} '?ay"-(ar) 'head' ( N ''hogE 'top, above') > Bln
{Ap.} ?ax"ar, {R} ?ay"ar (pl. ?ay"at-), Xm {Ap.} avsr, {R} avr, Xm T {CR} avur, Km {Ap.} ay"ay, {CR}
avc, a_"ay (pl. a_"at), Dmb {R} ay"c, a_"c id., Q {R} a_"c, avc 'head, oneself', {Ap.} ava 'top', Aw
{Ap.} aya 'top', {CR} aya 'head, lord' R WB 19, CR K , Ap. AV 3 ll U {UEW} 'uoIV 'head' > FU: ObU
{Ht.} 'uyV, {Hl.} '`IvV id. > pVg 'IvV 'bears head' > LK {Kn.} avt, P {Kn.} svt, MK {MK} av, UL/Ss
ava id.; pOs 'oy 'head' > Os: V/Vy oy, Ty oy", oy, Y ov, D/K/Nz u_, Kz/O o_ id. Sm {Jn.} 'uI+ 'tip,
front part' ( N ''oIi 'sharp point\edge', q.v.) > En {Ter.} ubo, ub, {Cs.} 'ubo id., ? Ne T d yxy(,
{Lh.} qu_uo, ? Ne F {Lh.} qu_untI " qu_uttci 'upper lip' ( 'top'), Slq Tz {KKIH} uII 'nose (of
humans\animals), beak, front part, tip', Slq NP {UEW ?} ugo 'tip (Ende), lip', Slq Nr {Cs.} ug 'Ende,
Schlu' UEW 542-3, Ht. #9 (without data of Vg LK/MK/P and with pVg '`IvV 'bears crane'), MK
59, Hl. rHt. 73, Jn. 3O, KKIH 191, Cs. 1O8; Coll. 44 and Hl l.c. equate the ObU word with Lp N oai'vc
'head' and hence with U 'oyva 'head', but UEW l.c. rejects it on phonetic grounds, because U '-yv-
cannot yield ObU '-y- or '-v- ( UEW 336-7 s.v. U 'oyva 'head') ll E: El uI-Iu, uI-gi 'head' HK 12O6,
121O-4 ^ On the possible connection with N '?'oIE (= '?'oIu?) 'self' (whence rec. of a N '?'oIu
'head' 'self') see s.v. N '?'oIE.
8O3. ?? 'H'iKE 'eat' > IE 'hcI- v. 'eat' > OI as- (3s prs. as'nati) 'eat', 'asana 'eating, food' || ON,
NNr, Dn, Sw agn 'bait, lure' || ?? Gk Hm okoo) 'a bit, morsel' Cp. N ''EgU 'drink' [q.v.] IS I
275-6 s.v. 'EKu M K I 6O, M E I 136, F I 55, Vr. 3, 681 ll HS: ? ECh: Nd {J} yiga v. 'eat (hard food)'
JI II 119 ? EC: Yk {Hn.} -cI- 'eat', cIto 'food'? ( N ''EgU 'drink') Hn. Y II 124-5 Not
here B 'HIsH v. 'eat', which is more likely to belong to N 'EKV'`V 'peck' (of birds) [q.v. ffd.] ll A:
T: OT igio- v. 'feed (a person, animal), [MhK] igdil- v. 'be nourished, fed' ( N 'EKV'`V '') Cl. 1O,
803a. ??? ' clV 'sprout, twig' > HS: S: ? Ak A clu 'sprout' (unless derived from 'ly 'rise') [ N
'goljVy,V 'leaf'?? or derived from S 'ly 'rise'] CAD IV 114 SC {E} 'h?alcm- 'branch' (unless
akin to Sml alcn- 'leaf' < N 'goljVy,V 'leaf') > Irq halmi, Alg clcmi, Brn alcma id. E SC 336 ll U: FU
(att. in FP) 'cllV 'sprout, twig' > Er ilcv 'twig', ilcy, iliy, Mk ili 'Rute' ('rod, twig') | Prm 'ul 'twig,
sprout' > Vt yn ul 'bough', {Wc.} ul 'bud, sprout, Z yn uv, ul, Prmk, Yz ul 'bough, twig' UEW 624,
LG 295, UZS 446 ll D: SD 'cl- 'leaf' > Tm ilai_ 'leaf, petal', Ml ila, Kt cl, Td cs_, Kn clc, cla, Kdg claIan`da,
Tu cl 'leaf', Gnd Ior`I-ila 'new leaf' (Ior`I 'sprout') D #497.
8O4. ' iL'i (= 'hiL'i?) ' instestines' > IE: NaIE ' ili- 'intestines' > L ilia / -ium (pl.) [> ilium sg.]
'intestines, guts; loin, womb, Schamgegend', (EM: 'flancs, parties latrales du ventre qui stendent
depuis le bas des ctes jusqu la naissance des cuisses') || Gk [Hs.] iio oio uvoikcio '(private)
parts of women)' [unless to be read oeo uvoikcio, as in some codexes], iiov to t) uvoiko)
c|oiov ooi ('it means: woman's pubes') || Sl 'clito 'gut(s), intestines' > SCr |clito 'sausage', 'gut',
Slv |clita ' sausage', olito 'gut', Cz |clito ' sausage', Slk |clito 'sausage, stomach, gut', HLs |clito
'sausage', HLs |clto, LLs |clito 'intestines', P |clito 'gut, sausage', Slvnz alc'ta, Uk nn'rn 'intestines',
Blr 'niri 'testicles (of animals)' WH I 678-9, P 499, F I 722, WH I 678-9, EM 3O8, ESSJ VI 21-2, Br.
2O6, EI 356 (L ilia < IE 'isg"is 'loins') ll K: G ilao {Chx.} ' intestinal disease', {DCh.} 'colics' Chx.
523, DCh. 579 ll HS: HEC {Hd.} 'hillc 'intestines' > Hd hillcnna, Kmb hillcta, Sd hcl'lc Hd. 84, 282,
321, 371 ll A: Tg 'ilcn 'spleen' (and 'liver'?) > Ewk PT/Vl/Nr ilsn 'spleen', Ewk Y ilsn id., 'gall', Ewk I
ilsn 'liver' (unless a loan from some M lge., cp. Brt yniy( n) id.) STM I 312 But MM cligcn, Brt
yniy( n) 'liver', WrM cligc, HlM ynyi 'liver, belly' do not belong here, because (on the ev. of MM [LV]
and Mnr) the pM word is 'qcligcn ( SM 152) ^ ' = ? 'h (in the light of K and C), but not '?- (in the
light of C). 804a. ? 'H'alV (= '_q'alV?) 'female' > HS: EC 'hal(l)- 'female' > Sa {Wlm., Ss.} al-a
'goats' (gen. and female), Sml hal, Sml N {Abr.} hal, Or hal-a 'she-camel', Rn al-o 'female camels', Af
{PH} ala 'female camel which has given birth', Bs {Fl.} hilcl - htlcl 'woman' Ss. PEC 37, 39-4O, ZMO
178, PG 6, PH 37 NrOm: Male {Bnd.} lali 'woman' ECh: Gdr hala 'girl' ChC AD SF 137, 193
(EC, NrOm) ll A: T: OT [MhK] isi or (Cl.s alt. interpretation) cs 'lady', MT XIV [IM] islcr (to be read
cs-lar?) pl. 'women' Cl. 256 ll D '-al, SD '-val, fem. marker in pronouns and nouns > Ml a-val 'that
woman' ( a-van 'that man' a-tu 'that thing'), Td ava 'that woman' ( {Shanm.} avcn 'that man'),
Kt avl 'that woman' ( avn 'that man'), Tu alu 'that woman' ( ayc 'that man'), Kn Bd aval 'that
woman', ival 'this woman', Tm, Ml maI-al, Kn mag-al 'daughter', Kn Iiri-y-al 'girl', Iandal-al 'Geliebte',
Kn maduv-al, Prj Ior`-al bride', OTl VII manamar-alu 'granddaughter', MTl Iod-alu 'daughter', ccliy-alu
'younger sister', (?) Png -cl, fem. sx.: tor`nd-cl 'sister', haruIad-cl 'small woman', Kui -ali, fem. marker:
mrig-ali 'female cousin' Iu-ali 'Kond woman', gah-ali 'sweeper (woman)', Klm -al, fem. marker:
Iomm-al 'daughter', Ior-al 'younger brothers wife', od-al 'spouses sister', Prj, Gdb Ict-al 'widow',
murtal 'old woman', Gdb Ior`-al 'sons wife' '-v- in SD '-val may be due to analogy with the masc.
marker '-van that occurs in the same context: Tm a-van 'that man', a-val 'that woman', i-van 'this
man', i-val 'this woman', oru-van 'one man', oru-val 'one woman' Shanm. DN 3O-14O ^ According
to ADs hyp. (AD WIL), EC 'h- goes back to pHS '_-, i.e. to N 'q-.
804a. ? 'H'alV (= '_q'alV?) 'female' > HS: EC 'hal(l)- 'female' > Sa {Wlm., Ss.} al-a 'goats'
(gen. and female), Sml hal, Sml N {Abr.} hal, Or hal-a 'she-camel', Rn al-o 'female camels', Af {PH} ala
'female camel which has given birth', Bs {Fl.} hilcl - htlcl 'woman' Ss. PEC 37, 39-4O, ZMO 178, PG 6,
PH 37 NOm: Male {Bnd.} lali 'woman' ECh: Gdr hala 'girl' ChC AD SF 137, 193 (EC, NOm)
ll A: T: OT [MhK] isi or (Cl.s alt. interpretation) cs 'lady', MT XIV [IM] islcr (to be read cs-lar?) pl.
'women' Cl. 256 ll D '-al, SD '-val, fem. marker in pronouns and nouns > Ml a-val 'that woman'
( a-van 'that man' a-tu 'that thing'), Td ava 'that woman' ( {Shanm.} avcn 'that man'), Kt avl
'that woman' ( avn 'that man'), Tu alu 'that woman' ( ayc 'that man'), Kn Bd aval 'that woman',
ival 'this woman', Tm, Ml maI-al, Kn mag-al 'daughter', Kn Iiri-y-al 'girl', Iandal-al 'Geliebte', Kn
maduv-al, Prj Ior`-al bride', OTl VII manamar-alu 'granddaughter', MTl Iod-alu 'daughter', ccliy-alu
'younger sister', (?) Png -cl, fem. sx.: tor`nd-cl 'sister', haruIad-cl 'small woman', Kui -ali, fem. marker:
mrig-ali 'female cousin' Iu-ali 'Kond woman', gah-ali 'sweeper (woman)', Klm -al, fem. marker:
Iomm-al 'daughter', Ior-al 'younger brothers wife', od-al 'spouses sister', Prj, Gdb Ict-al 'widow',
murtal 'old woman', Gdb Ior`-al 'sons wife' '-v- in SD '-val may be due to analogy with the masc.
marker '-van that occurs in the same context: Tm a-van 'that man', a-val 'that woman', i-van 'this
man', i-val 'this woman', oru-van 'one man', oru-val 'one woman' Shanm. DN 3O-14O ^ According
to ADs hyp. (AD WIL), EC 'h- goes back to pHS '_-, i.e. to N 'q-
8O5. ' am'U 'be/become quiet, enjoy' > K: G am- vt. 'quieten, calm, allay (pain)' ('beruhigen,
stillen'), 'please (so.)' Chx. 15-6, DCh. 25-6, NCh. 36 ll A 'am'u-, {SDM97} 'amV 'be quiet' > Tg
'am- 'sleep' > Ewk ams-, Neg, Ork ama-, Ul amast- - amast-, Nn Nh amast-, Nn B amost- 'be sleepy', Ewk
ami, Ul, Ork amt, Nn {Pt.} ami n. 'sleep', Ewk ams, Neg ama, Ud {Krm.} amahi imprs. 'there is
sleepiness, one is sleepy (cnar xoucrc) )', WrMc amga- - amqa-, Mc Sb amoho- v. 'sleep, doze' STM I 2-
3, Pt. 16, Krm. 2O6 M 'amu- vi. 'rest, feel contentment, be relieved' > MM [IM] amu- v. 'rest', [HI]
'rest, be quiet', [MA] 'rest, feel pleasure', [S] {H} amu- 'ruhig sein, aufhren', WrM amu-, HlM axa-x vi.
'rest, relax, feel contentment\joy, be relieved'; M 'amur > WrM amur, HlM axap 'peace, quiet, calm,
rest; pleasure', Ord amur 'rest'. Kl axp amro 'calm, well-being, rest (noion)', {Rm.} amr n. 'quiet
(Ruhe), peace', adj. 'quiet, peaceful, healthy, confortable'; M 'amu-ra- 'relax, rest, be relieved, feel
contentment\joy' > WrM amura-, HlM axpax id., Ord amara- vi. 'rest, be quiet', MM [S] {H} d amurli-
'be\feel calm\secure', amurul- vt. 'calm', MM [HI] d amraq [amray] 'loving each other', Mnr H {SM}
_amura- vi. 'rest, calm, recover, go out (fire)', {T} _ambura-, Ba hamcra-, Dx {T} hamura- vi. 'rest', Kl
axp- amr- 'rest', {Rm.} amr- 'ruhen, Ruhe bekommen, ausruhen' (Mnr _- and Ba, Dx h- are due to
contamination with the of Mnr H {SM} _amuli-, {T} _ambuli- vt. 'extinguish, efface') Pp. MA 1O1-2,
432, Ms. H 35-6, H 7, MED 4O, KRS 41-2, KW 9-1O, SM 153-4, T 373, T DnJ 139, T BJ 15O NaT
'aj:,m-uil (with the derivational sx. '-l [Cl. XIII]?) > OT amuil 'quiet, mild, peaceable', Tk imil - umul
'quietly, gently'; NaT 'aj:,mji,ra- vi. 'calm, be at peace' > OT {DTS} amra- v. 'love', Tv amira- vi. 'calm,
take confort, be glad', Tlt/Qmn {Rl.} amira- 'sich beruhigen', Alt {Rl.} amra- id., 'in Ruhe leben'; - NaT
'amur-t- v. 'quieten, calm [sth., so.]' > OT XI amurt- vt. 'calm [sth.]', Tk amurt- vt. 'quieten, calm';
- NaT 'amriul- 'be at peace' > OT VIII-XIII amruil- id.; NaT 'amir > (or M 'amara- 1) Tv, SY amir, Qzq
amir n. 'calm, peace', Alt/Tlt/Sg/Qb/K {Rl.} amir id., 'rest (Ausruhen, Erholung)', Xk amir 'peaceful,
quiet' Rs. W 19, Rl. I 647-51; Cl. 16O-3 (claims that 'am(V)r- is based entirely on a loan from M
amara-, which is highly doubtful because derivates from 'am(V)r- are attested in pre-Mongolian OT
from the VIII c. on; the idea of M origin may be valid for the T noun amir only, because it is not
attested in OT), ET Gl 59-6O (does not distinguish between 'abra- and amra-), DTS 41, TvR 58-9
DQA #72 (A 'amV 'be quiet, sleep'), KW 9, S AJ 292 ll D (in SD) 'am- 'be(come) still\quiet' > Tm
amai_ 'become still\quiet, abide, remain', amar- 'v. 'abide, remain\become tranquil', Ml amaruIa v.
'subside, settle, be settled, rest on', amarcca 'calmness, self-government', Tu amaru-ni 'become
quiet\calm; settle', amau-ni 'to quiet' D #161 ll ? IE: NaIE 'am- v. 'love' > L ama- (amo, -arc) v.
'love', amor 'love', amicus 'a loved one, friend', Mrc AMATENS 'voluerint' || Phr [Hs.] ooociv to
iciv 'to love'; [Hs.] koi uuc) tov iov ooovo cooiv 'Phrygians call a loved one ooovo'
WH I 4O-1, P 36 ^ If the IE cognate is valid, the initial N lr. may be '-, 'h- or 'h- ('hha- > IE 'hc- >
NaIE 'a-), but not '?- ('?a- would have yielded IE 'c-/zero).
8O6. ? 'H'cmVnV (= '?'cmVnV?) 'oak, tree' > IE: OIr omnac 'tree, oak' Vn. O 22 ll A: T 'cman
'oak' > Tkm imcn, Uz cman, ET cman, VTt, Bsh iman, QrB, Qmq, Nog, Qq, Qzq, Qrg cmcn, Kr aman, Alt
crmcn, Chv xan yuman " yoman 'oak' r in Alt still needs explanation Rs. W 42, Dm. NRTAJ 185-6,
Jeg. 348, Fed. II 485, Md. 115, 165 (T 'i_aman - 'cmcn, NaT 'cmcn), TL 124 ('crmcn) ll ??, HS: Eg fO
im: ' fruit-bearing tree (date-palm?); ' sacred tree; wood used for statues and toils\utensils' EG I
79 ^ If the Eg word belongs here, the N rec. must be '?'cmVnV.
8O7. 'HanV 'other' > IE: NaIE 'aon- ( N 'ha 'ille'?) > [1] NaIE 'aon-yo-'other' > IIr 'ani_o-s 'other,
different' > OI an'ya-h, Av anyo, OPrs aniya id., Oss anna 'the other (of two, of many)' || ? Gk cv 'the
day after tomorrow' (ellipsis from cv co 'another day'); [2] NaIE 'aontcro-s 'the other [from
two]' (built on the analogy of 'al-tcro-s?) > OI 'antara-, Oss andar || Gt an|ar, ON annarr (pl. arir), OHG
andcr, AS ocr, NE othcr || Lt antaras - antras, Ltv otrs, Ltv E utors 'other', Pru antars - antars 'other,
second' Brg. KVG 4O1, Me. OSJ 352-3, P 37-8 (unc. : 'anios and 'antcros 'an 'there, on the other
side'), EI 411 ('hcn- - 'hon- 'that', ''hon-tcro-s 'other'), Frn. 12, En. 142, M K I 35-7, Ab. I 545, Fs.
53, Vr. 1O, Ho. 243, EWA I 241-2 ll U: Sm {Jn.} 'anV- 'other' > Ne T ` ann, Ne T O {Lh.} qani 'other,
different', En {Cs.} ani 'aufs neue', Ng {Mik.} qono 'and', {Cs.} qanai 'aufs neue, noch' Jn. 1, Ter. 383
ll A: NrTg 'aq- (unless it is 'xaq-) > Lm aqtli 'other, different', Neg antsIt - aqtsIt id., 'otherwise' (may
have been influenced by Tg 'xaqgi 'side', whence Neg antlt - aqtlt 'aside, far') STM I 46 ll ?? HS: WS
'han (dem. prn.) ( N 'ha 'ille') > IA/EpJA hn {HJ} 'this', BHb ha- +gmc. 'the', Mo, Ph h- 'the', Ar {Nld.}
han 'der da, das da' HJ 287-8, KB 225-6, Nld. NB 119 (unc. :Ar han 'iste' han- 'thing') ^ If WS
'han belongs here, the N rec. is 'hanV, otherwise we remain with an unspecified 'H- (N 'HanV)
Gr. II #288 ('cna 'other') [IE, U, ?? Gil + err. J, A + unc. CK, EA].
8O8. 'uinV (= 'XinV? ) 'other' > IE: NaIE 'ci_n- > Sl '|in+(|i) (f. '|ina, ntr. '|+no) 'other, different' >
OCS uu+ in+ (f. ina, ntr. ino), OR, RChS uu+ in+, R n'non, Uk 'nnnn, SCr in, ini, Cz |iny, Slk iny id., Blg
'nnin, nn (f. nna, ntr. nno), Slv in, OP iny, P inny 'different' || IIr 'ai_n- > Oss I nnn inna 'the other one
(from two)', the other (from many)', Xwr ini 'other' Brg. KVG 4O1, Me. OSJ 352-3, Frn. 12, En. 142,
ESSJ VIII 233-4, Glh. 277, Bern. I 432, Me. MSL X (1898): 254-5, M K I 35-7, Ab. I 545, Fs. 53, Vr.
1O, Ho. 243 ll D (in SD) 'cn_- 'other' > Tm cnai_ 'other, the rest' D #919 ll Gil: Gil A/ES cna- 'other,
belonging to another person, strange', A cna-|, ES cna-nd 'be other, belong to another person, be
strange' ST 482-3, Krn. N 493 ll HS ? '(i)hEn- within the cd '?anihEn-nV 'we' [aut. prn.]
('?an- [focalizing topic pc., forming autonomous pers. pronouns] + '(i)hcn- + 'nuV 'we, our' < N
'nV 'we' excl.) ( 'XAnjV,V 'together, with' [q.v.]?) > S '?a'nihnua 'we' [aut. prn.], Bj {RHd.} hi'nin,
{Rop.} hc'nncn 'we, us', {R} ha'nan, han'in, hc'nin 'we', etc. This is one of two alternative etymologies of
'?anihEn-nV 'we'. It presupposes that '?anihEn-nV originally meant 'we others' (like Sp nosotros, Ctl
nosaltrcs 'we' < L pl. acc. nos altcros 'we others', cp. also Fr nous autrcs). The other alternative
explanation presupposes that '?anihEn-nV originally meant 'we together', with '-hcn- going back to N
'XAnjV,V '' [q.v. ffd.] (> Eg fP hn 'together with, and').
8O9. o 'HaN'gV(tV) 'duck' > IE 'HnHti- / 'HcnHti- ({M} 'hnh'ti-, {EI} 'h_nh_ti- / 'h_cnh_ti-) > NaIE
'anoti 'duck' > L anas (acc. anatcm - anitcm) id. || Gmc 'anud- - 'anid- 'duck' > ON ond, OHG anut (- ancta),
nom. pl. cnti, NHG Entc, Dt ccnd, OSx anad, AS c'ncd || OI m. a'ti-h, f. ati 'duck', KhS acc 'aquatic birds,
geese', Oss acc 'wild duck', {OsR} id., 'male duck' || Gk I vooo, Gk A vtto, Gk B voooo 'duck' (<
*voti_o OI a'ti-h) || BSl 'ant- (< 'anot-) > Lt antis, Pru antis | Sl 'otI (gen. 'ot+vc) 'duck' > ChS
a: otI (gen. a:+ac ot+vc), OR : utI (gen. :eac otovc), SCr u`tva, R yr'na, Slv {Vs.} otva, {Glh.}
otva, Uk yr) na, Blr nyrna, yn, (dim. ) R 'yria P 41-2, EI 171, M K I 72-3, M E I 163-4, Bai. 16, Ab. I
27, OsR 61, WH I 44, F II 317-8, Vr. 687, EWA I 291-3 & II 1O75, Kb. 39, 2OO, KM 167, Frn. 11-2,
En. 142, Tp. P A-D 95-6, Vs. IV 174, Glh. 568 ll U 'aqV ' aquatic bird (duck or sim.), game bird
(Tetraonidae, Phasianidae)' > Lp: N {N} haq'qa -qq- - haq'q|a 'long-tailed duck; Harelda glacialis', L
{LLO} haqqa - haqqcI - haqqoI 'ice duck, Harelda hiemalis', Kld {TI} aqq-lon:,t:o_ 'polar duck
(Harelda)', U {Schl.} aqqa`lahIa 'domestic duck' || ObU {Ht.} 'IqI 'partridge, ptarmigan' > pVg
'IqIa id. > OVg S SSs ango, anIa ( ) id., Vg S: Vg T {Mu.} aqgha, Vg MK sqIo, OVg N BerG 'anga, Vg
Ss aqxa 'ptarmigan', Vg P aqIa id., 'partridge'; pOs 'IqI > Os: V/Vy Iqq, D/K cq_ 'partridge,
ptarmigan' Sm: Ne T {Ter.} a' o qa?qo 'diving duck (nipoi), long-tailed duck (yria-xop) nia)', {Lh.}
qaqu 'polar duck, Anua hiemalis', En {KD} qau 'duck', Ng {Mik.} qaqo|a 'duck', Slq Tz {KKIH} u
'partridge', {Prk.} u 'ptarmigan', Slq Nr/Yel/Kar {Cs.} u id., Kms uqa 'partridge', Koyb {Pl.} angat 'Anas
rutila', Mt {Hl.} 'oqjg,o 'Schneehuhn' or 'Rebhuhn' (Mt: K {Pl.} onho` 'iyponaria', [in Pl. Z] 'Tetrao
Lagopus') UEW 13, Schl. 6, TI 15, Ht. #45, Ter. 392, KKIH 191, Cs. 1O8, Erl. 282, Hl. M #811, Jn.
19 ll A {ADb.} 'aqgi-, {DQA} 'aqatV ' duck' > NaT 'aqit {Cl.} 'ruddy goose, Anas casarca' ( names of
other large birds) > OT aqit {Cl.} 'ruddy goose', OOsm XV aqit id., MQp XIV aqit 'a bird called al-
unaysa (in Ar)', Chg [San.] aqIud, Tk anIit, Qmq hanIut ' wild duck', SY aqit {Ml.} 'wild duck with
yellow feathers', Xk aar at 'black diver (rypnan)', ? Yk andi - anni ' 'black duck', 'scoter, diving duck'
(unless Yk A Ewk aqir) Cl. 176, TL 172, Ml. ZhU 16, Tn. SJJ 172 Tg 'aqjg,i (- 'andi?) ' aquatic
bird' > Nn Nh aqgt id., Neg ant, Ewk anni " andi - aqir, Neg ant 'bluebill, Aythya' STM I 43 M 'aqgir
(unless it is 'qaqgir) > WrM aqgir, HlM aninp ' yellow duck' [ 'aqgir 'yellow'?] ({Cl.} 'black diver');
M 1 Alt {Rl.} aqar 'an aquatic bird (smaller than a goose, with a red-yellow breast)', {BT} aqir
'napnania', Qrg aqir 'Anas todorna', Tv aqyir, Brt aninp, Ewk Brg aqir 'scoter, Melanitta (rypnan)', Ewk I
aqir ;'hazel-grouse', Mc aqgir ncxc 'scoter; yellow duck' MED 445, Cl. 176, Rl. I 184, BT 19, TvR 62
pJ {S} 'anti > OJ adi ' duck' S QJ #757 S AJ 71, ADb. KL, DQA #4O ll D (in McTm) 'an_r_il
(= 'an_t_il) ' bird' (= ' duck'?) > Tm anril ' aquatic bird [OI caIravaIa (= Anas casarca?)]', Ml annal
' a bird of stately walk' D #331.
81O. 'HoNIa (= 'uoNIa ?) 'angle, joint\bend (of a limb, etc.)' > IE: NaIE 'oang- 'joint (of body),
angle' > OI 'an'gam 'limb' || Arm ankiyn anIivn 'angle, corner' || L angulus id., Um ANGLOM-E 'ad angulum'
|| ON cII|a 'heel', dim. : ON oIla, OHG ancala, ancla, anchla 'ankle, ankle-joint; talus', AS anclcov
'ankle', NE anIlc || Sl 'og+l+ 'angle, corner' > OCS ar+a+ og+l+, Blg 'in, SCr u`gao (gen. u`gla), Slv
vo`gol (gen. vo`gla), Cz uhcl, Slk uhol, P vcgicl (gen. vc'gla), OR r(+)a+ ug(+)l+, R 'yion, Uk 'nyion P
45-7, AHDI 3 [both do not distinguish between NaIE 'anI- 'bend' (see N '_qanjV,KV 'bend') and
NaIE 'oang-], M K I 21, M E I 48, WH I 48-9, Ho. 5, Vr. 99, 686, EWA I 26O-1, Kb. 33, OsS 2O, EWA I
26O-1, Slt. 286-7, Vs. IV 145, Glh. 65O-1 ll A: NrTg 'oj:,nq- 'corner', 'onqi- 'to bend as to form an
angle' > Ewk onqan 'internal corner', onqi- v. 'bend\break a stick in order to form an angle, bend a
board (to make a ski with an arched front part)', Lm ontt--ont- v. bend (together)' ('inyr, cin6ar'),
Neg onqt--oqnt- 'bend a board (to make a ski)', Ork o, ont 'angle, corner' STM II 19 M 'oncug
(unless with 'q-) > WrM oncug, HlM ' nn' i, Kl ' nni oncog, {Rm.} onc
g_ 'external corner, angle' ,
? Dg {MYC} nocoIo id. MED 636, KRS 417, KW 296 , MYC 546 The element (sx.?) '-cug is
obscure DQA #1598 (A 'onic 'angle') ll HS: C: Bj {R} 'anI"a 'hump', {Rop.} anI"a 'hump of camel'
R WBd 24, Rop. 152 ? S: Ar kanaha hanaI-at- 'colline trs leve qui se dresse comme un tour' BK
I 5O5.
811. 'HoNVmV (= ''hoNEmV, ''hoNVmE, ''honEmV, ''honVmE?) 'take hold of, have, own' > IE:
NaIE {WH} 'cnm-/'ncm-/'i_cm- 'take, acquire, have' [ N '?acmV '?omV 'seize, hold' (q. v. ffd.) N
'q'amV 'grasp, seize']: [1] 'cnm- > 'cm- > L cmo, -crc / cmsi / cmtum 'take', Osc PERTEMEST
'perimet', PERTEMUST 'peremerit', PEREMUST 'perceperit', Um cmantu(r) accipiantur', 'emptus' || OIr
ar-fo-cmat 'they take' || Lt imu / imti 'take', Ltv |cmu 'I take', Pru imt 'take' | Sl prs. 'im-o / inf. '|c-ti
'take' > OCS uma imo / m:u |cti, umomi imami / um1m imc|o / um1:u imcti 'have' and the cognate
forms of other Sl lgs.; the Sl form 'im-o is proved by the OCS compound verb a+ima v+z-im-o 'I
[shall] take', R no:) xy [2] 'i_cm- > OI 'yamati 'holds' [3] 'ncm- > Gt, AS niman, ON ncma, OHG
ncman, NHG nchmcn 'take' || OIr ncm 'gift' || Lt nuoma, Ltv noma 'rent, lease', Ltv ncmt 'take' WH I
4OO-2, WP I 2O7, Kb. 719-2O, Frn. 512, EI 564 ('hcm- 'take, distribute', 'ncm- 'take\accept legally')
ll HS: Eg fP xnm (= hnm) 'put ones arm around, touch; join' EG III 377-81, Fk. 2O2 ll U: FP 'oma
'own, property' > F, Es oma id. || pLp {Lr.} 'omc 'property; a thing belonging to smb.': Lp OSw {L}
amc 'res', Lp N {Fri.} oabmc 'res, pecus, proprietas', {N} oabmc/-m- 'sth. which belongs to so.,
property', Lp L amc 'property, thing', Lp I {SK} oami 'own, property' || ? Vt yxon umoy 'good, fit'
( *'proper to'), Vt G {Wc.} umoy 'good' UEW 717, Lr. #83O, Lgc. #4572 ^ It is hard to explain
the palatalized lr. in Eg and IE (the latter suggested by the NaIE vw. 'c-) in NaIE, which apparently
contradicts the ev. of FU 'o-. Was there a vw. 'o in pN? Can a palatal nasal 'n be helpful? It is
tempting to tie in M 'omcin > WrM omci, HlM ' xu 'inheritance, share of property; property', Kl ' nun
oncon 'inheritance', {Rm.} omc
- onc
'Erbteil, Anteil' (MED 635, KRS 417, KW 296), but it belongs
here only if the meaning 'property' is ancient in M (which is doubtful).
812. 'HaNtV 'kernel' > IE: NaIE 'cndr- 'egg, kernel' > Vd an'da- 'egg', du. 'testicles', an'di-
'testicles, OI anda- 'egg, testicle', Kls 'ondraI 'egg' || Sl 'cdro 'kernel' > OCS mpe |cdro, McdS |a(po,
SCr, Slv |cdro, Cz |adro, Slk |adro, P |adro, R, Blr '(po id., Uk '(po 'grain of corn, kernel, testicle', HLs
|adro 'kernel, testicle' ESSJ VI 65-6, EI 5O7-8 (IE 'hcn'dro-s 'egg, scrotum', err. : 'hcn- 'in'), P
774 (unc. : Sl < IE 'oid-), M K I 26 (rejects the connection of anda- with Sl and supposes its Munda
origin), M E I 162-3 (considers the OI - Sl conection "berlegenswert") NaIE '-r- may go back to a
sx. ll D (in SD) 'an`ti- 'kernel, stone of a fruit' ( N '_an`VtV 'kernel, grain') > Ml anti 'kernel, stone
of mango, etc., nut', Tm anti-IIottai 'cashew-nut', Tu andi 'stone of fruit (mangoes, etc.)', Kdg
maqgc an`di 'mango stone'; D 1 Prkr anthi, Hnd a:t"i, Bngl a:t(")i 'kernel', Ori at"i id., Hnd Bhj
at"i 'kernel\pip of fruit' ( OInA 'asti- [> Sk asti-] 'kernel'); NInA 1 Krx at"u 'mango stone', Mlt
ati 'stone\seed of a fruit' D #126, Tu. #955 ^ The positional neutralization of the opposition
'n 'n` 'n is denoted here by the symbol N.
813. 'HUq'dV (= 'Huq'dV?) 'root' > HS: ? EC 'HundV 'root' > Or {Grg.} hundc id. (but not Or Wt
{Hn.} hidda_ 'root', Brj 'hiddi 'root of big trees; bloodvessel, tendon', that is from EC 'hizz- id.) Grg.
218, Brl. 219, Th. 2O6, Hn. W 62, Ss. B 95 ll U: FU (att. in FV only) 'ontV 'root' > pLp {Lr.} 'ontc id.
> Lp: L {LLO} attcs 'the main root of a tree' ('die grte, dickste, unververzweigte Wurzel,
Hauptwurzel', ? S {Hs.} vicddic, N {N} vd'dc, Kld vu_cnd, {SaR} vucntcs 'root' | Mk ynic unIs id., Er
{Ps.} unduIs - undoIs 'root, stalk (of a cucumber, etc.), sprout' UEW 719, Lr. #834, Lgc. #4541, SaR
62-3, Ps. B 13O ll A 'jq,uqtdc 'root' > M 'undu-sun, {ADb.} 'undc-sun 'root' > WrM undusun, HlM
n(yc, n(cyn, Kl {KRS} n(cn, {Rm.} und

sn, Dg {Pp.} u'nd_u's, u'ndu'su', {Mrm.} undusun, {Mr.} undusc,

{T , MYC } undus , Ba {MYC} undusun MED 1OO7, KW 458, T DgJ 171, Klz. D II 141 , MYC
693 Tg 'quqtc 'root' > Ewk qiqts " niqts, Lm qcqto, Neg niqts - qiqts, Orc, Ud X/I/Sm {Krm.} qiqts,
Ud B iqts, Ul munIts - qunIts, Ork, Nn munIts id.; in Ul, Orl, Nn the word is reinterpreted as having a
derivational sx. -Its STM I 662, Krm. 272 pJ {S} 'msts > OJ moto 'root, foundation', J: T/Kg
moto, K moto id. Valid only if pJ 'm- is a reg. reflex of pA 'q- (which is not indicated in Ss sketch
of the J phonetic prehistory, cf. S AJ 67-82) S QJ 2O9. Mr. 486 SDM97 s.v. 'quqtc 'root', S AJ
18, 39, 92, 291, ADb. KL (A '?uiqtc), DQA #1543 (A 'qi_unt`c) ^ Tg 'q- and pJ 'm- (< 'q-) are likely to
result from as ('...q > 'q...q) ^ ADb. NN 34 (N 'qUyntV > A, U, IE) ^ NaIE 'vci_t- 'dyers woad,
Isatis inctoria (a plant used to produce blue dye)' [> L vitrum 'woad' || Gmc 'vai_da- id. > OHG vcit,
NHG Waid, MLG vcd, Dt vccdc, AS vad, NE voad WP I 236, WH II 8O6, KM 833, Kb. 1164, Ho. 378],
because such connection is semantically unj. [the most important part of the woad (used to
produce dye) is its leaves, not its root].
814. 'HaqIU 'HaqIV 'fire' > HS: Ch {Nw.} 'aIu - 'aI"a 'fire', {Stl.} '?aIuv- id. > WCh: Ngz {Sch.}
aIa, Bd {IL} aIa | Cg {Sk.} aI"c, Kry {Sk.} aIu, My {Sk.} a`Iu`, Jmb {Sk.} aI"a, Dir {Sk.} aIuva, Wrj
{Sk.} Isva`y, Sir {Sk.} Iu`vi, Mbr Iuva || CCh: Db {JI} Iu | Gnd va-ta | ? BM: Mrg {IL} ?i?i (= { IL}
?m?m), Cb u?u | Mtk {Nw.} aI"a, Mada {BrrB} oII"o, {Ro.} aI"a, Mofu {Brr.} avov, MfG {Brr.} avav,
Gzg D {Lk.} ?avo; {Ro.}: Mkt aIal, Myn aIu, Hrz, Vm aI"a, Zlg aI"a, Mlk aIo | Msg {Trn.} afu | Lmn
{Lk.} uuvu | Suk {IL} I"u | Ms {Nw.} aIu-da, {J} Iuda, ZmD {KND} Iu`, {Srp.} Iu, ZmB {J} Iu, LamP Iu,
Lam I"u, Bnn Iu-da || ECh {Stl.} '?aIouv- > EDng {Fd.} aIo, Bdy ?aIo, Mgm {JA} oIIo, Mkl {J} ?uvvo |
Skr {Sx.} oIo, {Nw.} oIo | Jg {J} ?oI, Brg {J} ?aIu, Mu {J} Ic`vi id. JI II 138-9, Nw. 26 [#48], Stl. IF
124, KNC 13, Ro. 252 [#271], Brr. MG II 149, BrrB 151, Fd. 14 , Blz. LECh. #27 C: EC: Arr {Hw.}
?cg, Elm 'cI, Yk iIu, ? Dsn ?cgc 'ashes' || Dhl ?cga 'fire' || SC: Asa yogot 'fire' Blz. CL 178, BlzT D 2,
To. D 132, Hw. A 338, To. DL 481, Hn. NBLK 2O4 ? B: Ah uIu ' ll IE {EI} 'Hng"ni-s > NaIE 'ngni-s,
{P, Dv.} 'cgni-/ogni- 'fire' > OI ag'nih || L igni-s || Lt ugnis, Ltv uguns | Sl 'ogni 'fire' > OCS erui ogni, Blg
) oin, SCr ogan|, Slv ogcn| ogon, Cz, Slk ohcn, P ogicn, R, Uk o'ion 'fire' P 293, EI 2O2, Dv. #33, M K
I 18, WH I 676, Frn. 1158-9, Vs. III 118-9 ll U: FU {UEW} 'aqV, {IS} 'cqIV 'fire', vi. 'burn' > Chr {Szil.}
cq 'fire', {} cqdcm vt. 'I incandence on fire, roast, burn (bricks)', Chr: L +'q-as vi. 'smoulder' ('rncr,
ncrncr'), Uf/B cqa-, H oqga- 'schwelen, anbrennen, angesengt werden, verkohlen' | Z {Savv.} in
'flame', {W} Inal- 'flammen, entbrennen', In-cd- 'entznden' || Os: Vy yaqlol-, Kz yaqo- v. 'roast on
fire' | Hg cg- vi. 'burn' UEW 26, 297, MRS 774-5 ll D (in SD) 'an_al 'fire' > Tm anal, Ml anal 'fire,
heat', Kn analu 'heat' D #327 ^ IS I 245-6 [#1O6] ('HcnIa) , Blz. 162 [#1O3] [suggested to add
the B cognate to the HS comparison; unc. : IE 'au_g- 'shine' ({Blz.} 'light, warmth') (in fact from N
''havI'a 'light , bright', q.v.) and D {Blz.} aI-/avI- 'to warm by the fire, in the sun' (i.e. NED: Krx axr-
'warm oneself', Mlt avgr- id., avg- 'expose to the heat of the sun\fire')] .
815. ?? 'HUV-(tVIgV) or 'HUjP,tVIV - -VgV) 'stalk (of a tree), haft' > IE: NaIE {P} 'aoj:,d(c)gj",o-
'haft, stalk' > OI [AthV] 'adga-h 'cane, stalk' ( N 'qXtV 'tail, hind part' [q.v.]?) || ?? Lt vcdcga 'adze'
({Frn.} ' Axt zum Aushauen, Zimmeraxt'), ?? Ltv vcdga 'Brechstange (mit hlzernem Griff)' WP I
175, P 773, M K I 29, M E I 63, Frn. 1164-5 ll HS: ? Eg hv.t| 'Art Gestell, Kletterbaum (auf dem die
gttlichen Vgel zu sitzen\hocken pflegen' EG II 489 C: Bj {R} '?abIa 'Stiel, Handhabe' || Or hofa
{E} 'stalk, stem', {Brl.} 'lancia con punta di legno', {Grg.} hofa 'spear made of sharpened wood' || SC:
Brn {E} hoi-na 'handle, haft' E SC 3O9, Brl. 21, Grg. 211 B ({Pr.} 'vdg > Sll taddagt (pl.
taddagin) 'tige ligneuse', Shl {NZ} addag 'arbre, branche' Ds. 278, NZ 298 S: Ak YB {Sd.}
udugu - cdigu 'ein Stock z. B. zum Walken' (but {CAD} cdigu - "meaning incertain") Sd. 14O2, CAD IV
33 Tk. I 147 & Tk. SCC 98 [#28.4] (Eg, C) The initial HS cns. is uncertain: Eg hv.t| (if it
belongs here) seems to point to 'h-, while Or h- usually reflects heavier lrs. or uvulars ('_-, 'q-?) ^
816. ' crU (or ' orE) 'go upwards, rise' > HS: B 'vHuir 'be above' ( N '?urE 'top', q.v. ffd.) ll IE
'hcr- (or 'h"cr-), 'hj",cru- ({IS} 'h"cr-) 'go upwards, rise' ( N '?urE '') > AnIE: Ht arai-, ariya- '(a)rise,
lift; raise, (a)arouse', Lw ari(ya)- 'raise'; Ht aru- 'high'; Ht arriya 'rouse, stir (from sleep), awaken' , ar-
'stand (by), remain standing' NaIE 'cr-/'or- 'rise, move, stir' > Gk ovui v. 'make arise, awake,
stir (up)', md. ovuoi (pfc. oeo) 'arise, start up; stir ineself', [Hs.] ccto e 'was set in
motion' || OI r-'no-ti vi. 'arises, moves', Av or.naolti vt. 'moves' || Arm janem yarncm 'I rise, stand up'
(aor. jareaj yarcay) || L orior v. 'rise, arise' || MW dy-gyf-or 'hight, high place' IS I 254 ('H"cr-, in spite
of Gk ovui), Pv. I 1O4-8, 123-7, 138-9, 177-8, WP I 148-9, M K I 122, WH I 64-5 & II 222-3, F II
422-4, Vn. A 87, Slt. 1O3-3, EI 5O6 (orior < 'hcr- 'set in motion') ll D 'cr_-, [GS] 'cr_d_- > Tm cru
'v. 'rise, ascend', Ml cruIa, Kn cru v. 'rise, increase', Kt cr, crcr, crr 'up', Td or- v. 'rise high', Kdg
or- '(liquor) rises to head', Tu cru- v. 'ascend, climb, rise', Knd cr_asi 'steep, steeply rising' D
#916, GS 217 [#532], 61 [#184] ll ? A: NaT 'or- 'rise' ( N 'orEU 'summit, top', q.v. ffd.) M
'orni- > WrM orni-, HlM ' pn' -x v. 'grow, increase, rise' ; - WrM orniltc, HlM ' pn' nr, Mnr E {MYC}
ornclt 'development' MED 242, Pp. ICML 54 , MYC 548 Tg: Ewk Brg oro- v. 'climb on sth.'
Vas. 327 pKo {S} 'orn- v. 'rise' > MKo orn-, or-, NKo ori- id., {Rm.} ori- - oru- v. 'go upwards, rise,
go up to' Rm. SKE 178-9, S QK #991, Nam 38O, MLC 1199 The labial vw. of the first syll. is
probably due to the infl. of 'U of the next syll. Rm. SKE 178-9 (Ko, Tg + unc. Mg 'oru- 'enter' &
T orun 'place, site, bed') ^ The reflexes are sometimes hard to distinguish from those of '?urE 'top'
[q.v.] ^ IS I 116-7 ('Hora with 'o in spite of D 'cr_-). Gr. II 9 ('or 'arise').
817. 'HvurV 'male person\animal' > HS: NrOm: Wl/Zl {C} ura 'man (vir)', Zl {LmS} ura, Gf LmS}
ura 'man', Wl {LmS} issi-?ura 'someone', Kf {C} uro - vuro 'man (vir), 'person, male', - ur-c 'woman',
Mch {L} vuro 'male animal' C SE IV 4O3-4, C SO 25, L M 57, LmS W 292 CCh:? Mdr {ChL} ?ura
'man, person' (unless -r- < '-d-, which is reg.) ll U: FU 'urV 'man, male animal' > F uros (gen.
uroon - urhoon) 'adult man, brave man, hero', uros (gen. uroIscn) 'male animal, two-years-old male
reindeer' | ? Lp: N {N} varrcs -r'ras- - varcs -rras- 'male animal, a male', varcI '2-years-old male
reindeer', I arcI - varcI id., arcs 'male animal', Kld orcs id., adj. 'male' || OHg ur 'powerful person;
lord, God; husband', Hg ur (acc. urat) 'lord, mister; husband'; - OHg orszag 'reigning (uralkods);
country, empire', Hg orszag 'country, state' Coll. 121, UEW 545, Sm. 542 (FU 'ura 'male' > FP 'ura,
Ugr 'ura), MF 653-4, MTE II 1O95, EWU 1O7O, 1579 ll A {SDM97} 'urV {AD} 'male; young male
relative' > Tg 'ur > Ewk ur (ur-vs) 'man (vir), male amimal' Vas. 45O, STM II 281 M 'urcc
'young stallion' > MM [S] {H} uric 'three-year-old horse', WrM urcgc - uriyc, HlM pyy, Ord u'rc '3-
to 5-year-old stallion', Brt pny '3- to 4-year-old horse', Kl p` ura '3-year-old horse', {Rm.} urc
'dreijhriges Hengstfllen' H 166, MED 1O11-3, KW 459, KRS 553, Chr. 512, Ms. O 76O NaT 'uri
'male child, son' [ A '`uri 'child, offspring(s)' < N 'or'i 'child' N 'hor'i 'conceive', 'newborn, a
young'] > OT uri id. Cl. 197 pKo {S} 'orai 'brother' > MKo orai, NKo {S} orabi id., {Rm.}
orabi - orabi 'brother (used by and in relation to a sister)', or-omi 'brothers wife' Rm. SKE 177-8, S
QK #791, MLC 1197 ? pJ {S} 'sts 'younger brother' > OJ oto, otoi_i, [RJ] otouto`, J: T/Kg ototo, K
ototo S QJ #368, Mr, 513 SDM97 s.v. 'urV (T, M, Tg, Ko), DQA #65O (A 'i_orc 'male, young
male' > incl. Tg, M, Ko, pJ), Rm. SKE 177-8 & Rm. EAS I 1O7 [in both sources Ko, T + M 'ori 'young'
(cf. N 'hor'i '')] ^ ADb. NN 34 adduces here Tg 'qur (Ewk qur 'male dog') [{ADb} < A 'qurU 'young
male animal') and reconstructs N 'qIrV 'male' Gr. II #259 ('cr 'man') [U + err. : IE 'rscn, T, M,
Ko, Gil; cf. N 'hcj y,r'E 'male'].
817a. 'HoryV (or 'HorV, 'XoyrV?) 'place' > A: M 'oru, 'orun 'place, trace' > WrM oru, HlM op id.,
'bed', WrM orun, HlM opon 'place, land', MM [HI] {Ms.} oro 'thrne', oro ' la place de', [S] {H}
oro(n) 'Sitz, Thron, Lager', [MA] {Pp.} ora(n) 'place', Kl opn oron, {Rm.} orn, Brt opon 'country, bed', Ord
oron, Mnr Nr {SM} oroq 'place, lieu', Mnr H {MYC} uron, Mnr E {MYC} uron, Dg {MYC, T} or, Dx {MCCY,
T} oron, Ba {MCCY, T} oroq 'place, land (xccrnocr)' MED 620, 623, Cl. 233, SM 478, Ms. H 81, H
126, Pp. MA 269, MYC 531, T DgJ 16O, KRS 4O3, KW 289, Chr. 362 T 'orun (A M??) > OT orun
'place; high place, throne', Tk orun, Tkm, CrTt, Kr, Qmq, QrB, Qrg, ET, Tv, Yk orun, Ln oyun, Qzq, Nog,
Qq, SY, Alt, Xk orin, Uz urin, VTt, Bsh ur+n, Chv vir+n 'place' ET Gl. 477-9 ll D 'ur`- > Tm uri place,
site, side', urai_ 'place', Ml uri 'circumstances', ura 'place' D #684 ll ??, HS: S: Ar hayr- 'enclosed plot
of land' ({Ln.} 'an enclosure', {BK, Hv.} id., 'garden') Ln. 685, BK I 525, Hv. 152 ^ The N medial
cns. is either '-r- or '-ry- (on the ev. of D '-r`-). If the N etymon was 'HorV, the T word must be a
loan from M, because the inherited T '-r- is not cognate with D '-r`-. If the Ar word be;pngs here, the
N rec. is 'XoyrV ^ Blz. DA 163 [#1O7] (incl. a suggestion to equate A with D).
817b. ' X?VrV ('?a?urV?) 'long, big' > IE 'u'ao r- or '?'ao r- 'long'. (?) 'far' > OI a'rc loc. 'in
die Ferne', a'rat abl. 'from a distant place' || Tc A {Wn.} aryu 'long' (of time) AnIE: Lv {Mlc.}
array(a)-, {Lar.} ara-, a(r)rai-, ari-, HrLv {Mer.} ara- 'long' Wn. 15O-1 (with unc. IE etymology of Tc
aryu), Mlc. CL 26, Lar. 3O, Mer. HHG 3O, Ivn. SANA 153 (Lv aryu-), WP I 79 (IE 'aro- 'die Freie, Weite,
Raum'), M K I 78 ll D: SD 'ar`- 'great' > Tm aruvam 'greatness, abundance', Kn alumba 'excess,
greatness' D #287 ll ? HS: S '?rI 'be long' > BHb, Ph, Ug, Aram, Ar ?rI, Ak araIu id., BA Kir%a9
?"riI, Sr ?ariI, Md ariIa 'long', Ar ?rI 'substitit', 'sarrter longtemps (quelque part)', Sb ?rI '(?)
duration of time' HJ 1O8, KB 85-6, 1674, OLS 49, Br. 49, Ln. 50-1, BK I 26, CAD I/2 223-, Sd. 83-5,
BGMR 7, Bll. 27, DRS 33 ECh: Mgm {JA} ?arro adv. 'loin, lointain' JA 66 ll ? A 'urX > T 'ura-
'be(come) long' > OT uza- 'be(come) long, long drawn out' (usually of time, less often of space), XwT
XIV uza- 'be long drawn out', Chg XV uza- 'be(come) long', Tk uza- 'be(come) long, last long, be\go far
away', CrTt, Uz, Ln, Tv uza- 'be(come) long', Tkm uoa-, Yk uha- 'become elongated', ET uzay-, Qzq
n:a- uza-, Qq, Qmq uza- 'become longer, go away far', Kr G uza- 'be(come) long, last long', Alt uza-
id., 'move far away', Qrg uza- 'go away far'; -: [1] 'urati (gerund?) - 'urata > ET uzati 'for a long
time', Qrg uzata, Alt uzada, Xk uzada id., 'further', Tv uzadi 'prolonging' (gerund), Tf uzad_i 'in a
drawling manner (npor) no)'; [2] 'uraI 'long' > OT uzaq 'long drawn out, long lasting', 'far away,
distant', MOsm XV uzaq 'long' (of time)', Chg XV uzaq 'far away, distant', Qrg uzaq, VTt o:ai +zaq, Bsh
+oaq 'long' (of time), 'for a long time', Tkm uoaq, ET uzaq, Qzq uzaq id., 'lasting; distant, remote', Tk
uzaI 'remote', Xlj {DT} uzaq, Chv naApax v+rax 'long' (of time); [3] T 'uruj:,n 'long' (of time and
space) > OT, XwT XIV, Chg XV uzun, MQp XIII {Cl.} uzun, Tk uzun, Tkm uoun, Az, Ggz, CrTt, Kr, Qmq,
QrB, Uz, ET, Qrg, Alt, Ln, Xk, Tv, Tf uzun, Qzq n:in uzin, Nog, Qq uzin, VTt o:in +zin, Bsh
o&on +o+n, Yk uhun, Chv naApaAx v+r+m id. Cl. 281-3, 288-9, ET Gl 57O-2, Sht. 279, Naj. 123-6,
Jud. 798-9, TkR 657, BR 411, Ra. 238, DT 3O7, Md. 59, Rs. W 518 (unc. : T 'ur < 'ur-) M 'ur-tu
'long' > MM [L, MA, IM] urtu 'long', [S] {H} urtu 'long, distant', WrM urtu, HlM ypr, Brt yra, ypra 'long'
(in time and space), 'length', Ord {Ms.} urt`u 'long, length', Dg {Pp.} or`t - or`t`o 'long' {MYC} ortu,
Mnr E {MYC} rds 'long'; M 'uri-da 'before' (with locative '-da?), 'uridu 'former' > MM [S] {H}, [HI] {Ms.}
uridu 'der frhere, antrieur', [MA] {Pp.} urida 'before (vor, avant)', IM {Pp.} urida 'npc(c', 'ncpc(nnn'
(mistake for 'npcnnn, former'?), WrM uridu, HlM yp( 'former, past, old', Br ypn(, Kl {KRS} yp( urdo
'before' (adv., postp.), Kl {Rm.} ur
da 'vor, vorn; frher', MMgl, Mgl urtu, Dg {MYC} ordon, Mnr E
{MYC} urda 'before, former'; but hardly here ( S, DQA) Mnr H {T} fudur, Mnr Nr {SM} fud_ur, Dx {T}
fudu, Ba {T} fdu 'long' [see N 'PUdV(-RV) 'long, broad'] S AJ 23 [#53], H 166, Pp. L I 1255, Pp. MA
366, 449, MED 883-5, KRS 536, KW 45O, Chr. 475-9, Iw. 141, Rm. M 41, MYC 68O-1, SM 1O1, T 37O,
T DJ 138, T BJ 149 pKo {S} 'ora 'late, long ago' > MKo ora, NKo ora S AJ 256 [#146], S QK
#146 S AJ 23 [#53] S AJ 34 (unc. adduction of Mnr qudur), 283 (A 'urA), DQA #2545 [A 'i_uro
'long, late'; unc. adduction of Mnr qudur and Tg 'jx,iur- (actually 'xuir-) 'be ripe, cooked'] ^ The S
cognate is not certain because of the cns. 'I (from a sx., cp. T 'uraI 'long'?). If the S cognate is valid,
the initial N cns. was '?-. The A cognate is dubious because of the deviant vw. 'u. A possible solution
is to suppose a N '?a?urV with a syncope (loss of the internal '-u-) in IE and D and the loss of 'a in A
^ Blz. LB #1O4c (IE, D, S).
818. 'HajvV,sV (= 'avisV?) 'male, male person' > HS: NrOm: Zl {CR} aso, {C} asa, Shn {Lm.}
assa 'person, man', Bdt {Fl.} acc, Hrr {Fl.} aci, Cha {C} asa, acca, Gmr {Fl.} ac, {Bul.} an, Bnc
{Wdk.} a`c, Ym {Wdk.} asu 'person, man (vir), Kf {Fl.} as(s)o, {C} aso 'person', Mch {L} ?aso 'man',
Amuru {Fl.} aso, Anf {MYTY} aso, Doka {CR} ass, Wl {C} asa, Drz/Malo {Fl.} asa, Oyda {Fl.} asi " ass,
Male {Fl.} asi, Bsk {Fl.} ass, BMa {Fl.} csc 'person' The forms with c, c may be due to the addition of
a snglt. sx. C SE III 68 & IV 4O6, Wdk. BY 97, 117, 164, Fl. OWL s.v. 'person', Lm. Sh 272, MYTY 116
?? C: Ag: Xm {R} as-av / as-o adj. 'male' (aso vi'dil 'ein mnnliches Junges', aso du'_ara 'male
ass') [ (?) N '?inAsci 'person, man' [q.v.], cp. Bln {R} no's-au__ adj. 'male'] R Ch II 28 CCh: Msg
{Mch.} avus 'man, male', Mbara {TrnSL} vus 'husband, male' TrnSL M 281, ChC The Ch cognate
has been suggested by Blz. ? S 'ayss- > Ar ays- 'sperm of a male' BK II Blz. OL #51 (HS
'avju,s- 'male, strength'), C SE III 68 (Om, C) ll U: FP 'aosV 'male animal' > Chr: L oo 'ozo, U/B ozo,
H oi'oz+ 'stallion', L {} ozo sosna 'boar' (lit. 'male swine') || Prm 'uz > Z, Vt uz 'stallion' UEW
6O7-8, Sm. 552 (FP 'osn 'stallion'), MRS 371, 14O, LG 296 ll A: Tg 'as- + sxs.: 'as-i 'woman' ['as-
*'male' + '-i, probably a fossilized marker of female sex < N '?'ayV 'mother' ( 'female', marker of
fem.), q.v.]: Ewk asi, Sln asc - asi, Lm, Ork ast, Neg ast, ? Orc asa id., Ul ast- (with a pps.) 'wife', Nn
ast 'female (animal), ast- (with a pps.) 'wife' 'as- + other sxs.: 'asatIan 'girl' > Ewk asatIan, Lm
asatqan, Neg. asatIan id., 'asanta > Orc asanta 'woman', Ul a"anta 'girl, maiden', etc. STM I 55 ^ If Ar
ays- belongs here, the N rec. must be 'avisV, otherwise it is 'HajvV,sV.
819. 'H'ctV 'make' (> causativizing morpheme) > A 'ct`V > T 'ct-, {Md.} 'ct- ('ct-) v. 'make' >
OT ct-, {Cl.} ct- v. 'make, create, perform, organize' (acc. to Cl., v. 'organize, put in order' is the
primary meaning; but this impression may have resulted from the specific genre limitations of the
existing OT texts), Tk ct-, Az, Tkm, CrTt, Qmq, Qzq, Qq, ET, Ln, Alt, Tv ct-, SY yct- - it-, VTt, Bsh it-,
Chv at- v. 'make, perform', Chv MK ct- v. 'make' VTt/Bsh i- and Chv MK c- suggest pT 'c-, while
Chv a- points to a T 'a- Cl. 36-7, DTS 186, ET Gl 312-3, TkR 795-6, Md. 91, 164 ll ?? HS (with de-
emphatization) ''?t > Ch {JS} 'ta?- v. 'make' > WCh: DfB/Bks {J} ta? 'build' || CCh: Bcm {Sk.} da, Bt
{Mch.} ta 'make' | Msy {Mch.} da, Db {Lnh.} dtya, Kola {Sb.} ...di... id. || ECh: Kwn {J} dc id. d <
'?t JS (Ch. 'ta? 'build'), ChC, ChL, J R ? S '?ty > Ar ?ty (pf. ta ?ata) 'undertake (a thing), make
(it)' Fr. I 11, Hv. 2 lll The N word was grammaticalized in U, A and D to a causativizing sx. of verbs:
U {Lh.} causativizing verbal sx. '-tt- > F -tta-/-tta-: istuttaa 'setzen, pflanzen' ( istua v. 'sit, sit down'),
clattaa 'ernhren, unterhalten' ( claa v. 'live'), Lp N -t-/-d-: goastatit v. 'send' ( goas'tat v.
'reach'), dus'sadit v. 'destroy' ( dus'sat v. 'deteriorate, be destroyed'), ? Lp S {Hs.} -dh- (caus., e.g.
baaIIcdidh vt. 'warm' ( baaIIc 'warmth', baaIIcs adj. 'warm'), Er/Mk -t(V)- id.: Er Ias-t-oms vt. 'rear,
grow' ( Ias-oms vi. 'grow'), sim-d-cms v. 'give to drink' ( sim-cms v. 'drink'), Mk y(cxc 'cz-d-oms v.
'heat, warm' ( ycxc 'cz-oms v. 'warm oneself'), Chr voltcm v. 'make descend' ( volcm v.
'descend'), Z -t-: Irt-nI v. 'carry in, bring in' ( Ir-nI v. 'go in, come in'), Os Shr {Gu.} qavor-t- v.
'cook' ( qavor- v. 'be cooked'), ayom-t- v. 'glue (sth.)' ( aycm 'glue'), Hg Iolt- v. 'rouse, wake up' (
Icl- v. 'get up, rise') Sm: Slq Tz {KHG} cu-tI-qo v. 'melt sth.' ( cu-qo vi. 'melt'), qal-tI-qo v. 'leave,
verlassen' ( qalI-qo v. 'remain'), Ng {Ter.} Io-tu-|a v. 'kill' ( Iou-|a v. 'die'), qotum-tI-sI v. 'show'
( qotum-sI v. 'become visible'), nalom-tI-sI v. 'make glad\happy' ( nalom-sI v. 'be glad\happy'), StNe
T xan( a) -(a-c v. 'fell' ( xana-c v. 'fall') Lh. PUAS 322-5, Srb. IMMJ 23O-1, Laan. 281-2, It. LC
1O2, 115, Hs. 178, Gu. MOUJ 33O, KHG 211, Ter. NgJ 222-4, Ter. OGNJ 172-4 ll A: T '-t-,
causativizing and transitivizing sx.: OT -t-: {Cl.} oqi-t- 'make so. recite\read' ( {Cl.} oqi:- v.
'recite\read'), arta-t- vt. 'damage\spoil' ( {Cl.} arta- v. 'putrefy, ferment, go bad'), Tk -t-: soylct- v.
'make so. speak, let speak' ( soylc- v. 'speak'), Chv rnncAr tib_-it v. 'dry sth.' ( rnn ti- v. 'get dry')
SIGTJM 285-7, Cl. 79, 81, 2O8, Ash. MI 269-7O ll D '-tt-, causativizing sx.: OTm sclutt- v. 'make so.
enter' ( scl- v. 'enter'), Kt Iar`-t- v. 'make so. cross a river' ( Iar`v- v. 'cross a river'), vcrt- v. 'cause
to be afraid' ( vcrn`- v. 'be afraid'), Td nar`-t- v. 'make so. walk' ( nar`- v. 'walk'), Kdg Iada-t- v.
'take across' ( Iada- v. 'cross'), Png rc-t- v. 'let fall' ( rc- v. 'fall'), Png, Ku u-t- v. 'give to drink' (
un- v. 'drink'), Krx on-d- v. 'cause to drink' ( on- v. 'drink'), Mlt on-dc v. 'cause to drink' ( onc v.
'drink'), un-dc v. 'make so. put on' ( unc v. 'put on') Bloch S 48-5O, SKD 6O-1, Sbr. DVM 1-5O,
77-84 ^ If the S cognate is valid, the initial N 'H- = '?-. Bang and some other Turkologists supposed
that the T caus. verbal form with '-t- goes back to an analytic construction with the verb 'ct- Bang
SVG I 925, Rs. MTS 155, cp. Shch. OSMG 119, Br. OTG 2O7-8; IS I XIII (caus.-rf. 'tn) tried to find a
common origin between the causative sxs. in A, U and D and the markers of reflexivization \
passivization 't-, '-t- in HS and BF (which is doubtful both for semantic reasons and because of a
structural difference: in U, A and D these are postverbal sxs. which may go back to a N aux. verb,
while in HS the affix 't- is preverbal, which is harder to explain as an aux. verb in view of the
syntactic structure of N).
82O. 'uutV ( = 'utV?) 'hand' ('palm of hand with fingers'?) > HS: S ''utjv, > Ak ut- 'span,
half ell', ? Ar tv G (ip. -tu) 'take\receive with the hand' ('manu accepit') Sd. 1447, Fr. III 179-
8O ll U 'utta (or '-tss-, '-Iss-, '-ssI-) > Sm {Jn.} 'uta, {Hl.} 'uta 'hand' > Ne: T y(a, {Lh.} quoa, F
{Lh.} quttao; Ng {Mik., Hl.} |utu, {Cs.} |utu; En: X {Cs.} ura, B {Cs.} uda; Slq: Tz {KKIH} utI 'hand',
B/Y/Kar {Cs.} ut, O {Cs.} ud, Ke/NP {Cs.} uttc, Chl {Cs.} uto, UO {Cs.} udc; Kms {KD} uda, Koyb {Sp.} o(a
'hand'; Mt {Hl.} 'uda id. (Mt: M {Sp.} y(ax 'my hand\arm', K {Mll.} uda 'arm', {Pl.} y(a(a 'his
hand\arm', T {Pl.} udada, udada id., {Mll.} ududa 'his arm', A {Msr.} udam 'my hand') Jn. 3O, Cs. 55,
79, 232, Hl. US 115, Hl. M #11O9 ll ? A: T {ADb.} adyu-t (with a dim. sx. [?] '- > OT U aout 'a
handful', 'palm of the hand' (< '... + 'HutV?) (- aoutla- v. 'take a handful', MU aout 'handful', as well
as possibly with '-v-: OT [MhK] avut, Chg avuc, MQp [CC] ouc, Tk avuc, Tkm avuc, Nof uvis, Qmq
uvuc, Blq uuc, Xk os, SY os id. Cl. 44-5, ADb. SR 179-82 ?? pJ {S} 'untai_ 'arm' > OJ udc, J:
T/Kg udc, K udc S QJ #1081, Mr. 560 Gr. II #193 ('utc 'hand') [Sm, J + err. A].
821. 'Haya 'pursue' > ?? HS: Ch ''?y v. 'hunt' > NrBc: P {MSk.} ndsr ?iya, Sir {Sk.} ?iya v. 'hunt'
ChL, Sk. NB ll IE 'Hai_- (= 'Lci_-)/'Hi- > OI i'no-ti, 'inva-ti 'advances upon, presses upon, drives', Av
inaolti 'vergewaltigen, krnken' || ? Gk oivo) 'terrible' P 1O, M K I 27, 128, F I 41, Ch. 35 ll U:
FU 'aya- v. 'drive, pursue' > F a|a- v. 'drive, chase, pursue, hunt; ride', Es a|a- v. 'drive, pursue', pLp
{Lr.} 'vo|c > Lp N {N} vuogg|c-/-|- v. 'drive (a horse, reindeer), drive on\over', Lp L {LLO}
vuod|c- 'fahren (mit Rentier oder Pferd)', Lp Kld vu||c-, Lp Nt vu_a||c- 'fahren, lenken' | pPrm '{LG}
uy- v. 'pursue, run, rush' { LG: v. 'run, rush'} > Vt C uyI- v. 'pursue', Vt N [URS] uyI- v. 'overtake
((oinar)', Z non- voy- 'run downhill without restraint' (of a horse with a rider), Z
Vm/I/Le voy-lI- '6ciar, nocnrc) ' || pObU ''jv,uyt- > pVg 'jv,uyt > Vg: MK {Kn.} voyt- 'verfolgen', UK
{Mu.} vuyt- id., 'jagen' Coll. 129, UEW 4-5, Sm. 542 (FU 'a|a- 'drive' > FP 'a|a-, Ugr 'a|a-), LG 61,
Lr. #1423, Lgc. #8751, MK 744, Mu. AKE 622 IS (I 243) is right in rejecting the alleged Aryan (IIr)
origin of FU 'aya- (presumably from the stem, represented by OI a|- and Av az- v. 'drive'), because the
Aryan stem was 'az- 'a-, hence the expected FU stem should have been asV- or the like rather
than 'aya-ll A: M 'aya-n 'hunt' > MM [S] aya(n) 'hunt, military expedition, campaign' ('Jagd, Kriegszug,
Jagdzug'), WrM ayan, HlM a n 'travel, journey, expedition', Brt ayan 'long journey', Kl a n 'military
expedition', {Rm.} ayq-ayn 'Reise, Weg, Richtung' H 1O, MED 23, Chr. 4O, KRS 6O, KW 4 ? pJ
{S} 'ayum- 'walk' ({AD} 'step, walk') > OJ ayum- {Mr.} 'step, walk', J: T ayum-, K ayum-, Kg ayum-
id. S QJ #153, Mr. 679, Kenk. 7O Tg 'ay-: [1] Nn {On.} ai- v. 'step (on sand\snow, entering deep
in it)' [2] ? Tg 'ayja,- 'run quickly' > WrMc aya- 'run fast' (of a horse), 'take wing, fly', Ewk
aytq 'swift-footed', 'fast' (of running, walking), Ork ayamat(n-) '6cionon (fast-running?)' (a reindeer,
horse, dog)', ayamtnt adv. 'fast' STM I 2O-1, Vas. 44, On. 3O, Z 1O, Hr. 62-3 DQA #62 [A 'aya
'go, walk'; err. comparison with IE 'ci_- 'go' (< N '?cy'o 'come', q.v.)] ^ Cf. IS I 243: IE, U, A (N {IS}
'Haya 'pursue, chase').
822. ? 'uoyV (= 'hoyV?) 'by me, my' > K ''hv-, agentive px. of 1s in verbs > OG v- / -v- (after the
px. _- of 3s objecti), OG X _v-, OG H hv- (in the "absolute passive" forms: OG X _v-i-mal-v-i 'I hide
nyself', _v-i-qav 'I was'), G v-, G In h-u- ( G v-i-), Mg, Lz v- (before vowels), b-/-/- (before cnss.), Sv
_v- The initial lr. is probably identical with what Mach. (Mach. K 71-3) reconstrted as 'h- Dt.
25-7, Fn. GAS 79, Marr 44-5 ll HS: [1] ''?uyV > Eg vy 'I' (enclitic prn.) ( N 'vVyV 'we'??) [2] S
'ya- 'me' (stem of the prn. in oblique cases): Ak ya-ti 'me', ana ya-sim 'to me' C: Ag: Xm {Ap.} yI-t
'me', Bln { R} yi-t 'me, to me' || Bj {RHd.} -c- (-h-c-b 'me', sx. of verbs) || EC: Sml N i 'me', i 'to me', Rn
i- (verbal px.) 'me, to me', Elm {Hw.} yc-sc, yo-lo 'I', Dsn {Hw.} yc absl., yu nom. 'I', {To.} yu absl., ya
(subject), yc 'me', Arr yc 'I', Sd -c 'me', as well as probably Hd. i- 'my' [3] '?Vya 'my' > C: HEC
'-?jV,ya 'my' > Sd {Hd.} -?ya, Kmb -c, -i-ha m. / -i-ta f.; LEC '-ya 'my' > Sml -I-ay(-gu) / -t-ay(-du), Rn {PG}
-Iaya / -taya, Or -I-i(y)ya / -t-i(y)a (in Sm, Rn and Or -I- and -t- are gender markers of the noun, Sml -gu
and -du are gender-dependent determiners [ 'the']) || SC: Irq {Mous} -c?, Alg -i, Brn -ayi 'my' || Ag:
Aw {Hz.} yi- my' B '-y / '-i 'my' > Kb, Shl, Tw, Si, Tmz, Wrg -i, etc. (ffd. see Pr. M I-III 164 and AiM
215-7) S '-ya 'my' (> '-i after stem-final cns.) > Ak -ya / -i, Hb, Aram -i, Ug -y, Ar -ya / -i, Gz -ya Lip.
3O6-7 Eg -y 'my' Lpr. 63-4 Ch: Mrg -ayu, Msg -a, -ya, Hs -a 'my' Ap. Kh I 259, 263, Hd. HEC
258-9, Ow. 1O5, Sr. 121-3, Ss. D 2O7, RHd. B 112, AD EPCChL, AD KJ 29-31, Abr. S 125, PG 4O-1,
Hw. A 14, 215, To. DL 21O, Mous 92 [4] '?V-, marker of 1s subiecti: S {Hz.} '?a- in active G-verbs >
Ak a-, WS (in prefix-conjugated tenses): Hb ?c- (before cns. clusters) / ?a- (before single cnss.), Ug
?a-, BA ?c-, JEA ?i- (before cns. clusters), Sr W ?c-, Ar ?a-, Gz ?o-, Mh, Hrs, Jb, Sq ?s-; in the ps. verbal
forms and in derived stems the marker of 1s is '?- + the vw. that is dependent on the prehistory of
the S ps. voice and derived stems (mostly '-u-) Hz. VP C '?V-, 1s marker of prefix-conjugated
verbs > Bj '?a-, Ag: Aw a-, EC: Sa, Af ?u/i- (p.), ?-a- (prs.), Sml, Rn - (Sml N iqin 'I know' t-iqin 'thou
knowst' & y-iqin 'knows', idi 'I say' 2s t-idi, 3m y-idi, Rn amit 'I am coming' y-amit '(he) is
coming', t-amit 'thou art coming') Dk. SHL 8O-1, Lip. 37O-1, Rsnt. GBA 44, Jo. MSA 15, AD KJ 5O,
118, AD IPCV, PG 43 ll IE: [1] pIE stative marker of 1s '-xc > Ht -hi, NaIE '-Ha, e.g. 'void-Ha 'I know'
[ 'seen by me'] > OI vcda, Gk oioo, Gt vait [2] pIE marker ({Bks.} '-h) of 1s in md. (with a more
complicated and obscure development, yielding Ht pres. -ha(ha)ri, p. -ha(ha)ti, L prs. o-r, etc.) [3]
NaIE 'o (< '-o-H), 1s marker in the prs. tense of the thematic verbs ('-o- being the thematic vw. of
the stem) > OI -a-(mi), Lt -u, Gk -e, L -o, OIr -u (biru 'I carry'), Gt -a Kur. Ap 41-8, Kur. IC 61-2,
Watk. GIV 1O5-6, Bks. 238-42, Bks. OH 72-6, EI 467 (1s '-hci_, thematic 1s '-o-h) ll D 'y'a > Brh i
'I', NaD 'yan_ / (stem of the obl. cases) 'yan_- 'I' > OTm yan / cn, Ml nan- / cn-, OKn an / cn-, Tu
yan+ - ycn+ / cn-, Tl cnu, Klm, Prj an / an-, Krx, Mlt cn / cqg-. The NaD element '-n_- (< N 'nu, marker
of gen. marker of obl. cases) is due to the levelling within the case paradigm of the prn. Zv. 35-
6, 128, Zv. CDM 4O-4, An. DL 68-74, D #516O ll E: MEl, LEl u 'I' < {Dk.} 'hu id.; MEl -h (> AchEl -),
verbal subject sx. of 1s (MEl hutta-h > AchEl utta 'I do'); Dk.s hyp. is based on comparison of u 'I'
with this postverbal -h 'I' (h > regularly in the history of Elamite) Dk. JDPA 1O8, Rnr. EL 76, 89-
9O, Paper RAE 93-7 ^ The pK (> OG, G, Sv) syntax (at least in the past tenses) was ergative, the
agens of the transitive verb being expressed by a noun in the agentive (ergative) case. This fact
suggests that the agentive px. of 1s '(h)v- goes back to a N prn. meaning 'by me'. The existence of
etymologically identical 1s px. ('?V-) in HS suggests that in the prehistory of HS there was an
ergative period, with the ergative construction being predominant in the language, hence the
prevailing verb structure with '?V- as the marker of 1s subiecti. But it is likely to have coexisted
with a HS nominative construction, as far as one can judge from its scarce traces: [1] the verb
yom-mi 'I am' / yon-ti 'thou art' in Kmb, the form of the dependent verb in Hd: 1s 'yo-m-o, 2s 'yon-t-o,
ending '-mV / '-tV of certain tenses in HEC (going back to the analytic construction of a verbal noun
+ the aux. verbum substantivum 'yon-mi / 'yon-ti, AD PLOG 1O3-1O), suggesting that verbs with
'-mi as the subject ending of 1s (similar to and etymologically identical with verbs in IE and U) still
existed in e-pHS, [2] the accus. ending '-mV that survived in SOm, unlike in all other HS lgs., where
its absence may be explained by the predominantly ergative syntax, where patiens (later acc.) is the
unmarked actant of the sentence ("actant" in I. Mel'c uks terminology). The preverbal position of
the agentive subject markers in K (''hv-) and in HS ('?V-) corresponds to the syntactic rules of pN:
agentive pronouns do not occupy the post-predicative (sentence-final) position (as the subject
pronouns 'mi and 't'u/'s'u do), but are placed before the predicate (as all object words do). In
apparent contradiction to this rule, the pIE stative marker of 1s '-xc and the other abovementioned
endings of 1s follow the verbal stem rather than precede it. The contradiction can be explained
away by supposing that these IE verbal forms go back to a pre-IE analytic construction of a verbal
nominal + a prefix-conjugated aux. verbs (as in C) ^ For ffd. see AD PP 67-74, 82-7, 93-1O3, 112
Gr. I 67 (connects IE '-H of 1s with "EurA" K 'I' > Hg. -I 1s, etc.).
823. ?? 'hUjv,cV (or 'hUvVcV) 'loins, lap' > ? HS: WS ''hucan- id. > Hb Nc37h 'hoccn 'fold of
garment, bosom', Amr {G} hsn v. (?) 'embrace', Ar {Fr.} 50Hi hion- 'pars corporis sub axillis usque
ad hypochondrium aut pectore et brachiis et id quod inter brachia est', Gz !*N hosn (pl. hosan)
'bosom, womb, lap, embrace', Tgr !CN hssn 'lap'; Aram (dis 'h > 'h? > h): JA [Trg.] an`1ih4
hcnna 'gremium, sinus', {Js.} 'lap, bosom', Sr 'noa hanna 'lap, privy parts', Md hana 'lap, loins,
embrace, privy parts'; hardly here Ak _isnu 'protection' ( KB and other authors) and _usannu
'sash' ( MiK) because of the initial _-: these are rather derivates from the verb _sn 'to shelter,
receive in a friendly way' d-emp.: ?? S 'has- > Ar hasa-n, hasvat-, hisvat- 'viscre (toute partie
intrieure du corps', ?? Ak _asu {CAD} 'human lungs, belly, entrails' KB 33O, KBR 344, GB 252, G
A 2O, Js. 481, Lv. T I 269, Br. 242, PS 1317-8, BK I 435-6, DM 124, Fr. I 394, L G 226, LH 1O2, CAD
VI 129-3O, 143, 2O3, Sd. 335, MiK I ##1.128-9 ll ? K 'oac`- > Mg ocisi 'back (of the body)', ociso
'waist of a garment'; Mg -is- (< K '-is`-) is a sx. of gen., -i is the nom. ending, so that oc-is-i means
literally dors-ali-s Q 295 ll A: T 'ua 'loins' or the like [ N 'yUcV 'bone', (?) 'backbone' N
'oqEV-'oVqV 'thigh, haunch', q.v.] > OT uca {Cl.} 'loins, haunches, rump', MQp XIV ua, [CC]
uca 'back', OOsm XV ua 'buttocks', Chg '*v", *v" uca 'back (dos)', Tkm ua 'rump; dock (part of
animals body adjacent to the base of the tail); sacrum', Osm {Rh.} ua 'a stump, the bottom part of
a thing', Tk uca [ua] 'coccyx', VTt oua +sa, Bsh oca +sa 'pelvis, buttocks', StAlt yua uca 'back (dos),
haunch, loins', Alt/Tlt {Rl.} uca uca, Shor/Sg {Rl.} uca 'Hinterteil, Kreuz, Rcken (bei Tieren und
Menschen)', Qrg, QK {Rl.} uca, ua 'rump', QK {Rl.} Ia, Tb uca, Qmn {Rl.} Ia 'back (dos)', ET
uca 'rump, back (dos)', Ln uca 'rump, back (dos)', StAlt uca 'thigh, rump, meat of the hind part of
the animal, back', Sg uca 'rump, back, hind part od the animal', SY ua-uca, Nog usa, VTt +sa, Bsh
+sa 'loins', Tv uza 'fatty tail (of a sheep), rump', Yk uha 'hind part od the animal', Chv {ChVS}
ica maAxxn Iz_a s+mmi 'sacrum, rump', {Ash.} 'thigh-bone', {ET} ica Iz_a 'rump' Cl. 2O, ET Gl 566-7,
Rh. 239, Bu. I 116, TkR

656, Rl. I 1384, 1721-3, 1734, BT 169, B DChT 162, Ash. V 337, TvR 435, Rs.
W 5O9, Pek. 3O75, ChVS 288. Tkm u provides ev. for a long pT 'u, while Yk u points to a pT short
vw. (unless this is a shortening in uncertain conditions [before an open second syll.?] mentioned by
Poppe - Pp. J 55) T 1 M: MM [LV, MA, IsV], MMgl [Z] as uca, WrM as uguca 'croup, sacrum,
loins', HlM uc id., Brt usa 'croup, sacrum', Kl uc
'sacrum, back (dos), hind quaters', Ord uc`a ''hind
quaters of animals', Mgl uca 'back (dos)' (on the borrowing see N 'yUcV) Tg 'ua 'hind part of
the body' > Orc uc(c)a 'hind part, stern of a boat', WrMc uca 'hind part, sternum, sacral bone', {Hr.}
'weichgekochter Rinder-, Schaf- oder Hirschschwanz' STM II 29O, Z 165, Hr. 942 DQA #272O (A
'uc`V 'behind, rump, fish fin') [see N 'yUcV ''] ll D 'Ut- 'groin, lap, waist' or the like > Ml oti,
otuIu 'groin', uta id., 'testicle of oxen', Kt or` 'waist', Kn udi, uda, udu, udc 'hip, waist', udi,
udalu 'pouch made in front by folding or doubling a part of the lower garment', Tl odi 'lap (part of
body or of the clothing', Nk oddi 'lap' D #947.
824. 'hlu (or 'hlvV) ' a tree (poplar or sim.)' > HS: S 'hlv > Ar ?al-hulava(y) ' a small tree'
Fr. I 421 ll K: G alva, alvis-_c 'poplar' ll IE 'Hclis- 'alder' > L alnus ('als-no-s) || Gmc 'aluz, 'aliso > OHG
clira - crila > NHG Ellcr, Erlc, Dt cls, ON olr, AS alor > NE aldcr'; Gt 'alisa 1 Sp aliso id.; Gmc lgs. 1 Bsq
(s)altza, It Cl au_inu id. || Lt alIsnis id., Ltv alIsnis, Pru 'al(i)sIandc (attested as absIandc) | Sl 'clixa
(- 'olixa) 'alder' > SrChS aaio |clixa, Blg cn) xa, SCr |oha, Slk |clcha, P olcha, R on'xa; - 'clisa (i.e.
'clix-ya) id. > Slv |clsa, Cz olsc, Slk |clsa, P olsza || Mcd [Hs.] oio 'white poplar' P 3O2-3, WH I 31,
Vr. 686, Ho. 3, EWA II 1O49-53, OsS 132, Gml. 27, ML #345a, Frn. 8, En. 136, Tp. P A-D 53-4, Vs. III
137-8, EI 11 (''h_cliso- - ''h_clisch_- 'alder'), 599-6OO.
825. 'halilV 'flower, a plant with flowers' > IE 'Llci_l- > NaIE 'lci_l- - dis 'lci_r- 'flower' > Gk
ciiov 'lily' || L lilium id. (1 Al lil id., NHG Lilic id. 1 Es lill 'flower', etc.) || Lt {Mn. ?) liclis 'spearwort,
ranunculus lingua', liclius 'water crowfoot' | Cz lilcI 'nightshad, Solanum nigrum' (may be connected
with 'lily' due to the colour if its flowers) [{Ma.}: a loan from L through Gmc] Ht {Pv.} alcl- 'flower,
bloom' Pv. I-II 32-3, Mn. 673, WH I 8O1 (believes that L lilium and Gk ciiov are loans from an
East Mediterannean lge., like Eg hrr.t 'flower', B alili 'Oleander', but Vc. 31O rejects the Eg origin of
the L and Gk word), F II 1OO-1, Hub. MS 37-9 (ascribes the word for 'lily' to the "Mediterranean
substrat"), Masson ESG 58-9 (Gk ciiov A S), O 228, Ma. CS 27O, Vc. 31O ll HS: Eg fXVIII hrr.t
'flower, bloom', DEg hrry 'flower', Cpt: Sd pupc hrirc, B pupt hriri id. (dis 'hll > 'hlr > as hrr?) EG 149,
Fk. 176, Er. 326, Vc. 31O B '-lij:,lij:, 'oleander, rose-laurel' > BMn/Grr/Wrs {Bs.}, Sll {Ds.}, Tmz
{MT}, Izd {Mrc.} a-lili, BSn {Ds.} a-lili, Izn {Ds.} a-lii_li, {Rn.} a-lili, Mtm {Ds.} a-lili, SrSn {Rn.} i-lili, Rf
{Rn.} a-riri id., Kb i-lili, Gh {Nh.} i-lcl, Ah {Fc.} c-lol id. (coll.) Ds. 167, Ds. B 174, MT 366, Dl. 441, Fc.
1O71, Rn. 337, Mrc. 153, Bs. ZOu 151, Nh. 172 EC: Or {Th., Brl.} ililli 'flower' Th. 213, Brl.
249 ll D 'alli 'a water plant and its flower (waterlily?)' > Tm alli 'waterlily (Nympha lotus), inner
flower petals', Ml alli 'pericarp of lotus', Tu alli, alligc 'waterlily, flower of Nympha speciosum', Tl alli
'Nympha alba (a water plant)' D #256 ^ Cp. also Bsq lili 'flower' ^ Qu., because some of the
connections may be due to borrowing ^ Blz. DA 16O [#81] (suggested to add D and EC to the IE-
Eg-B equation) .
826. ? 'hEmVdV 'to desire, covet' > HS: WS 'hmd id. > Ug, BHb, IA, JA hmd G id., Ph hmd G id.,
'try to secure a coveted object', IA hmd 'sth. valuable, precious object', JA [Trg.] {Lv.} at1D6m6h3
hcmdo'ta - at1d6im5h9 h"mido'ta 'Lust, Gelste', MHb eD1m6h3 hcm'da {Lv.} id., {Js.} 'sexual desire', JEA
{Js.} aD1m6h2 ham'da, {Lv.} aD1m6h3 hcm'da, {Sl.} admh (unk. voc.) id., OCn (AkSc) _amudu ['hamudu] id.
(pp., a gloss = Ak iau 'beautiful', BHb ha'mud 'darling'), Ar hmd G 'praise', Sb hmd id., 'thank',
Mh hmd (pf. hsmud) v. id., Mh haymod, Hrs shomod v. 'thank', Jb. C hmd (pf. hod) id. HJ 38O, KB
312-3, KBR 325-6. Siv. GAG 171, 223, A #936, OLS 177, Js. 475, Sl. 468, Lv. II 7O, Ln. 638-4O, BGMR
168, Bll. 178-9, Jo. M 18O, Jo. H 59, Jo. J 111 ll K: OG, G imcd-i n. 'hope', G imcd- v. 'hope', OG, G
imcdculi 'voller Hoffnung', {DCh.} 'o6na(ycnnin' Abul. 188, Srj. 96, Chx. 525-6, DCh. 58O.
827. ''hoNc`a '(front) end, extremity, edge, tip' > U: FU 'onca 'front end\part, forehead' > F otsa
'forehead', Krl occa id., 'front side', Es ots 'end, extremity, tip, forehead', Lv vuonca 'forehead' |
Chr: L onuiic, H an:iii 'anz+I+ 'forward', postp. 'in front of', L onuin, Uf on+l, H an:in 'anz+l n. 'front
side\part', adj. 'front' | Prm 'o ({ LG} 'o) 'front, front part' > OPrm u_o, Z no(: vo, Z US o, Yz
'u, Vt a: a || ? OHg agy 'skull, head, brain', Hg agy 'brain, marrow' UEW 339, It. #113, LG 591,
MRS 28, 383, EWU 12 ll A: T 'u 'tip, end' > OT uc, Tkm uc id., Tk uc id., 'summit, edge', CrTt, Kr,
Qrg, Uz, SY uc, Alt uc, Chv ncA vis 'tip, end', Az u, Qq, Tv us, ET uc id., 'tip', Ggz, Ln uc id.,
'edge', VTt ou +s, Bsh +s id., 'summit', Xk us 'sharp edge' Cl. 17-8, ET Gl 611-2, TL 578, TkR
665-6, Fed. I 119-2O ll HS: Eg G xss 'corner (Ecke)' EG III 4OO The cns. h [x] may be explained
by reg. sound changes: N 'ho > pre-Eg 'hu > 'hi_u > Eg [xu] SC: Irq {MQK} hayso, {Wh.} hayiso,
Grw {Wh.} hayso, Alg/Brn {Wh.} hayso, {E} hayisi, Kz {E} hayisova, Asa {E} hcsa 'tail' Wh. 25, E SC
379, Blz. SCL s.v. 'tail' ^ IS I 253-4 [#115] (U, T).
828. ''haoNdV 'shade, darkness' > IE 'ucnd"- > NaIE 'and"o- 'blind, dark' > OI an'dha-h, Av ando id.
|| Gl 1 L anda-bata 'a gladiator who fought with a "blind" helmet (that had no openings for the eyes)'
Dv. #32O, M K I 36, M E I 78-9, Billy 11, EI 70 ('h_cn,d"o-s 'blind') ll HS: C: Bj {R} 'andala 'shade' R
WBd 22 ?? S: Ar hnds 'be(come) very dark' (of a night), hindis- '(intense) darkness, very dark
night' BK I 5O2, Ln. 655-6 ^ NaIE 'a- suggests a lr. different from '?-. If Ar hnds belongs here, the
N lr. is likely to be 'h or (less plausibly because of Bj zero) '_. A comparison with Ht antara ({Pv.} =
andra) 'blue' and Sl 'modr+ 'blue' (proposed by Machek) is hardly possible, because the absence of
reflexes of 'o- in Sl rules out an IE stem 'umd"-ro-; but if this difficulty is explained away, the N
etymon will be ''haomdV ( Pv. I-II 77-8, Ma. HS 131-2, Ma. CS 3O4).
829. ? 'hUjN,V?V 'navel' > K: GZ 'ujm,ca, {K} 'o(m)c- 'navel' > G uc, Lz oma id., Mg oma
'upper log of a roof' K 186, K
146, IS I 248 ll HS: Eg P/BD/Md x: 'navel' EG III 365; Ebb.
MW 61-3 (Eg x: 'genitalia' rather than 'umbilica; cord' or 'navel') DW 62 (note 2), 682 (x: did
mean 'navel') CCh: MsgP {Trn.} hif-na 'navel' | Ms {J} hif-da, {Mch.} hifa, ZmB {J} ufu, {Sa.} ufu` id.
JI II 251, Trn. LM 256 Tk. I 4O (Eg, CCh) HS cd S 'hVNPV?V-tVbjb,ur-(at)- 'navel' (the second
component identical with CS 'tVbbur- 'navel' > MHb tab'bur, BA tib'bur) > EthS (A C??): Gz
honbort id., Tgr hsmbsr - hsnbsr, hsnbsrt, Tgy hsmbsrti, hanbvrti, Amh, Argb smbsrt - snbsrt id. L G 236
C 'hVntVVr- id. > Ag: Bln {R} ctcba - itiba; Xm {R} hcr'bir and Q {R} gumbra 'navel' may result from
(re)borrowing from EthS || Bj {R} tcfa 'navel' (< 'tV hcfa ['tV < article of f. gender]), Bj A {AD} 'tofta
(pl. 'tcfta) || EC 'haun'dubVr ({Bl., Ss.} 'haunduj:,r-) 'navel' > Af {PH} hundub, Sa {R} hondub | pSam
''handur ({Hn.} 'handur) > Sml hundur, Rn {PG} handur, {Hn.} han'dur, pBn {Hn.} 'ha'nur (> Bn:
Bi hanu":r, J/Kj/K hanur) | Arr {Hw.} hcNcur - hcNdur, Dsn onir, Elm unur, Or {Grg.} (h)andur-a, Gdl
hundur-t, Gwd hundur-tc, Hr hundur-cc, Ya hcndcro | Brj {Ss.} han'?ur-a, {Hd.} han'dura, Ged {Hd.} ha'nura
AD SF 236-7 (C 'xVntV(Vr)-), R Ch II 58, L G 236, Bl. 1O7, 114, 196, Ss. PEC 24, 3O, 39, Grg. 199,
Ss. B 91, PH 131, Hn. S 62, Hn. BD 119, 145, PG 136, Hd. 1O4, 196, 244, Hw. A 366, R WBd 222-3,
To. DL 5O7 B '-Hanbut- (< 'Hanbu?-t-?) 'navel' > CA tahanbut, Ah tobutut (pl. tibututin), ETwl
tobutut, Izn taabbutt (pl. tiabbudin), Izd tabutt, abud 'navel', ETwl obutu, Ty obutut 'gros nombtil en
saillie', Sll {Ds.} abud (pl. ibudon), Shl {NZ} abud, tabut 'navel, navel string' Fc. 1O8, Rn. 378, Ds.
199, Mrc. 176, PrGG 18, NZ 29, 136, Coh. #123 EG III 365, DW 62 (note 2), 682 Coh. #123, OS
#35O, err. #1O71 ll IE 'u"cmb"- ("base I") / 'u"ncb"- ("base II") [{EI} 'hnob"- 'navel'] > NaIE
'omb"-/'ncb"- > Gk ooo) 'umbilical cord' || OI 'nabhyam 'nave of a wheel', 'nabhi-h 'nave, navel,
central point', Pali nabhi 'navel', Av nafa- 'navel; family, relatives' (with -f- from an anomalous '-"-),
naba-nazdista- adj. 'closest (relatives)', MPrs naf, NPrs 'N nof 'navel' || L umbilicus id., umbo / -onis
'the boss\centre of a shield' || OIr imbliu 'navel' (< 'cmblion- < NaIE 'cmb"-, based probably on bf , i.e.
reinterpretation of 'omb"- as an 'o-grade of apophony) || OHG naba, NHG Nabc, AS nafa - nafu, NE navc,
ON nof 'nave'; ON nafli, OHG nabalo, NHG Nabcl, AS nafcla 'navel', NE navcl; ('omb"- >) OHG ambon
'belly' || Pru nabis 'navel, nave', Ltv naba 'navel' P 314-5, EI 391, M K II 135, M E II 13-4, Brtl. 1O4O,
1O62, Vl. II 128O, WH II 814, F II 2O1-2, Vr. 4O3, 414, KM 498, Kb. 71O, Schz. 218, Ho. 231, Kar. I
613, En. 213 The anomality in the Irn reflex with -f- (Av nafa-, MPrs naf, NPrs nof) may suggest
the presence of some reflex of N '? ll ?? A: NrTg: Ewk uy 'umbilical cord; aorta, vein', Lm O uy 'blood
vessel', ? Sln og 'heart' This is a valid cognate only if NrTg '-gy- may go back to a labial stop
(through the stage of hiatus: 'uV > 'uvV > 'uV > 'uyV?) ^ IS I 248-9, AD MRV, K 186 (K, IE). The
expected triple cluster ''N? (with elision of the stem-internal vw.) was simplified by losing the
nasal cns. (in G and Eg) or the lr. '? (in EthS and IE).
83O. '(hiNV)rimPV or '(himV)rimPV 'eyelid, eyelash' (cd ?) > HS: C: EC 'hinrib- id. > Sml hirrib, Sml N
hirrib 'corner of the eye', Sml C hirrib 'eyelid', Kns {Bl.} hirri-a (1 Gln hirri-c), Gdl hirri-itt
'eyelash', Yaku hcrcban 'eyebrow', Brj imbir-o 'eyelid', Or {Grg.} hirrib-a - irriba 'a sleep', Or B/O/W
{Sr.} (h)irriba 'a sleep, a nap' Bl. 165, Ss. B 1O5, Abr. S 121, DSI 635, ZMO 431, Grg. 21O, Sr. 326,
AD SF 156, Blz. DA #14 ? B 'nHr (mt ?) > Ah onor (pl. anaron), Gh anar, Tnsl {ABs.} inhor, anhar,
ETwl, Ty {GhA} anar (pl. anar+n) 'eyebrow' Fc. 1399, Pr. H #56O ('nHr), GhA 149 ll IE: Ht
{Pv.} cncra-, cnira-, inira-, innari-, inniri- 'eyebrow' Pv. I-II 271-2 ll D 'ir_a-(ai_) - 'ir_am- 'eyelid' > Tm
iraai_, raai_, rcai_, Kn rccr, rac, Tl rca, rca, Knd r_ca id., Knd r_cma, Ku rca 'eyelash',
Kdg rcc 'eyelid, hair of eyelashes', Tu rc 'eyelid, eyelash', ram 'eyelid', (with Iand- 'eye'): Klm
Iand-rca id., Nkr Iandlc rca 'eyelash', Gnd Iand rca 'eyebrow' D #5169 ll U (the second
element of the N cd ?) FL 'rimjV,sc > F risi, Es risc 'eyelash' | pLp 'rsmss 'eyelid' > Lp: Ar ramas, L
{LLO} ramas, N {N} ramas, Kld pcxac rsmas id. SSA III 81, SK 8O9, Lr. #1OO6, Lgc. #5477, SaR
292 ^ The first element of the compound ('hiNjV,-) may be discerned in SC: Irq {Wh.} hamhamo (pl.
hamhama) 'eyelash', {MQK} hamhamo 'eye-brow\-lid\-lash' (MQK 48). If this is true, the N rec. must
be '(himV)rimPV. The second element of the cd may be somehow connected with N 'ribV 'to cover'
(q.v.) ^ Blz. DA 154 [#15] #14 (D, C, FU [BF + err. Lp L rasa 'membrane, napkin']).
831. 'hojV,lE 'flow down' > HS 'hl v. 'flow, flow out (abundantly)' > S 'hl > Ar hfl G 'be
copious (milk, water); to pour torrents of rain (sky); to flow abundantly (tears)' BK I 46O-1 Eg P
x: v. 'flow abundantly', Eg fP x:.t 'Unwetter' EG III 362 ll K 'ol- 'sweat' > OG, G ol-, Mg u(u),
Lz u-, Sv vc-, vo- id., 'perspiration' K 151, K
146 ll A: NaT 'oul- v. 'be sucked in, swallowed'
> OT oul- id., (??) VTt y6in- ub+l- 'tumble in, collapse (n-/o6-nannrc) )' DTS 387-8, Cl. 1O, TatR
582; reinterpreted as the ps. of 'o- v. 'devour, suck in' (ET Gl 464-5) ll ? U 'vota (or
'vosa, 'vosa) > Sm {Jn.} 'vata- v. 'pour' ( N 'voV 'pour, strew', q.v. ffd.).
831a. ??? 'h'oRV ' bird of prey' > HS: S 'hur- > Ar hur- 'falcon, hawk' BK I 4O1 ??? Eg
XVIII h:y.v {Fk.} 'carrion-birds', {EG} Bezeichnung der Raubvogel; but Eg h:y.v may be alternatively
connected with C: Dhl {EEN} hclc ' hawk' and {???} pWRt {E} 'hulungay > Alg {E} hungulay 'kite' EG
III 16, Fk. 161, EEN 27, E SC 3O2 ll K 'orb 'eagle' > OG, G orb-, Mg obr-, Sv: HB/LB vcrb-, L vorb- id.
Goes back to N 'h'oRV bV (with the formative of animal names 'bV, q.v. ffd.) K 15O, TK 742 ll ???
IE: NaIE 'cr-/'or- 'eagle' ( IE 'xcr-/'xor- < N 'ycr?V 'eagle', q.v. ffd.) ^ BK 157-8 [#57] (HS, K + unc.
the HS reflex of N 'ycr?V '' and D 'or`- ' bird').
832. 'h'ur_VcV 'scratch, comb' > K: GZ 'varc_-vn- v. 'comb' ( N 'varcVj_qV, 'to rub, scrape',
q.v. ffd.) ll HS: S (CS?) 'hrs v. 'scratch oneself' > Ar hrs G 'scratch (gratter)', Ak A _rs G 'itch'
- xrs id. (?); 1 CS ''harjV,s- n. 'scab, itch' > BHb 'hcrcs, JA har's-a, Sr hcr's-a - hora's-a id. The
unexpected Ak _- and the variation -s- - -s- suggest that the Ak verb is a loan (from Aram?) KB
341, BK I 558, CAD VI 92, 96 ll D 'irr_Vc- v. 'scratch, comb' > Gnd irsana " ir`s- v. 'comb the hair', Krx
irc- 'scratch and turn over (as fowls do), poke, dig into', Mlt ircc 'scratch the ground (as fowls do)',
Brh iris 'a comb' D #493 ^ K 'c for the expected 'c` defies explanation (a special development in
a cns. cluster?).
833. 'h'UrcllV 'reed' > K: GZ 'lcl- 'cane, rush' [ N 'LillV 'reed, water-plant'] > OG lcl-i
'cane', G lcl-i 'cane, rush (Phragmites communis)'; cd {K} 'lcl-c`cm-, {K
} 'lcr-c`cm-, {FS} 'lcl-c`am-
'Arundo donax (cane, rush), reed' > OG lcrcam- 'reed (kooo)), G lcrcam-i - lclcam-i 'Phragmites
communis', Mg larcam-i - larccm-i 'reed' K 12O-1, K
1O8-9, FS K 199-2OO, FS E 218-9, Abul. 2O8,
Ser. 82, Chx. 677-8, Q 27O; 'lcl-c`cam- is a cd with the 'c`cm- ({FS} 'c`am-) 'grass' (see K 249, FS K
457-8, FS E 518-9) ll ? HS: S 'hUrVll- > Ak OB/YB urull- ' eine Rohrart', Ar hall-at- 'grand panier en
jonc ou en roseau', hill-at- 'natte oblongue' BK I 474, Sd. 1436 ll ? D 'Vr_cll- 'reed' > Kn rcllu 'a
reed used to write with, Saccharum sara', Tl rcllu, rcllu 'a reed, Saccharum spontaneum', Ku rclli tua
'bulrush' (D 'tua ' small bush' - see D #3322) D #5171 The initial vw. is supposed because
an initial 'r_- (as well as 'r-) is ruled out by D morphophonemics ^ Fn. KD #5O ( K, D).
834. 'hEjy,sU 'faeces, filth' > HS: Eg P hs 'excrement, faeces' (= { Vc.} [hisy-]) > Cpt Sd ot has, Cpt
B et hos, Cpt F ct hcs 'fumier, excrments' EG III 164, Vc. 313 C: Bj 'osa, 'usa(y), {Rop.} isa
'urine', {R} os- v. 'urinate', {Rop.} os- 'urinate, defecate' || ?? EC '?us- 'contents of stomach (of
ruminants)' (highly doubtful as cognate because of '?- for the expected 'h-) > Sml us id.,
Hr/Dbs/Gln {AMS} us-Io id. R WBd. 33, Rop. 156, DSI 597, Ss. B 185, AMS 227, 261 NrOm {Blz.}
'?ays- 'dung' > Kcm {CR} oysa 'cowdung', Gnj ?asa 'dung' || SOm: Dm {Bndd.} ?us 'faeces, dung'
Blz. OLBP #27 Ch {Stl.} ''hcsai 'faeces' > WCh {Stl.} '?csa id. > Su {J} |iycs. Ang |i_cs, Gmy ?ycs,
Cp cs, Kfr {Nt.} cs | Krkr {Kr.} isc, Dr ?isc | Gj ?isi, Buli ?is, Bgm yis, Zar yis id. || CCh: ZmB ?isi 'dirt,
dregs' || ECh: Smr ?isi`n, Nd ?isin, Skr {Lk.} issi`, Jg ?is, Mu (pl.) ?asc, Mkl ?izi, Ke I-usi, Kwn
I-usi`(n) 'faeces' Stl. ZCh 23O [#786], JI II 128-9, JS 97, Stl. IF 116-7, ChL, J LM 111 Tk. PAA
14 (Ang, Eg; he sees here a reg. corr. of Su gy- with Eg h-) ll IE: Ht isuvan 'residue, sediment, refuse,
scraps, waste, remains' Pv. I-II 486-7, Frd. HW 92, Ts. E I 44O ll ? D (in SD) 'ccc-, {GS}
'ccc- 'faeces, excretions of the body, remains of food (defiled by contact with the mouth)' > Tm
cccam 'remains of food, spittle, dung (of birds, lizards)', cccil 'whatever defiled by contact with the
mouth (saliva, spittle, remains of food), excretions of the body: faeces, urine, sperm', Ml cccam
'dung of lizards and flies', Kt ccl 'water that has been used to wash hands after eating, remnants of
food', Td icil 'pollution of food by being left as a remnant, pollution caused by death or birth', Kdg
ccci 'scraps of food that falls to the floor during meal'; D 'cnc- v. 'remain' D #78O, Zv. 115 ll ? A
'iIysV 'soot, smoke' > T 'iyis 'soot, smoke' > OT iis 'soot, dirty smoke', Tk is, Az his, Uz is, VTt is, Bsh
iO - yiO, Qzq, Nog, Qq is 'soot', Qrg is 'yellow dirt from smoke; smoking', SY is 'soot, smoke', ET, Ln is
'smoke', Yk is 'smoking', Qmq iyis-us, Chv y+s-+s {Jeg., ChVS} 'smoke, fumes' ('ua(, yiap'), {Fed.}
'bad smell', Chv y+sl+n- v. 'smoke (emit smoke)' Cl. 254, ET Gl 379-38O, TL 37O-1, Jeg. 76, Fed. I
186-7, ChVS 58, Rs. W 167 M 'isu (unless with 'q-) 'soot' > WrM isu, HlM nc 'soot, black', Kl
{Rm.} is 'Ru, Kienru' MED 417, KW 21O-1 Rs. W 167, KW 21O-1, Pp. VG 116, SDM97 s.v. 'i|sn
'soot, smoke' ^ Ht and M suggest a final '-U. The labial vw. in Bj, EC and SOm needs explanation
(traces of an internal 'U in a supposed 'hEyUsU or infl' of the final '-U?) ^ Blz. DA 156 [#39]#38
(D, C, Om, Ch).
835. 'hUE(-qV) 'look, see' > HS: WS 'hzyv v. 'look' > BHb hzyv G 'see, behold', Ph, OA, IA, Plm,
SmA hzy G , DA hzv G 'see', Ar hzv v. G 'augur (sth.) from the flight of birds', {Fr.} hzy 'excitans
aliquo loco aves ex earum volatu hariolari et omen capere', hazi(n) 'qui ex membrorum et faciei
signis hariolatur', Tgr 1 haza [haza] 'looked for'; ? Ug {A} hd'v G 'nachsehen, prfen', {OLS}
hdy G 'look, watch' ('mirar, contemplar') [apparently reflecting S 'hovy with an enigmatic 'o for
the expected 'z] KB 288-289, KBR 3O1, HJ 357-61, Tal 259-6O, Js. 443, Fr. I 376-7, BK I 422, A
#9O5, OLS 174 ll K: pGZ 'ucq- v. 'see, know' > OG ucq- 'know', Mg orcq- v. 'see', Lz oc(I)- v. 'look'
K 186-7, K
196 ll IE: Ht aus- v. 'see' and usIi- v. 'see' (within the framework of the Ht
morphology usIi- is interpreted as iterative); the verb aus- was reinterpreted as a variant of au- v.
'see', which has a different origin Frd. HW 236, Ts. W 1O, 97, Ts. E I 95-98, Pv. I-II 234-244 ll A
'u:c- > M 'u:c- v. 'see, look' [ N 'gUV 'feel, smell (sth.)'] > MM [HI, IM, IsV] uc-, [MA] (h)uc-
id., WrM uc-, HlM :y-, Mnr H {SM} u_ia-, {T} uc-, Dx uc-, MMgl oza, Mgl {Rm.} u'za'- v. 'see',
Dg ui-, u'i- v. 'see, look' Ms. H 1O8, T 368, T DnJ 137, Pp. MA 19O, 377, 499, SM 465-6, Lg. VMI
72, Iw. 121, Klz. D II 14O ? NaT 'o(y)- v. 'think, remember' > OT o-, Cl. o- id., Yk uoy-
'remember, notice' Cl. 2-3, Rs. W 368, ET Gl 429, Pek. 3137-8 ?? Tg 'c|c- v. 'understand,
remember' > Orc ss-, Ud sgs- 'understand', Ul, Nn ss- v. 'rememeber', Ork sdsmu 'get
accustomed', WrMc cc- v. 'notice, remember' STM II 439 SDM95 s.v. "?'uV ? v. 'see'",
SDM97 s.v. 'cou 'see, understand' (unc. rec.).

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