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A lot of athletes say they want to be part of a cohesive teambut they also want their name printed on the back of their jerseys in 6-inch-high block letters. - ! "abbi #ndividuals are important units of any organi$ation. An organi$ation which resembles a team must have %ualified individuals& in specific jobs at specific places and times& in order to accomplish its goals. 'btaining such people involves job analysis& human resource planning& recruitment& and selection. (ob analysis is the systematic process of determining the skills& duties& and knowledge re%uired for performing specific jobs in an organi$ation. A sound job analysis consists of job description& job specification and job evaluation. )he major objective behind the preparation of job descriptions is to place right person at right job with right skills and abilities in a team where the person knows what is his*her role in a team and what are the team e+pectations. o it is necessary that the person is well informed about his

role and responsibilities as a team player. )his task is accomplished by a well designed job description which makes a person known about the job. ,y study in this project covers the preparation of job descriptions of the staff members which will act as a benchmark& according to the latest re%uirements of !erfetti -an ,elle .ompany& "udrapur and then to identify the )raining /eeds among the present staff and re%uirements of the new recruitments. )his is further supported by the designing of a )raining .alendar for taff ,embers so that the .ompany becomes a leading 0,.1 .ompany in gums and lo$enges category by minimi$ing the 1aps which is arising due to e+pansion.

2uman "esource ,anagement is both an academic theory and a business practice that addresses the techni%ues of managing a workforce. )he theoretical discipline is based on the assumption that employees are individuals with varying goals and needs& and as such should not be thought of as bonded labour or can be purchased at price. )he field takes a positive view of employees and study of practices followed by organi$ation to manage this intellectual capital to their ma+imum satisfaction& so that they can work to best of their ability. o& as a ,3A student # must know the practical implication of concepts of 2uman "esource ,anagement. !roject work consists of visit to the company and collecting the information about the practices being followed there& as an 2" student my aim was to get a deep insight into 2" functioning and to know about the vital role that 2" department plays in functioning of other departments. # have done my !roject from !erfetti -an ,elle #ndia !vt. 4td.& as a re%uirement for the degree of ,3A. # hope to provide relevant information about the various 2" functions of the 'rganisation in a nutshell by means of this report. #t had been a constant endeavor to remain informative and to the point.

I am very grateful to all the members of PERFETTI fam ly as they all have hel!e" me a lot # o#e or the other $ay # %om!let o# of my !ro&e%t $or'(

U#"er the r gu "a#%e) I $or'e" o# the " ffere#t tas's) "ue to $h %h I %ame to '#o$ about the var ous th #gs that ta'es !la%e # the f #a#% al !ro%ess of the %om!a#y( I also tha#' *r( Sa#&eev S #gh $ho hel!e" me a lot to ma'e the !ro&e%t # A"m # strat ve a%t v ty + hel!e" me to !re!are the !ro&e%t re!ort( I also tha#' our ,,,,,,,,,( se# or fa%ulty member $ho a!!re% ate" + e#%ourage" me to ma'e the !ro&e%t # !erso#al a%t v ty + hel!e" me to !re!are the !ro&e%t re!ort(

NE-A D-A.AN */A I0th semester

Th s !ro&e%t s a !art al re2u reme#t to$ar"s the fulf llme#t of "egree of *asters # /us #ess A"m # strat o# from /harat 0 "ya!eeth Deeme" U# vers ty( Th s !ro&e%t $as e3e%ute" "ur #g the 4 th semester u#"er the su!erv s o# of ,,,,,,,,,,,(( I hereby "e%lare that the !ro&e%t re!ort e#t tle" 5!erso#al a%t v ty I# PERFETTI 0EN *E11E INDIA P0T 1I*ITED6 !re!are" by me s my or g #al $or'( Th s re!ort s totally !re!are" u! to my o$# efforts + has #ot bee# %o! e" from a#y other sour%e(

NE-A D-A.AN */A I0th semester



*ET-ODS AND TEC-NICUES OF DATA ANA19SIS :CUESTIONNAIRE) GRAP-S) STATISTICA1 *ET-ODS< PRI*AR9 DATA ANA19SIS SECONDAR9 DATA ANA19SIS C-APTER D 8 FINDINGS AND RECO**ENDATIONS Chapter 6 : Conclusions and Suggestions Appendices Here sample Questionnaires and any other relevant documents may be included. Bibliography Reference Books, Journals, Newspapers, Web ites, Reports etc are to be listed out here. Books Eg !otler "hilips, #arketin$ #ana$ement %nalysis, "lannin$ &mplementations ' (ontrol )dition, *++,. "rentice Hall of &ndia -td. New .elhi. Magazines Journals & Ne spaper! Eg Name of the articles, Business /oday0 *1233 #ay 3444 Name of the articles, /he /imes of &ndia. #umbai0 3*st #ay 3444.

.2A!)5" 6 7 #/)"'89.)#'/
A3'9) )25 .',!A/:



A lot of athletes say they want to be part of a cohesive teambut they also want their name printed on the back of their jerseys in 6-inch-high block letters. - ! "abbi #ndividuals are important units of any organi$ation. An organi$ation which resembles a team must have %ualified individuals& in specific jobs at specific places and times& in order to accomplish its goals. 'btaining such people involves job analysis& human resource planning& recruitment& and selection. (ob analysis is the systematic process of determining the skills& duties& and knowledge re%uired for performing specific jobs in an organi$ation. A sound job analysis consists of job description& job specification and job evaluation. )he major objective behind the preparation of job descriptions is to place right person at right job with right skills and abilities in a team where the

person knows what is his*her role in a team and what are the team e+pectations. o it is necessary that the person is well informed about his role and responsibilities as a team player. )his task is accomplished by a well designed job description which makes a person known about the job. ,y study in this project covers the preparation of job descriptions of the staff members which will act as a benchmark& according to the latest re%uirements of !erfetti -an ,elle .ompany& "udrapur and then to identify the )raining /eeds among the present staff and re%uirements of the new recruitments. )his is further supported by the designing of a )raining .alendar for taff ,embers so that the .ompany becomes a leading 0,.1 .ompany in gums and lo$enges category by minimi$ing the 1aps which is arising due to e+pansion.

2uman "esource ,anagement is both an academic theory and a business practice that addresses the techni%ues of managing a workforce. )he theoretical discipline is based on the assumption that employees are individuals with varying goals and needs& and as such should not be thought of as bonded labour or can be purchased at price. )he field takes a positive view of employees and study of practices followed by organi$ation to manage this intellectual capital to their ma+imum satisfaction& so that they can work to best of their ability. o& as a ,3A student # must know the practical implication of concepts of 2uman "esource ,anagement. !roject work consists of visit to the company and collecting the information about the practices being followed there& as an 2" student my aim was to get a deep insight into 2" functioning and to know about the vital role that 2" department plays in functioning of other departments. # have done my !roject from !erfetti -an ,elle #ndia !vt. 4td.& as a re%uirement for the degree of ,3A. # hope to provide relevant information about the various 2" functions of the 'rganisation in a nutshell by means of this report. #t had been a constant endeavor to remain informative and to the point.

I am very grateful to all the members of PERFETTI fam ly as they all have hel!e" me a lot # o#e or the other $ay # %om!let o# of my !ro&e%t $or'(

U#"er the r gu "a#%e) I $or'e" o# the " ffere#t tas's) "ue to $h %h I %ame to '#o$ about the var ous th #gs that ta'es !la%e # the f #a#% al !ro%ess of the %om!a#y( I also tha#' *r( Sa#&eev S #gh $ho hel!e" me a lot to ma'e the !ro&e%t # A"m # strat ve a%t v ty + hel!e" me to !re!are the !ro&e%t re!ort( I also tha#' our ,,,,,,,,,( se# or fa%ulty member $ho a!!re% ate" + e#%ourage" me to ma'e the !ro&e%t # !erso#al a%t v ty + hel!e" me to !re!are the !ro&e%t re!ort(

NE-A D-A.AN */A I0th semester

Th s !ro&e%t s a !art al re2u reme#t to$ar"s the fulf llme#t of "egree of *asters # /us #ess A"m # strat o# from /harat 0 "ya!eeth Deeme" U# vers ty( Th s !ro&e%t $as e3e%ute" "ur #g the 4 th semester u#"er the su!erv s o# of ,,,,,,,,,,,(( I hereby "e%lare that the !ro&e%t re!ort e#t tle" 5!erso#al a%t v ty I# PERFETTI 0EN *E11E INDIA P0T 1I*ITED6 !re!are" by me s my or g #al $or'( Th s re!ort s totally !re!are" u! to my o$# efforts + has #ot bee# %o! e" from a#y other sour%e(

NE-A D-A.AN */A I0th semester





*ET-ODS AND TEC-NICUES OF DATA ANA19SIS :CUESTIONNAIRE) GRAP-S) STATISTICA1 *ET-ODS< PRI*AR9 DATA ANA19SIS SECONDAR9 DATA ANA19SIS C-APTER D 8 FINDINGS AND RECO**ENDATIONS Chapter 6 : Conclusions and Suggestions Appendices Here sample Questionnaires and any other relevant documents may be included. Bibliography Reference Books, Journals, Newspapers, Web ites, Reports etc are to be listed out here. Books Eg !otler "hilips, #arketin$ #ana$ement %nalysis, "lannin$ &mplementations ' (ontrol )dition, *++,. "rentice Hall of &ndia -td. New .elhi. Magazines Journals & Ne spaper! Eg Name of the articles, Business /oday0 *1233 #ay 3444 Name of the articles, /he /imes of &ndia. #umbai0 3*st #ay 3444.

.2A!)5" 6 7 #/)"'89.)#'/
A3'9) )25 .',!A/:

)he object of the study was to e+amine the job description procedures specified in !erfetti -an ,elle& with reference to their use in further e+pansion& and to develop supplementary procedures for rectifying the deficiencies in various officer grade jobs. !revious evaluations and recent applications of these kinds of procedures to officer jobs were reviewed. #t is

proposed that major deficiencies can be avoided by beginning the job description process by developing a job model having three major sections which are discussed in this project. (ob 8escription is a process of systematically collecting& analy$ing and documenting the important facts about a job. #t seeks to know7 WHAT DOES A WORKER HOW THE WORKER DOES IT Methods Tools/Techniques WORKER !"A#I$I%ATIO&S Skills Kno'led(e A)ilities

Duties Tasks

WHY THE WORKER DOES IT Products Ser ices

0#1 6 (ob descriptions have been documented to have more than 6;; major management applications. 0re%uently uses of job descriptions include7 helping employees understand their jobs better< building team understanding

and support< motivating employees< determining non-pay rewards< assisting work sampling research< helping with employee outplacement< determining comparative job skills< providing priorities for supervisors to monitor< and guiding decisions about work design and task allocations. )he psychological contract what employees and employers want and e+pect from each other has been changing dramatically in recent years& as a result of all sorts of pressures and trends on both sides. )raining needs identification =)/#> have become a popular and valuable tool in the human resource development profession. ?hen properly designed and administered& a )/# will provide a detailed picture of an organi$ation@s skill& knowledge and talent base while simultaneously focusing attention to areas where training programmes are most needed or& depending on the nature of the business& re%uired. )his& in turn& permits the organi$ation to allocate funds for training and development where they will have the greatest impact thereby providing a positive return on the firm@s investment. 0ocuses on an open-systems approach to designing and administering a )/#.

5very !roject has scope which defines the areas of research and the parameters that need to be studies. )he scope also tells us the purpose o f the project . )he project deals with the analysis of the present job status and preparation of the future job description of the staff of !erfetti -an ,elle &"udrapur according to the rising needs of the company so as to enhance the staff members at !efetti -an ,elle . )hen the training needs identified& a training calendar prepared on yearly basis and changes are implemented& as per the study. )hought the basis of the training needs the identified in companies is same& but the strategies& methodology used by companies with specific reasons make them different from other .2ence the project also helps in studying the difference by implementing different methods of identified training needs . #n sum total &my report contents the importance of job description in an organi$ation & the changes in job descriptions due to e+pansion & identifying job needs and filling the gap by providing training with the help of training calendar which in an important plan of action designed by the 2" department.


"esearch type ----------------------------5valuative research 'n worse----------------------------------- "udrapur city ampling techni%ue------------------------purposive sampling ampling si$e--------------------------------6;A )ype order----------------------------------secondary data )ools -----------------------------------------structure schedule pecial interview ?hen we talk about research methodology& we do not talk only of research method but also consider the logic behind the method that is used in conte+t research study. ?e also evaluate why we are using a particular method that the used techni%ue should be such that the research is capable of being evaluated by the researcher and as by others. #n this kind of research& we used facts or information already available. ?e have used facts available about the information of company@s position in respect of image& %uality of product& supply B demand and real market situation then we analysis them and made a critical evaluation of these facts to suggest certain recommendations.

ampling i$e 0or conducting our survey we have covered 6A; respondents from different areas of "udrapur

"esearch #nstruments )he survey methods used in the study were Cuestionnaire method !ersonal meeting 8ata .ollection 8ata collection was done using through both primary and secondary data.

5very work has its own limitations. ?hile doing this research in !-,#& "udrapur # had to face some difficulties& a lot of which were solved by the admin of !-,#& but a few turned to be the limitations of my work. ome of them are as follows7 6. )ime factor being the first limitation of my project& as the time to collect data for designing the job descriptions and to judge the performance of the staff employees were limited& therefore # could not adopt the D6; method of performance judgement. 8ue to time factor& # had to adopt E; method& where only the superiors rank the performances of their subordinates. F. )he same problem faced is while designing the training calendar& because the programmes recommended to the staff are graphed out of the judgement of their superiors and their rankings. D. )he conclusion drawn from this project may be biased to a degree because of the involvement of departmental superiors only. )he participation of every staff member in my research was not 6;; G. H. ?hatever performance evaluation is done will be kept in records& but if they would have been displayed to the employees along with their

present job descriptions& they might have been motivated and dedicated to be more competent to improve their weaker sides. 3ut # cannot do this& as # am not the part of the 'rgani$ation. A. As # went for convenience sampling& the findings might not be 6;;G accurate& and might contain a small percentage error. 6. #n today@s fast paced environment& training re%uirements can change so rapidly that data collected during a needs assessment& especially if the assessment spans an e+tended time frame& can become outdated fairly %uickly. I. 4astly& the performance factors undertaken by me while evaluating the staff to identify their training needs might not be the whole some representative of the employee performance& thus the parameters might not be absolutely perfect but # believe that it presents the fair picture of the performance and improvement areas of the present staff.

)he object of the study was to e+amine the job description procedures specified in !erfetti -an ,elle& with reference to their use in further e+pansion& and to develop supplementary procedures for rectifying the deficiencies in various officer grade jobs. !revious evaluations and recent applications of these kinds of procedures to officer jobs were reviewed. #t is proposed that major deficiencies can be avoided by beginning the job description process by developing a job model having three major sections which are discussed in this project. (ob 8escription is a process of systematically collecting& analy$ing and documenting the important facts about a job. #t seeks to know7 WHAT DOES A WORKER HOW THE WORKER DOES IT Methods Tools/Techniques WORKER !"A#I$I%ATIO&S Skills Kno'led(e A)ilities

Duties Tasks WHY THE WORKER DOES IT Products Ser ices

0#1 6 (ob descriptions have been documented to have more than 6;; major management applications. 0re%uently uses of job descriptions include7 helping employees understand their jobs better< building team understanding and support< motivating employees< determining non-pay rewards< assisting work sampling research< helping with employee outplacement< determining comparative job skills< providing priorities for supervisors to monitor< and guiding decisions about work design and task allocations. )he psychological contract what employees and employers want and e+pect from each other has been changing dramatically in recent years& as a result of all sorts of pressures and trends on both sides. )raining needs identification =)/#> have become a popular and valuable tool in the human resource development profession. ?hen properly designed and administered& a )/# will provide a detailed picture of an organi$ation@s skill& knowledge and talent base while simultaneously focusing attention to areas where training programmes are most needed or& depending on the nature of the business& re%uired. )his& in turn& permits the organi$ation to allocate funds for training and development where they will have the greatest impact thereby providing a positive return on the firm@s investment. 0ocuses on an open-systems approach to designing and administering a )/#.

5very !roject has scope which defines the areas of research and the parameters that need to be studies. )he scope also tells us the purpose o f the project . )he project deals with the analysis of the present job status and preparation of the future job description of the staff of !erfetti -an ,elle &"udrapur according to the rising needs of the company so as to enhance the staff members at !efetti -an ,elle . )hen the training needs identified& a training calendar prepared on yearly basis and changes are implemented& as per the study. )hought the basis of the training needs the identified in companies is same& but the strategies& methodology used by companies with specific reasons make them different from other .2ence the project also helps in studying the difference by implementing different methods of identified training needs .

#n sum total &my report contents the importance of job description in an organi$ation & the changes in job descriptions due to e+pansion & identifying job needs and filling the gap by providing training with the help of training calendar which in an important plan of action designed by the 2" department.


"esearch type ----------------------------5valuative research 'n worse----------------------------------- "udrapur city ampling techni%ue------------------------purposive sampling ampling si$e--------------------------------6;A )ype order----------------------------------secondary data )ools -----------------------------------------structure schedule pecial interview ?hen we talk about research methodology& we do not talk only of research method but also consider the logic behind the method that is used in conte+t research study. ?e also evaluate why we are using a particular method that the used techni%ue should be such that the research is capable of being evaluated by the researcher and as by others. #n this kind of research& we used facts or information already available. ?e have used facts available about the information of company@s position in respect of image& %uality of product& supply B demand and real market

situation then we analysis them and made a critical evaluation of these facts to suggest certain recommendations.

ampling i$e 0or conducting our survey we have covered 6A; respondents from different areas of "udrapur "esearch #nstruments )he survey methods used in the study were Cuestionnaire method !ersonal meeting 8ata .ollection 8ata collection was done using through both primary and secondary data.

5very work has its own limitations. ?hile doing this research in !-,#& "udrapur # had to face some difficulties& a lot of which were solved by the admin of !-,#& but a few turned to be the limitations of my work. ome of them are as follows7 J. )ime factor being the first limitation of my project& as the time to collect data for designing the job descriptions and to judge the performance of the staff employees were limited& therefore # could not adopt the D6; method of performance judgement. 8ue to time factor& # had to adopt E; method& where only the superiors rank the performances of their subordinates. E. )he same problem faced is while designing the training calendar& because the programmes recommended to the staff are graphed out of the judgement of their superiors and their rankings.

6;.)he conclusion drawn from this project may be biased to a degree because of the involvement of departmental superiors only. )he participation of every staff member in my research was not 6;; G. 66.?hatever performance evaluation is done will be kept in records& but if they would have been displayed to the employees along with their present job descriptions& they might have been motivated and dedicated to be more competent to improve their weaker sides. 3ut # cannot do this& as # am not the part of the 'rgani$ation. 6F.As # went for convenience sampling& the findings might not be 6;;G accurate& and might contain a small percentage error. 6D.#n today@s fast paced environment& training re%uirements can change so rapidly that data collected during a needs assessment& especially if the assessment spans an e+tended time frame& can become outdated fairly %uickly. 6H.4astly& the performance factors undertaken by me while evaluating the staff to identify their training needs might not be the whole some representative of the employee performance& thus the parameters might not be absolutely perfect but # believe that it presents the fair picture of the performance and improvement areas of the present staff.

!erfetti -an ,elle is a privately owned company& producing and distributing candies and chewing gums in more than 6D; countries worldwide. )he company was established in ,arch F;;6.through the merger of !erfetti .!.A and -an ,elle /-. #n (uly F;;6& the group ac%uired the panish company .hupa chups& thus strengthening its position as the third largest confectionery =sugar confectionery K gums> group in the world& and becoming the first player in the global sugar confectionery market. #t is now the third largest confectionery group in the world& and the first to be present in the main Asian market. 5mploying over 6H;;; people and operating DF companies throughout the world. !erfetti -an ,elle has a true global reach7 it is present in the Asia pacific region& 5urope& ,iddle 5ast& Africa& and the America. #ts corporate head%uarters are located in 4ainate =#taly> and in 3reda =the /etherlands>. everal of its brands are household names and are much loved throughout the A continents. *e#tos) fr s') fru ttella) al!e#l ebe) gol a) ha!!y"e#t) v v "e#t) b g babol) a rhea"s) Chu!a %hu!s) a#" sm #t( #n addition to these global brands& !erfetti -an ,elle offers a wide range of products& the popularity of which is rooted in individual& local& and regional markets. )he ability to develop products& versions& and flavors& that suit the different demands and opportunities of the local market is indeed one of the group@s key to success.

!erfetti -an ,elle innovations provide ample proof of the effectiveness of its product
customi$ation strategy and its attention to consumer demand. #n many Asian countries& Alpenliebe is produced with formulas& packaging and formats that vary according to local preferences& making it the market leading candy. #n the most highly developed 5uropean markets& !erfetti -an ,elle offers a wide and varied range of brands& with highly distinctive %ualities and characteristics& like that of functional chewing gum& still unmatched by its largest international competitors. #n America& ,entos& the 1roup@s no.6 brand& is distributed in a range of e+clusive varieties& taking full advantage of the market@s specific and enormous and potential.

!erfetti -an ,elle #ndia !vt. 4td has deep root the drawing energy from the inspiration of real people. )he founders L the brothers Ambrogio and 5gidio !erfetti from #taly& and #$aak -an ,elle from 2olland- were gifted with great initiative& intelligence and instinct. )hough they did not actually know each other& these men had much in common7 the same ambition& the same spirit and the same intuitions that encouraged them to found two great companies& albeit in different times and hundreds of kilometers apart. )he !erfetti brothers started out in 4ainate back in 6EH6 and -an ,elle in 3reskens in 6E;;. )hey could never have foreseen that the destinies of their respective companies-& which still bear their names& !erfetti and -an ,elle-& would meet to bring about the creation of one of the worlds largest and most dynamic confectionery groups. And thanks to the work of their successor@s achievements& what might have only seemed a dream for them has now become reality.

A3'9) !5"05))#
)he story of this large company began in 4ainate& a town just outside of ,ilan& in 6EH6. #t was here that the two !erfetti brothers& Ambrogio and 5gidio& founded the 8olcificio 4ombardo.

#n the mid 6EA;@s the two brothers had the inspiration that led to their company@s first and decisive %ualitative leap forward7 the production and launch of chewing gum& the legendary American product that had arrived in #taly a few years earlier with the first Allies. )his decision marked the arrival of the first chewing gum entirely made in #taly7 3rooklyn& known everywhere as la gomma del ponte& the chewing gum of the bridge. A
true cultural icon& the 3rooklyn legend lives on today. 6E6J marked another milestone in the company@s development7 the creation of 1um 3ase& a business that immediately became an indispensable strategic asset for the production of gum

base& the raw material for chewing gum. )oday 1um 3ase is one of the top international gum base producers& supplying all the group@s companies as well as many other confectionery producers. )he 6EI;@s witnessed the launch of the brands that were to become favorites with consumers around the world7 3ig 3abol& ,orositas& -igorsol& 2appydent& -ivident& and Alpenliebe. ince then !erfetti has continued to grow& set on a highly innovative policy that drives it to offer new products and new brands every year. pecial attention to consumers and acute awareness of market trends have always been the hallmark of the company@s activities. )he ability to anticipate consumer demands and trends has played a vital role in the success of !erfetti. #n the 6EJ;@s and 6EE;@s !erfetti launched an aggressive policy of commercial e+pansion to accompany its strategy of constant innovation. #n #taly& the ac%uisition of large players in the sector& such as .aremoli& owners of the 1olia brand& 1elco and 4a 1iulia& allowed !erfetti to e+tend its range even further into all market sectors. )he ac%uisition of 0risk took it into the mini mint tablet sector and ensured a presence on the (apanese market. 5ncouraged by its leadership in the domestic market& the company launched an impressive process of international e+pansion& opening new production facilities and distribution units on five continents- from 1reece and )urkey in the ,editerranean area& to the emerging markets of #ndia& the ultramodern factory opened in 3ra$il in 6EEE.


)he story began in 6E;; in 3reskens& where #$aak -an ,elle began converting the bakery founded 6; years earlier by his grandfather into a small confectionery factory. #t only took him a few years to turn the small family business into a thriving company. )owards the end of the econd ?orld ?ar the 3reskens factory was destroyed& and the company was forced to move to "otterdam. After a few months of setting in& it was business as usual. )he famous ,entos and 0ruittella brands began to grow in volume and distribution range. #t was at this time that modern stick and roll formats appeared. )he company grew rapidly& spreading around the globe. )he company focused on the %ualitative improvements of its products and adopted the strategy for international e+pansion based on its ability to supply superior %uality products to %uality markets. everal 5uropean countries =0rance& 3elgium and 1ermany> soon became the setting for commercial units which& supplied by the "otterdam factory& created an efficient distribution network. #n just a few years& -an ,elle would succeed in taking the freshness and taste of its unmistakable brands to the most remote corners of the world. #n 6EJ;@s& -an ,elle decided to move its main factory to 3reda& where the greater space allowed its productive capacity to increase. #mmediately afterwards the company broaden its product range& directing its interest towards candies for young children through the ac%uisition of large companies. #t was also during this period that -an ,elle started its far reaching international e+pansion by opening commercial units and factories in 3ra$il& the 9 A& )hailand& #ndonesia and the !hilippines. #ts growth in other international markets continued

throughout the 6EE;@s with the opening of the eastern 5uropean borders. 8uring this time the company set up commercial facilities across the whole region and built a production unit in !oland. #n the late nineties -an ,elle set its sights on the emerging Asian markets& where it once again displayed remarkable operational foresight. As well as creating commercial units& it also set up large-scale production facilities in #ndonesia& .hina and #ndia. )o improve its home market position -an ,elle ac%uired the 8utch company Mlene& famous for its li%uorices products.

The Story at the %ross #g -)he first links between the two companies date back to the 6EJ;@s. 4ater& in 6EE6 common interests led !erfetti to ac%uire a DIG share in -an ,elle. )his was only the first step in a partnership that was to prove profitable from the outset& growing even stronger until ultimately& in (anuary F;;6& !erfetti bought -an ,elle@s entire shareholding. #n this way the two companies& starting from similar strategic concepts and complementary geographic and product interests& formed a new& strong& dynamic group that is today one of world@s most important confectionery players. 5normous challenges& ambitious projects and important objectives are opening up for this new group& born at the dawn of the new millennium. ?ith a great past behind it& an even greater future awaits.

Company will enhance our world leadership in confectionery by creating value for people through delightful and imaginative high-quality products.

8evelop& manufacture and market high-%uality and innovative products for consumers through efficient use of resources and in partnership with customers. .reate a fulfilling workplace for employees built on trust& mutual respect& and appreciation of their diversity. -alue the role we play in communities& as a socially and environmentally committed organi$ation. 1enerate economic value through superior growth and profitability. .ontinuous focus on these principles will lead the company towards the vision.

4iving the !erfetti -an ,elle values re%uires courage& vision& trust& commitment& and pragmatism. )he following values guide the actions in reali$ing the mission of the company7 #ntegrity ?ithout .ompromise!erfetti -an ,elle conducts the business with honesty& integrity& and respect for those with whom they have relationship. Achieving 5+cellence!erfetti -an ,elle pursues %uality in everything they do. )hey strive for continuous improvement in the way they operate. 8edication to the .onsumer!erfetti -an ,elle will meet and surpass the differing needs and e+pectations of our consumers& delighting them with high %uality& state-of-the-art and innovative products. .are for the people!erfetti -an ,elle are committed to creating a global workplace where teamwork& involvement& open communication& fle+ibility and fun e+ist. )hey treat the people fairly< they value different styles& skills& e+periences& and backgrounds and acknowledge that these differences result in greater creativity and better insights. )hey encourage them to take initiative and e+pect them to approach their jobs with passion and commitment. )hey offer their people the training opportunities and ongoing development so that each individual can reach his or her full potential.

ocial and environmental "esponsibility!erfetti -an ,elle conduct the business as responsible members of society& respecting the laws of the countries in which they operate& .ontributing to the progress of the local communities in line with the legitimate role of the business. )hey will operate safely& responsibly and with sound environmental practices& aimed at minimi$ing the impact on the environment and working toward longterm sustainability.

#ndependence!erfetti -an ,elle is committed to achieving ambitious business goals while securing our company@s profitability thus ensuring their independent growth.

!erfetti -an ,elle strengths are L Cuality& innovation& knowledge of market and consumer desires. Cual ty8 !roduct %uality is not a simple detail< it is an indispensable starting point. ?ith the firm conviction that the best way to encourage consumer loyalty is to offer products of unbeatable %uality& !erfetti -an ,elle has always paid utmost attention to the selection of the finest raw materials& the development of cutting-edge production processes and research into ever newer and better production formulas. I##ovat o#8 )he confectionery sector is in constant evolution and innovation is an essential element in keeping pace with competition and the market. )his is why the group has always given strategic importance to the research and development of new& up-to-date products. )he central laboratories of 4ianate and 3reda& assisted by local laboratories& are constantly researching new products and %ualitative improvements to e+isting ones. *ar'et #g8 An understanding of the market& its underlying trends and the ability to identify and anticipate consumer tastes and demands play a vital role in the achievements of outstanding competitive results. 0or this reason& our marketing services conduct constant& detailed market research and in-depth analyses of the target market and its development. !erfetti -an ,elle also remains in tune with consumers by placing great emphasis on a series of other innovative& attractive initiatives< these include developing new formats and packaging& designing original product concepts& creating alternative& effective promotional tools& and high-impact& eye-catching advertising campaigns. E#v ro#me#t8 "espect for the environment by operating in total compliance with local laws and regulations is central to the way of working. )he production processes have been designed to reduce all environmental impact to a minimum< attention and economic resources are thus specifically directed to improving

the efficiency of these processes& cutting waste as far as possible& making the best use of natural resources and respecting the regulations and standards in force in the countries they operate. )hey concern for environmental issues is also shown in our preferences for environmentally-friendly options in all production processes. )he sensitivity in this field has also led them to collaborate with the ??0 through the sponsorship of important initiatives for environmental protection. Peo!le8 )he employees are the most important resource. 3ehind the success lies the initiative& enthusiasm& enterprise& commitment and creativity of the people working with them. )hat@s why !erfetti -an ,elle makes every effort to create a stimulating work environment& to guarantee conditions of total safety for the workforce& and to offer all staff professional training and the opportunity for career advancement at an international level.

)he brands which are being manufactured B distributed by !erfetti -an ,elle are as follows7 a> .hlormint b> 0ruit -tella c> 3ig babol d> 3rooklyn e> .enter L fresh* shock* fruit f> -ivedent g> 8aygum- herbs white* microtek* prote+ h> 0risk L powermint* li%uid i> Alpenliebe j> 1olia-activ* fruit-c k> 2appydent-prote+* white* +ylit l> ,arbles m> ,eller n> ,entos- candy* gums o> -igorsol- original* real fruit p> Air action


ales in billion 9 N 3rd position in global (sugar confectionery + gums)

Orga# sat o# Chart


*ANAGER Pro"u%t o#

*ANAGER *a #te#a#%e + Pro&e%ts

*ANAGER Cual ty Assura#%e) Pro%ess + R+D

*ANAGER Pur%hases

Co#troller Fa%tory -R

*ANAGER F #a#%e



Assistant ,anager !roduction

Assistant ,anager ,aintenance

enior 5+ecutive CA

enior 5+ecutive !urchase

Associate ,anager 2"

Associate ,anager Accounts

enior 5+ecutive tores

enior 5+ecutive !roduction

enior 5+ecutive ,aintenance

r. 5+ecutive )rainee

5+ecutive !urchase

enior 5+ecutive 2"

r. 5+ecutive 0inance

(unior 5+ecutive tores

Ayurvedic ,anufacturing .hemist

Assistant ,anager 52

enior 5+ecutive !lanning

5+ecutive 2"

5+ecutive Accounts

(unior 5+ecutive ,#

Associate ,anager !rojects


5+ecutive #)

enior 5+ecutive 9tility

0ront 'ffice

5+ecutive ,aintenance

-uma# /e #gs B Peo!le> A Com!le3 Resour%e -ariety #ndividual 8ifferences =5ach individual is different from another> pecific "e%uirements care or urplus

-uma# resour%es term in which many organi$ations describe the combination of traditionally administrative personnel functions with performance management& employee relations and resource planning. )he field draws upon concepts developed in #ndustrial*'rgani$ational !sychology. 2uman resources have at least two related interpretations depending on conte+t. )he original usage derives from political economy and economics& where it was traditionally called labor& one of four factors of production. )he more common usage within corporations and businesses refers to the individuals within the firm& and to the portion of the firmOs organi$ation that deals with hiring& firing& training& and other personnel issues. Assets- -aluable or 9seful person or thing. -uma# resour%e ma#ageme#t =2",> is the strategic and coherent approach to the management of an organi$ation@s most valued assets - the people working there who individually and collectively contributes to the achievement of the objectives of the business. )he terms Phuman resource managementP and Phuman resourcesP =2"> have largely replaced the term Ppersonnel managementP as a description of the processes involved in managing people in organi$ations. 2uman "esource management is evolving rapidly. 2uman resource management is both an academic theory and a business practice that addresses the theoretical and practical techni%ues of managing a workforce. )he theoretical discipline is based primarily on the assumption that employees are individuals with varying goals and needs& and as such should not be thought of as basic business resources& such as trucks and filing cabinets. )he field takes a positive view of workers& assuming that virtually all wish to contribute to the enterprise productively& and that the main obstacles to their endeavors are lack of knowledge& insufficient training& and failures of process. 2", is seen by practitioners in the field as a more innovative view of workplace management than the traditional approach. #ts techni%ues force the managers of an enterprise to e+press their

goals with specificity so that they can be understood and undertaken by the workforce and to provide the resources needed for them to successfully accomplish their assignments. As such& 2", techni%ues& when properly practiced& are e+pressive of the goals and operating practices of the enterprise overall. 2", is also seen by many to have a key role in risk reduction within organi$ations. ynonyms such as personnel management are often used in a more restricted sense to describe activities that are necessary in the recruiting of a workforce& providing its members with payroll and benefits& and administrating their work-life needs. o if we move to actual definitions& Torr #gto# a#" -all :7FGH< define personnel management as being7 a series of activities which: first enable working people and their employing organizations to agree about the objectives and nature of their working relationship and, secondly, ensures that the agreement is fulfilled". .h le * ller :7FGH< suggests that 2", relates to7 ".......those decisions and actions which concern the management of employees at all levels in the business and which are related to the implementation of strategies directed towards creating and sustaining competitive advantage" )he goal of human resource management is to help an organi$ation to meet strategic goals by attracting& and maintaining employees and also to manage them effectively. )he key word here perhaps is PfitP& i.e. an 2", approach seeks to ensure a fit between the management of an organi$ation@s employees& and the overall strategic direction of the company :* ller) 7FGF<( 2uman resources management comprises several processes. )ogether they are supposed to achieve the above mentioned goal. )hese processes can be performed in an 2" department& but some tasks can also be outsourced or performed by line-managers or other departments. Q Q Q Q Q Q 2uman "esources !lanning =2"!> 8esign of 'rganisation and (ob election and taffing )raining and 8evelopment 'rganisation 8evelopment ='8> .ompensation and 3enefits


5mployee Assistance 9nion*4abour "elations

Nature of -R*8
imply put& 2uman "esource ,anagement =2",> is a management function that helps managers to recruit& select& train and develop members for an organi$ation. 'bviously& 2", is concerned with the peopleOs dimension in organi$ations. 0ollowing are few definitions of 2",7 6. 2", is a series of integrated decisions that form the employment relationship< their %uality contributes to the ability of the organi$ations and the employees to achieve their objective. F. 2", is concerned with the people dimension in management. ince every organi$ation is made up of people& ac%uiring their services& developing their skills& motivating them to higher levels of performance and ensuring that they continue to maintain their commitment to the organi$ation are essential to achieving organi$ational objectives. )his is true& regardless of the type of organi$ation- government& business& education& health& recreation& or social action. D. 2", is the planning& organi$ing& directing and controlling of the procurement& development& compensation& integration& maintenance and separation of human resources to the end that individual& organi$ational& and social objectives are accomplished.

)hese definitions of 2", can be summari$ed in the following points7

6 'rgani$ations are not mere bricks& mortar& machineries or inventories. )hey are is
the people who staff and manage organi$ations.

2", involves the application of management functions and principles. )he functions and principles are applied to ac%uisitioning& developing& maintaining&
and remunerating employees in organi$ations.


8ecisions relating to employees must be integrated. 8ecisions on different aspects

'f 5mployees must be consistent with other human resource =2"> decisions. H.
8ecisions made must influence the effectiveness of an organi$ation. 5ffectiveness of

an organi$ation must result in betterment of services to customers in the form of high%uality products supplied at reasonable costs.

A. 2", functions are not confined to business establishments only. )hey are applicable to non- business organi$ations& too& such as education& health care& recreation& and the like.

S%o!e of -R*8
)he scope of 2", is indeed vast. All major activities in the working life of a workerfrom the time of his or her entry into an organi$ation until lie or she leavescome under the purview of 2",. pecifically& the activities included are2" planning& job analysis and design& recruitment and selection& orientation and placement& training and development& performance appraisal and job evaluation& employee and e+ecutive remuneration& motivation and communication& welfare& safety and health& industrial relations =#"> and the like. 0or the sake of convenience& we can categori$e all these functions into seven sections =i> =ii> =iii> =iv> =v> =vi> 5mployee hiring& 5mployee and e+ecutive remuneration& 5mployee motivation& 5mployee maintenance& #ndustrial "elation !rospects of 2", (see 0ig.6>.

0ig.6 cope of 2", 2uman resource management is a process of bringing people and organi$ations together so that the goals of each are met. #t is that part of the management process which is concerned with the management of human resources in an organi$ation. #t tries to secure the best from people by winning their whole hearted cooperation. #n short& it may be defined& as the art of procuring& developing and maintaining competent workforce to achieve the goals of an organi$ation in an efficient and effective manner. #n other words& it can be said that human resource management is concerned with people at work and their relationships with each other.

Nature of -uma# Resour%e *a#ageme#t

#nterdisciplinary Approach

)raining and 8evelopment 0unction

!ervasive 0unction

/ature 'f 2",

.ontinuous 0unction

#ndividually oriented

!eople 'riented

#n a typical manufacturing setup there are different Activities under the 3anner of 2" 8epartment. ?e can divide them into the following areas7 PERSONNE1 ACTI0ITIES

0or doing the Activities * "outine work there is a Sta#"ar" O!erat #g Pro%e"ure = '!>. )hese '!@ help in making the functions more efficient B ystem oriented rather than people oriented


PERFETTI 0AN *E11E INDIA P0T( 1TD( Ru"ra!ur Pla#t SOP for PA9RO11 *ANAGE*ENT Rev s o# No(8 JJ SOP No(>7

A. Atte#"a#%e + 1eaves Objective To ma #ta # a !ro!er re%or" of the "a ly atte#"a#%e) Over T me) leaves of the sho! floor members(

The $or' #g # the fa%tory s ?4 hrs a#" tEs " v "e" #to @ sh ft of G hrs ea%h8 5A6 Sh ft 5/6 Sh ft 5C6 Sh ft H(JJ am to @(JJ !m( @(JJ !m to 77(JJ !m( 77(JJ !m to H(JJ am(

Attendance !ystem
a<( Ea%h SFE s g#s the sh ft roaster at %omme#%em e#t a#" e#" of the sh ft at

the Se%ur ty Gate(The t me of e#try a#" e3 t s re%or"e" by the se%ur ty( b<(Cha#ges to %om!a#y u# form a#" shoes !rov "e" by the Com!a#y # lo%'er room a#" s$ !es aga # h s atte#"a#%e %ar" before e#ter #g #to Sho! Floor(
%<( Em!loyee s$ !es t me $h le %om #g out of the sho! floor for 5OUT6 t me

7( *ember ma' #g a sh ft %ha#ge $ th h s %olleague obta #s a !r or a!!roval o# sh ft %ha#ge format :A##e3ure>7< from h s sh ft e3e%ut ve + the same s be for$ar" to the -R # a"va#%e so as to avo " a#y %o#fus o#( ?( A#y member ma' #g sh ft %ha#ge s #ot allo$e" the Sh ft %ha#ge more tha# t$o t mes # a mo#th( O# Duty I#t mat o# I# %ase a#y of the em!loyees s o# off % al "uty or s go #g out of stat o#) he shoul" get the !r or a!!roval from the sh ft e3e%ut ve a#" "e!artme#tal hea" a#" o# the off % al "uty sl ! :A##e3ure>?< + same shoul" be for$ar"e" to -R At the e#" of the mo#th salar es $ ll be ma"e as !er the atte#"a#%e reg ster( All the members shoul" e#sure the r leave %ar") Over T me Car") O# "uty sl !s are for$ar"e" to the -R o# or before ?Jth of every mo#th(

Atte#"a#%e s %om! le" by the t me off %e by ver fy #g the gate e#try reg ster a#" atte#"a#%e system

#$%!O&A' (A)$ #A!!

If a#y em!loyee s go #g out form fa%tory "ur #g h s sh ft t m #g "ue to some !erso#al $or') # th s %ase he has to f ll the !erso#al gate !ass a#" get the a!!roval of h s sh ft e3e%ut ve the# subm t to t me off %e( The leave of 7 hour $ ll be treate" a "e"u%t o# of 7 hrs but f ts u!to ?hrs the# half "ay salary $ ll be "e"u%te"( Perso#al Gate !ass s allo$e" ma3 mum of ?hrs(

PERFETTI 0AN *E11E INDIA P0T( 1TD( Ru"ra!ur Pla#t SOP for PA9RO11 *ANAGE*ENT Rev s o# No(8 JJ SOP No(>?

/( 1eaves Objective
To ma #ta # a !ro!er re%or" of leaves g ve# to Em!loyees(
!O# of 'eave

I# P0*I leaves are g ve# as8 a( Ear#e" 1eave b( Casual 1eave %( S %' 1eave "( *ater# ty 1eave e( S!e% al 1eave f( Short 1eave a< Ear#e" 1eaves for SFE)s8 A sho! floor member s el g ble for E1 f he has $or'e" for m # mum ?4J "ays # the !rev ous %ale#"ar year( These leaves are e#%ashable( 1eave are %al%ulate" K o#e "ay for every ?J "ays $or'e"( E1 %a# #ot be ava le" less the# @ "ays /ala#%e leaves are for$ar"e" to the #e3t year + %a# be a%%umulate" u! to @J "ays a#" over + above @J "ays the leaves $ ll be automat %ally e#%ashe" alo#g $ th the Ja# mo#th salary(
.alculation 0ormula7 !resent 3asic * F6 + /o. of days leave to be encashed E1 leaves for staff members8

A# em!loyee %a# ava l ear#e" leave a ma3 mum of three t mes # a year a#" for
m # mum "urat o# of @ $or' #g "ays at a t me(

The e#t tleme#t $ ll be @J $or' #g "ays !er %ale#"ar year( For a #e$ly re%ru te" em!loyee ear#e" leaves are %al%ulate" o# a Pro>rata bas s I# %ase of tra #ee em!loyees he Bshe $ ll be e#t tle" for 7D "ays # a year E1 a#"
%a# ava l o#ly after %om!lete h s tra # #g !er o"(

Ear#e" leave may be gra#te" a#y t me for $h %h t s "ue # a %ale#"ar year /ala#%e leaves after every %ale#"ar year are for$ar"e" to the #e3t year + %a# be
a%%umulate" u! to IJ "ays a#" over + above IJ "ays the leaves $ ll be automat %ally e#%ashe" alo#g $ th the Ja# mo#th salary( Cal%ulat o# Formula8 :Curre#t *o#thly /as % Salary 3 No( of "ays of leave to be e#>%ashe"< L @J b< Casual 1eaves

F %asual leaves are allo$e" to ea%h SFE( The $or'ma# has to me#t o# the reaso# of Casual 1eaves # the 1eave Car"( A# em!loyee %a# #ot ava le" more the# @ "ays # %o#t #uously The bala#%e %ausal leave at the e#" of the year $ ll be e#%ashe" automat %ally # Ja#
every mo#th( b< Casual 1eaves for Staff *embers

H %asual leaves are allo$e" to ea%h staff members( The $or'ma# has to me#t o# the reaso# of Casual 1eaves # the 1eave Car"( A# em!loyee %a# #ot ava le" more the# @ "ays # %o#t #uously The bala#%e %ausal leave at the e#" of the year $ ll be la!se" automat %ally(

:%<S %' 1eaves

:%(7< S %' 1eaves for SFE) s A# em!loyee $ ll be e#t tle" to ava l F "ays s %' leave # a year $ th full !ay( S1 s #ot e#%ashable

/ala#%e S1s are for$ar"e" to #e3t year a#" %a# be a%%umulate" u!to ?J "ays a#"
over a#" above ?J "ays $ ll be la!se" automat %ally(

The me" %al %ert f %ate s re2u re" f a#yo#e s ava l #g S1 more the# @ "ays(
:%(?< S %' leaves to staff members( A# em!loyee $ ll be e#t tle" to ava l 7J "ays s %' leave # a %ale#"ar year( For em!loyees : #%lu" #g tra #ees< &o # #g m " $ay through the year) s %' leave $ ll be g ve# o# a !ro>rata bas s( The ma3 mum S %' leave %a# be a%%umulate" s u! to 4J "ays) a#" s #ot e#%ashable at a#y t me( S %' 1eave over a#" above 4J "ays $ ll automat %ally la!se The me" %al %ert f %ate s re2u re" f a#yo#e s ava l #g S1 more the# @ "ays( Ear#e" 1eave %a# be gra#te" # %o#t #uat o# $ th the S %' 1eave(

:"< *ater# ty 1eave

All female em!loyees are el g ble for mater# ty leave for 7? $ee's !er o") sub&e%t to the el g b l ty state" # the A%t $h %h says that she has to %om!lete a m # mum !er o" of GJ "ays of serv %e # the !re%e" #g 7? mo#ths !r or to !ro%ee" #g o# *ater# ty 1eave( A female em!loyee may "efer a !art of the leave before "el very to after "el very( -o$ever at least s 3 $ee's leave !ost "el very must be ta'e#( Em!loyees shall a!!ly for leave o#e mo#th !r or to her te#tat ve "ate of "el very alo#g $ th me" %al %ert f %ate I# %ase of m s%arr age) the $oma# em!loyee s e#t tle" to ta'e 1eave for a !er o" of I $ee's $ th full !ay) mme" ately from the "ate of m s%arr age(


I# %ase of a#y e3 ge#% es l 'e ma&or a lme#ts the *a#ager >-R may gra#t leave $ thout !ay at h s " s%ret o# (I# %ase of a%% "e#ts $h le o# "uty the leave may be %o#s "ere" $ th !ay as "eeme" f t by the *a#ager = -R

:f< S-ORT 1EA0E

A#y members $ho $ sh to go o# short leave shoul" f ll u! the outgo #g gate !ass
%learly me#t o# #g the t me at $h %h he $oul" l 'e to go out(

The %o#%er#e" sh ft E3e%ut ve) "e!e#" #g u!o# the e3 ge#%y of $or') $ ll allo$ the
members to go o# short leave(

The sh ft e3e%ut ve $ ll s g# the outgo #g gate !ass for the se%ur ty gate(
The se%ur ty off %er $ ll e#ter the "eta ls # the short leave reg ster :format e#%lose"< a#" for$ar" the gate > !ass to -(R( De!artme#t for !ayroll !ur!oses

All off % al hol "ays a#" Su#"ays fall #g # bet$ee# the !er o" of leave :all ty!es< shall be %ou#te" as "ays of leaves ta'e#( Nat o#alBFest val hol "ays a#" $ee'ly offEs fall #g &ust at the %omme#%eme#t or at the e#" of leave :All ty!es< !er o" shall #ot be %ou#te" as leave( I# %ase of leave $ thout !ay :1.P< "e"u%t o# $ ll be o# all salary %om!o#e#ts( A# em!loyee $ho has ta'e# leave $ thout obta # #g !erm ss o# of the Com!a#y $ ll be "eeme" to be abse#t from $or' $ thout !erm ss o#( Th s $ ll be "eeme" to be leave $ thout !ay(

All the leave "eta ls are re%or"e" by t me off %e # the leave %ar"

!5"05))# -A/ ,5445 #/8#A !-). 4)8. "udrapur !lant '! for !A:"'44 ,A/A15,5/)
"evision /o.7 ;; '! /o.-F

C( Overt me
To %om!e#sate for $or' #g a"" t o#al hours or $or'e" %o#t #uously for a"" t o#al sh ft(

!O# a< Overt me s a!!l %able to all sho! floor em!loyees(

b< .he#ever a member s re2u re" to $or' for e3tra hours the #t mat o# s
se#t at the se%ur ty gate through h s over t me %ar" $h %h s "uly author Me" by the sh ft e3e%ut ve a#" "e!artme#t hea"( Th s over t me %ar" s for$ar"e" to T me Off %e o# the #e3t "ay for further e#tr es # !ayroll(

/')57 Over T me %ar"s $h %h are #ot subm tte" o# t me $oul" #ot be e#terta #e" # the subse2ue#t mo#th(

$$ Re2u

Sh ft E3e%ut ve B De!artme#t -ea" $ ll f ll the e3tra reme#t for $or'e" e3tra $or' #g hours of em!loyees "uly hours # Over T me Car" author Me" by Sh ft E3e%ut veB De!artme#t -ea"

The em!loyee $ ll subm t the same $ th the se%ur ty $ho $ ll aga # s g# $ th OUT t me!

Se%ur ty to for$ar" the sl !s o# the same "ay to T me off %e $ho $ ll a"v %e !ayroll for !ayme#t

PERFETTI 0AN *E11E INDIA P0T( 1TD( Ru"ra!ur Pla#t SOP for PA9RO11 *ANAGE*ENT Rev s o# No(8 JJ SOP No(>?

E( Salary A"va#%e Objective Salary a"va#%e s g ve# to the em!loyees to hel! them meet the r me" %alB bereaveme#t e3 ge#% es( !O# Th s !ol %y s a!!l %able to the e#t re !erma#e#t sho! floor members a#" staff members( A#y em!loyee o# the !erma#e#t rolls %a# ava l th s for meet #g e3 ge#% es "ue to ll#ess to self) mme" ate fam ly :$ fe) %h l"re#) a#" !are#ts< or for meet #g e3!e#ses "ue to "eath # the fam ly of mme" ate relat ves( The amou#t of a"va#%e $oul" be DJN of the ta'e home salary f he has $or'e" for more tha# 7D "ays "ur #g the %urre#t mo#th # $h %h he a!!l es for the a"va#%e( The amou#t !a " $oul" be re%overe" # full $h le !ro%ess #g salary for the %urre#t mo#th( I# %ases $here the salary has bee# !ro%esse" $ thout "e"u%t o# the em!loyee s re2u re" to "e!os t the a"va#%e mo#ey re%e ve" # %ash mme" ately o# %re" t of h s salary(

PERFETTI 0AN *E11E INDIA P0T( 1TD( Ru"ra!ur Pla#t SOP for PA9RO11 *ANAGE*ENT Rev s o# No(8 JJ SOP No(>?

f( 1ate Com #g
Objective To e#sure " s% !l #e a#" T me *a#ageme#t amo#g sho! floor em!loyees(

!O# for late coming

7( All the em!loyees are e3!e%te" to e#ter the !ro"u%t o# area B $or' !la%e at least D m #utes before the %omme#%eme#t of the $or' #g hours( ?( I# %ase of e3 ge#% es as a s!e% al %ase he $ ll be allo$e" to e#ter the fa%tory !rem ses u! to D m #utes after %omme#%eme#t of the sh ft( -e B she $ ll have to s g# the late %om #g reg ster 'e!t at the ma # gate $here # the t me of e#try #to the fa%tory !rem ses $ ll be #ote" by the se%ur ty( @( I# %ase f a#y em!loyee s late for more tha# D m #utes but less tha# 7D m #utes after the %omme#%eme#t of the sh ft ) he Bshe $ ll be allo$e" #s "e the fa%tory !rem ses as a s!e% al %ase( -o$ever) su%h #% "e#ts of late %om #g $ ll #ot be allo$e" for more tha# T.O TI*ES # a mo#th( -e Bshe $ ll have to s g# the Gate reg ster $here # the t me of e#try #to the fa%tory !rem ses $ ll be e#tere" by the se%ur ty( 4( .here # the em!loyee s late for more tha# 7D m #utes but less tha# @J m #utes he Bshe $ ll be mar'e" abse#t for ? hours( If he Bshe s late for more tha# @J m #utes but less tha# 7hour he Bshe $ ll be mar'e" abse#t Bleave for 7B? "ay a#" $ ll be allo$e" #s "e the fa%tory after gett #g the a!!roval from De!artme#t hea"( D( If the em!loyee s late for more tha# 7 hour) he B she $ ll #ot be allo$e" for $or' a#" $ ll be %o#s "ere" abse#t $ thout #format o#(

PERFETTI 0AN *E11E INDIA P0T( 1TD( Ru"ra!ur Pla#t SOP for PA9RO11 *ANAGE*ENT Rev s o# No(8 JJ SOP No(>?

G( Com!e#satory Off
Objective To %om!e#sate a#y -ol "ay or $ee'ly off !rov "e P0*I members a "ay off aga #st the r $or' #g o# hol "ay or $ee'ly off( !.O.# Com!e#satory off %a# be ava le" by the member @ "ays !re%e" #g the Su#"ay or @ "ays after Su#"ay( *ember ta' #g the %om!e#satory off has to %learly #form the res!o#s ble hea"s of the r De!artme#t about the off ta'e#( *ember s also re2u re" to re%or" the "eta ls of the Com!e#satory Off # the 1eave Car" ssue" to h m from the T me Off %e( A l st regar" #g the Com!e#satory off of members s se#t to the T me off %e for further !ro%ess #g( "ocumentation E#tr es regar" #g the Com!e#satory Off are re%or"e" by the t me off %e after he re%e ves the l sts of the members $ho have ta'e# Com!e#satory off

PERFETTI 0AN *E11E INDIA P0T( 1TD( Ru"ra!ur Pla#t SOP for -OUSE AEEPING Rev s o# No(8 JJ SOP No(?

?( Goo" -ouse Aee! #g

P0*I Ru"ra!ur has a %o#tra%t $ th Nath -R for !rov " #g house'ee! #g serv %es) $h %h s lo%ally s tuate" # ru"ra!ur( U#s' lle" ma#!o$er s h re" o# m # mum $ages) Co#tra%tor s g ve# the re2u reme#ts as ho$ ma#y !erso#s $e #ee" to "e!ute # var ous areas a#" # " ffere#t sh fts Co#tra%tor su!!l es $ th the ma#!o$er as $ell as house 'ee! #g mater al) for $h %h the %om!a#y has to !ay a f 3 amou#t( After that the ma#!o$er %omes #to the !la#t )%ha#ges h s "ress)mar's h s atte#"a#%e at the t me of e#ter a#" e3 t The# the house'ee! #g su!erv sor "e!utes the ma#!o$er # the r res!e%t ve area as !er the re2u reme#t -ouse'ee! #g su!erv sor f lls the house'ee! #g !la#t %he%'l st o# hourly bas s a#" subm t the same to t me off %e at the e#" of ea%h sh ft( Th s %he%'l st s "uly s g#e" a#" ver fy e" by the !ro"u%t o# e3e%ut ve a#" 2ual ty e3e%ut ve a#" the same $ ll be subm tte" to t me off %e Every "ay house'ee! #g su!erv sor #ee"s to f ll the to let %he%'l st a#" subm t t to the t me off %e the #e3t "ay(

T me off %e !erso##el #ee"s to %o or" #ate $ th the %o#tra%tor for !rov " #g house'ee! #g mater al o# t me for a#y "ay to "ay ssue(

PERFETTI 0AN *E11E INDIA P0T( 1TD( Ru"ra!ur Pla#t SOP for FIRST AID Rev s o# No(8 JJ SOP No(>@

@( F rst A "
Objective To e#sure !ro!er arra#geme#t of F rst A " so that re2u re" a " %a# be !rov "e" at t me(

!.O.# The T me Off %er e#sures the ava lab l ty of F rst A " A t # ea%h "e!artme#t u!"ates ts %o#st tue#ts( P0*I also !rov "es f rst a " tra # #g to all #" v "uals t$ %e a year through #ter#al a#" e3ter#al tra #ers After the tra # #g sess o#) %ert f %ates from res!e%t ve orga# Mat o#( "ocumentation All the "eta ls relate" the b lls of all e3!e#ses of U# t -ea"Es 0eh %le are re%or"e" # the Re%or" Reg ster by the I#%umbe#t of T me off %e(

PERFETTI 0AN *E11E INDIA P0T( 1TD( Ru"ra!ur Pla#t

SOP for !erso#al re%or"s of em!loyees Rev s o# No(8 JJ SOP No(>4

( Perso#al re%or" of Em!loyees

Objective To ma #ta # a !ro!er re%or" of all !erso#al "eta ls of ea%h Em!loyee so that a#y #format o# relate" to the !erso# %a# be retr eve" at the re2u re" t me( !.O.# for #ersonal %ecord of $mployees. The #%umbe#t re%or"s all the !erso#al "eta ls of ea%h Em!loyee # a systemat % ma##er at the t me of h sBher &o # #g( The #%umbe#t ma #ta #s all the "eta ls # a !ro!er Format # $h %h follo$ #g "es%r !t o# s #%lu"e" Name Date of / rth Cual f %at o# E3!er e#%e Co#ta%t No( S!ouseEs #ame Ch l"re#Es #ame Date + T me of Jo # #g et% O# the bas s of th s !ro!er format) a#y #format o# relate" to the #" v "ual %a# be eas ly retr eve"( The "eta ls of #e$ &o # #g a#" left em!loyees s be #g se#t to %or!orate -R o# mo#thly bas s(

It s u!"ate" t mely by the res!e%t ve -R De!arteme#t

"ocumentation There s a systemat % re%or" of !erso#al "eta ls relate" to ea%h #" v "ual $or' #g # P0*I + s ma #ta #e" by the res!e%t ve #%umbe#t(

PERFETTI 0AN *E11E INDIA P0T( 1TD( Ru"ra!ur Pla#t


Rev s o# No(8 JJ


Co#tra%t 1abor *a#ageme#t

Ob&e%t ve8 To ma#age the Co#tra%t 1abour a%%or" #g to the re2u reme#ts of P0*I( A"m # strat o# of Co#tra%t .or'me#8 Co#tra%t $or'me# re2u reme#t8 )he production department gives re%uirement of manpower for a week every aturday. 3asis this re%uirement the number of contract workmen from different contractors are communicated to the security gate. Gate E#try8 All contractor workmen re%uire marking his attendance in the "egister in the presence of contractor upervisor before entering in to the production area in all the shifts. 2e will have to sign the gate register wherein the time of entry B e+it in to the factory premises will be entered by upervisor. upervisor will ensure the all contractor workmen should be entered in the production atleast A minutes before the commencement of the shift. After entry of workmen the .ontractor upervisor has to prepare 8aily ,anpower heet shift wise and get is verified by !roduction 5+ecutive * ecurity and 2" 8epartment. )hese daily manpower sheets are kept with the 2" for monthly bill processing.

I( Car" a#" Atte#"a#%e Car" )he .ontractor has to issue 5ach contract workmen is issued with a photo identity and daily attendance card by the contractor which is deposited with the contractor supervisor at the time of entry and collected while going out after work.

I#"u%t o#

)he .ontractor upervisor will ensure to new contract workmen before entry into the factory are given a brief induction about the company& 1ood ,anufacturing !ractices& afe working& !ersonal 2ygiene& process& facilities provided to the contract workmen& rules and regulations to be adhered to as per the #nduction ,anual for .ontract ?orkmen. Also contractor supervisor has to handover the #nduction manual book to .ontract workmen at the time of #nduction. Test "ur #g the !er o" of em!loyme#t )he 2" "espratantive * CA "espratantive and .ontract 4abour will have to take test of contract workmen to aware them about the company& 1ood ,anufacturing !ractices& afe working& !ersonal 2ygiene etc& through a )est !aper. )he 2" "espratantive has to evaluate the test !aper and give the feedback to r. ,anager L 2". )he 2" "espratantive will ensure that F test of contract workmen during a period of his employment =A months> /rea' )he contractor has to ensure that workmen are re%uired to be engaged for a ma+imum of A months at a stretch. After the said period he is given full and final settlement which included all statutory payments including 54 encashment& 3onus payable =percentage should be in par with permanent employees>. )he !0 withdrawal form is also filled by the contract workman and ensured that the same is settled by the contractor. / ll Pro%ess #g8 )he daily entries are maintained in e+cel format for arriving at the total man days for each contractor payable for the month as per the contracted rates. )he monthly sheets are enclosed * !0 and 5 # .hallansH of previous month along with the bill of the contractor authori$ing for payment by the r. ,anager L 2".

"ocumentation All the derails related to each contract workmen is submitted to the r. 5+ecutive - 2"

PERFETTI 0AN *E11E INDIA P0T( 1TD( Ru"ra!ur Pla#t

SOP for -a#"l #g Emerge#% es> *e" %al Treatme#t

Rev s o# No(8 JJ


( -a#"l #g Emerge#% es> *e" %al Treatme#t O/JECTI0E8 )o provide the medical treatment to all employee in emergencies like accidents. PROCEDURE )he .ompany has tie up with ,*s anjivani 2ospital& situated on Mashipur "oad "udrapur for handing any emergency accidental medical treatment. #n case of any employee injured due to accident while working in the 0actory& his colleague needs to be informed to ecurity 1ate immediately so that they can make the transportation arrangement for sending him to hospital at the earliest. )he supervisor of the area where accident happened needs to be informed to afety ,anager to analysis the route cause. #n case of any employee got 2ealth related problem while on duty& he may go to the 2ospital for treatment. #n this case the company will provide only first aid and rest e+penses will be borne by the concerned employee only. #n case of hospitali$ation of any employee due to accident happened in 0actory& the e+pense will be claimed through mediclaim policy& if he is cover under mediclaim policy otherwise ,anager 2" would be the deciding authority to treat the e+penses as special case #n case of first aid cases the e+penses would be borne by the company. #f the injury re%uires the employee to stay home as advised by the 8octor then such period would be treated as e+traordinary and adjusted against the sick leave * 5arned 4eave available for the employee. 3eyond the available leave if the employee is re%uired to rest at home and take treatment and if it is more than F; days the same may be considered as a special leave on written re%uest to the ,anager - 2". !.O.# for *ill Clearance

PERFETTI 0AN *E11E INDIA P0T( 1TD( Ru"ra!ur Pla#t SOP OF *EDIC1AI* INSURANCE SOP for / ll Cleara#%e Rev s o# No(8 JJ Releva#t b lls are tra#sferre" to the T me Off %e $hereas %urre#t "ay to "ay b lls are tra#sferre" to the res!e%t ve I#%umbe#t( The same b lls are ver f e" by the T me off %e All the ver f e" b lls are author Me" by -R *a#ager( F #ally all the b lls are tra#sferre" to the F #a#%e De!artme#t( "ocumentation There s a systemat % re%or" of all the b lls #%lu" #g the Item) 0e#"orEs #ame) / ll "ate) Amou#t et% $h %h s ma #ta #e" by the I#%umbe#t( SOP No(>G No(>F

( *e" %la m I#sura#%e Objective To !rov "e me" %al %over to ea%h + every em!loyee of P0*I( !.O.#

PERFETTI 0AN *E11E INDIA P0T( 1TD( Ru"ra!ur Pla#t SOP for DAI19 -R REPORT Rev s o# No(8 JJ All em!loyees of P0*I $ho are o# !erma#e#t roll are %over u#"er me" %la m !ol %y( It also !rov "es fam ly %over to the res!e%t ve a!!l %a#t (e( a s!ouse + ? %h l"re# u! the age of 7G years A!!l %a#t f lls u! the *e" %la m form a#" subm ts t to t me off %e( The t me off %e for$ar" the same to #sura#%e %om!a#y for %la m settleme#t through Cor!orate -R A!!l %a#t s also re2u re" to subm t the ver f %at o# letter + !res%r !t o# "eta ls g ve# "o%tor( All the b lls + e3!e#ses relate" to *e" %la m are re%or"e" + ver f e" by the T me Off %e( "ocumentation All the "eta ls relate" to the "eta ls are re%or"e" # !ro!er boo's by #%umbe#t of t me off %e SOP No(>7J

"A+', -% %$#O%) It s the "uty of the t me off %e to subm tt the "a ly -(R re!ort every mor# #g to all the -(R TEA* as $ell as the PRODUCTION *ANAGER AS !er the "e% "e" format t me off %e #ee"s to fulf ll the "ata of SFE both sh ft $ se a#" "e!artme#t $ se(

PERFETTI 0AN *E11E INDIA P0T( 1TD( Ru"ra!ur Pla#t SOP for 1EARNING CENTER Rev s o# SOP No(8 JJ No(>7? Da ly -(R re!ort shoul" #" %ate #o of overt me !erso#s !lus the "eta ls of abse#tee sm of the em!loyees $ th the "eta ls of h s %o#%er#e" "e!artme#t as $hat s the reaso# a#" for ho$ lo#g he have bee# abse#t( T me off %e $ ll ta'e the "ue a%t o# by se#" #g a $ar# #g letter to the %o#%er#e" em!loyee for 7 mo#th( A#y ssues relate" to se%ur ty) house'ee! #g) %a#tee#) %o#tra%t as $ell as !erma#e#t labour) tra#s!ortat o# )ve#"ors are "ealt by the t me off %e !erso##el(

O/JECTI0E8 To e#ha#%e the '#o$le"ge level of em!loyees by boo's relate" to the r $or' f el" a#" also %urre#t eve#ts( PURC-ASE8 /oo's $ ll be !ur%hase" after hav #g " s%uss o# a#" author Mat o# from *a#ager -R 1EARNING CENTER OPERATIONS Th s hea" $ ll be #volv #g some rules regar" #g ssu #g of boo's as8 /oo's $ ll be ssue" aga #st the s g#ature of em!loyee # the reg ster me#t o# #g the "ate of ssue a#" "ate of retur#( O#ly o#e boo' $ ll be ssue" at a t me( /oo' $ ll be ssue" bet$ee# @8JJ!m to 4!m

PERFETTI 0AN *E11E INDIA P0T( 1TD( "98"A!9" !4A/) SOP FOR 1EA0E TRA0E11 A11O.ANCE Rev s o# SOP No(8 JJ No(>7@ /oo' $ ll be ssue" sub&e%t to the ava lab l ty of boo' # the l brary at that t me( /oo' $ ll be ssue" for a ma3 mum !er o" of H "ays( I# %ase of #o#>retur# of the boo's )the members $ ll be have to !ay the %ost of the boo's to the %om!a#y(

1IST OF REGISTERSBRECORDS Reg ster %o#ta # #g #format o# about #ame of the boo's)"ate of ssue)"ate of retur# a#" s g#ature( *aster "ata reeg ster %o#ta # #g "eta ls of boo's :t tle)authorEs #ame)%ost<

O/JECTI0E )o provide financial assistance to employee for personal travel& while on leave& to any place in #ndia& once in a year. PROCEDURE )he employee will become eligible for 4eave )ravel Assistance only on confirmation of his* her employment in the .ompany. 4eave )ravel Assistance amount will be paid on financial year basis i.e. from April to ,arch to staff members and on calendar year basis i.e (an to 8ec to shop floor members. An employee can claim 4eave )ravel Assistance one month before the date of travel.

#n such cases& the 4)A amount paid to the employee will be treated as an advance . on receiving the proof of travel& the e+emption under #ncome )a+ will be given to the said employee. #n case if the company do not receive the proof of travel within one month of claiming the 4)A amount& the full amount being paid as 4)A will be ta+able. 4)A may only be claimed for travel undertaken during leave #t is re%uired to take leave for at least a period of three days to claim 4)A 2owever& if an employee does not wish to avail of the ta+ benefit& then he may claim 4)A without taking the leave. ?henever such claim is made& the 4)A .laim 0orm =Anne+ure-#> duly filled in along with leave application form duly approved by the 0unctional 2ead should be forward to 2.". 8epartment. )he amount 4)A will be as per the compensation structure of the employee #f an employee@s salary changes during the course of the year the 4)A will be calculated accordingly on a pro rated manner. 4)A& which is not availed during that year will be paid through the payroll in the month of ,arch after ta+ has been deducted from it. Any employee joining during the course of the year will be paid 4)A on !ro-rata basis. 1TA C1AI* = SU/*ISSION OF ORIGINA1 TICAETS

. )his ta+ e+emptions can be claimed against genuine 4)A travel e+penses. #t is the responsibility of each employee to ensure making genuine claims only with the re%uired proofs i.e. tickets etc. so that the same is considered while calculating and deducting #ncome )a+. #n the case of )rain travel too& one will be re%uired to present used orignal tickets

PERFETTI 0AN *E11E INDIA P0T( 1TD( Ru"ra!ur Pla#t Rev s o# No(8 JJ SOP No(>74


O/JECTI0E8 To !rov "e f #a#% al ass sta#%e to em!loyees to meet the "ay to "ay "om % l ary me" %al e3!e#ses( PROCESS8 *e" %al Re mburseme#t !a " alo#g $ th the salary) $ho ever $ sh to %la m me" %al re mburseme#t has to f ll all "eta ls # e#%lose" format :A##e3ure =7< a#" se#" t to -R De!artme#t alo#g $ th the or g #al b lls latest by 7D th of every mo#th( A#y %la m re%e ve" after 7Dth $ ll be !a " alo#g $ th the subse2ue#t mo#th salary( All b lls shoul" be !erta # #g to %urre#t f #a#% al year( I#%ase of a#y b ll !erta # #g to other tha# the %urre#t f #a#% al year $ ll #ot be %o#s "ere" for re mburseme#t( The em!loyee $ ll be%ome el g ble for *e" %al Re mburseme#t from the "ate of &o # #g( -o$ever em!loyee %a# o#ly %la m DJN of h s l m t # the f rst s 3 mo#ths of the year a#" the bala#%e amou#t # the #e3t s 3 mo#ths( All %la ms shoul" be su!!orte" $ th the or g #al b lls( *e" %al Re mburseme#t amou#t $ ll be !a " o# f #a#% al year bas s (e( from A!r l to *ar%h( The *e" %al Re mburseme#t l m t $ ll be as !er the %om!e#sat o# stru%ture of the em!loyee( If a# em!loyeeEs salary %ha#ges "ur #g the %ourse of the year the *e" %al Re mburseme#t $ ll be %al%ulate" a%%or" #gly o# a !ro>rate" bas s( *e" %al Re mburseme#t) $h %h s #ot ava le" "ur #g that year $ ll be !a " through the !ayroll # the mo#th of *ar%h after ta3 has bee# "e"u%te" from t(

A#y em!loyee &o # #g "ur #g the %ourse of the year $ ll be !a " *e" %al Re mburseme#t o# Pro>rata bas s( I# %ase of a se!arat o# of a# em!loyee) for a#y reaso# $hatsoever) u#%la me" *e" %al Re mburseme#t for the year $ ll be !a " o# a !ro>rata bas s u! to the !er o" $or'e" # the f #al settleme#t( I# %ase the em!loyee has alrea"y %la me" *e" %al Re mburseme#t) a "e"u%t o# o# a !ro rata bas s $ ll be ma"e from h s f #al settleme#t(

PERFETTI 0AN *E11E INDIA P0T( 1TD( Ru"ra!ur Pla#t Rev s o# SOP for GROUP -OSPITA1ISATION PO1IC9 No(8 JJ SOP No(> 7D

'3(5.)#-57 )o provide benefit to employee and his family =spouse and up to two children below 6J years> in the event 2ospitalisation due to any disease * injury. #n case of employees who are at the level of 0unctional 2ead* r. ,anager& their dependent parents are also covered. 85.4A"A)#'/ 0'", All new employees should fill the declaration form and send it to the 2" 8epartment with in I days from the date of joining. 8uring the service period if any employee got married or blessed with child& he*she should be filled the fresh declaration form and send it to 2" 8epartment with in I days of occurrence.

PERFETTI 0AN *E11E INDIA P0T( 1TD( Ru"ra!ur Pla#t Rev s o# SOP for 1"'9! !5" '/A4 A..#85/) #/ 9"A/.5 !'4#.: No(8 JJ SOP No(> 7I

!"#$%&'# )o provide benefit to employees of the company incase of accidental 8eath or 8isablement at any time& any where in the world. All claims will be settled as per the guidelines of this !olicy and every body will be bound by the decision of the insurance company. C1AI* PROCEDURE8 #mmediate intimation with ma+imum details to the 2" 8epartment at .orporate 'ffice. ubmission of all documents e.g. satisfactory proof of the accident& medical e+amination report& 8octors prescription& R-ray or other related reports& bills B*or cash memos& disablement certificate from attending 8octor etc.&

.laim form duly completed in all respects. =Available in 2". 8epartment> #ncase of death& the accident should& invariably by intimated to the police Authorities and 0#" be obtained and submitted. !ost marten report& death certificate and other related documents shall be submitted.

PERFETTI 0AN *E11E INDIA P0T( 1TD( Ru"ra!ur Pla#t "evision '! for 1"'9! )5", !'4#.: /o.7 ;; '! /o.6I

'3(5.)#-5 )o provide insurance benefit to employees of the company incase of accidental 8eath at any time& any where in the world. A!!4#.A3#4#): )his policy is applicable to all employees of the company =including )rainees>. )he individual insurance coverage under this policy is as under. 3A/8 hop 0loor 5mployees 3and A3 B A. 3and AA 3and H3& HA& D3 B DA 3and FA B F3 3and 6 um #nsured !er Annum ="s>S D 4acs A 4acs I.A 4acs 6; 4acs F; 4acs A; 4acs

Sthere is a provision details of which # will mail later along with the insurance co document.


O/JECTI0E To fa% l tate mo# tor #g of a#" e#sure t mely settleme#t of %ash a"va#%es ta'e# by em!loyees to$ar"s m!rest) travel or a#y other e3!e#ses( Pro%e"ure Travel a"va#%es $ ll be g ve# to Sales Staff a#" other em!loyees /ra#%hes as !er l m ts set out by D re%tor> Sales + *ar'et #g( For other em!loyees) a"va#%es $ ll be g ve# o# a!!roval of res!e%t ve su!er or) #ot lo$er tha# the gra"e of a# Asso% ate *a#ager( A"va#%es $ ll have to be settle" $ th # H "ays of %om!let o# of travel) or #%urr #g of e3!e#ses( I# %ase the travel !la# or the a%t v ty for $h %h a"va#%e has bee# ta'e# "oes #ot mater al Me) the same shoul" be retur#e" mme" ately( For some !os t o#s) a"va#%es # the #ature of m!rest may be g ve# "ue to the #ature of "ut es #volve"O the same shall be g ve# o#ly u!o# a!!roval of the Fu#%t o#al -ea" a#" $ ll have to be settle" at "urat o# of #ot more tha# 7D "ays( A#y a"va#%e B Im!rest bala#%es beyo#" s!e% f e" l m ts :$herever set< or those ly #g u#a"&uste" beyo#" @J "ays $ ll be re!orte" to the follo$ #g for rev e$( Reg o#al *a#ger for res!e%t ve bra#%h em!loyees Fu#%t o#al -ea" for res!e%t ve "e!artme#t em!loyees *a#ag #g D re%tor for all Fu#%t o#al -ea"s If A"va#%eBIm!rest s #ot a"&uste" $ th # IJ "ays) the rev e$ers are re%omme#"e" to ssue #stru%t o#s to -R for "e"u%t o# of the same from salary

( No further A"va#%eBIm!rest shoul" be g ve# u#less the over"ue bala#%es are a"&uste"( Im!restBA"va#%e shoul" be re%o#% le" bet$ee# em!loyees a#" A%%ou#ts De!artme#t regularly) so as to e#sure that the bala#%es refle%te" # E3!e#se stateme#ts are the same as those refle%te" # %om!a#yEs re%or"( As far as !oss ble) bala#%e shoul" be s2uare" off o# @7 st De%ember every year a#" $herever th s %a##ot be "o#e) $r tte# %o#f rmat o# shoul" be ta'e# o# re%or"(

PERFETTI 0AN *E11E INDIA P0T( 1TD( Ru"ra!ur Pla#t Rev s o# SOP for *AINTINANCE OF FI1ES No(8 JJ SOP No(> 7F

SOP OF *AINTINANCE OF FI1ES 7( O/JECTI0E8 To 'ee! !ro!er re%or" of all De!artme#t f les) avo " "u!l %a%y of f les a#" easy ava lab l ty of f les to all members( ?( A11OCATION OF FI1E NU*/ER 8 To avo " overla!! #g # allo%at #g f le #umbers the follo$ #g #umbers are be #g allo%ate" to ea%h member as g ve# belo$8 NA*E OF T-E *E*/ER *r( D #esh Dh r *r( Chama# Dh ma# *r(Su# l Sa # A"m#( Relate" f les T me Off %e For more "eta ls see A##e3ure > I( @( *AINTENANCE OF FI1ES8 The res!o#s b l ty of ma #te#a#%e of f le l es o# the member $ho s ha#"l #g t a#" the same shoul" be u!"ate" by h m regularly( 4( #/)"'89.)#'/ '0 /5? 0#45 * .'/)#/9A)#'/ 0#457 )o introduce any new file continuation file the member should fill up the enclosed format=Anne+ure - ##> and send it ,r.!."avi Mumar. After approval from ,anager 2uman "esources the new file will be introduced. FI1E NU*/ER No(-R(7>DJ) No(-R(IIBD7>7JJ) No(-R(IIIB7JJ>7DJ) No(-R(I0B7DJ>?JJ) No(-R(0B?JJ>@DJ


4#05 '0 A 0#45 7 All the files will be reviewed in the month of (uly every year. )he files to be replaced or sent for record after a list is made and approval of ,anager 2uman "esources is taken. )he list of files sent for record will be ,anaged by ,r. .haman 8himan.


'bjective 7 )o provide timely offer*appointment*confirmation letter to all employees.

'! 0'" 05 After the sele%t o# of the %a#" "ate s "o#e )he s ssue" a# offer letter $h %h %o#ta #s h s !ost) salary "eta ls)"ate of &o # #g alo#g $ th me" %al f t#ess form:!re>em!loyme#t me" %al e3am #at o# form< The sele%te" %a#" "ate s also ssue" a health "e%larat o# form $h %h has to be a!!rove" by the "o%tor stat #g that he s f t to $or'( After &o # #g the &ob)the %a#" "ate s ssue" a "eta le" a!!o #tme#t letter # $h %h the terms a#" %o#" t o#s of the &ob s me#t o#e"( After the a!!o #tme#t the #%umbe#t s 'e!t o# !robat o# !er o" for I mo#ths)"ur #g th s !er o" the #%umbe#t !erforma#%e s evaluate" by the -R "e!artme#t(( After the %om!let o# of I mo#ths the -R "e!artme#t $ ll ha#" over the %o#f rmat o# re!ort of the %o#%er#e" em!loyee to the %o#%er# "e!artme#t hea" to evaluate h s !erforma#%e "ur #g last I mo#ths( The %o#f rmat o# re!ort $ ll be ha#"e" over to the %o#%er#e" "e!artme#t hea" at least 7 mo#th # a"va#%e from the "ate of %o#f rmat o#) so that the %o#f rmat o# re!ort shall be f lle" o# t me a#" the %o#f rmat o# letter s ssue" o# t me( If the em!loyee !erforma#%e s #ot sat sfa%tory) the# h s !robat o# !er o" s be #g e3te#"e" by the -R "e!artme#t for a m # mum of @ mo#ths a#" ma3 mum t me %oul" vary( After @ mo#ths the same !ro%e"ure s follo$e"( )/ase" o# e3te#t #o# a#" %o#f rmat o# )the %or!orate -R $ ll ssue a %o#f rmat o# letter to the %o#%er#e" "e!artme#t hea" $h %h f #aly ha#"s over to the %o#%er#e" em!loyee(

7 %o!y of the letter s subm tte" to the -R "e!artme#t "uly a%%e!te" a#" s g#e" by the em!loyee.

'! 0'" )A00 Deta ls of the sele%te" em!loyee are se#t to the hea" off %e :gurgao#<)the# from the hea" off %e a# a!!o #tme#t letter %o#ta # #g the terms a#" %o#" t o#s of &ob )salary a##e3ure alo#g $ th !re>em!loyme#t me" %al e3am #at o# s ssue" to %a#" "ate ( After that the em!loyee s 'e!t o# !robat o# !er o")for fresher the !robat o# s for 7 year a#" for a# e3!er e#%e" !erso# t s for I mo#ths ( After the su%%essful %om!let o# of 7 year or I mo#ths as the %ase may be )the em!loyee s the# !ut !erma#e#tly o# the &ob(

PERFETTI 0AN *E11E INDIA P0T( 1TD( Ru"ra!ur Pla#t Rev s o# SOP for PRODUCT SA1ES TO E*P1O9EES No(8 J7 SOP No(> ?7

O/JECTI0E8 )o provide company@s products to the members at subsidi$ed rates.. APP1ICA/1IT98 )his policy is applicable to all staff and shop floor employees in the factory. PRODUCT + RATES8 PRODUCT .hlormint (ar D;; !cs .enter 0ruit (ar 6;; pcs .enter fresh 6A; !cs .reamfills (ar FI; !cs .eramfills !ouch F;; pcs RU1ES AND REGU1ATIONS8 6. 5very member is eligible to purchase three display of any above said product in a month . F. (ars !romotional items will not be covered under this scheme. D. !roduct cost will be deducted from current month salary. H. !roduct will be made available subject to product availability. )his scheme can be modified& amended or withdrawn at any time by the ,anagement without assigning any reason. PROCEDURE8 RATES :Rs(< EI I6 6;6 E6 I6

Any member who wants to purchase these products has to fill his !roducts ale to 5mployee .ard which is available in )ime 'ffice. )he same has to submit at least one week before from the issue dates of the products to )ime 'ffice. !roduct will be distributed as per the !roduct ale .ard on 6st 66th and F6st of every month at the security gate after end of the shift timing. )he product sale card has to be authori$ed by ,anager 2"

PERFETTI 0AN *E11E INDIA P0T( 1TD( Ru"ra!ur Pla#t Rev s o# No(8 J7 SOP for .e"" #g G ft SOP No(> ??

O/JECTI0E8 )o give wedding gift on the occasion of employee@s marriage or employee@s .hildren marriage. APP1ICA/I1IT98 All staff and shop floor employees of the company are covered under this policy. #n case of children of employee@s ma+imum of two children will be eligible for wedding gift. GIFT 0A1UE8 #ncase of employee marriage the gift value shall be up to "s.FA;;*-. #ncase of employee@s children marriage the gift value shall be up to "s.6;;;*- . .ho $ ll atte#" the marr age8 'ne representative from the respective department and one representative from the 2uman "esources 8epartment will attend the marriage. )ravel 5ntitlements7 )o attend the outstation marriages the representative of the company =one from respective department and 2"> is eligible to claim the travel e+penses as per his * her travel entitlements. /o conveyance to be reimbursed in case the marriage venue is within a radius of A; M, from the office.

S$ot a#alys s


%dvanta$es of proposition5 (apabilities5 (ompetitive advanta$es5 6 "7s 8uni9ue sellin$ points:5 Resources, %ssets, "eople5 );perience, knowled$e, data5 <inancial reserves, likely returns5 #arketin$ 2 reach, distribution, awareness5 &nnovative aspects5 -ocation and $eo$raphical5 "rice, value, 9uality5 %ccreditations, 9ualifications, certifications5 "rocesses, systems, &/, communications5 (ultural, attitudinal, behavioural5

#ana$ement cover, succession5

.isadvanta$es of proposition5 =aps in capabilities5 -ack of competitive stren$th5 Reputation, presence and reach5 <inancials5 >wn known vulnerabilities5 /imescales, deadlines and pressures5 (ashflow, start2up cash2 drain5 (ontinuity, supply chain robustness5 )ffects on core activities, distraction5 Reliability of data, plan predictability5 #orale, commitment, leadership5 %ccreditations, etc5 "rocesses and systems, etc5

#ana$ement cover, succession5


#arket developments5 (ompetitors7 vulnerabilities5 &ndustry or lifestyle trends5 /echnolo$y development and innovation5 =lobal influences5 New markets, vertical, hori?ontal5 Niche tar$et markets5 =eo$raphical, e;port, import5 New 6 "7s5 /actics 2 surprise, ma@or contracts, etc5 Business and product development5 &nformation and research5 "artnerships, a$encies, distribution5 Aolumes, production, economies5 easonal, weather, fashion influences5


"olitical effects5 -e$islative effects5 )nvironmental effects5 &/ developments5 (ompetitor intentions 2 various5 #arket demand5 New technolo$ies, services, ideas5 Aital contracts and partners5 ustainin$ internal capabilities5 >bstacles faced5 &nsurmountable weaknesses5 -oss of key staff5 ustainable financial backin$5 )conomy 2 home, abroad5 easonality

E3e%ut ve summary
!rincipal .ompetitors

/estlT .A.< Mraft 0oods /orth America #nc.< ,ars #nc.< .adbury chweppes !4.< 2ershey 0oods .orp< 2A"#3' 1mb2 und .ompany M1<

0errero .p.A.< .hupa .hups A< 'y Marl 0a$er Ab< ,asterfoods -eghel 3.-.< August torck M1.
0urther "eading

PAdmiraal& Marin& PA ugary& 0ruity mell 0ills the Air at the !erfetti van ,elle !lant in 5rlanger& My& ?here 5ach 8ay F; )ons of ugar& Are ,i+ed& ,elted and ,olded into D ,illion Airheads .hewy .andies&P $incinatti (ost& ,arch D;& F;;F& p. 6;A. 3hattacharya& indhu (.& P!erfettiOs weet uccess&P !usiness )ine& 'ctober I& F;;H& p. 6E. 3ickerton& #an& P-an ,elle 1ives .onsent for )akeover by !erfetti&P *inancial %imes& (anuary 66& F;;6& p. DF. P.hups 4inks to 0ruittella&P +rocer& ,arch 6E& F;;A& p. J. P0oreign !rincipals 1rowing in "ussian .andy ,arket&P $andy &ndustry& (anuary F;;A& p. 66. /ewberry& (on& P.andy !lant ?ill Add (obs&P ,entucky (ost& 0ebruary 6J& F;;A& p. M6. P!erfetti Aims at 4arger lice of .onfectionery ,arket&P !usiness )ine& /ovember F6& F;;H. P!erfetti van ,elle ets 'ut to !rove #tself&P -uty *ree .ews &nternational& ,arch 6A& F;;D& p. D;. P!erfetti -an ,elle )hinks 'utside the "oll&P $onfectioner& (une F;;D& p. HJ. ,.4. .ohen


!roject in !erfetti van malle. started by interacting with the various levels of the managers B staff in the organi$ation. )he interaction with managers gave insight on the procedures of the recruitment. #t

also gave insight on the various types of training activities conducted for the new employees and e+isting employees and managers . #t also helped to learn training re%uirements while conducting various training activities by preparing the forms needed for the training activities . #n the "ecruitment department& by the interaction with the recruitment head came to know about the various selection processes which were used in the organi$ation in order to recruit the re%uired candidates who would be able to achieve the goals set by the company. 8uring the tenure in the company& the visit to the production unit gave lot of information about the process . 0inance department gave information about the final accounts i.e. the annual reports which helped in analy$ing various ratios. #t also gave the information on the important sources through which the budget was laid for various activities of the company. ,arketing and sales department gave information on various strategies of marketing and the techni%ues used in the sales of the goods. #t helped to know the various practical aspects marketing strategies which were learnt in the classroom.

Suggest o#

Cuest o##a re

Q. 1 When the training program is more interesting? a) Motivated b) De motivated Q. 2 You go t o attend training programs with the feeling? a) When senior managers are also parti ipated b) When the! do not parti ipated Q." #he topi of training program is appropriated? a) Yes b) $o Q.% #he time duration of training program is? a) &uffi ient b) 'nsuffi ient Q.( Your involvement in training programs must be? a) )lwa!s b) *ften ) &ometimes d) $ever Q.+ #he hange in wor, st!le after attending training programs is? a) Yes b) $o Q.- .ow mu h interest do !ou find in training program? a) More b) /ess ) $one Q.0 #he benefit !ou have re eived from attending training programs is? a) #ime management b) #eam wor, ) /ess dispute Q.1 You are able to ommuni ate learnt training s,ills to o2wor,ers? a) Yes b) $o Q. 13 ) ording to !ou the numbers of training programs that are effe tive lie in the range. a) )lwa!s b) *ften ) &ometimes d) $ever Q.11 #he implementation of s,ills taught inn training programs is? a) More b) /ess ) $one Q.12 's !ou able to en ourage !our o2wor,ers to implement training programs s,ills? a) Yes b) $o


:7< $ebs te :a<$$$(google(%om :b<$$$(!erfett (%om

:?</oo's :a< -R*8 A(S(Ash$atha!a :b< -R*8 C(/(Gu!ta :%< magM #e

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