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For Immediate Release

Earth Day 2014: In Our Multicultural Society, Asians Are Most Green

Date: April, 22, 2014
Location: New York, NY

In celebration of the 44
annual Earth Day, DDB Worldwide today announced findings from the 2014
DDB Life Style Study

(LSS), which indicates that across both attitudinal and behavioral measures,
race is one of the best predictors of green living. The LSS survey compares U.S. adults from among
four racial groups those who identify as White, Black, Hispanic, or Asian and reveals that by a
significant measure, Asians show the highest levels of agreement with stated beliefs and intentions
about doing the right thing for the environment.

According to the DDB Life Style Study data, over 75% of U.S. Asian adults agree that recycling is
important and that they make a strong effort to recycle everything they possibly can. In addition, 62%
of U.S. Asian adults say they use a refillable water bottle when they drink water outside of the home,
compared with only 52% of U.S. White adults.

Asian adults are willing to pay more for an environmentally safe version of a product than White
adults (57% vs. 44%). They are also significantly more likely to make a special effort to buy from
businesses that are environmentally conscious than any other racial group, with 54% of Asians doing
so, versus 36% of Whites, 43% of Blacks, and 46% of Hispanics. Furthermore, they are much more
likely than other racial groups to admit that a businesss social or environmental practices are
important to them (59% vs. 50% for Whites and Hispanics and 48% for Blacks).

Finally, when it comes to deciding whats best for the environment over whats best for the individual,
60% of U.S. Asians say they would be willing to accept a lower standard of living to conserve energy.
Only 50% of U.S. Hispanics, 46% of U.S. Blacks, and 41% of U.S. Whites are willing to make the
same sacrifice.

Denise Delahorne, SVP/Group Strategy Director of DDB U.S., commented. Its important to consider
another demographic variable that influences these results, and that is education. U.S. Asians are
much more likely than other racial groups in the United States to be college educated.

The study finds distinct differences between those who have completed college and those who have
not when comparing green attitudes and behaviors across highest levels of education completed.

Nelson Mandela said, Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the
world. Earth Day is a good time to remember that it can also save the planet.


White Black



4,749 816


I would pay more for an environmentally safe version of a product 44% 53% 51% 57%
I make a strong effort to recycle everything I possibly can 67% 61% 72% 78%
I use a refillable water bottle when I drink water outside of the home 52% 51% 58% 62%
I make a special effort to buy from businesses that are environmentally
36% 43% 46% 54%
I would be willing to accept a lower standard of living to conserve energy 41% 46% 50% 60%
How important is this issue to you? Recycling 71% 65% 71% 76%
How important is this issue to you? Whether a business ensures that its
practices have minimal social/environmental impact
50% 48% 50% 59%




1,727 1786 878
I would pay more for an environmentally safe version of a product 42% 52% 51%
I make a strong effort to recycle everything I possibly can 62% 74% 71%
I use a refillable water bottle when I drink water outside of the home 49% 58% 55%
I make a special effort to buy from businesses that are environmentally
35% 44% 44%
I would be willing to accept a lower standard of living to conserve energy 46% 44% 44%
How important is this issue to you? Recycling 64% 76% 74%
How important is this issue to you? Whether a business ensures that its
practices have minimal social/environmental impact
42% 56% 57%

Values in green/red boxes are significantly higher/lower

The DDB Life Style Study

is the nations longest running and largest longitudinal study of attitudes

and behaviors. Conducted annually since 1975, the sample is balanced to the U.S. Census on
gender, age, and race. This proprietary survey, with its 600+ questions, enables DDB to provide
exceptional insight into American consumer attitudes and behaviors. The 2014 study was fielded
among 7,020 respondents during January 2014. 2014 DDB Worldwide Communications Group Inc.

# # #

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Cmnlcom Croup lnc. (n?SL-CMC) ls a leadlng global markeLlng and corporaLe communlcaLlons company.
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