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Akhil Sood Himanshu Pandey Nikhil Shah Rohit Kumar

#$% Pro&' N'K' "haddha


(hen there is )on&li)t among grou*s

ea)h grou*s des)ri+es the other in terms o& negati,e stereoty*es'

!ntera)tion and )ommuni)ation

+et-een the grou*s de)reases'

The atmos*here at the -ork*la)e is

&ull o& )on&li)ts and misunderstanding'

So t-o .uestion arises/''

Ho- )an -e im*lement )on&li)t-

redu)ing me)hanism0

Ho- do -e +egin0

Intergroup Team-Bu !" ng Inter#ent on$

The &o)us o& this team +uilding grou*

o& #D is on im*ro,ing intergrou* relations' #D methods *ro,ide -ays o& in)reasing intergrou* )o-o*ertion and )ommuni)ation' Blake1She*herd and 2outon has de,elo*ed a)ti,ities a**li)a+le to stressed situations in the &orms o& ste*s'

The leader o& the t-o grou*s are

asked i& they -ant an ameliorati,e me)hanism &or the solution' !& yes1 the grou*s meet in se*arate rooms and +uild t-o lists' The t-o grou*s )ome together to share ea)h other the in&ormation on the list' No- the grou*s dis)uss the areas o& disagreement and &ri)tion se*arately and makes a list o& *riority issues -hi)h is usually mu)h smaller than the *re,ious one'

The t-o grou*s )ome +a)k together

and share there list1 a&ter )om*aring it they together list the issues -hi)h should +e resol,ed' They set *riorities and together they take a)tion &or resol,ing the *ro+lem' The grou*s or the leaders assess ho- the grou* are doing there a)tion *lan' They &ollo- u* the intergrou* team-+uilding a)ti,ity to monitor it'

Third party Peacemaking InterventionWaltons Approach

Third party peacemaking interventionWaltons Approach

Walton has presented a statement of theory

and practice for third-party peace making interventions that is important in its own right and important for its role in organization development. Waltons method has a lot in common with group interventions ut it is directed more towards! interpersonal conflict.

Third party peacemaking interventionWaltons Approach

The asic feature of this third party peacemaking intervention is "#onfrontation i.e. the two principals must e willing to confront the fact that conflict e$ists and that it has conse%uences on the effectiveness of the two parties involved. The third party must know how! when and where to utilize confrontation tactics that surface the conflict for e$amination.

Waltons model for diagnosis of conflict situation

The model is ased on four elements& The conflict issues. Precipitating circumstances. #onflict relevant acts. The conse%uences of the conflict. Apart from these four key elements of conflict diagnosis it is also important to know and differentiate the source of conflict.

'ources of #onflict

Substantive Issues

Emotional Issues
Involves negative feelings

disagreements over policies and practices! competitive ids for the same resources and differing conceptions of roles and role relationships. (e%uire pro lem-solving and argaining ehaviors etween the principals.

etween the parties)e.g.! anger! distrust! scorn! resentment! fear! re*ection+.

(e%uires restructuring

perceptions and working through negative feelings.

Waltons outline for productive confrontation)process of addressing conflict+

,utual positive motivation. -alance of power. 'ynchronization of confrontation efforts. .ifferentiation and integration of different phases of the intervention must e well paced. #onditions that promote openness should e created. (elia le communicative signals. /ptimum tension in the situation .

/rganizational ,irroring

&ue$t on$
3'Des)ri+e the organi4ational mirroring inter,ention and its intended use in )reating *ositi,e )hange in the -ork*la)e'

5'Des)ri+e the ste*s and goals o& the organi4ational mirroring *ro)ess'

Set o& a)ti,ities in -hi)h host grou*

re)ei,es &eed+a)k a+out ho- it is *er)ei,ed and regarded &rom re*s a)ross organi4ation !ntended to im*ro,e intergrou* relationshi*s Di&&erent &rom inter-grou* team +uilding inter,ention'


3' Host grou* asks key re*s &rom inter&a)e grou* 6)ustomer-su**lier grou*s7 to meet and *ro,ide &eed+a)k 5' Pre- and *ost inter,ie-s +y )onsultant to identi&y magnitude o& issue6s71 *re* *arti)i*ants and ans-er their .uestions 8' At the a)tual session% 3'#*ening remarks +y manger o& host grou* to set tone 5' uests use &ish+o-l dis)ussion to maintain natural &lo-9 hosts listen 8'Hosts &ish+o-l dis)uss1 ask &or )lari&i)ation &rom guests :'Su+grou*s o& guests and hosts &orm to identi&y most im*ortant )hanges host grou* needs to make ;'Re)on,ene in large grou* to hear summaries o& ea)h su+ grou* and &orm master task list


3sed in situations where two or more entities are likely to incur unnecessary conflict and4or cost overruns. A variation of team uilding and strategic planning / *ective is to form " an effective pro lem finding4pro lem solving management team composed of personnel from oth the parties! thus creating a single culture with one set of goals and o *ectives for the pro*ect. Ideally! partnering involves all the functions in the pro*ect! including engineering and design! site management! and home office support.

PA(T01(I02 5 A #A'1
#ase involved US Army Corps of Engineers and a Contractor The #orps of 1ngineers selected the /. consultants. A retreat at a natural site with participants including key managers from home offices! site managers from oth the #orps and the contractor. Workshop focused on 6team- uilding! action research and planning including advanced conflict resolution methods! development of a shared vision! and strategic planning to demonstrate the utility of group decision making. 7ists were developed and shared showing oth the "strengths and "pro lems of the #orps and the #ontractor

PA(T01(I02 5 A #A'1
,i$ed groups! comprising mem ers from oth parties! selected one or more of the pro lems to diagnose further! identified and evaluated possi le courses of action and made recommendations to the total group. ,utual commitment to teamwork! e%uita le pro lem solving and open communication was made. A follow-up workshop was held three months after pro*ect egan. At si$ months! 6on-site data-gathering visits were conducted with follow-up workshops involving all the key players.

PA(T01(I02 - APP(AI'A7
While partnering did not solve all of the pro lems that surfaced during the life of the various pro*ects! high success rates have een reported! and participants tended to report 6 etter results than on previous nonpartnered pro*ects.8 As a result! partnering has een used on several other large government pro*ects involving the Air 9orce! 0avy! and 0A'A! and their contractors.

'on'!u" ng 'omment$%
!ntergrou* team +uilding 1 third

*arty *ea)emaking1 the organi4ation mirror and *artnering are &our ma>or inter,entions that ha,e +een de,elo*ed to im*ro,e intergrou* and inter*ersonal relations' All these redu)e intergrou* and inter*ersonal )on&li)t and im*ro,e relationshi*s'

Thank you..

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