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Samantha James

Trapped by his father's demands, Gabriel Sinclair m st ta!e a bride"he #$%s it %ill be a marria&e in name $nly' And s$ he %eds the s ltry, l$%(b$rn )an!ee %ench %h$ tried t$ steal his %atch''' *assie +c*lellan, desperate t$ escape her life $f p$#erty, accepts his $ tra&e$ s pr$p$sal, ne#er e,pectin& t$ fall f$r this dan&er$ s l$rd" -R.L.GE Tall, i#y( clad &ates ann$ nced the entrance t$ /arlei&h 0all' A l$n&, %indin& dri#e %$ nd f$rmal, terraced &ardens and ye%( hed&ed %al!s ' B t it %as /arlei&h 0all itself, %ith its stately bric! facade and spra%lin& &rande r, c$mmanded the eye $f the beh$lder' Bey$nd the %ide, c r#in& st$ne steps, hi&h, m lli$ned %ind$%s draped %ith shimmerin& &$ld sil! stretched endlessly $n either side ''' it %as at $nce a si&ht b$th f$rmidable and a%e(inspirin&' At the east end $f the manse, t%$ y$ n& children sat beneath the %atchf l & idance $f their t t$r, +r' /indley' +$re and m$re $ften their attenti$n strayed t$ the %ind$% $f the sch$$lr$$m, %hich %as sli&htly a1ar in deference t$ the %arm J ne aftern$$n' St$ t and st rdy b$ys $f ten and si, they %ere, the elder as fair as the y$ n&er %as dar!, b$th %ith eyes the same piercin& &ray as their father' And it %as their father f$r %h$m the pair %aited s$ an,i$ sly, fid&etin& at their cherry%$$d table, ntil at last +r' /indley r$lled his eyes hea#en%ard and thre% p his hands' 2.ff %ith y$ n$%34 he said cr$ssly' 4I c$ ld be fillin& y$ r heads %ith p$rrid&e f$r all the t%$ $f y$ %$ ld !n$%3 )$ r father %$n't be bac! fr$m L$nd$n bef$re ni&htfall, b t %h$ am I t$ tell y$ differently5 Ed cati$n is indeed lifes m$st c$#eted pri6e, b t d$ either $f y$ reali6e it5 I thin! n$t34

0e cast a last dispara&in& &lance at the b$ys, m tterin& nder his breath ab$ t the #a&aries $f fate %ith an e7 al mi, $f en#y and fr strati$n' /$r alth$ &h their minds mi&ht s$meday be empty as a p$$r man's !ettle, s ch %$ ld n$t be the case %ith their p$c!etb$$!s ''' 8$t f$r the s$ns $f the se#enth d !e $f /arlei&h, a man %h$ %as am$n& the %ealthiest in all $f En&land' At that precise m$ment, the clatter $f c$ach %heels s$ nded $n the dri#e $ tside' +r' /indley i&n$red it, his mettle pric!ed still f rther' . tside, the carria&e r$ nded the last &racef l c r#e $f the dri#e' The elder lad b$ nded d$%n the %ide st$ne steps' Alth$ &h his br$ther str &&led t$ !eep pace, his thin le&s p mpin& f ri$ sly, he la&&ed far behind' 0e had scarcely breached the %ide d$ ble d$$rs %hen the carria&e d$$r b rst $pen' A hands$me man, impeccably dressed in an ele&ant striped sil! fr$c! c$at and pale pantal$$ns, leaped li&htly t$ the &r$ nd' 4-apa34 Bri&ht, ea&er eyes &leamed p at him' 29e missed y$ 3 As m ch as I en1$y my ridin& less$n %ith /erris, Id m ch rather y$ ta &ht me instead'4 The d !e's &a6e settled p$n his &$lden(haired s$n, r$#in& the arist$cratic feat res that s$ reminded him $f an$ther ''' L$rd, b t the b$y resembled his m$ther3 0e la &hed' 4And I, t$$, St art' Indeed, $ r less$ns %ere $ft $n my mind %hile I %as &$ne ((%hy, s$ m ch s$ that I c$ ldn't resist brin&in& this bac! f$r y$ '4 The d !e &est red t$ his f$$tman, and a&ain the s$ nd $f h$$f beats %as heard' An$ther rider appeared, b t it %as the small %hite p$ny that trailed behind that %idened St art's eyes' 2-apa34 he breathed' 2)$ ha#e br$ &ht me my #ery $%n p$ny3 9hy, I shall name him 9hite Dancer34 An ind l&ent smile c r#ed the d !e's lips as he led the p$ny f$r%ard' 4.f c$ rse I br$ &ht y$ a present' 8$thin& is t$$ &$$d f$r the f t re d !e $f /arlei&h, y$ !n$%'4 8either $f them had n$ticed y$ n& Gabriel, %h$ n$% darted f$rth' 4A p$ny34 he cried, beamin&' 2-apa, y$ ha#e br$ &ht s a p$ny34 In his ea&er he thr st a hand p in fr$nt $f the p$ny's n$se B t the s ddenness $f the m$#e fri&htened the animal: he reared p and bac!, instincti#ely stri!in& $ t %ith his f$rele&s' St art leaped bac!, $nly narr$%ly escapin& the flashin& h$$#es' The d !e %hirled $n the child' 4The p$ny is f$r y$ r br$ther, b$y, n$t y$ 3 And f$r pity's sa!e, %atch y$ rself3 )$ !n$% better than t$ startle a h$rse' )$ r br$ther mi&ht ha#e been !illed34 St art &lanced at his father' 40e meant n$ harm, -apa'4 0is t$ne %as earnest' 40e $nly %anted t$ see the p$ny' Didn't y$ , Gabriel54 The child called Gabriel said n$thin&' 0e s ffered his father's silent disappr$#al, his dar! head b$%ed l$%' 0is b$tt$m lip trembled: all the life had flic!ered fr$m his eyes' 4)es, I s pp$se y$ 're ri&ht'4 The d !e did n$t b$ther t$ hide his irritati$n' 4B t he %$ ld d$ %ell t$ be m$re li!e y$ , St art' )$ r br$ther is a bit $f a n isance at times'4 The y$ n&er lad's sh$ lders sl mped f rther' Thin!in& t$ cheer him, St art &lanced at his father' 4-apa, %hat present ha#e y$ br$ &ht f$r Gabriel54 he as!ed c ri$ sly' The d !e si&hed' 4Dear me' 9ills and I %ere s$ ca &ht p in tryin& t$ find y$ r p$ny, I fear it 7 ite escaped me' 8$ matter ((( I shall try t$ remember the ne,t time'4 0e cr$$!ed a fin&er at his elder s$n' 4*$me al$n& n$%, St art' 9e'#e m ch t$ disc ss, f$r I'#e decided y$ shall acc$mpany me $n my ne,t trip t$ L$nd$n'4 0is chest s%ellin& %ith pride, St art stepped p smartly beside his father' The d !e t rned as if t$ %al! a%ay' Then, as if it %ere an afterth$ &ht, he st$pped and patted Gabriel $n the head (( li!e a fa#$red pet ( then t rned and %al!ed a%ay, St art at his side' B t the b$y %as neither fa#$red, n$r a pet' 0e %as $nly a child %h$ did n$t nderstand %hy his father sli&hted him s$' B t his m$ther !ne%' Inside the h$ se, a f$ld $f the sil! draperies slid silently bac! int$ place' ;nbe!n$%nst t$ the three $f them, Lady *ar$line Sinclair, d chess $f /arlei&h, %atched fr$m afar' There %as

a melanch$ly sadness ab$ t her as she t rned a%ay, f$r she %as a%are, in that %ay $nly a m$ther is, that the lad had been %$ nded' She al$ne nderst$$d the %istf l yearnin& in her s$n's eyes, the ache in his s$ l' She c$ ld ha#e %ept, f$r the b$y %as al%ays s$ ea&er t$ please, s$ an,i$ s f$r his father's attenti$n' B t Edm nd %as blind t$ his s$n's de#$ti$n' Indeed, he scarcely !ne% the b$y e,isted' /$r the d !e's fa#$rite %as his firstb$rn' And *ar$line &reatly feared that a sec$nd s$n %as n$ better than a sec$nd %ife ''' Bitterly she recalled that l$n&(a&$ day Edm nd had c$me t$ her' 4St art needs a m$ther,4 he had said' 4And it seems I need a %ife'4 .h, h$% b$ld he had been3 S$ dashin&, s$ arr$&ant and str$n&(%illed3 B t *ar$line had spared n$t a care, f$r she had l$#ed Edm nd Sinclair fr$m the m$ment she had set eyes $n him (( and t$ thin! he had ch$sen her ab$#e all $thers3 0er f$$lish heart had brimmed %ith 1$yf l h$pe' S rely he %$ ld c$me l$#e her' S rely s$meday ''' And s$ she stri#ed mi&htily t$ be a l$#in&, d tif l %ife in all thin&s, that he mi&ht c$me t$ l$#e her in ret rn' B t she had c$me t$ reali6e that alth$ &h her l$#e %$ ld f$re#er d%ell %ith the man %h$ claimed her heart, his f$re#er d%elled %ith $ne %h$ n$% li#ed %ith the an&els ''' Edm nd %as n$t incapable $f l$#in& (( h$% m ch easier t$ bear %ere it s$3 She pressed tremblin& fin&ers a&ainst her f$rehead' She m st be str$n&, if n$t f$r her $%n sa!e, then f$r Gabriel' She c$ ld stand the h rt, pain ((( anythin& f$r this child $f her heart, f$r indeed, he %as all she had (( all that she mi&ht e#er ha#e' 0er heart hea#y %ith her b rden, b t determined s ch %ea!ness %$ ld n$t sh$%, she h rried d$%n the &allery and $ t int$ the s nshine' The b$y remained %here he %as, still and silent' Small and al$ne' /$r&i#en ''' then f$r&$tten' B t the child did n$t f$r&et, n$r f$r&i#e: %ith &entle insistence he eased himself fr$m his m$ther's l$#in& embrace' T$ her s rprise, he %$ ld accept neither pity n$r c$mf$rt' There %ere n$ tears, $nly a hint $f st$ic pride despite his tender years' /$r Gabriel %as #ery m ch his father's s$n'' /ar m$re than any $f them reali6ed'

Chapter 1
Charleston, South Carolina 1815 A t$rrential s mmer rain p$ red fr$m the s!y, drenchin& t$ the s!in th$se da ntless s$ ls %h$ #ent red $ tside, and t rnin& the already r tted, stin!in& streets int$ a sea $f m d' B t inside the tapr$$m $f Blac! Jac!'s Inn, the air fairly seethed %ith the p lse $f life and ra c$ s, masc line la &hter' Alth$ &h it %as $nly a fe% bl$c!s fr$m the %aterfr$nt, Blac! Jac!'s %as $ne $f the better establishments $f the city' It b$asted e,cellent f$$d, clean sheets, and respectable ser#ice, all at a fair price' .n this partic lar %et, dreary ni&ht, the table in the far c$rner %as $cc pied by t%$ %ell( dressed men, $ne %ith hair as dar! as the midni&ht h$ r, the $ther slender and chestn t(haired' After %ee!s at sea, they'd decided t$ f$re&$ the ship's cramped 7 arters f$r the pleas res $f a %arm, c$mf$rtable mattress' 2T$ a safe trip bac! t$ En&land (( and t$ the earl 9a!efield and his f t re bride34

The la &hter(filled #$ice bel$n&ed t$ $ne Sir *hrist$pher +arley' L$rd Gabriel Sinclair, h$%e#er, %as n$t s$ ea&er t$ 1$in the t$ast' And little %$nder, f$r his impendin& n ptials %ere hardly t$ his li!in& ''' They %ere m$st certainly n$t $f his d$in&' 0e stared int$ his &lass as if it held the secrets $f the %$rld' These last %ee!s had bl rred int$ a dream(s%eet hea#en, a ni&htmare' St art %as dead, a cas alty $f the battle $f 8e% .rleans' Stuart' An nseen hand seemed t$ cl$se ab$ t his heart and s7 ee6e' In tr th, his br$ther's death %as s$methin& Gabriel had ne#er $nce c$nsidered' 0e and St art had ne#er been tr ly cl$se, and the years had f$ nd them driftin& f rther and f rther apart' Gabriel had left /arlei&h the day $f his m$thers f neral, and he <d n$t been bac!' In tr th, he had t rned his bac! $n his father and set ab$ t b ildin& a s ccessf l shippin& b siness $f his $%n' And in s$ d$in&, Gabriel had t rned his bac! $n all that he %as' Bitter remembrance seared his heart' 8eedless, his father had n$t s$ &ht him $ t, e#en %hen he'd left t$ march %ith the En&lish f$rces a&ainst 8ap$le$n' 8$, n$t $nce in nearly fi#e years had his father dei&ned t$ call p$n him' Indeed, it %as as if he ne#er e,isted ''' B t all that had chan&ed %ith St art's death' It %as ine#itable, perhaps ''' Gabriel's mind slid bac! in time, bac! t$ his last meetin& in his father's L$nd$n st dy %hen he'd learned his br$ther %as dead' 0is father had n$t chan&ed' 0e %as as arr$&ant, as imperi$ s ''' as c$ld as e#er' 4)$ are n$% the earl $f 9a!efield, the ne,t d !e $f /arlei&h,4 his father said in that fri&id, f$rmal t$ne Gabriel remembered s$ %ell (( and hated s$ intensely' 4'Its y$ r d ty t$ marry, t$ &i#e me a &rands$n s$ that $ r family name d$es n$t die $ t'4 Duty' G$d, b t the %$rd %as s ddenly #ile' In tr th, Gabriel had !n$%n preci$ s little $f d ty, f$r that %as the r$le f$r %hich St art had been &r$$med' 0e f$rced himself t$ rela,, then smiled la6ily' =.h, I'#e many ses f$r %$men, /ather, b$th in bedr$$m and %ith$ t'4 0e pa sed, ta!in& a per#erse deli&ht at his father's e,pressi$n, #isible pr$$f $f his displeas re' 0e &a#e a sh$rt la &h c$ntin ed' 4/$rt nately, n$ne $f them ha#e e#er incl ded marria&e'4 Br$%s the c$l$r $f ir$n dre% t$&ether $#er Edm nd Sinclair's eyes' 0is hair, still %ell in ab ndance, %as strea!ed %ith the same ir$n(&ray' Gabriel did n$t flinch fr$m s ch piercin& re&ard, the %ay he had d$ne s$ $ften as a child' 4Ah, yes, s$ it %$ ld seem'4 The d !e's t$ne %as icily distant 2I#e been !ept apprised $f y$ r ''' acti#ities' It seems y$ '#e had many a mistress yet ne#er a %ife> Gabriel's smile #anished' The man had dared t$ spy p$n him3 0e &lared at his father, $nly barely able t$ c$nceal his temper' 29ith a title c$mes resp$nsibility, Gabriel, as %ell as respectability' In li&ht $f y$ r ''' beha#i$r, I belie#e the first step sh$ ld be t$ remedy the sit ati$n' )$ m st ta!e a %ife' 8$%' /r$m y$ r $%n lips, y$ #e indicated n$ preference' I, theref$re, pr$p$se a s$l ti$n' Since St art can n$ l$n&er %ed Lady E#elyn, it seems $nly l$&ical that y$ ta!e his place'4 Gabriel had !n$%n, $f c$ rse, $f St art's betr$thal t$ Lady E#elyn, $nly child $f the d !e $f 9arrent$n, %h$se estate b$rdered /arlei&h in ?ent' 4Indeed>, his father had &$ne $n, 4I see n$ reas$n %hy the %eddin& sh$ ld n$t ta!e place as planned'4 /$r an instant, Gabriel had been t$$ st nned t$ reply' It %as $nly later that he reali6ed he sh$ ld ha#e e,pected s ch ha &hty pres mpti$n (( after all, this %as his father %ith %h$m he %as dealin&' The r&e t$ %al! a%ay %as alm$st $#erp$%erin&' L$rd, he'd been tempted t$ d$ e,actly that, t$ shir! his s$(called d ty and t$ hell %ith his father' )et s$methin& st$pped him '''

Gabriel %as many thin&s, b t ne#er a f$$l' /arlei&h %as a &rand estate, and a f t re d !ed$m %as a p$%erf l l re indeed ''' -erhaps, he decided &rimly, this %as /ate's %ay $f see!in& t$ erase th$se miserable years $f his y$ th' '9ell54 .h, b t his father's n$te $f impatience %as far t$$ familiar' 40a#e y$ n$thin& t$ say, Gabriel5 If s$, then I m st ass me y$ ha#e n$ $b1ecti$n t$ %eddin& Lady E#elyn'4 Gabriel clenched his fists at his sides' 4/ather,4 he said e#enly, 4the years ha#e n$t chan&ed y$ ' )$ p$ssess n$ %ill b t y$ r $%n' )$ ac!n$%led&e n$ %ill b t y$ r $%n' 9$ ld it tr ly matter t$ y$ if I harb$red s$me $b1ecti$n54 E#en as he sp$!e, his mind %as $ther%ise enc mbered' 0e needed time t$ c$nsider, time t$ decide $ne %ay $r the $ther ' ' ' .ne thin& st$$d $ t hi&h in his mind' If he ch$se t$ %ed Lady E#elyn, it %$ ld be d$ne n$t t$ please his father, b t himself' As Gabriel e,pected, the d !e ch$se t$ i&n$re his 1ibe' 2@ery %ell, then' 9arrent$n and his da &hter ha#e already a&reed t$ the match' Theref$re, %e shall share this ne%s immediately(4 28$' I ha#e b siness in America' +y ship lea#es at da%n t$m$rr$%' I fear I m st insist %e %ait ntil my ret rn'4 The d !e's disli!e $f )an!ees %as !n$%n far and %ide, and little %$nder, c$nsiderin& the fate that had befallen his first %ife, and n$% St art''' The d !e's lips ti&htened' 4I see n$ reas$n t$ delay,4 he be&an' 2Ah, b t I d$' S rely a %ait $f se#eral m$nths %$ ld be m$re appr$priate in li&ht $f St art's demise' Besides, I hardly thin! it pr$per that the ton be apprised $f s ch an e#ent %ith$ t my presence in the flesh'4 Gabriel shr &&ed, his t$ne $ne $f reas$n and tter calm' 4S rely a fe% m$nths %ill ma!e little difference'4 The d !e's 1a% clamped ti&ht' 0is eyes %ere a c$$l, pale reflecti$n $f his s$n's' 4)$ are ri&ht, $f c$ rse,> he said at len&th' 49e %ill ma!e the f$rmal ann$ ncement as s$$n as y$ ha#e c$ncl ded y$ r b siness and ret rned t$ L$nd$n'4 0is father %as f ri$ s, Gabriel ac!n$%led&ed sm &ly' The #ict$ry %as a small $ne, b t a #ict$ry n$netheless' As s ch, he %$ ld d$ %ell t$ en1$y it' A hea#in& & ffa% fr$m behind Gabriel br$ &ht him bac! t$ the present' 9hat %as it *hrist$pher had said5 To the earl of Wakefield and his future bride. Recallin& the t$ast, Gabriel raised a dar!ly slanted br$% in lie $f his tan!ard' The %ay he felt ri&ht n$%, hed 1 st as s$$n ta!e as his %ife an &ly ha& than d$ as his father %anted' 29e'#e $nly 1 st arri#ed,> he said li&htly' 4Are y$ s$ an,i$ s then t$ depart %ith$ t samplin& all *harlest$n has t$ $ffer54 .ne c$rner $f his hard m$ th came p' 4As I recall, $ r last #isit t$ *harlest$n left nearly e#ery maid in the t$%n yearnin& f$r the thr st $f an En&lish blade34 Th$ &h Gabriel %as s$metimes distant, $ften rem$te, *hrist$pher had !n$%n his friend far t$$ l$n& t$ $#erl$$! his brittle smile' 4S$methin&,4 *hrist$pher said sl$%ly, 4is tr$ blin& y$ '4 Tr$ blin& him5 9hy, %hat sh$ ld he care that /ate had cast him bac! int$ his father's path5 A m$c!in& smile t%isted Gabriel's lips' 4I %ill s$$n be %ed t$ a %$man %h$se linea&e is am$n& the $ldest in all $f En&land' )$ are ri&ht, *hrist$pher' Let s t$ast the alliance bet%een the h$ se $f 9arrent$n and the h$ se $f /arlei&h'4 0e raised his &lass hi&h' 2T$ the mi&hty and the damned34 This time it %as *hrist$pher %h$ l$$!ed $n as Gabriel pr$ceeded t$ drain his tan!ard $f e#ery dr$p $f ale' 0e pict red in his mind the pale ethereal bl$nd %h$ %$ ld %ed his friend' 0e si&hed' 9hat he %$ ldn't &i#e t$ be in Gabriel's sh$es3 B t t$ a l$%ly bar$net, the l$#ely E#elyn %as as far $ t $f reach as the stars'

4Lady E#elyn is hardly a tr$ll, Gabriel' /aith, she is as c$mely as any3 9ere I y$ ,4 he chided, 4Id find marria&e t$ her n$ hardship at all'4 Gabriel said n$thin&' 0e had already inherited St art's title, he th$ &ht blac!ly' 9hy n$t his %ife as %ell5 In tr th, it %as n$t the marria&e itself that Gabriel f$ nd s$ distastef l' *hrist$pher %as ri&ht, he reali6ed' 0e s pp$sed E#elyn %as pretty en$ &h' And perhaps it %as %ell and &$$d that she %as 7 iet and m$ sy and half(terrified $f him' She %$ ld d$ as she %as t$ld, and %$ ld n$t dare t$ 7 esti$n him' And did it tr ly matter that he %$ ld s$$n ha#e a %ife5 +arria&e and fidelity %ere hardly syn$nym$ s' S$ciety accepted that a man slept %here he ch$se, and %ith %h$m he ch$se' 8$, his life need n$t be any different than bef$re' 8$netheless, a seethin& resentment sei6ed h$ld $f him' 9hat &rated %as that his father had c$mmanded he marry' And it %as 1 st li!e his father t$ e,pect that his e#ery %ish be $beyed, blast his arr$&ant, a t$cratic hide3 /$r a m$ment his br$$din& silence lin&ered' 4I did n$t e,pect t$ ha#e t$ marry $ t $f d ty,4 he said at last' 4Indeed,> he did n$t b$ther t$ hide his ann$yance, 4I did n$t e,pect t$ ha#e t$ marry at hall'> 9hen the inn!eeper h rried $#er t$ ser#e them a s mpt $ s r$ nd $f beef s%immin& in &ra#y, ba!ed yams, and h$neyed ham, *hrist$pher silently st died his friend' /r$m the time they'd met at *ambrid&e, Gabriel had been %ild and rec!less, e#er the rebel' E#en then the state $f affairs bet%een Gabriel and his father had been blea!' B t there %as n$% a hardness %ithin him, a br$$din& hardness that had been there ntil his m$ther had died' Indeed, *hrist$pher c$ ld ha#e s%$rn that Gabriel blamed his father f$r his m$ther's death ''' )et *ar$line had died $f an accident (( a tra&ic $ne, t$ be s re (( b t an accident n$netheless' B t *hrist$pher did n$t as! %hy Gabriel mi&ht h$ld his father acc$ ntable' /$r there %ere s$me b$ ndaries e#en he dared n$t cr$ss' *hrist$pher sh$$! his head' 4/e% $f s ea&erly enter the marria&e mar!et, my friend' I fear 'Its s ally a case $f needs m st'4 Gabriel &a#e a harsh la &h and reached f$r his f$r!' 4.n that, y$ are ri&ht' 9$men c$mplain that 'Its men %h$ p$ssess all the freed$m' B t marria&es are made t$ ac7 ire that %hich $ne d$es n$t h$ld' 2'Its ir$nic, is it n$t, that if a %$man p$ssesses m ch in the %ay $f bea ty, she s ally mana&es t$ marry a f$rt ne' And if she already has a f$rt ne, she neednt marry at all' B t a man ''' %ell, if a man %ishes t$ pr$d ce an heir, he m st find himself a %ife34 *hrist$pher's bl e eyes filled %ith mirth' 4-erhaps the lady (( and marria&e (( %ill tame y$ '4 0is friend ch c!led' 4Indeed, I find the p$ssibility rather intri& in&34 Gabriel smiled, his first &en ine display h m$r' 4Intri& in&, yes,4 he dra%led' 4B t li!ely54 0e sh$$! his head' 4I thin! n$t'4 Gabriel %as %ell a%are his rep tati$n as a ra!ehell %as hardly ndeser#ed' .f #ice he !ne% m ch, $f #irt e, preci$ s little' 4In fact,4 he c$ntin ed li&htly, 4I s &&est %e $cc py $ rsel#es %ith the p rs it $f far m$re pleasant matters' 9hy, %h$ !n$%s %hat ne% fields ha#e bl$$med in $ r absence54 0is &a6e s%ept the tapr$$m, his meanin& nmista!able' *hrist$pher %as $nly t$$ &lad f$r the di#ersi$n' A barmaid had 1 st m$#ed t$ clear the tan!ards fr$m a table recently #acated' Gener$ s(hipped and ra%(b$ned, she had r$ nd br$%n eyes and pl mp red chee!s' .n seein& she had capt red their attenti$n, she flashed a beamin& smile and leaned f$r%ard acr$ss the table' 0er b$dice &aped %ide, $fferin& an nimpeded #ie% $f bare, ample breasts' 'Ah,4 *hrist$pher m rm red' 4A display $f female charms that is hardly plat$nic, %$ ldn't y$ say54 '>Indeed'4 Gabriel %as mildly am sed by the barmaid's pl$y' *learly the %ench %as %illin&' She %as y$ n&, and appeared t$ ha#e &$$d teeth' B t she %as a bit n&ainly' '''4I fear,4 he m rm red, 2shes rather cl msily made f$r my tastes'4

*hrist$pher la &hed' 48$ d$ bt she'll ma!e s$me man a &$$d farmers %ife'4 It %as then that Gabriel sa% her (( the $ther barmaid' She %as h rryin& fr$m the !itchen, tyin& an apr$n ab$ t her %aist' And this $ne %as far fr$m n&ainly' 0er hair seemed the same rich c$l$r as the fireli&ht, a stri!in& c$mbinati$n $f amber and &$ld' B t it %as ca &ht p in a !n$t $n her nape, p lled s$ se#erely ti&ht the s!in $n her f$rehead %as stretched ta t' 0e f$ nd himself p$ssessed $f the n$ti$n that she s$ &ht t$ hide her bea ty' *hrist$pher's &a6e trailed his' .n seein& %here Gabriel's had settled, he raised a thic! chestn t br$%' 4Ah,4 he m rm red, r bbin& his chin' 48$% theres a maid I #$% is as pleasant t$ !iss as t$ l$$! p$n' 8at re has n$t failed her, my friend' 9hy, I daresay s ch bea ty c$ ld carry her far ''' n$ farmer's %ife, this $ne, eh5 8$ d$ bt she c$ ld aim far hi&her'4 Gabriel %as n$t disp$sed t$ ans%er' 8$r did he need t$, *hrist$pher decided' Gabriel's intense scr tiny $f the &irl t$ld him all he needed t$ !n$%' 0e hea#ed a silent si&h $f re&ret, f$r the th$ &ht $f p rs in& a dalliance %ith the %ench %as capti#atin& indeed, b t Gabriel had spied her first s$ he %$ ld 7 ell any fri#$l$ s p rs it $n his part' Gabriel's &a6e had yet t$ lea#e the &irl' She %as dressed m ch the same as the $ther, in a %$rn, m slin &$%n that mi&ht ha#e $nce been &reen' The s7 are b$dice %as c t l$%' She carried a hea#ily laden tray and had be& n t$ ser#e fr$thy tan!ards $f ale at the table acr$ss the r$$m' Gabriel c$ ldn't help b t n$te the %ay her hand fl ttered t$ the l$%(c t nec!line e#ery s$ $ften: the merest hint $f creamy r$ ndness %as re#ealed' 0e &a#e a cynical half(smile, f$r $ddly en$ &h, he f$ nd himself far m$re fascinated by %hat this lass h mbly c$ncealed than %hat the first barmaid bra6enly displayed' Small(b$ned and nearthly slender beneath that %retched &$%n, it slipped thr$ &h his mind that she seemed stran&ely $ t $f place here, li!e a frail pin! bl$ss$m am$n& th$rns ''' 0e %as abr ptly irritated %ith himself' 9hat n$nsense %as this5 *$mparin& the %ench %ith r$ses5 0e %as s ddenly b$th an&ry and ann$yed, yet b ried beneath his self(derisi#e sc$rn %as the reali6ati$n that he c$ ld scarcely escape the reminder ''' 0is m$ther had l$#ed fl$%ers' Beside him there %as a s%ish $f s!irts' The first maid sidled p bet%een him and *hrist$pher' >0$pe y$ en1$yed y$ r meal, &ents'4 She &lanced bet%een them, her eyes dar! and s &&esti#e' E#er the &entleman, *hrist$pher pr$claimed heartily, 49hy, than! y$ , mistress' Indeed, y$ may pass $ r c$mpliments $n t$ the c$$!' The bread %as fra&rant and %arm, the r$ nd $f beef tender and %ell(seas$ned'4 She smiled and %et her lips' 4+y name s 8ell,4 she $ffered' 4)er En&lish, the t%$ $f y$ , aren't ye5> 2Aye, %e certainly are'4 *hrist$pher r$se and &a#e a m$c! b$%' 4I am Sir *hrist$pher +arley, and this is Gabriel Sinclair, the ne%ly titled earl $f 9a!efield' 8ells eyes %idened' She dipped a c rtsy A b t n$t %ith$ t an$ther display $f b$ ntif l flesh A a calc lated m$#e, Gabriel th$ &ht, n$ddin& in ac!n$%led&ement' 29ell, 1 st s$ ye !n$%, 8ell here d$n't h$ld a &r d&e a&ainst ye En&lishmen' 9e'#e had a fe% p t p here at Blac! Jac!'s since the %ar ended' And real &ents they %ere, n$t li!e s$me %e &et ar$ nd here'4 Gabriel smiled p$litely' 0e inclined his head t$%ard the $ther barmaid' 49h$ is the $ther &irl54 8ell s smile faded' 4.h, that's *assie' 0er m m %as $ne $f the barmaids here years bac!'4 She %in!ed' 4All $' *harlest$n !ne% her m m %as a li&hts!irt (( and n$t $ne f$r the same man t%$ ni&hts in a r$%, if ye !n$% %hat I mean' 9asn't l$n& bef$re she ran $ff and left her brat

here' An still the &irl's &$t the ner#e t$ p t $n airs, she d$es3(( 1 st 'ca se she tal!s better 'n me' B t that' s $nly 'ca se Bess ta &ht her' Bess %as $nce a lady's maid, y$ !n$%'4 Gabriel n$dded' 4I see' And %h$ is Bess54 49as,4 8ell c$rrected' 4Died a m$nth past birthin& her babe, she did' 9hy, she and *assie %ere ti&ht as a babe $n a m$ther's tit34 0er m$ th t rned d$%n %hen she sa% Gabriel' eyes still fastened $n the s b1ect in 7 esti$n' She sniffed disdainf lly' 48$t en$ &h arse t$ !eep man's bac!side %arm' And n$t m ch t$pside either, if y$ as! me'4 S$ sayin&, she t$ssed her head' B$ldly she ran a fin&ertip al$n& the c$llar $f *hrist$pher's %aist( c$at' 4In case ye be %antin& anythin& else, 1 st as! f$r 8ell'4 9hen she %as &$ne, *hrist$pher &a#e a dry la &h' 4Dear L$rd' 8e#er say she is n$t ea&er'4 Gabriel 7 ir!ed a br$%' 4.r partic lar, it %$ ld seem'4 0e n$dded: *hrist$pher t rned his head 1 st in time t$ see' 8ell snared ab$ t the %aist by a hea#y(1$%led man near the entrance' 0e p lled her d$%n hard $nt$ his lap' 8ell la &hed and t%ined her arms ab$ t his nec!' The man pl n&ed his hand int$ her b$dice, $penly f$ndlin& her breast' Gabriel f$ nd the display n s ally distastef l' J st then the &irl called *assie emer&ed fr$m !itchen' *hrist$pher's &a6e flitted t$ her as %ell' 0is smile faded' 4*an y$ ima&ine5 0er m$ther left her $n her $%n5 A child yet54 0e sh$$! his head, his e,pressi$n s ddenly #ery s$mher' Gabriel stretched $ t his l$n& le&s beneath the r$ &h(plan!ed table' This part $f *harlest$n %as hardly a pretty place' There %ere c$%s and h$rses e#ery%here, e#en in the narr$% alleys: the residents had n$ 7 alms ab$ t d mpin& &arba&e %here#er they pleased' It %as n$ %$nder the streets %ere slimy and stin!in&' If %hat 8ell had said %as tr e, the &irl %as $ne $f *harlest$n 's $%n, the pr$d ct $f a hard life' 20er pli&ht is re&rettable, aye,4 he a&reed' 4B t %e#e children li#in& in the streets $f L$nd$n, t$$, p$$r and star#in& %ith n$%here t$ &$ in the c$ld $f %inter $r dead $f ni&ht'4 *hrist$pher clapped him $n the sh$ lder, sayin&, 49hy, Gabriel, I'd n$ idea y$ %ere e#en a%are $f s ch thin&s' -erhaps there's h$pe f$r y$ yet'4 8earby there %as a & st $f la &hter' Gabriel t rned his head sli&htly' It appeared the men at the ne,t table had decided t$ ha#e a bit $f f n %ith the &irl *assie, %h$ %as attemptin& t$ refill their tan!ards $f ale %hile tryin& t$ a#$id their &r$pin& hands' 2A%, c$me $n n$%, &irlie' Let's ha#e a l$$! at %hat hidin& in there34 An$ther sn$rted' 49hy b$ther5 'Its plain there's n$t nearly s$ m ch there as 8ell(4 2B t I #$% %hat's there is a tad prettier than 8ell' Aye, as r$ nd as a pl mp peach, %ith cherry( red nipples''''4 The man made s7 ee6in& m$ti$ns %ith his fin&ers' There %as a b rst $f ribald la &hter' R$#in& fin&ers pl c!ed at the p$inted thr st $f her breast' 4Aye, that's the %ay34 came a #$ice fr$m still yet an$ther table' 4Gi#e a little t%ist and see %hat she's &$t34 S$me$ne slid a hand $#er the r$ ndness $f her b tt$c!s, &i#in& her a pinch' 9hen she 1 mped, three $f them r$ared %hile an$ther leered in a#id anticipati$n' Gabriel started t$ lift his tan!ard t$ his lips, still a silent $bser#er' *ertainly he %as n$t $ffended f$r s ch ba%diness %as c$mm$nplace in establishments s ch as this' Indeed, the banter %as s$metimes far %$rse at his cl b in L$nd$n' As f$r the &irl, certainly she %as n$ stran&er t$ it either' Aye, n$ d$ bt she li!ed it' +$st $f her !ind did ''' 8$' 0e %as %r$n&' A b rly sail$r ca &ht a fistf l $f her s!irt' She yan!ed it a%ay and %hirled ar$ nd' Th$ &h she said n$t a %$rd, f$r an instant hate bla6ed !eenly in her eyes' 0ate5 Sl$%ly Gabriel l$%ered his tan!ard t$ the table' 8$' S rely n$t' S rely he'd been mista!en, he th$ &ht %ith a faint c rl $f his lip' Li!ely as n$t, the &irl %as a d$,y 1 st li!e the $ther '''

*assie +c*lellan slammed the tray d$%n $n the l$n& %$r! table in the !itchen' G$d, b t she hated this3 The smell $f s%eat and ale' Gr$pin& male hands and %et lips' She sh ddered' It %as dis& stin&, the %ay they pa%ed and &rabbed' She'd far rather peel and ch$p $ni$ns, scald her fin&ers fetchin& h$t !ettles, e#en scr b the fl$$rs ntil h hands %ere ra% and b rnin& than ret rn t$ that n$isy hellh$le' The #ery th$ &ht made her bell clench in dread' B t Blac! 1ac! %as e#er determined t$ please his c st$mers (( n$ matter their treatment $f his barmaids' She sh ddered, e,periencin& ane% the feel $f &raspin& hands and pinchin& fin&ers' L$rd, b t hated th$se s%ine3 They s$ &ht respite fr$m tr$ bles in drin! ( and sp$rt fr$m th$se %h$ ser#ed it' And then, t$ni&ht there %as him, the dar!(haired $ne in the c$rner' Starin& at her' 9atchin& her' .ddly, it %as that she hated m$st' ?n$%in& he %atched %hile th$se a%f l men pinched and f$ndled her $nly deepened her shame and h miliati$n'' and her an&er' The s$ft line $f her lips c$mpressed' 0ad he been am sed by it5 0ad he secretly la &hed5 .h, b t the ner#e $f the man3 Still, she c$ ld n$t help b t %$nder %h$ he %as, he and his friend' A %ealthy captain and mate $f a #essel herthed in the harb$r5 L$%(c$ ntry planters 5 9ell(t$(d$ merchants tra#ellin& thr$ &h *harlest$n5 Blac! 1ac! himself, in a rare m$ment, has seen t$ the s pper preparati$ns and ser#ed them their meal' That al$ne pr$claimed them men $f s$me stat re' 9ipin& her hands $n a len&th $f ra&, she cast a f rti#e &lance thr$ &h the s%in&in& d$ ble d$$rs int$ the tapr$$m' It %as hard t$ see thr$ &h the sm$!y ha6e, b t s re en$ &h, Blac! 1ac! %as a&ain at their table' The d$ ble d$$rs $pened %ith a s%ish' 8ell sa ntered in, her braid as!e%, the sh$ lders $f her dress r mpled and sa&&in& fr$m her sh$ lders' *assie hastily a#erted her &a6e' 8ell l$$!ed as if she'd 1 st cra%led fr$m s$me$ne's bed' She &a#e a titterin& la &h' 4Sa!es, can y$ ima&ine5 An En&lish earl stayin& here at Blac! Jac!'s3 )e sa% him, didn't ye, &irl, the t%$ &ents in the far c$rner5 The blac!(haired $ne, 'e's the earl' 9ic!edly hands$me, he is' Gi#es me shi#ers ri&ht d$%n t$ me #ery t$es, he d$es'4 She d mped half a d$6en dirty tan!ards int$ the %ashbasin' 4I'#e ne#er seen s ch hands $n a man (( s$ clean, e#en his nails, mind ye3 And that c$at he's %earin& ''' did y$ see it, *assie5 +ade $f #el#et, it is3 '*$ rse I d$n't !n$% %hy Im rattlin& $n s$ ab$ t his cl$thes (( it's %hat's beneath that interests me far m$re34 She let $ t a & sty la &h' *assie said n$thin&, b t inside she %inced' 8ell %as $ne s ch as her m$ther had been: she $ft l$#ed n%isely and t$$ %ell' B t %hile her m$ther had been far t$$ free %ith her fa#$rs, *assie had l$n& a&$ #$%ed she'd n$t ma!e the same mista!e' D c!in& the sides $f ham and beef c rin& fr$m the beam, she stepped bef$re the pantry' 9ith her bac! t$ 8ell, she did her best t$ i&n$re her, placin& se#eral clean tan!ards bac! int$ the c pb$ard' 8ell paid n$ heed' 4And the $ther $ne ((( Sir *hrist$pher +arley, he called himself ((( %hy, he's alm$st as hands$me as the earl3 In fact, Im feelin& #ery &ener$ s t$ni&ht, *assie' Sir *hrist$pher +arley is y$ rs34 She &a#e a cac!lin& la &h' 4Ah, b t y$ %$ ldn't !n$% %hat t$ d$ %ith a man s ch as he, %$ ld ye n$%, l$#e54 *assie fl shed, %hich made 8ell la &h all the harder' 9$ ld she ne#er &et sed t$ 8ell ma!in& li&ht $f her5 .h, if $nly she c$ ld %al! thr$ &h the d$$r and ne#er ret rn3 And as f$r the earl, it mattered little t$ her %hether he %as the !in& $f En&land, $r master $f a d n& heap3 Blac! Jac! hammered the d$$rs $pen %ith beefy fists' Bi&, b rly, and sha&&y(haired as he %as, *assie had l$n& a&$ decided his s$ r disp$siti$n had earned him his name' 29hat the bla6es are the t%$ $f ye d$in&5' he demanded' 4Get yer la6y b ms bac! %here ye bel$n&3 9e'#e c st$mers %aitin&'34 0is eyes lit $n *assie' 4)$ > he &r$%led' 4Ta!e a b$ttle $f brandy t$ the t%$ &ents at the bac! table' ;se the best crystal'4 8ell %heeled ab$ t ea&erly' 4.h, there's n$ need f$r *assie t$ b rden herself>, she said bri&htly' 4Ill ser#e it A 28$t y$ , 8ell' 0er'4 0e 1er!ed his head t$%ard *assie'

*assie had &$ne tterly still' A flash $f alarm s r&ed %ithin her' Ser#e him5 The $ne %h$ stared s$ b$ldly5 *assie %as %ell a%are 8ell had n$t made the $ffer $ t $f any &$$d%ill $n her part A indeed, she %as nd$ btedly l$$!in& f$r%ard t$ %armin& the &ent's bed t$ni&ht, %hich %as 1 st fine %ith *assie' 8er#$ sly she %et her lips' 4It matters little t$ me if 8ell (((4 2Ah, b t it d$es t$ me34 There %as a l$n& r$% $f c$pper pans and tensils han&in& fr$m a beam' *assie flinched %hen he &rabbed a %$$den sp$$n and sh$$! it threatenin&ly' 4I said y$ , missy, n$t her3 8$% &et t$ it 'f$re I l$se my patience' Smile and be nice t$ the &ents ((( and st$p tryin& t$ hide y$ r b$s$m34 Scaldin& tears b rned *assie's eyes' She damned Blac! Jac!, e#en as she damned herself f$r her %ea!ness' Blindly she reached f$r a b$ttle $f brandy and Blac! Jac!'s best crystal &$blets fr$m the pantry' She tried t$ ass re herself it %as f$$lish t$ be s$ rel ctant: after all, it %asn't as if she hadn't d$ne this a th$ sand times bef$re' And s rely these t%$ c$ ld be n$ %$rse than any $f the $thers' + sterin& her c$ ra&e, she p shed thr$ &h the d$ ble d$$rs and bac! $ t int$ the n$isy tapr$$m' B$ister$ s sh$ ts hailed her ret rn' I&n$rin& the c$arse calls and snatchin& hands, she %ea#ed her %ay thr$ &h and ar$ nd tables t$%ard her destinati$n' 0er steps sl$%ed as she appr$ached' She %as b t a fe% paces distant %hen the blac!( haired $ne, the earl, t rned his head' Their eyes l$c!ed' /$r *assie, it %as as if a b$lt $f li&htnin& 6i&6a&&ed thr$ &h her' Rampant in her mind %as the r&e ' t$ t rn and r n, as far and fast as she c$ ld' 9hy it %as s$, she did n$t !n$%' B t f$r a timeless instant, she c$ ld n$t m$#e' 9hat %as it 8ell had said5 Wickedly handsome, he is. B t $f the t%$, wicked %as the $ne etched sharply in her brain' .h, there %as n$ denyin& his hands$meness, by far and a%ay' In all her days, *assie had ne#er seen a man's face s$ arrestin&ly pleasin& t$ the eye' 0i&h chee!b$nes slanted ab$#e clean(sha#en chee!s: his 1a% %as fla%lessly chiseled, and all in perfect pr$p$rti$n' 0is hair %as blac! as a cr$%'s %in&, and cr$pped rather sh$rt: dar!, t$ sled c rls fell acr$ss his f$rehead in a style nli!e any *assie had e#er seen bef$re' )et f$r all its perfecti$n, his %as a face $f s preme masc linity' )et she sensed a harshness %ithin him, a harshness b$rne $ t by the nsmilin& cast $f his m$ th' Set beneath %in&ed blac! br$%s, his eyes %ere li!e pale fr$st, as c$ld and piercin& as fr$6en &lass' *assie %as the first t$ l$$! a%ay' She s%all$%ed, f$rcin& her feet t$ d$ her biddin& and cl$se the remainin& distance bet%een them' All the %hile he stared at her thr$ &h eyes $f b rnin& sil#er, as if he ch$se t$ see all that she %$ ld !eep hidden' 8ell %as ri&ht, she th$ &ht $n a n$te $f panic' 0e &a#e her the shi#ers, b t it %as scarcely a pleasant sensati$n' 40ere y$ are, sirs'4 It %as by n$ means an accident that she stati$ned herself ne,t t$ the fair(haired &ent 8ell had called *hrist$pher +arley' B ic!ly she set the crystal &$blets bef$re them' *hrist$pher +arley smiled p at her' 4)$ are *assie, are y$ n$t54 *assie rel ctantly met his &a6e, $nly t$ breathe a silent b t pr$f$ nd si&h $f relief' Instinct al$ne t$ld her that his %as a presence n$t nearly s$ threatenin& as his friend's' 0e had !ind eyes, and a %arm and &entle smile' 4)es, sir,4 she m rm red' 4*assie +c*lellan'4 4And is *assie sh$rt f$r *assandra54 4Aye,4 she n$dded' 4B t n$ $ne has e#er called me anythin& b t *assie'4 /eelin& m$re at ease, she #ent red a faint smile' 0is $%n deepened' 4I m st admit, *assie d$es s it y$ '4 0e leaned bac! in his chair, s r#eyin& her c ri$ sly' 40as *harlest$n al%ays been y$ r h$me, *assie54 *assie's smile %ithered' 0$me5 She had n$ h$me, f$r she scarcely c$nsidered the cramped, tiny r$$m in the attic %here she slept %ith 8ell her h$me' In tr th, it %as the $ne

&reat %ish that preyed l$n&in&ly $n her mind' She and Bess had $ft dreamed $f sa#in& their c$in that they mi&ht b y a c$tta&e $f their $%n: there they %$ ld se% f$r fine ladies since they %ere b$th %ell s!illed %ith a needle' It needn't matter if it %ere b t a sin&le r$$m: %hat mattered %as that they need n$t ans%er t$ any$ne b t themsel#es' Bess, she th$ &ht %ith a pan&' Dear, s%eet Bess' Th$ &h n$t s$ #ery m ch $lder than herself, Bess had been far m$re m$ther t$ her than her $%n' She had ta!en her in, pr$tected her, and %atched $ t f$r her %hen n$ $ne else had cared' A bitter dar!ness st$le int$ her heart' 8$, she th$ &ht a&ain' She had n$ h$me $f her $%n, n$r %as it li!ely she e#er %$ ld' 0er lashes dr$pped' She set her attenti$n t$ rem$#in& the st$pper fr$m the b$ttle $f brandy' 4Aye:' she said 7 ietly' 4I'#e li#ed in *harlest$n all my life'4 She smiled sli&htly' 4Indeed, I'#e ne#er been $ tside $f the city'4 0e seemed t$ sense s$methin& %as %r$n&' An a%!%ard silence pre#ailed as she str &&led %ith the b$ttle(st$pper: pperm$st in her mind %as a%areness that the earl still %atched and had yet t$ say a %$rd' 8er#$ sness made her fin&ers cl msy' She pl c!ed alm$st frantically at the st$pper' It %as then that the earl finally sp$!e, a hint $f barely restrained impatience in his #$ice' 4All$% me'4 *assie's eyes fle% t$ his' 0er lips parted' 9hat she intended t$ say $r d$, she %$ ld ne#er !n$%' Str$n& fin&ers had already c rled ar$ nd the nec! $f the b$ttle' /$r the space $f a heartbeat, the bac! $f his !n c!les lay cradled a&ainst the c r#e $f her breast' It %as all *assie c$ ld d$ n$t t$ cry $ t, n$t fr$m sh$c!, b t fr$m the reacti$n his t$ ch e#$!ed' Li!e fire it %as, clear thr$ &h t$ the c$re $f her b$dy' The st$pper p$pped free' T$ *assie, the l$ d pop3 %as li!e the blast $f a & n' She fl shed as he pr$ceeded t$ fill the t%$ &$blets' 'Than! y$ , sir'4 The r&e t$ flee %as p$n her a&ain, b t she'd ca &ht a &limpse $f Blac! Jac! acr$ss the fl$$r' 0e %as l$$!in& her %ay, his e,pressi$n as fri&id as a sea %ind in %inter' Badly sha!en and prayin& it did n$t sh$%, she b$bbed a c rtsy, eyes d$%ncast' 49ill y$ be needin& anythin& else, sirs54 She had n$ desire t$ l$$! at the earl, yet he dre% her &a6e %ith a f$rce t$$ p$%erf l t$ resist' 0is eyes %ere c$$l and assessin&' They %andered at %ill, $#er her nec!line bef$re settlin&, she %as certain, %ith calc lated deliherati$n $n the s%ell $f her flesh #isible ab$#e the frayed lace trim $f her b$dice' 48$t at the present,4 he dra%led at last' B$th an&ry and an,i$ s at his bra6enly th$r$ &h st dy, she &a#e a n$d' 4I'll 1 st clear the table f$r y$ , then'4 Ea&er t$ be 7 it $f the pair, n$ matter h$% pleasant his c$mpani$n mi&ht be, she reached acr$ss the table f$r the tan!ards they'd set aside' B t in her haste t$ replace them $n her tray, she %ithdre% her elb$% 1 st a little t$$ 7 ic!ly' The b$ttle $f brandy tipped $#er %ith a crash' The dar! red li7 id inside p rs ed a strai&ht and nerrin& path acr$ss the table and $#er the side' B$th men leaped t$ their feet' By s$me miracle b$th emer&ed nscathed' 4By G$d, %ench, I d$ belie#e y$ #e n$ e,perience as a barmaid'4 The earl &lared at her, his #$ice stripped free $f any ind l&ence' *assie had already be& n s%ipin& at the s$dden mess' She pa sed l$n& en$ &h t$ ret rn his &lare in f ll meas re' 4'Its hardly my first ni&ht (( indeed I'#e been here nearly as l$n& as 8ell3' 2I %$nder, then,4 came his &rim resp$nse, 4that Blac! 1ac! has any %ine left in his cellars'4 It %as t$$ m ch3 9h$ %as he t$ call her inept5 She strai&htened indi&nantly' 4And %h$ are y$ t$ critici6e me54 she cried' 4-erhaps if y$ d e#er d$ne an h$nest day's %$r! in y$ r life, y$ 'd n$t be s$ 7 ic! t$ 1 d&e $thers %h$ are b t tryin& their best34

*assie did n$t see Blac! Jac! appr$ach' She &asped as her arm %as s ddenly sei6ed in a &rip she !ne% fr$m e,perience %$ ld ca se br ises' 40$% dare ye tal! t$ his l$rdship that %ay3 Tell him yere s$rry3' *assie's face %as scarlet' A simmerin& resentment fired %ithin her' It %as bad en$ &h t$ be chastised in fr$nt $f the entire tapr$$m, let al$ne !n$%in& that he st$$d %itness t$ her shame' Indeed, if it hadn't been f$r him starin& at her, she %$ ldn't ha#e been s$ careless in the first place' Beefy fin&ers bit fiercely int$ her arm' 2Tell him, missy32 T$ *assie's h$rr$r, her thr$at cl$sed %ith the scaldin& threat $f tears' She hated the earl f$r brin&in& her t$ this %retched p$int, alm$st as m ch as she hated herself f$r her lac! $f pride' The $nly thin& that br$ &ht her chin p %as the certainty that Blac! 1ac! %$ ld ta!e immense pleas re in seein& her h mbled' 4I am s$rry'4 0er lips barely m$#ed as she sp$!e' Blac! Jac! le#eled a sc$%l at her and dr$pped her arm' 0e t rned t$%ard the $ther t%$ men' 4I'll see ye re br$ &ht an$ther b$ttle,4 he be&an' *hrist$pher +arley held p a hand' 48$t f$r me, than! y$ ' I'#e had 7 ite en$ &h f$r the ni&ht'4 0e t rned and &a#e *assie's sh$ lder a reass rin& s7 ee6e' 48$ harm d$ne, lass' D$ n$t %$rry y$ r pretty head ab$ t it an$ther min te'4 48$, indeed,4 the earl ech$ed c$ldly' 49e cann$t ha#e that, can %e54 The earl %as f$r&$tten as Blac! Jac! be&an t$ dra& her t$%ard the !itchens' They %ere n$ s$$ner thr$ &h the d$$rs than he l$$sed the f ll f$rce $f his ire' 4)$ '#e &$ne t$$ far, &irl3 I'#e al%ays held that a &irl need n$t ta!e t$ her bed a man she d$es n$t %ant, b t n$ m$re %ill I p t p %ith y$ r airs and y$ r n%illin&ness' )e 'll &et a%ay %ith it n$ l$n&er, d$ ye hear5 Aye, I'#e $ften th$ &ht if ye $nce had a man ye'd n$t be s$ damned s!ittish' 9ell, I thin! it's time %e f$ nd $ t34 The %$rld ar$ nd her seemed t$ spin and s%irl' She sh ddered' Dear G$d, s rely he %as n$t s &&estin& ''' She l$$!ed $n n mbly as he %hirled and l$aded an$ther &$blet and b$ttle $f brandy $nt$ a tray' 0e t rned t$ her and snarled, 4)e'll be ma!in& amends t$ 'is l$rdship (( and t$ me, &irl'4 0e 1ammed his head t$%ard the tray' 2Ta!e that p t$ the r$se chamber' The earl is sleepin& there' If a man pays m$re t$ spend a ni&ht here, by Ga%d, he'll &et m$re, and d$n 't pretend ye d$n't !n$% %hat I mean3 If ye please him, ye please me' I'd !eep that in mind if I %ere y$ ' /$r if ye d$n't, I s%ear Ill see ye t rned $ t in the streets by m$rnin&34 *assie's head 1er!ed p' As a%f l as it %as here, the streets %ere e#en %$rse' .nly yesterday a y$ n& %$man had been f$ nd in an alley, half(na!ed, her thr$at slit' She %aited n$ l$n&er' 0is %$rds %ere li!e a b rr beneath her feet' She snatched p the tray and fled as if the h$ nds $f hell snapped at her heels' The r$se chamber %as the best in the inn' Blac! Jac! al%ays p t the %ell(t$(d$ & ests there' A %ide f$ r(p$ster %ith a delicate, r$se(embr$idered c$#erlet d$minated the lar&e, spaci$ s r$$m' +atchin& br$cade draperies trimmed the %ind$%' 9hen her m$ther had first started %$r!in& f$r Blac! 1ac!, *assie had $ften crept inside and let her fantasies ta!e fli&ht' She pretended she %as a fine lady and mistress $f a h &e h$ se %ith a d$6en chambers s ch as this' She %as ne#er h n&ry and ne#er c$ld' 8$% her $nly th$ &ht %as t$ escape(this h$rrid inn, the t$il, the endless dr d&ery' She dep$sited the tray $n the pedestal table near the %ind$%' She pressed her c$$l hands a&ainst the fiery heat $f her chee!s' 0er heart cried $ t in %eary despair' 9as it %r$n& t$ %ant m$re5 She didn't %ant m ch, 1 st better than %hat little she had' A $ne(r$$m c$tta&e that %as tr ly her $%n, %here she need n$t %$rry she mi&ht end p $n the streets' En$ &h c$in t$ b y an$ther dress, and maybe a ne% b$nnet' Dear G$d, she didn't %ant t$ die li!e Bess, in that stin!in& attic r$$m that smelled $f death and d st'

If $nly there %as a %ay $ t' If $nly ''' Gatherin& herself in hand, she strai&htened, %ipin& the dampness fr$m her chee!s' Did Blac! Jac! tr ly e,pect her t$ lay %ith the earl5 0$rr$r cl tched her insides' 0$% c$ ld she %ait here, li!e a lamb $n its %ay t$ the sla &hterh$ se5 She sp n ar$ nd' 0er eyes lit $n the chest $f dra%ers 1 st inside the d$$r%ay' 0eaped in a small m$ nd %as a handf l $f sil#er' .h, it %as scarce a f$rt ne, t$ be s re' B t it %as far m$re than she had seen in all her years' She had $nly t$ reach $ t a hand, and it %$ ld be hers ''' 4A temptin& s m, is it n$t5 Ah, b t if y$ %ant it, )an!, Im afraid y$ 'll ha#e t$ earn it'4

Chapter 2
It %as him' /$r a timeless m$ment it %as as if she %ere %ith$ t c$ ra&e $r %its(she c$ ld n$t m$#e' A part $f her l$n&ed t$ flee, li!e a tempest racin& acr$ss the sea' B t her feet seemed s ddenly %ei&hted %ith lead' Thr$ &h s$me miracle she finally mana&ed t$ t rn and face him' 0e %as tall, she n$ted in s$me far distant c$rner $f her mind, far taller than he had appeared d$%nstairs' .h, b t n$ dandy, this $ne3 0is sh$ lders stretched the #el#et $f his 1ac!et s$ ta t there %as nary a p c!er $r a %rin!le' Dar!(c$l$red breeches re#ealed e#ery hard c r#e $f b l&in& thi&hs, s$ ti&ht they %ere alm$st li!e a sec$nd s!in' 0e %as all &race, all ele&ance as he appr$ached' A fl rry $f panic assailed her' If she tried t$ r n, he c$ ld easily catch her' T$ her sh$c!, he str$de past her t$ the tray' 0e p$ red a &ener$ s p$rti$n $f p$rt int$ the &$blet, then $ffered it t$ her' 49ill y$ 1$in me, )an!54 *assie blanched' Sharin& a &lass %ith him (( placin& her lips %here his had been (( %as an intimacy she %$ ld ta!e %ith n$ man, let al$ne this $ne3 She sh$$! her head' 4I'#e n$ taste f$r spirits,4 she mana&ed t$ say' 48$5 9ell, then' T$ ''' )an!ees'4 0e tipped his &lass t$ her and dran!, his crystalline &a6e ne#er strayin& fr$m hers' She %as scarcely as c$mp$sed as she mi&ht ha#e %ished' 4If y$ please, sir, I m st ret rn (4 4B t it d$es n$t please me' I m ch prefer y$ remain here'4 *assie laced her hands t$&ether bef$re her' She c$ ld n$t stay here f$r (( L$rd, she c$ ld n$t c$mplete the th$ &ht, e#en t$ herself3 E#en Blac! Jac!'s threats c$ ld n$t ma!e her d$' '' that3 0er mind ch rned frantically' She had n$ rec$ rse b t t$ appeal t$ the earl's reas$n and h$pe he %as an h$n$rable man' There %as an nfamiliar dryness in her thr$at' 4Sir, 'Its plain y$ ha#e n$ li!in& f$r me' Indeed, I thin! y$ %$ ld n$t be here n$% %ere it n$t f$r Blac! Jac!(4 4.n the c$ntrary, I am precisely %here I %ish t$ be' And m$re imp$rtantly, %ith %h$m I %ish t$ be'4 0e t$yed %ith her' *assie sensed it %ith all that she p$ssessed' .h, b t he %as cr el t$ t$rment her s$3 She &a#e a c rt, 1er!y &est re %ith her hands' 2Sir,4 she be&an' 4I am s$rry f$r my cl msiness' )$ cann$t !n$% h$% m ch' B t I see n$ reas$n %hy I sh$ ld be p nished(((4 4- nished3 9hy, y$ %$ nd me s$rely' 2Its n$t p nishment I ha#e in mind, b t pleas re'4 -leas re5 *assie sh ddered' If there %as pleas re t$ be had, it %$ ld n$t be hers, b t his' 0e smiled, as if he %ere pri#y t$ her #ery th$ &hts' 49hat34 he e,claimed' 48e#er tell me th$se $afs bel$%stairs d$ n$t !n$% h$% t$ ta!e care $f a &em li!e y$ 34 *assies chee!s b rned painf lly' She s r#eyed him %arily as he p lled s$methin& fr$m his p$c!et (( a %atch, f$r she ca &ht the &lint $f a fine &$ld chain as he dr$pped it ne,t t$ the pile $f sil#er' 0e stepped f$r%ard'

*assie inched bac!' 0is la &h %as b$th hearty(and heartless' 4*$me, )an!3 D$ I fri&hten y$ 54 8$t in the %ay that he s &&ested, she th$ &ht %ith a shi#er, b t in a %ay that %as tterly f$rei&n t$ her' 4)$ disli!e me, d$n't y$ , )an!54 ank' *assie 's spine stiffened' 4I'#e a name, sir, and I'll than! y$ t$ se it'4 4I thin! n$t' 8$, I d$ belie#e *hrist$pher %as %r$n&' ')an!' s its m ch better, f$r y$ )an!s are $ften r$%dy and nr ly' Aye, ')an!' it shall be' B t bac! t$ my 7 esti$n' 9hy d$ y$ disli!e me54 4Indeed, mil$rd, I belie#e 'Its y$ %h$ disli!es me' 9hy else %$ ld y$ stare at me as y$ did54 S$ she had n$ticed that, had she5 Gabriel smiled dryly' She %as shabbily dressed, her cl$thin& little m$re than ra&s, and still it hid n$thin& $f her bea ty' 0e %$ndered #a& ely if she had any idea h$% l$#ely she %as' 0er c$l$rin& %as n s al, b t stri!in& n$netheless (( hair li!e amber fire and eyes li!e clear t$pa6' And th$ &h she %as y$ n&, she %as years $ t $f childh$$d' Tr e, she %as thinner than he %$ ld ha#e li!ed, b t the s%ell at breast and hip pr$mised a b$ nty he s spected %$ ld scarcely disapp$int him' 0e fr$%ned, rather irritated %ith himself' It %asn't li!e him t$ display s ch interest in a ser#ant' Indeed, he preferred his %$men %ith far m$re s$phisticati$n than this nci#ili6ed y$ n& lass' Still, the &irl %as scarcely ntried' Indeed, he decided %ith m$re than a t$ ch $f cynicism, her e,perience mi&ht %ell e7 al his $%n' And there %as n$ denyin& she stirred his bl$$d' 4*$me, )an!' I'#e spent %ee!s at sea, %ith$ t the c$mpany $f %$men s ch as y$ rself' *an y$ n$t find it in y$ r heart t$ be &ener$ s5 9ill y$ n$t cater t$ a %eary s$ l %h$ is in dire need $f a s$ft, feminine b$dy, a %arm, s$$thin& hand54 A %arm, s$$thin& hand5 .h, b t that %as rich3 0er hands %ere l$bster(red, as r$ &h as the scr b br sh %hich rendered them s$' 0er temper be&an t$ nra#el' 4Sir> she stated 7 ietly, 4I d$ belie#e y$ '#e n$t %anted f$r a sin&le thin& in y$ r entire life'4 .n that sc$re, she %as ri&ht' Gabriel had n$t' 0ed had e#erythin& ''' b t a father's l$#e' 0is &a6e flic!ered t$ the pile $f sil#er' 2That is a c$nsiderable am$ nt $f c$in, )an!' If y$ are t$ earn it, I %$ ld e,pect m ch $f y$ ' )$ %$ ld ha#e t$ stay %ith me '', $h, n$t an h$ r, n$t e#en t%$ A the ni&ht thr$ &h, I thin!' And in the m$rnin&, %hy perhaps %e mi&ht e#en share the bath t$&ether'> And icy 1$lt t$re thr$ &h her' *assie had th$ &ht n$thin& c$ ld sh$c! her, b t ''' s%eet hea#en, bathe %ith a man5 S rely pe$ple did n$t d$ s ch thin&s3 0e nner#ed her, she reali6ed, th$ &h he had yet t$ lay a hand $n her' She %as n$t i&n$rant' She !ne% %hat he %anted' 8$t l$n& a&$ Bess had t$ld her, 2If a man 's s%eet and &entle, it's n$t s$ bad' B t s$metimes they're r$ &h and 7 ic! and hard'4 Bess had t rned her face aside' 4Then it's a%f l,4 shed said in a #$ice that s$ nded all ti&ht and stran&led' *assie !ne% %hene#er that happened' Bess %$ ld c$me t$ bed 7 ietly %eepin&' S$metimes there %ere mar!s $n her arms the ne,t day, e#en $n her breasts' *assie remembered the last time' 8$t l$n& after Bess had disc$#ered she %as %ith child (( the child shed died birthin&' *assie sh ddered' She !ne% %hy Bess had d$ne s ch thin&s (( f$r the m$ney it br$ &ht' Indeed, it %as that m$ney %hich had sa#ed *assie fr$m the same fate' B t *assie %as n$t yet ready t$ trade her #irt e f$r a handf l $f sil#er' Gabriel did n$t &limpse her distress' 0e sa% $nly distaste' 9$ ld she ha#e been as rel ctant if she %ere here %ith *hrist$pher5 The idea ran!led' Gabriel recalled h$% s%eetly she had smiled at his friend, %hile she %$ ld n$t e#en dei&n t$ l$$! at him' A dar! an&er s%ept thr$ &h him'

4Aye,4 he said s$ftly' 4A bath %$ ld pr$#e 7 ite deli&htf l, I thin!'4 *assie's eyes flashed' 4Blac! Jac! pays me b t a mea&er pittance t$ scr b fl$$rs and ser#e ale' 8$t f$r this34 4Ah, b t I'm n$t s re he sees it that %ay'4 0is t$ne %as slic! as $il' 0er fin&ers c rled a&ainst her palm' 4I !n$% y$ r !ind, sir' )$ ta!e %hat y$ %ant, %ith n$ th$ &ht $f any$ne sa#e y$ rself'4 49hy, )an!, I d$ belie#e s$me man has %r$n&ed y$ 3 L$#ed y$ and left y$ , perhaps54 0er chin came p' 4I am merely an&ry, sir, that I ha#e n$ say in the matter34 0e shr &&ed and &lanced at the pile $f c$in' 4I d$ belie#e y$ '#e already set y$ r price'4 4)$ d$ n$t nderstand, sir' 9hat y$ %ant, I'll n$t &i#e f$r any price34 8$t t$ him $r t$ any man' It str c! him then ''' he %as &$adin& her, and 7 ite nmercif lly' 0e'd n$t ha#e d$ne s$, %ere it n$t f$r the defiance $n her face' She l$$!ed at him as if she %ere his better ''' as if he %as n$thin&' And that %as the $ne thin& Gabriel c$ ld n$t t$lerate' Sl$%ly he circled her' 0e sensed her ner#$ s tensi$n, 1 st as he sensed her str &&le n$t t$ re#eal it' 0er head %as held re&ally hi&h, the slender lines $f her bac! as ri&id as a s$ldier's' Gabriel %as b$th am sed and pi7 ed by her resistance' It seemed the %ench p$ssessed n$t $nly bea ty, b t an ab ndance $f pride, an $dd c$mbinati$n f$r $ne $f her stati$n' At len&th he halted bef$re her, s$ cl$se they st$$d b t a breath apart' 4I find this sit ati$n #ery m ch a n$#elty, )an!' )$ see, 'Its rare that a %$man ref ses me ''' theref$re I m st ma!e certain I nderstand' Its n$t I %h$ sp rn y$ , b t y$ %h$ sp rn me'> .h, b t the c$nceit $f the man3 If she said yes, she ris!ed n$t $nly his an&er, b t Blac! Jac!'s as %ell' )et h$% c$ ld she disa&ree, f$r then he %$ ld ass me she meant t$ lay %ith him3 *assie battled a m$ ntin& panic' 0is nearness %as disc$ncertin&: a pric!le $f %arnin& tric!led p her nape' It t$$! e#ery $ nce $f c$ ra&e she had t$ meet the steely pr$be $f his &a6e, yet s$meh$% she mana&ed' 4I cann$t st$p y$ if y$ ch$$se t$ d$ this'4 0er t$ne %as #ery l$%' 4It %$ ld be f$$lish t$ pit my stren&th a&ainst y$ rs, f$r I %$ ld be the l$ser' B t I %$ ld ha#e y$ !n$%, sir, y$ ha#e neither my c$nsent, n$r my %illin&ness' Theref$re, I as! that y$ let me lea#e'4 In tr th, it %as n$t her plea, b t the bitterness that lay bitin& in her t$ne %hich br$ &ht Gabriel p sh$rt' 0er &a6e slid a%ay, b t n$t bef$re he &limpsed the s spici$ sly bri&ht sheen that &la6ed the breathta!in& &$ld $f her eyes' Tears5 0e sc$ffed' 0e %as n$t $ne t$ let a %$mans tears s%ay him' 0ed disc$#ered they %ere na &ht b t a t$$l %$men sed t$ &et %hat they %anted' 4And if I let y$ lea#e, %hat then5 There is n$ need f$r pretense bet%een s, )an!' 9e b$th !n$% %hy Blac! Jac! sent y$ here' +$st li!ely he d$es n$t e,pect y$ t$ lea#e this chamber ntil the ni&ht is %ell spent'4 *assie %as certain her face %as the c$l$r $f fire' 0er attenti$n %as c$nfined t$ the intricate f$lds $f his impeccable %hite cra#at' 4If y$ %ere t$ tell him that I''' I pleased y$ ,4 she %hispered, 4he need ne#er !n$%'4 4B t if %e are t$ bar&ain, I sh$ ld e,pect s$me !ind $f re%ard(at the #ery least, a trade'4 4A trade34 St n&, *assie bit bac! a dry, stran&led s$b' 4Sir, %$ ld y$ ta!e the #ery cl$thes p$n my bac!5 I ha#e n$thin& t$ &i#e'4 4Sa#e that %hich y$ refuse t$ &i#e'4 0er eyes s7 ee6ed sh t' .h, b t she sh$ ld ha#e !n$%n better than t$ e,pect mercy fr$m him3 A %renchin& despair r$de hea#y $n her heart' 9as this h$% it %$ ld be5 0er #ir&inity s rrendered t$ $ne %h$ cared $nly that his $%n pleas res $f the flesh be satisfied5

Gabriel had already made p his mind he %$ ld n$t f$rce her' Desirable th$ &h she %as, there %ere t$$ many $ther %illin& %$men in the %$rld t$ tr$ ble himself %ith $ne %h$ %anted n$ part $f him' B t by G$d, the %ench %as a maddenin& little piece, and he %$ ld ha#e n$ne $f it' 2A !iss,4 he said s ddenly' 4A !iss and y$ may &$ C 0er eyes fle% $pen: his %ere hard as c$al, &litterin& %ith a stran&e heat' *assie %ent h$t inside, then icy c$ld' 0is m$ th, bea tif lly shaped th$ &h it %as, %as set in a thin, cr el line' There %as n$ s$ftness in him, n$ne at all' Str$n& hands shac!led her ab$ t the %rists' E#en n$% they dre% her cl$ser' E#er cl$ser' ''' 0er breath came fast, then sl$%' It %as b t a !iss' 9as that s$ m ch t$ yield5 She shi#ered' /ar better that than the $ther ''' 0is m$ th met hers' A tiny little 1$lt %ent thr$ &h her, b t she !ept her m$ th ti&htly pinched t$&ether, her b$dy instincti#ely resistin& %hat she %as certain %$ ld be an$ther sl$ppy, slatherin& !iss li!e s$ many $thers pressed p$n her n%illin& lips' Gabriel's head lifted' The &rip p$n her %rists ti&htened by a hair' 4*$me, )an!, y$ m st d$ better than that' I'#e n$ desire t$ !iss a %i6ened pr ne'4 The bite in his %$rds %as sharp en$ &h t$ %$ nd' *assie &lared' 4Sir,4 she be&an, 4I %$ ld remind y$ (4 0is arm %as li!e an ir$n brace ar$ nd her' Their b$dies t%isted t$&ether' A pec liar sensati$n $f %ei&htlessness assailed her' She felt the s$ftness $f the mattress at her bac!, the ne,pected hea#iness $f the earl's chest at$p her $%n' 0is m$ th cl$sed $#er hers' The fleetin& th$ &ht chased thr$ &h her mind that this !iss %as li!e n$ne $ther, and then her mind seemed n$t her $%n' 0is lips %ere %arm and c$mpellin&, star!ly primiti#e yet $ddly pers asi#e, drainin& her $f stren&th and %ill' *assie %as da6ed by the stran&e inner tremblin& that sei6ed her' She felt abs rdly li&ht headed' It t$$! a m$ment t$ reali6e he had raised his head' 49ill y$ n$t chan&e y$ r mind, )an!54 A bl nted fin&ertip traced the &racef l arch $f her thr$at' 4I pr$mise y$ a ni&ht y$ 'll n$t s$$n f$r&et'4 She stared at him, sha!y and c$nf sed' S%eet hea#en, she %as lyin& $n the bed, and he %as lyin& $n her3 Sanity ret rned %ith a &al#ani6in& r sh' She th mped his sh$ lders %ith her fists' 4I'd 1 st as s$$n f$r&et y$ 34 0er bl$%s mi&ht %ell ha#e fallen $n a pillar $f st$ne' 0e st died her, t rnin& his head first this %ay, then that' /inally a de#ilish br$% r$se hi&h' 4This %ill n$t d$ (( 't%ill n$t d$ at all, )an!' )$ lac! the l$$! $f a %$man %ell bedded ''' Indeed, if Blac! Jac! is n$t t$ & ess the tr th '''4 *assie &asped as he pr$ceeded t$ t & the pins fr$m her hair: the sil!en strands t mbled $#er his hands, %ild and dishe#elled' 0is head dipped a&ain, b t his tar&et %as n$t her lips' *assie &a#e a small, stric!en cry as his m$ th settled $n the side $f her nec!, nippin& the tender s!in %ith his teeth, &ently s c!in&, then s$$thin& the h rt %ith his t$n& e' 0er fin&ers tan&led in his hair' She t &&ed hard b t he paid n$ heed' 0is m$ th fastened &reedily $n its tender prey' Then all at $nce his m$ th %as $n hers a&ain, $nly this time demandin& and r thless, s$ ra% and pl nderin& that she c$ ld scarcely breathe' S$methin& e,pl$ded in her mind' S$meh$% she mana&ed t$ tear her m$ th free' Small fists p mmeled his sh$ lders' 4)$ bl e(bl$$ded bastard3 Let me &$34 Gabriel released her' 8ell %as ri&ht, he decided %ith #ast am sement' The chit did p t $n airs' 2+y dear, if y$ !ne% %h$ my father %as, y$ %$ ld hardly 7 esti$n my le&itimacy'4 *assie scrambled t$ her feet' 0er m$ th felt s%$llen and br ised' The delicate s!in ar$ nd her lips still b rned' 4I d$n't care %h$ y$ r father is34 she cried' 2That d$esn't &i#e y$ the ri&ht t$ t$ ch me s$3>

Gabriel shr &&ed' 4+y dear, I t$ ched far less than fell$%s bel$%stairs'4 49hat d$ y$ e,pect me t$ d$54 She defended herself heatedly' 4Blac! Jac! %atches my e#ery m$#e34 0e s r#eyed her a m$ment, his e,pressi$n c$$l and disinterested, as if the e,chan&e had ne#er happened' 4)$ may &$, )an!' A %ench %h$ is n%illin& is as m ch tr$ ble as $ne %h$ is ntried' I'#e n$ taste f$r either' 4 She had been dismissed' 0e n$% st$$d at the %ind$%, hands behind his bac!, starin& $ t in the star! blac!ness $f the ni&ht' 0atred bla6ed %ithin her, f$r it %as #ery apparent he'd already f$r&$tten her' Sl$%ly she be&an t$ bac! a%ay' She s%$re, e#ery #ile c rse shed e#er heard in the tapr$$m, scarcely !n$%in& %hat any $f them e#en meant' B t if he heard, there %as n$ si&n $f it' 0e did n$t t rn, n$r did he spea!, and that &a#e *assie the #ery chance she needed ''' She snatched his %atch fr$m the dresser and fled'

Chapter 3
In the attic, *assie r shed t$ the cr$$!ed table in the c$rner t$ li&ht the st b $f candle there' 0er hands %ere sha!in& s$ that she dr$pped the flint thrice bef$re the tas! %as c$mpleted' The flame flic!ered and %a#ered, castin& an eerie reflecti$n $n the %all behind it' .nly then did she e,amine the pri6e cl tched ti&ht %ithin her palm' In all her days, *assie had ne#er seen s ch a finely crafted piece' The shell(shaped case %as elab$rately car#ed: it sh$ne bri&ht and &$lden as the s n $n a %arm sprin& day' There %as %ritin& $n the bac! side, b t *assie paid n$ heed' 9ith the ra&&ed ed&e $f her nail, she released the catch $n the hin&e' .pp$site the face %as a cle#erly painted scene $f and a %$man and a y$ n& b$y, standin& am$n&st a &arden $f fl$%ers' 0er mind raced apace %ith the th nder $f her heart' The %atch %as n$ d$ bt %$rth a &reat deal $f m$ney' -erhaps n$t a f$rt ne, b t en$ &h t$ ta!e her far, far a%ay fr$m Blac! Jac!'s Inn (( and *harlest$n' En$ &h t$ see her settled in a decent b$ardin& h$ se' En$ &h t$ tide her $#er %hile she s$ &h %$r!, perhaps as a seamstress' ou can!t, cried a #$ice inside' What if the earl disco"ers it missin#$ %e will know you stole it. ou ha"e nothin# to lose, r&ed an$ther #$ice' ou dare not trust the earl to keep his word. &nd you know what 'lack (ack said )) he will turn you out when he finds out you refused to lay with the earl. 0$ rs later she lay h ddled $n her pallet in the c$rner' She %as half(afraid the earl %$ ld appear at any m$ment, spe%in& an&er and sh$ tin& f$r his %atch, %ith Blac! Jac! at his heels' The din fr$m d$%nstairs had l$n& since died d$%n' 8ell did n$t c$me t$ see! her bed' *assie %as secretly &lad she ch$se t$ %arm s$me$ne else's rather than her $%n' Grad ally her fears be&an t$ recede' As the ni&ht &re% dar!er, her h$pes &re% str$n&er' By n$% the earl %as s rely l$n& since abed' Li!ely as n$t, he %$ ld n$t rise 'til the h$ r %as %ell past n$$n' L$rd $r n$, n$ d$ bt he %as 1 st li!e e#ery $ther man(f$nd $f cards and brandy and ci&ars ( and %$men' Dayli&ht arri#ed at l$n& last' A mea&er sli#er $f li&ht snea!ed thr$ &h the d st(c$ated %ind$%s $f the attic as *assie eased d$%n the stairs' She crept thr$ &h the inn sl$%ly, f$r fear $f ma!in& s$me s$ nd that mi&ht &i#e a%ay her presence' The 7 ic! hard p$ ndin& $f her heart seemed t$ 1$lt her entire b$dy as she inched past Gabriel's d$$r, prayin& all the %hile that her l c! %$ ld last ''' that he %$ ldn't n$tice the %atch %as missin& ntil he had a%a!ened, l$n& int$ the day ''' As %as his habit, Gabriel $pened his eyes t$ the first faint &limmer $f da%n creepin& thr$ &h the draperies' 0e did n$t lin&er abed, b t thr st $ff his c$#ers and r$se na!ed t$ his f ll, impressi#e hei&ht' A fr &al smile t$ ched the hardness $f his m$ th' 0e briefly entertained the n$ti$n $f callin& f$r a bath, that the &irl *assie mi&ht attend him' 9$ ld she

resist, as she had last ni&ht5 8$ matter' 0er pr$tests %ere a thin dis& ise f$r the resp$nse hed tasted in lips that %ere startlin&ly s%eet and %arm' 0is 1a% hardened, then he f$rced a dry ch c!le' It %as really rather #astly am sin& (( a mere ser#ant had sp rned him (( the f t re d !e $f /arlei&h' 0e re&retted that she'd n$t been %illin&' 0e'd ha#e li!ed n$thin& m$re than t$ strip a%ay th$se drab faded ra&s and disc$#er the b$ nty $f creamy pin! flesh that lay beneath' Aye, the %ench heated his bl$$d (( and his temper' )et her #ery c$$lness merely made her all the m$re intri& in&' -erhaps he sh$ ld ha#e pressed the iss e (( %armed her ice t$ fire' T rned her fierce resistance int$ sm$lderin& e,citement' Indeed, he s spected lyin& %ith s ch a fiery %ench as she mi&ht ha#e pr$#ed 7 ite satisfyin& ''' f$r b$th $f them' B t there %as m ch t$ be d$ne this day' If all %ent as planned, the cre% %$ ld finish l$adin& the h$ld %ith indi&$ and t$bacc$ t$ be ta!en bac! t$ En&land' 9ith l c!, they c$ ld set sail by n$$n(day /i#e min tes later, he st$$d bef$re the %ind$%, simply dressed in a l$$se %hite shirt, dar! breeches, and shiny, hi&h(t$pped b$$ts' /$& lay $#er the harb$r, a mysteri$ s shr$ d $f sil#er' The city %as 1 st be&innin& t$ stir' 0e &limpsed $nly a fe% trailin& pl mes $f sm$!e c rlin& fr$m the chimneys' 0e %as 1 st ab$ t t$ t rn a%ay %hen he sa% it (( there, in the street 1 st $ tside the inn' /r$m the m r!y shad$%s he pic!ed $ t the sli&ht fi& re $f a %$man, h rryin& d$%n the b$ard%al!' 0er bac! %as t$ him s$ he c$ ld n$t see her face' 0er hair lay hidden beneath a scarf' In $ne hand she cl tched a small p$ ch' 9as it his ima&inati$n (( $r did her pace 7 ic!en5 Gabriel's eyes narr$%ed' There %as s$methin& alm$st f rti#e in her manner' 0e %hirled' 0is pile $f c$in still lay m$ nded $n the dresser, nt$ ched' B t there %as n$ si&n $f his %atch' 0e s%$re, a #i#id, blisterin& c rse' 8$t $nly %as the &irl *assie immensely desirable, maddenin&, and al$$f ''' She %as als$ a thief' .nly %hen *assie had stepped $ t int$ the damp m$rnin& chill did she dare t$ breathe a&ain' She did n$t st$p t$ say a tearf l &$$d(bye t$ the inn %here she'd spent nearly half $f her life' She had n$ re&rets ab$ t lea#in&' She had $nly h$pes that the f t re mi&ht h$ld far better than her %retched mem$ries $f Blac! Jac!'s Inn' B t she m st h rry' There %as a sh$p!eeper bet%een the chandler and the ba!er' She'd heard Blac! Jac! say the man dealt in sed &$$ds as %ell as ne%' She prayed he %$ ld p rchase s ch a hands$me %atch f$r a &$$dly s m' And indeed, the %inds $f f$rt ne seemed t$ be bl$%in& her %ay' She h$ped t$ catch him as s$$n as he $pened his d$$rs' And then she %$ ld be free' Shi#erin& a little a&ainst the chill, she t &&ed her sha%l fr$m her head t$ her sh$ lders, p llin& it ti&htly ar$ nd her' She %as scarcely p$n the ne,t r$% $f b ildin&s %hen she heard f$$tsteps ech$ behind her' An eerie pric!le tic!led her nape' She &lanced bac!, then fr$6e' Gabriel Sinclair's dar! #isa&e s%am bef$re her' 8$, she th$ &ht n mbly' It c$ ld n$t be him ''' it c$ ld n$t3 S rely her mind played her false3 A ch$!in& panic climbed hi&h in her thr$at' She t rned and be&an t$ r n' This time she !ne% she did n$t ima&ine the f$$tsteps th nderin& behind her' )et still she ran, her breath raspin& and s$bbin& in her ears' A hard arm sna&&ed her by the %aist' She felt herself b$rne free $f the &r$ nd and ca &ht a&ainst an nyieldin& m sc lar f$rm' She str c! $ t blindly' 4Let me &$34 she cried' 0e %hispered in her ear, his la &h a c$ld %hisper' 29e %ent thr$ &h this $nly last ni&ht, )an!' Did y$ learn n$thin& fr$m the $ tc$me5 I %ill free y$ %hen I am ready (( and n$t bef$re'4

*assie fl n& bac! her head and screamed at the t$p $f her l n&s' 40elp3 0elp, I be& y$ 3 -lease help me34 The arm ab$ t her ribs ti&htened s$ that she c$ ld scarcely dra% breath' Gabriel s%$re s$ftly %hen a baldin& merchant p$!ed his head thr$ &h his d$$r%ay' 2-ay n$ mind t$ the lady,4 he called $ t' 4She s ffers fr$m brain fe#er and fancies she is bein& persec ted'> *assie &asped %ith $ tra&e' 9ea! in the head, %as she5 She rene%ed her str &&les b t it %as n$ se' 0e half(lifted, half(dra&&ed her t$ a din&y alley%ay, then bac!ed her p a&ainst a hard bric! %all' /$r $ne terrifyin& m$ment he held her there %ith the press re $f his b$dy' 0is feat res displayed n$ em$ti$n, th$ &h she !ne% instincti#ely he %as fiercely an&ry' 0er %h$le b$dy 1er!ed %hen he snatched her p$ ch fr$m her hands' 9ithdra%in& a step, he thr st his hand inside' *assie &aped, b t $nly f$r an instant' 49hat d$ y$ thin! y$ 're d$in&54 she cried' 4That's mine3 )$ ha#e n$ ri&ht t$ t$ ch it34 0e spared her n$t a &lance as he p lled her threadbare ni&ht&$%n fr$m the p$ ch' 4)$ ha#e s$methin& $f mine in y$ r p$ssessi$n,4 he said c$ldly' 4That &i#es me e#ery ri&ht'4 4Bl$$dy hell it d$es34 9ith a cry she la nched herself at him' B t bef$re she c$ ld d$ any dama&e, an npleasantly str$n& arm %rapped ar$ nd her $nce m$re' She %as dra&&ed fri&htenin&ly cl$se t$ him $nce a&ain' 4)an!, y$ seem determined t$ attract attenti$n' 9hy, s$me$ne mi&ht be tempted t$ call the c$nstable t$ see %hat is amiss'> The &litter in his eyes f$ret$ld the p$ssibility $nly t$$ %ell' *assie %ent ri&id b t str &&led n$ m$re' 0e let &$ $f her, his c$ ntenance fierce and nsmilin&' 4+y %atch, )an!,4 %as all he said' *assie %et her lips' 4)$ A y$ re t$$ late' I (( I s$ld it'> Indeed,4 he stated calmly' 4/$r&i#e me f$r d$ btin& y$ , b t I fear I m st find $ t f$r myself'4 0is smile %as s$ pleasant, it %as a m$ment bef$re she reali6ed %hat he %as ab$ t' She tried t$ la nch herself past him: he %as t$$ 7 ic! f$r her' 9ith the bac! $f his f$rearm he held her in place a&ainst the bric!, barrin& her fr$m any escape r$ te she mi&ht ta!e it in her head t$ find' 0is &a6e drilled int$ her li!e the p$int $f a !nife' 0e ran his fin&ers d$%n her arms' And then that acc rsed hand slid deep inside her b$dice, s!immin& the t$ps $f her breasts, slidin& $#er sm$$th, r$ nded flesh that n$ man had either seen $r t$ ched' Sh$c!ed bey$nd meas re, *assie &asped' 2St$p34 she cried' 0e did n$t' E#erythin& %ithin her rebelled at his b$ldness, his intimacy' She dre% a deep, fract red breath' 2Dear G$d, st$p34 She &a#e a tearin&, half(s$b' 2It (( its in my st$c!in&3 T rn ar$ nd and I %ill &i#e it t$ y$ 34 0e released her, b t he did n$t t rn ar$ nd' It %as left t$ *assie t$ shift a%!%ardly, a%are that he s r#eyed her e#ery m$#e' 0er hands %ere nsteady as she t &&ed d$%n her ri&ht st$c!in&' She strai&htened, his %atch in her hand' She fl n& it int$ his $ tstretched palm' 2There3 )$ ha#e y$ r %atch bac!' 8$% let me be $n my %ay34 0is feat res %ere &rimly f$rbiddin&' 48$t 1 st yet, )an!' )$ cann$t steal fr$m me and thin! t$ &et a%ay %ith it'4 0e h$$!ed steely fin&ers int$ her elb$% and be&an t$ p ll her bac! the %ay she had c$me' *assie ch$!ed bac! a cry $f bitter fr strati$n' 0e %as headed bac! t$ the inn3 A h$ll$% despair enshr$ ded her heart' 0ad she c$me s$ far, $nly t$ be %renched bac!, li!e a d$& p$n a leash5

All t$$ s$$n she %as bac! inside the tapr$$m' The d$$r hea#ed sh t behind them' *assie crin&ed' *hrist$pher +arley and Blac! Jac! %ere there bef$re the h &e st$ne fireplace' Blac! Jac! spread his hands %ide' 4)er l$rdship3 I sa% y$ lea#e ''' 9hat &$es $n here54 4The &irl here is a thief' She st$le my %atch'4 *assie &limpsed the sh$c! $n *hrist$pher +arley's face' 8ell, she sa%, had c$me t$ stand at the head $f the stairs' .h, b t she sh$ ld ha#e !n$%n the earl %$ ld spare her n$thin&3 Blac! Jac!'s eyes b l&ed' 49hat3 She st$le it54 4That she did' It seems she decided it %as time t$ lea#e y$ r empl$y' I sh$ ld ima&ine she intended t$ se the pr$ceeds fr$m the %atch as f ndin& f$r her 1$ rney'4 *hrist$pher had m$#ed t$ stand near Blac! 1ac!' 0is &a6e rested $n her nec!: there %as the faintest p 66lement etched p$n his hands$me feat res' 0is &a6e flic!ered t$ the earl and bac! t$ *assie a&ain' She reali6ed he had spied the m$$n(shaped p rple mar! the earl had p t there' 0$t shame c$l$red her chee!s' +$re than anythin&, she l$n&ed t$ shri#el p and die' 8ell sneered' 2By G$d, y$ re a fine $ne t$ l$$! d$%n yer n$se at me' Stealin' 'is l$rdship's %atch (( then r nnin' $ff34 Blac! 1ac! c rsed' 4I !ne% I sh$ ld ha#e shipped ye $ff t$ the $rphan h$ se %hen yer ma left ye behind3 )er tr$ ble, missy, tr$ ble34 *assie raised her head, nda nted' 0er pride had %a#ered b t %as far fr$m &$ne' 4)$ thin! I'#e been better $ff here5 I'#e scr bbed fl$$rs 'til my hands %ere ra% and bleedin&' I'#e emptied chamberp$ts and lab$red fr$m da%n ntil midni&ht f$r as l$n& as I can remember' )$ '#e be&r d&ed me e#ery bite $f f$$d I'#e e#er ta!en' And all f$r a fe% pennies a year3 9hy, I'm hardly better $ff than the sla#es in the fields34 0is face c$nt$rted' 4)e n&ratef l little bitch3 I thin! it's time I c red that smart, sassy m$ th $' y$ rs3>' Blac! Jac!'s fin&ers c rled int$ a meaty fist' In s$me far distant c$rner $f her mind, *assie sa% that *hrist$pher l$$!ed appalled as Blac! Jac! raised his fist hi&h' She braced herself in%ardly' It %$ ldn't be the first time Blac! Jac! had str c! her' 8$ d$ bt the earl %$ ld ta!e &reat pleas re in seein& her th s defeated' B t she %$ ldn't cry $ t, n$t %hile he %atched''' The bl$% she e,pected ne#er fell' 2If y$ stri!e the &irl,4 the earl sp$!e %ith an alm$st deadly 7 iet, 4y$ %ill ans%er t$ me' It %as my %atch she st$le' 'Its my ri&ht, and n$ $ne elses, t$ see t$ her p nishment'4 Blac! Jac! appeared startled, yet e#en he dared n$t $pp$se the earl' 0e l$%ered his hand t$ his side and cleared his thr$at' 4I meant n$ harm,4 he said &r ffly' 2B t the &irl needs a reminder $' her place n$% and then'4 Gabriels t$ne %as fri&id' 4Sir, I belie#e y$ meant her e#ery harm' B t in this case, I shall decide %hat she needs'4 0e c rled his hand ar$ nd *assie's arm' *assie's insides !n$tted %ith sic! dread' -erhaps it %$ ld ha#e been better t$ s ffer Blac! Jac!'s ra&e' At least she !ne% it %as 7 ic!ly spent' B t the earl ''' The c$ld, c$ntr$lled an&er she sensed in him %as fri&htenin&' 0er mind ch rnin&, she m$#ed al$n& n mbly as he p lled her p the stairs' In his chamber, he p shed her d$%n $n the end $f the r mpled bed' *assie tipped her head bac! and eyed him %arily, her fear mas!ed in indi&nati$n' 4)$ ha#e y$ r %atch bac!,4 she said stiffly' 49hat m$re d$ y$ %ant $f me54 0e m$#ed t$ p$ r himself a small &lass $f brandy fr$m a decanter $n the table' 0e did n$t l$$! at her as he sp$!e' 4I am c ri$ s as t$ %hy y$ t$$! it, )an!' Indeed, I find myself %$nderin& h$% many $ther men y$ ha#e r$bbed'4 *assie's s$ft lips ti&htened' It seemed he meant t$ cr cify her' 9ell, if that %as %hat he %as ab$ t, she'd be damned if she'd help him3

0e t rned' 4*$me, )an!'4 This time his t$ne %as n$ less than a demand' 4Am I the $nly $ne s$ h$n$red54 0er eyes flashed fire' 4I t$$! the %atch beca se y$ are arr$&ant and b$ld, sir' And f$r the price it %$ ld brin&'4 49hy %ere y$ s$ determined t$ r n a%ay54 0er eyes dar!ened' 29hy, sir> she said %ith a m$c!in& la &h' 4I li#e a life $f s ch ease' 9hat p$ssible reas$n c$ ld I ha#e f$r %antin& t$ f$re#er lea#e this place54 4And 1 st %here did y$ intend t$ &$54 She pa sed, b t $nly f$r a m$ment' 4I d$n't !n$% (( any%here3(( as l$n& as it %as far, far fr$m here34 Gabriel s r#eyed her $#er the rim $f the &lass' 0e %$ndered that he had e#en as!ed, f$r her bitter %$rds t$ Blac! Jac! had made her pli&ht 7 ite clear' 8$r did he d$ bt that e#ery %$rd %as tr e' 0is &a6e s%ept $#er her ra&&ed &$%n, the faded p$ ch she cl tched s$ desperately still, t$ settle at last p$n the crac!ed, dry s!in $f her hands' *assie fl shed %hen she sa% %here his &a6e d%elled' She s%all$%ed, &atherin& her c$ ra&e ar$ nd her li!e a cl$a!' 4I cann$t stay here any l$n&er'4 0er t$ne %as l$% b t fer#ent' 4I %ill n$t' S$ if y$ intend t$ ta!e me t$ the c$nstable, 1 st (( 1 st d$ it and be d$ne %ith it'4 Gabriel %as n%illin&ly impressed' The &irl had spirit (( and c$ ra&e as %ell' .h, he !ne% she %as terrified' 0e hadn't missed the desperati$n in her eyes' She %as, he admitted, a %$rthy ad#ersary' .ne perhaps e#en %$rthy $f standin& p a&ainst his father' Indeed, he %$ndered %hat his father %$ ld thin! $f this pstart little )an! ''' /r$m $ t $f n$%here, there %as an ech$ in his mind, the %$rds *hrist$pher had sp$!en $nly last ni&ht' *o farmer+s wife, this one, eh$ *o doubt she could aim far hi#her... Sl$%ly he l$%ered the &lass fr$m +s lips' 0e stared at her intently, as if seein& her f$r the first time' The &irl %as a thief' /iery and nr ly' L$%(b rn and nci#ili6ed'''' An nci#ili6ed ankee' It came t$ him then ''' an idea spa%ned by years $f ne&lect, and a ra&ta& b t bea tif l %ench' S%eet hea#en, that %as it ''' 0e %as acr$ss the fl$$r in an instant' *atchin& her by the arms, he p lled her fr$m her perch at the end $f the bed' 0e &rabbed her chin and t rned her face p f$r his inspecti$n' 0is &a6e r$#ed intently $#er her feat res' 40$% $ld are y$ , &irl54 9hen she said n$thin&, his hands fell t$ her sh$ lders' 4Ans%er me, &irl,> he said sharply' 40$% $ld are y$ 54 *assie %et her lips' 4Ei&hteen, I belie#e,4 she said faintly' 4Th$ &h I cann$t be s re '''4 48ell said y$ r m$ther deserted y$ %hen y$ %ere 1 st a child' 0a#e y$ n$ $ther relati#es54 0er eyes, trained $n his face, %ere h &e' 9$rdlessly, she sh$$! her head' 49hat if I t$ld y$ I c$ ld resc e y$ 5 Sa#e y$ fr$m this %retched dr d&ery5 9hat if I t$ld y$ I c$ ld ta!e y$ far, far a%ay54 She blin!ed' 49h ( %here54 4All the %ay acr$ss the sea (( t$ En&land' -erhaps t$ -aris s$meday' )es, y$ %$ ld li!e -aris, I thin!'4 0e traced the bac! $f his !n c!le al$n& the h$ll$% $f her thr$at' 4I c$ ld &i#e y$ 1e%els' / rs' 0$% l$n& since y$ #e had a ne% dress, )an!5 I c$ ld ma!e certain y$ ha#e a ne% dress f$r e#ery day $f the year'4 *assie sh$$! her head sli&htly as if t$ clear it' 4I ( I cann$t thin! %hy y$ sh$ ld %an t$34 she bl rted'

Gabriel smiled ti&htly' .h, it %asn't $ t $f the &$$dness $f his heart, f$r indeed he %$ndered if he p$ssessed s ch a thin&' 8$, it had far less t$ d$ %ith &ener$sity ''' and far m$re t$ d$ %ith re#en&e' And %hat s%eet re#en&e it %$ ld be ''' 0is father %anted him t$ marry' By G$d, s$ he %$ ld' *assie tensed #isibly' 4I ( I th$ &ht y$ meant t$ p nish me,4 she said, her #$ice sha!in&' 2Set y$ r mind at ease, &irl' I'#e n$ intenti$n $f t rnin& y$ $#er t$ the c$nstable (( $r t$ Blac! Jac!' 2Sir, are y$ ''' n%ell54 *assie m ttered' 0e &a#e a sh$rt, harsh b rst $f la &hter' 4Indeed I#e ne#er been better'4 0e pa sed' 4S$ %hat d$ y$ say, )an!5 )$ left this place this m$rnin& %ith little th$ &ht f$r y$ r destinati$n' I $ffer y$ the chance t$ see En&land (( the entire c$ntinent' )$ ha#e my %$rd, y$ 'll ne#er a&ain ha#e t$ scr b fl$$rs'> *assie bit her lip' 4S ch thin&s d$ n$t c$me free,4 she said sl$%ly' 4And there is n$thin& I can &i#e y$ in ret rn''''4 0e %atched as deep c$l$r s ff sed her chee!s' 4Dear l$rd,4 she &asped' 48e#er say y$ e,pect me t$ be y$ r (( y$ r mistress(((4 A &rim smile l r!ed $n his lips' 4'Its n$t a I %ant, )an! ''' b t a %ife'4

Chapter 4
A wife' *assie's mind %as racin&' .h, b t the man %as mad' S rely it %as s$3 .r %as it s$me m$nstr$ s 1est5 .r perhaps ''' s%eet L$rd, perhaps she %as the $ne %h$ %as mad ''' She c$ ld n$t tear her &a6e fr$m him' 0is p$st re e, ded tter ease' B t it %as his eyes that chained her endlessly, f$r she !ne% she did n$t ima&ine the c$ld &litter $f calc lati$n in th$se stran&e sil#ery depths' 8$, she %as n$t mad' 8$r %as he' Sl$%ly she be&an t$ bac! a%ay' She %as scarcely a%are %hen the mattress b mped the bac! $f her !nees' Da6edly she san! $nt$ the r mpled c$#ers, the p$%ers $f speech bey$nd her' And still he smiled (( a m$c!in& smile' A ta ntin& smile' A smile she c$ ld n$t f lly c$mprehend ''' At len&th she sp$!e, her t$ne #ery l$%' 4)$ t$y %ith me, sir' And 'Its m$nstr$ sly cr el $f y$ t$ d$ s$'4 4+$nstr$ sly cr el54 0e la &hed, a &en ine mirthf l la &h' 4)an!, in tr th I am bein& m$nstr$ sly &ener$ s'4 4And in tr th I can thin! $f n$ reas$n %hy a man li!e y$ %$ ld %ant t$ marry the li!es $f me'4 The %$rds came $ t sharper than she intended' 4Ah, b t I can'4 There %as a fierce li&ht in his eyes, a li&ht that %as s$meh$% alm$st fri&htenin&' 4And I say a&ain, sir, y$ t$y %ith me34 0er chin lifted bra#ely' 4I d$ n$t f$r&et that y$ are an En&lish l$rd(4 48$r d$ I, )an!'4 She %atched his sl$%(&r$%in& smile %ith m$ ntin& nease' 49hy, y$ c$ ld s$$n be a c$ ntess ''' and the f t re d chess $f /arlei&h'4 A c$ ntess5 A d chess5 0er5 9hy, the man had clearly decided she %as a simplet$n' Sheer an&er pr$pelled her t$ her feet' *assie silently &a &ed the distance t$ the d$$r' 4I'#e n$ d$ bt marria&e may %ell be $n y$ r mind (( b t n$t t$ me34 she cried, r shin& f$r%ard' 0e ca &ht her mid(stride' /in&ers li!e ir$n tal$ns c rled ar$ nd her arm, th%artin& her fli&ht and %hirlin& her ar$ nd t$ face him' *assie l$$!ed p at him %ith a &asp' 0is smile t rned chillin&' 4I ass re y$ , my dear, I am deadly seri$ s' I may be many thin&s, b t I am n$t a man t$ spea! li&htly ab$ t s ch matters' +arria&e is m$st certainly $n my mind, b t ma!e n$ mista!e (( 'Its marria&e t$ y$ that I am ab$ t'4 *assie c$ ld n$t help it' She bl rted the first thin& that came t$ mind' 4B t I ( I d$ n$t !n$% y$ ''' I'd be a f$$l t$ marry y$ 34

0is smile #anished' 4)$ 'd be a f$$l n$t t$,4 he said c$ldly' 4)$ n$ l$n&er ha#e my %atch, )an!' 0a#e y$ c$nsidered %hat y$ r life %ill be li!e if y$ remain here54 4I ( I am s!illed %ith a needle'4 She tried t$ spea! defiantly and failed miserably' 4I can find %$r! as a seamstress 4 4And %hat if y$ d$ n$t5 9h$ %ill hire y$ 5 )$ #e n$ $ne t$ rec$mmend y$ , n$ $ne %h$ may testify as t$ y$ r abilities' Indeed, %hat respectable dressma!er %$ ld hire a f$rmer ta#ern %ench5 And %here %ill y$ li#e ntil y$ d$ find empl$yment5 In the streets5 9hat if y$ chance t$ catch s$me man's fancy5 *$ ld y$ defend y$ rself if he decided t$ ha#e his %ay %ith y$ and y$ did n$t %ish it5 Belie#e me, )an!, that is n$ %ay t$ li#e, in *harlest$n $r any $ther place'4 *assie t$ld herself he %as tryin& t$ fri&hten her' She tried t$ shrin! a%ay, str &&lin& t$ be free $f his h$ld' 0e %$ ld n$t let her, b t p lled her cl$se (( s$ cl$se she c$ ld feel the heat $f his breath $n her chee!s' 4)$ c$ ld al%ays &$ bac! t$ ser#in& ale' -erhaps y$ d$n't mind the leerin& &lances, the hands beneath y$ r s!irts' ' '4 *assie sh ddered' 4)$ re fetchin& en$ &h t$ earn y$ r li#in& %ith y$ r b$dy, I #$%' .f c$ rse, if y$ #e n$ a#ersi$n t$ spendin& the rest $f y$ r life $n y$ r bac!, e,chan&in& $ne man f$r an$ther, r ttin& bet%een y$ r thi&hs, ni&ht after ni&ht' ''4 *assie's chee!s b rned at his fran!ness, her e,pressi$n reflectin& her re# lsi$n' *$nf si$n r$iled %ithin her' 9as this a ni&htmare (( $r a &$dsend5 She !ne%, n$% m$re than e#er, that she c$ ld ne#er &$ bac! t$ the life she had been leadin&' She l$n&ed f$r n$thin& m$re than t$ lea#e it behind ''' f$re#er' She s%all$%ed, f$rcin& herself t$ l$$! p int$ his hard, dar! feat res' 4I d$ n$t nderstand,4 she said, #ery l$%' 49hat p$ssible reas$n c$ ld y$ ha#e f$r s ch an $ffer5 )$ say y$ d$ n$t f$r&et the differences in $ r stati$n'4 0er #$ice ca &ht' 4S$ %hy (( %hy me54 Gabriel did n$t say it %as th$se #ery differences that made him determined t$ %ed her' T$ d$ s$ mi&ht 1e$pardi6e all that he s$ &ht' A stab $f blac! h m$r str c! him' 0$% ir$nic it %as that all these years his father had had n$ se f$r his sec$nd s$n' B t n$% that St art %as &$ne, his father %as determined t$ p sh his %ay int$ his life' .nly n$%, the tables had been t rned' And at least the &irl %as passable t$ l$$! p$n' 0is &a6e r$#ed sl$%ly $#er her pt rned feat res, abs$rbin& the sm$$th, creamy perfecti$n $f s!in nad$rned by p$%der $r perf mes' Indeed, she %as far m$re than passable ''' 0is father %as determined that he marry' 9ell, Gabriel decided %ith a &rim feelin& $f tri mph, he %$ ld be a d tif l s$n' 0e %$ ld &i#e his father %hat he %anted, $nly it %$ ld n$t be 7 ite as his father planned' 0e %$ ld ta!e as his %ife this thie#in&, l$%b$rn %ench' B t he %$ ld $ffer her n$ m$re e,planati$n than necessary' 0e reali6ed he had snared her attenti$n, if n$t her c$nsent' 0e arched a br$%, b t did n$t flinch fr$m the directness $f her &a6e' 4I see in y$ r face that y$ d$ n$t del de y$ rself, )an!' I li!e that, f$r it %$ ld be a &ra#e mista!e t$ belie#e it's l$#e %hich m$ti#ates me'> 0e released her, b t his eyes c$mmanded her attenti$n' 0e ac!n$%led&ed, %ith &rim satisfacti$n, the fl sh that flamed her face as he scr tini6ed her fr$m head t$ t$e' 48$r,4 he added %ith a ti&ht little smile, 4is it l st'> 9hile *assie sm$thered a si&h, he m$#ed t$ stand at the %ind$%, his bac! t$ her' Str$n& hands lin!ed behind him, he stared $ t at the harb$r' After a m$ment, he t rned bac! t$ her'

4)$ as! %hy I sh$ ld %ish t$ marry y$ ' @ery %ell, then, I shall be fran!' +y father is the d !e $f /arlei&h' I am the y$ n&est $f t%$ s$ns' As the eldest s$n, my br$ther St art %as my fathers heir' St art died se#eral m$nths a&$'4 8$t !n$%in& %hat t$ say, *assie remained silent' 8$r did he appear t$ e,pect anythin& fr$m her: his feat res, li!e his #$ice, reflected n$ hint $f em$ti$n' 4/arlei&h, my fathers estate in ?ent, b$rders lands bel$n&in& t$ Re&inald Latham, the d !e $f 9arrent$n' 9arrent$n's $nly da &hter, Lady E#elyn, %as betr$thed t$ my br$ther St art at the time $f his death,4 he %ent $n' 49hen St art died, I inherited his title (( earl $f 9a!efield (( m ch t$ my father's distaste, I s spect'4 The s btle hardenin& $f his t$ne did n$t &$ nn$ticed by *assie' She c$ ld n$t help b t %$nder %hy '''4)$ d$ n$t seem t$ ha#e m ch li!in& f$r y$ r father,4 she said sl$%ly' 0e &a#e a harsh la &h' 4As m ch as he has f$r me' )$ see, )an!, my father's %ishes and mine seld$m c$incide'4 *assie fr$%ned' 4And %hat has this t$ d$ %ith marria&e54 &nd me, she amended silently' 2Bef$re I left $n this #$ya&e, my father inf$rmed me that he e,pects me t$ inherit St art's f t re bride as %ell as his title' I'#e n$ desire t$ marry Lady E#elyn, $r any $ther %$man f$r that matter, b t my father feels it is my d ty t$ marry'> A brief spasm $f f ry cr$ssed Gabriel's face' 4+y father is a str$n&(%illed, p$%erf l man %h$ has seld$m had his %ishes t rned aside' B t Ill n$t let him lead me d$%n a path that is n$t $f my $%n ch$$sin&' If I let him c$ntr$l me in this, he %ill be c$n#inced he can c$ntr$l me in all thin&s' And yet I'#e n$ %ish t$ t rn my bac! $n all that mi&ht s$meday be mine' Theref$re, I shall f lfill my d ty A $nly my marria&e %ill n$t be t$ the bride $f his ch$ice'4 There %as a small pa se' 4As f$r %hy I'#e ch$sen y$ , by y$ r $%n admissi$n y$ ha#e n$ relati#es' There is n$ $ne t$ f rther interfere in my life' And Ill be bl nt, )an!' I'#e n$ time t$ search f$r a bride, either here $r in En&land' If the deed is d$ne p$n my ret rn, there is n$thin& my father can d$ t$ chan&e it'4 0e %as silent f$r a m$ment' 29e b$th %ish t$ ha#e c$ntr$l $f $ r f t re,4 he said %ith a shr &' 4)$ r f t re %ill be ass red' And if I am already %ed, there'll be n$ m$re simperin& little misses ea&er t$ &et their hands $n my p$c!etb$$!' It seems a s itable match after all, d$es it n$t54 &n unlikely match is more like it, she nearly bl rted' She mana&ed t$ st$p herself in time' )et %hen she $ffered n$ reply, he arched a dar! br$%' 49ell, )an!5 I can be y$ r sal#ati$n, if y$ %ill $nly let me' 9hat d$ y$ say54 *assie c$ ld n$t help it' Bitterness spread thr$ &h her li!e sl$% p$is$n' As a child, she had $ften ima&ined that her father mi&ht s$meday appear, and ta!e her a%ay t$ a far($ff place %here there %as n$ h n&er, n$ smell $f ale and s%eat' B t li!elier than n$t, her m$ther herself had n$t !n$%n %h$ her father %as' And she %as neither blind n$r f$$lish' 8$, she !ne% better than t$ e,pect sal#ati$n at the hands $f a man' And this man %as a stran&er, a b$ld, irre#erent $ne at that3 Still, he c$ ld &i#e her a far better life ''' She cared little ab$ t the f rs and 1e%els he pr$mised' B t t$ *assie, %h$ had al%ays dreamed $f ha#in& a h$me $f her $%n, a h$me that %as n$t a h$#el, s ch an $ffer %as temptin&' S$ temptin&, indeed ''' /$r a timeless instant she s% n& helplessly bet%een hea#en and hell' If she a&reed, it meant tra#ellin& far acr$ss the $cean, day after day ''' She shi#ered in%ardly, f$r she had been terrified $f %ater since that h$rrible day she and her m$ther had arri#ed in *harlest$n ''' *$ ld she stand s ch a 1$ rney5 She'd be mad t$ say yes' Dear G$d, 1 st as daft t$ say n$'

She str &&led nder the heat $f Gabriel's anticipat$ry re&ard' 4Thin!,4 he said s$ftly' 4This c$ ld be %$rth far m$re t$ y$ than the s m my %atch %$ ld ha#e br$ &ht y$ ' I d$ belie#e y$ ha#e it in y$ t$ be a lady $f leis re, )an!' As my %ife, y$ 'll %ant f$r n$thin&'4 *assie dre% a deep, ra&&ed breath, s mm$nin& her c$ ra&e' 4And %hat ab$ t later5 A year fr$m n$%5 Ten years fr$m n$%5 9ill y$ t rn me $ t in the streets $nce I'#e ser#ed my p rp$se54 0e stepped t$%ard her' Bef$re she c$ ld st$p him, he'd reached $ t and ca &ht $ne $f her hands in his' 0is e,pressi$n impassi#e, he raised it bet%een them t$ st dy her r$ &h, %$r!( r$ &hened s!in' +$re than anythin&, *assie l$n&ed t$ snatch it bac!, b ry her hands int$ her p$c!ets, and hide them fr$m si&ht' She tensed, b t did n$t m$#e th$ &h e#ery instinct clam$red %ithin her t$ d$ 1 st that' 0is e,pressi$n nreadable, he ran his th mb $#er the chafed, reddened s!in $f her !n c!les' 2)$ %ill ne#er a&ain ha#e t$ %$r! a day in y$ r life' 8$r %ill y$ ha#e t$ %ait $n any$ne' .thers %ill %ait $n y$ '4 *assie's palms had &r$%n stic!y' 0er le&s %ere n$t #ery steady' 2)$ %$ ld treat me %ell,4 she said sl$%ly, 4and n$t raise a hand a&ainst me54 Gabriel's &a6e sharpened' 0e p shed p the slee#e $r her &$%n, re#ealin& the p rpled s!in $f her %rists' *assie's &a6e %as ri#eted t$ his face' S$methin& flared in his eyes: it %as &$ne s$ 7 ic!ly she c$ ld n$t identify it' 0is lips barely m$#ed as he sp$!e' 4Blac! Jac!54 0er eyes slipped a%ay' She n$dded: there %as n$ need t$ say m$re' Abr ptly he released her hand' 2I %as raised t$ be a &entleman, )an!, n$ matter that there are s$me %h$ mi&ht claim $ther%ise' )$ %ill c$me t$ n$ harm at my hand'4 *assie stared at the t$es $f her sh$es peepin& $ t fr$m beneath her s!irts' 4And %hen %$ ld this marria&e ta!e place4 she as!ed 7 ic!ly' 4I'll n$t sail %ith y$ ntil it's d$ne' I ( I %$ ld !n$% that y$ d$ n$t ma!e pr$mises y$ d$ n$t mean t$ !eep'4 A sl$% smile crept al$n& his lips' 49hy, )an!3 Are y$ s$ ea&er then t$ be %ed (( $r merely bedded54 That %as n$t it at all' 9hy, the #ery th$ &ht made *assie crin&e' 8ell had br$ &ht c st$mers t$ the attic $n n mer$ s $ccasi$ns' *assie had pretended t$ be asleep, b t that %as hardly the case' She'd heard &r$ans and &r nts, %hispers and la &hter' She sh ddered' They'd s$ nded li!e animals3 0e shr &&ed' 4I'd intended t$ set sail n$ later than n$$n' B t I s pp$se a cleric mi&ht be pers aded t$ marry s %ithin the h$ r %ith the ri&ht am$ nt $f &$ld linin& his p$c!et'4 B t she %as n$t d$ne' Th$ &h the earl st$$d a fe% paces distant, *assie %as $#er%helmin&ly c$nsci$ s $f the latent, masc line p$%er hidden beneath his cl$thes' She recalled %ith ner#e(shatterin& ac teness the hea#iness $f his b$dy at$p hers last ni&ht, the r thless fer$city $f his !iss' She 1$ined her hands t$ st$p them fr$m sha!in&' 0er lips %ere tremblin& s$ that speech %as imp$ssible' 4I d$ n$t %ant t$ share y$ r bed' I'#e n$ desire t$ (( t$ lie %ith y$ ' And if y$ d$ n$t a&ree, I (( I %ill n$t marry y$ '4 There3 She'd said it' 0e 7 ir!ed a br$%' 49hy, I be&in t$ thin! y$ ill(f$rmed, )an!'4 0e t$$! a step f$r%ard' 4D$ y$ hide s$me def$rmity5 )$ %ish t$ bar&ain, b t perhaps y$ are n$ bar&ain after all' Indeed, perhaps I sh$ ld e,amine the &$$ds'4 0er head 1er!ed p' She fl n& p her hands' 48$34 she cried' 4I t$ld y$ bef$re, madam, 'Its n$t l st %hich dra%s me t$ y$ ' I am a man $f many appetites, b t rest ass red, I %ill p rs e my pleas res else%here' There are $ther %$men %h$ are perfectly %illin& t$ satisfy my needs'4 0e &a#e a bitin& la &h' 4And G$d !n$%s the last

thin& I %ant is an heir'4 0e met her &a6e c$$lly' 4S$ tell me, )an!' D$ y$ tra#el %ith me bac! t$ En&land $r %ill y$ remain here54 It %as %ith a #a& e sense $f nreality that she heard herself %hisper, 4I %ill c$me %ith y$ '4 0e n$dded, then m$#ed t$ the d$$r and $pened it' Inclinin& his head, he silently indicated she %as t$ precede him thr$ &h it' *assie m$#ed thr$ &h in a da6e' 0er mind %as %hirlin& s$ that she c$ ld scarcely assimilate all that had happened' It seemed s$ incredible ''' imp$ssible' .nly m$ments a&$ she had entered this r$$m e,pectin& t$ be p nished ''' Instead it seemed she %as ab$ t t$ be married' D$%nstairs, *hrist$pher +arley %as pacin& the len&th $f the tapr$$m' Blac! Jac! had settled his b l! $nt$ a bench in the far c$rner: he stared as if hypn$ti6ed int$ a st$ t &lass $f ale' 0earin& the ech$ $f steps $n the stair%ay, 8ell sa ntered in fr$m the !itchens, a sc$rnf l smir! t &&in& at her lips, her manner decidedly l$fty' *learly she th$ &ht *assie %$ ld s$$n be &ettin& all she deser#ed' And indeed, s$ she %$ ld' As they reached the b$tt$m $f the stairs, all eyes t rned their %ay' 8ear the fast step, *assie f$ nd herself p$ssessed $f the desire t$ b$lt %ildly int$ the street and r n f$r all she %as %$rth' B t the &rip $n her elb$% ti&htened as if in %arnin&' *assie decided alm$st bitterly that he had n$ tr$ ble & essin& her intenti$n' Blac! Jac! 1 mped p fr$m the bench and h rried t$%ard them' 40ere, yer l$rdship, y$ needn't tr$ ble y$ rself any f rther'4 0e sh$t *assie a dar! &lance' 4I'll ta!e her $ff yer hands' .h, and y$ can be certain shell ne#er a&ain steal fr$m y$ $r any$ne else'4 4.h, I'#e n$ d$ bt $f that' As my %ife, therell be n$ need t$'> Blac! Jac!'s eyes b l&ed' 0is lips %$r!ed, b t n$ s$ nd came $ t' 8ell strai&htened %ith a stran&led cry' 4)$ cann$t mean t$ marry the bitch3> Gabriel paid n$ heed t$ either $f them' 49e shall be married %ithin the h$ r,4 he %ent $n sm$$thly' 4Theres a ch rch near the d$c!s' 9ell st$p the $n the %ay t$ my ship'4 8ell's face %as p rple' 49hy5 9hy her54 she b rst $ t' 4The bitch 1 st thin!s she's better 'n me' B t she %$n't please y$ in bed' 9hy, she d$nt !n$% half %hat I !n$%34 Blac! Jac! finally re&ained his p$%ers $f speech' 4)er l$rdship, y$ (( y$ cant marry her3 Shes 1 st a bar %h$re3> A bar whore' *assie crin&ed inside, and l$%ered her &a6e t$ the fl$$r' She c$ ld l$$! at n$ne $f them' S$ it %as that she did n$t see Gabriel le#el $n Blac! Jac! a l$$! $f s ch blac!ness that the b rly man fell bac! a step' 4I %ill marry %h$m I please,4 the earl stated c$ldly' 48either y$ n$r any $ther man can st$p me' 8$% if y$ d$nt mind, please ha#e a carria&e s mm$ned' Im an,i$ s t$ be $n my %ay C Blac! Jac! sc rried t$ $bey' 8ell &lared at *assie's b$%ed head a fe% sec$nds l$n&er, then fl$ nced bac! int$ the !itchen, m tterin& nder her breath' *hrist$pher had $nly n$% l$st his e,pressi$n $f sh$c!' 0e stepped p t$ Gabriel, tapped him $n the sh$ lder, and 1er!ed his head t$%ard the entrance' 2A %$rd %ith y$ in pri#ate, if y$ please'4 .nly then did *assie 's head c$me p' She %atched the t%$ men lea#e %ith eyes b$th tr$ ble and fearf l' . tside $n the b$ard%al! the t%$ man faced each $ther' It %as Gabriel %h$ sp$!e first, bef$re *hrist$pher e#en had a chance' 4'Its my h$pe y$ %ill stand as %itness t$ this %eddin&,4 he said calmly' 29itness54 B$th *hrist$pher's t$ne and his feat res %ere n s ally harsh' 40a#e y$ l$st y$ r mind, man5 This marria&e %ill be a m$c!ery, and %e b$th !n$% it34

Gabriels smile held n$ mirth' 2Tell me this, my friend' 9$ ld marria&e t$ Lady E#elyn be any less $f a m$c!ery 5 At least this %ay my bride %ill be $f my ch$$sin&'> *hrist$phers m$ th $pened, then cl$sed' As dearly as it appeared hed ha#e li!ed t$, it seemed he c$ ldnt ref te Gabriel's %$rds' 2)$ may ha#e f$$led *assie, b t y$ d$nt f$$l me' )$ marry her $nly t$ spite y$ r father3 0e %ill be f ri$ s, and s$ %ill 9arrent$n %hen he disc$#ers y$ nable t$ %ed Lady E#elyn34 Gabriel neither a&reed n$r disa&reed' 4I did n$t lie t$ her'4 ,erhaps you did not lie, 1eered a #$ice fr$m %ithin, but certainly you did not re"eal all ... 4The &irl is %ell a%are $f my reas$ns f$r this marria&e (( and !n$%s all she needs t$ !n$%'4 4D$ y$ mean t$ say y$ did n$t c$erce her int$ it54 Gabriel $nly narr$%ly held $n t$ his temper' 4I did n$t lay a hand $n her,4 he said, his #$ice deadly calm' 4And if y$ f rther imply that I did, y$ ris! m ch, my friend, m ch indeed'4 4I imply n$ s ch thin&,4 *hrist$pher said stiffly' 'B t she st$le y$ r %atch and %as ca &ht %ith it' )$ c$ ld ha#e sed that a&ainst her'4 Gabriel's eyes narr$%ed' 4)$ d$ seem t$ ha#e a &reat deal $f sympathy f$r her,4 he said in decepti#ely d lcet t$nes' 4*$ ld it be that y$ ha#e ta!en a fancy t$ her and en#y me my ch$ice $f bride54 4That's n$t it at all'4 *hrist$pher defended himself hastily' 4Gabriel, y$ !n$% I ha#e seld$m 1 d&ed y$ ' B t tell me this' D$es the &irl !n$% %hat y$ %ill be dra&&in& her int$54 4*hrist$pher, I ta!e her fr$m a life $f %$r! and str &&le and p$#erty' )$ !n$% as %ell as I that her circ mstances %ill be far, far better' Indeed,4 he &a#e a harsh la &h, 2it %$ ld seem t$ me I am t$ be c$mmended'4 *hrist$pher clearly did n$t a&ree, b t he said n$thin&' ;nf$rt nately, Gabriel had n$ tr$ ble readin& his mind' 4I %ill br$$! n$ interference fr$m y$ $r any $ther man,4 he said c$$lly' 4+y mind is made p' 8$% %ill y$ stand %itness t$ this %eddin& $r d$ I ha#e t$ find myself an$ther man54 *hrist$pher si&hed hea#ily' 4There is n$ need t$ search f rther,4 he said 7 ietly' 4I %ill stand as %itness'4 +$ments later the three climbed in the c$ach' *hrist$pher t$$! a seat acr$ss fr$m *assie' The f t re bride sat h ddled in the c$rner, as far distant fr$m her h sband(t$(be as she c$ ld p$ssibly &et' Gabriel paid n$ heed, b t stared $ t the %ind$%, n$ e,pressi$n %hats$e#er mar!in& his hands$me feat res' The atm$sphere %as anythin& b t 1$#ial' A sh$rt time later, they filed int$ a small ch rch' *assie c$ ld recall n$thin& $f the c$n#ersati$n e,chan&ed bet%een Gabriel and the minister, a st$ t, p d&y man %h$se &irth nearly e,ceeded his hei&ht' .#er and $#er a&ain, his eyes tra#eled bet%een her ra&&ed dress and the f$rmidable, imp$sin& man %h$ pr$p$sed t$ %ed her' 0e %as clearly p 66led by s ch an nli!ely ni$n, yet he said n$thin&' 8$r did *assie %$nder %hy (( she did n$t miss the &$ld c$ins passed int$ his p d&y hands' All t$$ s$$n *assie f$ nd herself standin& ne,t t$ Gabriel in fr$nt $f the altar' The minister cleared his thr$at and be&an t$ spea!, b t his %$rds %ere a bl r' Then it %as $#er' *assie s%all$%ed, a%are that the fin&ers cl tchin& her p$ ch %ere tremblin&' ;ncertain %hat %as e,pected $f her, sl$%ly she lifted her eyes t$ the man %h$ %as n$% her h sband'' ' s%eet hea#en, her husband' 0e %as pleased' She c$ ld see it in the sly saItsfacti$n $f his smile' Dear L$rd, she %as married t$ this c$ld, hard man ''' and it %as t$$ late t$ chan&e it' A shi#er sh$$! her f$rm' All at $nce she c$ ldn't sha!e the feelin& she'd 1 st made a bar&ain %ith the de#il'

Chapter 5
It %as alm$st n$$n by the time the carria&e deli#ered the tri$ t$ the %aterfr$nt' *hrist$pher %as the first t$ ali&ht fr$m the carria&e' Gabriel f$ll$%ed, landin& li&htly $n b$$ted feet' By then, *assie had arisen fr$m the seat as %ell' Gabriel t rned, %$rdlessly e,tendin& his hand t$%ard her' Seein& him bef$re her, his manner bris! and c$nfident, she f$ nd herself ca &ht in the &rip $f a fleetin& ncertainty' L$ath t$ t$ ch him, th$ &h f$r the life $f her she didn't !n$% %hy, she made n$ m$#e t$ $bli&e him' Eyes the c$l$r $f slate hardened e#er s$ sli&htly' 2If y$ please, madam, Im hardly ea&er t$ remain here' Id th$ &ht y$ felt the same'4 *assie fl shed, then tentati#ely placed her hand in his and all$%ed him t$ assist her fr$m the carria&e' The instant she %as $ t $f the carria&e, she 7 ic!ly t &&ed her fin&ers free $f his &rasp' Gabriels lips ti&htened sli&htly, b t he said n$thin&' 9hile he paid the dri#er, *hrist$pher retrie#ed their ba&s' *assie remained %here she %as' Damp, m$ist air fr$m a m$rnin& rain lay hea#y and thic! ar$ nd her, and min&led %ith the tan& $f salt, str$n& and p n&ent in her n$strils' Alth$ &h the f$& had lifted, the s!y remained a pale, depthless shade $f &ray' Beside her, *hrist$pher cleared his thr$at' 4The ship anch$red there at the end (( that's Gabriel's'4 *assie's &a6e trailed his' There, %here the %harf 1 tted int$ the bay, a slee!, three(masted #essel b$bbed &ently in temp$ %ith the c rrent' She had n$ chance t$ reply' Gabriel %as there a&ain, a hand at her elb$%, & idin& her ar$ nd n mer$ s crates and barrels' J st ahead $f them, a b rly seaman hea#ed a s7 are crate $nt$ his sh$ lder, then marched p the &an&plan! $nt$ the ship's dec!' 0er heart san!' An a%f l feelin& $f dread %$ nd its %ay ar$ nd *assie 's spine' 9as this the $nly %ay $nt$ the #essel5 Silly fool, chided a #$ice inside' %ow else could you board5 See!in& t$ %aylay her fear, she &lanced d$%n' Bel$% the &an&plan!, dar!, ch$ppy %aters s%irled in a f ri$ s eddy ar$ nd and ar$ nd the pilin&s s pp$rtin& the d$c!' She st$$d there, paraly6ed' As if in a dream, a #isi$n l$$med in her mind' She sa% her b$dy t mblin& in a sl$% arc, the dar! &reen %aters ya%nin& %ide, as if t$ s%all$% her %h$le' 0er breath came 1er!ily' 0er l n&s b rned li!e fire, f$r she !ne% %hat it %as li!e t$ &asp desperately f$r air %hen there %as $nly f$ l, fetid %ater fillin& her m$ th, her l n&s ''' 4*$me, )an!' )$ may &$ first, and I %ill f$ll$%'4 0is %$rds penetrated the ha6e s rr$ ndin& her, %idenin& her eyes' She sh$$! her head and sh ffled bac! a step' 48$,> she said faintly' 4I cann$t''''> 4It's t$$ late t$ chan&e y$ r mind, &irl' 9e'#e already be& n the first le& $f $ r 1$ rney and s$$n %ill be&in the ne,t'4 0is e,pressi$n %as as harshly f$rbiddin& as his t$ne' *assie s%all$%ed a sic! feelin& in the pit $f her belly' 4I'#e n$t chan&ed my mind'4 She faltered' 2B t I ( I cann$t s%im, and if I sh$ ld miss a step A2 2)$ %ill n$t'4 .h, if $nly she %ere as certain3 B t her !nees had be& n t$ 7 a#er, al$n& %ith her #$ice' 4-lease(4 she be&an' She &$t n$ f rther' Stiflin& an impatient $ath, Gabriel s% n& her hi&h in his arms' It %as 1 st as he'd said (( they had c$me t$$ far t$ t rn bac! n$%' *assie had n$ ch$ice b t t$ clin& t$ his nec!' She s7 ee6ed her eyes sh t as he str$de %ith s ref$$ted ease p the &an&plan! and $nt$ the dec!' 0e did n$t st$p, b t carried her d$%n the c$mpani$n%ay t$ a cabin bel$%' .nly %hen she felt s$lid &r$ nd beneath her feet $nce a&ain did *assie $pen her eyes' /$r the space $f a heartbeat, time %as immeas rably still' 8$t ntil Gabriel c$c!ed a br$% did she

reali6e her arms %ere still t%ined ar$ nd his nec!' She fl shed f ri$ sly and %ithdre% them in all haste, an,i$ s t$ p t s$me distance bet%een them' 2I s &&est y$ ma!e y$ rself c$mf$rtable' 9e %ill be %ei&hin& anch$r sh$rtly'4 0e retreated, cl$sin& the d$$r firmly behind him' 9ith that, *assie %as left al$ne' She &lanced ar$ nd, ta!in& belated n$te $f her s rr$ ndin&s' She %as in a &ener$ s(si6ed cabin (( her h sband's n$ d$ bt' The th$ &ht r$ sed a shi#er, b t she %illed her mind n$t t$ lin&er f rther $n that tr$ blin& reali6ati$n' Instead her &a6e tra#eled sl$%ly ar$ nd the cabin' A sea chest and %$$den cabinet cr$%ded $ne %all, b$th $f %hich %ere framed in rich mah$&any' There %as a table b$lted t$ the %all, %hile the center $f the cabin %as d$minated by a des! c$#ered %ith charts and maps' There %as e#en a small, p$t(bellied st$#e %ith a simple chair ne,t t$ it' B t it %as the %ide bed $pp$site the d$$r that b$ nd *assie's attenti$n the l$n&est' A s dden crea!in& acc$mpanied the m$#ement $f the ship beneath her feet' It seemed t$ b c! and hea#e and strain, b t then they %ere $ff' B$th fear and e,citement leaped hi&h in her breast' The narr$% seat set beneath the cabin's $nly %ind$% bec!$ned: it %as there she directed her %ea#in& steps' Scramblin& p, she peered thr$ &h the din&y &lass' The ship s$$n &athered speed, &lidin& thr$ &h the %aters $f the bay' The f$rested c$astline ((and *harlest$n (( &re% f rther and f rther distant' It str c! her then ''' the en$rmity $f all that had happened this past day' 8e#er a&ain %$ ld she see *harlest$n ''' $r Blac! 1ac!' 8$ l$n&er %as she b$ nd t$ a life $f ser#it de' There %$ ld be n$ m$re scr bbin& fl$$rs, n$ m$re d c!in& ea&er hands, d$d&in& pinchin& fin&ers, and e#adin& l st filled &lances' 8$, it %as little %$nder that she felt n$ sadness ''' yet neither %as there 1$y (( $r the #i#id relief she had e,pected t$ feel' There %as $nly the familiar sense $f bein& s$ #ery al$ne, as %ell as a &na%in& nease $f %$nderin& %hat the fates held in st$re f$r her ''' She c$ ld $nly h$pe the f t re br$ &ht better' The feelin& $f bein& l$st and al$ne persisted thr$ &h$ t the l$n& day' *assie did n$t dare t$ #ent re $ tside the cabin, and certainly n$ $ne #ent red %ithin' S$$n the shad$%s be&an t$ len&then, and a dar! &l$$m in#aded the cabin' She %as &i#en t$ %$nder if she'd n$t been f$r&$tten' At that precise m$ment there %as a !n$c! $n the d$$r' *assie had scarcely called a tentati#e =*$me in4 %hen the d$$r %as fl n& %ide' A st$c!y y$ n& man %earin& a scarlet %$$l cap 1ammed $n r sset br$%n c rls appeared, %histlin& and p llin& a small cart' The cart %as barely inside bef$re the f$rmidable fi& re $f the earl d$minated the entry%ay' 2This is Ian, my dear' 0e %ill be tendin& t$ $ r meals and the cabin d rin& $ r #$ya&e' Ian ''' my %ife> 0a#in& already risen t$ her feet, *assie smiled at the y$ n& man' 0e seemed a cheerf l s$rt, and she c$ ld n$t help b t resp$nd t$ him' 40ell$, Ian,4 she said s$ftly' 2+ilady'4 The y$ n& man s%ept the cap t$ his belly %ith a b$% and a m$st en&a&in& &rin' 0e then set ab$ t transferrin& se#eral dishes $nt$ the table, al$n& %ith ser#ice f$r t%$' Delici$ s smells assailed her n$strils, %hile ra#enin& pan&s $f h n&er be&an t$ &na% at her belly' *assie had n$t reali6ed ntil then h$% #ery h n&ry she %as' Ian finished his tas!, then 7 ietly %ithdre%' The cabin d$$r sh t %ith a clic!' She %as left al$ne %ith her ne% h sband' 0e str$de t$ the table and p lled $ t a chair, then &lanced at her e,pectantly' It t$$! a m$ment bef$re *assie &athered that he intended t$ seat her' She c$ ld n$t help the th$ &ht that r shed in at her ''' did he m$c! her5 .r %as he merely bein& p$lite5 /eelin& rather f$$lish, *assie fl shed and m$#ed t$ $bli&e him'

0e did n$t as!, b t filled her plate f$r her (( n$t that *assie %as inclined t$ be c$ntrary' -erhaps it %as silly, b t the pr$spect $f sharin& a meal %ith this man made her distinctly ner#$ s' She !ne% n$t %hat t$ say' She !ne% n$t %hat t$ d$' /l stered, b t determined n$t t$ sh$% it, she t rned her attenti$n t$ the f$$d' The fare %as simple b t fillin& (( a rich, sa#$ry ste% and %arm, fra&rant bread' Imp$ssible th$ &h it had seemed 1 st m$ments earlier, her h n&er s$$n eclipsed all else, incl din& her a%areness $f the man sittin& acr$ss fr$m her' She had nearly finished her sec$nd helpin& %hen she chanced t$ &lance p and find th$se crystalline &ray eyes fi,ed p$n her' There %as an $dd e,pressi$n $n his feat res, and h$t shame c$l$red her chee!s' 8$ d$ bt t$ him she appeared half(star#ed and &reedy' She laid d$%n her f$r!, l$%erin& her lashes 7 ic!ly' 4I am s$rry,4 she m rm red' 4I sh$ ld n$t ha#e (( 4 0e sh$$! his head' 4)$ '#e d$ne n$thin& t$ be s$rry f$r, )an!' /r$m the l$$! $f y$ , y$ '#e missed t$$ many meals already'4 0e pa sed, then added s$ftly, 4And Id far rather see y$ eat y$ r fill than see &$$d f$$d %asted'4 0e did n$t menti$n that her en1$yment $f the meal made him feel a trifle & ilty f$r s$methin& he had al%ays ta!en f$r &ranted' 9hen she fl shed and clasped her hands in her lap, he all$%ed the merest $f smiles t$ &ra6e his m$ th' 4.nly I m st say, I am heartily &lad y$ '#e n$t pr$#en t$ be a p$$r sail$r'4 4.ther than h n&er, my st$mach has n$t tr$ bled me at all'4 0er smile %as rather trem l$ s, b t it sa#ed t$ diss$l#e s$me $f her tensi$n' -erhaps, she decided ca ti$ sly, he c$ ld be !ind after all' 0e %$ ld ha#e refilled her %ine &lass, b t she declined %ith a 7 ic! sha!e $f her head' 0e st died her, then said s ddenly, 4I fear I m st imp$se a fe% r les, )an!' There are many men $n this ship, and as y$ are s rely a%are, s$metimes seamen can be a r$ &h l$t' Bear in mind that it's n$t safe f$r y$ t$ be %anderin& ab$ t the dec!s al$ne'4 *assie th$ &ht $f the dar! and depthless seas that s rr$ nded them' 0e need n$t %$rry $n that sc$re, she decided, barely s ppressin& a shi#er $f dread' Ian entered and bris!ly cleared the remains $f their meal' The earl r$se and seated himself behind his des!' As he nc rled a r$lled( p chart and spread it acr$ss the %ide s rface, *assie retreated t$ the chair beside the p$tbellied st$#e' The min tes passed' 0e seemed $bli#i$ s t$ her presence, en&r$ssed in his papers, b t *assie did n$t mind' She c$ ld n$t help the %ay her eyes strayed t$ him a&ain and a&ain' 0e had discarded his 1ac!et and r$lled p his shirtslee#es, barin& tanned m sc lar f$rearms c$ated %ith a liberal c$#erin& $f dar!, sil!y(l$$!in& hair' The mem$ry $f bein& held ti&ht in his arms as he carried her p the &an&plan! r$se s%iftly in her mind' They had been s rprisin&ly str$n& and hard, th$se arms' *learly he did n$t li#e a life $f s ch ease as she had th$ &ht' 0is fin&ers %ere lean and br$%n, the nails s7 are and clean' 9incin&, she &lanced at the r$ &h, dry s!in $f her hands, then hid them in her s!irts' T c!in& her feet beneath her, she b rr$%ed m$re deeply int$ the chair, as if t$ ma!e herself disappear' It %asn't l$n& bef$re her restless sleep the pre#i$ s ni&ht claimed its d e' She s$$n d$6ed' The ne,t thin& she %as a%are $f %as a str$n& hand sha!in& her a%a!e' Eyes %ide, she stared int$ the dar!ly hands$me face $f her h sband' 0e t$%ered $#er her' 2)$ re e,ha sted, )an!' I s &&est y$ retire f$r the ni&ht'4 *assie sat p sl$%ly, her mind still f 66y' The remnants $f sleep lent a stran&e h s!iness t$ her #$ice' 29here am I t$ sleep54 A m$c!in& br$% ar$se' It sh$ ld ta!e n$ &reat s rfeit $f intelli&ence t$ fi& re $ t %here, )an! (( especially c$nsiderin& there is b t $ne b n! in this cabin'4 D It %as the c$$lness $f his t$ne, far m$re than his %$rds, %hich left *assie in n$ d$ bt she'd 1 st been ins lted' .h, b t he %as h$rrid (( and t$ thin! she'd been f$$lish en$ &h t$ belie#e he p$ssessed e#en a shred $f !indness3

-ierced by an an&ry h rt, her chin came p' She dr$pped her le&s t$ the fl$$r' 2I'#e n$ %ish t$ sleep in my &$%n,4 she said stiffly' 4And I ha#e n$ intenti$n $f rem$#in& it bef$re y$ '4 49hat3 8e#er say y$ e,pect me t$ lea#e' I thin! y$ f$r&et this is my cabin, and 1 st s$ there is n$ mis nderstandin& bet%een s ''' I ref se t$ sleep $n the fl$$r d rin& this #$ya&e %hile y$ ta!e my b n!' It's bi& en$ &h f$r the b$th $f s'4 *assie &asped' 9hy, the %retch (( and t$ thin! he called himself a &entleman3 4)$ led me t$ belie#e y$ had n$ desire t$ lie %ith me34 0e &a#e her a l$n&, sl$% l$$!' 2)an!,4 he said in clipped, icy t$nes' 4I see n$ need t$ repeat myself yet a&ain, b t I %ill' 8$ $ne en1$ys the pleas res $f the flesh m$re than I' B t y$ are n$t s ch a temptress, and I am n$t s ch a lecher$ s r$& e that I cann$t sleep ne,t t$ a %$man %ith$ t rippin& the #ery cl$thes fr$m her bac! and ra#ishin& her'4 Each %$rd str c! h$me li!e a h$$!ed barb' 0er heart rebelled, th$ &h *assie %as %ise en$ &h t$ rec$&ni6e %hen she'd been beaten' 4/ine,4 she m ttered' 4B t I'll than! y$ t$ at least t rn y$ r bac!34 The ta t line $f his m$ th did n$t ease' 4)$ re hardly the first %$man I'#e seen in her nat ral state'4 2)$ ha#e n$t seen me in my nat ral state (( n$r %ill y$ 34 0e made a s$ nd $f dis& st' 4I h$pe y$ d$ n$t insist $n maintainin& this pretense $f shy embarrassment' It's %asted $n me, )an!'4 +$re than anythin&, *assie l$n&ed t$ cry that it %as n$ pretense' .h, she !ne% %hat he belie#ed her t$ be (( a bar %h$re' B t %hat %$ ld he say if he !ne% it %ere n$t s$5 9$ ld he be an&ry5 9$ ld he e#en care5 She admitted she !ne% little $f this man she had married (( sa#e that he %as npredictable3 8$, she %$ ld n$t ta!e the chance he mi&ht t rn the ship ar$ nd and head bac! t$ *harlest$n, f$r then %here %$ ld she be5 Bac! at Blac! Jac!'s, that's %here, she ac!n$%led&ed bitterly' And &i#en the earl's present m$$d, she feared he needed little pr$#$cati$n' B t at least he had t rned his bac!' *assie hastily p lled $ff her b$$ts and h$se, then t &&ed her &$%n $#er her head' It %$ ld be 1 st li!e the beast t$ chan&e his mind bef$re shed finished3 She felt mea&erly attired indeed %earin& $nly her chemise and a thin c$tt$n pettic$at' She c rried t$ the far side $f the b n! and nestled beneath the c$#ers, p llin& them t$ her chin' 4All ri&ht,4 she said rather breathlessly' 4)$ may t rn ar$ nd'4 0e $bli&ed, b t paid her n$ f rther heed' It &a#e her a start t$ see that his shirt %as already nb tt$ned' She s r#eyed him %arily as he shr &&ed it fr$m his sh$ lders' 0is chest and belly %ere bra6enly masc line, matted %ith dense, dar! hair' It t$$! se#eral heartbeats bef$re she c$ ld f lly catch her breath' 9hen his hands %ent t$ the b tt$ns $f his breeches, it %as sh$c!in&ly apparent he had n$ intenti$n $f st$ppin&' She fl$ nced t$ her side and presented him %ith her bac!' All %ent dar! %hen he e,tin& ished the lantern s%in&in& fr$m the beam' She s7 ee6ed her eyes sh t and did n$t $pen them, e#en %hen she heard him climb int$ bed beside her' She tried desperately t$ still the frantic thr$b $f her heart' Their s!in t$ ched n$%here, b t she c$ ldnt rid herself $f the fear that t$ ch they m$st certainly %$ ld (( and all she c$ ld thin! %as that he %as na!ed3 See!in& n$t t$ dra% attenti$n, she eased this %ay and that, see!in& t$ inch side%ays, sc$$tin& as cl$se t$ the ed&e $f the b n! as she c$ ld p$ssibly &et' A str$n& hand descended firmly $n the c r#e $f her lip' 0is %hisper, ta t and f ri$ s, r shed past her ear' 2 )an!, I s &&est y$ be still at $nce and &$ t$ sleep, $r I %ill m$st ass redly see that y$ ma!e y$ r bed p$n the fl$$r34 *assie fr$6e, afraid t$ m$#e, t$ e#en breathe' The feel $f his palm b rned thr$ &h the thin material $f her chemise' Sleep5 she th$ &ht %ildly' 9ith this man beside her5 'It %$ ld be imp$ssible3

)et stran&ely en$ &h, it %as n$t l$n& bef$re the steady s r&e $f the ship thr$ &h the %a#es l lled her t$ dr$%siness' Sleep she did ''' and 7 ite s$ ndly'

Chapter 6
*assie r$ sed sl$%ly the ne,t m$rnin&' The mattress beneath her %as d$%ny and s$ft, and a ha6y %armth enf$lded her' She lay $n her side, c ddled a&ainst a s$lid heat that made her feel c$6y and safe: ne#er bef$re had she been m$re c$mf$rtable' /$r an instant she c$ ld n$t remember %here she %as, $nly that she %as n$t in her pallet at the inn' It t$$! an$ther m$ment f$r her sleep(bef ddled mind t$ re&ister that she %as n$t al$ne (( and t$ recall the man a&ainst %h$m she lay c rled s$ ti&htly' 0er eyes snapped $pen' 0er chee! lay sn & a&ainst the slee! hardness $f his sh$ lder' 0er hand, l$$!in& imp$ssibly small and pale, rested in the midst $f his br$n6ed and hairy chest' The c$ntrast bet%een their s!in %as ri#etin&' It &a#e her a start t$ n$tice that the 7 ilt lay hapha6ardly acr$ss the narr$% rid&e $f his hips' ;nbidden, her &a6e %andered l$%er, s!immin& parts that %ere best left nn$ticed and brin&in& a bri&ht fl sh clear t$ the r$$ts $f her hair' S%all$%in& an nfamiliar ti&htness in her thr$at, she 1er!ed her eyes a%ay $nly t$ find that his %ere $pen ''' and in#esti&atin& her $%n lac! $f dress %ith far m$re b$ldness than her $%n had displayed' 2G$$d m$rnin&, )an!,4 he dra%led' 4I tr st y$ f$ nd my bed 7 ite t$ y$ r li!in&54 *assie bit bac! the scathin& ret$rt that spran& t$ her lips' The ne,t instant her eyes fle% %ide and she d c!ed her head %hen he sh$#ed bac! the 7 ilt and pr$ceeded fr$m the b n!' That he c$ ld be s$ cas al ab$ t his n dity %as 7 ite bey$nd her c$mprehensi$n' The instant his bac! %as t rned, she resc ed the 7 ilt fr$m ab$ t her an!les' 0earin& %ater splash in the basin, she dared a pee! at him' She %as relie#ed t$ find he had d$nned his breeches, b t he had ca &ht her &lance as %ell' An arr$&ant half(senile dallied $n his lips' 4I'#e n$ $b1ecti$n t$ y$ l$$!in&, )an!, b t it's $nly fair y$ acc$rd me the same pri#ile&e'4 She re&arded him nsmilin&ly' 4I cann$t thin! %hy y$ sh$ ld %ant t$,4 she stated bl ntly' 4I am n$ temptress' )$ said s$ y$ rself'4 0e %iped his hands $n a t$%el and ret rned t$ sit $n the ed&e $f the b n!' A bl nted fin&er(tip traced the &racef l sl$pe $f $ne bare sh$ lder' 2Ah, )an!, b t perhaps I mi&ht be pers aded t$ chan&e my mind'4 She s%atted his hand a%ay' 4I'll than! y$ n$t t$3> Gabriel %atched the %ay her small fin&ers &reedily cl tched the 7 ilt t$ her chin' 0er eyes l$$!ed h &e, li!e clear t$pa6' 0e %as b$th mildly am sed and sli&htly pi7 ed that she ch$se t$ clin& t$ this tac!' *ertainly he'd n$t e,pected a %$man $f her e,perience t$ be s$ discriminatin& in her m$desty' 9ith a shr & he ar$se and ret rned t$ the basin' 0e paid her n$ mind %hile he sha#ed' 9hen hed finished, he %iped the last traces $f s$ap fr$m his nec!' 0e &lanced at her, s rprised t$ find her &a6e still fi,ed p$n him' 0er e,pressi$n %as %ary, yet he sensed s$methin& rather tentati#e in her manner' 0e dr$pped the t$%el $n the %ashstand and t rned t$ her' 4There is s$methin& $n y$ r mind, )an!' *$me n$%' )$ may as %ell c$me $ t %ith it'4 *assie m$istened her lips %ith the tip $f her t$n& e' 0$% c$ ld he !n$% her s$ %ell already5 She f$ nd the n$ti$n dist rbin&, and res$l#ed t$ & ard herself far better in the f t re' 4I merely %$ndered ''' %hat I am t$ call y$ '4 Raisin& a de#ilishly arched br$%, he reached f$r his shirt' 49hat %$ ld y$ li!e t$ call me, )an!54 ank' 9hy did he persist in callin& her that5 Already the address had be& n t$ &rate' 0er eyes flashed and she fl$ nced p nthin!in&ly, nearly l$sin& the c$ncealin& pr$tecti$n $f the 7 ilt ar$ nd her b$dy'

4I can thin! $f any n mber $f fittin& names t$ call y$ , sir, th$ &h I #ent re t$ say y$ d n$t li!e a $ne $f them34 0e p lled his shirt $#er the %ide e,panse $f his sh$ lders' 4.f that I ha#e n$ d$ bt' B t I d$ ha#e a name, )an!'4 4S$ d$ I, and it is n$t ank34 .ne c$rner $f that hard m$ th c rled p%ard' 4I see n$ reas$n %hy y$ sh$ ld n$t call me Gabriel' As f$r y$ rs, I t$ld y$ the $ther ni&ht' '*assie' simply d$es n$t s it'4 49e d$ n$t s it, yet here %e are (( and %ed yet34 She snapped the c$mment bef$re she th$ &ht better $f it' Gabriel's smile %ithered' 0er spirit r$ sed his temper (( as %ell as an n%illin&, b t th$r$ &hly male appreciati$n $f her charms' Indi&nant $r n$, she presented a fetchin& pict re, %ith her hair s%irlin& in rich, thic! %a#es $#er her sh$ lders, and in#itin&ly s$' B t he f$ nd himself p$ssessed $f the r&e t$ t mble her bac! p$n the b n!, t$ sh$% this ha &hty little #i,en that %ere he s$ inclined, he mi&ht easily t rn her sharpness t$ pantin& m$ans $f rapt re' Blast3 9hat n$nsense %as this3 -erhaps it %$ ld ha#e been better if he'd married a t$ad' 9ere she n$t s$ c$mely, he'd n$t be tempted t$ lin&er here and trade barbs %ith her' '' and perhaps a &$$d deal m$re' 0e %as #astly irritated that he had t$ remind himself he had m$re imp$rtant thin&s t$ d$ than %ile a%ay the m$rnin& %ith the %ench he had ta!en t$ %ife' ')$ are ri&ht,4 he said c$$lly' 4B t I thin! neither $f s %$ ld d$ %ell t$ d%ell $n that lamentable fact'4 0e t &&ed $n his b$$ts and str$de t$%ard the d$$r%ay' There he t rned t$ face her $nce m$re' 4I'd &et dressed if I %ere y$ ' Ian %ill be d$%n sh$rtly %ith y$ r brea!fast'4 0is c rtness h rt' Try th$ &h she mi&ht, *assie c$ ldn't banish the sensati$n she'd d$ne s$methin& %r$n& ''' b t %hat5 Ian's smile %as %ide and friendly, b t after he'd %ithdra%n, she felt c$lt and deserted' She m$#ed restlessly ar$ nd the cabin, finally haltin& near a small b$$!case behind the des!' She stared m$r$sely at the b$ nd leather #$l mes h$ sed there, %istf lly %ishin& she'd had s$me sch$$lin&, e#en a little' .h, she c$ ld %rite her name, b t that %as all' If she %ere able t$ read, perhaps the time %$ ld n$t dra& s$, as it did already' +id(aftern$$n, the cabin d$$r %as fl n& %ide' *assie l$$!ed p fr$m %here she %as perched $n the bed t$ find her h sband's tall f$rm fillin& the d$$r%ay' 2The seas are #ery calm this aftern$$n, )an!' I th$ &ht y$ mi&ht li!e t$ c$me t$pside f$r a %hile'4 T$pside5 .h, n$' She m ch preferred her s$lit de t$ bra#in& the %atery %$rld that e,isted all ar$ nd them' Indeed, she th$ &ht %ith a shi#er, she had tried hard thr$ &h$ t the day n$t t$ d%ell $n that #ery fact' 2Theres n$ need t$ b rden y$ rself $n my acc$ nt' I'm s re there are $ther m$re imp$rtant matters demandin& y$ r attenti$n' 4She mana&ed t$ s mm$n a smile' 4-erhaps later'4 *assie held her breath' Se#eral sec$nds passed %hile he stared at her, !indlin& a faint alarm' She prayed he %$ ld n$t insist ''' l c!ily, he did n$t' /inally he shr &&ed' 4As y$ %ish then, )an!' Let Ian !n$% if y$ need anythin&'4 0e t rned and left her al$ne' Three days hence, he %as n$t nearly s$ $bli&in&' 9hen she p$litely declined, he did n$t m$#e, b t re&arded her thr$ &h narr$%ed eyes' 4)$ are remar!ably st bb$rn, )an!'4 40ardly, sir'4 She tried t$ pass it $ff %ith a li&ht la &h' 4It's 1 st as I t$ld y$ , I'#e n$ %ish t$ b rden y$ f rther' And tr ly, there is n$ need (((4 2There is e#ery need, )an!'4 0is c$ ntenance %as &rim and nsmilin&' 4)$ cann$t stay bel$% the entire 1$ rney' )$ need s nshine and fresh air, else y$ %ill sic!en'4 She dre% herself p' 4.f c$ rse I %ill n$t (((4

4I'll n$t ha#e y$ $n my c$nscience, &irl'4 0is appr$ach %as s%ift and nrepentant: the nyieldin& intent in his eyes pr$mised little h$pe $f ref sal' There simply %as n$ denyin& him' *lad %h$lly in blac! as he %as, a l$n&, dar! cl$a! s%irlin& ab$ t the t$ps $f his b$$ts, it passed thr$ &h her mind that s rely he resembled the de#il himself' And li!elier than n$t, it %as hardly c$ncern $#er her %elfare that pr$mpted his insistence' 8$, it %as pr$bably simply that he m st ha#e his %ay3 B t all her pr$tests %ere t$ n$ a#ail' 0e p lled her t$ her feet, shac!lin& her t$ his side %ith his hand ab$ t her %aist' She %renched herself free and &lared at him' 4I'#e mana&ed %ith$ t assistance f$r a &$$dly n mber $f years4 she snapped' 0e &a#e a m$c!in& b$%' 4As y$ %ish'4 And s$ %ith him f$ll$%in& b t a step behind, she had n$ ch$ice b t t$ m$ nt the c$mpani$n%ay stairs bef$re him' .nce they %ere $n dec!, her heart be&an t$ th d painf lly in her chest' She prayed she c$ ld s$meh$% c$ntr$l her fear, f$r she had n$ %ish t$ let this man &limpse her %ea!ness' 8$ d$ bt he %$ ld thin! her silly and f$$lish, and his sc$rn %as the $ne thin& she c$ ld n$t bear' 0er f$$tsteps sl$%ed: she halted, th$ &h she %as scarcely a%are $f it' Th$ &h she tried n$t t$ l$$!, she c$ ld n$t help it' 0er &a6e s%ept $ t%ard and a%ay' .min$ s &ray %aters filled her #isi$n as far as the eye c$ ld see' A 1$lt t$re thr$ &h her as she reali6ed she %as standin& near the railin&' 0er &a6e slipped ine#itably d$%n%ard' A spasm $f sheer fri&ht t$re thr$ &h her' The seas ch rned f ri$ sly as the ship pl$%ed thr$ &h the %a#es' )et *assie felt as if the h n&ry %aters lapped at her, ea&er t$ ta!e her %ithin their %atery &rasp and p ll her deep %ithin the icy embrace $f the sea' 4-lease,4 she said in a #$ice she did n$t rec$&ni6e as her $%n, 2I ( I cann$t stay here'4 Gabriel &lanced at her sharply' 0er face %as pasty %hite, ma!in& her eyes appear bi&&er and bri&hter than e#er' 0is mind slipped bac! t$ %hen they had b$arded in *harlest$n' 0e' d th$ &ht her merely timid and ncertain, b t $nly n$% did he nderstand that she d been terrified' It %as then Gabriel reali6ed ''' he'd th$ &ht it %as fear $f l$$!in& d$%n, %al!in& the narr$% &an&plan!, b t s ch %as n$t the case at all' 4Is this y$ r first #$ya&e54 0er n$d %as 1er!y' 4I pray it %ill be my last34 She pressed cl$se a&ainst his side, as if t$ meld herself inside him' 0e %as st nned t$ reali6e she %as tremblin&' 4Easy,4 he said 7 ietly' 4Ta!e deep, calmin& breaths and thin! $f s$methin& pleasant'4 4I can't34 0er cry %as tterly stric!en' She s7 ee6ed her eyes sh t' 0e slid an arm ab$ t her sh$ lder' 4.f c$ rse y$ can, )an!' It 1 st ta!es a bit $f eff$rt'4 0is t$ne %as l$% and calm' She sh$$! her head %ildly and t rned her face int$ his sh$ lder' 0is &a6e fell t$ %here she had latched $nt$ his free hand' 0er nails d & li!e spi!es int$ his palm' A dar! br$% ar$se' 4If y$ please, )an!, Id prefer t$ ret rn t$ En&land %ith my hand still attached t$ my pers$n'4 .n hearin& his dry t$ne, *assie's eyes p$pped $pen' S rely her ears decei#ed her, f$r there %as neither m$c!ery n$r disdain $n th$se hands$me feat res' 0er fin&ers rela,ed s$me%hat b t she %$ ld n$t l$$se her &rip c$mpletely' 4G$$d' 8$% that y$ r eyes are $pen, l$$! hi&h and y$nder and tell me %hen y$ '#e seen the s!ies s$ bl e and clear' I m st admit, th$ &h, a clear day at sea is n$t 7 ite s$ a%es$me as sailin& at midni&ht %hen the m$$n is f ll and the hea#ens seem cast in sil#er' I #$% y$ '#e ne#er seen s$ many stars in all y$ r life'4 E#en as he sp$!e, a self(derisi#e sc$rn b rned deep in his chest' 9hat n$nsense %as this that he sp$!e $f bea ty and c$l$r, %hen he'd !n$%n little $f either f$r''' $h, s$ l$n& n$%' B t

her pite$ s cry had 1arred l$$se s$me l$n& d$rmant em$ti$n inside him' Gabriel did n$t li!e it, b t he c$ ld hardly dismiss her terr$r %ith call$ s re&ard' Beside him, she shi#ered' 49hat is it, )an!5 Still afraid5> She sh$$! her head' 4I am 1 st c$ld,4 she lied' 28e,t time %e m st remember y$ r cl$a!'4 2I ha#e n$ne'4 She made the reply nthin!in&ly, then fl shed %hen she f$ nd herself end rin& the hard pr$be $f his &a6e' Gabriel c rsed himself r$ ndly' 0e sh$ ld ha#e !n$%n her %ardr$be %$ ld be s$ s$rely lac!in& s ch essentials' 0e t &&ed his $%n &arment fr$m his sh$ lders and s%irled it ar$ nd her' She &lanced p at him in startled s rprise, then sl$%ly smiled her than!s' An $dd sensati$n !n$tted the pit $f his belly' S$ small %as she that the rich dar! f$lds dra&&ed p$n the dec!, eclipsin& all b t the narr$% $#al $f her face' It str c! him that she l$$!ed #ery y$ n& and defenseless ' ' ' 0e %as immediately irritated %ith himself' 4*$me, )an!,4 he said sh$rtly' 4)$ #e yet t$ l$$! as I as!ed'4 Th$ &h his sli&ht impatience %as n$t l$st $n her, his hands had yet t$ lea#e her sh$ lders' The %armth $f his t$ ch $ddly reass rin&, *assie $bli&in&ly raised her face' The s n %as %arm p$n her chee!s, the scented bree6e fresh and clean' *assie &lanced p at the endless stretch $f bill$%in& sails, %here the clear bl e s!ies $pened %ide' 0i&h ab$#e, the masts s%ayed %ith the m$#ement $f the seas, &ently crea!in&' 4There' Is this s$ a%f l n$%54 48$,4 she admitted ca ti$ sly, then pa sed' 48$% may I ret rn t$ the cabin54 Gabriel felt a sli&ht smile c rl his lips' 0er plea %as f ll $f childli!e h$pe: he s spected she b t catered t$ his %him' 4A m$ment l$n&er' Then I'll ta!e y$ bac!'4 Stran&ely, his insistence did n$t distress her nearly s$ m ch as it sh$ ld ha#e' 8$, she decided ha6ily, it %as m$st certainly n$t distress he r$ sed in her' The scent $f him cl n& t$ his cl$a!, clean and faintly spicy (( a scent that %as already familiar' She c$ ld feel the heat fr$m his b$dy, f$r he had m$#ed t$ stand sli&htly behind her' There %as a sh$ t fr$m ab$#e' .ne $f the cre%men stati$ned $n the 7 arterdec! bec!$ned t$ Gabriel, %h$ had raised his head' 4Damn34 he m ttered %ith a &rimace' 4I am needed else%here'4 0is &a6e flitted bac! t$ *assie, %h$ 7 ic!ly l$%ered her head' B t Gabriel had already seen the brief rise $f panic in her eyes' J st then *hrist$pher str$de p fr$m the c$mpani$n%ay' Gabriel bec!$ned t$ him' 4*hrist$pher3 9$ ld y$ d$ me the fa#$r $f stayin& %ith my %ife %hile I attend t$ Simms54 The $ther En&lishman stepped p' 48$t at all'4 *assie $pened her m$ th t$ say it %as n$t necessary, b t Gabriel's hands had already deserted her' The pr$spect $f facin& *hrist$pher a&ain made her %ince' She c$ ld n$t help b t recall h$% *hrist$pher had st$$d sli&htly behind them, s$ber and nsmilin&, %hen they'd been %ed' She %as #ery m ch afraid that *hrist$pher disappr$#ed $f his friend's marria&e (( and $f her' The th$ &ht pained her, f$r she sensed she mi&ht ha#e li!ed him' She tried t$ smile' 4Theres really n$ need f$r y$ t$ stay,4 she m rm red' 0e &a#e her a 7 ic! b$%, his manner fa ltlessly p$lite' 4It's n$ b$ther, I ass re y$ '4 They b$th fell silent, sharin& the a%!%ardness $f the m$ment' *assie p lled the cl$a! m$re ti&htly ab$ t her and stared d$%n t$ %here the t$e $f her b$$t peeped fr$m beneath the cl$a!' 4I'm s$rry y$ d$n't li!e me,4 she said, her #$ice #ery small' *hrist$pher blin!ed' 4I be& y$ r pard$n54 *assie s%all$%ed' 4I ( I !n$% y$ d$n't li!e me beca se I married y$ r friend,> she said, the %$rds emer&in& %ith diffic lty' 4Beca se I ( I am beneath him'4

9hen n$ reply %as f$rthc$min&, she raised her head' She stared, b$th ama6ed and sh$c!ed t$ disc$#er that he had br$!en int$ a %ide smile' 4*assie ''' I d$ h$pe y$ d$n't mind if I call y$ *assie ''' m$re$#er, I h$pe Gabriel d$es n$t ta!e e,cepti$n t$ it ''' b t I'm deli&hted t$ inf$rm y$ that y$ are #ery m ch mista!en' I m$st certainly am n$t an&ry %ith y$ ' If anythin&, it's Gabriel I'd #ery m ch li!e t$ ta!e t$ tas!'4 29hy54 It %as c ri$sity m$re than anythin& else that pr$mpted the 7 esti$n' *assie reali6ed neasily that she !ne% preci$ s little ab$ t this man %h$ %as n$% her h sband' *hrist$pher led her t$ an $#ert rned crate %here he seated her %ith a teasin& fl$ rish' 0e p lled p an$ther ne,t t$ her, and sat' 2)$ !n$% that his br$ther St art is dead, %hich is %hy Gabriel is n$% the earl $f 9a!efield5 That St art %as t$ marry Lady E#elyn Latham, da &hter $f the d !e $f 9arrent$n54 *assie n$dded' 40e said his father e,pected him t$ marry her in his br$ther's place'4 4)es' It's easy t$ see %hy, $f c$ rse' 9arrent$n's linea&e &$es bac! clear t$ the time $f the *$n7 erer, and c$ pled %ith /arlei&h's %ealth ''' s ch a marria&e %$ ld ha#e been 7 ite a c$ p, indeed '''4 0e halted %hen he sa% her c$nf si$n' 0e smiled' 4I'm s$rry' I d$ tend t$ r n $n at times'4 0is smile faded as he ret rned t$ his disc$ rse' 4The sit ati$n bet%een Gabriel and his father is c$mplicated,4 he said at last' 4Indeed, there is m ch e#en I d$ n$t nderstand (( that he ref ses t$ spea! $f' I ass re y$ , *assie, I am n$t s ch a sn$b that I am $pp$sed t$ Gabriel marryin& a %$man n$t $f his class' It's 1 st that I'm n$t s re it %as %ise t$ brin& y$ int$ this ''' sit ati$n'4 *assie %as 7 iet f$r a time' 4I ha#e $nly 1 st be& n t$ reali6e,4 she said sl$%ly, 4that I am n$ l$n&er *assie +c*lellan' I am n$% ''' +rs' Sinclair'4 28$,4 *hrist$pher c$rrected &ently' 4)$ are n$% the c$ ntess $f 9a!efield ''' -ady 9a!efield'4 *assie si&hed' 4*$ ntess,4 she said &l mly' 2Earl' D !e' I'm afraid I d$n't !n$% $ne fr$m $ther34 0e ch c!led' 49ell, then, it %ill be my pleas re t$ ac7 aint y$ %ith the intricacies $f the n$bility'''> They %ere th sly en&r$ssed %hen Gabriel ret rned' T$ *assie 's deli&ht, she ca &ht $n 7 ic!ly, *hrist$pher's %arm praise br$ &ht a smile t$ her lips and a bec$min& r$se fl sh t$ her chee!s' B t her heart pl mmeted %hen she &lanced p t$ find Gabriel t$%erin& $#er her' 0e %asted n$ time in esc$rtin& her bac! t$ the cabin' 0is ima&e remained %ith her l$n& after he'd retreated, lea#in& her al$ne $nce a&ain' The cast $f his pr$file %as stern, alm$st f$rbiddin&' /$r a %hile he had seemed alm$st !ind ''' b t he %as $nce a&ain c$$l and rem$te' She did n$t !n$% that Gabriel %as rather pr$#$!ed that his friend seemed able t$ allay her fears 7 ite admirably (( and %ith far m$re en1$yment $n her part3 The e#ents $f the day %ere still #ery m ch $n *assie 's mind %hen she cra%led int$ the b n! that ni&ht' She a#erted her eyes %hen Gabriel ble% $ t the lantern and slid in beside her' Alth$ &h the day had passed m ch m$re 7 ic!ly than the $thers, she %as n$t l$$!in& f$r%ard t$ an$ther trip p $n dec!' She c$ ldn't sha!e the fl tter $f dread that 7 i#ered in her belly: she t$ssed and t rned 1 st thin!in& ab$ t it' An impatient e,clamati$n split the air' Gabriel pr$pped himself p $n his elb$%' 49hat is the matter %ith y$ 54 he &r$%led' *assie fr$6e' ;nf$rt nately, it %as a mista!e, f$r she ended p $n her side, facin& him f lly' They lay s$ cl$se she c$ ld feel the hair $n his chest tic!le the tips $f her breasts %hen she chanced t$ ta!e a breath' 4This 1$ rney,4 she #ent red finally' 40$% l$n& %ill it last54 4Si, %ee!s,4 came the flat reply' 4A little m$re, a little less, dependin& $n the %inds and the %eather'4

*assie tried hard n$t t$ thin! ab$ t his na!ed chest' She did n$t !n$% %hich %as %$rse' Si, %ee!s $f bein& $n the hated seas ((( $r si, %ee!s $f sharin& a bed %ith this man' B t e#en %hile the latter pr$spect made her distinctly neasy, she c$ ldn't %ithh$ld a sh dder at the th$ &ht $f the f$rmer' Sli&ht th$ &h it %as, Gabriel felt her 7 i#er' 0e did n$t m$#e, b t remained %here he %as stretched $ t beside her' 49hy are y$ s$ afraid $f the sea, )an!54 *assie hesitated' Did he thin! her silly and %ea! t$ harb$r s ch fear5 She peered at him thr$ &h the &l$$m' 0is eyes %ere &litterin& pinp$ints $f li&ht, b t the ed&e had left his t$ne' 9hen she said n$thin&, Gabriel decided t$ try a different tac!' 4)$ said the $ther day this %as y$ r first #$ya&e'4 She smiled faintly' 4Indeed I'#e ne#er li#ed any%here $ther than *harlest$n'4 4)$ li#ed %ith y$ r m$ther5 8e#er y$ r father54 0er smile %ithered' St pid, f$$lish tears st n& her eyes' 4I ne#er !ne% my father,4 she said #ery l$%' 40e mi&ht ha#e been any $ne $f a n mber $f men'4 0er t$ne &re% nsteady' 4+y m$ther, y$ see, %as a'''a (((4 4I !n$%'4 .ddly en$ &h, Gabriel did n$t %ant t$ hear the %$rd %h$re cr$ss her lips' 4S$ %hat happened5 9as there an accident, perhaps54 Gabriel %as already m$re than half certain $f her ans%er' 0e s spected it %ent m ch deeper than mere ncertainly $f the n!n$%n' *assie's mem$ry stretched, ya%nin& far bac! t$ that l$n&(a&$ day' 4I %as #ery y$ n&,4 she heard herself say' 4B t I %ill ne#er f$r&et that day A n$ matter h$% m ch I %$ ld li!e t$'4 She eased t$ her bac!, starin& si&htlessly at the ceilin&' 4It %as early, and %e st$$d $n the end $f the d$c!s, %atchin& the ships set sail' +y m$ther %as %ith a dar!(haired, %ell(dressed man' I recall standin& 1 st ahead $f her' She %as la &hin&, han&in& $nt$ the mans arm' She th$ &ht I %as n$t listenin&, b t I %as'> She shi#ered' E#en after all these years, the mem$ry made her crin&e inside' She had b ried it deep inside, %antin& ne#er t$ remember, yet it %as as if she %ere there $nce a&ain ''' 49hat did she say54 4I heard her %hisper t$ the man, 'J st thin!' There is n$ $ne here' If she %ere &$ne, it %$ ld be 1 st the t%$ $f s'4 An a%f l sensati$n cr$%ded Gabriel's chest' S%eet *hrist3 It c$ ld n$t be, he th$ &ht in h$rr$r' S rely the %$man had n$t s &&ested ''' 49hat happened then54 *assie bit her lip' 4I felt a hand at my bac!, and then I %as fallin&' There %as dar!ness e#ery%here, and it %as s$ c$ld ''' I remember screamin&, and then ch$!in& ''' and I remember thin!in& that s rely I %as &$in& t$ dr$%n' B t 1 st %hen I %as certain E %$ ld die, the man &rabbed my arm and p lled me fr$m the %ater'4 49ait,> he said sl$%ly' 4I th$ &ht he %as the $ne %h$ p shed y$ '4 It seemed an eternity bef$re she sp$!e' There %as a d ll, empty t$ne t$ her #$ice' 48$,4 she said #ery 7 ietly' 4It %as my m$ther'4

Chapter 7
/$r the life $f him, Gabriel %ished he had ne#er as!ed f$r the reas$ns behind her panic' /$r n$% that he nderst$$d her fear ''' 0e %ished he did n$t' /$r indeed, this chan&ed n$thin&' It %as re&rettable, b t he c$ ld n$t all$% the &irl t$ s$ften his heart, f$r then it %$ ld all be f$r na &ht' And Gabriel %as determined that n$thin& %$ ld r in his plan' /$r *assie, the %ee!s dra&&ed by' It %as al%ays late %hen Gabriel came t$ bed: she %as s ally

asleep b$th %hen he 1$ined her and %hen he ar$se at da%n' D rin& the day, she %as left t$ her $%n de#ices m ch $f the time' Bein& al$ne %ith him ne#er failed t$ 7 ic!en her p lse' S$meh$% the cabin al%ays seemed immensely smaller the m$ment he entered' 0e still insisted she ta!e an $ccasi$nal t rn ab$ t the dec!' *assie %as n$t bra#e en$ &h t$ #ent re $ t $n her $%n, s$ either Gabriel $r *hrist$pher esc$rted her' S$ it %as that she f$ nd herself spendin& a &$$dly s m $f time %ith *hrist$pher' 0e %as cheerf l and !ind, al%ays %ith a %ins$me smile $n his r ddy face' *assie %as fascinated by his tales $f fashi$nable s$ciety, $r the t$n as she 7 ic!ly learned it %as called' She %as %ildly c ri$ s ab$ t L$nd$n, the theater and &amin& and cl bs' Th$ &h she s$metimes felt f$$lish, *hrist$pher %as endlessly patient and did n$t seem t$ mind her 7 esti$ns' -erhaps she did n$t 7 ite reali6e it, b t n$t $nly %as she bein& entertained, she %as als$ learnin& m ch ab$ t the %ays $f the peera&e' And %ith *hrist$pher she c$ ld rela,' 9ith Gabriel that %as ne#er the case' It %as fr$m *hrist$pher that she learned the t%$ had met %hen they %ere sch$$lb$ys' *assie %as n$t s rprised t$ learn that Gabriel had scarcely been an $bedient, d tif l st dent' Acc$rdin& t$ *hrist$pher, his b$ldness and darin& had preceded him int$ manh$$d, b t had n$t ended there' 4It %as al%ays a mystery t$ me %hy s ch a ra!ehell remained s$ p$p lar %ith the ladies,4 *hrist$pher ch c!led early $ne e#enin& as they sat $n the dec! after dinner' 4I s spect many a miss %ill die $f a br$!en heart %hen they learn he's already ta!en' B t y$ need n$t despair,4 he added %ith a &limmer in his eye, f$r I daresay many a y$ n& b c! %ill m$st ass redly en#y him his %ife'4 Th$ &h she !ne% he %as teasin&, *assie bl shed fiercely' She l$$ped her hands ar$ nd her !nees and smiled' 4I d$ n$t d$ bt anythin& y$ '#e t$ld me ab$ t Gabriel' B t I %$nder, *hrist$pher'' ' ( are y$ as rec!less and r$& ish54 0e %in!ed' 49h$ d$ y$ thin! ta &ht him his %ild, %ic!ed %ays54 *assie la &hed, b t she !ne% better' She c$ ld n$t ima&ine *hrist$pher bein& anythin& $ther than h$n$rable and tr st%$rthy' 8either %as a%are $f the dar! and br$$din& scr tiny fi,ed p$n them fr$m the 7 arterdec!' Beneath the calm facade l r!ed s$me dar! and seethin& em$ti$n, %ell c$ntr$lled b t present n$netheless' Gabriel's &a6e settled f$r l$n&, ninterr pted sec$nds $n the h$ney( haired head nestled s$ cl$se t$ his friend's' .ften he had seen the pair th sly $#er the past %ee!s (( tal!in&, s$metimes la &hin&' It %as n$t that he be&r d&ed the &irl her need f$r c$mpani$nship: he tr sted his friend implicitly $r be %$ ld ne#er ha#e all$%ed it' B t *assie 's face l$st all its animati$n %hene#er he appr$ached, as did e#en n$%' It %as *hrist$pher %h$ sa% him first' 0e 1 mped 7 ic!ly t$ his feet' B rnin& sil#er eyes shifted t$ *assie' 2I th$ &ht y$ d ha#e n$ticed by n$% that the %inds are c$min& p'4 0is t$ne %as as sharp as a blade' 4A st$rm appr$aches' )$ 'd beat &et y$ rself bel$%'4 0e started t$ %al! a%ay, then %hirled %hen she made n$ m$#e t$ $bey' 2I s &&est y$ be 7 ic! ab$ t fit, )an! (( nless y$ fancy &$in& t$ a %atery &ra#e'4 9ith that he sp n ar$ nd and departed' *assie stared after him, still smartin& fr$m the stin& $f his reb !e' She %as p 66led and c$nf sed, an&ry and h rt, f$r he had made her feel & ilty (( and she c$ ld thin! $f n$ reas$n %hy she sh$ ld feel s$3 *hrist$pher c$ ld ha#e cheerf lly thr$ttled his friend l st n$%' 0e &est red t$%ard the s!ies' 4Alas,4 he m rm red' 40e's ri&ht' The s!ies are be&innin& t$ dar!en, and the %ind be&ins t$ stir' )$ 'll be safer bel$%'4 0e m$ti$ned t$%ard the stairs %ith a faint smile' 4Shall %e54 *assie all$%ed him t$ ta!e her arm, b t n$t %ith$ t a scathin&ly directed &lance t$%ard Gabriel's bac!' 4I hardly thin! it's my safety he's c$ncerned ab$ t,4 she m ttered' 4Indeed, I'm s re he scarce &i#es me a th$ &ht at all'4

*hrist$pher sh$$! his head' 40e d$es n$t mean t$ be n!ind,4 he t$ld her &ently' 4It's 1 st his %ay s$metimes, lass'4 0er lips pressed t$&ether' 4I d$ n$t nderstand him,4 she said bl ntly' *hrist$pher hesitated' 4Gabriel is n$t an easy man t$ !n$%,4 he said sl$%ly' 40e's been s rr$ nded by $thers m$st $f his life, and yet he's spent m$st $f his time al$ne(and l$nely'4 There %as a small pa se bef$re he added s$ftly, 4As y$ ha#e'4 )et *assie %as n$t disp$sed t$ thin! $f herself and Gabriel as !indred spirits' She t rned and &a#e him a l$n&, sl$% l$$!' 4If y$ are sayin& the t%$ $f s are ali!e,4 she stated 7 ietly, 4I'm afraid y$ are sadly mista!en'4 9ith that, she stepped inside the cabin' B t %as he5 *hrist$pher st$$d bef$re the d$$r a m$ment, a faintly self(deprecatin& smile $n his lips' 0e had the feelin& hed been %r$n& ab$ t the pair (( perhaps the t%$ $f them bel$n&ed t$&ether after all' 0e h$ped s$' /$r *assie's sa!e ''' as %ell as Gabriel's' B t *assie's mind %as scarcely filled %ith %ifely harm$ny' She paced bac! and f$rth acr$ss the cabin, her resentment f eled %ith e#ery step' E#erythin& %ithin her rebelled a&ainst this fine(feathered l$rd and his l$fty manner' 0e had treated her as if she %ere a simplet$n3 -$$r she mi&ht be, b t %itless she %as n$t3 She p$ssessed b$th pride and spirit aplenty t$ pr$test s ch treatment at the hands $f the man she n$% called h sband' And %hile it %as tr e she %as fri&htf lly nsch$$led in the %ays $f the &entry, she %as 7 ite %ell ac7 ainted %ith cr sty men, the li!es $f %hich he e,ceeded by far3 She st$pped bef$re the small sha#in& mirr$r that h n& ab$#e the cabinet' T%$ pin! sp$ts $f c$l$r bri&htened her chee!s' 0er eyes %ere flashin& and #i#id' .h, b t he %as %r$n& if he th$ &ht she %$ ld 7 ail here bel$% li!e a c$%ard' B$ld and a daci$ s she %as n$t, yet neither %as she mee! and mild, and perhaps it %as time he learned it' She %hirled and fl n& the cabin d$$r %ide' B nchin& her s!irts in her fists, she marched p the stair%ay' She had c$mpletely f$r&$tten his %arnin&' She had barely cleared the dec! %hen she reali6ed her mista!e' The sails clapped li!e th nder, %hile t$%erin& masts l rched t$ and fr$' The seas %ere &ray and ch rnin&' She st$$d there, fr$6en in h$rrified fascinati$n' /r$m s$me%here there %as a sh$ t, snatched a%ay by the %ind' 0er head t rned' It %as Gabriel' 0e %as bearin& d$%n $n her fr$m the 7 arterdec!, as &l$%erin& and fierce as she'd yet t$ see him' 0e sh$ ted a&ain and &est red t$%ard the c$mpani$n%ay' This time *assie did n$t pretend t$ mis nderstand (( he %anted her bel$%' 8$r %as she inclined t$ lin&er' B t %hen she t rned t$ retrace her steps, she f$ nd herself b ffeted by a f ri$ s & st that sent her st mblin& bac!%ards' It r$bbed her $f her breath and snatched a%ay her stren&th' Ar$ nd the ship, the ch rnin& %aters $f the sea s%elled and br$!e in %hite(crested fren6y' Then she sa% it' A tremend$ s %all $f %ater, hi&her than the masthead, r shed at them li!e the s%eepin& hand $f death' A fren6ied scream ripped fr$m her thr$at' It %as headed ri&ht t$%ard the ship3 The th$ &ht b$ nded thr$ &h her brain that she m st r n, and then that m$nstr$ s %a#e crashed a&ainst the h ll' The impact sent her spra%lin&, her le&s s%ept $ t fr$m nder her' /$r an instant it %as as if she'd been pl n&ed int$ a blac! pit' Dar!ness %as e#ery%here' Then she felt a tremend$ s s r&e $f %ater, s$ fri&idly c$ld it %as bey$nd c$mprehensi$n' Dimly she felt herself slidin&' She %as scarcely a%are $f the hea#y %ei&ht that landed at$p her, pinnin& her t$ the dec!' 9ater crashed $#er and ar$ nd her' She c$ ld n$t see' She c$ ld n$t breathe' - re terr$r iced her #eins as she felt the %ater s c!in& at her, tryin& t$ dra& her deep %ithin its embrace' She $pened her m$ th t$ scream' Sea%ater filled her m$ th, nearly ch$!in& her'

The ship seemed t$ lean and m$an, then sl$%ly ri&hted itself' 9ith a m ttered $ath Gabriel 1er!ed t$ his !nees, already reachin& f$r his %ife' 0er eyes %ere cl$sed' 0er b$dy lay limp and nm$#in&' 0er head l$lled $#er his arm, her lips the c$l$r $f %a,' -anic leaped hi&h in his chest' ')an!,4 he m ttered h$arsely' 4 ank./ There %as a hea#in& c$ &h, and a %hee6in& breath rac!ed her b$dy' 0er lids fl ttered $pen' 48e#er tell me34 she &asped' 4Am I dead then54 Gabriel c$ ld n$ m$re %ithh$ld the rare smile that &ra6ed his lips than he c$ ld the relief that r shed thr$ &h his #eins' 0is arms ti&htened their h$ld e#er s$ sli&htly' 49hy, )an!5 D$ y$ thin! y$ are in hea#en54 *assie stared d mbly int$ the lean, cra&&y feat res that s%am ab$#e her $%n' A%areness str c!' She %as m$st ass redly n$t in hea#en3 A pair $f hard arms %ere %rapped sn & ar$ nd her b$dy' She %as bein& held ti&ht a&ainst his chest' B t then reality came bac! %ith a #en&eance' She %atched th$se bea tif lly masc line lips dra% bac! %ith barely repressed an&er' 49hat the bl$$dy hell did y$ thin! y$ %ere d$in&, )an!5 I t$ld y$ t$ stay bel$%' )$ %ere #ery nearly !illed34 *assie d c!ed her head, fi&htin& t$ h$ld bac! the b rnin& stin& $f tears' 0er hair had fallen d$%n, and streamed %etly ab$ t her face and sh$ lders' She prayed he %$ ldn't n$tice as a sin&le tear escaped fr$m beneath her ti&htly s7 ee6ed eyelids and min&led %ith the %etness $n her chee!s' By the time he p lled her t$ her feet, she had rec$#ered her c$mp$s re, $r %hat %as left $f it' 4*$me al$n&,4 he &r$%led' '9e'll b$th catch $ r death standin& here in this %ind'4 0e &est red f$r her t$ precede him' *assie s%ayed di66ily' 9hether fr$m sh$c! $r c$ld, her le&s %ere s$ stiff she c$ ld scarcely stand' 9ith an impatient c rse Gabriel t rned and s%ept her int$ his arms' In the cabin, he a&ain set her $n her feet' This time, th$ &h, his hands remained $n her %aist ntil she had steadied herself' 4I'm fine'4 0er #$ice %as a trifle sha!y' 4)$ may (( let &$ n$%'4 There %as a nearly imperceptible ti&htenin& $f his feat res' 0is hands fell a%ay' 4Get $ t $f th$se %et thin&s,4 he $rdered' 4I'll n$t ha#e y$ r death $n my c$nscience, )an!'4 0e %as ri&ht' They %ere b$th s$a!ed t$ the s!in' 9ater dripped fr$m them, p$$lin& $n the fl$$r' *assie t rned a%ay, shy and embarrassed ab$ t disr$bin& %ith him present' Al%ays bef$re she had been caref l t$ & ard her pri#acy, and th$ &h n$ menti$n had been made $f it, he had respected that need' B t the lacin&s $f her b$dice %ere t$$ s$dden f$r her half(n mbed fin&ers t$ mana&e' A&ain and a&ain she tried, t$ n$ a#ail' Then all at $nce Gabriel %as there bef$re her' Str$n& fin&ers br shed hers aside' 0is chest %as bare and he %$re $nly his breeches' Dr$plets $f %ater &listened li!e tiny diam$nds amidst the dar! f$rest $n his chest' Shi#erin&, t$$ miserable t$ pr$test, *assie c$ ld $nly stand d$cile %hile he peeled her &$%n fr$m her b$dy' *$ld as she %as, detached and efficient as he %as, her face %as b rnin& by the time he'd stripped her $f e#en her ndercl$thes' B t it did n$t end there, f$r he &rabbed a t$%el, s7 ee6ed the m$ist re fr$m her hair, and ran the cl$th bris!ly $#er her b$dy' /inally he &a#e her a li&ht slap $n the r mp' 4Int$ bed %ith y$ , )an!'4 *assie needed n$ f rther r&in&' 0er teeth chattered nc$ntr$llably' She cra%led bet%een the c$#ers and dra&&ed the en#el$pin& 7 ilts p t$ her chin' As Gabriel stripped $ff his breeches, she s7 ee6ed her eyes sh t a&ainst the si&ht' She heard %et cl$th slapped a&ainst the fl$$r' The li&ht fr$m the lantern %as e,tin& ished, and then Gabriel %as slidin& in beside her' The silence %as stiflin&' *assie c rled int$ a ti&ht little ball and h ddled there, tryin& desperately t$ erase the mem$ry $f %hat had 1 st happened' She damned herself f$r her

%ea!ness, yet all she c$ ld pict re in her mind's eye %as that massi#e %a#e, li!e the &ates $f death ya%nin& %ide, %aitin& t$ s%all$% her %h$le' S%eet hea#en, shed th$ &ht she %as &$in& t$ die ''' she'd th$ &ht she %as &$in& t$ dr$%n' ;nbidden, a tiny little half(s$b t$re fr$m her thr$at' Instantly a firm hand cl$sed ar$ nd her bare thi&h' 49hat is it, )an!5 Are y$ ill54 48$,4 she %hispered' 4Are y$ c$ld then5 D$ y$ %ant me t$ fetch an$ther blan!et54 *$ld5 She feared she %$ ld ne#er a&ain be %arm3 B t had he sp$!en $ t $f the &$$dness $f his heart, she'd ha#e &ratef lly accepted his $ffer' 0esitantly, she sh$$! her head' 4Then I s &&est %e &et s$me sleep'4 0e released her, r$lled $#er, and presented her %ith his bac!' The min tes tic!ed by' She shi#ered and shi#ered' 4/$r pity's sa!e, )an!' )$ 're safe and dry and %arm n$%' Is it p$ssible y$ c$ ld st$p that damnable shi#erin&54 4I'm s(s$rry'4 Blast3 E#en her #$ice %as sha!in&' 4I d$ n$t mean t$ be s(s$ m ch t( tr$ ble'4 0e shifted: the mattress hea#ed' Thr$ &h the dar!ness, she felt the t$ ch $f his eyes $n her' After a m$ment, she heard his #$ice' 4I m st say, )an!, y$ ch$se a p$$r time t$ pr$#e y$ n$ l$n&er fear the $cean'4 0is t$ne %as dry' 4It %asn't that at all,4 she said %ith a sh dder' 4I %as an&ry at the %ay y$ treated me,4 she %ent $n, her #$ice #ery l$%' 4If y$ %anted me t$ &$ bel$%, y$ mi&ht ha#e as!ed' Instead y$ made me feel as if I sh$ ld be banished t$ the ends $f the earth'4 0er chin came p' 4I ( I did n$thin& %r$n& and y$ had n$ ri&ht t$ treat me as if I had'4 She %as ri&ht' Th$ &h Gabriel !ne% it, s$me dem$n inside %$ ld n$t let him admit it t$ her' 0e'd been f ri$ s %ith b$th $f them, b$th her and *hrist$pher' A little #$ice inside ta nted that at the r$$t $f his f ry %as 1eal$ sy' 0e dismissed the n$ti$n immediately, yet l$&ic el ded him' 0e c$ ld thin! $f n$ reas$n %hy the si&ht $f *assie and *hrist$pher t$&ether sh$ ld b$ther him in the sli&htest, yet he ref sed t$ analy6e it f rther' It %as *assie herself %h$ sa#ed him fr$m ma!in& any f rther e,c se' 0er speech deli#ered, she fl$ nced t$ her side and p$intedly t rned her bac! $n him' It %as n$t l$n&, th$ &h, bef$re her shi#erin& be&an ane%' 4)$ ha#e a st bb$rn strea!, )an!' )$ say y$ are n$t c$ld,4 he &r$%led, 4yet clearly y$ are' S$ c$me here, else y$ ll ne#er be %arm (( and I %ill find n$ sleep this ni&ht'4 0e p lled her t$ him, m$ldin& her t$ his side and t c!in& her head a&ainst his chest' In s$me distant c$rner $f his mind, he %as st nned that she displayed n$ f rther inclinati$n t$%ard rebelli$n' Indeed, Gabriel %as st nned at h$% %illin&ly she accepted her fate, her f$rm pliantly s$ft and yieldin& a&ainst his $%n' 9ith a %ispy little si&h, she c rled a&ainst him, pill$%in& her head $n his chest as if they'd slept 1 st s$ f$r a lifetime' Bristly dar! hairs tic!led her chee!, b t *assie did n$t mind (( his arms pr$#ed a ha#en that %as imp$ssibly %arm and safe (( and 1 st as imp$ssible t$ resist' Little by little, the heat fr$m his b$dy seeped int$ hers' 0er shi#erin& ceased' 0er m scles rela,ed' 0er breathin& deepened' S$$n she slept' As al%ays, Gabriel %as the first t$ a%a!en the ne,t m$rnin&' Da%n's &$lden, shimmerin& li&ht %as be&innin& t$ slant thr$ &h the %ind$%, b t he did n$t rise immediately as he s ally did' Instead he let himself en1$y the feelin& $f the s$ft, feminine b$dy c r#ed a&ainst him' *assie had scarcely m$#ed d rin& the ni&ht' 0is lips ti&htened' 0e %as reminded $f the chemise hed p lled fr$m her last ni&ht, %$rn s$ thin it %as alm$st sheer' A part $f him %as still appalled that she $%ned b t t%$ &$%ns, b$th $f %hich deser#ed t$ be pitched int$ the nearest fire (( and %hich he intended t$ d$ #ery s$$n' *hidin& himself f$r he !ne% he %$ ld re&ret it later, he p lled bac! the sheet t$ l$$! at her, easin& sli&htly a%ay t$ see her better' 0is nh rried &a6e slid sl$%ly d$%n the len&th $f

her b$dy, ta!in& in e#ery detail at his leis re' 0e %as, after all, b t a m$rtal man, and the s%eetness $f her physical charms bl nted the sharpness $f the chit's t$n& e, %hich he had s$rely nderestimated' 0er hair %as spread %ildly $n the pill$% beneath her head, re#ealin& all that he s$ &ht t$ see and enchantin&ly s$' 0er limbs %ere slim and delicate, her s!in the c$l$r $f sm$$th, pale cream' She had &ained a little flesh since the #$ya&e be&an, he n$ted %ith satisfacti$n' )et she %as still nearthly slender' 0e !ne% that %ere he t$ try, he c$ ld circle b$th her %rists in $ne hand, and eff$rtlessly meas re the %idth $f her hips %ith the span $f his fin&ers' A simmerin& heat be&an t$ spread al$n& his #eins' 8$, he th$ &ht a&ain, he %as scarcely nappreciati#e $f her feminine deli&hts' 0is &a6e lin&ered $n cherry(r$ &e nipples %hich cr$%ned breasts that %ere small b t perfectly shaped' Reddish(&$ld d$%n & arded her %$manh$$d' The r&e t$ t mble her bac!, t$ dri#e his shaft deep and hard and feel her ti&ht, clin&in& heat s rr$ nd his manh$$d bit deep' 0e reminded himself this marria&e %as little m$re palatable than marria&e t$ E#elyn' Th$ &h it %as $f his d$in&, it %as n$t t$ his li!in&, and that part $f him %arned a&ainst the idea $f ma!in& this a tr e marria&e' Still an$ther part, the male part $f him, %hispered it %$ ld be n$ hardship t$ ma!e l$#e t$ her ''' n$ hardship at all' B t Gabriel %as a man %h$ had learned t$ master his passi$n as %ell as his em$ti$ns' Still, a na&&in& n$ti$n persisted ''' a marria&e %as n$t tr ly bindin& ntil it %as c$ns mmated' 0e dre% her a&ainst his len&th, his hands nc$nsci$ sly meas rin& the narr$%ness $f her %aist' She %as s$ft and sleepy and %arm, her lips parted in dr$%sy in#itati$n' It %as there his &a6e settled' 2)an!,4 he %hispered, the s$ nd b t a %ispy breath $f air' *assie stirred' 0er lashes fl ttered sl$%ly $pen' Time st$$d still as she stared int$ the dar!ly hands$me face that smiled %ith sard$nic am sement 1 st ab$#e her $%n' 0er eyes %idened %ith the da%nin& re#elati$n that she lay sn &ly pressed a&ainst him fr$m breast t$ !nee (( and b$th $f them na!ed yet3 She c$ ld feel the hairy r$ &hness $f his thi&hs a&ainst hers' As f$r %hat lay bet%een, %hy, she dare n$t e#en thin! $f s ch ''' 0er hands came p bet%een them, as if t$ p sh him a%ay' B t Gabriel all$%ed n$ retreat' 0is h$ld ab$ t her ti&htened, brin&in& her int$ e#en cl$ser c$ntact %ith his f$rm' 49hy, )an!, %hat is this5 )$ harb$red n$ s ch a#ersi$n t$ my t$ ch at the inn'4 0is fin&ers tan&led in her hair' 0e t rned her face p t$ his' 4*$me n$%' 9hat is a !iss bet%een h sband and %ife54 2Its n$t a !iss y$ %ant b t m ch m$re34 She p shed a&ainst his sh$ lders, t$ n$ a#ail' 0e merely held her in place %ith the hea#y press re $f his chest' 29hy, )an!, indeed it seems %e ma!e pr$&ress' )$ !n$% me s$ %ell already'4 *assie ceased her str &&les and &lared her displeas re' .h, b t she hated his sarcasm3 0e bent l$%er still, a p$%erf l, threatenin& presence' *assie had ne#er c$nsidered herself %ea! $r helpless, yet she felt s$ n$%, f$r there %as n$ escapin& him' A sic!enin& dread assailed her, f$r she sensed a p rp$se in him that %as s$meh$% fri&htenin&' B t 1 st %hen she feared he %$ ld press h$me his ad#anta&e, he released her' She scrambled bac! a&ainst the %all and cl tched the c$#ers t$ her breasts' 0e said n$thin&, b t pr$pped himself p $n an elb$%, still h$ldin& her in the #ise $f his &a6e' *assie's heart b$ nded %ildly' She did n$t tr st him, f$r his mind t rned in %ays she did n$t nderstand' And he made her ner#$ s, lyin& there, %atchin& her %hen she %as s$ $b#i$ sly na!ed' 4. r marria&e,4 he said s ddenly' 4It has n$t been c$ns mmated' An ann lment c$ ld still be had (( by either $f s' It $cc rs t$ me the matter sh$ ld be rectified bef$re %e reach En&land'4

*assie blanched' 0er mind ch rned, li!e the t rb lent seas' S rely he did n$t mean t$ ''' 0er lips parted' 4B t ''' y$ pr$mised' )$ said %e need n$t ''' y$ pr$mised y$ %$ ld lea#e me be34 4It $cc rs t$ me I sp$!e t$$ rashly'4 0is t$ne %as ir$n(hard' 4I %ill ha#e n$ $ne 7 esti$n the #alidity $f this marria&e, )an!'4 0er eyes %ere h &e' 4)$ r father, y$ mean54 4Especially my father'4 0is lips barely m$#ed as he sp$!e' *assie 's heart %as p$ ndin& %ildly' 0e stretched $ t a hand' She %ent tterly still, sh$c!ed %hen a bra6en fin&ertip traced the thr st $f her breast beneath its c$#erin&' 4I am n$t an inattenti#e l$#er, )an!,4 he said s$ftly' 4)$ 'll be n$ l$#er $f mine34 Blindly she str c! $ t at him' 0e snared her by the %rists' Ali at $nce this e,chan&e %as less a matter $f c$nse7 ence than it %as a battle $f %ills' 4+y !iss &a#e y$ pleas re, )an!' D$ y$ deny that I pleased y$ 54 0er chest %as hea#in& as she s$ &ht t$ a#$id f rther c$ntact %ith his m scled chest' 4I %as neither pleased n$r pleas red34 B t it %as a lie, thr$ &h and thr$ &h' 0is !iss had %r$ &ht a pec liar s%eetness, b t she had n$ d$ bt that the e#ent al c$ncl si$n %$ ld pr$#e dis& stin& and de&radin&' A &lint $f an&er cr$ssed his feat res, yet his #$ice %as sm$$th as fine brandy' 4/$r&i#e me, )an!, b t I cann$t belie#e I am tr ly s ch a beast' 9hy, there are %$men in L$nd$n %h$ %$ ld &i#e a !in&'s rans$m t$ ta!e y$ r place in my bed'4 .h, the arr$&ant l$ t3 4And I %$ ld &ladly &i#e them my place,4 she cried' 0is e,pressi$n ti&htened' 4;nf$rt nately, that is n$t p$ssible' And I fail t$ see %hy y$ clin& t$ y$ r st bb$rnness, f$r %hat am I b t $ne m$re man54 0e p shed a%ay the c$#ers' *assie trembled beneath his scr tiny as his eyes b$ldly e#al ated all that lay re#ealed t$ him, feminine charms bare and nbridled' 4And I fail t$ see %hy y$ persist in ta!in& %hat sh$ ld be freely &i#en,4 she ch$!ed $ t' 40a#e I n$ say in this5 8$ ch$ice54 0e merely sh$$! his head and pressed her %rists d$%n p$n the side $f her head' 0is nearness %as $#er%helmin&: his b$dy lay hea#y and hard p$n hers' And there %as an e,tra hardness, pr$ddin& the s$ftness $f her belly ''' 0er breath came in a desperate r sh' 4)$ said y$ had n$ %ish f$r an heir3 9hat if I sh$ ld &et %ith child54 /$r $ne terrifyin& m$ment it %as as if he had n$t heard' Then all at $nce, he r$lled fr$m her abr ptly and r$se fr$m the b n!' Still st nned by the enc$ nter (( b t immensely &ratef l f$r his %ithdra%al ((( *assie h ddled in the b n!' She scarcely dared t$ breathe as he dressed' 0is m$#ements %ere 7 ic!, alm$st sa#a&e' She sensed he %as fiercely A #i$lently ( an&ry' She !ne% it f$r certain %hen he t rned' 0is 1a% %as clenched ti&ht, his e,pressi$n as fri&id as his #$ice' 2This chan&es n$thin&, )an!' Sh$ ld the 7 esti$n arise, y$ %ill c$nfirm that $ r marria&e has been c$ns mmated'4 *assie's head came p' 0er breath %a#ered' 49hat54 she m rm red' 4)$ mean y$ %$ ld ha#e me lie ((4 0is #$ice c t acr$ss hers' 4I s &&est y$ d$ e,actly that, $r else I %ill ha#e n$ ch$ice b t t$ see the deed d$ne' And ma!e n$ mista!e(y$ r resistance %ill n$t st$p me the ne,t time' And d$ n$t thin! t$ defy me in this, )an!, t$ my father $r any$ne else' )$ m st caref lly & ard the tr e state $f $ r marria&e' /$r it's all that !eeps y$ safe,4 there %as n$ escapin& the determined &litter in his eyes, 4 (( the $nly thin& that !eeps y$ safe'4 *assie shran! bac! a&ainst the %all, st nned and disbelie#in&' A c$ld !n$t $f fear c$iled hard in her belly' S%eet L$rd, had he 1 st threatened her #irt e ''' $r her life5

Chapter 8
A %ee! later Gabriel ann$ nced they %$ ld d$c! in L$nd$n %ithin the h$ r' -r$dded int$ a 1arrin& %a!ef lness, *assie slid the 7 ilts fr$m the bed and ar$se' 0er p lse beat a rapid tatt$$ $f e,citement as she h rried t$ p$ r fresh %ater int$ the basin' She scr bbed her face ntil it &l$%ed, %ashed her b$dy 7 ic!ly, then br shed her hair and t%isted it int$ a hea#y !n$t $n her nape' 9ith a si&h she reached f$r her %$rn and tattered &$%n' .nly yesterday she had mended $ne $f the seams(yet a&ain' B t it %as the l$%(c t b$dice she hated e#en m$re than its ra&&ed appearance' It had al%ays made her feel cheap and ta%dry, b t ne#er m$re s$ than n$%' There %as a !n$c! $n the d$$r' 4*assie5 I th$ &ht y$ mi&ht li!e t$ &$ ab$#e t$ %atch as %e appr$ach L$nd$n'4 It %as *hrist$pher' She had scarcely #ent red $ tside $f the cabin this last %ee!' The mem$ry $f bein& nearly s%ept $#erb$ard %as still t$$ -ainf lly fresh in her mind t$ be f$r&$tten easily' .ddly, Gabriel had n$t insisted' She $pened the d$$r a crac!' 0e smiled at her' 4It %$ ld please me if y$ %$ ld' And %e need n$t &$ near the railin&, I pr$mise'4 *assie bit her lip, then n$dded' *hrist$pher %as !ind and &entle and l$$!ed s$ h$pef l she c$ ldn't bear t$ disapp$int him' -erhaps it %$ ldn't be s$ bad after all' 4Let me 1 st &et my sha%l,4 she m rm red' .n dec! the air %as bracin& b t n$t $#erly chill' *hrist$pher st$$d se#eral feet a%ay, near b t n$t t$ chin& her' *assie 's heart be&an t$ th d' 8$% that the time %as p$n her, she didnt !n$% if this %as the m$ment she dreaded (( $r l$n&ed f$r %ith all $f her bein&3 Gabriel s$$n 1$ined them, th$ &h he had little t$ say' She craned her nec! t$ catch her first #ie% $f the city, na%are that b$th men %atched her, $ne %ith an ind l&ent half smile, the $ther %ith his th$ &hts caref lly hidden fr$m #ie%' *assie stared $ t %here %areh$ se after %areh$ se stretched al$n& the sh$reline' The p$rt %as teemin& %ith the l$adin& and nl$adin& $f ship after ship' Bey$nd, pl mes $f sm$!e drifted int$ the s!y' The captain & ided the ship int$ its herth: the anch$r %as dr$pped' There %as a hand at her elb$%' 0er h sband's #$ice r shed past her ear' 49ait here %hile I see t$ the nl$adin& $f the car&$'4 *hrist$pher had &$ne bel$% f$r his bel$n&in&s' 0e ret rned, a p$rtmantea in his hand, his hat slanted 1a ntily at$p his head' 0e st$pped bef$re her' 4It seems it's time t$ say &$$d(bye,> he said &ently' ;ncarin& that her h sband mi&ht be %atchin&, *assie pressed a !iss p$n his chee!' 4Than! y$ f$r e#erythin&, *hrist$pher' I ( I shall miss y$ '4 0e &a#e a hearty ch c!le and l$%ered his p$rtmantea t$ the dec!' Reachin& $ t, he clasped b$th her hands in his' 4.h, y$ '#e n$t seen the last $f me, *assie'4 Gently he s7 ee6ed her fin&ers' 4I shall catch p t$ y$ and Gabriel #ery s$$n'4 9ith that he reclaimed his p$rtmantea , then t rned t$ amble d$%n the &an&plan!' At the b$tt$m, he t rned and %a#ed briefly, then %as &$ne' Try th$ &h she mi&ht, an endless %ei&ht $f sadness pressed hea#y $n her breast' Besides Bess, *hrist$pher had been her $ne tr e friend' The nl$adin& pr$&ressed 7 ic!ly' It %as n$t l$n& bef$re Gabriel %as at her side $nce m$re, presentin& his elb$%' 4Ready t$ &reet En&land, )an!54 9ith a bra#ad$ she %as far fr$m feelin&, *assie placed her fin&ers $n his arm' 9ith that first step p$n the &an&plan!, she feared her heart %$ ld b rst thr$ &h her breast' 0er nails d & int$ his arm, b t she fi,ed her &a6e $n the fi& res sc rryin& t$ and fr$ $n the %harf and c$ncentrated $n p ttin& $ne f$$t bef$re the $ther' She %as a trifle pale by the time she %as $n s$lid &r$ nd $nce m$re' The air %as chill and damp, far c$$ler than *harlest$n' .nly then did she n$te the carria&e %hich a%aited nearby' The dri#er 1 mped d$%n and h rriedly s% n& $pen the d$$r f$r her' *assie hesitated, ns re h$% she %as e,pected t$ pr$ceed' 9as she t$ enter $n her $%n p$%er, $r %ait f$r s$me$ne t$

assist her5 +ercif lly, the ch$ice %as ta!en fr$m her' Gabriel handed her inside, then climbed in after her' 0e did n$t sit near b t ch$se t$ sit $pp$site her' 9ith a %hinny and a %$rd fr$m the dri#er, they started f$r%ard' *assie peered c ri$ sly $ t the small %ind$%, ea&er t$ see L$nd$n' She %as silent as the carria&e be&an t$ 6i&6a& thr$ &h c$bblest$ne streets' /r$m a distance came the s$ nd $f n$isy #end$rs ha%!in& their %ares at e#ery street c$rner' B t it %as n$t l$n& bef$re the man acr$ss fr$m her claimed her attenti$n $nce m$re' 0e remained as ele&antly al$$f, as distant as e#er' 8$ne b t the mere necessities $f speech had passed bet%een them $f late' 0e sat acr$ss fr$m her, a c$mmandin& (( and dist rbin& (( presence' 8er#$ sly she sm$$thed her s!irts' As an,i$ s as she'd been t$ be rid $f her past, she had scarcely dared t$ thin! $f the f t re, f$r it still held s$ many ncertainties' She br$!e the silence that had settled bet%een them' 2D$ y$ ha#e a h$ se in L$nd$n54 *$$l &ray eyes slid t$ her' 4I ha#e a t$%nh$ se in the 9est End' B t %e %ill n$t be stayin& the ni&ht there'4 *assie f$lded her hands in her lap' She %as n$t s re she li!ed the s$ nd $f that' 4Then %here %ill %e be stayin&54 She hated the timidity $f her #$ice, b t she c$ ld n$t help it' 0is re&ard %as s$ piercin&ly intent she &re% neasy' 4At /arlei&h 0all, the family estate in ?ent,4 he said at last' 4B t first %e %ill ma!e a sli&ht det$ r,4 his br$%s r$se %hen he &limpsed her neasiness, 4t$ #isit a m$diste'4 A dressma!er' S$' 0e had n$t lied' ;nf$rt nately, he read her mind far t$$ acc rately (( and %ith far t$$ m ch ease' A faint smile c rled his m$ th' 2)$ need n$t l$$! s$ s rprised, )an!' I did pr$mise t$ see y$ &arbed appr$priately, after all'4 Lilliane 9illis$n's creati$ns %ere all the latest ra&e in L$nd$n, th$ &h *assie %as hardly a%are $f it' A %$man %ith sharp, dar! eyes %h$ had passed the first bl sh $f %$manh$$d, Lilliane %as still #ery attracti#e' 2+y %ife is in need $f an entire %ardr$be, Lilliane (( and I d$ mean e#erythin&' And Lilliane,4 his smile %as breathta!in&, 4Ill certainly ma!e it %$rth y$ r %hile if y$ !eep the e,tent $f my %ife's needs in strictest c$nfidence'4 .nly thr$ &h the m$st stren $ s $f eff$rts %as Lilliane 9illis$n able t$ c$nceal her sh$c!' The hands$me l$rd %as a fa#$red c st$mer, f$r %hen ch$$sin& a &ift f$r his param$ rs, he spared n$ e,pense' B t ' ' ' a %ife3 .f c$ rse she %$ ld h$n$r his re7 est, f$r $ne did n$t ma!e an enemy $f Gabriel Sinclair, b t $h3 the &$ssips %$ ld be ab 66 %hen they heard $f his marria&e3 2)$ #e c$me t$ the ri&ht place, mil$rd'4 *herry(red lips smiled dem rely' Th$ &h her manner %as 7 iet and di&nified, *assie had the immediate sensati$n that the %$man %as immensely cle#er and ast te' 9$ ld she thin! it $dd (( the fa ltlessly dressed &entleman and his shabby %ife5 B t then e#en that th$ &ht %as l$st as Lilliane shered them int$ an$ther r$$m' B$lts $f m slin, sil!, and #el#ets lined the %alls, reachin& nearly t$ the ceilin& (( in m$re c$l$rs than *assie had dreamed p$ssible' The ne,t fe% h$ rs passed in a bl r' *assie's face flamed %hen Lilliane made her strip d$%n' Gabriel l$ n&ed in a chair and l$$!ed $n: she did n$t dare t$ meet his eyes' *assie f$ nd it rather disc$ncertin& that he seemed s$ at h$me in these s rr$ ndin&s (( and %ith e#ery detail $f a lady's %ardr$be' B t a ni&&lin& little #$ice reminded her that he %as n$ d$ bt 1 st as familiar %ith a lady's bedr$$m''' and theref$re all that %as in it' It %as %ell int$ the aftern$$n bef$re they finally departed' Lilliane had br$ &ht $ t se#eral &$%ns %hich an$ther c st$mer had declined t$ p rchase after all' *assie %as thrilled t$ find they %ere a perfect fit' Bef$re they left, Gabriel as!ed that they be b ndled int$ se#eral lar&e b$,es' As *assie %atched them bein& st$%ed behind the dri#er's seat, she hid her

disapp$intment, f$r she %$ ld ha#e dearly l$#ed t$ e,chan&e her h$rrid &$%n f$r $ne $f the $thers' They made $ne m$re st$p (( at a 1e%eler's %here Gabriel b$ &ht her a %eddin& rin&' As he slid the shinin& &$ld band $#er her fin&er, *assie c$ ld n$t halt the th$ &ht %hich #a lted thr$ &h her mind' The rin& s$meh$% made their marria&e all the m$re real ''' all the m$re bindin&' As they left the city behind, *assie did n$t !n$% if she %ere m$re e,cited $r apprehensi#e' 0er mind %as %hirlin&' Gabriel seemed perfectly at ease, l$n& le&s stretched $ t bef$re him' 9ith a si&h, *assie t rned her attenti$n t$ the c$ ntryside slidin& by $ tside' It %as s$ #ery different fr$m all she had !n$%n, f$r seld$m had she #ent red $ tside $f *harlest$n' As far as the eye c$ ld see %as &reen, r$llin& hillside, patch %$r!ed %ith farms and d$tted %ith sheep' She m st ha#e d$6ed, f$r the ne,t thin& she !ne%, s$me$ne %as callin& her name' 0er senses d lled by sleep, her first sensati$n %as $ne $f %armth and sec rity' 0er chee! resided $n crisp br$adcl$th' The heartbeat beneath her ear %as steady and s$$thin&' 0er lids drifted sl$%ly $pen ''' she stared directly int$ piercin& sil#er eyes' She nearly spran& fr$m his arms' Gabriel raised a sard$nic br$% and $ffered %ith a faint smile, 4)$ l$$!ed m$st nc$mf$rtable, )an!' I merely th$ &ht t$ sa#e y$ fr$m a cric! in y$ r nec!'4 *assie f$lded her hands in her lap, %illin& her fin&ers n$t t$ tremble' 9hy %as it she al%ays seemed t$ find herself in his arms (( the last place she %anted t$ be (( the last place he %anted her5 Gabriel &est red t$%ard the %ind$%' 29e are nearly there, )an!'4 J st then they passed thr$ &h tall stately &ates, flan!ed by a small bric! &ateh$ se, d$%n a l$n&, pebbled lane' .n either side, l sh, landscaped la%ns nd lated &ently' S$ st nned %as she that she %as $nly #a& ely a%are $f the carria&e r$llin& t$ a halt and Gabriel s%in&in& her t$ the &r$ nd' 'The family estate, )an!'4 Gabriel's smile did n$t 7 ite reach his eyes' 4/arlei&h 0all4 *assie had ne#er seen anythin& li!e it' Gracef l pillars $f st$ne d$minated the center $f the h$ se' +assi#e %in&s stretched $ t fr$m each side' She f$ nd herself $#erc$me by a%e, f$r ne#er had she ima&ined s ch &rande r' B t her h sband all$%ed her n$ time t$ &a%!' B ic!ly he shered her p the %ide st$ne steps' The d$$rs %ere s%ept $pen' A %hite(haired, st$$p(sh$ ldered b tler shered them inside' T$ the ri&ht, p$rtrait after p$rtrait lined the len&th $f the &allery' T$ the left, a set $f intricately car#ed d$ ble d$$rs st$$d tall and imp$sin&' Strai&ht ahead r$se a %ide staircase, an&lin& in either directi$n at the landin&' Th$ &h the b tler did n$t smile, his eyes %ere fran!ly %arm' 4+y l$rd3 It is &$$d t$ see y$ a&ain'4 4Than! y$ , Da#is' Is my father in the dra%in& r$$m54 48$, my l$rd' 0e has &$ne $ t ridin& %ith the d !e $f 9arrent$n' I e,pect they %ill ret rn sh$rtly C 4E,cellent,4 Gabriel m rm red' 0e reached $ t t$ capt re *assie's arm' 4Da#is, I %$ ld li!e t$ present my %ife'4 S rprise flared, b t the man %as s$ %ell trained he rec$#ered in a heartbeat' 0e b$%ed l$%, his manner f$rmal b t n$t stiff' 4+adam, all$% me t$ %elc$me y$ t$ /arlei&h 0all'4 4Than! y$ ,4 she m rm red' She s mm$ned a tentati#e smile, feelin& small and nimp$rtant amidst s ch s rr$ ndin&s' 4Da#is, %$ ld y$ see that $ r ba&s are br$ &ht in5 .h, and I'd li!e a chamber prepared f$r my %ife' The yell$% r$$m, I thin!'4 4@ery &$$d, mil$rd'4 0is hands lin!ed behind his bac!, Gabriel t rned t$ his %ife' 49ell, )an!, I tr st this meets %ith y$ r appr$#al54

0er smile %ithered' 0e appeared rather pleased %ith himself, and there %as a &leam in his eyes that made her distinctly %ary' 4Did y$ thin! I d$ bted y$ 54 She p$sed the 7 esti$n #ery 7 ietly' 0is la &hter %as hearty (( and false' 4Ah, n$, )an!, that I did n$t3 Indeed, I s spect y$ 'd ne#er ha#e c$nsented t$ my pr$p$sal if y$ didn't stand t$ &ain a &reat deal fr$m it'4 *assie's nails c t int$ her palm' + st he ma!e her s$ nd s$ (( s$ &reedy5 The man %as e#er ready t$ belie#e the %$rst $f her' B t she %as sa#ed fr$m ha#in& t$ ma!e a reply by the arri#al $f a maid' 4+ilady, y$ r r$$m is ready,4 the &irl said timidly' 4I'll sh$% y$ t$ it if y$ %ish'4 She le#eled a b rnin& &lare at her h sband, then p$intedly t rned her bac! $n him' 0er spine %as ri&id as she f$ll$%ed the &irl p the &rand staircase' 8ear the end $f a l$n& c$rrid$r $n the sec$nd fl$$r, the maid $pened a d$$r and pa sed' She smiled tentati#ely' 4By the %ay, milady, I'm Gl$ria'4 *assie felt her an&er drain fr$m her' 4Than! y$ , Gl$ria'4 It seemed s$ stran&e, t$ be called milady' She had t$ st$p herself fr$m l$$!in& ar$ nd f$r s$me$ne else' She stepped past the &irl, then ca &ht her breath in sheer deli&ht' The r$$m %as h &e, lar&er e#en than the tapr$$m at Blac! Jac!'s' -ale yell$% satin han&in&s draped an en$rm$ s f$ r(p$ster' A delicately fl$%ered %ashbasin t$pped the %ashstand' There %as a %ide dresser and spindle(le&&ed dressin& table %ith br sh and c$mb and a sil#er(ed&ed hand mirr$r spread acr$ss the t$p' T%$ l$%(bac!ed chairs d$ne in %hite #el#et %ere dra%n p bef$re the fire( place' She f$ nd herself tipt$ein& acr$ss the fl$$r, scarcely able t$ belie#e she %as really here' Gl$ria %as l$$!in& at her an,i$ sly' 4I h$pe the r$$m is t$ y$ r li!in&, milady'4 4It ( it's l$#ely'4 It %as all *assie c$ ld thin! t$ say, s$ ch$!ed p %as she' /illed %ith s nli&ht and %armth, the r$$m %as all she had e#er dreamed $f and m$re' A s%eet(scented bree6e drifted in thr$ &h the $pen %ind$%' *assie p shed aside the frilly %hite c rtain' 9as it %r$n& t$ feel this &iddy r sh $f happiness5 All at $nce she felt immensely selfish' She th$ &ht achin&ly $f Bess (( s%eet Bess, %h$ %$ ld ha#e cried f$r sheer 1$y at the pri#ile&e $f ha#in& e#en a &limpse $f s ch e,tra#a&ance' 49$ ld y$ li!e me t$ help y$ chan&e, milady54 She t rned and sa% that Gl$ria had laid $ t $ne $f the dresses $n the bed (( an emerald(&reen e#enin& dress, Lilliane had called it' 2Than! y$ , I (4 4That %$n't be necessary, Gl$ria'4 A familiar #$ice c t acr$ss hers' Gabriel str$de int$ the r$$m, as s premely masc line and arr$&ant as e#er' 4-lease rin& f$r me %hen y$ need me, milady'4 Gl$ria dipped a c rtsy and fled' 4*$me, )an!' )$ r presence is re7 ired d$%nstairs'4 *assie's hand fell fr$m the c rtain' 0er &a6e slid l$n&in&ly t$%ard the &$%n' 4-lease'4 0er #$ice %as barely a %hisper' 4Is there n$ time t$ chan&e 4 Gabriel &irded himself a&ainst the pleadin& in her eyes' 2There is n$t,4 he said c rtly' 4+y father has arri#ed'4 She faltered' 0er fin&ers pl c!ed at her dreadf l &$%n' 2B t ''' this is %hat I %$re at Blac! Jac!'s>' 4S$ it is,4 he $bser#ed c$$lly' 4/$r n$% it %ill simply ha#e t$ d$, I'm afraid'4 0er lashes fell, b t n$t bef$re her eyes &la6ed $#er, s spici$ sly bri&ht' Gabriel s%$re silently, damnin& them b$th' -erhaps it %as cr el (( perhaps it %as c$ld' B t he %$ ld n$t be s%ayed by her tears, f$r he %as capti#e t$ his fathers plans ''' And she %as capti#e t$ his' She did n$t m$#e, n$r did she spea!' Gabriel said n$thin&, b t t$$! her arm, his &rip ti&htenin& %hen he enc$ ntered her silent resistance' B t he %as n$t t$ be diss aded, and she m st ha#e reali6ed it %as f tile t$ cr$ss him in this'

T$&ether they descended the stairs, a h$rrible c$il $f dread ti&htenin& her m scles %ith e#ery step, her senses filled %ith a h$rrible e,pectancy' The d$ ble d$$rs $ff the entrance hall %ere n$% $pen' *assie ca &ht a &limpse $f &ilt( papered %alls and %ind$% han&in&s $f crims$n and &$ld' T%$ men st$$d bef$re the hearth, b$th dressed in ridin& cl$thes' .ne %as hea#y(1$%led and baldin&' The $ther st$$d pr$ d and strai&ht as a y$ th $f t%enty, th$ &h his sil#ered hair pr$claimed him far $lder' 0e t rned, &i#in& her a &limpse $f ha%! li!e feat res and fr$sty eyes' Rec$&niti$n flashed thr$ &h her brain' This c$ ld $nly be Gabriel's father ''' The c$n#ersati$n ceased as they stepped int$ the dra%in& r$$m' Gabriel halted 1 st inside the d$$r%ay' 0e inclined his head sli&htly' 4/ather,4 he &reeted' 4)$ r Grace'4 Gray eyes c$nfr$nted &ray' '>9ell, it's hi&h time y$ ret rned, Gabriel' I be&an t$ %$nder if y$ 'd n$t decided t$ remain in that %retched c$ ntry permanently'4 A smile that *assie %as be&innin& t$ rec$&ni6e as dan&er$ s spread acr$ss his lips' 29hy, /ather, ne#er fear' The n$ti$n ne#er cr$ssed my mind'4 Edm nd Sinclair's e,pressi$n %as rife %ith disappr$#al' 4As s al,4 he stated c$ldly, 4y$ r disrespect !n$%s n$ b$ nds' S$ if y$ d$n't mind, I s &&est the three $f s retire'4 0is &a6e flic!ered t$ *assie' 49e#e imp$rtant matters t$ disc ss (( s ch as y$ r %eddin&'4 That dan&er$ s smile %idened' 4Act ally, /ather, my %eddin& is the #ery thin& I %ish t$ disc ss as %ell'''> 0e t &&ed *assie f$r%ard' 4+y dear, all$% me t$ present my father, Edm nd Sinclair, d !e $f /arlei&h, and Re&inald Latham, d !e $f 9arrent$n' Gentlemen ''' this is *assie, my bea tif l American bride'4 The silence that ens ed %as shatterin&' The #ery air seethed %ith a tensi$n that seemed ali#e and p lsin&' /$r the first time, *assie %$ndered if she mi&ht n$t ha#e been better $ff stayin& %ith Blac! Jac!''' 4)$ r bride34 It %as 9arrent$n %h$ sp$!e first, the #eins in his temple standin& $ t' 4If this is s$me t%isted f$rm $f am sement, I ass re y$ , I am hardly entertained34 4And I a#$%, )$ r Grace, I d$ n$t spea! in 1est' *assie is my bride' 9e %ere married in *harlest$n, and s rely y$ can see %hy I %as smitten' Indeed, %h$ c$ ld t rn a blind eye t$ bea ty s ch as this54 0e t$ ched her chee!, the &est re b t a par$dy $f tenderness' *assie st$$d fr$6en, her limbs li!e ice' 9arrent$n %ent li#id' 2)$ %ere t$ marry my da &hter' +y G$d, I sh$ ld call y$ $ t f$r this34 Gabriel's t$ne %as deadly s$ft' 4That is p t$ y$ , )$ r Grace' B t I did as! that n$ f$rmal ann$ ncement $f the en&a&ement be made ntil I'd ret rned fr$m my #$ya&e' I tr st my %ishes %ere f$ll$%ed54 It %as Edm nd %h$ ans%ered at last' 49e made n$ ann$ ncement'4 4Then I fail t$ see %hy y$ %$ ld be s$ f$$lhardy as t$ call me $ t, )$ r Grace' I ha#e neither dish$n$red n$r dis&raced Lady E#elyn' She %ill s ffer n$ p blic embarrassment, f$r n$ne b t E#elyn and th$se in this r$$m !ne% that s ch a marria&e %as e#en disc ssed' Indeed, %h$ %$ ld ha#e e,pected me t$ marry in my br$ther's place5 )$ %$ ld be f$$lish t$ place y$ r life in 1e$pardy, )$ r Grace' B t that is p t$ y$ '4 There %as n$ mista!in& the threat implicit in his #$ice' 40e is ri&ht, Re&inald' 9ere y$ t$ call him $ t, y$ chance brin&in& scandal d$%n p$n b$th $ r families'4 Edm nd's t$ne %as fiat' 4I'#e n$ %ish f$r anim$sity bet%een s' If it %$ ld ease y$ r mind, perhaps %e can c$me t$ s$me s$rt $f ''' m$netary arran&ement'4 9arrent$n snatched his ridin& cr$p fr$m the chair %here he'd dr$pped it' S$me $f the red had left his face, b t he %as still #ery an&ry' 4.f that y$ may be s re,4 he snapped' 4I shall be in t$ ch'4 0e %hirled and stal!ed fr$m the r$$m' A seethin& tensi$n t$$! h$ld as he left' *assie l$n&ed t$ r n and hide, yet she st$$d r$$ted t$ the sp$t'

Edm nd t rned his head t$ stare at them, s ddenly s$ an&ry he %as alm$st sha!in&' 4An American4 he said ti&htly' 40$% c$ ld y$ , !n$%in& h$% I despise their #ery presence $n this earth ''' E#en a bl$$dy /renchie %$ ld ha#e been preferable t$ an &merican34 0e made the %$rd s$ nd li!e s$methin& #ile and r$tten' 4By G$d, I %$n't stand f$r it' D$ y$ hear, Gabriel5 I'll n$t stand f$r it34 Gabriel's feat res %ere diam$nd(hard' 29e ha#e been married bef$re G$d and man, /ather, f$r $#er si, %ee!s n$%' *hrist$pher +arley st$$d as $ r %itness' . r marria&e is indiss$l ble'4 0is arm slid ar$ nd her' Lean fin&ers splayed acr$ss her narr$% belly' 4)$ see bef$re y$ the cradle $f $ r family, /ather' 9hy, *assie may %ell be carryin& y$ r &randchild this #ery m$ment'4 *assie st$$d li!e a st$ne' 0e %as en1$yin& this, she reali6ed, st nned' 9hat !ind $f man %as he (( t$ en1$y ta ntin& his father s$5 Edm nd's eyes %ere f$c sed $n the e,panse $f creamy flesh e,p$sed by her nec!line' 0is lip c rled' 4At %hat d$c!side did y$ find her54 4Act ally, it %as an aleh$ se'4 Gabriel's t$ne %as sm$$th as fine r m' 4B t I %$nder that y$ d$ n$t c$mmend me f$r my &ener$sity and c$mpassi$n in resc in& this p$$r &irl fr$m the & tter' I may %ell ha#e sa#ed her fr$m an imp$#erished e,istence f$r the rest $f her life'4 The d !e's &a6e hardened still f rther' 4-lease lea#e s,4 he said abr ptly' 4I %ish t$ spea! t$ my s$n al$ne'4 *assie needed n$ f rther r&in&' She pic!ed p her s!irts and nearly ran fr$m the r$$m' She did n$t fly p the stairs 1 st yet, th$ &h she l$n&ed t$ %ith all her heart' S$me f$rce m ch m$re p$%erf l held her b$ nd there, 1 st $ tside the d$$r, listenin&' Inside, Edm nd r$ nded $n Gabriel' 4A ta#ern %ench3 +y G$d, h$% many beds has she lain in bef$re y$ rs54 Gabriel shr &&ed' 4I neither !n$% n$r care'4 0e fell silent f$r a m$ment, %atchin& the d !e' 4I find I am c ri$ s, /ather' 9hich d$ y$ $b1ect t$ the m$st (( that she is an American, $r that she d$es n$t meet y$ r standards $f breedin&54 4Breedin&54 The d !e stiffened' 2The &irl has n$ne34 4It's tr e that her bl$$dlines are n$t s$ impeccable as y$ rs' 0er m$ther %as a %h$re, and her father ''' %ell, in sh$rt, he mi&ht ha#e been any $f a n mber $f men'4 Gabriel m$#ed t$ stand bef$re the mantel, hands behind his bac!' 0e n$ l$n&er faced the d !e, b t he deri#ed an immense satisfacti$n in pict rin& the d !e's an&ry despair' 4A %$rd $f %arnin&, /ather (( y$ need n$t threaten t$ dis$%n me' I am still y$ r s$n, th$ &h y$ may ha#e %ished $ther%ise c$ ntless times' And I !n$% y$ %ill n$t let y$ r preci$ s /arlei&h 0all fall int$ the hands $f stran&ers' .h, yes, y$ r str$n& sense $f d ty %ill pre#ail in the end'4 0e half(t rned, slantin& his father a mirthless smile' 4After all, isn't that %hy y$ married my m$ther (( beca se St art needed a m$ther54 49hat d$es it matter if I dis$%n y$ 54 Edm nd said bitterly' 4I shall be dead and &$ne34 Gabriel's smile t rned npleasant' 4Ah, b t it matters #ery m ch indeed' I !n$% y$ , y$ see, alm$st as %ell as I !n$% myself'4 Edm nd %as %hite %ith an&er' 49hat d$ y$ %ant, Gabriel5 9hat %ill it ta!e t$ be rid $f her54 . tside, *assie had &$ne tterly still' She pressed a hand a&ainst her chest, a%are $f a cr shin& pain' 0e had %arned her, she th$ &ht #a& ely, that l$#e played n$ part in their bar&ain' )et she had ne#er dreamed that their marria&e %as f$r&ed $ t $f hatred ''' b t *assie %as s ddenly heartbrea!in&ly certain that had been Gabriel's $nly m$ti#ati$n ''' /$r Gabriel m st s rely hate his father' 9hy else %$ ld he d$ %hat he had d$ne5 0is chillin& la &h reached her ears' 2;nli!e 9arrent$n, m$ney %ill n$t appease me, /ather' )$ see, I %ant n$thin& fr$m y$ (n$thin& at all' S$ d$ n$t thin! t$ entice her int$ lea#in&, t$ ma!e her disappear'4

Edm nd's #$ice %as thic! %ith f ry' 4A chan&e $f &$%n %ill n$t ma!e a lady $f her' Thin! %hat the scandal %ill d$ t$ y$ 34 *assie st mbled bac!: she c$ ld bear n$ m$re' She t rned and ran p the stairs, fi&htin& bac! a bitter s$b' 4Ah, b t the ton is sed t$ seein& scandal ass$ciated %ith my name (( n$t s$ %ith y$ , /ather' 9ere I y$ , I'd ma!e n$ attempt t$ be rid $f my %ife' .r I pr$mise Ill see the scandal laid bef$re y$ at y$ r feet' And %e b$th !n$% the d !e $f /arlei&h c$ ld n$t ha#e that' S$ resi&n y$ rself t$ my %ife, /ather' She %ill be a part $f y$ r life ''' as %ell as mine'4 The d !e st$$d in the center $f the carpet, his c$ ntenance as c$ld ''' as c$ntr$lled as Gabriel had pict red it' )et in his silence lay the tri mph $f #ict$ry' 0e had been ri&ht t$ brin& her here' /arlei&h 0all %as his fathers pride and 1$y: it %$ ld ann$y him mi&htily t$ ha#e her installed here ''' 0e inclined his head' 4G$$d' I see %e nderstand each $ther'4 Raisin& a dar! br$%, he c$ntin ed, 4/$r&i#e me f$r n$t stayin& the ni&ht, /ather' I shall be lea#in& s$$n f$r L$nd$n' .h, and /ather,4 the merest hint $f a smile cr$ssed his lips, 4it mi&ht be %ise t$ p t the sil#er nder l$c! and !ey' +y dear %ife seems t$ ha#e a penchant f$r thie#ery (( %hy, she tried t$ steal my %atch the first ni&ht in p$rt'4 ;pstairs, a small lamp had been lit $n a c$rner table, castin& a %elc$min& yell$% &l$%' B t *assie felt anythin& b t %elc$me' She c$llapsed $n the bed and pressed c$$l hands t$ her b rnin& chee!s' All her pleas re in the r$$m had fled' Gabriel had intended his c$mm$n(b$rn )an!ee bride t$ be an embarrassment t$ his father' She felt cheap and terribly $ t $f her element ''' as he had meant her t$ feel' E,actly %hen she became a%are that he had ret rned and s r#eyed her fr$m the d$$r%ay, she did n$t !n$%' As f$r %hy, she did n$t care' She resented his presence in her r$$m, in her #ery life3 B t she had 1 st learned a #al able less$n, she t$ld herself bitterly' 0$% #ery m ch a pa%n she had been3 .h, b t ne#er a&ain %$ ld she all$% him t$ se her (( ne#er3 Sl$%ly she raised her head t$ stare at him' 0e did n$t flinch fr$m her re&ard, as an h$n$rable man mi&ht ha#e, b t b$ldly met her head($n' 4)$ hate him,4 she stated %ith$ t preamble' 40e is y$ r father, yet y$ hate him' 9hy54 0is eyes flic!ered' 4+y feelin&s t$%ard my father are 1 stified, )an! (( and n$ne $f y$ r c$ncern'4 4)$ married me beca se I am an American' Beca se y$ r father is a d !e ''' and I am n$thin&, a ( a n$b$dy' Beca se y$ !ne% he %$ ld hate me3 'I shall be fran!,' 4 she 7 $ted' 4)et y$ %ere n$t' Damn y$ 34 she cried' 49hy did y$ lie t$ me54 4)an!, I t$ld y$ the tr th (( I simply ch$se n$t t$ re#eal it all' +y father e,pected me t$ marry Lady E#elyn in my br$ther's place' I had n$ intenti$n $f bec$min& his pa%n, and this %as the $ne s re %ay t$ ens re that did n$t happen'4 0er face %as pale, ma!in& her eyes stand $ t li!e 1e%els' 4Then at least tell me %hy he hates Americans3 Beca se he d$es, d$esn't he54 4Aye, )an!, that he d$es' )$ see, my elder br$ther St art and I did n$t share the same m$ther' The d !e's first %ife %as +ar&aret' It is said he l$#ed her deeply'4 It did n$t seem p$ssible that the man in the dra%in& r$$m %as capable $f l$#e' )et *assie f$rced herself t$ listen 7 ietly' 4+ar&aret had a sister in the c$l$nies' 9hen St art %as a #ery small lad, the three $f them sailed there, sh$rtly after y$ r Re#$l ti$n ended, t$ #isit +ar&aret's sister' +ar&aret's sister and her family had remained l$yal t$ the *r$%n, b t feelin&s a&ainst the L$yalists ran hi&h' 9hile the three $f them %ere there, s$me$ne set fire t$ the h$ se' +y father and St art %ere &$ne, th s they %ere spared'4 There %as a small pa se' 4+ar&aret and all th$se %ithin the h$ se perished' +y father %as f ri$ s' 0er death fired in him a deep and abidin& hatred f$r all Americans ''' e#en bef$re St art %as !illed in the Battle $f 8e% .rleans si, m$nths a&$'4

*assie cl$sed her eyes' T%$ y$ n& pe$ple in the prime $f life (( t%$ tra&ic deaths laid $n the d$$rstep $f her c$ ntry' And yet, it %as s$ nfair, f$r she %as n$t t$ blame' She $pened her eyes, sic! at heart, sic! t$ her #ery s$ l' 0er hands l$c!ed ti&htly in her lap' 4Dear G$d,> she said n mbly, 4n$ %$nder he hates me' And y$ (( y$ !ne% he %$ ld34 Gabriel did n$t deny it' She s%all$%ed painf lly' 4I d$ n$t pretend t$ nderstand y$ r m$ti#es,4 she said, #ery l$%' 4I !n$% $nly that y$ s$ &ht t$ shame y$ r father' B t in s$ d$in&, y$ als$ shame me' And I(I hate y$ f$r that, f$r I cann$t chan&e %h$ I am'4 A l$ne tear slipped fr$m the c$rner $f her eye' Determined he %$ ld n$t see her s$ defeated, she br shed it a%ay' 9ith a flic! $f her %rist, she indicated the %ardr$be, %here Gl$ria had neatly h n& the &$%ns they'd br$ &ht' 48$ d$ bt y$ intended th$se t$ be my re%ard bef$re y$ t rn me $ t $n the street34 /$r an instant Gabriel said n$thin&' 0e i&n$red the #$ice that reminded him *hrist$pher had predicted this %$ ld happen (( that she %$ ld be h rt as m ch as his father' 0e smiled &rimly' 4.h, I'#e n$ intenti$n $f t rnin& y$ $ t, )an!' )$ are my %ife and %ill remain s$' I am a %ealthy man, and I %ill pr$#ide f$r y$ ' )$ %ill ne#er be p$$r a&ain' S$ I pr$mised, and s$ it %ill be'4 *assie 's eyes %ere s$ dry they h rt' 2)$ %ill pr$#ide f$r me al%ays5 /$re#er54 0er #$ice %as b t a thread $f s$ nd' 4Aye, )an!' A lifel$n& enc mbrance'4 0e c$ ld n$t dis& ise the m$c!ery that entered his t$ne, f$r that is %hat he had been t$ his father' 4.h, I am %ell a%are y$ feel decei#ed' Betrayed' Ta!e c$mf$rt in !n$%in& that this %ill be my penance'4 0e b$%ed %ith e,a&&erated p$liteness' 4/$r n$%, y$ need n$t s ffer my presence a m$ment l$n&er' I'#e c$me t$ ta!e my lea#e $f y$ '4 4)$ are lea#in&54 4)es' I am ret rnin& t$ L$nd$n'4 0er eyes fle% %ide' She %as $n her feet bef$re she !ne% it' 4And y$ intend f$r me t$ stay here54 >There are ser#ants t$ attend t$ y$ r e#ery need' )$ ha#e $nly t$ as! f$r %hate#er it is y$ %ish' And Lilliane ass red me y$ r ne% %ardr$be %ill be d$ne %ithin a f$rtni&ht'> 4That is n$t %hat I meant3 9hat ab$ t y$ r (( y$ r father54 0is smile %as ti&ht(lipped' 4This is a lar&e estate' )$ r paths need ne#er cr$ss' Belie#e me, I !n$%' 8$% c$me here, )an!' I %$ ld ha#e a !iss t$ remind me $f my dear, l$#in& %ife d rin& the ni&hts %e are destined t$ spend apart'4 .h, the %retch3 After all he had d$ne, he e,pected her t$ be mee! and %illin&5 0er h rt %as n$% bl nted by $ tra&e' 48$34 she challen&ed' 4And y$ cann$t ma!e me34 The li&ht ca &ht the st bb$rn tilt $f her delicate chin' 9hy %as it he'd failed t$ see that in her5 0is eyes &littered' 0e smiled' 4D$ btless I c$ ld, )an!'4 4D$ btless y$ %$ ld34 she snapped' 0is la6y calm %as decei#in&, f$r d$ btless he did' Three l$n& strides br$ &ht him bef$re her' E#en as she s$ &ht t$ step bac! in pr$test, str$n& hands ca &ht her sh$ lders' She had $ne terrifyin& &limpse $f fiercely &l$%in& eyes and then that hard m$ th came d$%n $n hers' 0e did n$t beseech her %illin&ness: he demanded it, as $nly a man c$ ld d$ ''' as $nly a man %h$ !ne% m ch $f %$men %$ ld d$' *assie's heart be&an t$ beat the p$ ndin& rhythm $f a dr m' There %as n$ escapin& the searin& f si$n $f his lips p$n hers: his hand anch$red $n the bac! $f her head !ept her m$ th %here he %anted it' 0is !iss %as searin& and blatantly b$ld, h$tly pers asi#e, dra%in& fr$m her a resp$nse she %as helpless t$ %ithh$ld' She fell prey t$ a treacher$ s %armth, dar! and s%eet' 0er breath ca &ht, and a 1$lt sh$t thr$ &h her as his t$n& e plied hers' )et the sensati$n %as scarcely npleasant (( n$, n$t at all '''

0e p lled her a&ainst him, as if he %$ ld ac7 aint her %ith e#ery m scle' 0er breasts %ere cr shed a&ainst the breadth $f his chest' She c$ ld feel the sine %ed len&th $f his thi&hs hard a&ainst hers' A sl$% c rl $f heat nf rled deep in her belly' *assie %as tremblin& %hen at last he let her , a%ash %ith di66yin& sensati$n' An arr$&ant smile t$ ched his lips' 0e traced the $ tline $f her m$ th %ith the pad $f his th mb, then stepped bac!' 2Thin! $f me, )an!,4 %as all he said' Sanity ret rned in a r sh $f self(l$athin&' She had fallen int$ his arms as if she %ere ripe f$r the ta!in& ( and e#er s$ ea&er3 8$ d$ bt he th$ &ht she %as his t$ m$ld at his %him and leis re' 29ait34 she cried' 0e t rned, already at the thresh$ld, his e,pressi$n $ne $f idle indifference' In that instant, *assie hated him as she had ne#er hated any$ne' Rec!less c$ ra&e %ashed $#er her' 4D$ n$t e,pect me t$ be s$ tr stin& fr$m n$% $n,4 she stated clearly' 4/$r t$ni&ht y$ ha#e sh$%n me %hat !ind $f man y$ really are'4 0is eyes %ere p re fr$st' 4Indeed, )an!' And %hat mi&ht that be54 *assie t$$! a deep breath' 4)$ are heartless and cr el t$ d$ %hat y$ ha#e d$ne (( and t$ y$ r $%n father34 0e seemed t$ &$ tterly still' 0is reply, %hen at last it came, %as as 7 iet as hers had been #ehement' 4Better that y$ see me f$r %hat I am, )an!, than f$r %hat I am n$t'4

Chapter 9
A &entle !n$c! $n the d$$r r$ sed *assie late the ne,t m$rnin&' .penin& her eyes t$ brilliant &$lden s nshine, it t$$! a m$ment t$ recall she %as at /arlei&h 0all' The !n$c! came a&ain and she called a sleepy, 4*$me in'> A sh$rt, r$t nd %$man %ith &rayin& hair b stled in, a tray in her hands' 4+y lady5 I'm +rs' +cGee, the h$ se!eeper' I'#e br$ &ht y$ r brea!fast'4 *assie had already le#ered herself t$ a sittin& p$siti$n' She p shed at her hair, c$nsci$ s $f her t$ sled appearance' 8$ d$ bt the h$ seh$ld staff %elc$med her sh$c!in& appearance here n$ m$re than their master' She %as immediately $n & ard as +rs' +cGee placed the tray $n her lap' She lifted the sil#er p$t' 4I h$pe y$ d$n 't mind, milady, b t I t$$! the liberty $f brin&in& a p$t $f ch$c$late instead $f tea'4 She p$ red a steamin& br$%n li7 id int$ a fine china c p and bris!ly %hipped $ t a nap!in' 9ith her cheery smile and pl mp red chee!s, +rs' +cGees %armth %as nmista!able' *assie instincti#ely rela,ed her & ard, b t she %as half afraid t$ pic! p the fra&ile c p f$r fear $f brea!in& it (( ne#er in her life had she seen anythin& s$ dainty and delicate3 *aref lly slidin& her fin&ers ar$ nd fit, she raised fit t$ her lips and t$$! a ca ti$ s sip' She'd ne#er had ch$c$late bef$re and she detested c$ffee' B t the bre% %as %arm and s%eet, nli!e anythin& shed e#er tasted' 49hy, this is delici$ s34 she e,claimed, in startled s rprise' 4Ah, I th$ &ht y$ 'd li!e it' 8$% eat hearty, milady' *$$! ma!es the best cr$issants this side $f the *hannel'4 S$ this %as a cr$issant (( *assie t$$! a bite $f the cr sty, crescent( shaped r$ll' It %as as &$$d as the ch$c$late, s$ li&ht and airy fit seemed t$ melt in her m$ th' +rs' +cGee beamed' 4As I t$ld *$$! %hen %e sa% y$ last ni&ht, theres a lass needs a sp$t $f y$ r c$$!in' t$ fatten her p C The cr$issant s ddenly tasted li!e ashes' *assie %as s ddenly m$rtified' S$ they had seen her' 9hat had they th$ &ht, she %$ndered, seein& s ch a scra&&ly %aif %ith the master' s s$n5 +rs' +cGee patted her band' 4There, n$%, milady' D$n't l$$! li!e that3 0is Grace t$ld s h$% that dreadf l ncle $f y$ rs %$r!ed y$ r p$$r fin&ers t$ the b$ne (( and ref sed t$ e#en spare the c$in t$ b y y$ a decent dress3 It is a &$$d thin& L$rd Gabriel married y$ and sa% fit t$ brin& y$ here t$ /arlei&h 0all t$ rec$#er y$ r stren&th'4

%is 0race' The d !e had made e,c ses f$r his s$n's shabby %ife5 *assie had a diffic lt time dis& isin& her sh$c!' As f$r bein& here t$ rec$#er her stren&th ''' $h, b t that %as rich3 In tr th, it %as far m$re li!ely her h sband had aband$ned her ''' +rs' +cGee had flitted t$ the %ind$%s, p shin& apart pristine %hite c rtains' 4It's easy t$ see %hy s ch a b$nny lass as y$ ca &ht L$rd Gabriel's eye'4 +rs' +cGee ch c!led %hen she &lanced bac! $#er her sh$ lder' *assie's chee!s %ere b rnin&, th$ &h n$t f$r the reas$n she s spected' 4)$ m st f$r&i#e me f$r callin' him L$rd Gabriel ' ' ' it is 1 st that I'#e !n$%n him since he %as a %ee lad barely $ t $f the cradle, and th$ &h he's an earl n$%, its hard t$ thin! $f him as L$rd 9a!efield34 *assie f$ nd herself intensely c ri$ s, alm$st in spite $f herself' 4Did y$ als$ !n$% his $lder br$ther St art54 4.h, yes, ma'am3 I ser#ed as lady's maid t$ Lady *ar$line (( that's Gabriel's m m (( in my y$ n&er days' That's h$% I came t$ be here'4 49as St art m ch $lder than Gabriel54 Try th$ &h she mi&ht, *assie f$ nd it diffic lt t$ ima&ine Gabriel as a y$ n& b$y' 2/$ r years, I belie#e' .h, b t they %ere #ery different (( Gabriel and St art' The first d chess A +ar&aret ( ( %as St art's m m, y$ !n$%'4 4)es, I ( I !n$%'4 *assie held her breath, h$pin& +rs' +cGee %$ ld &$ $n' Th$ &h she hardly h$ped that the %$man mi&ht !n$% %hy Gabriel s$ hated his father, perhaps she mi&ht &ain s$me insi&ht int$ this dar!ly br$$din& man she called h sband' 29ere they #ery m ch ali!e as children54 +rs' +cGee p rsed her lips' 40is Grace %as al%ays e#er s$ pr$ d $f St art' Gabriel %as al%ays inclined t$ stir thin&s p a bit m$re'4 A faint shad$% flitted acr$ss her feat res' 4As I al%ays tell my h sband, An& s (( he's the stablemaster (( the l$ss $f his m m %as hard $n the p$$r lad' 0e and his m m %ere al%ays s$ cl$se'4 *assie pic!ed p the last cr mb %ith a fin&ertip, h$pin& she did n$t appear t$$ ea&er' 40$% $ld %as he %hen she died54 4Ei&hteen $r nineteen, as I recall' S ch a tra&ic death it %as(she %as still s$ y$ n& (( and s$ s dden, t$ be s re3 0e chan&ed after that, th$ &h' .f c$ rse I ne#er did belie#e all th$se st$ries ab$ t him r nnin& %ild in L$nd$n,4 she added hastily' 4.h, dear me, ma'am, I d$ r n $n34 She &a#e an appr$#in& n$d as she retrie#ed the tray fr$m *assie's lap' 49$ ld y$ li!e me t$ ha#e Gl$ria start y$ r bath n$%54 *assie's eyes lit p' 4.h, yes, please' And than! y$ , +rs' +cGee'4 +rs' +cGee smiled br$adly' 4)$ re #ery %elc$me, milady'4 Gl$ria entered alm$st as s$$n as the h$ se!eeper departed' Alth$ &h *assie felt shy ab$ t disr$bin& %ith s$me$ne else present, she !ne% s ch thin&s %ere d$ne this %ay am$n& pe$ple $f 7 ality' 9hile she bathed, Gl$ria laid $ t a ne% chemise, pettic$ats, and st$c!in&s, all p rchased fr$m the dressma!er's' *assie fin&ered the s$ft cambric $f the chemise alm$st re#erently (( ne#er in her life had she th$ &ht t$ %ear anythin& s$ fine3 Slidin& a &arter p t$ sec re the %hite sil! st$c!in& she'd 1 st d$nned, *assie's heart s7 ee6ed' She c$ ld n$t help b t be reminded $f Bess, %h$se heart's yearnin& had been t$ $%n a pair $f %hite sil! st$c!in&s' 4Is this m$rnin& dress t$ y$ r li!in&, maam54 *assie t rned' Gl$ria %as h$ldin& a dress $f s$ft %hite m slin, the %aist fashi$nably hi&h' A series $f b tt$ns climbed dem rely p the nec!line' 4That $ne %ill be fine,4 she m rm red' 9hile Gl$ria fastened the h$$!s and eyes at her bac!, *assie battled the r&e t$ cry' )esterday she'd heard Lilliane m rm rin& s$ftly ab$ t day dresses, m$rnin& &$%ns, %al!in& &$%ns, ball &$%ns' She didn't !n$% $ne fr$m the $ther and she feared she ne#er %$ ld' Gl$ria t%isted her hair in a neat c$il at her cr$%n, then 7 ietly e,c sed herself' *assie remained m$ti$nless' She mi&ht ha#e been a stran&er, an imp$ster, f$r she scarcely rec$&ni6ed the %ide(eyed &irl starin& bac! at her'

She had lain a%a!e f$r a l$n& time last ni&ht, her $nly th$ &ht bein& t$ flee bef$re this mas7 erade pr$&ressed any f rther' She despised herself f$r her c$%ardice, her lac! $f bra#ery, yet %here c$ ld she ha#e &$ne5 She %as in a stran&e c$ ntry, %ith n$ h$me, n$ m$ney' Gabriel had been ri&ht (( she had felt betrayed' B t as f ri$ s as she %as %ith him, she %as 1 st as f ri$ s at herself' -erhaps it %as her fa lt, f$r deep in her heart, she'd !n$%n he married her $nly t$ spite his father' She shi#ered, recallin& that a%f l c$nfr$ntati$n bet%een the t%$ men' Despite his pr$mise $ther%ise, she'd been s$ afraid that n$% that she had ser#ed her p rp$se, Gabriel meant t$ t rn her $ t $n her $%n' Sl$%ly she slid ar$ nd $n the #el#et(t$pped st$$l' 0er &a6e s%ept ar$ nd the bed chamber' L$rd, b t this chamber (( this h$ se (( %as l$#ely, s$ m ch m$re than she'd e#er h$ped t$ ha#e3 9as it selfish $r %r$n& t$ l$n& f$r s ch c$mf$rt, t$ clin& t$ all that had el ded her5 It %$ ld ha#e been s$ &rand, s$ perfect ''' if $nly she %ere n$t s ch an $ tsider3 A h$t ache filled her thr$at' 8e#er had she felt s$ l$st3 She %anted t$ bel$n&, she th$ &ht %ith a deep, tearin& ache in her breast' S$me%here ''' t$ s$me$ne' )et *assie %as n$t inclined t$ %all$% in self pity, f$r she %as %ell a%are her fate c$ ld ha#e been far %$rse' She mi&ht still be bac! at Blac! Jac!'s, ser#in& ale' And her b$dy as %ell' Gatherin& her c$ ra&e ar$ nd her li!e a cl$a!, she #ent red d$%nstairs' Da#is appeared, as if fr$m n$%here' 4I h$pe y$ d$n't mind, milady, b t I th$ &ht y$ mi&ht li!e s$me$ne t$ sh$% y$ the estate'4 0e bec!$ned and a y$ n& man $f perhaps f$ rteen appeared' 49illis here is d$ne %ith his d ties in the stable and %$ ld be happy t$ d$ s$'4 *assie smiled at the b$y' 0e %as as li!able as the rest $f the staff shed met th s far, %ith bri&ht bl e eyes and a smatterin& $f frec!les acr$ss the brid&e $f his n$se' 40ell$, 9illis,4 she said s$ftly' 4Are y$ certain y$ d$n't mind54 48$t at all, maam' It %$ ld be a pleas re indeed'> The y$ th s%ept his hat fr$m his head and b$%ed l$%' In her y$ th and ine,perience, *assie did n$t reali6e the b$y %as c$n#inced the ne% c$ ntess %as by far the m$st fetchin& creat re he'd e#er seen' Th$ &h 9illis %as clearly disapp$inted t$ learn she did n$t ride, n$netheless they spent the day e,pl$rin& the h$ se and &r$ nds $n f$$t' They hadn't &$ne far %hen 9illis p$inted $ t the crystal(bl e &limmer $f %ater, far bey$nd the r$llin& e,panse $f la%n: there in the distance %as a la!e she hadn't n$ticed bef$re' A small d$c! 1 tted $ t int$ the %aters' The b$y %ent $n t$ c$mment the la!e %as n$t #isible fr$m the h$ se' Despite herself, *assie e,perienced a s dden chill' Still, the day had passed far m$re 7 ic!ly, and far m$re pleasantly, than she had e,pected' 0er feet %ere achin& by the time she sent 9illis $ff f$r his s pper' She pa sed a m$ment, a tired smile $n her lips' She had yet t$ enc$ nter the d !e, and f$r that she %as heartily &ratef l' As she passed the l$n& line $f hea#y &ilt(framed p$rtraits in the &allery, c ri$sity &$t the better $f her' *learly these %ere ancest$rs $f the present Sinclairs: many b$re the same de#ilish slant t$ the br$%s, the same thin, arr$&ant n$se' She pa sed, &lancin& at the paintin& $f a b$ld and dashin& dar!(haired man fr$m the last cent ry, his hand c rled ar$ nd his s%$rd handle, his hat bepl med and tipped at a ra!ish an&le' 0is eyes %ere s$ f ll $f life and la &hter that she c$ ld n$t help b t smile in ret rn' 8$t s$ %ith the ne,t' This Sinclair %as stern lipped and distant, she $bser#ed %ith a sniff' There %as n$ need t$ %$nder %here the present d !e and his s$n had inherited their se#erity' +$#in& $n, she stared p%ard' An ele&antly dressed %$man smiled d$%n int$ the face $f a #ery small b$y she held in her lap' In the f ll bl$$m $f y$ th and happiness, she radiated

%armth and la &hter' 0er breath ca &ht' 9as this the d !es first %ife (( and their s$n St art5 T$ sled bl$nd c rls c$#ered the b$y's head: his feat res %ere an&elic' B t it %as the last p$rtrait %hich held *assie b$ nd f$r a timeless span' This %$man sat dem rely $n a chair bef$re a marble fireplace, slender hands f$lded daintily in her lap' 0er hair %as dar! and slee! (( li!e Gabriel's' S$ this %as the d !e's sec$nd %ife ''' Gabriel's m$ther' She felt a stran&e t &&in& $n her heart, f$r nli!e the p$rtrait $f +ar&aret, there %as s ch sadness in her eyes, a %$rld $f it ''' 2)$ see bef$re y$ *ar$line, Gabriel's m$ther'4 It %as him (( the d !e' B t the #$ice at her ear s$ startled her that she 1 mped' Rec$#erin& 7 ic!ly, she sp n ar$ nd t$ face him' 0er heart san!, f$r he s r#eyed her nsmilin&ly (( and %ith ill(dis& ised h$stility' 0e made as if t$ t rn a%ay and lea#e' 49ait34 she cried bef$re thin!in& better $f it' 0e &lanced bac!, his spine s$ ri&id she feared it mi&ht crac!' *assie s7 ared her sh$ lders, fei&nin& a bra#ad$ she %as far fr$m feelin&' 4I thin! y$ sh$ ld !n$%, sir, that I''' I did n$t ma!e my li#in& as Gabriel s &&ested'4 *$mmandin& br$%s r$se hi&h' 4)$ r name' It is sh$rt f$r *assandra54 *assie n$dded' 29ell, then, *assandra' 0$% then did y$ ma!e y$ r li#in&54 0is t$ne remained as fri&id as e#er' 4+y s$n said he f$ nd y$ in an aleh$ se'4 It %as a str &&le n$t t$ dr$p her eyes bef$re his imperi$ sness, f$r he %as, she admitted, a hi&hly intimidatin& fi& re' '4That he did,4 she admitted, tippin& her chin sli&htly' 4B t it %as n$t as he said' I ser#ed ale and f$$d, and scr bbed fl$$rs and %$r!ed in the !itchen (( n$ m$re (( and this I s%ear'4 0e made a faint s$ nd l$% in his thr$at (( dis& st $r disbelief, she th$ &ht %ith a sin!in& fl tter in her st$mach' 40e als$ said y$ %ere a thief'4 0$t shame fl$$ded her chee!s' 4I %ill be h$nest, sir' I st$le his %atch in the h$pes that I mi&ht sell it' I ( I h$ped t$ lea#e *harlest$n and ma!e a li#in& f$r myself as a seamstress'4 She n$dded at the p$rtrait $f +ar&aret' 4Gabriel t$ld me h$% she died,4 she said 7 ietly' She pa sed, then said sl$%ly' 4It m st ha#e been a%f l t$ l$se her that %ay ''' I d$ n$t !n$% %hat t$ say, e,cept that ''' it's a terrible thin& %hen s ch &liness e,tends t$ inn$cent pe$ple'4 4A terrible thin&5 )$ )an!ees are a sa#a&e, ill bred l$t (( e#ery $ne $f y$ 34 *assie inhaled sharply' 4I ha#e d$ne n$thin& %r$n&, sir, sa#e t$ be b$rn in a land y$ despise'4 By n$% her eyes %ere snappin&' 4If y$ brand me as & ilty as th$se %h$ !illed y$ r d chess %hen y$ !n$% n$thin& ab$ t me, then it seems t$ me y$ are n$ better than they3 And by the %ay, sir, it seems t$ me that y$ are hardly ab$#e repr$ach y$ rself, f$r I !n$% y$ lied t$ the ser#ants ab$ t me34 Edm nd %as f ri$ s at her $ tb rst, that this imp dent little pstart dared t$ tal! t$ him s$' B t alas, she %as his s$n's %ife ''' And she riled his temper e#ery bit as m ch as his s$n' 2)$ need n$t ma!e e,c ses f$r y$ rself, y$ n& %$man' I !n$% e,actly %hat y$ are, and y$ may rest ass red, I ha#e n$ desire t$ !n$% m$re' And in f t re, d$ n$t pres me t$ sit in 1 d&ment $f me34 0e left *assie standin& in the middle $f the hall, starin& da&&ers int$ his bac!' 9hy, the p$mp$ s $ld man3 0e %as e#en %$rse than his s$n3 Gabriel had been ri&ht' It %as a lar&e h$ se, and easy f$r the t%$ $cc pants t$ a#$id $ne an$ther, partic larly %hen they had n$ desire t$ enc$ nter the $ther' S$ it %as that *assie %as s rprised %hen +rs' +cGee bree6ed int$ her bedchamber $ne aftern$$n' 4)$ ha#e a #isit$r, milady'4

*assie blin!ed' 4+e54 she ech$ed blan!ly, then fr$%ned' 4)$ m st be mista!en, +rs' +cGee' I'm afraid I d$n't !n$% a s$ l(4 4.h, there's n$ mista!e, milady' She as!ed specifically f$r y$ ' I as!ed her t$ %ait in the dra%in& r$$m'4 She' *assie %as n$t certain she li!ed the s$ nd $f that' She r$se, a c$ld l mp $f dread !n$ttin& her belly' It seemed she had n$ ch$ice b t t$ see %h$ this #isit$r %as' 0er nease deepenin& %ith e#ery step, she descended the stairs' She did n$t ha#e t$ %ait l$n& t$ find $ t' -erched $n the ed&e $f the di#an sat the m$st st nnin&ly bea tif l &irl *assie had e#er seen' 0air the c$l$r $f ripe %heat s%ept hi&h $n her cr$%n: her feat res %ere dainty and heart(shaped' She %as dressed in a fashi$nable pale peach &$%n trimmed %ith %hite satin' .n seein& her standin& in the d$$r%ay, the &irl ar$se, the pict re $f &race and bea ty' 40ell$,4 she m rm red' 4)$ m st be Gabriel's ne% bride'4 The #$ice %as as s%eetly pleasin& as her feat res' She e,tended a &l$#ed hand' 4+y name is E#elyn'4 1"elyn' *assie l$n&ed t$ c rl p and die' 8e#er had she been m$re a%are $f her sh$rtc$min&s, her $%n h mble be&innin&s' This &irl, %ith her fair hair, petite and &racef l fi& re, dem re and s$ft(sp$!en #$ice, %as the $ne Gabriel %as t$ ha#e married' She crin&ed inside, f$r this bea tif l &irl %as e#erythin& she %as n$t ''' 4.h, dear ''' y$ are the d !e $f 9arrent$n's da &hter'4 The instant the %$rds %ere $ t, *assie c$ ld ha#e !ic!ed herself' B t the &irl merely smiled, a faint smile, b t a smile n$netheless' 4I see y$ !n$% $f me' /ran!ly, that ma!es this easier'4 She pa sed' 4I'm afraid I d$n't !n$% y$ r name'4 4I ( I am *assie'4 49ell, then, *assie,4 she s%ept an ele&ant hand t$%ard the di#an, 4may %e sit d$%n54 *assie fl shed' /$r the first time she reali6ed h$% ill(e7 ipped she %as t$ handle the r$le $f lady' 4.f c$ rse,4 she m rm red' They sat, E#elyn $n $ne end, *assie $n the $ther' A tiny smile c rled E#elyn's lips' 4D$ y$ !n$%,4 she said s$ftly, 4I'#e %anted t$ #isit y$ f$r se#eral days' B t I %as half(terrified $f y$ , f$r I did n$t !n$% %hat t$ e,pect'4 *assie hesitated' 4D$ y$ !n$% ''' I ( I feel the same34 The admissi$n slipped $ t bef$re she c$ ld st$p it' B t E#elyn merely la &hed: mirac l$ sly, the tensi$n cleared as if by s$me ma&ic' 4I d$ n$t mean t$ be r de,4 *assie said after a m$ment' 4B t I e,pected y$ t$ ''' t$ hate me'4 A &limmer $f nderstandin& flashed in E#elyn's s!y(bl e eyes' 4Beca se I %as t$ ha#e %ed Gabriel ( and he married y$ instead54 *assie n$dded' 4)$ m st ha#e been #ery pset %hen y$ learned %hat he had d$ne'4 E#elyn f$lded small, %hite(&l$#ed hands in her lap' 4.h, dear me, n$t at all' +y father %as an&ry at first, f$r he %as the $ne %h$ %anted the t%$ families nited' B t he %ill accept it: indeed, I belie#e he has be& n t$ already' And I m st be h$nest %ith y$ , *assie' I am heartily relie#ed there is n$ need t$ marry Gabriel' 0e has al%ays fri&htened me half t$ death'4 She &a#e a sad little smile' 4And indeed, he still d$es' St art %as al%ays s$ charmin& and carefree' Gabriel is m ch m$re ''' $h, I d$n't !n$% 7 ite h$% t$ say it3 ''' br$$din& alm$st'4 .h, yes, *assie a&reed %ith a shi#er' That he %as' 4Did y$ l$#e St art54 *assie fl shed %hen she reali6ed h$% b$ld she s$ nded' 48e#er mind,4 she said 7 ic!ly' 4It's n$ne $f my b siness (4 4.h, I d$ n$t mind, really' I %as f$nd $f St art, b t I did n$t l$#e him' I belie#e %e %$ ld ha#e made a &$$d match, and I &en inely m$ rn his death' B t it %as ne#er my %ish t$ be %ed simply f$r %h$ my &randfather's &randfather %as, and his bef$re that' .h, I en1$y the L$nd$n Seas$n, the balls and s$irees and r$ ts, b t I'#e al%ays despised bein& p t $n display s$3 It %$ ld be &rand t$ marry f$r l$#e, th$ &h s ch thin&s are m$st nfashi$nable' B t I fear

it is hardly li!ely' +y m$ther mi&ht ha#e nderst$$d, bless her dear, departed s$ l, b t my father e,pects me t$ d$ my d ty, and s$ I ha#e resi&ned myself t$ my fate'4 There %as a lapse $f se#eral sec$nds bef$re E#elyn sp$!e a&ain' 4I !n$% Im bein& dreadf lly a daci$ s, and s$ y$ need n$t tell me, b t I c$nfess I am fri&htf lly c ri$ s' Did y$ and Gabriel marry ''' $ t $f l$#e54 L$#e5 8$, n$t that, ne#er that ''' *assie mi&ht ha#e la &hed if she did n$t s ddenly feel li!e %eepin& ''' E#en n$%, her chee!s b rned %ith h rt, shame, and f ry as she th$ &ht $f that arr$&ant pair (( father and s$n' ;ne,pected th$ &h it %as, she felt a s rprisin& b$nd %ith this partic lar %$man %h$ %as s$ different fr$m herself ''' and yet n$t s$ different after all' Bef$re she e#en !ne% it, the st$ry $f h$% she had c$me t$ marry Gabriel (( h$% he had f$ nd her at Blac! Jac!'s, h$% Gabriel's s$le intent %as t$ spite his father (( %as p$ rin& $ t' E#elyn 7 ic!ly hid her sh$c!, sensin& that it %$ ld distress *assie e#en m$re' She patted *assie's hand in sympathy, f$r she c$ ld n$t help b t feel s$rry f$r this p$$r &irl %h$m life had treated s$ nfairly3 2Its c$mm$n !n$%led&e Gabriel and his father are f$re#er at cr$ss(p rp$ses'4 A disappr$#in& fr$%n f rr$%ed E#elyn's %hite br$%' 49hy, it ma!es me f ri$ s that b$th c$ ld be s$ mean spirited34 4If it %ere %ithin my p$%er, I'd li!e n$thin& m$re than t$ sh$% the t%$ $f them that they are %r$n& ab$ t me'4 *assie's #$ice %as a l$% m rm r' 0er hands clenched: she sp$!e as if t$ herself' 2They are c$n#inced I %ill fail, b t I #$% I %ill n$t ''' 2 will not'4 At that, E#elyn's eyes be&an t$ &l$%' 4I say, *assie, that's it'4 E,citement ripened' 4That's it e,actly34 *assie sh$$! her head, n$t nderstandin&' 4D$n't y$ see5 )$ are ri&ht' )$ cann$t let these t%$ best y$ ' )$ m st bec$me the #ery thin& they d$ n$t e,pect (( a lady'4 40$%54 *assie stared d$%n at her reddened hands' 4)$ f$r&et, I am a (( a ta#ern %ench'4 L$rd, b t it h rt t$ say the %$rds' 4I %$ ld n$t e#en !n$% a (( a m$rnin& fr$c! fr$m an e#enin& &$%n if it %ere n$t f$r the maid'4 B t it seemed she had f$ nd an ally in E#elyn' 4B t d$n't y$ see5 I see y$ here n$%, a bea tif l y$ n& %$man, a match f$r any maid in L$nd$n3 0ad y$ n$t t$ld me, I %$ ld ne#er ha#e & essed y$ had s ch an nf$rt nate be&innin&' And it d$es n$t matter, f$r I c$ ld sch$$l y$ in pr$per manners and dep$rtment' I c$ ld teach y$ h$% t$ be a h$stess' 0$% t$ r n a h$ seh$ld' And I d$ n$t thin! it %$ ld be s$ diffic lt, f$r I s spect y$ ha#e a #ery &$$d instinct f$r %hat is s itable already'4 'eautiful' Did this l$#ely y$ n& miss really thin! she %as bea tif l5 .h, she c$ ld alm$st belie#e it'''' *assie %arned herself it %$ ld be n%ise t$ let her h$pes &ather' )et the #ery th$ &ht $f bestin& th$se t%$ arr$&ant Sinclairs %as s$ #ery temptin&' B t m$st $f all, this %as a chance t$ bec$me a lady, a true lady ''' 0er heart beat faster' 49hy54 she as!ed 7 ietly' 49hy %$ ld y$ d$ this5> 2I#e ne#er had a pr$per friend, n$t since I %as a child' After +ama died, f$r the m$st part -apa remained here in the c$ ntry' I %as left %ith a t t$r and &$#erness as my $nly c$mpani$ns'4 E#elyn reached $ t and &ripped her hands' 4And, $h, I d$n't !n$% %hy, b t I feel as if %e'#e !n$%n each $ther f$re#er34 *assie smiled mistily' 4It is $dd, isn't it5 Beca se I feel the same'4 E#elyn's eyes %ere shinin&' 2Then let me d$ this, *assie' Let me help y$ 34 *assie s7 ee6ed her fin&ers' 4D$ y$ !n$%,4 she said s$ftly, 4I thin! y$ are my friend already' And I &ladly accept any help y$ care t$ &i#e'4 E#elyn la &hed, a s%eet, tin!lin& s$ nd' 4E,cellent3 8$%, %e really m st d$ s$methin& ab$ t y$ r hands'''''its a &$$d thin& a lady al%ays %ears &l$#es, is it n$t5' ' '4 Th s be&an the b siness $f bec$min& a lady'

Chapter 10
.#er the ne,t %ee!s, Edm nd Sinclair %atched all nf$ld %ith n$ little am$ nt $f trepidati$n' Lady E#elyn %as a fre7 ent caller: she and *assandra sat in the c$ rtyard m$st e#ery aftern$$n' /$r the life $f him, Edm nd c$ ld n$t fath$m %hy E#elyn b$thered %ith the chit' Alth$ &h, he finally admitted &r d&in&ly, %ith$ t her %retched cl$thin&, her appearance %as at least presentable' 9hy, $n first si&ht $ne mi&ht easily mista!e her f$r a &enteel y$ n& lady' Ah, b t he !ne% better than t$ tr st $ne s ch as she' She sa% his s$n $nly as a l mp $f &$ld3 A hand li!e a #ice seemed t$ s7 ee6e his chest' G$d, b t he missed St art3 L$sin& St art had been li!e l$sin& +ar&aret ''' a part $f himself f$re#er &$ne' And n$% Gabriel %as all he had left' If $nly thin&s had been different3 B t he and Gabriel had ne#er been cl$se ''' they %$ ld ne#er be cl$se' And n$% it %as t$$ late, Edm nd ac!n$%led&ed %earily, f$r his y$ th %as spent' -erhaps the f t re as %ell' 9as it tr ly s$ %r$n& t$ as! that Gabriel marry and pr$d ce an heir5 There %as pride in the Sinclair name, th$ &h it seemed Gabriel %anted n$ne $f it' It ca sed Edm nd &reat sadness (( and immense fr strati$n (( t$ thin! his name mi&ht die $ t, that he mi&ht die %ith$ t e#er seein& his &rands$n, yet he c$ ld ne#er c$nfess s ch t$ Gabriel' There %as s$ m ch distance bet%een them, and he !ne% n$t h$% t$ breach it3 E#en as a lad, Gabriel had been e#er %illf l, e#er defiant' A %eary si&h escaped' Edm nd made his %ay tiredly t$ the chair behind his des!, all at $nce feelin& far $lder than e#en the hea#ens' . tside the dra%in& r$$m, a &entle bree6e carried %ith it the lilt $f t%$ feminine #$ices ''' and s$methin& else that made an $dd little pain !n$t his heart, f$r it %as s$methin& he had n$t heard in years ''' The s$ nd $f la &hter' Gabriel climbed the entrance stairs t$ his ele&ant L$nd$n t$%nh$ se' 0is steps %ere nerrin&ly precise, his eyes n%a#erin&ly clear despite the fact he %as 7 ite certain hed ne#er been m$re dr n! in his life' )et still his drin!(laden c$nscience all$%ed him n$ ease' 0$ rs later, he %as still in his library, l$n& le&s spra%led $ t bef$re him' In his hand %as a &lass' .n the table beside him %as a delicately(faceted crystal decanter $f brandy' Gabriel stared int$ the &$lden li7 id, his mind as cl$ ded as his senses' . tside the streets $f L$nd$n lay still and silent as ni&ht t rned t$ m$rn' 0is ret rn t$ En&land had &$ne e,actly as planned' 0is father had been appalled t$ find his s$n f$re#er tied t$ his )an!ee bride ''' B t Gabriel's m$ment $f tri mph had been alt$&ether brief (( and infinitely less satisfyin& than he had anticipated' 8$r did he nderstand this na&&in& feelin& that pla& ed him (( & ilt $f all thin&s3 0e harshly reminded himself %hat Edm nd Sinclair had d$ne t$ his m$ther, the years $f bitters%eet h$pe, $f cr shin& re&ret ''' $f empty heartache' 0e al$ne had !n$%n' 0e al$ne had cared' And that %as s$methin& Gabriel c$ ld ne#er f$r&et' 8$r c$ ld he f$r&i#e his father f$r the %ay she had died' )et th$ &hts $f his father ine#itably br$ &ht reminders $f /arlei&h' 0e had missed /arlei&h' 0e hadn't reali6ed h$% m ch ntil he had ret rned3 And still, there %as a part $f him that hated it' 8$, %hispered a #$ice' It %asn't /arlei&h he hated' It %as the mem$ries %hich l r!ed there, the mem$ries %hich ref sed t$ be sh t a%ay' That %as %hy he had n$t stayed' There %ere t$$ many mem$ries there ''' $f his m$ther ''' her death' 0e had #$%ed he c$ ld n$t stay (( he %$ ld n$t' 0e had d$ne %hat he'd set $ t t$ d$ A( d mped *assie in his father's lap and res med his life in L$nd$n' B t n$% he %as t$rmented by still m$re mem$ries ''' $f %arm lips and s!in li!e fresh cream, as s$ft as s%ansd$%n' .f s%eet(smellin& hair' And the taste $f re#en&e had n$t been nearly as s%eet as the taste $f th$se lips '''

9hat madness %as this3 0is m$ th t%isted' 0e %as n$ bes$tted f$$l t$ ta!e $n li!e a l$#esic! y$ th' 0is m$$d &re% e#en m$re blac!' Deliberately he hardened his heart a&ainst his p$$r b t bea tif l bride' 0e did n$t %ant a %ife' +$st certainly he did n$t need $ne' 0e had ret rned t$ L$nd$n %ith e#ery intenti$n $f f$r&ettin& he had $ne''' /ar easier in th$ &ht than in deed' /$r *assie, the days passed 7 ic!ly' She learned t$ p$ r tea, %hat t$ say %hen e,chan&in& niceties, %hat n$t t$ say' She %as e,ha sted, her head spinnin& by the time she fell int$ bed at ni&ht, yet she %as determined she %$ ld s cceed in this' /eelin& emb$ldened $ne day, she entreated E#elyn t$ acc$mpany her t$ tea %ith the d !e in the dra%in& r$$m that aftern$$n' *assie hated !n$%in& the d !e %atched her' 0e %as n$t $penly h$stile, yet she sensed his disappr$#al' 0e %as stiff and f$rmal: *assie's hand %as tremblin& s$ fiercely she feared she %$ ld sl$sh tea all $#er the fr$nt $f her &$%n' B t E#elyn had clapped deli&htedly after%ard' 4It's as th$ &h y$ #e been b$rn t$ it3 .h, *assie, I !ne% y$ c$ ld d$ it34 It %as then that *assie did s$methin& she had n$t dared t$ d$ $nly a m$nth a&$ '', she dared t$ dream' And she be&an t$ tr ly belie#e that despite the $dds, she mi&ht find s$me meas re $f happiness that she c$ ld ne#er ha#e attained had she stayed in *harlest$n' She %as %ell cl$thed, safe, and sec re' Gabriel had pr$mised she %$ ld al%ays ha#e a h$me (( and she cl n& t$ that pr$mise f$r she dared n$t d$ $ther%ise' Still, there %ere times she half( feared cl$sin& her eyes that it mi&ht all disappear' Early $ne aftern$$n in late J ly, Da#is ann$ nced *hrist$pher +arley' *assie's eyes lit p' 4-lease, Da#is, sh$% him in34 *hrist$pher str$de in sec$nds later, l$$!in& dashin& in pale pantal$$ns and fr$c! c$at' 4*hrist$pher, $h, I cann$t tell y$ h$% pleased I am t$ see y$ a&ain34 *assie e,tended b$th hands' She had t$ restrain herself fr$m h &&in& him: she'd ha#e d$ne e,actly that if E#elyn %ere n$t at her side' 0e la &hed' 4+y lady, I had #isi$ns $f y$ %itherin& a%ay in the c$ ntry' I decided at last it %as time t$ see f$r myself h$% y$ fared'4 *assie did n$t miss the silent 7 ery in his eyes' 0is c$ncern %armed her heart' 4I am %ell,4 she said s$ftly, then smiled sli&htly' 4And y$ need n$t bite y$ r t$n& e' Lady E#elyn is %ell a%are $f the circ mstances $f $ r meetin& ''' Are the t%$ $f y$ ac7 ainted54 *hrist$pher hid his s rprise' 0e'd certainly n$t e,pected t$ find s ch a scene as this, b t f$r *assie's sa!e, he %as heartily &lad' 4+y lady:4 he said %armly' 49e met se#eral times d rin& the Seas$n last year, th$ &h I hardly e,pect y$ t$ remember'4 0e bent l$% $#er her hand and pressed his lips t$ E#elyn's fin&ers' E#elyn dipped a c rtsy' 4I remember y$ 7 ite %ell, sir'4 2Then, milady, I c$nsider myself 7 ite pri#ile&ed'4 As E#elyn's chee!s t rned pin!, he t rned t$ *assie' 0is eyes appr$#ed the #isible chan&es in her (( the stylish %hite fl$%ered m slin day dress and chic ps%ept hairstyle' 4I m st say, y$ c t 7 ite the fi& re'4 It %as *assie's t rn t$ fl sh' 4I can be n$ less than h$nest, *hrist$pher' The credit f$r the %$man y$ see bef$re y$ bel$n&s t$ E#elyn'4 E#elyn pr$mptly sh$$! her head' 4D$ n$t belittle y$ r eff$rts, *assie3 I $nly $ffered s &&esti$ns' It %as y$ %h$ did all the %$r!34 *hrist$pher ch c!led' 4T%$ h mble %$men (( a pri6e bey$nd price, I'd say' Th$ &h its $b#i$ s y$ '#e b$th d$ne a splendid 1$b' I appla d y$ r eff$rts'4 E#elyn beamed, b t her smile %as rather sh$rt li#ed' 4;nf$rt nately,4 she si&hed' 49e ha#e t%$ small pr$blems' 9e'#e n$t yet had time t$ see t$ her h$rsemanship' And th$ &h %e'#e mastered the basics $f m$st dances, I thin! it %$ ld be m ch easier f$r *assie t$ learn if she had a &entleman f$r a partner34 *hrist$pher &a#e an e,a&&erated b$%' 2Its a &$$d thin& then that I'#e b$$!ed a r$$m at the #illa&e inn' Theref$re, ladies, I am happy t$ place myself at y$ r disp$sal'4

The ne,t %ee! f$ nd the three $f them t$&ether alm$st incessantly' +$rnin&s %ere spent in the &ardens $r the dra%in& r$$m' Aftern$$ns %ere spent in the m sic r$$m, %here E#elyn and *hrist$pher endea#$red t$ teach her t$ dance, and they ended the day %ith a ride ar$ nd the &r$ nds' *assie l$n&ed t$ as! if he had seen Gabriel: the 7 esti$n h$#ered $n her lips a d$6en times a day, yet she c$ ld ne#er 7 ite s mm$n the c$ ra&e t$ #$ice it' T$ all appearances, it seemed Gabriel intended t$ stay in L$nd$n f$re#er (( *assie %as n$t s re if she %ere relie#ed $r pi7 ed' The d !e, as %ell, had &$ne t$ L$nd$n $n b siness f$r se#eral days' B t *hrist$pher and E#elyn %ere charmin& and en&a&in& and she c$ ld n$t deny she en1$yed the time spent in their c$mpany' Th$ &h she l$$!ed f$r%ard t$ her ridin& less$ns, it %$ ld be s$me time yet bef$re she %$ ld be c$mf$rtable in a side saddle' B t it %as the h$ rs spent in the m sic r$$m that *assie tr ly relished' ;nder E#elyn and *hrist$pher's t tela&e, she s$$n mastered the min et and c$ ntry dance' .n this partic lar s nny aftern$$n, the pair dem$nstrated %hat had been a m$st scandal$ s dance (( the %alt6' 9hen E#elyn then played the t ne she'd been h mmin& $n the pian$f$rte, *assie %as entranced by the liltin& m sic and be&&ed t$ learn the steps as %ell' S$$n her steps matched *hrist$pher's' She be&an t$ s%irl and dip, feelin& b$th li&ht and li&ht(hearted' 8e#er had she felt s$ carefree, carefree en$ &h t$ f$r&et ab$ t e#erythin&, e#en her errant h sband ''' She %as la &hin&, her senses spinnin&, %hen at last they %hirled t$ a halt' Still la &hin&, she &a#e a deep c rtsy and &racef lly p lled herself pri&ht ''' She stared strai&ht int$ blisterin& &ray eyes' .f the three, *hrist$pher %as the first t$ rec$#er, th$ &h later he c rsed himself f$r his startled and inade7 ate &reetin&' 4Gabriel3 The last I !ne% y$ %ere still in L$nd$n' 9hat brin&s y$ t$ /arlei&h54 Gabriel's smile %as a p$$r dis& ise f$r his displeas re' 4I mi&ht as! y$ the same, my friend' B t it seems the ans%er is already #ery clear'4 0is &a6e slid t$ *assie and then bac! t$ his friend's c$ ntenance' B t he had yet t$ say a %$rd t$ her' T$ *assie it %as li!e a slap in the face' She felt li!e a child %h$'d been ca &ht stealin& and deser#ed a %hippin&' And there %as n$ d$ bt that Gabriel %as far fr$m pleased' 0e had th$ &ht t$ retire his l$#ely %ife t$ the c$ ntry and f$r&et ab$ t her' B t she %as f$re#er $n his mind, s$ m ch s$ that he'd been c$mpelled t$ ret rn t$ /arlei&h' 0e had n$t, h$%e#er, e,pected t$ find his %ife in the arms $f an$ther man, let al$ne $ne %h$ called himself friend3 8$r %as his %ife the ra&&ed creat re he'd left behind' 0ad he &$ne by her in passin&, it mi&ht ha#e ta!en a sec$nd &lance t$ rec$&ni6e her (( b t the faintly defiant bla6e in th$se bea tif l &$lden eyes %as $nly t$$ familiar' Lady E#elyn had slipped ar$ nd t$ *hrist$pher's side' Gabriel acc$rded her a sli&ht b$%' 4Lady E#elyn,4 he said sm$$thly, 4al%ays a pleas re t$ see y$ ' 8$% if the t%$ $f y$ d$n't mind, I tr st y$ %ill e,c se s' I'#e been depri#ed $f the pleas re $f my %ifes c$mpany f$r far t$$ l$n&' I sh$ ld dearly li!e t$ ha#e her t$ myself f$r a time'4 4B t $f c$ rse,4 E#elyn said bri&htly, t rnin& t$ *hrist$pher' 4*an I interest y$ in an early s pper, sir5 I c$nfess, *$$! ma!es the m$st delici$ s pi&e$n pie in the shire'4 *hrist$pher f$rced himself t$ rela,' 4An e,cellent idea, Lady E#elyn'4 0is &a6e %as as chill as Gabriel's' 48$ need t$ see s $ t, $ld man' 9e can mana&e $n $ r $%n 7 ite nicely'4 The instant they %ere &$ne *assie r$ nded $n him' 0er spine %as ri&id' 2That %as r de34 4Indeed'4 0is lip c rled' 49hat %$ ld y$ !n$% ab$ t r de, my dear54 4/ar m$re than y$ , apparently34 That b$ld, arr$&ant eye %andered $#er her, ta!in& in e#ery detail $f her appearance' 2 I m st say, )an!, y$ seem t$ ha#e adapted t$ y$ r r$le %ith c$ns mmate ease'4 *assie's 1a% clamped ti&ht' 4And I'll %a&er that displeases y$ '4

It did n$t, th$ &h it sh$ ld ha#e, Gabriel f$ nd himself admittin& rel ctantly' 0e made n$ reply' Instead his attenti$n %as dra%n t$ the slender c r#e $f her nec!, %here the i#$ry sm$$thness $f her s!in met the rich h$ney(&$ld $f her hair' 4D$ y$ ha#e plans f$r the remainder $f the aftern$$n, )an!54 4As a matter $f fact, I d$' *hrist$pher has #ery !indly c$nsented t$ &i#in& me ridin& less$ns this past %ee!'4 The plane $f his 1a% hardened' 4)$ need as! n$ $ther man t$ teach y$ , )an!' I am y$ r h sband'4 2B t my h sband,4 she stated archly, 4%as n$%here t$ be f$ nd'4 4And n$% he is, s$ let s lea#e it at that, )an!' In any case, since y$ appear t$ ha#e y$ r heart set $n ridin& this aftern$$n, I %$ ld n$t dare disapp$int y$ '4 Disapp$int her5 T$rment her, m$re li!e3 0e t rned her in the directi$n $f the staircase' 4*$ chan&e,4 he $rdered' 4I %ill meet y$ at the stables in fifteen min tes'4 In her r$$m, *assie ran& f$r Gl$ria' She dr$pped $n the ed&e $f the bed, the dr$$p $f her m$ th m tin$ s' 0$% dare he simply reappear, as if he'd n$t been &$ne these many %ee!s3 She'd ha#e dearly l$#ed t$ lea#e him %aitin& there f$re#er' .nly the certainty that he %$ ld c$me and fetch her himself st$pped her fr$m playin& that &ame' 9ith Gl$ria's assistance, she %as s$$n sn &ly fashi$ned int$ a ridin& habit $f deep &reen #el#et' She %as n$t s rprised t$ disc$#er Gabriel already at the stables' A &r$$m st$$d by, h$ldin& t%$ h$rses' 0er heart &a#e a f nny little leap at the si&ht $f him' 0e l$$!ed e#ery inch the arist$crat, fr$m the tip $f his %ell(shined b$$ts t$ the f$lds $f his sn$%y(%hite cra#at' S!inti&ht breeches cl n& de#ilishly t$ his thi&hs, $ tlinin& e#ery slee!, hard m scle' Impressi#ely %ide sh$ lders stretched the dar! material $f his 1ac!et s$ ti&htly there %as nary a %rin!le' B t his e,pressi$n %as $ne $f leashed impatience' 4)$ are ready54 She n$dded and m$#ed t$ m$ nt Ariel, the d$cile little mare she'd been ridin& all %ee!' *assie, h$%e#er, %as n$t inclined t$ be s$ mee!' 4I %ish I c$ ld ride astride li!e y$ ,4 she m ttered al$ d' Th$ &h n$t, she decided hastily, $n his m$ nt' Blac! and p$%erf l, his h$rse l$$!ed t$ be as fierce and c$ntrary as his master' Already p and in the saddle, Gabriel t rned his head' 4A lady d$es n$t ride astride,4 he said c rtly' 4Ah, b t I am n$ lady, am I54 In tr th, *assie e,pected n$ reply: he made n$ne' 9hile Gabriel led the %ay, *assie f$c sed all her attenti$n $n maintainin& her seat' She %$ ldn't ha#e minded a t mble in the c$mpany $f E#elyn $r *hrist$pher, b t t$ s ffer s$ bef$re her h sband %as an$ther matter entirely' B t he !ept a sl$% pace, and f$r that she %as &ratef l' B t it appeared they %ere headed f$r the la!e' That %as the $ne place $n the immediate &r$ nds that *assie had yet t$ e,pl$re' A tric!le $f apprehensi$n slid p her spine' 9ith *hrist$pher and E#elyn, they had s ally left the estate and &$ne $ t int$ the $pen c$ ntry' Than!f lly, Gabriel s!irted the la!e and directed his m$ nt t$%ard a &r$#e $f trees' Breathin& a si&h $f relief, *assie be&an t$ l$$! ab$ t %ith interest' Gabriel did n$t halt ntil they reached a small clearin&' 8estled %ithin a rin& $f trees %as a small %hite(trimmed &a6eb$' *assie &a#e a &asp $f deli&ht %hen she sa% it' 4I didn't !n$% this %as here34 she e,claimed' 4)$ can't see it fr$m the h$ se, can y$ 54 Gabriel sh$$! his head as he helped her dism$ nt' A &en ine smile c r#ed her lips, f$r this sheltered b$%er %as a ha#en fr$m the $ tside %$rld' A n$isy r$bin called t$ its mate' The smell $f the f$rest %as scented and fresh' B t the &a6eb$ %as faded and peelin&' A tan&led $#er&r$%th $f %eeds &re% all ar$ nd and climbed p the steps' 2This m st ha#e been #ery l$#ely $nce,4 she spec lated al$ d' 29hat a shame it's been s$ ne&lected'4 She bent, br shin& a%ay s$me $f the dirt $n the steps %ith her &l$#ed fin&ertips'

She strai&htened and &lanced bac! $#er her sh$ lder, 1 st in time t$ see an $dd e,pressi$n flit acr$ss his dar! feat res' *assie's lips parted' 49ait,4 she said sl$%ly' 4This %as y$ r m$ther's, %asn't it54 Gabriel %as abr ptly irritated %ith himself' 9hy had he br$ &ht her here5 0is m$ther had l$#ed this place (( he remembered she had t$ld him she f$ nd its tran7 ility peacef l and s$$thin&' And G$d !ne% she'd had little en$ &h pleas re as it %as''' 4She came here $ften, yes'4 *assie l$n&ed t$ as! m$re, f$r she had $ften %$ndered ab$ t his m$ther' 9hy, she did n$t !n$%, b t it %as alm$st as if s$me mystery s rr$ nded her ''' B t Gabriel's e,pressi$n %as cl$sed and rem$te' She sensed that n$% %as n$t the time' 0e ad#anced t$%ard her' 2)$ ha#e a nat ral ability f$r ridin&, )an!' B t then, y$ seem t$ ha#e many abilities'4 *assie %et her lips' Th$ &h his t$ne %as easy, his m$$d %as n$t' 4)$ mi&ht as %ell c$me $ t %ith it n$%, )an!' After seein& y$ a&ain %ith *hrist$pher, I am inclined t$ %$nder ''' 0a#e y$ &i#en t$ him %hat bel$n&s t$ me54 *$nf sed, she stared at him' 49hat54 4D$ n$t play the inn$cent %ith me' 0a#e y$ lain %ith him54 4Lain %ith him34 0er breath ca &ht' 49hy, y$ ma!e me s$ nd li!e a (4 4A d$c!side %h$re5 )$ cann$t lea#e behind y$ r h mble $ri&ins s$ 7 ic!ly, )an!' B t I &i#e y$ fair %arnin&' I %ill n$t be c c!$lded' I %ill ha#e n$ bastard as my heir'4 0e %as sh$c!in&ly cr de (( and h rtf l' 4.h34 she cried' In that instant she hated him, hated him as she had ne#er hated any$ne' 4)$ t$ld y$ r father y$ resc ed me fr$m the & tter, b t it's there y$ r mind d%ells3 9hy c$ ldn't y$ ha#e stayed in L$nd$n5 Then there %$ ld be n$ need b t$lerate y$ r beastly m$$d34 She %as ri&ht' 0is m$$d %as n$t tame' 0e %as an&ry at her f$r dra%in& him bac! t$ /arlei&h (( and an&ry at himself f$r all$%in& her t$ in#ade this place that had bel$n&ed s$lely t$ the mem$ry $f his m$ther' 4+y beastly m$$d mi&ht be m ch impr$#ed had I n$t f$ nd y$ in the arms $f $ne *hrist$pher +arley'4 4.h, st$p34 she hissed' 4)$ %ant me n$ m$re than I %ant y$ '4 0e ca &ht her hands and stripped a%ay her &l$#es, flin&in& them aside' She felt as if he stripped a%ay her #ery s$ l' 0e ca &ht her p a&ainst him' 0is m$ th h$#ered 1 st ab$#e hers, its bea tif l lines star! and sens al, as th$ &h etched fr$m st$ne' 4Ah, b t theres the thin&, )an!' I am n$t s$ nappreciati#e $f y$ r charms'4 0is head s%$$ped d$%n' 0is lips trapped hers' A&ain and a&ain he pl mbed the depths $f her m$ th, the rhythm $f his t$n& e %ildly er$tic' 0ard arms came ti&ht ar$ nd her b$dy, pinnin& her a&ainst his nyieldin& breadth' *assie p shed at his chest, the attempt pitif lly %ea!, f$r G$d help her, s$methin& stran&e %as happenin&' A fiery %armth st$le thr$ &h her limbs' 0is !iss bla6ed li!e fire all thr$ &h her' 0is m$ th $pened %ider, the press re s%eetly fierce, drainin& her $f stren&th and %ill' She m$aned, the s$ nd %ed&ed bet%een their lips, a%are $f the r&e t$ f$ll$% blindly %here#er he %$ ld lead her' Dimly she heard a l$%, tri mphant la &h' 0is breath %as h$t $n the side $f her nec!' 4)$ '#e c$st me a pretty s m indeed, )an!' S$ c$me, I %ish t$ see %hat I ha#e b$ &ht'4 Deliberately he br shed the #el#et(c$#ered pea! $f her breast' She &asped as her nipple &re% all ti&ht and tin&ly, and (( L$rd help her (( the sensati$n %as n$t npleasant at all' And then she felt the brand $f his fin&ers $n the fastenin&s $f her b$dice, %arm and adept' -anic b rst in her brain' She !ne% %here play s ch as this %$ ld lead3 She c$ ld n$t let him ta!e her li!e this, s$ c$ldly determined (( %ith n$ em$ti$n sa#e l st' .h, if he l$#ed her, if he cared f$r her, it mi&ht ha#e been different' She mi&ht ha#e s rrendered %hat he n$% demanded '''

She tried t$ %rench bac!' The bindin& circle $f his arms ca &ht and held her in place' Sl$%ly he raised his head' The merest hint $f a smile &raced th$se ele&ant lips' 4I am, after all, $nly a man,4 he said s$ftly' 4D$ y$ %$rry that I %ill s cc mb t$ desire54 In tr th, his shaft %as ri&id and f ll' A part $f him l$n&ed t$ b ry his s%$llen heat deep and hard in her b$dy and the c$nse7 ences be damned' .h, n$, he %as n$t as naffected by their !iss as he %$ ld pretend, $r as he'd th$ &ht t$ be ''' %hich meant he m st be caref l, #ery caref l indeed' 0er ans%er lay in the %ide, %ary distress $f her eyes' Gabriel la &hed c rtly' 4D$ n$t %$rry, )an!' Tempt me n$t, and I %ill yield n$t'4 0e released her' St n&, *assie sp n a%ay, f rther dismayed by her b$dy's treacher$ s resp$nse t$ him' A h$rrible n$ti$n raced thr$ &h her' Dear L$rd, %as she a %ant$n li!e her m$ther5 S ddenly there %as a l$ d p$p3 The str$n& $d$r $f s$methin& b rnin& reached her n$strils' At alm$st the same instant, her left arm be&an t$ stin&' She instincti#ely raised her fin&ers t$ the h rt' They came a%ay stic!y and red' Bem sed, *assie stared at them' Bl$$d, she reali6ed da6edly, and s ddenly it %as #ery hard t$ thin!' A d ll b 66in& in her ears &re% l$ der and l$ der' 9hat $n earth'''' Belatedly her mind rec$&ni6ed the s$ nd f$r %hat it %as' 2Dear G$d,> she heard herself say' 4I'#e been sh$t'4 She pitched f$r%ard int$ a dead faint'

Chapter 11
Gabriel reached her 1 st as her !nees be&an t$ b c!le' A #ile $ath $n his lips, he sc$$ped her int$ his arms and d c!ed int$ the &a6eb$' +indf l $f the need t$ !eep his head l$% s$ he %$ ld n$t be seen, he ripped apart the t$rn slee#e $f her ridin& dress' Snatchin& his hand!erchief fr$m his p$c!et, he pressed it t$ the %$ nd' Gently he %iped a%ay the $$6in& trail $f bl$$d and & np$%der' The frantic fear left his heart' The sh$t had $nly &ra6ed her, than! hea#en' It %as n$t e#en deep: e#en n$% the %$ nd had be& n t$ cl$t' 8$ d$ bt it %as sh$c!, n$t in1 ry, that pr$mpted her c$llapse' 0e hesitated, t$rn by the r&e t$ search f$r the sc$ r&e %h$ had fired the sh$t b t rel ctant t$ lea#e her al$ne' At len&th *assie stirred' Remembrance $f the sh$t fl$$ded bac! %ith a #en&eance' 0er eyes fle% $pen, b t dar!ness s%irled all ar$ nd' She l rched p%ard %ith a stric!en cry' 4S%eet L$rd3 D$ n$t tell me I am dea (4 A firm hand restrained her' 48$, )an!,4 pr$claimed a dry #$ice, 4y$ are n$t' )$ are ali#e and nh rt, th$ &h clearly y$ fancy y$ rself in hea#en $nce a&ain'4 There %as a brief pa se' 4)$ %ere l c!y, )an!' The sh$t merely &ra6ed y$ r arm' The bleedin& lasted scarcely a min te'4 It %as Gabriel' They %ere inside the &a6eb$, she reali6ed #a& ely' 0is bac! %as pr$pped a&ainst the %all' She %as lyin& in his lap, cradled in his arms' Th$ &h it %as n$t as dar! as she had first th$ &ht, dayli&ht %as fadin& fast' As her eyes ad1 sted t$ the &l$$m, she sa% the tattered ed&es $f her slee#e' A l$% ch$!ed s$b ca &ht in her thr$at' She &a#e n$ f rther th$ &ht t$ the dan&er they ni&ht still be in' It %as s ddenly all t$$ m ch (( the sh$t ''' the bl$$d $n her hands' 4+y bea tif l ridin& dress '''4 She be&an t$ cry' 4I'#e ne#er had anythin& s$ &rand ''' I l$#ed it s$ ''' $h, G$d, and n$% it's r ined34 She t rned her face int$ his sh$ lder and %ept' A str$n& hand sm$$thed her hair' 4*assie, h sh n$%' %ush. I'll b y y$ an$ther (( I'll b y y$ a h ndred if it pleases y$ '4 0er breath ca &ht $n a half(s$b' She s$ &ht d mbly t$ f$c s $n the dar! feat res that s%am 1 st ab$#e her $%n' She c$ ld n$t help it, f$r this man %as a stran&er' 0e had called her *assie, %ith s$methin& that ni&ht ha#e been tenderness s$ftenin& his rem$nstrance' And his eyes ''' s rely the &l$% $f t%ili&ht %as decei#in&, f$r that c$ ld n$t p$ssibly be carin& she sa% there '' '

She %$ ld ha#e sat p b t his arms cl$sed ar$ nd her m$re ti&htly' 4Be still,4 he %arned, the %$rds b t a breath' 4The h$rses b$lted %hen they heard the sh$t' In all li!elih$$d it came fr$m a p$acher, b t I'll ta!e n$ chances' 9e'll remain here ntil it's dar! and then ret rn t$ /arlei&h'4 *assie n$dded, s ppressin& a sh dder $f fear' She laid her chee! $n his chest and h ddled e#en cl$ser, ta!in& c$mf$rt in his stren&th, in the steady dr mbeat $f his heart beneath her ear' It %as %ell ab$#e an h$ r bef$re they ret rned t$ /arlei&h' Edm nd %as in the entrance hall %ith Da#is %hen Gabriel fl n& the d$$r %ide' 4*$nf$ nd it, Gabriel, %hat &$es $n here3 An& s 1 st inf$rmed me y$ r h$rses ((4 Edm nd st$pped sh$rt $n seein& the c$nditi$n they %ere in' They %ere b$th filthy' D st and dirt sm d&ed *assie's chee!s, a trail $f tears clearly e#ident' Edm nd's 1a% sa&&ed' 4Dear G$d, %hat happened54 Gabriel's m$ th t rned &rim' 29e %ere at the &a6eb$ %hen s$me$ne fired a pist$l at s'4 Edm nd l$$!ed at her sharply' 4Are y$ all ri&ht, *assandra54 Cassie. Cassandra' *assie stifled the imp lse t$ la &h %ildly' -erhaps she'd &ained s$me head%ay %ith these arr$&ant Sinclair men after all' She n$dded, still t$$ sha!en t$ spea!' She st$$d m tely %hile Da#is %as t$ld t$ s mm$n Gl$ria' Gabriel sa% her safely deli#ered int$ the hands $f the maid then t rned t$ his father' 4A %$rd %ith y$ in pri#ate, if y$ please, /ather'4 0e str$de int$ the dra%in& r$$m' Edm nd f$ll$%ed, cl$sin& the %ide $a! p$rtals behind them' Gabriel p$ red himself a &ener$ s p$rti$n $f p$rt bef$re t rnin&' 4I cann$t help b t %$nder, /ather ''' The e#ents $f the day seem t$ raise the n$ti$n that y$ ni&ht %ish t$ see me a %id$%er'> It t$$! an instant bef$re the f ll imp$rt $f his %$rds san! in' 9hen they did, Edm nd's sh$ lders strai&htened' / ry i&nited in his eyes' 4I'#e th$ &ht y$ capable $f many thin&s, Gabriel' B t t$ thin! that y$ %$ ld acc se me $f tryin& t$ !ill the &irl ' ' '4 Edm nd $nly barely c$ncealed his ra&e' 4I d$ n$t acc se y$ ,4 Gabriel said calmly' The d !e's sh$c! had been &en ine' And f$r all that his father's em$ti$ns ran c$ld, he %as n$t inclined t$ #i$lence' 4-erhaps n$ harm %as meant f$r her at all,4 the d !e said stiffly' Gabriel fr$%ned' 49hat d$ y$ mean54 4-erhaps y$ '#e been pl c!in& fr it in s$me$ne else's $rchard'4 0is meanin& %as n$t l$st $n Gabriel, %h$ smiled thinly' 4I'#e al%ays ch$sen %$men %ith care, /ather' 8$ne are b rdened by a h sband, and n$ne %ith male relati#es %h$ mi&ht be disp$sed t$ depri#e me $f my life f$r the sa!e $f a mere dalliance'4 4Li!elier than n$t, then, it %as a p$acher' It mi&ht be %ise t$ ad#ise *assandra t$ refrain fr$m ridin& in the %$$ds ntil %e !n$% f$r certain'4 4.h, y$ need n$t &$ t$ s ch tr$ ble $n her acc$ nt' She %ill be ret rnin& t$ L$nd$n %ith me'4 Edm nd's &lance %as n$ less than s spici$ s' 49hate#er f$r54 4The d$%a&er d chess $f Greensb$r$ is ha#in& a fFte t$m$rr$% e#enin&'4 4I'm %ell a%are $f that' I'd th$ &ht t$ attend myself' B t y$ cann$t mean t$ ta!e her34 Despite Lady E#elyn's attempts at &r$$min& these past %ee!s, Edm nd remained s!eptical' Gabriel merely raised his br$%s' d$es n$t ref se the d$%a&er d chess' T$ my nderstandin& it's t$ be a relati#ely small affair t$ be&in the Little Seas$n' And I d$ belie#e %e'#e had this disc ssi$n bef$re, /ather' Is it y$ r rep tati$n %hich c$ncerns y$ , $r mine54 Edm nd resisted the r&e t$ thr$% p his hands' 4D$ %hat y$ %ill,4 he m ttered' 4)$ %ill please y$ rself and n$ $ne else'4 0e sp n ar$ nd and str$de fr$m the r$$m'

Gabriel %atched his retreat, his e,pressi$n etched in st$ne' 2That I %ill, /ather,4 he said al$ d' A faint bitterness laced his #$ice' 4After all, I learned l$n& a&$ there %as little p$int in tryin& t$ please y$ '4 Deliberately he t rned his th$ &hts else%here, st dyin& the amber li7 id in his &lass bef$re ta!in& a l$n&, deep s%all$%' -erhaps his father %as ri&ht' )et $ne 7 esti$n led t$ an$ther' 9h$ had fired the sh$t5 9as it intenti$nal5 .r an accident5 And if n$t, %h$ had been its intended #ictim5 *assie ''' $r himself5 The line $f his m$ th &re% thin' 0e c$ ld thin! $f n$ $ne %h$ %$ ld %ish him dead' )et %hy %$ ld *assie be a tar&et5 0er circle $f ac7 aintances %as limited, b$th here and in *harlest$n' Li!elier than n$t, the sh$$tin& %as accidental' 8$, he c$ ld n$t lea#e her here in harm's %ay ''' ;pstairs in her r$$m, *assie sat at the dressin& table %hile Gl$ria br shed her hair' 0er e,pressi$n %as $ne $f tr$ bled th$ &ht b t that 7 ic!ly chan&ed %hen Gabriel %al!ed in' 40$% is y$ r %$ nd54 *assie fl shed, embarrassed bey$nd meas re t$ thin! she had fallen apart in his arms' She l$%ered her &a6e and stared at the &ilt(framed mirr$r and matchin& br sh' 4'Its fine,4 she m rm red' 4A bit red, b t that is all'4 4E,cellent' I %ill be able t$ ret rn t$ L$nd$n t$m$rr$% as planned' -lease ha#e Gl$ria pac! y$ r thin&s first thin& in the m$rnin&'4 0er head came p' She t%isted ar$ nd and st$pped him %hen he %$ ld ha#e left' 49ait34 she said breathlessly' 4D$es this mean ''' I am &$in& %ith y$ 54 4It d$es indeed, )an!' 9hy, all $f L$nd$n is a&$& ab$ t the ne% c$ ntess $f 9a!efield' I am &$in& t$ ha#e t$ pr$d ce a %ife else n$ $ne %ill belie#e I ha#e $ne ''' And after all, y$ are my %ife ''' %here %$ ld y$ be b t at my side54 Did he m$c! her5 *assie did n$t !n$%' At that m$ment, she did n$t care' She stared at the d$$r%ay l$n& after he'd left, fri&htened, %ary ''' and e,cited all at $nce' It seemed she %as &$in& t$ see L$nd$n after all' Gabriel's t$%nh$ se %as far fr$m m$dest, at least in *assie's eyes' Th$ &h it %as n$t nearly s$ &rand $r #ast as /arlei&h 0all, it %as still far bey$nd her realm $f e,perience' The d$med ceilin& $f the entrance hall %as a s$ft &$ld, car#ed %ith delicate scr$ll%$r! and cher bs' J st bey$nd, the staircase ascended dramatically bet%een t%$ tall, stately c$l mns' The library %as a smaller #ersi$n $f the $ne at /arlei&h, paneled in rich mah$&any' In the dra%in& r$$m, the %alls %ere h n& %ith crims$n sil!: the carpet %as deeply h ed in &$lds, br$%ns, and bl es' Se#eral chairs and a di#an %ere dra%n cl$se t$ the %armth $f the fire' All in all, *assie f$ nd it m$st in#itin&' She %as als$ deli&hted t$ find her r$$m e#ery bit as l$#ely as the $ne she had $cc pied at /arlei&h' Dec$rated in palest bl e and yell$%, she t$$! $ne l$$! at the can$pied bed and immediately fell in l$#e %ith it' 2If the f rnishin&s d$ n$t s it y$ ,4 her h sband said f$rmally, 4y$ may ma!e %hate#er chan&es y$ %ish'4 E#en his d$ r m$$d c$ ld n$t dampen her spirits' *assie fin&ered the frilled yell$% s!irt that trimmed the dressin& table, then t rned and &raced him %ith a l$#ely smile' 4It's l$#ely 1 st as it is,4 she said s$ftly' 4I %$ ldn't dream $f chan&in& a thin&'4 J st then she spied a d$$r ne,t t$ the dresser' Imp lsi#ely she $pened it' 29here d$es this lead54 B t she had already disc$#ered the ans%er' She ca &ht a &limpse $f sparse, masc line f rnishin&s and an en$rm$ s f$ r(p$ster' *$l$r stained her chee!s' 4)$ r bedchamber, I ta!e it54 0e n$dded, his e,pressi$n c$$lly rem$te, re#ealin& n$ hint $f his th$ &hts' B t t$ *assie, the atm$sphere %as s ddenly stiflin&' 8$ f rther c$mment %as dra%n fr$m either $f them' And little %$nder' They %ere b$th %ell a%are the c$nnectin& d$$r %$ ld see n$ se' 4By the %ay, )an!, %e ha#e an en&a&ement early this e#enin&'4

4An en&a&ement54 4)es' 9e'#e been in#ited t$ attend a fFte &i#en by the d$%a&er d chess $f Greensb$r$'4 0e str$de t$%ard the d$$r, then st$pped and t rned t$%ard her' 4I shall ret rn sh$rtly t$ $#ersee y$ r ch$ice $f attire'4 *assie dre% herself p pr$ dly' 4I'm 7 ite capable $f ch$$sin& my $%n &$%n,4 she said stiffly' 4.h, n$ d$ bt y$ are, )an!' 8$netheless, I %ill be happy t$ lend my assistance'4 Th$ &h she !ne% he c$nsidered the matter cl$sed, *assie $pened her m$ th, determined t$ ar& e' .ne &lance fr$m th$se icy &ray eyes r$bbed her $f the inclinati$n' Still, it %as n$t in her nat re t$ accept s ch a c$mmandin& attit de %ith mee! $bedience' 9hen he arri#ed in her r$$m, she still %$re her dressin& &$%n, ha#in& recently bathed' S mm$nin& all her bra#ad$, she m$#ed t$ the %ardr$be and %ithdre% the &a 6y %hite &$%n she had planned t$ %ear' T rnin&, she dre% it bac! acr$ss $ne sh$ lder and silently a%aited his reacti$n' A sl$% smile crept acr$ss his lips' 4I thin! n$t,4 he dra%led' 49ith y$ at my side in that &$%n, I %$ ld feel li!e a #eritable %$lf' Besides, y$ %$ ld l$$! li!e an inn$cent (( a #ir&in, y$ n& and nt$ ched'4 That!s because 2 am3 she l$n&ed t$ screech' .h, b t it %$ ld ha#e &i#en her &reat pleas re t$ dispr$#e his arr$&ant hi&h(handedness3 B t she %as n$t certain h$% he %$ ld react, and s$ she held her silence' 0er lips ti&htly c$mpressed, she thr st the &$%n bac! int$ the %ardr$be and %ithdre% an$ther' 0e disdained the ch$ice as t$$ &irlish, still an$ther as t$$ simple, still an$ther t$$ f$rmal' *assie's an&er be&an t$ stir' Blindly she reached int$ the %ardr$be, yan!in& $ t the first $ne her fin&ers chanced t$ t$ ch' Gabriel pa sed, as if t$ c$nsider the pale peach sil!' 4'Its a pretty en$ &h c$l$r,4 he m rm red, 4b t I %$ ld ha#e y$ spar!le li!e the 1e%el y$ are' S$methin& bri&ht, I thin!'4 0e m$c!ed her, and in that m$ment, she despised him f$r it' 4I thin! blac! %$ ld pr$#e far m$re appr$priate34 she ret$rted h$tly' De#ilish br$%s ar$se' 4Blac! (( t$ match y$ r m$$d, s%eet54 4Blac!, t$ match y$ r heart34 By then *assie's chin %as tipped m tin$ sly' 0e merely la &hed' 4)$ m st learn t$ tr st in me, )an!' I ha#e m ch m$re e,perience in these matters'4 0e str$de f$r%ard and p lled $ t a &$%n $f r by(red sil! &a 6e' 4This $ne,4 he pr$n$ nced' *assie snatched it fr$m his &rasp' 4)$ %ere n$t s$ c$ncerned %ith my ch$ice $f &$%n %hen I met y$ r father,4 she snapped' 4I fail t$ see %hy y$ tr$ ble y$ rself s$ n$%'4 She had str c! a ner#e' Th$ &h his #$ice %as mild, she c$ ld see it in the clench $f his 1a%' 4Ah, b t the eyes $f the t$n %ill be p$n y$ n$%, )an!'4 0e said n$thin& f rther, b t left her al$ne' At last she %as ready' Gl$ria p shed her &ently bef$re the mirr$r, then st$$d bac! and clapped her hands t$&ether' 4.h, ma'am,4 she breathed, eyes shinin&, 4y$ are tr ly a #isi$n'4 /$r a l$n& time *assie c$ ld $nly stare' Gl$ria had dressed her hair hi&h and a%ay fr$m her face, settin& $ff the # lnerable sl$pe $f her nec! and sh$ lders' The &$%n's nec!line f$rmed a deep #ee, b$th fr$nt and bac!' In *assie's mind, it %as scandal$ sly l$%, b t Gl$ria ass red her it %as the fashi$n' Beneath her breasts, the s!irt fell in s$ft f$lds d$%n t$ her slippers' Alth$ &h she had been determined t$ disli!e the &$%n, Gabriel had ch$sen %ell, f$r the $#erall effect %as $ne $f classic ele&ance' She felt dainty and feminine ''' and bea tif l' Tears started in her eyes, f$r this %as a %h$lly ne% feelin& f$r *assie' B t %hat %$ ld Gabriel thin!5 Ali at $nce she %as ner#$ s and an,i$ s' It came as a sh$c! t$ reali6e she %anted t$ please him' 9hy it %as s$, she did n$t !n$% (( n$r did she care' B t she %anted t$ please him s$ #ery m ch '''

0e %aited in the entrance hall, pacin& impatiently' *assie descended the stairs as 7 ic!ly as she dared, clin&in& ti&ht t$ the $rnately car#ed handrail' 9hen she reached the last step, he finally &lanced p' Their eyes l$c!ed' 0er heart th mpin& %ildly, she st$$d still as a stat e' 0is &a6e ra!ed her fr$m head t$ t$e and bac! a&ain' *assie end red his critical re&ard as best she c$ ld, b t his inspecti$n %as s$ l$n& and s$ th$r$ &h she feared she had d$ne s$methin& terribly %r$n&' At last he $ffered her his, arm' 4)$ %ill d$,4 he ann$ nced' . tside he handed her int$ a richly c shi$ned carria&e p lled by t%$ prancin& steeds, b t *assie scarcely n$ticed as he t$$! his place beside her' She t rned her face a%ay, feelin& cr shed inside' 8e#er in her life had she th$ &ht t$ p$ssess a dress s ch as this (( t$ l$$! as &rand as this' And she had th$ &ht (( h$ped3 (( that Gabriel mi&ht thin! s$, t$$' B t neither appr$#al n$r c$ndemnati$n had resided in his &a6e' 0e %as as c$$l, as rem$te, as e#er' In tr th, it %as hardly the case' 0is first si&ht $f her, &lidin& d$%n the stairs, st$le the #ery breath fr$m his l n&s' It %as all he c$ ld d$ n$t t$ ha l her int$ his arms, rip $ff her dress, l$#ely th$ &h it %as, t$ disc$#er the s%eetly c r#ed treas res that lay beneath' 0e c$ ld n$t &i#e in t$ it' 0e c$ ld n$t &i#e in t$ her' 0e damned her, in that instant, f$r the %ay her e#es sh$ne h &e and ea&er and h$pef l, 1 st as he damned himself f$r bein& the c$ld hearted bastard that he %as' And s$ he s mm$ned an ir$n c$ntr$l, f$r he had learned t$ master his tr e em$ti$ns l$n& a&$' 0is father had ta &ht him that m ch, at least' The Greensb$r$ mansi$n %as abla6e %ith li&hts, b$th inside and $ t' *assie %atched as the l$n& line $f carria&es %aitin& t$ dr$p $ff & ests sl$%ly inched f$r%ard and reali6ed theirs %as ne,t' 8$% that the time dre% near, she %as fri&htened half t$ death' 9hat %as it Gabriel had said5 The eyes of the ton will be upon you. All t$$ s$$n they st$pped bef$re the fr$nt d$$rs' A hea#y !n$t $f apprehensi$n %ei&hted her st$mach' -lacin& her ice(c$ld hand in Gabriel's, she ali&hted fr$m the carria&e and all$%ed him t$ lead inside' S$$n they pa sed at the entrance t$ a lar&e ball(r$$m' The scent $f ea de c$l$&ne min&led %ith that $f fresh fl$%ers' La &hter and #$ices fl$ated e#ery%here' -anic s%ept $#er her at the cr sh $f pe$ple' She be&an t$ 7 a!e, b$th inside and $ t' /$r the first time she reali6ed %hat she %as ab$ t t$ d$ (( play the part $f lady %hen she %as anythin& b t a lady' G$d, b t it %as alm$st la &hable3 -ainf lly c$nsci$ s $f her inc$mpetence in s ch a r$le, she l$n&ed t$ be any%here b t %here she %as' And then, as she l$$!ed $ t acr$ss the sea $f stran&ers, she sp$tted a familiar face' B t it %as scarcely a friendly face (( n$, n$t in the least ''' It %as Gabriel's father' J st then the ma1$rd$m$ ann$ nced, 2The earl and c$ ntess $f 9a!efield'4 She %as t$tally na%are that she pressed cl$se t$ Gabriel's side, yet s ch %as n$t the case %ith Gabriel' All at $nce he %as an&ry %ith himself and %ith her' It had been in his mind t$ c t her c$ld, t$ re1ect her %ith call$ s disre&ard and lea#e her al$ne, !n$%in& it %$ ld embarrass his father %h$ %atched them' )et $ne l$$! at *assie's %hite face and terrified eyes and he !ne% he c$ ld n$t' 0e t c!ed her hand &in&erly int$ his elb$%' 4Smile, )an!,4 he said nder his breath' *assie 's face l$$!ed as if it %$ ld crac!' 4I ( I can n$t > 4.f c$ rse y$ can'4 E#en as he sp$!e, he stepped f$r%ard' Later she decided it %as the sheer f$rce $f his %ill that !ept her pri&ht' A d$6en intr$d cti$ns 7 ic!ly f$ll$%ed' *assie be&an t$ feel di66y as $ne face bl rred int$ an$ther' She th$ &ht half(hysterically that E#elyn %$ ld ha#e been pr$ d: thr$ &h s$me miracle, she mana&ed t$ ma!e the appr$priate resp$nses' A hands$me y$ n& man clapped Gabriel $n the bac!' 4I can %ell nderstand y$ r reas$n f$r !eepin& this 1e%el fr$m en#i$ s eyes, %hich reminds me ''' 0$% is it %e'#e ne#er bef$re

seen this bea ty5 I %$nder that I sh$ ld n$t a#ail myself $f a 7 i66in& &lass, f$r by J$#e, I c$ ld s%ear I'#e ne#er set eyes p$n her bef$re' I'd ha#e remembered a face s ch as this34 Gabriel's smile %as c$$l' 2This is @isc$ nt Rayb rn, my dear'4 *assie inclined her head in &reetin&' 4There is little t$ %$nder ab$ t,4 she said s$ftly' 4I'#e ne#er bef$re #isited L$nd$n'4 Th$ &h the #isc$ nt's manner %as s$me%hat brash, his smile %as de#ilishly charmin&' 0e raised a ra!ish br$% hi&h' 48e#er #isited L$nd$n3 9hy, the de#il ta!e y$ , 9a!efield3 )$ al%ays did ha#e the best $f l c! %ith a t rn $f the cards (( and n$% in this, t$$3 9here#er then did y$ find this l$#ely lass54 *$$l &ray eyes rested p$n the #isc$ nt' 4All the %ay acr$ss an $cean, I fear'4 Rayb rn blin!ed' 49hat3 8e#er say a )an!ee34 Gabriel merely shr &&ed, %hile Rayb rn a&ain t rned his attenti$n t$ *assie' 2Than! hea#en that %retched %ar is $#er,4 he ann$ nced, 4that %e mi&ht t rn $ r attenti$ns t$ far m$re pleasant matters' I c$nfess, I cann$t see 9a!efield in the r$le $f 1eal$ s h sband' B t, my dear, fr$m n$% $n, y$ m st n$t let him !eep y$ b ried in the c$ ntry'''4 9hen the earl $f 0arcastle stepped p t$ Gabriel, Rayb rn s!ill f lly & ided her a%ay' S$ it %as that Gabriel's s bse7 ent absence fr$m her side %as n$t missed' B t e#ery s$ $ften, *assie felt his eyes $n her, and his father's as %ell' She hated bein& nder their scr tiny, $ne s$ m$c!in& and arr$&ant, $ne s$ c$ld and disappr$#in&' B t she need n$t ha#e %$rried that she %$ ld be left al$ne' 9hen Rayb rn left t$ fetch a &lass $f %ine f$r her, se#eral ea&er y$ n& men stepped p t$ ta!e his place' It %as n$t l$n& bef$re she heard a c$mmandin& female #$ice' 4+$#e aside, yes, that's the %ay' I %ish a %$rd %ith the y$ n& lady there'4 .ne by $ne the cr$%d parted, li!e the sea bef$re +$ses' *assie's eyes %idened' It %as the d$%a&er d chess and she %as headed strai&ht f$r her3 /$r a split sec$nd all th$ &ht deserted her and she c$ ld n$t thin! %hat t$ d$' Then, she rec$#ered and dipped l$% in a c rtsy 1 st as the %$man stepped bef$re her' 2)$ r Grace,4 she m rm red' The d chess %as a st$ t, imp$sin&(l$$!in& %$man' She %$re a &$ld t rban t$pped %ith an $strich feather' 9ell !n$%n f$r spea!in& her mind, she %asted n$ time l$$!in& *assie p and d$%n' 4)$ r h sband's manners are atr$ci$ s,4 she pr$n$ nced' 49hy, he did n$t e#en dei&n t$ intr$d ce y$ '> 9ith a s%ish $f her s!irts, she settled herself $n the bench and &a6ed e,pectantly at *assie' 4*$me n$%, dear' Sit and tell me e#erythin& ab$ t y$ rself'4 *assie's smile held a trace $f %istf lness' 4I'm afraid there is little t$ tell, )$ r Grace'4 4*$me n$%, d$n't be shy' Edm nd menti$ned h$% Gabriel f$ nd y$ %$r!in& y$ r fin&ers t$ the b$ne in *harlest$n'4 1dmund' *assie c$ ld n$t help it' She raised her chin and ca &ht Edm nd's &a6e fr$m acr$ss the cr$%ded r$$m, her $%n faintly challen&in&' .h, b t she %$ ld ha#e li!ed t$ p t the lie t$ his claim3 B t she did n$t, f$r if she had &leaned anythin& fr$m E#elyn these past fe% %ee!s, it %as that %hile a man c$ ld flirt %ith scandal and emer&e relati#ely nscathed, f$r a %$man it mi&ht mean instant r in' And *assie had n$ %ish t$ be cast aside' /$r $nce she %anted t$ feel she bel$n&ed ''' %ith all $f her heart she yearned f$r it' Still, it %as n$t in her nat re t$ lie' 4I ( I %as made t$ %$r! f$r my r$$m and b$ard, yes,4 she replied' 4Indeed3 9ell, %$r! b ilds character, as the late d !e sed t$ say' And fran!ly, there is a sh$c!in& lac! $f s ch am$n& y$ n& pe$ple t$day'4 *assie smiled sli&htly' >I fear y$ may be ri&ht'4

4I m st say, my dear, %hen I first heard Gabriel had %ed y$ , I th$ &ht the match $ tra&e$ s34 The d chess ch c!led heartily' 49hy, I can 1 st ima&ine %hat Edm nd had t$ say3 Gabriel t$$! e#ery$ne 7 ite by s rprise %ith this marria&e' 0e %as 7 ite the libertine, y$ !n$%, and its 7 ite $b#i$ s %hy he %as s$ ta!en %ith y$ ' )$ are n$t the s al, simperin& L$nd$n bea ty'> *assie sh$$! her head' 4I am hardly a bea ty, )$ r Grace'4 4)$ see, dear5 I ha#e %atched y$ t$ni&ht, and y$ are t$tally npretenti$ s' +y h sband the d !e %$ ld ha#e f$ nd that a sterlin& 7 ality indeed ''' as d$ I, and immensely refreshin& as %ell34 Gabriel ch$se that m$ment t$ &lance acr$ss the r$$m at them' The d chess bec!$ned t$ him, and sec$nds later he st$$d bef$re them' 4)$ r Grace,4 he hailed, b$%in& l$% $#er her hand' 4I see y$ ha#e met my %ife'4 9hile *assie l$$!ed $n in %ary apprehensi$n, the d chess tipped her n$se hi&h' 4I ha#e, indeed, and I m st say, I am m$st pleased %ith y$ r ch$ice $f bride'4 She fi,ed him %ith a stern l$$!' 4I $nly h$pe that y$ are %$rthy $f her'4 Gabriel's p$lite smile fr$6e' 0e %as nable t$ belie#e his ears' It seemed the chit had 1 st charmed the d$%a&er d chess, and by s$ d$in&, the imp$ssible had 1 st $cc rred ''' She had 1 st ass red her place in s$ciety'

Chapter 12
8$r %as that the end $f it' Gabriel sat in his st dy the ne,t aftern$$n, a pile $f papers at his elb$%, his tea nt$ ched' The h$ seh$ld had learned #ery 7 ic!ly that the master's m$$d %as anythin& b t easy this m$rnin&' They hastened t$ d$ his biddin& %hen s mm$ned, b t they !ne% fr$m e,perience he %as best left al$ne' 8$r %as it diffic lt t$ detect the s$ rce $f his ill temperament' Earlier, a messen&er fr$m the d chess $f Greensb$r$ had deli#ered an in#itati$n t$ the ne% c$ ntess t$ ta!e tea %ith her that aftern$$n' Since then, the bell had scarcely st$pped rin&in&, and the stac! $f cards and in#itati$ns $n the sil#er tray in the entrance hall %as m$ ntin&' 8$%, %hen the bell pealed $nce m$re, Gabriel sh$#ed bac! his chair and st$$d' By J$#e, he %$ ld remain here n$ l$n&er' S rely e#en his shippin& $ffices $n the n$isy d$c!s %$ ld $ffer far m$re peace and 7 iet than c$ ld be achie#ed in his pri#ate st dy t$day' 0e st$pped sh$rt at the si&ht $f his father in the entrance hall, handin& Giles his hat and cane' Edm nd t rned and spied him' 4Gabriel, there y$ are' A %$rd %ith y$ , if y$ please'4 Gabriel made n$ eff$rt t$ dis& ise his irritability' 4I am $n my %ay $ t'> 2I ass re y$ ,4 Edm nd stated c$$lly, 4this %ill n$t ta!e l$n&'4 Gabriel sc$%led b t t rned and led the %ay bac! int$ his st dy' Edm nd cl$sed the d$$r behind them' >I th$ &ht %e mi&ht disc ss *assandra's first p blic appearance'4 Gabriel's eyes flic!ered' 0e said n$thin&' 4It %ent s rprisin&ly %ell, d$n 't y$ thin!54 29ell en$ &h, I s pp$se'> 4Indeed,> the d !e said s$ftly, 4her speech is passable' 0er name is n$t plebeian' 0er c$nd ct last ni&ht %as n$t at all nseemly'4 Gabriel's eyes narr$%ed' 29hat are y$ tryin& t$ say, /ather54 4.nly this, Gabriel' The &irl has p$ssibilities I had n$t f$reseen (( $r e,pected'4 4And54 E#ery m scle in Gabriel's b$dy had &$ne steely hard' 0is father %as p t$ s$methin&, b t %hat5 4Theref$re, I'#e decided t$ &i#e a ball t%$ %ee!s hence in rec$&niti$n $f y$ r marria&e'4 A hard smile ed&ed Gabriel's lips' 4Ah, n$% that's rich' D$ y$ f$r&et she is an American5 .r ha#e y$ decided t$ p t aside y$ r hatred and %elc$me her t$ y$ r b$s$m54

Edm nd dre% himself p pr$ dly' 4This chan&es n$thin&,4 he pr$claimed %ith icy disdain' 48e#er %ill I f$r&et %hat th$se %retched )an!s did t$ +ar&aret and St art (( ne#er34 4As I recall, /ather, it %as y$ %h$ claimed 'a chan&e $f cl$thin& %ill n$t ma!e a lady $f her'' 4 4Lady E#elyn has ta &ht her m ch, th$ &h I did n$t reali6e t$ %hat e,tent she'd met %ith s ccess ntil n$%'4 Gabriel %as ast$ nded' 4Lady E#elyn34 4)es' She has been a fre7 ent #isit$r at /arlei&h $f late' She and *assandra seem 7 ite f$nd $f each $ther' An nli!ely friendship, is it n$t5 As nli!ely a pair as the t%$ $f y$ , I mi&ht add'4 Gabriel's smile had l$n& since #anished' 4)$ are mad,4 he said harshly' 4She is n$t ready f$r this' She %ill ma!e f$$ls $f s all'4 Their eyes clashed fiercely' 4I %$ ld remind y$ ,4 Edm nd said 7 ietly, 4I b t play the &ame y$ be&an' It %as y$ %h$ married her, Gabriel' And n$% y$ ha#e n$ ch$ice b t t$ ma!e the best $f it'> Gabriel's eyes did n$t %a#er fr$m his father's face' 4+a!e the best $f it,> he repeated sl$%ly' 'Tell me, /ather' Is that %hat y$ did %ith my m$ther54 Edm nd made n$ reply' 0e merely st$$d there, his p$st re %$$den, as implacable as e#er' -$ssessed $f a c$ld, bitin& f ry, Gabriel's m$ th t%isted' 4B t I f$r&et 4 he said derisi#ely' 4+y m$ther %as ne#er $f any c$nse7 ence t$ y$ , %as she5 8$r %as I'4 0is father did n$t deny it' 0e did n$t defend himself' Gabriel made a s$ nd $f dis& st and thre% $pen the d$$r' 4D$ %hate#er y$ %ill,4 he said f ri$ sly' 2It matters little t$ me'4 The fr$nt d$$r slammed s$ hard the %ind$%s in the attic sh$$!' Sl$%ly Edm nd made his %ay t$ a strai&ht(bac!ed chair, his steps as hea#y as his spirit' The #en$m in Gabriel's eyes had sha!en him badly' G$d3 his heart cried $ t' 0e b ried his head in his hands' Dear L$rd, he as!ed himself %earily, %hen had it all started(the hatred, the bitterness' And %hen %$ ld this enmity cease5 Behind him there %as a l$% c$ &h' 0e did n$t l$$! p, thin!in& it %as $ne $f the ser#ants' 4*l$se the d$$r and lea#e me be,4 he m ttered' 4I shall see myself $ t sh$rtly'4 The d$$r clic!ed sh t' 4E,c se me, sir,4 said a #$ice' 4B t are y$ n%ell54 Edm nd's head 1er!ed p' *assandra st$$d bef$re him' 0er e,pressi$n %as tentati#e, her eyes m tely 7 esti$nin&' Embarrassed, b t determined n$t t$ sh$% it, Edm nd &$t t$ his feet' 4I am fine,4 he said s$me%hat br s7 ely' 4)$ need n$t c$ncern y$ rself %ith me, &irl'4 *assie's chin came p' 4As I $nce t$ld y$ r s$n,4 she stated %ith calm di&nity, 4I ha#e a name, sir, and I %ill than! y$ t$ se it'4 /$r an instant the d !e appeared 7 ite ta!en abac! at her b$ldness' 4@ery %ell then, *assandra'4 0e ar$se, $nce a&ain e#ery inch the n$ble l$rd, in c$mmand $f himself and e#ery$ne ar$ nd him' 4Act ally, y$ r appearance is m$st f$rt it$ s'4 3ortuitous5 9hate#er it %as, *assie th$ &ht $n a &limmer $f panic, it s$ nded $min$ s' S$meh$% she mana&ed t$ mas! her t rm$il, and e#en mana&ed a faint smile' 40$% s$, )$ r Grace54 4I am plannin& a ball t%$ %ee!s hence in ac!n$%led&ment $f y$ r marria&e' I re7 ire y$ r assistance'4 4+y assistance54 0er c$nfidence, ten $ s at best, fled li!e fr$st beneath a bla6in& s n' All at $nce, an a%f l feelin& $f dread crept thr$ &h her' 4)es' I ha#e prepared a & est list'4 0e %ithdre% a neatly f$lded paper fr$m the p$c!et $f his c$at' 4I'#e n$ d$ bt Gabriel %ill %ish t$ add t$ it, b t I c$ ld se y$ r help t$ c$mmence addressin& the in#itati$ns'4 *assie blanched' 4I'm afraid that is n$t p$ssible'4 0er t$ne %as scarcely a dible'

4I be& y$ r pard$n54 0is %as clipped and abr pt' *assie stared at the rich carpet $n the fl$$r beneath her feet' 0er hands t%isted ner#$ sly in the f$lds $f her s!irt' 4I'''I fear I cann$t help y$ '4 Edm nd's re&ard sharpened' 4*ann$t ''' $r %ill n$t54 0is #$ice stabbed at her li!e the blade $f a !nife' *assie st$$d m tely' T$ her h$rr$r, a b rnin& ache cl$sed her thr$at' 4I %$ ld li!e an ans%er, if y$ please, *assandra'4 The breath she dre% %as deep and frayed' 4*ann$t ''' %ill n$t ''' %hat d$es it matter5 I %$ ld help y$ if I c$ ld, )$ r Grace, b t I am afraid it simply is n$t p$ssible'4 4And I fail t$ see %hy n$t34 0er #$ice %as l$% and tear(ch$!ed' 4Beca se I ( I can %rite my name, b t ( b t n$thin& else34 There %as a st nned silence, and then his #$ice came, alm$st deadly 7 iet' 4D$ y$ mean t$ say y$ cann$t read5 .r %rite54 *assie n$dded miserably' 8e#er in her life had she felt s$ ashamed' The tears be&an t$ fall in earnest' Edm nd fl$ ndered f$r his hand!erchief, then l$cated it at last and thr st it int$ her hands' Th$ &h hed ha#e s%$rn the chit %as n$t hi&h str n&, %eepy females made him ner#$ s, they al%ays had' L$rd, all he needed %as f$r her t$ fall #ictim t$ the #ap$rs yet3 0e stared at her sha!in& sh$ lders' 4There n$%, *assandra' Theres n$ need t$ cry'4 0e a%!%ardly patted her sh$ lder' 4'Its a matter easily remedied'4 40$%54 she ch$!ed $ t' 40$% else5 The ser#ices $f a t t$r are easily $btained (4 4A t t$r5 /$r the earl $f 9a!efield's %ife5 .h, b t y$ r preci$ s t$n %ill l$#e that'4 0e p$ndered a m$ment' 2)$ are ri&ht' That lea#es s %ith $nly $ne ch$ice then' I %ill teach y$ '> 2)$ 54 She %as a&hast' 4.f c$ rse' I ass re y$ , *assandra, I am 7 ite capable'4 That she did n$t d$ bt' She m$pped her eyes and l$$!ed at him' 29hy54 she %hispered' 49hy %$ ld y$ d$ this54 0e &a6ed d$%n his n$se at her, $nce a&ain the imperi$ s l$rd' 4I'll n$t ha#e it bandied ab$ t L$nd$n that y$ cann$t read' L$rd !n$%s the &$ssip m$n&ers ha#e m$re than en$ &h t$ s stain them as is'4 *assie's eyes searched his' 4Then I %$ ld as! a fa#$r $f y$ ,4 she said sl$%ly' 49ill y$ n$t tell Gabriel54 Edm nd si&hed' 4If y$ %ish it, I %ill n$t tell him'> *assie did n$t del de herself' Edm nd had n$t a&reed t$ this tas! $ t $f the &$$dness $f his heart: his s$le c$ncern %as that she n$t brin& f rther shame p$n his name' Gently, she t$ ched his arm' 'Than! y$ ,4 she said' Edm nd cleared his thr$at, embarrassed and s$methin& else, s$methin& she c$ ld n$t identify' 28$% then,4 he said &r ffly, 4I belie#e Gabriel spends m$st aftern$$ns at his shippin& $ffices' *$me t$ my t$%nh$ se pr$mptly at $ne t$m$rr$% aftern$$n'4 0er less$ns be&an the #ery ne,t day' *assie appr$ached the first %ith min&led an,iety and deli&ht' Th$ &h she had a h n&ry desire t$ read and %rite, Edm nd had $nly t$ cast the m$st idle $f &lances at her and she l$n&ed t$ disappear f$re#er' B t as the %ee! %$re $n, her apprehensi$n be&an t$ lessen' 0is manner %as stiff and f$rmal, $ccasi$nally impatient, and al%ays demandin&' Li!e Gabriel, he seld$m smiled' B t she be&an t$ s spect he %as n$t the $&re she had first belie#ed' She st died him c$#ertly $ne aftern$$n' 9in&s $f sil#er s%ept bac! fr$m his temples' 0is m$ th %as thin and a t$cratic, his n$se ha%! li!e and arr$&ant' /$r a man $f his years, he

really %as 7 ite hands$me' Indeed, she f$ nd herself spec latin&, n$ d$ bt Gabriel %$ ld resemble him as he a&ed ''' *assie c$ ld n$t help it' +$re and m$re $ften she %as &i#en t$ %$nder afresh %hat had happened t$ alienate father and s$n' 9hen they %ere t$&ether, the tensi$n bet%een them %as thinly dis& ised' And *assie c$ ld n$t help b t n$te that %hile Edm nd $ften menti$ned St art, it %as n$t s$ %ith Gabriel' Indeed, %ere it n$t f$r the str$n& resemblance bet%een the t%$, *assie mi&ht ha#e been c$n#inced that Gabriel %as n$t Edm nd's s$n at all ''' *assie ret rned h$me fr$m her less$ns $ne aftern$$n t$ find Giles $penin& the d$$r t$ Lady E#elyn' 4E#elyn34 she cried' 4.h, y$ cann$t !n$% h$% &$$d it is t$ see y$ a&ain34 E#elyn s7 ee6ed her fin&ers in ret rn' 4I c$n#inced -apa it %as time t$ ret rn t$ L$nd$n,4 E#elyn la &hed' 4Dear -apa3 0e ne#er c$ ld ref se me anythin&, y$ !n$%'4 *assie %as thrilled, th$ &h deep in her heart, she f$ nd the d !e $f 9arrent$n alm$st as intimidatin& as Edm nd Sinclair' There %as n$ 7 esti$n that Re&inald Latham's stern, nrelentin& c$ ntenance %as hi&hly dist rbin&' 9ere it n$t f$r E#elyn, *assie %$ ld ha#e ref sed any and e#ery in#itati$n that came ar$ nd' She sa% Gabriel $nly at dinner, %here p$n he pr$mptly b$%ed and inf$rmed her he %$ ld be spendin& the rest $f the e#enin& at his cl b' She %as t$$ ns re $f herself t$ attend any e#enin& en&a&ements al$ne, th$ &h E#elyn ass red her s ch thin&s %ere n$t at all n s al' At E#elyn's insistence, she %ent t$ an aftern$$n tea %ith the d$%a&er d chess $f Greensb$r$, and attended a &arden party &i#en by E#elyn's c$ sin, the c$ ntess $f Lan&st$n' Th$ &h E#elyn ecstatically ass red her she had d$ne splendidl#, *assie %as a b ndle $f ner#es the rest $f the ni&ht' /inally the ni&ht $f Edm nd's ball arri#ed' 0er &$%n %as l$#ely, $f s$ft emerald sil! that br$ &ht $ t the &$ld $f her eyes and the b rnished hi&hli&hts $f her hair' The slee#es %ere tiny, &athered by shimmerin& sil#er thread' S$ft, matchin& slippers had been laid $ t beside it $n the bed, al$n& %ith a dainty beaded retic le' Bathed and perf med, *assie sat bef$re the dressin& table %hile Gl$ria dressed her hair in a simple b t ele&ant chi&n$n s%ept hi&h p$n her cr$%n' /inally the last pin had been sec red' *assie smiled at the maid in the mirr$r' 4Gl$ria, %$ ld y$ mind terribly fetchin& me a c p $f ch$c$late5 +y st$mach rebels at the th$ &ht $f f$$d, b t a c p $f h$t ch$c$late %$ ld be %$nderf l'4 48$t at all, m m'4 .nce the &irl %as &$ne, *assie c$ ld sit still n$ l$n&er' There %as n$ p$int in dallyin&, s$ she decided t$ finish dressin&' She %ent behind the screen and caref lly stepped int$ the &$%n' She %as str &&lin& %ith the h$$!s and eyes %hen she heard the d$$r $pen' 2Gl$ria,4 she called $ t' 4+y fin&ers are as m ch m ddle as my mind' Im afraid I need help %ith these dratted fastenin&s'4 There %ere se#eral s$ft f$$tfalls $n the carpet' *assie t rned and presented her bac!, $bli&in&ly bendin& her head t$ all$% the &irl better access' ;nfalterin& fin&ers made 7 ic! %$r! $f the rest $f the fastenin&s' 4Than! y$ ,4 she said %ith a half(la &h, sm$$thin& the f$lds $f her s!irt as she t rned' 4)$ 're s$ m ch m$re efficient than I (4 B$ld sil#er eyes &leamed d$%n at her' Gabriel slanted her a la6y smile' 4I %ill be happy t$ lend my ser#ices,> he dra%led, 4n$% $r any $ther time'4 *assie strai&htened her sh$ lders' 4)$ mi&ht ha#e !n$c!ed,4 she snapped' 2In my $%n h$ se5 I thin! n$t'4 A s itable c$mebac! failed her' *assie c$ ld $nly &lare her dissatisfacti$n, b t her an&er 7 ic!ly %aned at the distracti$n $f his appearance' 0e %$re a dar! &reen #el#et fr$c! c$at and br$cade %aistc$at' S!in ti&ht breeches sh$%ed $ff the bea ty $f his f$rm' There %as a fr$th $f %hite lace at his thr$at and slee#es, yet ne#er had he e, ded a m$re intense masc linity'

Little did she reali6e Gabriel's th$ &hts f$ll$%ed m ch the same #ein' 9hile his fin&ers had been b sily en&a&ed, his eyes fi,ed h n&rily $n the na!ed e,panse $f her bac!' 0e'd f$ &ht an $#er%helmin& r&e t$ press his lips t$ the # lnerable s%eep $f her nape' Th$ &h the &$%n %as admittedly ma&nificent, the %earer %as by far the m$re st nnin& $f the t%$' 0er nec! and sh$ lders %ere sm$$th and bare, de#$id $f any 1e%elry' And indeed, s ch l$#eliness needed n$ f rther ad$rnment' )et he c$ ld hardly ha#e her l$$!in& li!e a be&&ar ''' 0e p lled $ t a l$n& slender case fr$m his breast p$c!et' A%are $f her &a6e, he flic!ed the catch %ith his nail, $fferin& her a &limpse $f the c$ntents' *assie ca &ht her breath, f$r inside lay a &litterin& diam$nd, #i#id and bri&ht, s rr$ nded by a delicate, fra&ile chain $f finest &$ld' 0e lifted it fr$m the case, sayin&, 4This sh$ ld &$ %ell %ith the &$%n, )an!'4 *assie st$$d m tely, her head b$%ed l$%, %hile he fastened the chain ab$ t her nec!' 0is hands $n her sh$ lders, he & ided her t$ the mirr$r' 49ell, )an!, d$ y$ appr$#e54 In all tr th, *assie %as st nned' 8e#er had she ima&ined he %$ ld la#ish s ch a &ift $n her' Alm$st re#erently she t$ ched the pear shaped st$ne' The diam$nd seemed t$ flash and &leam %ith a life all its $%n' )et all she c$ ld thin! %as h$% Gabriel's fin&ers %ere s$ #ery %arm: they seemed t$ b rn clear thr$ &h her flesh' 4It's bea tif l,4 she said s$ftly' A trem l$ s smile c r#ed her lips as she t rned t$ him' 4I d$n't !n$% %hat t$ say, e,cept ''' than! y$ ' Than! y$ s$ #ery m ch'4 4Remember I did pr$mise y$ 1e%els, )an!'4 0e pa sed' 4Th$ &h I had in mind a m$re s bstantial means $f repayment'4 0er smile %ithered' 4I th$ &ht this %as a &ift,4 she said nsteadily' 4Is this ''' a fa#$r t$ be b$ &ht then54 48$ d$ bt that is n$thin& ne% t$ y$ , )an!' And indeed, I mi&ht be interested in %hat y$ ha#e t$ $ffer' 9hat sane man %$ ld ref se a l sty t mble %ith a %ench %h$ l$$!s li!e y$ 54 *assie flinched as if he had str c! her' G$d, he %as heartless3 Shame, ra% and sc$rchin&, spread all thr$ &h her' S$ he still th$ &ht her a %h$re, did he5 / ry r$se li!e a tide %ithin her' In all her life, *assie c$ ld n$t thin! %hen she'd been s$ fiercely an&ry' 0er hands %ere sha!in&, b t s$meh$% she mana&ed t$ nd$ the nec!lace' Resistin& the r&e t$ flin& it bac! at him, she &rabbed his hand and dr$pped it in his &rasp, determined t$ sh$% n$ m$re em$ti$n than he' 9hen she tr sted herself t$ spea!, she stated le#elly, 4I d$ n$t %ant this' I %ill ne#er %ear it, s$ y$ may as %ell ret rn it'> 49hat is this5 9$ ld y$ ha#e preferred emeralds instead54 . t%ardly she %as calm, b t in%ardly she %as ra&in&' I %ill n$t be b$ &ht,4 she said e#enly' 4And I %$ ld n$t lay %ith y$ f$r all the &$ld and 1e%els in this %$rld' / rtherm$re, I %ish t$ G$d Id stayed behind at Blac! Jac!'s'4 0e la &hed' Blast his arr$&ant hide, he la &hed3 4.h, I !n$% y$ better than that, )an!' )$ f$r&et 1 st h$% determined y$ %ere t$ flee that place'4 4And had I !n$%n that y$ are s ch a detestable, l$aths$me creat re (4 49hy, )an!,4 he dra%led' 4I d$ belie#e y$ r speech is impr$#in&'4 ' *assie's nails d & int$ her hand' 4)$ !n$% n$thin& $f me (( n$thin&34 she said feelin&ly' 4And I ha#e f$r&$tten n$thin&34 0is smile %as npleasant' 4.h, c$me n$%' )$ '#e made a far better bar&ain %ith me and %e b$th !n$% it' .r perhaps y$ ha#e chan&ed y$ r mind' -erhaps the matter sh$ ld be clarified $nce and f$r all' S$ tell me, )an!' 9$ ld y$ rather %h$re f$r all men (( $r 1 st $ne54

0er ten $ s c$ntr$l snapped' 0er hand sh$t $ t, the m$#ement pr$mpted m$re by instinct than c$nsci$ s th$ &ht' Bef$re she !ne% %hat she %as ab$ t, she deli#ered a stin&in& slap t$ his hard chee!' It %as a mista!e' A hand li!e a #ise ca &ht her %rist and %renched her cl$se, s$ cl$se she c$ ld feel the steely stren&th $f his thi&hs a&ainst her $%n' *assie's breath t mbled t$ a halt in her l n&s' She %as s$meh$% alm$st terrified $f all she sensed in him' 4I %ill all$% y$ that $nce, )an!, once, f$r I admit I pr$#$!ed y$ '4 0is re&ard %as as c ttin& as the slash $f a s%$rd' 4B t d$ n$t thin! e#er t$ stri!e me a&ain, f$r I pr$mise y$ %ill r e the c$nse7 ences'4 0e released her' 0is chee! still b$re the %hite mar! $f her hand, b t his feat res mi&ht ha#e been etched in st$ne' Sha!en, tryin& desperately n$t t$ sh$% it, *assie %atched as he p lled $ t his p$c!et %atch, the %atch she had tried t$ steal, and &lanced at the face' 4It's time t$ lea#e,4 he said c$ldly' 4And since this ball is &i#en in $ r h$n$r,4 his t$ne t rned m$c!in&, 4%e dare n$t be late'4 The e#enin& %as alm$st at an end' Th$ &h the dance fl$$r %as still filled, the & ests %ere be&innin& t$ disperse' 0$% she had made it thr$ &h ntil n$%, *assie had n$ idea' She ate' She smiled' She chatted n$nsense ab$ t the %eather' /$r the first h$ r, Gabriel bad !ept her anch$red t$ his side, t$ all appearances, the happy, l$#in& c$ ple' Standin& near the terrace d$$rs, *assie r bbed her achin& temples' She l$n&ed f$r the m$ment they %$ ld lea#e and she c$ ld see! her bed (( and f$r&et this ni&ht had e#er happened' 4Al$ne at last' I'#e been tryin& t$ find my %ay thr$ &h t$ y$ all e#enin&, y$ n& lady'4 She sp n ar$ nd t$ find *hrist$pher standin& bef$re her' .nly m$ments earlier hed been dancin& %ith E#elyn' 0is eyes %andered admirin&ly $#er her' 4)$ l$$! bea tif l, *assie'4 0e smiled &ently' 4B t then I e,pect y$ !n$% that'4 All at $nce *assie felt li!e %eepin&' Despite the h$rrible enc$ nter in her r$$m, it %$ ldn't ha#e seemed s$ terrible ''' if $nly Gabriel had n$ticed her ''' if $nly he had &i#en s$me indicati$n that he sa% her as s$methin& m$re than an npleasant d ty' At s$me p$int t$ni&ht, her an&er had fled, and in its place %as a deep, despairin& h rt' Beca se she had %anted t$ please Gabriel' She had %anted s$ m ch t$ please him ''' 0er eff$rts t$ smile failed miserably' 4A pity my h sband has n$t n$ticed'4 It slipped $ t bef$re she c$ ld st$p it' 4.h, belie#e me, *assie, he has' 0e's al%ays had an eye f$r a bea ty, y$ !n$% '''4 *assie made a faint ch$!ed s$ nd' 4)es: 4 she heard herself say' 40e d$es indeed'4 /$r the first time *hrist$pher n$ted her distress' She %as starin& at s$me$ne acr$ss the %idth $f the ballr$$m' 0e t rned sharply, f$ll$%in& her &a6e' *assie c$ ld n$t tear her eyes fr$m the c$ ple acr$ss the r$$m' A tall, dar!(haired bea ty st$$d ne,t t$ Gabriel' 0er fi& re %as f ll, ripe and earthy' She %as reminded h$% E#elyn had t$ld her s$me %$men %$ ld dampen their chemise s$ their &$%ns mi&ht clin& t$ their b$dies' Still %$rse, s$me %$re n$t a sin&le stitch beneath their &$%ns' *learly this %$man ch$se the latter, f$r e#en fr$m here, *assie detected the deeply r$ &ed $ tline $f her nipples' She %asn't prepared f$r the sheer, star! pain that &ripped her heart' Their dar! heads %ere nestled t$&ether intimately' Gabriel t rned his e#er s$ sli&htly, s$ that their lips alm$st br shed' 0e %as smilin& (( smilin&3 (( s$methin& he had ne#er d$ne %ith her' The %$man la &hed at s$methin& he said, and leaned f$r%ard, s$ cl$se that *assie had n$ d$ bt Gabriel %as pr$#ided an nimpeded #ie% clear t$ her %aist' 9hat %as it Gabriel had said that l$n&(a&$ day in *harlest$n5 There are other women who are perfectly willin# to satisfy my needs ' All at $nce *assie had the a%f l sensati$n this %as $ne $f them' 4*hrist$pher,4 she heard herself say, 4%h$ is that %$man %ith Gabriel54

*hrist$pher hesitated' 4*assie (4 2Tell me,4 she said thr$ &h lips that barely m$#ed' 40er name is Lady Sarah Jane De#$n' She is the %id$% $f the earl $f 0arc$ rt'4 4She is his mistress, isn't she54 G$d, b t it h rt t$ say the %$rds' It h rt t$ thin! $f Gabriel %ith an$ther %$man' And %hy it %as s$, she did n$t !n$%''' 4She %as,4 *hrist$pher all$%ed at last' '4Th$ &h since his marria&e t$ y$ , I'#e heard n$ r m$rs $f their c$ntin ed ass$ciati$n'4 9as he lyin&5 S$meh$% *assie f$ nd the c$ ra&e t$ l$$! at him' 9hat she sa% reflected in his face nearly frayed %hat little %as left $f her c$mp$s re' 4*hrist$pher,4 she %hispered, 4I'm be&innin& t$ thin! ''' %hat if I'#e made a terrible mista!e by marryin& him5 0e hates his father, and s$metimes it's as if he sees s b$th as enemies '''4 T$ her h$rr$r, her #$ice be&an t$ %$bble' 0e t$$! her hand in his' 4D$n't fret, lass,4 he m rm red' 4Gabriel is st bb$rn' And %here his father is c$ncerned ''' %ell, I s spect there's m ch that n$ne $f s e#en !n$% ab$ t'4 0e s7 ee6ed her fin&ers' 4)$ can't &i#e p' 8$t yet'4 49hy sh$ ld y$ care %hat I feel54 If she s$ nded bitter, she c$ ld n$t help it' 0e chided her &ently' 4.h, b t I d$, *assie' D$ y$ thin! beca se I am Gabriel's friend I cann$t be y$ rs54 .h, b t he s spected Gabriel did n$t !n$% %hat a pri6e he p$ssessed' Indeed, *hrist$pher %as s ddenly #ery m ch c$n#inced that the #ery thin& Gabriel did n$t %ant ''' %as the #ery thin& he needed' D 4*$me n$%' Smile' A %alt6 is playin&' And y$ %$ ld ma!e me a happy man indeed if y$ %$ ld dance %ith me'4 0e s% n& her li&htly int$ his arms' 0e %as charmin& and %ins$me, and s$$n c$a,ed a rel ctant smile fr$m her' As they %hirled acr$ss the p$lished fl$$r, *assie mi&ht e#en ha#e been able t$ rela, and en1$y herself had she n$t chanced t$ catch Gabriel's eye' 0is mistress n$ l$n&er cl n& t$ his arm' 0e stared directly at her, s$ l$n& her chee!s &re% %arm and her heart be&an t$ race' And then he %as l$st fr$m si&ht as an$ther c$ ple %hirled in fr$nt $f them, bl$c!in& her #ie% acr$ss the r$$m' 4If y$ d$n't mind, *hrist$pher, I'#e yet t$ dance %ith my %ife,4 Gabriel said sharply, appearin& s ddenly at their side' There %as n$ &i#e in his #$ice (( he did n$t as!, he demanded' 4By all means, then'4 9ith that her h sband claimed her' *assie t$$! $ne &lance at his sh ttered feat res and c$nfined her attenti$n else%here' B t his nearness %as $#erp$%erin&' 0is arm %as hard ab$ t her %aist' Dancin& %ith *hrist$pher had been a pleas re' B t dancin& %ith Gabriel %as an $rdeal, f$r he %as tense (( s$ #ery tense' 9as he still an&ry5 .h, f$$lish 7 esti$n, that3 She need $nly l$$! at him t$ find her ans%er' 4)$ are 7 ite an acc$mplished dancer, )an!' 9h$ is resp$nsible5 *hrist$pher54 That br$ &ht her head p in a flash' 4And %hat if he is54 she snapped' 4Then I %$nder %hat else he has ta &ht y$ ' .r perhaps it is the $ther %ay ar$ nd ''' n$ d$ bt a %$man %ith y$ r bac!&r$ nd m st ha#e many tric!s t$ please a man'4 .h, b t he %as cr el3 4*hrist$pher is a friend,4 she said, her #$ice #ery l$%' 48$ m$re' This I s%ear'4 4A s%$rn $ath fr$m a thief34 0is la &h held n$ mirth' 4+y lady, I h mbly be& y$ r pard$n'4 9ith an eff$rt *assie restrained her temper' 4If y$ d$ n$t ch$$se t$ belie#e me, s$ be it' B t I !n$% the tr th, and t$ me that is all that matters'4 Gabriel's m$ th thinned' .h, b t she %as s$ re&al (( s$ di&nified3 In s$me far distant c$rner $f his mind, he mar#eled, f$r %h$e#er %$ ld ha#e th$ &ht it p$ssible ''' She %as

tremblin&, he reali6ed' 0e dre% her cl$se' S btle th$ &h it %as, he felt her stiffen' Damn her3 he th$ &ht sa#a&ely' She %as al%ays resistin&3 0e p lled her cl$ser still' 0er t$ne %as #ery l$%' 4Gabriel, please' This is n$t pr$per'4 4I care n$t, )an!'4 4-lease' -e$ple are %atchin&'4 4S$ let them %atch'4 0is fin&ers d & int$ her %aist' 4)$ are my %ife, )an!'4 4h, yes, she th$ &ht bitterly' 5nwanted. 5nlo"ed' At last it %as $#er' Gabriel released her' 4I'#e $rdered the carria&e br$ &ht r$ nd' 9ait f$r me in the entrance hall'4 There %as n$ need t$ tell her a sec$nd time' *assie fled' Gabriel did n$t ha#e t$ l$$! far t$ find his 7 arry' *hrist$pher st$$d 1 st $ tside the terrace d$$rs' 4+y %ife seems t$ ha#e f$ nd 7 ite the champi$n in y$ , *hrist$pher'4 *hrist$pher's eyes flic!ered' 4Indeed,4 he said c$$lly' 4I %ill tell y$ %hat I t$ld *assie (( that I %ill n$t be c c!$lded, by y$ $r any $ther man'4 *hrist$pher did n$t bac! d$%n in the sli&htest' 4And y$ ins lt her by implyin& she is less than %hat she is' I %ill tell y$ this $nly $nce, Gabriel, and if y$ #al e $ r friendship y$ %ill listen' *assie has n$ claim $#er my affecti$ns $ther than friendship and c$ncern' I %as b t tryin& t$ &i#e her the c$mf$rt y$ sh$ ld be &i#in& her' 0a#e y$ e#er c$nsidered h$% she m st feel5 Al$ne in a stran&e land5 A father(in(la% %h$ despises her5 A h sband %h$ has sed her as a pa%n5 I thin! n$t, f$r %hen y$ sh$ ld ha#e been %ith her at /arlei&h, y$ %ere b sy &addin& ab$ t here in L$nd$n'4 An npleasant smile rimmed Gabriel's mind' 4/$r an nmarried man,4 he $bser#ed, 4y$ pres me t$ !n$% m ch ab$ t the state $f marria&e'4 4I !n$% that %ere I married, I %$ ld &i#e my %ife the attenti$n her stat s deser#es' As f$r *assie, she %as m$st distressed at seein& y$ %ith y$ r mistress'4 4That %as hardly my fa lt' +y father n$ d$ bt in#ited her %ith$ t !n$%in& $f $ r f$rmer relati$nship' And y$ !n$% as %ell as I that Sarah Jane is a leech'4 *hrist$pher's re&ard sharpened' 0e did n$t miss his friend's irascibility' 4I be&in t$ nderstand y$ r testiness,4 he said sl$%ly' A &rin crept al$n& his m$ th' 0e slapped Gabriel $n the bac!, his spirits all at $nce m ch impr$#ed' 4G$ h$me, my friend' Gi#e y$ r %ife the care she deser#es (( the attenti$n she deser#es' I predict y$ 'll n$t re&ret it'4 B t Gabriel did n$t share his &$$d h m$r' Bac! at his t$%nh$ se, *assie immediately fled p the stairs' Gabriel retired t$ his st dy, his th$ &hts as blac! as his m$$d' A &ener$ s p$rti$n $f brandy in hand, he sl mped in a #el#et %in& chair' 0is cra#at %as n%$ nd and dr$pped t$ the fl$$r: his 1ac!et %as fl n& aside as %ell' 0is m$ th thinned as he th$ &ht $f the h$ rs 1 st past (( and his bride in partic lar' .h, b t she played the r$le $f l$#in& %ife t$ perfecti$n' 9hen she %as at his side, she %as artlessly s%eet, smilin& and d$cile' 0is mind t rned t$ Lady Sarah' Sarah had satisfied his e#ery need ntil this last #$ya&e' 0e had &$ne t$ her $ne ni&ht, bent $n relie#in& his masc line r&es' .nly her sed cti#e %iles had left him c$ld' She had been s$ ea&er t$ please, %hile his %ife %as anythin& b t ea&er' B t n$% Lady Sarah seemed bra6en and ta%dry and alm$st cl$yin& c$mpared t$ his simple b t ele&ant bride (( L$rd, %h$e#er %$ ld ha#e th$ &ht it5 0e d$%ned the fiery li7 id in a sin&le & lp' 9as that %hat %as behind this damnable attracti$n t$ *assie5 Simply that she %as $ne $f the fe% %$men %h$ tr ly resisted his ad#ances ''' 0is th$ &hts t rned m$c!in&' She n$t $nly resisted him (( she %as d$%nri&ht repelled3

A dar! shad$% seemed t$ s%eep $#er him' Th$ &h he %illed it n$t, she pla& ed him ni&ht and day' She %as f$re#er $n his mind (( and $nly $n his mind' An&er slammed thr$ &h him as he recalled h$% the ins$lent chit had dared t$ sc$rn his diam$nds (( h$% she sc$rned him3 Th$ &h her manner %as shy and dem re, she %as a temptress, enchantin& and in#itin&, smilin& at e#ery y$ n& b c! %h$ l$$!ed her %ay (( and there %ere certainly en$ &h $f th$se3 0is m$$d &re% e#er m$re #ile as he th$ &ht $f her la &hin& %ith *hrist$pher' Dancin& %ith him' 0e %as n$t prepared f$r the %ay hed felt $n seein& her in the arms $f an$ther man, e#en his friend (( especially his friend' And he %as tired $f $thers feastin& their eyes $n %hat %as his' By G$d, she %as his' She shared his h$me' 0is name' B t she did n$t share his bed ''' 0e slammed his &lass d$%n' The chair scraped acr$ss the carpet' -r$dded by drin!, dri#en by desire, he t$$! the stairs t%$ at a time' 0e did n$t !n$c! t$ &ain entry t$ her bedchamber: he merely fl n& the d$$r %ide' *lad in a %hite la%n ni&ht&$%n, she %as standin& near the bed, preparin& t$ bl$% $ t the lamp' 0er head came ar$ nd and she spied him' 29hat is it54 0er t$ne %as breathless' 49as there s$methin& y$ %anted54 ou, he nearly said, b t didn't' 0e smiled thinly' 2The ni&ht has n$t yet ended, )an!' Indeed, it $nly be&ins'> 0er heart ceased t$ beat' A slender hand came p t$ her thr$at' 49hat d$ y$ mean54 she %hispered' @ery Deliberately he cl$sed the d$$r' 4I'#e already made y$ my %ife,4 he said s$ftly' 2Its time I made y$ mine'4

Chapter 13
0e be&an t$ ad#ance' 4It $cc rs t$ me I ha#e ne&lected y$ , )an!' It's time I f lfilled the re7 irements $f a h sband'> She blanched, her eyes %ild and panic!ed' 0er insides t%isted in sic!enin& dread' 0er lips parted' She c$ ld barely find the breath t$ f$rm his name' 4Gabriel ' ' '4 0er heart beat in a %ild fren6y' She c$ ld n$t m$#e' She c$ ld scarcely e#en breathe' The r$$m seemed t$ seethe %ith the p$%er $f his presence' 0is shirt %as $pen half%ay t$ his %aist, re#ealin& a str$n&, hair(r$ &hened %all $f m scle' 4)$ play the r$le $f lady far better than I dreamed p$ssible, )an!' 9ill y$ play the r$le $f %ife and l$#er as %ell, I %$nder54 Their eyes c$llided, hers ner#$ s and ncertain, his hard and relentlessly piercin&' The messa&e she &limpsed in his br$ &ht a s r&e $f bl$$d t$ her chee!s' She had t$ f$rce her lips t$ m$#e' 4)$ cann$t be seri$ s,4 she said faintly' 4.h, b t I am' If y$ play the r$le $f %ife t$ all the t$n, y$ %ill als$ play it here (( in pri#ate'4 *assie felt as if she %ere stran&lin&' 4B t %e had a bar&ain34 4I'#e chan&ed my mind, )an!'4 4And I ha#e n$t34 She stared int$ eyes that held n$ &entleness, eyes as c$ld as the n$rthern seas' 4*$me n$%' )$ 're %ell sch$$led in the dra%in& r$$m' Shall %e see h$% %ell s!illed in the bedr$$m y$ are54 48$34 she cried' 4I ( I'd n$t lay %ith y$ if y$ %ere the last man $n earth34 0er eyes %ere h &e and stric!en, &listenin& %ith tears' Gabriel %as b$th f ri$ s and c$nf sed' 9hat &ame %as this that she played5 0ad he n$t !n$%n better, he'd ha#e th$ &ht she %as fri&htened' B t he sh nned the mantle $f inn$cence %hich cl n& t$ her, f$r she %as anythin& b t inn$cent' 4)$ %$ ld n$t lay %ith me if I %ere the last man in the %$rld, eh5 9ell, f$r y$ , )an!, I am the $nly man'4 0e st$pped, a mere t%$ paces distant' 4*$me here'4

*assie did n$t m$#e' She had !n$%n his !iss ''' b t n$t the t$ ch $f his hand' .nly n$% that %as ab$ t t$ chan&e ''' 0is t$ne t$$! $n a n$te $f icy menace' 4)an!, y$ are n$t d ll(%itted'4 *assie's eyes darted t$ the d$$r' Silently she &a &ed the distance' If she h rried ''' 4It %ill d$ y$ n$ &$$d t$ r n, )an!'4 /$r all the fierceness $f his e,pressi$n, his #$ice %as alm$st %himsically s$ft' *assie dre% a deep, ne#en breath, tryin& t$ banish her risin& panic' Then all at $nce he %as there bef$re her, s$ cl$se she c$ ld feel the b rnin& heat $f his b$dy, the r sh $f his breath $n her chee!' *assie dre% a sharp breath, %antin& desperately t$ retreat yet n$t certain she dared' She stiffened as a bl nted fin&ertip came $ t, tracin& a flamin& line $#er her 1a%, d$%n the arch $f her thr$at, acr$ss her sh$ lder' *assie fr$6e, a%are that s$methin& had chan&ed''' 0is t$ ch %as dist rbin&ly %arm, yet li&ht as a feather, alm$st abs rdly &entle, as if he meant t$ s$$the and sed ce ''' 49hy d$ y$ fi&ht this, )an!5 9hy d$ y$ fi&ht me54 *assie said n$thin&' Indeed, she c$ ld barely thin!' The pad $f his th mb s%ept acr$ss her c$llarb$ne, bac! and f$rth' /iery shi#ers played $#er her s!in' 8e#er had *assie been s$ 7 i#erin&ly a%are $f Gabriel as a man ''' and herself as a %$man' 0is fin&ers slid d$%n her thr$at' Then his hands %ere $n her bare sh$ lders, dra%in& her cl$se' 4I'#e n$t f$r&$tten h$% it %as bet%een s that first ni&ht in *harlest$n' )$ played the n%illin& maid then, t$$' B t y$ did n$t f$$l me, )an!' )$ felt s$methin& (4 She sh$$! her head %ildly' 4I felt n$thin&3 I %as there $nly beca se Blac! Jac! demanded it34 /$r the space $f a heartbeat, an&er leaped in his eyes' B t it %as &$ne in an instant, replaced by a dar!, s ltry pr$mise that %as s$meh$% all the m$re fri&htenin&' 0e smiled sl$%ly' 4Blac! 1ac! %as n$t there in that r$$m %ith s, )an!' And th$ &h I ha#e tried, I'#e n$t f$r&$tten %hat passed bet%een s'4 E#en as he sp$!e, his hands laid claim t$ her %aist' 0is head be&an t$ l$%er' *assie $pened her m$ th t$ deny it (( t$ deny him' 49hy are y$ d$in& this54 The %$rds %ere t$rn fr$m deep inside' 4It's hardly ard$r that pr$mpts y$ t$ (( t$ ta!e me' I am merely a p$ssessi$n t$ y$ , a pa%n3 )$ (( y$ said the day %e made $ r bar&ain that y$ did n$t %ant me34 0is hand t%isted in her hair, brin&in& her face p t$ his' 4)$ nderestimate y$ rself,4 he m ttered 1 st bef$re his m$ th cl$sed $#er hers' B t his !iss %as n$t the br tal assa lt she e,pected' .h, at first she !ept her lips clamped ti&htly sh t' B t he %as endlessly patient ''' endlessly sed cti#e' 4That's the %ay, s%eet ''' $pen y$ r m$ th, l$#e, 1 st a little m$re '''4 Their breath min&led deep in the bac! $f her thr$at' *assie %as helpless a&ainst his masc line pers asi$n' A dar!, s%eet thrill ran thr$ &h her' She c$ ld feel all $f him a&ainst her (( the ind$mitable breadth $f his chest, the b rnin& brand $f his thi&hs a&ainst her $%n, the s%ellin& p$tency $f all that lay bet%een' She &asped as his t$n& e traced the p$ tin& f llness $f her lips, and then that darin& in#ader trespassed deep %ithin t$ breach the h$neyed s%eetness and claim it f$r his $%n ''' As he %$ ld s$$n claim her' 9ith b t a t$ ch her flimsy ni&ht&$%n %as %his!ed d$%n her sh$ lders, p$$lin& ar$ nd her an!les' Instinct al$ne c$mpelled her t$ pr$tect her m$desty at all c$sts' 0er arms came p t$ shield herself b t he did n$t all$% it' 9ith a h s!y la &h he clamped her arms ti&ht t$ her sides' 4D$n't d$ this'4 She despised the pleadin& in her #$ice yet there %as n$ help f$r it' 49hy54 0is #$ice %as m ffled a&ainst the arch $f her thr$at' 4G$d !n$%s I am payin& dearly en$ &h f$r the pri#ile&e'4

And Gabriel c$ ld n$ m$re ha#e stayed his desire than he c$ ld ha#e stilled the beat $f his heart' She %as as &l$ri$ s as he remembered' 0er hair fell in rich, deep ripples $#er her sh$ lders and d$%n her bac!, an in#itati$n n$ sane man c$ ld resist' 0er breasts, small b t perfectly f$rmed and tipped %ith r$se(h ed nipples, peeped ins$lently bet%een sil!en strands $f &$ld' The &$lden thic!et at the 1 nct re $f her thi&hs pa#ed the %ay t$ the treas re beneath' 0is bl$$d %as p$ ndin& alm$st #i$lently' 0is manh$$d, already hard and near t$ b rstin& beneath the restrainin& c$nfines $f his breeches, s%elled still f rther' 0e freed her, b t $nly f$r an instant' 0is hands cl$sed p$ssessi#ely $#er b$th breasts' 9ith his th mbs he traced tiny circles ar$ nd and ar$ nd her nipples, lea#in& them ti&ht and achin&' 0e br shed his th mbs acr$ss the tips: ali#e t$ an achin& sensiti#ity f$r the #ery first time, a 1$lt $f sheer pleas re sh$t thr$ &h her' She m$aned int$ his m$ th' The s$ nd $nly inflamed him f rther' 9ith$ t releasin& the delici$ s f si$n $f their lips, he s%ept her int$ his arms and laid her $n the bed' Still da6ed by the ri$t$ s sensati$ns p$ rin& thr$ &h her, *assie $pened her eyes 1 st as his b$$ts hit the fl$$r' She c$ ld n$t tear her &a6e fr$m him as he ripped $ff his shirt' /lic!erin& lampli&ht played acr$ss the c$nt$ rs $f his sh$ lders, the !n$tted m scles $f his arms' 0er thr$at &re% dry and parched' In a%e she stared at his chest and abd$men, densely matted %ith hair' 0er &a6e strayed helplessly l$%er, 1 st as he stripped $ff his breeches' She had seen him na!ed bef$re ''' na!ed ''' B t ne#er ar$ sed' 0er eyes %idened' She %as nable t$ stifle a &asp, f$r ne#er had she ima&ined the pr$$f $f a man's desire %$ ld be s$ bra6enly blatant and b$ld' T$ *assie's nt t$red eyes, his staff %as h &e, s%$llen and irref tably erect' And s ddenly she nderst$$d s$ #ery m ch m$re ''' S%eet hea#en, h$% c$ ld he ta!e her5 0e %$ ld tear her in t%$3 She %$ ld ha#e b$lted then, b t he %as already there' Arms li!e t%in bands $f ir$n came ar$ nd her' 0e dra&&ed her cl$se (( cl$ser still, as if he s$ &ht t$ f se their b$dies t$&ether ''' As indeed he %$ ld' .h, she !ne% %hat he intended' Etched int$ her mind %ere mem$ries $f Bess cra%lin& int$ bed, 7 ietly %eepin&, her b$dy s$re and br ised' 0e %$ ld #ent his l st in her b$dy, defeat her in that a&e($ld %ay that man d$minates %$man' 4St$p,4 she cried' 4St$p34 0is la &hter %as a terrible s$ nd' 4*ease this &ame, )an!, f$r I !n$% y$ %ant me' .h, y$ %$ ld try t$ hide it fr$m me, b t I see it in y$ r eyes' I'#e felt y$ tremble beneath me, y$ r lips s$ft and yieldin&' )$ %ant me as m ch as I %ant y$ '> She fl n& $ t her hands as if s ch feeble resistance c$ ld !eep him at bay' 4If I tremble, its beca se I can hardly stand the th$ &ht $f layin& %ith the li!es $f y$ 3 I d$ n$t %ant y$ (( d$ y$ hear5 I d$ n$t %ant y$ 34 *$$l &ray eyes &littered d$%n at her' 9ith the %ei&ht $f his chest he pinned her beneath him' 4A pity y$ feel this %ay, s%eet, f$r I'#e decided t$ claim my ri&hts as a h sband (( and I %ill claim them n$%'4 0is s al c$$l c$ntr$l had #anished' She sensed %ithin him all that she feared' .h, b t she sh$ ld ne#er ha#e been s$ rash %ith her %$rds, f$r n$% he meant t$ p nish her3 Dar! and dan&er$ s, he l$$med ab$#e her' 0is eyes %ere n$ l$n&er c$ld, b t heated and searin&' In s$me distant part $f her bein&, *assie !ne% he %as ri&ht' There %$ ld be n$ escapin& this ni&ht' There %as n$ escapin& him' 48$34 She t%isted beneath him, b t there %as n$ denyin& him' .n s$me far distant plane, she !ne% he %as n$t a #i$lent man (( hard and r thless perhaps, b t n$t nspea!ably cr el' 0er mind rec$ nted that n$t(s$(distant day at /arlei&h %hen they had been sh$t at' 0is feat res had n$t lied (( his icy rem$teness had #anished' She remembered him bendin& $#er her, his e,pressi$n an,i$ s, alm$st frantic' And %hen she had nearly been s%ept fr$m his ship, he had held her ti&ht t$ his %armth %hen he mi&ht easily ha#e left her al$ne' Th$ &h she

mi&ht ne#er #ie% him as !ind and c$nsiderate, she c$ ld be n$ less than h$nest' 9hether he !ne% it $r n$t, %hether he %illed it $r n$t, he c$ ld be &entle ''' B t there %as n$ s$ftness in him n$%' There %as $nly a star!, nyieldin& p rp$se that s$meh$% fri&htened her' 0is m$ th capt red hers, h$t and c$ns min&' A trem$r c$ rsed thr$ &h her' She c$ ld scarcely tell %hen $ne !iss ended and the ne,t be&an' There %as n$%here their b$dies did n$t t$ ch' She c$ ld feel the ir$n(ta t shaft $f his manh$$d ri&id and thic! a&ainst her belly' 0is hands %ere $n her breasts a&ain' She &asped as his fin&ers a&ain circled her nipples, as if t$ ta nt and tease' She cl tched at the hardness $f his sh$ lders' An $dd, meltin& sensati$n fanned l$% in her belly' Then, e#en as she %atched, his m$ th fastened $n that t r&id, achin& pea!' 0is t$n& e c rled sl$%ly ar$ nd her nipple' In sh$c! she felt his m$ th cl$se f lly ar$ nd it' T &&in&, s c!lin&, the c$ntact blatantly er$tic ''' She t$ssed her head, %himperin&' Tiny needles $f sensati$n %ere centered there, $n the thr$bbin& p$int $f her breast' B t 1 st as she aband$ned herself t$ a s%irlin& pleas re, his hand strayed still f rther' 9ith n$ hesitati$n his fin&ers slid b$ldly thr$ &h &$lden fleece' 0e t$ ched her there bet%een her thi&hs' Deliberately' B$ldly' 8either reali6ed he m$#ed far t$$ fast f$r a %$man $f her ine,perience' *assie stiffened, instincti#ely cl$sin& her thi&hs a&ainst his shamef lly in#adin& encr$achment, sh$c!ed t$ the c$re' S rely it %as %r$n& G s rely it %as %ic!ed' S rely n$ &entleman %$ ld t$ ch a lady s$3 And then she remembered '''' 0e th$ &ht her a harl$t' 0e th$ &ht her n$ better than her m$ther' That bitter tr th t$re thr$ &h her (( the $ne thin& that *assie c$ ld n$t end re' She t$re her m$ th free' 48$,4 she cried' 4Damn y$ , st$p ( st$p34 She sh$#ed at his sh$ lders, this time n$ pitiable eff$rt, b t %ith all her stren&th' 0e %as as imm$#able as st$ne' 0is head came p' 0is eyes %ere p re fr$st, his m$ th a &rim slash' 49hy d$ y$ fi&ht me54 he said f ri$ sly' 29hy d$ y$ deny me, y$ r h sband, %hat y$ #e &i#en s$ freely t$ $thers54 She had n$ chance t$ ans%er' 0is m$ th came d$%n $n hers, fiercely de#$ rin&' 0er fin&ers %ere ca &ht and laced %ithin his, b$rne d$%n t$ the mattress al$n&side her head' 9ith his !nees he pried her thi&hs apart' 9ith $ne b rnin&, stretchin& str$!e $f fire he claimed her, clear t$ the depths $f her %$mb' 0$% ti&ht she %as ''' imp$ssibly ti&ht' E#en as the th$ &ht ripped thr$ &h his mind, a stran&led cry $f pain br$!e fr$m her thr$at' *$nfr$nted %ith the tr th, Gabriel fr$6e' Th$ &h reas$n c$mpelled retreat, his b$dy r led $ther%ise' 0e c$ ld n$t battle the blind, dri#in& passi$n %hich sei6ed him, the fire that had n$t abated since the day he'd set eyes $n her' The red(h$t desire in his b$dy clam$red f$r release' 9ith a &r$an $f defeat, he be&an t$ m$#e, sl$%ly at first, then faster, ntil he %as l n&in& mindlessly a&ain and a&ain' 0e sh ddered, his scaldin& seed er ptin& deep inside her' Gabriel %as the first t$ rec$#er' 0e r$lled fr$m her, reachin& f$r his breeches' 40$% can this be54 he demanded' 4Blac! Jac! $ffered y$ t$ me that first ni&ht (( h$% can it be that y$ %ere a #ir&in54 0er eyes $pened sl$%ly, %$ nded and br ised, as if he'd r n her t$ &r$ nd ''' and perhaps he had' 0is m$ th t%isted' The taste $f self(dis& st %as li!e d st in his m$ th' 0e sa% her reach f$r the sheet that lay tan&led ab$ t her an!les' 0e sa% the %ay she trembled: %ith $ne s%ift m$#ement, he %renched it $#er her na!edness' 0e damned himself f$r his %ea!ness (( and damned her f$r hers' *assie %$ ld n$t l$$! at him' 4Blac! Jac! did n$t ma!e s lie %ith the c st$mers if %e did n$t %ish t$' 8$r %as there any need f$r me t$'''4 She faltered' 48ell %as $nly t$$ %illin&,4 she %ent $n, her #$ice barely a dible' 4+y friend Bess did it f$r the m$ney it %$ ld brin&'

B t she died birthin& her babe $nly a fe% days bef$re y$ arri#ed' I (( I did n$t %ant t$ end p li!e her'4 4S$ %hy didn't y$ tell me the tr th (( that y$ %ere a #ir&in5 All this time y$ let me belie#e y$ %ere %ell e,perienced %hen it came t$ the %ays $f men34 At last *assie bra#ed a &lance at him' She %as blind t$ all b t the tense line $f his 1a%' She sat p sl$%ly, cl tchin& the sheet t$ her na!ed breasts' 2I let y$ 54 0er eyes dar!ened' 4)$ '#e made n$ secret %hat y$ th$ &ht $f me, mil$rd' )$ called me thief' )$ th$ &ht me a''' a %h$re'4 G$d, b t it h rt t$ say the %$rd al$ d3 40ad I t$ld y$ the tr th y$ %$ ld ne#er ha#e belie#ed me'4 0er t$ne %as as scathin& as her eyes' 4)$ belie#ed %hat y$ %anted t$ belie#e'4 She %as ri&ht, Gabriel c$nceded silently' And n$% that he had disc$#ered it f$r himself, it %as t$$ late' 48$netheless,4 he said ti&htly, 4this mi&ht ne#er ha#e happened if y$ had been h$nest %ith me fr$m the $ tset (( 4 All at $nce *assie's eyes %ere bla6in&' 4T$ %hat p rp$se5 9$ ld that ha#e st$pped y$ 5 9$ ld y$ ha#e cared54 She lashed $ t at him bitterly' 4I thin! n$t, f$r I'#e learned that y$ are a man %h$ %ill ha#e his %ay and mine matters little' I hate y$ , d$ y$ hear5 I hate y$ 34 At last her #$ice br$!e' 4S$ 1 st lea#e me be ''' lea#e me be34 Gabriel's dar! feat res fr$6e' 4)$ are ri&ht, )an!'4 9hen at last he sp$!e, his #$ice %as as fri&idly empty as his e,pressi$n' 4This sh$ ld ne#er ha#e happened' Rest ass red, it %ill n$t happen a&ain'4

Chapter 14
The day da%ned dar! and $min$ s' *assie stirred, her s bc$nsci$ s rebellin& a&ainst %a!ef lness yet 1arred t$ s ch by the #ery e#ents she l$n&ed t$ f$r&et' .h, b t the hand $f fate %as cr el3 0er eyes snapped $pen, $nly t$ c$nfr$nt the damnable reminder $f all that transpired here in this #ery bed' .n the fl$$r in fr$nt $f the chair lay her ni&ht&$%n, %added in a heap' B ic!ly she m$#ed t$ retrie#e it' E#en as she dr$pped the &$%n $#er her head, her entire b$dy &re% h$t' She remembered h$% Gabriel had s%ept it fr$m her' She tried t$ cl$se her mind t$ %hat came ne,t, b t it %as n$ se' 0e had seen all $f her (( s%eet L$rd, he had touched all $f her' +$st $f all she recalled the %ay his b rnin& shaft stretched her #ir&in flesh %ide ''' the %ay he had pl n&ed himself deep (( e#er deeper (( t$ the c$re $f her bein&' 9ithin her, a tempest $f em$ti$n bl stered and ra&ed' She %as $bsessed %ith the e#ents $f the pre#i$ s ni&ht and c$ ldn't sha!e the mem$ry fr$m the mind' She stared p at the pale bl e satin bed han&in&s: her thr$at ti&htened $ddly' In the c$ld li&ht $f day, she re&retted the %$rds she had fl n& s$ rashly' Despite all, she did n$t hate Gabriel' She had be& n t$ hate his %retched plan t$ h rt his father, b t she did n$t hate him' Ine,perienced th$ &h she %as, *assie !ne% instincti#ely that it %$ ldn't ha#e been s$ (( s$ a%f l ''' if $nly he had stayed %ith her ''' and held her, ti&ht a&ainst his %armth' If $nly he had sh$%n her a tender re&ard, c$mf$rted her %ith his stren&th ''' Tears scalded her eyelids' Instead he had left her al$ne ''' al$ne as al%ays' There %as a tap $n the d$$r' Gl$ria entered, bearin& a tray $f pastries and a sil#er p$t $f ch$c$late' *assie br shed a%ay the f$$lish, bitter tears and reached f$r her r$be' Gl$ria &lanced at her an,i$ sly %hen she left her r$ll nt$ ched' The bre% she had c$me t$ sa#$r did little t$ s%ay her fr$m her melanch$ly m$$d' The h$t bath she emer&ed fr$m an h$ r later scarcely s$$thed the ache fr$m her %eary limbs ''' B t n$thin& eased the ache in her heart' She %as #astly relie#ed %hen she arri#ed d$%nstairs and Giles inf$rmed her Gabriel had left already f$r his shippin& $ffices and m$st li!ely %$ ld n$t ret rn ntil late that aftern$$n' Th$ &h she did n$t !n$% %hat the d !es reacti$n mi&ht be, she arri#ed at his residence earlier than s al f$r her less$n' Th$ &h he had yet t$ admit s ch, *assie sensed he %as

pleased %ith the pr$&ress she %as ma!in& in her less$ns' She had 7 ic!ly mastered the alphabet and already had be& n t$ strin& small %$rds t$&ether in sentences' 8$t s$ t$day' *assie f$ nd herself scarcely able t$ c$ncentrate' 0er mind %as all at mble %ith ima&es and feelin&s, d$ bts and fears' 9$ ld Gabriel ret rn t$ her bed a&ain5 She had n$ faith in his pr$mises (( she had learned that painf l tr th last ni&ht' She sh ddered, besie&ed by the mem$ry $f his hard, thr stin& b$dy, the rendin& pain' She had n$ %ish t$ repeat s ch a #ile act, b t %hat ch$ice did she ha#e5 Ref sal %$ ld acc$mplish little, she ac!n$%led&ed bitterly' All at $nce she remembered the tales 8ell had s$ deli&hted in tellin& her (( if 8ell %as t$ be belie#ed, a man mi&ht ta!e a %$man m$re than $nce a ni&ht' T$ *assie's h$rrified mind, s ch a p$ssibility %as n$t t$ be end red' 0er frame $f mind %as as nsettled as the %eather $ tside' .ne min te she felt li!e cryin&: the ne,t she %as snappin& at the d !e %hen he p$inted $ t a min$r err$r in her letterin&' 0e cl$sed the hea#y #$l me bef$re him and p shed bac! his chair' 4I see little p$int in c$ntin in& $ r less$ns t$day,4 he said %ith a &l$%er' 4)$ r attenti$ns are clearly else%here' *$me bac! t$m$rr$%' By then I %$ ld h$pe y$ %ill be m$re inclined t$ reap the benefits $f $ r eff$rts'4 /eelin& small and ashamed $f her pettiness, *assie made n$ reply' She &athered p her thin&s and bid him fare%ell' In the carria&e she rested her f$rehead a&ainst the #el#et(lined %all, feelin& tterly defeated' L$rd, %$ ld this day ne#er end5 She l$n&ed f$r the m$ment she c$ ld cra%l int$ bed, cl$se her eyes, and bl$t $ t the rest $f the %$rld' All at $nce the carria&e s%er#ed and 1$lted t$ a halt, sendin& her spra%lin& t$ the fl$$r' +ystified, she scrambled p and $pened the %ind$% t$ see %hat %as amiss' 4Th$mas,4 she called' 49hat is %r$n&5 9hy ha#e %e st$pped54 Th$mas had 1 st leaped d$%n fr$m his perch at$p the c$ach' A man s r&ed ar$ nd the fr$nt $f the c$ach, dressed in shabby blac! cl$thin&, his face thin and p$c!mar!ed' Bef$re either she $r Th$mas c$ ld say a %$rd, the man br$ &ht p his arm' *assie &limpsed the d ll &lint $f metal(s%eet hea#en, a pist$l3 E#en as the reali6ati$n rampa&ed thr$ &h her mind, the man br$ &ht p the b tt $f the %eap$n and dealt Th$mas a st nnin& bl$% t$ the temple' The c$achman cr mpled t$ the c$bbled street %ith$ t a s$ nd' 9ith a cry *assie f mbled f$r the d$$r latch' B t she had n$ chance t$ %rench it sh t, f$r the man %as there, a male#$lent smile $n his lips' 49ell, %hat ha#e %e here54 0er heart s!ipped a beat' 0er t$n& e felt as if it %ere &l ed t$ the r$$f $f her m$ th' Shed seen his !ind bef$re, many a time in *harlest$n' The man %as a f$$tpad, a thief, perhaps e#en a m rderer, f$r there %ere th$se %h$ had n$ mercy, n$ scr ples %hats$e#er' 4-lease, sir'4 0er #$ice betrayed her' 4I ha#e n$ m$ney, n$ 1e%els'4 .h, b t that %asn't 7 ite ri&ht' She %as reminded $f the plain &$ld band encirclin& her middle fin&er' Th$ &h her marria&e %as b t a m$c!ery, she hid her band in her s!irts, f$r the #ery idea $f handin& $#er her %eddin& rin& did n$t e#en bear thin!in& ab$ t' 0e &rinned, displayin& a blac!ened &ap bet%een his fr$nt teeth' 4.h, d$n't y$ %$rry, missy, Ill be ta!in& %hat I please'4 0is &a6e r$#ed d$%n and bac! p' 4Ah, b t y$ re a tasty little piece, ain't y$ n$%5 9ell, %e're &$in& t$ ha#e a bit $f f n, y$ and I, f$re %e &et d$%n t$ b siness'4 *assie shran! bac!, e#en bef$re he thr st the d$$r cl$sed, sh ttin& her sec rely inside' The ne,t m$ment she heard the lash $f a %hip' The h$rses b$lted' The ens in& m$ti$n fl n& her bac! %ith s ch f$rce she crac!ed her head' She scarcely n$ticed the pain' Icy terr$r cl$&&ed her #eins' Dear G$d, %as the man mad5 9hat did he h$pe t$ acc$mplish by carryin& her $ff li!e this5 0e %$ ld s$$n disc$#er she sp$!e the tr th (( that she had n$thin& $f #al e in her p$ssessi$n sa#e the cl$thes $n her bac! and her %eddin& rin&3 9hat then5 The ans%er sent fear %in&in& thr$ &h her ane%'

/aster and faster, they r mbled thr$ &h the streets, the c$ach &atherin& speed %ith e#ery sec$nd' . tside there %ere sh$ ts and c rses and screams' All t$$ s$$n they br$!e free $f the city and $nt$ an $pen r$ad%ay' The c$ach careened ar$ nd a c r#e and it %as then *assie made a split(sec$nd decisi$n' She c$ ld n$t stay and mee!ly accept %hat a%aited her in this r$bber's hands' 9ith l c!, the r$bber %$ ld n$t n$tice ntil it %as t$$ late ''' She fl n& $pen the d$$r and leaped $ t' She landed hard p$n the sh$ lder $f the r$ad' A painf l cry escaped her, f$r the impact 1$lted her entire b$dy' Tiny st$nes 1abbed her palms li!e a th$ sand da&&ers' -reci$ s sec$nds passed %hile she lab$red f$r breath, str &&lin& pri&ht' She ran blindly int$ a small c$pse $f trees' B t pr$#idence had f$rsa!en her' Behind her there %as a c rse: she heard the carria&e st$p and tried t$ 7 ic!en her pace' B t b$th her s!irts and the damp, ne#en &r$ nd hampered her eff$rts' Branches slapped acr$ss her chee!s' She st mbled and fell, br isin& her !nees and scrapin& her hands a&ain' Thrashin& f$$tsteps s$ nded 1 st behind her' She bit bac! a s$b $f despair and l rched pri&ht' The r$bber l n&ed at her' 0is fin&ers latched $nt$ her slee#e: there %as a rendin& tear' )et still there %as n$ escape, f$r he &rabbed her by the $ther arm, %renchin& her ar$ nd %ith s ch f$rce that she cried $ t in pain' /ilthy hands d & int$ her arms' 4)$ bitch34 he spat' 4Thin! y$ can &et a%ay, eh54 0e s% n& her ar$ nd and be&an t$ dra& her bac! t$%ard the carria&e' Th$ &h she p mmeled and !ic!ed and str &&led, there %as n$ escapin& his #ici$ s h$ld' Desperate and despairin&, *assie $pened her m$ th and &a#e a bl$$dc rdlin& scream, th$ &h she !ne% it %as seless' The r$bber 1er!ed her ar$ nd' 0e str c! her hard acr$ss the chee!' *assie fell t$ her !nees' She c$ ld taste bl$$d in her m$ th' T%isted lips dre% bac! $#er his r$tted teeth' E#il radiated fr$m him, as f$ l and fetid as his scent' 4I %as &$in& t$ sa#e it f$r after I'd had s$me f n %ith ye,4 he hissed' 4B t I mi&ht as %ell !ill ye n$% and be d$ne %ith it'4 0e raised a h &e fist hi&h' *assie cl$sed her eyes and %aited f$r the bl$%' All at $nce came the s$ nd $f r nnin& f$$tsteps' 40$ld there34 came the a th$ritati#e c$mmand' 4Release the &irl, d$ y$ hear5 Release her at $nce34 *assie sa&&ed %ith relief' It %as the m$st hea#enly s$ nd she'd e#er heard' It %as early e#enin& %hen Gabriel came thr$ &h the fr$nt d$$r $f his t$%nh$ se' Inside the entrance hall he pa sed, l$$!in& f$r a l$n& m$ment p the stair%ay' 0is feat res %ere caref lly & arded, betrayin& n$ hint $f the t rm$il beneath his calm e,teri$r' 0e did n$t relish the pr$spect $f facin& his %ife a&ain ''' and little %$nder' Thr$ &h$ t the day, his c$nscience had &i#en him n$ respite' There %as simply n$ e#adin& the immensity $f his acti$ns $r his blind f$$lishness' 0e c$ ld n$t f$r&et the %ay she had l$$!ed last ni&ht (( the %ay he had left her3 0e !ept seein& her, her be%ildered sh$c! in that split sec$nd %hen hed thr st deep inside her' G$d, b t she'd been s$ small, s$ ti&ht ar$ nd his s%$llen flesh' And $#er and $#er her stric!en cry $f pain t$lled thr$ &h his mind''' Self(c$ntempt r$iled in his belly' Despite e#erythin&, he sh$ ld ha#e !n$%n she %as inn$cent' A better man %$ ld ha#e, he ac!n$%led&ed bitterly' /$r indeed, all the si&ns had been there ''' her s%eet shyness %hene#er he'd !issed her, her trem l$ s resp$nse ''' her %ide( eyed sh$c! at seein& him na!ed' And t$ thin! he had b$asted %hat a &reat l$#er he %as3 .h, b t that %as rich3 0e had neither relished n$r re#ered her' 0e had all b t ripped her cl$thes $ff' 0e had sh$%n her n$ meltin& caresses, n$ lin&erin& tenderness' 0e had ta!en her c$ldly' *all$ sly' 0e had ta!en her li!e a %h$re' And she %as his %ife (( re&ardless $f h$% $r %hy, she %as his wife '''

Gabriel %as n$t a man acc st$med t$ l$sin& c$ntr$l' 0e c rsed himself fiercely f$r all$%in& his an&ry desire t$ s%ay his &$$d 1 d&ment' It %as 1 st as he'd said (( it sh$ ld ne#er ha#e happened''' 0e s%$re beneath his breath' B t n$ne $f this %as t rnin& $ t as he'd planned, and he hadn't f lly reali6ed it ntil last ni&ht' 0e had ta!en *assie t$ his bed $nce ''' $nce' It c$ ld n$t happen a&ain' It %$ ld n$t' 4G$$d e#enin&, mil$rd'4 Gabriel &lanced p t$ find Giles bef$re him' 4G$$d e#enin&, Giles' Is my %ife in her bedchamber54 48$, mil$rd' She has n$t yet ret rned'4 The ti&ht !n$t in his st$mach be&an t$ ease' /$r a time, hed th$ &ht he mi&ht ha#e br$!en her spirit (( than! G$d he had n$t' 4I see' Is she $ t %ith Lady E#elyn54 4I d$ n$t !n$%, sir' Its n$t her ladyship's habit t$ inf$rm s $f her %hereab$ ts $n her aftern$$n 1a nt C Gabriel's eyes narr$%ed' 40er aftern$$n 1a nt5 Is this a daily $cc rrence then54 A thin sheen $f perspirati$n appeared $n the man's lip' 4)es, mil$rd'4 4And y$ mean t$ tell me she's been disappearin& e#ery aftern$$n and n$ $ne !n$%s %here she &$es54 Giles cleared his thr$at' 49ell, sir, I %$ ld ass me Th$mas (( the c$achman (( is a%are $f her %hereab$ ts' B t certainly I ha#e made n$ in7 iries, f$r it %as my feelin& that if her ladyship deemed it my c$ncern, she %$ ld ha#e inf$rmed me ((4 4)es, Giles, I am 7 ite a%are $f %hat y$ are tryin& t$ say34 Gabriel %as s ddenly f ri$ s' The chit charmed all she enc$ ntered3 9as he the $nly $ne imm ne t$ her %iles5 4+il$rd,4 Giles c$ &hed sli&htly, 4if I may be s$ b$ld, I am be&innin& t$ be 7 ite %$rried ab$ t her' She has al%ays been 7 ite p nct al in her ret rn (( ntil t$day, that is'4 Gabriel's m$ th %as a &rim slash in his face' 49hat time did she lea#e54 4She left sh$rtly bef$re $ne $'cl$c!, mil$rd, as she has these past fe% %ee!s'4 4And y$ 're certain she made n$ menti$n $f her plans54 48$, mil$rd, $nly that she %$ ld ret rn as s al bef$re the dinner h$ r'4 Giles's t$ne %as a trifle stiff' Gabriel's eyes narr$%ed' It %$ ld be 1 st li!e a %$man t$ spend her aftern$$ns sh$ppin&, yet he s spected that %as n$t the case' Shed n$t made menti$n $f any p rchases, n$r had he recei#ed any bills ''' s$ %here $n earth had she been5 -erhaps the better 7 esti$n %as''' %ith whom had she been5 B t there %as n$ time f$r f rther spec lati$n, f$r at that precise instant the bell at the fr$nt d$$r ran&' Giles m$#ed t$ $pen it t$ find a b rly p$lice ser&eant $n the d$$rstep' A small, sli&ht fi& re st$$d ne,t t$ him' A m ffled imprecati$n br$!e fr$m Gabriel's lips' 4G$$d G$d (( *assie34 S$methin& %as #ery, #ery %r$n&' 0er &$%n %as m d(spattered and t$rn' She cl tched the tattered ed&es t$&ether %here the seam had been ripped at the nec!line' 0er face %as chal! %hite and tear(strea!ed' 0er hair %as fallin& d$%n ar$ nd her sh$ lders' She t$$! a sin&le step f$r%ard' B t she %as s$ sha!y, her !nees alm$st b c!led nder her %ei&ht' Imp lsi#ely, he slid an arm reass rin&ly ab$ t her %aist and br$ &ht her cl$se' 0er b$dy t rned int$ his' .ne small hand cl tched the lapels $f his 1ac!et' She sa&&ed a&ainst his len&th and b ried her face a&ainst the side $f his nec!' 0e b$th felt and heard the deep, rac!in& breath she t$$!' 0e ti&htened his h$ld e#er s$ sli&htly' 4Are y$ all ri&ht54 0er hair tic!led his chin as she n$dded' The p$liceman cleared his thr$at' 4I'm afraid there's been an nf$rt nate incident, mil$rd' )$ r %ife %as ret rnin& h$me %hen y$ r c$achman %as acc$sted by a f$$tpad' The man %as str c! d$%n (( and y$ r %ife abd cted'4

4Abd cted34 Gabriel %as st nned' 0e &lanced d$%n at her' 9here the de#il had she been5 he %$ndered f ri$ sly' And %ith %h$m had she been spendin& her aftern$$ns5 0e decided t$ sa#e his 7 esti$ns f$r later' 0is &a6e slid t$ the b tler' 4Giles, %$ ld y$ please esc$rt milady t$ her chamber5 And please see that a h$t bath is prepared'4 2@ery &$$d, mil$rd'4 The b tler stepped f$r%ard and $ffered his elb$%, his eyes n s ally s$ft' 4+ilady54 .nce they %ere $ t $f earsh$t, Gabriel t rned t$ the ser&eant, his feat res cast in st$ne' 48$% then, Ser&eant' )$ say my %ife %as abd cted54 4)es, mil$rd' After the dri#er %as str c! d$%n, the sc$ ndrel leaped $n the b$, and left strai&hta%ay %ith y$ r %ife inside, and G$d help any$ne in his path (( $h, b t these thie#es are a treacher$ s l$t3 It %as sheer l c! that I happened t$ see the r$& e and t$$! $ff after him' )$ r %ife mana&ed t$ leap $ t $f the c$ach b t the rascal sa% her and st$pped' That %as %hen I ca &ht p %ith them'4 4She came t$ n$ harm at his hands54 48$, mil$rd, she ass red me she did n$t, th$ &h he fri&htened her half $ t $f her %its, p$$r lady'4 The man's chest s%elled %ith self(imp$rtance' 4I d$ bt that %$ ld ha#e been the case had my arri#al n$t been s$ f$rt it$ s' I'#e n$ d$ bt it %as thie#ery he had in mind (( that and %h$ !n$%s %hat else'4 4And I am than!f l f$r y$ r inter#enti$n, Ser&eant'4 Gabriel pa sed' 4I tr st that y$ %ere able t$ apprehend the r$& e54 A little $f the starch %ent $ t $f the ser&eant's p$st re' 4;nf$rt nately, mil$rd, %hile I assisted y$ r %ife, he escaped'4 0e sh$$! his head' 4By n$% I'm afraid there's little chance $f e#er catchin& p t$ him'4 2 I see'4 Gabriel pa sed' 4Ser&eant,4 he said sl$%ly, 4is there any si&n the abd cti$n mi&ht ha#e been planned54 The man l$$!ed startled' 4-lanned5 )$ mean that y$ r %ife %as meant t$ be ta!en54 4E,actly'4 The ser&eant scratched his chin, c$nsiderin&' 4.h, I d$ bt it, mil$rd,4 he said heartily' 4)$ r man Th$mas sh$ ld be al$n& sh$rtly (( he %as n$t in1 red seri$ sly (( b t he &a#e n$ indicati$n it mi&ht be s$' As I'm s re y$ are a%are, mil$rd, the &entry (( and in partic lar, the ladies (( are a prime tar&et f$r s ch riff(raff'4 Gabriel n$dded and led him t$ the d$$r' 4I than! y$ a&ain, Ser&eant' And it %$ ld be &reatly appreciated if y$ %$ ld n$tify me sh$ ld this bri&and be ca &ht> The ser&eant tipped his hat' 2)$ ha#e my %$rd $n it, mil$rd'4 .nce he %as &$ne Gabriel headed strai&ht f$r *assie's bedchamber' 0e st$pped at the thresh$ld, his sh$ lders fillin& the d$$r%ay' Gl$ria had 1 st p$ red the last b c!etf l $f h$t %ater int$ the hip bath' Sl$% c rls $f steam drifted t$%ard the ceilin&' *assie st$$d near the %ind$%' Gabriel had the neasy sensati$n she had neither m$#ed n$r sp$!en since enterin& the r$$m' 0er head %as b$%ed l$%' .ne hand still cl tched the tattered ed&es $f her &$%n t$&ether $#er her sh$ lder' 4*assie'4 B$th she and the maid t rned' Gl$ria dr$pped a c rtsy b t *assie still said n$thin&' 0e cr$ssed t$ her' 4)$ m st be h n&ry:4 he said 7 ietly' 49$ ld y$ li!e a tray in y$ r r$$m54 She a#erted her &a6e' 48$,4 she %hispered' 4I'm n$t h n&ry'4 Gl$ria sp$!e p then' 4If y$ please, sir, perhaps milady %$ ld li!e a bit $f h$t ch$c$late' She's #ery f$nd $f it, y$ !n$%' She has it e#ery m$rnin&'4 It %as Gabriel %h$ ans%ered, th$ &h his eyes did n$t %a#er fr$m *assie's pr$file' 4Than! y$ , Gl$ria' 9$ ld y$ see t$ it, please54

The little maid b$bbed' 4+$st certainly, sir'4 Gabriel st$pped her bef$re she left, %hisperin& s$methin& in her ear' 0e ret rned t$ *assie, layin& his fin&ers at$p hers %here they rested $n the sl$pe $f her sh$ lder' 0ers %ere ice(c$ld' 2)$ r bath is ready, *assie'4 That br$ &ht her eyes s!ippin& bac! t$ his in a flash' Gabriel smiled alm$st in spite $f himself' 4I did pr$mise %e %$ ld $ne day bathe t$&ether, did I n$t54 0er %ide(eyed dismay did n$t &$ nn$ticed' 0is smile %ithered' 0is &a6e dr$pped t$ her lips ((they %ere s$ft and sli&htly parted' The r&e t$ part them beneath the demandin& press re $f his t$$! h$ld, b t he s%iftly 7 elled the imp lse' 2)$ ha#e n$thin& t$ fear,4 he said #ery 7 ietly' 4I am n$t s ch a cad as y$ thin!'4 0e &a#e her n$ time t$ re1ect him b t set t$ %$r! $n the h$$!s at the bac! $f her &$%n' She $ffered n$ resistance b t a faint pin! fl sh crept beneath her s!in' That she &a#e herself $#er t$ him %as a si&n $f 1 st h$% sha!en she really %as (( s ch nc$nditi$nal s rrender %as the last thin& Gabriel had e,pected' 0is m$$d t rned &rim by the time he'd finished, h$%e#er' The i#$ry sm$$thness $f her s!in %as marred by d$6ens $f scratches and br ises' *assie fl shed as he helped her int$ the t b, ac tely a%are that there %as n$ e#adin& the critical re&ard that sa% s$ m ch $f her and re#ealed s$ little $f himself' She san! bel$% the %aterline as far as she c$ ld, desperate t$ hide her na!edness' She started ner#$ sly %hen she felt his t$ ch' The bac! $f his !n c!les br shed her chee!, then firm fin&ers &rasped her 1a% and t rned her face t$ the lampli&ht &l$%in& fr$m the c$rner' 0is th mb br shed the p ffy s!in $n the ri&ht side $f her lip' 4Did he d$ this, t$$54 0er lashes fell in ans%er' She dre% her !nees p t$ her breasts and said n$thin&, f$r indeed there %as n$ need t$' Gabriel didnt nderstand the blind, irrati$nal an&er that s%ept thr$ &h him' 0e t$ld himself it %as $nly beca se shed been ta!en ad#anta&e $f by $ne %h$ %as str$n&er than she (( n$t beca se he cared ''' ne#er that' B t a m scle in his chee! betrayed the depth $f his f ry' 8e#er had he !n$%n a ra&e as enc$mpassin& as that %hich p$ssessed him n$%' 49$ ld y$ rec$&ni6e him if y$ sa% him a&ain54 ' *assie sh ddered' The heat $f the %ater had seeped thr$ &h t$ her m scles, %arm and s$$thin&' B t all at $nce it %as as if shed been pl n&ed int$ a sea $f ice' 4)es ''' n$'4 She faltered, s ddenly feelin& %h$lly inade7 ate' 4I ''' I 1 st d$nt !n$%'4 Gabriel made n$ reply' 0e handed her a sp$n&e and t rned his bac!, all$%in& her the pri#acy he !ne% she cra#ed' *assie %ashed h rriedly, beset by the n$ti$n he %$ ld t rn bac! ar$ nd at any sec$nd' An inner #$ice chided her, f$r %hat did it matter any%ay5 0e had seen %hat n$ $ther man had e#er seen' And he had touched her in %ays she had ne#er dreamed a man mi&ht t$ ch a %$man ''' The hand h$ldin& the sp$n&e stilled, directly ab$#e her heart' 0er thr$at ti&htened $ddly' A part $f her %ished desperately that he %$ ld lea#e' An$ther part $f her l$n&ed 1 st as fer#ently f$r him t$ stay, f$r she did n$t %ant t$ be al$ne' )et his nearness %as an nsettlin& reminder $f all that had passed bet%een them $nly the ni&ht bef$re (( L$rd, b t it seemed a lifetime had &$ne by since then3 Gabriel's ner#es %ere !eenly att ned t$ her e#ery m$#e' E#ent ally the splash $f the %ater ceased' 0e &lanced $#er his sh$ lder t$ find her eyes fi,ed p$n him, %ide and faintly distressed' 0e beat d$%n the heated r sh that i&nited in his #eins, p$$lin& h$t and hea#y in his l$ins' 0er sh$ lders %ere bare and &listenin&' 8e#er bef$re had he been s$ sharply a%are $f $ne %$man (( and his $%n h n&ry, masc line desires t$ p$ssess her' )et the #ery na!edness that s$ s$rely tested his %illp$%er %as the #ery thin& that sa#ed her, f$r her # lnerability pierced him as n$thin& else c$ ld ha#e'

0e raised his br$% %ith an ele&ant s%eep' 4/inished54 he m rm red' She n$dded' Bracin& her slender arms a&ainst the side $f the t b, she r$se, t rnin& immediately int$ the len&th $f t$%elin& that a%aited her in his hands' The d$%ny s$ftness en& lfed her first, and then his arms, as he lifted her fr$m the t b' *assie st$$d d$cilely as he pr$ceeded t$ dry her' 0is t$ ch %as li&ht and impers$nal, and he %as caref lly c$nsiderate $f the br ised, tender areas that mar!ed her flesh' B t her fiery bl sh pr$claimed the depth $f her embarrassment by the time he p lled a s$ft %hite ni&ht&$%n $#er her head and t%itched it int$ place' There %as a !n$c! at the d$$r' Gabriel ans%ered it, ta!in& a small tray fr$m Gl$ria int$ his hands' *assie h &&ed herself, feelin& na!ed and e,p$sed despite the fact she %as n$% c$#ered fr$m head t$ f$$t' Gabriel inclined his head t$%ard the chair bef$re the fireplace, indicatin& she sh$ ld sit' .nce she %as seated, he held $ t a delicate china c p and sa cer' The s%eet, enticin& $d$r $f ch$c$late teased her n$strils' *assie sipped the h$t, s%eet li7 id, &ratef l f$r the $pp$rt nity t$ b sy her hands' She %as n$t a%are $f the piercin& &ray eyes that %atched as she dran! e#ery last dr$p $f the bre%' 8$t ntil she had finished did she chance t$ l$$! p and find his intense &a6e p$n her' 0e had rem$#ed his 1ac!et and r$lled p his shirtslee#es, barin& str$n&, m sc lar f$rearms' The m scles $f her st$mach clenched' 0is elb$% %as pr$pped a&ainst the mantel' 0is p$se %as cas al, yet p rely masc line: it appeared as if n$thin& (( $r n$ $ne (( c$ ld e#er h rt him' It %as he %h$ br$!e the silence' 4Giles t$ld me y$ ha#e been &$ne e#ery aftern$$n the past fe% %ee!s'4 0is eyes sheared directly int$ hers' 40$% is it y$ failed t$ menti$n this t$ me54 Despite the 7 iet $f his t$ne, his %$rds %ere n$ less than a demand' *assie s%all$%ed bra#ely' It %as diffic lt n$t t$ retreat fr$m his fr$%n' 4I %as n$t a%are y$ cared t$ !n$% my %hereab$ ts at e#ery m$ment $f the day'4 Gabriel's scr tiny sharpened' 4That is hardly an ans%er,4 he said c rtly' 48$% if y$ please, I %$ ld li!e t$ !n$% %here y$ %ere t$day (( and all th$se $ther days'4 -anic flared' She c$ ld n$t tell him %here she had been %ith$ t tellin& him why, and that %as the $ne thin& she %anted t$ a#$id at all c$sts' 0e th$ &ht little en$ &h $f her n$% (( he %$ ld thin! e#en less $f her if he %ere a%are $f the tr th' In this, at least, her di&nity ser#ed her %ell' She stared at the rim $f the c p she held in her hands, determined t$ re#eal n$ m$re than necessary' 0e s%$re nder his breath' 49hy m st y$ be s$ st bb$rn5 Dammit, )an!, I am c$ncerned f$r y$ r safety3 Its n$t safe t$ be %anderin& the streets $f L$nd$n al$ne'4 Still she a#$ided his &a6e' 4)$ need n$t tr$ ble y$ rself' I %as n$t %anderin& the streets, as y$ call it' I %as in n$ dan&er4(( she faltered ((4 at least n$t ntil t$ni&ht'4 2Then %hy %ill y$ n$t tell me %here y$ %ere54 T%$ %hite lines $f an&er appeared al$n&side his m$ th %hen she sh$$! her head' Three strides br$ &ht him bef$re her' 0e set aside the c p and sa cer, ca &ht her sh$ lders, and p lled her p bef$re him' 29ere y$ meetin& s$me$ne54 0e !ne% the %ay she started that she had' 4*hrist$pher5 Is that the reas$n f$r y$ r rel ctance5 9as this a l$#er's tryst54 48$34 she cried' 4*hrist$pher is my friend A n$ m$re, and I %ill s%ear t$ it $n the *r$ss if that is %hat it ta!es t$ c$n#ince y$ 34 29h$ then54 0is patience %as clearly at an end' There %as a tempest ali#e and bre%in& in his eyes' *assie f$ &ht a scaldin& r sh $f tears, the m scles in her thr$at l$c!ed ti&ht' 4I %as %ith ''' y$ r father,4 she %hispered' 4I A I ha#e been spendin& the aftern$$ns ''' at his t$%nh$ se'4 Gabriel %as ast$ nded' 49hat3 )$ and my father (( s rely y$ 1est34 9renched %ith shame, she stammered, its beca se I (( I cann$t read ''' I cann$t read34 There %as a st nned silence' 4G$$d G$d' D$ n$t tell me that he has been teachin& y$ '4

2)es ''' yes3' 9as he tr ly s$ heartless as t$ ma!e her say it a&ain5 40e ( he teaches me himself s$ n$ $ne else %ill !n$% (( s$ n$ f rther dis&race %ill befall the family'4 Gabriel's fr strated an&er fled, as if it had ne#er been' 0e si&hed %earily' 49hy didn't y$ tell me54 49hy54 She &a#e a bitter half(s$b' 4Am I t$ be spared n$ h miliati$n5 It %$ ld ha#e pleased y$ t$ n$ end t$ !n$% that I c$ ld n$t read (( it %$ ld ha#e been 1 st $ne m$re thin& t$ fla nt t$ y$ r father' ''' the p$$r little )an!ee y$ dra&&ed fr$m the & tter, %h$ p$ssesses neither m$ney n$r title n$r e#en the sli&htest scrap $f !n$%led&e34 0e sc$%led' 48$% it's y$ %h$ %$ nds me (4 48$3 It's tr e (( y$ %$ ld ha#e'4 T$ her h$rr$r, a tear beaded d$%n her chee!' Then an$ther, and an$ther' 2)$ !n$% it's tr e34 Ab$#e all, *assie did n$t %ant him t$ see her li!e this' S$ f$$lish' S$ c$nf sed' B t all at $nce her ten $ s c$ntr$l %as &$ne' She b ried her face in her hands and be&an t$ cry' 0elplessly' -itif lly' 0er sh$ lders %ere sha!in& nc$ntr$llably' Sl$%ly, %ith an alm$st painsta!in& hesitance, his arms came ar$ nd her' Small hands %$ nd int$ the fr$nt $f his shirt' 0e bent and f$lded her int$ his embrace, then sat in the chair, cradlin& her in his lap' 0e c$ ld feel her tryin& t$ h$ld bac! the an& ish that rent her b$dy' It %as n$ se' 4I'm s$rry,4 she cried $n a %atery s$b' 4It's 1 st as y$ said it %$ ld be' I am a b rden ''' an enc mbrance' )$ m st %ish that (( that h$rrible man had !illed me' I ( I th$ &ht he %as &$in& t$ ''' .h, G$d, I ( I %ish I were dead' ' '4 Gabriel %ent tterly still, b$th inside and $ t' 4D$n't say that'4 0is %hisper %as n mb and strained' 4D$n't e#en thin! it34 0e str$!ed her hair, the shall$% &r$$#e $f her spine' Grad ally the la dan m be&an t$ ta!e h$ld' She stirred' 4S$methin&'s %r$n&'4 Dr$%sy and c$nf sed, she str &&led t$ !eep her lids fr$m cl$sin&' 4I feel s$ stran&e'4 9ith his fin&ertips he br shed tear(damp strands $f h$ney(&$ld fr$m her chee!s' 4It's all ri&ht' I as!ed Gl$ria t$ p t se#eral dr$ps $f la dan m in y$ r ch$c$late t$ help y$ sleep' J st rela, and d$n't fi&ht it'4 0is e,planati$n seemed t$ satisfy her' 0er lashes, dar! and spi!ed %ith tears, be&an t$ dr$$p' S$$n she 7 ieted ntil she lay limply a&ainst him, asleep at last' 0e lifted her, bearin& her t$ the bed and layin& her caref lly $n the mattress, then p lled the c$#ers p $#er her' B t %hen he %$ ld ha#e strai&htened, she fl n& $ t a hand, &r$pin& blindly f$r his' 4D$n't lea#e me, Gabriel' D$n't lea#e me'4 0er eyes snapped $pen' E#en as he %atched, &listenin& tears brimmed and $#erfl$%ed' 29hy (( %hy d$ y$ hate me54 she cried br$!enly' 49ill y$ al%ays hate me54 Gabriel felt he'd been slammed in the & t %ith an ir$n fist' G ilt b rned a searin& h$le deep in his breast' 0e st$$d, his entire b$dy stiff, an a%f l ti&htenin& s7 ee6in& his heart' 8e#er had he been s$ t$rn' 0e stared at the small hand s$ desperately &rippin& his $%n' A pain ripped thr$ &h him, s$ searin& it dr$#e the #ery breath fr$m his l n&s' *hrist, %hat %as she d$in& t$ him5 *hrist$pher had fallen nder her spell' S$ had the d$%a&er d chess $f Greensb$r$' Giles' L$rd, e#en his father3 9hat ma&ic did she p$ssess that she s$ easily %$#e a spell ar$ nd all th$se %ith %h$m she came in c$ntact5 If he %ere %ise, he'd let her &$ n$%' Bef$re thin&s pr$&ressed any f rther' Bef$re she %as h rt ''' /$$l, ta nted a scathin& #$ice in his mind, she+s already been hurt. S$methin& bitterly dar! and $min$ s crept $#er him' 0e despised the em$ti$n she r$ sed in him (( f$r years he'd felt his heart encased in ice (( and he resented her fiercely f$r all he felt, f$r all she had made him feel''' all he did n$t want t$ feel' )et he c$ ld n$t t rn his bac! $n her'

0e si&hed, a s$ nd b$rne $f %eary resi&nati$n' After t &&in& $ff his b$$ts, he stretched $ t beside her and dre% her int$ his arms' 0e stared at the shad$%s dancin& $n the ceilin&, a lean hand absently str$!in& the tan&led len&th $f her hair, the $ther meas rin& the slender nip $f her %aist' It %as she, he th$ &ht blac!ly, %h$ had e#ery reas$n t$ distr st him (( e#ery reas$n t$ hate him' 0$% c$ ld she p$ssibly thin! he hated her5 That he %$ ld %ish her dead5 B t all at $nce Gabriel's bl$$d ran c$ld' G$d !ne% he did n$t ''' b t %hat if s$me$ne else did5

Chapter 15
Se#eral days later they ret rned t$ /arlei&h' Gabriel made the decisi$n the m$rnin& after *assie %as acc$sted' /$r the life $f him, he c$ ldn't rid himself $f the nsettlin& n$ti$n that her !idnappin& had, perhaps, n$t been a rand$m incident, as the p$lice belie#ed' It made his bl$$d b$il e#ery time he th$ &ht $f it' By G$d, b t he'd ha#e li!ed t$ &et his hands $n the sc$ ndrel (( he'd ta!e him apart piece by piece3 B t Gabriel had l$n& since $ t&r$%n his rec!less, careless y$ th' 0e %$ ld ma!e n$ acc sati$ns (( n$ ass mpti$ns (( %ith$ t 1 st ca se' -erhaps his s spici$ns %ere nf$ nded (( m$re the better' B t he $ffered a re%ard sh$ ld her assailant be f$ nd, and he hired an in#esti&at$r t$ ret rn t$ *harlest$n' 0e did n$t d$ bt *assie 's claim that her m$ther did n$t !n$% the identity $f her father, $r that the #ile %$man had aband$ned her' B t if there %as s$me$ne fr$m her past %h$ mi&ht be resp$nsible, Gabriel intended t$ find $ t' -erhaps there %as s$me c$nnecti$n bet%een the sh$$tin& and her !idnappin& (( perhaps there %as n$t' B t Gabriel had decided it %$ ld be easier t$ !eep her safe at /arlei&h rather than in L$nd$n' 0e said n$thin& t$ *assie, th$ &h' 0e did n$t %ant her t$ %$rry herself lest his s spici$ns %ere nf$ nded' 9hile an$ther mi&ht ha#e deemed his beha#i$r t$%ard his %ife fiercely p$ssessi#e (( and e#en m$re pr$tecti#e (( Gabriel did n$t ac!n$%led&e s ch a thin&, e#en t$ himself ''' especially t$ himself' The days fl$%ed int$ %ee!s' Th$ &h he str &&led t$ maintain a c$$l distance fr$m the bea ty %h$ %as his %ife, his feelin&s %ere far fr$m indifferent ''' indifferent53 Gabriel %as disc$#erin& she %as far t$$ temptin& f$r his peace $f mind' 0e had n$t bar&ained $n the h n&ry desire she ar$ sed in him' It %as t$rt re, ha#in& her f$re#er at hand, s$ near and yet nable t$ t$ ch her' She had $nly t$ enter a r$$m and all she stirred in him r shed t$ the f$re' 0e %as #astly irritated %ith himself, f$r %here *assie %as c$ncerned, he %as n$ l$n&er in c$ntr$l $f his em$ti$ns' 0er sli&htest accidental t$ ch, the merest scent $f her perf me, sent sharp needles $f desire ra!in& al$n& his spine' 0ardest $f all %as sleepin& %ith b t a sin&le %all bet%een them' E#en in his sleep his mind pl n&ed bac!%ard' 0e yearned f$r lips as tender and de%y as m$ist s mmer herries' 0e c$ ld alm$st feel her beneath him $nce m$re, her s!in slee! and s$ft beneath his lips and hands, her %$man's flesh clasped h$t and ti&ht ar$ nd his ri&id hardness' *$ ntless times he %$!e marble(hard and thr$bbin&, his shaft ready t$ b rst the b$nds $f his s!in ''' 8$, indeed, Gabriel had n$t f$r&$tten the shatterin& ni&ht they had shared' 8$r had she' In tr th, *assie %as heartily relie#ed %hen they L$nd$n' The %hirl%ind pace $f the city still left her in a%e' S$ many $f the parties she had attended %ere b$rin&, the pe$ple shall$% %ith the e,cepti$n $f a handf l' And th$ &h she tried t$ br sh it aside, that h$rrible enc$ nter %ith the f$$tpad had left her %ary $f e#ery shad$% and stran&er' She l$#ed the peace and 7 iet at /arlei&h, the smell $f the fresh, c$ ntry air, the l sh &reenery' As $ften as she c$ ld, she ind l&ed her ne%f$ nd l$#e $f ridin&' She $ften r$de %ith E#elyn, %h$ had ret rned t$ 9arrent$n %ith her father' B t %hen she did n$t, Gabriel had been m$st insistent that a &r$$m acc$mpany her'

B t all %as n$t as it had been bef$re' .h, there had al%ays been a tin&lin& c rrent $f a%areness %hene#er she and Gabriel had chanced t$ l$c! &a6es' B t there %as a difference n$% (( a si66lin& tensi$n that made *assie heartst$ppin&ly a%are that e#erythin& had chan&ed' 0er heart set p a %ild hammerin& %hene#er he %as near' And he %as f$re#er $n her mind, th$ &h she tried her #ery best t$ p t him out $f it' B t he !ept her e#er $ff(& ard, f$r she ne#er !ne% %hat t$ e,pect fr$m him' 0e c$ ld be charmin& and e#er s$ pleasant %hen he %ished' At $ther times he %as s$ distant and al$$f she %anted t$ cry' She f$ nd herself %$nderin& if he %$ ld #isit her bed a&ain' The #ery th$ &ht made her tremble (( b t %ith e,citement $r fear she %as n$t certain3 .nly the ni&ht bef$re, he had %al!ed her t$ her r$$m' At the d$$r, she shyly bid him &$$d ni&ht' B t he did n$t m$#e $n t$ his d$$r, as she e,pected' 0e st$$d there, his eyes ni&ht(dar! and b rnin&' 0er heart had s!ipped a beat' The heated bla6e she sa% (( %as it desire (( $r an&er5 0er c$nfidence in herself %as ten $ s at best' Did he still find her h mble be&innin&s distastef l5 .h, if $nly she %ere li!e E#elyn (( delicate and bl$nd, s%eet and refined' /$r she %as #ery m ch afraid that %as the !ind $f %$man Gabriel preferred ''' A lady' A pan& s%ept thr$ &h her' G$d ab$#e !ne% she %$ ld ne#er tr ly be a lady, n$t li!e E#elyn' /$r n$ matter %hat the rest $f the %$rld th$ &ht, Gabriel %$ ld ne#er see her as $ne ''' 49as there s$methin& else54 She c$ ld n$t hide her ner#$ sness, n$r c$ ld she l$$! a%ay fr$m him' 0er mind %as all a%hirl' 0e smelled $f s$ap and crisp starch' She f$ &ht the stran&est r&e t$ lay her palm a&ainst his lean chee!, t$ feel the sli&ht r$ &hness $f his 1a% a&ainst her fin&ertips' 0is &a6e %as fastened $n her lips' It sh$c!ed her t$ reali6e 1 st h$% badly she l$n&ed t$ feel his lips p$n hers, ta!in& c$mmand $f her senses, ar$ sin& her %ith de#astatin& pers asi$n' B t the #ery idea spa%ned heated ima&es in her mind that %ere best left ndist rbed' Later she chided herself, !n$%in& she sh$ ld ha#e been &lad he had merely bid her &$$d ni&ht and m$#ed $n t$ his r$$m' B t *assie, nable t$ deny it, felt her disapp$intment li!e a %ei&hted st$ne $n her breast, f$r G$d help her, she had wanted him t$ !iss her ''' .n this partic lar e#enin&, he stared at her all thr$ &h dinner in a %ay that made her &r$% h$t all $#er' She and Edm nd then sat at a r$se%$$d table playin& %hist' Edm nd had $nly recently ta &ht her the &ame, and t$ her deli&ht, she %as f lly capable $f bestin& him' Gabriel sat in the c$rner, his l$n&, ele&ant le&s stretched $ t bef$re him, n rsin& a brandy' The h$ r %as still early %hen *assie be&an t$ ya%n' She had been feelin& dreadf lly tired $f late and rarely seemed t$ &et en$ &h sleep' T$ her embarrassment, s ally e#ery$ne in the h$ seh$ld %as p and b stlin& ab$ t l$n& bef$re she ar$se' She sent a sli&ht smile acr$ss the shiny par7 et t$pped table t$%ard Edm nd' 4)$ , sir,4 she said li&htly, 4are #ery f$nd $f %innin&' Theref$re I belie#e I %ill cry $ff, and plead my e,c ses'4 Edm nd fr$%ned' 4B t its still early yet'> *assie &lanced acr$ss at Gabriel' 4-erhaps Gabriel %ill 1$in y$ '4 The c$rners $f the d !es m$ th t rned d$%n' 4I !n$% better than t$ as! s ch a thin& $f him' Gabriel is n$thin& li!e St art (( %hy, St art c$ ld ha#e played the ni&ht thr$ &h3 B t Gabriel %as ne#er $ne t$ play %hist f$r the sheer sp$rt $f it' I ha#e it $n &$$d a th$rity that he is n$t f$nd $f cards nless there is a %a&er in#$l#ed and the sta!es are hi&h'4 The s b1ect $f their disc ssi$n r$se and ambled t$%ard them' Th$se bea tif lly masc line lips smiled, b t as al%ays, his re&ard %as distinctly c$$l as it rested p$n his father' 4I'#e n$t seen the inside $f a &amin& hall f$r 7 ite s$me time, /ather' And I daresay in a &ame $f chance y$ and I are e#enly matched'4 That %ic!edly be& ilin& smile %idened' 4B t in a &ame $f s!ill and %its, %ell, y$ may ha#e n$ticed, my l$#e, that neither $f s li!es t$ l$se'4

6y lo"e' *assie felt her face &r$% h$t' She darted a &lance at Edm nd' Th$ &h his e,pressi$n %as n$t precisely disappr$#in&, she sensed his displeas re' And th$ &h Gabriel's t$ne %as decepti#ely pleasant, she had the distinct impressi$n he %as Deliberately ta ntin& his father' Sm$$thin& her s!irts, she &$t t$ her feet, d$in& her best t$ s mm$n a smile' 4I fear I m st say &$$d ni&ht, f$r I simply cann$t stay a%a!e an$ther min te'4 4I %ill esc$rt y$ t$ y$ r r$$m then'4 Gabriel set aside his &lass and t$$! her elb$%' 8either %as a%are $f the spec lati#e &a6e that trailed them as they left' At her d$$r, she tilted her head bac! t$ re&ard her h sband' 2If y$ d$ n$t mind,4 she stated e#enly, 4I %$ ld li!e a %$rd %ith y$ in pri#ate'4 A m$c!in& br$% climbed hi&h' 49hy, )an!,4 he dra%led' 4Are y$ in#itin& me in t$ y$ r chamber5 This is an ne,pected s rprise'4 *assie c$l$red, yet s$meh$% she mana&ed t$ retain her calm' T rnin&, she entered her r$$m' Gabriel said n$thin& b t f$ll$%ed her inside' The 7 iet %as all(enc$mpassin&' She cr$ssed t$ stand bef$re the fireplace, feelin& the need t$ p t s$me distance bet%een them' As al%ays, Gabriel's presence %as nner#in&' Th$ &h he did n$t t$ ch her, she felt as if he did' She f$lded her hands t$&ether bef$re her and &athered all her c$ ra&e' 4In all the time %e ha#e been married,4 she said 7 ietly, 4I ha#e as!ed y$ f$r n$thin&'4 0e &a#e a sh$rt la &h' 2Tr e en$ &h, )an!' Th$ &h y$ '#e c$st me a pretty s m indeed, y$ ha#e as!ed f$r n$thin& (( and n$ d$ bt y$ '#e ac7 ired far m$re in the bar&ain'4 *assie's lips ti&htened e#er s$ sli&htly' .h, b t it %as 1 st li!e him t$ ma!e her s$ nd mercenary and &reedy3 2Its n$t y$ r m$ney I spea! $f, n$r anythin& m$ney can b y,4 she said sharply' 0e slipped l$n& fin&ers int$ his p$c!ets' 4I admit, )an!, I am intri& ed' B t I s spect that is ab$ t t$ be remedied, s$ let s n$t mince %$rds' 9hat is it y$ %$ ld as! $f me54 4@ery %ell, then, I %ill tell y$ ' There are times y$ l$$! at y$ r father as if y$ hate him'4 She deli#ered her statement n$t as a 7 esti$n, b t as a challen&e' 4I s spect there is far m$re t$ y$ r reas$ns than the little y$ ha#e t$ld me, and ''' I %$ ld li!e t$ !n$% %hy'4 S rprise flitted acr$ss Gabriel's hands$me feat res' *learly this %as n$t %hat hed e,pected' 0is lips t%isted in s$methin& that $nly rem$tely resembled a smile' 4Belie#e me, )an!, the feelin&s bet%een my father and myself are m t al'4 4Are they5 I thin! n$t'4 It %as his t rn f$r his m$ th t$ ti&hten' 4I ha#e !n$%n my father far l$n&er than y$ , )an!' I !n$% him far better'4 4I thin! y$ !n$% him n$t at all' )$ h$ld him at a distance'4 The %ay y$ h$ld me, she %anted t$ cry' 4.h, I !n$% he is li!e y$ , f$r I ha#e %atched y$ b$th' 0e tries t$ hide his feelin&s fr$m e#ery$ne ar$ nd him' And %hen he l$$!s at y$ , there is sadness and pain (4 4)$ are mista!en,4 he said flatly' *assie persisted' 4I ha#e %atched him' Re&ardless $f %hat has e,isted bet%een y$ in the past, I c$ ld alm$st s%ear he is h rt (4 49hat y$ see is $ tra&e, $ tra&e that I ha#e replaced his preci$ s St art as his heir'4 4-erhaps he has chan&ed (4 40e has n$t' 0e %ill n$t'4 *assie sh$$! her head' 4)$ cann$t say that f$r certain3 .h, I !n$% he can be hard and diffic lt (( n$ $ne !n$%s that m$re than I' B t s$ can y$ ((4 40e may ha#e f$$led y$ , )an!, b t he has ne#er f$$led me' +y father, y$ see, is a bit li!e St art' ;pri&ht and n$ble and #ery m ch the &entleman (( s$ m ch the &entleman that he %$ ld n$t dare let any$ne &limpse his tr e feelin&s' 0e's t$$ s premely dec$r$ s e#er t$ admit it, b t I !n$% if I %ere t$ %al! $ t $f his life and ne#er ret rn, my father %$ ld sin& praises t$ the hea#ens'4

0is t$ne %as n$ less than bitter' *assie stared at the stiff, nyieldin& lines $f his bac! as he m$#ed t$ the %ind$%' There he remained, starin& br$$din&ly $ t int$ the ni&ht' B iet descended, thic! and nbearable' It %as *assie %h$ br$!e it' She s%all$%ed pain(f lly' 2)$ are tryin& t$ p nish him' I !n$% that's %hy y$ married me' B t e#en after all this time, I#e yet t$ nderstand y$ r reas$ns'' 0e %hirled $n her, his dar! feat res s$ intensely fierce *assie instincti#ely fell bac! a step' 2)$ thin! I ha#e n$ ca se5 )$ 're %r$n&, )an!, and here is %hy (( here is %hat y$ %ant t$ !n$%' .h, I#e n$ d$ bt y$ '#e en#ied me my childh$$d' )$ &re% p %ith s$ little, %hile I &re% p s%addled in l , ry and riches' And indeed I %anted f$r n$thin& as a child, n$r did my m$ther' 9e %ell fed and %ell cl$thed' B t neither $f s e#er f$r&$t ''' St art %as +ar&aret's s$n, the s$n $f the %$man he l$#ed' I %as merely the s$n $f the %$man he later married'4 0is t$ne %as bitter' *assie's lips parted' She remembered %hat Gabriel had said that h$rrible ni&ht he had br$ &ht her h$me t$ his father, %hile she st$$d $ tside the d$$r $f the dra%in& r$$m'''40e married her,4 she %hispered, 4beca se he %anted a m$ther f$r St art'> 2-recisely' +a!e n$ mista!e, I l$#ed my br$ther St art' B t I %as t$$ y$ n& t$ reali6e that St art al$ne claimed my father's affecti$ns' 8e#er did my father ha#e any re&ard f$r me'4 *assie's insides t%isted in sic! dread' S rely n$ man c$ ld treat his $%n child s$ ab$minably' )et she had $nly t$ thin! %hat her $%n m$ther had d$ne t$ her t$ reali6e that s ch %as the nat re $f life ''' and s ch %as the nat re $f l$#e' She heard his harsh la &h' 4/$$lish child that I %as, I %anted my father t$ n$tice me, t$ l$#e me 1 st a meas re $f the %ay he l$#ed St art' B t St art %as e#er d tif l and $bedient' 0e c$ ld d$ n$ %r$n&, %hile I c$ ld d$ n$ ri&ht' I sed t$ stand near St art, prayin& that my father %$ ld n$tice me, that 1 st $nce he %$ ld smile (( and l$$! at me the %ay he l$$!ed at St art' I remember $nce ''' my father had been t$ L$nd$n' 0e presented St art a p$ny p$n his ret rn' I remember %antin& t$ cry, f$r hed br$ &ht n$thin& f$r me, a&ain ' ' '4 &#ain' There %as a %ealth $f meanin& in that sin&le %$rd' 0er chest be&an t$ ache: f$r she s ddenly be&an t$ &ain a #ery clear pict re $f all that Gabriel had end red' 4*$ndemn me if y$ %ill, b t I %as 1eal$ s (( and s$ #ery an&ry %ith b$th $f them' If I c$ ld n$t ha#e a p$ny, then neither sh$ ld St art' That ni&ht I sn c! int$ the stables and led St art's p$ny fr$m his stall, and released him int$ the ni&ht' I %anted the p$ny t$ r n a%ay (( and he did' .ne $f the &r$$ms f$ nd him the ne,t day' 0e'd st mbled and br$!e his f$rele&' 0e had t$ be !illed' Id ne#er seen my father s$ f ri$ s' I remember him sh$ tin& h$% cr el I %as t$ r in thin&s f$r St art, h$% &reedy and selfish'4 *assie's hand n!n$%in&ly rested 1 st ab$#e her heart' She did n$t c$ndemn Gabriel' Dear L$rd, h$% c$ ld she5 She had n$ tr$ ble en#isi$nin& him as a y$ n& b$y, clam$rin& t$ be heard, t$ be seen ' ' ' t$ be l$#ed' .h, %hat he m st ha#e s ffered, bein& f$re#er $#erl$$!ed in fa#$r $f his br$ther' *assie's chest %as achin&' 4)$ did n$t mean t$ be cr el,4 she cried' 4)$ %ere 1 st a child3 0e %as the $ne %h$ %as cr el, t$ s$ fa#$r St art $#er y$ 34 2+y father %$ ld n$t a&ree, )an!' )et despite e#erythin&, I still l$n&ed f$r n$thin& m$re than his appr$#al' B t there %as ne#er a !ind %$rd f$r me' I %as na &ht b t a tr$ bles$me n isance' +y m$ther tried t$ hide it fr$m me, b t I %as n$t f$$led' 0e did n$t l$#e me' 0e did n$t l$#e her' 9e %ere b$th 1 st an enc mbrance'4 &n encumbrance' *assie crin&ed inside' L$rd, b t she %as c$min& t$ hate that %$rd3 Gabriel's m$ th t%isted' 4She married him thin!in& he %$ ld c$me t$ l$#e her, y$ !n$%' B t it %as as if he %ere blind' 0e c$ ld n$t see her f$r his mem$ries $f his bel$#ed +ar&aret'4 0e said it as if it %ere a c rse' *assie %as half(afraid t$ spea!' 4)$ r m$ther l$#ed him then54

0is #$ice &re% e#er m$re brittle' 4)es' B t she l$#ed him fr$m a distance, f$r he did n$t %ant her l$#e' She th$ &ht I did n$t !n$%, b t I sa% the yearnin& in her eyes that sp$!e $f all she felt (( all she c$ ld n$t %ithh$ld' B t there %as ne#er a tender %$rd f$r her fr$m my father, ne#er a tender t$ ch' 0e t$lerated her presence in his life as a necessity, n$ m$re' 0e cared n$thin& f$r her' 8$thin&34 *assie's heart be&an t$ bleed, f$r all he had l$st, f$r all he had %itnessed, %atchin& his m$ther in t$rment all th$se years' She th$ &ht $f the p$rtrait that h n& in the &allery: n$% she nderst$$d the air $f sadness that d%elled in the eyes $f *ar$line Sinclair' 4B t she %$ ld n$t all$% a sin&le %$rd t$ be said a&ainst him' She %as s%eet and !ind and &$$d' She %$ ld ha#e d$ne anythin& f$r him' I sed t$ hear her %eepin& at ni&ht, b t in the m$rnin& she &reeted me as if na &ht %ere amiss' Day after day, year after year she %ent $n l$#in& him'4 0is m$ th thinned' 4And in the end, it %as that #ery l$#e %hich !illed her'4 *assie fr$%ned' There %as s$methin& rather #a& e ab$ t his statement, b t bef$re she c$ ld 7 esti$n him f rther, she heard his #$ice a&ain' 4+y father br$!e her heart,4 he said harshly, m$#in& t$%ard her dresser' 40e br$!e her spirit' /$r myself, I c$ ld ha#e f$r&i#en him the %r$n&s d$ne me as a b$y, b t ne#er %ill I f$r&i#e %hat he did t$ my m$ther' I am n$ l$n&er the nai#e, ad$rin& y$ n& b$y I $nce %as, s$ d$ n$t as! me t$ be mercif l $r lenient' 0e spared n$ne f$r my m$ther, and I %ill spare n$ne f$r him' I ha#e learned t$ li#e %ith his indifference (( %e d$ %ell t$ end re each $ther's presence, b t there can ne#er be m$re' 0e cann$t f$r&et ''' n$r can I'4 9ith that he left her, the lines $f his bac! ri&id and pr$ d as he str$de thr$ &h the c$nnectin& d$$r that led t$ his bedchamber' *assie's eyes remained fi,ed $n the d$$r l$n& after he had passed thr$ &h it' 0er heart ached f$r the l$nely little b$y he had $nce been' It ached 1 st as m ch f$r the bitter man he had bec$me' Th$ &h she n$ l$n&er %$ndered %hat dem$ns dr$#e him, it saddened her t$ thin! that Gabriel and his father mi&ht remain f$re#er distant and alienated (( that there c$ ld ne#er be a tr e meas re $f peace and f$r&i#eness bet%een them' She prayed that he %as %r$n& (( that it %as n$t s$' /$r if it %as, then all %as l$st' -erhaps it %as already' There %as n$ sleep t$ be f$ nd that ni&ht' Th$ &h her b$dy %as %eary, *assie's mind ref sed the balm $f rest' She t$ssed and t rned f$r %hat seemed li!e h$ rs' B t all at $nce a splinterin& s$ nd rent the ni&ht' 0er eyes fle% %ide' She b$lted pri&ht' The s$ nd had c$me fr$m Gabriel's r$$m' Slippin& fr$m her bed, she snatched p her dressin& &$%n and p lled it $n, already half( %ay acr$ss the fl$$r' 9ith n$ hesitati$n, she fl n& $pen the c$nnectin& d$$r and r shed int$ his s ite' The r$$m %as lit by the yell$% &l$% $f a lamp in the c$rner' The f ll(len&th mirr$r m$ nted $n the %all ne,t t$ the tallb$y had been shattered' Shards $f shiny &lass lay scattered $n the thic! A b ss$n carpet' *assie instincti#ely started t$%ard the mess' 29hat d$ y$ %ant, )an!54 0is #$ice sliced the air as sharply as a !nife blade' *assie fr$6e' /r$m the c$rner $f her eye she sa% Gabriel pr$p himself p $n an elb$% fr$m %here he'd been reclinin& $n his bed' There %as a &lass in $ne hand' The h$ld $f his &a6e %as tterly c$mmandin& (( and tterly relentless' *assie %as alm$st tempted t$ flee beneath the fierceness $f his &lare (( alm$st, b t n$t 7 ite' She m$istened her lips' 0er p$se reflected her ncertainty, $ne small hand at the nec! $f her dressin& &$%n' 4I heard s$methin& ''' I th$ &ht perhaps y$ %ere h rt'4 4As y$ can see I am fine' I s &&est y$ &$ bac! t$ bed'4 0e s% n& his le&s t$ the fl$$r' 0is shirt %as nb tt$ned and &aped %ide, re#ealin& the hair(matted r$ &hness $f his chest' *assie's m$ th %ent dry, b t she did n$t l$$! a%ay' 0e paid her n$ heed, b t str$de t$%ard the dresser (( and a half(empty decanter $f brandy'

*assie had n$ rec$llecti$n $f m$#in& ntil she f$ nd herself at his side' Gabriel c$ntin ed t$ i&n$re her, b t %hen he %$ ld ha#e tipped the nec! $f the decanter int$ the &lass, she thr st her palm $#er the rim' 4Gabriel, please'4 0er t$ne %as breathless' 4D$n't y$ thin! y$ '#e had en$ &h54 0e %hirled $n her, eyes afire %ith temper' 40a#e I, )an!5 B t y$ are ri&ht, there are $ther %ays f$r a man t$ see! ease fr$m his tr$ bles' S$ tell me, %$ ld y$ $ffer m$re c$mf$rt54 0is &a6e seared h$tly int$ hers' Deliberately, b$ldly, he laid his hand $n the p%ard thr st $f her breast' *assie c$ ld n$t still her instincti#e leap $f fear' 0is lip c rled' 4)$ see5 I th$ &ht n$t'4 0e rem$#ed his hand and t rned bac! t$ the decanter' *assie %as 7 a!in& inside b t determined n$t t$ sh$% it' She laid beseechin& fin&ers $n his arm' 4Gabriel, please' )$ acc$mplish n$thin& by drin!in& y$ rself int$ $bli#i$n'4 49hy, )an!, I d$ belie#e y$ ha#e n$ idea $f the s rcease t$ be f$ nd in a b$ttle $f fine brandy' Ama6in&, t$ be s re, partic larly f$r a f$rmer barmaid'4 *assie had t$ st$p herself fr$m flinchin&' 0is m$c!ery c t deep and she s spected he !ne% it' 4Since y$ %ill n$t 1$in me in my bed, then perhaps y$ %ish t$ 1$in me in a drin!54 48$34 0is eyes narr$%ed' 0is feat res &re% blac!er by the heartbeat' 2Then I rec$mmend, $nce m$re, that y$ ret rn b y$ r $%n bed'4 She sh$$! her head' * rsin& beneath his breath, Gabriel reached $ t t$ f$rcibly displace her t$ ch' B t *assie's $ther hand 1$ined the first' She cl n& t$ his f$rearm: the m scles beneath her fin&ertips &re% r$c!(hard and tense' 0is 1a% clenched' 49hy are y$ here5 D$ y$ en1$y seein& me li!e this54 4.f c$ rse n$t34 The %$rds %ere a fer#ent denial' 0e stared at her as if t$ lay bare all that she %as' A part $f her l$n&ed t$ flee as he demanded, f$r a heated bla6e had be& n t$ &l$% deep in the p re sil#er $f his eyes (( an&er, fr strati$n, and s$methin& else (( s$methin& that fri&htened her' B t she !ne%, in s$me stran&e, nfath$mable %ay she c$ ld n$t e,plain, that Gabriel %as $nly a heartbeat a%ay fr$m l$sin& c$ntr$l' And yet she felt c$mpelled bey$nd reas$n t$ remain %here she %as, f$r she c$ ld n$t banish the stran&est sense that if she t rned fr$m him n$%, he %$ ld remain bey$nd her reach f$re#er' 4I %as &lad %e left L$nd$n,4 he said s ddenly' 4I hated all th$se y$ n& b c!s %atchin& y$ , %$nderin& if y$ r lips are as s$ft and s%eet as they l$$!'4 0er lips f$rmed a %$rdless s$ nd $f s rprise' 4.h, c$me n$%, )an!'4 0is la &h %as harsh' 4S rely y$ !ne%' S rely y$ are n$t s$ &reen as all that' All the %hile they pretended t$ be &ay and merry, e#er the &entlemen, they %ere dyin& f$r a taste $f y$ , strippin& a%ay y$ r cl$thin& %ith their eyes and ima&inin& %hat lay beneath ''' @isc$ nt Rayb rn(he %as the %$rst'4 S rprise %idened her eyes' 4B t ''' I am a married %$man (4 4That matters little t$ men li!e Rayb rn' S rely y$ sa% en$ &h $f L$nd$n t$ !n$% that &amblin& and l stf l p rs its are the $rder $f the day' Belie#e me, had y$ &i#en him any si&n y$ %ere %illin&, he %$ ld ha#e been nder y$ r s!irts in a thrice'4 Gabriel's eyes %ere hard and &litterin&' 9ith$ t %arnin& he ca &ht her a&ainst him, the m$#ement s$ s dden she nearly cried $ t' 4Be &lad that he did n$t, )an!, f$r I d$ n$t thin! y$ r tender heart c$ ld %ithstand his death $n y$ r c$nscience'4

0is p$ssessi#eness thrilled her, yet there %as an a ra $f dan&er ab$ t him that sent a pric!le $f nease thr$ &h her limbs' 4Gabriel,4 she said sha!ily' 2)$ sh$ ld n$t say s ch thin&s ((4 A mas! $f icy c$ldness descended $#er his feat res' 49hy n$t5 It's tr e' S$ ma!e n$ mista!e' Ill !ill any man %h$ dares t$ claim %hat is mine'4 0er breath ca &ht half%ay p her thr$at' 4Gabriel, please, y$ (( y$ d$n't !n$% %hat y$ 're sayin&' )$ '#e had t$$ m ch brandy ((4 4And %hat if I ha#e54 0is t$ne %as fierce' 4)$ dri#e me t$ drin!, )an!' )$ dri#e me t$ madness' )$ dri#e me t$ this'4

Chapter 16
0is m$ th cr shed hers, a searin& brand' There %as n$ tenderness in his shac!lin& embrace' There %as n$thin& b t sheer, male mastery as %ith his t$n& e he r thlessly pl ndered the h$neyed interi$r $f her m$ th, stic! and %arm' She t%isted beneath his hands b t his &rip %as relentless, his !iss rampant %ith the th nder $f em$ti$ns &$ne %ild and nchec!ed and %h$lly $ t $f c$ntr$l' 9hether he %as &$aded by drin! $r desire, she did n$t !n$%' She !ne% $nly that there %as n$ escapin& him' T$ *assie it %as 1 st li!e bef$re' She sensed n$ mercy in him, n$ s$ftness' She did n$t !n$% he %as blind and deaf t$ her str &&les, t$ alt b t the dri#in& p lse beat $f desire p$ ndin& thr$ &h his #eins' .nly %hen a l$#e %himper br$!e fr$m her thr$at did the p nishin& fer$city $f his !iss lessen' The crims$n ha6e $f l sty passi$n %hich s rr$ nded him be&an t$ s bside' Grad ally he became a%are $f the fra&ile span $f her sh$ lders beneath his hands' 0e br$!e a%ay fr$m her m$ th and stared d$%n at her' 0er lashes %ere dar! and damp, spi!ed %ith tears' She appeared da6ed, her lips red and damp and s%$llen' The faintest &limmer $f %$ nded # lnerability sh$ne in her bea tif l &$lden eyes' Gabriel stepped bac!, his breathin& ra&&ed and scrapin&' 4G$,4 he said r$ &hly' 4J st &$'4 0e retreated t$ stand at the %ind$%, his bac! t$ her as he stared $ t at the m$$n(drenched s!y' *assie remained %here she %as' S$methin& painf l ca &ht at her heart' She c$ ld n$t identify the f$rce %hich !ept her there' It %as as frail and fra&ile as a &$ssamer thread $f h$pe ''' as p$%erf l and p$tent as a bla6in& n$$nday s n' Time stretched, dar! and endless' 0earin& n$ r stle $f m$#ement behind him, he t rned' 0is m$ th &re% $min$ sly thin as he beheld her standin& there' The set $f his sh$ lders %as ri&id' 2)$ need n$t l$$! at me li!e that, )an!' +y father ta &ht me %ell, y$ see (( I am ndeser#in& $f y$ r c$mpassi$n' And I m$st certainly d$ n$t need y$ r pity'> There %as a star!, %renchin& pair in the re&i$n $f her heart' .h, yes, she th$ &ht' 0e %as t$$ pr$ d t$ accept pity' T$$ bitter t$ accept c$mpassi$n' B t li!e her, he !ne% %hat it %as t$ feel tr ly al$ne ''' tr ly n%$rthy' A shatterin& reali6ati$n %ashed $#er her then' She c$ ld l$#e him ''' if $nly he %$ ld let her' 2Dammit,4 he &r$%led, 4didn't y$ hear5 Lea#e me al$ne34 Sl$%ly she raised her head' 0is re&ard %as s$ blisterin& she %as half(afraid t$ spec!' 4Is that %hat y$ %ant54 she as!ed faintly' 4/$r me t$ lea#e54 0is eyes &littered' 2)$ !n$% %hat I %ant, )an!'> Still she st$$d there, mar#elin& that she had n$t the &$$d sense t$ d$ as he c$mmanded' /ear dra&&ed at her insides, a fear that s rpassed all $ther' If he re1ected her n$%, her h miliati$n %$ ld be c$mplete' She sh$$! her head, the m scles in her thr$at achin& s$ that it h rt t$ spea!' 48$,4 she %hispered' 4I am n$t certain that I d$'4 S$methin& bla6ed acr$ss his feat res, s$methin& s%iftly s ppressed'

Deliberately he said, 4I %ant y$ in my bed, )an!' Beneath me' )$ r le&s %rapped ti&ht ar$ nd mine as I lay b ried deep and hard inside y$ '4 0e %atched as her face flamed crims$n' 0e did n$t mean t$ be cr de, 1 st br tally fran!, f$r he %$ ld ha#e n$ mis nderstandin&s bet%een them this time' Still she did n$t m$#e' She st$$d bef$re him, her &a6e shyin& a%ay, her hands clasped in a %hite(!n c!led &rip bef$re her' B$th betrayed her' D$ bt5 he %$ndered' .r fear5 9ith his eyes he pini$ned her' 0is sc$ rin& &a6e s%ept her fr$m head t$ f$$t, lin&erin& $n the &entle p thr st $f her breasts beneath her dressin& &$%n' By the time his &a6e ret rned t$ hers, *assie %as st nned t$ find his e,pressi$n ra% %ith ndis& ised passi$n' 0er p lse %as s ddenly thr$bbin&' 4*$me here, )an!'4 She %ent, $n le&s that %eren't entirely steady' .nly %hen she st$$d bef$re him, s$ near he c$ ld feel the fl tter $f her breath, did she falter' 0er lashes fanned dar! and thic! p$n her chee!s: her &a6e climbed n$ hi&her than the h$ll$% $f his thr$at' 9arm hands descended t$ her sh$ lders' 0e p shed aside her dressin& &$%n, lea#in& her clad $nly in a ni&ht&$%n that re#ealed far m$re than it c$ncealed' 0er nipples thr st pin! and r$ nd a&ainst sheer %hite la%n' / rther d$%n the trian&le $f her %$manh$$d sh$%n dar! and d s!y' 0e str$!ed her b$dy %ith na &ht b t the t$ ch $f his eyes' 4)$ 're bea tif l, )an!'4 0er embarrassment at standin& nearly na!ed in fr$nt $f him fled as if it had ne#er been' *assie's heart s rely st$pped in that m$ment' She held herself perfectly still, %ishin& it %$ ld last f$re#er' She had ne#er dared h$pe he %$ ld say s ch a thin& (( ne#er' The %$rds %ere li!e m sic t$ her heart, a healin& balm t$ her s$ l' A lean hand slid beneath the fall $f her hair, c ppin& her nape' 0e p lled her head bac! sl$%ly, s$ that she c$ ld n$t l$$! a%ay fr$m the searin& intensity $f his &a6e' 4I am tired $f pretendin& I d$ n$t %ant y$ , )an!, %hen I ha#e %anted y$ fr$m the start (( %hen I s ddenly find that is all I %ant' .h, I !n$% I t$ld myself I %anted re#en&e' I t$ld myself I c$ ld handle it, that I c$ ld accept a marria&e in name $nly (( that y$ %ere bea tif l b t I'#e lain %ith $ther %$men 1 st as bea tif l' B t I %as %r$n&' /$r y$ are e#er $n my mind, e#er and al%ays'4 0is eyes dar!ened' 4B t !n$% this' If y$ c$me t$ me t$ni&ht, then that d$$r %ill remain f$re#er $pen' I %ill n$t be barred fr$m y$ r bed' If y$ cann$t accept that, then I s &&est y$ lea#e n$%' Either %ay, the ch$ice is y$ rs'4 0er eyes cl n& t$ his' The tensi$n sp n $ t endlessly' J st %hen he th$ &ht he c$ ld bear it n$ l$n&er, first $ne small fist crept p t$ rest $n his chest, and then the $ther' It %as all the enc$ ra&ement he needed' 0e reached f$r her, ea&er t$ claim %hat she s$ temptin&ly $ffered' 4S$ be it:> he m ttered, 4f$r I can %ait n$ l$n&er'4 0e !issed her then, a %$rdless entreaty that sp$!e $f desire l$n& denied' 0er lips 7 i#ered beneath his, then parted' 0e felt her resp$nse, s%eet, %arm, and clin&in&' The reins $f c$ntr$l snapped %ithin him' 9ith a &r$an he cr shed her a&ainst him, liftin& her f ll $ff her feet' The press re $f his m$ th %as n$ less fierce than bef$re, yet there %as a difference' 0e !issed her as a star#in& man c$ns med the m$st b$ nte$ s $f feasts' The taste $f brandy %as heady $n his t$n& e ''' b t s$ %as the t$rmented h n&er, and *assie e,alted in it' She t%ined her arms ar$ nd him and shamelessly pressed her b$dy a&ainst his' 0er ni&ht&$%n met the same fate as her dressin& &$%n' Their lips still ardently f sed in a l$n&, nbr$!en !iss, he s% n& her p int$ his arms and laid her $n the c$ nterpane' .nly then did he rel ctantly release her m$ th, shr &&in& his shirt fr$m his sh$ lders' 0e strai&htened, his hands at the b tt$ns $f his breeches'

Th$ &h she c$ ld feel a heated tide $f embarrassment c$l$rin& her entire b$dy, *assie c$ ld n$t tear her &a6e a%ay' As each strainin& b tt$n %as released, hair that %as dar!er and c$arser than the %iry mat $n his chest filled the e#er(%idenin& &ap' 0is manh$$d spran& ta t and free' Deep inside her, it sp n thr$ &h her mind that she had been h$pin& A prayin& (( that her ima&inati$n had played ha#$c %ith her mem$ry $f the ni&ht she had l$st her #ir&inity ''' It had n$t' 0e bent and freed his le&s $f his breeches, !ic!in& them aside and t rnin& t$ face her' .h, she c$ ld n$t deny there %as a %ild, primiti#e bea ty t$ his b$dy' 0is sh$ lders %ere %ide and slee!, his arms and le&s l$n& and lean, spare and ti&ht' She tried t$ mas! it, b t her p lse s!ittered madly in alarm' Th$ &h she !ne% it %as n$t s$, it flashed thr$ &h her mind that %hat he intended %as n$t p$ssible ''' bet%een the c$rded stretch $f m scled thi&hs his manh$$d st$$d stiffly, ri&idly erect' She t rned her &a6e t$ safer territ$ry, f$c sin& $n the chiseled bea ty $f his m$ th as he stretched $ t beside her' B t Gabriel had heard the deep, sh dderin& breath she dre%' 0e sp$!e, his t$ne dan&er$ sly l$% and tense %ith fr strati$n' 49e'#e c$me t$$ far f$r y$ t$ chan&e y$ r mind, )an!'4 Thr$ &h s$me miracle, she %hispered, 4I ha#e n$t'> 29hat, then5 Are y$ afraid $f me54 She sh$$! her head, b t her e,pressi$n t$ld him $ther%ise' 0er eyes %ere %ild and panic!ed' 0e t rned her in his arms, his h$ld l$$se b t all(enc$mpassin&' 0is nearness %as $#er%helmin&' The scent $f man and m s! s%irled all ar$ nd, min&led %ith the c$l$&ne he sed' 0is m$ th h$#ered 1 st ab$#e hers, s$ cl$se her #ery breath seemed n$t her $%n' Lean fin&ers br shed stray strands $f h$ney(&$ld fr$m her flamin& chee!s' 4If y$ are n$t:' he said s$ftly, 4then %hy d$ y$ tremble li!e a fri&htened bird54 0er fin&ers c rled and nc rled in the f rry dar!ness $n his chest' 0er breath t mbled $ t in a sha!y r sh' 4Beca se I''' I %ant t$ please y$ ''' and ''' $h, its n$t y$ ''' s$ m ch as (( as %hat y$ %ill d$ ''' and %hat y$ %ill d$ it %ith'''4 She b ried her head $n his chest in ab1ect shame' Gabriel s c!ed in a harsh breath' 0ad she !n$%n %hat effect her c$nfessi$n %$ ld pr$#$!e, he felt certain she %$ ld ne#er ha#e made it' Th$ &h hed ha#e s%$rn it %as n$t p$ssible, his strainin& r$d s%elled t$ e#en &reater pr$p$rti$ns' The p lse in his shaft raced apace %ith the th ddin& $f his heart' 9ith his th mb he traced the #ein thr$bbin& %ildly in her thr$at' 4I'll n$t h rt y$ a&ain,4 he m ttered' 4That pain %hen I first t$$! y$ ''' a %$man has it b t $nce, *assie'4 She did n$t belie#e him' Th$ &h she did n$t $ t%ardly deny it, her lips %ere trem l$ s, her str &&le #i#id in her eyes' )et she did n$t tear herself a%ay, as he s spected she %anted t$' S$me em$ti$n that %as alm$st painf lly intense ca &ht at his heart, !n$%in& that despite her apprehensi$ns, she %$ ld &i#e herself $#er t$ him s$ c$mpletely' In an instant, his decisi$n %as made' 0e'd ne#er been pretty %ith %$rds, n$t really' 0e c$ ld sh$% her far better' The s ddenness $f his m$#ement %r n& a &asp fr$m her' 0is hand en& lfed hers and dra&&ed it d$%n $#er the &rid $f his belly ''' still f rther' 9ith nyieldin& press re he & ided her, fillin& her palm %ith himself, c rlin& c$$l fin&ers ar$ nd his b rnin& shaft' 0er inn$cent t$ ch inflamed him alm$st past bearin&' 0e &ritted his teeth a&ainst the r&e t$ ti&hten her &rip and p mp his hips (( she clasped b t half $f him (( t$ ta!e his satisfacti$n in this %ay and spare her the in#asi$n $f her b$dy' )et he sensed that, t$$, %$ ld sh$c! his nt t$red y$ n& bride t$ her #ery c$re'

8$r %ere his m$ti#es entirely nselfish' 0e %anted t$ p$ssess her, t$ fill her %ith his p$ ndin& essence, f$r she %as his ''' 0is and n$ $ther's' 4/eel,> he said thic!ly' 4/eel h$% my b$dy cra#es y$ rs' B t d$ n$t f$r&et I am b t flesh and bl$$d' This is b t flesh and bl$$d (( and m$re desire than my b$dy can c$ntain'4 0is %$rds %ere heated and shatterin&, ra% and ndis& ised' 4.h, yes, y$ please me, )an!' )$ please me m$re than y$ can !n$%'4 0is eyes sheared int$ hers' 48$% let me please y$ '> 0is m$ th capt red hers' 9ith a l$% m$an, she ca &ht his head in her hands and s rrendered t$ her passi$n ''' and t$ his' G$d, b t it felt s$ &$$d t$ be held ''' t$ be t$ ched' 0er m$ th %as as s%eetly clin&in& as his %as &reedy' A sh dder rippled thr$ &h him as her t$n& e sparred tentati#ely %ith his' She re#eled in it A and in the %ay his th mbs traced sl$%, maddenin& circles ar$ nd the p$ tin& tips $f her breasts, teasin&, s!immin& li&htly bac! and f$rth' They seemed t$ pea! and s%ell, sprin&in& ti&ht and en&$r&ed' She l$n&ed t$ clamp his hand there that she mi&ht capt re that el si#e pleas re' Sl$%ly he raised his head, his &a6e dar! and brilliant' She %as irresistibly bea tif l, her breasts r$ nd and delectably f ll, her nipples deep c$ral centers a&ainst pale, nblemished flesh' 0e !issed her there n$%, an $dd little la &h escapin& as her breathin& hastened' 4)$ 're #ery sensiti#e there, aren't y$ , s%eet54 0e shifted s ddenly, &ently s7 ee6in& and fillin& his hands %ith ripe, 1 ttin& flesh' 0is t$n& e came $ t t$ t$ ch the #ery tip $f $ne deep r$ &e circle, lea#in& it shiny and %et and achin&' A stab $f sheer pleas re b$lted thr$ &h her' She c$ ldn't l$$!, and she &asped at the sh$c!in& sensati$n as he t$$! the %h$le $f her nipple deep in his m$ th' The %ant$n lashin& $f his t$n& e %as %ild and er$tic ''' an e,7 isite deli&ht' 0er head fell bac! as he lic!ed and s c!ed first $ne dar! nipple and then the $ther' She &a#e a breathless little cry $f ecstasy' 0is m$ th came bac! t$ hers, de#$ rin& and c$ns min&, his t$n& e pl n&in& h$tly bet%een her lips in a blatantly e#$cati#e rhythm' T$rmentin& fin&ers s!immed a ner#e( shatterin& path acr$ss the sensiti#e s!in $f her belly' B t she &asped %hen th$se same fin&ertips embedded themsel#es in the ti&ht &$ld c rls at the ape, $f her thi&hs' *assie cried $ t and s$ &ht t$ clamp her thi&hs ti&htly t$&ether' B t his hand %as already firmly entrenched there, nda ntin& as he sta!ed his claim' 4D$n't fi&ht me, )an!'4 0is %hisper %as l$% and strained' 4I pr$mise Ill n$t fail y$ n$%'4 0e !issed her %ith sl$%, sed cti#e pers asi$n, lettin& her ad1 st t$ this intimacy ntil at last he felt her tensi$n s bside' 9ith the tips $f his fin&ers he ta nted and teased, li&htly br shin&, retreatin&, then ret rnin& e#er b$lder' She sh ddered b$th inside and $ t as th$se de#ilish fin&ers parted tender pin! f$lds $f flesh, slidin& slee! and b$ld and s re al$n& each side $f her f rr$%ed cleft' Blisterin& flames lic!ed thr$ &h her as his th mb 1$ined the f$ray, br shin& an achin&ly sensiti#e b d $f flesh she had n$t !n$%n she p$ssessed' 0er b$dy seemed t$ s%ell and thr$b and %eep' She cried $ t s$ftly as $ne l$n&, str$n& fin&er fle,ed deep inside her, a&ain and a&ain' And all the %hile his th mb n$% %$r!ed its ma&ic, circlin& and r bbin& ntil there %as a ra&in& infern$ bla6in& inside her' Eyes cl$sed as if t$ sh t $ t the delici$ s t$rt re, she be&an t$ %himper and %rithe' 0e t$re his m$ th fr$m hers and stared d$%n at the tears her b$dy %ept, &listenin& and damp a&ainst his hand and her flesh' 0e &r$aned' 0is fin&er san! deeper, clear t$ his palm' 4Gabriel34 0is name %as a shi#erin& cry' In it be heard all that he s$ &ht (( all he had %aited f$r' 0e le#ered himself p $#er her, scarcely able t$ breathe' 0er eyes %ere &la6ed, her e,pressi$n da6ed' The hardness $f his belly pressed hers' 9ith his !nees he n d&ed her thi&hs apart' The slee! r$ nd cr$%n $f his shaft pr$bed damp, dar!

c rls, f$rcin& her $pen, %ider still' She cl tched at him, certain she %$ ld be t$rn as nder by his strainin& entry' 0e felt the bite $f her nails in his bac!' 4L$$! at me, *assie'4 0is t$ne %as ra&&ed' That he c$ ld yet spea! he deemed a miracle' 0elplessly she $beyed' There %as n$ help f$r it' 0is sh$ lders &leamed li!e $iled %aln t' She sensed the ir$n c$ntr$l he %as e,ertin& $#er himself: his feat res %ere ta t %ith the strain $f h$ldin& bac!' 0e l$%ered his head s$ that their lips alm$st t$ ched b t n$t 7 ite' 4D$ I h rt y$ 54 0is %$rds %ere b t a breath $f air' 0er deep sh dderin& breath $nly made her a%are $f his massi#e r$d b ried deep inside her, s%$llen and thic!' B t there %as n$ pain, she reali6ed %ith blindin& relief, there %as $nly the mindless e,citement $f bein& filled as ne#er bef$re' 0er lips f$rmed a trem l$ s smile' 4I (( am fine,4 she said faintly' And then her smile faded' Their eyes cl n& as she & ided his head d$%n, s$ their m$ ths %ere clin&in& t$$' Sl$%ly he be&an t$ m$#e' She nearly cried $ t %hen he %ithdre% alm$st c$mpletely' The m scles $f his b tt$c!s ti&htened, and a&ain his s%$llen shaft pierced deep %ithin her' -leas re s%irled all ar$ nd her, dar! and heady' 0er eyes half(cl$sed' 0er bac! arched' 0er hips ca &ht his rhythm' Liftin&' *irclin&' 0eat sh$t thr$ &h her li!e m$lten fire' A l$% m$an br$!e fr$m her thr$at' It %as a plea, a %ant$n cry f$r m$re' She %anted him deep, deeper than she e#er th$ &ht p$ssible' At the s$ nd, Gabriel raised himself ab$#e her, his eyes b rnin& li!e embers, the m scles $f his arm c$rded and b l&in&' E#ery ner#e in his b$dy %as centered there, %here her #el#et sheath impris$ned him, h$t and slee! and ti&ht' 0is m$ th t$$! hers %ith frantic r&ency' 4I d$n't %ant t$ h rt y$ ,4 he &r$aned' 4B t ''' G$d help me ''' I cann$t be sl$% and easy ''' I %ant y$ t$$ m ch' ' '4 S$methin& &a#e %ay inside her, a r sh $f em$ti$n that melted her insides' 4.h, Gabriel,4 she cried' 4I %ant y$ , t$$' 2 want you, too'4 0is c$ntr$l splintered' A p$%erf l l n&e t$$! him deep, clear t$ her %$mb, clear t$ the center $f her heart' A&ain and a&ain he pl n&ed, t$rrid and intense, dri#in& and %ild' *assie %rapped her arms and le&s ar$ nd his limbs and cl n&, ca &ht p in the same b rnin& fren6y' Then s ddenly the %$rld e,pl$ded, %hite(h$t and da66lin&, spreadin& $ t fr$m that secret place he p$ssessed s$ f lly' She did n$t rec$&ni6e the !eenin& cries $f rapt re that t$re fr$m her thr$at, b t Gabriel did' 0er spasms sp rred his $%n release' 0e pl n&ed as if he %$ ld rend her in t%$' 0is b$dy stiffened and thr$bbed, fl$$din& her %ith his spe%in& %et heat' 0is head %as b ried in the h$ll$% $f her sh$ lder' Ab$#e her, she felt his b$dy sl$%ly rela,' 0er fin&ers c rled int$ the dar! hair that &re% l$% $n his nape, an nc$nsci$ s caress' 0e did n$t lea#e her, as she th$ &ht he mi&ht (( as she feared he %$ ld' Instead he pr$pped himself p his elb$%s and &ently A lin&erin&ly (( !issed her, a caress s$ nbearably s%eet it br$ &ht tears t$ her eyes' 8$ %$rds came t$ mind, and n$ne t$ her lips' It %as then that she !ne% ''' this %as %hat she had l$n&ed f$r all her life' This breathless feelin& $f cl$seness, $f bel$n&in&, s$ m ch a part $f an$ther''' In that m$ment, she c$ ld as! f$r n$ m$re'

Chapter 17
*assie a%$!e t$ bla6in& s nli&ht streamin& bri&htly thr$ &h the %ind$%s' /$r a m$ment she stared, p 66led at the star! masc line f rnishin&s that s rr$ nded her' @i#id remembrance sc$rched her mind as she recalled she %as n$t in her $%n bed ''' and %hy' B t al$n& %ith that came a %arm f 66iness that sent her &a6e peepin& shyly t$ the $ther side $f the bed' She fr$%ned, admittin& t$ a sli#er $f disapp$intment at findin& herself al$ne' J st then the c$nnectin& d$$r $pened a crac!' Gl$ria peeped thr$ &h' 4+ilady54 A%are she %as still na!ed, *assie slid d$%n beneath the c$#ers' 4G$$d m$rnin&, Gl$ria'4

4+$rnin&54 The little maid &i&&led' 4It's nearly n$$n, m m'> 28$$n54 0er state $f ndress %as all that !ept *assie fr$m leapin& p' 4+y hea#ens, %hy didn't y$ %a!e me54 0er r$ nd chee!s %reathed in a smile' 40is l$rdship made it #ery clear I %as t$ let y$ sleep as l$n& as y$ %anted'4 Gl$ria c$ ldn't ha#e been m$re pleased at findin& her mistress's bed empty this m$rnin&' She %as e#er s$ !ind and tender(hearted, and the earl s$ dar!ly hands$me, f$r all that he %as s$ stern and s$ber, a bit li!e his father ''' She si&hed her appr$#al' If any$ne deser#ed happiness, it %as th$se t%$' .h, b t she c$ ldn't %ait t$ tell +rs' +cGee3 *assie bl shed as her dressin& &$%n %as laid %ithin reach' 4Is my h sband d$%nstairs54 4)es, m m' 0e %ent $ t f$r a m$rnin& ride, b t I belie#e hes ret rned'4 *assie h rried thr$ &h her t$ilette, an,i$ s t$ see him a&ain' After the intimacies they had shared last ni&ht, it %as her m$st fer#ent h$pe that Gabriel's icy rem$teness %as a thin& $f the past (( if the h$ rs spent in his arms %ere any indicati$n, s rely it %as s$3 0er heart %as p$ ndin& ri$t$ sly as she descended the stairs' Th$ &h she t$ld herself she had n$ reas$n t$ be, she %as 1 st a trifle ner#$ s' 0er slipper %as $n the last stair %hen a s dden %a#e $f di66iness r$lled $#er her' She pa sed, flattenin& her palm a&ainst the %all and inhalin& deeply' This %as n$t the first time she'd had s ch a spell $f late' +ercif lly, it passed as 7 ic!ly as the $thers' B t 1 st as she %$ ld ha#e m$#ed f$r%ard a&ain, she heard the spiral $f an&ry #$ices 1 st ar$ nd the c$rner in the entrance hall' Gabriel and his father' She fr$6e' Th$ &h she did n$t mean t$ ea#esdr$p, she c$ ld n$t help b t $#erhear' 4I cann$t,4 Gabriel %as sayin& flatly' 4I ha#e an app$intment in L$nd$n this aftern$$n'4 4B t I'#e already made arran&ements f$r y$ t$ meet %ith the #icar this aftern$$n t$ disc ss $ r yearly d$nati$n t$ s pp$rt the parish charities'4 Edm nd %as clearly #e,ed' 4I s &&est y$ ma!e it an$ther day'4 4I cann$t' I t$ld him y$ %$ ld be there34 4Then handle it y$ rself34 4Blast it, Gabriel, I %$ ld remind y$ s ch resp$nsibility %ill s$meday be y$ rs al$ne3 8$r %ill I be $n hand t$ step in f$r y$ %hen y$ decide s ch matters are inc$n#enient %ith y$ r %ishes' )$ %ill ltimately ta!e my place as the d !e $f /arlei&h' )$ cann$t shir! y$ r $bli&ati$ns then, and y$ cann$t d$ s$ n$%' )$ ha#e a d ty t$ ph$ld34 *assie held her breath' There %as e#ery indicati$n this had ta!en $n the pr$p$rti$ns $f a ma1$r r$%' 4/ather, I ha#e made myself a#ailable t$ y$ these last %ee!s th$ &h y$ seld$m had the c$ rtesy t$ as! if I %ere' I admit n$ $ne %as m$re s rprised than I by y$ r decisi$n t$ in#$l#e me in estate affairs' Indeed, it $cc rs t$ me that perhaps y$ ha#e been merely %aitin& f$r me t$ fail' S$ if this is y$ r %ay $f testin& me, s$ be it' B t I dra% the line at ha#in& y$ ma!e my plans f$r me' In f t re, c$ns lt me first'4 /$$tsteps ech$ed' A d$$r $pened' 2St art %$ ld n$t ha#e %al!ed a%ay as y$ d$, Gabriel' 8e#er %$ ld he ha#e been s$ careless $f his d ty'4 Edm nd's f ry b$iled $#er' 4If $ne $f my s$ns had t$ be ta!en fr$m me, %hy c$ ldn't it ha#e been y$ 5 G$d, b t I %ish y$ had ne#er been b$rn34 *assie reeled as if she'd been str c!' .h, s%eet L$rd, s rely her ears had played her false' S rely he had n$t said'' ' 2D$ y$ thin! I d$ n$t !n$% that, /ather54 In c$mparis$n t$ Edm nd's ra&e, Gabriel's #$ice %as %himsically s$ft' 4I'#e al%ays !n$%n y$ did n$t %ant me (( y$ ne#er %anted me'4 The d$$r cl$sed 7 ietly' *assie clamped a hand t$ her m$ th, her eyes t$rt red' 0er !nees ref sed t$ h$ld her' She san! t$ the stairs, tterly sic! inside'

She s%ept int$ the st dy scant sec$nds later, her p$st re re&al, her demean$r $ne $f sheer, calm c$n#icti$n' Edm nd %as seated behind a p$lished mah$&any secretaire' 0e &lanced p at her entrance' 4If y$ d$n't mind,> he said c rtly, 4I prefer t$ be al$ne ri&ht n$%'4 4.h, b t I d$ mind'4 The %ide d$ ble d$$rs s% n& cl$sed' /$ r steps placed her s7 arely bef$re him' The d !e's eyes narr$%ed' 4I %$ ld li!e th$se d$$rs !ept $pen, if y$ please'4 *assie &a6ed at him steadily' /$r the first time she did n$t feel as if she %ere beneath him' L$rd $r n$, d !e $r n$, he %as as h man as she ''' and at this m$ment, he %as bey$nd c$ntempt' 4I s &&est %e !eep them cl$sed, )$ r Grace' ;nless y$ d$ n$t care if the ser#ants hear %hat I ha#e t$ say (( and I d$ belie#e they'#e heard 7 ite en$ &h' I !n$% I certainly ha#e'4 0e 1 mped t$ his feet, as ha &hty as e#er' 4)$ &$ t$$ far, *assandra' I %ill n$t br$$! s ch imp dence (4 4And y$ , sir, %ill n$t b lly me' )$ %ill n$t br$%beat me int$ silence' I %ill ha#e my say and I %ill ha#e it now'4 0er &a6e %as as icy as his' 49ere I y$ , I d$ n$t !n$% h$% I c$ ld li#e %ith myself,4 she %ent $n' 4T$ %ish y$ r s$n dead ''' t$ %ish him ne#er b$rn ''' 9ere I y$ , I %$ ld be $n my !nees as!in& G$d's f$r&i#eness that I c$ ld be s$ cr el, s$ #ery heartless34 Edm nd %ent a trifle pale' There %as n$ d$ bt the chit had heard the %h$le nf$rt nate e,chan&e %ith Gabriel' -ride c$mpelled him t$ defend himself' 4)$ d$ n$t !n$% $f %hat y$ spea!, *assandra (4 4.h, I !n$% far m$re than y$ thin!3 Gabriel t$ld me $f his childh$$d' 0$% y$ al%ays placed St art bef$re him, in alH thin&s, h$% y$ fa#$red St art'4 Edm nd thre% p his hands' 4)$ see5 0e's always been 1eal$ s $f St art34 *assie's eyes be&an t$ bla6e' She c$nfr$nted him b$ldly, th$ &h her b$dy trembled %ith the f$rce $f her em$ti$ns' 4And %hat if he %as5 0e %as 1 st a little b$y3 .h, I'#e n$ d$ bt y$ %ill ch$$se n$t t$ belie#e it, b t Gabriel l$#ed St art, and I ha#e it fr$m his $%n lips3 B t y$ &a#e all $f %hat he s$ desperately %anted fr$m y$ t$ his br$ther3 0e felt all al$ne34 4Al$ne3 9hy, the b$y %as hardly al$ne3 The ser#ants d$ted $n him3 And he had his m$ther (4 40is m$ther %as all he had34 she acc sed' 2Gabriel l$$!ed p t$ y$ ' 0e %$rshipped y$ ' )et y$ spared him n$t a l$$!, n$t a t$ ch, ne#er a hint $f %armth' 0e t$ld me h$% y$ &ifted St art $nce %ith a p$ny, and br$ &ht n$thin& A nothin# A f$r him3 9hat !ind $f man are y$ t$ d$ s ch a thin& t$ a child, t$ sli&ht him s$, t$ be s$ c$ld and heedless $f y$ r $%n s$n5 )$ tal! $f d ty' B t %here %as y$ r d ty t$ b$th y$ r s$ns54 4)$ are mista!en' Gabriel %anted f$r n$thin& as a child' And ma!e n$ mista!e, *assandra' As a child he %as tr$ bles$me and %illf l and headstr$n&' As a y$ th he %as e#en m$re rebelli$ s and defiant, b t it %as ne#er s$ %ith St art34 2Its n$t hard t$ reas$n %hy3 A child !n$%s %hen he is n$t %anted, n$ $ne !n$%s m$re than I3 Gabriel %as %$ nded that his father sh nned him s$, and his h rt t rned t$ an&er (( t$ rebelli$n' And m st y$ f$re#er c$mpare him t$ St art5 )$ said last ni&ht that Gabriel %as n$thin& li!e St art and y$ are ri&ht' Gabriel can ne#er replace St art and its nfair $f y$ t$ e,pect s ch $f him3 8$r is he a child any l$n&er, and y$ cann$t $rder him ab$ t as if he %ere'4 Edm nd stared at her d mbly' An a%f l band $f ti&htness crept ar$ nd his chest' 0e %as n$t selfish, n$t in the %ay she th$ &ht' 0e had p t /arlei&h first, f$r it %as his birthri&ht, as it had been f$r &enerati$ns bef$re him and as it %$ ld bec$me Gabriel's' B t *assandra made him s$ nd li!e a m$nster' 4)$ are blind,4 she char&ed, her #$ice sha!in& %ith 7 iet $ tra&e' 4Blind t$ all b t y$ r $%n selfishness' )$ thin! y$ rself s$ m ch better than I' B t y$ &i#e n$t a th$ &ht t$ the

feelin&s $f th$se ar$ nd y$ ' Gabriel t$ld me y$ ne#er l$#ed him, $r his m$ther' )et still in my heart, I %as c$n#inced he %as %r$n&, that he had mis nderst$$d y$ ' )et n$% I find it hard t$ belie#e y$ %ere e#er !ind, that y$ are e#en capable $f l$#e3 4+y m$ther %ished me dead,4 she %ent $n' 4+y m$ther tried t$ see me dead' G$d al$ne !n$%s %h$ my father %as' B t I sed t$ dream that he %$ ld s$meday ret rn f$r me, that he %$ ld ta!e me a%ay and %e %$ ld be happy' B t perhaps I %as l c!ier than Gabriel after all' -erhaps it %as better t$ &r$% p %ith n$ father at all than t$ ha#e been li!e Gabriel (( %ith a father li!e y$ 34 0$t tears slid d$%n her chee!s' She %iped them a%ay' 4)$ may chastise me h$%e#er y$ %ish' Beat me' Banish me t$ the streets, f$r all I care' B t I %ill ne#er recant a sin&le %$rd ((ne#er34 9ith a s%irl $f s!irts he %as left al$ne' Sl$%ly Edm nd san! t$ his chair, his face bleached $f all c$l$r' Did the &irl tr ly thin! that he %$ ld find s$me %ay t$ punish her5 8$, he th$ &ht' 0e %$ ld d$ n$thin&, f$r she had done n$thin&' 8$thin& b t spea! the tr th' 2f one of my sons had to be taken from me, why couldn!t it ha"e been you$ 0od, but 2 wish you had ne"er been born. Inside he crin&ed' 0is carelessly fl n& remar! speared clear t$ his heart' Dear G$d, he th$ &ht n mbly, she %as ri&ht' 0e %as a m$nster ''' 0$% c$ ld he ha#e said s ch a thin& t$ Gabriel5 S%eet hea#en (( how5 0e had made a terrible mista!e, he reali6ed n mbly' A mista!e that mi&ht ne#er be rectified' /$r the #ery first time, Edm nd Sinclair, d !e /arlei&h, sa% himself as *assandra sa% him ''' *$ld' 0arsh' Arr$&ant and nfeelin&' 0e sa% himself f$r the man he really %as' 0is sh$ lders sa&&ed' There %as n$ pride' .nly a despair that dra&&ed p$n his #ery s$ l ''' a %$rld $f re&ret' It %as $nly n$% that he &ained e#en a &limmer $f Gabriel's feelin&s' 9hate#er his s$n had felt f$r him had s rely t rned t$ hatred' 0e had !illed any l$#e $r respect thr$ &h his $%n ne&lect' 0e be&an t$ nderstand, n$% ''' %hen it %as t$$ late' 0e had th$ &ht he still had $ne s$n left ''' 8$% it seemed hed l$st them b$th' *assie %as t$$ an&ry and restless t$ remain at /arlei&h' /eelin& the need t$ be al$ne and clear her head, she chan&ed int$ her ridin& habit and %ent $ t t$ the stables' She &a#e the little mare she r$de her head, and s$$n she %as tr$ttin& p the dri#e t$ the 9arrent$n man$r h$ se' Th$ &h the h$ se itself %as &rand and spra%lin&, the &r$ nds %ere n$t as fa ltlessly sc lpted and immac late as th$se $f the /arlei&h estate' *assie idly br shed a%ay a sp$t $f d st fr$m her cl$thes as she ran& the bell' As the h$ se!eeper admitted her, it belatedly flitted thr$ &h her mind that perhaps she sh$ ld n$t ha#e c$me callin& %ith$ t an in#itati$n' B t E#elyn &reeted her %ith b$th hands e,tended, her manner %arm and %elc$min& as al%ays' Still, *assie %as secretly &lad %hen E#elyn let it slip that her father %as n$t at h$me' Despite the fact that the d !e $f 9arrent$n %as al%ays p$lite and ci#il, his ha &hty manner had tha%ed b t little $#er the past m$nths' She and E#elyn spent the aftern$$n drin!in& tea and tal!in&' B t %hen *assie be&an t$ tease her ab$ t the bea s she had s rely left behind in L$nd$n, a faint distress crept int$ her l$#ely feat res' *assie fr$%ned' 29hat is it54 she m rm red' E#elyn sm$$thed the f$lds in her &$%n bef$re meetin& her &ently enc$ ra&in& &a6e' 2Its 1 st that ''' $h, I %ish /ather %ere n$t s$ intent p$n seein& me %ed'4 She sh$$! her head and added &l mly, 4I !n$% its b t my ima&inati$n, b t it seems its all he thin!s $f' 0e's already be& n plans f$r a &rand ball the ne,t Seas$n (( nearly half a year a%ay yet34 *assie st died her f$r a m$ment' 40as he recei#ed any $ffers54

E#elyn n$dded' 4/r$m @isc$ nt Asht$n'4 40e did n$t accept it, did he54 E#elyn sh ddered' 48$' Asht$n is an impertinent lech, and a f$rt ne h nter t$ b$$t34 She si&hed' 2I s pp$se I sh$ ld be &lad /ather is n$t s$ set p$n seein& me married that he %ill accept 1 st any$ne is s it' 0e is determined I shall n$t marry bel$% an earl'4 She pa sed, starin& d$%n at the half(c$ld tea in her c p' *assie c$ ld ha#e s%$rn her l$#ely eyes %ere marred %ith a %istf l sadness b t it %as &$ne s$ 7 ic!ly she c$ ld n$t be certain' The ne,t instant E#elyn had raised her face and flashed a smile' 4En$ &h $f me' I %$ ld m ch rather tal! ab$ t y$ '> *assie c$ ld n$t help it' The mem$ry $f all that Gabriel had d$ne t$ her $nly last ni&ht (( all that had let him d$ (( #a lted int$ her mind' 0er chee!s fl shed a delicate pin!' E#elyn la &hed deli&htedly and patted her hand' 2)$ need n$t say m$re, l$#e' I shall ta!e that as a &$$d si&n'4 A pan& bit deep' It %as *assie's t rn t$ smile %istf lly' 2Its n$t %ise t$ n rt re h$pe %here n$ne e,ists,4 she m rm red' 48$nsense,4 E#elyn declared %ith s ch c$n#icti$n that *assie l$$!ed at her in s rprise' 4Gabriel cares f$r y$ , I'm certain $f it' .h, he may n$t !n$% it yet (( men can be s ch $bt se creat res y$ !n$%3 B t I ha#e %atched him, *assie, and %hen y$ are in the r$$m he can scarce ta!e his eyes fr$m y$ (( and if his eyes and mind are th s entranced, his heart is s re t$ f$ll$%'4 *assie did n$t ar& e' E#elyn's $ tl$$! %as al%ays s$ r$sy and bri&ht, she c$ ld n$t bear t$ disapp$int her' She set aside her c p and sa cer, then said sl$%ly, 4E#elyn, if y$ d$n't mind, I'd li!e t$ as! y$ ab$ t Gabriel's m$ther'> 4.f c$ rse I d$n't mind' B t I'm afraid my mem$ries $f her are #ery #a& e' It's been 7 ite s$me time since she died'4 4I !n$%,4 *assie said 7 ic!ly' 4B t her death is %hat I'd li!e t$ tal! ab$ t ''' and it's s$ diffic lt f$r Gabriel, I hate t$ pry f rther' +rs' +cGee menti$ned $nce h$% tra&ic her death %as, s$ I th$ &ht, perhaps Gabriel %as %ith her at the end ''' 0ad she been ill bef$re she died54 4.h, n$' 0er death %as tra&ic, t$ be s re' B t it %as an accident (( a terrible accident' The la!e at /arlei&h is %here it happened, y$ !n$%3> The lake' 0er heart be&an t$ th d %ith thic!, painf l str$!es' 48$,4 *assie said faintly' 2I didnt !n$%'4 E#elyn's br$% !nitted as she s$ &ht t$ remember' 4I belie#e she %as 7 ite al$ne, th$ &h' She had a little craft she $ften t$$! $ t (( b t $ne s mmer day they f$ nd the craft fl$atin& in the middle $f the la!e'4 She pa sed' 40er b$dy %as f$ nd se#eral days later'4 *assie f$ &ht a li&ht(headed sensati$n that made it diffic lt t$ breathe' 4G$$d L$rd'4 0er #$ice %as half(stifled' 4D$ n$t tell me that she ''' that she ((4 4)es,4 E#elyn said 7 ietly' 4She dr$%ned'4

Chapter 18
Th$ &h she tried t$ dis& ise it, *assie's m$$d %as tr$ bled as she left 9arrent$n' It made her sh dder t$ thin! h$% *ar$line Sinclair had died' At the same time, an el si#e h rt t &&ed at her heart' 9hy hadn't Gabriel t$ld her his m$ther had dr$%ned5 That he $ffered t$ share s$ little $f himself made her ache inside' 3oolish #irl, chided a silent #$ice' %e is well ac7uainted with your deathly fear of water ... ,erhaps he wished to spare you. B t there %as little p$int in d%ellin& $n it, she reali6ed' Re&ardless $f his reas$ns, she %$ ld say n$thin&, f$r s ch mem$ries $f his m$ther %ere best left ndist rbed' The s$ft line $f her m$ th pressed t$&ether as she d c!ed a l$%(han&in& branch' Th$ &hts $f Gabriel ine#itably t rned t$ his father ''' She dreaded ret rnin& t$ /arlei&h, f$r she f lly

e,pected t$ face Edm nd's %rath' /$r %hate#er reas$n he had ch$sen t$ h$ld his t$n& e %hile she had s$ b sily en&a&ed hers, she %as certain that s ch restraint %$ ld n$t last l$n&' It %as then she felt it ''' a sensati$n s$ str$n&, the hair $n the bac! $f her nec! pric!led ''' as if secret eyes %atched ''' and %aited '' She %as n$t far fr$m the &a6eb$, she n$ted %ith a shi#er' L$#ely as it %as, *assie had n$t ret rned there since that a%f l day she and Gabriel had been sh$t at' She reined Ariel t$ a halt and called $ t sharply' 49h$'s there54 There %as n$ ans%er' All ar$ nd her, the &r$ nd lay br shed %ith $ran&e(&$ld lea#es' Dappled s nli&ht p$ red thr$ &h t%istin& tree branches' Th$ &h the a t mn day %as clear and s nny, a shaft $f icy terr$r c$nstricted her breath' She d & her heels int$ Ariel's flan!s, nearly l$sin& her seat as the mare leaped f$r%ard' Bendin& l$%, she cl n& t$ her mane all the %ay bac! t$ /arlei&h' She %as still rather sha!en %hen she slipped $ff the saddle and handed the reins t$ a &r$$m' It %as then she n$ted Edm nd's blac! and &$ld carria&e %as &$ne' Enc$ nterin& +rs' +cGee in the entrance hall, *assie %aylaid her' 49ill 0is Grace be ret rnin& s$$n54 20es &$ne t$ his h$ se in Bath, milady' I &ather he plans t$ stay f$r at least a m$nth'4 +rs' +cGee shr &&ed, then smiled' 4A bit s dden, his decisi$n t$ lea#e' B t then he s ally spends this time $f year in Bath'4 *assie bit her lip' She harb$red n$ ill si$ns' The d !e had left beca se $f her (( and Gabriel' Th$ &h she %as #astly relie#ed that she need n$t face him s$ s$$n a&ain after her $ tb rst, all at $nce she %as beset by a ni&&lin& feelin& $f shame' At dinner she felt %$ef lly al$ne sittin& at the immense dinin& table by herself' She %as e,ha sted by the time she climbed the stairs t$ her bedchamber' L$n& after she had dismissed Gl$ria, she paced the len&th $f her r$$m, her ears strainin& f$r s$me s$ nd that Gabriel had ret rned fr$m L$nd$n' It %as l$n& after midni&ht %hen e,ha sti$n &a#e %ay t$ despair, and then a %eary resi&nati$n: finally she slipped beneath the c$ nterpane' B t t$$ m ch had happened that day f$r rest t$ c$me easily' 0er sleep %as fitf l and restless ''' She was back in the woods a#ain, only this time without &riel. She was runnin#. &lone. Desperate. %er heart poundin# in sheer terror. &n air of menace hun# dark and thick, like hea"y fo#. ,hantom shadows darted all around, pursuin# her, faster and faster. 3rantic to e"ade them, she ran faster. 'ranches whipped her face, stin#in# her cheeks. %er muscles burned. She stumbled and fell. &ll at once the lake was there, its tur7uoise waters pristine and serene. She could see herself, as if she were floatin# outside of her body. She was standin# on the dock, her e8pression one of stricken horror. 1"en as she tried to cry out a warnin#, a hand came out and pushed ' ' ' Then she was back in her body a#ain. 2cy water closed o"er her head. She #asped, strainin# lo breathe, to sur"i"e. Surrounded by a dark, murky underworld, she clawed for the surface. 'ut somethin# was dra##in# her, pullin# her down, e"er down ... She tried to scream. Water filled her mouth, chokin# her, scaldin# her lun#s. %ow odd, she thou#ht. 3or she could hear herself scream, a shrill of pure terror ... 4*assie3 .pen y$ r eyes' It's 1 st a dream, s%eet, 1 st a dream'4 The c$mmand penetrated her ha6e $f c$nsci$ sness' 0er eyes $pened' The &$lden &l$% $f a candle lit the dar!ness' Gabriel's face, &rim and nrelentin&, s%am ab$#e her' 0is arms %ere str$n& and hard ab$ t her bac!' 9ith a m$an, she sa&&ed a&ainst him, c rlin& her fin&ers in the fr$nt $f his shirt' She inhaled deeply, a l$n&, ra&&ed breath: he smelled $f crisp, starched linen, and he felt s$ &$$d, all %arm, heated stren&th' 4I did n$t !n$% y$ %ere bac!,4 she %hispered after a m$ment'

4I'#e $nly 1 st arri#ed' )$ scared the de#il $ t $f me (( I th$ &ht s$me madman %as in here %ith y$ '4 9arm fin&ers traced s$$thin&ly p and d$%n her spine' 49hat %ere y$ dreamin& $f54 She s ppressed a sh dder' She c$ ld n$t tell him' All at $nce she felt silly and childish' 2Its n$thin&'4 She raised her head and tried t$ pass it $ff %ith a trem l$ s smile' 4I %as at 9arrent$n this aftern$$n, and %hen I r$de bac!, I had the stran&est sensati$n that s$me$ne %as %atchin& meA2 2)$ %ere al$ne54 She fr$%ned, f$r she had felt the brittleness that in#aded his h$ld' 2)es> she %hispered int$ his sh$ lder' 9ith a m ttered imprecati$n he dre% bac!' 0e stared d$%n at her, his m$ th a ti&ht %hite line' 2Dammit, *assie, I d$n't %ant y$ $ t ridin& %ith$ t a &r$$m' I th$ &ht I made myself clear'4 0er smile %a#ered' 0e %as tense, s$ #ery tense''''4E#elyn d$es n$t ride %ith a &r$$m'4 2E#elyn has n$t had a precipit$ s n mber $f s$(called accidents $f late'4 *assie 's breath stilled, al$n& %ith the beat $f her heart' An eerie f$reb$din& tric!led al$n& her spine' She searched his face' 4)$ d$ n$t thin! they %ere accidents54 Gabriel c rsed himself r$ ndly' 0e had said t$$ m ch (( re#ealed t$$ m ch (( %hile !n$%in& far t$$ little' Still, perhaps this %as best' 4In all li!elih$$d they %ere, b$th the sh$$tin& and the attac! in L$nd$n'4 0e did n$t %ant t$ alarm her, yet perhaps n$% she %$ ld ta!e m$re ca ti$n' I hired an in#esti&at$r t$ try t$ find the man %h$ acc$sted y$ ' I met %ith him this aftern$$n in L$nd$n' ;nf$rt nately, the r$& e has slipped fr$m $ r &rasp'4 4I th$ &ht y$ %ere c$n#inced he %as 1 st a f$$tpad'4 4.h, $f that I ha#e n$ d$ bt' 8e#ertheless, I %ish the man ca &ht'4 0e pa sed' 4*assie, I d$ n$t %ant t$ fri&hten y$ needlessly' B t I %ant y$ t$ thin!' Is there any$ne bac! in *harlest$n %h$ mi&ht %ish y$ harm5 S$me$ne c$nnected %ith y$ r family, perhaps'4 She hesitated' 4I t$ld y$ bef$re, theres n$ $ne' +y father, %h$e#er he is, d$es n$t e#en !n$% I e,ist'4 The briefest spasm $f pain passed $#er her face' 4And I d$ bt my m$ther remembers'4 She sh$$! her head, then m rm red, 4I'm afraid the $nly pers$n I !n$% $f %h$ mi&ht %ish me ill is y$ r father' Gabriel's re&ard sharpened' *assie bit her lip, $b#i$ sly disc$ncerted' 4)$ r father left f$r Bath this aftern$$n'4 4Bath3 B t I sa% his calendar $nly this m$rnin&' 0e had n$ s ch plans'4 4I !n$%'4 *assie's eyes a#$ided his' 4I'm afraid I am resp$nsible'4 4)$ 54 0is sh$rt la &h affirmed his disbelief' 'Tan!, I d$ bt there is a s$ l $n this earth %h$ c$ ld ma!e my father d$ s$methin& he did n$t %ish t$'4 She hesitated, yet she !ne% she had n$ ch$ice b t t$ c$me $ t %ith the tr th' 4I heard the t%$ $f y$ this m$rnin&,4 she said 7 ietly' 4I heard the terrible thin&s he said t$ y$ ' I %as f ri$ s (( f ri$ s that he c$ ld be s$ call$ s' And I fear I simply c$ ld n$t help myself ''' I &a#e him 7 ite a dressin& d$%n'4 4I see'4 The m scles $f his face seemed t$ free6e' 0e p t her fr$m him' *assie felt c$ld and hereft' And he %as an&ry' She c$ ld see it in the set $f his 1a%, as infle,ible as ir$n' 4)$ need n$t defend me, )an!' I ass re y$ , I am 7 ite capable $f fi&htin& my $%n battles'4 0e had retreated fr$m her, %h$lly and tterly, in spirit and in b$dy' 0$% c$ ld he be s$ %arm and c$mf$rtin& $ne min te, s$ c$ld and patr$ni6in& the ne,t5 0 rt and $ tra&e br$ &ht her chin hi&h' 4Let s n$t mince %$rds, my l$rd'4 The c$$lness $f her t$ne matched his' 4D$ y$ mean t$ say I ha#e n$ ri&ht t$ intr de in y$ r life54

29hy, )an!,4 he pa sed, his smile flashin& %hite a&ainst his dar! feat res, 4it seems %e nderstand each $ther perfectly'4 Small hands fisted at her sides, *assie r$se t$ her feet' A c ri$ s ti&htness settled ar$ nd her heart' 4.h, yes, I nderstand, Gabriel' I nderstand all that y$ d$ n$t' .h, b t y$ are s$ #ery m ch y$ r father's s$n, 1 st as blind and st bb$rn3 )$ thin! y$ rself s$ m ch ab$#e him, d$n 't y$ 5 )$ 1 d&e him f$r his mista!es' )$ despise y$ r father f$r ne&lectin& y$ r m$ther, f$r d$in& t$ her ''' %hat y$ %$ ld d$ t$ me ''' and f$r %hat, I as!5 T$ spite him, t$ p nish him3 .h, b t y$ are n$ different than y$ r father (( n$ better than him'4 She sp n ar$ nd and str$de t$ the c$nnectin& d$$r bet%een their r$$ms' 4I %ill than! y$ t$ lea#e me al$ne'4 0er t$ne %as as c ttin& as her &lare' Gabriel's eyes flic!ered' 0e did n$t m$#e a m scle' By n$% *assie %as t$$ incensed t$ be afraid' A scaldin& r sh $f an&er p$ red thr$ &h her' 4Didnt y$ hear me5 Get $ t'4 She stamped her f$$t' 4Get $ t34 A dan&er$ s half(smile c rled his lips' 0e faced her, his b$$ted feet braced %ide apart, his th mbs h$$!ed int$ his breechess, re#ealin& his 1ade embr$idered %aistc$at: his p$st re %as $ne $f ns%er#in& masc linity despite his hands$me ele&ance' 4I thin! n$t, madam,4 %as all he said' B t deep inside he %as bitterly st n& that she c$mpared him t$ his father (( his father3 And he dared n$t &i#e in t$ the ra&e that simmered 1 st beneath the s rface' Sl$%ly his &a6e ra!ed $#er her, trespassin& at %ill' The candle behind her ca &ht her in its &l$%(and rendered the frail c$#erin& $f la%n she %$re seless' The shape $f her b$dy %as clearly discernible' 0er breasts %ere s$ft and f ll, her nipples dar!, pin! enticements, the d$%n f 66 $f her %$manh$$d a deeper shad$%' And n$% a fire $f a different s$rt had !indled' *assie reali6ed t$$ late the # lnerability rendered by her state $f ndress' She rec$&ni6ed the &litter m his eyes $nly t$$ %ell' 0er fin&ers c rled m$re ti&htly ar$ nd the d$$r!n$b as he be&an t$ cl$se the distance bet%een them' Th$ &h she cl n& t$ it %ith all her stren&th, the !n$b %as %renched fr$m her &rasp as he thr st the d$$r sh t %ith the heel $f his hand' Spar!s $f rebelli$n b rst inside her' 4Damn y$ 34 she s%$re' 2)$ %ill n$t lay a hand $n me34 There %as the s$ nd $f h s!y, masc line la &hter' 4.h, b t I %ill, s%eet' I daresay y$ %ill !n$% m ch m$re than 1 st the t$ ch $f my hand t$ni&ht'4 She dre% herself p pr$ dly, f$r n$% he bl$c!ed her %ay' 4I %ill n$t34 she cried' 4)$ cann$t !eep me at arm's len&th and e,pect s bmissi$n %hene#er the %him stri!es y$ '4 0e t$$! a step f$r%ard' *assie paled, retreatin& in tandem as he ad#anced' B t s$$n he had her bac!ed a&ainst the d$$r' 0is f$rearms came p $n either side $f her b$dy, effecti#ely pinnin& her in place' -anic en& lfed her' 0e %as s$ cl$se her breasts br shed his shirt %ith e#ery breath' 0is f ry %as ill(dis& ised: it &limmered in his li!e 7 ic!sil#er' 4)$ are %r$n&, )an!, f$r there is a #ery &reat difference bet%een my father and I indeed' I sed t$ mar#el that I %as e#er b$rn, f$r he felt n$thin& f$r my m$ther, n$t e#en a man's passi$n f$r a %$man' And I m st c$nfess, s%eet, y$ ha#e $nly t$ c$me near and my b$dy reminds me 7 ite insistently $f my desire f$r y$ '4 4Desire54 In%ardly she trembled: $ t%ardly she sc$ffed' 4I !n$% %hat dri#es y$ ' )$ '#e been st c! here in the c$ ntry %ith me (( and %ith$ t y$ r mistress' S$ &$ bac! t$ L$nd$n (( bac! t$ the %elc$min& arms $f y$ r mistress34 4+y mistress34 4)es3 Lady Sarah, I belie#e'4 4I'#e n$t seen her in %ee!s, )an!' 8$r did I %ish t$' Besides, %hat need ha#e I $f her %hen I find s ch %elc$me in y$ r arms54

4)$ ll find n$ s ch %elc$me a&ain34 She sh$#ed at his chest' 0e merely leaned cl$ser, barrin& any f rther m$#ement $n her part %ith the press re $f his b$dy' 4It is p$intless t$ resist me, )an!' 9e b$th !n$% that'4 4.h34 she cried' 4S$ n$% y$ t$ t y$ r charms5 D$ y$ thin! I am a f$$l that I find y$ s$ irresistible5 If that's %hat y$ thin!, perhaps it's y$ %h$ are the f$$l34 4-erhaps I am: 4 he said, his #$ice l$% and intense' 4And I d$ n$t 't$ t my charms,' as y$ ch$$se t$ p t it' Indeed, )an!, its y$ %h$ charm me, y$ %h$ be%itched me the m$ment I set eyes $n y$ , y$ %h$ are irresistible' )$ stir me past bearin&' Bey$nd all reas$n ''' bey$nd end rance'4 0e bent his head and pressed his lips t$ the place %here her nec! sl$ped int$ her sh$ lder' The t$ ch $f his lips %ent thr$ &h her li!e a b$lt $f li&htnin&' 4And it's n$t s bmissi$n I %ant' I %ant y$ na!ed and t%istin& and ea&er in my arms as y$ %ere last ni&ht'> .h, b t he %as a %retch t$ remind her3 0is %$rds shattered her c$mp$s re li!e br$!en crystal' All at $nce she %as 7 i#erin&' 8$, n$t %ith fear, $r e#en an&er, b t %ith the int$,icatin& effect $f his nearness' B t %hen she %$ ld ha#e ar& ed, his m$ th, demandin& and de#$ rin&, capt red hers' 0er &$%n %as s%ept fr$m her sh$ lders' 0is hands came $ t t$ play %ith the tips $f her breasts' A sh$c! $f sensati$n c rled deep in her belly' *a &ht in a ma6e $f c$nflictin& em$ti$ns, her hands clenched and nclenched a&ainst his chest' 0er fin&ertips %ere achin&ly sensiti6ed: she c$ ld feel the raspiness $f his b$dy hair beneath the fabric $f his shirt' A %a#e $f l$n&in& s%ept her in its tide' She yearned t$ t & aside the barrier $f his shirt, t$ feel the intimate slide $f s!in a&ainst s!in' And %hen he did e,actly that, tearin& $ff his 1ac!et, rippin& his shirt $#er his head and b ryin& her nipples in the f rred dar!ness $n his chest, she th$ &ht she %$ ld die $f sheer bliss' She had t$ fi&ht fr$m %rappin& her arms ar$ nd his nec! in rec!less s rrender' .nly the tan&le $f heart and mind and b$dy st$pped her' She %anted him desperately, yet !n$%in& he th$ &ht s$ little $f her h rt nbearably3 S$meh$% she mana&ed t$ tear her m$ th free' 2Gabriel, please'4 0er plea %as a ra&&ed cry' 4)$ d$ this $nly beca se I dared t$ defy y$ '4 0e raised his head' 0is eyes rained sil#er fire p$n her pt rned face' 48$,> he said fiercely' 4I t$ld y$ last ni&ht that d$$r %$ ld n$t be cl$sed a&ainst me and I meant it' And I d$ this beca se it's %hat %e b$th %ant'4 9ith that he b$re her t$ the bed and stripped $ff his b$$ts and breeches' 9hen he %as as na!ed as she, he stretched $ t beside her' G$d help her, he %as ri&ht' She did %ant him' 0eat and dampness &athered there bet%een her thi&hs, 1 st thin!in& %hat he %$ ld d$ t$ her (( %hat she %anted him t$ d$' 0is t$n& e ent%ined %ith hers, a p rely er$tic matin& that primed them b$th f$r the $ne s$$n t$ f$ll$%' 0is fin&ers t$yed %ith her nipples ntil they st$$d ta t and tin&lin&, achin& f$r the h$t brand $f his m$ th, the lashin& &lide $f his t$n& e' And then his chest slid sl$%ly d$%n her breasts, the t$rmentin& fricti$n ma!in& her &asp f$r air' .nce a&ain he &a &ed her e#ery desire better than she herself' B t there %as still m ch she did n$t !n$% ''' m ch she had yet t$ learn ''' 0e %as ab$ t t$ teach her' /$r Gabriel there %as n$ c$nsci$ s th$ &ht' There %as $nly the p$ ndin& need t$ pleas re her' T$ p$ssess her' T$ please her, f$r he %anted her as he had ne#er %anted an$ther %$man ''' all $f her, in the a&e($ld %ay, in e#ery %ay ''' In this %ay' 0e slid d$%n her b$dy, his t$n& e bla6in& a s%irlin& path acr$ss the satin plane $f her belly' 4Gabriel,4 she &asped' 4Dear G$d ''' %hat ' ' '4 0e pressed %ith the breadth $f his sh$ lders ntil he felt her thi&hs &i#e %ay' 0er hands fl ttered helplessly a&ainst the c$rded ti&htness $f arms' B t he %as persistent' Determined'

0e tasted her, his breath a heated r sh, a sc$rchin& lic! $f %ildly er$tic fire a&ainst flesh that %as already damp and de%y' 0e &r$aned' She %as h$t and tan&y(s%eet' 0er head 1er!ed p $ff the pill$%s' A&ain and a&ain he teased slee!, %et recesses, el si#e and circlin&, t$rmentin& and e,pl$rin&' 0er fin&ers !n$tted in his hair' S$ft, breathless pantin& filled the air, dri#in& him t$ a fren6y' She %himpered, her hips nc$nsci$ sly see!in&' 0is bl$$d p$ ndin& %ith a primiti#e heat, he &a#e her %hat she s$ artlessly s$ &ht' 0e t$ ched her then, her s%$llen c$re, the press $f his t$n& e laid hi&h and f ll and ti&ht a&ainst the #ery pearl $f sensati$n' A c$n# lsi#e sh dder %rac!ed her' /eelin& his manh$$d near t$ b rstin&, he le#ered himself $#er her' 0er eyes $pened, sm$!y and da6ed' Lean fin&ers separated s$ft, sprin&y fleece, then pin!, de%y f$lds' 9ith a &r$an he pl n&ed deep, embedded ti&ht %ithin her heat' 0e p lled himself $ t, all hard and &listenin& and &l$ri$ s' 8either c$ ld l$$! a%ay as he came inside her, dri#in& and p$%erf l, a&ain and a&ain, %ith m$ ntin& fren6y' 0is seed %as risin&, b rnin& him fr$m the inside $ t' 0e %as $nly a heartbeat a%ay fr$m spillin& himself' B t he ached f$r her t$ !n$% the f ll meas re $f her pleas re and s$ he held bac!' 0er nails san! int$ his sh$ lder' 4Gabriel'4 She &asped $ t his name' 4.h, please' ' '4 0er cry ech$ed in his thr$at' 0e claimed her m$ th in a !iss that %as ra% and h n&ry and nbridled' 0e thr st harder, deeper, faster and faster in ans%er t$ her plea' Did he p$ssess her5 ''' .r did she p$ssess him5 0e n$ l$n&er !ne%' 0e n$ l$n&er cared, f$r then he felt it (( the p lsin& spasms $f her ti&ht, clin&in& sheath ar$ nd his thr$bbin& member' 9ith a m ffled cry he reaped his 1$y fr$m hers, e,pl$din& inside her a&ain and a&ain, his $%n release n$ less scaldin& (( n$ less splendid (( than hers'

Chapter 1 9
A t mn came f ll p$n the land' The c$ ntry(side bri&htened t$ #i#id shades $f r sset and &$ld' The days &re% sh$rt, the ni&hts bris! and c$$l' B t %ith the chill p$n the land came a chill p$n her heart' She %as distinctly nsettled $#er the ne,t fe% %ee!s' She simply c$ ld n$t help it, f$r the seed $f d$ bt had been planted and s$%n' 9hat if Gabriel %as ri&ht5 9hat if s$me$ne %ere after her5 She hated herself f$r the th$ &ht %hich al%ays spran& t$ mind' Edm nd hated Americans %ith a passi$n' 9hat if he had decided t$ try t$ be rid $f her (( permanently5 0e had yet t$ ret rn fr$m Bath, and f$r that *assie %as than!f l' A part $f her sc$ffed at the p$ssibility Edm nd mi&ht be resp$nsible f$r the 2accidents4 %hich had befallen her' Gabriel seemed c$n#inced his father %$ ld d$ her n$ harm, yet *assie c$ ld thin! $f n$ $ne %h$ c$ ld p$ssibly %ant t$ h rt her' 8$r %as that the $nly matter %hich preyed $n her mind' 8$ l$n&er did she and Gabriel deny themsel#es the sens al pleas res t$ be f$ nd in $ne an$ther' 9hen he made l$#e t$ her, he demanded all she %$ ld &i#e (( and m$re' At first the st$rmy passi$n he ar$ sed in her %as fri&htenin&' It fri&htened her e#en m$re that Gabriel c$mmanded s ch s rrender %ith $nly a !iss (( the merest caress3 )et she c$ ld %ithh$ld n$thin&, and s$$n did n$t %ant t$' 0is l$#ema!in& %as s$metimes fierce and p$ssessi#e, s$metimes tender and pr$tecti#e and achin&ly s%eet' B t %hile her ni&hts %ere spent disc$#erin& the enchantment $f the flesh, lyin& sn & in Gabriel's arms, her days %ere filled %ith an& ish and c$nf si$n' .h, he &a#e his b$dy %h$lly t$ her' .nly last ni&ht, in star!, %ant$n %hispers, he t$ld her $#er and $#er h$% she pleased him, h$% he deli&hted in her shy e,pl$rati$n $f his hard na!edness' B t %hen m$rnin& came, his %armth %as &$ne, his passi$n chec!ed' In tr th, she %as secretly shattered, f$r he !ept his em$ti$ns shielded fr$m her, e#er distant, as th$ &h he %$re a cl$a! $f ir$n' 0e %$ ld n$t let her cl$se ''' and that %as %here she l$n&ed t$ be'

She yearned f$r all she had disdained (( f$r all she had ne#er dreamed she mi&ht %ant fr$m him' It had ne#er been %ealth $r p$ssessi$ns that s c$#eted, th$ &h she th$ &ht bitterly Gabriel mi&ht %ell disp te that fact' In tr th, she had th$ &ht t$ be satisfied %ith a h$me, a safe and sec re f t re, free fr$m a life $f p$#erty and str &&le' B t *assie c$ ld n$t lie t$ herself any l$n&er' 0idden deep in the f rthest reaches $f her heart, she l$n&ed f$r a tr e and happy marria&e, a h sband %h$ cherished her %ith all his s$ l, and children %h$ %$ ld ne#er d$ bt they %ere l$#ed and %anted by b$th parents' 0ea#y %as the b rden carried by her treacher$ s heart' She prayed ni&htly that Gabriel mi&ht s$meday c$me t$ l$#e her, b t she %as afraid that %as the $ne thin& that %$ ld f$re#er el de her' )et e#en as that h$pe &re% e#er m$re dim, an$ther certainty l$$med str$n&er %ith each passin& day' She %as t$ bear his child' And she !ne% n$t h$% t$ tell him' Little did she reali6e the matter %as already $ t $f her hands' Gabriel %as %$r!in& in the st dy $ne dri66ly aftern$$n in late 8$#ember' A timid rap ech$ed $n the d$$r' 0e pa sed, his 7 ill still in hand' 4Enter,4 he called' A fr$%n creased his br$% %hen Gl$ria slipped inside' She st$$d f$r a m$ment $n the thresh$ld, her demean$r m$ sy and tentati#e' 4*$ ld I ha#e a %$rd %ith y$ , sir54 She p$sed the 7 esti$n timidly' 4By all means, Gl$ria'4 0e &est red her f$r%ard, b t he %as faintly p 66led' 0e c$ ld thin! $f n$ reas$n %hy Gl$ria %$ ld appr$ach him rather than *assie' Gl$ria %r n& her hands ner#$ sly and decided that, ha#in& c$me this far, she mi&ht as %ell simply c$me $ t %ith it' 4I !n$% its n$t my place t$ say s$,4 she bl rted, 'b t I'm fair %$rried ab$ t my lady'4 Gabriel tapped the 7 ill a&ainst the led&er he'd been %ritin& in' 4Indeed,4 he said sl$%ly' 'Tell me %hy Gl$ria, and please be fran!'4 49ell, mil$rd, t$ my mind, shes been feelin& p$$rly this last m$nth' .h, E !n$% she tries t$ let $n that n$thin& is amiss, b t m$re than $nce these past %ee!s shes &$ne pale as sn$% (( %hy, I had t$ help her t$ a chair' Indeed, I feared she %$ ld faint dead a%ay34 Gabriel fr$%ned' *assie %as n$ %illy(nilly y$ n& miss t$ s ffer an attac! $f the #ap$rs at e#ery silly little thin&' She had n$ sh$rta&e $f either pl c! $r pride' 4S$ y$ belie#e she is ill54 4That's the f nny thin&, mil$rd' S$me days shes ri&ht as rain' .thers shes s$ fa&&ed $ t I can see it's all she can d$ t$ dra& herself fr$m bed'4 Gl$ria %armed t$ the matter' 4/$r&i#e me f$r bein& s$ b$ld, sir' I'#e tried t$ &et milady t$ see a physician, b t she insists its n$thin& and %ill pass' Gabriel r$se' 4I appreciate y$ r c$ncern, Gl$ria (( and y$ %ere ri&ht t$ brin& this t$ my attenti$n' Rest ass red, I shall see that y$ r mistress ne&lects her health n$ l$n&er'4 Gl$ria b$bbed a c rtsy and left, #astly relie#ed yet feelin& a trifle & ilty' Th$ &h she had a #ery &$$d idea %hat ailed her mistress, Gl$ria %as %$rried ab$ t her and %as c$n#inced the lady sh$ ld be e,amined by a physician' B t had she mana&ed t$ c$n#ince the earl $f that5 ;nf$rt nately, n$t a sin&le $ne $f the ser#ants c$ ld e#er predict %here l$rd and lady st$$d %ith the $ther' .f c$ rse, they all had their h$pes(and d$ bts as %ell' B t Gl$ria smiled happily %hen she peered ar$ nd the c$rner scant sec$nds later' The earl %as stridin& p the staircase t%$ at a time' ;pstairs in her bedchamber, *assie sat in a %in& chair near the %ind$%, her embr$idery in her lap' Th$ &h her fin&ers lay idle, her th$ &hts %ere far b sier''' She &lanced p at Gabriel's entrance' 0is face %as br$n6ed a&ainst the %hiteness $f his cra#at, s$ #ery hands$me he t$$! her breath a%ay' The ma!in&s $f a smile creased her lips'

0e f$lded his arms acr$ss his chest and &lared' 4Gl$ria tells me y$ '#e been ill,4 he stated %ith$ t preamble' *assie blin!ed' She did n$t !n$% %hat it %as shed e,pected him t$ say, b t this %as n$t it' 9ith a sha!e $f her head, she laid her embr$idery $n the table' 4Gl$ria,4 she said li&htly, 4%$rries far m$re than need be'4 An arr$&ant br$% climbed hi&h' 4She tells me she %as certain se#eral times y$ %ere ab$ t t$ faint dead a%ay'4 4Ah, b t I did n$t' S$ y$ see, there is n$ need f$r either $f y$ t$ c$ncern y$ rself (4 4I d$ n$t a&ree, )an!' 8$r d$ I belie#e y$ sh$ ld miss these epis$des as if they %ere n$thin&' / rtherm$re, I d$ n$t nderstand %hy y$ ch$se n$t t$ inf$rm me'4 *assie's smile %a#ered' She c$ ld n$t help the faint bitterness that seeped thr$ &h her' 9hat %$ ld his reacti$n be %ere she t$ tell him she ch$se t$ say n$thin& beca se there %as simply n$ p$int (( she %as %ell a%are he cared n$thin& f$r her' B t already her heart had be& n t$ p$ nd hard fast' 9hat %$ ld Gabriel say if he !ne% the tr th5 She dreaded %hat his reacti$n mi&ht be ''' she feared %hat it %$ ld n$t be ''' That al$ne %as reas$n en$ &h t$ h$ld her silence f$r as l$n& as she deemed p$ssible' G$d !ne% it %$ ld n$t be l$n& bef$re she c$ ld hide her c$nditi$n n$ l$n&er' 4I ha#e had a fe% di66y spells:> she m rm red ca ti$ sly' 4I said n$thin& beca se they %ere $#er as 7 ic!ly as they came'4 48$netheless, y$ sh$ ld ha#e t$ld me, f$r it seems this ailment persists and sh$ ld n$t be disc$ nted s$ easily' Theref$re, I shall s mm$n a physician' 8$ d$ bt he can prescribe s$me c re'4 -anic r$se, s%ift and s re' *assie %as $n her feet in an instant' 48$34 she cried' 4I d$n't need a physician, I'm certain $f it3 These spells %ill pass, I s%ear (( this illness %ill pass, I ass re y$ 34 4)$ cann$t !n$% that, )an! (4 4.h, b t I d$' I s%ear, I d$3 I am fine, tr ly I am34 Gabriel's eyes narr$%ed' 4By y$ r $%n admissi$n y$ ha#e n$t been feelin& %ell' If y$ %ish t$ e,plain y$ rself, please d$' B t d$ s$ n$%, f$r y$ r st bb$rnness tries my patience'4 *assie stared d$%n at the t$es $f her slippers' .h, b t she had been bac!ed int$ a c$rner and there %as n$ %ay $ t $f it3 Sl$%ly she raised her head' 4I am n$t ill:' she said a&ain' She s%all$%ed bra#ely, b t her m$ th %as b$ne dry' 4 I am ''' %ith child'4 Sh$c! and disbelief flitted acr$ss his feat res, s%iftly replaced by nsh ttered an&er' 0is &a6e scraped $#er her, as if t$ pr$#e her %$rds a lie' 0e sp$!e thr$ &h lips that barely m$#ed' 4)$ are certain54 She n$dded miserably' 40$% far al$n&54 She hesitated' 9hen at last she sp$!e, her #$ice %as n$ m$re than a breath $f air' 4I'm n$t certain' 8early f$ r m$nths, I thin!'4 Gabriel said n$thin&' 0is #ery silence %as c$ndemnin&' Tears &listened in her eyes' It demanded e#ery bit $f c$ ra&e she p$ssessed t$ %hisper, 4)$ are n$t pleased, are y$ 54 In t%$ strides he %as bef$re her' 49hat3 Did y$ thin! I %$ ld be54 0e %renched her chin p t$ the li&ht and stared at the tears %hich e#en n$% be&an t$ $#erfl$%' 'T$ r tears tell the tale $nly t$$ %ell, )an!' )$ are n$ m$re pleased ab$ t it than I34 The ache in *assie's breast %as nearly nbearable' .h, he th$ &ht he !ne% her s$ %ell' B t he !ne% her n$t at all3 Tears scalded the bac! $f her thr$at' She stretched $ t an impl$rin& hand' 4-lease, Gabriel'4 0er #$ice %as thic! %ith the eff$rt it t$$! n$t t$ b rst int$ tears' 4-lease d$ n$t be an&ry'4

4D$ n$t be an&ry, she says34 0is fists clenched and nclenched' T$ *assie it %as as if the #ery fires $f hell leaped in his eyes' 40a#e y$ any idea %hat this means5 I'#e fallen ri&ht int$ my father's hands (( and y$ may be certain that he %ill be pleased3 8$% he %ill ha#e the &randchild he %as s$ determined I &i#e him34 0e sp n ar$ nd and stal!ed int$ his bedchamber' *assie trailed behind him, standin& $n the thresh$ld bet%een their r$$ms as he thre% a p$rtmantea $nt$ his bed and be&an thr$%in& cl$thin& int$ it' 0e did n$t spea! t$ her, n$r did he dei&n t$ e#en l$$! at her' )et she !ne% he %as seethin&' The #ery air ar$ nd him %as char&ed %ith his b rnin& ra&e' 8$t ntil he str$de t$ the d$$r %as she able t$ s mm$n the stren&th t$ brea! the h$rrible silence' 4Gabriel ''' y$ are lea#in&54 0e st$pped' The c$ld, bitin& f ry in his eyes %as li!e a bl$%' 4I shall &$ t$ L$nd$n %here the si&ht $f y$ need n$t f$re#er remind me $f my f$lly'4 *assie c$ ld n$t help it' 49here54 A sm$thered cry t$re fr$m her chest' 4T$ y$ r mistress54 48$% there's a th$ &ht, )an!, an appealin& $ne at that34 0is 1a% %as tense' 0is &a6e ra!ed $#er her' 4*hrist,4 he &r$ nd $ t ti&htly, 4if I had t$ be b rdened %ith a %ife, %hy did I ha#e t$ ch$$se y$ 5 9hy c$ ldnt y$ ha#e been barren54 0e %hirled' The d$$r slammed s$ hard the %alls sh$$!' 0eartbr$!en, *assie be&an t$ s$b' 8$thin& c$ ld ha#e %$ nded her m$re ''' nothin#' E#erythin& inside her (( her #ery s$ l (( seemed t$ %ither p and die' 0is reacti$n %as all she had !n$%n it %$ ld be ''' all she had feared' 0er feeble stren&th deserted her' She c$llapsed $n the fl$$r, her heart in shreds' .h, b t she had been f$$lish, s$ f$$lish and mista!en3 E#en %$rse, she had Deliberately blinded herself ''' Gabriel had felt n$ tenderness f$r her' 8$ %armth' 8$ pr$tecti#eness' )et in that shatterin& instant, *assie c$ ld hide fr$m the tr th n$ l$n&er' She l$#ed him' Thr$ &h his an&er' 0is indifference' She lo"ed him' She al%ays %$ ld'

Chapter 20
Th$ &h the ni&ht %as near spent, the cr sh $f pe$ple in L$rd *hesterfield's &ilded, ele&ant ballr$$m had $nly recently be& n t$ disperse' Gabriel %as am$n& th$se %h$ had arri#ed h$ rs a&$' 0e dran!' 0e tal!ed' 0e la &hed' 0e %hirled Lady Sarah ar$ nd the fl$$r and stared int$ smilin&, pt rned feat res' 0e listened idly t$ her chatter, b t his mind %as miles a%ay' And indeed, it %as n$t Lady Sarah he sa% at all, b t the ima&e $f an$ther ''' $f hair li!e a &$lden s nrise, $f eyes as clear and bri&ht as t$pa6, $f lips as s$ft and s%eet as ripe, 1 icy fr it' And all the %hile a seethin& tempest $f em$ti$n s7 alled and ch rned inside him' *$nf si$n' -ain' Resentment' And s$methin& else ''' Re&ret' 9ith a start he reali6ed the dance had ended' Lady Sarah t$ ched his f$rearm' 4I &r$% %eary $f s$ m ch c$mpany, my l$rd' -erhaps %e mi&ht depart f$r my t$%nh$ se and m$re 7 iet s rr$ ndin&s'4 Dar!, s ltry in#itati$n &leamed b$ldly in the lady's eyes' The sed cti#e slant $f her smile pr$claimed her in#itati$n m$re clearly than %$rds themsel#es' B t Gabriel %as neither sed ced n$r be%itched, bec!$ned n$r pers aded' 4I'm afraid the time is t$$ late, my lady,4 he m rm red, h$ldin& her &a6e' 4Theref$re, I m st ref se y$ r !ind $ffer'4 0e !ne% by her indra%n breath she nderst$$d his silent messa&e (( 1 st as he !ne% she had n$t pined his l$ss these many m$nths' 0e !issed her fin&ertips in fast fare%ell, then &lanced t$%ard the sidelines' 4I d$ belie#e L$rd 9a#erly a%aits this ne,t dance'4 0e b$%ed, made his e,c ses t$ his h$st, and departed'

A na&&in& restlessness persisted as he descended the %ide st$ne steps' 0e sh nned the cab the f$$tman %$ ld ha#e pr$c red f$r him and decided t$ %al! instead' 9ispy tendrils $f f$& c rled all ar$ nd him' The L$nd$n streets %ere damp and deserted' The caped layers $f his &reatc$at s%irled ar$ nd his le&s' 0is f$$tsteps ech$ed $n the c$bblest$nes' 2f 2 had to be burdened with a wife, why did 2 ha"e to choose you$ *hrist3 0ad he really said that5 9hat dem$n had p$ssessed him5 Why couldn!t you ha"e been barren$ Each %$rd san! int$ his brain li!e a h$$!ed barb' .#er and $#er a&ain, his rec!less ta nts p$ nded thr$ &h him, ha ntin& him, t$rmentin& him' A #$ice in his s$ l cried $ t' 0$% c$ ld he ha#e been s$ cr el5 8$ ''' n$t 1 st cr el' Deliberately cr el' /$r the life $f him he c$ ld n$t e,plain %hat pr$#$!ed him' 0e !ne% $nly that fit %as as if he'd been sei6ed by the thr$at' Sp rred by the helpless f ry that heated his bl$$d' 0e'd felt as if he'd been ''' tric!ed' Trapped' Betrayed by this bea ty he n$% called %ife ''' 0is steps carne t$ a halt' 0e &r$ nd his fin&ertips int$ his f$rehead, as if t$ dri#e $ t the de#ils that p$ssessed him' A sh ffle $f s$ nd nearby r$ sed him' 0e raised his head' It %as then that he sa% her (( a %$man leanin& a&ainst the c$rner $f a cr mblin& bric! b ildin&' She %as p$$r (( and %ith child (( s$$n t$ deli#er fr$m the l$$! $f her' She %as y$ n&, far y$ n&er than he, yet the s$rr$%s $f the ancients d%elled in her eyes' A hea#y mist had be& n t$ fall, b t she %$re n$ cl$a! t$ pr$tect her fr$m the elements: her cl$thin& %as little m$re than ra&s' B t it %as $n her tremend$ s belly, hea#y and s%$llen %ith her b rden, that his &a6e lin&ered endlessly' *assie, t$$, he th$ &ht n mbly, %$ ld s$$n be cradlin& a babe in her arms' B t n$, that %as n$t ri&ht ''' 8$t 1 st a babe' 0is babe' /$r an instant Gabriel c$ ld n$t breathe' 0is breath b rned li!e fare in his l n&s' The en$rmity $f that reali6ati$n %ashed thr$ &h him, h mblin& him, nearly brin&in& him t$ his !nees' Why couldn!t you ha"e been barren ... barren ... Self(dis& st ate int$ his st$mach li!e acid' 0e had treated her as if she had d$ne s$methin& %r$n& (( as if this %ere all her fa lt3 B t if the blame %ere t$ be placed $n any$ne, it bel$n&ed s7 arely $n his sh$ lders' 0is lips t%isted' 0e'd made preci$ s little eff$rt t$ restrain his desire' 8i&ht after ni&ht he had %anted her' 8i&ht after ni&ht he had ta!en her' Selfishly' ;ncarin& $f the c$nse7 ences (( ref sin& t$ e#en c$nsider th$se c$nse7 ences' )et hed hated himself f$r ma!in& l$#e t$ her' Beca se e#ery time, hed felt as th$ &h he had l$st a part $f himself ''' 0e f mbled beneath the layers $f his &reatc$at' The %$man %atched him %arily, retreatin& a step as th$ &h she did n$t tr st his m$ti#es' B t %hen he p lled $ t a small p$ ch st ffed f ll $f c$ins, her eyes %idened' 0e e,tended it t$%ard her' 40ere,4 he said %ith a n$d' '4fa!e it'4 0er crac!ed lips parted' She &aped $penly' 4B t, sir ' ' ' its s rely a f$rt ne'> The merest hint $f a smile creased his m$ th' She reminded him 1 st a little $f *assie, that #ery first ni&ht at Blac! Jac!'s' She, t$$, had been str c! d mb by the pile $f sil#er c$in $n the dresser' 0e sh$$! his head' 40ardly a f$rt ne,4 4 he c$rrected' 4B t if y$ & ard it %isely, its en$ &h t$ tide y$ $#er f$r many m$nths, y$ and y$ r babe'4 0e dr$pped it int$ her palm' The %$man l$$!ed p at him, b$th a%ed and m$#ed bey$nd meas re' 4.h, bless y$ , sir'4 She cl tched the p$ ch t$ her breast and l$$!ed p at him' Tears spar!led in her eyes' 2)$ are a saint, tr ly a saint' And I %ill ne#er f$r&et y$ (( ne#er34

0e %atched as she ran $ff ar$ nd the c$rner, then c$ntin ed $n his %ay' B t %hen he arri#ed at his t$%nh$ se, it %as n$t his $%n bedchamber that he s$ &ht, b t that $f his c$achman' Th$mas r bbed his eyes sleepily' 4+y l$rd3 9hat is it5 Is s$methin& amiss54 Gabriel sh$$! his head' 4I'#e decided t$ ret rn t$ /arlei&h, Th$mas'4 The y$ n& man blin!ed' Thr$ &h the narr$% %ind$% at the f$$t $f his bed, he sa% that strea!s $f da%n pin!ened the eastern s!y' 48$%, my l$rd54 Gabriel n$dded' Th$mas dallied n$ l$n&er b t reached f$r his cl$thes' A sh$rt time later, Gabriel cl$sed the carria&e d$$r' 8$ d$ bt Th$mas th$ &ht him mad ((ret rnin& t$ /arlei&h %hen they'd scarce been in L$nd$n half a day' A self(deprecatin& smile rimmed his lips' And perhaps he %as 1 st a little mad''' It %as mid(m$rnin& %hen they finally passed thr$ &h the ir$n &ates $f /arlei&h 0all' 0e had n$ m$re than stepped int$ the entrance hall than he !ne% s$methin& %as terribly, terribly %r$n&' A d$6en ser#ants milled near the $ther end $f &allery' It %as the little maid Gl$ria he spied first' 0er eyes %ere red(rimmed and s%$llen, as if she'd been %eepin& f$r h$ rs' +rs' +cGee %as pattin& her sh$ lder, $nly sli&htly less teary(eyed' S$ distracted %ere they that n$t a $ne $f them heard his entrance' 29hat the de#il &$es $n here54 An $dd pall seemed t$ fall $#er the assembly' It %as Da#is %h$ stepped f$rth, his e,pressi$n harried as Gabriel had ne#er seen it' The $ld man cleared his thr$at' 4+y l$rd, I fear %e ha#e dreadf l ne%s t$ impart'4 2D$ n$t mince %$rds, Da#is'4 Gabriel's t$ne came $ t sharper than he intended' 4J st c$me $ t %ith it'4 2@ery %ell, then, my l$rd' 0er ladyship %as n$t in her bed this m$rnin& ''' t$ all appearances it %as n$t e#en slept in' . r first th$ &ht %as that she had &$ne t$ L$nd$n t$ be %ith y$ ' )et she as!ed n$ $ne t$ dri#e her, and her h$rse %as in the stables' Theref$re, %e th$ &ht it best t$ c$ntin e searchin&'4 0e faltered, a faint distress flittin& acr$ss his face' 4+y l$rd, she is n$%here t$ be f$ nd'4 49hat3 B t, that is imp$ssible'4 Da#is's feat res %ere #ery &ra#e' 48$, my l$rd' 9e ha#e searched the h$ se fr$m t$p t$ b$tt$m' And %e'#e e#ery hand $ t c$mbin& the &r$ nds this #ery instant'4 0e hesitated' 4There has been n$ si&n $f her, my l$rd' 9e !n$% n$thin& e,cept ''' a n mber $f her &$%ns are missin&' And Gl$ria belie#es a small ba& as %ell'4 Gabriel's bl$$d fr$6e' All c$nsci$ s th$ &ht fled his mind' 0is s!in %as ashen' 4+y l$rd, its p$ssible her ladyship f$ nd s$me $ther %ay t$ L$nd$n ((4 4She did n$t,4 he said in an $dd, strained #$ice' A sic! sensati$n !n$tted his belly, m$ ntin& ntil he felt he c$ ld n$t breathe' 4+y l$rd ((4 Bef$re their h$rrified eyes, he b$lted p the stairs' There %as a mi&hty crash as *assie 's d$$r ban&ed $pen' T$ any$ne %h$ mi&ht ha#e l$$!ed $n, he m st ha#e appeared cra6ed' B t there %as n$ $ne t$ see, n$ $ne %h$ mi&ht !n$% h$% tr ly al$ne he %as' Al$ne ''' as ne#er bef$re' A dainty lace hand!erchief lay near her %ar r$be' 0e pic!ed it p, starin& at the delicate scrap $f fabric' There %as an a%f l tearin& in his chest' 0er ima&e played a&ain and a&ain thr$ &h his mind' 0e sa% her as she had been %hen last he'd seen her, sh$c!ed and stric!en, pale and ashen, her e,pressi$n br ised and %$ nded and pleadin&' 4*assie,4 he cried' 0is fin&ers cr shed the hand!erchief in his palm' 4Cassie'4 Edm nd ret rned h$me three days later' In the entrance hall, Da#is s%ept the d$$rs %ide and b$%ed l$%' 2)$ r Grace, its &$$d that y$ ha#e ret rned'>

4Its &$$d t$ be bac!, Da#is'4 0e handed the b tler his hat and cane' 4Is Gabriel at h$me54 It %as a m$ment bef$re Da#is replied' T$ Edm nd's s rprise, the b tler appeared disc$mfited' 40e is pstairs in his chamber, )$ r Grace'4 Edm nd fr$%ned, f$r it %as n s al f$r the man t$ display anythin& b t apl$mb' 4Is s$methin& %r$n&, Da#is54 4All has n$t been %ell in y$ r absence, )$ r Grace' B t I d$ belie#e y$ %ill %ish t$ hear it fr$m his l$rdship ((4 Edm nd ha already started p the stairs' 4)$ r Grace,4 the b tler called, 4y$ sh$ ld !n$% ''' his l$rdship is n$t himself ' ' '4 An nderstatement, t$ be s re' The drapes had been dra%n and cl$sed ti&ht' .nly a %intry tric!le $f li&ht seeped thr$ &h' Standin& $n the thresh$ld $f his s$n's r$$m, it %as se#eral sec$nds bef$re Edm nd's eyes ad1 sted t$ the &l$$m' Then he c$ ld $nly stare' 0e had seen his s$n an&ry' /i&htin& mad' Defiant and rebelli$ s and nafraid $f any$ne' 8e#er in his life had he seen Gabriel li!e this' 0e %as spra%led in the chair near the %ind$%' 0e %$re n$ 1ac!et' 0is shirt %as half(in, half($ t $f his breeches: %rin!led and ntidy, it l$$!ed as if it had been slept in f$r days' 0is 1a% and chee!s %ere dar! %ith st bble' The air ree!ed %ith the nmista!able $d$r $f stale brandy' 4Gabriel ''' Gabriel, my G$d, y$ 're f$,ed34 Sl$%ly Gabriel raised his head' Bleary, bl$$dsh$t eyes s$ &ht t$ f$c s' T$ his brandy( laden mind, it seemed $nly fittin& that his father be here t$ %itness his misery' A hard smile t%isted his lips' 2That I am, /ather' And that I shall stay'> Edm nd's &a6e narr$%ed' 29hat's the meanin& $f this5 And %here is *assandra5 In L$nd$n54 Cassie' The #ery menti$n $f her name sent !nifeli!e pains sh$$tin& thr$ &h Gabriel's heart' 9hen he sh$$! his head, his father persisted' 49here then54 Gabriel's lips dre% bac! $#er his teeth' 0is arm came $ t in a %ide arc, sendin& empty b$ttles and &lasses crashin& t$ the fl$$r fr$m the table ne,t t$ him' 4*hrist,4 he sh$ ted, a f ri$ s ra&e s ddenly e,pl$din& inside him' 4D$ y$ ha#e t$ hear me say it5 She left me' G$ddammit, she left me34 Edm nd 1er!ed, as if a &iant fist had pl$%ed int$ his belly' 4Dear G$d,4 he said faintly' Gabriel t rned blisterin& eyes p$n him' 2There's n$ need t$ pretend,4 he sneered' 4Isn't that %hat y$ %anted all al$n&54 8$t anym$re, Edm nd th$ &ht da6edly' G$d in hea#en, n$t anym$re' L$rd, b t he'd been s$ #ery st bb$rn ''' T$$ pr$ d t$ readily admit his heart %as s$ftenin&' /$r the life $f him, Edm nd did n$t !n$% precisely %hen it had happened ''' B t there %as n$ denyin& the tr th' The c$ ntry $f her birth %as n$ l$n&er $f any c$nse7 ence, n$r %as her f$rmer stati$n in life' S$me%here al$n& the line, the chit had snea!ed her %ay int$ his heart' 0e had $pened it 1 st a crac! and she had slipped inside ''' Shame p$ red thr$ &h him li!e b$ilin& $il' 0e deser#ed his s$n's sc$rn' 0e deser#ed his c$ndemnati$n, and s$ m ch m$re''' Gabriel's an&er drained as s ddenly as it had er pted' 4She's %ith child,4 he said hea#ily' 2That's %hat started it all'4 Edm nd inhaled sharply' 4Gabriel, y$ m st thin!' 9here %$ ld she &$54 4I d$n't !n$%' *hrist, I (( I 1 st d$n't !n$%3 Lady E#elyn has heard n$thin&' 8either has *hrist$pher'4 Leanin& f$r%ard, he braced his f$rehead in his hands' 0is #$ice dr$pped, s$ l$% Edm nd had t$ strain t$ hear' 4She t$$! $nly a fe% $f her bel$n&in&s' All I can thin! is that she's $ t there s$me%here' *$ld' 0 n&ry' 9ith n$ m$ney' 8$%here t$ stay'4 4Gabriel, %e %ill find her' 8e#er d$ bt it'4

29e %$n't,4 he said h$arsely' 4I deser#e this, d$n't y$ see5 She didn't %ant t$ marry me'4 0is m$ th t%isted' 4She th$ &ht she %asn't &$$d en$ &h t$ marry a l$rd' She th$ &ht she %asn't %$rthy' B t she f$$led s all ''' she f$$led s all'> Sl$%ly he raised his head' 4She %as cryin& %hen I left' I did n$t care' 0eartless bastard that I am, I did n$t care'4 There %as a hea#y pa se' 4I can still hear her cryin&,4 he %hispered' Edm nd's s!in pric!led eerily, f$r Gabriel l$$!ed n$t at him, b t thr$ &h him, his feat res etched %ith a t$rt red despair' 29hen she t$ld me she %as %ith child ''' I %as s$ an&ry' I didn't spare a th$ &ht f$r her (( $r e#en myself' The $nly thin& &$in& thr$ &h my mind %as h$% y$ 'd said y$ %anted a &randchild'''4 Edm nd had &$ne #ery still' 0e had be& n t$ f$rm a #ery clear pict re $f all that had transpired, a #ery clear pict re indeed' 4I said ''' s ch terrible thin&s' Thin&s I did n$t tr ly mean'4 0is #$ice &re% ra%' 4Thin&s that sh$ ld ne#er ha#e been said ' ' ' 4 Edm nd si&hed' 0e had cr$ssed the fl$$r bef$re he !ne% it, and dr$pped his hand $n Gabriel's sh$ lder' 4S$ d$ %e all, b$y,4 he said 7 ietly' 4S$ d$ %e all'4 Gabriel said n$thin&' Edm nd's face %as lined and &rim as he l$$!ed d$%n at his s$n's dar! head' 4G$d !n$%s I am the last $ne t$ $ffer %$rds $f %isd$m' )$ can $nly h$pe she %ill f$r&i#e y$ , Gabriel' B t first,4 his t$ne %as &rim, 4first y$ m st find her'4

Chapter 21
.n this partic lar ni&ht in late +arch, the 0are's Den %as pac!ed t$ the rafters' As s al %hen a fishin& #essel ret rned t$ p$rt, there %as scarcely a seat left in the c$mm$n r$$m' *$arse male sh$ ts and ribald la &hter filled the air, filterin& all the %ay bac! t$ %here *assie st$$d in the !itchen' She r bbed the small $f her bac!, %hich ached alm$st c$nstantly n$%' The thin slippers she %$re %ere nlaced t$ acc$mm$date her s%$llen feet' Th$ &h she'd ha#e li!ed n$thin& m$re than t$ be& A#ery's ind l&ence and creep $ff early t$ her c bby h$le in the attic, she did n$t' A#ery ran his establishment %ith an ir$n fist, and he did n$t hesitate t$ se it $n the help' 9hen she had left /arlei&h, her $nly $b1ecti#e %as t$ &et a%ay' She had e#ent ally made her %ay t$ L$nd$n, %here she h$ped t$ find empl$yment %$r!in& f$r a m$diste' .ne l$$! at her shabby %rin!led appearance and she %as t rned a%ay time and time a&ain' And e#en %hile the babe %ithin her r$ nded and s%elled, her h$pes %ere &nashed t$ bits' She %as f$rced t$ sell $ff %hat fe% p$ssessi$ns she had been able t$ ta!e %ith her in $rder t$ simply p t f$$d in her m$ th' L$nd$n had been as terrifyin& as she remembered (( and far less friendly than she recalled' Th$ &h *assie %$ ld ha#e 1$y$ sly accepted e#en the m$st menial $f 1$bs, $ne sc$rnf l &lance at her e,pandin& middle and the d$$r %as slammed in her face' She had spent the first %ee!s in Jan ary be&&in& $n the streets' Then came the day she th$ &ht she spied Gabriel near the ri#erfr$nt' .nce a&ain, she fled' It %as $nly later she reali6ed h$% f$$lish it %as t$ thin! he %$ ld e#en care sh$ ld he chance t$ see her' 8$ d$ bt he th$ &ht he %as %ell rid $f her' It %as at a l$cal inn in a fishin& #illa&e near Bri&ht$n that her 1$ rney ended' The c$$!'s assistant had 7 it t$ 1$in the cre% $f a car&$ ship b$ nd f$r India' Th$ &h she %$ ld n$t ha#e th$ &ht it p$ssible, A#ery %as far %$rse than Blac! 1ac! had e#er been' The %a&e he paid her %as b t a pittance' Still, he all$%ed her t$ sleep in the attic, and he all$tted her a meal a day, t$ be ta!en after her %$r! %as d$ne' A s dden ti&htenin& $f her belly made her dra% a deep breath' 0er hands &ripped the ed&e $f the %$$den table: she smiled sli&htly as the spasm eased'

0e m$#ed $ften n$%, this child beneath her heart' She carried a b$y, $f that she %as c$n#inced' B t her smile %as alt$&ether fleetin&' Gabriel %$ ld ne#er see his s$n' 0e %$ ld ne#er !n$% his s$n' 0e did n$t want his s$n' ;n%ittin&ly, her mind spanned the %ee!s, bac! t$ her last days at /arlei&h' .h, %hat a f$$l she had been3 She had th$ &ht that Gabriel had be& n t$ care f$r her, perhaps e#en l$#e her a little' And she had s$ h$ped the baby mi&ht be a ne% be&innin& f$r them, that they mi&ht tr ly be&in t$ b ild a life t$&ether, and at last p t #en&eance and mistr st behind them' S$meday, she t$ld herself, this bitters%eet pain in her s$ l %$ ld lessen' B t %hen ''' when5 As f$r the f t re, *assie dared n$t spec late' She %as %ell a%are that A#ery %$ ld n$t let her stay $nce the baby %as b$rn' 0is &reed %$ ld n$t all$% him t$ t$lerate an idle pair $f hands f$r e#en a fe% days' 0e %$ ld thr st her bac! $ t int$ the streets, and then %here %$ ld she be, f$r %h$ %$ ld hire a %$man %ith a babe in her arms5 S$ %hile her b$dy ached fr$m h$ r p$n h$ r $f e,ha stin& t$il, fear and %$rry preyed p$n her endlessly' 0er mind th s $cc pied, she did n$t n$tice A#ery's entrance int$ the !itchen' 2Did y$ n$t hear me, &irl54 0e pinched the side $f her breast cr elly' 49e need help $ t in the c$mm$n r$$m, s$ st$p y$ r dallyin&3 S$me %ell(breeched y$ n& &ent's decided he %ants brandy, n$t ale (( the table in the far c$rner' See t$ it and be 7 ic! ab$ t it34 *assie hastened t$ $bey' As she placed a b$ttle $f brandy $nt$ a tray, she ca &ht si&ht $f her hands' Bet%een the %inter's c$ld and the h$ rs spent scr bbin& the fl$$r, they %ere chafed and reddened, as badly as they'd been at Blac! Jac!'s' She smiled rather sadly' Definitely n$t the hands $f a lady' E#elyn %$ ld ha#e been h$rrified' Sec$nds later she %al!ed acr$ss the fl$$r $f the c$mm$n r$$m, her &ait caref l as she headed t$%ard the table in the c$rner' Th$ &h the mem$ry made her ache inside, *assie c$ ld n$t help b t recall an$ther time %hen she had ta!en a b$ttle $f brandy t$ an$ther rich, %ell( dressed &entleman ''' Acr$ss the cr$%ded r$$m, she sp$tted him' 0e %as al$ne, his bac! t$ her' All at $nce a sta&&erin& dread &ripped her chest' 0er breath ca &ht half%ay p her thr$at' The tilt $f his head %as s$ #ery familiar, the set $f his sh$ lders %ide and pr$ d' 0er heart l rched' .h, b t her mind %as playin& cr el tric!s $n her' And s rely her eyes played her false ''' 0e t rned his head then, pr$#idin& her a clear #ie% $f his pr$file, fla%lessly chiseled and %ic!edly hands$me' 0er heart be&an t$ p$ nd' She felt the bl$$d drain fr$m her face' The tray slipped fr$m tremblin& fin&ers' 48$,4 she %hispered faintly' 4.h, n$'''4 In the %ee!s after *assie's disappearance, Gabriel !ne% fear as ne#er bef$re' 0e despised himself f$r lashin& her %ith his t$n& e as he had' All al$n&, he had th$ &ht $nly $f himself (( and &ettin& e#en %ith his father' 0e had sed her %ith a call$ s disre&ard f$r her feelin&s and h$% all this %$ ld affect her' )et f$r all her starch and spirit, she %as scarcely in#incible ''' 0e had h rt her, h rt her immeas rably' Th$ &h he f$ &ht it %ith all he p$ssessed, there %ere times he c$ ld n$t c$ntr$l the %anderin& $f his mind' Times %hen his th$ &hts #eered strai&ht t$ his m$ther' It %as despair %hich had !illed his m$ther ''' %hat if he'd dri#en *assie t$ the same fate5 It %as en$ &h t$ ma!e him brea! $ t in a c$ld s%eat' S rely the hand $f -r$#idence c$ ld n$t be s$ cr el as t$ deal him s ch a bl$% twice ''' Gabriel %as n$t a man t$ pray, b t he prayed as ne#er bef$re' /$ r m$nths later, he had be& n t$ despair $f e#er findin& her' In the h$pe that it %$ ld &i#e him m$re time t$ de#$te t$ findin& her, he had decided t$ sell a p$rti$n $f his shippin& b siness' It %as this %hich br$ &ht him t$ this small #illa&e near Bri&ht$n' The $%ner $f a fishin& fleet there had inherited a &$$dly s m fr$m an ncle, and

had e,pressed an interest in p rchasin& se#eral $f his #essels' An h$ r $f dic!erin& and they had finally settled $n a price and terms' 0is s$licit$r %$ ld #isit as s$$n as the papers %ere dra%n p' 8$%, his dealin&s c$ncl ded, Gabriel sat al$ne, feelin& m$r$se and detached and t$tally nmindf l $f his b$ister$ s s rr$ ndin&s' Th$mas had &$ne bac! $ tside t$ a%ait him in the carria&e, yet Gabriel c$ ld n$t find the ener&y t$ m$#e' It %as then that his ears pic!ed $ t a crash, and the splinterin& s$ nd $f &lass ''' 0e &lanced ar$ nd in idle c ri$sity' S ddenly he c$ ldn't breathe' .ddly, it %as the shape $f her that re&istered first (( r$ nd, f ll, hea#y %ith child' In a heartbeat, he %as $n his feet, the m$#ement s$ s dden his chair ban&ed t$ the fl$$r behind him' 4*assie ''' Cassie34 Sheer h$rr$r fl$$ded her eyes' She %hirled, her intenti$n plainly t$ p t as m ch distance bet%een them as p$ssible' B t she hadn't &$ne m$re than a fe% steps bef$re she f$ nd herself 1er!ed ar$ nd' It %as A#ery' 0is fin&ers bit cr elly int$ her flesh' 0e sh$#ed her bac! a&ainst the end $f a table' 0ad *assie n$t fl n& her hand behind her t$ reach f$r the ed&e, she %$ ld ha#e l$st her balance' 0e dre% bac! his fist' 4)$ cl msy bitch34 he snarled' 4)$ 'll pay f$r that, by Ga%d34 Bef$re he c$ ld ma!e &$$d his threat, his arm %as %renched behind his bac!' 4Lay a hand $n her,> said a #$ice fr$m behind him, 4and I pr$mise y$ 'll ne#er see the da%n $f an$ther day'4 /$r all that his t$ne %as deadly calm, Gabriel's face %as a mas! $f lethal f ry (( and nrelentin& p rp$se' 4All ri&ht, all ri&ht( ( 1 st let me be34 A#ery %hirled, his thic! lips c rled' 0e had bac!ed $ff b t he %as hardly s bd ed' 49hat's it t$ y$ if I &i#e the %ench the cl bbin& she deser#es5 It 1 st s$ happens I pay her %a&es ((4 4And it 1 st s$ happens she's carryin& my babe, s$ y$ d be %ise t$ find y$ rself an$ther barmaid' Shes lea#in& %ith me, and I'll !ill any man %h$ thin!s t$ try and st$p me'4 It %as n$t a threat, b t a mere statement $f fact' The atm$sphere had &$ne tterly 7 iet (( and tterly s$ber' Glitterin& and dan&er$ s, Gabriel's &a6e enc$mpassed the r$$m' 48$5 A %ise ch$ice, &entlemen'4 0e flipped a &$ld c$in t$%ard A#ery' It str c! the fl$$r, landin& bet%een his feet' 40ere' That sh$ ld m$re than c$#er the c$st $f the brandy'4 9ith that he ca &ht *assie's hand' Str c! d mb by his presence, *assie %as scarcely a%are as he t &&ed her t$%ard the d$$r' 0er head %as still spinnin&, her heart p$ ndin& madly as he n d&ed her int$ the carria&e and slammed the d$$r' A si&nal t$ Th$mas and they %ere $ff' She shi#ered, %hether fr$m c$ld $r reacti$n she did n$t !n$%' Gabriel %as here ''' here' A d$6en different em$ti$ns bl stered and s7 alled %ithin her' An&er' /r strati$n' Str$n&est $f all %as a s$ l(deep h miliati$n' 4I thin! y$ $%e me an e,planati$n' 9hat the de"il %ere y$ d$in& in that place54 0e sat acr$ss fr$m her, silently acc sin&' 0arshly c$ndemnin&' 0er &a6e dr$pped' She be&an t$ tremble' .h, %hy did he ha#e t$ find her (( %hy did it ha#e t$ be here5 0er face b rned %ith shame and embarrassment' 8$r did she %ant him t$ see her li!e this (( $h, she !ne% h$% terrible she l$$!ed' 0er hair had l$st its l ster' 0er s!in %as pale, stretched ta tly $#er her chee!b$nes' She felt s$ &ly and c mbers$me ''' A pan& rent her breast' .h, b t h$% fittin& that %as3 0adn't Gabriel t$ld her that l$n&(a&$ day she %$ ld f$re#er be an enc mbrance5 She c$ ld n$t stand t$ be an $bli&ati$n' A d ty' Didn't he !n$% that %as %hy she'd left5 4Ans%er me, *assie' 9hat the hell are y$ d$in& here5>

She stared at her hands, clasped in her lap as she s$ &ht t$ still their sha!in&' 0er lips be&an t$ 7 i#er' She c$ ld n$t s mm$n the c$ ra&e t$ meet his &a6e' 4Dammit, look at me34 She did' It pr$#ed her d$%nfall' 0er m$ th %as trem l$ s' Tears st n& the bac! $f her thr$at' 0er chest h rt %ith the eff$rt it t$$! n$t t$ brea! d$%n' 49hy did y$ ha#e t$ find me54 she said br$!enly' 49hy54 0is 1a% l$c!ed hard and ti&ht' 49hat3 D$ y$ mean t$ tell me y$ %$ ld prefer t$ remain here5 )$ %ere s$ an,i$ s t$ escape the life y$ !ne% at Blac! Jac!'s (( b t that place is n$ better than all y$ left behind in *harlest$n3 I still can't belie#e y$ left me (( and f$r this yet34 4Did y$ thin! that %as %hat I %anted5 I tried t$ find a p$siti$n as a seamstress in L$nd$n ''' And then I th$ &ht I sa% y$ there ''' I !ne% I m st flee' ' '4 In 1a&&ed b rsts her st$ry came $ t' Gabriel %ent %hite as he listened' G ilt and shame f$r&ed a searin& bl$t $n his s$ l' 0e had n$ $ne t$ blame b t himself' T$ thin! $f her al$ne $n the streets $f L$nd$n, %ith n$ m$ney, n$%here t$ stay ''' She c$ ld ha#e been r$bbed, beaten, !illed3 0is hands came d$%n $n her sh$ lders' 0e dra&&ed her $nt$ the seat ne,t t$ him' 0is fin&ers c rled int$ her arms' 4G$d,4 he cried' 4Did y$ really thin! I %$ ldn't l$$! f$r y$ 5 0$% c$ ld y$ thin! that (( h$%54 Tears %elled in her bea tif l &$lden eyes' 40$% c$ ld I n$t54 A milli$n layers $f h rt bled thr$ &h her trem l$ s %hisper' Gabriel sh$$! his head, his t$ne as an& ished as hers' 4I %as a f$$l, *assie' I %as %r$n& t$ say %hat I did, f$r I did n$t mean it, I s%ear3 I came bac! t$ /arlei&h that same ni&ht, $nly t$ find y$ &$ne ''' I !n$% I h rt y$ and I %$ ld ta!e it bac! if $nly I c$ ld' B t I ha#e s ffered, t$$ ''' +y G$d, did y$ e#er thin! h$% I %$ ld feel %hen I disc$#ered y$ &$ne5 All these %ee!s $f searchin&, %$nderin& %here y$ %ere, if y$ %ere all ri&ht' '' I nearly %ent $ t $f my mind3 And y$ c$ ld ha#e c$me h$me, *assie' )$ should ha#e34 She h &&ed herself, tryin& hard n$t t$ tremble and failin& miserably' 4T$ %hat5 )$ r sc$rn5 )$ r disdain5 )$ did n$t %ant me,4 she cried %ith heartbrea!in& cand$r' 4I c$ ld n$t stay !n$%in& h$% y$ felt ''' I had t$ lea#e ''' d$n't y$ see, I had t$34 0er despair %as his nd$in&' It %renched at e#erythin& inside him' She resisted as he be&an t$ p ll her cl$se, b t she %as n$ match f$r either his stren&th $r his res$l#e' 0is embrace en& lfed her: %ith his arms he encircled her ti&ht and cl$se, %rappin& his &reatc$at ar$ nd them b$th' At his t$ ch, s$methin& inside her seemed t$ brea! l$$se' S ddenly it %as all p$ rin& $ t' 0er heartache and &rief' 0er shame and fear' 4All I e#er %anted %as t$ please y$ ' I %anted t$ be the lady ''' y$ th$ &ht I c$ ld ne#er be'4 0er fin&ers clenched and nclenched $n his chest' 2I sh$ ld ha#e !n$%n better than t$ h$pe ''' +y m$ther did n$t %ant me' )$ r father did n$t %ant me' )$ did n$t %ant me'4 She be&an t$ s$b' 0elplessly' ;nc$ntr$llably' 49hat's %r$n& %ith me, Gabriel5 9hat's %r$n& %ith me54 0is h$ld ti&htened' 0is heart t%isted as he held her, her arms s$ brittle he th$ &ht they mi&ht brea!' 4There's n$thin& %r$n& %ith y$ , l$#e'4 0is %hisper br shed the baby(s$ft s!in $f her temple' 0e !issed a%ay the tears cascadin& fr$m her eyes' 4)$ 're s%eet and l$#ely' Bea tif l and desirable' All a man c$ ld %ant' All I %ant'4 If she heard, there %as n$ si&n $f it' She lay a&ainst him and cried her heart $ t ntil she %as limp and e,ha sted, her em$ti$ns bled dry' Gabriel held her, his $%n thr$at achin&ly ti&ht' At last strain and fati& e t$$! their t$ll: she fell asleep c rled a&ainst his chest'

It %as #ery late %hen the carria&e r$lled d$%n the l$n& c r#in& lane t$%ard /arlei&h 0all' Gabriel's e,pressi$n %as blea! as he carried her p the staircase t$ her r$$m' 0e t &&ed $ff her &$%n and slippers, laid her $n the bed, and t c!ed the c$ nterpane beneath her chin' She stirred, tterin& a l$% m$an' Gabriel %as beside her in an instant' 40 sh, l$#e,4 he s$$thed' 9ith his fin&ertips he s%ept a tan&le $f &$lden strands fr$m the c r#e $f her chee!' 4It's all ri&ht' )$ 're sale n$%'4 She 7 ieted, t rnin& her chee! int$ his palm' She seemed s$ pale and fra&ile, he th$ &ht %ith a !nifeli!e pan&' 9ith a si&h $f %eariness, he strai&htened' In the dar!ness he stripped $ff his cl$thes and slipped in beside her' *aref lly, s$ as n$t t$ %a!e her, he reached f$r her, dra%in& her l$$sely int$ his arms' She nestled a&ainst him, nc$nsci$ sly see!in& his %armth' 0e %atched her as she slept, feelin& the rise and fall $f her breasts a&ainst him' 0is fin&ertips li&ht and immeas rably &entle, he traced the $ tline $f her tear(ra#a&ed face, the c r#e $f her chee!' She %as s$ tr stin&, s$ inn$cent' &ll 2 wanted was to please you. 2 wanted to be the lady you thou#ht 2 could ne"er be' 0is heart s7 ee6ed' What!s wron# with me, 0abriel$ What!s wron# with me$ 0e th$ &ht $f h$% she had cried, her spirit br$!en, her pride in tatters' 0e c rsed himself a&ain and a&ain' *hrist, b t he had been s$ blind, s$ careless and hard' She had been s$ star#ed f$r l$#e, f$r affecti$n' )et %hat had he &i#en her5 Cassie, he th$ &ht' 4h, Cassie, what ha"e 2 done to you$ It %as then he felt it, a sli&ht stirrin& there, %here her belly pressed his side' There %as a life &r$%in& in her' A part $f her ''' a part $f him' 0$% c$ ld he t rn his bac! $n that5 .n her5 A %renchin& pain ripped his insides' 0$% c$ ld he d$ t$ his $%n child %hat his father had d$ne t$ him5 )et he !ne% h$% deeply he had h rt her' All al$n& he had d$ne n$thin& b t h rt her3 S$ %hat %as he t$ d$5 Thr st her fr$m his life5 8$' 0e c$ ld n$t' 0e would n$t' Easin& bac! 1 st a bit, he spread his fin&ers %ide $n the m$ nd $f her belly' 0$ldin& his breath, he %aited' 0is re%ard came scant sec$nds later (( his nb$rn child r$lled beneath his hand, as a%a!e as his sire' The &h$st $f a smile t$ ched his lips' 0e %as &lad that *assie slept, f$r he !ne% if she a%$!e, she %$ ld n$ d$ bt slap his hands a%ay' 0e stayed that %ay f$r a l$n& time, his hand $n her belly, his palm c$nf$rmin& t$ her t mmy, s$lid and %arm' /eelin& and disc$#erin&' Str$!in& and mar#elin&' -$nderin& ''' And prayin&' E#ent ally the babes m$#ements 7 ieted' *assie slept $n, na%are' Gabriel t rned her in his arms, cradlin& her (( cradlin& their child' @ery &ently he !issed the s%ell $f her belly, her cl$sed eyelids, the s$ftness $f her lips, then he lay bac! and cl$sed his eyes' It %as a l$n&, l$n& time bef$re he 1$ined her in sl mber'

Chapter 22
9eary bey$nd meas re, *assie slept thr$ &h the m$rnin& and %ell int$ the aftern$$n' 9hen at last she a%$!e, tepid s nli&ht slanted in thr$ &h the c rtains' The h$ r %as indecently late' A fire crac!led in the hearth, castin& $ t its &$lden &l$% sl$%' The r$$m %as %arm and c$6y, yet she felt c ri$ sly tired and rel ctant t$ m$#e' And there %as a na&&in& ache in her bac!' J st then the d$$r $pened' 4+y lady54 %hispered a #$ice' It %as Gl$ria' *assie t rned her head t$ find the little maid peepin& thr$ &h the crac! $f the d$$r' 9hen she sa% that her mistress %as finally a%a!e, she r shed acr$ss the fl$$r' 2.h, my lady,4 she cried' 4)$ are h$me3 .h, I cann$t tell y$ h$% &lad I am that y$ ha#e ret rned34 She dr$pped t$ her !nees beside the bed, tears fl$%in& freely'

*assie smiled sadly and laid her hand $n the &irl's head' If $nly f$r Gl$ria's sa!e, she %ished she c$ ld say it %as &$$d t$ be bac!' )et she felt neither 1$y n$r re&ret: indeed, it seemed rather stran&e t$ be at /arlei&h $nce a&ain' 9ithin min tes a tray $f f$$d %as %his!ed $nt$ her lap, incl din& her fa#$rite p$t $f ch$c$late' She had little appetite, b t she f$rced herself t$ eat' 9hile she ate, her bath %as prepared, strate&ically placed bef$re the hearth t$ ta!e f ll ad#anta&e $f its %armth' She s$a!ed f$r a l , ri$ sly l$n& time %hile Gl$ria chattered $n, strai&htenin& the bed and d stin& as if her mistress had ne#er been &$ne' At last *assie r$se fr$m the t b, &i#in& herself $#er t$ Gl$ria's capable hands' B t she si&hed %hen Gl$ria m$#ed t$ the %ardr$be' 4I'm afraid my ch$ices %ill be a bit limited,4 she m rm red' 0er hand fl ttered self(c$nsci$ sly t$ her middle' 4I daresay n$t a $ne $f th$se &$%ns %ill fit'4 Gl$ria pl c!ed a #$l min$ s flannel ni&ht&$%n fr$m the shelf' 48$ matter,4 the &irl said bris!ly' 40is l$rdship &a#e strict instr cti$ns y$ re t$ stay in bed and lift nary a fin&er'4 She dr$pped the ni&ht&$%n $#er her mistress's head and t%itched it int$ place' Then she br shed *assies hair and left the tresses l$$se and fl$%in& ar$ nd her sh$ lders' The tas! c$mpleted, Gl$ria r&ed her mistress bac! int$ bed' Th$ &h it %as in her mind t$ pr$test s ch c$ssetin& as silly and %h$lly nnecessary, *assie leaned bac! a&ainst the pl mpness $f her pill$%, tellin& herself she %$ ld rest f$r 1 st a fe% min tes' 0er b$dy &a &ed its needs far better, h$%e#er' Th$ &h shed ha#e s%$rn it ni&h imp$ssible, s$$n her eyelids be&an t$ dr$$p' She d$6ed' The bl e(&ray ha6e $f t%ili&ht seeped %ithin the r$$m %hen she %$!e a&ain' St n& by the sense that she %as bein& %atched, her eyes snapped $pen' Gabriel st$$d $n the thresh$ld' Apparently he'd 1 st c$me in fr$m ridin&' 0er heart &a#e an $dd little catch' She'd f$r&$tten h$% de#astatin&ly hands$me he %as3 0is cra#at %as impeccably %$ nd ar$ nd his thr$at, sp$tless as al%ays' 0e %$re !nee(hi&h b$$ts and ti&ht breeches that shamelessly displayed his m sc lar thi&hs li!e a sec$nd s!in' Seein& that she %as a%a!e, he cl$sed the d$$r and str$de t$%ard her' *assie braced her hands $n the mattress and p shed herself p t$ a sittin& p$siti$n, feelin& ac tely cl msy and a%!%ard, and !eenly at a disad#anta&e (( definitely n$t a desirable state %hen dealin& %ith her h sband3 She p shed at the t$ sled len&th $f her hair, %ishin& there had been time t$ r n a c$mb thr$ &h it' 0e did n$t stand $r ta!e the chair at her bedside, as she e,pected' Instead he sat $n the bed, s$ cl$se she felt the steely hardness $f his thi&h a&ainst the s$ftness $f her $%n, e#en thr$ &h the thic!ness $f the 7 ilt' An,iety &na%ed at her' The mem$ry $f h$% shed %ept in his arms last ni&ht s$ared hi&h in her mind' Did he despise her f$r her %ea!ness5 9as he dis& sted f$r her lac! $f c$ntr$l5 0er hands !n$tted at$p the c$ nterpane' She !ne% n$t %hat t$ say' She !ne% n$t %hat t$ d$' 0e ca &ht at her hand' Str$n&, %arm fin&ers c rled ar$ nd her $%n' She 7 i#ered sli&htly at his t$ ch' That, t$$, she had n$t e,pected' 2Better t$day, )an!54 She s%all$%ed: her n$d %as 1er!y' The cast $f his m$ th %as nsmilin&, yet n$t s$ #ery &rim' 0$% m ch better prepared she %as f$r his ranc$r A his !indness made her c$me all nd$ne3 Gabriel's &a6e searched her feat res' She l$$!ed #ery y$ n& and # lnerable, her hair t mblin& artlessly $#er her sh$ lders and d$%n her bac!' B t she %as s$ thin3 0e c$ ld feel the fra&ility $f her b$nes %ithin his &rasp' 0er s!in %as li!e parchment, s$ pale and alm$st transparent' Despite her thic!ened %aist, she seemed s$ frail she %$ ld brea! in half' 2Than! G$d I f$ nd y$ '4 0is #$ice %as l$% and intense' 4I sh dder t$ thin! %hat mi&ht ha#e happened had I n$t'4 *assie stiffened'

0is &rip $n her fin&ers ti&htened, n$t h rtin& her, b t n$t relentin& either' 48$,4 he c$mmanded s$ftly %hen she tried t$ free herself, 4d$ n$t dra% a%ay'4 She said n$thin&' 0er eyes, %ide and an,i$ s, &ra6ed his' 4I meant %hat I said last ni&ht,4 he said 7 ietly' 4I deeply re&ret the pain I ha#e ca sed y$ '4 0e pa sed, and his #$ice &re% s$fter still' 2Its my h$pe %e can p t the past behind s and start ane%'4 She trembled' This %as a side $f Gabriel she had yet t$ see re#ealed t$ her' 0 mble' *$ntrite' And she c$ ld ha#e s%$rn tenderness lin&ered in the eyes that d%elled p$n her' Tenderness and carin&' 8$ ''' no' She dared n$t belie#e it' She did n$t belie#e it' 4I cann$t thin! %hy y$ sh$ ld %ant t$'4 0er t$ne %as stiff' She c$ ld neither hide her bitterness n$r deny it' E#en n$%, she c$ ld still feel the stin& $f his an&er %hen they had last parted' 4I bear y$ r name b t %e ha#e n$thin& else in c$mm$n'4 A &lint $f an&er flashed in eyes' 4I disa&ree, *assie' 9e ha#e this in c$mm$n'4 In $ne s%ift m$#ement he sh$#ed aside the c$#ers' Deliberately he laid b$th hands $n the hard m$ nd $f her belly, splayin& his fin&ers p$ssessi#ely %ide' 4)$ %ill s$$n bear my child' That chan&es e#erythin&'4 2That chan&es n$thin&34 She tried t$ p sh his hands aside b t she sh$ ld ha#e !n$%n it %as seless' 9hen he %as determined, there %as n$ st$ppin& him' And s$ in the end, she &lared her indi&nant $ tra&e' 4)$ made y$ r feelin&s #ery clear, my l$rd earl, #ery dear indeed' )$ said y$ did n$t %ant a child, an heir' B t in tr th, y$ did n$t %ant a child $f me'4 A h$t ache c$nstricted her thr$at' L$rd, b t it h rt t$ say it al$ d3 4It's 1 st as I $nce t$ld y$ , Gabriel' 9e are n$ different than y$ r father and y$ r m$ther34 0is 1a% hardened' 4)$ 're %r$n&, *assie' )$ are my %ife' I %ant this child' I %ant y$ '4 4.h, st$p34 she cried' 4If there can be n$thin& else bet%een s, then let there be tr th, at least' I am n$thin& b t the cl b y$ %ield t$ h rt y$ r father' I can thin! $f $nly $ne reas$n y$ ha#e decided y$ %ant this babe A( its $nly beca se y$ see him as an$ther %eap$n t$ se a&ainst y$ r father34 A d ll red fl sh crept beneath Gabriel's chee!b$nes' 4I am tryin& t$ rectify matters as best I am able'4 29hat3 D$ y$ tell me n$% that it's & ilt %hich pr$mpts y$ r c$ncern5 .h, b t I f$r&et y$ %ill s$meday be the d !e $f /arlei&h' )$ m st thin! $f y$ r d ty, y$ r $bli&ati$ns' And a %ife and heir are am$n& them, are they n$t54 0e snatched his hands fr$m her belly' 4I hardly thin! it's %r$n& f$r a man t$ %ant t$ ta!e care $f his %ife and child'4 S$methin& t%isted %ithin her' If $nly it %ere s$ simple3 She %as s ddenly $#er%helmed, ncertain $f her feelin&s, b t m$st $f all, s$ ncertain $f his' 4)$ tal! $f %hat y$ %ant' B t %hat $f %hat I %ant5 9ere y$ thin!in& $f me %hen y$ br$ &ht me bac! here54 4That %as my $nly th$ &ht34 0e st$$d, t$%erin& $#er her, b$th irritated and fr strated' 4+y G$d, *assie, ha#e y$ l$$!ed in the mirr$r5 )$ l$$! li!e a %raith34 She ca &ht her breath (( c$min& fr$m him, s ch ins lt %as nbearable' All at $nce she felt as if her %$rld %ere splinterin& apart, b t she %$ ld n$t let him &limpse her pain' And it %as s$ m ch easier t$ see! ref &e in an&er' 4.h, b t I ( I %ish y$ had ne#er f$ nd me' And I %$n't stay here, d$ y$ hear5 I %$n't34 4)$ %$ ld rather be bac! %here I f$ nd y$ 54 4)es ''' yes3 I hate y$ ''' d$ y$ hear5 I hate y$ 34 The m scles in Gabriel's face seemed t$ free6e' 4I ref se t$ let y$ &$ bac! t$ the life y$ %e leadin&,4 he stated thr$ &h clenched teeth' 4 y$ %ill stay here, *assie, if I ha#e t$ l$c!

y$ in y$ r r$$m3 /$r n$%, y$ are clearly $#er%r$ &ht and I see n$ p$int in c$ntin in& this c$n#ersati$n' I %ill ret rn %hen y$ are feelin& m$re rati$nal'> 0e sp n ar$ nd and str$de acr$ss the fl$$r' *assie sh$#ed aside the blan!ets and s% n& her feet t$ the fl$$r' 4.h, b t its 1 st li!e y$ t$ %al! a%ay3 B t I %$n't be p shed aside a&ain' D$ y$ hear5 I %$n't34 0e str$de int$ the hall' 0is &ait ne#er faltered' 2Damn y$ , Gabriel ''' 0abriel34 0is name %as a scream at the last, b t min&led %ithin %as a n$te $f desperati$n that sent ice r nnin& thr$ &h his #eins' 0e b$lted bac! int$ her chamber' She st$$d at the side $f the bed, $ne thin hand ar$ nd the p$ster at the end $f the bed, the $ther splayed p$n her belly' Bel$% her %aist, her ni&ht&$%n %as s$a!ed' She raised h &e, tear(bri&ht eyes t$ his' 2The %ater has br$!en,4 she &asped' 4.h, G$d, the babe is c$min& ' ''4 0e bent' 0is arms came ar$ nd her %ith alm$st painsta!in& &entleness' @ery caref lly he lifted her and laid her bac! d$%n p$n the bed' L$$!in& p him, *assie spied $n his face the $ne thin& she had n$t e,pected t$ see ''' /ear' It da%ned $n her then ''' She be&an t$ s$b' 4.h, it can't be n$% ''' it's t$$ s$$n' It's t$$ s$$n34 0e tried t$ strai&hten' She cl tched at his hands' 2D$n't lea#e me' Gabriel, please d$n't lea#e me3> 0er pite$ s cry t$re at him' 4It's all ri&ht, s%eet'4 0e s7 ee6ed her fin&ers, then bent t$ !iss, her 7 i#erin& lips' 4I m st send Th$mas f$r the physician' B t I'll be bac! %ithin min tes, l$#e, I pr$mise'4 -o"e' It %as as if a &iant pair $f hands s7 ee6ed her heart' Gabriel didn't l$#e her (( he %$ ld ne#er l$#er her' )et his t$ ch %as s$ tender, his %$rds s$ s%eet' She c$ ld alm$st ha#e belie#ed he cared, at least 1 st a little ''' Gl$ria s$$n r shed inside' 4+y lady34 she cried' 4The earl said the babe c$mes34 *assie str &&led f$r a calm she %as far fr$m feelin&' E#en %hile she l$n&ed f$r her b$dy t$ be rid $f its b rden, she %as terrified $f the $rdeal ahead' She tried t$ smile' 4I'm s re it %ill be h$ rs yet' /irst births are al%ays l$n&er, I belie#e'4 9ith Gl$ria's assistance, her s$dden &$%n %as e,chan&ed f$r a fresh $ne' She had 1 st leaned bac! a&ainst the pill$%s %hen she e,perienced a s dden ta tenin& $f her middle' She &asped and let $ t her breath sl$%ly' It %as then that Gabriel reappeared' 0e displayed n$t the sli&htest hesitati$n %hats$e#er, b t dre% p a chair ne,t t$ the head $f the bed, b$ld as y$ please, and t$$! his %ife's hands' It %as s$me time bef$re the physician arri#ed' Dr' 0ampt$n %as a st$ t, p$t(bellied $ld man %ith a !indly demean$r' *assie had be& n t$ pant s$ftly at each &atherin& $f her %$mb, f$r each s ch $cc rrence %as l$n&er and str$n&er in intensity' Gabriel, %h$se temper %as simmerin& $#er the physician's delay, t$$! s%ift and #ehement e,cepti$n %hen he %as p$litely b t firmly ad#ised t$ #acate his chair and %ait d$%nstairs' 4I %ill n$t be banished fr$m this r$$m' I %as present %hen this child %as c$ncei#ed' I see n$ reas$n %hy I sh$ ld n$t be present %hen he is b$rn'4 Dr' 0ampt$n r$lled his eyes and sh$$! his sha&&y head' +$st e,pectant fathers pr$#ed themsel#es a #eritable n isance and he f lly e,pected the same $f this $ne' )et as the h$ rs %$re $n, it %as clear the earl %as the e,cepti$n' 0is presence seemed t$ ease his %ife's fears as %ell' As her lab$r pr$&ressed, *assie tried t$ stifle her cries' As $ne especially str$n& c$ntracti$n &ripped her belly, a l$% m$an escaped' 4I'm s$rry,4 she %hispered %hen she %as able t$ catch her breath' 4I'm s ch a c$%ard, I !n$%'4

Gabriel's heart c$ntracted' 0er eyes %ere t%$ &lassy p$$ls $f endless pain' 9ith his fin&ers he br shed the damp strands fr$m her br$%' 4A c$%ard54 0e chided her &ently' 4I thin! n$t, )an!' )$ 're a %$man li!e n$ $ther (( bra#e and str$n& (( the str$n&est %$man I !n$%'4 Tenderly he %iped the beads $f s%eat fr$m her br$%, b t his face %as ashen as he %atched $#er his %ife and %hispered enc$ ra&ement' 0ad she spent these last m$nths c$ddled and %ell(fed, he'd n$t ha#e been 7 ite s$ %$rried' B t she %as s$ thin, s$ %ea!, and it %as as if he c$ ld see her str &&le drainin& a%ay her stren&th' And she p$ssessed s$ little in reser#e t$ be&in %ith ''' An$ther spasm !n$tted her %$mb, harder and l$n&er than the rest' A tremend$ s press re be&an t$ b ild, there bet%een her thi&hs' Th$ &h she tried t$ mas! her s fferin&, a cry $f an& ish t$re fr$m her lips' 0er nails d & int$ Gabriel's palm, slicin& his s!in' 9hen it %as $#er, her head fell bac! p$n the pill$%, her bea tif l hair matted and tan&led' 9ith a &asp she %ent limp (( s$ limp that f$r an instant sheer panic leaped in his breast' Deep d$%n he %as sha!en t$ his #ery s$ l' 0e hated himself f$r his helplessness, yet there %as n$thin& he c$ ld d$ t$ help her' Icy tin&les $f fear ran al$n& his spine' 0e alternately c rsed and prayed' *hrist3 0$% m ch m$re $f this c$ ld she stand5 B t %ith the ne,t c$ntracti$n the physician's #$ice rapped $ t sharply' 4There, I can see the cr$%n3 9hen the r&e c$mes, y$ m st p sh and n$t fi&ht it ''' yes, yes3 That's the %ay ''' I ha#e his head ''' $nce m$re and then y$ may rest a bit'''4 A thin, bleatin& cry filled the air' Gabriel did n$t see the tiny, %ri&&lin& b$dy in the physician's hands' 0is e#ery sense, his entire bein&, %as f$c sed $n the sli&ht fi& re that lay pr$ne in the bed' 0e bent and !issed her f ll $n the lips' 2Its d$ne, s%eet' I !ne% y$ c$ ld d$ it, I !ne% it'4 Gabriel r$se t$ his feet' 0e %as $nly half(a%are as Dr' 0ampt$n passed the infant t$ Gl$ria, then t rned t$ deli#er the afterbirth' 0e %as still standin& there n mbly %hen he felt a t & $n his slee#e' Gl$ria st$$d bef$re him, her r$ nd face beamin&' Shyly she placed a small b ndle int$ his arms' Sl$%ly he p shed a%ay the flannel c$#erin&, re#ealin& the tiny ne% creat re' 0e beheld a miniat re little face %ith little dar! br$%s scre%ed p in a fr$%n' 0e s%all$%ed, and sa% pin!, healthy s!in, na!ed, flailin& limbs ' ' ' 0e stared in min&led a%e and disbelief' A trem$r $f em$ti$n r shed thr$ &h him, %ea!enin& his !nees, e#en as h mble pride s%elled his chest' 0e %anted t$ sh$ t, t$ fall t$ his !nees in prayer and than!s&i#in&' Instead he %hispered, 49e ha#e a s$n, *assie' We ha"e a son'4 *assie's eyes fl ttered $pen' She t rned her head, her #isi$n cl$ ded by a d ll &ray film' 0$#erin& $n the frin&es $f nc$nsci$ sness, she battled t$ !eep her eyes $pen' She %as s$ tired, b t she s$ desperately %anted 1 st a &limpse $f her baby' Gabriel &lanced p 1 st as she tried t$ raise herself $n an elb$%, sha!in& %ith the eff$rt' Tears &la6ed her eyes as she c$llapsed %ea!ly, tears that reached $ t and ca &ht h$ld $f his heart' 0e %as there in an instant, easin& his preci$ s b ndle d$%n beside her and partin& the blan!et %ith $ne bi& hand s$ she c$ ld see' 2Is he ''' all ri&ht54 Gabriel had t$ strain t$ hear, s$ feeble %as her #$ice' 4I see ten fin&ers, ten t$es ''' There is certainly n$ s rfeit $f flesh (( $r hair either3(( b t he l$$!s t$ be a fine little lad'4 The merest smile &ra6ed her lips' 0er fears e,tin& ished, her stren&th at last depleted, she cl$sed her eyes and slept' 9hen *assie %$!e a&ain, aftern$$n s nshine tric!led thr$ &h the %ind$%s' She stirred, %incin& a little as she t rned t$ her side' Gl$ria sc rried in 1 st then, a tray in her hands' 2Ah, y$ 're a%a!e and 1 st in time3 Are y$ h n&ry, milady54

2D$ y$ !n$%, I A Im star#in&'4 *assie %as startled t$ find that she %as indeed ra#en$ s' She ate e#ery bite $f the steamin& lamb ste% and fra&rant, yeasty bread' After%ards, Gl$ria br$ &ht a %arm basin $f %ater %ith %hich she %as able t$ %ash' .nce her ni&ht&$%n had been chan&ed, her hair br shed and braided, she felt distinctly m$re presentable' She cleared her thr$at as Gl$ria carried her t$ilet articles bac! t$ the dressin& table' 4Is my h sband h$me54 4I belie#e hes in the st dy'4 The maid &a#e a hearty ch c!le' 4.h, b t y$ sh$ ld ha#e seen him last ni&ht, milady' 0e'll be a pr$ d, str ttin& papa t$ be s re (( %hy, it %as all the d$ct$r c$ ld d$ t$ pry the little $ne a%ay fr$m him s$ he c$ ld e,amine him pr$per'4 S$ Gabriel had been %ell pleased %ith his s$n ''' a little $f her an,i$ s dread departed' -erhaps it %as silly $f her, b t s$me%here deep inside shed been half(afraid he mi&ht re1ect him' She &lanced l$n&in&ly t$%ard the c$rner, %here a cradle had been placed' -eepin& $ t fr$m the end $f the blan!ets %as the t$p $f a tiny dar! head' J st then, there %as the faintest m$#ement fr$m %ithin the heap $f flannel' A %$ef l little cry emanated f$rth' Gl$ria la &hed %hen she spied the leap $f 1$y in her mistresss eyes' *assie leaned p $n an elb$% and l$$!ed $n ea&erly as the maid pl c!ed the infant fr$m his nest and chan&ed his nap!in' She had nearly finished %hen a tall f$rm appeared in the d$$r%ay' It %as Gabriel, freshly bathed and sha#en fr$m the l$$! $f him' *assie's p lse leaped and s!ittered' 0is hair &leamed dar! and damp and she c$ ld smell the faint scent $f the c$l$&ne he sed' Gl$ria had strai&htened, liftin& the fretf l infant t$ her sh$ lder' Gabriel %$rdlessly bec!$ned %ith a fin&er, and the maid passed the child t$ him' +irac l$ sly, the babe 7 ieted the instant he %as sn & in his fathers arms' The maid b$bbed a c rtsy and 7 ietly retreated' *assie did n$t n$tice, f$r her attenti$n %as tterly c$mmanded by the pair %hich e#en n$% carne near' 0is lips 7 ir!ed as he addressed the babe' 4I thin! y$ r m$ther feels it's time the t%$ $f y$ met pr$perly, my little l$rd'4 An nmista!able tenderness l r!ed in th$se sil#ery eyes as he bent t$ l$%er their s$n int$ her %aitin& arms' *assie scarcely felt the br sh $f his hands as he passed the b ndle t$ her' Gabriel %as f$r&$tten (( e#erythin& %as f$r&$tten as she felt the sli&ht %ei&ht $f her baby nestled in the c r#e $f her elb$% f$r the #ery first time' A r sh $f deli&ht p$ red thr$ &h her, s%eet and p re' 0er babe re&arded her %ith his father's s al se#erity, tiny little br$%s dra%n $#er a n bbin n$se' 0is eyes %ere a deep, m r!y bl e' A fine dar! f 66 c$#ered his head' B t e#en *assie, %ith her limited !n$%led&e $f infants, !ne% he %as smaller than m$st ne%b$rns' A trem$r %ent thr$ &h her' She cradled his head in her palm' 40e's s$ tiny,4 she %hispered' 4.h, Gabriel, %hat if ((4 Gabriel laid the bac! $f his !n c!les a&ainst her fl shed chee!' 4The physician said he appears t$ be in e,ceedin&ly fine health despite his early arri#al in the %$rld,4 he said &ently' *assie s7 ee6ed her eyes sh t, f$r a m$ment t$$ ch$!ed p t$ spea!' She %as l c!y, she reali6ed, sha!en t$ her #ery s$ l' If anythin& had happened t$ him, she'd ha#e felt & ilty f$r the rest $f her days' After a m$ment, she p$!ed c ri$ sly at the faded %hite &$%n he %$re' Gabriel had perched himself $n the side $f the bed' 4I'm afraid %e %ere rather ill(e7 ipped f$r an infant in the h$ se 7 ite s$ s$$n,4 he said %ith a cr$$!ed smile' 49e b$rr$%ed se#eral items fr$m the c$$!'s da &hter ntil /ather and +rs' +cGee &et bac! fr$m L$nd$n' They left #ery early this m$rnin& t$ see t$ his needs'4 A #a& e mem$ry s rfaced, $f Edm nd standin& beside the bed, a smile creasin& his face' Edm nd ''' smilin&5 S rely it %as her ima&inati$n3 0er 7 i66ical &a6e had tra#eled t$ the cradle in the c$rner, fashi$ned $f dar!, p$lished mah$&any'

4The cradle, t$$, is an $ld $ne, I'm afraid (( mine and St art's' +y father sent Da#is t$ the attic t$ retrie#e it'4 Gabriel pa sed' 4B t %e can certainly p rchase a ne% $ne if y$ 'd li!e'4 %is father a#ain' *assie resisted the r&e t$ &lance at him sharply' ;s ally %hen he sp$!e $f Edm nd there %as a decided ed&e in his t$ne' )et c ri$ sly, s ch %as n$t the case n$%' *$ ld it be that in the time shed been &$ne, the t%$ had mended their differences5 The n$ti$n pr$&ressed n$ f rther, f$r the baby decided he'd been patient l$n& en$ &h' 0e %as impatient f$r his dinner, and it appeared he %as determined b$th his parents sh$ ld !n$% it' *assie started at his s dden l$ d s7 all' Gabriel si&hed and rel ctantly reached f$r his s$n' 29e'#e en&a&ed a %et n rse fr$m the #illa&e,4 he m rm red' 4I'll brin& him bac! as s$$n as he's d$ne, I pr$mise ((4 B t *assie %as n$t ab$ t t$ relin7 ish her preci$ s b ndle' 4A %et n rse34 she cried' 4There is n$ need f$r $ne3 I can feed him myself34 Gabriel hesitated' 4The physician said he m st be n rsed e#ery t%$ h$ rs ntil he be&ins t$ &ain s$me flesh,4 he said sl$%ly' 4And ladies d$ n$t s ally n rse their $%n ((4 2I fail t$ see %hat difference that ma!es,4 she said, her chin tipped hi&h' 49e b$th !n$% I am n$ lady'4 Gabriel's lips ti&htened' 4I ha#e n$ $b1ecti$n t$ y$ r n rsin& him, *assie' I am c$ncerned $#er y$ r health and I merely th$ &ht y$ mi&ht find s ch a demand ta,in&'4 0is arr$&ance ret rned in f ll meas re' 4B t I d$ n$t care f$r the implicati$n y$ are less than a lady (( less than %hat y$ are' )$ are the c$ ntess $f 9a!efield and the m$ther $f my s$n, and as s ch, I %ill hear n$ slander a&ainst y$ , e#en %hen it c$mes fr$m y$ r $%n lips'4 *assie d c!ed her head' The babe %as %ailin& in earnest n$%' She %as s ddenly ashamed $f her pettiness' Gabriel sh$%ed n$ si&ns $f lea#in& t$ all$% her pri#acy t$ feed the baby, and after ma!in& s ch an iss e $#er it she reali6ed she had n$ ch$ice b t t$ see the deed d$ne' Gabriel's nceasin& re&ard made her ner#$ s' 0er fin&ers t &&ed at the dra%strin& at her nec!line' The material &a#e %ay, slidin& d$%n her arm and e,p$sin& the r$ nd, r$sy(tipped f llness $f her breast' /eelin& ac tely cl msy and a%!%ard, she t rned her s$n's b$dy e#er s$ sli&htly' B ite by accident he latched $nt$ her nipple and be&an t$ s c!' The 7 iet %hich f$ll$%ed %as s$meh$% m$re strident than the babe's cries' She t$$! a deep, sh dderin& breath' 4-lease d$n't be an&ry %ith me'4 0er #$ice %as l$% and ch$!ed' 0e t$ ched her then, str$!in& the c r#e $f her chee! %ith the pad $f his th mb' 0e leaned cl$se, s$ cl$se she c$ ld feel the %armth $f b$dy and breath, and f$r a heart st$ppin& sec$nd she th$ &ht he mi&ht !iss her' She %anted him t$, she reali6ed' She %anted it %ith a yearnin& that made her feel all h$t and shi#ery inside' 4I am n$t an&ry,4 he said #ery s$ftly' 4I am $nly #ery #ery &lad that y$ are bac! %here y$ bel$n&'4 -inned by the ra% em$ti$n in his eyes, *assie c$ ld n$t l$$! a%ay' B t his th mb merely br shed the f llness $f her l$%er lip, then %as &$ne' 0is &a6e fell t$ their s$n' 40a#e y$ &i#en any th$ &ht t$ %hat %e mi&ht name him54 /eelin& hereft b t determined n$t t$ sh$% it, *assie bit her lip' 4Act ally,4 she said #ery l$%, 4I d$ ha#e a name in mind'4 She did n$t c$nfess that she had ne#er d$ bted she %$ ld bear him a s$n' 4I ha#e al%ays li!ed the name J$nathan''' and I th$ &ht perhaps St art f$r a sec$nd name '''4 She held her breath and %aited' /$r the life $f her, she %as n$t certain %hat Gabriel's reacti$n mi&ht be' 4J$nathan St art'4 0e m rm red the name e,perimentally, and then his e,pressi$n &re% incredibly %arm' 4I li!e that, s%eet' J$nathan St art he shall be'4 0er heart brimmed' In all her days, she did n$t !n$% %hen she'd !n$%n s ch happiness, s ch c$ntentment' -erhaps Gabriel had been ri&ht t$ brin& her bac!' 0e l$#ed his s$n (( $f that she had n$ d$ bt' And the !n$%led&e filled her %ith a 1$y$ s peacef lness' E#en if he ne#er came t$ l$#e her, pride in their s$n %as s$methin& they %$ ld share f$re#er''' She c$ ld as! f$r n$ m$re'

Chapter 23
It %as a %ee! bef$re *assie %as all$%ed t$ lea#e her bed' She pr$tested her c$nfinement heartily, b t either Gabriel $r Gl$ria made certain it %as enf$rced' In tr th, she did little m$re than eat, sleep, and n rse J$nathan' S$$n she be&an t$ re&ain her stren&th and c$l$r' Deep in her heart, she !ne% Gabriel had been ri&ht t$ brin& her bac! t$ /arlei&h, f$r n$% that she had held her child in her arms, she %anted e#erythin& f$r him' .n her $%n, she c$ ld ne#er ha#e pr$#ided f$r him as Gabriel c$ ld' 8i&htly she &a#e than!s t$ the L$rd, f$r J$nathan %$ ld ha#e s$ m ch that she had ne#er had' 0e %$ ld ne#er be h n&ry' 8e#er lac! f$r a r$$f $#er his head' B t she %as determined that he %$ ld als$ &r$% p !n$%in& he %as l$#ed and %anted ''' She had resisted at first %hen Gabriel s &&ested hirin& a n rse, b t fallin& t$ Gabriel and E#elyns pers asi#e ar& ments, *assie relented' She did insist, h$%e#er, that the ch$ice $f help remain s$lely in her hands' Alth$ &h b$th %$men *assie inter#ie%ed, at the rec$mmendati$n $f Edm nd's reliable s$ rces, %ere n$ d$ bt eminently capable, in *assie's mind, they %ere b$th stiff and cr sty and decidedly &lacial' She %anted s$me$ne %arm and #ibrant, %h$ %as nafraid t$ la &h (( s$me$ne J$nathan c$ ld tr st as %ell as l$#e' In the end, she ch$se a bi& ra%(b$ned &irl fr$m the #illa&e' Alice had spar!lin& br$%n eyes and a %arm, ready smile' 9ith ei&ht y$ n&er br$thers and sisters, she als$ had a %ealth $f e,perience %ith babies' E#en J$nathan appeared t$ li!e her' 0e had c$$ed and pr$mptly fallen asleep in the cr$$! $f her arm, 7 ite c$ntent as his m$ther c$nd cted the inter#ie%' *assie s spected that Edm nd did n$t partic larly care f$r her ch$ice, b t she %as c$nfident she had ch$sen %ell' B t %here Gabriel %as c$ncerned, there %as still s$ m ch nres$l#ed tensi$n bet%een them' Th$ &h his manner %as n$t precisely c$ld, and he %as al%ays fa ltlessly p$lite, *assie %as t$rmented' She l$#ed him s$3 And she cra#ed s$me $ t%ard si&n that he cared f$r her, at least a little ''' B t time $nly ripened the distance bet%een them' As the days t rned t$ %ee!s, *assie's heart cried $ t in an& ish' She %a#ered bet%een h rt and indi&nati$n, h$pe and yearnin&' 8$t $nce had he ret rned t$ her bed, th$ &h Dr' 0ampt$n had tactf lly made it clear t$ b$th $f them there %as n$ need t$ abstain any l$n&er' B t Gabriel had made n$ si&n that he %anted her in that re&ard' *assie %as secretly de#astated' 0ad she si&ht $f her misshapen, pre&nant b$dy !illed his passi$n5 She %as ne%ly slim, %ith the e,cepti$n $f her breasts, %hich %ere n$ticeably f ller' B t perhaps Gabriel n$ l$n&er desired her' She ached t$ thin! she had l$st e#en that3 In the midst $f her a&itati$n, *hrist$pher came t$ call $ne bri&ht aftern$$n in late J ne' Gabriel %as n$t there, b t %as $ t tendin& t$ estate b siness' *assie in#ited him t$ stay in the h$pes that Gabriel %$ ld ret rn' 9hile they t$$! tea in the dra%in& r$$m, *hrist$pher tic!led J$nathan beneath the chin and e,claimed h$% hed &r$%n since he'd last #isited se#eral %ee!s earlier' After Alice t$$! the baby pstairs, *hrist$pher &lanced at his %atch, then ar$se' 4It's time I t$$! my lea#e' I'#e lin&ered l$n& en$ &h and it appears Gabriel may be s$me time yet'4 *assie %al!ed %ith him $ tside' They st$$d at the t$p $f the %ide st$ne stair%ay and %aited f$r a &r$$m t$ brin& his h$rse' *hrist$pher slipped his hands int$ his p$c!ets, then t rned t$ *assie, his e,pressi$n faintly sheepish' 4Act ally, *assie, I ha#e s$me e,citin& ne%s I th$ &ht t$ share %ith y$ and Gabriel'4 49ell,4 *assie said li&htly' 4Since Gabriel did n$t ha#e the &$$d &race t$ appear, y$ shall 1 st ha#e t$ tell me'4 *hrist$pher ch c!led' 4@ery %ell, then' D$ y$ !n$% the $ld man$r h$ se al$n& the lane n$rth $f here54 4I d$ indeed3 I pass it %hen I ride t$ 9arrent$n' Its tr ly a shame n$ $ne li#es there3 9hy, it %$ ld be 7 ite l$#ely if $nly it had the pr$per care and %ere n$t s$ ne&lected'4

4I am 7 ite inclined t$ a&ree, th$ &h I daresay that %ill #ery s$$n be rectified'4 *assie blin!ed' 49hat3 D$ y$ mean that y$ ''' ' %hy, *hrist$pher ' ' '4 0e la &hed at her ast$nishment' 2)es, *assie, its tr e' )$ see bef$re y$ the ne% $%ner' In fact, I %ill spend this #ery ni&ht there'4 4.h, *hrist$pher, I'm s$ pleased34 She e,claimed her deli&ht, b t c$ ldn't resist teasin& him' 40mmm' D$es this mean y$ ha#e &i#en p y$ r %ild, %ic!ed %ays in $rder t$ bec$me a &entleman $f leis re54 0is &rin %as infecti$ s' 4I m st say, %ith Gabriel settlin& d$%n s$ admirably %hich $nly a year a&$ n$ $ne %$ ld ha#e c$nsidered e#en rem$tely p$ssible, I s pp$se anythin& c$ ld happen34 *assie's heart beat a little faster' 9as it tr e, then, that Gabriel %as c$ntent5 .h, if $nly she dared h$pe'''48$% that y$ ha#e ac7 ired a c$ ntry h$ se, *hrist$pher, y$ lac! $nly $ne thin&'4 4And %hat mi&ht that be54 4A %ife t$ tame y$ 34 T$ her s rprise, his smile %ithered' 4I %$ ld li!e n$thin& m$re,4 he said, and it %as alm$st as if he sp$!e t$ himself' 4B t that is the $ne thin& that %ill ne#er be'4 0is r ddy feat res %ere s$mher' A %istf l, alm$st melanch$ly sadness had entered his eyes' *assie fr$%ned' 29hy d$ y$ say that, *hrist$pher5 )$ are y$ n&' )$ are hands$me' I cann$t ima&ine %hy a y$ n& lady %$ ld ref se if y$ ch$se t$ pay c$ rt t$ her'> 0e %as silent f$r a m$ment' 2Its n$t in the ref sal $f the lady in 7 esti$n that the pr$blem lies'> 9ith that cryptic statement, his &a6e flitted n$rth, t$ his ne%ly ac7 ired man$r h$ se ''' and 9arrent$n' *assie ca &ht her breath' *$mprehensi$n da%ned %ith a r sh' 49hy, it's E#elyn, isn't it54 She ans%ered her $%n 7 esti$n' .f c$ rse it %as' She recalled h$% $ften shed seen them t$&ether in L$nd$n (( dancin&' S$metimes 1 st tal!in& ''' perhaps it had started e#en then' 4*hrist$pher, y$ and E#elyn34 She la &hed her deli&ht' 49hy, that's %$nderf l34 A t%in&e $f pain flitted acr$ss his face' 48$, *assie' IIts imp$ssible'4 4B t %hy5 D$esn't she l$#e y$ 54 0e hesitated' 4She d$es,4 he admitted finally' 4I b$ &ht the man$r h$ se s$ that I c$ ld be near her, at least ntil she marries'4 *assie %as h$rrified' 4If y$ l$#e her, y$ cann$t let her marry s$me$ne else3 9hy d$n't y$ simply declare y$ rself54 0e si&hed' 40er father is p$mp$ s and $f the $ld & ard, *assie' Its c$mm$n !n$%led&e he %ill n$t be satisfied nless she marries b$th a f$rt ne and a title (( an earl at the #ery least' I am $nly a l$%ly bar$net, n%$rthy $f his rec$&niti$n' 9ere I t$ declare myself, 9arrent$n %$ ld ma!e certain I ne#er sa% her a&ain'> *assie's heart %ent $ t t$ him' 4.h, *hrist$pher, h$% sad f$r y$ b$th' B t y$ cann$t &i#e p h$pe, n$t yet' E#elyn still has n$ seri$ s s it$rs, n$r d$es she desire any'4 4She %ill n$t f$rsa!e her d ty, *assie' She %ill n$t dish$n$r her father's %ishes by &$in& a&ainst him'4 0e pa sed' 4And I %ill n$t dish$n$r her by as!in& s ch a thin& $f her'4 *assie bit her lip' A part $f her %hispered he %as ri&ht, yet she dared n$t admit it t$ him' Instead she t$ ched his slee#e' 4D$ n$t &i#e p,4 she said s$ftly' 4-erhaps there is still s$me %ay the t%$ $f y$ can be t$&ether' -erhaps a s$l ti$n can still be f$ nd'4 .n imp lse she reached $ t and laid her hands $n his sh$ lders, !issin& his chee! bef$re she bid him &$$dbye' The mem$ry $f *hrist$pher's #isit still d%elled in her mind as she made her %ay pstairs' She pee!ed int$ the ne%ly dec$rated n rsery %here J$nathan lay s$ nd asleep in his cradle' 0er &a6e %as tr$ bled as she m$#ed f rther d$%n the hall t$ her r$$m'

She st$$d at the %ind$%s f$r a l$n& time a slender hand partin& the c rtains' Bey$nd the r$llin& e,panse $f la%n the p rple ha6e $f t%ili&ht cl n& t$ the treet$ps' She si&hed, see!in& t$ c$me p %ith s$me %ay t$ help her friends, t$ ease their pli&ht' *hrist$pher and E#elyn %ere b$th s$ dear t$ her heart' If $nly s$methin& c$ ld be d$ne t$ s%ay the d !e $f 9arrent$n, s$ he mi&ht n$t r in his da &hter's $nly chance at happiness3 -erhaps Gabriel c$ ld pers ade his father t$ tal! t$ 9arrent$n' The t%$ still r$de and h nted t$&ether $ften' She sei6ed $n the p$ssibility, determined t$ p t it t$ him at the first $pp$rt nity' 0er mind s$ &r$ssed, she t rned' She &a#e an abr pt start, f$r s ddenly there he %as, standin& n$t three feet bef$re her' 2Gabriel34 0er la &h %as rather sha!y' 4+y %$rd, y$ startled me3 I did n$t hear y$ c$me in'> Apparently he had 1 st ret rned fr$m his errands' 0e had n$t yet chan&ed, and still %$re b$$ts and ridin& cl$thes' The %idth $f his sh$ lders c$mpletely eclipsed her #ie% $f the d$$r, and all at $nce the r$$m seemed abs rdly small' The fact that he %as dressed all in blac!, c$ pled %ith the ridin& cr$p held bet%een &l$#ed fin&ers at his side, lent a c ri$ s air $f menace t$ his demean$r' -erhaps n$t s$ c ri$ s after all' The cast $f his 1a% %as &rim and f$rbiddin&' 0e sp$!e n$ %$rds $f &reetin&, n$r did be smile' Instead he fi,ed her %ith an n%a#erin& &a6e $f piercin& intensity' 4Gabriel54 A faint alarm be&an t$ p$ nd al$n& her #eins' 4Is s$methin& %r$n&54 4I sa% y$ , )an!' I sa% the t%$ $f y$ bef$re he r$de $ff'4 *assie &aped' 49h$5 *hrist$pher54 2The #ery same' S$ tell me, s%eet' D$ the t%$ $f y$ decei#e me nder this #ery r$$f54 Th$ &h his t$ne %as mild, his eyes %ere blisterin&' *assie shi#ered' It sp n thr$ &h her mind that he %as 1eal$ s' And %hile a part $f her fairly reeled %ith elati$n, she %as f ri$ s that he c$ ld thin! s$ little $f her (( and $f his en friend3 She s7 ared her sh$ lders, stri#in& f$r as m ch di&nity as she c$ ld m ster' 48$thin& has chan&ed Gabriel' )$ ha#e n$t chan&ed, f$r I ha#e d$ne n$thin& t$ deser#e this' )$ ins lt me by implyin& that I ha#e (( and y$ ins lt *hrist$pher as %ell'4 Acr$ss the hall, J$nathan be&an t$ cry' Gabriel sp n ar$ nd, his intent clear' *assie %as $nly half a pace behind' They %ere in the n rsery n$%' *assie sp$!e p 7 ic!ly, 1 st as Gabriel reached the cradle' 40ere, let me (4 4I'm 7 ite capable, I ass re y$ '4 0e %as c rtly dismissi#e' *assie st$$d bac! as Gabriel's dar! hands slid &ently beneath J$nathan's small b$dy' Th$ &h she had $nce been c$n#inced s ch a thin& %$ ld be imp$ssible, Gabriel's l$#e f$r his s$n %as n7 esti$nable' A pan& t%isted her heart' 9hy c$ ldn't he spare e#en a meas re $f it f$r her5 As al%ays, J$nathan 7 ieted the instant he %as pic!ed p' T c!ed in the cr$$! $f Gabriel's elb$%, he &a6ed at his father %ith c$mplete and tter tr st' Gabriel traced a dar! fin&er d$%n the fr$nt $f his m slin &$%n' 0e ch c!led s$ftly %hen J$nathan sei6ed his fin&er, carried it t$ his m$ th, and s c!ed str$n&ly' B t the infant #$iced his ann$yance 7 ite l$ dly %hen he reali6ed n$ f$$d s pply %as f$rthc$min&' 0e be&an t$ %i&&le and s7 irm, t rnin& his head t$%ard Gabriel's chest' An ele&ant br$% arched hi&h' 4I'm afraid this is s$methin& I cann$t d$ f$r y$ , J$nathan'4 0ard &ray eyes s%i#eled t$ capt re hers' 9ith$ t a %$rd he laid him in her arms' *assie settled herself in the chair that $#erl$$!ed the c$ rtyard' J$nathan's cries had be& n t$ &ain in pitch and #$l me' 0e r$$ted frantically a&ainst her, an,i$ s and demandin&' She r$c!ed him in her arms, tryin& t$ s$$the him' 0er breasts tin&led as her mil! be&an t$ c$me in' .h, damn ''' damn3

Gabriel sp$!e the $b#i$ s' 40e 's h n&ry, )an!'4 The s$ft line $f her lips c$mpressed as she &lanced p at him' She %ished he %$ ld lea#e her al$ne t$ feed her s$n, and t$ that end, she let her &lare spea! f$r her' 0e merely smiled (( $h, a dem$n's smile3 (( she th$ &ht indi&nantly as he stepped behind her' 0is hands flashed int$ her line $f #isi$n' She stiffened in sh$c! %hen he s$ &ht $ t the dra%strin& $f her b$dice' A deft, s re t & fr$m th$se l$n&, str$n& fin&ers and her breasts spilled free' /$r a mind(splittin& instant, his fin&ers lay hard and %arm $n the c r#e $f her na!ed flesh' Then J$nathan latched $nt$ her nipple %ith ea&er &reed' *assie b$%ed her head l$% and s$ &ht t$ c$nfine her attenti$n t$ J$nathan' 0e %as a &$$d, s%eet(nat red baby %h$ cried $nly %hen he %as h n&ry $r %et' 8$r %as he sic!ly, as she had feared he mi&ht be' 0is belly had &r$%n r$ nd and firm, his little chee!s pl mp' B t the peace and c$ntentment that s ally slipped $#er her as she sat and n rsed him %as &larin&ly absent' The dis7 iet %as stiflin&' J$nathan s c!led n$isily, the s$ nd l$ d t$ *assie 's $#er%r$ &ht ner#es' Gabriel st$$d behind her, star! and rem$te' *assie %as achin&ly a%are $f him' 0e had been present n mer$ s times bef$re %hen she'd fed J$nathan, yet n$% his re&ard made her feel # lnerable and e,p$sed as ne#er bef$re' 0e %as an e,pert at bridlin& his feelin&s, %hile s ddenly it seemed hers %ere stre%n in e#ery directi$n3 9hen she s%itched J$nathan t$ her $ther breast, she discreetly tried t$ t & a blan!et p $#er her e,p$sed flesh and J$nathans head' Gabriel's hand cl$sed $#er hers, st$ppin& her c$ld' The battle be&an in earnest' At len&th he m$#ed t$ %here she c$ ld see him' 0is eyes %ere &litterin&' 4S ch a de#$ted m$ther,4 he $bser#ed m$c!in&ly' 4A shame y$ are n$t s ch a de#$ted %ife'4 4.h, f$r pity's sa!e34 J$nathan had be& n t$ fall asleep at her breast' She had t$ settle f$r a heated %hisper %hen she l$n&ed t$ st$rm at him f ri$ sly' 4*hrist$pher came t$ see y$ , t$ tell y$ he b$ &ht the man$r h$ se near 9arrent$n34 4S$ n$% he %ill be $ r nei&hb$r (( h$% c$n#enient f$r the t%$ $f y$ '4 8$% that J$nathan had finished, it appeared there %as t$ be n$ reprie#e' 9hen Alice appeared, Gabriel pl c!ed his s$n fr$m *assie's arms and handed him t$ his n rse' At the d$$r, he st$$d and a%aited her' *assie sm$$thed her s!irts and tipped her chin hi&h as he t$$! her arm, !n$%in& she had n$ ch$ice b t t$ acc$mpany him' In the hall, she tried t$ free herself $f his h$ld' 0is &rip $n her arm merely ti&htened' .nly after he'd & ided her int$ her r$$m did he release her' 0e cl$sed the d$$r and cr$ssed his arms $#er his chest, then c$ntin ed as if there'd been nary a pa se in their c$n#ersati$n' 2I sa% y$ !iss him, )an!' A t$ chin& scene, I m st say'> *assie dre% a deep, 1a&&ed breath' 4.n the chee!, Gabriel ''' that is all, I s%ear' It %as a !iss meant t$ c$mf$rt (( n$ m$re34 Gabriel c$ ld n$t %ithh$ld the d$ bts that cr$%ded his mind' They %ere b$ nd, by m$re than 1 st the s$n they shared' And he c$ ld n$t f$r&et the fer#$r %ith %hich she had claimed she hated him' 8$ matter h$% s%eetly she smiled at him, the !n$%led&e %as al%ays there, li!e a needle beneath his s!in' 2Indeed' Tell me, s%eet' Are y$ still s$ nhappy that I made y$ ret rn t$ /arlei&h54 Gabriel did n$t miss the fleetin& shad$% that cr$ssed her l$#ely feat res' A #ile an&er s%ept thr$ &h him, dar! and br$$din&' @ery Deliberately he be&an t$ shed his cl$thes' 0is 1ac!et %as t$ssed acr$ss the arm $f a chair' 4)$ c$mf$rt *hrist$pher' )$ tend J$nathan' 9ell, I am y$ r h sband and I fail t$ see %hy I am n$t acc$rded the same c$nsiderati$n'4 .h %hat arr$&ance3 She felt &iddy and h$t, yet her hands %ere ice(c$ld' She pressed them t$&ether bef$re her, sha!en and ncertain by the tempest she sensed in him'

0is shirt landed at$p his 1ac!et' 4I %$ ld disr$be if I %ere y$ , )an!' If y$ d$ n$t, it %ill be my #ery &reat pleas re t$ d$ it f$r y$ '4 The si&ht $f his na!ed, hair(r$ &hened chest made her m$ th &$ dry' 4Gabriel,> she cried, 2y$ m st belie#e me3 It %as a !iss $n the chee! bet%een friends' 8$thin& c$mpared t$ %hat %e ha#e shared34 By n$% he %as na!ed' 48$5 Sh$% me the difference then'4 *assie s%all$%ed' 0er chest %as s$ ti&ht she c$ ld hardly breathe' She sh$$! her head lest she &i#e in t$ her %ea!ness, t$ him' 0is hands %ere $n her bare arms n$%, %arm and dist rbin&' /ar m$re dist rbin& %as his ar$ sal (( pr$ dly, ri&idly erect' Th$ &h she tried n$t t$ l$$! she c$ ld n$t help it' 4I repeat, s%eet, if I am t$ belie#e y$ , then y$ m st pers ade me'4 48$34 She dre% a deep, b rnin& breath' 48$t li!e this (( n$t %hen y$ 're s$ c$ld and an&ry34 9ithin sec$nds her cl$thin& %as cast aside, lea#in& her as na!ed as he' 4St$p34 she cried' 4I ( I %ill n$t c$me t$ y$ %illin&ly34 She p$ nded his chest as he t mbled her d$%n $n the bed' 4D$ y$ hear me, I %ill n$t34 And yet her arms came ar$ nd him, %hether t$ p sh him a%ay, $r p ll him cl$se, she did n$t !n$% ''' / ri$ s that she %$ ld ref se him, s$methin& snapped inside Gabriel then' A crims$n mist s%am bef$re him that $bliterated all th$ &ht, all reas$n' 0e dr$#e h$me in $ne fiercely b rnin& thr st, an ir$n blade $f steel ''' thr$ &h dry, tender tiss e nprepared f$r his thr stin& in#asi$n' 0er b$dy 1er!ed %ith the p$%er $f his entry' Th$ &h she tried t$ ch$!e it bac!, her cry $f h rt rent the air' Imbedded t$ the hilt inside her, Gabriel %ent tterly still' The stric!en s$ nd ripped int$ him li!e the tip $f a lance' 0e le#ered himself p $n his elb$%s t$ stare at her' 0er eyes %ere %et and s%immin& %ith tears' E#en as he %atched, they brimmed and $#erfl$%ed' She be&an t$ s$b' 4*hrist$pher means n$thin& t$ me, I s%ear' .h, d$n't y$ see5 It's E#elyn he l$#es, n$t me' 0e $nly %anted t$ be cl$se t$ her, (( t$ her, Gabriel, n$t me34 0is eyes s7 ee6ed sh t, his feat res c$nt$rted %ith an& ish and desire nchec!ed' 4*assie,4 he %hispered' 4.h, G$d ''' *assie' ' '4 0is blindin& f ry had #anished, replaced by a deep, abidin& shame' 0e tried t$ %ithdra%, his $nly intent bein& t$ spare her' She %$ ldn't let him' She %rapped her arms ar$ nd his nec! and cl n&' She hated %hat he had 1 st d$ne (( his an&er' 0is bitterness' B t she did n$t hate him' And she c$ ld n$t stand the th$ &ht that he %$ ld hate himself if they did n$t chan&e the mem$ry $f this enc$ nter fr$m s$methin& painf l and &rim ''' t$ s$methin& %$nderf l' 48$,4 she pleaded' 4*o'4 2I can't' *assie, I can t'> 0is #$ice %as l$% and ti&ht' 4I am a br te t$ treat y$ s$'> 4)$ can' J st l$#e me, Gabriel' J st,4 her #$ice br$!e then, 21 st l$#e me'4 0er palms framed the r &&ed plane $f his chee!s, the br tal clench $f his 1a%' She !issed him, %ith all the shy, s%eet l$n&in& held deep in her breast, the salty %armth $f her tears trapped bet%een their lips' At first his m$ th %as cl$sed ti&ht a&ainst her'''''as cl$sed as his heart, she th$ &ht %ith a %rench $f despair' B t then his eyes flic!ed $pen: they sheared directly int$ hers' She &limpsed his pain and & ilt ane%, and %ith a breathless little cry, shaped her m$ th a&ainst the heat and hardness $f his' All at $nce his arms clamped ar$ nd her b$dy, his h$ld alm$st c$n# lsi#e' And this time %hen ea&er, tremblin& lips lifted t$ his, he t$$! h$t, searin& p$ssessi$n $f the h$neyed interi$r $f her m$ th, ta!in& the s%eetness she $ffered s$ ardently and &i#in& bac! in f ll meas re' 2D$n' t lea#e me a&ain, *assie'> 0is #$ice %as tin&ed %ith a dar! desperati$n, a h$arse m tter a&ainst her lips' 4-r$mise me y$ %$n't lea#e me a&ain'4

*assie's heart &a#e a %ild leap' She c$ ld ha#e %ept f$r the 1$y that s r&ed in her #eins' 0e did care' .h, s%eet hea#en, he did3 9ith a sm$thered s$b $f &ladness, she l$c!ed her arms ti&ht ar$ nd his nec! and shamelessly pressed her lithe y$ n& c r#es ti&ht a&ainst his hardness' She c$ ld feel the h n&er in his !iss, the thic!ness $f his shaft still incredibly f ll and sn & %ithin her' 0is %ithdra%al left her empty and achin& and cl tchin& the ti&htness $f his hips, b t he sh$$! his head and pressed his lips t$ the i#$ry s%ell $f her breast' Time ceased t$ e,ist' 0e !issed her endlessly, &reedy and tender and r&ent all at $nce' /e#er r$se inside her, f$r all the %hile he t$yed %ith her nipples, first $ne and then the $ther, ntil they &re% ti&ht and hard and achin& f$r the t$ ch $f his lips' There he lin&ered ntil she lay &aspin& and breathless' 0is lips 1$ rneyed l$%er, acr$ss the sil!en plane $f her belly' 9ith bra6en intimacy he pried her thi&hs %ide' *assie s%all$%ed, eyes %ide and &la6ed, as f$r $ne mind(splittin& m$ment he h$#ered there' The m$ist heat $f his breath &ra6ed her first, and then the lashin& &lide $f his t$n& e played $#er slee! femmine f$lds, a&ain and a&ain, ntil she lay %rithin& and pantin&, pleadin& f$r him t$ end his e,7 isite t$rment' 9hen he finally m$#ed $#er her, beads $f s%eat d$tted his pper lip, testim$ny t$ his ri&id restraint' Th$ &h he %as hard and thr$bbin&, his penetrati$n $f the flesh he'd earlier ra#a&ed %as nend rably sl$%, and st nnin&ly th$r$ &h' At last he lay b ried deep %ithin her' 0e ti&htened his 1a%, f$r the feel $f her #el#et heat clamped h$t and ti&ht ar$ nd his s%$llen member nearly p shed him $#er the ed&e' 0e r$lled s ddenly s$ that she lay at$p him, still filled %ith the ri&id thic!ness $f his staff' 0er eyes fle% %ide' 9ith $ne small hand she braced herself a&ainst his chest' The deep, ne#en breath she dre% $nly made her all the m$re a%are $f his si6e and breadth %ithin her' 4Gabriel ((4 0is eyes %ere dar! and b rnin&' 2Ta!e me,4 he said thic!ly' 0is hands s%ept d$%n t$ her hips' 0e lifted her, brin&in& her d$%n $n his p lsin& erectness' Stretchin&' G idin&' See!in&' 4That's it, s%eet ''' yes, yes34 0e &r$aned as the st$rm $f passi$n ca &ht them in a ra&in& tempest, s%eepin& them hi&h, e#er hi&her' S$meh$% he held bac! ntil he felt her clin&in& spasms $f release ti&hten ar$ nd his t r&id flesh' 0e &ritted his teeth as his $%n came, fl$$din& a&ain and a&ain at the &ates $f her %$mb' 9ith a cry she c$llapsed a&ainst his chest' 0e eased t$ his side: a c$rded arm cradled her cl$se' 0ands that %ere immensely &entle br shed h$ney(&$ld tendrils fr$m her chee!s' 0e smiled a little at her da6ed e,pressi$n' A fin&er beneath her chin, he tipped her face t$ his' 0is !iss %as l$n& and sl$%, meltin&ly s%eet' T$&ether they fell asleep, %rapped in each $ther's arms'

Chapter 24
The crea! $f the d$$r $penin& the ne,t m$rnin& pr$dded *assie fr$m a s$ nd sleep' /r$m acr$ss the r$$m came a faint &asp' *assie sm$thered half(smile' It appeared Gl$ria had 1 st discerned her mistress %as n$t al$ne in her bed' She pr$pped herself p $n an elb$% as Gl$ria slid the tray she carried $nt$ the table near the d$$r' 4Gl$ria'4 The maid t rned at the s$ nd $f the l$%, masc line #$ice' A %arm hand c pped *assie's bare arm' ;ntil then she hadn't reali6ed that Gabriel %as a%a!e as %ell' 29$ ld y$ ha#e *$$! add a p$t $f tea t$ her ladyship's m$rnin& tray fr$m n$% $n54 2.f c$ rse, mil$rd'4 9ith a hasty c rtsy Gl$ria fled' There %as a %ealth $f meanin& in Gabriel's re7 est (( and they b$th !ne% it' *assie t rned int$ his arms' 0e trailed a fin&ertip d$%n the len&th $f her n$se' 4D$ y$ $b1ect, *$ ntess5> 0is m$ th carried a cr$$!ed half(smile that made her heart t rn $#er' 0is dar!, nsha#en 1a% and hair(matted na!ed chest fairly sh$ ted his star! masc linity, b t his sleep(t$ sled

hair and his eyes $f p re and shinin& sil#er, made him l$$! y$ n&er and far less harsh than she'd e#er seen him' *assie sh$$! her head in ans%er t$ his 7 esti$n' A sense $f deliri$ s happiness b bbled %ithin her li!e a %ellsprin&' /$r perhaps the #ery first time, she tr ly felt she played the r$le $f %ife and lady' Sl$%ly he l$%ered his head, &ra6in& his lips li&htly acr$ss hers' 9hen he dre% bac!, she sa% that alth$ &h his lips still smiled, his eyes did n$t' 4I h$pe y$ can f$r&i#e me f$r bein& s ch a f$$l last ni&ht,> he said 7 ietly' 4.nce a&ain I 1 d&ed b$th y$ and *hrist$pher s$ nfairly'4 0e sh$$! his head in self(dis& st' 4I sh$ ld ha#e !n$%n ab$ t *hrist$pher and E#elyn'4 She pressed her fin&ers a&ainst his lips' 40$% c$ ld y$ 54 she adm$nished &ently' 4I did n$t, yet n$% I, t$$, reali6e h$% blind I %as' 9hen I thin! bac! $n all the times I sa% the t%$ $f them t$&ether '''4 A tr$ bled fr$%n creased the sm$$thness $f her f$rehead' 4*hrist$pher is c$n#inced E#elyns father %$ ld n$t c$nsider him a fit h sband' 0e %ill n$t e#en try t$ ma!e his s it !n$%n f$r fear 9arrent$n %ill n$t all$% him t$ see her at all'> Gabriel hesitated' 4I !n$% h$% f$nd y$ are $f E#elyn,4 he said sl$%ly' 4B t I m st be h$nest, s%eet' *hrist$pher may %ell be ri&ht' Li!e my father, 9arrent$n #al es his title ab$#e all else' I s spect he %$ ld all$% n$ hint $f scandal t$ besmirch his name'> *assie said n$thin&' It saddened her &reatly t$ thin! her friend mi&ht ne#er !n$% s ch happiness as she had f$ nd' After a m$ment, Gabriel pressed his lips a&ainst her temple' 9arm breath feathered acr$ss her s!in' 4S$metimes,4 he said, his t$ne #ery l$%, 4there c$mes a time t$ f$r&et (( a time t$ start ane%'4 A fin&er beneath her chin, he tilted her face t$ his' 4I %$ ld li!e #ery m ch f$r s t$ start this marria&e ane%, s%eet'4 T$ her s rprise, there %as an n s al ncertainty in his manner' 0er t$n& e came $ t t$ m$isten her lips' 4A ne% be&innin&54 she %hispered' 4E,actly' A ne% be&innin&'4 0er face %as s ddenly radiant' 4I %$ ld li!e that #ery m ch'4 She t%ined her arms ar$ nd his nec!, nable t$ c$ntain her 1$y' 4I %$ ld li!e that #ery m ch indeed34 4Ah, b t I'#e pr$#en t$ be a 1eal$ s h sband' I sh$ ld thin! y$ are s$rely #e,ed %ith me'4 She bit her lip' 40$% c$ ld I be5 I fear I ( I'#e als$ pr$#en t$ be a 1eal$ s %ife'4 0is &a6e r$#ed $#er her face' 4)$ #e n$thin& t$ be 1eal$ s $f, s%eet'4 28$5 8$t e#en Lady Sarah54 0is eyes dar!ened: his arms ti&htened' 4Listen t$ me, s%eet' I'#e lain %ith n$ $ther since the m$ment %e met' I'#e wanted n$ $ther'4 0er eyes cl n& t$ his' 2Tr ly54 2Tr ly'> 0is h s!y t$ne sent fiery shi#ers playin& $#er her na!ed s!in' She thrilled t$ the h$tly p$ssessi#e flare in his eyes' She %anted desperately t$ say m$re, f$r their em$ti$ns lay $pen and n& arded bet%een them as ne#er bef$re' She l$#ed him' She l$#ed him desperately, her heart s$ f ll she th$ &ht it %$ ld b rst' 9hat %$ ld he say if he !ne%5 0er lips parted: she trembled $n the #er&e $f c$nfessi$n' B t bef$re she c$ ld say a %$rd, Gabriel claimed her lips, his !iss $ne $f infinite tenderness' *assie's arms ar$ nd his nec! ti&htened' She melted a&ainst him in s%eet s rrender' . tside in the hall there %as a l$ d %ail' A !n$c! f$ll$%ed, and then the d$$r $pened' Alice st$$d there, her arms f ll $f a s7 irmin&, frettin& infant' 40e's a bit impatient this m$rnin&:4 the &irl ann$ nced cheerf lly' Gabriel rel ctantly released her m$ th' A rare n$te $f la &hter in his t$ne, he %hispered in her ear, 4. r s$n has rather &hastly timin&, d$es n$t54

0e la &hed s$ftly as *assie 's chee!s fl$$d crims$n' 9hen Alice had &$ne, he teased her nmercif lly %hen she insisted $n d$nnin& her ni&ht&$%n bef$re she sat p t$ n rse J$nathan' *learly Gabriel had n$ s ch inhibiti$ns' 0e str$lled na!ed thr$ &h the c$nnectin& d$$r t$ his $%n r$$m, and ret rned in that #ery same state, st$ppin& f$r his c p $f tea %hich sat $n the table by the d$$r' 0e had 1 st be& n t$ p$ r *assie's ch$c$late f$r her %hen there %as yet an$ther !n$c! $n the d$$r' She b rst int$ la &hter %hen he fairly d$#e f$r the bed' 4+y lady,4 carne Gl$ria's #$ice, 4Lady E#elyn is d$%nstairs and %ishes t$ !n$% if y$ %ill 1$in her f$r a ride this m$rnin&'4 *assie bit her lip and &lanced $#er at Gabriel' Do you mind5 she m$ thed' 0e sh$$! his head' 4-lease tell Lady E#elyn I'd l$#e t$,4 *assie called' 4And tell her I shall be d$%n sh$rtly'> 9hen J$nathan had finished, she handed him $#er t$ Gabriel, %h$ leis rely en1$yed the #ie% fr$m the bed %hile she h rriedly %ashed' 9ith his assistance she %as finally h$$!ed int$ her ridin& habit' Bef$re the mirr$r she ad1 sted a 1a nty little ridin& cap at$p her head' It %as then she sa% that +ittens, $ne $f the cats +rs' +cGee !ept, had apparently slipped int$ the r$$m earlier' The f rry little creat re had leaped $nt$ the small table %here Gabriel had left her c p $f ch$c$late' 8$% he sat &reedily lappin& at the rich bre% inside the c p' She %hirled' 4.h, st$p' St$p34 The creat re paid n$ heed, b t lapped e#ery last dr$p fr$m the c p' 9ith$ t s$ m ch as a &lance at the h$rrified %$man, it daintily lic!ed its pa% then leaped t$ the fl$$r' This time it %as Gabriel %h$ b rst int$ la &hter' *assie tried t$ s mm$n a se#ere &lare and failed miserably' She %as still ch c!lin& %hen she entered the m$rnin& r$$m d$%nstairs' E#elyn sat $n the pl mp &$ld c shi$ns $f the settee, bas!in& in the brilliant yell$% s nshine that fl$$ded thr$ &h the %ind$%s' S$ pre$cc pied %as she that *assie had t$ clear her thr$at t%ice bef$re E#elyn t%isted ar$ nd and spied her' 29ell,4 *assie teased, 4I %$ ld dearly l$#e t$ !n$% %hat is $n y$ r mind that y$ are s$ distracted this m$rnin& (( $r perhaps I sh$ ld as! %h$ s$ en&a&es y$ r attenti$n'4 E#elyn bl shed fiercely' *assie l$%ered her #$ice t$ a %hisper' 4Let me & ess' Is his name *hrist$pher54 E#elyn's h &e bl e eyes %idened in alarm' 4.h, n$3 Is it s$ $b#i$ s then54 48$t at all34 she hastened t$ reass re her friend' *assie si&hed, s$me $f the li&ht fadin& fr$m her eyes' Reachin& $ t, she patted E#elyn's hand' 4)$ need n$t %$rry: 4 she said s$ftly' 4I %ill !eep y$ r secret, th$ &h I %ish y$ and *hrist$pher %$ ld &$ t$ y$ r father' -erhaps he %$ ld n$t be s$ $pp$sed t$ *hrist$pher's s it as y$ thin!'4 E#elyn sp$!e %ith painf l tr th' 48$, *assie' I am heartily &lad that *hrist$pher b$ &ht the man$r h$ se, b t I fear it is f$r na &ht' +y father is m$re c$mmitted than e#er t$ seein& that I marry b$th a title and a f$rt ne'4 Seein& h$% the matter distressed her friend, *assie declined t$ say m$re' After a m$ment E#elyn s mm$ned a tiny smile' 4+y father r$de $#er %ith me this m$rnin&' 0e and Edm nd planned t$ &$ $ t h ntin&' J st bef$re y$ came d$%n, Edm nd as!ed if %e %ished t$ 1$in them' I h$pe y$ d$n't mind, b t I declined'4 4I'm &lad y$ did,4 *assie said dryly' 4I c$ ld ne#er !eep p %ith the three $f y$ in a h nt'> They had 1 st arisen %hen all at $nce there %as a sharp cry fr$m $ tside the r$$m' E#elyn's startled &a6e met *assie's' 49hat $n earth ((3> 2It s$ nds li!e +rs' +cGee34 *assie %as already dashin& thr$ &h the d$$r' The scream had indeed c$me fr$m +rs' +cGee' The h$ se!eeper %as $n her !nees in the entrance hall' +ittens, her little cat, lay in a heap bef$re her'

4.h, the p$$r thin&,4 she cried' 4I started t$ sh$$ him $ tside, b t he %as %al!in& as if (( as if he %ere f$,ed' Then all at $nce he 1 st st$pped c$ld3 0e l$$!ed at me (( rather p 66led li!e (( and then the p$$r mite 1 st fell $#er34 She %r n& her hands' 4I (( I thin! he's dead34 By then Edm nd, E#elyn's father, and Gabriel had stepped p as %ell' Gabriel !nelt d$%n beside +rs' +cGee' 9ith &entle fin&ers he e,amined the limp b$dy $f the cat' /inally he &lanced $#er at the h$ se!eeper' 4/r$m %hat y$ described,4 he m rm red, 4it alm$st s$ nds as if he %ere dr n!'4 0e sh$$! his head and laid a hand $n +rs' +cGee's sh$ lder' 2In either case, I'm s$rry, +rs' +cGee' It appears he's passed $n'4 Da#is had 1$ined the &r$ p as %ell' 4Sir, perhaps the creat re mi&ht ha#e &$t int$ s$me spirits in the !itchen'4 *assie s%ayed' 2t almost sounds as if he were drunk' 8$, she th$ &ht faintly' 8$t dr n! ''' Dr &&ed' A terrible li&ht(headedness assailed her' A hide$ s, a%f l p$ssibility leaped thr$ &h her mind' Sl$%ly she be&an t$ bac! a%ay' 48$,4 she %hispered, her &a6e fi,ed s$lely $n Gabriel' 4Dear G$d, n$''''> She %hirled and b$lted p the stairs' Gabriel leaped t$ his feet, an e,pressi$n $f c$nsternati$n dar!enin& his br$%' 4*assie3 9hat the de#il '''4 0e str$de after his %ife' ;pstairs in her r$$m, she tried t$ cl$se the d$$r in his face' 0e fl n& it $pen %ith a fist and stepped %ithin, his face li!e a th ndercl$ d' 4*assie3 9hate#er the bla6es has c$me $f all y$ 54 0e %as c$ncerned' An&ry' +$st $ all p 66led, f$r her eyes %ere h &e, her s!in pasty(%hite' Damn3 If he didn't !n$% better, he %$ ld s%ear she %as terrified $f him '' 0e c rbed his fr strati$n and e,tended a hand t$%ard her' 4*$me, s%eet, tell me %hat's %r$n&'4 She st$$d in the center $f the r$$m, h &&in& herself' Terr$r iced her #eins' She %as sha!in& fr$m head t$ t$e' 4As if y$ didnt t !n$%34 she ch$!ed $ t' 4*assie, I s%ear I d$ n$t3 -lease, tell me %hat has c$me $#er y$ f$r y$ t$ act this %ay3> 0er mind %$ ld n$t st$p %$r!in&' 9as this %hy Gabriel's m$$d had been s$ #ery fine this m$rnin&5 She th$ &ht piercin&ly that perhaps he hadn't meant t$day t$ be the be&innin& $f their marria&e at all ''' -erhaps it %as meant t$ be the end' 4The cat dran! my ch$c$late34 she cried' 4And n$% he is dead ''' he dran! the ch$c$late meant f$r me, and n$% he is dead34 Gabriel s c!ed in a harsh breath' 4S%eet L$rd3 S rely y$ d$ n$t thin! that I (4 4)$ p t la dan m in my ch$c$late $nce bef$re,> she screamed' 4D$ y$ deny it54 48$, b t that %as $nly t$ help y$ sleep A2 4I am the $nly $ne in this h$ se %h$ drin!s ch$c$late, Gabriel' And n$% perhaps I %as meant t$ sleep f$re#er34 She %as n$t herself' 0e c$ ld hear the fren6y in her #$ice, see the %ildness in her eyes' 0e reached f$r her' She shran! bac! and el ded his &rasp' Dra&&in& a ba& fr$m the %ardr$be, she thre% it $n the bed al$n& %ith se#eral &$%ns' Blindly she be&an st ffin& them inside' 0er hands %ere sha!in& s$ that she c$ ld hardly mana&e' 9ith a &rim e,pressi$n $n his face, he raised his hands t$ her sh$ lders' 0e sp n her ar$ nd and dra&&ed her cl$se' 4*assie, l$$! at me,4 he demanded, &i#in& her a little sha!e' Th$ &h his #$ice %as harsh, his eyes m tely pleaded' 4L$$! at me and tell me y$ tr ly belie#e I %$ ld e#er h rt y$ , m ch less pl$t t$ see y$ dead34 Tears slid d$%n her chee!s' 4I'#e been sh$t,4 she cried' 4Acc$sted' And n$% this3 9hat am I t$ thin!5 And y$ tr ly did n$t %ant a %ife, Gabriel, y$ !n$% y$ did n$t3>

2All that has chan&ed, *assie'4 0is #$ice %as &ritty %ith em$ti$n' 4+y G$d, y$ are the m$ther $f my s$n3 As G$d is my %itness, I %$ ld s$$ner c t $ff my arm than harm y$ (( in any %ay A e#er3> 2And %hat ab$ t y$ r father5 Gabriel, %e ha#e &$ne $#er this bef$re3 0e despised me %hen y$ br$ &ht me here' I %as n$t his ch$ice $f bride A I %as an American3 -erhaps he %$ ld see me dead f$r n$ $ther reas$n than that34 She p t a hand t$ her head' 4I d$n't !n$% %hat t$ thin!' I ( I 1 st d$n't !n$%3> It %as then she spied E#elyn h$#erin& at the d$$r' She br$!e free and fl n& $ t her hands' 2.h, E#elyn, please, help me34 She %as %eepin& half(hysterical' 4I (( I cann$t stay here' 9ill y$ help me5> 2.h, *assie, $f c$ rse Ill d$ %hate#er I can t$ help''' b t '''4 E#elyn's &a6e met Gabriel's $#er her sh$ lder' 0e &a#e a silent n$d $f assent' She &rasped *assie 's hands' They %ere ice(c$ld' 4*alm y$ rself, l$#e' I'll tell y$ %hat' )$ and J$nathan may stay at 9arrent$n %ith /ather and I ntil all this is s$rted $ t ''' /ather %$n't mind, I'm certain $f it' ' '4 An h$ r later, Gabriel st$$d at$p the %ide &racef l steps bef$re /arlei&h 0all' 0is p$st re %$$den, he %atched the carria&e pass thr$ &h the tall, i#y(clad &ates, t$%ard 9arrent$n (( %atched ntil the last s%irl $f d st had settled $n the &r$ nd' Inside %ere his %ife and s$n' Edm nd st$$d 1 st inside $ne $rnately car#ed d$ ble d$$r' 4G$$d *hrist, b$y3 I cann$t belie#e y$ all$%ed her t$ &$34 Gabriel's 1a% clenched s$ hard his teeth h rt' 0e stepped past his father, p$intedly i&n$rin& him as he str$de t$%ard the dra%in& r$$m' Edm nd d$&&ed him e#ery step $f the %a#' 4Gabriel''4 0e fr$%ned his disappr$#al as his s$n %ent strai&ht t$ the crystal decanter $f brandy 40a#e y$ n$thin& t$ say54 Gabriel slammed the &lass he %as h$ldin& $nt$ the tray s$ hard the &lass shattered' 48$,4 he bit $ t f ri$ sly, 4b t apparently y$ d$, since it appears I ha#e $nce a&ain failed t$ li#e p t$ y$ r e,pectati$ns34 Edm nd %as nda nted' 4.h, c$me n$%3 0er char&es are $ tra&e$ s' The cat n$ d$ bt died $f nat ral ca ses (( n$t beca se it dran! ch$c$late laced %ith a lethal d$se $f la dan m' 9hy, its c$mm$n !n$%led&e %$men %h$ ha#e 1 st &i#en birth are inclined t$ em$ti$nal $ tb rsts' .h, I can see %here y$ feel y$ m st h m$r her' B t by all$%in& her t$ lea#e, y$ m st be a%are y$ merely enc$ ra&e her fears (( and s rely they are t$tally nf$ nded34 4Are they5 I mi&ht remind y$ , *assie has been sh$t at, !idnapped, and n$% s$me$ne may #ery %ell ha#e tried t$ !ill her yet a&ain3 I br$ &ht her bac! fr$m L$nd$n belie#in& I c$ ld !eep her safe here' *learly I cann$t, f$r it appears s$me$ne is #ery %ell ac7 ainted %ith her li!es and disli!es' *an y$ h$nestly blame her if she is fri&htened half $ t $f her %its5 S$me$ne is tryin& t$ !ill her, perhaps s$me$ne in this h$ se3 Its n$t me, and I hi&hly d$ bt any $f the ser#ants capable $f s ch a thin&' S$ tell me, /ather, %h$ d$es that lea#e54 Edm nd st$$d stiff as an ir$n r$d' 4I %ill i&n$re that, Gabriel, b t %ere y$ n$t my s$n, I belie#e I %$ ld call y$ $ t f$r darin& t$ s &&est s ch a thin&3 ;nder n$ circ mstances %$ ld I harm s$me$ne %ea!er than I (( and my $%n da &hter(in(la% yet34 2)$ r da &hter(in(la% is als$ an American, /ather' And y$ r disli!e $f )an!ees is !n$%n far and %ide'4 Edm nd &lared his $ tra&e' 48$netheless, I %$ ld ne#er harm *assandra' And I still fail t$ see %hy she f$ nd it necessary t$ lea#e /arlei&h3> Gabriel's m$ th t%isted' 4*$me n$%, /ather' +aybe it's better that she d$es n$t stay' +y m$ther did n$t lea#e and l$$! %hat happened t$ her'> 2)$ r m$ther34 Edm nd %as startled' 4I fail t$ see %hat she has t$ d$ %ith this disc ssi$n'4

28$, b t then I am n$t s rprised' I meant $nly that I d$ n$t thin! I c$ ld %atch *assie li#e here (( miserable and nhappy, as my m$ther %as' )$ see, /ather, I %$n't d$ t$ her %hat y$ did t$ my m$ther'4 49hat I did t$ y$ r ''' I did n$thin&34 4That's ri&ht' )$ did n$t care f$r her' )$ did n$t l$#e her' )$ scarcely !ne% she e,isted ''' %hat d$ y$ thin! killed her54 Edm nd blanched' 49hat d$ y$ mean, Gabriel5 She (( she dr$%ned in the la!e ''' a h$rrible accident, t$ be s re, b t an accident n$netheless'''4 48$, /ather' 0er death %as n$ accident' She dr$%ned beca se she %anted t$ die ''' she killed herself34 Stric!en, Edm nd stared at his s$n' 0e had t rned a sic!ly shade $f &ray' 40$% d$ y$ !n$% this54 he %hispered' 40$%54 4I !n$% beca se she left a n$te f$r me, /ather' She !ne% I %$ ld nderstand, 1 st as she !ne% y$ %$ ld n$t care'4 0is t$ne %as fierce' 4She l$#ed y$ , y$ !n$%' She l$#ed y$ in spite $f e#erythin& ''' 9$ ld y$ li!e t$ !n$% %hat t n$te said5 She %r$te that she c$ ld n$ l$n&er stand t$ be in y$ r life, and n$t a part $f it' And s$ she ch$se t$ end her $%n34 Edm nd cried $ t' 4I did n$t !n$%, Gabriel ' dear L$rd, I did n$t !n$% ''' I th$ &ht it %as an accident3 9hy did y$ ne#er tell me54 Gabriel's eyes %ere &litterin& shards $f ice' 4)$ did n$t care %hen she %as ali#e' 9hy sh$ ld y$ care %hen she %as dead54 0e sp n ab$ t and left, slammin& the d$$r s$ hard the %ind$%s sh$$!' Edm nd's !nees %ere s ddenly t$$ %ea! t$ h$ld him' Sl$%ly he made his %ay t$ a chair' E#erythin&, he reali6ed %ith shatterin& clarity, %as s ddenly s$ #ery clear' 0is s$n's distance' 0is resentment''' 0e b ried his hands and %ept' /$r all he had d$ne' /$r all he had l$st' /$r all that %$ ld ne#er be'

Chapter 25
Gabriel came t$ call the #ery ne,t day, b$th m$rnin& and aftern$$n' B$th times *assie ref sed t$ see him' 0e came the ne,t day, and the ne,t' Still she ref sed' /$r the life $f her, she c$ ld n$t p t her fin&er $n %hat held her bac!' She !ne% $nly that t$ see him %$ ld add t$ her t rm$il' 0er days %ere spent %a#erin& bet%een h$pe and fear, misery and $ tra&e, an&er and l$n&in&' 0er ni&hts %ere spent cryin& herself t$ sleep' In the m$rnin&, she %$!e %ith achin& head, p ffy eyes ''' and battered heart' And al%ays A always A( she %as c$nf sed' Gabriel ''' $r Edm nd5 /ather ''' $r s$n5 At times she %as c$n#inced she had ta!en lea#e $f her senses' S rely it %as madness t$ e#en think Gabriel $r Edm nd capable $f m rder' And then there came the sli&htest sli#er $f d$ bt, and she %as c$n#inced it had t$ be $ne $r the $ther, f$r th$ &h she %rac!ed her brain, she c$ ld thin! $f n$ $ne else %h$ mi&ht %ant her dead' .ne %ee! later she st$$d pstairs in the r$$m she and J$nathan shared, &a6in& $ t at the #i#id &reen landscape' Brilliant s nli&ht danced acr$ss the land, b t her m$$d %as dar! and melanch$ly' A%are that she had n$t been sleepin& %ell, E#elyn had insisted these past fe% days that she rest in the aftern$$n' T$ that end, E#elyn had ta!en J$nathan d$%nstairs s$ she c$ ld nap ndist rbed' B t t$day, *assie %as resti#e and impatient' She c$ ld n$t st$p the %$r!in&s $f her mind l$n& en$ &h t$ rela,' /inally she t rned a%ay fr$m the %ind$%' There %as n$ p$int in remainin& here in her r$$m' She mi&ht as %ell 1$in J$nathan and E#elyn d$%nstairs' She peered int$ the dra%in& r$$m, b t there %as n$ si&n $f them' She scarcely n$ticed that the terrace d$$rs %ere a1ar' B t as she t rned t$ lea#e, the s$ nd $f s$ft feminine la &hter ca &ht her ear' B ic!ly she retraced her steps'

.n the terrace $ tside, E#elyn sat $n a %$$den bench' .pp$site her %as Gabriel, the m scled len&th $f his le&s stretched $ t bef$re him' J$nathan %as perched $n his thi&hs, starin& a#idly at his father, tiny hands c rled ar$ nd Gabriel's th mbs' E#elyn sa% her first' She started & iltily, risin& fr$m the %$$den bench %here she'd been sittin&' *assie bristled' She c$ ld n$t help b t feel th$r$ &hly betrayed (( and by her friend yet3 4D$ let me & ess,4 she stated c$$lly' She &lanced bet%een E#elyn and her h sband, $nly barely dis& isin& her $ tra&e' 4Is this #isit the reas$n I'#e been r&ed t$ rest each aftern$$n54 Gabriel r$se t$ his feet, liftin& J$nathan t$ his sh$ lder, caref l t$ s pp$rt his head and nec!' E#elyn appeared m$st distressed %hile Gabriel's feat res %ere ti&htly dra%n and & arded' 29ell,4 E#elyn said bri&htly' 4I can see the t%$ $f y$ %ish t$ be al$ne'4 She &lanced at Gabriel' 49$ ld y$ li!e me t$ ta!e J$nathan54 Gabriel n$dded' 0e pressed his lips t$ the babe's dar! scalp then handed him t$ E#elyn, %h$ h rried inside' 0e did n$t spea! ntil they %ere al$ne' 0is &a6e flic!ered' 4)$ may be an&ry at me, *assie, b t there is n$ need t$ blame E#elyn' It %as I %h$ persisted in this'4 *assie's small chin 1 tted f$r%ard' 4.h, b t I sh$ ld ha#e !n$%n34 Gabriel's &a6e had &r$%n diam$nd(hard' 49hen y$ ref sed t$ see me, I accepted it' B t %hat ri&ht ha#e y$ t$ ref se me the chance t$ see J$nathan5 I %$ ld remind y$ , he is my s$n as %ell as y$ rs'> 2The s$n y$ did n$t %ant (( by the %ife y$ did n$t %ant34 0is face ti&htened t$ a mas! $f st$ne' 4I s &&est y$ %atch y$ r t$n& e, )an!' I %as cr el t$ stri!e $ t at y$ $nce (( t$ say h rtf l thin&s tr ly did n$t mean, and I ha#e re&retted it e#er since' B t are y$ any less cr el at this m$ment' I thin! n$t'4 0e had stepped cl$se, s$ #ery cl$se she c$ ld feel the ra%, sheer p$%er $f his presence, s$ cl$se the familiar scent $f him s%irled all ar$ nd her' 0er th$ &hts %ere a mad 1 mble' She prayed he %$ ldn't see h$% her p lse leaped at his nearness' 9ith him s$ near she c$ ld n$t thin! clearly, f$r her senses %ere besie&ed by feelin&s '' and mem$ries' -iercin&ly she recalled h$% it felt t$ be in his arms, his lips %arm and pers asi#e hers, his arms str$n& and pr$tecti#e and safe' 0er hands %ere s ddenly tremblin&' She hid them in her s!irts' 49hat %$ ld y$ ha#e me d$, Gabriel5 .r %as I %r$n& ab$ t the cat5 9as I %r$n& ab$ t my ch$c$late bein& dr &&ed54 The tensi$n sp n $ t endlessly' At last he br$!e the silence' 48$,4 he said finally' 4In all li!elih$$d, y$ %ere ri&ht' The physician e,amined the cat, and he, t$$, felt the animal %as dr &&ed' And an empty b$ttle $f la dan m %as f$ nd $ tside the !itchen' Gl$ria said the tray sat in the !itchen f$r se#eral min tes bef$re she t$$! it pstairs' I ha#e 7 esti$ned the ser#ants $#er and $#er a&ain, b t $ther than that, n$ $ne !n$%s anythin& $f #al e'4 0e had n$ %anted t$ tell her' *assie had &limpsed the indecisi$n %arrin& !eenly $n his face' 4The ser#ants are l$yal,4 she p$inted $ t' 2B$th t$ y$ and y$ r father3 And y$ %$ ld stand t$ &ain the freed$m t$ marry %here y$ ch$$se if I %ere dead34 0e made a s$ nd $f dis& st' 4If y$ recall, I had n$ desire t$ marry in the first place3 And f$r all that y$ may belie#e $ther%ise, my father is a man $f h$n$r and inte&rity' And s rely y$ !n$% that I, $f all pe$ple, %$ ld n$t c$me t$ his defense nless I %as certain it %as tr e'4 0e paced in a ti&ht circle bef$re her' 4Belie#e me, *assie, I nderstand %hy y$ fear f$r y$ safety'> 0e c$ ld n$t dis& ise his impatience' 49hat I find diffic lt t$ accept is that y$ still thin! I may be resp$nsible3 )$ f$r&et, I %as %ith y$ at the time y$ %ere sh$t34 2And y$ mi&ht easily ha#e hired s$me$ne t$ see the deed d$ne A and the same %ith that A that a%f l man in L$nd$n3 And if n$t y$ , Gabriel, then %h$5 9h$, I as! y$ 54

4I ha#e n$ idea34 he e,pl$ded, his eyes a sil#er bla6e' 4I ha#e had in#esti&at$rs searchin& f$r m$nths' I'#e had men %atchin& y$ here, th$ &h I'#e n$ d$ bt y$ %$n't belie#e me' I &r$% tired $f defendin& myself, *assie, f$r I ha#e n$ %ay $f pr$#in& my inn$cence $ther than t$ find the perpetrat$r34 4And %here d$es that lea#e me54 she cried in a tear(ch$!ed #$ice' 4I fear I shall n$t be s$ l c!y the ne,t time34 0e reached f$r her' B t cha$s and c$nf si$n r$iled in her breast' 0$% c$ ld she l$#e a man %h$ mi&ht %ant her dead5 she as!ed herself desperately' She c$ ld n$t let him t$ ch her, n$t n$%' If he did, she felt certain she %$ ld splinter int$ a milli$n pieces' 4D$n't34 she cried, %renchin& a%ay' 4D$n't t$ ch me3 D$n't t$ ch me e#er a&ain34 Gabriel stepped bac!' The m scles in his face %ere ri&id' The taste $f defeat %as bitter $n his t$n& e' 4This marria&e %as d$$med fr$m the #ery be&innin&,> he said in a terrible #$ice she !ne% %$ ld ha nt her it %ill her dyin& days' 4-erhaps y$ re ri&ht' -erhaps %e sh$ ld end it n$%'4 The bl$$d drained fr$m her face' She stared at him, her face c$l$rless' 49hat d$ y$ mean54 0is lips %ere $min$ sly thin' 4.h, y$ need n$t %$rry' I pr$mised y$ I %$ ld pr$#ide f$r y$ , and s$ I shall' B t %e need n$t t$lerate each $thers presence anym$re' 9e need n$t end re this nf$rt nate mista!e %e call a marria&e' )$ ha#e $nly t$ decide %here it is y$ %ish t$ li#e and I %ill see that y$ are installed in a h$ se there'4 0is m$ th t%isted' 4G$d !n$%s I am the last man t$ play at n$bility' B t perhaps it's better if y$ lea#e' If y$ desire, I'll e#en send y$ bac! t$ *harlest$n'4 A b rnin& ache cl$sed her thr$at' /$r a timeless m$ment *assie c$ ld n$t spea!' She felt as if the #ery &r$ nd $n %hich she st$$d %as cr mblin& beneath her feet' She c$ ld hardly f$rce en$ &h air past her lips t$ spea!' ' 29hat $f J$nathan54 4J$nathan is my heir, as I am n$% my father's heir4 0is t$ne %as as nyieldin& as his spine' 40e m st be raised as s ch' 0e %ill be raised as s ch'> St nned, she c$ ld $nly stare at him' Rampant thr$ &h her mind %as the reali6ati$n that the man bef$re her %as a stran&er' She sensed n$ c$mpassi$n in him, n$ne at all' 4)$ %$ ld ha#e me lea#e him here5 T$ be raised by y$ (( and y$ r father5 T$ end p li!e y$ 54 Sheer f ry flamed in her eyes 48$' *o34 She sa% $nly a st$ny determinati$n in the l$$! he flashed her' 2)$ may deny me, *assie' B t y$ %ill n$t deny me my s$n'4 0er heart %as beatin& %ildly' 4)$ %$ ld ta!e my baby fr$m me,4 she %hispered, still nable t$ belie#e it' 4G$d, and y$ dare t$ call me cr el34 The 1 ttin& thr st $f his 1a% besp$!e his tter relentlessness' 4It %$ ld appear y$ ha#e made y$ r ch$ice' )$ d$ bt my %$rd' )$ d$ n$t tr st me' S$ be it, f$r by G$d, I %ill be& n$ l$n&er'4 9ith that he stal!ed fr$m terrace' +in tes passed' -erhaps h$ rs' *assie had n$ %ay $f !n$%in&' 0er arms crept ar$ nd her b$dy' She h ddled there, her heart li!e a st$ne %ithin her breast, shattered bey$nd meas re' The pain that ripped thr$ &h her %as li!e a !nife t%istin& $#er and $#er' There %as a dry c$ &h behind her' She %hirled t$ find Re&inald Latham standin& behind her' 4)$ r Grace,4 she m ttered' 4I (( I am s$rry' I did n$t reali6e y$ %ere here'4 0e inclined his head' 4*assandra'4 0e st$$d %ith his hands lin!ed behind his bac!, &a6in& d$%n at her' 2/$r&i#e me f$r bein& bl nt, b t I c$ ld n$t help b t $#erhear y$ r disc ssi$n %ith Gabriel'4 0e had heard3 Embarrassment fl$$ded her' /$r the life $f her, *assie did n$t !n$% h$% t$ resp$nd' Re&inald %as n$t smilin& b t, *assie n$ted, he %as n$t s$ &rim(#isa&ed as s al'

4Then I m st ap$l$&i6e,4 she m rm red at last 49hen I came here, it %as n$t my desire t$ pset y$ r h$ seh$ld'4 4There is n$ need t$ distress y$ rself needlessly' Indeed, it %$ ld seem y$ ha#e far m$re seri$ s matters t$ c$nsider, s ch as y$ r h sband's determinati$n t$ %rest y$ r child fr$m y$ r &rasp'4 *assie s%all$%ed painf lly' 4I !n$%'4 The %$rds emer&ed %ith diffic lty' 4I th$ &ht I !ne% him far better' '''4 She sh$$! her head' 4I (( I 1 st d$ n$t nderstand h$% he c$ ld d$ s ch a thin&34 Re&inald si&hed' 4I'#e !n$%n him since he %as a b$y, y$ !n$%' 0e can be ''' %illf l, t$ say the least' S$me mi&ht e#en say ''' #en&ef l'4 9en#eful. A clamp seemed t$ cl$se ar$ nd her heart' 9asn't that %hy hed married her5 .h, Re&inald %as ri&ht' She %as %ell ac7 ainted %ith Gabriel's r thlessness' She shi#ered' And he had been s$ c$ld, s$ heartless3 4+y dear, I fear I m st %arn y$ ''' Gabriel is n$t a man t$ ma!e threats li&htly' )$ m st n$t nderestimate him'4 0er breath 7 ic!ened' Eyes %ide, she fi,ed her attenti$n intently $n his face' >9hat (( %hat d$ y$ mean54 4.nly this' 0is father is my &reatest friend, b t I cann$t c$nd$ne Gabriel's intenti$ns' Its my belief a child needs his m$ther'4 *assie be&an t$ tremble' She san! d$%n $nt$ the bench' 4I can't let him ta!e J$nathan a%ay fr$m me (( I can't3> She b ried her face in her hands' 29hat am I t$ d$54 2There, there, n$%, d$ n$t fret' Its n$t s$ bad as all that'4 0e pressed a fine linen hand!erchief int$ her hands' 4*$me n$%, dry y$ r eyes and listen'> *assie dabbed at her tears' 9hen she %as able, she raised her head' 20ere is %hat I thin!, *assandra' If y$ remain here, y$ stand e#ery chance that Gabriel %ill indeed snatch J$nathan a%ay fr$m y$ ' 0e can be #ery nf$r&i#in&, y$ !n$% (( %hy, y$ ha#e $nly t$ c$nsider his father t$ !n$% it34 *assie cried $ t' 4I can't let him d$ that3 J$nathan is all I ha#e (( he is e"erythin# I ha#e'4 2.h, I 7 ite nderstand, child' That is %hy y$ m st flee %hile y$ still ha#e that chance'4 2/lee3 B t %here %$ ld I &$54 She m$aned her distress' 4Gabriel %$ ld be s re t$ find me in L$nd$n' I'#e n$ d$ bt he %$ ld search the %h$le $f En&land ntil he f$ nd s34 Re&inald r bbed his hea#y 1$%ls' 4.n y$ r $%n, y$ %$ ld ha#e little chance $f el din& him' B t I'#e a sister in Ireland (( ne#er has there been a %$man m$re !ind and &ener$ s3 I c$ ld help y$ find passa&e $n a ship $ t' And %ith my letter in y$ r p$ssessi$n, I !n$% she %ill let y$ stay %ith her ntil y$ are established $n y$ r $%n'4 *assie sh ddered' 4A ship54 She sp$!e nthin!in&ly' I hated the #$ya&e here' I (( I ha#e a deathly fear $f %ater and I (( I cann$t s%im'4 2The ch$ice is y$ rs, $f c$ rse' .nly y$ can decide %hich is m$re imp$rtant'> *assie bit her lip' An$ther #$ya&e' It seemed a small en$ &h price t$ pay, f$r she c$ ld n$t bear t$ e#en thin! ab$ t l$sin& her s$n' 0er mind %as racin&' Re&inald %as ri&ht' Gabriel %$ ld ma!e a dan&er$ s enemy' 0e had p$%er and %ealth at his disp$sal' 0er $nly h$pe, she th$ &ht %ith blea! despair, %as t$ escape n$%, %hile there as still a chance ''' 4)$ are ri&ht'> She sp$!e haltin&ly' She s%all$%ed, her eyes liftin& t$ his' 2And I &ratef lly accept y$ r help, )$ r Grace, as l$n& as y$ are %illin& t$ &i#e it'4 4E,cellent, my dear3 .h, I thin! y$ ll n$t re&ret it' 8$%, here is %hat %e shall d$ ''' -ac! $nly a small ba& f$r y$ and the child' I %ill send al$n& the rest $f y$ r thin&s bef$re the ship departs' 8$% then, meet me at the stables in an h$ r'> *assie fr$%ned' 49hat ab$ t E#elyn5 9hat am I t$ tell her54

4D$ n$t tr$ ble y$ rself %ith E#elyn' I shall tell her I am ta!in& y$ and J$nathan f$r an e#enin& ride ab$ t the c$ ntryside in the c rricle' That %ay there %ill be n$ r$$m sh$ ld she %ish t$ 1$in s' D$ n$t %$rry, she %ill n$t 7 esti$n it' And later, I %ill tell her the tr th' /$r n$%, its t$$ ris!y'4 S$ it %as that *assie left the 9arrent$n estate an h$ r later' J$nathan, an&el that he %as, lay asleep in the cr$$! $f her arm' /$r a time, as she had h rriedly prepared f$r her 1$ rney, a blessed n mbness had settled $#er her' B t they had n$t &$ne far bef$re her heart, her s$ l, her #ery bein& be&an t$ ache' 0er chest %as li!e a #ast, h$ll$% dr m' G ilt dra&&ed at her li!e an $ppressi#e %ei&ht' She c$ ld n$t lea#e Gabriel, n$t li!e this (( n$t li!e a thief in the ni&ht' They had c$me s$ far, and &$ne thr$ &h t$$ m ch t$ &i#e p s$ easily' 8$% that the f t re %as in her hands, she f$ nd herself searchin& the depths $f her heart f$r the tr th' ;nbidden, her mind filled %ith mem$ries' In the space $f a heartbeat, she reli#ed e#ery %$rd, e#ery s%eepin& t$ ch (( e#ery tender caress (( that passed bet%een them' 9ith her palm, she cradled the s$ft d$%n $f J$nathan's head' A l$#in& fin&ertip traced the shape $f his br$%s, br$%s that e#en n$% resembled his father's arr$&ant slant' 0er heart s7 ee6ed' Gabriel %as ri&ht' J$nathan %as his child, t$$''' and she l$#ed him all the m$re beca se he %as s$ m ch his father's s$n ''' J st as she l$#ed Gabriel' 9ith e#ery breath, e#ery beat $f her heart' And the th$ &ht $f li#in& %ith$ t him %as far m$re terrifyin& than anythin& c$ ld p$ssibly be' Don!t lea"e me a#ain, Cassie. ,romise me you won!t lea"e me a#ain. The %$rds %ere a b rnin& ech$ in her brain' 2 would sooner cut off my arm than harm you. She belie#ed him, she reali6ed, feelin& the em$ti$n rise inside her li!e a s r&in& tide, p$%erf l and endless' She belie#ed in him' And n$%, ha#in& f$ nd the ans%ers that had s$ el ded her, she c$ ld n$t c$ntin e this c$ rse she had s$ rashly p rs ed' They %ere n$t far fr$m /arlei&h' An$ther ten min tes and they %$ ld pass the &ates' Raisin& her chin, she t &&ed $n Re&inald's slee#e' 4-lease st$p,4 she said %hen she had &ained his attenti$n' 9ith a 1er! $f the reins, he br$ &ht the c rricle t$ a halt' 49hat is it, &irl54 *assie sh$$! her head, 4I'm s$rry,4 she said le#elly' 4B t I cann$t d$ this' I cann$t lea#e Gabriel li!e this' It' '' it is n$t ri&ht'4 49hat3 D$ y$ mean t$ tell me y$ %ish ret rn t$ 9arrent$n54 28$, )$ r Grace,4 she said s$ftly' 4I %$ ld li!e t$ &$ h$me' T$ /arlei&h 0all'4 She pa sed' 4T$ my h sband'4 S$methin& raced acr$ss his fl$rid feat res, s$methin& that she c$ ld ha#e s%$rn %as ra&e ''' Instinct pressed her spine a&ainst the leather(bac!ed seat' @ery sl$%ly he t rned his head t$ l$$! at her' She stared int$ &leamin& dar! eyes ali&ht %ith the fren6y $f madness' 4-erhaps y$ are ri&ht '''4 0e thre% bac! his head and la &hed then' A &ratin&, h$rrible la &h' A menacin& la &h' A la &h that chilled her t$ the #ery marr$% $f her b$nes' 4)$ %ish t$ ret rn t$ /arlei&h, eh5 9ell, s$ y$ shall, &irl' S$ y$ shall'4 Gabriel did n$t ret rn t$ /arlei&h' Instead he r$de t$ *hrist$pher's man$r' There he paced the len&th $f the dra%in& r$$m, past %hite(sheeted f rnit re, ntil *hrist$pher &re% di66y simply %atchin& him' Gabriel %as an&ry' An&ry at himself, an&ry at *assie f$r pr$#$!in& him int$ sayin& s$methin& he had ne#er intended t$ say ((( certainly s$methin& he did n$t mean'

B t he %as far m$re f ri$ s $#er his helplessness, his inability t$ trace the s$ rce $f *assie's t$rment$r' 0e sm$te his fist a&ainst his palm All this time and still n$ ans%ers3 9as he blind ''' $r merely a f$$l5 Thr$ &h$ t the day, he'd had the na&&in& feelin& there %as s$methin& he had $#erl$$!ed, s$methin& ri&ht beneath his n$se''''' 2Gabriel, this pacin& %ill &ain y$ n$thin&,> *hrist$pher $bser#ed dryly 4%hile I, $n the $ther hand, may ha#e t$ replace my carpet far s$$ner than I care t$' 49hen his friend did n$t sl$% his pace,> he si&hed' 4)$ made the ri&ht ch$ice' After %hat happened at /arlei&h, *assie is safer at 9arrent$n ri&ht n$%'4 Gabriel &r$ nd t$ a halt' 4)$ are ri&ht'4 0e dra&&ed a hand d$%n his face' 4If the past is any indicati$n, she is far m$re li!ely t$ enc$ nter f$ l play at /arlei&h than at 9arrent$n' If there had been e#en the sli&htest p$ssibility $f her enc$ nterin& dan&er there, I %$ ld ne#er ha#e all$%ed her t$ &$' And yet I cann$t rid myself $f this feelin& that''''> All at $nce he st$pped' *hrist$pher strai&htened abr ptly in his chair' Gabriel %as starin& #a& ely int$ space: f$r the life $f him, he l$$!ed as if hed seen a &h$st' 49hat54 *hrist$pher demanded' 49hat is it54 Gabriel sh$$! his head, as if he %ere st nned' 4*assie said the $ddest thin& t$day' She said that I %$ ld stand t$ &ain the freed$m t$ marry %here I ch$se if she %ere &$ne'4 4A m$rbid th$ &ht, that'4 *hrist$pher &rimaced' 4This cann$t be easy $n her, Gabriel' She %ill c$me t$ her senses, s rely (4 2Its n$t that,4 he said n mbly' 4*hrist$pher, d$n't y$ see5 She %as ri&ht' If she %ere &$ne' I %$ ld be a %id$%er (( it %$ ld alm$st be,4 his #$ice fell t$ a %hisper, 4as if I'd ne#er been married at all'4 *hrist$pher's &a6e narr$%ed' 4I'm n$t 7 ite s re I f$ll$% y$ ' D$ y$ mean t$ say that y$ %$ ld be free t$ marry E#elyn $nce a&ain54 2)es ''' yes34 B$th fear and e,citement &athered in his #$ice' *hrist$pher l rched t$ his feet, s%earin& h$tly' 4By G$d, Gabriel, y$ &$ t$$ far3 0$% dare y$ s &&est E#elyn %$ ld try t$ !ill *assie simply s$ the t%$ $f y$ c$ ld marry3 9hy, E#elyn c$ ld h rt n$ $ne, let al$ne *assie ((3'> Gabriel &ripped his arms' 48$,4 he said &rimly' 4B t can y$ say the same $f the d !e $f 9arrent$n54 *hrist$pher %as st nned' 4+y G$d 2 he breathed' 40er father' ' '4 2Thin!, *hrist$pher, think3 The d !e %as in residence at 9arrent$n %hen *assie %as sh$t' 0e %as in L$nd$n %ith E#elyn %hen she %as abd cted'4 4And he %as at /arlei&h %hen her ch$c$late %as dr &&ed'4 *hrist$pher %ent as pale as his friend' 4Gabriel, %e m st d$ s$methin&'4 B$th set $ t at a dead r n f$r the stable' At 9arrent$n, E#elyn had n$ s$$ner c$me d$%n the stairs than Gabriel %as bef$re her' 4I ha#e c$me f$r *assie, E#elyn' 9here is she54 E#elyn's smile %a#ered' 4+y father t$$! her and J$nathan $ t f$r a dri#e in the c rricle' They'#e been &$ne ''' $h, perhaps a 7 arter(h$ r'4 48$ '', $h, G$d, n$34 Gabriel's face t rned ashen' 29e m st find them' 9e m st find them bef$re it's t$$ late34 E#elyn &lanced t$ *hrist$pher' 4S$methin& is %r$n&,4 she said sl$%ly' 4.h, please tell me %hat has happened34 *hrist$pher t$$! her elb$%, his e,pressi$n pained' 4E#elyn,4 he be&an' 4/$r y$ r sa!e, I h$pe %e are %r$n&' ' '4 She %as m ch str$n&er than he had reali6ed ''' f$r she %as %ith them %hen they left 9arrent$n m$ments later at a brea!nec! pace' And it %as she %h$se sharp &a6e first spied the c rricle sittin& by the side $r the r tted r$ad%ay ''' Empty, b t f$r a screamin& infant'

Chapter 26

J$nathan %as pl c!ed fr$m his m$ther's arms' 9arrent$n leaped hea#ily t$ the &r$ nd' 4Get $ t34 he snarled' 0er p lse p$ ndin& #i$lently, *assie climbed fr$m the c rricle' She stretched $ t her arms 4-lease,4 she pleaded' 2+y baby'''4 9arrent$ns eyes %ere &litterin&' 0e thr st J$nathan $nt$ the fl$$r $f the c rricle' Jarred a%a!e, J$nathan be&an t$ %himper and s7 irm' *assie darted f$r%ard b t 9arrent$n &rabbed arm and yan!ed her t$ him' 48$34 she screamed' 4.h, G$d, are y$ mad5 +y baby34 9arrent$n paid n$ heed' - d&y fin&ers &$ &ed int$ her s$ft flesh, c ttin& $ff her circ lati$n' 0e dra&&ed her thr$ &h the trees al$n&side the r$ad' Th$ &h she resisted mi&htily, her str &&les %ere n$ match f$r his b l! and stren&th' Thr$ &h the ha6e $f tr n!s and branches there %as a &limmer $f %ater' An icy f$reb$din& sh$t thr$ &h her' A s$ ndless scream ech$ed in her brain' The la!e3 .h, s%eet hea#en, n$t there, n$t the la!e3 In an attempt t$ th%art him, she st mbled and dr$pped t$ her !nees' 9arrent$n yan!ed her t$ her feet s$ #ici$ sly she feared her arm %$ ld be %renched fr$m its s$c!et' 0e did n$t halt ntil they reached the end $f the small d$c! that 1 tted int$ the %aters' 0e retreated a step' 4S$ y$ d$ n$t s%im, eh, &irl5 @ery f$rt it$ s $f y$ t$ enli&hten me'4 9ith a &rinnin& leer he ta nted her' It %as all she c$ ld d$ n$t t$ brea! d$%n' 0e meant t$ !ill her' She c$ ld see the deadly intent in the &leam $f his eyes' 4It %as y$ %h$ sh$t at me, %asn't it5 And that man in L$nd$n''' did y$ hire him t$ !ill me5 I remember $ne day ridin& bac! t$ /arlei&h (( y$ %atched me, didn't y$ 5 And the ch$c$late (( y$ p t s$methin& in my ch$c$late that m$rnin&34 4)es, my dear, and y$ %ere ri&ht' It %as la dan m' And my aim %as depl$rable that day, t$ be s re' And that f$$l in L$nd$n34 0e c rsed f$ lly' 2)$ p t me t$ a &reat deal $f tr$ ble, y$ !n$%' I %anted t$ ha#e d$ne %ith it, b t %hen the first t%$ attempts %ere b$tched, I had t$ bide my time' It %as my intent t$ ma!e it appear an accident, y$ see' And th$se m$nths %hen y$ disappeared (( I prayed y$ 'd be f$ nd dead in s$me alley' B t then y$ had t$ ret rn34 0is feat res c$nt$rted int$ an e#il mas!' She c$ ld hardly spea! f$r the a%f l c$nstricti$n her thr$at' 49hy5 9hy d$ y$ hate me s$5 I ha#e d$ne n$thin& t$ y$ 34 28$thin&3 9hy, %ere it n$t f$r y$ , Gabriel %$ ld e#en n$% be %ed t$ E#elyn34 2E#elyn %as relie#ed at findin& Gabriel already married3 She did n$t %ant t$ be his %ife3> 0e sh$$! his head' 2Its n$t a case $f E#elyn's %ants' 8$, its m$re a case $f needs m st' )$ see, my dear, its my f$ndest %ish t$ rest$re 9arrent$n t$ its f$rmer &rande r ''' y$ #e n$ticed its in a rather disrep table state $f late5 I'#e $ther estates %hich m st be maintained as %ell' And I fear I'#e &r$%n f$nd $f &amblin& these last years ''' a pity my l c! is n$t %hat it $nce %as3 Indeed, my dear, my debts at this m$ment are m$nstr$ s3 *an y$ ima&ine (( the d !e $f 9arrent$n in the p$$rh$ se5 9hy, my ancest$rs %$ ld s rely t rn $#er in their &ra#es if they !ne%3 +y $nly h$pe is t$ see E#elyn married t$ a %ealthy s it$r'4 0er lips parted' 4S$ that is %hy y$ s$ &ht a marria&e bet%een her and St art (( and r&ed marria&e bet%een her and Gabriel'4 4*le#er &irl' B t I ha#e my family h$n$r t$ ph$ld, y$ !n$%' I c$ ld scarcely marry $ff my da &hter t$ a n$b$dy in the merchant class' Ah' b t $nce y$ are dead, all can be as bef$re' E#elyn and Gabriel %ill be free t$ %ed'4 0e &lanced fr$m *assie's face t$ the &limmerin& s rface $f the la!e, and bac! a&ain' 4I m st say, its alt$&ether fittin& that y$ sh$ ld die li!e *ar$line (( and s$ f$rt nate that the la!e is s$ distant fr$m /arlei&h 0all' .h, yes, my dear, I fear y$ %ill be the #ictim $f an accident, 1 st li!e p$$r *ar$line'4 0e &a#e a dramatic si&h' 4And I alas, %as simply nable t$ resc e y$ bef$re y$ s cc mbed3 A tra&ic l$ss, I fear (( b t in y$ r death lies my sal#ati$n'4

Terr$r t%isted *assie 's insides' 0e %as ri&ht' There %as n$ $ne t$ see' 8$ $ne t$ hear' The st$ry he %$ ld c$nc$ct %$ ld s$ nd entirely pla sible, s$ pla sible n$ $ne %$ ld e#er & ess he had m rdered her ''' 9arrent$n dre% a small b t deadly(l$$!in& pist$l fr$m his p$c!et' 0e &est red t$%ard the %ater' 48$%, my dear' 9ill y$ 1 mp, $r m st I res$rt t$ this54 An e,pressi$n $f distaste cr$ssed his feat res' 4I pray y$ ch$$se the f$rmer, f$r I tr ly ha#e n$ desire t$ se this' Its s$ #ery messy, y$ !n$%'4 *assie re&arded him in stric!en h$rr$r' It %as 1 st as in her dream, she reali6ed n mbly' Behind her %as the la!e, its %aters serene and pristine' B t beneath the s rface l r!ed a dar! %$rld $f &l$$m and death' 0er &reatest fear %as $f dr$%nin&, and that %as h$% she %$ ld die ''' a sl$%, ch$!in& death' Sl$%ly she sh$$! her head' 4I (( I %ill n$t 1 mp' )$ %ill ha#e t$ (( t$ sh$$t me'4 In tr th it %as scarcely bra#ery that pr$mpted her (( 7 ite the $pp$site' An e#il smile crept al$n& 9arrent$n's lips' Bef$re she !ne% %hat he %as ab$ t, he sei6ed her arm and sp n her ar$ nd' There %as a f$rcef l sh$#e bet%een her sh$ lder blades' A scream %elled in her thr$at as she felt herself flyin& f$r%ard, her feet lea#in& the safety $f the d$c!' /ri&id %ater cl$sed $#er her head' She pl mmeted deep ''' still deeper thr$ &h blac!, m r!y depths $f icy c$ld' Sheer terr$r cl$&&ed her #eins' She mana&ed t$ s rface $nce, her m$ th dra&&in& in $ne preci$ s & lp $f air' Then she %as sin!in& a&ain' She tried t$ !ic!, b t her s!irts tan&led hea#ily ar$ nd her le&s s$ that she c$ ld n$t m$#e' She felt herself bein&, dra&&ed d$%n, e#er d$%n ''' 0abriel, her mind screamed' 4h, 0abriel, help me.... She did n$t see the t%$ men %h$ raced frantically acr$ss the mead$% t$%ard the la!e' A sli&ht feminine fi& re trailed distantly behind, her arms cl tched ar$ nd a small, screamin& b ndle' 9arrent$n thre% bac! his head' 0is sinister la &hter t rned t$ a &asp $f disbelief as p$ ndin& f$$tsteps sh$$! the d$c! $n %hich he st$$d' *hrist$pher reached him first' 0e l n&ed f$r 9arrent$n and %rapped his arms ar$ nd the $lder man' 40 rry34 he sh$ ted t$ Gabriel' 4She 1 st %ent d$%n a&ain34 Gabriel t$re $ff his b$$ts and fl n& them aside, his &a6e pinned $n the place hed last seen *assie' 4Jes s,4 he breathed' 4Let it n$t be t$$ late34 The ne,t instant he !nifed cleanly int$ the %ater' *assie %as na%are $f the sharp t & at the bac! $f her &$%n' She panic!ed, flailin& %ildly' Searin& fire scalded her l n&s, s$ desperate %as she f$r air, b t she %$ ld n$t $pen her m$ th t$ breathe, f$r she !ne% %hat a%aited her' 0er head s%am di66ily' A n mbin& c rtain $f nc$nsci$ sness be&an t$ sm$ther her' She had b t $ne th$ &ht' S$ this is %hat it %as li!e t$ die ''' S$meh$% Gabriel snared her ab$ t the %aist' 9ith a mi&hty !ic! and an ps r&e $f p$%er he sh$t ab$#e the s rface' 0is le&s ch rned as he t$%ed his preci$ s b rden t$%ard the ban!, caref lly stri#in& t$ !eep her head ab$#e the %ater' 0is chest lab$red %ith e,erti$n, his m scles strainin& %hen at last s cceeded in dra&&in& her ash$re' 0e scrambled t$ his !nees, cradlin& her in his arms' 0is hands %ere sha!in& as he p shed aside the streamin& hair fr$m her face' 0er flesh %as mil!y %hite and c$ld' 0er eyes %ere cl$sed, her lashes spi!ed %etly a&ainst her chee!s' 0is heart leaped in fear' 4*assie,4 he cried h$arsely' 4*assie, $pen y$ r eyes, s%eet' .pen y$ r eyes34 Sl$%ly she stirred' 0er l n&s hea#ed' She &a#e a sp tterin&, ch$!in& c$ &h, then a rac!in&, %hee6in& breath' 0er eyes fl ttered $pen' 48e#er tell me34 she said %ith a &asp' 4Am I dead then54 0is &r$an %as half(la &h, half(s$b' 49hy, )an!, d$ y$ fancy y$ rself in hea#en $nce a&ain54 0e clasped her ti&ht a&ainst his breast'

A%areness ret rned in f ll bl$$m' Th$ &h it sapped all her stren&th, she lifted her arms and t &&ed his drippin& head t$ hers' 4D$ y$ !n$%,4 she %hispered a&ainst his lips, 4I belie#e I d$'4 B t it %as a m$ment destined t$ be alt$&ether sh$rt(li#ed' 8earby there %as a res$ ndin& blast, and then a hi&h(pitched scream' Gabriel's head 1er!ed p' *assie strained p%ard' 48$3 D$n't l$$!, d$n't l$$!34 0e tried t$ r&e her chee! int$ the h$ll$% $f his nec!' She cried $ t sharply' 2Tell me3 I m st !n$%34 4It's 9arrent$n, s%eet' 0e ''' he t rned the pist$l $n himself'4 48$3 .h, n$3 .h, p$$r E#elyn '''4 She b$%ed her head and be&an t$ cry' Tenderly, &ently, Gabriel &athered her cl$se' The ni&htmare %as $#er' It %as time t$ &$ h$me' Bac! in her r$$m at /arlei&h, *assie ti&htened the sash $r her r$be' A l$n& h$t bath had d$ne m ch t$ dri#e the c$ld and ache fr$m her m scles, b t she %as still t$$ restless t$ sleep'' 0er mind strayed t$ all that had happened t$ni&ht' In spite $f e#erythin&, she c$ ld n$t hate the d !e $f 9arrent$n' She felt $nly s$rr$% and re&ret' 0er heart %ent $ t t$ E#elyn, f$r E#elyn had been there t$ %itness her father's ch$ice t$ end his life' And yet, *assie sensed that her friend's &rief %as tempered by *hrist$pher's presence, f$r it %as *hrist$pher %h$ c$mf$rted her, in *hrist$pher s arms %here she had %ept' *hrist$pher l$#ed her, and *assie did n$t d$ bt that *hrist$pher's l$#e %$ ld &$ far in healin& E#elyns %$ nds' Edm nd had been n$ less sh$c!ed by his friend's deceit and #ile intenti$ns' 0e had listened in st nned silence %hile Gabriel relayed all that *assie had t$ld him (( all that had happened' Then he retired 7 ietly t$ his st dy' She had n rsed J$nathan bef$re her bath, and n$%, needin& the reass rance $nly the si&ht $f her child c$ ld pr$#ide, she m$#ed d$%n the hall t$ chec! $n him' T$ her s rprise, a candle still b rned in J$nathan's r$$m, castin& a flic!erin& trian&le $f li&ht $ t int$ the hall%ay' The m rm r $f l$% #$ices reached her ears' A little ncertain, she h$#ered near the thresh$ld' 40e resembles y$ &reatly, y$ !n$%'4 *assie ca &ht her breath' It %as Edm nd' T rnin& sli&htly, she ca &ht a &limpse $f the mirr$r that h n& $n the $pp$site %all' Its reflecti$n sh$%ed b$th Gabriel and Edm nd bendin& $#er J$nathans cradle' Gabriel's #$ice came ne,t' 4I pray he d$es n$t ha#e my temperament'4 48$r mine, f$r that matter'4 A hint $f dry la &hter ndersc$red Edm nd's t$ne' *assie h$#ered there, cl$se en$ &h t$ hear, b t nseen by the pair inside' 4If he is l c!y,4 Edm nd added, 4he %ill &r$% t$ be li!e his m$ther'4 *assie blin!ed' 9hen Gabriel said n$thin&, she had the $ddest sensati$n he %as as startled by Edm nd's $bser#ati$n as she' B t there %as m$re' 4D$ y$ !n$%,4 Edm nd said s$ftly, 4I %as determined fr$m the $ tset that she %$ ld be an $ tsider, s$ #ery determined I c$ ld ne#er c$ ntenance a %$man $f her stati$n, a )an!ee yet3 B t as the %ee!s passed, I came t$ feel s$methin& I ne#er th$ &ht t$ feel f$r her'4 There %as a small pa se' 4And %hat %as that54 Gabriel as!ed sl$%ly' 4-ride,4 he said 7 ietly' 2Its $dd, really, f$r th$ &h she %as afraid, she did n$t lac! c$ ra&e' 8$r %as she afraid t$ rec$&ni6e her $%n mista!es, and she %as n$t afraid t$ feel' And s$meh$% (( s$meh$% she made me see myself as I am'4 In the hall%ay, *assie pressed her bac! t$ the %all' She st ffed a fist in her m$ th t$ !eep fr$m cryin& $ t' 0er thr$at &re% achin&ly ti&ht' A heartrendin& relief p$ red thr$ &h her' T$ thin! that she had &ained Edm nd's acceptance (( all that had $nce seemed s$ impr$bable, s$ imp$ssible3

4D$ y$ remember the ni&ht y$ br$ &ht her here5 I recalled 7 ite distinctly sh$ tin& at y$ that a chan&e $f &$%n %$ ld n$t ma!e a lady $f her'4 Edm nd la &hed, the s$ nd dry and r sty, b t a la &h n$netheless' 4She %as a lady already' And d$ y$ !n$%, I d$ belie#e she shamed s b$th'4 Edm nd seemed t$ hesitate' 0is #$ice came haltin&ly' 2)$ %ere ri&ht ab$ t y$ r m$ther, Gabriel' I (( I did n$t l$#e her as I sh$ ld ha#e (( as I could ha#e, had I $nly tried' And I tr ly did n$t reali6e her death %as n$ accident (( that she t$$! her $%n life beca se $f me' 40is t$ne &re% hea#y' 4I $nly %ish y$ had t$ld me years a&$, th$ &h I nderstand %hy y$ did n$t'4 *assie's heart t%isted' S$ *ar$line had ch$sen t$ end her life3 She had al%ays s spected there %as m$re t$ her death, and n$% she !ne%' B t bef$re the th$ &ht pr$&ressed f rther, Gabriel %as spea!in& a&ain' 2There is n$ need t$ ((4 2There is e#ery need, Gabriel' )$ cann$t !n$% the shame I bear %hen I thin! $f h$% I treated her and h$% I treated y$ , my $%n s$n3 I felt that y$ r rebelli$n and defiance %ere y$ r fa lt, n$t mine' B t I !n$% n$% that if y$ are hard, its beca se it %as I %h$ made y$ that %ay' If y$ are st bb$rn its beca se ''' beca se y$ are my s$n' And I !n$% n$% that ''' y$ did n$t t rn a%ay' I (( I dr$#e y$ a%ay, Gabriel' 9ith my $%n arr$&ance' +y $%n selfishness and i&n$rance'4 0e pa sed' 4I %$ ld ha#e my s$n bac!, if $nly I c$ ld' I ha#e made s$ many mista!es, mista!es I c$ ld ne#er e#en be&in t$ rectify'> T$ *assies sh$c!, there %as a telltale nsteadiness in his #$ice, a catch that rent her heart in t%$' 4I %ish f$r y$ (( and yes, my &rands$n (( the $ne thin& %e ne#er really had, Gabriel' A family A and happiness' A b$nd $f tr st and l$#e and c$mmitment' I belie#e that %ith *assie, y$ and J$nathan ha#e that chance'4 Cassie' It seemed s ch a small thin&, b t t$ *assie it %as e#erythin&' She s%all$%ed a half(s$b and sh$$! her head, still disbelie#in&' Then she ca &ht si&ht $f Gabriel in the mirr$r' 0e held J$nathan a&ainst his sh$ lder, $ne bi& hand r bbin& tiny circles $#er his bac!' 0e %as starin& at his father, his e,pressi$n s$lemnly intent' 4)$ are n$t the man I $nce !ne%,4 he said 7 ietly' Edm nd smiled sli&htly' 48$r are y$ '4 /$r a m$ment, silence drifted' *assie s7 ee6ed her eyes sh t, and %hen she l$$!ed a&ain, she beheld a m$st ne,pected si&ht' Gabriel placed his s$n &ently in his father's arms' 4I thin!,4 he said s$ftly, 4it's time y$ &$t t$ !n$% y$ r &rands$n far better'4 /$r *assie, the simple, heartfelt scene %as t$$ m ch' 0er eyes %ere streamin& s$ that she c$ ld scarcely see' She %al!ed 7 ic!ly a%ay bef$re she disc$#ered' In her r$$m, she %iped a%ay her tears %ith the bac! $f her hand' She had th$ &ht n$ &$$d %$ ld c$me $f this day' She %as %r$n&, than! G$d' /$r the breach bet%een Gabriel and his father had finally ended ''' -erhaps it %as time she healed the rift %ith her h sband' There had been n$ chance t$ spea! %ith Gabriel al$ne t$ni&ht' B t there %as still s$ m ch left nsaid'''' A r stle nearby snared her attenti$n' She raised her head t$ find that Gabriel had 1 st c$me thr$ &h the c$nnectin& d$$r bet%een their r$$ms' 0er heart ca &ht painf lly' 8e#er had he been s$ hands$me, %ith the candleli&ht flic!erin& $#er the stri!in& bea ty $f star!, masc line feat res' 8e#er had she l$#ed him m$re' 4Gabriel, I (( I ha#e s$methin& I m st say t$ y$ ' I sh$ ld ne#er ha#e d$ bted y$ ' I (( I d$n't !n$% h$% I c$ ld ha#e th$ &ht it p$ssible that y$ %$ ld harm me' /$r %hat it's %$rth,

I shall re&ret it f$re#er ''' and, $h, I !n$% I d$ n$t deser#e an$ther chance, b t I m st !n$% ''' D$ y$ tr ly %ant me t$ lea#e54 ;nbidden, the 7 esti$n t mbled f$rth' The tensi$n sp n $ t endlessly' E#erythin& inside her %as %$ nd int$ a !n$t' It t$$! an eternity bef$re he ans%ered' 0is reply %as s$ l$% she had t$ strain t$ hear' 4If y$ are %ise, y$ %ill, *assie'4 0e pa sed then said &ently, 2)$ need n$t %$rry' I %ill n$t ta!e J$nathan fr$m y$ , th$ &h it's my h$pe I can still see him' And I ha#e t$ld y$ (( I %ill pr$#ide f$r y$ (( al%ays' )$ %ill ne#er %ant f$r a thin&'> *othin#, e8cept you' 0e mi&ht %ell ha#e str c! a !illin& bl$% t$ the heart' There %as an achin& l mp in her thr$at' 0$% she f$ nd the c$ ra&e t$ stand her &r$ nd, she did n$t !n$%' 2That's n$t %hat I as!ed y$ '4 She hated the %ay her #$ice %$bbled' 4D$ y$ %ant me t$ lea#e, Gabriel5 D$ y$ 54 She %as 1 st standin& there, her slender sh$ lders sha!in&, silent tears slidin& d$%n her chee!s' Gabriel &a6ed acr$ss at her pale, bea tif l face, !n$%in& f ll %ell he deser#ed n$thin& fr$m her' 0e had h rt her a&ain, he reali6ed ''' he %as al%ays h rtin& her ''' 0e cl$sed his eyes t$ sh t $ t the si&ht $f her tears' 48$,4 he %hispered' 2Th$ &h G$d help me, I sh$ ld' It's %hat's best f$r y$ '4 4If it's n$t %hat y$ %ant, then %hy m st I &$5 .h, please, Gabriel, 1 st tell me %hat y$ feel' D$ n$t tell me %hat y$ thin! I %ant t$ hear' D$ n$t %ithh$ld %hat y$ thin! I d$ n$t %ant t$ hear' J st (( tell me %hat's in y$ r heart'4 Three tentati#e steps placed him %ithin reach' 0e $pened his eyes then' A s r&e $f em$ti$n r$se inside him, t$$ p$%erf l t$ c$ntain, t$$ p$%erf l t$ deny' 4 ou are in my heart, *assie ''' )$ as n$ $ther ''' $nly y$ ' ' ' /$r all the s$ftness $f his t$ne, he %as fiercely intent ''' J$y s r&ed in her breast' 0er eyes %ere s ddenly shinin&' She placed her fin&ertips $n his chest and &a#e a ch$!ed little cry' 4Gabriel ((4 0e threaded his fin&ers in her hair and tipped her head bac!' 0is &a6e %as e,7 isitely tender as it r$#ed her feat res' 2I l$#e y$ ,4 he said 7 ietly' 4)$ are my lady, my bride ''' my life'4 It %as all there in his eyes, in his #$ice, in the t$ ch $f his hands as they dre% her cl$se' A half(s$b $f sheer bliss escaped' 4.h, Gabriel, I l$#e y$ , t$$ ''' I ha#e f$r s$ l$n& n$%3 .h, please, tell me a&ain34 She %as la &hin&, she %as cryin&, and n$thin& had e#er been s$ ri&ht' 2I l$#e y$ ,4 he said a&ainst her lips' 2A&ain'4 She be&&ed shamelessly' 0is arms ti&htened' 4I l$#e y$ ''' G$d, h$% I l$#e y$ 34 he %hispered, and then it %as a #ery l$n& time bef$re either $f them %as able t$ spea! a&ain' It %as m ch later, as the m$$n bri&htened the ni&ht s!y, that *assie recalled %hat Gabriel had said $nly a fe% sh$rt days a&$' 4Sometimes,4 he had %hispered, 4there comes a time to for#et )) a time to start anew'4 *assie smiled That time %as already here'

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