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General Motors Corporation

Global Supplier Quality Manual

Worldwide Purchasing

Global Purchasing and Supply Chain

GM 1927

This Reference Manual represents the collaborative efforts of multiple GM worldwide teams engaged to develop a GM Common process manual that includes A ! " #aunch" and Current !ualit$% rior to this" multiple documents e&isted to define a 'upplier !ualit$ process from A ! through Current !ualit$% APQP The A ! portion of this manual defines GM(s common global product )ualit$ planning re)uirements that are necessar$ to develop and implement an A ! process for a product or service% *t is intended as a standard to provide the 'upplier !ualit$ +ngineer" and the supplier" a common format from which to proceed with all steps of A ! % Launch The #aunch portion of this manual defines standardi,ed processes that support specific supplier launch readiness activities and A ! deliverables% These globall$ approved activities are designed to assist in the assessment of launch readiness of all suppliers and ensure e&ecution of flawless launches% Current The Current portion of this manual defines the standardi,ed wor- around common processes used globall$ to protect our manufacturing.assembl$ plants and to drive s$stemic improvement to the suppl$ base%

Approved b$/ Global 'upplier !ualit$ 0irectors

1ovember 2223 1 GM 1927

Table of Contents
reface4444444444444444444444444444%%* Table of Contents 4444444444444444%%444%%4%%44%%** Manual Content +&planation 4444444444444%%444%%4%4%*5 Revision 6istor$444444444444444444444444%%5

Section 1 Global APQP Customer Monitored.'upplier Monitored Matri& 444444%%%44%4%4%%1 A ! rocess Model 7low 44444444444444444%4442 0ocument 8sage Guidelines b$ Global Region 4444444444%44%9 Revision 6istor$444444444444444444444444%%%: APQP Task Definitions Tas- 1/ Commodit$ 'ourcing 'trateg$ Meeting 4444444%%%444%%%%%%3 Tas- 2/ Technical Reviews 444444 4444444444%%%4%%%4%%%9 Tas- 9/ A ! Assessment ; 'ourcing44444444444%%%444411 Tas- :/ 'upplier Gate Reviews 44444444444444%44%%%%%%%%%%19 Tas- </ Timing Charts.=pen *ssues 44444444444444444%1> Tas- 3/ 7easibilit$ ; Manufacturing Assessment #etters 44444444%%%19 Tas- 7/ 7low Chart 444444444444444444444%44%%21 Tas- >/ 07M+A 444444444444444444444444%%%29 Tas- 9/ 0esign Reviews 444444444444444444444%%%2< Tas- 12/ Gage" Tool ; +)uipment Reviews %%%44444444444%4427 Tas- 11/ G ?11 re?protot$pe ; rotot$pe Material%%%4444%4444%%4%%92 Tas- 12/ 7M+A444444444444444%%4444444%4%%%%92 Tas- 19/ Control lan 444444444444444444444%4%%9: Tas- 1:/ G ?12 +arl$ roduction Containment 44444444444%%%%%%93 Tas- 1</ A 444444444444444444444444%%%%%%9> Tas- 13/ Run @ Rate AG ?9B 444444444444444444%%4%%:2 Tas- 17/ #essons #earned 44444444444444444444%%%%%%:9 Section 2 Global Launch Tas- 1/ Tas- 2/ Tas- 9/ Tas- :/ Tas- </ Cross 7unctional Ris- Assessment 44444%444%44%4%%%%%%%%%%%%:3 G 'C.'!A #aunch Team 'taffing44444444444%4%4%%%%%:7 Global #aunch Matri&44444444444%4444%4444%:> 'pecial Action Teams4444 44444444%444%%%444%%%<2 #aunch *ssue +scalation rocess444%%44444444%%4%44%:>
** 1 GM 1927

1ovember 2223

Tas- 3/ Conference Calls44%% 44444444% 44444 44%%%4%%%<1 Tas- 7/ G 'C +&ecutive 'upplier 0a$s A re?#aunch ConferenceB44%%%4%%%%<2 Tas- >/ Coundar$ 'ample Review Across?functional%%44444%%4%%%4%%%%%%<9 Tas- 9/ C 5erification4444444444444%444444%4%%<: Tas- 12/ Capacit$ 5erification Audit44444%4444444444%%%%%<< Tas- 11/ roactive C'2444444444444%44%%%444444%%<3

Section Global Current 0ocument 8sage Guidelines b$ Global Region%%44444444444%%<> 'upplier Training44444444444444444444444%%%32 Approved 9rd art$ roviders%444444444444444444%%%32 Current Task Definitions Tas- 1/ Continuous *mprovement444%% 44444444%444%%%%%%%%%%31 Tas- 2/ !ualit$ '$stems Casics4444%44444444444%4%%%%%%%39 Tas- 9/ 'hutdown.'tart 8p Activit$%%444444%44444444%%4%37 Tas- :/ rocess Control lan Audit444444444444%4444%%72 Tas- </ Creativit$ Team 'upport4444444444444444%%%472 Tas- 3/ Global +merging *ssue.Alert rocess444%%44444444%%%%%%73 Tas- 7/ 'pill revention Activit$%%444444444444%44%44%%%79 Tas- >/ Controlled 'hipping 1444444444%44444444%%%%%%>2 Tas- 9/ Controlled 'hipping 2%%4444444%444444444%%4%%>3 Tas- 12/ 'upplier erformance Review Meetings%%4444444444%%%91 Tas- 11/ +&ecutive Champion rocess%%4444%4%%%%4444444449: Tas- 12/ Top 7ocus rocess%%444%4444444444444%44%%%%9> Tas- 19/ 1ew Cusiness 6old.+&it44444444444444444%%122 Appen!ices Appendi& 1DComple& '$stems.'ub?assembl$ A ! Management lan4%112 Appendi& 2E0ata 'ources for Farrant$44444444444444%%11:

Glossary of Ter"s4444444444444444444444%%113

1ovember 2223

*** 1 GM 1927

Manual Content #$planation

This manual contains three A9B sections% +ach section has tas-s that are referenced b$ a tas- number and includes the following/
Tas- name Tas- =wnerAsB Tas- Timing Aappro&imateB Tas- 0escription 0eliverables upon completion of the specific tasCustomerAsB for the deliverables 1ecessar$ *nputs to complete the specific tas- including source for each input #isting of ResourcesDthis includes people of organi,ations involved in completing the tasMethodolog$Dbrief description of the tas- and purpose '!+ ResponsibilitiesDbrief description of actions re)uired 'upplier ResponsibilitiesDbrief description of actions re)uired References and additional information

The Appendices contain a Comple& '$stems.'ub?assemblies A ! Management lan and 0ata 'ources for Farrant$%

Docu"ent Procure"ent
%or"s GM forms and documents referenced in this manual AGM 1927B can be obtained through GM 'uppl$ ower at www%gmsuppl$power%com and be copied for use% GM General Proce!ures &GPs' General rocedures AG sB referenced can be obtained through GM 'uppl$ ower at www%gmsuppl$power%com and be copied for use% Labels ( Ta)s #abels and tags referenced in the A ! process can be obtained as follows/ GMA and GM+ E contact the '!+ GM#AAM E #abels and tags can be obtained from an$ supplier as long as it meets standards identified in the General rocedures GM1A E Contact CM' rint 'olutions 1?79:?9<9?9233" e&tension 211" 7a& 1?79:?9<9?923< A*AG Docu"ents All A*AG specific documents referenced can be obtained b$ contacting A*AG at 21?2:>?9<>?9229% 0ocuments can also be ordered b$ accessing the web at www%A*AG%org% *n +urope contact Carwin Ltd at ::?172>?>31999%

1ovember 2223 1 GM 1927

+ote to Suppliers, This manual is intended to be comprehensive and Gall?encompassingHI however" certain circumstances will prompt )uestions% *f $ou have an$ )uestions regarding an$ part of this manual $ou are encouraged to contact $our respective 'upplier !ualit$ +ngineer%

1ovember 2223 1 GM 1927

-e.ision /istory May0 2112

Tas- 1 Program Risk Assessment E Title changed from GCross Functional Risk AssessmentHI enhanced task description" methodology and deliverables to be more descriptive of processI added customer(s) for deliverables

Tas- 2

P!"#A Launch $eam Resource Plan %evelopment E Title changed from G 'C.'!A #aunch Team 'taffingI Changed tas- owner for #aunch #eader to #aunch 0irectorI enhanced task description and methodology to be more descriptive of processI added customer(s) for deliverables& clarified task owner responsibility

Tas- 9

lobal Launch 'atri( ) Changed tas- timing to reflect actual publication processI enhanced tasdescription and methodolog$ to be more descriptive of processI added customerAsB for deliverablesI updated data processing flow chart

Tas- <

%aily Launch *ssue +scalation Process ) Former task , Launch *ssue +scalation Process and task Conference Calls combined to reflect practice Pre Launch Conference E Title changed from P"C +(ecutive "upplier %ays (Pre.Launch Conference)& enhanced task description" methodology and deliverables to be more descriptive of processI added customer(s) for deliverables

Tas- 3

$ask /

0oundary "ample Review ) +nhanced task description1 methodology and deliverables to be more descriptive of process& added customer(s) for deliverables& include updated 0oundary "ample RA"*C Chart

Tas- 11

Problem "olving Process ) +nhanced methodolog$ to be more descriptive of processI included references to GM roblem 'olving rocesses in Additional *nformation

Appendi& 2 E 0ata 'ources for Farrant$

#egend #egend updated to correctl$ show *nternal and +&ternal versus GM onl$ sources%

1ovember 2223 1 GM 1927

-e.ision /istory +o.e"ber0 2113

Tas- < %aily Launch *ssue +scalation Process ) Former task , Launch *ssue +scalation Process and task Conference Calls combined to reflect practice Pre Launch Conference E Title changed from P"C +(ecutive "upplier %ays (Pre.Launch Conference)& enhanced task description" methodology and deliverables to be more descriptive of processI added customer(s) for deliverables

Tas- 3

$ask /

0oundary "ample Review ) +nhanced task description1 methodology and deliverables to be more descriptive of process& added customer(s) for deliverables& include updated 0oundary "ample RA"*C Chart

Tas- 11

Problem "olving Process ) +nhanced methodolog$ to be more descriptive of processI included references to GM roblem 'olving rocesses in Additional *nformation

4une0 2115
5arious Changed references to #"233 and #uality Characteristics to match current terminology4

1ovember 2223 1 5 GM 1927

Section 1 Global APQP

1ovember 2223 1 GM 1927

Custo"er .s6 Supplier Monitore! APQP

The following matrix describes the responsibility differences between Customer-Monitored and SupplierMonitored AP P! Suppliers are responsible for carrying out all the " acti#ities shown in the supplier column of the matrix$ whether or not their parts are designated as customer or supplier-monitored AP P! %f a part is designated as customer-monitored AP P$ a &M representati#e may monitor and appro#e the AP P acti#ities! Customer Monitored APQP Supplier GM ()A S ()A " " " " " 7'9 S 7*9 " 7'9 S 7*9 " " " " " " " " " " " A A A % A S 7'9 " 7*9 A % % % % A= A % Supplier Monitored APQP Supplier GM ()A S ()A " " " " " S " " " " " " " " " " " % % % % % % % % % % % A= % %

APQP Activity ' Commodity Sourcing Strategy Meeting! * Technical "e#iews + &PSC AP P Assessment , Sourcing - Supplier &ate "e#iews . Timing Charts)/pen %ssues 0 1easibility , Manufacturing Assessment 2etters 3 1low Chart 4 51M6A 7' 8 Supplier 5esign "esponsible$ * 8 &M 5esign "esponsible9 : 5esign "e#iew 7' 8 Supplier 5esign "esponsible$ * 8 &M 5esign "esponsible9 '; &age$ Tool and 6<uipment "e#iew '' &P-'' '* P1M6A '+ Control Plan '- &P-'* '. PPAP '0 "un > "ate 7&P-:9 '3 2essons 2earned

R Responsible 7&M or Supplier9 A Approve - &M appro#es deli#erables S Support completion of deli#erables 7&M or Supplier9 I Inform 8 &M re#iews deli#erables at discretion of S 6 C Consult !A (ot Applicable

= &M6? AS ," informed of PPAP Status by


1ovember 2223 1 GM 1927

A!.ance! Pro!uct Quality Plannin) &APQP'

"op #low $own

S"%P I& Pre'sourcing Activity

A( @uyer conducts Commodity Sourucing Strategy Meeting' )( Purchasing sends out "1 C( @uyer conducts Technical re#iews* $( @uyer)S 6)6ngineer conduct &PSC AP P Assessment )sourcing+ Supplier uality S/" in "1 2essons learned added to "1 '3 &PSC AP P Assessment+ Sourcing "ecommendation+ Preliminary Timing chart.$ Process flow chart3$ P1M6A'* and Control plan'+ Team 1easibility commitment0

S"%P II& Plan and $e*ine Program

A( S 6 schedules AP P AicA-off meeting)( S 6 hosts AP P AicA-off meetingC( Supplier pro#ides updated draft of Timing chart.$ /pen %ssues.$ Process flow chart3$ P1M6A'*$ control plan'+$ etc! $( %nitial 5esign: and &age$ Tooling and 6<uipment re#iews'; %nitial Timing chart.$ /pen issues list.$ Process flow chart3$ P1M6A'* and Control plan'+ Schedule dates for re<uired worAshops 7BC5S9: Cpdated 2essons 2earned'3

S"%P III& Product $esign and $evelopment

A( S 6 attends design re#iews and conducts scheduled worAshops: )( S 6 re#iews gage$ tool , e<uipment concept'; C( S 6 re#iews prototype draft of process flow chart3$ P1M6A'* and Control Plan'+ $( &P-'' plan appro#ed by appropriate &M department'' %( &ate "e#iew D*- is conducted Cpdated Process flow chart3$ P1M6A'*$ and Control plan'+ &age$ tooling , e<uipment concept'; 1easibility 2etter D*0 Cpdated Timing chart. , /pen issues list.

S"%P I+& Process $esign and $evelopment

A( S 6 attends design re#iews : and promotes lessons learned'3 )( S 6 re#iews gage and tool designs'; C( S 6 guides update of postprototype Process flow chart3$ P1M6A'*$ Control plan'+ $( S 6 re#iews error proofing , "P( reduction plans'* %( &P-'' parts$ assemblies and systems appro#ed'' #( AP P Assessment+ updated by S 6 G( &ate "e#iew D+- is conducted Cpdated Process flow chart3$ P1M6A'*$ Control plan'+$ Timing chart. and /pen issues list. Completed gage , tool designs'; 1easibility letter D+0 &P-'* plan' Cpdated &PSC AP P Assessment+

S"%P +& Product and Process +alidation

A( S 6 conducts ad#anced PPAP'. and tool shop re#iews '; )( S 6 re#iews and statuses PPAP pacAage'. C( "un>"ate'0 7&P-:9 is performed $( &ate "e#iew D-- is conducted PPAP'. and "un>"ate'0 Status 1easibility 2etter D-0 Cpdated Timing chart. and /pen %ssues list.

S"%P +I& #eedbac,- Assessment and Corrective Action

A( Supplier performs &P-4 and updates control plan'+ )( &P-'* is completed'C( 2essons learned captured and 51M6A)P1M6A are updated'3 $( AP P is concluded Cpdated control plan'+ 51M6A4)P1M6A'* updated with lessons learned

xnumber E %ndication of corresponding AP P TasA (umber

Ma$ 1<" 222<

GM 1927

A!.ance! Pro!uct Quality Plannin) &APQP' Global Process

Docu"ent 7sa)e Gui!elines by Global -e)ion

% 8 -eference 9nly &*nfor"ation only0 +othin) to fill out' +A 8 +ot applicable for specifie! re)ion MD 8 Man!atory Docu"ent &!ocu"ent type re:uire!0 specific for"at re:uire!' M* 8 Man!atory *nfor"ation &!ocu"ent type re:uire!0 for"at "ay .ary0 "ini"u" content "an!atory' -D 8 -eco""en!e! Docu"ent &!ocu"ent reco""en!e!0 specific for"at re:uire!' -* 8 -eco""en!e! *nfor"ation &!ocu"ent reco""en!e!0 for"at "ay .ary'
$ocument umber GM A GMAP GM .AAM GM%

AP P ProFect Plan AP P Timing Chart Supplier uality Statement of "e<uirements 7S/"9 "e<uired uality %nformation AP P /pen %ssues Commodity Sourcing Strategy Meeting ChecAlist &PSC AP P Assessment 2essons 2earned Process /#er#iew Technical "e#iew ChecAlist AP P BicA-/ff Meeting ChecAlist AP P BicA-/ff Meeting Presentation Process Control Plan Audit GorAsheet &M and Supplier Program Contacts Typical Agenda Commodity Sourcing Strategy Meeting Supplier Manufacturing Assessment 2etters Process Capability /#er Time "P( "eduction Summary Chart Program Management "AS%C 5irected @uy)5irected Source ChecAlist Subcontractor Program Status Matrix Subcontractor 5etailed Status Matrix 1ixture 5esign Matrix &lobal Powertrain P1M6A "isA "anAing 1orm

&M':*3-' &M':*3-* &M':*3-+ &M':*3-&M':*3-. &M':*3-0 &M':*3-3 &M':*3-'; &M':*3-'+ &M':*3-'&M':*3-'. &M':*3-'0 &M':*3-'3 &M':*3-'4 &M':*3-': &M':*3-*; &M':*3-*' &M':*3-**M

1 1 1 M% M% M% 1 1 1 1 7'9 1 7'9 1 7'9 M% M% M% "5 "5 "5 M5 M5 M5 "5 "5 "5 "5 "5 "5 "5 "5 M5 7*9 "5 7-9 "5 "5 "5 M5 "5 M5 M5 "5 M5 1 1 1 M5 "5 M5 1 "5 "5 "5 M5 "5 M5 "5 1 "5 "5 M5 "5 M5 1 "5 M5 M5

1 M% 1 1 7'9 M% "5 M5 "5 "5 M5 7*9 "5 7-9 "5 M5 M5 1 M5 "5 M5 1 1 M5 M5 (A M5 7+9

&M':*3-*+M &M':*3-*.M

&M':*3-*0M &M':*3-*3 &M':*3-*4

"5 (A (A M5 7+9 M5 7+9 M5 7+9

A1B Advanced urchasing R7!s onl$ A9B owertrain 'pecific 'uppliers A2B Customer Monitored A ! onl$ A:B 'upplier Monitored A ! onl$ 0ocuments related specificall$ to Comple& '$stem.'ub?assemblies 9bsolete Docu"ents, GM 1927?> GM 1927?9 GM 1927?11 GM 1927?12 GM 1927?2:M

Ma$ 1<" 2223

GM 1927

A!.ance! Pro!uct Quality Plannin) &APQP' Global Process

-e.ision /istory 4anuary0 211;

Tas-s 1?17
Tas- 1 Commodity "ourcing "trategy 'eetingD8nder J1ecessar$ *nputsJ added warrant$% 8nder JMethodolog$J section added t$pes of warrant$ data to discuss at meeting% 8nder JMethodolog$J section added more information on 'A re)uirements and scoring method% 8nder J'!+ Responsibilit$J section added that art 'pecific '=R needs to be included in R7!% 8nder JAdditional *nformationJ added A*AG !'A and 0ata sources for Farrant$% $echnical ReviewsDG8nder 1ecessar$ *nputsH eliminated Comple& '$stems.'ubassemblies% 8nder JMethodolog$J section added art 'pecific '=R to lessons learned review% 8nder the J'!+ Responsibilit$J section added supplier understanding of art 'pecific '=R% 8nder the J'!+ Responsibilit$J section removed the word JrecommendedJ that was listed ne&t to the supplier understanding of '! '=R% 8nder J'upplier Responsibilit$J section replaced J* T5J with Jwarrant$ goals and e&pectationsJ and added warrant$ sufficienc$ plans% G'C! A ! Assessment ; 'ourcingD8nder J1ecessar$ *nputsJ removed J!'AJ reference to eliminate confusion A 'A and !'A are the same documentB% 8nder the J'!+ Responsibilit$J section modified the follow?up re)uirements to correspond with changes to the G 'C A ! Assessment changes%

Tas- 2

Tas- 9

Tas- :

"upplier ate ReviewsD8nder J0eliverablesJ section removed sentence that referenced the Comple& '$stems appendi&% 8nder JMethodolog$J section removed sentence from each Gate Review that referenced A ! rogram management Comple& '$stems% Replaced J!F*KJ with JFarrant$ Reduction lansH% *n 'upplier Gate Review L9" removed reference to GM 1927?29M% 8nder J'!+ ResponsibilitiesJ section added art 'pecific '=R to lessons learned re)uirement%

Tas- 3

Feasibility and 'anufacturing Assessment LettersDGMethodolog$H section" added GM +ngineer as a recipient of #etters 2?:% Removed sentence that described letter as a formal transfer of responsibilit$ from supplierMs engineering to supplierMs manufacturing organi,ation%

Tas- >

%F'+AD8nder J1ecessar$ *nputJ section replaced Jcriteria chec-listJ with J art 'pecific '=RJ% 8nder the JMethodolog$J section added Jhigh severit$ itemsJ to 07M+A flow chart bo&%

Tas- 12

age1 $ooling and +5uipment ReviewsDunder J'!+ Responsibilit$J section added sentence to verif$ the e&istence of GM owned tooling and that it is properl$ identified as GM propert$%

Tas- 11

P.66 Pre.Prototype and PrototypeD8nder JMethodolog$J section added Jor e)uivalentJ to re)uirement that supplierMs must ensure subcontractors follow G ?11% 8nder J'upplier Responsibilit$J section replaced JGM 1>23?2J with JG ?11 Corrective Action lanJ

1ovember 2223

GM 1927

A!.ance! Pro!uct Quality Plannin) &APQP' Global Process Tas- 12 PF'+AD8nder J1ecessar$ *nputsJ section added art 'pecific '=R to lessons learned input% 8nder JMethodolog$J section added Jhigh severit$ itemsJ to 7M+A bo&% Added Jcustomer complaints" and internal data for the life of the partJ to bo& that describes revision drivers% 8nder J'!+ Responsibilit$J section added high severit$ failure modes to action plan re)uirement% 8nder J'upplier Responsibilit$J section add re)uirement for formal documented R 1 reduction process" activit$ through the life of the part" subcontractorMs involvement" and periodic reviews%

Tas- 19 Control PlansDChanged Jma$M to JshouldJ for use of A*AG Control lan format in the 0efinition section% 8nder the J'upplier Responsibilit$J section added re)uirement for la$ered audits and dail$ validation of error proofing% Also added review of subcontractor control plans%

Tas- 1: +arly Production Containment ( P.67)D8nder J0efinitionJ section added G ?12 applicabilit$ whenever mandated b$ GM on an$ parts that present significant ris- to a customer plant% 8nder JMethodolog$J section add re)uirement for separate inspection area" irreversible corrective action" and 122N chec-% Tas- 13 Run 8 Rate ( P.2)D8nder J1ecessar$ *nputsJ changed J!uotedJ to JContractedJ tooling capacit$% 8nder JMethodolog$J section added that '!+ ma$ decide to participate in sub?component Run @ Rate" as appropriate% 8nder J'!+ Responsibilit$J changed Jregional databaseJ to Js$stemJ in the bullet referencing where to status customer?monitored Run @ Rates% 8nder J'upplier Responsibilit$J section removed Jsupplier monitoredJ from bullet referencing the status of Run @ Rates% 8nder JAdditional *nformationJ section removed wording regarding 2221 edition of G ?9% 8nder GMethodolog$H" '!+ Responsibilit$H" and G'upplier Responsibilit$H sections added a reference to GM 1932?C1" C2" C9% Tas- 17 Lessons LearnedD8nder J0eliverablesJ added art 'pecific '! '=R updates% 8nder JMethodolog$J section changed JKe$ 'ta-eholdersJ to JCommodit$ 'ourcing 'trateg$J meeting% Added references to art 'pecific '! '=R(s% 8nder J'upplier Responsibilit$J section moved error?proofing validation to Tas- 19%

Appendi& 1 Comple& '$stems.'ub? assemblies A ! Management lan 0ata 'ources for Farrant$ Moved 0ocument 8sage Guidelines to the beginning of the A ! manual and made Comple& '$stems Appendi& 1% Moved Comple& '$stems.'ub?assemblies A ! Management lan to Appendi& 1 and made 0ata 'ources for Farrant$ Appendi& 2%

Appendi& 2

1ovember 2223


GM 1927

A!.ance! Pro!uct Quality Plannin) &APQP' Global Process

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, Task 9<ner, Task Ti"in),

1 Co""o!ity Sourcin) Strate)y Meetin) Cu$er% '!+ participates in meeting% re?'ourcing

Task Description, The purpose of the Commodit$ 'ourcing 'trateg$ Meeting is to involve all GM sta-eholders in the Advanced urchasing process on a particular commodit$ pac-age to develop and understand the sourcing process" content" timing" and strateg$ to ensure that the R7!?pac-age contains all information needed to receive comparable )uotes% *t is intended that these meetings be conducted on all commodities identified for earl$ sourcing b$ the platform% Ke$ 'ta-eholders meet to review -e$ program information and timing as referenced in the Advanced urchasing GT$pical AgendaH AGM1927?1>B Deli.erables,

Generic functional re)uirements for inclusion into the +ngineering '=R #ist of Critical and 1on?Critical Commodities that the 'upplier shall prepare and obtain GM approval for the A05 ;R Cover 'heet if re)uired per the '=R% Agreement b$ sta-eholders on process" content" timing and strateg$ of the sourcing pac-age Guidelines and e&pectations for 'upplier For-shops Atechnical design issues .timing" team members" )uestionnaire" etc%B Target date for Technical Reviews Communication 'trateg$ ? process to be used to communicate information to Ke$ 'ta-eholders rogram Management RA'*C GM1927?22M for specific commodit$ A ! =pen *ssues #ist AGM1927?<B urchasingO" +ngineeringO" 'upplier !ualit$O" Mar-eting" C;# and an$ additional functional groups as appropriate O Mandator$ participation as Ke$ 'ta-eholders Source of *nput, +ngineer +ngineer Cu$er Cu$er.'!+.+ngineer Ke$ 'ta-eholders Aref% GM1927?1>B

Custo"er for Deli.erables,

+ecessary *nputs, Technical documents AC=M" '=R" ''T'.CT' etc%B A05 rocess Tas-s and 0eliverables Creativit$ Team Cidders #ist Aenhanced )ualit$ metricsB #essons #earned Aincluding warrant$ itemsB on previous programs rogram related information -esources, urchasing" 'upplier !ualit$" +ngineering

Metho!olo)y/ The Commodit$ 'ourcing 'trateg$ meeting date is identified on the 'ourcing rogram lan% Cu$er sends invitation to appropriate Ke$ 'ta-eholders identified for specific component.commodit$.s$stem% The bu$er conducts the meeting At$pical agenda GM1927?1>B% Ke$ 'ta-eholders discuss and review program information and timing% +ach 'ta-eholder discusses pertinent re)uirements/ Review of +ngineering re)uirements in technical documents 'upplier !ualit$ 'tatement of Re)uirements AGM 1927?9B Review Farrant$ 0ata E i%e% *nci!ents Per Thousan! =ehicles A* T5B" Cost Per =ehicle AC 5B and engineering benchmar- data% Consult warrant$ champion" if necessar$% Ke$ 'ta-eholders Review potential bidders list to restrict Re)uest for !uotation AR7!B distribution to suppliers meeting GM criteria" and to identif$ suppliers that need to be visited for conducting otential 'upplier Assessments A 'AB% A 'A is an A*AG !ualit$ '$stem Assessment A!'AB conducted b$ the GM '!+ utili,ing the variable scoring method and covering the double asteris- AOOB )uestions at a minimum% A score of at least 7 is re)uired for each element% Consult warrant$ champion" if necessar$% 1ovember 2223 3 GM 1927

A!.ance! Pro!uct Quality Plannin) &APQP' Global Process Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, 1 continued Co""o!ity Sourcin) Strate)y Meetin)

Metho!olo)y/ AcontinuedB 'upplier For-shops for technical design issues are planned Aif applicableB/ !uestions are developed for the 'upplier For-shops and dates are established% A core group Asub?group of 'ta-eholdersB is defined that will/ Attend 'upplier For-shops" summari,e results and refine functional re)uirements based on wor-shop findings% Ke$ 'ta-eholders discuss and agree on the process" content" timing and strateg$ of the sourcing pac-age% The bu$er clarifies the timing of each step in the A 'ourcing process and what is e&pected from each 'ta-eholder% Action items are also reviewed% SQ# -esponsibility/ articipate in the meeting% Clarif$ the role of the '!+ in the sourcing process% Review the re)uirements stated in the '! '=R with the other 'ta-eholders% =btain -nowledge of what is being sourced Afunctional aspects of partB% =btain -nowledge of timing Asourcing and programB% Confirm GMa-e or urchaseH AM= B coding has been done for modules.integrated pac-ages A'hould accompan$ '=RB% *n)uire about an$ se)uencing plans% Reviews suppliers on Creativit$ Team Cid #ist and corresponding performance with enhanced metrics% *dentif$ suppliers that will re)uireH Cusiness CaseH Action lans due to performance problems% rovide '! )uestions to be included in the re?For-shop )uestionnaire% rovide an overview of the GM Global #essons #earned web site process using the GM 1927?12 and communicate #essons #earned information obtained from the GM Global #essons #earned web site for the specific commodit$% +nsure that the art 'pecific '! 'tatement of Re)uirements will be included in the Re)uest 7or !uotation pac-age if applicable% M8nderstand the Comple& '$stem.'ub?assembl$ and s$stem re)uirements and verif$ with the engineer or bu$er that the rogram Management RA'*C for the specific commodit$ Asimilar to GM 1927?22MB will be included in the R7!% 5erif$ with the bu$er that the roles and responsibilities have been clearl$ defined for an$ directed bu$ partsI complete the GM 1927?29M if applicable and ensure the completed form does not contradict an$ urchasing contracts% 8tili,e the Commodit$ 'ourcing 'trateg$ Meeting Chec-list GM1927?3 as appropriate ArecommendedB% 'tart the A ! =pen *ssues list AGM1927?<B with an$ items that need to be addressed% Consideration should be given to missing technical information" decisions on modularit$" etc% 8nderstand 7unctional . +nd of #ine Test re)uirements% Manufacturin) #n)ineer -esponsibility,


articipate in the sourcing strateg$ meeting% Review 'tatement of Re)uirements% *dentif$ and communicate an$ manufacturing re)uirements Ae)uipment" error proofing" control plan 4B to be included in the '=R% rovide Cill of rocess AC= B% rovide lessons learned% Conduct on?site assessments of potential supplier manufacturing facilities%

1ovember 2223

GM 1927

A!.ance! Pro!uct Quality Plannin) &APQP' Global Process A!!itional *nfor"ation, 'upplier !ualit$ 'tatement of Re)uirements GM1927?9 Re)uired !ualit$ *nformation GM1927?: =pen *ssues list GM1927?< Commodit$ 'ourcing 'trateg$ Meeting Chec-list GM1927?3 #essons #earned rocess =verview GM1927?12 T$pical Agenda 'ta-eholders Meeting GM1927?1> rogram Management RA'*C GM e&ample 1927?22M 0ata sources for Farrant$ ? Appendi& 2

1ovember 2223


GM 1927

A!.ance! Pro!uct Quality Plannin) &APQP' Global Process Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, Task 9<ner, Task Ti"in), 2 Technical< Cu$er" '!+ participates in meeting% re?'ourcing

Task Description, The Technical Review is a meeting attended b$ the supplier" bu$er" engineer" '!+ and Manufacturing +ngineer" with representation from other affected organi,ations% The purpose of the meeting is to review )uotations to insure that all re)uirements in the R7!?pac-age have been understood and that the supplier has potential to produce parts meeting GM e&pectations Aan$ item related to the manufacturabilit$ of the part" including timing" design" manufacturing capabilit$" pac-aging" etc%B% Deli.erables, *dentification of suppliers that are capable and should continue in the sourcing process *nitial G 'C A ! Ris- Assessment GM1927?7 for appropriate suppliers 8pdated A ! =pen *ssues #ist GM1927?< Cu$er" '!+" +ngineer" Manufacturing +ngineer Source of *nput, +ngineer '!+ 'upplier 'upplier 'upplier 'upplier Cu$er Cu$er

Custo"er for Deli.erables,

+ecessary *nputs, Technical documents 'upplier(s !ualit$ 6istor$ A05 ;R Cover 'heet GM 1>29 Aif re)uired b$ '=RB reliminar$ '7M+A . 07M+A Cloc- 0iagram Re)uired !ualit$ *nformation GM 1927?: rotot$pe plan #ist of 0irected Cu$s Carr$over part contact list -esources,

urchasing" +ngineering" 'upplier !ualit$" Manufacturing +ngineer" 'upplier

Metho!olo)y, The bu$er invites potential suppliers to Technical Review Meetings% 'upplier addresses topics related to timing" design capabilit$ Aif applicableB" manufacturabilit$ of the part as designed" )ualit$ processes" pac-aging" and transportation% 'upplier addresses the specific )ualit$ topics listed in the Re)uired !ualit$ *nformation letter GM1927?:% 'upplier provides Team 7easibilit$ Commitment '!+ reviews e&pectations relative to #essons #earned% AGM 1927?12B and the art 'pecific '! '=R if applicable% At the conclusion of the Technical Review" the Cu$er" '!+ and +ngineer complete the G 'C A ! Assessment GM1927?7% SQ# -esponsibility/ rior to the meeting review specific documents provided in the supplier(s )uote and prepare )uestions% As- )uestions relative to )ualit$ and an$ issues related to the manufacturabilit$ of the component.s$stem% As- )uestions pertaining to the supplier(s responses to items re)uested in the )ualit$ portion of the R7! pac-age% rovide a five?minute overview of the #essons #earned process% +nsure 'upplier understands the art 'pecific '! '=R if applicable% articipate in the G 'C A ! Assessment GM1927?7% Complete the Technical Review Chec-list GM1927?19 ArecommendedB% +nsure the supplier understands the 'upplier !ualit$ '=R% This is re)uired prior to signing the 'ourcing Recommendation form%

1ovember 2223

GM 1927

A!.ance! Pro!uct Quality Plannin) &APQP' Global Process Task +u"ber, Task +a"e/ 2 continued Technical<

8pdate the A ! =pen *ssues #ist GM1927?< with concerns related to the supplier(s abilit$ to meet the )ualit$ e&pectations% 7inali,e plans for needed supplier visits A 'A for new suppliersB

1ote/ *f a technical review is not held" the '!+ should review the !ualit$ information submitted as part of the supplier(s )uote" prior to performing the G 'C A ! Assessment% *nput should be obtained from the bu$er and GM engineer% Manufacturin) #n)ineer -esponsibility,


articipate in technical review meetings% Review manufacturing re)uirements and provide clarifications to suppliers as necessar$% Assess supplier(s manufacturing proposal for compliance to manufacturing re)uirements" C= " part specification" volume re)uirements" and timing re)uirements% Assess supplier(s manufacturing proposal for fle&ibilit$ to produce multiple parts with var$ing geometries%

Supplier -esponsibilities, 'upplier must provide the GRe)uired !ualit$ *nformationH AGM1927?:B together with their )uote% At the technical review" the supplier is e&pected to review the following information/ 1% reliminar$ timing charts% 'upplier will highlight an$ concerns relative to tooling . testing that ma$ impact providing a )ualit$ process.part on time% 2% Review of the manufacturing facilit$% Fhere is it locatedQ 6ow long has it been in operationQ Fhat modifications to the facilit$ would be re)uired to support the R7! volumesQ 9% The time frame of the last review b$ a General Motors '!+ Aplease specif$ t$pe of review conductedB% :% reliminar$ process flow diagrams% A*ncluding an$ special assembl$ techni)ues" test methods" and Containment procedures usedB <% lans in place to meet the warrant$ goals and e&pectations% Capabilit$ studies on similar parts" along with plans for error proofing" data anal$sis" and record -eeping must be included in plan 3% A*AG A ! Appendi& +?Team 7easibilit$ Commitment 7% Manpower resource commitment to ensure successful completion of programI proper s-ills and training to perform the necessar$ tas-s% 9% rovide evidence from previous proRect to demonstrate e&perience on the new product% 12% rovide an$ e&isting warrant$ sufficienc$.action plans" data on similar products" plans for future reductions% A!!itional *nfor"ation, 'upplier !ualit$ 'tatement of Re)uirements AGM1927?9B Re)uired !ualit$ *nformation letter AGM1927?:B A ! =pen *ssues #ist AGM1927?<B G 'C A ! Assessment AGM1927?7B #essons #earned rocess =verview AGM1927?12B

1ovember 2223


GM 1927

A!.ance! Pro!uct Quality Plannin) &APQP' Global Process

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, Task 9<ner, Task Ti"in), GPSC APQP Assess"ent ( Sourcin) Cu$er 'ourcing Recommendation . '!+ and Cu$er G 'C A ! Assessment *nitial G 'C A ! Assessment as input to the sourcing recommendation 'econd G 'C A ! Assessment in the rotot$pe.5alidation 5ehicle timeframe

Task Description, The G 'C A ! Assessment is a tool to assess the potential for problems earl$ in the vehicle development process and to determine which parts and.or suppliers will re)uire additional focus% *t is intended that the assessment be conducted on all new parts . suppliers% A supplier is selected b$ a )ualit$ assured sourcing decision" approved b$ all Ke$ 'ta-eholders% Deli.erables, Completed G 'C A ! Assessment GM1927?7 for each part including Comple& '$stems.'ubassemblies *nitial assessment will be available for review at sourcing meeting G 'C A ! Assessment indicating the level of GM involvement in the A ! process 'upplier selected with '! or designates signature on the sourcing recommendation form% Custo"er for Deli.erables, 'upplier !ualit$" urchasing" +ngineering Source of *nput, +ngineer +ngineer 'upplier.+ngineer 'upplier.'!+ '!+.'upplier 'upplier.Cu$er 'upplier.Cu$er 'upplier.Cu$er.'!+ 'upplier.'!+ '!+ 'upplier.'!+. Cu$er.+ngineer Cu$er '!+ 'upplier.Cu$er.'!+ +ngineer.'!+ '!+.Team

+ecessary *nputs, Technical documents 0esign stabilit$ 'upplier(s technical capabilit$ 'upplier(s manufacturing process capabilit$ on similar parts 'upplier(s past )ualit$ histor$ and performance reports 'upplier(s manufacturing site information 'upplier(s sub?contractor plan *'=.T' 139:9 reliminar$ 07M+A" 7M+A" and 7low 0iagram 6istorical program management e&perience b$ supplier A#aunch histor$" lessons learned" etc%B 8nderstanding of Comple& '$stem.'ub?assembl$ Comple&it$ of management structure Regional '! support availabilit$ Capacit$ of s$stem Customer *mpact of part 'upplier Assessment A 'AB -esources,

urchasing" 'upplier !ualit$" +ngineering" Manufacturing +ngineer and 'upplier%

Metho!olo)y/ The first G 'C A ! assessment is conducted prior to the 'ourcing decision% *f a Technical Review is held" the assessment should be conducted directl$ following this review% The Cu$er" '!+ and +ngineer evaluate the information presented throughout the sourcing process b$ the supplier and evaluate that information as it applies to the )uestions on the assessment form% *f the bu$er does not conduct a Technical Review" the '!+ has the responsibilit$ to contact the Cu$er and +ngineer for their Roint input in completing the ris- assessment%

1ovember 2223


GM 1927

A!.ance! Pro!uct Quality Plannin) &APQP' Global Process Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, continued GPSC APQP Assess"ent ( Sourcin)

Metho!olo)y AContinuedB The G 'C A ! Assessment must be updated at least once prior to the last Gate Review L9 build event% The cross?functional sourcing team agrees to select the supplier with the best )ualifications%

7or Comple& '$stems.'ub?assemblies/ The supplier completes an assessment of all tiered suppliers manufacturing capabilities using the G 'C A ! Assessment GM 1927?7 or e)uivalent% 7or sub?components not sourced" the supplier should provide a detailed sourcing plan to the '!+% The '!+ reviews the list of assessed sub components to determine if the supplier has appropriate resources assigned to support the program%

SQ# -esponsibility/ #ead the initial G 'C A ! Assessment process at the time of the technical review% For- Rointl$ with the 'ourcing Team to identif$ activities and actions re)uired to eliminate or reduce ris-% identified on the G 'C A ! Assessment document% 'ign sourcing recommendation for selected supplier% 0etermine the appropriate level of A ! follow?up and Run @ Rate based on the G 'C A ! Assessment% S2< assessed will be designated as Customer?Monitored A ! and Run @ Rate with management review% Customer Monitored parts will be identified as C parts in the A ! trac-ing s$stem% 2 to 2: assessed designated as 'upplier Monitored for A ! and Run @ Rate Adiscretion of '!+ . 0ivisionB% 'upplier Monitored parts will be identified as ' parts in the A ! trac-ing s$stem% 8pdate the G 'C A ! Assessment prior to Gate Review L9% AdRust A ! and Run @ Rate plan based on changes in the assessment level% Manufacturin) #n)ineer -esponsibility,


articipate in A ! Assessment% 'ign sourcing recommendation approval for selected supplier%

Supplier -esponsibilities, rovide all necessar$ data re)uired prior to sourcing% A'ee necessar$ inputsB A!!itional *nfor"ation, G 'C A ! Assessment GM1927?7

1ovember 2223


GM 1927

A!.ance! Pro!uct Quality Plannin) &APQP' Global Process Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, Task 9<ner, Task Ti"in), ; Supplier Gate<s '!+ for Kic-?off Meeting" 'upplier for remaining meetings 7our reviews as shown on A ! roRect lan

Task Description, The purpose of the 'upplier Gate Reviews is to review the progress of items according to the A ! roRect lan AGM1927?1B and trac- the status and progress of items listed on the A ! Timing Chart AGM1927?2B% The reviews are also intended to review the A ! =pen *ssues list AGM1927?<B and identif$ an$ additional GM and supplier issues that re)uire resolution% These review meetings are intended as an A ! team review of the part and process development and to capture the learnings from each build event% The first review is coordinated b$ the GM '!+ for all customer?monitored A ! parts% 7or parts that are supplier monitored A ! " the supplier is e&pected to conduct gate reviews internall$% Deli.erables, 8pdated A ! Timing Chart AGM1927?2B 8pdated A ! =pen *ssues #ist AGM1927?<B Completed A ! Kic-?off Meeting Chec-list AGM1927?1:B per document usage guidelines GM ; 'upplier A ! Contact #ist completed AGM?1927?17B 'upplier rocess Capabilit$ AGM1927?22B and R 1 Reduction lan AGM1927?21B 0irected Cu$.0irected 'ourced Chec-list AGM 1927?29MB Applicable if not in R7! 'ubcontractor rogram 'tatus Matri& AGM 1927?2<MB 'ubcontractor 0etailed 'tatus Matri& AGM 1927?23MB '!+" Cu$er" +ngineer" Readiness Coordinator" Manufacturing as appropriate% Source of *nput, +ngineer.Cu$er 'upplier '!+ 'upplier.'!+ 'upplier.'!+

Custo"er for Deli.erables,

+ecessary *nputs, rogram timing for -e$ events 0etailed timing for tools" facilities" etc% #essons #earned Chec-list AGM1927?12B A ! =pen *ssues #ist AGM1927?<B A ! Timing Chart AGM1927?2B -esources, Metho!olo)y/

Cu$er" +ngineer" '!+" Readiness Coordinator" Manufacturing +ngineer

Supplier Gate< >1 &APQP ?ick@off Meetin)' This meeting should occur within 92 da$s of the supplier receiving formal notification of the business award% The meeting contains both instructions to the supplier" and report out b$ the supplier% The '!+ uses the instructional portion of the meeting to rela$ GM(s e&pectations relative to A ! and the timing of the program% The supplier is e&pected to give updates on the following/ A ! Kic-?off Meeting Chec-list AGM1927?1:B GM 1927 Tas- : GM ; 'upplier rogram Contacts AGM1927?17B GM 1927 Tas- : A ! =pen *ssues list AGM1927?<B GM 1927 Tas- < A ! Timing Chart AGM1927?2B GM 1927 Tas- < A*AG Appendi& + ? Team 7easibilit$ Commitment GM 1927 Tas- 3 *nitial rocess 7low Chart GM 1927 Tas- 7 07M+A status . A*AG A ! 07M+A chec-list AA?1B GM 1927 Tas- > *nitial 7M+A . A*AG A ! 7M+A chec-list AA?7B GM 1927 Tas- 12 19 GM 1927

1ovember 2223

A!.ance! Pro!uct Quality Plannin) &APQP' Global Process Task +u"ber, ; continued Task +a"e, Supplier Gate<s

Metho!olo)y Supplier Gate< >1 &APQP ?ick@off Meetin)'/ AcontinuedB *nitial Control lan . A*AG A ! Control lan chec-list AA?>B GM 1927 Tas- 19 reliminar$ Run @ Rate lan GM 1927 Tas- 13 #essons #earnedAGM1927?12B 7acilities plan for Greenfield.Crownfield.Transplant manufacturing sitesI plan to include an$ affected subcontractors facilities Management plan for all tiered suppliers including a 'pill Management lan Farrant$ 0ata . Farrant$ Reduction lans G 'C A ! Assessment GM 1927?7 or e)uivalent for all subcomponents sourced GM 1927 Appendi& 1 'ubcontractor rogram 'tatus Matri& AGM1927?2<MB GM 1927 Appendi& 1 0irected Cu$.0irected 'ource Chec-list AGM1927?29MB as applicable if not included in the R7! GM 1927 Appendi& 1

Supplier Gate< >2 This meeting occurs during the timeframe of GM(s Ceta . *ntegration 5ehicle Cuild% The meeting should occur at least 2 wee-s prior to a scheduled !ualit$ 5alve or Cuild Readiness Review% The '!+ provides feedbacrelative to program timing% The supplier is e&pected to provide updates on the following/ A ! =pen *ssues #ist AGM1927?<B GM 1927 Tas- < A ! Timing Chart AGM1927?2B GM 1927 Tas- < Review identified build concerns 'upplier Manufacturing Assessment of 0esign AGM1927?19 #etter L2B GM 1927 Tas- 3 rocess 7low Chart review including A*AG A ! rocess 7low Chec-list AA?3B GM 1927 Tas- 7 A*AG A ! 0esign *nformation Chec-list AA?2B GM 1927 Tas- 9 07M+A status plus A*AG A ! 07M+A Chec-list AA?1B GM 1927 Tas- > Gage concept review status GM 1927 Tas- 12 7acilities.+)uipment.'erial Tooling update including A*AG A ! 1ew +)uipment Chec-list AA?9B GM 1927?12 7M+A review including A*AG A ! 7M+A Chec-list AA?7B GM 1927 Tas- 12 +stablish initial R 1 Reduction lan baseline AGM1927?21B GM 1927 Tas- 12 G ?11 rotot$pe art Approval 'tatus GM 1927 Tas- 11 rocess capabilit$ data gained from earl$ builds AGM1927?22B Control lan review including A*AG A ! Control lan Chec-list AA?>B GM 1927 Tas- 19 Run @ Rate planned capacit$ anal$sis GM 1927 Tas- 13 #essons #earned GM 1927 Tas- 17 7acilities plan for Greenfield.Crownfield.Transplant manufacturing sitesI plan to include an$ affected subcontractors facilities 0irected Cu$.0irected 'ource Chec-list changes" if applicable AGM1927?29MB Management plan for all tiered suppliers including a 'pill Management lan Farrant$ 0ata .Farrant$ Reduction lans G 'C A ! Assessment GM 1927?7 or e)uivalent for an$ sub components sourced since the last review% GM 1927 Appendi& 1 8pdated 'ubcontractor rogram 'tatus Matri& AGM1927?2<MB GM 1927 Appendi& 1 'ubcontractor 0etailed 'tatus Matri& AGM1927?23MB GM 1927 Appendi& 1 O'!+ ma$ re)uest above information for specific high ris- subcontractors as needed

1ovember 2223


GM 1927

A!.ance! Pro!uct Quality Plannin) &APQP' Global Process Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, ; continued Supplier Gate<s

Supplier Gate< > This meeting occurs during the timeframe of GM(s Gamma . 5alidation 5ehicle Cuild% The meeting should occur at least 2 wee-s prior to a scheduled !ualit$ 5alve or Cuild Readiness Review% The '!+ provides feedbac- relative to program timing and provides a ris- assessment update% The supplier is e&pected to give updates on the following/ A ! =pen *ssues #ist AGM1927?<B GM 1927 Tas- < A ! Timing Chart AGM1927?2B GM 1927 Tas- < Review identified build concerns GM 1927 Tas- < 'upplier Manufacturing Assessment of rotot$pe AGM1927?19 #etter L9B GM 1927 Tas- 3 Capabilit$ concerns based on historical data and proposed design 0esign review status GM 1927 Tas- 9 rogress of 7acilit$.+)uipment.Tooling.7i&tures.Gages GM 1927 Tas- 12 Tooling update including A*AG A ! 1ew +)uipment Chec-list AA?9B GM 1927 Tas- 12 G ?11 GM 1927 Tas- 11 0irected Cu$ chec-list changes" if applicable AGM1927?29MB Management plan for all tiered suppliers including a 'pill Management lan 7acilities plan for Greenfield.Crownfield.Transplant manufacturing sitesI plan to include an$ affected subcontractors facilities 7M+A review including A*AG A ! 7M+A Chec-list AA?7B GM 1927 Tas- 12 R 1 Reduction lans and progress from baseline AGM1927?21B GM 1927 Tas- 12 Control lan review including A*AG A ! Control lan Chec-list AA?>B GM 1927 Tas- 19 rocess Control lan Audit For-sheet review AGM1927?13B GM 1927 Tas- 19 Run @ Rate capacit$ status GM 1927 Tas- 13 #essons #earned GM 1927 Tas- 17 G ?12 lan GM 1927 Tas- 1: Farrant$ 0ata .Farrant$ Reduction lans M G 'C A ! Assessment GM 1927?7 or e)uivalent for an$ sub components sourced since the last review% GM 1927 Appendi& 1 'ubcontractor rogram 'tatus Matri& AGM1927?2<MB GM 1927 Appendi& 1 'ubcontractor 0etailed 'tatus Matri& AGM1927?23MB GM 1927 Appendi& 1 All functional build issues related to Comple& '$stems.'ub?assemblies and sub?components identified during protot$pe builds must be reviewed and documented GM 1927 Appendi& 1 O'!+ ma$ re)uest the above information for specific high?ris- subcontractors as needed

Supplier Gate< >; This meeting should be conducted a minimum of 2 wee-s prior to GM(s roduction . lant 5ehicle !ualit$ 5alve Review% The '!+ provides feedbac- relative to program timing% The supplier is e&pected to give updates on the following/ A ! =pen *ssues #ist AGM 1927?<B GM 1927 Tas- < A ! Timing Chart updates AGM 1927?2B GM 1927 Tas- < Review identified build concerns GM 1927 Tas- < 'upplier Manufacturing Assessment of Manufacturing rocess Capabilit$ and roduction Readiness AGM1927?19 #etter L:B GM 1927 Tas- 3 A*AG A ! 0esign *nformation Chec-list AA?2B GM 1927 Tas- 9 rocess 7low Chart review including A*AG A ! rocess 7low Chec-list AA?3B GM 1927 Tas- 7

1ovember 2223


GM 1927

A!.ance! Pro!uct Quality Plannin) &APQP' Global Process Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, ; continued Supplier Gate<s

Supplier Gate< >; AcontinuedB 07M+A status including A*AG A ! 07M+A Chec-list AA?1B GM 1927 Tas- > Tooling status including A*AG A ! 1ew +)uipment Chec-list AA?9B GM 1927 Tas- 12 Gage and 7i&ture status" Gage Approval and Gage R;R GM 1927 Tas- 12 ; 13 7M+A status including A*AG A ! 7M+A Chec-list AA?7B GM 1927 Tas- 12 'upplier(s rocess Capabilit$ with respect to the design tolerances R 1 Reduction lans AGM1927?21B GM 1927 Tas- 12 Control lan review including A*AG A ! Control lan Chec-list AA?>B GM 1927 Tas- 19 G ?12 lan GM 1927 Tas- 1: A status update GM 1927 Tas- 1< Run @ Rate status update GM 1927 Tas- 13 #essons #earned GM 1927 Tas- 17 Management plan for all tiered suppliers including a 'pill Management lan 7acilities plan for Greenfield.Crownfield.Transplant manufacturing sitesI plan to include an$ affected subcontractors facilities Farrant$ 0ata .Farrant$ Reduction lans M G 'C A ! Assessment GM 1927?7 or e)uivalent for an$ sub components sourced since the last review% GM 1927 Appendi& 1 'ubcontractor rogram 'tatus Matri& AGM1927?2<MB GM 1927 Appendi& 1 'ubcontractor 0etailed 'tatus Matri& AGM1927?23MB GM 1927 Appendi& 1

O'!+ ma$ re)uest the above information for specific high?ris- subcontractors as needed SQ# -esponsibility/ 8se A ! Kic-?off Meeting resentation AGM1927?1<B to provide overview of Global A ! % repare the GM ; 'upplier A ! Contact Chec-list AGM1927?17B with names of GM contactsI forward to the supplier to obtain names for their team% rovide program timing information at all reviews% Review A ! Kic-?off Meeting Chec-list AGM1927?1:B Aas applicable b$ '! regionB% Review #essons #earned and the art 'pecific '! '=R Aif applicableB at the A ! Kic-?off Meeting to re? emphasi,e discussion from the Technical Review Areference GM1927?12B Throughout the program" ensure #essons #earned are being documented b$ the supplier in the appropriate 7M+A Adesign" process" s$stemB and in the A ! =pen *ssues #ist AGM 1927?<B Confirm that the supplier(s process capabilit$ and R 1 reduction plans will satisf$ design and ,ero M re)uirements% 0rive supplier developed action plans whenever the Manufacturing Assessment #etters AGM1927?19B indicate problems% *dentif$ and communicate -e$ timing and program issues to GM management% 'upplier !ualit$ +ngineers" if assigned to a specific sub?component" should participate in all four 'upplier rogram Reviews% Manu*acturing %ngineer Responsibility&


Participate in gate re#iews! "e#iew manufacturing process and documentation! Pro#ide manufacturing input to supplier! 5ri#e supplier compliance to S/" manufacturing re<uirements , @/P!

1ovember 2223


GM 1927

A!.ance! Pro!uct Quality Plannin) &APQP' Global Process Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, ; continued Supplier Gate<s

Supplier -esponsibility/ Complete and review all items listed above% rovide names for the GM ; 'upplier A ! Contact Chec-list AGM1927?17B and distribute the completed list to the A ! team% 7ill out the A ! Kic-?off Meeting Chec-list AGM1927?1:B prior to the A ! Kic-?off Meeting% #ead activities relating to Gate Review L2" L9 ; L: +nsure that all Timing Charts are adhered to and an$ necessar$ recover$ plans are comprehensive and protect program timing and obRectives% Complete appropriate documentation in advance of rogram Reviews% 'uppliers of Comple& '$stems.'ub?assemblies must ensure that subcontractors participate in 'upplier Gate Reviews" as necessar$% A!!itional *nfor"ation, Appendi& 1 0ocument 8sage Matri& A ! roRect lan AGM1927?1B A ! Timing Chart AGM1927?2B A ! =pen *ssues list AGM1927?<B #essons #earned rocess =verview AGM1927?12B A ! Kic-?off Meeting Chec-list AGM1927?1:B A ! Kic-?off Meeting resentation AGM1927?1<B GM ; 'upplier rogram Contact list AGM1927?17B rocess Control lan Audit For-sheet AGM1927?13B 'upplier Manufacturing Assessment #etters AGM1927?19B rocess Capabilit$ =ver Time AGM1927?22B R 1 Reduction 'ummar$ Chart AGM1927?21B A*AG Advanced roduct !ualit$ lanning and Control lan manual chec-lists A?1 through A?> 0irected Cu$.0irected 'ource Chec- #ist AGM1927?29MB 'ubcontractor rogram 'tatus Matri& AGM1927?2<MB 'ubcontractor 0etailed 'tatus Matri& AGM1927?23MB Comple& '$stems.'ub?assemblies A ! Management lan AGM 1927 Appendi& 2B

1ovember 2223


GM 1927

A!.ance! Pro!uct Quality Plannin) &APQP' Global Process

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, Task 9<ner, Task Ti"in),

2 Ti"in) Chart an! APQP 9pen *ssues List 'upplier Reviewed at A ! Gate Reviews and throughout the program

Task Description, A detailed review of all timing charts and concerns is conducted periodicall$ to ensure that program deliverables are e&ecuted on schedule% These reviews are conducted on GM monitored parts trac-ed using the A ! process% 7or supplier monitored A ! " the supplier reviews and updates the Timing Chart and =pen *ssues #ist throughout the A ! process% Deli.erables, A ! Timing Chart GM1927?2 and updates as appropriate A ! =pen *ssues list GM1927?< and updates as appropriate Custo"er for Deli.erables, 'upplier !ualit$ +ngineer Source of *nput, '!+.'upplier.+ngineer 'upplier

+ecessary *nputs, =pen issues 0etailed timing for tools" facilities" gages" etc% -esources, appropriate

'upplier" '!+" +ngineer" Manufacturing +ngineer" and other members of the program team as

Metho!olo)y/ 'upplier provides a high level timing chart Areference GM1927?2B to '!+ for review at all Gate Reviews% 'upplier updates timing chart on an ongoing?basis as timing changes occur% 'upplier and '!+ communicate concerns and issues on an ongoing?basis% 'upplier updates the A ! =pen *ssues list GM1927?< and reviews with '!+ at all Gate Reviews% 'upplier leads activit$ to maintain program timing schedule to a successful A and Run @ Rate% 'ub?component milestones shall be pulled ahead b$ 3 wee-s to support GM program timing% Review the A ! Timing Chart and A ! =pen *ssues #ist at all supplier Gate Reviews at a minimum% 0rive supplier to develop recover$ plans on issues impacting timing or )ualit$% *dentif$ and communicate -e$ timing and program issues with GM management%

Supplier -esponsibility/ Create and maintain an A ! Timing Chart and A ! =pen *ssues #ist% Maintain additional detail behind each high level A ! Timing Chart item% Additional detail must be tied to high level chart to ensure timing is updated automaticall$% Review the A ! Timing Chart and A ! =pen *ssues #ist at all Gate Reviews% Maintain detailed planning to complete each program timing event on schedule% 0evelop recover$ plans on issues impacting timing and drive the plan to sta$ on time for the program% *dentif$ and communicate an$ changes to '!+I supplier must utili,e A ! =pen *ssues list to capture all issues" including lessons learned% *dentif$ and communicate -e$ timing and program issues with '!+% The intent of the A ! Timing Chart AGM1927?2B and the A ! =pen *ssues #ist AGM1927?<B is to provide an e&ample of how this information can be documented% An alternate format ma$ be used as long as it contains the same information" as a minimum% A!!itional *nfor"ation, A ! Timing Chart AGM1927?2B A ! =pen *ssues list AGM1927?<B 1ovember 2223 1> GM 1927

A!.ance! Pro!uct Quality Plannin) &APQP' Global Process

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, Task 9<ner, Task Ti"in),

3 %easibility an! Manufacturin) Assess"ent Letters 'upplier

A*AG A ! and Control lan Manual Appendi& +DTeam 7easibilit$ CommitmentEprior to 'ourcing 7easibilit$.Manufacturing Assessment lettersEtimes indicated below for each letter

Task Description, 7our times during the program" the 'upplier evaluates their status and issues a letter/ To address and communicate issues to General Motors relative to the manufacturabilit$ of the part at specific stages in the program% To facilitate dialog and surface issues within the supplier(s organi,ation% Deli.erables, A*AG A ! and Control lan Manual Appendi& + ? Team 7easibilit$ Commitment 'upplier 7easibilit$ . Manufacturing Assessment #etters GM1927?19 Custo"er for Deli.erables, Cu$er" 'upplier !ualit$ +ngineer" +ngineer Source of *nput, '!+.'upplier.+ngineer 'upplier 'upplier 'upplier 'upplier

+ecessary *nputs, +&isting A ! =pen issues 0etail timing for tools" facilities" etc% 6istorical performance data A R.R(s" internal scrap reports" etc%B roRected tool capabilit$ A p-B roRected tool capacit$ -esources,

'upplier" 'upplier !ualit$ +ngineer" +ngineer" Manufacturing +ngineer

Metho!olo)y/ 'upplier shall furnish the following letters to GM% A*AG APQP an! Control Plan Manual Appen!i$ # @ Tea" %easibility Co""it"ent This document Aconsidered #etter 1B is provided to the bu$er prior to the sourcing decision% *t is the supplier(s initial assessment of the manufacturing feasibilit$ of the proposed design% Supplier Manufacturin) Assess"ent of Desi)n AGM1927?19 #etter 2B *n support of 'upplier Gate Review L2" the supplier should submit this letter to the GM +ngineer and '!+ one wee- prior to the gate review date% 6owever" the letter must be available to the '!+ no later than the da$ of the 'upplier Gate Review% A review of the design" 07M+A" 07M" error?proofing features in the design" and historical performance of similar designs should be conducted to determine the manufacturabilit$ of the design" prior to submission of the letter% The letter must be signed b$ the 'upplier(s Chief +ngineer and Manufacturing lant Manager% Supplier Manufacturin) Assess"ent of Prototype AGM1927?19 #etter 9B *n support of 'upplier Gate Review L9" the supplier should submit this letter to the GM +ngineer and '!+ one wee- prior to the program review date% 6owever" the letter must be available to the '!+ no later than the da$ of the 'upplier Gate Review% *n this assessment" the design is reviewed against the protot$pe manufacturer(s concerns" R.R performance" open issues from the previous assessment" and design changes% The letter must be signed b$ the 'upplier(s Chief +ngineer and Manufacturing lant Manager%

1ovember 2223


GM 1927

A!.ance! Pro!uct Quality Plannin) &APQP' Global Process

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e,

3 continued %easibility an! Manufacturin) Assess"ent Letters

Supplier Manufacturin) Assess"ent of Manufacturin) Process Capability an! Pro!uction AGM1927?19 #etter :B At Gate review L:" the supplier submits this letter to the GM +ngineer and '!+% The letter should clearl$ state whether the process flow" process procedures" and tooling are 122N production intent% *f the process is not read$" the letter must indicate what actions are necessar$" who is responsible" and the implementation dates% The letter must be signed b$ the 'upplier(s Chief +ngineer and Manufacturing lant Manager%

7or comple& s$stems.subassemblies the Tier 1 is also responsible to obtain the 'upplier Manufacturing Assessment letters from the subcontractors% These subcontractor documents shall be maintained on file for review b$ the 'upplier !ualit$ +ngineer as re)uested% SQ# -esponsibility/ Review the feasibilit$ letters from the supplier% *dentif$ and communicate concerns to the supplier where corrective actions need further development% *dentif$ and communicate an$ concerns to the responsible 0esign +ngineer% 7orward an$ commercial issues to the bu$er for evaluation and resolution% *dentif$ and communicate -e$ timing and program issues with GM management% Review 'ubcontractor feasibilit$ letters as appropriate% Manu*acturing %ngineer Responsibility&

articipate in resolution of identified manufacturing problems%

Supplier -esponsibility/ 'ubmit the Team 7easibilit$ Commitment Aconsidered letter 1B as part of the initial )uote pac-age to GM urchasing% 'ubmit the 'upplier Manufacturing Assessment of 0esign A#etter 2B to the '!+ and GM +ngineer% 'ubmit the 'upplier Manufacturing Assessment of rotot$pe A#etter 9B to the '!+ and GM +ngineer% 'ubmit the 'upplier Manufacturing Assessment of Manufacturing rocess Capabilit$ and roduction A#etter :B to the '!+ and GM +ngineer% 0ocument issues on the A ! =pen *ssues #ist% 0evelop and lead activities to resolve critical issues and drive to maintain program timing for GM program events% Maintain 'ubcontractor letters on fileI forward to 'upplier !ualit$ +ngineer when re)uested% A!!itional *nfor"ation, A*AG Advanced roduct !ualit$ lanning and Control lan manual Appendi& +DA ! Team 7easibilit$ Commitment form A#etter 1B 'upplier Manufacturing Assessment of 0esign AGM1927?19 #etter 2B 'upplier Manufacturing Assessment of rotot$pe AGM1927?19 #etter 9B 'upplier Manufacturing Assessment of Manufacturing rocess Capabilit$ and roduction AGM1927?19 #etter :B A ! =pen *ssues #ist AGM1927?<B

1ovember 2223


GM 1927

A!.ance! Pro!uct Quality Plannin) &APQP' Global Process Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, Task 9<ner, Task Ti"in), 5 Process %lo< Charts 'upplier *nitial chartEprior to sourcing rotot$pe chartEG ?11 timeframe roduction chartE A submission

Task Description, 'upplier develops" updates and reviews flow chart with '!+% The purpose of flow chart is to provide a logical pictorial representation of the process flow that can be used as the foundation for 7M+A(s" control plans" wor- station la$outs" etc% Deli.erables,

rocess 7low Chart rocess 7low Chart depicting the Comple& '$stem.'ub?assembl$ production s$stem rocess 7low Chart depicting sub component production s$stem 'upplier !ualit$ +ngineer Source of *nput, 'upplier

Custo"er for Deli.erables,

+ecessary *nputs, *nformation on each step of the process -esources, 'upplier" '!+" Manufacturing +ngineer

Metho!olo)y/ 'upplier develops a high?level flow chart as part of bid pac-age re)uirement% 'upplier updates flow chart to reflect protot$pe process and presents updated chart to the '!+% 'upplier updates flow chart to reflect production process and presents updated chart to the '!+% 'upplier communicates an$ changes on an ongoing?basis% SQ# -esponsibility/ Review the preliminar$ process flow chart prior to sourcing to determine if supplier ma$ have omitted some -e$ operations% Review the protot$pe flow chart to ensure identification of inspection and rewor- operations% Review the production flow chart for completeness and continue with a comparison to the production line, Fal- the manufacturing line to ensure the chart is representative of the process and includes all receiving" storage" production" inspection" rewor-" pac-aging" labeling" and shipping% +nsure the flow chart is lin-ed to the 7M+A and control plan% Manufacturin) #n)ineer -esponsibility, Assess process flow chart for compliance to '=R manufacturing re)uirements ; C= % Approve supplier(s process flow chart% Authori,e deviations to C= as necessar$%

1ovember 2223


GM 1927

A!.ance! Pro!uct Quality Plannin) &APQP' Global Process Supplier -esponsibility/ Create a preliminar$ process flow chart using a similar process% Create and maintain a protot$pe flow chart that represents the protot$pe manufacturing process% +nsure there is identification for inspection and rewor- operations% 8pdate the protot$pe process flow to represent the actual production process% +nsure the process flow chart is lin-ed to the 7M+A and control plan% 0ocument all items in the flow chart with the respective nomenclature Astore" move" inspect" correct" etc%B *dentif$ and communicate an$ changes to '!+% A!!itional *nfor"ation, A*AG Advanced roduct !ualit$ lanning and Control lan manual rocess 7low Chart chec-list A?3

1ovember 2223


GM 1927

A!.ance! Pro!uct Quality Plannin) &APQP' Global Process

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, Task 9<ner, Task Ti"in),

A D%M#A 0esign responsible engineer *nitiated before or at design concept

Task Description, The 07M+A is a living document that is initiated before or at design concept and is continuall$ updated as changes occur or additional information is obtained throughout the phases of product development% *t supports the design process in reducing the ris- of failure b$/ 1B aiding in the evaluation of design re)uirements" 07M" and 07A 2B increasing the probabilit$ that potential failure modes have been considered 9B and establishing a priorit$ s$stem for design improvements% Deli.erables, 07M+A +ngineer" 'upplier" 'upplier !ualit$ +ngineer Source of *nput, +ngineer 0esign Responsible +ngineer +ngineer 0esign Responsible +ngineer '!+.+ngineer +ngineer

Custo"er for Deli.erables,

+ecessary *nputs, Re)uirements as stated in '=R.''T'.CT' 0esign intent 5ehicle re)uirements Manufacturing.Assembl$ re)uirements #essons #earned . art 'pecific '! '=R if applicable KC0' Templates Aif alread$ identifiedB -esources, Metho!olo)y/ +ngineer" 0esign Responsible +ngineer

Farrant$ Mar-eting rior model +F=s Cuild concerns Current '!+ launch ; problem reflection A ! '!+ and 'upplier input GM #essons #earned shared 1ovember 2223 with supplier

Teamwor- to/ 1% Cring #essons #earned into 7M+A format 2% 0etermine R 1s and identif$ KC0' 0esignators

Compare with prior model start?ups and revise design guidelines and data bases accordingl$

D%M#A Continue with worto reduce ris- Ahigh R 1s" high severit$ items" KC0' 0esignatorsB

Revise with new #essons #earned from validation and protot$pe builds 29

7orward to Tas- 12 1927 to use GM in development of 7M+A

A!.ance! Pro!uct Quality Plannin) &APQP' Global Process Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, A continued D%M#A

SQ# -esponsibility/ Confirm that the 'upplier Aif not design responsibleB is wor-ing with the GM +ngineer on development of the 07M+AI if not" ta-e appropriate action to initiate this team activit$% Confirm a 07M+A has been completed b$ the responsible engineering function or the supplier% Confirm that the supplier has access to necessar$ information from the GM 07M+A as input into the 7M+A% 7or Comple& '$stem.'ub?assembl$ suppliers confirm that a 07M+A has been completed for all sub components b$ the responsible engineering function or the sub contractor% Supplier -esponsibility/ *f design responsible" complete the 07M+A with participation of the GM +ngineer% *n addition" complete the 0esign 7M+A chec-list AA*AG Advanced roduct !ualit$ lanning and Control lan manual 0esign 7M+A chec-list A?1B% 0evelop and implement R 1 reduction plans and strive to continuousl$ reduce R 1% *f not design responsible" provide an$ lessons learned to the GM +ngineer and support the development of the 07M+A% *f GM is design responsible and does not provide access to necessar$ information from the 07M+A" document this issue on the A ! =pen *ssues #ist% Suppliers of Co"ple$ Syste"sBSub@asse"blies, *f the subcontractor is design responsible ensure that the 07M+A is complete for all sub?components% Monitor and drive the development and implementation of R 1 reduction plans on sub components% *f the subcontractor is not design responsible ensure that an$ lessons learned are provided to GM engineering for input in developing the 07M+A% A!!itional *nfor"ation, A ! =pen *ssues list AGM1927?<B A*AG Advanced roduct !ualit$ lanning and Control lan manual 0esign 7M+A chec-list A?1 KC0' Manual GMF1<2:9

1ovember 2223


GM 1927

A!.ance! Pro!uct Quality Plannin) &APQP' Global Process

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, Task 9<ner, Task Ti"in),

C Desi)n<s 0esign Responsible +ngineer *nitial reviewEprior to Ceta.*ntegration 5ehicle builds 'ubse)uent reviews occur on an on?going basis

Task Description, Conduct design reviews to ensure the design has been ade)uatel$ defined to begin construction of tools and gages% Deli.erables, 0efined and measurable KC0' 0esignators" G0;T" appearance specifications" and performance and material testing re)uirements% 'upplier Source of *nput, +ngineer +ngineer +ngineer +ngineer +ngineer

Custo"er for Deli.erables,

+ecessary *nputs, '=R . ''T' . CT' Appearance specifications erformance and material specifications roduction Assembl$ 0ocuments if available Cill of Material AC=MB Acritical for Comple& '$stem.'ub?assembl$ partsB -esources,

+ngineer" 'upplier !ualit$ +ngineer" 'upplier" 'ubcontractors

Metho!olo)y/ KC0' wor-shop is conducted and led b$ the engineering organi,ation responsible for the designI GM or the supplier engineer" if re)uired% '!+" GM +ngineer and supplier participate in wor-shop% G0;T review is conducted and led b$ the engineering organi,ation responsible for the design% The purpose of the review is to define design dimensioning and tolerancing on the drawing as these items relate to the actual function of the part% The '!+" GM +ngineer and supplier participate in the review% 0esign reviews are conducted and led b$ the design responsible engineering organi,ation on an ongoing?basis% '!+ participation is on an as?re)uired basis determined b$ the agenda% An$ recommendations.improvements to the design record be documented and submitted to GM for approval% 'uppliers of Comple& '$stems.'ub?assemblies/ 7or subcomponents" the same process is used to determine lead responsibilit$ in conducting these reviews% The Comple& '$stem.'ub?assembl$ 'upplier and '!+ participate as necessar$ in the reviews% SQ# -esponsibility/ articipate in the KC0' wor-shop and G0;T review% articipate in design reviews that address changes in the manufacturing process" )ualit$" timing or program ris-% *n)uire whether or not the design has a 9?point datum scheme that matches the part in car position% *n)uire whether or not the selected KC0' 0esignators are reasonable and can be measured with variable or attribute gages% *n)uire whether or not the supplier(s manufacturing capabilities can achieve the specified tolerances on a continual basis%

1ovember 2223


GM 1927

A!.ance! Pro!uct Quality Plannin) &APQP' Global Process Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, C continued Desi)n<s

Supplier -esponsibility/ *f design responsible" schedule and lead the KC0' wor-shop" G0;T review and 0esign ReviewsI invite the GM +ngineer and '!+ to participate% *f GM has design responsibilit$" participate in KC0' wor-shop" G0;T review and design reviews% Communicate an$ concerns relative to the KC0' 0esignators or G0;T scheme and the manufacturabilit$ of the part% Review materials specifications and ensure the design conforms to engineering standards for restricted.reportable substances AGMF92<9B and rec$clabilit$.recoverabilit$ AGMF9113B% 0evelop an understanding of the engineering change process with the GM +ngineer 0iscuss an$ open action items defined on the A*AG 0esign *nformation Chec-list AA?2B% 0ocument an$ open issues on the A ! =pen *ssues #ist AGM1927?<B% +nsure the manufacturing process can achieve the specified tolerances on a continual basis% =btain approval for design revisions from the GM +ngineer% A!!itional *nfor"ation, A ! =pen *ssues AGM1927?<B KC0' Manual GMF1<2:9 A*AG Advanced roduct !ualit$ lanning and Control lan manual" 0esign *nformation Chec-list A?2 GMF 92<9EGeneral Motors Global 'tandard" Restricted and Reportable 'ubstances for arts GMF 9113ERec$clabilit$.Recoverabilit$ 0esign Guide *T+T1:21 rocedure for *T0C

1ovember 2223


GM 1927

A!.ance! Pro!uct Quality Plannin) &APQP' Global Process

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, Task 9<ner, Task Ti"in),

11 Ga)e0 Toolin) an! #:uip"ent<s 'upplier


The gage" tooling and e)uipment reviews begin in the Ceta.*ntegration 5ehicle time frame with the concept approval% 'ubse)uent reviews occur on an on?going basis until A approval%

Task Description, A Gage" Tooling and.or +)uipment Review is conducted to ensure that the manufacturing process is being designed to the latest drawing change level" built and certified to produce parts with )ualit$ at rate according to GM program re)uirements% Deli.erables, Certified Gage to approved design% 5erification that Tooling and +)uipment can meet product design intent through process capabilit$ studies% Custo"er for Deli.erables, +ecessary *nputs, Approved G0;T and Math 0ata KC0' 0esignators rocess Capabilit$ Re)uirements Timing re)uirements Capacit$ re)uirements +rror proofing 7unctional Test Re)uirements 'upplier !ualit$ +ngineer" +ngineer Source of *nput, +ngineer +ngineer '!+ . 'upplier Cu$er . '!+ . 'upplier Cu$er 'upplier +ngineer.'upplier

-esources, +ngineer" 'upplier" 'upplier !ualit$ +ngineer" GM Gage Group Aavailable in some regionsB" Manufacturing +ngineer Metho!olo)y/ Review gage" tooling and e)uipment concept starting at Gate Review L1 AA ! Kic-?=ffB% Conduct gage" tooling and e)uipment reviews throughout build process% +valuate gage for fit and function" repeatabilit$ and reproducibilit$ AGR;RB% Approve gage per GM 192< 7i&ture 'tandards or other re)uirements applicable to the region% 5erif$ that Tooling and +)uipment and functional test can meet product design intent and achieve process capabilit$ re)uirements% Review timing" concept" and pass . fail criteria for functional test% Review gage concept for the assembl$ and for the sub components% +nsure that functional gaging is in place to support build re)uirements%

1ovember 2223


GM 1927

A!.ance! Pro!uct Quality Plannin) &APQP' Global Process Task +u"ber, 11 continued Ga)e0 Toolin) an! #:uip"ent<s

Task +a"e,

SQ# -esponsibility an! Manufacturin) #n)ineer, Review plans and timing to obtain gages" tools and e)uipment and functional test in line with program targets for parts" A and Run @ Rate% Also verif$ that supplier is wor-ing to complete the following activities at appropriate times/ 0esigns urchase orders issued Construction and bu$?off rovide authori,ation for an$ deviation to '=R manufacturing re)uirements or C= AMfg +ngr =nl$B% Review timing and plans according to activities shown in the following flow diagram/
/rder raw material tooling Meas uring 'st part

Tooling de#elopment

Tooling Manufacturing

Manuf! 'st parts

AdFustment loops 7+9

Capability worA

Tooling engineering



3.H ';;H

&et pictures showing progress!!! &age Manufacturing 6stablish crossfunctional proFect team

Appro#ed part from tool

Appro#ed capability PPAP , ">" "amp-up

/rder Part "aw material Serial production 5esign of Manuf! layout /rder 6<uip! Criteria for appro#al %nstallation of e<uipment Ialidation of inprocess controls Ierification of capacity

Manufacturing of e<uipment

Training of Maintenance , /perators Production of @uffer Appro#ed controls Appro#ed capacity ">"

6nsure spare parts support

Plan for pre#entati#e maintenance

Review plans and progress until '= " as appropriate% Confirm that timing is on schedule to meet program re)uirements% Confirm that gage agrees with functional part usage" complies with G0;T" and includes measurement of KC0' 0esignators% +nsure gage instructions are available at the manufacturing operation% +nsure suppliers are aware of GM 192< 7i&ture 'tandards or re)uirements applicable to the region% 5erif$ integrit$ of gage fi&ture for fit and function and gage R;R Areference M'A A*AGB% +valuate Coordinate Measuring Machine ACMMB report to ensure gage accurac$% +nsure part changes are incorporated into gages and tooling% 0uring an$ on?site reviews" verif$ the e&istence of GM owned tooling and that it is properl$ identified as GM propert$%

1ovember 2223


GM 1927

A!.ance! Pro!uct Quality Plannin) &APQP' Global Process Task +u"ber, 11 continued Ga)e0 Toolin) an! #:uip"ent<s

Task +a"e,

Supplier -esponsibility/ Review all timing and inform GM '!+ about an$ changes from original proRect timing% 0esign" build and obtain certification of gages and validation of tooling and e)uipment% #ead reviews with GM relative to the design" build and certification of the gageAsB" tooling" e)uipment and 7unctional testing% referabl$ coordinate with Gate Reviews% *nform GM about an$ design and process changes regarding e%g% Asee A B/ 1ew or modified tools" rearrangement of e&isting tooling or e)uipment roduct and process changes impacting fit" form" function" performance and durabilit$ of saleable product Test.inspection methods 1ew 7acilities Cefore tools can be grained" dimensional verification is re)uired b$ GM Averif$ with '!+ on regional re)uirementsB% +nsure tooling and e)uipment comprehends design tolerances and will produce parts to process capabilit$ re)uirements% +nsure 7M+A has been comprehended and incorporated into tooling and e)uipment design% +nsure G0;T scheme is incorporated in design and build of gages ; tooling% Complete the A*AG A ! 1ew +)uipment Chec-list AA?9B% A!!itional *nfor"ation, A*AG Measurement '$stems Anal$sis Manual GM192< General Motors 7i&ture 'tandards +0 11: Manual

1ovember 2223


GM 1927

A!.ance! Pro!uct Quality Plannin) &APQP' Global Process

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, Task 9<ner, Task Ti"in),

11 GP@11 Pre@Prototype an! Prototype 'upplier G ?11 planEb$ Gate Review L 2 G ?11 re)uirements?prior to the an$ protot$pe material re)uired date


Task Description, The purpose of the G ?11 activit$ is to assemble and test production intent parts" assembl$ s$stems and vehicles for design and assembl$ validation% art approval at G ?11 will ensure part problems are identified and corrected in order to minimi,e the impact of part variation upon design evaluation" manufacturing" and assembl$% The G ?11 activit$ encompasses the suppliers( Anal$sis.0evelopment.5alidation AA05B plans% The specific t$pe of G ?11 re)uirements will be listed in the '=R Ai%e%" G ?11" G ?11 A05 0esign 5alidation UG ?11 A05?05V and . or G ?11 A05 roduct 5alidation UG ?11 A05? 5VB% The suppliers( validation plan and 07M+A re)uires approval b$ the GM 5alidation +ngineer% Deli.erables, 'eriali,ed parts with G ?11 documentation Approved 07M+A and G ?11 A05?05 and.or G ?11 A05? 5 plan for commodities specified in the '=R Custo"er for Deli.erables, +ecessary *nputs, *nspection data 07M+A A05 ;R form 7low Chart ? reliminar$ 7M+A ? reliminar$ Control lan ? reliminar$ -esources, 'upplier" +ngineer" GM 5alidation +ngineer" '!+ 'upplier !ualit$" +ngineering Source of *nput, 'upplier 'upplier 'upplier 'upplier 'upplier 'upplier

Metho!olo)y/ re?protot$pe and protot$pe parts are made to GM authori,ed drawings" templates" models" and.or other engineering design records% arts are numericall$ seriali,ed and referenced to test.inspection results% A complete characteristic inspection is performed on three A9B parts" unless different )uantities are specified b$ the procuring division% Critical characteristic inspection is re)uired on all parts for an$ critical characteristics identified in the design record% A material certification is obtained to provide evidence of compliance to GM product specifications% A G ?11 warrant is completed for each part number and shipment to GM% 0esign and.or roduct validation AA05?05 and.or A05? 5B is re)uired when specified in the 'tatement of Re)uirements A'=RB% The A05?05 and.or A05? 5 plans and results are submitted to the GM 5alidation +ngineer for approval prior to shipment% 'uppliers( submission re)uirement will be specified b$ the procuring division in the protot$pe purchase order% Reference G ?11" section 2%2 for submission re)uirements when not specified% 'uppliers must ensure that all subcontractors follow the re)uirements defined in G ?11 or e)uivalent%

1ovember 2223


GM 1927

A!.ance! Pro!uct Quality Plannin) &APQP' Global Process Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, 11 continued GP@11 Pre@prototype an! Prototype

Metho!olo)y continue!, 7unctional and build issues identified during the rotot$pe Cuilds should be documented on the =pen *ssues list AGM 1927?<B when the production supplier or subcontractor is the manufacturer of the rotot$pe parts%

SQ# -esponsibility/ 5erif$ the suppliers( understanding of G ?11 and an$ regional specific re)uirements% Assist" as re)uired" in the review of documentation defined b$ the submission re)uirements identified in the protot$pe purchase order% Assist per regional guidelines" in the resolution of supplier )ualit$ issues identified during G ?11 inspection and protot$pe builds% Supplier -esponsibility/ Adhere to re)uirements specified in the '=R for G ?11" G ?11 A05?05 and.or G ?11 A05? 5% 0evelop a G ?11" G ?11 A05?05" and.or G ?11 A05? 5 plan and ensure the following is comprehended/ Confirm with the GM engineer the engineering change level re)uired for manufacturing confirm with the GM engineer the specific measurement.inspection re)uirements *dentif$ the At$peB of chec-ing fi&ture that will be used Ai%e% CMM holding fi&ture" or completed gageB 'hip parts and documentation as specified in G ?11 unless otherwise specified b$ the procuring division% *f parts do not meet design re)uirements" contact the GM engineer to review non?conformances% Reference G ? 11 section 1?1% rior to submission" complete the G ?11 Corrective Action lan and obtain the GM 5alidation engineers( signature% Revise the flow chart" 7M+A" and control plan as problems are identified throughout G ?11 and the protot$pe build% 8pdate the A ! =pen *ssues #ist" AGM?1927?<B as items are identified throughout the rotot$pe build activities% Appl$ G ?11 re)uirements to all 'ubcontractors% A!!itional *nfor"ation, A ! =pen *ssues list AGM1927?<B G ?11" General Motors rocedure for 'uppliers of Material for re?protot$pe and rotot$pe AGM 1>22B General Motors Farrant of Material for re? rotot$pe and rotot$pe Cuilds AGM 1>23?1B General Motors G ?11 Corrective Action lan AGM 1>23?2B General Motors G ?11 +&planation of Content AGM 1>29B Cover 'heet AGM 1>29?1B A05 lan and Report AGM 1>29?2B G ?11 6andboo-?=pel

1ovember 2223


GM 1927

A!.ance! Pro!uct Quality Plannin) &APQP' Global Process Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, Task 9<ner, Task Ti"in), 12 P%M#A 'upplier *nitial draftEprior to sourcing 8pdates prior to protot$pe and 8pdates after lessons learned R 1 Reduction?=ngoing A


Task Description, The purpose of the 7M+A is to assure that potential failure modes of the process have been considered and addressed to reduce ris- of defects through R 1 reduction strateg$% *t is a living document that must be developed for ever$ new part with emphasis on continuous risreduction% Deli.erables, 7M+A R 1 Reduction 'ummar$ AGM 1927?21B as re)uired Custo"er for Deli.erables, 'upplier !ualit$" 'upplier Source of *nput, +ngineer.'upplier 'upplier.'!+ 'upplier +ngineer.'!+ 'upplier.'!+ 'upplier.'!+ 'upplier 'upplier.'!+ '!+ +ngineers.'!+.Asm% lant

+ecessary *nputs, 07M+A #essons learned and art 'pecific '! '=R if applicable rocess 7low chart Farrant$ data R.R(s on similar parts 'upplier erformance Report 'upplier(s manufacturing process capabilit$ on similar parts +rror proofing techni)ues Global owertrain 7M+A Ris- Ran-ing Chart AGM 1927?2>B 07M . 07A For-shop results -esources, Metho!olo)y,

'upplier !ualit$" +ngineering" 'upplier" Manufacturing +ngineer and OAssembl$ lant

07M+A AKC0' 0esignatorsB

Farrant$ Mar-eting rior model +F=s Cuild concerns. RRs Current '!+ launch ; problem reflection A ! '!+ and 'upplier input GM #essons #earned shared with supplier 1ovember 2223

Teamwor- to/ 1% Cring #essons #earned into 7M+A format 2% 0etermine R 1s and identif$ KC0' 0esignators

Clearl$ identif$ where in the process flow the prevention of error occurence and defect outflow will be addressed

P%M#A Continue with worto reduce ris- Ahigh R 1s" high severit$ items" KC0' 0esignatorsB


Revise with new #essons #earned from validation" protot$pe pre?builds" customer complaints"and internal data for the life of the part

GM 1927

A!.ance! Pro!uct Quality Plannin) &APQP' Global Process Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, 12 continued P%M#A

Metho!olo)y, continued The 7M+A is reviewed and updated as necessar$ each time a design change is made or a processing change is implemented% An$ and all potential areas for failure are included in the 7M+A and appropriate corrective actions implemented% The 7M+A R 1 Reduction 'ummar$ should be adhered to in the categori,ation of ris-" establishment of a top ten list" development of recommended actions" and updated on a monthl$ basis to monitor progress as re)uired% SQ# -esponsibility/ Attend initial 7M+A development team meeting" provide GM data AFarrant$" R.R(s" #essons learned" etc%B" and discuss 7M+A methodolog$% Monitor progression of 7M+A development and confirm participation of multiple cross?functional team members% Review R 1 Reduction 'ummar$ lans AGM 1927?21B" and monitor progress at each Gate review as re)uired% +nsure that action plans have been ade)uatel$ defined for high R 1s and high severit$ failure modes as re)uired% M+nsure supplier has completed 7M+A reviews with subcontractors% Manufacturin) #n)ineer -esponsibility, articipate in development of 7M+A and R 1 reduction strateg$% Approve 7M+A% Supplier -esponsibilities, *nitiate 7M+A prior to sourcing as part of the bid pac-age% This preliminar$ 7M+A should include critical error prevention and error detection ideas and consider an$ lessons learned from previous programs% 0rive simple and ine&pensive mista-e.error proof devices into the process to help prevent and detect errors% repare 7M+A with input from a multi?disciplinar$ team AAssembl$" Manufacturing" Materials" !ualit$" 'ervice" 'uppliers" etc%B and identif$ KCC(s for use in control plan% 0evelop '$stem 7M+A with manufacturing" engineering" suppliers" and '!+(s% +nsure that the current process controls and results of the recommended actions on the 7M+A are listed on the control plan% *f the process" material" or manufacturing location changes" revise the 7M+A and re?evaluate the affect on severit$" occurrence" and detection% 0evelop and implement a formal documented R 1 reduction process that proactivel$ develops and implements R 1 reduction plans" and strives to continuousl$ reduce R 1(s through the use of error occurrence prevention and defect outflow detection% This activit$ occurs through the life of the product% +nsure that subcontractors( 7M+A(s are developed and R 1 reduction activities are implemented% Conduct periodic reviews for the life of the product to update 7M+A based on internal data or customer complaints% A!!itional *nfor"ation, A*AG otential 7ailure Mode and +ffects Anal$sis Reference Manual A*AG Advanced roduct !ualit$ lanning and Control lan manual rocess 7M+A Chec-list A?7 R 1 Reduction 'ummar$ Chart AGM1927?21B Global owertrain 7M+A Ris- Ran-ing Chart GM 1927?2>

1ovember 2223


GM 1927

A!.ance! Pro!uct Quality Plannin) &APQP' Global Process

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, Task 9<ner, Task Ti"in),

1 Control Plans 'upplier *nitial draft prior to 'ourcing 8pdates prior to protot$pe and A 8pdates parallel 7M+A changes


Task Description, The purpose of the control plan is to aid in the manufacture of )ualit$ products according to customer re)uirements% At a minimum" it shall define the method being used to control all K Cs. !Cs through KCCs for parts being built for vehicle builds" owertrain" and service applications% *t should be developed using the control plan format referenced in the A*AG A ! Manual% Deli.erables, Control lan Custo"er for Deli.erables, 'upplier !ualit$" Manufacturing +ngineer" 'upplier Source of *nput, 'upplier 'upplier 'upplier 'upplier.+ngineer '!+.+ngineer.'upplier

+ecessary *nputs, Control plans on similar components rocess 7low Chart 7M+A 'pecial Characteristics #essons #earned -esources, 'upplier and '!+

Metho!olo)y/ 'upplier develops a preliminar$ control plan using an e&isting control plan on a similar part% This first version of the control plan is then submitted with the )ualit$ portion of the supplier(s bid pac-age% 'upplier develops a protot$pe control plan using the preliminar$ control plan as a foundation% The control plan is to reflect the process in place to produce pre?protot$pe and protot$pe parts and is to be updated as changes are made to the process% The supplier develops a pre?launch control plan AG ?12B and production control plan using the preliminar$ control plan as a foundation% The 7M+A and statistical data are used to determine which steps re)uire additional controls% The pre?launch control plan does not need to be a separate document from the production control plan% re?launch controls can be documented on the production control plan as long as the$ are clearl$ identified as such% SQ# -esponsibility/ 5erif$ that the supplier used the 7M+A and statistical data to determine what controls are necessar$% 5erif$ the control plan is lin-ed to the 7M+A and the rocess flow chart% 5erif$ that the control plan covers each phase of the process" including receiving" in?process operations" pac-aging" labeling and shipping% 5erif$ that an$ re?wor- processes are documented and controlled in the control plan% 5erif$ that the supplier updates the control plan as solutions to open issues are identified% 5erif$ that pre?launch issues have been incorporated into the production control plan%

1ovember 2223


GM 1927

A!.ance! Pro!uct Quality Plannin) &APQP' Global Process Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, 1 continued Control Plans

SQ# -esponsibility/ continued Fal- the production floor and verif$ that the controls listed on the plan are in place and being used% Complete the rocess Control lan Audit Chec-list GM1927?13 as part of the audit of the production process%

Manufacturin) #n)ineer -esponsibility, articipate in development of manufacturing process control plan% 0rive supplier compliance to error proofing re)uirements specified in '=R ; C= % Approve supplier(s process control plan% Authori,e deviations to C= as necessar$% Supplier -esponsibility/ 0evelop a preliminar$ control plan using an e&isting control plan on a similar partI submit this document as part of the )uotation to GM% 0evelop a protot$pe control plan to support production of G ?11 partsI use this e&perience in the development of the production control plan% +nsure the control plan is lin-ed to the 7M+A and process flow chart% 0evelop a pre?launch control plan Asee Tas- 1:B for use on the first production parts shipped to assembl$ plants% 8se the pre?launch control plan to validate the effectiveness of the production control plan% *dentif$ and communicate an$ changes to '!+% 8pdate the control plan as solutions to open issues are implemented% Review control plans of subcontractors% +&tend control plan to include installation at assembl$ plant if supplier is responsible for installation% Conduct la$ered audits to verif$ that the controls listed on the plan are in place and being used% 5alidate" on a dail$ basis" that error proofing devices function properl$% A!!itional *nfor"ation, rocess Control lan Audit For-sheet AGM1927?13B A*AG Advanced roduct !ualit$ lanning and Control lan manual including Control lan Chec-list A?>

1ovember 2223


GM 1927

A!.ance! Pro!uct Quality Plannin) &APQP' Global Process

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, Task 9<ner, Task Ti"in),

1; #arly Pro!uction Contain"ent &GP@12' 'upplier G ?12 control plan review at A G ?12 containment during timeframe specified b$ GM customer


Task Description, The purpose of G ?12 is to establish a containment plan during start?up and acceleration" so that an$ )ualit$ issues are )uic-l$ identified at the supplier(s facilit$ and not at the GM customer(s facilit$% This procedure applies to all new and changed parts that re)uire A for start?up or acceleration or whenever mandated b$ GM on an$ parts that present significant risto a customer plant% The containment plan is referred to as the re?#aunch Control lan and is developed in the control plan format referenced in the A*AG A ! Manual% Deli.erables, +arl$ roduction Containment lan GM Manufacturing or Assembl$ 7acilit$" 'upplier !ualit$" urchasing Source of *nput, 'upplier GM Customer

Custo"er for Deli.erables,

+ecessary *nputs, rotot$pe ; roduction Control lan G ?12 timetable -esources, 'upplier" '!+" Assembl$ lant

Metho!olo)y/ 'upplier follows the G ?12 procedure/ *dentification of the person responsible for the containment process% 0evelopment of a pre?launch control plan that includes a separate inspection area whenever possible% AMa$ re)uire chec-s within the process for components that are not available for chec- after assembl$%B rompt containment and irreversible corrective action when non?conformances are discovered% 8se of the +arl$ roduction Containment lan for the time specified b$ GM% This will initiall$ re)uire a 122N chec- of specific features for pre?pilot and pilot material% 8se of green dots Asigned b$ a designated senior management representativeB on shipping labels to designate compliance% SQ# -esponsibility/ Review the supplier(s containment process and pre?launch control plan at A % 5erif$ an$ R.R" protot$pe or pilot issues are addressed b$ the containment process% 5erif$ that high R 1s" KC0' 0esignators are addressed b$ the pre?launch control plan% 5erif$ that the supplier used the 7M+A and statistical data to determine what additional controls were necessar$% Ashort term capabilit$ data on actual process or long term capabilit$ data on similar processesB rovide G ?12 timing to supplier Avaries b$ programB% Review supplier(s initial G ?12 data to assess compliance to process intent% Supplier -esponsibility/ 0evelop an earl$ production containment plan as specified in G ?12% 0evelop and implement a pre?launch control plan% *nsure that all non?conformances are contained within the facilit$% Root Cause an$ non?conformances found b$ GM manufacturing locations and implement additional chec-ing provisions must be added to the pre?launch chec-list% 1ovember 2223 93 GM 1927

A!.ance! Pro!uct Quality Plannin) &APQP' Global Process Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, 1; continued #arly Pro!uction Contain"ent &GP@12'

Supplier -esponsibility AcontinuedB Continue with G ?12 processes in accordance with the procedureI do not e&it the process before the e&it criteria has been met% *dentif$ and communicate an$ changes to '!+% Re)uire compliance to G ?12 from all subcontractors% This will result in subcontractors pulling ahead G ?12 in order to allow the Tier 1 to support G 12 timing% Manage G ?12 activities with sub?contractorsI maintain records of G 12 data for sub?contractors%

A!!itional *nfor"ation, A*AG Advanced roduct !ualit$ lanning and Control lan manual A*AG roduction art Approval rocess Manual

1ovember 2223


GM 1927

A!.ance! Pro!uct Quality Plannin) &APQP' Global Process Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, Task 9<ner, Task Ti"in), 12 Pro!uction Part &PPAP' '!+. art Approval Activit$ rior to A 'ubmit 0ate


Task Description, The purpose of production part approval is to determine if all customer engineering design record and specification re)uirements are properl$ understood b$ the supplier and that the process has the potential to produce product meeting these re)uirements during an actual production run at the )uoted production rate% Deli.erables, A status of all parts for all programs urchasing" +ngineering" 'upplier !ualit$" 5#+ Teams" Assembl$ lants Manufacturing lants" roduction Control ; #ogistics Source of *nput, 'upplier +ngineer.'upplier 'upplier +ngineer.'upplier 'upplier 'upplier 'upplier 'upplier 'upplier 'upplier 'upplier 'upplier 'upplier 'upplier 'upplier 'upplier 'upplier 'upplier 'upplier

Custo"er for Deli.erables,

+ecessary *nputs, 0esign Records of 'aleable roduct +ngineering Change 0ocument Customer +ngineering Approval AGM93:B" if re)uired 0esign 7M+A rocess 7low 0iagrams rocess 7M+A 0imensional Results Material" erformance Test Results *nitial rocess 'tud$ Measurement '$stems Anal$sis 'tudies !ualified #aborator$ 0ocumentation Control lan A re?#aunch Control lan G ?12" plus roduction Control lanB art 'ubmission Farrant Appearance Approval Report AAARB" if applicable Cul- Material Re)uirements Chec-list Afor bul- material onl$B 'ample roduct Master 'ample Chec-ing Aids Records of Compliance -esources,

urchasing" 'upplier !ualit$" roduct +ngineering" Material +ngineering" 5alidation +ngineering" 0imensional Management" art Approval #aborator$" Appearance #aborator$" aint +ngineering

Metho!olo)y/ Cu$er purchases or contracts part and establishes initial A submission date and enters date into G '% 'ubmission level is verified" )uantit$ of samples determined" and samples re)uested% A submission date is confirmed with the supplier and G!T' updated as re)uired% 'upplier submits A pac-age according to A*AG A re)uirements for the appropriate submission level on the date agreed to b$ the Cu$er.Readiness.'!+% GM art Approval Activit$ reviews the submission and determines the A status in accordance with the A*AG A manual and inputs the A status into the G!T' s$stem% 'upplier is notified of part status% 'upplier is authori,ed to ship material to schedule if A submission is not ReRect status% *f ReRect status" supplier must correct deficiencies and receive approval prior to shipment of material%

1ovember 2223


GM 1927

A!.ance! Pro!uct Quality Plannin) &APQP' Global Process Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, 12 continued Pro!uction Part &PPAP'

SQ#BPart Acti.ity -esponsibility/ 0etermine submission level and number of samples to review% 0rive adherence to A submission date% +nsure an$ special documentation is provided and reviewed with A pac-age% 0etermine part status in accordance with the A*AG A manual% Review *nterim A submissions as appropriate and confirm the *nterim A classification per the A*AG A manual% +nsure ade)uate recover$ plans are provided for interim part approval% 7ollow up on interim status until full A is achieved% Resolve reRect part status issues% Supplier -esponsibility, Accuratel$ complete the roduction art 'ubmission Farrant and provide with A pac-age% rovide additional detail to ensure the reason for submission is clearl$ defined and understood% rovide Appearance Approval Report AAARB for parts with color" grain and gloss or te&tiles per A level re)uested% rovide two sample parts per cavit$ or )uantit$ agreed to and retain master sample at supplier location per A level re)uested% rovide design record and detail drawings per A level re)uested% rovide engineering change documents that show changes included in part but not specified on the drawing per A level re)uested% rovide dimensional data showing results of part chec-ed per A level re)uested% rovide chec- aids upon re)uest% rovide material" performance and durabilit$ test results as specified on design record or provide material lab approval with A pac-age per A level re)uested% rovide rocess 7low 0iagram" 7M+A" rocess Control lan and G ?12 plan per A level re)uested% rovide capabilit$ studies per A level re)uested% rovide measurement s$stem studies per A level re)uested% rovide GM?+93: with appropriate GM +ngineer signature where +ngineering approval is specified on the drawing or design record% rovide scope of laborator$ accreditation per A level re)uested% =btain approval from GM for deviations% 0eviations shall be documented on the GM1:11% rovide GM1:11 with '!+ signature for an$ part submitted for interim approval% rovide an$ other appropriate signature dependent on issue as re)uired on the GM1:11% The supplier shall document containment plans until the '!+ is satisfied process capabilit$ has been achieved% rovide an$ supporting documentation upon re)uest b$ GM% A!!itional *nfor"ation, A*AG roduction art Approval rocess manual A*AG 'tatistical rocess Control manual A*AG Measurement '$stems Anal$sis AM'AB manual A*AG Advanced roduct !ualit$ lanning and Control lan manual A*AG otential 7ailure Mode and +ffects manual A*AG !ualit$ '$stem Re)uirements A*'=.T'139:9B GM *nterim Recover$ For-sheet GM?1:11 GM9332 General Motors Commodit$ sign?off +ngineering 'ource Approval for 7unctional erformance GM?+93: GM Customer 'pecifics E *'=.T'139:9 1ovember 2223 99 GM 1927

A!.ance! Pro!uct Quality Plannin) &APQP' Global Process

1ovember 2223


GM 1927

A!.ance! Pro!uct Quality Plannin) &APQP' Global Process

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, Task 9<ner, Task Ti"in),

13 -un D -ate GP@C Supplier


#i)ht &A' <eeks prior to the Start of Pro!uction B Start of Acceleration &base! on re)ion'

Task Description, Run @ Rate verifies that the supplier(s actual manufacturing process" while operating under normal operating conditions and under total customer re)uirement" is capable of producing components that simultaneousl$ meet/ 1% GM(s on?going )ualit$ re)uirements" as stated in the roduction art Approval rocess A A B 2% 0ail$ Contracted Capacit$ within one production da$ 9% GM(s dail$ volume re)uirement A#CR.MCRB *t also verifies other elements of s$stems readiness to ensure that potential start up problems are addressed% Deli.erables, Completed Run @ Rate for each part documenting that the process meets all re)uirements for )ualit$ and tooled capacit$% Custo"er for Deli.erables, 'upplier !ualit$ and urchasing Source of *nput, 'upplier Cu$er 'upplier ; Cu$er AcontractB 'upplier 'upplier

+ecessary *nputs, A documentation GM(s dail$ re)uirement A#CRB 'upplier(s Contracted Tool Capacit$ lanned ; unplanned downtime record Fritten confirmation of )ualit$" capacit$ and deliver$ for all sub?components -esources, '!+" Cu$er" +ngineer" and 'upplier

Metho!olo)y/ Arefer to Run at Rate diagram at end of the tas-B Cu$er establishes the contracted capacit$ A!TCB based on GM(s dail$ re)uirement A#CRB and the supplier(s )uotation% The supplier prepares a Run @ Rate plan and presents the plan at the A ! Kic-?off meeting% The Run @ Rate lan must address the final product and all sub?components% The '!+ and supplier confirm the accurac$ of the contracted capacit$ and compare this number to the GM planned dail$ rate or #ean Capacit$ Rate A#CRB% 8sing the Run @ Rate plan" G 'C A ! Assessment and other -nowledge about the parts and supplier" the '!+ determines if the Run @ Rate is re)uired% *f a Run @ Rate is not re)uired" the '!+ statuses the parts as e&empt and obtains re)uired approval% *f a Run @ Rate is re)uired" the '!+ determines whether it should be customer or supplier monitored% 'upplier performs a capacit$ anal$sis AGM 1932?C1" C2" C9B and presents the results at Gate Review L2 and an$ updates at Gate Review L9% rior to the Run @ Rate" the supplier must confirm the reliabilit$ of their subcontractors% Fritten confirmation from all subcontractors of actual )ualit$" capacit$ and deliver$ performance must be provided% 7or supplier monitored Run @ Rates" the supplier conducts the Run @ Rate on the da$ indicated in the Run @ Rate plan% An$ changes to this date must be communicated to the '!+% 8pon completion of the run" the supplier submits the results to the '!+%

1ovember 2223


GM 1927

A!.ance! Pro!uct Quality Plannin) &APQP' Global Process Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, 13 continued GP@C -un D -ate

Metho!olo)y, AcontinuedB 7or customer?monitored Run @ Rates" the supplier confirms the Run @ Rate date with the '!+% The supplier shall -eep the '!+ apprised of an$ tooling changes that ma$ affect the Run @ Rate date% The supplier conducts preliminar$ runs and.or simulations and completes the re)uired paperwor- prior to the actual run date% GM evaluates the data and provides a Run @ Rate status% *f the Run @ Rate status is not G assH" the supplier must update the A ! =pen *ssues #ist% '!+ ma$ decide to participate in sub?component Run @ Rate" as appropriate% reliminar$ Run @ Rate should be conducted as a A run% =pen issues and concerns should also be identified at this time% To effectivel$ conduct a Cuild *nline 'e)uence Run @ Rate" a simulated or actual broadcast is re)uired from the assembl$ plant depending on availabilit$% Run @ Rate for Cuild *nline 'e)uence commodities must confirm supplier abilit$ to meet assembl$ plant line rate utili,ing line broadcasts% Run @ Rates for Comple& '$stems.'ub?Assemblies should be GM monitored% SQ# -esponsibility/ Cased on the G 'C A ! Assessment" determine if the Run @ Rate should be customer or supplier monitored and communicate this decision to the supplier% +valuate the supplier(s Run @ Rate plan at the A ! Kic-?off meeting% Review supplier(s capacit$ anal$sis AGM 1932?C1" C2" C9B results at Gate Reviews L2 and L9 to determine if planning is appropriate% Confirm that the !TC is accurate and is greater than or e)ual to GM(s dail$ re)uirement A#CRB% *f there is a discrepanc$" contact the bu$er% Attend Run @ Rates designated as customer monitored% Review documentation" subcontractor re)uirements" constraint operations as re)uired" and manufacturing process% +nsure utili,ation of gageAsB as stated in supplier process flow chart and control plan% 'tatus customer?monitored Run @ Rates in appropriate s$stem% Communicate results to Cu$er and management as appropriate% Supplier -esponsibilities, 0evelop a Run @ Rate plan and provide to the '!+ at the A ! -ic-?off meeting% Confirm with the '!+ that the !TC is accurate and is greater than or e)ual to GM(s dail$ re)uirement A#CRB% erform capacit$ anal$sis and present results AGM 1932?C1" C2" C9B at Gate Review L2 and an$ updates at Gate Review L9% The capacit$ anal$sis must show satisfactor$ results prior to ordering tooling and e)uipment% Conduct preliminar$ Run @ Rates and.or simulations prior to the planned Run @ Rate to confirm readiness% Complete verifications for all subcontractors% Conduct Run @ Rates on all parts re)uiring a Run @ Rate% Complete wor-sheets contained in G 9 for all Run @ Rates and forward to the '!+% 'tatus Run @ Rates in appropriate s$stem% A!!itional *nfor"ation, G ?9 General Motors Run @ Rate rocedure GM?1932

1ovember 2223


GM 1927

A!.ance! Pro!uct Quality Plannin) &APQP' Global Process

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e,

13 continued GP@C -un D -ate

-un D -ate Metho!olo)y

*s Run @ Rate Re)uiredQ


Customer =r 'upplier MonitoredQ

Custome r

'upplier confirms Run @ Rate date with '!+

'upplier conducts capacit$ anal$sis and reviews results with '!+%

1 o
'!+ statuses Run @ Rate as e&empt

'upplier conducts Run @ Rate 'upplier conducts practice Run @ Rate and.or simulations%

'upplier !ualit$ and urchasing 0irector approve e&emption

'upplier completes paperwor-" submits to '!+ or enters to GM database

+1 0 Wes

'upplier conducts Run @ Rate with '!+ present%

'!+ statuses Run @ Rate

*s Run @ Rate 'tatus G assHQ

'!+ statuses Run @ Rate

'upplier updates A ! open issues list with Run @ Rate issue

1ovember 2223


GM 1927

A!.ance! Pro!uct Quality Plannin) &APQP' Global Process

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, Task 9<ner, Task Ti"in),

15 Lessons Learne! 'upplier Commodit$ 'ourcing 'trateg$ Meeting through #aunch


Task Description, #essons learned that have been compiled from other programs and placed in the GM Global #essons #earned rocess database are reviewed as the$ relate to the current part and program% art 'pecific '! '=R(s are developed" updated and included in R7!(s to ensure that #essons #earned are comprehended b$ the supplier% The purpose is to ma&imi,e the -nowledge gained from previous programs and not revisit the same )ualit$ or design issues% Deli.erables, 8pdated #essons #earned website that includes -nowledge gained from this program% art 'pecific '! '=R(s for -e$ commodities where available art 'pecific '! '=R updated from learnings throughout the A ! process Custo"er for Deli.erables, '!" +ngineering" 0T A roduct 0evelopment TeamB" 'upplier Source of *nput, '!+.#essons #earned website +ngineer '!+ . Regional 0atabases

+ecessary *nputs, +&isting #essons #earned for same commodit$ +ngineering Knowledge for commodities rocess -nowledge for same commodit$ -esources, '!+" +ngineering" #essons #earned website

Metho!olo)y, *nitial Lessons Learne!< &Co""o!ity Sourcin) Strate)y Meetin)', The '!+ performs a search within the #essons #earned website to review the corporate #essons #earned% The '!+ shares this information at the Commodit$ 'ourcing 'trateg$ meeting% The '!+ determines if a art 'pecific '! '=R is available% *f so" the '!+ ensures that it is included in the R7! pac-age% The direction for the supplier is to use the information during design and process development% Lessons Learne! 7p!ate &Technical<', '!+ provides an overview AGM1927?12B to suppliers on the lessons learned process and how it fits into A ! % '!+ ensures that the potential suppliers understand the art 'pecific '! '=R if applicable% Lessons Learne! 7p!ate &?ick@off Meetin)', '!+ reviews an$ additional information that has been obtained on lessons learned from local or regional databases% 'upplier reviews the #essons #earned website )uer$% =pen issues relative to the #essons #earned are incorporated into the A ! =pen *ssues #ist% % '!+ ensures that the suppliers understand the art 'pecific '! '=R if applicable% The goal is a ,ero tolerance for defects% Lessons Learne! 7p!ate &Gate< 2', 'upplier reviews solutions to issues identified in the Kic-?off meeting and new items added to the list after the beta . integration vehicle builds% Lessons Learne! 7p!ate &Gate< ', 'upplier reviews solutions to issues identified on the A ! =pen *ssues list and new items added to the list after the protot$pe . validation vehicle builds% As solutions are identified" the 07M+A" 7M+A" 7low Chart" and Control lan are updated and reviewed b$ the supplier% Lessons Learne! 7p!ate &Gate< ;', 'upplier reviews solutions to issues identified on the A ! =pen *ssues #ist and new items added to the list during the A and Run @ Rate% As solutions are identified" the 07M+A" 7M+A" 7low Chart" and Control lan are updated and reviewed b$ the supplier% Lessons Learne! 7p!ate &Post Launch<', 'upplier reviews solutions to issues identified on the A ! =pen *ssues #ist and new items added to the list during the launch% As solutions are identified" the 07M+A" 7M+A" 7low Chart" and Control lan are updated and reviewed b$ the supplier% '!+ and 'upplier review #essons #earned from the proRect% Ke$ items that are identified are incorporated into art 'pecific '! '=R(s to ensure that future programs do not have the same issues% 1ovember 2223 :: GM 1927

A!.ance! Pro!uct Quality Plannin) &APQP' Global Process Task +u"ber, Task +a"e/ 15 continued Lessons Learne!

SQ# -esponsibility, !uer$ the GM Global #essons #earned website for the specific commodit$% Review the GM 'uppl$ ower librar$ to determine if a art 'pecific '! '=R is available6 art 'pecific '! '=R(s are owned b$ the Creativit$ Team and there is onl$ one art 'pecific '=R for each commodit$% rovide #essons #earned and art 'pecific '! '=R to the Cu$er for inclusion into the R7! pac-age% Review the #essons #earned and the art 'pecific '! '=R Aif applicableB at the A ! Kic-?off meeting" as well as" an$ additional information that has been obtained from regional lessons learned databases% +nsure the #essons #earned database and the art 'pecific '! '=R Aif applicableB is updated appropriatel$ after each 'upplier Gate ReviewI there are four A:B re)uired reviews during the A ! process% Supplier -esponsibilities, 'upplier is responsible to support the #essons #earned process and provide information at each of the 'upplier Gate Reviews during the A ! process% 'uppliers shall adhere to the art 'pecific '! '=R when included in the R7!% +nsure a formal process is in place to update 7M+A(s and control plans based on #essons #earned% Move to Control lan Tas- 'upplier Responsibilit$ Additional *nformation/ #essons #earned rocess =verview AGM1927?12B Global #essons #earned website GM 'uppl$ ower ? art 'pecific '=R(s

1ovember 2223


GM 1927

A!.ance! Pro!uct Quality Plannin) &APQP' Global Process

Section 2 Global Launch

1ovember 2223


GM 1927

Global .aunch Process

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, Task 9<ner, Task Ti"in),

1 Cross %unctional -isk Assess"ent A ! '!+" #aunch #eader.Manager

Source of *nput, A ! '!+

'ourcing and roduct. rocess 5alidation Cuild% #aunch Team Assessment a minimum of 3 months prior to ''7% Completion of deliverables b$ wee- A92B%

Task Description, A process to agree upon Critical . 6igh Ris- 'uppliers . arts and Actions re)uired to reduce #aunch RisDeli.erables, 8pdated Ris- assessment Critical 'uppliers arts #ist +ecessary *nputs, G 'C A ! Assessment -esources, A ! '!+" +ngineer" and #aunch #eader.Manager

Metho!olo)y/ Revise Ris- Assessment and other -nown documents Consolidate 0ata and create Critical 'uppliers arts #ist Task 9<ner -esponsibility/ Revise Ris- Assessment Create Critical 'uppliers arts #ist A!!itional *nfor"ation, G 'C A ! Assessment AGM1927?7B

1ovember 2223


GM 1927

Global .aunch Process

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, Task 9<ner, Task Ti"in),

2 GPSCBSQA Launch Tea" Staffin) +&ecutive Team" #aunch #eader.Manager

Source of *nput, rogram Team

Assignment of #aunch #eader.Manager a minimum of 3 months prior to build events

Task Description, 'taffing of a rogram #aunch #eader and 'upport Team Deli.erables, 0edicated #aunch Team 7=C8'+0 on a rogram #aunch

+ecessary *nputs, rogram *nformation AMaRor" Minor" vs% others" etc%B 'taffing Template -esources, +&ecutive Team" and #aunch #eader.Manager

Metho!olo)y/ 0etermine comple&it$ of roduct.#aunch AMaRor" Minor vs% other" etc%B *dentif$ resources re)uired per template Conduct Kic-?off with lant Manager and 'taff Resources move onEsite to support events at M5C?1' Task 9<ner -esponsibility/ 0etermine staffing needs per program template 'elect resources Conduct -ic-?off Move resources on?site A!!itional *nfor"ation, 'taffing Template

1ovember 2223


GM 1927

Global .aunch Process

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, Task 9<ner, Task Ti"in), Global Launch Matri$ #aunch #eader.Manager Fee-l$ Reporting AX3 MonthsB" Ci?wee-l$ Reporting AS3 MonthsB

Source of *nput, 'ubmission Champion

Task Description, Global #aunch Trac-ing and Reporting Deli.erables, At?A?Glance Report providing measurable and status for program" region" and countr$

+ecessary *nputs, Regional 0ata 'ubmissions -esources, 'ubmission Champion" Cac-?up erson

Metho!olo)y/ 'ubmit data to 1A= ever$ Tuesda$ using the data container template 1A= processes data and creates report 1A= distributes report globall$

Task 9<ner -esponsibility/ 'ubmit data Create and distribute report A!!itional *nfor"ation, 0ata Container Template

1ovember 2223


GM 1927

Global .aunch Process

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, Task 9<ner, Task Ti"in),

; Special Action Tea"s #aunch #eader.Manager As determined b$ Cross?7unctional Ris- Assessment

Source of *nput, #aunch #eader.Manager

Task Description, A dedicated cross?functional team" which is formed to solve high ris- launch issues" and implement the necessar$ solutions Deli.erables, Reduced number of R+0 issues for a program +ecessary *nputs, Cross 7unctional Ris- Assessment -esources,

Multiple Cross?7unctional Team members as re)uired A+ngineering" Manufacturing" +&ecutives" 'uppliers" G 'C urchasing" G 'C M" G 'C '!AB

Metho!olo)y/ *dentif$ issues Assign appropriate leader and functional support until issue resolution and closure Task 9<ner -esponsibility/ *dentif$ issues and assign resources to resolve and close A!!itional *nfor"ation, G 'C A ! Assessment AGM1927?7B

1ovember 2223


GM 1927

Global .aunch Process

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, Task 9<ner, Task Ti"in),

2 Launch *ssue #scalation Process #aunch #eader.Manager 0uring all launch phases

Source of *nput, A ! '!+.#aunch #eader.Manger

Task Description, A process that communicates the issues" creates an overall organi,ational awareness Aas appropriateB" and attains support for resolution Deli.erables, A well communicated list of high ris- launch issues.suppliers +ngagement of G 'C #eadership and cross?functional partners

+ecessary *nputs, G 'C A ! Assessment -esources, A ! '!+" +ngineer" and #aunch #eader.Manager

Metho!olo)y/ Ma$ include/ ? rogram Reviews ? Critical 'uppliers #ist ? *'C A*nternational 'ourcing CommitteeB resentations ? #aunch Alert ictorials AReviewsB ? Conference Calls ? +&ecutive Conferences ? 'upplier #aunch 0a$s ? Ris- Assessments Task 9<ner -esponsibility/ Communicate issues through determined methods above

1ovember 2223


GM 1927

Global .aunch Process

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, Task 9<ner, Task Ti"in),

3 Conference Calls #aunch #eader.Manager Aat a minimumB

'tarts with Manufacturing 5alidation 1on?'aleable Cuild and continues through +nd of Acceleration

Task Description, A communication tool to discuss the status of actions needed to resolve launch issues Applies to all G ending #aunchesH Anot $et ''7" but still in some GManufacturing 5alidation Cuild +ventHB and those G*n #aunchH Deli.erables, +ffective communication to )uic-l$ inform and determine the ne&t steps


Multiple Cross?7unctional Team members as re)uired A+ngineering" Manufacturing" +&ecutives" 'uppliers" G 'C urchasing" G 'C M" G 'C '!AB

Metho!olo)y/ 0etermine the need for the calls Awill var$ b$ regionB 'chedule.Conduct call A0ail$.Fee-l$B 0rive awareness of issues and align team members Task 9<ner -esponsibility/ 'chedule and conduct calls as re)uired

1ovember 2223


GM 1927

Global .aunch Process

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, Task 9<ner, Task Ti"in),

5 GPSC #$ecuti.e Supplier Days &Pre@Launch Conference' #aunch #eader.Manager 92 to 13 wee-s prior to ''7

Task Description, Top +&ecutive meetings in the customer(s production facilit$ to gain commitment and to assure focus on #aunch Readiness from critical suppliers Deli.erables, 7ocused assessment of critical suppliers( plans for all G6igh Ris- AssessmentH.H#aunch Readiness issuesH +ecessary *nputs, G 'C A ! Assessment Resources/ Source of *nput, A ! '!+

#aunch Team" A ! " Current '!+" +ngineering" Manufacturing" Materials" GM +&ecutive #eadership" G 'C M" and 'uppliers

Metho!olo)y/ Conduct Assessment 0etermine Critical 'uppliers #ist *nvite *nternal.+&ternal articipants Conduct +vent 0etermine 1e&t 'teps Task 9<ner -esponsibility/ lan and e&ecute conference with critical suppliers

1ovember 2223


GM 1927

Global .aunch Process

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, Task 9<ner, Task Ti"in),

A Eoun!ary Sa"ple< &Cross %unctional' #aunch #eader.Manager 'tart process at first sample of the production parts from suppliers( production tool% Agreement must be reached b$ M5C'?1%

'ource of *nput/ GM 'uppl$ ower

Task Description, Cross?functional eventAsBO that obtain an agreement of acceptable )ualit$ standards of critical commodities Deli.erables, 'tandard cross?functional agreements 1ecessar$ *nputs/ #ist of Commodities 7irst sample of production parts Coundar$ 'ample rocedure -esources, A ! " +ngineering" Manufacturing" and 'uppliers

Metho!olo)y/ =btain list of commodities to be reviewed =btain plant support and identif$ dates for review Conduct event Ama$ be more than one eventB 0etermine continuous improvement plan Awho.whatB Task 9<ner -esponsibility/ 0etermine commodities to review =btain support and determine date Conduct review and determine plan A!!itional *nfor"ation, Coundar$ 'ample rocess Guide Aavailable through GM 'uppl$ owerB

1ovember 2223


GM 1927

Global .aunch Process

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, Task 9<ner, Task Ti"in),

C PCP =erification #aunch #eader.Manager *nitiate audit process prior to M51'1 and continue until ''7 Aor be$ondB

Source of *nput, GM 'uppl$ ower

Task Description, Critical parts.suppliers audit that verifies the suppliers( manufacturing process controls Deli.erables, +nsure supplier(s control plans are complete" sufficient" are being adhered to" and support launch

+ecessary *nputs, rocess Control lan Audit For-sheet AGM 1927?13B -esources, Current '!+" and additional #aunch resources

Metho!olo)y/ 0etermine list Conduct visit Autili,e standard form for assessmentB 7ollow escalation process when C A status is not approved or control plan modification.verification resulting from assembl$ plant builds is re)uired Re?visit as re)uired Task 9<ner -esponsibility/ 0etermine critical parts.suppliers to audit Conduct audit 7ollow?up as re)uired A!!itional *nfor"ation, rocess Control lan Audit For-sheet AGM1927?13B

1ovember 2223


GM 1927

Global .aunch Process

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, Task 9<ner, Task Ti"in),

11 Capacity =erification Au!it #aunch #eader.Manager Compile list > wee-s prior to ''7

Task Description, An audit that verifies critical suppliers( capacit$ for production Deli.erables, Known supplier(s capacit$ information

10 0

+ecessary *nputs, Critical suppliers list -esources, A ! '!+.Manager

Metho!olo)y/ Assess program Compile list Contact '!+.Manager responsible for critical suppliers 'chedule R @ R Review results 0etermine ne&t steps Task 9<ner -esponsibility/ 0etermine critical suppliers for program Review R @R results 0etermine ne&t steps

1ovember 2223


GM 1927

Global Launch Process Global Current Process

umber& "as, ame& // Proactive CS0 2aunch 2eader)Manager MI@S 7or SS19 to 6/A 7depending on production #olume9

"as, 1wner& "as, "iming& "as, $escription&


Bey high-risA parts and processes are identified by the 2aunch ProFect Team as critical to the success of 1lawless 2aunch! A Third-Party company is used to inspect and e#aluate parts prior to shipment into the assembly plant 7Controlled Shipping %% &M ':*3 Current TasA :9! %f defecti#e material is identified during the redundant shipping process$ the supplier assumes all cost associated with Proacti#e CS *! %f no defecti#e material is identified the customer assumes responsibility for cost! MinimiJed risA to Program 2aunch Current Supplier uality 6ngineer$ Program 2aunch Team$ Third Party Pro#iders$ 1inancial 5epartment$ and Manufacturing

$eliverables& Resources& Methodology?

Parts and)or processes are selected according to risA le#el or criticality of the part or supplier to the ProgramKs 2aunch Suppliers are notified that their parts that ha#e been placed into the Proacti#e CS * process A third'party company is contracted by the customer to apply Controlled Shipping %% procedures at the suppliers location Characteristics are defined by the S 6 in conFunction with the supplier to be inspected by the third-party company prior to shipping the parts to the customerKs plant Costs? ? %f failed parts are found by the third-party company$ the costs are the supplierKs responsibility ? %n case of Jero defects$ the customer absorbs the costs

"as, 1wner Responsibility& %dentify suppliers to be placed into Proacti#e CS* %dentify worA order numbers and accounts to fund Proacti#e CS* process if no defecti#e material is identified Send re<uest to Current S 6 to initiate Proacti#e CS* letter to suppliers Additional In*ormation &M ':*3 8 &lobal Supplier uality Manual &P. 8 Supplier uality Processes and Measurements Procedure

=Powertrain initiati#e only

*ncreased confidence in problem containment and correction Complete understanding of the controlled shipping plan

1ovember 2223


GM 1927

Global Current Process

Section Global Current

Global .aunch Process

1ovember 2223


GM 1927

Global Current Process

Docu"ent 7sa)e Gui!elines by Global -e)ion

% 8 -eference 9nly &*nfor"ation only0 +othin) to fill out' +A 8 +ot applicable for specifie! re)ion MD 8 Man!atory Docu"ent &!ocu"ent type re:uire!0 specific for"at re:uire!' M* 8 Man!atory *nfor"ation &!ocu"ent type re:uire!0 for"at "ay .ary0 "ini"u" content "an!atory' -D 8 -eco""en!e! Docu"ent &!ocu"ent reco""en!e!0 specific for"at re:uire!' -* 8 -eco""en!e! *nfor"ation &!ocu"ent reco""en!e!0 for"at "ay .ary'
$ocument Controlled 'hipping Assessment Matri& Controlled 'hipping Assessment Controlled 'hipping Confirmation Repl$ 7orm Controlled 'hipping 5erification +&it Chec-list Controlled 'hipping #evel 1 +ntr$ letter Controlled 'hipping #evel 1 +&it #etter Controlled 'hipping #evel 2 +ntr$ #etter Controlled 'hipping #evel 2 +&it #etter Controlled 'hipping Kic-?off Meeting For-sheet C'#2 urchase =rder Addendum" as re)uired Cross Regional 'upport Re)uest CT !ualit$ Action lans +&ecutive Champion Add.Remove 7orm 7unctional 'upplier Assessment A7'AB Global +merging *ssue Alert *?Chart 1ew Cusiness 6old rocess 7low rocess Control lan Audit A C AB rocess Control lan For-sheet RR Read Across Matri& !'C Audit !uad Report R 1 Reduction 'ummar$ 'hop 7loor +&cellence A'7+B Audit 'hutdown.'tart?up audit 'hutdown.'tart?up *ntroduction #etter 'pill Agenda 7ormat ' R Agenda 7ormat '!*M Agenda 7ormat 'tep 0own Chart 'upplier Action lans 'upplier erformance Assessment Matri& ? ' AM '$stemic !ualit$ erformance Matri& A'! MB Top 7ocus Add.Remove 7orm Top 7ocus rocess 1otification #etter < Fh$s 9 Times umber &M ':*3-.' &M ':*3-.* &M ':*3-.+ &M ':*3-.&M ':*3-.. &M ':*3-.0 &M ':*3-.3 &M ':*3-.4 &M ':*3-.: &M ':*3-0; &M ':*3-0' &M ':*3-0* &M ':*3-0+ &M ':*3-0&M ':*3-0. &M ':*3-00 &M ':*3-03 GM /203'/4 &M ':*3-04 &M ':*3-0: &M ':*3-3; &M ':*3-3' GM /203'0/ &M ':*3-3* &M ':*3-3+ &M ':*3-3&M ':*3-3. &M ':*3-30 &M ':*3-33 &M ':*3-34 &M ':*3-3: &M ':*3-4; &M ':*3-4' &M ':*3-4* &M ':*3-4+ &M ':*3-4AP M% M M% "5 M% M% M% M% M5 (A M% "% "% M% M% "% 1 M5 M% M% M5 M5 M5 M5 M5 M% M% M% M% M5 M% "% "% "% "% M% GM% M% M M% "5 M% M% M% M% M5 M5 M% "% "% M% M% "% 1 M5 M% M% M5 M5 M5 M5 M5 M% M% M% M% M5 M% "% "% "% "% M% .AAM M% M M% "5 M% M% M% M% M5 (A M% "% "% M% M% "% 1 M5 M% M% M5 M5 M5 M5 M5 M% M% M% M% M5 M% "% "% "% "% M% A M% M M% "5 M% M% M% M% M5 (A M% "% "% M% M% "% 1 M5 M% M% M5 M5 M5 M5 M5 M% M% M% M% M5 M% "% "% M M M%

All !ocu"ents can be foun! at, https/..www%gmsuppl$power%com.apps.suppl$power.1A'App.spcds.C0'RetrievalQ lobY)ualit$;subnavYlibrar$;togglefolderY1323 1ovember 2223 <9 GM 1927

Global Current Process

Trainin) A.ailable to Suppliers throu)h

"raining 5Wor,shops6 .S ) Iisual GorAplace Applying SPC Tools 6rror Proofing Mob Set Cp /ptimiJation , 6rror Proofing 2abel 6rror Proofing P1M6A Problem Sol#ing uality Systems @asics AP1 GM% .AAM


Party Pro.i!ers



Party Pro.i!ers &Trainin)B*"ple"entation'

9ob Set :p .abel 7S 8 Applying %rror %rror %rror +isual Problem SPC Proo*ing 8 Proo*ing Proo*ing Wor,place Solving "ools 1ptimi;ation CS0 Approved Providers "raining "raining "raining "raining "raining "raining "raining Implementation The P%C &roup L L L L L L L @enchmarA Technologies L L L L 2uminous &roup L L L L L I %nc! L L L L 6astern Michigan Cni#ersity L P5C L L L L Product Action L L C6% L 65S L

This infor"ation accurate as of Dece"ber 10 211 6 7p@to@!ate infor"ation on trainin) an! pro.i!ers can be obtaine! at CS an! QSE Thir! Party Pro.i!ers

1ovember 2223


GM 1927

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, Task 9<ner, Task Ti"in),

1 Continuous *"pro.e"ent 'upplier !ualit$ E Current roduct Throughout the life c$cle of the part

Task Description, 0efines the supplier(s responsibilit$ to have an on?going process for continuous improvement of the product and related manufacturing processesI reference G ?>% The intent is to reduce variation and to ensure process stabilit$ and capabilit$ over time% 'uppliers are re)uired to measure their first time )ualit$" update 7M+As" rocess 7low 0iagrams" and Control lans based on actual performance" and have an ongoing R 1 reduction process that drives error proofing% There must be a performance attitude for ,ero defects% Criteria for Application, Applies to all suppliers and products for the life of the part% Deli.erables, 7irst Time !ualit$ Trend Chart A*?chart recommendedB RR Anal$sis 'ummar$ < Fh$s 9 Times AGM 1927?>:B 7M+A ? Revised =perator 'tandardi,ed For- *nstructions ? Revised rocess Control lan @ Revised R 1 Reduction 'ummar$ AGM 1927?21B as re)uired 'upplier Action lans AGM 1927?79B RR Read Across AGM 1927?39B Custo"er for Deli.erables, GM Assembl$.Manufacturing lants 'upplier 'upplier !ualit$ +ngineer 'upplier !ualit$ Management

+ecessary *nputs, #essons #earned *nternal A7T!" rocess Capabilit$" etc%B +&ternal 0ata Anal$sis A3? anel" Farrant$ data" etc%B -esources, 'upplier 'upplier !ualit$ +ngineer Metho!olo)y/

Source of *nput, 'upplier 'upplier 'uppl$ ower

'uppliers are re)uired to have a continuous improvement process that is documented and institutionali,ed% This process should consist of the following elements/ o Measure 7irst Time !ualit$ A7T!B o +ffective Root Cause Anal$sis and Corrective Action 5erification o 8pdate 7M+As " rocess 7low 0iagrams" and Control lans o R 1 reduction process o #essons #earned process

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e,

1 Continuous *"pro.e"ent

Metho!olo)y &continue!'/ 'upplier !ualit$ +ngineer is to monitor and audit the supplier(s compliance to Continuous *mprovement re)uirements% 'upplier !ualit$ +ngineer is to communicate specific concerns to the supplier for non?conformance" review action plans Aas re)uiredB" escalate concerns to leadership Aif re)uiredB" and re)uire the supplier to implement countermeasures Aif necessar$B% 'upplier is re)uired to respond to concerns.issues identified b$ the '!+" and to develop and implement appropriate action plans to meet re)uirements% Measure %irst Ti"e Quality6 ? 7irst time )ualit$ is a measure of a process( abilit$ to ma-e )ualit$ parts without scrap or rewor-% The rewor- of parts can result in undesirable variation and ma$ ta-e parts out of process if the rewor- was not initiall$ comprehended in the process% 1st time )ualit$ N Y 1?A'ZRB & 122 1 1Ynumber of parts started in the process 'Ynumber of parts scrapped RYnumber of part to be rewor-ed.repaired ? 7T! should be measured at the following locations/ +nd of line 7T! measurement Aat a minimumB !ualit$ gates or verification stations for -e$ processes !ualit$ gates or verification stations should include the following elements/ Alarm limits established Ae%g% 2 defects per hourB to drive immediate containment upstream in the process A areto of failure modes for a specific timeframe 7T! trend chart A*?Chart format recommended E GM 1927?33B

#ffecti.e -oot Cause Analysis an! Correcti.e Action =erification ? The supplier is re)uired to perform an effective anal$sis of root cause A< Fh$s 9 Times recommended E GM 1927?>:B% ? 5erification and validation of corrective action should demonstrate the abilit$ to turn the problem on and off% 7p!ate Quality Docu"entation ? The supplier is re)uired to update and revise the 7M+A" Control lan" and 'tandardi,ed For-% ? The revisions are not onl$ re)uired when there are design or process changes" but are based on internal or e&ternal data% *nternal data should drive )uarterl$ updates at a minimum +&ternal data should drive monthl$ updates at a minimum -P+ -e!uction Process ? 'upplier is re)uired to have a formal and documented R 1 reduction process which includes/ A cross? functional team that meets regularl$ and updates 7M+A and Control lans Collection of e&ternal and internal data relative to reRects Ascrap and rewor-B *ncorporation of internal data A7T!" scrap" etc%B and e&ternal data A RR" etc%B into the 7M+A and validation that assigned R 1 numbers are reasonable and accurate *dentification and implementation of action plans with timing and accountabilit$ 7tiliFin) a Lessons Learne! process

? ? Task +u"ber, Task +a"e,

'upplier should have a process in place" which would drive lessons learned into current and future application of 7M+As and Control lans% The process should appl$ lessons learned b$ a loo- across of similar processes within the facilit$ and within the compan$ Arecommend RR Read Across E GM 1927?39B% 1 Continuous *"pro.e"ent

SQ# -esponsibility/ Monitor.audit the supplier(s conformance to the re)uirements% *dentif$ and communicate to the supplier concerns.issues relative to conformance to re)uirements% +scalate to leadership" as necessar$% Review 'upplier Action lans" if necessar$% 7ollow up" as necessar$% Supplier -esponsibility Measure 7irst Time !ualit$ at end of process and at -e$ processes% 8nderstand failure modes% 8pdate 7M+As" Control lans" and 'tandardi,ed For- as defined% *mplement a formal and documented R 1 reduction process% 8tili,e lessons learned%

A!!itional *nfor"ation, G ?> RR Read Across AGM 1927?39B R 1 Reduction 'ummar$ Chart A1927?21B Global owertrain RM+A Ris- Ran-ing 7orm A1927?2>B

GSQ# !enotes GM Supplier Quality #n)ineer or appro.e! GM SQ -epresentati.e6

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, Task 9<ner, Task Ti"in), Task Description,

2 QSE Quality Syste"s Easics Horkshop G 'C ? Current 'upplier !ualit$ or Advance 'upplier !ualit$ Throughout life of product

!'C is a two?da$ wor-shop at the supplier(s plant that teaches" develops" and facilitates implementation of the 9 basic strategies of )ualit$% The intent is to share best practices and to understand the gap between the present state and the best practice% The wor-shop will include multi?disciplinar$ emplo$ees from all levels of the supplier to develop the foundation for each strateg$ using data available at the plant% 1% 2% 9% :% <% 3% 7% >% 9% 7ast Response Control of non?conforming product Ris- reduction 'tandardi,ed operator training 'tandardi,ed wor#a$ered audit +rror proof verification Care ACustomer Acceptance And Review +valuationB #essons learned

Criteria for Application, Deli.erables, Reactive" as a conse)uence. e&it criteria for Controlled 'hipping or Top focus roactive" to enhance a supplier(s )ualit$ s$stem

Completed action plans AMaster 0ot Methodolog$ optionalB ass !'C Audit

Custo"er for Deli.erables, 'upplier !ualit$" 'upplier" and Trainer +ecessary *nputs, 'upplier erformance Report A3? anelB *nternal ; +&ternal data anal$sis *nternal documentation Ai%e% Training documentationB Creativit$ Team Cid #ist -esources, Source of *nput 'uppl$ ower 'upplier 'upplier 'uppl$ ower

Certified Trainer A'upplier !ualit$ +ngineer or Third art$ roviderB Multi?functional team from supplier At$picall$ 12?1< peopleB 'upplier(s #eadership

Metho!olo)y/ Pre@<ork '!+ does the following/ - *dentif$ suppliers to be trained% rovide overview of !'C to suppliers individuall$ or at a supplier s$mposium Apurpose" content" benefits" successesB% - *nform suppliers of wh$ !'C is recommended or re)uired% - Agree on a method of training Ai%e% supplier pa$s third part$ trainer" GM provides trainingB% A !'C audit b$ a certified '!+ could be done to determine the necessit$ for a wor-shop% 'upplier designates a champion for training and implementation process%

'upplier and Trainer ma-e arrangements for a two?da$ wor-shop% 2 Quality Syste"s Easics

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e,

Metho!olo)y &continue!', Con!uct <orkshop 0a$ 1/ Morning E For-shop participants and 'upplier #eadership resent GFh$ we are here%H Train team on the 9 strategies of !'C Adefining Gdesired stateHB% 0a$ 1/ Afternoon E For-shop participants 0ivide participants into 9 wor-shop teams At$picall$B to cover the 9 strategies% ? Ris- Reduction" +rror roofing 5erification" and #essons #earned Manufacturing" Maintenance" =perators" 'upervisors" Auditors ? =perator Training" 'tandardi,ed For-" and 1onconforming roduct 'upervisors" =perators" Training or 6RM" Manufacturing" !ualit$ ? #a$ered Audit" C%A%R%+%" and 7ast Response =perations Manager" !ualit$ Manager" =perators Anal$,e the current )ualit$ s$stem" identif$ gaps" and create steps to implement each strateg$% 0a$ 2/ Morning to 9/22 p%m% A1</22B E For-shop participants For- groups continue developing the ne&t steps and actions with the supplier(s )ualit$ data% ? 'uggestions for forms" trac-ing methods" management review timing" and communication For- groups formulate a presentation of their progress with the following format/ ? Team introduction ? 'trateg$ being presented ? Re)uirements and the status for each ? 'uggestions for improvement ? Action *tems ? !uestions and comments 0a$ 2/ Afternoon E For-shop participants and #eadership At appro&imatel$ 9/22 p%m% A1</22B the teams provide a ten?minute presentation for each strateg$ to wor-shop participants and supplier(s leadership% 7ollowing the presentations" GM and the supplier staff provide a short wrap up in regards to the findings and the re)uired follow up% 7ollow?8p 'upplier develops an Action lan AMaster 0ot Methodolog$ suggestedB to trac- implementation of the -e$ strategies and improvements% '!+.Trainer approves and monitors the Action lan on a timel$ basis% 8pon completion of Action lan tas-s" the '!+.Trainer conducts a !'C audit to assess level of implementation% GM ma$ re)uest . re)uire the supplier to contract an approved GM third part$ for an$ or all of the above listed activities% SQ# -esponsibility 7acilitates activities with GM Third art$ Approved rovider AoptionalB% Monitors action plans% Conducts !'C audit and provides status% rovides appropriate follow up% articipates or conducts wor-shop AoptionalB%

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e,

2 Quality Syste"s Easics

Supplier -esponsibility - Assumes responsibilit$ and ta-es ownership of all activities to implement !'C% Advises the customer of implementation status and an$ foreseen impending problems% rovides action plans with appropriate detail" timing" ownership" etc% *mplements action plan on a timel$ basis% A!!itional *nfor"ation, !'C Management Manual ? !'C website Awww%gmcs2%comB #a$ered Audit video

* SQE denotes GM Supplier Quality Engineer or approved GM SQ Representative

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, Task 9<ner, Task Ti"in), Shut!o<n B Startup Acti.ity '! Representatives Throughout the life of the product

Task Description, The purpose of the 'hutdown.'tartup Activit$ ASDBS7B is to implement standardi,ed wor- for both the 'upplier !ualit$ Group and its suppliers" specificall$ focused around e&tended shutdown periods and subse)uent startups% +&amples include/ Corporate AGsummerHB shutdowns" Christmas shutdown" etc%" but the tas- and tools can be used b$ an$ supplier when the$ are faced with an$ e&tended shutdown.startup" such as the elimination and.or restarting of a production shift or an e&tended wee-end% The goal of the 'hutdown.'tartup Activit$ is T+R= maRor disruptions caused b$ a supplier(s shutdown and subse)uent restart of operations% Criteria for Application/ +&tended shutdown periods" such as the G'ummer 'hutdownH" GChristmas 'hutdownH 'elected high?ris- suppliers based on established criteria Deli.erables, Completed 'hutdown audit form from suppliers Master 0ot trac-ing sheet for 6igh ris- suppliers '!+" '! #eadership" Cu$er Source of *nput, 'uppl$ ower 'uppl$ ower G!T'

Custo"er for Deli.erables,

+ecessary *nputs, 'hutdown.'tartup Audit 7orm AGM 1927?79B Master 0ot trac-ing 7orm 6igh Ris- 'upplier #isting with C+= ; lant Manager" 1ames" e?mail addresses -esources, Metho!olo)y/ lanning hase '! rocess.0ata Group Awhere applicableB

'upplier !ualit$ #eadership identifies a 'upplier !ualit$ 'hutdown.'tartup Coordinator for the region% The Coordinator does the following/ ? *dentifies a representative for each '! team who will participate in the 'hutdown.'tartup A'0.'8B activit$% ? 6olds an initial conference call with the representatives to review obRectives" the process and -e$ dates% ? *dentifies -e$ criteria for selecting targeted suppliers for the '0.'8 Audit activit$% 'uggested criteria ma$ include/ 'pills" downtime" and emerging issues during a specified period Red #aunch Alerts C'2 activit$ for a specified period 1umber of C'2(s over 92 da$s

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, Metho!olo)y/ lanning hase AContinuedB/ 6igh M or discrepant parts for a specified period Farrant$ or Customer 'atisfaction spi-es for a specified period revious evidence of poor startup at the supplier 1ote/ criteria ma$ be weighted to reflect severit$ ? ? ? Shut!o<n B Startup Acti.ity

Communicates the criteria to the '! representatives in each team% 0ocuments the '!+(s standardi,ed wor- as part of the '0.'8 Audit activit$% 0evelops the standardi,ed communication.e?mail to be sent to each supplier as part of the '0.'8 activit$% This should include at minimum/ An introductor$ letter e&plaining the '0.'8 activit$ obRectives and e&pectations resentation for the supplier e&plaining GM(s lessons learned The standard '0.'8 audit forms or a lin- to a web?based '0.'8 audit surve$

The '! Representative from each '! Team does the following/ ? *dentifies the suppliers to be targeted for the '0.'8 activit$ based on the criteria provided ? Assigns '!+(s to perform the standardi,ed '0.'8 wor-% The '!+ performing the '0.'8 Audit 'tandardi,ed wor- does the following/ ? =btains the contact information for the assigned supplierAsB" including the C+= and lant Manager name" phone and e?mail address% ? 'ends the standardi,ed communication.e?mail to the supplier%

*mplementation hase/ The 'upplier does the following/ ? erforms a self?assessment of their shutdown.startup readiness using the '0.'8 audit and supporting documentation provided b$ GM% ? Completes the '0.'8 audit form and returns to the assigned '!+ with appropriate supporting documentation.evidence" or completes the web?based '0.'8 online surve$ Aif availableB% ? 0evelops an action plan to resolve an$ issues identified in the self?assessment and implements containment and.or corrective actions% 'ends the action plan to the assigned '!+% The '!+ performing the '0.'8 Audit 'tandardi,ed wor- does the following/ ? ? ? ? ? Reviews the supplier(s self?assessment on the shutdown.startup audit form or surve$" loo-s for evidence to support the supplier(s self assessment" and challenges the supplier if no evidence in provided% Gives the supplier an overall R?W?or G rating and updates the supplier(s status on a master trac-ing list Amaster dot format recommendedB% 7or Wellow suppliers" at a minimum" the '!+ contacts the supplier to obtain clarification.evidence or further feedbac- on the open issues" and to re)uest a supplier action plan if re)uired% 7or Red 'uppliers" the '!+ does an onsite review at the supplier location to resolve an$ red issues and review the supplier(s action plans% laces the supplier into G ?12 or C'2 until all open issues are resolved%

Monitor. Chec- hase/ The '!+ does the following/ ? Reviews the supplier(s progress in resolving open issues and in implementing the action plan

? Task +u"ber, Task +a"e,

8pdates the supplier(s R?W?G overall status on the master?trac-ing list%

Shut!o<n B Startup Acti.ity

'! 'hutdown.'tartup Coordinator Responsibilit$/ +stablish the 'hutdown.'tartup Team% +stablish the criteria for identification of high?ris- suppliers% +stablish critical dates% +stablish standardi,ed wor- for on?site visits%

'! 'hutdown.'tartup Team member Responsibilit$/ 'elect the suppliers to be targeted in the '0.'8 activit$% Assigns '!+(s to the targeted suppliers%

'upplier(s Responsibilit$/ Reviews and rolls out GM 'hutdown.'tartup presentation internall$% erform the '0.'8 audit self?assessment% Complete the '0.'8 audit form or the web?based online '0.'8 surve$ Aif availableB% 0evelop an action plan to resolve an$ open issues and review with the assigned '!+% *mplement G ?12 or C'2 as re)uired%

'!+ Responsibilit$/ =btain -e$ contact information for assigned suppliers% 'end the standardi,ed communication.e?mail to the assigned supplier% Review the assigned supplier(s self?assessment% +valuates the suppliers as R?W?G% Review open issues and action plans with the supplier% *mplement G 12 or C'2 until issues are resolved% 8pdate the supplier(s status on the master trac-ing form%

Additional *nformation/ revious 'hutdown Audit" if applicable% 'hutdown plan presentation% 'hutdown?'tartup?'pill revention Agenda% '!+ standardi,ed wor- for onsite visits% 9 "#+ denotes ' "upplier #uality +ngineer or approved ' "# Representative

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, Task 9<ner, Task Ti"in),

Process Control Plan Au!it

'upplier !ualit$ +ngineer Throughout the life of the product

Task Description, The purpose of the rocess Control lan Audit is to ensure the supplier is following the documented rocess 7low 0iagram and e&ecuting the rocess Control lan that was the basis for A % *t is also to ensure the supplier is maintaining and updating said documents" including rocess 7low 0iagrams" 7M+As" and rocess Control lans" while e&ecuting continuous improvement% Criteria for Application/ Deli.erables, rocess Control lan Audit 'heet AGM 1927?13B rocess Control lan For-sheet AGM 1927?3>B 'upplier Action lan AGM 1927?79B" if re)uired" approved b$ '!+ '!+" '! Manager" 'upplier Source of *nput, G!T' 'upplier 'upplier 'upplier 'upplier To review the supplier(s manufacturing process during an$ onsite visit To investigate a potential nonconformance To better understand the supplier(s process To verif$ corrective action implementation and update documentation for a )ualit$ issue

Custo"er for Deli.erables, +ecessary *nputs, RR Anal$sis 'ummar$ 'upplier(s *nternal 0ata Anal$sis rocess 7low 0iagram 7M+A rocess Control lan -esources, Metho!olo)y/

'upplier representative" '!+

Assess"ent Phase &Prior to =isit' '!+ does the following/ 0ecides or is assigned to visit a supplier to/ ? Review a specific issue.concern ? Review an overall performance concern ? Gain a better understanding of the supplier(s processes" etc% Reviews appropriate e&ternal performance data% 0ata should include 3 anel Charts" RRs" or a specific part.process concern% Contacts supplier(s !ualit$ Manager to e&plain the nature of the visit and identif$ specific e&pectations relative to documents Asuch as part print" 7M+A(s" rocess Control lan" etc%B that need to be read$ for review% *dentifies which product or process re)uires a C audit% 0etermines if short form or long form review is appropriate% ? 'hort form provides initial assessment" generall$ used as a proactive measure Aapp% 2?: hrs%B ? #ong form provides detailed assessment" generall$ when issues are suspected Aapp% > hrs%B

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e,

; Process Control Plan Au!it

Metho!olo)y &Continue!'/ #ntryB*"ple"entation Phase &Con!uct Au!it' '!+ does the following/ +nsures that appropriate supplier representatives participate in the audit% 8tili,es C A wor-sheet to identif$ concerns% 'ummari,es the audit using C A form AGM 1927?13B% +nsures the 'upplier understands documented concerns.non?conformances% Rates the audit as GApprovedH" GApproved as 1otedH" or G1ot ApprovedH as appropriate% *mplements appropriate action" if necessar$" to ensure conformance to re)uirements and reduce ris- of maRor non?conformancesI such as containment" C'1 or C'2% 'ummari,es e&pectations relative to/ ? *mmediate corrective actions ? Action plans" format and due dates ? 7ollow?up time frame ? Additional re)uirements and e&pectations 'upplier implements an$ additional internal process controls re)uired to reduce the ris- of maRor non? conformance immediatel$" to insulate the GM Manufacturing facilit$ or the Containment Gate% Monitor an! Check Phase 'upplier develops" documents" and implements action plans% '!+ approves action plans and ensures proper follow up to validate implementation and effectiveness of action plan% SQ# -esponsibility/ erforms necessar$ pre?wor- and notification to the supplier% Reviews rocess 7low 0iagram(s" 7M+A(s" and Control lans on site at the supplier% +&ecutes the C audit% Completes C A wor-sheet and summar$% Rates the Audit% +nsures supplier understands concerns% *nitiates appropriate action to reduce ris- of maRor non?conformances from being shipped% Approves supplier action plans% rovides appropriate follow up%

Supplier -esponsibility rovides re)uested documents and participate in C Audit% 8nderstands concerns.non?conformances identified b$ the '!+% *mplements an$ immediate containment.addition process controls as directed% 0evelops" documents" and provides action plan with appropriate detail" timing" ownership" etc% *mplements action plan on a timel$ basis%

A!!itional *nfor"ation, 'upplier Action lan AGM 1927?79B Continuous *mprovement AG ?>B * SQE denotes GM Supplier Quality Engineer or approved GM SQ Representative

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, Task 9<ner, Task Ti"in),

2 SQ# Creati.ity Tea" Support G 'C E Commodit$ !ualit$ *ntegration

Task Description, '!+ Creativit$ Team ACTB support is a process to drive )ualit$ in the Creativit$ Teams b$ providing the voice of Current !ualit$ into the G 'C sourcing process% Through the creation of CT )ualit$ action plans" '!+(s engage the CT in strategic and up?front activities to grow" fi&" or e&it suppliers on the Creativit$ Team Cid #ist ACTC#B% Additionall$" CT )ualit$ action plans ma$ be utili,ed to direct '! resources and.or complement the Top 7ocus process% The '!+ assigned to the Creativit$ Team provides the voice of the customer through feedbac- from Current 'upplier !ualit$ into the Creativit$ Team% Deli.erables, CT !ualit$ Action lans AGM 1927?32B 8pdated CT Cid #ist Grow?7i&?+&it 'trateg$ 'tep?down Charts AGM 1927?7>B Top 7ocus Add.Remove 7orm AGM 1927?>2B" =ptional 'upplier" 'upplier !ualit$" Creativit$ Team%

Custo"er for Deli.erables,

+ecessary *nputs, erformance Report A3 anelB Creativit$ Team Cid #ist ACTC#B !ualit$ rogress Chart RR detail review?3 months 'upplier(s *nternal 0ata Anal$sis CT Roll out schedule CT Roles and Responsibilities 6andboo-esources, Metho!olo)y/ Assess"ent Phase

Source of *nput, 'uppl$ ower 'uppl$ ower 'uppl$ ower G!T' 'upplier CT #eader 'uppl$ ower

'upplier !ualit$ +ngineer" Cu$er" CT #eader" Commodit$ Manager" 'upplier

'!+ reviews necessar$ inputs as identified above% '!+ schedules a meeting with the CT leader to/ ? 8nderstand commodit$ -e$ drivers ? Review necessar$ inputs as identified above ? 0evelop a CT !ualit$ Action lan AGrow?7i&?+&it strateg$B for the CT

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e,

2 SQ# Creati.ity Tea" Support

*"ple"entation Phase '!+ does the following/ ? Attends all scheduled CT meetings to understand business plan" present )ualit$ data" and CT(s )ualit$ status% ? Reviews CTC# and identifies which suppliers are non?green for )ualit$% ? Reviews and updates the Grow?7i&?+&it strateg$ with the CT #eader% ? Completes CTC# add.delete form and reviews with CT #eader for approval prior to submitting re)uest to C!* team leader.manager% ? Creates CT )ualit$ action plans for specific non?green G7i&H suppliers and determines actions necessar$ to turn suppliers green for )ualit$% ? Contacts non?green suppliers to review )ualit$ status and implement necessar$ corrective actions/ Contact is made with suppliers( e&ecutive leadership to ensure the$ are aware of the )ualit$ issues and are engaged in implementing the necessar$ corrective actions% Re)uest detailed action plan from the supplier *f supplier is in another region Aregion outside of home regionB" '!+ shall contact regional counterpart for assistance and follow?up% ? +ngages CT #eader to drive supplier in ma-ing the necessar$ )ualit$ improvements when needed% ? 0evelops schedule for supplier )ualit$ reviews at CT meetings and communicates to all participants% ? 0evelops supplier )ualit$ review meeting agenda and supplier review format% ? Reviews rollout schedule with CT #eader% ? *nitiates Top 7ocus entr$ re)uests as appropriate% ? +&ecutes Top 7ocus process as appropriate% ? 0evelop 'tep down chart as appropriate% 'upplier does the following/ ? resents at CT meetings as re)uired% ? 0evelops" implements" and trac-s action plans% ? rovides regular updates to '!+% ? Trac-s and meets -e$ performance metrics and monthl$ 'tep 0own chart targets% ? +stablishes a GR++1 rating on the CTC#% 'upplier #eadership drives and documents s$stemic improvements in the organi,ation and )ualit$ s$stem% CT #eader provides all pre?R7!(s and 'ourcing Recommendations to '!+ prior to review at sourcing table% '!+ reviews and approves all suppliers for re?R7!(s and follows all sourcing pac-ages through the sourcing process% ? +nsures non?green suppliers who will not be green b$ time of sourcing are not included in the re? R7!% ? All )ualit$ issues with non?green suppliers included in sourcing pac-ages must be communicated immediatel$ to the A ! manager" ' 0 manager" and C!* team leader . manager% ? resents business case for non?green suppliers to '! #eadership for approval% AMove to Monitor and Chec-B

Monitor an! Check Phase '!+ reviews at least once a month/ ? CT rollout schedule with CT leader ? Grow?7i&?+&it strateg$ with CT leader '!+ reviews wee-l$/ ? !ualit$ 'tatus of all suppliers on the CTC# ? 'uppliers to be added.deleted on CTC# with CT leader ? CT !ualit$ Action lans and progress to implementation of those plans ? 'tatus of specific suppliers action plans ? All sourcing presentations A re?R7!(s" 8pdates" Recommendations" etc%B to ensure individual supplier(s )ualit$ status is included ? 'ourcing status with C!*

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e,

2 SQ# Creati.ity Tea" Support

Monitor an! Check Phase &continue!' '!+ does the following as necessar$/ ? 5erifies non?green suppliers have implemented corrective actions% ? +&ecutes 'tep 0own conse)uences% ? +scalates lac- of supplier progress to '! and 'upplier(s leadership% ? *nitiates Top 7ocus e&it re)uest% ? 'hares best practices%

SQ# -esponsibility/ Review performance data% Review rollout schedule with CT leader% 0evelop Grow?7i&?+&it strateg$ with CT leader% 0evelop CT )ualit$ action plans% Re)uest detailed action plan from the supplier% 'ubmit CTC# add.delete form to C!* group% resent CT )ualit$ performance at each CT meeting% *nitiate Top 7ocus entr$ re)uest% +&ecute Top 7ocus process as re)uired% Trac- progress and review improvements for acceptabilit$% 0evelop 'tep 0own Chart% +&ecute 'tep 0own conse)uences" as appropriate% Review all re?R7!(s and sourcing recommendation pac-ages% +ngage supplier leadership% +ngage '! and urchasing leadership as re)uired% 'hare best practices% *nitiate Top 7ocus e&it re)uest% +scalate lac- of supplier progress to '! and 'upplier(s leadership%

Supplier -esponsibility #eadership commitment and accountabilit$% 0rive and document s$stemic improvements in the organi,ation and )ualit$ s$stem% 0evelop" implement and trac- the action plan% Trac- and meet -e$ performance metrics% Meet the monthl$ 'tep 0own Chart targets% +stablish a GR++1 rating on the creativit$ team bid list% rovide regular updates to '!+ as re)uired% resent at CT meetings as re)uired%

CT Lea!er -esponsibility Review rollout schedule with '!+% 0evelop Grow?7i&?+&it strateg$ with '!+% Approve all suppliers for add.delete to the CTC#% 'upport )ualit$ performance goals and targets as established b$ '!% rovide time on the CT meeting agenda for )ualit$ and supplier reviews%

Review and provide to '!+ all re?R7!s and 'ourcing recommendation pac-ages prior to review at sourcing tables%

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e,

2 SQ# Creati.ity Tea" Support

A!!itional *nfor"ation, GM 'uppl$ ower ? !uad Report 8pdate AGM 1927?71B ? 'upplier !ualit$ 'tep down Chart AGM 1927?7>B ? CT !ualit$ Action lan AGM 1927?32B ? CT Cid #ists ? 3 anel charts

O '!+ herein refers to GM 'upplier !ualit$ +ngineer or approved GM '! Representative

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, Task 9<ner, Task Ti"in),

3 Global #"er)in) *ssue BAlert Process '! Representatives Throughout the life of the product

Task Description, The purpose of the Global +merging *ssue . Alert rocess is to implement standardi,ed worfor both the 'upplier !ualit$ Group and the GM suppl$ base" specificall$ focused around communication and initial activities for emerging )ualit$ issues that ma$ impact Manufacturing or Assembl$ Centers" or an$ other receiving locations in the same or other regions% The intent is to minimi,e potential impact of emerging issues through effective communication" containment activities" and established brea- points with certified product% Criteria for Application/ art !ualit$ Concerns that potentiall$ impact the following areas/ 1B !ualit$ Gates 2B Audits E Global Customer Audit AGCAB" etc% 9B 0irect Run Rate" 0irect Run #oss" 7T!" verification stations :B C%A%R%+ <B +&cessive repair time 3B 'hipping $ard on [6=#0( status Deli.erables, Global +merging *ssue Alert AGM 1927?3<B Conference call 'chedule Certified Material.Crea- oints Controlled 'hipping Aif re)uiredB 1ew Cusiness 6old Aif re)uiredB GM Manufacturing" Assembl$ centers.' =.other receiving locations" 'upplier Farrant$ *ssues.2:hr C0

Custo"er for Deli.erables, !ualit$

+ecessary *nputs, roblem description Audits E Global Customer Audit AGCAB E if re)uired 0irect Run Rate" 0irect Run #oss" verification stations E if re)uired C%A%R%+% E if re)uired Ward 6old E if re)uired

Source of *nput, Assembl$ Center.'! Assembl$ Center Assembl$ Center Assembl$ Center Assembl$ Center

-esources, 'upplier Management" O'upplier !ualit$ +ngineer.'upervisor" Reliabilit$" !ualit$ +ngineering Aif applicableB" 9rd art$ rovider Aif applicableB" C;#.M'= Aif applicableB" Metho!olo)y/ Assess"ent Phase An emerging issue is identified b$ the '!+% A0efined as a )ualit$ issue identified in a )ualit$ gate" audit" verification stations" etc% that has the potential of being classified as a spill or downtime%B The '!+ immediatel$ communicates the )ualit$ concern to the local supplier representative% The '!+ determines potential severit$ and identifies appropriate sta-eholders.resources% The '!+ assesses whether an$ of the following situations e&its/

? Task +u"ber, Task +a"e,

'ituation A/ 'upplier is located in the same region as all GM receiving locations 3

Global #"er)in) *ssue BAlert Process

Metho!olo)y &continue!'/ ? ? 'ituation C/ 'upplier is located in the same region as the detecting GM location" but ships to an additional GM location in another region 'ituation C/ 'upplier is located in different region from the detecting location

*"ple"entation Phase 7or 'ituation A" the '!+ contacts the supplier to immediatel$ e&ecute the following and complete.distribute the +merging *ssue Report/ ? roblem as seen b$ the user% ? Translate issue into print or boundar$ specifications% ? +stablish sort criteria% ? 8nderstand potential root cause% ? 8nderstand scope of problem Awhen did it potentiall$ startB% ? Method to certif$ material% ? +stablish brea- point and method to identif$ certified material% ? Contain and certif$ the pipeline% ? 1otif$ receiving locations of certification *0 and estimated time of arrival of certified material% 7or 'ituation C" the '!+ follows activities for 'ituation A and also sends the +merging *ssue Report to the single point contact in the affected region Areference Cross Regional 'upport Matri&B% 7or 'ituation C" the '!+ follows activities for 'ituation A and also does the following/ ? 'end the +merging *ssue Report to the single point contact in the region responsible for that supplier Areference Cross Regional 'upport Matri&%B ? 'et up a conference call with the supplier and the responsible '!+ representative to e&ecute the steps referenced in 'ituation A% '!+ sets up subse)uent conference calls to complete activities identified above% *f appropriate an '!+ is deplo$ed to the 'upplier(s manufacturing location% Monitor an! Check Phase, Clearl$ understand the roles and responsibilities for subse)uent tas-s% 'ubse)uent activities outside the scope of this tas- include/ ? 5erif$ the brea- point is still intact ? < Fh$s 9 Times anal$sis ? 5erification of root cause ? Corrective Action ? Additional process controls Aerror proofing" la$ered auditing" etc%B ? +tc%

SQ# -esponsibility, *dentif$ emerging issue% Communicate to local supplier representative% 0etermine severit$ of issue and identif$ sta-eholders% Assess whether situation is either GAH" GCH" or GCH% Complete a +merging *ssue Chec-list and distribute +nsure supplier e&ecutes activities specified in G'ituation AH% 'et up subse)uent conference calls to complete activities% Travel to 'upplier(s #ocation Aif re)uiredB% 0etermine roles and responsibilities for subse)uent tas-s%

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e,

3 Global #"er)in) *ssue BAlert Process

SupplierIs -esponsibility/ Communicate the +merging issue to all affected Customer #ocations% +&ecute activities specified in G'ituation AH% Attend all Conference calls as re)uired% articipate in an$.all follow up reviews.audits at the 'uppl$ing location%

Additional *nformation/ +merging *ssue chec-list%

9 "#+ denotes ' "upplier #uality +ngineer1 "#A1 or approved ' "# Representative4 99Completion of the various activities in this task may re5uire the collaboration of a number of "#+s4 *t is critical that these "#+:s understand their roles and deliverables4

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, Task 9<ner, Task Ti"in),

5 Spill Pre.ention Acti.ity G 'C E Current 'upplier !ualit$ Throughout the life of the product

Task Description, The intent of this tas- is to drive proactive activit$ into selected suppliers to identif$ and minimi,e ris- of emerging issues and spills through data anal$sis" process reviews" and leadership engagement% A!!itional Description/ The 'pill revention lan consists of the following elements/ Tero Tolerance Culletin Tero Tolerance Message Conference for selected suppliers =n?site visit at selected suppliers consisting of the following/ ? rocess Fal- A C AB on highest ris- process or product value stream ? 0oc- Audit ? +ffective Root Cause Anal$sis A< Fh$s 9 TimesB ? 5erification of Corrective Action *mplementation ? 5erification of lessons learned A RR Read AcrossB ? +&ecute appropriate actions and utili,ation of other Tools as appropriate R 1 Reduction rocess G ?12 C'1 and C'2 Criteria for Application, 6istorical roblem 'uppliers 6istorical roblem arts 'uppliers who have had )ualit$ spills and.or emerging issues

Deli.erables, Tero Tolerance Culletin Tero Tolerance Message < Fh$s 9 Times Anal$sis AGM 1927?>:B RR Read Across AGM 1927?39B 0oc- Audit C A Audit AGM 1927?13B 'upplier Ris- 'ummar$

Custo"er for Deli.erables, Creativit$ Team GM Assembl$.Manufacturing lants 'upplier 'upplier !ualit$ Management +ecessary *nputs, 'upplier erformance data A3 panel charts" etc%B RR detail review GM Assembl$.Manufacturing lant metrics *nternal . +&ternal 0ata Anal$sis Source of *nput, 'uppl$ ower 'uppl$ ower . 'upplier Reliabilit$ +ngineers 'upplier . '!+

-esources, 'upplier !ualit$ +ngineer" GM Assembl$ lant ersonnel" and 'upplier

Tas- 1umber/ Tas- 1ame/ Metho!olo)y,

7 'pill revention Activit$

Plannin) Phase '! #eadership does the following/ 'end a Tero Tolerance Culletin to 'uppliers via GM 'uppl$ ower regarding spills% 'elect 'uppliers for targeted spill prevention activit$% 0evelop specific standardi,ed wor- to ensure '!+(s and selected suppliers understand e&pectations% 0evelop a trac-ing document for current status" issues identified" actions ta-en" and follow up re)uired% 0evelop appropriate presentation material% ? Tero Tolerance Message ? 'pill revention lan *nvite selected suppliers to 'upplier Conference% Train '!+(s relative to e&pectations and standardi,ed wor-% Assign '!+(s to selected suppliers% '!+ does the following/ Review performance of assigned selected suppliers and identif$ parts.processes of high ris-% Ma-e arrangements to have supplier prepare <Fh$s 9 Times and RR Read Across for identified issues prior to '!+(s visit% Ma-e arrangements to have supplier review their 'pill revention lan during the '!+(s visit% 'upplier does the following/ 0ocument the root cause of the identified issue on the < Fh$s 9 Times document% The < Fh$s 9 Times consists of the following/ Manufacturing E Fh$ did the manufacturing process not prevent the defect from being producedQ !ualit$ E Fh$ did the )ualit$ process not detect the defect and prevent it from escaping the processQ lanning E Fh$ did the planning process not predict and prevent the defectQ 0ocuments implementation of lessons learned b$ completing the RR Read Across matri&% 8pdates their 'pill revention lan to/ redict potential areas of ris- b$ reviewing internal.e&ternal data% revent the nonconformance through manufacturing controls% rotect.detect the nonconformance b$ enhancing $our )ualit$ s$stem% *"ple"entationB#$ecution Phase Conduct 'upplier Conference with +&ecutive #eadership of 'upplier% ? 0eliver Tero Tolerance Message/ Reference e&ample% ? Review 'pill revention lan/ Reference e&ample% ? Clearl$ present e&pectations" deliverables" and conse)uences% '!+ does the following/ ? Conducts on?site visit of assigned suppliers% ? 0elivers Tero Tolerance Message% +nsures an effective Root Cause Anal$sis A< Fh$ 9 TimesB on selected issues. RRs to ensure a thorough understanding of the root cause% ? Conducts a rocess Fal- on highest ris- process or product value stream to verif$ the following/ =perator *nstructions.standardi,ed wor- being followed% Control lan e&ecution%

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, 5

+rror roofing effectiveness and verification% Corrective action implementation and effectiveness% 7M+A(s" control plans" and operator instructions have been updated% G ?12 or containment areas%

Spill Pre.ention Acti.ity

Metho!olo)y &continue!', ? Conducts a 0oc- Audit 7or selected high?ris- parts" review material that has been labeled and is read$ to ship for possible defects% Referencing previous problems noted in RRs is advisable% +nsure that supplier has a routine process for doing doc- audits% *f concerns are identified" ensure appropriate actions are ta-en for the specific issues% This ma$ include 'upplier Action lan" G ?12" or e&ecution of Controlled 'hipping #evel 1 or #evel 2% Completes a 'upplier Ris- 'ummar$ and provides to the '! #eadership%

? ?

SQ# -esponsibility/ Review performance of assigned selected suppliers and identif$ parts.processes of high ris-% +nsure supplier prepares <Fh$ & 9 and RR Read Across documents prior to '!+ visit% Conduct on?site visit of assigned suppliers% 0eliver Tero Tolerance Message% Review supplier(s root cause anal$sis A< Fh$s 9 TimesB% Review supplier(s RR Read Across anal$sis% Review supplier(s 'pill revention lan% Conduct a process wal-% +nsure appropriate actions are ta-en on identified issues% Completes a 'upplier Ris- 'ummar$ and provides to the '! #eadership% Supplier -esponsibility Attend 'upplier Conference% articipate in process wal- and doc- audit with '!+% 0ocument root cause anal$sis A< Fh$ 9 TimesB anal$sis and provide to '!+% 0ocument the lessons learned on the RR Read Across on similar parts.processes% 8pdate their 'pill revention lan% +nsure appropriate actions are ta-en on issues identified b$ process review and doc- audits%

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, Task 9<ner, Task Ti"in),

Controlle! Shippin) Le.el 1 &CS1'

'upplier !ualit$ +ngineer A'!+B Current roduction" response to 'upplier )ualit$ concerns

Task Description, Controlled 'hipping #evel 1 is a demand b$ Customer that a supplier put in place a redundant inspection process at the suppl$ing location to sort for a specific and specified nonconformance" implement a root? cause problem solving process" and isolate Customer from the receipt of nonconforming parts.material% The redundant inspection is in addition to normal controls" is enacted b$ the supplier(s emplo$ees" and must be in addition to the normal production process controls% A!!itional Description, The data obtained from the redundant inspection process is critical as both a measure of the effectiveness of the secondar$ inspection process and the corrective actions ta-en to eliminate the initial nonconformance% Criteria for Application Aan$ of the items below ma$ be consideredB/ Repeat RR(s 'upplier(s current controls are not sufficient to ensure conformance to re)uirements 0uration" )uantit$" and.or severit$ of the problem *nternal.+&ternal 'upplier data !ualit$ roblem in the field Ai%e% RT'" Farrant$" \0 owerB MaRor 0isruptions 'uppl$ ower bulletins Deli.erables, Certified Material to the Customer facilit$ *?Chart AGM 1927?33B to demonstrate product )ualit$ Anonconforming vs% )uantit$ chec-edB 0ocumented and verified Corrective Action Additional process controls to prevent future occurrences Revised C s" 7M+A" 'tandardi,ed wor- instructions as re)uired Controlled 'hipping 5erification.Release.+&it wor-sheet AGM 1927?<:B AoptionalB Controlled 'hipping #evel 1 +ntr$ letter AGM 1927?<<B Controlled 'hipping Confirmation Repl$ 7orm AGM 1927?<9B Corrective Action Report from supplier Controlled 'hipping #evel 1 +&it #etter AGM 1927?<3B RR Read Across AGM 1927?39B" if re)uired

Custo"er for Deli.erables,

Customer Assembl$.Manufacturing Centers" '!+ Source of *nput, Mfg.Assembl$ Centers Mfg.Assembl$ Centers.'!+

+ecessary *nputs, roblem Reporting and Resolution A RRB Re)uest for +ntr$ into C'1 -esources,

Customer lant !ualit$.Reliabilit$ 0epartment" Customer 'upplier !ualit$ +ngineer" Cu$er" and supplier

Metho!olo)y/ Assess"ent Phase

Customer Manufacturing.Assembl$ centers or '!+ ma-e a re)uest for C'2" referencing the non?conformances. RR(s" observations at the supplier" the supplier(s internal .e&ternal data" or other criteria for application%

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e,

Controlle! Shippin) Le.el 1 &CS1'

Metho!olo)y &continue!'/ '!+ reviews the re)uest. documentation to ensure it complies with the criteria for application" and if applicable" ma-es the decision to place the supplier in C'1% This decision ma$ also involve a '! Manager%

#ntryB *"ple"entation Phase '!+ verball$ notifies the supplier Astaff levelB the$ are being placed in C'1 and that a confirmation letter will follow% '!+ sends formal confirmation to the supplier via a Controlled 'hipping #evel 1 +ntr$ letter" addressed to the supplier(s Top Management% '!+ enters the C'1 record into G!T' based on the entr$ letter% '!+ contacts the supplier Avia conference call or meetingB to/ Review the non?conformance that resulted in the C'1 entr$% Review and approve the supplier(s containment process which includes/ 0ata collection utili,ing an *?chart% Communication bac- to Customer Aincluding fre)uenc$B% Control of non?conforming product% Review and approve the supplier(s escalation.reaction plan for the containment activit$% +stablish boundar$ samples and.or specifications for acceptance.reRection of the parts% +stablish e&it criteria for the C'1% 0efault criteria as follows/ 22 wor-ing da$s of data Afrom the date of implementation of permanent corrective actionB which verifies that the normal production controls are effective for controlling the discrepancies identified in the Controlled 'hipping activit$% 0ocumentation showing the root cause was identified and verified% 0ocumentation indicating that corrective action was implemented and validated% Copies of all documentation revised as re)uired AControl plan" 7M+A(s" rocess 7low" operator instructions" etc%B 0ocumentation indicating that ever$ effort was ta-en to implement error proofing% '!+ re)uests the support of the Customer bu$er if the supplier is uncooperative in implementing C'1 to Customer(s re)uirements% 'upplier does the following/ +nsure understanding of the nonconformance% Return confirmation letter as re)uired% 0evelop an escalation.action plan% *mmediatel$ establish a separate containment activit$ area at their location that is acceptable to Customer% 1otif$ additional GM facilities that use the same part" inform them of the nonconformance" and provide containment activities as necessar$% Trac- brea-points of nonconforming material% A urge pipeline of suspect material" i%e% at Customer(s facilit$" in transit and at all storage locations%B Mar- individual parts" material" and containers" as agreed upon b$ Customer" to identif$ parts certified for production% rovide proper la$out and instruction documents" space and tooling to perform Controlled 'hipping ? #evel 1% Commence the sort activities and displa$ the results in a public and visible location%

Cu$er does the following/ *f re)uested" intervene to support the '!+ if the supplier is uncooperative in implementing C'1 per Customer(s re)uirements% 1otif$ urchasing Manager if intervention is re)uired%

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e,

Controlle! Shippin) Le.el 1 &CS1'

Metho!olo)y &continue!'/ Monitor an! Check Phase 'upplier does the following/ erform a redundant inspection of all suspect non?conforming products per the agreed upon process and ensure defect free parts.material are delivered to Customer% 0etermine and demonstrate the root cause to the Customer '!+ A< Fh$s 9 Times%B 0evelop" implement and validate the permanent corrective actions" along with improved process controls Ai%e%" error proofing" la$ered audits" setup chec-lists" standardi,ed wor-" operator training and certification program" etc%B *mplement lessons learned b$ conducting a RR Read Across as re)uired% Conduct a dail$ management meeting at the sort location to review the results" ensure the corrective actions ta-en are effective" and plan re)uired changes% 8pdate all applicable documentation" Ai%e% rocess Control lan" 7M+A" 7low 0iagram" and 'tandardi,ed wor- *nstructions etcB% 0ocument containment data in *?chart format% Communicate the action plan" inspection status" and results of problem resolution activities to the Customer in a format and with a fre)uenc$ agreed to b$ the Customer representative% '!+ does the following/ Monitor supplier(s containment data A*?chart%B 5erif$ the supplier has a documented process control validation program in place Asuch as Rob setups" setup error proofing" process error proofing" la$ered auditing" operator training ; certification etc%B 5erif$ supplier(s root cause anal$sis and corrective actions%

=erification for #$it 'upplier does the following/ Meet the defined e&it criteria% Re)uest e&it from Controlled 'hipping ? #evel 1 and provide supporting documentation and assessments on performance and corrective actions to the appropriate Customer representative ACustomer plant representative will be notified if re)uired%B '!+ does the following/ Conduct C A Audit" if applicable% 5erif$ that the supplier has met all e&it criteria% The 'upplier is removed from C'1 after all e&it criteria are met and the established time has e&pired without further non? conformances at the Customer Assembl$ .Manufacturing Center" or coming out of the 'upplier(s process% 1otif$ the supplier verball$ that the$ have met the criteria and that the$ will be removed from C'1 upon receipt of the C'1 e&it letter%

*ssue a Controlled 'hipping +&it letter to the supplier for official notification that the$ have met the e&it criteria% 7orward a cop$ of the e&it letter to the Customer distribution% A*nclude C' Coordinator and G!T' Coordinator if applicable%B +nter the e&it information into G!T'%

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e,

Controlle! Shippin) Le.el 1 &CS1'

SQ# -esponsibility/ Euyer -esponsibility/ Supplier -esponsibility +nsure understanding of the nonconformance% Return confirmation letter as re)uired% 0evelop an escalation . action plan% *mplement a C'1 containment activit$ to ensure defect free parts.material are properl$ identified and delivered to Customer% 1otif$ additional Customer facilities that use the same part and inform them of the nonconformance% urge pipeline of suspect material% Conduct a dail$ management meeting at the sort location% 0etermine root cause% 0evelop" implement" and validate permanent corrective actions and process controls% 8pdate all applicable documents% 0ocument containment data in *?chart format% Communicate action plans" inspection status" and results of problem resolution activities to the Customer in a format and with a fre)uenc$ agreed to b$ the Customer representative% Meet the defined e&it criteria% *f re)uested" intervene to support the '!+ if the supplier is uncooperative in implementing C'1 per Customer(s re)uirements% 1otif$ urchasing Manager if intervention is re)uired% Confirm supplier(s non?conformance and reviews their )ualit$ performance% 5erball$ notif$ the supplier(s management of the non?conformance and entr$ into C'1% Communicate C'1re)uirements to the supplier Aincluding e&it criteria%B via conference call or meeting% Complete appropriate documentation for formal notification to the supplier% 5erif$ and approve supplier(s Controlled 'hipping plan.process% Monitor supplier(s containment data A*?chartB% 5erif$ supplier(s root cause anal$sis and corrective actions% 5erif$ the supplier(s process control improvements and validation plan.fre)uenc$% Conduct C A audit" if applicable% 5erball$ notif$ the supplier(s management of their removal from C'1% Complete appropriate documentation for formal notification of removal from C'1% +nter the e&it information into G!T'%

Re)uest e&it from Controlled 'hipping ? #evel 1 with appropriate supporting documentation%

A!!itional *nfor"ation, G ?< +ntr$.+&it re)uest from C'1 GSQ# in this !ocu"ent refers to the SQ#0 QS#0 CS Coor!inator0 or other appro.e! Custo"er -epresentati.eG O'! Manager in this document refers to a '! Manager or other Customer ManagerO

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, Task 9<ner, Task Ti"in),

C Controlle! Shippin) Le.el 2 'upplier !ualit$ +ngineer A'!+B Current roduction" response to 'upplier !ualit$ concerns

Task Description, Controlled 'hipping is a Customer re)uirement to a supplier to put in place a 9rd part$ redundant inspection process to sort for a specific nonconformance" while maintaining Controlled 'hipping #evel 1" and implementing a root?cause problem solving process% The redundant inspection is in addition to normal controls and Controlled 'hipping #evel 1% A!!itional Description, The 9rd part$ or a Customer representative will perform assessment audits% The data obtained from the 9rd part$ redundant inspection process as well as the audits are critical as both a measure of the effectiveness of the secondar$ inspection process and the corrective actions ta-en to eliminate the initial nonconformance% Criteria for Application Aan$ of the items below ma$ be consideredB/ Repeat RRs 'upplier(s current controls are not sufficient to ensure conformance to re)uirements 0uration" )uantit$" and.or severit$ of the problem *nternal.+&ternal 'upplier data Controlled 'hipping #evel 1 failures MaRor 0isruptions !ualit$ roblem in the field Ai%e% RT'" Farrant$" \0 owerB 'uppl$ ower bulletins Deli.erables, Certified Material to Assembl$ lant *?Chart AGM 1927?33B to demonstrate product )ualit$ Anonconforming vs% )uantit$ chec-ed b$ a 9rd part$B 0ocumented and verified corrective action Revised C (s" M+A" =perator *nstructions as re)uired Controlled 'hipping Assessment AGM 1927?<2B" Assessment Matri& AGM 1927?<1B" 'upplier Action Report AGM 1927?79B ACompleted b$ the 'uppler" a 9rd part$" or Customer representativeB Controlled 'hipping 5erification.Release.+&it wor-sheet GM 1927?<: AoptionalB Kic-?off Meeting For-sheet AGM 1927?<9B Controlled 'hipping #evel 2 +ntr$ #etter AGM 1927?<7B Controlled 'hipping Confirmation Repl$ 7orm AGM 1927?<9B Controlled 'hipping #evel 2 +&it #etter AGM 1927?<>B C'#2 urchase =rder Addendum" as re)uired AGM 1927?32B Customer Assembl$.Manufacturing Centers" '!+ Source of *nput, Mfg.Assembl$ Centers Mfg.Assembl$ Centers.'!+

Custo"er for Deli.erables,

+ecessary *nputs, roblem Reporting and Resolution A RRB Re)uest for entr$ into C'2 -esources,

Customer lant !ualit$.Reliabilit$ 0epartment" Customer lant 'upplier !ualit$ +ngineer" Cu$er" Tier1 supplier" and 9rd art$ rovider

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, Metho!olo)y/ Assessment hase/

Controlle! Shippin) Le.el 2

Customer Manufacturing.Assembl$ centers or '!+ ma-e a re)uest for C'2" referencing the non?conformances. RR(s" observations at the supplier" the supplier(s internal .e&ternal data" or other criteria for application% '!+ reviews the re)uest.documentation to ensure it complies with the criteria for application" and if applicable" ma-es the decision to place the 'upplier in C'2% This decision ma$ also involve a '! Manager%

+ntr$.*mplementation hase/ The '!+ verball$ notifies the supplier that/ The$ are being placed on C'2% Containment must be initiated immediatel$" in order to protect the customer% +ntr$ letter will follow% The$ must contract an authori,ed 9rd part$ C' rovider% '!+ will be holding a -ic-off meeting.conference call% '!+ sends formal confirmation to the supplier via a Controlled 'hipping #evel 2 +ntr$ letter" addressed to the supplier(s Top Management% '!+ enters the C'2 record into G!T' based on the entr$ letter% '!+ and the 'upplier complete a Kic-off For-sheet Aif applicableB and agree on 9rd part$ provider% 'upplier contacts a Controlled 'hipping 9rd part$ and issues a purchase order for Controlled 'hipping #evel 2 activities within 2: hours of receiving the C'2 letter% 'upplier returns confirmation letter% '!+ and 9rd part$ provider hold a -ic-off meeting or conference call with the 'upplier(s !ualit$ Manager and lant Manager to/ Review the non?conformance that resulted in the C' 2 entr$% Review and approve the supplier(s containment process which includes/ 0ata collection utili,ing an *?chart Communication bac- to Customer Aincluding fre)uenc$B Control of non?conforming product Review 9rd part$ provider actions.assessments as re)uired% Review and approve the supplier(s escalation.reaction plan for the containment activit$% +stablish boundar$ samples and.or specifications for acceptance.reRection of the parts% +stablish e&it criteria for C'2% '!+ obtains signatures from Cu$er and 'upplier on C'#2 urchase =rder Addendum when re)uired b$ the region% 'upplier performs a redundant inspection of all suspect nonconforming products per the agreed upon process to ensure defect free parts AC'1B% 'upplier notifies additional 'upplier facilities that use the same part" informs them of the nonconformance" and provides containment activities as necessar$% The 9rd art$ rovider performs an additional redundant inspection of all suspect non? conforming products per the agreed upon process to ensure defect free parts are delivered to Customer% *f applicable" 9rd part$ rovider !ualit$ +ngineer or Customer '!+ to reviews the 'upplier(s process and )ualit$ histor$" and completes the Assessment%

'!+ re)uests the support of the Customer bu$er if the supplier is uncooperative in implementing C'2.and or suppl$ing a = number for 9rd part$ provider to Customer(s re)uirements% 'upplier submits irreversible corrective action plans to the *'=.T'139:9 registrar for review and.or assessment and authori,es *'=.T'139:9 registrar to submit the review and.or assessment findings to the Customer% C

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e,

Controlle! Shippin) Le.el 2

Metho!olo)y &continue!'/ Cu$er does the following/ *f re)uested" intervene to support the '!+ if the supplier is uncooperative in implementing C'2 and.or suppl$ing a .=L for 9 rd part$ provider per Customer(s re)uirements% 1otif$ urchasing Manager if intervention is re)uired%

Monitor and Chec- hase/ 'upplier does the following/ erform a redundant inspection of all suspect non?conforming products per the agreed upon process and ensure defect free parts.material are delivered to Customer% 0etermine and demonstrate the root cause to the Customer '!+ A< Fh$s 9 TimesB% 0evelop" implement and validate the permanent corrective actions" along with improved process controls Ai%e%" error proofing" la$ered audits" setup chec-lists" standardi,ed wor-" operator training and certification program" etc%B 0ocument containment data in *?chart format% *mplement lessons learned b$ conducting a RR Read Across as re)uired% Conduct a dail$ management meeting at the sort location to review the results" ensure the corrective actions ta-en are effective" and plan re)uired changes% 8pdate all applicable documentation" Ai%e% rocess Control lan" 7M+A" 7low 0iagram" and 'tandardi,ed wor- *nstructions etc%B Communicate the action plan" inspection status" and results of problem resolution activities to the customer in a format and with a fre)uenc$ agreed to b$ the Customer representative% '!+ does the following/ Monitor supplier(s containment data A*?chartB% 5erif$ the supplier has a documented process control validation program in place Asuch as Rob setups" setup error proofing" process error proofing" la$ered auditing" operator training ; certification etc%B 5erif$ supplier(s root cause anal$sis and corrective actions%

5erification for +&it/ 'upplier does the following/ Meet the defined e&it criteria% Re)uest e&it from Controlled 'hipping ? #evel 2 and provide supporting documentation and assessments on performance and corrective actions to the appropriate customer representative% ACustomer plant representative will be notified if re)uired%B '!+ does the following/ Conduct C A Audit" if applicable% 5erif$ that the supplier has met all e&it criteria% AMa$ be performed b$ the 9rd part$%B The 'upplier is removed from C'2 after all e&it criteria are met and the established time has

e&pired without further non?conformances at the Customer Assembl$ .Manufacturing Center or coming out of the 'upplier(s process% 1otif$ the supplier verball$ that the$ have met the criteria and that the$ will be removed from C'2 upon receipt of the C'2 e&it letter%

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e,

Controlle! Shippin) Le.el 2

Metho!olo)y &continue!'/ Complete a C'2 e&it chec-list Aas re)uiredB and issue a C'2 e&it letter to the supplier for official notification that the$ have met the e&it criteria% A0istribute e&it chec- sheet to an$ additional Customer resources who have responsibilit$ for letter creation and distribution" if applicable%B 7orward a cop$ of the e&it letter to the Customer distribution% A*nclude an$ additional Customer resources who have G!T' update responsibilit$" if applicable%B +nter the e&it information into G!T'%

SQ# -esponsibility/ Euyer -esponsibility/

Confirm supplier(s non?conformance and review their )ualit$ performance% 5erball$ notif$ the supplier(s management of the non?conformance and entr$ into C'2% 5erif$ and approve supplier(s 9rd part$ provider selection% 6old -ic-off meeting with 9rd part$ provider and supplier as specified in the +ntr$.*mplementation phase% Complete appropriate documentation for formal notification to the supplier% 5erif$ and approve supplier(s Controlled 'hipping plan.process% Monitor supplier(s containment data A*?chartB% Complete an Assessment and Assessment Matri&% 5erif$ supplier(s root cause anal$sis and corrective actions% 5erif$ the supplier(s process control improvements and validation plan.fre)uenc$% Conduct C A audit" if applicable% 5erball$ notif$ the supplier(s management of their removal from C'2% Complete and distribute the appropriate documentation for formal notification of removal from C'2% +nter the e&it information into G!T'%

*f re)uested" intervene to support the '!+ if the supplier is uncooperative in implementing C'2 and.or suppl$ing a .=L for 9 rd part$ provider per Customer(s re)uirements% 1otif$ urchasing Manager if intervention is re)uired%

Supplier -esponsibility +nsure understanding of the nonconformance% 0evelop an escalation . action plan% Contact and issue a purchase order to the Controlled 'hipping 9 rd part$ for Controlled 'hipping ? #evel 2 activities% The supplier is responsible for all costs of the Controlled 'hipping third part$ for the activit$% Return confirmation letter%

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, C

*mplement a C'2 containment activit$ to ensure defect free parts.material are properl$ identified and delivered to Customer% urge pipeline of suspect material% 1otif$ additional Customer facilities that use the same part and inform them of the nonconformance% 'ubmit irreversible corrective action plans to the *'=.T'139:9 registrar for review and.or assessment% Authori,e *'=.T'139:9 registrar to submit the review and.or assessment findings to the Customer% Conduct a dail$ management meeting at the sort location% 0etermine root cause%

Controlle! Shippin) Le.el 2

Supplier -esponsibility &continue!' Euyer -esponsibility/


0evelop" implement" and validate permanent corrective actions and process controls% 8pdate all applicable documents% 0ocument containment data in *?chart format% Communicate action plans" inspection status" and results of problem resolution activities to the customer in a format and with a fre)uenc$ agreed to b$ the Customer representative% 'atisf$ an$ and all additional re)uests noted on the C'2 +ntr$ #etter and.or communicated during the Kic- off meeting% Meet the defined e&it criteria% Re)uest e&it from Controlled 'hipping ? #evel 2 with appropriate supporting documentation%

*ntervene to support the '!+ if the supplier is uncooperative in implementing C'* per Customer(s re)uirements% 1otif$ urchasing Manager if intervention is re)uired%

Party -esponsibility, articipate.#ead the C' 2 Kic- off meeting% 'uppl$ the re)uired.agreed upon resources to perform the C' activit$% erform C' activit$ as contracted% 'et up and verif$ conformance for all C' activit$% 'uppl$ inspection results A*?chartB as re) Complete Assessment" Assessment Matri& and a 'upplier Action Report as re) Conduct C A audit" if applicable% 5erification that the 'upplier(s Root Cause" Corrective Actions" rocess Controls" rocess 0ocumentation is updated and complete% 'uppl$ re)uired documentation to the Customer '!+ to meet the C' 2 re)uirements Aas applicableB%

A!!itional *nfor"ation, G ?< +ntr$.+&it re)uest from C'2

GSQ# in this !ocu"ent refers to the SQ#0 QS#0 r! Party PQ#0 CS Coor!inator0 or other appro.e! Custo"er -epresentati.eG

GSQ Mana)er in this !ocu"ent refers to a SQ Mana)er or other Custo"er Mana)erG

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, Task 9<ner, Task Ti"in),


Supplier Perfor"ance< Meetin)s

G 'C E Current 'upplier !ualit$ Throughout the life of the product


Task Description, 7ormal meetings between the leadership of the 'upplier and the leadership of GM to review the 'upplier(s )ualit$ performance and actions for driving improvement% This tas- describes 9 t$pes of meetings" each with specific drivers" which engages leadership involvement to improve supplier performance% Criteria for Application, Supplier Perfor"ance< E focus is generall$ a supplier manufacturing 0uns performance to a specific GM Assembl$.Manufacturing plant% Attendance includes the GM lant 'upport '!+ and.or '! Manager" the GM lant Manager and.or !ualit$ Manager" and the 'upplier(s General. lant Manager and !ualit$ Manager% Supplier Quality *"pro.e"ent Meetin) E focus is t$picall$ a supplier(s ultimate 0uns performance to GM% Attendance includes the GM 'upplier !ualit$ 0irectorAsB.Group 0irector" GM 'upplier !ualit$ ManagerAsB" the 'upplier(s C+=. resident" Corporate !ualit$ 0irector" 5 Manufacturing% Spill< Meetin)s E focus is a spill caused b$ a supplier manufacturing 0uns location% Attendance should include the GM 'upplier !ualit$ 0irectorAsB.Group 0irector" GM urchasing.Commodit$ 0irector and.or Manager" GM Creativit$ Team leader" GM 'upplier !ualit$ ManagerAsB" the 'upplier(s C+=. resident" Corporate !ualit$ 0irector" 5 Manufacturing% Deli.erables, 'upplier Action lan AGM 1927?79B Agenda AGM 1927?73B 'upplier resentation GM Assembl$.Manufacturing lant !ualit$ GM 'upplier !ualit$ +ngineer.Manager.0irector Source of *nput/ 'uppl$ ower 'uppl$ ower . G!T' Reliabilit$ +ngineers .9rd art$ '!+ '!+ 'upplier . '!+

Custo"er for Deli.erables,

+ecessary *nputs, 'upplier erformance Report A3 panelB RR Anal$sis 'ummar$ GM Assembl$ lant.9rd art$ )ualit$ data A ! #aunch 'upplier(s *nternal . +&ternal 0ata Anal$sis

-esources, 'upplier !ualit$" urchasing" 'upplier" GM Assembl$ lant ersonnel Metho!olo)y, Pre@Meetin) Preparation '!+ does the following/ Reviews 3?month RR histor$" 3?panel charts" and other reports for targeted supplier to identif$ trends% Creates a areto for )ualit$ non?conformances to identif$ repeat issues and.or maRor causes of customer dissatisfaction6

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e,


Supplier Perfor"ance< Meetin)s

Metho!olo)y &continue!', Pre@Meetin) Preparation &continue!' *ssue notification letter inviting the supplier to the meeting% A'uggested formatB repare a presentation pac-age for review at the meeting with/ ? Meeting agenda Asuggested formatB ? 'upplier erformance Report A3?panelB ? 'upplier(s performance metrics to the GM Assembl$.Manufacturing lantAsB% Meetin) '!+ -ic-s off the meeting b$ presenting the agenda% The agenda should include/ ? 'afet$ evacuation procedure ? articipant introductions Aan attendance list to be completed b$ all participantsB ? *ntent and e&pectations '!+ reviews the 'upplier(s performance and specific issues as appropriate A3 panel data" GM lant impactB 'upplier presents their information" which should detail/ ? areto anal$sis of their failures E locations" products" modes ? Root cause anal$sis of failures" if applicable ? 'pecific corrective actions to address the failures ? '$stemic changes to address poor performance ? ropose a )ualit$ improvement glide?path with sufficienc$ plans *f a spill meeting" '!+ should also review the details of the spill and the impact on the GM plant% *f a spill meeting" supplier also reviews the root cause" the failures in their process" and their corrective actions% '!+ reviews an$ open cost recoveries% '!+ should review open items" assignments" owners and follow?up dates% '!+ should establish date for follow?up meeting" if necessar$% After the 'upplier has been e&cused from the meeting" GM participants evaluate the supplier(s presentation and action plans" and determine ne&t steps%

Monitor an! Check 'upplier drives and documents s$stemic improvements in the organi,ation% 'upplier develops" implements and trac-s an action plan to resolve open issues% '!+ conducts follow?up as re)uired% '!+ trac-s progress" reviews improvements" and verifies implementation%

SQ# -esponsibility, Review and anal$,e 'upplier erformance Report A3?panelB and lant metrics% *ssue notification letter to supplier% 'ummari,e data into presentation format for the meeting% Kic- off and facilitate the erformance review meeting% resent supplier(s data at meeting Aadditional information is re)uired for spill meetingsB% 0ocument an$ open issues for follow?up from the meeting and review prior to closing the meeting% 'chedule follow?up meeting" if necessar$% Trac- progress" review improvements" and verif$ implementation%

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e,


Supplier Perfor"ance< Meetin)s

Supplier -esponsibility, rovide leadership commitment and accountabilit$% resent information at erformance Review meeting% rovide presentation" in electronic and hardcop$ form% 0rive and document s$stemic improvements in the organi,ation% 0evelop" implement and trac- an action plan to resolve open issues%

A!!itional *nfor"ation, 'upplier resentation * SQE denotes GM Supplier Quality Engineer or approved GM SQ Representative

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, Task 9<ner, Task Ti"in),


#$ecuti.e Cha"pion Process &#CP'

G 'C E 'upplier !ualit$ Throughout the life of the product


Task Description, The +&ecutive Champion rocess is used to improve the )ualit$ performance of the suppl$ base" b$ driving s$stemic changes in manufacturing and )ualit$ through e&ecutive leadership engagement and accountabilit$ focused on clear e&pectations and metrics% The focus is on compan$ or ultimate duns performance% Criteria for Application/ Companies with demonstrated poor performance over time roactive continuous improvement activit$ for strategic suppliers Deli.erables, Mandator$ articipation in +C Conferences ATwice per $earB 7ormal +ntr$ and +&it to the rocess Add.Remove 7orm AGM 1927?39B +&ecutive Champion A+CB report out at G 'C staff meeting ATwice per $earB 'tep 0own Chart AGM 1927?7>B 'upplier Action lans AGM 1927?79B 'upplier erformance Report A 3 anelB =n 'ite +C 5isits to Ke$ 'upplier 0uns #ocations Ke$ Metric Fall G 'C" 'upplier" 'upplier !ualit$" Creativit$ Team%

Custo"er for Deli.erables, +ecessary *nputs,

'upplier erformance Report A3 panelB Creativit$ Team Cid #ist RR Anal$sis summar$ *nternal . +&ternal 0ata Anal$sis

Source of *nput, 'uppl$ ower Creativit$ teams 'uppl$ ower 'upplier.'!+.GM Mfg Center.A !

-esources, 'upplier !ualit$" urchasing" 'upplier" GM Assembl$ lant ersonnel

Assess"ent Phase +C Add.0elete form is completed and submitted to +&ecutive Champion rocess.Top 7ocus A+C .T7B #eadership Team% +C .T7 #eadership Team reviews necessar$ inputs as identified above to determine candidates for program% Review candidates with G 'C.'! leadership for concurrence% Assign a G 'C +&ecutive as the +&ecutive Champion% Assign 'ingle oint '!+ to support G 'C +C%

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, #ntry Phase


#$ecuti.e Cha"pion Process

G 'C +&ecutive with the support of the 'ingle oint '!+ does the following/ ? Reviews all available data% ? Contacts 'upplier +&ecutive to schedule face?to?face meeting to initiate the process% Recommended attendees/ C+=" resident" Corporate !ualit$ 0irector" General Manager" lant Manager% ? Reviews the following materials with the supplier e&ecutives/ +&ecutive Champion rocess =bRectives and e&pectations 'upplier erformance Report A3 panel B Creativit$ Team Cid #ist Additional pertinent data from web site or other GM source Ai%e% Farrant$" 'ervice arts" etc%B ? *nitiates a 'tep?down Chart with the appropriate targets and conse)uences% ? 0evelops a 2:?hour -e$ contact list for both the supplier and GM% ? 0evelops a meeting cadence with supplier including on site visits and phone conferences% ? 0iscusses potential roadbloc-s to success and identifies owners to remove% ? Reviews e&it criteria and e&it process%

*"ple"entation Phase G 'C +&ecutive with the support of the 'ingle oint '!+ does the following/ ? 'chedules and conducts an on?site review of most problematic 0uns location% ? 6as the supplier establish an action plan Amaster dot process preferredB" based on their internal data" e&ternal data" and an$ audits recommended b$ the 'ingle oint '!+% ? Reviews the action plan with the supplier(s leadership and provide feedbac-% ? +stablishes a -e$ metric wall displa$ing all critical +C documents A3 panel" 'tep 0own" Action lans" etc%B in an area that can be viewed b$ wor-force% 'upplier does the following/ ? erforms a detailed anal$sis of their corporate )ualit$ metrics" including pareto anal$sis of the defect sources Amanufacturing 081'B" the failure modes" the failure s$stemic root causes% These areas should become the focus of the 'upplier(s Action lans% ? 0evelops a Corporate !ualit$ *mprovement lan" which includes specific )ualit$ action plans and initiatives to address the issues identified in the pareto anal$ses performed% ? 0evelops sufficienc$ plans to address the )ualit$ gaps% ? 0evelops a method to trac- implementation of the initiatives and resulting )ualit$ improvements% ? *mplements a lessons learned process across their Corporation using the RR Read Across format% Trac- the supplier(s progress with regular phone conferences and on site shop floor reviews% 'upplier provides an update of the action plan and updated 'tep?down Chart a minimum of once a month with more fre)uent updates re)uired initiall$ at the discretion of the '!+% The plan is sent electronicall$ to the +C% The +C and 'ingle oint '!+ conducts periodic performance reviews at the supplier facilit$ reviewing the -e$ metric wall" manufacturing process and discussing process control and error proofing improvements% 'ingle oint '!+ initiates the escalation of conse)uences as stated on the 'tep down Chart if targets are not met%

Monitor Phase

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e,


#$ecuti.e Cha"pion Process &#CP'

Metho!olo)y &continue!'/ #$it Phase 'upplier meets all e&it re)uirements including/ ? <2N improvement in M ? Tero 'pills for previous 3 months ? >2N of individual 0uns Green to Cid #ist ? 1o 0uns locations on 1ew Cusiness 6old ? 0emonstrated s$stemic improvement in process capabilit$ ? All Action lans closed +&ecutive Champion completes the +C .T7 Add.0elete form and submits to +C .T7 #eadership Team% +C .T7 #eadership Team schedules +C into an e&it review meeting where +C presents the case for graduation% +&ecutive Champion presents the following supporting information to the +C .T7 #eadership Team% ? Add.0elete form ? 'upplier erformance Report A3 panelBCreativit$ Team Cid #ist ? 'tep?down chart ? '$stemic process capabilit$ improvement evidence ? Action plans =nce the graduation re)uest has been approved" a graduation notification letter will be prepared and sent to the supplier b$ the +C .T7 #eadership Team% The graduating supplier will be formall$ recogni,ed at the ne&t scheduled +&ecutive Champion conference%

SQ# -esponsibility/ *n support of the #$ecuti.e Cha"pion, Review performance data% 'upport the +&ecutive Champion with data anal$sis and on site visits% 'upport development of 'tepdown Chart% erform Audits as re)uested b$ +&ecutive Champion% Trac- progress" review improvements and audit for acceptabilit$% +&ecute 'tepdown Conse)uences" as appropriate% 'hare best practices% *nitiate controlled shipping to protect the GM Assembl$ lants" when re)uired% +ngage '! Manger.'upervisor if supplier improvement or commitment is lac-ing% Supplier -esponsibility #eadership commitment and accountabilit$% 0rive and document s$stemic improvements in the organi,ation and )ualit$ s$stem% 0evelop" implement" and trac- the action plan% +stablish a GKe$ Metric FallH% Trac- and meet -e$ performance metrics% Meet the monthl$ 'tepdown Chart targets% +stablish a GR++1 rating on the Creativit$ Team Cid #ist%

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e,


#$ecuti.e Cha"pion Process &#CP'

A!!itional *nfor"ation, GM 'uppl$ ower - !uad Report 8pdate AGM 1927?71B - 'upplier !ualit$ 'tep 0own Chart AGM 1927?7>B - 'upplier Action lan AGM 1927?79B C A A rocess Control lan AuditB AGM 1927?13B - '7+ A'hop 7loor +&cellenceB AGM 1927?72B - 7'A A7unctional 'upplier AssessmentB AGM 1927?3:B - !'C A!ualit$ '$stem CasicsB ? Tas- 2

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, Task 9<ner, Task Ti"in),


Top %ocus Process

G 'C E Current 'upplier !ualit$ Throughout the life of the product


Task Description, Top 7ocus is a process used to improve the )ualit$ performance of the suppl$ base b$ utili,ing audits" data anal$sis" and b$ driving s$stemic changes in the manufacturing and )ualit$ s$stems on the shop floor% The rocess addresses s$stemic issues and is driven b$ supplier action plans and aggressive step down )ualit$ targets with conse)uences identified for failure to meet these targets% #eadership engagement" accountabilit$" and escalation are -e$ success factors% Criteria for Application, 6istoricall$ poor performing suppliers 1egative impact on multiple GM Manufacturing.Assembl$ Centers based on )ualit$ metrics AmaRor disruptions" high M" high RRs" 0irect Run #oss" and GCAB roactive continuous improvement activit$ for strategic suppliers Deli.erables, rocess Control lan Audit A C AB GM 1927?13 'hop 7loor +&cellence A'7+B Audit GM 1927?72 Top 7ocus rocess 1otification #etter A=ptionalB GM 1927?>9 Top 7ocus Add.Remove 7orm A=ptionalB GM 1927?>2 !uad Report AGM 1927?71B 'tep 0own Chart AGM 1927?7>B 'upplier Action lans AGM 1927?79B !ualit$ '$stem Casic A!'CB Training A=ptionalB 7unctional 'upplier Assessment A7'AB if necessar$ GM 1927?3: 'upplier erformance Assessment Matri& ? ' AM AoptionalB GM 1927?>2 Ke$ Metric Fall 'upplier" 'upplier !ualit$" Creativit$ Team% Source of *nput, 'uppl$ ower 'uppl$ ower G!T' 'upplier

Custo"er for Deli.erables,

+ecessary *nputs, 'upplier erformance Report A3 panelB Creativit$ Team Cid #ist RR Anal$sis 'ummar$ 'upplier(s *nternal 0ata Anal$sis -esources, 'upplier !ualit$ +ngineer" Cu$er" 'upplier

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e,


Top %ocus Process

Assess"ent Phase '!+ does the following/ Reviews G1ecessar$ *nputsH" as identified above" along with feedbac- from GM manufacturing centers" #aunch teams" and A ! Group% *dentifies potential s$stemic issues% Contacts the supplier(s )ualit$ manager.director to schedule an audit% Conducts a rocess Control lan Audit Apreferred in the assessment phase%B Conducts a 'hop 7loor +&cellence Audit Apreferred in the assessment phase%B #ntryB*"ple"entation Phase '!+ does the following/ *nitiates a !uad Report to summari,e and clearl$ state ? The roblem ? Actions Ta-en to 0ate ? +&pectations and +&it Criteria Re)uests approval" from appropriate manager.director" to place the supplier in Top 7ocus b$ submitting the following/ ? Top 7ocus Add.Remove 7orm A=ptionalB ? 3 panel chart ? Creativit$ Team bid list ? !uad Report ? C A and '7+ if completed in the assessment phase ? 1otification letter =nce approved" places the supplier into Top 7ocus and sends the supplier(s management a GTop 7ocus rocess 1otification #etterH AoptionalB% *nitiates a 'tep 0own Chart with the appropriate conse)uences% Conducts a -ic-?off meeting with GM '! . urchasing #eaderships and the supplier(s top management Arecommended attendees/ C+=" resident" Corporate !ualit$ 0irector" General Manager" lant ManagerB to review the following/ ? Top 7ocus rocess ? otential '$stemic *ssues ? Clear obRectives and e&pectations for the ne&t 3?> months ? !uad report ? 'tep down chart and escalation process ? Metric Fall e&pectations ? Commitment and engagement b$ supplier(s e&ecutive leadership ? +&it criteria 1ote/ The Kic-?off meeting is a critical step in the Top 7ocus rocess% +nsuring understanding of e&pectations and conse)uences and obtaining commitment from the supplier leadership will ensure success of the activit$% 'chedules and conducts a C Audit and a 'hop 7loor +&cellence Audit Aif not completed in the assessment phaseB% 6as the supplier establish an action plan" based on their internal data" e&ternal data" C A" '7+ and '!+ observations% Conducts 7'A Aif necessar$B% Conducts a !'C For-shop A=ptionalB% The '!+ ma$ conduct this wor-shop or direct the supplier to contract with a 9rd part$% Reviews the action plan with the supplier(s leadership and approves. provides feedbac-% 'upplier does the following/

Commits resources and participates in !'C For-shop Aas re)uestedB% Task +u"ber, 12 Task +a"e,

Top %ocus Process

Metho!olo)y &Continue!'/ 'upplier does the following/ ? erforms a detailed anal$sis of their manufacturing 0uns )ualit$ metrics" including areto anal$sis of the defect sources Amanufacturing process or product lineB" the failure modes" the failure s$stemic root causes% These areas" along with the GM Audits performed" should become the focus of the 'upplier(s Action lans% ? 0evelops a Manufacturing 0uns !ualit$ *mprovement lan" which includes specific )ualit$ action plans and initiatives to address the issues identified in the areto anal$ses performed% ? 0evelop sufficienc$ plans to address the )ualit$ gaps% ? 0evelops a method to trac- implementation of the initiatives and resulting )ualit$ improvements% ? *mplements a lessons learned process across their Corporation using the RR Read Across format% Conducts deep dives into 7M+As and Control lans as necessar$% These deep dives would re)uire appropriate process" product" and material e&perts from the supplier% '!+ participation is preferred" but optional

Monitor an! Check Phase '!+ trac-s the supplier(s progress with regular on site shop floor reviews1 as re)uired% 'upplier provides an update of the action plans a minimum of once a month% More fre)uent updates ma$ be re)uired initiall$ at the discretion of the '!+% The plan is posted on GM 'uppl$ ower% '!+ posts an updated 'tepdown Chart" a !uad Report" and recent audits monthl$% A0ocumentation is posted on GM 'uppl$ ower for 1A5=" 8'" and CanadaB The '! Manager.'upervisor conducts periodic performance reviews with the supplier" as re)uired" to support the '!+% '!+ initiates the escalation of conse)uences as stated on the 'tepdown Chart if targets are not met% At the three to four month interval evaluate if the supplier is on target to graduate within a si& to eight month window% *f not on target" notif$ the manager.director that the supplier is a candidate for e&ternal top focus A9rd part$B% 'upplier implements and maintains a continuous improvement process%

=erification for #$it 'upplier has met all e&it re)uirements as stated on the !uad Report% ? <2N improvement in RRs" M ? 1o spills within the last 3?month period ? Green on the )ualit$ section of the Creativit$ Team Cid #ist% ? *mprovement is the result of specific identifiable improvements and sustained over a period of time% AT$picall$ 2 to 9 months after the targets have been met%B '!+ verifies effectiveness of corrective actions% 'upplier completes the 'upplier rocess Assessment Matri& A' AMB A=ptionalB% '!+ re)uests removal" from the appropriate manager.director" b$ submitting the following/ ? Top 7ocus Add.Remove 7orm A=ptionalB ? 3?panel chart ? Creativit$ Team Cid #ist ? 'tepdown chart ? ' AM AoptionalB ? !uad report ? '$stemic improvement summar$ ? Action plan ? +&it notification letter

=nce the e&it re)uest has been approved" '!+ notifies the supplier and issues the e&it notification letter% Task +u"ber, 12 Task +a"e,

Top %ocus Process

SQ# -esponsibility/ Review performance data% *nitiate Top 7ocus entr$ re)uest% 0evelop !uad Report and 'tepdown Chart% erform Audits% Trac- progress" review improvements and audit for acceptabilit$% +&ecute 'tepdown Conse)uences" as appropriate% 'hare best practices% *nitiate controlled shipping to protect the GM Assembl$ lants" when re)uired% +ngage supplier leadership% +ngage '! and urchasing leadership as re)uired% *nitiate Top 7ocus e&it re)uest%

Supplier -esponsibility #eadership commitment and accountabilit$% 0rive and document s$stemic improvements in the organi,ation and )ualit$ s$stem% 0evelop" implement" and trac- the action plan% +stablish a GKe$ Metric FallH% Trac- and meet -e$ performance metrics% Meet the monthl$ 'tepdown Chart targets% +stablish a GR++1 rating on the Creativit$ Team Cid #ist% rovide completed ' AM AoptionalB%

A!!itional *nfor"ation, GM 'uppl$ ower ? !uad Report 8pdate AGM 1927?71B ? 'upplier !ualit$ 'tep 0own Chart AGM 1927?7>B ? 'upplier Action lan AGM 1927?79B ? C A A rocess Control lan AuditB AGM 1927?13B ? '7+ A'hop 7loor +&cellenceB AGM 1927?72B ? 7'A A7unctional 'upplier AssessmentB AGM 1927?3:B ? !'C A!ualit$ '$stem CasicsB ? Top 7ocus rocess 1otification #etter AGM 1927?>9B ? Top 7ocus +&it #etter ? Top 7ocus Training

* SQE denotes GM Supplier Quality Engineer or approved GM SQ Representative

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, Task 9<ner, Task Ti"in),

+e< Eusiness /ol! B #$it

G 'C E Current 'upplier !ualit$ Throughout the life of the product


Task Description, 1ew Cusiness 6old is a process to prohibit the supplier from )uoting new business% +&it is the process of re?sourcing all business from the supplier% Criteria for Application, Confirmed supplier spill 8nauthori,ed process or tool change Aresulting in maRor disruptionB Repeat maRor disruptions A0owntime" stoc-outsB Conse)uence on 'tep 0own Chart =utcome of 'upplier erformance Meeting #ac- of *'=.T'139:9 certification Aunless waived b$ procuring divisionB oor performance over time =ngoing Customer 'atisfaction RR(s Continued poor 'ervice arts 0eliver$ *nde& A' 0*B rating Deli.erables,

1ew Cusiness 6old status on Creativit$ Team Cid #ist 1ew Cusiness 6old record in G!T'

Custo"er for Deli.erables, Cu$er Creativit$ Team GM Assembl$.Manufacturing lants 'upplier 'upplier !ualit$ Management

+ecessary *nputs, !uad Report AGM 1927?71B A ! . #aunch *ssues Creativit$ Team Cid #ist *nternal . +&ternal 0ata Anal$sis RR Anal$sis 'ummar$ 'tep 0own Chart AGM 1927?7>B 'upplier Action lan AGM 1927?79B 'upplier erformance Report A3 anelB Farrant$ data -esources, Cu$er 'upplier 'upplier !ualit$ +ngineer

Source of *nput, '!+ '!+ 'uppl$ ower 'uppl$ ower. '!+ 'uppl$ ower . '!+ '!+ 'upplier 'uppl$ ower '!+

Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, Metho!olo)y,

+e< Eusiness /ol! B #$it

#ntry into +E/ '!+ creates.updates !uad Report" gathers supporting documentation" and submits to local management for approval% A*f a single point '!+ is assigned to the supplier" the$ should initiate the !uad%B '! Manager sends a notification to G 'C Commodit$ Manager and C!* Manager to advise them that a 1ew Cusiness 6old re)uest is being initiated and their support is re)uested% '!+ finali,es !uad Report for distribution and ensures/ ? 6eader information is correct ? roblem is clearl$ stated and that 1ew Cusiness 6old or +&it is clearl$ stated ? Actions ta-en are clearl$ stated ? +&it criteria are clearl$ stated Are)uirements that must be met b$ supplier to be removed from 1C6B% This ma$ re)uire alignment with urchasing% AThere ma$ be no e&it criteria if the decision is to +&it the supplier%B '! Manager.0irector review and approve !uad report% '!+ submits !uad report to G 'C 1C6 Coordinator" C!* Manager" and C!* Group #eader to schedule a review at the ne&t *nternational Commodit$ 'ourcing Table meeting% G 'C 1C6 Coordinator summari,es all 1C6 re)uests and distributes via #otus 1otes to the 1C6 distribution% C!* Group #eader presents 1ew Cusiness 6old re)uest at the ne&t *nternational Commodit$ 'ourcing Table meeting% 8pon approval" the G 'C 1C6 Coordinator gathers appropriate e&ecutive signatures" communicates internall$" inputs the 1C6 status into the Global !ualit$ Trac-ing '$stem AG!T'B" and issues an official 1C6 notification letter to the 'upplier% *f sourcing table reRects" decision should be appealed to +&ecutive 0irector of 'upplier !ualit$% G 'C Commodit$ Manager or Creativit$ Team #eader determines how the supplier will be notified of the 1ew Cusiness 6old initiation% *t is recommended that this be done as part of a 'pill or '!*M meeting% Regionall$ assigned '! resource verifies that the supplier notified the !'.T' Registrar of 1ew Cusiness 6old status% #$it fro" +E/ '!+ monitors supplier(s progress to ensure e&it criteria are being met% Fhen e&it criteria have been met" the '!+ updates the !uad Report with supporting documentation% '! Manager sends a notification to G 'C Commodit$ Manager and C!* Manager to advise them that a 1ew Cusiness 6old removal is being initiated% '!+ or Manager finali,es !uad Report for distribution% '! Manager.0irector review and approve !uad% '!+ submits a cop$ of the !uad Report to the G 'C 1C6 Coordinator C!* Manager" and C!* Group #eader to schedule a review at the ne&t *nternational Commodit$ 'ourcing Table meeting% C!* Group #eader presents 1C6 removal re)uest to sourcing table for official bu$?in and communicates results to the G 'C 1C6 Coordinator% urchasing Commodit$ Manager or Creativit$ Team #eader determines how the supplier will be notified of the 1ew Cusiness 6old removal% G 'C 1C6 Coordinator gathers appropriate e&ecutive signatures" communicates internall$" inputs the 1C6 status into the Global !ualit$ Trac-ing '$stem AG!T'B" and issues an official 1C6 notification letter to the 'upplier%

Task +u"ber, 1 Task +a"e,

+e< Eusiness /ol! B #$it

SQ# -esponsibility/ *nitiate !uad Report and supporting documentation% =btain '! Management approval for re)uest 'upport" as necessar$" presentation at 'ourcing Table% 7ollow up" as necessar$" with the supplier to ensure e&it re)uirements have been met% *nitiate removal re)uest after supplier meets e&it criteria%

Supplier -esponsibility Meet e&it criteria as re)uired% 1otif$ registrar of 1ew Cusiness 6old entr$ and e&it% A!!itional *nfor"ation, Creativit$ Team +&it rocess 1ew Cusiness 6old Training G#everaging the Registrar TrainingH

* SQE denotes GM Supplier Quality Engineer or approved GM SQ Representative

Appen!i$ 1

Co"ple$ Syste"sBSub@asse"blies APQP Mana)e"ent Plan

Appendix 1
Task +u"ber, Task +a"e, Task 9<ner, Task Ti"in), Appendi& 1 Comple& '$stem.'ub?assemblies A ! Management lan 'upplier 7rom 'ourcing 0ecision through to 'tart of roduction

Task Description, The purpose of the Comple& '$stem.'ub?assemblies A ! Management lan is to ensure the proper development and implementation of well planned )ualit$ s$stems throughout the suppl$ chain% This provides suppliers of comple& s$stems.sub?assemblies with additional information and re)uirements that are necessar$ to effectivel$ develop and manage activities inherent with these t$pes of assemblies% Management of these A ! lans is comple& and includes the necessar$ management of subcontractors% Deli.erables, Confirmation that a rogram Management RA'*C similar to GM 1927?22M was included in '=R 0irected Cu$.0irected 'ource Chec-list GM 1927?29M AAs applicable if not included in R7!B 'ubcontractor rogram 'tatus Matri& GM 1927?2<M 'ubcontractor 0etailed 'tatus Matri& GM 1927?23M Custo"er for Deli.erables, 'upplier !ualit$" +ngineering Source of *nput, 'upplier 'upplier 'upplier 'upplier 'upplier

+ecessary *nputs, A ! roRect lan GM 1927?1 A ! Timing lan GM 1927?2 '=R G 'C A ! Assessment GM 1927?7 Aor e)uivalentB 'upplier Manufacturing Assessment #etters GM 1927?19 -esources,

'ubcontractorAsB" +ngineer AGM ; 'uppliersB" Cu$er AGM ; 'upplierB" 'upplier rogram Management" GM '!+

Metho!olo)y/ The 7irst Tier supplier implements Advanced roduct !ualit$ lanning activities with subcontractors following *'=.T'139:9 and the GM Global A ! Manual GM 1927% The 7irst Tier supplier completes re)uirements pertaining specificall$ to comple& s$stems.sub?assemblies that are included in the applicable Tas- write?ups and identified with a superscript M% The 7irst Tier supplier completes form numbers GM 1927?22M" 1927?29M" 1927?2<M and 1927?23M Aas applicable if not included in R7!B for all comple& s$stems.sub?assemblies% The 7irst Tier supplier verifies all subcontractors timing plans include sufficient time to complete all re)uired A ! activities% 'ubcontractor timing must enable the 7irst Tier supplier to meet GM program timing% The 7irst Tier supplier provides the GM '!+ with A ! status reports for all subcontractors during the four GM 1927 Gate Reviews at a minimum% The status reports ma$ be more fre)uent than four times during the program development process" but cannot be less than four%


Task +u"ber, Task +a"e,

Appendi& 2 continued Comple& '$stem.'ub?assemblies A ! Management lan

SQ# -esponsibility/ 5erif$ the 7irst Tier supplier has communicated the A ! re)uirements to subcontractors +nsure the 7irst Tier supplier reviews the re)uired A ! forms for subcontractors of comple& s$stems.sub? assemblies during the four A ! Gate Reviews% +levate issues as appropriate up through the 7irst Tier suppliers( organi,ation and the GM organi,ation% Review the A ! re)uirements including those specific to comple& s$stems.sub?assemblies with subcontractors and ensure re)uirements are understood and implemented% Review the completed forms pertaining to comple& s$stems.sub?assemblies at each of the four Global A ! Gate Review meetings *nform the GM '!+ of an$ timing concerns that could affect $our abilit$ to meet GM program timing as soon as the$ occur% A!!itional *nfor"ation, A ! roRect lan GM 1927?1 A ! Timing Chart GM1927?2 A ! =pen *ssues list GM1927?< G 'C A ! Assessment GM 1927?7 or e)uivalent assessment 'upplier Manufacturing Assessment #etters GM 1927?19 rogram Management RA'*C GM 1927?22M 0irected Cu$.0irected 'ource Chec-list GM 1927?29M 'ubcontractor rogram 'tatus Matri& GM 1927?2<M 'ubcontractor 0etailed 'tatus Matri& GM1927?23M


%lo< Chart,

#ollow Global APQP Process

&M S 6 Assigned

GM GPSC Sourcing Process

Technical "e#iews , &PSC AP P Assessment

Commodity Sourcing Strategy Meeting

"e#iew S/"$ 5irected @uy

"esponsibility Matrix

Complex Systems)Sub-assembly supplier completes &PSC AP P Assessment &M ':*3-3 or e<ui#alent for Sub-components

Complex System)Sub-assembly supplier re#iews subcontractor &PSC AP P Assessment 7or e<ui#alent9 with &M S 6

C1MP.%< S=S"%MS!S:)' ASS%M).= Supplier>s Sourcing Process

Ierify a Program Management "AS%C 7similar to &M ':*3-**M9 was completed and included in the S/"

Comple? Systems!Sub' assemblies Supplier Responsibilities

Subcontract or AP P Managemen t as 5efined in S/" Contract AP P 2ed by Supplier

GM .ead Responsibilities

AP P 2ed by &M S 6

*7 A R= R*AT+" GM F*## ART*C* AT+ A10 A80*T1T 6+ T*+R 1 A ! *M #+M+1TAT*=1 F*T6 '8CC=1TRACT=R'

&M Manages AP P with Supplier

"e#iew status of all AP P parts during the four AP P &ate "e#iews 5etail re<uired for subcontractors of complex systems)subassemblies


Quality +alve or Gate Reviews

Advanced Product Quality Planning 5APQP6

Global Process

Appen!i$ 2

Data Sources for Harranty

1ovember 2223 129

Advanced Product Quality Planning 5APQP6

Global Process

Data Sources for Harranty

Raw $ata Source Access GM A QWI@ GM% %WACS .AAM $P"+ S=S"%M AP1 %WACS! 1WS

http?))<wiAweb!iweb!gm!com Contact Contact "eliability Tier % suppliers may obtain uality,"eliability Manager access by contacting the Manager G%B help desA .'3 *3*.0:0!

Contact Super#isor Garranty Administration




uality,"eliability "eliability 6ngineering 6ngineering %WACS $P"+ S=S"%M

&eneral Super#isor - Garranty Administration %WACS! 1WS

Warranty by Sub' Source system and +ehicle .ines

)1M Row "ool


&M %ntranet

Contact Contact "eliability uality,"eliability Manager Manager uality,"eliability "eliability 6ngineering 6ngineering

Contact Super#isor Garranty Administration &eneral Super#isor - Garranty Administration 7Ser#ice /perations9 Service Warranty $ata A#ailable on S shared dri#e Manager - "6PAC 7Ser#ice /perations9


Product 5e#elopment uality

Warranty by @ey Supplier

Source Access /wner

Supplier "ool A#ailable on &M SupplyPower &PSC Supplier uality

!A ()A ()A

$P"+ S=S"%M Contact "eliability Manager "eliability 6ngineering

Warranty by All Suppliers

Source Access /wner !A !A !A

Warranty by P! or $uns

Source Access /wner !A !A !A

GM use onl$ 112

Available for internal and e&ternal use

1ovember 2223

Advanced Product Quality Planning 5APQP6

Global Process

Glossary of Ter"s

1ovember 2223


Advanced Product Quality Planning 5APQP6

Global Process

Glossary of Terms
AA-, Appearance Approval Report AD=, Anal$sis.0evelopment.5alidation A05E05/ A05 0esign 5alidation ABDB= P(-, Anal$sis.0evelopment.5alidation lan and Report% This form is used to summari,e the plan and results for validation testing% Additional information can be found in the G ?11 procedure% AD=P=, A05 roduct 5alidation A*AG, Automotive *ndustries Action Group" an organi,ation formed b$ General Motors" 7ord and 0aimler? Chr$sler to develop common standards and e&pectations for automotive suppliers% AP, Advanced urchasing APQP, Advanced roduct !ualit$ lanning AP9, AGeneral MotorsB Asian acific =perations APQP ProLect Plan, A one?page summar$ of the GM A ! process that describes the tas-s and the timeframe in which the$ occur% ASQ#, Advanced 'upplier !ualit$ +ngineer E9M, Cill of Materials E9P, Cill of rocess Ero<nfiel! Site, An e&pansion of an e&isting facilit$% CMM, Coordinate Measuring Machine

Co"ple$ Syste"BSubasse"bly, An assembl$ of sub?components delivered to the GM main production line for installation to the vehicle as a single unit%

Cpk, Capabilit$ *nde& for a stabile process CTS, Component Technical 'pecifications Defect outflo< !etection, A phrase used in the 'upplier !ualit$ 'tatement of Re)uirements that refers to in?process or subse)uent inspection used to detect defects in parts% D%MBD%A, 0esign for Manufacturabilit$ . 0esign for Assembl$ D%M#A, 0esign 7ailure Modes and +ffects Anal$sis% *t is used to identif$ the potential failure modes of a part" associated with the design" and establish a priorit$ s$stem for design improvements% DP=, 0efects per vehicle D-#, 0esign Release +ngineer

1ovember 2223


Advanced Product Quality Planning 5APQP6

Global Process

#rror 9ccurrence Pre.ention, A phrase used in the 'upplier !ualit$ 'tatement of Re)uirements that refers to po-e $o-e or error?proofing devices used to prevent errors in the manufacturing process from occurring% #H9, +ngineering For- =rder %# 1020 / 7unctional +valuations 1"2" and 9 GD(T, Geometric 0imensioning ; Tolerancing GM, General Motors GM#, General Motors +urope GP, General rocedure GPDS, Global roduct 0escription '$stem GPS, Global urchasing '$stem GQTS, Global !ualit$ Trac-ing '$stem G-(-, Gage Repeatabilit$ and Reproducibilit$ Greenfiel! Site, A new supplier facilit$ that is built to support a program% G=DP/ Global 5ehicle 0evelopment rocess *PT=, *ncidents per Thousand 5ehicles ?CC, Ke$ Control Characteristics% *t is a process characteristic where variation can affect the final part and.or the performance of the part% ?CDS, Ke$ Characteristic 0esignation '$stem ?ick@9ff Meetin), The first A ! supplier program review% ?PC, Ke$ roduct Characteristic% *t is a product characteristic for which reasonabl$ anticipated variation could significantl$ affect safet$" compliance to governmental regulations" or customer satisfaction% LA9, AGeneral MotorsB #atin American =perations LC-, #ean Capacit$ Rate% *t is the GM dail$ capacit$ re)uirement% MC-, Ma&imum Capacit$ Rate *t is the GM ma&imum capacit$ re)uirement% M9P, Ma-e or urchase MPC, Material roduction Control MPC#, Material roduction Control +urope M-D, Material Re)uired 0ateI date material must be delivered in order to allow a build event to begin A ilot" '=R" etc%B MSA, Measurement '$stems Anal$sis M=Ens, Manufacturing 5alidation Cuild non?saleable 1ovember 2223 119

Advanced Product Quality Planning 5APQP6

Global Process

M=Es, Manufacturing 5alidation Cuild saleable +A9, AGeneral MotorsB 1orth American =perations +E/, 1ew Cusiness 6old +696D6, 1otice of 0ecision 9#M, =riginal +)uipment Manufacturer PAD, roduction Assembl$ 0ocuments PC(L, roduction Control ; #ogistics PDT, roduct 0evelopment Team P%M#A, rocess 7ailure Modes and +ffects Anal$sis% *t is used to identif$ potential failure modes associated with the manufacturing and assembl$ process% PPAP, roduction art Approval rocess PPM, 1B rogram urchasing Manager 2B arts per Million AreRects and returns to suppliersB Ppk, erformance inde& for a stable process PQC, roduct !ualit$ Characteristic P-B-, roblem Reporting ; Resolution PSA, otential 'upplier Assessment" a subset of the !ualit$ '$stem Assessment A!'AB QSA, !ualit$ '$stem Assessment QTC, !uoted Tool Capacit$ -AS*C, Responsible" Approve" 'upport" *nform" Consult -%Q, Re)uest 7or !uotation -P+, Ris- riorit$ 1umber related to 7M+A development -P+ -e!uction Plan, An action plan that describes what is being done to reduce the ris- priorit$ number for items listed in the 07M+A or 7M+A% SD#, 'upplier 0evelopment +ngineer S%M#A, '$stem 7ailure Mode and +ffects Anal$sis SMT, '$stem Management Team S9A, 'tart of Acceleration S9P, 'tart of roduction S9-, 'tatement of Re)uirements SPC, 'tatistical rocess Control 1ovember 2223 11:

Advanced Product Quality Planning 5APQP6

Global Process

SP9/ AGeneral MotorsB 'ervice and arts =perations SQ, 'upplier !ualit$ SQ#, 'upplier !ualit$ +ngineer SQ*P, 'upplier !ualit$ *mprovement rocess SS%, 'tart of '$stem 7ill SSTS, 'ub?s$stem Technical 'pecifications S6T6#6P, 'ourcing Team +valuation rocess" a supplier assessment focused on a specific technolog$ or process at a supplier(s facilit$%

Subcontractor, The supplier of a sub?component to a Comple& '$stem.'ubassembl$ supplier ATier 2" 9" etcB% Tea" %easibility Co""it"ent, An A*AG A ! form that is provided with the Re)uest for !uotation% *t is the supplier(s concerns with the feasibilit$ of manufacturing the part as specified% 7G, 8nigraphics =DP, 5ehicle 0evelopment rocess =L#, 5ehicle #ine +&ecutive GP, Global urchasing

11< 1ovember 2223

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