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Design and Simulation of Ultra-Wideband Dielectric Resonator Antenna

R. Shanthaselvakumari1, S.Ga athri!, 1"rofessor, !"G Student

1, !, #

$lectronics and %ommunication $ngineering de&artment 'e&co Schlenk $ngineering %ollege Sivakasi, (ndia rshantha)me&,onl *ga a#)

Abstract In this paper, a portable Dielectric Resonator Antenna design with broadside radiation using Advanced Design System (ADS) is presented. he total volume o! the antenna is reduced and impedance matching !or a wide bandwidth are obtained by using a solid rectangular dielectric resonator mounted on a vertical ground plane edge instead o! perpendicular ground plane edge. o improve the impedance matching and the radiation pattern two dielectric pieces have been removed to !orm an "A# shaped Dielectric Resonator. his modi!ied Dielectric Resonator Antenna would provide much better broadside radiation characteristics. Keywords Dielectric Resonator Antenna (DRA), $ltra %ide &and ($%&), Advanced Design System (ADS)

(. (+,R-DU%,(-+ (n Antenna design t.o ma/or goals considered are the band.idth enhancement techni0ues and the antenna miniaturi1ation techni0ues. ,he Dielectric Resonator Antenna 2DRA3 is an attractive o&tion to achieve the above goals. DRAs have several striking characteristics such as high radiation efficienc , lo. dissi&ation loss, small si1e, light .eight, and lo. &rofile. DRA .as originall &ro&osed in 145# 617. DRAs &ossess a high degree of design fle8ibilit and have emerged as an ideal one for .ideband, high efficienc , and cost-effective a&&lications. (n the &ast several efforts .ere taken to enhance the .ider band.idth of the DRA and the research of the .ideband DRA .ith broadside radiation .as first e8&erimentall carried out in 1454 b 9ishk et al. 6!7, he &iled u& t.o different DRAs on to& of one another to obtain a dual-resonance o&eration .ith !:; im&edance band.idth. ,here are several geometries of DRAs such as conical, 6#7, elli&tical, tetrahedral 6<7, .ell 6:7, stair 6=7 and >-sha&ed 6?7. ,hese geometries &rovide band.idth enhancement for broadside radiation b using the advantage of Dielectric Resonator 2DR3 structure fle8ibilit . ,he introduction of an air ga& bet.een the DRA and ground &lane can further im&rove band.idth 657. ,he cou&ling bet.een the e8citation mechanism and the DR significantl affects the resonant fre0uenc and radiation @-factor of a DRA, feeding techni0ues including ,-stri&-feed DRA , A-&robe feed DRA 6117, and vertical stri&-fed 61!7, have been &ro&osed. B using the above band.idth enhancement techni0ues, o&erating DRA

band.idth ranges from !:; to =?; have been re&orted for broadside radiation &atterns. Wide band.idth for mono&ole t &e radiation &atterns have been re&orted .hich are much easier to achieve than the broadside t &e, and even .ider band.idth .as &reviousl achieved b loading a mono&ole .ith a sus&ended annular DR61#7, 61<7. Recentl , several &a&ers &ro&osed DRAs .ith &lanar t &e vertical ground &lane to obtain an -mni-directional &attern. Among them, ho.ever, there are no DRAs .ith broadside &atterns and none of them achieved the band.idth that is needed for the UWB. (n this &a&er a novel DRA design, in .hich the DR is mounted on a vertical ground &lane edge for a broadside radiation &attern, .hich is different from the mono&ole t &e radiation &attern. Curthermore, a ne. t &e of vertical ground &lane to get a better radiation &attern then the &lanar t &e vertical ground &lane is also &resented. Generall using the ground &lane edge resulted in a conce&tual ?:; volume reduction as com&ared to a &er&endicular ground &lane and in a lighter antenna .eight. (n this &a&er the Advance design s stem 2ADS3 is used as a simulation &latform for design and anal sis of Ultra Wideband Dielectric Resonator Antenna 2UWB-DRA3. ((. A+,$++A D$S(G+ Cig. 1 sho.s the evolution of the &ro&osed DRA. Cig. 12a3 sho.s the rectangular DRA e8cited b a stri& feed. DRAs e8cited b a stri&-fed .ere re&orted in. Some deformations in the $-&lane &atterns .ere observed at the u&&er fre0uenc range of the antenna band because of the as mmetric structure and the higher order modes. Cig. 12b3 sho.s the rectangular DRA mounted on a vertical ground &lane edge. 'ounting the DR in this .a reduces the total volume of the antenna as com&ared to the structure in Cig. 12a3. ,he &ro&osed structure &rovides much .ider im&edance matching band.idth. >o.ever, this structure sho.s similar as mmetr .ith res&ect to the broadside direction in the $-&lane &atterns at the u&&er end of the fre0uenc band as those observed from the structure in Cig. 12a3. ,he si1e of the DRA is 1< mm .idth, 15.# mm length, and :.D5 mm thickness .ith a dielectric constant of 1D.!, and it is su&&orted b a #DE #D mm ! R,=DD! substrate .ith a dielectric constant of !.4< and a substrate thickness of D.?=! mm. ,he ground &lane is &artiall &rinted on the substrate under the DRA. ,he si1e of ground &lane is 11E #D mm ! on one side and a &rinted &robe e8tends from the

microstri& line of the same .idth that ends .ith the :D F line after certain length that is used as a matching transformer of length 2Ag-AC13. ,he rest of the antenna &arameters are sho.n in Cig. ! .ith WSG#D mm, WD G1<, AS G14mm, ADG15.# mm, AgG 11mm, CA1G<mm, CA!G1<.!mm, CW1G1.4mm, CW!G1mm, gGD.?mm, ,1G:.D5mm, ,!GD.?=!mm and ,!G!.1:4mm. ,able ( and ,able (( sho.s the various antenna &arameters for designing the UWB DRA antenna. ,able ( and ,able (( sho.s the design s&ecifications of the UWB DRA Antenna.

Aength of the Ground &lane

11 mm

Cig.! Geometr of the rectangular DR on a vertical ground &lane edgeH2a3 back, 2b3 isometric, 2c3 front, and 2d3 side vie. Cig.1 $volution of the &ro&osed DRA. ,ABA$ ( 'arameters Aength of the DRA Width of the DRA Dielectric %onstant ,hickness of DRA Substrate Area Substrate ,hickness Dielectric %onstant ,ABA$ (( Design 'arameters Width of the Substrate Width of the DRA Aength of the Substrate Aength of the DRA (alue #D mm 1< mm 14 mm 15.# mm (alue 15.# mm 1< mm 1D.! :.D5 mm #D8#D mm! D.?=! mm !4<

(((. S('UAA,(-+ R$SUA,S A+D D(S%USS(-+S ,he numerical investigation is im&ortant because it &rovides some understanding of the antenna characteristics to the antenna engineer since the &ro&osed antenna has several contributions. Cirst, to im&rove the $-&lane cut broadside radiation &atterns. Second, to investigate several &arameters in terms of the band.idth to understand the &ro&osed DRA characteristics. ,hird, to com&are the &erformance in terms of the >-&lane cut &attern and cross &olari1ed level bet.een the &ro&osed t &e vertical ground &lane and the &lanar t &e vertical ground &lane. (t should be also indicated that the &ro&osed t &e is mechanicall strong and ma not need an adhesive if &lanted in the dielectric substrate b using a little glue in the sides of the DRA to be housed in the substrate. ,he &lanar t &e has to be glued .ith adhesive over the substrate. 'an .ideband DR antennas .ith broadside &atterns that are e8cited b electric current &robes tend to have deformed broadside &atterns, due to the e8isting higher-order modes, .hich deform the radiation &atterns .ithin the middle or the end of the fre0uenc band. ,he $-&lane radiation &attern &eaks at the higher band sho. around a <D tilted radiation &attern .ith a big di& from the antenna a8is because of the as mmetric structure of the mono&ole electric &robe e8citation that also e8cites higher order modes.

Cig.<. #-D Iisuali1ation of $-&lane cut radiation &attern for the rectangular DR .ith and .ithout ga&H 2a3 .ith no ga& at 5 G>1, 2b3 .ith ga& at 5 G>1, 2c3 Cig. #. $-&lane cut radiation &attern for the rectangular DR .ith and .ithout ga&H 2a3 .ith no ga& at 5 G>1, 2b3 .ith ga& at 5 G>1, 2c3 .ith no ga& at 4 G>1, 2d3 .ith ga& at 4 G>1.

.ith no ga& at 4 G>1, 2d3 .ith ga& at 4 G>1.

Cig. # 2a3 to 2d3 sho. the radiation &atterns in the $-&lane cut for the rectangular DR .ith and .ithout ga& at 5 and 4 G>1. Both of them obtain 0uite small cross &olari1ed levels. ,he $-&lane radiation &attern of the rectangular DRA .ith no ga& sho.s not onl a <D tilted radiation &attern &eak from the antenna a8is, but also a big di& at #D at 5 G>1. ,he radiation &atterns in the $-&lane in the u&&er limit of the band have some deformation that makes them non-s mmetric around the

broadside direction to unacce&table degree. ,o avoid this ga& bet.een the DR and the ground &lane edge is introduced to strengthen the electric field at the o&&osite side of the feed &robe and &rovide some balance bet.een both sides. >o.ever, the strong di& still e8ists at around :D degree mark due to other high order modes. Cig.<. sho.s the corres&onding #-D Iisuali1ation of $-&lane cut radiation &attern for the rectangular DR .ith and .ithout ga&H 2a3 .ith no ga& at 5 G>1, 2b3 .ith ga& at 5 G>1, 2c3 .ith no ga& at 4 G>1, 2d3 .ith ga& at 4 G>1 of Cig #. ,he modified geometr is sho.n in Cig. :. ,he modified geometr has DR .ith t.o o&en tunnels mounted on a vertical ground &lane edge. Using the same &arameters stated .ith the rectangular DR .ith WWG=mm, WA1G WA!G=.? mm, AD1GAD!G4.1: mm, CA1G:.< mm, and CA!G1.#mm.

2a3 2b3 2c3 2d3 Cig.? #-D Iisuali1ation of $-&lane cut radiation &attern for the A sha&e DRA .ith and .ithout ga&H 2a3 .ith no ga& at 5 G>1, 2b3 .ith ga& at 5 G>1, 2c3 .ith no ga& at 4 G>1, 2d3 .ith ga& at 4 G>1.

Cig.5 and Cig.4 sho.s the reflection coefficients 2S113 of the rectangular DRA and the modified DRA res&ectivel .hich has t.o cuts, mounted on a vertical ground &lane edge. Crom Cig.5. it is noticed that the higher order modes is eliminated or shifted b the dielectric cut .ere acting as a resonator &roviding a band notch at the u&&er band 25.: G>1 to 4.: G>13.
,ABA$ (((

Cig.: 'odified geometr . DR .ith t.o o&en tunnels 2A sha&e DR3 mounted on a vertical ground &lane edgeH 2a3 front and 2b3 isometric vie..

Cig. = gives the effect of the ga& and the t.o o&ening in terms of the radiation &atterns in the $-&lane at 5 and 4 G>1. B com&aring Cig.# and Cig.: a small ga& contributes to the high directivit of the $-&lane radiation &atterns for the Asha&ed DRA. Cig.?.sho.s the corres&onding #-D Iisuali1ation of $&lane cut radiation &attern for the A sha&e DRA .ith and .ithout ga&H 2a3 .ith no ga& at 5 G>1, 2b3 .ith ga& at 5 G>1, 2c3 .ith no ga& at 4 G>1, 2d3 .ith ga& at 4 G>1.

)odi!ied Design 'arameters Width of the Substrate Width of the DRA Aength of the Substrate Aength of the DRA Aength of the Ground &lane

(alue #D mm 1< mm 14 mm 15.# mm 11 mm

10 5 Mag. [dB] 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Frequency
Cig.5 Reflection coefficients for rectangular DRA

Cig.= $-&lane cut radiation &attern for the A sha&e DRA .ith and .ithout ga&H 2a3 .ith no ga& at 5 G>1, 2b3 .ith ga& at 5 G>1, 2c3 .ith no ga& at 4 G>1, 2d3 .ith ga& at 4 G>1.

10 0 Mag. [dB] -10 -20 -30 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Frequency

1.< !.1 !.5 #.:

5.:<! 5.?DD 4.!54 1D.::

-!!.<#5 -1?.=?1 -!D.<4D -14.?1=

Cig.4 Reflection coefficients for modified DRA

,he effect of the ground &lane and holder si1e is ignored, and the ga& bet.een the ground &lane and the DR is not sensitive to achieve im&edance matching. >o.ever, o&timi1ed values of the length and .idth of the matching transformer are 0uite im&ortant to achieve good im&edance matching com&ared .ith other &arameters. Several DRAs use &lanar t &e vertical ground &lane 6!17J 6!#7. +one of them have achieved the UWB re0uirements or broadside radiation &atterns. ,he DRA structures, .hich have vertical ground &lanes, are the &lanar mounting t &e 2&lacing the DR /ust above the dielectric substrate3, .hich re0uire adhesive to glue the DR above the substrate. ,he side vie. and isometric vie. of DRA .ith the &lanar t &e vertical ground &lane and the &ro&osed t &e vertical ground &lane are sho.n in Cig.1D. ,able (I sho.s the fre0uenc , return loss for various ga& bet.een the DRA and the ground &lane. Cig.11 and Cig.1! re&resents the Reflection coefficient of rectangular DRA and modified DRA .ithout distortions


dB#S $



-20 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

freq, !"
Cig.11 Reflection coefficient of rectangular DRA

Cig.1! Reflection coefficient of modified DRA



dB#S $



-20 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

freq, !"

Cig.1D"lanar t &e vertical ground &laneH 2a3 isomitric vie. 2b3 side vie.. ,ABA$ (I *ap between DRA and ground plane(mm) D 1.? +re,uency (*-.) ?.D:= 5.1DD Return loss (d&) -!?.5!5 -1:.5=D

(I. %-+%AUS(-+ A rectangular DRA mounted on a vertical ground &lane edge for .ireless &ortable a&&lications and narro. &ulse sensors .as designed to &rovide broadside radiation &atterns. ,he structure &rovided smaller antenna volume as com&ared .ith the DRA over a hori1ontal ground &lane. ,he &resent design of an A-sha&ed DR overcame the &roblem of deformed $-&lane radiation &atterns. ,he &ro&osed DRA has ver high antenna efficienc .ith stable gain over the fre0uenc band. ,he &arametric stud sho.ed that the &ro&osed DRA has e8cellent characteristic that make it a good candidate for sensor a&&lications. ,his design has further e8tended the use of DRA as thin antennas suitable to be easil integrated .ith &ortable .ireless devices.

Return AossKReflection coefficientG -!!.<#5 dB %ut off fre0uenc G 5.:<! G>1

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61D7 6117 61!7 61#7 61<7 61:7


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