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48 OF 2014 Union of India Versus V. Sriharan @ Murugan & Ors. Respondent(s) WITH
WRIT PETITION (CRL.) NO. 105 OF 2008 CRL. M.P. NO.4622 OF 2014 IN T.C. (CRL.) NO.1 OF 2012 CRL. M.P. NO. 462 OF 2014 IN T.C. (CRL.) NO. 2 OF 2012 OF 2012

.... Petitioner(s)


CRL. M.P. NO. 4624 OF 2014 IN T.C. (CRL.) NO.

P. S!"#!$%&!'( CJI. W)%" P*"%"%+, (C)-.) N+. 48 +. 2014 ) This !rit petition" under #rti$%e &' of the (onstitution

of India" has )een fi%ed )* the Union of India pra*ing for +uashing of %etter dated ,.-'.'- ." issued )* the (hief

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Se$retar*" /o0ern1ent of Ta1i% 2adu to the Se$retar*" /o0ern1ent of India !herein the State of Ta1i% 2adu proposes to re1it the senten$e of %ife i1prison1ent and to re%ease Respondent 2os. 34 herein !ho !ere

$on0i$ted in the Ra5i0 /andhi #ssassination (ase in pursuan$e of $o11utation of death senten$e of

Respondent 2os. 3& herein )* this (ourt on 6.-'.'- . in Transferred (ase 2os. 3& of '- ' tit%ed V. Sriharan @

Murugan & Ors. 0s. Union of India & Ors. '- . (') S(#78 9-9. W)%" P*"%"%+, (C)-.) N+. 105 +. 2008 ') In the a)o0e !rit petition" the petitioner !ho has

)een arra*ed as Respondent 2o. : in Writ Petition ((r%.) 2o. .6 of '- . (fi%ed )* the Union of India) pra*s for +uashing of /.O. 2o. 64& dated dated ..-,.'--:" /.O. 2o. :4 dated 6.-4.'--4

-.-9.'--4 and /.O. (;) 2o. 6,

issued )* the State of Ta1i% 2adu" Ho1e ;epart1ent as the sa1e are un$onstitutiona%. In effe$t" the petitioner

pra*ed for re1ission of his senten$e" !hi$h !as re5e$ted )* the #d0isor* <oard.

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C)%'%,!- M.P. N+$. 4622/24 +. 2014 &) When the State of Ta1i% 2adu" in their %etter dated

,.-'.'- ." sought for 0ie!s of the Union of India for the re%ease of Respondent 2os. 34 in Writ Petition ((ri1ina%)

2o. .6 of '- . !ithin three da*s fro1 the date of re$eipt of the sa1e" the Union of India fi%ed the a)o0e $ri1ina% 1is$. petitions )efore this (ourt pra*ing for restraining the State /o0ern1ent fro1 passing an* order of

re1ission and re%easing the1 fro1 prison. F!0"1!- B!023)+1,45 .) Pursuant to the 5udg1ent of this (ourt dated

6.-'.'- . in V. Sriharan @ Murugan (supra) " the /o0ern1ent of Ta1i% 2adu too= a de$ision to grant re1ission to Respondent 2os. to 4. #$$ording%*" the

/o0ern1ent of Ta1i% 2adu sent a %etter dated ,.-'.'- . to the Se$retar* to the /o0ern1ent of India" Ministr* of Ho1e #ffairs" stating that it proposes to re1it the senten$e of %ife i1prison1ent on V. Sriharan @ Murugan"
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T. Suthendrara5a @ Santhan and #./. Perari0a%an @ #ri0u and re%ease the1. In that %etter" it !as further stated that four other persons" na1e%*" >a*a=u1ar" Ro)ert Pa*as" S. 2a%ini and P. Ra0i$handran" $on0i$ted in the sa1e assassination !ou%d a%so pro$ure si1i%ar re1ission.

<esides" it !as asserted in the %etter that sin$e the $ri1e !as in0estigated )* the (entra% <ureau of In0estigation ((<I) and as per Se$tion .&9 of the (ode of (ri1ina% Pro$edure" ,4& (in short ?the (ode@)" the State

/o0ern1ent" !hi%e eAer$ising its po!er under Se$tion .&' of the (ode" 1ust a$t after $onsu%tation !ith the (entra% /o0ern1ent" a$$ording%*" it re+uested to indi$ate the 0ie!s of the Union of India !ithin three da*s on the proposa% to re%ease the se0en persons 1entioned a)o0e. 9) #$$ording%*" in these 1atters" !e are $a%%ed upon to

de$ide the %egiti1a$* of the proposa% of the State /o0ern1ent to re%ease Respondent 2os. to 4" !ho are

fa$ing %ife senten$e. Bor the purpose of disposa% of the issue in +uestion" !e reiterate the re%e0ant pro0isions. Se$tions .&' and .&9 of the (ode read as underC
?4 2 / P+6*) "+ $1$7*,4 +) )*'%" $*,"*,0*$

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( ) When an* person has )een senten$ed to punish1ent for an offen$e" the appropriate /o0ern1ent 1a*" at an* %i1e" !ithout $onditions or upon an* $onditions !hi$h the person senten$ed a$$epts" suspend the eAe$ution of his senten$e or re1it the !ho%e or an* part of the punish1ent to !hi$h he has )een senten$ed. (') Whene0er an app%i$ation is 1ade to the appropriate /o0ern1ent for the suspension or re1ission of a senten$e" the appropriate /o0ern1ent 1a* re+uire the presiding >udge of the (ourt )efore or )* !hi$h the $on0i$tion !as had or $onfir1ed" to state his opinion as to !hether the app%i$ation shou%d )e granted or refused" together !ith his reasons for su$h opinion and a%so to for!ard !ith the state1ent of su$h opinion a $ertified $op* of the re$ord of the tria% or of su$h re$ord thereof as eAists. (&) If an* $ondition on !hi$h a senten$e has )een suspended or re1itted is" in the opinion of the appropriate /o0ern1ent" not fu%fi%%ed" the appropriate /o0ern1ent 1a* $an$e% the suspension or re1ission" and thereupon the person in !hose fa0our the senten$e has )een suspended or re1itted 1a*" if at %arge" )e arrested )* an* po%i$e offi$er" !ithout !arrant and re1anded to undergo the uneApired portion of the senten$e. (.) The $ondition on !hi$h a senten$e is suspended or re1itted under this se$tion 1a* )e one to )e fu%fi%%ed )* the person in !hose fa0our the senten$e is suspended or re1itted" or one independent of his !i%%. (9) The appropriate /o0ern1ent 1a*" )* genera% ru%es or spe$ia% orders" gi0e dire$tions as to the suspension of senten$es and the $onditions on !hi$h petitions shou%d )e presented and dea%t !ithC Pro0ided that in the $ase of an* senten$e (other than a senten$e of fine) passed on a 1a%e person a)o0e the age of eighteen *ears" no su$h petition )* the person senten$ed or )* an* other person on his )eha%f sha%% )e entertained" un%ess the person senten$ed is in 5ai%" and" D

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(a) !here su$h petition is 1ade )* the person senten$ed" it is presented through the offi$er in $harge of the 5ai%E or ()) !here su$h petition is 1ade )* an* other person" it $ontains a de$%aration that the person senten$ed is in 5ai%. (:) The pro0isions of the a)o0e su)3se$tions sha%% a%so app%* to an* order passed )* a (ri1ina% (ourt under an* se$tion of this (ode or of an* other %a! !hi$h restri$ts the %i)ert* of an* person or i1poses an* %ia)i%it* upon hi1 or his proper%*. (4) In this se$tion and in se$tion .&&" the eApression Fappropriate /o0ern1entF 1eans"D (a) in $ases !here the senten$e is for an offen$e against" or the order referred to in su)3se$tion (:) is passed under" an* %a! re%ating to a 1atter to !hi$h the eAe$uti0e po!er of the Union eAtends" the (entra% /o0ern1entE ()) in other $ases the /o0ern1ent of the State !ithin !hi$h the offender is senten$ed or the said order is passed. 4 5 / S"!"* G+&*),'*," "+ !0" !."*) 0+,$1-"!"%+, 6%"# C*,")!- G+&*),'*," %, 0*)"!%, 0!$*$ ( ) The po!ers $onferred )* se$tions .&' and .&& upon the State /o0ern1ent to re1it or $o11ute a senten$e" in an* $ase !here the senten$e is for an offen$eD (a) !hi$h !as in0estigated )* the ;e%hi Spe$ia% Po%i$e 8sta)%ish1ent $onstituted under the ;e%hi Spe$ia% Po%i$e 8sta)%ish1ent #$t" ,.: ('9 of ,.:)" or )* an* other agen$* e1po!ered to 1a=e in0estigation into an offen$e under an* (entra% #$t other than this (ode" or ()) !hi$h in0o%0ed the 1isappropriation or destru$tion of" or da1age to" an* propert* )e%onging to the (entra% /o0ern1ent" or

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($) !hi$h !as $o11itted )* a person in the ser0i$e of the (entra% /o0ern1ent" !hi%e a$ting or purporting to a$t in the dis$harge of his offi$ia% dut*. sha%% not )e eAer$ised )* the State /o0ern1ent eA$ept after $onsu%tation !ith the (entra% /o0ern1ent. (') 2o order of suspension" re1ission or $o11utation of senten$es passed )* the State /o0ern1ent in re%ation to a person" !ho has )een $on0i$ted of offen$es" so1e of !hi$h re%ate to 1atters to !hi$h the eAe$uti0e po!er of the Union eAtends" and !ho has )een senten$ed to separate ter1s of i1prison1ent !hi$h are to run $on$urrent%*" sha%% ha0e effe$t un%ess an order for the suspension" re1ission or $o11utation" as the $ase 1a* )e" of su$h senten$es has a%so )een 1ade )* the (entra% /o0ern1ent in re%ation to the offen$es $o11itted )* su$h person !ith regard to 1atters to !hi$h the eAe$uti0e po!er of the Union eAtends.@


In addition to the a)o0e pro0isions of the (ode" !e

are $on$erned !ith $ertain pro0isions of the (onstitution of India a%so. #rti$%e 4& spea=s a)out the eAtent of

eAe$uti0e po!er of the Union" !hi$h reads as underC

?8 / E9"*," +. *9*01"%&* 7+6*) +. "#* U,%+,

( ) Su)5e$t to the pro0isions of this (onstitution" the eAe$uti0e po!er of the Union sha%% eAtend33 (a) to the 1atters !ith respe$t to !hi$h Par%ia1ent has po!er to 1a=e %a!sE and ()) to the eAer$ise of su$h rights" authorit* and 5urisdi$tion as are eAer$isa)%e )* the /o0ern1ent of India )* 0irtue of an* treat* on agree1entC Pro0ided that the eAe$uti0e po!er referred to in su)3 $%ause (a) sha%% not" sa0e as eApress%* pro0ided in this (onstitution or in an* %a! 1ade )* Par%ia1ent" eAtend

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in an* State to 1atters !ith respe$t to !hi$h the 7egis%ature of the State has a%so po!er to 1a=e %a!sG.@



:' of the (onstitution dea%s !ith the eAtent

of eAe$uti0e po!er of the State" !hi$h reads as fo%%o!sC

?162 / E9"*," +. *9*01"%&* 7+6*) +. S"!"* Su)5e$t to the pro0isions of this (onstitution" the eAe$uti0e po!er of a State sha%% eAtend to the 1atters !ith respe$t to !hi$h the 7egis%ature of the State has po!er to 1a=e %a!sC Pro0ided that in an* 1atter !ith respe$t to !hi$h the 7egis%ature of a State and Par%ia1ent ha0e po!er to 1a=e %a!s" the eAe$uti0e po!er of the State sha%% )e su)5e$t to" and %i1ited )*" the eAe$uti0e po!er eApress%* $onferred )* the (onstitution or )* an* %a! 1ade )* Par%ia1ent upon the Union or authorities thereof.@


Heard Mr. /oo%a1 8. Vahan0ati" %earned #ttorne*

/enera% of India for the petitioner3Union of India" Mr. Ra1 >eth1a%ani" %earned senior $ounse% and Mr. Hug Mohit (houdhar*" %earned $ounse% for Respondent 2os. 39 and

4 in W.P. ((r%.) 2o. .6 of '- . and Mr. San5a* R. Hegde" %earned $ounse% for the petitioner in W.P. ((r%.) 2o. -9 of '--6 and Respondent 2o. : in W.P. ((r%.) 2o. .6 of '- . and Mr. Ra=esh ;!i0edi" %earned senior $ounse% for the State of Ta1i% 2adu. C+,"*,"%+,$ +. "#* P*"%"%+,*)5 ,) #t the outset" %earned #ttorne* /enera% appearing

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for the Union of India su)1itted that !hat is proposed to )e done )* the State of Ta1i% 2adu in eAer$ise of po!er of re1ission in the present $ase is i%%ega% and !ithout 5urisdi$tion for the fo%%o!ing reasonsC a) The State /o0ern1ent is not the Iappropriate

/o0ern1entJ in the present $ase. )) The State /o0ern1ent had no ro%e to p%a* in the

present $ase at an* stage. $) #%ternati0e%*" !ithout pre5udi$e" the proposa% )* the

State /o0ern1ent is $ontrar* to %a!" and does not fo%%o! the pro$edure set out under the (ode. -) 7earned #ttorne* /enera% pointed out that fro1 a )are reading of the definition of ?appropriate

/o0ern1ent@ under Se$tion .&'(4) of the (ode re0ea%s that in $ases !here the senten$e is for an offen$e against an* %a! re%ating to a 1atter to !hi$h the eAe$uti0e po!er of the Union eAtends" the ?appropriate /o0ern1ent@ in that respe$t !ou%d )e the (entra% /o0ern1ent. It is the stand of the Union of India that this pro0ision $%ear%* gi0es pri1a$* to the eAe$uti0e po!er of the Union and eA$%udes

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the eAe$uti0e po!er of the State !here the po!er of the Union is $o3eAtensi0e. ) It is further pointed out that as per the pro0iso to #rti$%e 4&" the eAe$uti0e po!er of the Union referred to in #rti$%e 4&( )(a) sha%% not" sa0e as eApress%* pro0ided in the (onstitution or in an* %a! 1ade )* the Par%ia1ent" eAtend in an* State to 1atters !ith respe$t to !hi$h the 7egis%ature of the State a%so has po!er to 1a=e %a!s. It is argued that the pro0iso to #rti$%e 4& is eA$%uded )* Se$tion .&'(4) of the (ode as it is on%* app%i$a)%e !here there is no eApress pro0ision to 1aintain the eAe$uti0e po!er of the Union. Si1i%ar%*" pro0iso to #rti$%e :' of the (onstitution %i1its the eAe$uti0e po!er of the State !ith respe$t to an* 1atter !here )oth the 7egis%ature of the State and the Par%ia1ent ha0e po!er to 1a=e %a!s" !here the (onstitution or an* %a! has eApress%* $onferred eAe$uti0e po!er upon the Union. Thus" it !as su)1itted that the pro0iso $onte1p%ates that the eAe$uti0e po!er of the State 1a* )e o0er$o1e )* the eAe$uti0e po!er of the Union through the pro0isions of the (onstitution or an* other %a! 1ade )* the Par%ia1ent. The (ode is" therefore"

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one a0enue through !hi$h this 1a* )e done and has )een eAer$ised through Se$tion .&'(4) to gi0e pri1a$* to the eAe$uti0e po!er of the Union. 7earned #ttorne*

/enera% further su)1itted that )ased on a reading of #rti$%es 4& and :' read !ith Se$tion .&'(4) of the (ode" the ?appropriate /o0ern1ent@ in the present $ase !ou%d )e the (entra% /o0ern1ent" as the Indian Pena% (ode fa%%s under the $on$urrent 7ist" to !hi$h the eAe$uti0e po!er of the Union a%so eAtends. ') 7earned #ttorne* /enera% further pointed out that #rti$%es 4& and :' 1ust a%so )e read su)5e$t to #rti$%e

'9. of the (onstitution" !hi$h gi0es pri1a$* to the %a! 1ade )* the Par%ia1ent. In this regard" re%ian$e has )een p%a$ed )* %earned #ttorne* /enera% on the de$ision of this (ourt in S.R. Bommai 0s. Union of India" ( ,,.) & S(( and he asserted that the a)o0e de$ision $o1p%ete%* disp%a$es the stand of the State /o0ern1ent !ith regard to the (on$urrent 7ist. Burther" it !as su)1itted that it is not possi)%e to sp%it up the Se$tions under !hi$h the $on0i$tion !as 1ade sin$e it !ou%d %ead to a $o1p%ete%* a)surd situation !here for so1e offen$es the (entra%

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/o0ern1ent !ou%d )e the appropriate /o0ern1ent" and in respe$t of others" the State /o0ern1ent !ou%d )e the appropriate /o0ern1ent. &) In an* $ase" it is the stand of the Union of India that sin$e the State /o0ern1ent had $onsented for the $ase to )e in0estigated and prose$uted )* the (<I via the $onsent order dated ''.-9. ,, Spe$ia% Po%i$e under Se$tion : of the ;e%hi #$t" ,.:" !hi$h !as


fo%%o!ed )* the (entra% /o0ern1ent 2otifi$ation dated '&.-9. ,, " ensuing !hi$h the entire in0estigation of the $ase !as handed o0er to the (<I" at this stage" the State $annot $%ai1 that it is the appropriate /o0ern1ent. In

this regard" the Union of India re%ied on the o)ser0ations of this (ourt in the $ase of Lalu Prasad Yada 0s. S!a!" of Bihar" ('- -) 9 S(( . .) <esides" the Union of India further su)1itted that the State /o0ern1ent" !ithout $onsidering the 1erits and fa$ts of the $ase" hasti%* too= a de$ision to re1it the senten$e and re%ease se0en $on0i$ts !hi$h is $ontrar* to the statutor* pro0isions and a%so to the %a! %aid do!n )* this (ourt. It is pointed out that app%i$ation of 1ind has
12 Page 12

)een he%d to )e ne$essar*" !hi$h is entire%* %a$=ing in the present $ase. There are no $ogent reasons gi0en in the %etter dated ,.-'.'- ." apart fro1 the re%ian$e on the

5udg1ent of this (ourt. 9) In addition" it is the stand of the Union of India that the State /o0ern1ent $ou%d not ha0e suo motu" !ithout an app%i$ation" initiated the pro$ess of re1itting the senten$e and re%easing the $on0i$ts. In this regard" the Union of India re%ied on the de$ision of this (ourt in Mohind"r Singh 0s. S!a!" of Pun#a$" ('- &) & S(( ',. !herein this (ourt he%d that the eAer$ise of po!er under Se$tion .&'( ) of the (ode $annot )e suo motu. It !as further he%d as underC
?'4. G G. We are of the 0ie! that eAer$ise of po!er )* the appropriate /o0ern1ent under su)3se$tion ( ) of Se$tion .&' of the (ode $annot )e suo 1otu for the si1p%e reason that this is on%* an ena)%ing pro0ision and the sa1e !ou%d )e possi)%e su)5e$t to fu%fi%1ent of $ertain $onditions. Those $onditions are 1entioned either in the >ai% Manua% or in statutor* ru%es. This (ourt in 0arious de$isions has he%d that the po!er of re1ission $annot )e eAer$ised ar)itrari%*. In other !ords" the de$ision to grant re1ission has to )e !e%% infor1ed" reasona)%e and fair to a%% $on$ernedG.. ?

Thus" it !as su)1itted that the %a! %aid do!n in para '4 of Mohind"r Singh (supra) $annot )e side%ined )* the State /o0ern1ent.

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:) #%ternati0e%*" it is su)1itted that assu1ing Se$tion .&9(') of the (ode is app%i$a)%e" the use of the ter1 I$onsu%tationJ under Se$tion .&9( ) of the (ode shou%d )e interpreted to 1ean I$on$urren$eJ. Referen$e in this regard is 1ade to the 5udg1ent of this (ourt in S!a!" of %u#ara! 0s. R.&. M"h!a" ('- &) & S(( he%d as underC
?&'. Ho!e0er" in a situation !here $onsu%tees has pri1a$* of opinion under either spe$ifi$a%%* $ontained in a statutor* )* !a* of i1p%i$ation" $onsu%tation $on$urren$e.@ one of the the statute" pro0ision" or 1a* 1ean

" !herein it !as

4) In addition to a%% the a)o0e su)1issions" %earned #ttorne* /enera% for1u%ated an a%ternati0e $ontention and su)1itted that on$e the death senten$e of a $on0i$t has )een $o11uted into %ife i1prison1ent" the sa1e has to )e interpreted to 1ean the entire %ife of the $on0i$t and the eAe$uti0e $annot eAer$ise the po!er of re1ission of senten$e thereafter. In this regard" re%ian$e !as p%a$ed on S'am( Shraddananda 0s. S!a!" of )arna!a*a" ('--6) & S(( 4:4. C+,"*,"%+,$ +. R*$7+,4*,"$5 6) In rep%* to the a)o0e su)1issions" Mr. Ra=esh
14 Page 14

;!i0edi" %earned senior $ounse% for the State of Ta1i% 2adu su)1itted that ?appropriate /o0ern1ent@ as

defined in Se$tion .&'(4) of the (ode is the State /o0ern1ent in the present $ase. ,) 7earned senior $ounse% for the State su)1itted that the (entra% /o0ern1ent is the appropriate /o0ern1ent !here senten$e is for an offen$e against an* %a! re%ating to a 1atter to !hi$h the eAe$uti0e po!er of the Union eAtends. 7i=e!ise" #rti$%e 4& of the (onstitution of India 1a=es eAe$uti0e po!er of the Union $o3eAtensi0e !ith Par%ia1entJs %a! 1a=ing po!er and po!er re%ating to treatiesKagree1ent. Ho!e0er" it is the stand of the State that the pro0iso stipu%ates that po!er referred to in su)3 $%ause (a) !ou%d not eAtend in an* State to 1atters re%ating to the (on$urrent 7ist of the se0enth S$hedu%e of the (onstitution sa0e !here the (onstitution or %a! of Par%ia1ent eApress%* pro0ides. This interpretation of the pro0iso to #rti$%e 4& $orresponds !ith the reading of the pro0iso to #rti$%e :'. It is the stand of the State of Ta1i% 2adu that Se$tion .&. of the (ode is one su$h pro0ision )ut it 1a=es the (entra% /o0ern1entJs po!er in $ases of

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senten$e of death $on$urrent and not do1inant. There is no other pro0ision in Se$tion I8J of (hapter LLLII or other!ise of the (ode !hi$h su)ordinates the eAe$uti0e po!er of the State in the (on$urrent fie%d of %egis%ation to the eAe$uti0e po!er of the Union in 1atters of re1ission" $o11utation" pardons et$. '-) 7earned senior $ounse% for the State pointed out that #rti$%e 4'(&) of the (onstitution eApress%* sa0es the po!er of the States under #rti$%e : and other %a!s to grant

re1ission or $o11utation of senten$e of death fro1 the i1pa$t of #rti$%e 4'( )($) !hi$h $onfers po!er on the President qua a%% senten$es of death. On a p%ain reading of the eAe$uti0e po!er of the State under #rti$%e :'" the sa1e )eing $o3eAtensi0e !ith the %egis%ati0e po!er !ou%d eAtend to the $on$urrent fie%d under 7ist III. ' ) #%ternati0e%*" Mr. ;!i0edi su)1itted that 8ntr* of

7ist III of the Se0enth S$hedu%e of the (onstitution eA$%udes offen$es against %a! !ith respe$t to 1atters in 7ist I and 7ist II. Indian Pena% (ode is 1entioned in 8ntr* of 7ist III. IP( in0o%0es offen$es !hi$h re%ate to different su)5e$t 1atters" so1e of !hi$h fa%% in 7ist I and 7ist II. Mr.
16 Page 16

;!i0edi su)1itted that in %.V. Ramanaiah 0s. Sup!. Of +"n!ral ,ail" ( ,4.) & S(( 9& " sin$e the su)5e$t 1atter !as re%ated to 7ist I" the (entra% /o0ern1ent !as he%d to )e appropriate /o0ern1ent. Ho!e0er" he high%ighted

that in S!a!" of M.P. 0s. Ra!an Singh- ( ,4:) & S(( .4(paras 9 & :)" S!a!" of M.P. 0s. &#i! Singh" ( ,4:) & S(( : : (para ') and %o "rnm"n! of &.P. 0s. M... )han" ('--.) S(( : : (para -)" it !as he%d that the

appropriate /o0ern1ent is the /o0ern1ent of that State a%one !here the $on0i$tion too= p%a$e and not !here the $on0i$t is detained. '') 7earned senior $ounse% for the State a%so pointed out that !hi%e Se$tion 99#()) of IP( 1a=es the State /o0ern1ent the appropriate /o0ern1ent re%ating to 1atter to !hi$h eAe$uti0e po!er of the State eAtends" it is the /o0ern1ent of that State !ithin !hi$h the offender is senten$ed and under Se$tion .&'(4)()) of the (ode in

$ases other than those 1entioned in $%ause (a)" the State /o0ern1ent is the appropriate /o0ern1ent. Ho!e0er"

Se$tion .&'(4)()) of the (ode is !ider than Se$tion 99#()) of IP(. It !ou%d $o0er 1atters in 7ist III of the Se0enth

17 Page 17

S$hedu%e of the (onstitution too.

Se$tion .&9(') of the

(ode a%so is indi$ati0e of the a)o0e. In a $ase %i=e the present one" so1e offen$es 1a* re%ate to 1atters to !hi$h the eAe$uti0e po!er of the Union eAtends" !hi%e other offen$es 1a*" in the sa1e $ase and qua sa1e person" re%ate to 1atters to !hi$h the eAe$uti0e po!er of the State eAtends. If in su$h $ases" a person has )een senten$ed to separate ter1s of i1prison1ent !hi$h are to run $on$urrent%*" then un%ess an order has )een 1ade )* the (entra% /o0ern1ent in re%ation to offen$es to !hi$h its eAe$uti0e po!er eAtends" the order of the State /o0ern1ent !ou%d not )e gi0en effe$t to. The Union

$ou%d ha0e referred to this pro0ision if the separate ter1s of senten$es under the other (entra% #$ts %i=e Passport #$t" Boreigners #$t" 8Ap%osi0es #$t et$. !ere sti%%

operating and the senten$es had not )een a%read* ser0ed out. 7earned senior $ounse% for the State su)1itted that in the present $ase" a%% other senten$es of '3& *ears ha0e )een fu%%* ser0ed out. '&) It is further su)1itted )* Mr. ;!i0edi that pu)%i$ safet* is part of pu)%i$ order genera%%* un%ess it has the

18 Page 18

di1ension of ;efen$e of India or 2ationa% Se$urit* or War. It is fo%%o!ed fro1 the de$ision in Rom"sh .hapar 0s. S!a!" of Madras #IR ,9- S( '. (para 9) that the State /o0ern1ent of Ta1i% 2adu is the appropriate /o0ern1ent to $onsider re1issionK$o11utation of senten$e under Se$tion &-' read !ith Se$tion '-< of IP(. '.) #s regards the 0io%ation of pro$edura% re+uire1ents under Se$tion .&'(')" %earned senior $ounse% for the State su)1itted that it in0o%0es a pro$edure !hi$h app%ies on%* to re1ission and suspension of senten$e and not to $ases of $o11utation as under Se$tion .&&. <esides" he asserted that Se$tion .&'(') is app%i$a)%e on%* !hen an app%i$ation is 1o0ed on )eha%f of the $on0i$t for o)taining re1ission or suspension of senten$e. It does not app%*

!hen the appropriate /o0ern1ent eAer$ises suo motu po!er. It !as further su)1itted that the Par%ia1ent has thought it fit to $onfine app%i$ation of Se$tion .&'(') to $ases !here an app%i$ation is 1ade )e$ause in su$h $ases the State has not app%ied its 1ind and it 1a* %i=e to o)tain the opinion of the Presiding >udge of the (ourt !hi$h $on0i$ted and senten$ed or the $onfir1ing $ourt.

19 Page 19

Hen$e" it is the stand of the State that the po!er under Se$tion .&'( ) is 0er* !ide and it $an )e eAer$ised suo motu )* the appropriate /o0ern1ent. When the po!er is eAer$ised suo motu then Se$tion .&'(') is not app%i$a)%e. '9) #%ternati0e%*" Mr. ;!i0edi su)1itted that Se$tion .&'(') is not 1andator*. He e%a)orated that it uses the eApression ?1a* re+uire@. Ordinari%*" this eApression

in0o%0es $onfer1ent of dis$retion and 1a=es the pro0ision dire$tor*. This pro$edure" therefore" !ou%d app%* !here the /o0ern1ent fee%s the ne$essit* to re+uire an opinion fro1 the Presiding >udge of the (ourt. ':) #s far as the $o1p%ian$e of Se$tion .&9 is $on$erned" it is the stand of the State of Ta1i% 2adu that it initiated the pro$ess of $onsu%tation !ith the (entra% /o0ern1ent through the i1pugned %etter as the in0estigation of the gi0en $ase !as done )* the (<I. It is further su)1itted that it is $onsu%tation )et!een t!o p%enar* /o0ern1ents $onstituted under a Bedera% stru$ture and the State of Ta1i% 2adu intends to engage in 1eaningfu% and effe$ti0e $onsu%tation !herein the 0ie!s eApressed )* the (entra% /o0ern1ent during the $onsu%tation pro$ess !i%% $ertain%*
20 Page 20

)e gi0en due $onsideration. Ho!e0er" it is the stand of the State that $onsu%tation does not 1ean $on$urren$e sin$e the po!er of the State is a p%enar* po!er and States are not su)ordinate to the (entra% /o0ern1ent. '4) Thus" Mr. ;!i0edi $on$%uded )* stating that the eApression used in Se$tion .&9( ) is ?eA$ept after $onsu%tation@. The Par%ia1ent has de%i)erate%* not $hosen the !ord ?$on$urren$e@ as su$h interpretation !ou%d a1ount to depri0ing the State /o0ern1ent of its

dis$retion. He pointed out the fo%%o!ing $ases !herein it has )een he%d that $onsu%tation does not 1ean

$on$urren$eC /. S!a!" of U.P. 0s. Ra*"sh )umar )"shari" ('S(( &. (para &&) )9

0. L & . M12"il L!d. 0s. %o "rnm"n! of .amil 2adu '-- (&) S(( 4- (paras . " : ) 3. S!a!" of U.P. & &nr. 0s. ,ohri Mal" '--&(.) S(( 4 . (para 99) 4. ,us!i1" +handrash"*araiah )rishna- ('- &) & S(( 4 (paras 99). s. ,an"*"r" +. &.3 &6" .." 9&3

'6) With regard to the $ontention of the Union of India that on$e the po!er of $o11utationKre1ission has )een

21 Page 21

eAer$ised in a parti$u%ar $ase of a $on0i$t )* a (onstitutiona% foru1 parti$u%ar%*" this (ourt" then there $annot )e a further eAer$ise of the 8Ae$uti0e Po!er for the purpose of $o11utingKre1itting the senten$e of the said $on0i$t in the sa1e $ase" Mr. ;!i0edi su)1itted that the said $ontention is una$$epta)%e sin$e in this $ase this (ourt had eAer$ised the 5udi$ia% po!er of $o11uting the death senten$e into %ife i1prison1ent )* 5udg1ent dated 6.-'.'- .. This (ourt !as not eAer$ising an* eAe$uti0e po!er under the (onstitution or under the (ode. It !as eAer$ising its 5udi$ia% po!er in the $onteAt of )rea$h of #rti$%e ' . There is no prin$ip%e of %a! put for!ard to support this su)1ission and the $ontention has )een f%oated as if it is an aAio1. The su)1ission of the Union of India" if a$$epted" !ou%d ha0e horrendous $onse+uen$es. # $on0i$t !hose death senten$e has )een $o11uted to %ife i1prison1ent )* this (ourt on a$$ount of )rea$h of #rti$%e ' !ou%d ha0e to re1ain i1prisoned ne$essari%* ti%% the end of his %ife e0en if he has ser0ed out &-39- *ears of senten$e and has )e$o1e o%d )e*ond 49 *ears or 1a* )e ter1ina%%* i%% *et there !ou%d )e no po!er to

22 Page 22

re1itK$o11ute. ',) <esides" it is the stand of the State that !hen this (ourt $o11uted the death senten$e into %ife

i1prison1ent" it did not )ar and )o%t an* further eAer$ise of $o11utationKre1ission po!er )* the 8Ae$uti0e under the (onstitution or under the (ode. In fa$t" it eApress%* en0isaged su)se+uent eAer$ise of re1ission po!er )* the appropriate /o0ern1ent under Se$tion .&' su)5e$t to pro$edura% $he$=s and Se$tion .&&# of the (ode. &-) Mr. ;!i0edi" further pointed out that e0en in the a)sen$e of su$h an o)ser0ation in para & of the de$ision of this (ourt in V. Sriharan @ Murugan (supra) the %ega% position !ou%d re1ain the sa1e as this (ourt does not pre0ent the eAer$ise of an* a0ai%a)%e po!er under the (onstitution and the statute. In fa$t it has )een %aid do!n in Supr"m" +our! Bar &sso1ia!ion 0s. UOI" ( ,,6) . S(( .-, and Manohar Lal Sharma 0s. Prin1ipal S"1r"!ar(" ('- .) ' S(( 9&' that e0en the po!er under #rti$%e .' $annot )e eAer$ised against the statute 1u$h

%ess the (onstitution. Hen$e" a$$ording to hi1" the State /o0ern1ent is the appropriate /o0ern1ent.
23 Page 23

& ) Mr. Ra1 >eth1a%ani" %earned senior $ounse% for Respondent 2os. to 9 and 4 adopted si1i%ar argu1ents He

and e1phasiMed on the 1eaning of $onsu%tation.

eAtensi0e%* referred to Birst >udgesJ $ase" 0iM." S.P. %up!a 0s. Union of India" ( ,6 ) Supp S(( 64 (a se0en35udge )en$h 5udg1ent) 5udg1entC
?&-. G G. <ut" !hi%e gi0ing the fu%%est 1eaning and effe$t to ?$onsu%tation@" it 1ust )e )orne in 1ind that it is on%* $onsu%tation !hi$h is pro0ided )* !a* of fetter upon the po!er of appoint1ent 0ested in the (entra% /o0ern1ent and $onsu%tation $annot )e e+uated !ith $on$urren$e. We agree !ith !hat Nrishna I*er" >. said in San=a%$hand Sheth $ase (Union of India 0s. San=a%$hand Hi11at%a% Sheth" ( ,44) . S(( ,& C ,44 S(( (7&S) .&9E ( ,46) S(R .'& C #IR ,44 ( '&'6) that ?$onsu%tation is different fro1 $onsentaneit*.@

and hea0i%* re%ied on para &- of the








$on$urren$e though the pro$ess of $onsu%tation in0o%0es $onsideration of )oth 3 the entit* see=ing $onsu%tation and the $onsu%tee of the sa1e. He further pointed out that the do1inant o)5e$t of the statute $oup%ed !ith use of $o1pe%%ing !ords 1a* in so1e $ases in0o%0e a different 1eaning. #s" for eAa1p%e" it happened in the Supr"m" +our! &d o1a!"s5on5R"1ord &sso1ia!ion 0s. Union of India" ( ,,&) . S(( .. " a%so =no!n as the 'nd >udgesJ

24 Page 24


In this 5udg1ent" on the fa$ts and the %anguage

used as !e%% as on $onsideration of the $ontro%%ing #rti$%e 9- of the (onstitution 1andating the separation of the 5udi$iar* fro1 the eAe$uti0e" this (ourt he%d that in the pro$ess of $onsu%tation" the opinion of the (hief >usti$e has pri1a$*. departure 2o su$h $o1pe%%ing $onteAt %eading to the natura% 1eaning of the !ord


I$onsu%tationJ eAists in Se$tion .&9( ) of the (ode. In the a)o0e31entioned $ase" the fo%%o!ing 1a* )e $onsidered as the ratioC
:4 8. The de)ate on pri1a$* is intended to deter1ine !ho a1ongst the $onstitutiona% fun$tionaries in0o%0ed in the integrated pro$ess of appoint1ents is )est e+uipped to dis$harge the greater )urden atta$hed to the ro%e of pri1a$*" of 1a=ing the proper $hoi$eE and this de)ate is not to deter1ine !ho )et!een the1 is entit%ed to greater i1portan$e or is to ta=e the !innerJs priMe at the end of the de)ate. The tas= )efore us has to )e perfor1ed !ith this per$eption. 441. Bor this reason" it 1ust )e seen !ho is )est e+uipped and %i=e%* to )e 1ore $orre$t in his 0ie! for a$hie0ing the purpose and perfor1ing the tas= satisfa$tori%*. In other !ords" pri1a$* shou%d )e in hi1 !ho +ua%ifies to )e treated as the IeApertJ in the fie%d. (o1parati0e%* greater !eight to his opinion 1a* then )e atta$hed.@

&') It is the su)1ission of %earned senior $ounse% that e0en fro1 this perspe$ti0e" the 0ie! of the State /o0ern1ent on a +uestion of re1ission !hi$h in0o%0es

25 Page 25

=no!%edge of the prisonerJs $ondu$t !hi%st in 5ai%" his usefu%ness to $o3prisoners needing his he%p and

assistan$e" the 1anner in !hi$h he has e1p%o*ed his ti1e in 5ai%" his ps*$hiatri$ $ondition" and fa1i%* $onne$tions are 1ore =no!n to the State /o0ern1ent rather than the Union /o0ern1ent. These $ir$u1stan$es $on$%usi0e%* $a%% for pri1a$* to the finding and de$isionKopinion of the State /o0ern1ent. &&) In support of his $%ai1 that grant of re1ission is a State su)5e$t" Mr. >eth1a%ani re%ied on 8ntr* . of 7ist II" State 7ist" !hi$h reads as underC
?Prisons" refor1atories" )orsta% institutions and other institutions of a %i=e nature" and persons detained thereinE arrange1ents !ith other states for the use of prisons and other institutions.@

Se$tion 9, of the Prisons #$t"

6,. spe$ifi$a%%* e1po!ers

the State /o0ern1ent to 1a=e ru%es on the fo%%o!ingC

?(9) Bor the a!ard of 1ar=s and shortening of senten$esE (' ) Bor re!ards for good $ondu$tE G ('4) In regard to the ad1ission" $ustod*" e1p%o*1ent" dieting" treat1ent and re%ease of prisoners.@

This $%ear%* sho!s that granting of re1ission for good $ondu$t and deter1ination of pre1ature re%ease is

26 Page 26

eA$%usi0e%* !ithin the do1ain of the State /o0ern1ent and fa%%s s+uare%* !ithin 8ntr* ." 7ist II. &.) Mr. >eth1a%ani further e%a)orated that the

$orre$tness of the $%osing paragraph of 5udg1ent dated 6.-'.'- . is further e0iden$ed )* the fa$t that a (onstitution <en$h of this (ourt in Bhagira!h 0s. 6"lhi &dminis!ra!ion" ( ,69) ' S(( 96para 4 had

e1p%o*ed the sa1e for1u%ation in its $%osing paragraph !hi%e disposing of the petition see=ing the )enefit of Se$tion .'6 of the (ode for %ife $on0i$ts. The (ourt had stated as fo%%o!sC3
? 4. Bor these reasons" !e a%%o! the appea% and the !rit petition and dire$t that the period of detention undergone )* the t!o a$$used )efore us as undertria% prisoners sha%% )e set off against the senten$e of %ife i1prison1ent i1posed upon the1 su)5e$t to the pro0ision $ontained in Se$tion .&&# and pro0ided that orders ha0e )een passed )* the appropriate authorit* under Se$tion .&' or .&& of the (r.P.( (e1phasis added)

&9) Mr. >eth1a%ani has a%so pressed into ser0i$e the re0ised /uide%ines on Re1ission )* the 2ationa% Hu1an Rights (o11ission !hi$h reads as underC3 :4. I,!;%-%"< .+) P)*'!"1)* R*-*!$* ;e%eted in 0ie! of ne! para &.@
27 Page 27

2e! para & in the re0ised guide%ines is as fo%%o!sC

?&. GSe$tion .&&(#) ena$ted to den* pre31ature re%ease )efore $o1p%etion of . *ears of a$tua% in$ar$eration to su$h $on0i$ts as stand $on0i$ted of a $apita% offen$e. The $o11ission is of the 0ie! that !ithin this $ategor* a reasona)%e $%assifi$ation $an )e 1ade on the )asis of the 1agnitude" )ruta%it* and the gra0it* of offen$e for !hi$h the $on0i$t !as senten$ed to %ife i1prison1ent. C*)"!%, 0!"*3+)%*$ +. 0+,&%0"*4 7)%$+,*)$ 1,4*)3+%,3 -%.* $*,"*,0* 6+1-4 ;* *,"%"-*4 "+ ;* 0+,$%4*)*4 .+) 7)*/ '!"1)* )*-*!$* +,-< !."*) 1,4*)3+%,3 %'7)%$+,'*," .+) 20 <*!)$ %,0-14%,3 )*'%$$%+,$. The period of in$ar$eration in$%usi0e of re1issions in su$h $ases shou%d not eA$eed '9 *ears. Bo%%o!ing $ategories are 1entioned in this $onne$tion )* !a* of i%%ustration and are not to )e ta=en as an eAhausti0e %ist of su$h $ategories. a. (on0i$ts !ho ha0e )een i1prisoned for %ife for 1urder in heinous $ases su$h as 1urder !ith rape" 1urder !ith da$oit*" 1urder in0o%0ing an offen$e under the Prote$tion of (i0i% Rights #$t" ,99" 1urder for do!r*" 1urder of a $hi%d )e%o! . *ears of age" 1u%tip%e 1urders" 1urder $o11itted after $on0i$tion !hi%e inside the 5ai%" 1urder during paro%e" 1urder in a terrorist in$ident" 1urder in s1ugg%ing operation" 1urder of a pu)%i$ ser0ant on dut*. ). /angsters" $ontra$t =i%%ers" s1ugg%ers" drug traffi$=ers" ra$=eteers a!arded %ife i1prison1ent for $o11itting 1urders as a%so the perpetrators of 1urder $o11itted !ith pre31editation and !ith eA$eptiona% 0io%en$e or per0ersit*. $. (on0i$ts !hose death senten$e has )een $o11uted to %ife i1prison1ent.@









/o0ern1ent is the appropriate /o0ern1ent for granting of re1ission. (onse+uent%*" the proposa% for re%ease of Respondent 2os. to 4 had )een du%* $onsidered in

28 Page 28

a$$ordan$e !ith %a!. D%$01$$%+,5 &:) We ha0e $arefu%%* $onsidered the ri0a% $ontentions" eAa1ined the re%e0ant (onstitutiona% pro0isions a%ongside the apposite pro0isions in the (ode. The issues raised in this $ase re0o%0e around the eAer$ise of po!er of re1ission )* the appropriate /o0ern1ent. The

$o11utation of death pena%t* to %ife i1prison1ent $an )efa%% at t!o stagesC first%*" !hen the appe%%ate (ourt dee1s it fit to $o11ute the death senten$e to %ife i1prison1entE and se$ond%*" !hen the eAe$uti0e

eAer$ises its re1ission po!er under #rti$%e 4' )* the President or under #rti$%e : )* the /o0ernor or under

#rti$%e &' )* this (ourt in its 5udi$ia% re0ie! 5urisdi$tion. &4) The pri1ar* +uestion that arises for $onsideration at this 5un$ture is !hether in the first s$enario spe$ified a)o0e" the (ourt has the po!er to su)stitute the death pena%t* for i1prison1ent for %ife (1eaning unti% end of %ife) and put this $ategor* )e*ond the app%i$ation of re1ission. 7earned $ounse% for )oth the petitioner and the

29 Page 29

respondents su)1itted di0ergent 0ie!s on this su)5e$t re%*ing on 5udi$ia% pre$edents of this (ourt. &6) 7earned #ttorne* /enera% referred to the three3 >udges <en$h de$ision of this (ourt in S'am(

Shraddananda (supra) to state that %ife i1prison1ent i1posed on $o11utation of death pena%t* !i%% 1ean ti%% end of %ife and" thus" )e*ond the eAer$ise of po!er of re1ission. #$$ording%*" it is the stand of the Union of India that Respondent 2os. . to 4 $annot )e granted re1ission as it is done in the gi0en $ase. &,) In S'am( Shraddananda (supra)" the $on0i$tion of the appe%%ant O S!a1* Shraddananda under Se$tions &-' and 'IP( had attained fina%it*. The Tria% (ourt

senten$ed hi1 to death for the offen$e of 1urder. The appe%%antJs appea% and the referen$e 1ade )* the Sessions >udge !ere heard together )* the Narnata=a High (ourt. The High (ourt $onfir1ed the $on0i$tion and the death senten$e a!arded to the appe%%ant and )* 5udg1ent and order dated ,.-,.'--9 dis1issed the

appe%%antJs appea% and a$$epted the referen$e 1ade )* the Tria% (ourt !ithout an* 1odifi$ation in the $on0i$tion
30 Page 30

or senten$e.

#gainst the High (ourtJs 5udg1ent" the

appe%%ant had $o1e to this (ourt. In 0ie! of $onf%i$ting 0ie!s )* t!o >udges of this (ourt" the 1atter !as referred to three3>udgesJ <en$h. #fter $onsidering a%% fa$tua%

detai%s and 0arious ear%ier de$isions" this (ourt he%d that there is a good and strong )asis for the (ourt to su)stitute the death senten$e )* %ife i1prison1ent and dire$ted that the $on0i$t sha%% not )e re%eased fro1 prison for the rest of his %ife. Whi%e $onsidering the said issue" this (ourt

ad0erted to 0arious de$isions granting re1ission redu$ing the period of senten$e in those $ases in !hi$h %ife senten$e !as a!arded in %ieu of death senten$e. (ourt in paras , to ,& he%d as underC
?=1. The %ega% position as enun$iated in Pandit Kishori Lal" Gopal Vinayak Godse " Maru Ram" Ratan Singh and Shri Bhagwan and the unsound !a* in !hi$h re1ission is a$tua%%* a%%o!ed in $ases of %ife i1prison1ent 1a=e out a 0er* strong $ase to 1a=e a spe$ia% $ategor* for the 0er* fe! $ases !here the death pena%t* 1ight )e su)stituted )* the punish1ent of i1prison1ent for %ife or i1prison1ent for a ter1 in eA$ess of fourteen *ears and to put that $ategor* )e*ond the app%i$ation of re1ission. =2. The 1atter 1a* )e %oo=ed at fro1 a s%ight%* different ang%e. The issue of senten$ing has t!o aspe$ts. # senten$e 1a* )e eA$essi0e and undu%* harsh or it may be highly disproportionately inadequate . When an appe%%ant $o1es to this (ourt $arr*ing a death senten$e a!arded )* the tria% $ourt and $onfir1ed )* the High (ourt" this (ourt 1a* find" as in the present appea%" that the $ase 5ust fa%%s short 31 Page 31


of the rarest of the rare $ategor* and 1a* fee% so1e!hat re%u$tant in endorsing the death senten$e. <ut at the sa1e ti1e" ha0ing regard to the nature of the $ri1e" the (ourt 1a* strong%* fee% that a senten$e of %ife i1prison1ent su)5e$t to re1ission nor1a%%* !or=s out to a ter1 of . *ears !ou%d )e gross%* disproportionate and inade+uate. What then shou%d the (ourt doP If the (ourtJs option is %i1ited on%* to t!o punish1ents" one a senten$e of i1prison1ent" for a%% intents and purposes" of not 1ore than . *ears and the other death" the (ourt 1a* fee% te1pted and find itse%f nudged into endorsing the death pena%t*. Su$h a $ourse !ou%d indeed )e disastrous. # far 1ore 5ust" reasona)%e and proper $ourse !ou%d )e to eApand the options and to ta=e o0er !hat" as a 1atter of fa$t" %a!fu%%* )e%ongs to the (ourt i.e. the 0ast hiatus )et!een . *earsJ i1prison1ent and death. It needs to )e e1phasised that the (ourt !ou%d ta=e re$ourse to the eApanded option pri1ari%* )e$ause in the fa$ts of the $ase" the senten$e of . *earsJ i1prison1ent !ou%d a1ount to no punish1ent at a%%. = . Burther" the for1a%isation of a spe$ia% $ategor* of senten$e" though for an eAtre1e%* fe! nu1)er of $ases" sha%% ha0e the great ad0antage of ha0ing the death pena%t* on the statute )oo= )ut to a$tua%%* use it as %itt%e as possi)%e" rea%%* in the rarest of rare $ases. This !ou%d on%* )e a reassertion of the (onstitution <en$h de$ision in Ba han Singh )esides )eing in a$$ord !ith the 1odern trends in peno%og*.@

.-) Re%*ing on the aforesaid de$ision of the %arger <en$h" %earned #ttorne* /enera% su)1itted that it is perfe$t%* %ega% to $o11ute the death pena%t* into i1prison1ent for %ife (to 1ean the entire %ife of the $on0i$t) and depri0e of re1ission in $ertain $ases. #s a $onse+uen$e" the eAer$ise of po!er of re1ission under Se$tion .&' of the (ode )* the State of Ta1i% 2adu in the $ase of Respondent 2os. . to 4 is i1per1issi)%e.

32 Page 32

. ) Whereas it is the stand of %earned senior $ounse% for the State that the authorit* to eAer$ise the po!er of re1ission e0en in su$h spe$ia% $ategor* of $ases sti%% 0ests !ith the appropriate <en$h /o0ern1ent" in re%*ing on the





Mohind"r Singh (supra) and 0arious other $ase3%a!s. Moreo0er" it !as asserted )* %earned senior $ounse% appearing for the State of Ta1i% 2adu that the statutor* po!er of re1ission granted to the appropriate

/o0ern1ent under Se$tion .&' of the (ode $annot )e ta=en a!a* on%* in $ertain $ases )* !a* of 5udi$ia% pronoun$e1ent. .') Ha0ing gi0en our 1ost anAious $onsideration" !e are of the opinion that it !i%% not )e appropriate for a three >udgesJ <en$h to eAa1ine and de$ide the $orre$tness of the 0erdi$t of another three3>udgesJ <en$h in S'am( Shraddananda (supra). <esides" ine0ita)i%it* the

de$ision of the (onstitution <en$h in Bhagira!h (supra) !ou%d a%so )e re+uired to )e eAa1ined. Thus" !e dee1 it fit to refer this 1atter to a fi0e >udgesJ <en$h to re$on$i%e the dispute e1erged.

33 Page 33

.&) The se$ond stage is !hen the eAe$uti0e eAer$ises its re1ission po!er under #rti$%e 4' )* the President or under #rti$%e : )* the /o0ernor or under #rti$%e &' )*

this (ourt in its 5udi$ia% re0ie! 5urisdi$tion and the $o11utation of death pena%t* into %ife i1prison1ent is per1itted. It is the stand of the petitioner" i.e." Union of India that on$e death pena%t* is $o11uted into %ife i1prison1ent )* eAer$ise of eAe$uti0e po!er under #rti$%e 4'K : of the (onstitution or )* the 5udi$ia% po!er

0ested )* the (onstitution in #rti$%e &'" the $ategories are )e*ond the po!er of re1ission and para%%e% eAer$ise of the si1i%ar po!er )* the eAe$uti0e under the (ode is i1per1issi)%e. Therefore" on this ground" the %earned #ttorne* /enera% for the Union of India $ontended that granting of re1ission to Respondent 2os. to & & 4 is

untena)%e in %a!. #%though" the #ttorne* /enera% hea0i%* re%ied on this proposition to put forth his $ase )ut did not p%a$e an* su)stantia% 1ateria% for eAa1ination )* this (ourt. ..) 7earned $ounse% for the State $ountered this

proposition of the petitioner )* stating that there is no

34 Page 34

1ateria% on re$ord to 0a%idate the sa1e" hen$e" re1ission granted to Respondent 2o. 4 is 0a%id in %a!. It !as further $ontended that the $o11utation of death senten$e into %ife i1prison1ent in $ase of Respondent 2os. to & )*

this (ourt !as not )* eAer$ising an* eAe$uti0e po!er under the (onstitution or under the (ode" )ut it !as in eAer$ise of its 5udi$ia% po!er in the $onteAt of )rea$h of #rti$%e ' . In other !ords" a$$ording to hi1" e0en after this (ourt $o11uted the death senten$e to %ife

i1prison1ent" it did not )ar and )o%t an* further eAer$ise of $o11utationKre1ission po!er )* the eAe$uti0e under the (onstitution or under the (ode. .9) The issue of su$h a nature has )een raised for the first ti1e in this (ourt" !hi$h has !ide ra1ifi$ation in deter1ining the s$ope of app%i$ation of po!er of

re1ission )* the eAe$uti0es )oth the (entre and the State. #$$ording%*" !e refer this 1atter to the (onstitution <en$h to de$ide the issue pertaining to !hether on$e po!er of re1ission under #rti$%e 4' or : or )* this (ourt eAer$ising (onstitutiona% po!er under #rti$%e &' is

eAer$ised" is there an* s$ope for further $onsideration for

35 Page 35

re1ission )* the eAe$uti0e. .:) Inas1u$h as the issue vis!"!vis !ho is the

Iappropriate /o0ern1entJ under Se$tion .&'(4) of the (ode to eAer$ise the po!er of re1ission is $on$erned" e%a)orate argu1ents had )een ad0an$ed )* )oth sides in the $ourse of the pro$eedings and the parties raised 1ore than one an$i%%ar* +uestions to the 1ain issue %i=e !hi$h /o0ern1ent 3 the State or the (entre !i%% ha0e pri1a$* o0er the su)5e$t 1atter en%isted in 7ist III of the Se0enth S$hedu%e of the (onstitution of India for eAer$ise of po!er of re1ission. #nother +uestion !as a%so raised !hether there $an )e t!o appropriate /o0ern1ents in one $ase. In addition" !hether the ter1 ?$onsu%tation@ 1eans

?$on$urren$e@ under Se$tion .&9( ) of the (ode. Sin$e the +uestions in the gi0en $ase are $ontingent on the fina% de$ision to )e arri0ed at in the first issue" !e unani1ous%* dee1 it appropriate that these issues )e de$ided )* the (onstitution <en$h. Moreo0er" $onsidering the !ider interpretation of the pro0isions of the (onstitution and the (ode in0o%0ed in the 1atter" !e $onsider it fit to refer the 1atter to the (onstitution <en$h for an authoritati0e

36 Page 36

interpretation on the sa1e.

In fa$t" su$h a $ourse of .9(&) of

a$tion is 1andated )* the pro0isions of #rti$%e the (onstitution.

.4) <efore fra1ing the +uestions to )e de$ided )* the (onstitution <en$h in Writ Petition ((r%.) 2o. .6 of '- ." !e intend to dispose of other 1atters. Sin$e in Writ

Petition ((r%.) 2o. -9 of '--6" the petitioner is one of the respondents (Respondent 2o. :) in Writ Petition ((r%.) 2o. .6 of '- . and Mr. San5a* R. Hegde" %earned $ounse% for the petitioner is not pressing the sa1e" the Writ Petition ((r%.) 2o. -9 of '--6 is dis1issed as not pressed.

7i=e!ise" there is no need to =eep the (ri1ina% Mis$. Petitions pending" as the Union of India fi%ed the su)stanti0e petition in the for1 of Writ Petition ((r%.) 2o. .6 of '- . gi0ing a%% the detai%s. #$$ording%*" (r%. M.P. 2os. .:''" .:'& and .:'. of '- . in T.(.((r%.) 2os. and & of '- ' respe$ti0e%* are dis1issed. .6) The fo%%o!ing +uestions are fra1ed for the " '

$onsideration of the (onstitution <en$hC


Whether i1prison1ent for %ife in ter1s of Se$tion 9&

37 Page 37

read !ith Se$tion .9 of the Indian Pena% (ode 1eant i1prison1ent for rest of the %ife of the prisoner or a $on0i$t undergoing %ife i1prison1ent has a right to $%ai1 re1ission and !hether as per the prin$ip%es enun$iated in paras , to ,& of S'am(

Shraddananda (supra)" a spe$ia% $ategor* of senten$e 1a* )e 1ade for the 0er* fe! $ases !here the death pena%t* 1ight )e su)stituted )* the punish1ent of i1prison1ent for %ife or i1prison1ent for a ter1 in eA$ess of fourteen *ears and to put that $ategor* )e*ond app%i$ation of re1issionP (ii) Whether the ?appropriate /o0ern1ent@ is per1itted to eAer$ise the po!er of re1ission under Se$tion .&'K.&& of the (ode after the para%%e% po!er has )een eAer$ised )* the President under #rti$%e 4' or the /o0ernor under #rti$%e : or )* this (ourt in its (onstitutiona% po!er under #rti$%e &' as in this $aseP (iii) Whether Se$tion .&'(4) of the (ode $%ear%* gi0es pri1a$* to the eAe$uti0e po!er of the Union and eA$%udes the eAe$uti0e po!er of the State !here the po!er of Union is $o3eAtensi0eP
38 Page 38

(i0) Whether the Union or the State has pri1a$* o0er the su)5e$t 1atter en%isted in 7ist III of Se0enth S$hedu%e of the (onstitution of India for eAer$ise of po!er of re1issionP (0) Whether there $an )e t!o appropriate /o0ern1ents in a gi0en $ase under Se$tion .&'(4) of the (odeP (0i) Whether suo motu eAer$ise of po!er of re1ission under Se$tion .&'( ) is per1issi)%e in the s$he1e of the se$tion if" *es !hether the pro$edure pres$ri)ed in su)3$%ause (') of the sa1e Se$tion is 1andator* or notP (0ii) Whether the ter1 ?$onsu%tation@ stipu%ated in

Se$tion .&9( ) of the (ode i1p%ies ?$on$urren$e@P .,) #%% the issues raised in the gi0en $ase are of ut1ost $riti$a% $on$ern for the !ho%e of the $ountr*" as the de$ision on these issues !i%% deter1ine the pro$edure for a!arding senten$es in the $ri1ina% 5usti$e s*ste1. #$$ording%*" !e dire$t to %ist Writ Petition ((r%.) 2o. .6 of '- . )efore the (onstitution <en$h as ear%* as possi)%e prefera)%* !ithin a period of three 1onths.

39 Page 39

9-) #%% the interi1 orders granted ear%ier !i%% $ontinue ti%% fina% de$ision )eing ta=ing )* the (onstitution <en$h in Writ Petition ((r%.) 2o..6 of '- .. G.GGGGGGGGGG(>I. (P. SATHASI>AM) G.GGGGGGGGGGG>. (RANJAN GOGOI)

GGGGGGGGGGGGG>. (N.>. RAMANA) 28W ;87HIE #PRI7 '9" '- .

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