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Aircraft Design MEC 4200

Assignment 1 Due Date : 3/4/14

Using the details on aircraft in Lab Sheet #1, do the trade studies as below. 1. Range Trade A range trade can be calculated to determine the increase or decrease in design takeoff weight if required range is changed. alculate take off weight for required range 1!!!nmi and "!!!nmi. #raw a $lot of range %ersus takeoff weight.

". &a'load Trade A $a'load trade can be made in similar fashion with range trade, onl' the %ar'ing weight fraction is now different. The gi%en $a'load requirement in abo%e e(am$le is 1!,!!! lb of a%ionics. #raw a $lot of $a'load %ersus take off weight for assumed $a'load weights of ),!!! lb, 1),!!! lb and "!,!!! lb.


*. +aterial Trade The bomber aircraft, which used here for si,ing was based u$on e(isting militar' bomber, which are all of aluminum construction. #etermine the effect of building

aircraft out of com$osite materials. -t is noted that the use of the com$osite materials reduces the em$t' weight b' )..

/. om$uter &rogramming (OPTIONA !"E#TION$ a0 Sketch the $rogram flow chart of a com$uter $rogramming to calculate the takeoff weight. b0 1rite a com$uter $rogram 2using 3otran or or +athlab4 to calculate the takeoff weight of an aircraft using the $rocedure of the takeoff weight build0u$ method. c0 Using the $rogram written in 2b4, calculate the range trade and $a'load trade for the aircraft in question 1, " and *.

MEC 4200 : aircraft Design Assignment 1 (Pr%gramming$ #am&'e s%'uti%n using C(( &r%gram 1. Ask the user the nature of the set of data available on hand (units). 2. Define the aircraft criteria : crew and payload weight, a!i u lift"to"drag ratio, operating speed, the engine type. #. $ased on the engine type, calculate the re%uired &'(. ). Define the ission profile : nu bers of cli b, cruise and loiter seg ents.

*. $ased on the ission profile, calculate the fuel weight fraction for the cli b, cruise and loiter seg ents. +. (alculate the fuel weight fraction with the intended reserved fuel portion. ,. Define the e pty weight fraction variables. -. Do the iteration and co es up with the esti ated takeoff weight. The sam$le $rogram 2using 554. )inc'u*e +i%stream,-. )inc'u*e +mat-,-. )inc'u*e +st*'i/,-. int main ( $ 0 c-ar unit, engine6 .. variables for engine type and the unit syste used for the data int climb, cruise, loiter6 *%u/'e A, , 7%s6 .. variables for the e pty weight fraction e%uation *%u/'e $ercentage, 1em$t', 1new6 *%u/'e 1crew,1$a'load,L#ma(,L#1,%elocit',range,efficienc',endurance,1loiter6 *%u/'e 1totalcruise,1cruise,S3 loiter,S3 cruise,efficienc'1,1totalloiter6 c%ut++1&R89RA+ T8 AL ULAT: T;: -<-T-AL :ST-+AT: 83 T;: TA7:833 1:-9;T1++en*'2 c%ut++1#ata in 2S4- Unit or2=4ritish Unit> 12 cin..unit6 c%ut++1-n$ut the required aircraft criteria ?01++en*'2 c%ut++1 rew 1eight 2kg@lbm4?12 cin..1crew6 .. variable for the crew weight c%ut++1&a'load 1eight 2kg@lbm4?12 cin..1$a'load6 .. variable for the payload weight .. conversion of crew abnd payload weights to $ritish /nit for data input in &0 /nits if (unit334#4$ 0 1crew A 1crewB"."!/C""C""6 1$a'load A 1$a'loadB"."!/C""C""6 5 if (unit334s4$ 0 1crew A 1crewB"."!/C""C""6 1$a'load A 1$a'loadB"."!/C""C""6 5 c%ut++1The +a(. Lift0to0#rag Ratio ?12 cin..L#ma(6 .. variable for a!i u lift"to"drag ratio c%ut++18$erating S$eed 2m@s or ft@s4?12

cin..%elocit'6 .. variable for velocity .. conversion of velocity to $ritish /nit for data in &0 /nits if (unit334#4$ %elocit' A %elocit'B*."D!D*EDE)6 if (unit334s4$ %elocit' A %elocit'B*."D!D*EDE)6 c%ut++1:ngine t'$e F2G4et or 2&4ro$ellerH ?12 cin..engine6 .. variable for engine type .. calculate the &'( for propeller aircraft if (engine334P4$ 0 c%ut++1:nter the $ro$eller S3 2lb@h$.hr4 ?1++en*'2 c%ut++1 ruise ?12 cin..S3 cruise6 ..variable for &'( in cruise c%ut++1Loiter ?12 cin..S3 loiter6 .. variable for &'( in loiter c%ut++1:nter $ro$eller efficienc' ?1++en*'2 c%ut++1 ruise ?12 cin..efficienc'6 .. variable for propeller efficiency during cruise c%ut++1Loiter ?12 cin..efficienc'16 .. variable for propeller efficiency during loiter .. conversion of &'( ( into &'( in ( S3 cruiseA 2S3 cruiseB%elocit'4@2))!Befficienc'46 S3 loiterA 2S3 loiterB%elocit'4@2))!Befficienc'146 5 e'se 0 c%ut++1:nter the Iet S3 21@hr4 ?1++en*'2 c%ut++1 ruise ?12 cin..S3 cruise6 .. variable for &'( during cruise c%ut++1Loiter ?12 cin..S3 loiter6 .. variable for &'( during loiter 5 c%ut++1#efine the nature of the mission $rofile for the aircraft,1++en*'2 c%ut++1<o. of limb Segment ?12 cin..climb6 .. variable for nu bers of cli b seg ents c%ut++1<o. of ruise Segment ?12 cin..cruise6 .. variable for nu bers of cruise seg ents c%ut++1<o. of Loiter Segment ?12 cin..loiter6 .. variable for nu bers of loiter seg ents .. assigning the fi!ed values for takeoff, cli b and landing fuel weight fractions *%u/'e 1T8 A !.EJ6 *%u/'e 1climbA!.ED)6 *%u/'e 1landingA!.EE)6 int nA16 double dumm' A 16 *%u/'e 1totalclimb A 1climb6 .. loop to find the product of all cli b fuel weight seg ent fractions 6-i'e (n+3c'im/$

0 1totalclimb A 1totalclimbBdumm'6 dumm' A 1climb6 n A n516 5 nA16 dumm'A16 L#1AL#ma(6 .. loop to find the product of all cruise fuel weight seg ent fractions 6-i'e (n+3cruise$ 0 c%ut++1-n$ut cruise segment 1++n++1 range 2m or ft4?12 cin..range6 .. variable for the respective seg ent1s range .. conversion of range to $ritish units for data in &0 /nits if (unit334#4$ range A rangeB*."D!D*EDE)6 e'se if (unit334s4$ range A rangeB*."D!D*EDE)6 .. assigning lift to drag ratio values with respect to engine type e'se if (engine33474$ L#ma(AL#ma(B!.DCC6 e'se if (engine33484$ L#ma(AL#ma(B!.DCC6 .. calculating the particular cruise fuel weight seg ent fraction double ( A 201BrangeBS3 cruise4@2%elocit'BL#ma(B*C!!46 1cruise Ae($2(46 1totalcruise A 1cruiseBdumm'6 dumm'A1cruise6 L#ma(AL#16 nAn516 5 nA16 dumm'A16 .. loop to find the product of all loiter fuel weight seg ent fractions 6-i'e (n+3'%iter$ 0 c%ut++1-n$ut loiter segment 1++n++1 endurance 2seconds4?12 cin..endurance6 .. variable for the particular seg ent1s endurance .. assigning lift"to"drag ratio values with respect to engine type if (engine334P4$ L#ma(AL#ma(B!.DCC6 e'se if (engine334&4$ L#ma(AL#ma(B!.DCC6 .. calculating the particular loiter fuel weight seg ent fraction double ( A 201BenduranceBS3 loiter4@2L#ma(B*C!!46 1loiter Ae($2(46 1totalloiter A 1loiterBdumm'6 dumm'A1loiter6

L#ma(AL#16 nAn516 5 .. calculate the fuel weight fraction *%u/'e 1$roductA1T8B1landingB1totalclimbB1totalcruiseB1totalloiter6 c%ut++1:nter the $ercentage of intended reser%ed fuel 2.4?12 cin..$ercentage6 .. variable for the reserved fuel percentage *%u/'e dumm'1A$ercentage@1!!6 *%u/'e 1fuelA 215dumm'14B2101$roduct46 c%ut++1:nter the em$t' weight fraction %ariables ?1++en*'2 c%ut++1A ?12 cin..A6 c%ut++1 ?12 cin.. 6 c%ut++17%s ?12 cin..7%s6 *%u/'e errorA16 *%u/'e 1guessA1!!!!6 .. iteration to find the esti ated takeoff weight 6-i'e (err%r.30,00001$ 0 1em$t'AAB$ow21guess, 4B7%s6 1new A 21crew51$a'load4@2101fuel01em$t'46 error A abs221!!B21new01guess44@21guess446 1guessA1new6 5 .. conversion of the answer back to &0 /nit for data in &0 /nits if (unit334#4$ 0 1new A 1newB!./)*)E"*J6 c%ut++1The initial estimate of takeoff weight is ? 1++9ne6++1 kg.12 5 e'se if (unit334s4$ 0 1new A 1newB!./)*)E"*J6 c%ut++1The initial estimate of takeoff weight is ? 1++9ne6++1 kg. 12 5 e'se c%ut++1The initial estimate of takeoff weight is ? 1++9ne6++1 lb. 12 return 02 5

&R89RA+ T8 AL ULAT: T;: -<-T-AL :ST-+AT: 83 T;: TA7:833 1:-9;T #ata in 2S4- Unit or2=4ritish Unit> S -n$ut the required aircraft criteria ?0 rew 1eight 2kg@lbm4?*"C.)E &a'load 1eight 2kg@lbm4?J*./1 The +a(. Lift0to0#rag Ratio ?1* 8$erating S$eed 2m@s or ft@s4?1!! :ngine t'$e F2G4et or 2&4ro$ellerH ?& :nter the $ro$eller S3 2lb@h$.hr4 ? ruise ?!./ Loiter ?!.) :nter $ro$eller efficienc' ? ruise ?!.D Loiter ?!.J #efine the nature of the mission $rofile for the aircraft. <o. of limb Segment ?1 <o. of ruise Segment ?1 <o. of Loiter Segment ?1 -n$ut cruise segment 1 range 2m or ft4?1!!!!!! -n$ut loiter segment 1 endurance 2seconds4?C!! :nter the $ercentage of intended reser%ed fuel 2.4?C :nter the em$t' weight fraction %ariables ? A ?".*C ?0.1D 7%s ?1 The initial estimate of takeoff weight is ? 1"J/."J kg. BThe answer in com$arable as in lab assignment #1 solution. Kuestion *. Using the $rogram, the resultant data with changing %ariables of range and $a'load weight are tabulated below. 'or range trade2

:ange (;m$ )!! 1!!! 1)!! "!!! The corres$onding gra$h6

Ta;e%ff 9eig-t (;g$ 11DC.)! 1"J/."J 1*J1."* 1/JD.J!

Range Trade Studies

Takeoff Weight (kg) 1600 1400 1200 1000 500 1000 1500 2000

Range (km)

C%nc'usi%n : As can be seen from the gra$h, the increase in range will corres$ond to an increase in the takeoff weight. This might be due to the e(tra fuel needs to be carried to co$e with the additional range. The relationshi$ is a straight line meaning that the increase in takeoff weight is related to the increase in range b' a $roduct of a constant. 'or payload trade2 Pa<'%a* (;g$ )!.!! J*./1 1!!.!! 1)!.!! The corres$onding gra$h6 Ta;e%ff 9eig-t (;g$ 1"CC.!E 1"J/."J 1**J.CE 1/))./C


Payload Trade Studies

Takeoff Weight (kg) 1600 1400 1200 1000 50 73.41 100 150 Payload (kg)

B As can be seen from the gra$h, an increase in $a'load weight will increase the takeoff weight. This is a logical relationshi$ since the e(tra $a'load weight will certainl' increase the o%erall takeoff weight. Since the gra$h is not a straight line, the relationshi$ between $a'load and takeoff weight and the takeoff weight is not $ro$ortional b' a constant.


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