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Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________ Ms.Reyes/Ms.

Rust; Global Studies Mini-Lesson Three: The Great Leap Forward AIM: Was the Great Leap Forward a ia!t step ba"#ward$ DO NOW: %&ami!e the 'ollowi! (uote. Summari)e it a!d predi"t what *hi!a is oi! to do u!der the leadership o' Mao +edo! .

Struggle hard for three years. Change the face of China. Catch up with Britain and catch up with America.

Activity #1- eview!"hec# $or %nderstandin&: ,!swer the (uestio! i! "omplete se!te!"es. 1' ()p*ain what is +eant ,y the ter+ -Two "hinas'. _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ Activity #2- Independent Work: Complete reading and answer questions that follow (CCLS RI.1-citing strong and thorough textual evidence to support anal sis!.

Background: In "cto#er 1$%$& 'ao (edong gained control of the countr . )e proclaimed it the Peoples Republic of China. Chiang *ai-She+ and other ,ationalist leaders retreated to the island of Taiwan. China had split into two nations. 'ao-s main goal was to transform mainland China from an agricultural countr to a modern industrial countr . In the 1$./s& 'ao-s government too+ over China-s industries and #usinesses. It also created large& government-run farms from the small plots of land wor+ed # peasants.
1. 0hat was 'ao (edong-s goal for mainland China1 )ow does this compare to 2ladimir Lenin-s goal for Russia1

Document #1

Constitution of the Peoples Republic of China!" 1#$% 8. 9escri#e two characteristics of the Repu#lic &rticle 1 3he 4eople-s Repu#lic of China is a people-s state led of China-s econom . # the wor+ing class and #ased on the alliance of wor+ers and peasants5 &rticle ' 3he state sector (part) of the econom is the leading force in the national econom and #asis on which the state carries out complete change. 3he state ensures priorit for the development of the econom . 6ll mineral resources& water& forests& undeveloped :. )ow does this reflect the ideas of *arl 'arx1 land and other resources which the state owns # law& are the propert of the whole people. &rticle ( 4artial collective (communal/ community! ownership # the wor+ing people is a transitional form # means of which individual peasants and other individual wor+ing people organi7e

Document #.a

Document #.b/ +reat ,eap -orward

;/< of the people lived in rural areas& #ut most owned no land. =nder the Agrarian (Agricultural! Reform Law of 1$./& 'ao sei7ed the propert of these landlords. 'illions of landlords who resisted were +illed. Land ta+en from the landlords was then collecti)i*ed& com#ined into larger& government-run farms which were distri#uted among the peasants. In 1$.;& 'ao launched a program called the +reat ,eap -orward. )e called on the people to increase agricultural and industrial production. 3o ma+e farms more productive& he com#ined collective (community! farms into communes& groups of people who live and wor+ together and hold propert in common. 3he government forced peasants to >oin communes of up to 8//-:// households. )ere& peasants lived a strictl controlled life. Communes had production quotas& which were set amounts of agricultural or industrial output that the were to produce. Li+e the Soviet =nion& 'ao put in place %. If ou were a Chinese peasant in the 1$./s& how would ou have reacted to the changes under 6grarian Reform Law1

.. 9uring the ?reat Leap @orward& Chinese peasants were forced to a. >oin communes #. move to the cities c. convert to Christianit d. attac+ the Red ?uards

A. In China& the ?reat Leap @orward was an attempt to a. promote democratic reform #. end the private ownership of land c. strengthen economic ties with Burope d. increase agricultural and industrial production

C. Compare and contrast the 'ao-s ?reat Leap @orward in China to Stalin-s @ive-Dear 4lan in the Soviet =nion.

Document #0a #0b

BBC 1ews! 2pecial Reports


"vernight& fertile rice fields were ploughed (turn over the earth with a plough so that seeds can be planted) over& and factor construction wor+ #egan. La#or-intensive methods were introduced and farming collectivi7ed on a large scale. 3he campaign created a#out 8:&.// communes& each controlling its own means of production. Eut former farmers had no idea how to actuall use the new factories& and therefore& commune-#ased industries produced poorl made goods. In addition& what was once fertile crop land went to waste on a disastrous scale. Ead weather also contri#uted to the decline in agricultural output. 3he ?reat Leap @orward was held responsi#le for famines (periods of time when many people do not have enough food for a long time) in 1$A/ and 1$A1. 3went million people starved& and 'ao (edong withdrew temporaril from pu#lic view. 3he program was finall discontinued in 1$A1. ;. Bxplain two reasons wh the ?reat Leap @orward failed.

$. Compare the results of the ?reat Leap @orward to the propaganda in doc :#.

1/. )ow might have the results of the ?reat Leap @orward affected the pu#lic-s opinion of 'ao and communism1

Document #%

Cultural Re)olution

6fter the failure of the +reat ,eap -orward& other communist leaders moved awa from 'ao-s strict ideas. In 'a 1$AA& he struc+ #ac+ with the Cultural Re)olution. )e attac+ed moderates for lac+ing zeal (enthusiasm! for the revolution. )e called on millions of patriotic ouths to leave school and form the Red +uards to G#om#ard the headquartersH of government and dislodge (remove! his opponents. 0hat followed was a reign of terror. Red ?uards hunted down professors& government officials& and factor managers& other Gclass enemies&H and even their parents. 3he targeted an one who seemed to have special privileges or who resisted the regime. 3housands of people were executed or died in >ail. 3he countr san+ close to civil war and worse. 3he resulting widespread chaos closed down factories and threatened farm production. Source: George Wehrfrite !"he Swing #endulum $ 11. 3he Cultural Revolution in China was 'ao (edongFs 18. "ne similarit #etween attempt to the Reign of 3error during the @rench Revolution and a. renew the ideas and enthusiasm of the the Cultural Revolution in China was that #oth Communist revolution a. limited the power of a#solute leaders #. increase the industrial output of China #. illustrated the power of pu#lic opinion in c. promote artistic exchanges with the =nited forming national polic States c. esta#lished social sta#ilit and economic d. encourage foreign investment in China growth d. used violent methods to eliminate their opponents 1:. 0h might have 'ao (edong viewed professors (teachers! as a threat1

1%. In China& the ?reat Leap @orward and the Cultural Revolution promoted # 'ao (edong were similar in that #oth plans a. ended d nastic rule #. disrupted industrial development c. encouraged capitalism d. guaranteed human rights

/0++ary: LIF( %ND( ("ONOMI" (FO M/ MAO 1(DONG /O"IAL (FO M/ 2OLITI"AL (FO M/

-. .ou be the /ud e: Was Mao +edo! a hero or 0illai! 'or "hi!a$ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________

_______________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________ 1. Was the Great Leap Forward a ia!t step ba"#ward$ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________

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