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Closing cockpit Config Guide

Configuration Guide and Transaction Steps

Closing cockpit Fast Close

Closing cockpit Config Guide

Table of Contents
1. 2. Purpose........................................................................................................3 ABC Groups Business Background...............................................................3

2.1. Objective...................................................................................................3 3. Configuration .............................................................................................

3.1. Closing cockpit ( anage te plate and task list! C"OCOC#................................$ 3.1.1. Create Organi%ational &ierarc'(.................................................................$ 3.1.2. Create Te plate......................................................................................) 3.1.3. Create Tasks............................................................................................* 3.1.$. Create +lo, -efinitions.............................................................................. 3.1./. Create 0e ote task using S12 C2S...........................................................13 3.1.4. -efine -ependencies...............................................................................13 3.1.). Create and 0elease Task list....................................................................11 . Transaction ..............................................................................................12

$.1. Closing cockpit ! C"OCO.............................................................................12 !. Anne"ure ..................................................................................................12

Closing Cockpit

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Closing cockpit Config Guide

1. Purpose
T'is configuration guide provides t'e infor ation ,'ic' (ou need to set up for t'is 2OC.

2. ABC Groups Business Background

2.1. #b$ecti%e
1n organi%ation is interested in reducing t'e ti e re5uired for closing t'e books eac' ont'. T'e( are using S12 version 6CC4.3 and are stable on S12 s(ste . T'e( need transparenc( and re5uire an audit trail of t'e entire closing process. T'e current closing process does not satisf( t'eir co pliance re5uire ents T'e entire organi%ation is on one S12 s(ste .

&cope ' T'e scope of t'is docu ent covers scenario on 6CC 4.3 en'ance ent pack 3.3 entioned above. T'is docu ent is created

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Closing cockpit Config Guide

3. Configuration
3.1. Closing cockpit ()anage te)plate and task list* C+#C#C,
T'e Closing cockpit is a structured interface to e7ecute transactions8 progra s re5uired for closing ont'l(9 5uarterl( or annual. :t 'elps in organi%ation ,ide onitoring of closing steps and also provides a log at eac' step and ensures audit trail for ever( ont' closing.

T'e prere5uisite is t'at all transactions and progra t'at need to be e7ecuted as a part of closing activit( s'ould be specified in table SC;1T01<S1CT and SC;120OG01;S respectivel(.

3.1.1. Create #rgani-ational .ierarc/0

Sap standard delivers organi%ational levels Co pan( code and Controlling area. :f necessar(9 additional levels suc' as =usiness 1rea or 2rofit center a( be created. T'e closing process steps can be uni5ue to eac' organi%ational level.

Closing Cockpit

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Closing cockpit Config Guide

<e, Org &ierarc'(>

Closing Cockpit

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Closing cockpit Config Guide

Org levels>

Closing Cockpit

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Closing cockpit Config Guide

3.1.2. Create Te)plate

:ndividual steps of a closing process are structured using a te plate.

Closing Cockpit

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Closing cockpit Config Guide

Sub folders a( be created for structuring t'e closing activities. :n t'e c'ange te plate ode9 rig't click on t'e org structure and select ?create sub folder@

3.1.3. Create Tasks

:nto eac' subfolder a task a( be assigned. 1 task a( be a progra ,it' variant (for background processing#9 a progra ,it'out variant (for foreground processing#9 a transaction code (for foreground e7ecution#9 a note (giving instructions or docu entation# or a flo, definition.

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Closing cockpit Config Guide

3.1. . Create Flo1 2efinitions

T'e flo, definition is used for ultiple progra s t'at are to be processed auto aticall( ,it'out interruption. Suc' progra s ,it' variants are co bined to for a logical flo, c'ain ,it' uni5ue predecessor and successor relations'ips. A'en a flo, definition is e7ecuted (or sc'eduled to be e7ecuted#9 all of t'e related progra s are processed b( t'e s(ste in t'e specified se5uence9 and t'en t'e results are ade available for anal(sis under -etailed :nfor ation. S12 standard 'as delivered a fe, flo, definitions. 1dditional re5uired. a( be created as

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Closing cockpit Config Guide

Sa ple flo, definition (S12 delivered ! 1!C;!O=B!1 for period end activities of anufacturing orders#

3.1.!. Create 3e)ote task using &AP CP&

T'is is an additional function t'at is onl( available ,'en S12 Central 2rocess Sc'eduling (C2S# is i ple ented. S12 C2S is not a part of S12 602. &o,ever9 Closing Cockpit provides a connection to S12 C2S.

3.1.4. 2efine 2ependencies

T'e task list lists t'e progra s or transactions to be e7ecuted in a c'ronological order. &o,ever9 over and above suc' definition if t'ere is a need to 'ave a predecessor for a particular task9 t'e sa e a( be defined using dependencies. =( defining dependencies it is ensured t'at progra s and transactions can onl( be sc'eduled or e7ecuted once t'e predecessor activities 'ave been processed successfull( (,it'out errors#.

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Closing cockpit Config Guide

3.1.5. Create and 3elease Task list

T'e task list needs to be released for it to be available in t'e transaction for e7ecution of ont' end progra s and transactions.

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Closing cockpit Config Guide

. Transaction
.1. Closing cockpit * C+#C#
T'e e7ecution of closing steps is done in t'is transaction. T'ere is a side of t'e screen. T'is also depicts t'e dependencies. onitor on t'e rig't

!. Anne"ure
0eference> Aebe7 b( S12 on Closing cockpit

S12 'elp link> 'ttp>88' 8erp233/Ce'pC3$8'elpdata8en8$28f*.3$1/ae3a13.e13333333a1// 1348fra eset.'t

Closing Cockpit

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