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1he 8esplraLory sysLem

uo you know whaL you're resplraLory sysLem ls? Well lf you don'L
please read on Lo flnd ouL!
WhaL are Lhe funcLlons of Lhe 8esplraLory SysLem?
llrsL you breaLhe ln oxygen Lhrough your nose or mouLh and your
dlaphragm conLracLs Lo make space for Lhe oxygen ln your body.
1hen Lhe oxygen goes down your alrways and your Lrachea
AfLer LhaL your bronchloles brlng Lhe oxygen as far as lL can Lo all
of Lhe cells ln your body.
llnally Lhe bad alr, Lhe carbon dloxlde comes ouL Lhe same way
now LhaL you know how lL works, leL's Lalk abouL Lhe sLrucLures of
Lhe resplraLory sysLem.
1here are Lhe:
- 1he nose and mouLh
- 1he wlndplpe
- ?our alrways
- 1he larynx
- 1he Lrachea
- 1he dlaphragm
- 1he bronchloles
- 1he alveoll
- And Lhe lungs
now leL's Lalk abouL Lhe dlsgusLlng dlseases of Lhe resplraLory
Well Lhere are many dlseases LhaL affecL Lhe resplraLory sysLem
8ronchlLls, AsLhma, common cold, cough, cysLlc flber..
8uL ln Lhls essay l wlll only Lalk abouL one of Lhe lcky gross
dlseases .... AS1MA!
AsLhma ls a dlseases LhaL affecLs Lhe resplraLory sysLem. 8uL lL
mosLly affecLs Lhe alrways. A normal person's alrway ls very
relaxed buL lf a person has asLhma, Lhelr alrways wlll be LlghLened
and less oxygen wlll geL lnLo your body! uocLors glve paLlenLs
someLhlng called an lnhaler, lnslde Lhe lnhaler are speclal
medlcaLlons LhaL help you. 1here are many Lypes of medlcaLlons
and one of Lhem ls called Lhe geneLlc name.
now afLer Lalklng abouL all LhaL dlseases sLuff, leL's Lalk abouL
PCW 1C kLL l1 PLAL1P? and yes l repeaL PCW 1C kLL l1
Well some of Lhe polnLs you already know llke do exerclse and eaL
frulLs and vegeLables. 8uL dld you know LhaL you should keep
planLs aL home Lo klll Lhe germs and bacLerla ln Lhe alr, and lf you
wanL Lo sLay healLhy, Lhen aL leasL drlnk 8 cups of waLer each day,
buL mosLly uC nC1 SMCkL!!!!!!! 8ecause lf you smoke Lhe alveoll
LhaL are Llny halrs LhaL Lrap Lhe dlrLy mucus geL paralyzed and wlll
fall off!
LasL buL noL leasL l wlll Lalk abouL wlLch organ sysLem Lhe
resplraLory sysLem hangs ouL wlLh. llrsL of all Lhe resplraLory
sysLem works wlLh Lhe skeleLal sysLem because your rlb cage ls
made ouL of bones. lL also works wlLh Lhe muscular sysLem
because wlLhouL Lhe dlaphragm, you wouldn'L be able Lo breaLhe.
lL also works wlLh Lhe nervous sysLem because Lhe nervous
sysLem sends a message Lo Lhe braln Lo Lell you Lo breaLhe. LasLly
lL also works wlLh Lhe clrculaLory sysLem because Lhe bronchloles
can only brlng Lhe oxygen Lo a small amounL of cells, buL wlLh Lhe
help of Lhe clrculaLory sysLem dellverlng lL Lo all Lhe cells ln our

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