You are on page 1of 154


1. Project Profile 1. Overview.


Scope of Project............................................................. 2. Feasibility study........................................................................... 3. Modules...................................................................................... 4. Ge eratio of !eports................................................................... 2. Roles & Responsibility 3. Software & Hardware Requirement 4. System ".1 ".2 ".3 ".4 nalysis 22 44 !4

Proble# $efi itio ........................................................... Fact Fi di % &ec' i(ues.................................................... !is) * alysis................................................................... Process Model............................................................ $%

!. System "esi#n +.1 +.2 +.3 +.4 +." +.+

$ata $ictio ay............................................................... ,se-.ase $ia%ra#....................................................... .lass $ia%ra#................................................................. *ctivity $ia%ra#.............................................................. State $ia%ra#.......................................................... $ata Flow $ia%ra#.......................................................... 11%

&. 'ayouts

/.1 /.2

For# 0ayouts................................................................... !eport 0ayouts................................................................ 14!

$. Software (etric 1.1

2sti#atio ....................................................................... 1!4

). System *estin# 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 &esti %

Pri ciple..............................................................

&estability....................................................................... Model of &esti %.............................................................. &est Strate%y............................................................ 1!$

1%. +uture ,n-ancement

11. .ser (anual


12. /iblio#rap-y




1.2.1 Project Definition Matrimonial Web Application. What i !atri"onia# We$ App#ication% The main objective of Matrimonial Web Application is to provide Grooms and Brides with excellent matchmakin experience b! explorin the opport"nities and reso"rces to meet tr"e potential partner. #eepin o"r objective in mind$ we have created a world renowned online matchmakin services that will to"ch the so"ls of millions of people all over the lobe. The p&rpo e of the !atri"onia# We$ App#ication are' The main p"rpose of this application is to facilitate matchmakin b"siness b! appl!in the information in the field. %t helps the "ser b! providin profiles of perspective &Bride' or &Groom' and other information re ardin them online. (ser can et information re ardin their dream life partner at his)her home at his)her convenience. This application also provides a search "tilit! which helps those "sers who have a certain criteria of *"alities in mind to make online matrimonial easier.

+ince internet is a pivot for modern b"siness$ o"r project which is based on internet paves a path for moderni,ation in trade.

Matrimonial Web Application will allow a new "ser to re ister and after s"ccessf"ll! re istration "ser can et email confirmation$ after completin re istration "sers profile will be visible to other "sers. Matrimonial website which will provide platform to a lot of Bride)Groom for findin perfect match. There are different sectors like -e istration$ .artner$ +earch$ etc. +o the Bride)Groom can et their interest for find their partner. Bride)Groom can directl! search .artner accordin to their re*"ired criteria. The Bride)Groom can "se match B! /mail f"nctionalit! so he)she can et directl! /0mail alert for the match which f"lfill their re*"ired criteria.

(or Thi App#ication) *e *i## pro+i,e fo##o*in- capa$i#itie ' 112 Admin Mod"le. 122 (ser -e istration Mod"le 132 %ma e (ploadin mod"le 142 5reatin alb"m 162 +endin /xpress %nterest 172 +endin .ersonal messa es 182 Marria e 9oan 1:2 .aid Membership 1;2 +earch Mod"le. 11<2 ="ick To"r. 1112 >irector!. 5onsiderin the sec"rit! and privac! aspects$ Matrimonial Web Application will "se ?TT.+ protocol 1A version of the ?TT. protocol that incl"des data encr!ption for sec"rit!.2

The application will have to be completed "sin @is"al +t"dio 2<<6 and +=9 +erver 2<<6 with help of other office prod"ctivit! tools s"ch as 1Microsoft Aront pa e 2<<3$ Microsoft @isio 2<<3$ Microsoft .roject 2<<3 etc.2 The application testin criteria and installation re*"irements will be part of the detailed application architect"re doc"ment. 1.2.2 A$o&t Project Project profi#e Co"pan. Na"e We$ ite Project Tit#e O$jecti+e Of /. te" B A(+%CD %DAC-MAT%5+ .@T. 9T>. B www.f" B Matrimonial Web Application. B Matrimonial Web Application will allow a new "ser to re ister and after s"ccessf"ll! re istration "ser can et email confirmation$ after completin re istration "sers profile will be visible to other "sers. Operatin- /. te" 0ar,*are Re1&ire"ent B Microsoft Windows E. .rofessional With +.2 B .enti"m ;< M?F or Aaster and ;7 MB -am 15lient2 .enti"m 133 M?F or Aaster and 12: -am 1+erver2 /oft*are Re1&ire"ent (ront En, 2ac3 En, Other B Microsoft @is"al +t"dio .Det B Microsoft @is"al +t"dio Asp.Det B Microsoft +=9 +erver B 4&i,e, 2. Microsoft @isio .Det Aramework

B >irectorB Mr. >haval +hah


Matrimonial website which will provide platform to a lot of Bride)Groom for findin perfect match. There are different sectors like -e istration$ .artner $ +earch$ etc. +o the Bride)Groom can et their interest for find their partner. Bride)Groom can directl! search .artner accordin to their re*"ired criteria. The Bride)Groom can "se match B! /mail f"nctionalit! so he)she can et directl! /0mail alert for the match which f"lfill their re*"ired criteria. The p&rpo e of the !atri"onia# We$ App#ication are'

The main p"rpose of this application is to facilitate matchmakin b"siness b! appl!in the information in the field. %t helps the "ser b! providin profiles of perspective &Bride' and &Groom' and other information re ardin them online. (ser can et information re ardin their dream life partner at his)her home at his)her convenience. This application also provides a search "tilit! which helps those "sers who have a certain criteria of *"alities in mind to make online matrimonial easier. +ince internet is a pivot for modern b"siness$ o"r project which is based on internet paves a path for moderni,ation in trade.

1.6 /COPE
Matrimonial website which will provide platform to a lot of Bride)Groom for findin perfect match. There are different sectors like -e istration$ .artner $ +earch$ etc. +o the Bride)Groom can et their interest for find their partner. Bride)Groom can directl! search .artner accordin to their re*"ired criteria. . The Bride)Groom can "se match B! /mail f"nctionalit! so he)she can et directl! /0mail alert for the match which f"lfill their re*"ired criteria.


What i !atri"onia# We$ App#ication% The main objective of Matrimonial Web Application is to provide Grooms and Brides with excellent matchmakin experience b! explorin the opport"nities and reso"rces to meet tr"e potential partner. #eepin o"r objective in mind$ we have created a world renowned online matchmakin services that will to"ch the so"ls of millions of people all over the lobe. What are the p&rpo e of !atri"onia# We$ App#ication% The p"rposes of the Matrimonial Web Application areB The main p"rpose of this application is to facilitate matchmakin b"siness b! appl!in the information in the field. %t helps the "ser b! providin profiles of perspective &bride' or & room' and other information re ardin them online.

(ser can et information re ardin their dream life partner at his)her home at his)her convenience. This application also provides a search "tilit! which helps those "sers who have a certain criteria of *"alities in mind to make online matrimonial easier. +ince internet is a pivot for modern b"siness$ o"r project which is based on internet paves a path for moderni,ation in trade.


Operatin- /. te" Techno#o-. Lan-&a-e Data$a e

Window0xp .Det 2<<6 with 2.< architect"re M+0+=9 2<<6 server Ta$#e 1.1 Techno#o-. an, O/

1.9.1 The .net fra"e*or3 A frame work is commonl! tho" h of as a set of class libraries that aid in the development of applications. The .net framework is more than j"st a set of classes. The .net framework is tar eted b! compliers "sin a wide variet! of applications. %ncl"din ever!thin from small components that r"n on handheld devices to lar e Microsoft A+../T application that span web farms$ where m"ltiple web serves act to ether to improve the performance fa"lt tolerance of a web site. The .D/T framework is responsible for providin a basic platform that these applications can share. This basic platform incl"des a r"ntimes set of services that oversee the exec"tion of applications. A ke! responsibilit! of the r"ntime is to mana e exec"tion so that software written b! different pro rammin lan "a es "ses classes and other t!pes safel!. 1.9.2 !icro oft .net fra"e*or3 architect&re MicrosoftGs .D/T Aramework is comprised of two main components 0 the 5ommon 9an "a e -"ntime 159-2 and the .D/T Aramework class libraries. The 59- is the real fo"ndation of the .D/T Aramework. %t is the exec"tion en ine for all .D/T applications. /ver! tar et comp"ter re*"ires the 59- to s"ccessf"ll! r"n a .D/T application that "ses the .D/T Aramework. The main feat"res of 59- incl"deB A"tomatic Memor! Mana ement Thread Mana ement 5ode 5ompilation H /xec"tion 5ode @erification ?i h level of sec"rit! -emotin +tr"ct"red /xception ?andlin %nteroperabilit! between Mana ed and (nmana ed code.

%nte ration with Microsoft Cffice +!stem

All .D/T applications are compiled into %ntermediate 9an "a e code 1M+%92. When exec"ted on the 59-$ M+%9 is converted into native machine code specific to the operatin platform. This process is done b! a I"st in Time 1I%T2 compiler. The code exec"ted b! the 59- is called as Mana ed 5ode. This code is t!pe safe and thoro" hl! checked b! the 59- before bein deplo!ed. The .D/T r"ntime also provides a facilit! to incorporate existin 5CM components and >99Gs into a .D/T application. 5ode that is not controlled b! the 59- is called (nmana ed 5ode. The .D/T Aramework is f"rther comprised of 5ommon T!pe +!stem 15T+2 and 5ommon 9an "a e +pecification 159+2. The 5T+ defines the common data t!pes "sed b! .D/T pro rammin lan "a es. The 5T+ tells !o" how to represent characters and n"mbers in a pro ram. The 59+ represents the "idelines defined b! for the .D/T Aramework. These specifications are normall! "sed b! the compiler developers and are available for all lan "a es$ which tar et the .D/T Aramework.

Ai 1.1 .Det architect"re

1.9.5 Co""on Lan-&a-e /pecification To f"ll! interact with other objects re ardless of the lan "a e the! were implemented in$ objects m"st expose to callers onl! those feat"res that are common to all the lan "a es the! m"st interoperate with. Aor this reason$ the 5ommon 9an "a e +pecification 159+2$ which is a set of basic lan "a e feat"res needed b! man! applications$ has been defined. The 59+ r"les define a s"bset of the 5ommon T!pe +!stemJ that is$ all the r"les that appl! to the common t!pe s!stem appl! to the 59+$ except where stricter r"les are defined in the 59+. The 59+ helps enhance and ens"re lan "a e interoperabilit! b! definin a set of feat"res that developer can rel! on to be available in a wide variet! of lan "a es. The 59+ also establishes re*"irements for 59+ complianceJ these help !o" determine whether !o"r mana ed code conforms to the 59+ and to what extent a iven tool s"pports the development of mana ed code that "ses 59+ feat"res. %f !o"r component "ses onl! 59+ feat"res in the A.% that it exposes to other code 1incl"din derived classes2$ the component is "aranteed to be accessible from an! pro rammin lan "a e that s"pports the 59+. 5omponents that adhere to the 59+ r"les and "se onl! the feat"res incl"ded in the 59+ are said to be 59+0compliant components. The 59+ was desi ned to be lar e eno" h to incl"de the lan "a e constr"cts that are commonl! needed b! developers$ !et small eno" h that most lan "a es are able to s"pport it. %n addition$ an! lan "a e constr"cts that makes it impossible to rapidl! verif! the t!pe safet! of code was excl"ded from the 59+ so that all 59+0compliant lan "a es can prod"ce verifiable code if the! choose to do so

1.9.6 Co""on Lan-&a-e R&nti"e The 5ommon 9an "a e -"ntime 159-2 is the virt"al machine component of MicrosoftGs .D/T initiative. %t is MicrosoftGs implementation of the 5ommon 9an "a e %nfrastr"ct"re 159%2 standard$ which defines an exec"tion environment for pro ram code. The 59- r"ns a form of b!te code called the Microsoft %ntermediate 9an "a e 1M+%92$ MicrosoftGs implementation of the 5ommon %ntermediate 9an "a e. >evelopers "sin the 59- write code in a hi h level lan "a e s"ch as 5K or @B.Det. At compile0time$ a .D/T compiler converts s"ch code into M+%9 1Microsoft %ntermediate 9an "a e2 code. At r"ntime$ the 59-Gs j"st0in0time compiler 1I%T compiler2 converts the M+%9 code into code native to the operatin s!stem. Alternativel!$ the M+%9 code can be compiled to native code in a separate step prior to r"ntime. This speeds "p all later r"ns of the software as the M+%90to0native compilation is no lon er necessar!. Altho" h some other implementations of the 5ommon 9an "a e %nfrastr"ct"re r"n on non0Windows operatin s!stems$ the 59- r"ns on Microsoft Windows operatin s!stems. The virt"al machine aspect of the 59- allows pro rammers to i nore man! details of the specific 5.( that will exec"te the pro ram. The 59- also provides other important services$ incl"din the followin B L L L L L Memor! mana ement Thread mana ement /xception handlin Garba e collection +ec"rit!


1.9.7 Intro,&ction to A/P.NET Altho" h so Microsoft @is"al Basic.D/T is a powerf"l b"t simple lan "a e aimed primaril! at developers creatin web applications for the Microsoft .D/T platform. %t inherits man! of the best feat"res of 5MM and Microsoft @is"al Basic$ b"t with some of the inconsistencies and anachronisms removed$ res"ltin in cleaner and lo ical lan "a e. @B also contains a variet! of "sef"l new innovations that accelerate application development$ especiall! when "sed in conj"nction with Microsoft @is"al +t"dio .D/T. The 5ommon 9an "a e -"ntime provides the services that are needed for exec"tin an! application thatNs developed with one of the .D/T lan "a es. This is possible beca"se all of the .D/T lan "a es compile to a common %ntermediate 9an "a e. The 59- also provides the common t!pe s!stem that defines that data t!pes that are "sed b! all the .Det lan "a es. That wa!$ !o" can "se same data t!pes re ardless of what.D/T lan "a e !o"Nre "sin to develop !o"r application.plementations. A/P.NET' Microsoft$ reali,in that A+. does posses some si nificant shortcomin s$ developed is a set of components that provide developers with a framework with which to implement complex f"nctionalit!. Two of the major improvements of over traditional A+. are scalabilit! and availabilit!. is scalable in that it provides state services that can be "tili,ed to mana e session variables across m"ltiple web services in a server farm. Additionall!$ possesses a hi h performance process model that can detect application fail"res and recover from them. We "se the f"ndamentals of pro rammin with @B "sin @is"al +t"dio .D/T and .D/T framework. The project is the startin point for a"thorin applications$ components H

services in @is"al +t"dio.D/T 2<<6.%t eats as a container that mana es !o"r so"rce code$ data connections H references. A project is or ani,ed as part of a sol"tion$ which can contain m"ltiple projects that are independent of each other. 5K project file has .asproj extension where as sol"tion file has .sln extension.


%n order to write code a ainst an external component$ !o"r project m"st first contain a reference to it. A reference can be made to the followin t!pes of component. 112 .D/T class libraries or assemblies 122 5CM components 132 Cther class libraries of projects in the same sol"tion 142 EM9 web services (eat&re of A/P.NET' 112 5omponent %nfrastr"ct"re. 122 9an "a e %nte ration. 132 %nternet %nteroperation. 142 +imple >evelopment. 162 +imple >eplo!ment. 172 -eliabilit!. 182 +ec"rit! 1.9.9 Intro,&ction to !icro /oft /;L /er+er Microsoft +=9 +erver enhances the performance$ reliabilit!$ and scalabilit! provided b! earlier releases of +=9 +erver b! makin the processes of developin applications$ mana in s!stems$ and replicatin data easier than ever. All of data processin is involved with the operations of storin and retrievin data. A database$ s"ch as Microsoft +=9 +erver$ is desi ned as the central repositor! for all the data of an or ani,ation. The cr"cial nat"re of data to an! or ani,ation "nderlines the importance of the method "sed to store it and enable its later retrieval. Microsoft +=9 +erver "ses feat"res similar to those fo"nd in other databases and some feat"res that are "ni*"e. Most of these additional feat"res are made possible b! +=9 +erverNs ti ht inte ration with the Windows DT operatin s!stem. +=9 +erver 12

contains the data stora e options and the capabilit! to store and process the same vol"me of data as a mainframe or minicomp"ter. 9ike most mainframe or minicomp"ter databases$ +=9 +erver is a >atabase that has seen an evol"tion from its introd"ction in the mid01;7<s "ntil toda!. MicrosoftNs +=9 +erver is fo"nded in the mat"re and powerf"l relational model$ c"rrentl! the preferred model for data stora e and retrieval. (nlike mainframe and minicomp"ter databases$ a server database is accessed b! "sers00 called clients00from other comp"ter s!stems rather than from inp"t)o"tp"t devices$ s"ch as terminals. Mechanisms m"st be in place for +=9 +erver to solve problems that arise from the access of data from perhaps ?"ndreds of comp"ter s!stems$ each of which can process portions of the database independentl! from the data on the server. Within the framework of a client)server database$ a server database also re*"ires inte ration with comm"nication components of the server in order to enable connections with client s!stems. +=9 server also contains man! of the front0end tools of .5 databases that traditionall! havenNt been available as part of either mainframe or minicomp"ter databases. %n addition to "sin a dialect of +tr"ct"red ="er! 9an "a e 1+=92$ G(% applications can be "sed fro the stora e$ retrieval$ and administration of the database.


Chapter 2 A2OUT T0E /:/TE!



The main objective of Matrimonial Web Application is to provide Grooms and Brides with excellent matchmakin experience b! explorin the opport"nities and reso"rces to meet tr"e potential partner. #eepin o"r objective in mind$ we have created a world renowned online matchmakin services that will to"ch the so"ls of millions of people all over the lobe. The main p"rpose of this application is to facilitate matchmakin b"siness b! appl!in the information in the field. %t helps the "ser b! providin profiles of perspective &Bride' or &Groom' and other information re ardin them online. (ser can et information re ardin their dream life partner at his)her home at his)her convenience. This application also provides a search "tilit! which helps those "sers who have a certain criteria of *"alities in mind to make online matrimonial easier. +ince internet is a pivot for modern b"siness$ o"r project which is based on internet paves a path for moderni,ation in trade. Matrimonial Web Application will allow a new "ser to re ister and after s"ccessf"ll! re istration "ser can et email confirmation$ after completin re istration "sers profile will be visible to other "sers. Matrimonial website which will provide platform to a lot of Bride)Groom for findin perfect match. There are different sectors like -e istration$ .artner $ +earch$ etc. +o the Bride)Groom can et their interest for find their partner. Bride)Groom can directl! search .artner accordin to their re*"ired criteria. The Bride)Groom can "se match B! /mail f"nctionalit! so he)she can et directl! /0mail alert for the match which f"lfill their re*"ired criteria.


(or Thi App#ication) *e *i## pro+i,e fo##o*in- capa$i#itie ' <a= A,"in !o,&#e. The main f"nctions of admin of are as mentioned below. 12 9o in 22 -eport eneration 32 9o o"t -eport of all members -eport of free members and paid members (ser mana ement

<$= U er Re-i tration !o,&#e. %n this mod"le when "ser fill0"ps first three re istration form "ser will et a member id and will also et conformation messa e on his)her /mail id. After ettin member id "ser will "se his)her member id to lo in$ and "ser can modif! his)her profile$ fill0"p remainin form of re istration$ ima e "pload$ create alb"m . <c= I"a-e Up#oa,in- "o,&#e. (ser can chan e his)her photo$ %ma e "ploadin is done after re istration onl!$ so "ser m"st have member id for ima e "ploadin . <,= Creatin- a#$&". (ser can create alb"m.


<e= /earch !o,&#e. This five t!pes of search available for "ser.. Advance +earch$ ="ick +earch$ +earch b! 5it!$ +earch b! %d$ +earch b! .rofession$ Intere t.

<f= /en,in- E>pre

?ere after searchin the profile "ser can send a express interest to a profile of his likin .The messa es here will be pre0defined here . <-= /en,in- Per ona# "e a-e . ?ere after searchin the profile "ser can send a .ersonal Messa e to a profile of his likin .Aor this f"nctionalit! "ser m"st be a paid member. <h= !arria-e Loan. ?ere "ser can appl! for marria e loan .Aor this to happen "ser have to fill "p the form for loan specif!in his need for loan and loan amo"nt . <i= Pai, !e"$er hip. +ome of the facilities can onl! be done b! onl! paid members .And the! are like +end a personal messa e $viewin alb"m of "ser$ viewin contact information.


<j= Profi#e !ana-e"ent !o,&#e. After lo in "ser will be redirected to the pa e containin wants to retain it . <3= ;&ic3 To&r. This is a mod"le that contains the flow of the website .?ere "ser can have a idea how he can commit himself in the website. <#= Director.. This is a mod"le that contains the details like hotels$ bea"ticians .?ere "ser can have best options for appropriate cate or! to chose amon them. his

information .(ser can edit $"pdate and delete the profile if no lon er he

2.2 (EA/I2ILIT: /TUD:

Aeasibilit! st"d! is a process to check possibilities of s!stem development. %t is a method to check vario"s different re*"irements and availabilit! of financial H technical reso"rces. Before startin the process vario"s parameters m"st be checked likeB /stimated finance is there or notO The man power to operate the s!stem is there or notO The man power is trained or notO


All the above conditions m"st be satisfied to start the project. This is wh! in depth anal!sis of feasibilit! is carried o"t. There are three different wa!s feasibilit! can be tested 12 /conomical Aeasibilit! 22 Technical Aeasibilit! 32 Cperational Aeasibilit!. 2.2.1 Econo"ica# (ea i$i#it.'

%n economical feasibilit!$ anal!sis of the cost of the s!stem is carried o"t. The s!stem sho"ld be onl! developed if it is oin to ive ret"rned the c"rrent man"al s!stem "ser can et the price onl! b! p"rchasin the newspapers. %n addition if he)she wants to see archives of partic"lar e*"it! then he has to refer to all the old newspapers. Aor research reports he has to b"! another ma a,ine. +o %nstead of b"!in no of ma a,ines "ser has to j"st o online and with a sin le click he can et whatever information he wants. +o o"r project of online share news passes the test of economical feasibilit!. 2.2.2 Technica# (ea i$i#it.'

%t is basicall! "sed to see existin comp"ter$ hardware and software etc$ weather it is s"fficient or additional e*"ipments are re*"iredO Minim"m +!stem -e*"irement is s"ch that it can be affordable b! of the "ser who is havin comp"ter. All the "ser re*"ires is compatible browser and .net framework installed so o"r s!stem is f"ll! technical feasible.



Operationa# (ea i$i#it.' Cnce the s!stem is desi ned there m"st be trained and expert

operator. %f there are not trained the! sho"ld iven trainin accordin to the needs of the s!stem. Arom the "serNs perspective o"r s!stem f"ll! operational feasible as it j"st re*"ires some knowled e of comp"ter. Cperators onl! need add dail! prices of vario"s e*"ities and there are eno" h validations available so operator does not re*"ire an! special technical knowled e. +o o"r s!stem also passes the test of operational feasibilit!.


2.5.1 E ti"ation'? %n Web en ineerin $ the metrics have three oalsB 1 2 3 To provide the indication of the *"alit! from the technical point of view. To provide the basis for effort estimation. To provide an indication of the s"ccess from the b"siness point of view.


2.5.2 App#ication A&thorin- An, De i-n Too# B0

/&--e te, "ea &re +tr"ct"rin effort

De cription Time to str"ct"re Web App and)or device architect"re.

%nterlinkin effort %nterfacin plannin

Time to interlink pa es to b"ild the Apps. Time taken to plan Web Application %nterface.

%nterface b"ildin






Application 9ink0testin effort . Media0testin effort


Time taken to test all links in Web Application Time taken to test all media in Web Application.

Total effort

+tr"ct"rin effort M %nterlinkin effort M %nterface .lannin M %nterface B"ildin



Text effort

Time taken to a"thor or re"se text in .a e.

.a e0linkin effort

Time taken to a"thor links in pa e. Time taken to str"ct"re pa e.

Total pa e effort

Text effort M .a e0linkin effort M .a e str"ct"rin effort


Media /ffort files. Media0di iti,in effect Total Media /ffort .-CG-AM A(T?C-%DG .ro rammin effort

Time taken to a"thor or re0"se media Time taken to di iti,e media. Media /ffort M Media0di iti,in effort.

Time taken to a"thor ?TM9$ .?. or lan "a e implementations.

-e0"se effort

Time to re"se ) modif! existin .


2.5.5 Ca#c&#ation '?

+tr"ct"rin effort %nterfacin plannin %nterlinkin effort %nterface B"ildin 9ink0testin effort Media0testin effort Total /ffort Text /ffort .a e0linkin effort .a e str"ct"rin effort Total .a e /ffort .ro rammin /ffort -e"se effort

70.>a! 30.>a! 30.>a! 70.>a! 30.>a! 30.>a! 17M3M3M7M3M32P240.>a! 70.>a! 40.>a! 70.>a! 17M4M72da!sP170.>a! 4<0.>a! 1<0.>a!

Chapter 5




5.1 E?R DIA4RA!




5.2.1 Le+e# @


5.2.2 Le+e# 1 5.2.2 1 Data (#o* Dia-ra" (or U er


5.2.5 Le+e# 1 5.2.2 1 Data (#o* Dia-ra" (or A,"in


5.5 U/E CA/E DIA4RA!

5.5.1 A,"in U e Ca e '? Admi n can Add or (pdat Admi e the n can record send s the mail to the Admi c"sto n can mer delete the record s.

Add)(pdate -ecords

+endin Mail


>elete -ecords

1.@ U e ca e Na"e
Admin 1.1 2a ic (#o* Admin starts this "se case. %t provides the capabilit! for the admin to verif! different proced"res. ?e can perform vario"s t!pes of operations like edit$ "pdate$ delete$ sendin the mail etc.


2.@ (#o* of E+ent

2.1 2a ic (#o* Admin perform the fo"r main activit! like store the information of the c"stomer$ sendin the mail to the c"stomer$ searchin for perfect matchin etc. 5"stomer %nformationB0 The admin maintain the information abo"t the c"stomer in the database whenever he)she fill "p the form. +endin the mailB0 The admin will send the email to the c"stomer accordin to its re*"irement for male)female. ?e will also send the mail if an! new thin is introd"ce in o"r s!stem. Add)(pdate)>elete recordsB0 The admin can add$ "pdate or delete the records in the database. 2.2 A#ternate (#o* 2.2.1 %nvalid .assword An invalid password is entered. The "ser can re0enter a password or terminate the "se case. 2.2.2 %nvalid (sernameB


The s!stem informs the "ser that the "sername is invalid. The "ser can re0enter the "sername or terminate the "se case.

5.@ /pecia# Re1&ire"ent

There are no special re*"irements for this "se case.

6.@ Precon,ition
There are no special re*"irements for this "se case.

7.@ Po t Con,ition
There are no post conditions.

9.@ E>ten ion Point

There are no extension points.


5.5.2 U er U e Ca e '? (ser can re ist er himse (ser lf)hers can elf in lo in the to the s!ste s!ste m (ser m can edit his)he r (ser profil e. can search the record for male)f emale .

-e istration

9o in

U er

/dit .rofile


1.@ U e ca e Na"e
(ser. 1.1 2rief De cription

(ser can perform several operations on the s!stem like re istration$ lo in. ?e or she can also edit his or her profile$ searchin facilit! is also there.


2.@ (#o* of E+ent

2.1 2a ic (#o* (ser can perform mainl! fo"r activities. -e istrationB0 Before "sin this s!stem the "ser m"st have to re ister in the s!stem. ?e have to fill "p the form and enter his)her profile in the database. 9o inB0 The existin "sers are ivin his)her "serid H password to access their acco"nts. %f the! are s"ccessf"ll! lo in then the! can edit or "pdate their acco"nts. /dit profileB0 The "ser can also edit his)her personal profile in the s!stem b"t first he)she have to lo in in the s!stem. 2.2 A#ternate (#o* 2.2.1 %nvalid .assword An invalid password is entered. The "ser can re0enter a password or terminate the "se case.


2.2.2 %nvalid (sernameB The s!stem informs the "ser that the "sername is invalid. The "ser can re0enter the "sername or terminate the "se case.

5.@ /pecia# Re1&ire"ent

The "ser m"st be first lo in to access his acco"nts.

6.@ Precon,ition
The "ser m"st be first lo in to access his acco"nts.

7.@ Po t Con,ition
There are no post conditions.

9.@ E>ten ion Point

There are no extension points.







I/P Validation


Display Records


Search Records

Add Records


Update Record


5.9 CLA// DIA4RA! 112 Admin class dia ramB0


122 (ser 5lass >ia ram


132 9o in 5lass >ia ram


Chapter 6 DE/I4N



-1B Admin lo in pa e -.1.1 Aor report enerate. %np"tB contain three t!pe of report eneration. 1.-eport of paid member. 2.-eport of free member. 3.-eport of all member. -.1.2 Aor send or read mail. %np"tB 5lick on link of mail. 1.+end mail. 2.-ead mail. -2B 9o in pa e -.2.1 Aor "nre istered person$ re istration process %np"tB AlowB form 5lick on link for new re istration. 5ontrol is redirected to re istration form and after fill "p the 5lick on link of report enerate.

C"tp"tB 5ontrol is redirect to the screen of report enerate$ which

C"tp"tB 5ontrol is redirect to the screen of mail$ which contain two link

C"tp"tB -e istration is done for new "ser


and after click on the re ister b"tton data of new "ser is stored into database and an email is sent to the "ser -.2.2 Aor re istered person$ lo in process %np"tB AlowB Member%d and password. %f Member%d and .assword correct then "ser will et his)her profile. "ser can do "pdate profile$ create alb"m$ chan e photo$ hide profileto"re$ appl! for loan after correct lo in. -.2.3 %f .assword is for otten than redirect to retrieve pa e %np"tB 5lick on link for for otten password email id on that pa e. An email will be sent to "ser with memberid and password

C"tp"tB Get the screen of verif! Member%d and .assword.

C"tp"tB Get the screen for retrievin password and enter member id and

-.2.4 %f session is expired than redirect to lo in pa e %np"tB -et"rn (-9

C"tp"tB Get 9o in .a e -.2.6B Aor search partner %np"tB 5lick on search b"tton.

C"tp"tB 5ontrol is redirect to the search screen.


-3B >irector! %np"tB 5lick on director! b"tton.

C"tp"tB Get the screen of director!. AlowB +elect cate or! and cit! so "ser can search address$ for different t!pe of cate or! like hotels$ caters$ jewelr! shop$ bea"ticians$ in different cit! if matched with database$ if not matched than "ser ets matched not fo"nd screen.

-4B ="ick To"r %np"tB 5lick on link of *"ick to"r.

C"tp"tB 5ontrol is redirect to the screen of *"ick to"r.



6.2.1 Data Dictionar.

Re-i ter'


Na"e Memberid Membershipt!pe >omain Aname 9name A e A emonth A edate A e!ear Gender Maritalstat"s 5hildren 5hildrenstat"s -eli ion 5o"ntr! 5it! /mplo!ee /mail .assword1 ?ei ht Wei ht Bod!t!pe 5omplexion .h!sicalstat"s Blood ro"p /d"cation Ccc"pation %ncome /atin habits +moke >rink Motherton "e 5ast +"bcast Gothra +tar -aasi ?oroscope Man lik -esidentstate -esidentcit! Address 5o"ntr!code Areacode .honeno Mobileno Abo"tm!self Aamil!val"e Aamil!stat"s Aamil!t!pe Aatherocc"pation Motherocc"pation Aamil!ori in

N&## % Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do %nt Text Text Dvarchar16<2 Dvarchar16<2 %nt Text %nt %nt Text Text %nt Text Text Text Text Text Dvarchar16<2 @archar16<2 %nt %nt Text Text Text Text Text Text D"meric11:$22 Text Text Text Text Text Dvarchar16<2 Dvarchar16<2 Text Text Text Text Text Text Dvarchar1MAE2 Dvarchr16<2 Dvarchr16<2 Dvarchr16<2 Dvarchr16<2 Dvarchr1MAE2 Text Text Text Text Text Dvarchar16<2

De cription .rimar! ke! .aid or free member >omain of "ser (ser name 9ast name of "ser A e Month of birth >ate of birth >ate of !ear Male or female Married or not ?ave children or not 5hildren livin with his)her or not -eli ion of "ser 5o"ntr! of "ser 5it! of "ser Government or private emplo!ee /mailid .assword ?ei ht in cm Wei ht in k. T!pe of bod!1avera e$heav!$slim2 5omplexion1fair$ver! fair$dark2 Dormal or ph!sicall! challen ed Blood ro"p /d"cation .rofession of "ser Ann"al income @e etarian or not +mokes or not >rink or not Motherton "e 5ast +"bcast Gothra ?oroscope information ?oroscope information ?oroscope information ?oroscope information +tate of resident 5it! of resident 9ivin address .hone 5ode of livin co"ntr! Area code 9andline 5ontact n"mber Mobile n"mber Abo"t "ser Aamil!val"e1orthodox$traditional$moderate$liberal2 +tat"s of famil!1middle$"pper$rich2 T!pe of famil!1joint$n"clear$other2 61 .rofession of father .rofession of mother Cri in of famil!

/&cce A/tor.' Na"e Aemale Male %d /mail +tor! Loan Na"e A"llname >ateofmonth >ateofda! >ateof!ear 9andlineno1 9andlineno2 Mobileno /mailid Deedforloan 9oanamo"nt 5it! /mplo!eet!pe Cr ani,ation Ccc"pation %ncome Member%d Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do N&##% Dvarchar16<2 Dvarchar16<2 Dvarchar16<2 Dvarchar16<2 Dvarchar16<2 Dvarchar16<2 Dvarchar16<2 Dvarchar16<2 Dvarchar16<2 Dvarchar16<2 Dvarchar16<2 Dvarchar16<2 Dvarchar16<2 Dvarchar16<2 Dvarchar16<2 Dvarchar16<2 De cription Dame of (ser Month >ate Qear 5ontact D"mber1 5ontact D"mber2 Mobile D"mber /mail %d -eason for loan Amo"nt 5it! T!pe of .rofession Dame of Cr ani,ation Ccc"pation Ann"al %ncome .rimar! #e! Do Do Do Do Do N&##% Dvarchar16<2 Dvarchar16<2 %nt Dvarchar16<2 Dvarchar1MAE2 De cription Aemale Male .rimar! #e! /mail%> +"ccess +tor!

! -AE>pre AIntere t' Na"e Ms from Ms to Ms Do Do Do N&##% %nt %nt Dvarchar1MAE2 De cription -eceived Messa es +ent Messa es Messa es


! -APer ona#APai,'

Na"e Ms from Ms to Ms Do Do Do

N&##% %nt %nt Dvarchar1MAE2

De cription -eceived Messa es +ent Messa es Messa es





%n front end interface % have first desi n the interface and after complete desi nin have implemented it "sin A+. . ?ere in "ser interface main two "sers are there$ administrator and normal "ser. Administrator has a"thorit! to enerate report$ delete profile$ "pdate information for director!. And a normal "ser can search partner$ re istration$ profile mana ement. A,"in Lo-in Pa-e at r&n ti"e' This is the admin lo in pa e. After s"ccessf"ll! lo in "ser can a"thenticate to s!stem. Admin can enerate report for all member$ paid member$ free member. Also "pdate information for director!$ delete profile of "ser.


Li t of a## "e"$er '


5CD@/-T%DG A-// M/MB/-+ TC .A%> M/MB/-+ '


+ite statistics


Up,ate Infor"ation Pa-e (or Director. at r&n ti"eB This is the "pdate information pa e for director!. After s"ccessf"ll! lo in of admin it can a"thenticate to s!stem. Cnl! Admin can "pdate information for director!. Aor that admin have to fill0"p information like cate or!$ cit!$ cate or! name$ phone no$ address.


Up,ate Done Pa-e (or Director. at r&n ti"e' This is the "pdate done pa e for director!.


E,it) De#ete profi#e pa-e at r&n ti"e' This is the edit$ delete profile pa e. After s"ccessf"ll! lo in of admin it can a"thenticate to s!stem. Cnl! Admin can edit$ delete profile of re istered "ser. Admin have to click on delete link for delete profile of re istered "ser. Admin can see information like id$ "ser name$ emailid$ password$ of re istered "ser.


De#ete Profi#e Entr. 2. A,"in at r&n ti"e'

After s"ccessf"ll! lo in of admin it can a"thenticate to s!stem. Cnl! Admin can edit$ delete profile of re istered "ser. Admin have to click on delete link for delete profile of re istered "ser.


Lo-in Pa-e at r&n ti"e' An! "ser who wants to "se the f"nctionalit! of Matrimonial Web Application thro" h this s!stem$ he has to lo s into via the iven pa e. An! "ser whether the administrator or the normal "ser$ he has to lo in first and et a"thenticate. Cnl! those "sers can enter in this s!stem which is created b! the administrator. %f "ser are not re istered then it can do his)her re istration b! clickin on new re istration link b"tton. (ser can o to other pa e like loan$ search$ *"ick to"r$ director! j"st click on the link b"tton of respective pa e shown at side bar.



(ir t Re-i tration Pa-e At R&n Ti"e' This is the first re istration pa e. %t provides facilit! to "ser for fill0"p his)her personal information. (ser can see the s"ccess stor! of "ser who met b! this web site.



/econ, Re-i tration Pa-e At R&n Ti"e' This is the second re istration pa e. %t provides facilit! to "ser for fill0"p his)her ph!sical attrib"tes information. (ser can see the s"ccess stor! of "ser who met b! this web site.


Thir, Re-i tration Pa-e At R&n Ti"e' This is the third re istration pa e. %t provides facilit! to "ser for fill0"p his)her socio0 occ"pational information. (ser can see the s"ccess stor! of "ser who met b! this web site.

(o&rth Re-i tration Pa-e At R&n Ti"e'


This is the fo"rth re istration pa e. %t provides facilit! to "ser for fill0"p his)her home tr"ths information. (ser can see the s"ccess stor! of "ser who met b! this web site.

(ifth Re-i tration Pa-e At R&n Ti"e'


This is the fifth re istration pa e. %t provides facilit! to "ser for fill0"p his)her famil! details information.

/i>th Re-i tration Pa-e At R&n Ti"e'


This is the sixth re istration pa e. %t provides facilit! to "ser for fill0"p his)her hobbies and interests information.



/e+en Re-i tration Pa-e At R&n Ti"e' This is the seventh re istration pa e. %t provides facilit! to "ser for fill0"p his)her partner preference information.



Con-rat&#ation Pa-e At R&n Ti"e' This is the con rat"lation pa e. (ser can et this pa e after complete fill0"p first three re istration form. (ser can see his)her memberid on this pa e. %f "ser want to complete his)her profile now the "ser need to click on complete !o"r profile now link. %f "ser want complete his)her profile later then "ser need to click on complete !o"r profile later link.


Profi#e Pa-e At R&n Ti"e' This is a "ser .rofile form where "ser can mana e his profile and it contains vario"s links like for creatin photo. alb"m $ima e "pload$ personal messa es $express interest$ delete


U er Detai# Profi#e pa-e At R&n Ti"e' This is a "ser details .rofile pa e form where "ser can mana e his profile this is done after s"ccessf"ll! lo in of "ser. (ser can modif! information abo"t his)her personal details$ ph!sical attrib"tes$ socio0occ"pational information$ home tr"ths$ contact details$ famil! information$ primar! information$ social information$ ed"cation$ location



I"a-e Up#oa, pa-e At R&n Ti"e' This is ima e "pload pa e form where "ser can chan e photo of profile. this is done after s"ccessf"ll! lo in of "ser.


Re &#t Pa-e Of I"a-e Up#oa, At R&n Ti"e' This is res"lt pa e of ima e "pload .

Create A#$&" Pa-e At R&n Ti"e' :<

This is pa e for create alb"m. This is done after s"ccessf"ll! lo in of "ser. (ser can create alb"m for "ser have to need to click on link of create alb"m. (ser can add "p to five photo in his)her alb"m.

Chan-e Pa *or, at r&n ti"e



Intere t Pa-e At R&n Ti"e'


This is the express interest pa e. ?ere after searchin the profile "ser can send a express interest to a profile of his)her likin .The messa es here will be pre0defined here . .


Per ona# !e a-e


Per ona# !e a-e An, E>pre

Intere t Pa-e At R&n Ti"e'

?ere "ser can see the messa es he has sent to other members and received from the other members.


/earch Option Pa-e At R&n Ti"e' This is the search option pa e. %t provides facilit! to "ser to search abo"t partner. This pa e contain five t!pe link for search$ like *"ick search$ advance search$ search b! id$ search b! profession$ search b! location.


;&ic3 /earch Pa-e At R&n Ti"e' This is the *"ick search pa e. %t provides facilit! to "ser to *"ick search abo"t partner. Aor *"ick search abo"t partner "ser have to fill0"p information like a e ran e$ domain$ ender$ reli ion$ of search partner .


;&ic3 /earch Re &#t Pa-e At R&n Ti"e' This is the *"ick search res"lt pa e. %t provides information like memberid$ name$ ender of partner. if "ser want to know more abo"t search partner then "ser need to click on details b"tton.


Detai# Of /earche, Partner Pa-e At R&n Ti"e' This is the details of searched partner pa e. %t provides details searched partner. Cnl! paid member can see this information. information abo"t



A,+ance /earch Pa-e At R&n Ti"e' This is the advance search pa e. %t provides facilit! to "ser to advance search abo"t partner. Aor advanc search abo"t partner "ser have to fill0"p information like a e ran e$ domain$ ender$ interest$ hei ht$ mother ton "e$ reli ion$ cast$ man lik$ eatin habit$ ed"cation$ citi,en ship$co"ntr!$ resident stat"s of search partner .


A,+ance /earch Re &#t Pa-e At R&n Ti"e' This is the advance search res"lt pa e. %t provides information like memberid$ name$ ender of partner. if "ser want to know more abo"t search partner then "ser need to click on details b"tton


/earch 2. I, Pa-e With Re &#t At R&n Ti"e' This is the search b! id pa e. ?ere "ser enter member id and click on search b"tton it will et information like memberid$ name$ ender of partner. if "ser want to know more abo"t search partner then "ser need to click on view details link.


/earch 2. Location Pa-e At R&n Ti"e' This is the search b! loacation pa e. %t provides facilit! to "ser to search abo"t partner b! location wise. Aor search b! location abo"t partner "ser have to fill0"p information like a e ran e$ maritalstat"s$ ender$ co"ntr!$ cit! of search partner .


/earch 2. Location Re &#t Pa-e At R&n Ti"e' This is the search b! location res"lt pa e. %t provides information like memberid$ name$ ender of searched partner. if "ser want to know more abo"t search partner then "ser need to click on details b"tton


/earch 2. Profe ion Pa-e At R&n Ti"e' This is the search b! profession pa e. %t provides facilit! to "ser to search abo"t partner b! profession wise. Aor search b! profession abo"t partner "ser have to fill0"p information like a e ran e$ marital stat"s$ ender$ co"ntr!$ ed"cation$ profession of search partner .


;&ic3 To&r Pa-e At R&n Ti"e' This is a mod"le that contains the flow of the website .?ere "ser can have a idea how he can commit himself in the website.


We,,in- Director. Pa-e At R&n Ti"e' This is a mod"le that contains information like name$ address and contact n"mber for apparels$ astrolo ist$ bea"ticians$ caterers$ entertainment$ florists$ ifts$ hotels$ jewelers$ to"rs and travels.


Re &#t Pa-e At R&n Ti"e'


Pai, !e"$er hip for" '


!arria-e Loan

















%n this application all data transaction is doin "nder ?TT. sec"re protocol %n this application 9o in id and password verification is re*"ired. (ser sho"ld 9o in with a"thenticated memberid and password as well as "ser sho"ld verified his)her password. Aail"re to do this will not allow to "ser to access the application


Chec3 for Nor"a# Wor3ina. >oes !o"r screen save data in the databaseO b. >oes !o"r screen save correct data in the databaseO c. %n "pdate does !o"r screen load correct dataO d. Aields are showin the data in correct formatO R(+/ -/G(9A- /E.-/++%CD+ >/A%D/> A+ ./T/+T%DG +TAD>A->+S 1. >ate a2 +ho"ld alwa!s be selectable in addition to man"al entr! 2. %nte er 3. Aloat$ >o"ble 4. .ercenta e 6. Aor web site entr! field$ pop"late b! defa"lt with val"e 1httpB))www.2 7. All email entr! fields sho"ld be m"ltiple email addresses enabled

To 2e Chec3e,%


e. Will !o"r screen crash if wron data t!pe is enteredO f. >oes !o"r screen se*"ence is workin O . %f the lo ic "pdated ) approvedO

a. b. c. d. e. f.

2a ic 8a#i,ation Maxim"m allowed len th propert! is setO @alidation for -e*"ired field is doneO @alidation for %nte er$ Aloat$ >o"ble$ >ate$ Time is doneO +pell check T!pe 5heck ) T!pe +afet! Bo"ndar! @al"e Anal!sis 1for hi hest order val"e and lowest

order val"e2 . >ate Aormat 1dates m"st be converted from +=9 onl!2 D/@/- >%+.9AQ 12B<<B<< AM h. %s pa e validation enabledO Rm"st be done for "ser entr! fieldsS

U er Interface Chec3 a. 5aption of each label is correct$ do !o" have read caption twiceO 5aptions m"st not be in bold. b. Tab se*"ence is set correctl!O i. Cn load$ foc"s sho"ld o to first data entr! field. Cnl! in +earch foc"s sho"ld o to first search res"lt on search $ on load$ set foc"s to fist search field c. .anel headin are ri htO Make s"re !o" have "sed 5++ class for >%@ formattin d. Main headin of the screen is -i htO 9ook at application bar in browser window. e. Men" headin is correctO f. %f the screen is part of a screen se*"ence ) wi,ard thanB

To 2e Chec3e,%


U er Interface Chec3 1. ?ave !o" iven +teps as headin s to make se*"ence "nderstoodO 2. Dext ) Back B"tton sho"ld be at one fixed location 3. Wi,ard sho"ld have consistent si,e for all steps. 4. Make s"re all elements in all wi,ard steps are consistent. a2 Aor example$ if !o" are "sin left side part of data entr! fields$ then ali n same width for it on all wi,ard steps 17<T for data entr! H 4<T for search of list panel2 . Aields are havin width as per their len th in the databaseO h. Aields are well ali nedO i. Alwa!s follow the r"le of left to ri ht with increasin indent. ii. %ma es sho"ld be well ali ned and text sho"ld be centre ali ned to ima e$ DCT TC. CA BCTTCM. iii. %A QC( ?A@/ M(9T%.9/ lines of text to be ali ned$ 1. (ser sho"ld not move his mo"se all over screen to click one b"tton to another i. %s the screen look ood and well formattedO j. >efa"lt val"es are iven as per re*"irementO i. ?i hli ht comp"lsor! fields with U and p"t an Dote on screen in li ht re! color that U %ndicates 5omp"lsor! Aields ii. All static information fields m"st be in specific color variants

To 2e Chec3e,%


U er Interface Chec3 iii. /DT/- #/Q +?C(9> ./-AC-M 5C-/ +5-//D C./-AT%CD CD /A5? +5-//D. %T +?C(9> B/ >/AA(9T B(TTCD$ 1. After save ) "pdate $ if !o" are foc"sin back to same screen$ in case !o" retain same record$ move foc"s to first editable field on screen or for new records$ move foc"s to first field as well. iv. %ma es ) lo os sho"ld have tooltip M alternate text v. /ach rid sho"ld have pa in si,e between RV1<026S per pa e M exception handlin code in bind for no pa e scenario vi. +ortin sho"ld be enabled for all col"mns in rid vii. +5-//D+ +?C(9> B/ 5/DT-/ A9%GD/> to eliminate screen si,e iss"es viii. Width of screen sho"ld be maxim"m to ;:< .E ix. TA-G/T 1<24 E 87: resol"tion x. (+/ ?TM9 formattin in alert boxes when !o" want to displa! confirmation messa es xi. +e*"ence of Aields sho"ld be pleasin to e!e Rdo not make !o"r screen look like khichdi of controls2 ive "ser some breathin space

To 2e Chec3e,%


U er Interface Chec3 xii. (ser minim"m colors. xiii. ?elp B"tton sho"ld be at top ri ht corner of the form 1not application2 and screen K M T!pe B Wapplication ) paintX sho"ld be added to each screen xiv. .-C@%>/ ?/9. W%T? /EAM.9/$ remain objective in help text. xv. (ser foc"s will o from left to ri ht$ "se left section of !o"r pa e for more important information. xvi. Wherever !o" "se ima es$ "se le ends on screen. xvii. /ach dropdown sho"ld be defa"lt sorted xviii. /ach rid sho"ld be sorted b! defa"lt Ras per field availabilit!S xix. %f !o" happen to open somethin in new window$ "se an ima e to indicate that. xx. +earch res"lt sho"ld be consistent xxi. .AG/ +?C(9> D/@/- +5-C99 ?C-%FCDTA99QYD/@/- /@/xxii. (+/ A-%A9 ) @/->ADA ACDT xxiii. Warnin messa es sho"ld be informative. xxiv. /ach pa e sho"ld have breadcr"mb Rh!perlink enabledS

To 2e Chec3e,%


U er Interface Chec3 xxv. %f the re*"irement is >ata sho"ld be shown in 5apital$ then ade*"ate meas"res are doneO xxvi. +how res"lts fo"nd on each search screen 1. %f there are no res"lts$ show < res"lts fo"nd$ and set foc"s to first field of data entr! on the screen. /ven if !o" cannot control back b"tton behavior for now$ >C DCT /DT%5/ (+/- TC (+/ BA5# B(TTCD$ provide back link on screen itself where re*"ired. 59C+/ A..9%5AT%CD %A BA5# B(TTCD %+ .-/++/> CD ADQ CA T?/ +5-//D+. Also$ disable s"bmit b"tton after it is clicked once. .C.(9AT/ A%/9>+ W%T? >/AA(9T @A9(/+ Rfor example$ Airst Dame field data entr! sho"ld read$ /nter Airst Dame and as soon as foc"s is there$ remove that textS

To 2e Chec3e,%



After creatin database % have created stored proced"re for select$insert$"pdate and

delete.With the help of the stored proced"re access sho"ld be fast and we donNt have need to compile it.we can r"n it directl!.% have created stored proced"re insertin all data of the table with val"e t!pe and than % have created *"er! for select$"pdate$delete$insert in their proced"re.


Data Acce'

When workin with data one option is to embed the data0specific lo ic directl! into the presentation la!er. This ma! take the form of writin A>C.D/T code in the A+..D/T pa eGs code portion or "sin creatin the +*l>ata+o"rce control from the mark"p portion. +/9/5T$ %D+/-T$ (.>AT/$ and a connection to the database$ iss"in

>/9/T/ commands$ and so on Z sho"ld be located in the >A9.The presentation la!er sho"ld not contain an! references to s"ch data access code$ b"t sho"ld instead make calls into the >A9 for an! and all data re*"ests.% have created data access la!er for Aill12 and Get12 methods.Get is done b! two wa!s. Get+tor!12$which will ret"rn information abo"t the s"ccess stor! or "ser who met b! this site. GetMessa e12$ which will ret"rn information abo"t a messa e for partic"lar t!pe of membership.. These methods$ when invoked$ will connect to the database$ iss"e the appropriate *"er!$ and ret"rn the res"lts. These methods co"ld simpl! ret"rn a >ata+et or >ata-eader pop"lated b! the database *"er!$ b"t ideall! these res"lts sho"ld be ret"rned "sin stron l!0t!ped objects.


%n stron l!0t!ped >ataTable$ will have each of its col"mns implemented as properties$ res"ltin in code that looks likeB >ataTable.-owsRindexS.col"mnDame.Ai "re ill"strates the workflow between the different la!ers of an application that "ses T!ped >ata+ets.

To retrieve the data to pop"late the >ataTable$ % "sed a TableAdapter class$ which f"nctions as m! >ata Access 9a!er. Aor o"r stor! >ataTable$ the TableAdapter is containin the methods Z Getstor!12$ Getstor!b!id1memberid2$ and so on Z that % can invoke from the presentation la!er. The >ataTableGs role is to serve as the stron l!0t!ped objects "sed to pass data between the la!ers. % have a T!ped >ata+et with a sin le >ataTable 1messa e2 and a stron l!0t!ped >ataAdapter class 1Ams TableAdapter$.ms TableAdpter2 with a GetMessa e12 method. %n m! application % have "sed pattern for insertin $ "pdatin $ and deletin data$ this pattern involves creatin methods that$ when invoked$ iss"e an %D+/-T$ (.>AT/$ or >/9/T/ command to the database that operates on a sin le database record. +"ch methods are t!picall! passed in a series of scalar val"es 1inte ers$ strin s$ Booleans$ >ateTimes$ and so on2 that correspond to the val"es to insert$ "pdate$ or delete. The patterns "se the TableAdapterGs %nsert5ommand$ (pdate5ommand$ and >elete5ommand properties to iss"e their %D+/-T$ (.>AT/$ and >/9/T/ commands to the database.


(i-&re Each In ert) Up,ate) an, De#ete Re1&e t I /ent to the Data$a e I""e,iate#.

7.9 2U/INE// LO4IC LA:ER

The >A9 cleanl! separates the data access details from the presentation la!er$ it does not enforce an! b"siness r"les that ma! appl!. +o % have to 5reate B"siness 9o ic 9a!er 1B992. these b"siness r"les into a B"siness 9o ic 9a!er 1B992 that serves as an intermediar! for data exchan e between the presentation la!er and the >A9.%n B99 the r"les like val"e cant be n"ll$ some field chan ed onl! b! admin and so onY B99 will be composed of classes$ one for each TableAdapter in the >A9J each of these B99 classes will have methods for retrievin $ insertin $ "pdatin $ and deletin from the respective TableAdapter in the >A9$ appl!in the appropriate b"siness r"les. The B99 classes can accessed declarativel! 1as can the T!ped >ata+et2 b! "sin Cbject>ata+o"rce. % have created >ataadapter object than creatin methods for Adddata12$(pdatedata12$>eletedata12.%n this method creatin Cbjects for dataset and the


datarow and with the help of the datarow object ettin )"pdatin )deletin data and for that % have "sed Tr! and 5atch method.


Chapter 9 TE/TIN4



+imilar to the project plan$ d"e to confidentialit! iss"es$ we cannot provide details test plan to the development team. We will still add the core components that make "p o"r test plan. 1.1.1 Test plan identifier 1.1.2 -eferences 1.1.3 %ntrod"ction 1.1.4 Test items 1f"nctions2 1.1.6 Application risk iss"es. 1.1.7 Aeat"res to be tested 1.1.8 Aeat"res not to be tested 1.1.: Approach 1strate !2 1.1.; %tem pass)fail criteria 1.1.1< /ntr! H exit criteria 1.1.11 +"spension criteria H res"mption re*"irements 1.1.12 Test deliverables 1.1.13 -emainin test tasks 1.1.14 /nvironmental needs 1.1.16 +taffin and trainin needs 1.1.17 -esponsibilities 1.1.18 .lannin risks and contin encies 1.1.1: Approvals 1.1.1; Glossar!


9.2 TE/TIN4 /TRATE4:

Test More and Test Are*"ent is or ani,ation [s ta line for testin . A t!pical screen in is tested at fo"r levels before it oes for prod"ction. 9evel 1 is enerall! the work to be tested b! other developers or other interns 1this is t!pical first level of testin where foc"s is not on re*"irement b"t end "ser testin 2 -atioB <T end "serB 1<<T Technical 9evel 2 is level where a senior pro rammer comes into the testin c!cle of the screen that was "nit tested b! the developer in this phase the on"s is to test software for technical re*"irements specified. -atioB :<T TechnicalB 2<T end "ser 9evel 3 is where a tester will come into pict"re. The tester will test the software for both end "ser as well as technical point of view. The ratio here isB 6<T TechnicalB 6<T end "ser 9evel 4 is where we make the code at -elease0-ead!. ?ere screen is tested to the core and each and ever! standard m"st be followed and verified. -atio here isB :<T (ser Testin Z 2<T Technical This allows "s to text a screen at fo"r levels and at the end of fo"r weeks when the screen oes to prod"ction$ it is enerall! b" free beca"se more people have looked at this screen from different viewpoints.


-eferences available while testin .roject .lan. +!stem -e*"irements specifications. ?i h 9evel desi n doc"ment. >etail desi n doc"ment. >evelopment and Test process standards. Methodolo !. 9ow level desi n.

Also or ani,ation has +eparate mod"le to store all b" s +o each screen is released for testin as a b"ild and all information for that screen 1till release2 is maintained "sin this partic"lar b"ild . CONTENT TE/TIN4' /rrors in Web Application content can be as trivial as minor t!po raphical error as incorrect information$ improper or ani,ation or validation of intellect"al propert! laws. 5ontent Testin attempt to "ncover this and man! other problems before the "ser enco"nter them. 5ontent Testin Cbjectives There are three t!pes of objectives. To "ncover s!ntactic errors in text0based doc"ments$ raphical representation and other media.


To "ncover semantic errors in an! content object represented as navi ation occ"rs$ and To find errors in or ani,ation or str"ct"re of content that is presented to the end0 "ser

DATA2A/E TE/TIN4' Modern Web Application does m"ch more than present static content objects. %n man! application domains$ Web Application interface with sophisticated database mana ement s!stem and b"ild d!namic content object that are created in real time "sin the data ac*"ired from a database. >atabase Testin for Web Application is complicated b! a variet! of factor. 12 The ori inal client side re*"est for information is rarel! presented in the form that can be inp"t to a database mana ement s!stem. 22 The database ma! be remote to the server that ho"ses the Web application. 32 -AW data ac*"ired from the database m"st be transmitted to the Web application +erver and properl! formatted for s"bse*"ent transmittal to the client. 42 The d!namic content objects m"st be transmitted to the client in a form that can be displa!ed to the end "ser.


C#ient er interface

/er+er We$App

/er+er Data tran for"ation

/er+er ? ,ata !ana-e"ent

>atabase la!er Z data access

sd Database
R9a!ers of interactionS %n fi "re testin sho"ld be ens"re that 1. valid information is passed between the client and server from the interface la!er 2. The Web application process script correctl! and properl! extract or formats "ser data.


3. ="eries are passed to a data mana ement la!er that comm"nicates with database access ro"tines. 4. (ser data are passed correctl! to a server side data transformation f"nction that format appropriate *"eries. INTER(ACE TE/TIN4 %nterface desi n model is reviewed to ens"re that eneric *"alit! criteria established for all "ser interfaces have been achieved and that application specific interface desi n iss"e has been properl! addressed. Interface te tin- trate-.' The overall strate ! for interface testin is to 112 (ncover error related to specific %nterface mechanisms 122 "ncover errors in the wa! the interface implements the semantics of navi ation$ Web Application f"nctionalit!$ or content displa!. to accomplish this strate !$ a n"mber of objectives m"st be achievedB %nterface f"t"res are tested to ens"re that desi n r"les$ aesthetics$ and related vis"al content are available for the "ser witho"t error. %ndivid"al interface mechanisms are tested in a manner that is a lo o"s to "nit testin Aor example$ tests are desi ned to exercise all forms$ client0side scriptin $ d!namic ?TM9./ach interface mechanism is tested within the context of a "se0case or D+( for a specific "ser cate or! The interface is tested within a variet! of environments to ens"re that it will be compatible. Te tin- Interface !echani " When a "ser interacts with a Web Application$ the interaction occ"rs thro" h one or more interface mechanisms.


9inksB 0 /ach link is tested to ens"re that the proper content object or

A"nction is reached. The Web en ineer b"ilds a list of all links associated with interface la!o"t. and then exec"tes each individ"all!. AormsB 0 At a microscopic level$ tests are performed to ens"re that 9abels correctl! identified fields within the form and that mandator! fields are identified vis"all! for the "ser. The server receives all information content within the form and their no data are lost in the transmission between client and serverAppropriate defa"lts are "sed when the "ser does not select from a p"ll down men" or set of b"ttons.Browser f"nction donNt corr"pt data enter in a form and +cripts that perform error checkin on data entered work .roperl! and provide meanin f"l error messa e. 5lient side scriptin B0 Black box tests are cond"cted to "ncover an! error in processin often derived from data provided as part of forms processin >!namic ?TM9B0 /ach Web pa e that contain d!namic ?TM9 is exec"ted to ens"re that the d!namic displa! is correct. %n addition a compatibilit! test sho"ld be cond"cted to ens"re that the d!namic ?TM9 is work properl! in the environmental confi "ration that s"pport the Web application. Application specific interface mechanismsB0 As the

script is exec"ted . These tests are co"pled with forms testin beca"se script inp"t is


Test conforms to a checklist of f"nctionalit! and feat"res that are defined b! the interface mechanism. Bo"ndar! test minim"m and maxim"m n"mber of item that can be placed in to shoppin chart. Test to determine persistence of shoppin chart contents. Test to determine whether the Web Application can be record shoppin chart content at some f"t"re date. U/A2LIT: TE/TIN4 (sabilit! test ma! be desi ned b! Web en ineerin team. >efine a set of "sabilit! testin cate ories and identif! oal for each. >esi n test that will enable each oal to be eval"ated. +elect participants who will cond"ct test. %nstr"ment participantNs interaction with Web Application while testin is cond"cted.>evelop a mechanism for assessin the "sabilit! of the Web Application. The followin test cate ories and objective ill"strate establish testin %nteractivit! Z Are interaction mechanism eas! to "nderstand and "seO

9a!o"t0 Are navi ation mechanism$ content and f"nction place in a manner that allows the "ser to find them *"ickl!O -eadabilit!0 %s text well written and "nder stableO


Aesthetics0 >o la!o"t color$ t!peface$ and related characteristics lead to ease of "se O >ispla! 5haracteristics0 >oes the Web Application make optimal "se of screen si,e and resol"tionO Time +ensitivit!0 5an important feat"res$ f"nctions and content be "sed in a timel! Accessibilit!0 %s the Web application accessible to people who have >isabilitiesO mannerO

CO!PATI2ILIT: TE/TIN4 Web application m"st operate within environment that differs from one another. >ifferent comp"ter$ displa! device$ C+$ browser and network connection speed can have si nificant on Web application operation. >ifferent browser some time prod"ced sli htl! different res"lts$ re ardless of the de ree of ?TM9 standardi,ation within the Web application. The Web /n ineerin team derives a series of compatibilit!$ validation tests$ derived from existin sec"rit! tests. interface tests$ navi ation tests$ performance tests and


9.5 TE/TIN4 !ET0OD/

Testin presents an interestin anomal! for the software en ineerin activities$ the

en ineer attempts to b"ild software from an abstract concept to a tan ible prod"ct. Dow comes testin . The en ineer creates a series of test case that are initiated to \demolish\ the software that has been b"ild. %nfect$ testin is the one step in the software process that co"ld be viewed 1ps!cholo icall!$ at least2 as destr"ctive rather than constr"ctive. Models of Testin B0 There are different Models of testin . Cn the basis of testin methods there are two t!pes of testin B 1. Black0box testin . 2. White0box testin Black0box tests are "sed to demonstrate that software f"nctions are operational$ that inp"t is properl! accepted and o"tp"t is correctl! prod"ced$ and that inte rit! of external information is maintained. White0box tests are "sed to examine the proced"ral details. %t checks the lo ical paths b! test case. %t can also checks the conditions$ loops "sed in the software codin . %t checks that loops are workin correctl! on defined bo"ndar! val"e.


W0ITE?2OX TE/TIN4' White0box testin some times called lass0box testin $ is a test case desi n method that "sers the control str"ct"re of the proced"ral desi n to drive the test case.Alwa!s we are thinkin that there is no necessar! to exec"te or checks the loops and conditions. And so lar e n"mber of errors is "ncovered. With "sin white0box testin methods$ we have checked thatJ All independent paths within a f"nction have been exec"ted at least once. All lo ical decisions on their tr"e and false side. A11 loops workin correctl! at their bo"ndar! val"es and within their specified conditions. %n o"r codin we test that all the loops works tr"l! in each mod"le. The one techni*"e of white0box testin is basis path testin . %t contains two parts$ one is flow raph notation and the second is c!clometer complexit!. %n flow raph notation we are checkin lo ical control of flow. B! "sin c!clometer complexit! we find complexit! of o"r project str"ct"re. 2LACB?2OX TE/TIN4' Black0box testin foc"ses on the f"nctional re*"irements of the software. That is black0 box testin enables the software en ineer to drive sets of inp"t conditions that will f"ll! exercise all f"nctional -e*"irements for the pro ram. Black0box testin is likel! to "ncover a different class of errors than white0box methods. We "se in o"r codin to find errors in the followin cate oriesB %ncorrect or missin f"nctions %nterface errors /rrors in database .erformance errors 133 is not an alternative to white0box testin techni*"es. -ather$ it is a complementar! approach that

%nitiali,ation and termination errors.

(nlike white0box testin $ which is performed earlier in the testin process$ black0box testin tends to be applied d"rin later sta es of testin . Beca"se black0box testin p"rposel! disre ards control str"ct"re$ attention is foc"sed on the information domain. B! appl!in black0box techni*"es$ we derive a set of test cases that satisf! followin criteria Test cases that red"ce$ b! a co"nt that is reater then one$ the n"mber of additional test cases m"st be desi ned to achieve reasonable testin . 9evel 1 0 B"ild Acceptance Tests Cther related test cases ens"re that adopters received the proper >evelopment -elease >oc"ment pl"s other b"ild related information 1drop point$ etc.2. The objective is to determine if f"rther testin is possible. %f an! 9evel 1 test case fails$ the b"ild is ret"rned to developers "n0tested. 9evel 2 0 +moke Tests The objective is to determine if f"rther testin is possible. These test cases sho"ld emphasi,e breadth more than depth. All components sho"ld be to"ched$ and ever! major feat"re sho"ld be tested briefl! b! the +moke Test. %f an! 9evel 2 test case fails$ the b"ild is ret"rned to developers "n0tested. 9evel 2a 0 B" -e ression Testin /ver! b" that was &Cpen' d"rin the previo"s b"ild$ b"t marked as &Aixed$ Deeds -e0Testin ' for the c"rrent b"ild "nder test$ will need to be re ressed$ or re0 tested. Cnce the smoke test is completed$ all resolved b" s need to be re ressed. %t sho"ld take between 6 min"tes to 1 ho"r to re ress most b" s.


9evel 3 0 5ritical .ath Tests 5ritical .ath test cases m"st pass b! the end of ever! 203 B"ild Test 5!cles. The! do not need to be tested ever! drop$ b"t m"st be tested at least once per milestone. Th"s$ the 5ritical .ath test cases m"st all be exec"ted at least once d"rin the %teration c!cle$ and once d"rin the Ainal -elease c!cle. 9evel 4 0 +tandard Tests Test 5ases that need to be r"n at least once d"rin the entire test c!cle for this release. These cases are r"n once$ not repeated as are the test cases in previo"s levels. A"nctional Testin and >etailed >esi n Testin 1A"nctional +pec and >esi n +pec Test 5ases$ respectivel!2. These can be tested m"ltiple times for each Milestone Test 5!cle 1%teration$ Ainal -elease$ etc.2. +tandard test cases "s"all! incl"de %nstallation$ >ata$ G(%$ and other test areas. 9evel 6 0 +" ested Test

These are Test 5ases that wo"ld be nice to exec"te$ b"t ma! be omitted d"e to time constraints 2&- Re-re ion B" -e ression will be a central tenant thro" ho"t all testin phases. When a +everit! 1 b" fails re ression$ adopters Testin team sho"ld also p"t o"t an immediate email to development. The Test 9ead will be responsible for trackin and reportin to development and prod"ct mana ement the stat"s of re ression testin .


9.6 TE/T CA/E/

9.6.1 Te t Ca e Test 5ase Do. Test 5ase Action 1 5hecks s!stem behavior when credentials provided b! admin are correct. 5lick on allmember link b! admin. -es"lt pa e which contain information abo"t onl! all member. .ass

%np"t /xpected o"tp"t .ass)Aail



9.6.2 Te t Ca e Test 5ase Do. Test 5ase Action 2 5hecks s!stem behavior when credentials provided b! admin are correct. 5lick on paidmember link b! admin. -es"lt pa e which contain information abo"t onl! paid member. .ass

%np"t /xpected o"tp"t .ass)Aail


9.6.5 Te t Ca e Test 5ase Do. Test 5ase Action 3 5hecks s!stem behavior when credentials provided b! admin are correct. 5lick on statistic link b! admin. -es"lt pa e which contain total member$ total male member$ total female member$ free member$ paid member. .ass

%np"t /xpected o"tp"t





Te t Ca e 4 5hecks s!stem behavior when credentials provided b! the "ser are correct. %n 9o in pa e "ser enter correct credentials in respected text fields. (ser profile pa e. .ass

Test 5ase Do. Test 5ase Action

%np"t /xpected o"tp"t .ass)Aail




Te t Ca e 6 5hecks s!stem behavior when credentials provided b! the "ser are not correct. %n 9o in pa e "ser enters incorrect credentials in respected text fields. 9o in pa e with messa e sa!in that credentials are incorrect.. .ass

Test 5ase Do. Test 5ase Action

%np"t /xpected o"tp"t .ass)Aail


9.6.9 Te t Ca e Test 5ase Do. Test 5ase Action 7 5hecks s!stem behavior when credentials provided b! "ser the are not correct. %f "ser enters in0correct credentials in respected text fields of re ister pa es. +ame re ister pa e with alert messa e .ass

%np"t /xpected o"tp"t .ass)Aail


9.6.C Te t Ca e Test 5ase Do. Test 5ase Action 8 5hecks s!stem behavior when credentials provided b! the are correct. 5lick on details b"tton for see more information abo"t "ser . -edirect to the hide profile error messa e pa e if membership t!pe of lo ed "ser is free t!pe. .ass

%np"t /xpected o"tp"t


9.6.D Te t Ca e


Test 5ase Do. Test 5ase Action

: 5hecks s!stem behavior when credentials provided b! "ser are correct. %f "ser click on profile details b"tton in res"lt pa e of search. -edirect to the pa e which contain messa e like & prolix has been hidden b! profile owner'. .ass

%np"t /xpected o"tp"t



9.6.E Te t Ca e Test 5ase Do. Test 5ase Action ; 5hecks s!stem behavior when credentials provided b! "ser are incorrect. (ser enters incorrect credentials in respected text fields of /mail%d. -e ister pa e with messa e sa!in that credentials are incorrect.. .ass

%np"t /xpected o"tp"t .ass)Aail

9.6.1@ Te t Ca e


Test 5ase Do. Test 5ase Action

1< 5hecks s!stem behavior when credentials provided b! the "ser are correct. %n *"ick search pa e "ser enters re*"ired information for *"ick search. >ispla! res"lt accordin to match with information iven b! "ser. .ass

%np"t /xpected o"tp"t .ass)Aail

9.6.11 Te t Ca e Test 5ase Do. Test 5ase Action 2< 5hecks s!stem behavior when credentials provided b! the "ser are correct. %n weddin director! pa e "ser select correct cate or! and cit!. >ispla! res"lt accordin to match with information iven b! "ser. .ass

%np"t /xpected o"tp"t .ass)Aail





Matrimonial Web Application is to provide Grooms and Brides with excellent matchmakin experience b! explorin the opport"nities and reso"rces to meet tr"e potential partner. Matrimonial website which will provide platform to a lot of Bride)Groom for findin perfect match. There are different sectors like -e istration$ .artener $ +earch$ etc. +o the Bride)Groom can et their interest for find their partner. Bride)Groom can directl! search .artner accordin to their re*"ired criteria. The Bride)Groom can "se match B! /mail f"nctionalit! so he)she can et directl! /0mail alert for the match which f"lfil their re*"ired criteria. %t helps the "ser b! providin profiles of perspective &Bride' or &Groom' and other information re ardin them online. Matrimonial web application provide facilit! like *"ick to"r.this is a mod"le that contains the flow of the website .?ere "ser can have a idea how he can commit himself in the website. Matrimonial web application provide facilit! to chan e preference abo"t partner. This application provide facilit! like edit profile$ "pdate photo and delete photo$ hide profile$ create alb"m$ send express interest$ send personal messa e$ appl! for loan to the "ser.

8.2 A(T(-/ /ET/D+%CD+

%t is possible to provide the web space to the "sers for creatin his portal. %t is possible to create o"r own mail server. %t is possible to create chat server so that "ser can comm"nicate with each other. %t is possible to provide facilit! like create video alb"m.



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