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... through Bertha Dudde

Jesus Christ opened the gate
into the kingdom of ight ....
!he gate into the kingdom of ight and "eatitude #as opened for
$ou again #hen the human "eing Jesus ga%e &is ife on the
Ca%ar$ 'ross as redemption for humanit$(s guit of sin .... !he
guf "et#een )e and $ou #as "ridged "$ &is 'ru'ifi*ion+ the path
#hi'h ead into the Father(s house #as 'ear for $ou again ....
!his a't of 'ompassion+ a''ompished "$ a human "eing Who had
re'ei%ed the funess of )$sef in &imsef and #ho therefore aso
had a"undant strength+ #as uni,ue+ and #i ne%er ha%e to "e
repeated again+ "e'ause it #as a''ompished for a peope past+
present and future ....
!he death of the man Jesus had "een so agonising+ &is ph$si'a
and ps$'hoogi'a suffering so immeasura"$ great+ that - et it
suffi'e )e as atonement for the immense origina sin of the
spiritua "eings( past apostas$ from )e .... that )$ .usti'e+ too+
#as there"$ satisfied and that )$ love #as therefore a"e to
a''ept $ou again #ithout %ioating the a#+ #hi'h e%en the most
perfe't Being has to o"e$ other#ise its perfe'tion #oud suffer a
oss ....
- a''epted the sa'rifi'e of Jesus+ the man+ and the path #as open
for $ou+ )$ i%ing 'reations+ to return into $our Father(s house+ to
)e+ Whom $ou on'e had %ountari$ eft ....
-f $ou humans #oud 'onsider the magnitude of $our past guit+ if
$ou #oud 'onsider the immense suffering and torments of the
human "eing Jesus+ and if $ou #oud tr$ to imagine the
spendours in )$ kingdom+ then $ou #oud aso "e a"e to
understand ho# tremendous$ signifi'ant Jesus( a't of /a%ation
is for $ou humans+ and that $ou therefore aso ha%e to profess
&im other#ise $ou #i ha%e to sta$ in darkness+ sin'e other#ise
the kingdom of ight and "iss remains 'osed to $ou unti $ou
a'kno#edge &im and 'ons'ious$ take &is side.
On$ #hen it is e*pained to $ou that $ou had "e'ome sinfu and
#hat $our great sin 'onsisted of+ #i $ou "e a"e to understand
Jesus Christ(s a't of /a%ation .... 0et $ou must kno# a"out it or
$our earth$ ife #i ha%e "een in %ain if $ou 'ross o%er into the
kingdom of the "e$ond in the same darkness+ if $ou are sti
"urdened "$ the origina sin #hi'h 'aused the deep guf "et#een
$ou and )e ....
!he "ridge to )e #as esta"ished "$ the human "eing Jesus for
a of $ou+ and $ou a are a"e to enter it .... $ou are a"e to
return to )e again+ $et on$ with Him+ #ith Jesus+ the di%ine
Redeemer .... if $ou make use of the great a't of mer'$+ if $ou
a'kno#edge &im and )e )$sef in &im+ Who des'ended to earth
in order to take a"ode in Jesus+ in order to a''ompish the a't of
/a%ation Myself in Him+ so that the gate to the kingdom of
ight #oud "e opened for $ou again and $ou are no# a"e to
return to $our Father(s house .....
0our past sin of guit has "een redeemed through Jesus(
'ru'ifi*ion .... 0et e%er$ indi%idua person aso has to form an
opinion a"out &im and &is a't of /a%ation .... !he "ridge has
"een esta"ished+ $et e%er$ indi%idua person has to enter it
himsef and take the path to )e+ Who is #aiting for $ou on the
other side of the guf and happi$ #ants to re1admit $ou into )$
kingdom ....
0our guit of sin is redeemed "ut $ou ha%e to 'arr$ it under the
'ross $ourse%es+ $ou $ourse%es ha%e to #ant to "eong to those
for #hom the "ood of Jesus+ the man+ #as shed .... On$ then
#i $ou a'kno#edge &im and &is a't of /a%ation+ and on$ then
#i $ou 'ons'ious$ 'onfess $our guit and appea for
forgi%eness .... !hen the di%ine Redeemer #i ha%e a''ompished
the a't of mer'$ for $ou too+ then &is "ood #i ha%e "een shed
for $ou as #e and has 'eansed $our sou from a guit.
2nd therefore $ou humans #i time and again re'ei%e
'arifi'ation as to the signifi'an'e of Jesus( 'ru'ifi*ion for the
#hoe of humankind3 time and again $ou #i "e made a#are of
$our immense guit+ #hi'h #as immeasura"e+ "e'ause $ou on'e
kno#ing$ separated $ourse%es from )e despite "rightest
enightenment and utmost perfe'tion .... 0ou had "urdened
$ourse%es #ith guit the magnitude of #hi'h $ou are una"e to
assess+ and it tru$ re,uired an immeasura"$ great and diffi'ut
sa'rifi'e of atonement .... !he human "eing Jesus offered it to
)e+ and for the sake of &is e*'essi%e o%e for &is feo# human
"eings - a''epted this sa'rifi'e and et it suffi'e as an e*piation
of guit.
2nd no# $ou #i ha%e to make use of &is supreme a't of o%e
$ourse%es+ so that $our guit of sin sha "e redeemed+ so that
$ou #on(t stand in front of a 'osed door #hen+ after $our death+
$ou enter into the kingdom of the "e$ond .... Due to &is
'ru'ifi*ion the gates #ere opened again+ &is death on the 'ross
has "rought sa%ation to $ou humans+ #ith &is "ood &e has
"ought $our sous "a'k from )$ ad%ersar$ .... 2nd thus &e has
tru$ "e'ome $our Redeemer from a ad%ersit$+ for &e returned
$our ife to $ou .... &e has i"erated $ou from sin and death ....
&e took a $our sins upon &imsef and #aked #ith them the
path to the 'ross.
!he funess of o%e in &im a''ompished this a't+ and I Myself
#as this love .... 0our Father of eternit$+ &e &imsef has "uit the
"ridge in order to fet'h $ou home into &is kingdom .... and $ou
a #i ha%e to enter this "ridge if $ou #ant to "e'ome
"essed ....
4u"ished "$ friends of ne# re%eations of God 5-nformation+
do#noad of a transated re%eations+ theme1"ookets at6
5 http677en."ertha1dudde.org7

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