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BRAC University Journal, vol. I, no. 2, 2004, pp.

G. D. Roy
Department o !at"emati#s an$ %atural &#ien#e
BRAC University, '' !o"a("ali C)A
D"a(a * 1212, Ban+la$es"
A. B. M. Humayun Kabir
Department o Computer &#ien#e an$ ,n+ineerin+
&"a"-alal University o &#ien#e . /e#"nolo+y
&yl"et, Ban+la$es"
Detailed instructions for typing your article are gien in t!e follo"ing. Since you !ae to send a camera#
ready paper$ you are personally responsible of t!e %uality and appearance of your "or&. 'lease remember
t!e follo"ing points in 'articular( a) type upto *++ "ord abstract single column$ b) use , pt Times -e"
Roman font and single spaced lines for abstract$ c) type t!e body of t!e paper in double columns$ d) use .+
pt Times -e" Roman font and single spaced lines for body te/t$ e) list of references in numerical order of
appearance$ f) supply good %uality of figures and tables$ g) t!e use of S0 units is mandatory$ !) no separate
nomenclature$ i) paper lengt! s!ould be limited to .+ pages$ 1) prepare t!e manuscripts in MS#23RD
selecting 4S letter si5e paper 67.8..)$ &) manuscripts s!ould be submitted in D3S formatted 9.8 :DD
along "it! a !ard copy or ;#mail t!e manuscripts and post t!e !ard copy.
Key words: fie &ey "ords reflecting t!e contents and separated by commas are to be gien.
'aper s!ould be prepared according to present
instructions and printed on !ig! %uality A< si5e "!ite

'aper including figures and tables$ s!ould be limited to
.+ camera#ready pages. 'lease limit your paper by
"riting concisely$ not reducing t!e figures to a si5e at
"!ic! t!eir labels are difficult to read. 4se a lig!t pencil
to "rite t!e page number on t!e !ard copy.
A. F"#$% s"&e
T!e manuscripts "ill be printed by t!e offset printing
process. T!e printed page "ill be appro/imately ,8= of
t!e original si5e. T!is s!ould be accounted for "!en
si5ing small symbols and suffi/es.
B. Ty'"#(
'repare t!e manuscripts in MS#23RD selecting 4S
letter si5e paper 67.8..) and using Times -e" Roman
font. Type t!e manuscript in double columns leaing .
as margin on all sides e/cept at bottom "!ere it s!ould
be +.7. Keep t!e minimum space 6+.*8) bet"een t!e
columns. Type t!e te/t in Times -e" Roman .+ point
single#spaced$ 1ustified.
:or all correspondence
G. D. Roy and A. B. M. Humayun Kabir
0ndent +.8 t!e first line of eac! paragrap! e/cept
t!e first paragrap! of eac! section. Do not leae any
e/tra space bet"een paragrap!s.
C. P$'er )")%e $#d $*)+ors
T!e first page of eac! paper contains t!e title of t!e
paper$ t!e aut!or>s 6aut!ors>) name6s) and address.
a) Begin typing t!e title from t!e top of t!e first page
leaing ..*8 as top margin$ ..8 as left and rig!t
margins. Type t!e title centered$ .* pt Times -e"
Roman boldface$ in all capital letters "it! single line
spacing. Run oer lines of a long title s!ould be centered.
S&ip t"o lines 6.+ pt eac!) bet"een t!e title and t!e
first aut!or.
b) Type aut!or>s name centered under t!e title$ .. pt
Times -e" Roman boldface$ in upper and lo"ercase
Type aut!or>s address .+ pt itali# face$ in upper and
lo"er case letters$ single line spacing. Type t!e address
D. A,s)r$-)
Begin your abstract 6*++ "ords ma/imum) s&ipping t"o
lines 6.+ pt) from t!e aut!or>s address. Type t!e abstract
single column leaing ..8 as left and rig!t margins. T!e
ABSTRACT !eading must be Times -e" Roman..
S&ip one line 6.+ pt) belo" t!e abstract. T!en "rite t!e
E. Or($#"&$)"o#
4se only t"o alues of internal sub!eadings(
a) Type first#alue !eads$ capitali5e only t!e first letter
of eac! ma1or "ords$ .. pt boldface flus! "it! left
!and margin of t!e column. 'ut t!em on a line
separate from t!e te/t$ leaing one line space aboe
and belo" t!e te/t 6.+ pt). ?ou can number first#
alue !eads$ using single numbers.
b) :or second#alues !eads$ capitali5e only t!e first
letter of first "ords$ .+ pt boldface. Also$ put t!em
on a separate line$ leaing one line space aboe and
belo" t!e te/t 6, pt). Double#number second#alue
c) T!ird#alue !eads s!ould be aoided$ if possible. 0f
t!ey are essential$ type t!em as part of t!e follo"ing
paragrap!. @eae no space aboe and belo" t!e
!ead$ indent +.8$ capitali5e only t!e first letter of
t!e !ead$ italic t!e !ead$ underline it$ follo" it by a
full stop and t!en immediately by t!e te/t. Do not
number t!ird#alue !eads. ;/ample(
0irst +eneration. T!e electronic computers
c!aracteri5ed by e/tensie use of acuum tubes
came to be &no"n as AA..
F. He$der $#d .oo)er
4se different !eader in odd and een pages e/cept first
one. 0n een pages "rite do"n t!e aut!or>s name and
place t!em in rig!t of t!e !eader. 0n odd pages "rite t!e
&ey "ords of t!e title in rig!t of t!e !eader.
6.) ;%uations s!ould be typed in e%uation mode. Allo"
no space aboe or belo". -umber t!e e%uations
consecutiely from ;%. 6.) to t!e end of t!e paper.
As s!o"n in ;%. 6.)$ enclose e%uation number in
round parent!eses and place t!em flus!#rig!t in t!e
( )

+ + + +

. <

= +

2!en referring to an e%uation in t!e te/t "rite B;%.
6.)C$ e/cept at beginning of t!e sentence$ "!ere
B;%uation 6.)C s!ould be used.
6*) T!e symbols used in t!e te/t s!ould be defined at
t!e time of first appearance along "it! dimensional
symbols in S0 units.
6.) Brief and descriptiely title eac! table and caption
eac! figure. 'lace table title aboe t!e tableD place
figure caption belo" t!e figure. Te/t and symbols
must be clearly readable.
6*) Refer to eac! table and figure in t!e te/t. 'lace
tables and figures in t!e order mentioned in t!e te/t$
as close as possible to te/t reference.
69) Allo" one line space 6.+ pt) bet"een t!e table or
figure and t!e ad1acent te/t.
6<) 0n general$ tables and figures s!ould not repeat data
aailable else"!ere in t!e paper.
68) -umber consecutiely "it! single numerals. 6e.g.$
:igure .$ :igure *$ Table .$ Table *)
A. T$,%es
Key "ords of t!e title
6.) Tables can be placed in one column or may coer
t!e "!ole "idt! of t!e page leaing ..8 as left and
rig!t margins. 0f too "ide to fit on t!e page$ a table
may be placed broadside 6i.e. rotated ,+ degrees$
countercloc&"ise). Suc! a large table counts as one
page in t!e %uota allo"ed for eac! paper.
6*) Table footnote s!ould be identified by lo"er case
letters and placed at t!e bottom of t!e table.
B. F"(*res
6.) All figures s!ould be clear$ s!arp and of !ig!
%uality. :iguresE '!otograp!s can be placed in one
column or may coer t!e "!ole "idt! of t!e page
leaing ..8 as left and rig!t margins.
6*) All figures s!ould be submitted in different file ot!er
t!an te/t file as a duplicate copy.
69) 0f t!e figures cannot be scanned into your paper$
leae t!e appropriate amount of space and t!en paste
t!e figures upon completion of your paper.
6<) Glossy prints$ '!otostats or reprints of dra"ings
may be used if !ig! %uality "it! s!arp$ een lines
and lettering.
68) To denote t!e ordinates$ a erbal description may be
used( Heat transfer coefficientE 62EKm
or t!e symbol may be used( !EF2EKm
6H) '!otograp!s must be s!arp blac&#and#"!ite glossy
prints. Continuous#tone p!otograp!s s!ould not be
pasted in place. T!ey s!ould be proided in final
si5e as separated pieces and clearly identified. @eae
a space for eac! p!oto on t!e typing paper large
enoug! so t!at t!e p!oto can be introduced "it!
some space to spare. Color p!otograp!s cannot be
A conclusion of t!e study "it! brief description is to be
0f fill necessary an aut!or may proide ac&no"ledgement
to t!e paper.
References to cited literature s!ould be identified in t!e
te/t in s%uare brac&ets and grouped at t!e end of t!e
paper in numerical order of appearance. Reference
s!ould be styled and punctuated according to t!e
follo"ing e/amples( 1ournal article F.G$ boo& F*G$ t!esis
F9G$ report F<G and proceedings F8G.
F.G M. A. Hossain$ H. S. Ta&!ar( BRadiation effects on
mi/ed conection along a ertical plate "it! uniform
surface temperatureC 1eat !ass /ranser, 41$ pp *<9#
*<7. 6.,,H)
F*G H. Sc!ilic!ting( Boun$ary layer t"eory$ It! ed.$ pp
.8H. -e" ?or&( McGra"#Hill. 6.,I,)
F9G A. Hossain( Unstea$y lo2 an$ "eat transer o a
vis#ous lui$ 2it" varia3le vis#osity $ue to a rotatin+
$is#. '!. D. T!esis$ Dept. of Mat!ematics$ 4niersity of
D!a&a$ Banglades!. 6.,,,)
F<G T. Cebeci$ K. Kaups$ G. J. Mosins&is and J. A. Re!n(
Some problems of t!e calculation of t!ree#dimensional
boundary layer flo"s on general configurations. -ASA
reports CR#**78. 6.,I9)
F8G M. A. Hossain and M. S. Munir( Mi/ed conection
flo" from a ertical plate "it! temperature dependent
iscosity. 4ro#ee$in+s o !ini-5or(s"op on Applie$
!at"emati#s$ .#9 September .,,7$ S4ST$ Syl!et$ pp H9#
I<. 6.,,7)
Al"ays gie inclusie page numbers for references
to 1ournal articles and a page or c!apter number for
boo&s. ;ac! reference must be cited in t!e te/t.
A. Per3"ss"o#s
?ou are responsible for ma&ing sure t!at you !ae t!e
rig!t to publis! eeryt!ing in your paper. 0f you use
material from copyrig!t source$ you may need to get
permission from t!e copyrig!t !older. ?ou need to see&
permission to use a figure or table if it !as not been
c!anged in any substantie "ay from t!e original or if it
does not plot or compile data readily aailable to anyone.
?ou need to see& permission to %uote material if you use
it in a "ay competitie "it! t!e original material$ t!at is$
if you use of t!e material t!at may !arm t!e rig!ts of t!e
original publis!er andEor aut!or. T!e criterion !olds true
regardless of t!e lengt! of t!e %uote. 0f t!e %uoted
materials are not used competitiely$ you need only to
cite t!e original source.
B. Ass"s)$#-e
:or any %uestion or problem concerning typing and
organi5ation of t!e paper please contact
G. D. Roy and A. B. M. Humayun Kabir
Pro.essor Mo."& Udd"# A+3ed
Department of Mat!ematics and -atural Science$ BRAC
4niersity$ D!a&a .*.*$ Banglades!

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