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Submission guide on the Statutes Amendment Bill (No.

May 2014
Labour Member of Parliament (MP) Louisa Wall has put forward an amendment
in Parliament that would clarify the law so that it specifically says that ender
identity! is a prohibited round for discrimination"

#ainbow Labour belie$es in fairness% e&uality% and opportunity" We ha$e put
toether this uide to help you ma'e a submission% and learn more about the
(t)s important we support it because this amendment (if passed by Parliament)
will help reduce discrimination in society and ma'e the li$es of trans* +ew
,ealanders better"
-ou can ma'e a difference by ma'in a submission supportin Louisa)s
Whats a submission?
. submission is a fancy word for sayin what you thin' about a draft law (a /ill)"
-ou will need to put your reasons for supportin the bill in writin"
What can I say?
-ou should start your submission by statin your name and that you support the
0upplementary 1rder Paper +o 422 to the 0tatutes .mendment /ill (+o 4)"
3ssentially% you should answer these two &uestions in your submission4
why you support this amendment% and
why it is important to you% your family% and5or the community"
6or e7ample% you could include personal stories or e7periences% and tal' about
how your $alues% principles and beliefs lead you to support this amendment"
-our submission can be as lon or as short as you li'e" -our submission can be
made up of pararaphs% sentences 8 or e$en 9ust bullet points if that)s all you
want to put down"
How do I lean moe about this amendment?
:hese lin's pro$ide more information which will help you learn and understand
more about the issues the amendment addresses" :hey also pro$ide helpful
information which you could include in your submission"
Louisa)s amendment to the /ill is here4
Louisa spo'e durin the first readin (first stae) of this /ill e7plainin the
history% conte7t and reasonin for the amendment" -ou can read the speeches
here4 http455www"parliament"n;5enA
.nd you can watch Louisa)s speech here4 www"inthehouse"co"n;5$ideo522>44
:he Buman #ihts Gommission published an important report on the rihts of
trans* people in 200F% called :o /e Who ( .m 5 Hia noho au 'i to'u ano ao" :he
full report and related information is here4
.nd the report)s e7ecuti$e summary is here4
1ne 'ey part of the e7ecuti$e summary says4 I:here must be no doubt that
trans people are protected from discrimination under the Buman #ihts .ct
1??2" :he (n&uiry considers that section 21(1) (a) of the Buman #ihts .ct 1??2
should be amended to state clearly that se7 includes ender identity"I
:he 0olicitor Jeneral)s 200D Grown Law opinion referred to in Louisa)s speech
on whether the Buman #ihts .ct i$es protection to trans* people is here4
How do I ma!e a submission?
-ou can ma'e the submission electronically throuh this pae on the
Parliament website" :he webpae i$es you the option to upload a Word
document or type in your $iews on the submission form4
Parliament also has a uide on ma'in 0elect Gommittee submissions%
a$ailable here4
"an I s#ea! to my submission?
-ou can choose whether you spea' to your submission or not" Please state
whether you want to in the submission% as well on the Parliament website
submission form"
0pea'in i$es you an opportunity to reinforce and e7pand on the points you
ma'e in your submission% and tellin your story and your reasons can ma'e a
bi impact on the MPs who are considerin the /ill"
When do I need to submit by?
-ou can put in your submission $ia the Parliament website by $$%&'#m on
(une ).
Im concened about my #i*acy but I still want to submit. What should I
0ubmissions are usually heard in public and written submissions are released
publicly on the Parliament website" Bowe$er% dependin on the nature of the
submission% committees can also hear e$idence in pri$ate or in secret"
3$idence heard in pri$ate will remain confidential until the bill to which it relates
is reported bac' to Parliament" 0ecret e$idence% on the other hand% remains
secret unless the Bouse chooses to disclose it"
:he committee considerin this /ill could choose to hear submissions in pri$ate
or in secret" (f you re&uire this% note your re&uest in the submission form" (f the
committee arees to your re&uest then the committee staff can ma'e
appropriate arranements"

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